Posts Tagged ‘the wall’

White pill on the shutdown and wall

Thursday, January 3rd, 2019

The Ann Coulter black pill is that Trump is going to cuck out, and the wall is not going to be built.


The wall is being built. Trump just wants a fig leaf to make building it legal.

Obamacare was never legally passed: House passed one version, Senate passed another version, reconciliation produced a third version, none of them workable, so Obama took legislative, judicial, and fiscal authority into his own pocket and implemented his own Obamacare, using the various things that had arguably been passed as fig leaf. This is a problem of central planning, that since any one central plan steps on lots of toes, it is impossible to get a majority, or even a substantial plurality, in favor of any one central plan. A socialist American is an America that must be ruled by one man, with all the other branches of government ancient and absurd rituals, like the Queen going her stagecoach to open parliament. There is nothing actually stopping Trump from building the wall except the permanent government and he finally got enough control over the permanent government that he is going right ahead building it. He just needs to pretend the Republic is still in effect, because as in the rise of the Roman Imperium, accusations that the other guy is overthrowing the (long dead) Republic are going to be used to seize power and kill the other guy.

Obama implemented Obamacare illegally by executive order with a fig leaf of legislation, and Trump is dismantling and replacing Obamacare, taking advantage of (il)legal precedents set by Obama, without even a fig leaf. The shutdown is just to give Trump a fig leaf.

America’s healthcare is in socialist crisis, because the system of cross subsidies has abolished prices and the market. You cannot shop around, because everyone is forbidden to tell you what the price is going to be, and in practice, the price is set retroactively on the basis of how affluent you are suspected of being. They are not only forbidden to tell you, they are forbidden to know. Trump is moving toward restoring prices and the market.

Reagan instituted a system where one hundred morbidly obese pregnant Mexican women with type two diabetes go to emergency and get free medical care, and then one middle class white guy goes to emergency because his son fell out of a tree and needs three stitches on his arm, and the white middle class guy gets billed for three stitches and one hundred morbidly obese pregnant Mexican women with type two diabetes.

America’s healthcare is in socialist crisis, because the system of cross subsidies has abolished prices and the market.

Trump is not just dismantling Obamacare. He has Reagancare in his sights – heading towards a two tier system where normal people pay market prices for medical care, and socialist care is for the broke, the unlucky, and the improvident.

Given that Trump is actually building the wall, and actually dismantling the socialist system created by Reagan and Obama, I have high hopes he is going to keep on escalating the pressure – shutdown the Mexico border, shutdown various government activities that primarily benefit the Democratic vote bank in Democratic electorates.

I see lots of photos of people erecting new fence, and the caravan confrontation occurred around a fence that had been massively upgraded.They looked for a way around, and wound up attempting to go through a less used crossing, which had a thirty foot fence with barbed wire entanglements on top. It is also clear that though people are still going around the fence, it is a lot more difficult that in used to be, and some people are attempting to go over eight feet of barbed wire entanglements.

So, I am white pilled on the fence. Of course I am white pilled. We just had a caravan frustrated by the fence!

That is a fence. It is actually stopping people. We see people trying to climb over eight feet of barbed wire entanglements with spikes at the bottom! Yes, we need more fence, a lot more fence, but what Trump has already built is a major improvement, and nicely scary and unwelcoming.

You have probably heard that the shutdown started before Christmas, with a zillion fedgov employees furloughed.

This is not exactly true, since those laid off were not doing anything terribly urgent. Shutdown starts January 15, the first missed payday, when those laid off do not get paid.

  1. Pay is delayed by about 8 days or so after the two week pay period in which it was earned. The shutdown would have to go until 1/15/19 for a fedgov employee to miss one single paycheck.
  2. White middle class people like you and me are untroubled by dipping into savings to cover a few delayed paychecks when everyone estimates a 100% chance of getting back-pay.
  3. And that includes your bank estimating a 100% chance of getting back pay – and therefore your bank will routinely pause mortgage payments on request and make you a loan against expected back pay.
  4. All furloughed fedgov employees received “notice to creditors” letters, which are widely accepted, even by landlords, because few creditors want the PR trouble of putting to the screws to some guy who’s been furloughed and is known for sure to be “good for it” just as soon as the money comes in.
  5. Several major credit unions have offered easy, quick, low-interest loans so that the few people who are in tight spots can still pay all the bills, and then just pay the loan back as soon as they get paid. Two thousand bucks at five percent interest for two weeks is 4 bucks interest – not even worth the underwriting effort, but many banks seem willing to do it anyway.
  6. Furloughed government employees can file for unemployment and get paid that way. That’s also treated as a ‘loan’ which must get paid back when the money is turned back on, but no one should be in financial distress for a long, long time.

However, not all fedgov employees are people like you and me.

They are the Democratic Party vote bank, hired to vote, not to work. No one will lend them money, because there is no chance in hell they are going to pay it back, and they don’t have any savings.

This shutdown inflicts massive pain on people who don’t vote republican, on people who get paid not for doing anything remotely useful, but for voting Democrat. White government employees are generally hired to do something. Most government employees are hired because the permanent government wants a certain demographic in a certain electorate. And that demographic is not white and male.

On the first missed payday, we shall see that in certain electorates there are very large numbers of government employees who are absolutely and totally unemployable, who were hired because they profile as people that no normal person would ever hire for any normal job and who in a civilized society would be killed, exiled, or sold into slavery, and who can therefore be relied upon to vote democratic, and in these electorates there will be a whole lot of government employees complaining about genuine hardship. And, needless to say, these are electorates represented by Democrats.

So, all the pain is inflicted on Democrats in electorates represented by Democrats. The people that it hurts are people who were getting benefits for being Democratic party voters. Less benefit, less votes.

I predict a band of plains apes descending on their white Democratic Party representatives after January 15. I would like to see naked cannibal plains apes, but regrettably they will probably be still be wearing clothes. There will, however be a smell revealing that some of them lack the intelligence and self control necessary to learn or retain toilet training, and they will threaten to eat their Democratic Representatives, even if they regrettably refrain from actually eating them. Actual consumption of political representatives will not happen until several years of further movement left.

It is a wall

Monday, November 26th, 2018

The wall begins by executive order under President Trump’s inherent authority to defend Americans from enemies foreign and domestic:

Invaders flying enemy flags advance on the Great Wall of Trump, chanting “The people united will never be defeated”:

Invaders storm the wall: