
Blog (mostly) restored

All posts and all comments are back.

WordPress’s major spying process has been disabled.

I need to restore the blogroll and the copyleft.

Certain serious security holes remain.

Looks like Avatar privacy has been fixed to prevent my fix, and is now resuming the standard behaviour of reporting email addresses to big brother using the avatar file names as a covert channel.  Not sure what is going on, investigation will require digging into the bowels of PHP.


82 comments Blog (mostly) restored

T says:

Can also be good if you update the blogroll while at it, no use linking to defunct or abandoned sites.

Sher Singh says:

Like the old theme more readable even if comments worse.

Easier to screenshot and share long columns.

Jim says:

I liked the old theme also, but it is no longer available when I search through themes. I conjecture it is incompatible with the new version of PHP — because when I used it, wordpress crashed with a PHP syntax error.

Dharmicreality says:

This seems an updated version of the original to work with newer WordPress https://wordpress.org/themes/kubrick-2024/preview/

Jim says:

Ah, thanks.

That is what I want. It is the old theme, with very minor concessions to postmodernity. As it says: “WordPress classic”

Jim says:

And then I discovered it is block oriented.

I resisted using the block editor for as long as I could. Now I have to reluctantly get stuck into it.

Anon says:

could it be that what happening with the blog is due to the current war in wordpress dev.

Jim says:

Will fix it tomorrow. I have real life to deal with.

At least I will fix the random seed. But I fear that when I downloaded the latest version of the cat generator, I may have gotten tranny artwork. We shall see if restoring the seed fixes things.

Jim says:

I restored the original random seed.

So it should produce the old cats. Unless the artwork has been trannified, because I have updated all the software on this blog, due to version hell.

Jim says:

Uh oh. Absolutely no change in the cats.

Which would suggest that to prevent people from bypassing the “report email addresses to big brother” feature by cooking up their own seed, as I did, Avatar privacy is now ignoring the seed.

Or alternatively I screwed up again, as is highly likely, but in order to investigate the issue I need to create a private version of the blog running locally so that I can investigate without further leaks.

I am going to have to do another trip deep into the bowels of PHP, a language that I hate. (And have done rather too much coding in.)

In the meantime, have removed avatars and avatar privacy. It looks like all avatar software has been backdoored so that big brother can link blog comments to email addresses.

Pax Imperialis says:
bee123456 says:

Glad you are back.

Adam says:

The feature of having a list of the last 10 or 20 comments listed by user and blog post was really great.

Dharmicreality says:

Easily configured in WordPress settings.

Jim says:

Yes, easily configured in WordPress settings. But because I did not know how to use the block editor, I was deeply confused.

Jim says:

I cannot find how to customise the number of comments. When I bring up the settings for the recent comments widget they are all generic settings that apply to all widgets. Cannot find the number of comments set anywhere.

I click on the controls, find the block for listing comments. I can change the html in the block, but there is no setting for number of comments. I can customise the appearance, but the number of comments is set somewhere else, and I cannot find it.

I see some people editing the php to modify the number of comments. I tried modifying the theme, but this was opaque.

I see a comments plugin, which I may install, but each plugin is an additional security risk.

The documentation says click on the settings widget in appearance/widgets, and then click on the settings icon. Found the icon, html editing only, no comment count.

AI hallucinates:

Method 1: Using the Built-in Widget
Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Widgets.
Find the Recent Comments widget and drag it to your desired widget area (e.g., sidebar).
Click on the widget’s title to edit its settings.
Look for the “Number of comments to show” option and adjust the value to your desired number (e.g., 5, 10, 20).

Unfortunately “number of comments to show” is not one of the options.

Jim says:

On inspecting the code in /var/www/blog.reaction.la/wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-recent-comments.php

I see the number 5 hard coded in multiple places. A little experimenting reveals the widget breaks for any value other than 5.

So, if I want to display more than five comments, going to need a complete new Recent Comments widget.

Jim says:

Found the problem: “Recent comments” is a group, and I was clicking on the header element, instead of the actual list of comments. One I clicked on the correct thing, easy. I am grossly unfamiliar with the new WordPress block editor, which I resisted for as long as I possibly could, but the new theme, unlike the old theme, is block oriented.

I wanted to stick with the old theme, but it crashed on the new PHP. Updating from PHP 7.3 to PHP 8.2 caused everything to die.

Aidan says:

Probably needless for me to say, but WP is being attacked by fake plug-in attacks, where the site admin accidentally installs malware posing as a legitimate WordPress plugin, which causes the site to attempt to phish its visitors. But the timing of your blog going kaput, right before the election, is a bit suspicious. Makes me think enemy action.

Aidan says:

I notice the cats changed. My usual fake email hashed into a new avatar. Did the cipher suite on that plug-in change? Testing to make sure my usual fake email produces the same new cat

Dharmicreality says:

I think the actual images are tied to themes which can be changed. So the same hash can produce a different image, all you need to do is replace the image set.

Jim says:

I accidentally changed the salt in the course of mucking around trying to get things working.

notglowing says:

I like this new theme. I was wondering why I was getting the mobile layout though.
Turns out I had the website at 250% zoom, because the old layout sucked for hidpi displays like mine so I had to zoom in to read text comfortably.

Also need to turn off Gravatar, that’s a spying/tracking service in its own right.

Jim says:

Use of global gravatars is an individual choice. I am unaware of any commenters that have made that unwise choice.

notglowing says:

New version of flux released. Thought I’d repeat the previous test
Thought I’d specify downtown since Jim wanted the explosion not to end up behind the city.

Jim says:

Great image. Exactly what I was trying to get the AI to make.

L says:

So, you rightoids ready to sit in the corner and watch while elite human capital takes home another election?

DH says:

Elite Human Capital is not into Gay Nigger Communism; hence, Thermidor. Have you really not noticed the vibe shift? Like the cat-eared femboys giving you the poopdick and pozzing up your rectum, it has transitioned. The Jews in particular have had enough of the brown pets/pests (“brown bodies” aren’t sacrosanct anymore), but also there’s an incel rebellion brewing, which is why black, Hispanic, and even Muslim men all prefer Trump. Now you can pretend like the incel rebellion is not happening, but it’s literally too big to rig.

Harvard’s memeplex collapsed. If you don’t give men sex (well, you specifically do give men sex, but that’s not the kind I’m referring to), you won’t get men’s cooperation.

L says:

You have crucial states openly announcing that they won’t be reporting counts until several days afterwards and you honestly think you stand a chance? I knew rightoids were low IQ but even I’m surprised by ignorance of that level.

Jim says:

They are going to have a go at fixing the election, but if the fix was already in Trump, Musk, and RFK Junior would already be in jail for “disinformation” and “hate”

Starmer and Harris, the “center left” are cosying up to the Rinos, instead of the other way around, which reveals insecurity and weakness, and the Rinos wonder which way the wind blows.

The straight white and Jewish males who carried out the fix last time around have been replaced by mystery meat cat ladies who are knocking back far too much sherry.

In 2020, it was obvious insiders knew the fix was in. They knew it did not matter how many voted for Trump, and how few voted for Biden. This time around, insiders are looking nervous.

In Australia and Britain they successfully kept out Trumplike outsiders by creating a storm of drama over alleged differences between the inner and outer wings of the uniparty, though in fact it was obvious that if the official party of the right won office, they would implement exactly the same uniparty policies as the official party of the left. But the effect of this was burn the outer wing of the uniparty, the official party of the right.

Starmer is telling Harris the solution is to shut down “disinformation” and “hate”. The Uniparty’s megaphone, the official press, is enraged by Musk’s community notes, which keep calling them out every time they make shit up.

If the fix was in, Musk would be dead or would have fled to Russia.

L says:

It literally would not matter if there wasn’t a single genuine voter for Kamala in any of those states. The vote is whatever the people counting the vote say it is. Guess who those people are?

By the way, there’s not a single mechanism or institution that would ever support any kind of challenge to the results. Musk can say whatever he wants, in the short time he has before prison, and it doesn’t mean anything.

Jim says:

> would not matter if there wasn’t a single genuine voter for Kamala in any of those states.

What does, however, matter is how much sherry the mystery meat cat ladies have been knocking back.

L says:

Again, doesn’t matter if they exclusively counted votes while utterly shitfaced. You have no institutional means to stop them saying the total is whatever we want and no ability to use force. You’re done, simple as.

Jim says:

Will matter if they are too shitfaced to actually show up.

I know what happens when an engineering company hires diversity. Stuff just does not get done.

> You have no institutional means to stop them saying the total is whatever we want

I think there is a fair chance that enough of those who actually do show up will say rather too many different things. Reflect on how the war in the Ukraine has been going.

Everything is falling apart, not just for deplorables far from the center of power. The center of power is falling apart.

In 2022 the Rinos, the outer wing of the Republican party, kept control of the Republican party apparatus, despite the fact that every grass roots Republican and every Republican activist hates them. In 2024, they did not. How did that happen?

It is amazing what you can accomplish by just showing up on time.

The wind is blowing.

DH says:

You’re done, simple as.

Trump, a minute ago: “Have you noticed Google is treating us much better? What happened, they are treating us much better.” That’s your elite human capital at work, faggot.

Jim says:

His “elite human capital” had much truth in the days of Larry Summers, Kissinger, and the old Soros. These days could not run a hamburger stand. The elite in the sense of the little group that rules us is mighty short of human capital.

I see what Trump sees. A bunch of cat ladies who cannot shovel beans telling a bunch of straight white males to shovel beans, and beans not getting shoveled.

Kamala is a stupid lazy irresponsible drunk, surrounded by more of the same.

Hesiod says:

Last night, some Democrat activist daughter of a Trump donor accused The Donald of grabbing her by her jailbait booty 32 years ago. Today, nobody cares. Quite a reversal from the zenith of MeToo movement.

A2 says:

I also hear he was named as a Hitler by a very, very serious Kamala. They are really just playing the old hits now. The campaign part is done, fire up the ballot printers.

A2 says:

PS. It works! Yes!

Varna says:

Things happen faster today, but even back in Soviet times, you can see how quickly the nomenklatura loses its abilities. Even just via negative darwinian selection of yes-men.

1960 – peak post-Stalin. We will build the best society on the planet, conquer space, usher in a new age of progress, stamp out poverty and illiteracy, etc.

1970 – look, let’s just chill and try to have a comfy life while sprouting revolutionary slogans, and maybe finance some anti-imperialist third-worlders

1980 – why are institutions working worse and worse, we need to crack down on dissent, young people seem to no longer believe in the system, we need more gigantic collectivist projects to revive the feeling of communal struggle and belonging

1986 – fuck, fuck, trains are derailing, shops are empty, nuclear reactors are exploding, darkies on the periphery are chimping out

By 1987 the nomenklatura had already visibly surrendered to whoever choses to take over through a show of force/confidence, while regional party bosses had already built up systems and webs that would allow them, a mere 4 years later, to suddenly become kings of their own separate kingdoms.

Upravda says:

Testing, testing… and liking more wide format of comments.

Regarding Mr. Trump… well, folks, don’t get me wrong, but you are putting too much hope in him.

I mean, after his first victory, I was endlessly amused with utter consternation of the entire leftie, progsy, wokie population all over the world, from US of A to Croatia, from big “celebs” to ditz next door back in the middle of nowhere in Zagorje. Hell, when I need laugh, I still watch Youtube meltdowns from those times.

And I can se he was good for America, and even brought way more goodness to the entire world than badness. For a brief moment in history, one could look to the stars imagining those as the final frontier and positive of all surplus energies of the mankind (instead of, say, some Great Failed Counteroffensives). And he is probably a good man, if somewhat… whimsical, if that is the right word. That being said, don’t forget the old saying: “Power corrupts.” And it was visible also with him.

But he is not your Caesar, not anybody’s Caesar. The best you can hope from him is that he will, more as a side-effect, give more breathing room for some folks who will become caesars (I doubt there will be only one). Or who will begin reaching for the final frontier.

Jim says:

Old men find it hard to change, but getting nicked by a bullet is apt to wonderfully focus the mind. Trump has the warrior spirit. It is unwise to merely nick a man with the warrior spirit.

> But he is not your Caesar, not anybody’s Caesar

Isaac says:

This is still WP? Any details on what the spying process was, is it the anti-spam? Or maybe Gravatar..

Jim says:

If you use a registered global gravatar, there is a globally accessible database that links the name of the *.png file to your email address and other data — so it is the same as publishing the email address of commenters.

If you use a generated gravatar, the email address is encoded in an elaborately obfuscated back channel.

I think I fixed this for Avatar Privacy, which is giving you your cats icons.

Pax Imperialis says:

I know this is not very important, but not a fan of the new cats and someone has to say it. Hesiod and Wulfgar’s cat look like they got monkeypox. TC and mine got daddy issue girl chokers with bells, and dharmicreality’s downright got trannyfied. Jim’s and PC’s cats are now uncanny cute zoned. Aidan and Notglowing are the only ones that came out unscathed.

Jim says:

OK, will fix.

The new cats originated in a bungle, and I was reluctant to touch in case I do a more serious bungle.

Pax Imperialis says:

I looked more closely at the old cat avatars on this blog via a web archive. It’s the same art style, but scaled down to much lower pixel. Probably the reason why it flew under the radar for so long. The art style was suspect. I looked into the artist. Here are some of the David Revoy comments.

Hehe, yes. That would be perfect. And will come the time I’ll write episode showing that I’m truely Feminist, anti-racist, LGBT friendly in a way that will let no doubt about any ambiguity for my followers who still doubt about that xD. Maybe as I did in the past about the episode with an ecology message where Pepper recycle and clean the soil around the house. The story will guide me; next episode is a silent one with a message about “The cloud”.

Here’s him complaining about the Bulgarian translation of his comic:

I don’t understand Bulgarian, but I used an app that converted my screen-shot of the PDF so I could translate the text. Something I could spot on the same page: “O, боже…” (translated by “Oh God…”) that are clearly not a choice of wording I would use as a die-hard atheist.

and here’s him complaining about the removal of lesbian relationship

I found a panel removed: the Kiss of Shichimi and Torreya and a dialog changed (Torreya is now a ‘friend’ of Shichimi, not her girlfriend). You’ll find on the Pepper&Carrot website the original episode un-edited if you want to compare.

His other works…

Oh great, he’s not joking about being anti-racist

and feminist

So here we have a French feminist anti-racist lgbt friendly die-hard atheist… he’s married, but no sign of children. He and his wife did adopt their third cat though.

A2 says:

Naming one of his suspiciously slim and cute feminist characters ‘wang man’ seems entirely too blatant. What would JK Rowling say?

DH says:

My cat looks like a Mulatto Campus Antifa who subscribes to a demonic worldview and drinks lots and lots of soy milk – a radical leftist soy drinking cat, would you believe.

Isaac says:

Modern webdesign looks so gay.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Could you switch to a numeric date format like the old “2024-10-24 at 22:06” so I can use regexes to tag unread comments? No one cares if it was AM or PM in Ghana when a comment was posted.

Jim says:


dharmicreality says:

Wondering how the coverage of the BRICS summit 2024 has been in the Western media. (Unsurprisingly) I couldn’t find much about it in the GAE media except to the extent of saying “lol BRICS won’t work because India China cannot get along” or “lol BRICS is failing, failing, failing…” or articles to that extent.

In the Indian and I guess the Asian media, the coverage has been quite widespread and positive. Putin is very popular in this part of the world and much has been made of the friendship between Putin and Modi and more importantly on the deal between India and China to back off from the border dispute that was just short of a hot war between the sides.

More importantly BRICS has released a joint statement that condemned the “unilateral actions” of the West which is to say, the sanctions imposed against Russia.

The presence of Turkey was quite significant, as was the UN General Secretary’s presence.

Again, not sure how the coverage in the Western world has been except the couple of semi-critical articles I mentioned and some mentions in the alt-right sphere. But it is a big deal. And shows that in the event of World War III, things are not looking good for globohomo as nations are leaving the sinking ship of GAE.

Jim says:

For a while, the Western media was strangely allergic to the word BRICS. They have not been covering it. They are waiting for the official line on the topic, and the official line has not been formulated.

Dharmicreality says:

For example, look at this interaction between Modi and Putin during the meet:

According to the Western media and the usual GAE shills India is moving away from Russia and getting closer to the West, but everything happening in the last couple of years suggest otherwise. Especially contrasting the recent diplomatic events between India and Canada/US.

The level of personal friendliness between Modi and Putin is evident.

Fidelis says:

The United States should fight against the persecution of Christians all over the world, and it will when President Trump is back in the White House.

Kamala Harris has done nothing.


Well that’s an interesting shift in rhetoric.

Jim says:

We are steadily drifting into a straight up religious conflict between worshippers of woke, and worshippers of the father, son, and holy ghost.

Pax Imperialis says:

wait, what happened to blockquote?


What did I do wrong?

Basil says:


Pakistanis and Afghans are not fair enough to women if they send their daughters to study (ride on cocks) in Norway (without supervision!).

Grog says:

I’d rather we be “fair” to the Jews.
And also to Islam.
And also to the Left.

But I realize those aren’t gonna happen if the Left manages to defraud yet another election and install Kamala.

That overseas voting thing is already registering and handing out email ballots to hundred-thousand plus “US Citizens Living Abroad” across the swing states.

And the News Media Psy-Op and Social Media deranking and “Court Cases” for Political Persecution are all still ongoing unabated.

Fucking soy faggot Anderson Cooper can’t even stone cold ask her to take her fucking earrings off so he can confirm they are Bluetooth Political Minders that she wears everywhere she goes without ever changing them. NO WOMAN wears the same earrings every day, they swap them out like shoes, clothes, and dicks.

Jim says:

Holy war is coming.

DH says:

Obama and the other gay nigger communists (real or metaphorical) are getting increasingly desperate, openly instigating an assassination on Trump. They’re now at the “This is your last chance to stop Literally Hitler and be on the Right Side of History” stage.

Speaking of the ol’ Uncle, the Harvard clique, which is full of leftist Jews, and increasingly full of their dumb brown replacements, is playing on Jews’ primal fear of the Awakened Goy, of the Golem that rises up against its sculptor. They are trying to keep the Jews, among other demographics, in the coalition; since bioleninism and race-baiting of the “Mup Da Doo Didda Po Mo Gub Bidda Bix Nood MUHFUKKA KILL WHITEY” doesn’t really work on powerful, competent, high-status Jews, they pulled out the centuries old memory of “oy vey, the Golem will hurt you.” But Bibi hollowed out their rhetoric by telling the Dems to suck his snipdick and revealing himself as an avatar of Yahweh, Slayer of Amalek, possibly foreshadowing Trump’s own switch from Merchant to Warrior (Matthew 19:26: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”), and divorcing the Jews, or some of the Jews, from the shitskin camp – permanently.

Sure, plenty of Jews will go up the chimney or down the helicopter when the Cominator Solution to Leftism is implemented, but if he defeats dysfunctional Islam and makes peace with functional Islam, Bibi will have solved the Jewish Problem. That’s just not the solution that Gab Nazis funded by George Soros and other envy-motivated enemies of civilization have in mind. They fear Bibi, they fear Trump, they fear peace in the Middle-East under an Israeli-Saudi Hegemony, and they are trying to assassinate both Bibi and Trump (and will probably have a go at Muhammad bin Salman, too) for similar reasons, demonic reasons rooted in their very twisted psyches.

Jim says:

When some countries a safe distance from US bases put the stop to color revolution, they argued that the color revolutionaries were going to feed them into the meat grinder after the Ukraine is used up.

The old Soros was very smart. The new Soros may or may not be smart, but he is just a figurehead, the operation now being run by woke cat ladies.

The increasingly horrific consequences of color revolution, plus the declining competence with which it is carried out make it less likely to succeed, plus, every time it fails, it loses the frame of the inevitable victory, which was always its primary selling point. People signed up for color revolution, because it seemed likely to get one power and goodies.

Jim says:

Given that they are acting as unsupervised daughters far from home always act, why is marriage to Norwegians very rare? Because they are banging one ten chads, and each chad is banging one one thousand virgins, so cannot possibly marry all of them.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ok my blockquote is fine, but my comment prior to testing it got stuck in moderation. There’s just something about me and wordpress that don’t mix.

c4ssidy says:

Since the Internet Archive ‘hack’ I have been thinking that a less-bloated, user-centric alternative to IPFS should use a bare SHA-256 hash as CIDs and nothing else. Current CIDs have a multibase prefix, a version code, a codec ID, a hash id, length, and a hash of a dag. Pretty sure it is overcomplicated garbage. Even the use of a dag root is unnecessary if we agree on building dags in a standard way (plain 256kb chunks). The troon-out is making it difficult for people to understand the value. The interface should be the equivalent of a simple web browser with hash in the address bar which downloads and displays any standard file. It is possible to setup Brave Browser to kind of do this part already, though that is stuck with its own form of bloat. I’m thinking straight 64 char hex hash that acts as the new hyperlink. The super simple browser would in tandem have a local database automatically set up and scaled for you, mac style ‘it just works’, no SQL visible or anything. Hash as key, and file as value. Almost nothing else other than perhaps a bit of merkle root stuff to get people thinking about what constitutes a ‘collection’. Perhaps a column for earliest timestamp-proved author signature. The main design goal being that data hoarding becomes easy, fun, addicting, so that everyone starts doing it, and the extralegal tricks used to go after centrally-hosted public domain documents get harder to do. Data hoarding with an implied suggestion of how good of a data hoarder you are should be inherent in its design. A ‘collection’ text file which loads ten thousand hashes of potential files into the database would have the visual of a button on each line which spins into a green tick upon retrieving the file, and a green tick upon filling all the files in a collection , and it should feel good to max up all those green ticks. People should enjoy achieving/proving the local ‘grand Merkle root’ for files in their particular field of interest and wealthy whales with a roomful of physical storage should enjoy achieving the grand Merkle roots of all Merkle roots. It would also be very easy to visually see all nodes branching from grand roots, and fill in or delete leaves. Homebrew AI training data can eventually be described with references to the same system

Jim says:

> I’m thinking straight 64 char hex hash that acts as the new hyperlink.

Better to have a 43 character base 62 representation of a 256 bit hash.

Jim says:

LLM is really a data compression and search system. People want to search their own data. Indeed Windows copilot is exactly that use case. Unfortunately it is spyware. But its official use case and justification, finding your own data, is a really appropriate and useful application of an LLM.

c4ssidy says:

I get infuriated by the padding character on 58 and 64 bit hashes. I think it adds extra conceptual complexity. Same reason I dislike prefixes. What about base 256, dipping into Unicode characters? Ω≈ç√∫Ƶ6µ¢Üabc134 . there is probably a character selection which produces a good futuristic feel. A goal is that zoomers can ‘link’ a hash in a text message in a way that is perceived as cool to both parties. ʢɨɮʪʥʓʕ⍟ꜥ

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Kameltoe’s final campaign talking point is a message to her fellow underlords: “Trump is plotting revenge and if you don’t back me in this powerstruggle you’re all next on the proscription list”.

As the kids say: ‘I wish a nigga would!’

DH says:

Yes, I can hear something:

*Drunken Kamala voice, aka Kamala voice*

“And you know, Donald Trump… you know, he has a list. He, uh, he is ***brrrrrp*** checking it twice. And y’know, you know… he knows who’s been naughty or nice, mmmmkay? Heh!-hah!-heh!-hah!-heh!-hah! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And he, uh, well, he is coming to town. Mmmmkay? Heh!-hah!-heh!-hah! :)”

Cloudswrest says:

“You know he has a list”

“People who have flabby hands and irritating laughs”!!!! LOL


DH says:

Surrounded by a crowd of mystery meats, roasties, some pale cucklords who look vegan, and one hoary and hoarse Obongo, she once again attempts to meme Trump into being Hitler (who himself endured lots of assassination attempts, as many people remember), and pretty much begs — she might as well go down on her knees, as she is used to — everyone to just kill that cracker. There’s very little nuance here. It’s open season from now on until Order is Restored.

DH says:

Real Americans should mentally and physically prepare to fight, and possibly die, for their rightful, legitimate, and divinely-sanctified King. (Fake Americans should “go back” while they still can) It doesn’t mean that the holy war is imminent — it looks imminent, but expect the unexpectable — but it could well be imminent. Also, strategically, once a conflict is deemed inevitable, it’s better to strike first and make it count.

It’s said, “If you don’t want Nazi Germany, don’t recreate Weimar Germany.” Well, they’ve done that on steroids (feminizing steroids, as it were), and like clockwork, are proceeding to thrust greatness upon the orange merchant. But it remains to be seen if he’s up to the task. If he is, you should be too. Fight, fight, fight!

Hesiod says:


“The United States is now an OCCUPIED COUNTRY, but it will soon be an occupied Country no longer. November 5th, 2024 will be called LIBERATION DAY in America.”

Fine example of Trump’s mastery of rhetoric to build morale. As you say, expect the unexpected. GNON is on the prowl.

DH says:

He is building morale and snapping people out of normality bias. Things tend to go pretty fast from “Nothing Ever Happens” to “Everything Happens All At Once,” and when things finally start Happening, when the powder keg finally ignites, being the first to know gives one an obvious advantage. As usual, the Left is way ahead of the Right in realizing where this is going (leftists have become drooling retards about everything, but their keen, Machiavellian sense of power is still intact, and the dread of losing power and accidentally falling deep deep into the Pacific even more so), but Trump has been given a heads up by GNON, and so has everyone who is paying attention, which is everyone, including the Democrats, who now embrace being the Party of Satan.

That he is increasingly shifting his rhetoric to warfare motifs suggests that he “gets it.”

DH says:

It’s time for Obama to finally prove the racists wrong and demonstrate that blacks, too, can swim.

In fact, as Heir of Wakanda, I’m sure he can swim just like a dolphin with anchors tied to his ankles.

In all seriousness, it’s obvious that blood will be spilled, and now the question is whose blood. Well, probably massive bloodletting on all sides, but while the Left still possesses most of the official and unofficial regime apparatuses, the fighting competence is all on the Right. Demon-worshipping soyjaks and shitskins are absolutely worthless in battle. The Regime is a Weimar Republic on Hormone Blockers and Datura.

The Left is in despair (which is a sin), while the Right is temperamentally whitepilled. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism, and leftist pessimism is not even rational.

T says:

Eye of Sauron falling on Musk.


Tl;dr – Russia, Russia, Russia.

Contaminated NEET says:

I miss the RSS feed. Threaded comments are good, but chronological order is good too; sometimes you just want to see what people have said since the last time you loaded the site.

Jim says:

RSS feed? I though wordpress just automatically provided that.

I have never used RSS, and do not know anything about it.

I see a bunch of RSS plugins, but from their description of what they provide, they do not seem to provide anything that wordpress does not — other than that some of them can make your site into a one stop RSS aggregator.

Adam says:

The last 12 recent comments are now at the bottom of the blog post which is great. Is there a way to link directly to the recent comments list or to automatically scroll down to that list?

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