May all my readers have a blessed Christmas

With a new president and new team in charge, next Christmas, we may see the shopping centers permitting the sale of Christian themed Christmas ornaments and wrapping paper, which are currently unavailable in the shops, but are available from Temu under the search “Christmas vintage”

Our enemies are motivated by envy, so living well is the best revenge. So, in the era of the Chinese hegemony, wishing you a “Vintage” Christmas.

54 comments May all my readers have a blessed Christmas

Santa==Satan. May you all have an authentic Christmas, not the pagan festival masquerading as Christmas.

T says:

Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?

Fidelis says:

We’re putting you in the negro camp when we segregate.

Rod says:

Leftists Hate Santa Claus And It’s Not Only Because He’s White

Jim says:

Santa=Saint Nicolas

Christmas was from the beginning intended to be a Christian celebration to which all non Christians are welcome, and in which non Christians are comfortable. Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.

A2 says:

Merry Christmas all. I should say peace on earth to men of good will, which I have begun to increasingly like.

I have an orthodox icon of St Nicholas on the wall of my study. He holds a ship in his arms in a great storm, which I consider quite nice of him.

clovis says:


Fidelis says:

Merry Christmas all of you, God bless the people in this oasis of clarity in a dark sea of madness.

Contaminated NEET says:

Peace on Earth to men of good will.

Jim says:

You are still on moderation because you have not given the Christian affirmation, nor committed an obvious thought crime. On the other hand, quite a few of your quotes appear to be thought crime related, so I keep allowing your stuff through.

However, people who have not demonstrated that they are not shills or ais, are likely to have their comments capriciously silenced or cut.

Alf says:

Merry christmas! May you all knock up hot tradwives and sperg out here for many years to come!

Neurotoxin says:

LOL, awesome.

Rod says:

Hi Alf
The American “Bible Belt” may not be the best place to find a tradwife, though there are plenty of good [reformed?] used models to choose from complete with a ready-bake fam just waiting for you to take them home…
There are other places too…

alf says:

‘get cucked’ is pretty much the opposite of my recommendation, but you do you.

Jim says:

You have to be kidding.

Nothing says cucked like raising another man’s child.

And there is also the problem that it is apt to lead to homicide.

Fidelis says:

This is mostly a black population heatmap, and inversely LDS and Amish population heatmap.

It’s funny how what are essentially the most leftist churches during the times when Christianity was real, are now the healthiest while it falls. Anglicans, “Mainline” Protestants are the most corrupted, Baptists, Amish, formerly strange and very egalitarian in comparsion, have more health currently. The LDS starting as a radical polygamist cult, now responsible for the states with the least broken families.

ayyylmao says:

That little observation puts the lie to the notion of lefty spiral-to-singularity, huh.

ayyylmao says:

It’s interesting how often these things can suddenly freeze (or reverse) as necessary in response to external pressure. The Rona simply evaporated one day. Honestly, I miss it. What clarity in those days!

someDude says:

Merry Christmas, Gentlemen. Thank you for keeping this site going

K1 says:

Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
And her husband Joseph, since he was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly.
But when he had thought this over, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
She will give birth to a Son; and you shall name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
Now all this took place so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled:
“Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they shall name Him Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”
And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife,
but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he named Him Jesus.
— Matthew 1:18~15

skippy says:

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Matthew 5:11

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s a strange feeling to be out and about on December 25 and see that it’s a regular workday, with stores and offices all open for business. Orthodox Christmas is January 7, and only 2.6 percent of Russians identify as any other sort of Christian.

New Year’s Day is the big gift-giving holiday, and the decorations are almost identical to what one sees in the deracinated West. The holiday shopping season started with “Black Friday” sales, which were either Nov. 22, Nov. 29, or ten days covering both dates. See “Franksgiving”.

T says:

Merry Christmas! May the sons of Japheth awake.

(It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good…)

Neurotoxin says:

Merry Christmas!

Enjoy friends, family, beautiful traditional Christmas carols, and scarfing down food you normally don’t indulge in (sugar cookies by the cubic foot, etc.).

Ex says:

Merry Christmas.

Rod says:


Jim says:

Wickedpedia is an enemy organisation, and everything it says is intended to manipulate, deceive, and harm. If it tells the truth, it deceives by telling that part of the truth that serves its purpose, while omitting a relevant truth that matters more.

If you have something to say, say it yourself.

You gave a bare link to Wikepedia. Why?

Varna says:

Merry Christmas!
Christ our Lord is the Savior, and the Sword and the Shield and the Way and the Truth.
Let us celebrate and switch off the ole brain for a while and just eat and drink and make merry.

Rod says:

Indeed, let us Feast, in the Last of this Year of our Lord, for together in the Next, we may be called to wield both Word and Sword. Yarrr!

Humungus says:

Seasons Greetings from The Humungus.

Kunning Drueger says:

Merry Christmas to all men of goodwill. 2026 is a year away.

S says:

Merry Christmas. May we all live to see the next one.

Pax Imperialis says:

Merry Christmas, but in the spirit of these dangerous times, pray for war. Holy War against all those who wish to dispossess you of God, Country, and King.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Revelation 19:11

K1 says:

Jesus’ Birth in Bethlehem

2 Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all [a]the inhabited earth. 2 [b]This was the first census taken while [c]Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all the people were on their way to register for the census, each to his own city. 4 Now Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, 5 in order to register along with Mary, who was [d]betrothed to him, and was pregnant. 6 While they were there, the [e]time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a [f]manger, because there was no [g]room for them in the inn.

8 In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock at night. 9 And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood near them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. 10 And so the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is [h]Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a [i]manger.” 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly [j]army of angels praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among people [k]with whom He is pleased.”

15 When the angels had departed from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let’s go straight to Bethlehem, then, and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the [l]manger. 17 When they had seen Him, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. 18 And all who heard it were amazed about the things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.
— Luke2:1~20

Adam says:

Merry Christmas everyone. Let the new year bring streets that run red with the blood of the scribes.

Rod says:
After the film’s reels were sent to remote settlements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, they returned with reports of audiences being in tears during screening with others instantly converting.
Regarding its worldwide spread and translations, Eshleman states, “People ask ‘Why do you go to those far away places?’ It’s because those people haven’t had a chance. That’s all we want to do – to give them a chance to hear the message of Christ in an understandable language near where they live.”

Anonymous Fake says:

One of the hardest Christian films to watch I saw on Youtube and forgot the title, but it was about third world missionaries going to Europe and seeing the desolation of all faith in that degenerate spiritual wasteland. The missionaries were absolutely unsuccessful and it makes you wish the Russians would salt the earth with cobalt nukes and just get it all over with.

The last of the “good pagans” might be the Japanese.

Fidelis says:

Recent public discussion on x reveals Elon, and therefore by deduction almost everyone in his bubble, has zero clue how intentionally broken the hiring pipelines are.

This started when the a16z crew tried to appoint some random hindoo to some high bugocrat seat, and he immediately started shilling for infinity hindoos. The rest of the high profile people in that bubble have now been playing motte and bailey, where “but we should definitely brain drain the world and hire the absolute best” is swapped with “and therefore pass out green cards like candy” which inevitably ends up like Canada, a literal shitheap.

Elon immediately joining the messaging claiming over and over we don’t have enough talent locally we need to import it, the engineers are missing, shows he is blind to the scam. All the replies are full of people outlining what is actually broken here, so we will get to see if there’s a point to public discussion or not. There’s ultimately four viewpoints here:
– its hard to get visas for actual rare talent (because the pipeline is clogged with scams, but this is not always acknowledged)
– infinity hindoos because talented saaar
– fuck off we’re full
– hey maye you should investigate why all these corporations are hiring thousands of foreigners while the native workforce details over and over how hard it is to even land an interview

Unless Elon is just playing politics with the many pro-h1b political supporters he must have, this may be a learning opportunity for the guy appointed to reform the bugocracy. The real problem, and what needs to be fixed, is the top down state conspiracy for disempowering and replacing legacy americans. It works roughly like so: print money and launder it to giant pseudo-ngo firms like Balckrock -> Blackrock puts broken and failing zombie firms on financial life support -> In exchange for life support, the firms must hire the correct priests and follow the policy guidelines-> these guidelines include never hiring a white man under any circumstances. The companies that fail to accept this bargain are killed through lawfare. So we end up in a world where the people in upper management are cluelessly wondering where all the possible employees are, while HR insists they did everything they could so now it’s time to import the third world.

Fixing this is simple enough. After killing DIE, quietly or otherwise, you must remove corporate welfare and let these big useless firms get ripped apart. The culture is far too broken to fix in any reasonable amount of time. Instead promote the expansion and scaling of the smaller competing firms. The rare team here and there that is functional can be ripped out of the zombie firms and incorporated into the younger as part of the scaling process.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I know this is going to be very niche, but with my recent interest in making art (despite whatever AI is doing these days), I have noticed that the art community is pretty lean and scalable if you aren’t sticking to the ‘approved’ art stuff (DEI). Basically, every artist you meet on the off-grounds are not really self-taught, they learned from someone else, or copied someone else, and made their own art, and the people that come after them copy their art.

Now the problem with this is that this isn’t really an apprenticeship, so the learning scale here is very iffy. For that reason, there’s plenty of courses and schools that are out there which can you get on track to doing a particular style. I saw a guy who was in his 30s who learned how to draw big anime titties within 6 months of joining one of these groups. Well enough that he gets commissions.

This made me realize that rapidly training people for any type of work… is not hard at all. Proggie bs and infinite seminaries of our most holy not-religious belief in Gaia and all that other garbage really made me think about how useless it all is, how everyone’s best years are wasted on compliance that has no real meaning. I just can’t get it out of my head that they have to drill into you for decades about their holy-not-spirit, and they *still* have to point a gun at your head to make you comply with the latest update to the holy-not-spirit firmware.

The biggest problem is going to be that we will simply not have anybody left who can train the next generation. Anyone can draw with a 20 dollars tablet, where does your average bloke learn how to build semiconductors? It will have to be under the tutelage of someone who knows, and knowing America’s industries, the people who know how things run are running out.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Don’t take this as a blackpill btw, I am very confident that things will end up going the right way, I’m more just concerned of how many greats we will lose along the way. I really hope the works of our best minds carry on in someway. Merry Christmas.

Rando says:

Merry Christmas. I don’t remember the last time I posted here so I’ll lead with a thought crime. The 19th Amendment was a terrible mistake. I knew this since I was a child. My first memory regarding politics as a child was as follows: My Mom was watching a presidential election debate, and me being curious I asked her what was going on. So, she explained that they were having a debate and what a debate was. And that this was part of how people decided who they would vote for to be the next president. I do not remember who my Mom said she was going to vote for. I only remember her explanation as to “why.” She liked one guy’s haircut better than the other. Sorry Mom, I love you but you shouldn’t be voting. Women voting has so feminized our politics that I do not know if we will ever recover from it. Also, I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, the son of the Living God, and that He died for our sins, and rose again on the third day so that all would have eternal life who believe in Him.

Anyways, in response to JustAnotherGuy, I too believe we will make it through this, as we have done before. I believe there’s a guy posting videos on youtube about his DIY integrated circuits, so we may not lose all our valuable tech knowledge. I am one of the shrinking pool of men left in the country who still knows a thing or two about component level repair of electronics. Though lately I’ve had few opportunities to exercise my skills. The trend these days is to make even relatively simple electronics unserviceable. I work in a technical field but honestly, any smart man willing to spend a few months learning on the job could probably do the basics of what I do, and after a few years of experience handle just about anything I deal with. The main thing is they need guidance.

The current practice of leaving young men without guidance to wither on the vine cannot and will not last. The elites will either repent, and begin opening doors for them, or others will teach them how to burn their whole rotten system down and these rotten elites with them. I am not optimistic about our elites regarding this.

Jim says:

The DEI takeover automatically leads to a purge of anyone who knows stuff and is in a position to teach people stuff, because they think the only thing that anyone should know is fifty seven new pronouns, and view all other forms of knowledge as colonialism, imperialism, racism, homophobia, and sexism. Observe how the people making Star Wars do not know Star Wars, and Ubisoft mangled Japense culture. If you are producing a game set in old Japan, you might want to know something about old Japan, and how it is represented and depicted in Japanese culture. They don’t just see the tech priesthood as a competing priesthood, they see everything as a competing priesthood. They want to erase the past — Cathedrals and knowing how to run a chip fab all.

It is like the Khmer Rouge. They wanted the flow of water in the Mekong Delta to be socialist. And the first step was of course to erase the evil old kulak system for managing the flow of water. The next step, they never actually got around to.

To get rid of the radicals in France, French Thermidor launched, or allowed, the first white terror. But they got nervous that the reaction was feeling its oats, and put a stop to it.

The Cominator would have doubtless complained that the problem was still unsolved and festering. And it was.

There followed the Paris Commune, a resurgence of the radicals, swiftly followed by the second red terror. The Paris commune was put down, and there followed the second white terror, which did a more thorough job.

Alf says:

Elon, to his great disadvantage, is not familiar with the dark enlightenment. But he is also a very smart guy and a quick learner. We shall see if he learns.

Pilgrim says:

(Thought crimes: God is Three and God is One. Women are, by nature, inclined to fuck the most ostentatiously dangerous man they can find, and their misbehavior is biologically programmed and must be restrained by a network of legally empowered patriarchs for society to function. Homo sapiens of African descent, referred to by our host as plains apes, are biologically predisposed towards short time preferences and often commit violent crimes, driving productive citizens out of cities such as Detroit. George Soros, with allies Blinken and Nuland in government, are financing the war against Russians and Ukrainians by NATO. Jesus Christ is Lord.)

Merry Christmas to Jim and to Jim’s Blog. Given the recent passing of Christmas, I thought this might be a good time to try reposting something I had tried posting in a longer form, but which for some reason did not make it onto the blog. I apologize if the earlier post had caused Jim or the site’s processing systems unnecessary grief in any way, or perhaps if my use of Proper Names in the unposted draft could have drawn unwarranted attention by the State towards innocent people. I will rewrite for safety’s sake, but I persist because I feel, quite positively, that this is a matter of interest to God Himself.

That said, I will simply reiterate the most important points here. In short, I have recently run across a certain YouTube channel whose host has found certain mathematical anomalies and patterns in the Christian Bible (specifically, the King James Version in all reprints). He has also written a book detailing more phenomena of the same kind. A video with a rundown of some important ones can be found here:

These patterns specifically have to do with the number of times a name or phrase is mentioned in the Bible, which if counted interlink with the significance of the text itself. A particularly telling one, for instance, is the discovery that all capitalized mentions of ‘Father’ and ‘Son’ (referring only to God the Father and Jesus Christ) add to 490, the number of times Jesus told Peter to forgive ‘my brother’ in Matthew 18:22 (‘Unto seventy times seven’). Many of these patterns, including all the ones in the video, have to do with the number seven or multiples thereof (which even a cursory scan at the Bible will show is an important number to its God). Such patterns, being carried across the entire Biblical narrative (there are OT and whole-Bible ones as well), appear to me to be either the product of some genius, ultra-complex historical conspiracy or the product of a Divine Word at work – I, and I feel many here, would favor the latter hypothesis.

Now for some important clarification regarding the channel. It’s host, from my judgement of his other content and Community, appears to interpret the KJV Bible from a normie Fundamental Baptist/Dispensationalist view. This would, I understand, put him at disagreement with Jim and many members of this blog concerning their own such readings (most blatantly on the role of the 1948 State of Israel and the nature of the Eschaton in Biblical prophecy, but on a great many other things as well, all of which I do not know enough at this time to take a clear position on). He also appears to be bluepilled on the woman and race question, so do not be surprised when he refers to his wife as his ‘best friend’ in his book dedication or goes on mission trips to far-flung African nations. He is, though, very definitely aware of dark powers at work in the established churches and Vatican, as his recent videos are targeted at them from that frame (specifically, accusing all new English Bible translations of distorting prophecies and language made clear in the KJV). Whatever this man’s personal views may be, his work in finding and displaying this apparent miracle lying in wait for modern search engines greatly impressed me, so I thought I’d share it to you all for the Glory of God alone. Amen.

Jim says:

You are finding patterns in the Bible. Well I have been finding patterns in my random phrase generator. And I, a few hours ago, was spending a whole lot of time trying to prove to myself that it would generate all possible phrases with equal probability. When I eyeballed it, looked not very random at all. I have just finished a program that will run it for a very long time and log when it hits a five sigma deviation. So far, not an unusual number of five sigma deviations — at least on the patterns I could program it to recognise.

I have been working on a random grammatically correct phrase generation, the objective being that you can derive the secret keys for your funds and identity in something you can carry through a hostile airport inside your head.

And patterns kept coming up so regularly that I had to spend a lot of time running statistical tests on my random generator to convince myself that it was statistically random. The human mind is so good at detecting patterns that it can detect a whole lot of order in randomness, because there are so many possible patterns, that randomness will always fit some pattern or the other improbably well.

But just eyeballing the data, looked like five sigma deviations all over the place.

I knew my binary bitstream was cryptographically strong randomness, guaranteed genuinely random by its generation process, passes Diehard and all that. But converting that to phrases is a long and complicated pipeline, and I felt I must surely have ballsed up something in that pipeline. So I have been writing programs to look for patterns in what comes out of the other end of the pipeline, and those programs found the patterns less impressive than I did.

ayyylmao says:

Merry Christmas!

Rod says:

“When we build the Islamic caliphate, Christians will pay Jizya under Islamic Sharia.”
— Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, HTS Islamist leader and new ruler of Syria.
Forcing Christians to become second-class citizens and be extorted through a protection tax is not moderate.
– Christian Emergency Alliance (@ChristianEmerg1) December 17, 2024

“Earlier in the war… Jihadists mock a Syrian soldier’s cross necklace prior to torturing and executing them.”

“Gruesome videos (too horrific to link to) are filling up social media platforms like X and Telegram, in some instances with unidentified victims being dragged to death behind vehicles.”

“The ideology of the conquerors, in their own words and patches/symbols on their tactical vests, are without doubt Takfirism, Salafism, and Wahhabism. This has been exhaustively documented over many, many years of the tragic proxy war in Syria – yet now suddenly Western leaders and media lackeys have ‘forgotten’ it all. Non-Sunni Muslims are especially being targeted, for nothing else other than religion and identity”

“”I don’t trust them at all, the fact that they are so insistent on collecting guns from people is so worrying, they even want licensed guns, and this is actually scary. They are always trying to appear as nice people talking about peace, but yet every day someone gets killed and they do nothing about it,” said one contact in Latakia.”

“Celebrating… But for every scene of hundreds gathered in a city square in front of Al Jazeera or CNN cameras, the reality is that there are many tens of thousands more families holed up in their homes, deeply fearful of venturing outside, with the more fortunate ones having stocked up on supplies just prior to Abu Mohammad al-Jolani’s army of mujahideen fighters entering the capital.”

Jim says:

You worry too much about Muslims and not enough about Jews. The immediate enemy is neither Muslims, nor Jews as such, but demon worshippers in power in America. At least some Muslims, notably the Taliban and the Chechens, are the enemy of our enemy. Alliance with such Muslims is an excellent idea, provided we are mindful that we will be stabbed in the back as soon as victory is in sight.

Chechens were originally allies of Globohomo, but wised up once it became apparent that Globohomo intended to expend them all.

T says:

The immediate enemy is neither Muslims, nor Jews as such, but demon worshippers in power in America. At least some Muslims, notably the Taliban and the Chechens, are the enemy of our enemy. Alliance with such Muslims is an excellent idea

Let’s say an American Christian Nationalist wants to ally with the Taliban and the Chechens against demon worshippers in power in America – how can he do it?

Jim says:

They are restraining Globohomo empire externally, and we intend to restrain Globohomo imperialism internally, and for this no organisational alliance is necessary or useful.

But as for Muslims in America, not all of them are Globohomo aligned, and none of them are reliably Globohomo aligned.

Rod says:

In this region, the Muslims are more numerous, powerful, nearby, and dangerous, than the Jews. I do not discount the Jews. And I recognise that your own region, and/or your circumstance of coming by such knowledge, may be different.

Don’t mind alliances per-se, would prefer internal building to avoid constant draining recalculation of backstabbing vectors.

Most politicians have driven their nations down into an infini-calc loop.
Citizenries should stop worshipping those Pols, stop lobbying/bleating for freebies from them, and should instead start naming and charging those Pols, and their associates in Power and Design, and begin removing their heads from such offices.

CBN says:

Many Christians will not have survived to 2025 Christmas
Pray for those who the Lord must save from these beasts.

CBN says:

Mel Gibson on Rogan re Jesus

“Every single one of those guys died rather than deny their belief,” said Gibson, adding that “nobody dies for a lie.”
Morning Star News is the only independent news service focusing exclusively on persecution of Christians.

I prayed that Jesus brought up their souls to Him before the fire of these devils did touch them.

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