Tag: decline of the west


Preparing for Civil War Two

Many reactionaries compare today’s America to the latter days of the Roman Republic, reflect on the excellence of the early Roman empire, and hope for a military coup that ends the corrupt and decadent American republic, replacing it with disciplined imperium. The reigns of the five good Roman emperors illustrate that the reign of stationary bandit, an absolute dictator secure in his power, fearing neither votes nor coups nor riot …


US economic decline

Supposing the official cpi to be true, US real GDP per capita has been growing at about 1% per year in recent years. Supposing the big mac index to be true, US real GDP per capita has been falling at about 1% per year in recent years. Motor vehicles per capita, according to world bank statistics, have been falling about 1% per year in recent years. Electricity consumption per capita, …


History interpreted as left singularities

History is one damn thing after another, and any attempt to make sense of it necessarily leads to leaving out lots of important stuff.  Thus making sense of it by looking at it in one way does not necessarily falsify making sense of it by looking at it in another way. The trend from around fourteen hundred AD to the present has been for states to become ever stronger.  On …


State capitalism

Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot Big corporations get bigger while smaller businesses disappear. Most regulation is impossible to comply with, and is intended to be impossible to comply with. You “comply” with it by getting favors from the state exempting you from compliance.


Vote Cthulhu

Why vote for the lesser evil? If you vote Democrat, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the left edge of the Overton window leftwards If you vote Republican, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the right edge of the Overton window leftwards. A vote for Romney will slow the destruction of the …


Origins of Leftism

Bruce Charlton, who is usually wise except when his religion gets in the way of reality, argues that the origins of the left are not in Christianity, but rather in secularism, that Christianity became corrupted into leftism by becoming secular, rather than secular because corrupted into leftism. He is wrong.  Christianity really is to blame.  First Christians became leftists, then, being leftists, became secularists. Christianity became corrupted, then became secular …


The Flaw in Moldbug’s proposed dictatorship.

Obviously democracy is not working, is failing catastrophically.  The productive are outvoted by the gimmedats, in large part non asian minorities and white sluts. Moldbug’s solution is simple:  Dictatorship, evolving into Monarchy.  The dictator, he hopes and expects, will fire all government employees, except for military, police, and some tax collectors.  What use are all the rest of them to a strong dictator? A good government is a stationary bandit, …


The Dark Enlightenment

The fundamental realization of the Dark Enlightenment is that all men are not created equal, not individual men, nor the various groups and categories of men, nor are women equal to men, that these beliefs and others like them are religious beliefs, that society is just as religious as ever it was, with an official state religion of progressivism, but this is a new religion, an evil religion, and, if …


Legitimate rape

Todd is deep trouble for using the phrase “legitimate rape”, for implying that a lot of rapes are not legitimate – implying that a lot of rape allegations are false rape allegations, or the post hoc reinterpretation of profoundly ambiguous events as rape. Evolutionary psychology predicts that women will be far more upset about consenting to sex with someone that they subsequently deem a creep or a loser, than actually being …