The flat earther sees the earth is flat.
He then distorts or ignores all contrary evidence. The flat earther cannot explain why when I call my grandsons at sunrise, they are watching the sun set, nor why the stars in southern sky rotate around one point, while the stars in the northern sky rotate around the opposite point.
If you ask the flat earther about these issues, he will give a completely idiotic and incoherent explanation that that supposedly shows that sunset and the rotation of the stars actually prove the earth is flat. His explanation makes no sense, but if you complain that his explanation makes no sense, he will repeat it with added emphasis and demand that you present a rebuttal, even though you have just presented a rebuttal. If you repeat your rebuttal, he will again tell you that no one has rebutted him, and again repeat with ever greater confidence and certainty his completely incoherent and nonsensical explanation of why one person on a flat earth is watching the sun set, at the same time as another is watching it rise.
Similarly, a 911 troofer denying the airliner sized and shaped entrance hole in the Pentagon, and telling you that World Trade Center building seven suddenly went into free fall for no plausible reason. No matter how many times you tell him the photo shows an airliner size and shaped hole, and no matter how many times you tell him his video shows building seven starting its fall like a tree notched by an axeman, tilting to the south towards the terrorist notch cut in the building, and towards the square to the south of it, he will tell you that is not what the video shows, not what the photo shows. Or more likely change the subject, tell you a hundred things equally untrue, and then after telling you one hundred other things, then again tell you the photo does not show what shows and the video does not show what it shows. And this just goes on. He just will not concede what is in front of his eyes.
And, similarly the Marxist. But while Flat Earthers are stupid, ignorant, and crazy, and Troofers are stupid, ignorant, crazy and dishonest, Marxists are stupid, ignorant, crazy, dishonest and murderous.
Marxism, trooferism, and flat earthism all consist of breaking all the evidence in order to make it fit a bad theory. At some point, you notice stuff is not adding up, you have to toss your preconceptions, and start over. But whereas flat earthers ignore inconvenient evidence, and 911 troofers lie barefaced about inconvenient evidence, Marxists not only ignore evidence and lie about evidence, but murder witnesses, often major portions of the population.
The erroneous theory of Marxism is Marxist Class theory and Marxist economics. Marxist class theory makes no sense because they reify social classes as if they were individuals, as if the class was a single person with a single will, and Marxist economics makes no sense because they ignore the creation of value by capital and entrepreneurship.
A Bronze age Greek navigator settling the Aegean sets sail.
A rower asks him “Where the hell are we? We are lost.”
Navigator says “That is Kasos. Over there is Karpathos.”
Rower says “No it is not”
Navigator tells him “Shut up and row. Karpathos looks like that when you are this far away from it.”
A Marxist talks of “Capital” as if “Capital” was a person, a single person who rules the world.
Thus the Marxist theory of history is that capitalism is very recent, and consists of “the burgher” taking power from “the lord”. Not “a burgher”, nor “a lord”
In fact, of course, the French revolution was not burghers taking power, it was burghers having their property confiscated, and then being guillotined.
The world was capitalist for thousands of years before its most recent feudal period, it was capitalist during the most recent feudal period, and it was capitalist after the most recent feudal period.
A Marxist thinks that “Capital” is one person, and that that one person rules, that “the capitalist class” acts as one person, as a socialist central planner.
A Marxist sees coordination, that bread is delivered the supermarket, concludes that all capitalists are one capitalist, that all firms are one firm, that big capitalists command little capitalists, thinks the world is a socialist system with a central planning office in Wall Street.
Perhaps a simple way of clarifying what Marxist Class theory is, is that if you believe in Marxist Class theory, it logically follows that “Capital” was rationally pursuing his self interest by successfully seizing power from the French aristocracy, and you will with great confidence come up with some clever explanation of why this seizure of power and successful pursuit of self interest resulted in so many capitalists losing their possessions, and so many of them losing their heads.
A Marxist thinks that capitalists rule. He concludes therefore that capitalism is recent, since at sometime in the past, kings and aristocrats ruled.
Thus a Marxist thinks that the french revolution was “the capitalist class” seizing power from the feudal lords, and therefore it was in the interests of “Capital” to do this. Of course in actual fact, the french revolution immediately resulted in most capitalists having their property seized and resulted in very large numbers of them being executed.
The French revolutionary government debased the currency, and then set maximum prices for bread and such, with the natural result that no bread was available, whereupon it immediately set to work executing bakers, farmers, and so on and so forth, an outcome that businessman usually expect in any change of power, since any time power changes hands there tends to be a period of mobile banditry following the overthrow of the previous stationary bandit, until a new stationary bandit appears. The overthrow of the Aristocracy was utterly devastating to the interests of the capitalist class, and they violently opposed it from the beginning, but were terrorized into submission many of them being murdered in that terror.
If someone tells you capitalism is recent, he is a commie, and he plans to murder you. If someone talks of “Capital” as though it was a person, he is a commie, and he plans to murder you.
Thus the Trotskyite tells the peasant with one cow that his real enemy is the “kulak”, the peasant with two cows, and that the peasant should therefore ally with the Trotskyite Jews from the big city to kill his neighbors cows. “Hail fellow member of the oppressed classes. Jews are oppressed too you know”
Meanwhile the Trotskyites are telling the Orthodox Jews “Hail fellow Jews, we are suckering these Christians into allying with us Jews, and when we have them fighting each other, we will destroy them”
And so the Jews help the peasant with one cow kill the cows of the peasant with two cows. “Hah hah, says the Trotskyite, “Hail fellow Jews. Now that this Christian is socially isolated, we will take his seed corn. ” So they kill the cow of the peasant with one cow, then they pour petrol over his children and set them on fire to force him to reveal where the seed corn is buried, then they force him to dig up the seed corn, and then they kill him.
Then the Trotskyite, who never really cared about the seed corn, grabs one of his fellow Jews, and tells him he is a capitalist hoarder and oppressor of the masses, and tortures him with pliers and hot irons into revealing where his gold coins are. And having obtained the gold coins, tortures his supposedly fellow Jew some more, in the hope that there are more gold coins, but since there are no more gold coins his fellow Jew expires under torture.
Then the Trotskyite points out that all the noble work he has been doing for the oppressed victims of capitalism makes him holier than Stalin, and Stalin piously concedes his superior holiness, but finds some excuse to kill the Trotskyite before the Trotskyite is in a position to kill Stalin
The leftist who tells you “Hail fellow member of the oppressed, lets knock over this apple cart and grab some apples”, is very likely after your apple cart and your apples. Thus they announce they are friends of the American working class, who should ally with them against evil billionaires, while seeking to destroy the working class in favor of an imported vote bank living on crime and welfare – hence spotted owl, global warming, Paris Treaty, wildfires, and TransPacific Partnership.
Leftists were always telling us that the TransPacific Partnership was a plot by our evil capitalist overlords seeking cheap overseas workers, but it was Obama and the Democrats pushing it, and Trump and the Republicans that killed it.
The Marxist thinks that capital is one being, but in fact, “capital” is your local Domino’s franchisee, who is likely a white male like yourself, and likely about the same wealth as yourself, differing from you by about as much as the peasant with two cows differed from the peasant with one cow.
Troofers don’t stick to any one story of what supposedly happened at 9/11, flat earthers don’t try to make sense, and Marxists don’t try to make sense either, circularly arguing that since capitalists rule, anti capitalist actions and policies are actually pro capitalist. Thus, for example, capitalists supposedly want to be taxed to support fatherless spawn, so that they can sell them stuff.
Failure of reality testing: Same problem with Marxists, flat earthers, and Troofers.
Flat earthers are stupid, but not evil. Too dumb to realize they are not making sense.
Troofers and Marxists are stupid and evil, and because Marxism is a rationale for murdering innocent people and taking their stuff, Marxists a lot more evil than Troofers.
One sees stuff that seemingly does not make sense – the islands of the Aegean viewed by a flat earther, the absence of a banged up airliner in front of the Pentagon, the fact that there is bread on the shelves, and start concocting a nut theory.
Round earth makes sense of what you see. Rule by “Capital” fails to make sense of what you see. You can see the capitalist right in front of you when you buy a pizza, and he is not “Capital”
One’s physical intuition is led astray by the vastness of the earth, so that it looks flat except under rather special circumstances.
And under those special circumstances (navigating by looking at distant familiar landmarks over a long distance of ocean), one is apt to get weirded out as one’s flat earth intuitions fail, and to avoid unnerving weirdness, one either has hang close to shore, or stop looking at familiar distant objects, or actually see the roundness of the earth as one sees the roundness of a child’s ball and know in your guts that you have traveled a small but perceptible angle around it.
The navigators of the Chinese treasure fleets had to hang close to shore for psychological reasons, sailing a very indirect and dangerous route to minimize the disturbing sight of landmarks falling below the horizon. The irrationally shore hugging path they followed shows them to be flat earthers, while Europeans have known the world was round since before the dawn of history, probably as a result of settling the Aegean Islands.
The islands of the Aegean are close enough that you can generally see one from another, but far enough apart that if you are navigating by looking at the land on the horizon, you are going to be weirded out and get lost if you fail to recognize you are navigating on the surface of a sphere,
A troofer’s intuition for small objects colliding at low speeds is misled by big things and high speeds. He expects to see a banged up commercial airliner sitting in front of a dent in the Pentagon, so he tells you there is no aircraft wreckage.
In fact, everyone in the vicinity reported a rain of aircraft wreckage in sizes from confetti to pocket handkerchief. The plane flew inside the building, creating Wiley Coyote style hole in the building, a commercial airliner sized and shaped entrance hole, and then exited the building in a very wide variety of paths and ways, mostly in the form of very small pieces, the largest intact part being one of the wheel hubs.
Had the troofer watched more Wily Coyote cartoons and fewer Scrooge McDuck cartoons, he would have found the commercial airliner flying into the Pentagon easier to believe.
“What?”, thinks the troofer. “Where is the banged up airliner sitting in front of the Pentagon?”, and then proceeds to construct an enormously over elaborate conspiracy theory, which overcomplication rapidly descends into incoherence. And because his theory makes no sense, it becomes a pile of lies, in part he deludes himself, but in part he intentionally and maliciously deludes others, so a natural error of erroneous intuition becomes a system of deliberate lies propagated by malicious, hostile, and disruptive conspiracy, which inevitably becomes a vehicle for evil people pursuing evil purposes, madness promoting evil, and evil promoting madness.
The Marxist see the natural order of the market and assumes it was commanded by a single entity: Today “Capital”, an entity with a striking similarity to Satan, that commands the world through Wall Street.
So if someone is working at the corner store, the Marxist does not see the shopkeeper as working for himself, even if the shopkeeper himself owns the shop and is right in front of the Marxist. Rather he sees the shopowner as yet another employee of “Capital”.
The Marxist observes that things generally work, that there are light bulbs in the sockets, bread on the shelves, toilet paper in the toilets, and assumes this coordination occurs by command of a single entity, assumes that we are already socialist, that we always have been socialist, it is just that some time in the past the commander was “the feudal class” and now it is “Capital”, or “the Capitalist”
Genuine and natural error leads to genuine delusion, genuine delusion to loss of interest in having a consistent and complete story, logical incoherence to deliberate and conscious lying, systematic and coordinated lying becomes an evil priesthood pursuing evil purposes by evil means, vicious, hateful, degenerate, and depraved, while the underlying genuine error means that the evil, hatred, malice, and cynical manipulative lies never entirely replaces the genuine and unfeigned madness, stupidity, and ignorance
The Marxist thinks that Capitalism is a system of government, that Capitalism is the government, that the government puts bread on the supermarket shelves. The Marxist thinks that “You did not build that”
The capitalist took all this stuff from the lords, thinks the Marxist, so the Marxist will take all this stuff.
If moneyed interests controlled America’s armies, they would be a hell of a lot more interested in oil than in opium. Why aren’t the Arabs savages in the desert on the fringes of a petrocolonialist patchwork? Why is America not putting the ludicrously weak Venezuelan government to the sword and replacing it with ExxonMobil? Why is development in Antarctica forbidden?
I wish America’s armies *were* controlled by moneyed interests. If the US army was fighting for “Capital”, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia would be divisions of Exxon Mobile. That the war is in Afghanistan, rather than Venezuela, shows that it is about performing the holy sacraments, not profit.
Abortion is a holy sacrament. Nine year old girls putting a condom on a banana is a holy sacrament. And to these sacraments they have recently added the holy sacrament of twelve year old boys forced to wear dresses and forced to sit on the lap of a transexual. The Afghan war is being fought to force Afghans to perform our sacraments. If we were fighting for sane and practical reasons, if we were run by “capital” rather than a holier than thou priesthood, we would invade Venezuela, which is sitting on an enormous lake of oil which their internal disorder prevents them from pumping effectively, and a pile of gold which they cannot mine, because every time they make a deal with a mining company they attempt to shake down the miners before the miners have actually extracted any gold.
Venezuela is where the oil and gold is. Afghanistan is where the heresy is. Plainly, therefore, we are ruled by priests, not warriors.
The inability of the Venezuelan government to pump oil or mine gold falsifies Marxist economics, and the fact that we have not put their ludicrously weak government to the sword and converted them into an ExxonMobile division falsifies Marxist Class theory.
Modern type capitalism, the capitalism of the for profit joint stock corporation, the capitalism of Ayn Rand’s hero engineer CEO mobilizing other people’s capital and other people’s labor to advance technology and make it widely available, the capitalism that gave us technology and industrialization, started with the restoration, centuries after feudalism in the sense of William the Marshal ended, and centuries before feudalism in the sense of warrior and aristocratic power, the system of Russia before World War II, German before World War I, and England before the Crimean war, ended. England industrialized under divine right monarchy.
Corporate capitalism makes it possible for capital to be put in the control of smart people, though it certainly does not guarantee it, thus makes industrialization and technological advance possible. This is entirely orthogonal to the system of government. Today Dubai is simultaneously feudal, monarchic, and corporate capitalist, as England was from 1660 to the early nineteenth century, and it looks to me to have a technological lead on the USA and England, though its system of governance would be familiar to a Middle Easterner of the ninth century.
The worse the reality testing, the greater the evil. Thus communists enormously more evil than Nazis, Nazis more evil than the darkly enlightened, because their purported virtue comes cheaper.
Observe that as progressives get further and further out of contact with reality, their evil gets greater and greater, as for example their support of wildfire policies that burned eighty five rural whites alive.
Communists were originally more evil than progressives, because Class theory was more deluded than that all men are created equal. But as progressives accumulate more delusions, they become more evil, because their ever greater purported virtue becomes ever more detached from reality.