Posts Tagged ‘trichotomy’

The Trichotomy

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

the trichotomy
The last time I posted this, people did not like the trefoil graphic, and proposed the triquetra, which has the handy property of symbolizing both Odinism and Christianity. So here is the improved graphic.

We need capitalism, because we need wealth and technology, we need patriarchy and tradition, to uphold the enforcement of the marital contract without which our population will disappear, and to keep ethnonationalism in line to prevent ethnonationalism from devouring capitalism with socialism and demotism, and we need ethnonationalism to prevent outsiders from devouring our society and our capitalism with it.

Neoreaction and Identitarianism

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Neoreactionaries rightly look down on identitarians as low class, vulgar, stupid, and, worst of all, leftist.

“You think construction workers should vote!  Worse, some of you think women should vote.  You are so ignorant of history that you hate capitalism, forgetting how Europe became rich.  And a lot of you are so stupid you think the Joos brought down the two towers.”

This tempts neoreactionaries to say to progressives

“See, we are not like those horrible identitarians. We are like you progressives, smart and civilized”

Then the neoreactionary slobbers all over the progressive’s boots like a puppy and rolls over like a puppy to expose his stomach.  Then he pees himself in his excitement.

But, of course, neoreactionaries are identitarians, among other things.

And to remind myself, and everyone else, that neoreactionaries are identitarians, I say that for the white race to survive, it has to reverse the emancipation of women, for we cannot have families if women are equal, and whites cannot reproduce successfully without male headed families, and that for the white race to survive, we must end universal suffrage, for universal suffrage gives politicians an overwhelming incentive to buy the cheapest possible votes, and the cheapest possible vote bank is to import an unproductive foreign alien underclass to live on crime and welfare to outvote and ethnically cleanse the natives.

And when any identitarian hears me say “for the white race to survive”, he knows that I also am an identitarian.

The Spandrellian trichotomy

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014


Technology capitalism: libertarianism

As the left gets ever lefter, it gets every crazier.  Since the libertarian tries to make a separate peace with the left on behalf of capitalism, its craziness necessarily flows into libertarianism.

Libertarians notice that capitalism, in particular the joint stock corporation based on double entry accounting, provides a great, humane, and highly productive system for creating wealth, advancing technological progress, and maximizing liberty. They therefore propose to accept the entire left wing program, only without its anti capitalist elements.  Supposedly the non aggression principle supports all left wing conclusions, except anti capitalism.

Thus a libertarian believes that people should be able to make binding contracts. So a young and naive woman can bind herself to an enormous debt for a PhD in hating dead white males and capitalism, a debt which cannot be expunged by bankruptcy

However, because leftists believe that female sexual autonomy is sacred, therefore has infinite utilitarian weight, absolutely trumping all other human, moral, and utilitarian considerations, a libertarian also believes that that same woman cannot bind herself to always be sexually available to one man, and never to any other, to submit to him, and to bear his children, in return for him protecting her, loving her, looking after her, supervising her, and fathering his children by her.

But it turns out that without the capacity to make a binding contract, it is mighty difficult to reproduce.  It also turns out that the reproductive contract has to be unequal.  A ship cannot have two captains, and neither can a household. (more…)