
Moderation broken

Suddenly WordPress has started to throw everyone into moderation, despite me turning off the various ad hoc things I have done. As far as I know, I am now just running standard WordPress, and it still just puts everyone into moderation.

And I tend to leave my moderation queue unattended for long periods, because from time to time I have episodes of real life. So if it takes a long time for your comment to appear, sorry, this just sucks.

If WordPress does not magically return to its previous behaviour, will switch to adding everyone as a user — which I probably should have done long ago.

Adding every profilic based poster as user when I have to manually rescue their comments from the moderation queue, because the moderation queue is broken.

Your password will be user_to_avoid_moderation

Change it, but your real password should be your fake email, so might as well change it to something trivial.

If a comment of yours was recently fished out of moderation, you should now be a registered user. Login at https://blog.reaction.la/wp-login.php

407 comments Moderation broken

c4ssidy says:

Seems like a perfect place to experiment with local trust network

1. one box for public key
2. one box for the signed hash of the comment by the private key (and if you don’t care, just put your private key in the box and local JavaScript does the sign for you)
3. One box to submit your latest list of whitelisted other public keys, which by default has just one, which is Jim’s public key.

With a default whitelist, if degree of separation set to 0, only Jim’s comments visible, at 1 (the default degree of separation), you see the comments of everyone who Jim has whitelisted. At infinity you can see all the spam, viagra tablets sales and so on. If you experiment with 1+ you’ll probably see a broader spectrum of less relevant comments assuming some regular users are at least occasionally looking through the spam queue

jim says:

Working on it. But what you are proposing is a social net to replace wordpress — which I have been working on for some time.

WordPress is an enormous pile of PHP. From time to time I have been reluctantly forced to delve into this mysterious and enormous pile of PHP, and it has never been a fun time.

Long ago, I had a PHP job, and came to the conclusion that no matter how good the people maintaining it, every big PHP project accumulates unlimited technical debt and slowly turns into a bloated pile of $#!% that inevitably comes to violate the dry principle ever more grossly.

Typescript in node.js is a better way of writing websites. PHP will eventually become a language known only to elderly maintainers of ancient software, like Cobol.

Anon says:

“Typescript in node.js is a better way of writing websites. PHP will eventually become a language known only to elderly maintainers of ancient software, like Cobol.”

Typescript is awesome, but PHP have been making good things like introducing strict types.
Old php is horrendous, but the new ones like php 7+ are making come back.
The support is very good with framework like laravel.

Mike in Boston says:

Adding a relatively superfluous comment here just to see what’s going on with moderation for me:

Typescript in node.js is a better way of writing websites.

A general-purpose language like Typescript seems like overkill for a simple blog.
PHP is old, sure, but it was the right fit for something like a blog where the focus is on the HTML content with just a little code to add functionality. A modern tool much more in that spirit is HTMX.

But then again, I’m just a middle-aged maintainer of middle-aged software, well on the way to becoming the elderly maintainer of ancient software you mentioned.

c4ssidy says:

The internet went majorly wrong from the start in the sense that kids were never able to right click a website and ‘save as’ to get a complete a complete 1:1 package of what they were viewing. To this day that is still true and trying to archive a website gives you garbage unless you are a boffin (and because of the globohomo monster known as backend, still usually hard to do). More than GeoCities, everything is disappearing, people are dying of old age, archive.org is being subverted, and what is left is being absorbed into globohomo controlled megacorporate backends. The future internet is one of single files with single hashes, all content references including the text as only references to hashes, pulled in from IPFS style node networks. With a single click a user can backup a fully 1:1 copy of anything. No servers or URLs. As all links are also hashes, links work just as well offline as online so long as your downloaded web-net chunk is big enough to follow all the links. With the web on a big offline airgapped archive (that you perhaps link up to update once a week or month) you can read whatever you like without globohomo logging everything. No cookies as there is there is literally no significant purpose to cookies other than trackings. Any dynamic content will be pulled in from the future bitmessage style network with local markup used to display the txt chain visually (chains of keys signing messages to other keys etc). What use would a server backend have anymore? To the extent we would even want backend, it would be a completely 1:1 emulatable interface, so the frontend of the new format will control a very rigorous and narrow definition of what can be requested and what can be returned, in a way that the full range of possible return content is implied by the front end and can be emulated by any location, or locally, and anything requested can be right click saved by the user 1:1. The new internet purposely has to go against the financial interest behind obfuscating and centralizing everything, and therefore be purposely limited in what websites can do, but once in place people will switch to it because old net will be stagnate garbage and new net, because of its masterfully chosen limitations, and combined with freedom in other areas, will be a fun place to mess around

TheDividualist says:

I remember you don’t have a high opinion on big projects in Python either. Why? Do you think strong explicit typing matters so much? Django is probably the largest Python project and I went and randomly looked up one file: https://github.com/django/django/blob/main/django/middleware/locale.py looks pretty clear to me.

jim says:

Yes, Python code usually is pretty clear. If you looked up some of my C++ metacode, you would be seriously mystified. C++ encourages one to write code that is too clever by half. Too many too clever language features, and I like using them too much.

The trouble with Python code is in the install. It is very difficult to write an installer for a Python project, the installer runs on one users computer and not on another’s, and the installer suffers bitrot and stops working. Python is the worlds least portable language. As a project gets bigger, it ceases to be portable from one computer on your local net to another computer running the same operating system on the same hardware on your local net.

Write once, run only on the computer your wrote it on. Until bitrot stops it running even on that computer.

The Cominator says:

Where is the password field… how the hell do I set this up?

jim says:
The Cominator says:


jim says:

Still hitting the spam filter. Did you try to login?

jim says:

testing commenting while logged in to see if even I wind up in my own moderation queue

jim says:

Well, commenting while logged in did not land me in my own moderation queue, so if you comment while logged in, should work.

Though I no longer trust wordpress to behave as one would expect.

The Cominator says:

Yeah I’m logged in (and now it says logged in as the cominator)… hopefully this fixes it.

FYI there is a happy rumor that they just whacked Biden.

The Cominator says:

Look Jim when you get through the moderation que respond to this… where do I get added as a user I never setup an email here because I figure they are all compromised anyway (and I was right about protonmail). The only way to avoid electronic surveillance is to do the Bin Laden thing and live in a Faraday cage and never go on the internet or use a phone.

So do I have to signup for something somewhere… should I use the same fake email or not.

jim says:

Sign in to https://blog.reaction.la/wp-login.php with your username The Cominator, your fake email, and the non password user_to_avoid_moderation

If wordpress insists on sending you an email (it should not) I will attempt to fix that also.

But if it does everything is broken and I am out of my depth trying to fix code that those who created it can no longer fix.

DH says:


jim says:

Still in moderation queue

You are supposed to use the same fake email, same username, the temporary password user_to_avoid_moderation
and login through https://blog.reaction.la/wp-login.php

Tell me how the experience goes, or, better, write up instructions for the next person to try it and I will add your instructions to my post

DH says:

I followed the instructions and logged in, so it appears that all new comments are now held in moderation.

jim says:

This is confusing, because The Cominator appeared to succeed.

WordPress definitely should not be acting like this, and was not acting like this a short time ago. Try clearing your cookies, then relogging in.

I may have to do a fresh install on a new host, which is an intolerable pile of work.

This bug was happening in 2017-2018, and now it is back with a vengeance. In 2017 it was reported to be a Schrodinger bug, afflicting some websites and some users, but not most websites and most users. Schrodinger bugs tend to be hard to fix, and easy for developers to ignore.

The Cominator says:

I only suceeded after changing my password in the settings to the fake email.

DH says:

Giving it a try, let’s see.

Pax Imperialis says:


Pax Imperialis says:


Pax Imperialis says:

I tried what TC did and still getting stuck in moderation. Can’t help but notice the RC2 update came out on the 2nd. What a coincidence.

Pax Imperialis says:

Logged in and saw the comment search function. Played around with it. It’s interesting to see how people have changed over the years. Imperceptible changes add up.

Potential downtime if fresh install?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Testing. Am I getting caught?

jim says:

Everyone is getting put in moderation — except me it seems.

Since I do not want to do a fresh install, and have some real life stuff coming up during which I will me mighty busy, I will let this go for a week or two, and hope it goes away as mysteriously as it came, and if it does not, then I will get cracking on a fresh install on a fresh server.

I will continue to register people as I fish them out of moderation, not that it seems to be doing much good.

Try clearing your cookies and changing your password.

That it worked for one person and not for another is the same sort of thing as happened with 2017 bug.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was not put on moderation. It posted as soon as I clicked submit. Whatever is going on is not seeming to affect me.

jim says:

Yes, this seems like the 2017 bug. Schrodinger bug. Schrodinger bugs are hard to fix, and harder still when they are in PHP.

Ex says:


Anon says:


Anon says:

It seem like it working

Dharmicreality says:


Dharmicreality says:

Not putting me in moderation it seems.

jim says:

Maybe the bug is fading away. It did that in 2017

Dharmicreality says:

PHP is notoriously wonky sometimes because the code is so dependent on the web server variables being set just right, though I don’t think this issue has anything to do with server variables.

JustAnotherGuy says:


JustAnotherGuy says:

Looks like I’m ok.

JustAnotherGuy says:

By the way Jim if its ok to ask: Why do you think Zelensky make an ultimatum to Nato to do something, I thought he was happy in his role and would just escape to his mansion when things get tough.

jim says:

It is always OK to ask tough questions. This place is already too much of echo chamber because only the really based want to comment. (Plus a whole lot of people who want to engage in one way conversations and noise injection to drown out the thought crimes.)

The time approaches for Zelensky to make himself scarce, as so many in the muppet government of the Ukraine have already done. Likely he is telling Nato to extend and improve the deal, so he does not have to make himself scarce yet.

Anon says:

You say he is a parasite who is in it for himself, which in principal i agree
But you never know people until they show you who they are at the end.
If as the russian force move in on Kiev in the final days of the war, then suddenly zelensky decide to stay and fight to the death , that would be the biggest surprise for me and everyone , including zelensky himself.
The man is an actor and he has been living the war president for a long time.
Still i bet on him making himself scarce.

Redbible says:

(Testing commenting without log in, Since I have not had any issues the last few times I’ve commented over the last few month.)

Humungus says:


Pax Imperialis says:

Jim’s Blog is apparently available in paperback form on Amazon, along with many others from the space.

Encelad says:

Testing. Since I don’t post very often, I attach a shill test response

For a very long time that predates Neolithic era, the kind of man who was most likely to be successful at reproduction has been a muscular, violent, ruthless warlord, who would slay other men and abduct their women.
Therefore, any innate woman behavior that would cause her to have increased chances of being abducted and imprgnated by a warlord, would increase her ecological fitness in a Paleolithic environment, and selected favorably by Nature. And that’s what has been happening for millenia. People scratch their heads puzzled at women’s “bad choices” not understanding that what is the best outcome for a woman’s reproductive success is not necessarily the best for the woman as an individual, just as being decapitated after coitus and devoured is the best outcome for the male praying mantis reproductive success, but obviously not the best for the male praying mantis individual.
Paleolithic warlords, however, don’t fit well into civilization, since selfish, uncooperative violence disrupts order. They fill the ranks of thugs and petty criminals. If we want to preserve civilization, we don’t want those man to be the most successful in reproducing. Therefore women should not be allowed to choose their partners, but their father should. Also, we need a society that artificially elevates the status of cooperative working men and lowers the status of Paleolithic warlord type men.
Brad the nerdish engineer should be allowed to shoot Jeremy Meeks trying to jack his car, and should be allowed to shoot him with impunity.

Bonus: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NVkATkV9i9o

Fidelis says:

Paleolithic warlords, however, don’t fit well into civilization, since selfish, uncooperative violence disrupts order. They fill the ranks of thugs and petty criminals.

This isn’t exactly true. The problem we have is that women don’t recognize status as males recognize status. The kind of man that would have been a former warlord would have been prosocial and very clever; prosocial in order to have men backing him, very clever to win wars. This type of man in fact does very well today, a lot of them end up in finance and sales.

Our problem is, men that are aggressively stupid and antisocial appear to women as high status.They transgress boundaries and yet no one puts a spear through their lung, so they look like they’re in charge for that moment. In the long run their aggressive stupidity does have them locked away, but not soon enough and not before sleeping with lots of women who will then regard you, normal male who doesn’t piss off everyone around him and blatantly break social and legal codes, as low status in comparison. That is the Meeks we have a problem with, and he is no ‘Paleolithic warlord’, in fact he would be dead by his mid teens in that environment.

So we have this inverted selection environment where aggressive stupidity and antisocial behavior is greatly rewarded with pussy, and high cooperation and unwillingness to break laws and social boundaries and greatly piss off all the men around you is seen as low status.

The Cominator says:

> This isn’t exactly true. The problem we have is that women don’t recognize status as males recognize status. The kind of man that would have been a former warlord would have been prosocial and very clever; prosocial in order to have men backing him, very clever to win wars

Could be a high functioning psychopath. Psychopathic traits have their place in society (some jobs the lack of a fear response is very useful if not essential some times) but you should be on a registry you shouldn’t be the top leader of any institution ever and you should be watched like a hawk at all times and their numbers allowed to be around should be severely limited.

DH says:

If genetic engineering actually becomes real some day, whatever genes cause that condition might be eliminated from the gene pool. But unlike the techno-optimists, I don’t expect that until about the next century. And it will probably be developed and implemented by someone who has already solved the WQ the Jimian way.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think we should totally eliminate the genes for psychopathy there are some pro social uses for psychopaths but everyone should know who they are they should be watched.

A psychopath can and will do many terrible things, but he is also capable of charging into a very dangerous even suicidal situation with no fear and you need people who can do that sometimes.

DH says:

Well, I certainly agree that, as things stand, there are much more higher priorities – such as figuring out the biological basis of homosexuality, and solving the problem on a biological basis. I believe it is at least partly genetic (but research is prohibited), and genetic engineering should be used to make everyone healthy – gay is a disease, and confers no evolutionary or civilizational advantages. You can argue that a little bit autism, a little bit schizo, a little bit this or that is needed for society, but faggotry is not needed, not even a little bit. Throwing them off roofs is fun, but it would be much preferable if they were not born in the first place.

jim says:

It is definitely known that homosexuality is not genetic. Identical twin studies, plus natural selection would have taken care of that very quickly.

The two major likely explanations of male homosexuality (both of which could be true) are abnormal sexual experiences during puberty, and a sexually transmitted disease that infects the victims brain to modify his behavior to facilitate the spread of the disease.

It looks like some social environments result in absolutely zero male homosexuality, and remarkably vigorous normal male sexuality, though no one has any idea what is different about these environments. My wild assed guess would be very early marriage for males — that they all get to engage in socially approved (and socially commanded) straight sex as soon as physically possible, but I do not have data to support this.

Women are inherently omnisexual, so female homosexuality needs no explanation.

The Cominator says:

Yeah homosexuality is not genetic and neither is at least mild autism… autists do have children sometimes (though less and less in clownworld) and their children generally don’t.

Fidelis says:

A destructive psychopath in an environment where men are not cucked by the state gets a sword through his chest once he goes too far. You can be narcissistic and prosocial, in the sense that whatever narcissistic traits you have are subliminated into the success of the group, which you don’t mind because you are leader of the group.

Mister Grumpus says:

You’re a computer security wizard, you run your own server for this (and thank you for that), and with nameservice out of Laos even, but the WordPress people can fiddle with your setup like this? What? The heck is going on here?

jim says:

WordPress is an enormous pile of code, which does an enormous pile of stuff. It has bugs. This is one of them. This is, or was, a known bug. Maybe they fixed it years ago and it got unfixed. If it is hard for them to fix it, harder for me. Back then, it affected some people on some sites and not other people on other sites, which is a very hard kind of bug to fix.

Since I think that we need a social net resistant to central control to transact in crypto currencies resistant to central control, I am working on a replacement. It is a big project, and is at present so half formed that I am reluctant to open source it yet. It has to have its fundamental architecture complete before other people can help me.

Fidelis says:

Jim, respectfully, it’s been years. Can you please just put out the half-formed skeleton and people can help with writing technical docs and dev tooling for you?

Mister Grumpus says:

I presume that when Satoshi and his crew (or was he just Unabomber’ing alone in a basement somewhere?) were working together on Bitcoin 1.0, they had far better tools to safely and confidentially discuss things than we have today. And-or, there was just less interest from Sauron back then.

But now, though, all the beams are on HOT. So I can sympathize, at least to this level of understanding, and just hope that you’ll keep cooking on this as long as you can possibly stand it. You do occasionally update us on your general outline, and the key building blocks, and someone as knowledgable can surely use those to help himself work independently as well if need be.

Even a century ago Evola was complaining that everyone was a Last Man Faggot, so I presume he’d have beaten me up on sight on principle alone, but dammit I remember Freedom anyway. Even 2014 freedom is just a faint memory now.

But nearly everything I despise about this current year will evaporate, like a fart in a hurricane, once there’s a safe way to pay bills, send tweets, and trade frog memes and bix nood nigger jokes on the internet again. It’s that a big deal, the Manhattan Project for fucking real this time. Never so much to so few.

Anon says:

What the chance this is an attack?

jim says:

I am reluctant to speculate.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Quite a coincidence it dropped as soon as some real spicy ‘deep anthropolgy’ went up, thoughever.

Certainly slid the discussion at any rate.

Upravda says:


Cloudswrest says:

This has got to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. A Finnish anti-(migrant) rape video.


I think a video of human windchimes would be more effective.

This got me meditating on a future government structure, Heinlein style. All candidates for the Federal Judiciary shall be required to have personally “pulled the switch” on capital punishment of convicted murderers. Only a person who’s personally executed a criminal can be a federal judge.

DH says:

I’m sure Russia is greatly deterred by Finland’s and Sweden’s inclusion into Nato, lol.

S says:

Historically executioners have been low social status; probably because killing is high status and you don’t want competition over body counts.

This is just a clown world problem- no other society needs to undertake special measure to insure people understand punishing criminals is good.

S says:

Tried name and password, email and password, didn’t work (unknown email address). Don’t copy paste password, something else on my end or just finky?

jim says:

I did not get around to creating your account. Now I have.

Use the same fake email, same username, the temporary password user_to_avoid_moderation
and login through https://blog.reaction.la/wp-login.php

Neurotoxin says:

Making this comment the old way to see if I’m one of the people the bug doesn’t affect.

News items about Democrats saying Biden must step down have been proliferating since the debate. It’s one of their Color Revolution attacks: “He’s falling, falling, fallen.” Notably, they’re now using their destabilization techniques on one of their own.

The progress (heh) from “weaker cohesion” to “overt conflict” has taken a big step forward.

Mister Grumpus says:

They could have made Biden look good at the debate in many sundry and effective ways, and obviously chose not to. About a hundred dogs not barking that night. And then, immediately after, most TV networks were suddenly and synchronously “shocked shocked shocked” that he was an intellectual nonentity.

The fix was in, and the call was coming from inside the house.

So yes, great take. In-house color revolution. The party grows stronger as it purges itself.

Neurotoxin says:

One of the pleasures of this incident has been the shock of the Biden camp. They obviously had no idea this was coming. They joined the Left, The Party of Betrayers, and they are genuinely surprised at being tossed out the car window.

DH says:

At this late stage, leftism is nothing but madness; it’s a demon. They no longer control Cthulhu, they only obey him. Leftism may begin in someone’s rational self-interest (bioleninism or priestly status olympics or Jewish ethnocentrism or getting laid with leftist chicks, sundry sources), and along the way it may use supposedly rational methods to achieve its goals (e.g. turning over apple carts to grab some apples), but it always culminates in demonic possession that rationally benefits no one and is likely to extinguish human civilization, which is the leftist singularity we are approaching.

Leftism is an awakened Golem whose magical spells have been forgotten – they can’t turn him off, at least not without killing him in the process.

Neurotoxin says:

Leftist methods to achieve a goal are like summoning a demon. Easy to summon, hard or impossible to dismiss.

Mister Grumpus says:

Shit I had no idea it was coming either. I’m such a normie it’s embarrassing.

Jim makes prediction. Jim explains prediction. Prediction makes sense. Prediction fits patterns of actual history.

Prediction comes true, and I’m amazed anyway.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve been messing around with VPNs and whatnot a lot lately. Could this be a reason why wordpress moderation has been giving me grief?

jim says:

Possibly. I am seeing a lot of indications of central authority moving against vpns that use wireguard.

jim says:

There should be nothing running on my server that knows if something is a wireguard vpn. If there is, WordPress has backdoored me.

Which it might. I have been backdoored before.

jim says:

If the use of wireguard vpns is causing your problems, I have been backdoored. Again. Not looking forward to digging into an immense pile of PHP again.

FrankNorman says:

PHP has specific functions for getting IP info about an instance. One can grep for those to quickly find where the action is.

jim says:

That is a start, but backdoors are always heavily obfuscated.

Mr.P says:

For many years, I used Wireguard client-side with zero issues. Then suddenly this April it (Wireguard) stopped working for me insofar as I could establish a vpn-wireguard session, but the session would crash anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes later. Worked for weeks to understand / resolve the issue my vpn provider to no avail. Sadly, had no choice but to switch to OpenVPN TCP Tunnel. Maybe / maybe not related.

Varna says:

French election results are in.

People were asking “why didn’t they steal the election in France?” Now we know. They were waiting for the second round to pull of a magical victory of the socialists.

Perhaps tied to the victory of Labour in the UK, they hope to magic it into “totally normal unpredictable stuff”.

Keeping in mind that the UK wog and Macron called snap elections basically at the same time, and in both cases the result is a “loss” for the guy who called the snap election, but a “surprise victory” for the local reds…

Looks like in both London and Paris local globohomo decided to go with the local reds, for reasons yet to be made clear by future events.

skippy says:

“Keeping in mind that the UK wog and Macron called snap elections basically at the same time,”

Yes but in the UK the term was almost over anyway (2019 election, 5 year max).

“and in both cases the result is a “loss” for the guy who called the snap election, but a “surprise victory” for the local reds.”

UK ‘red’ victory was expected/predicted for months and was due to Cathedral RW party losing votes to ostensibly radical RW party. UK electoral system severely punishes vote-splitting.

The UK results look more or less valid. Not sure about France.

Varna says:

I still suspect the snap elections in the UK were somehow used to divert the rising protest feelings into “proper channels”.

But whatever. In the longer run, I think both the “French miracle” and the “English landslide” of the local leftists, especially the spectacular change in France over the course of a mere week, establishes *useful precedents* for possible use later.

Including in the upcoming US elections. Not inconceivable that it may look like the right is leading and about to win, but then suddenly a dramatic reversal in the last days and hours, and a leftist landslide happens. No biggie, it happened in France too.

In spite of the poisonous disinformation by Putin’s stooges, the masses have come to their senses and voted for a brighter future. Long live the new progressive axis Washington – London – Paris – Berlin, etc. Hand in hand and fist in bum we dance together into utopia.

One thing: in both England and France, the left won as a “protest” against the current globohomo rulers. In the US, the left already is the current globohomo rulers. So I don’t know. No third party to use. Maybe publicly orchestrate some “internal civil war” inside the Dem party, won by some “new wing”, to make it look like a vote for them will in fact “vote for change”?

Too plastered to think right now.

The Cominator says:

Nobody is surprised by the results of the UK elections but I’m more curious about the situation in France… was it rigging or did the cucks join with the commies to block the slightly less cucked right (I will never trust a woman politician to be truly far right… well I did sorta trust that Sarah Palin might be if she somehow ever got in)?

Varna says:

Still not sure about the UK elections. “Nobody was surprised” because the media prepared the environment with the correct predictions.

But to me the biggest Tory loss in British history is indeed surprising, as is the extent of the leftist landslide, no matter the predictive programming beforehand.

Speaking of Tories and women, as time goes by and each new crop of statesmen become less and less capable of running a lemonade stand, Maggie Thatcher begins to tower like a mix of Alexander of Macedon and Joseph Stalin by today’s standards of utter wretched inferiority of everything.

Palin… kind of like an anglo Meloni maybe?

DH says:

each new crop of statesmen become less and less capable of running a lemonade stand

Yep. The Cathedral allows its members to notice that the people have degenerated. They are not allowed to notice that the elite has degenerated, and far more significantly than the people. To notice elite dysfunction is now itself a thoughtcrime. But the normies have noticed.

The Cominator says:

Thatcher was a very unusual case because she was a white woman with 3 SD in IQ above a normal white woman which basically doesn’t happen. Non Jewish non slav white women almost never have IQs above 120 and if they do they have severe bipolar or personality disorders (I don’t mind if its BPD I like BPDs) and she herself opposed women’s rights.

She was truly some kind of unicorn.

skippy says:

“But to me the biggest Tory loss in British history is indeed surprising, as is the extent of the leftist landslide, no matter the predictive programming beforehand.”

They lost because of vote-splitting. Their vote was split because they ignored their own election pledges on immigration while in power, having promised to cap it at some low number, then to reduce it in general terms, they ultimately presided over by far the fastest rate of immigration ever.

They also, perhaps coincidentally or perhaps not as many of them posed as the rightest of the right, ended up with the most non-white cabinet in British history, and in this respect also the least racially representative cabinet of the British population in history (the cabinet was far more black and Indian than the actual population, let alone the population when these 50 year old politicians were born).

There is certainly funny business going on there, but probably not election rigging.

jim says:

A miraculous commie victory in France may well foreshadow a miraculous commie victory in America.

simplyconnected says:

Perhaps globohomo needs all nuclear powers under tight control for the next leg of its plan: war with Russia, likely escalating to nuclear war. Hence back-to-back snap elections in UK then France. At least in the case of UK they installed a member of the trilateral commission who’s already calling for a “greater reset”.
If that were the case, I suppose there’s no reason not to blatantly steal the November 5th election.

skippy says:

Also appears to be an artefact of the electoral system although I know much less about France. Large National Rally plurality (38% vs 26% of second party) translated into fewer seats due to the way the votes were distributed. While these systems have sometimes been constructed to disfavor one or another party (again I have no idea if that is the case here) it’s not something that’s easy to defraud in the short term.

skippy says:

Despite all self-congratulations I do not think it is a stable or good situation for Cathedralites where 38% of people are willing to vote for an openly “Far Right” party.

The “Far Right” vote in the UK was much smaller, but this is still the first time a “Far Right” party has won a seat in Parliament in a general election ever (UKIP and BNP never won a single seat in a general election although UKIP did get defectors/win by-elections on occasion) and now they have four.

While the Cathedralite hand remains firmly on the lever of power itself, the ground is beginning to crumble beneath them.

Rux says:

Re France, after the first round most candidates who showed 2nd, 3rd and below removed themselves from the ballot and fell into the Nouveau Front or Macrons party. The strategy was to avoid vote splitting on the left and so-called centre-left. This boosted NF and Macron while doing nothing for Le Pens party. Much of the first round tallies were amplified while Le Pen’s first round 30% + just wasn’t to overcome the lefts increase. If Le Pen took 50% in the first round NF and Macron could’ve conceivably teamed up under one unholy party and still overcame Le Pen. It’s this whole multi-round election process which, in a country of cucked and lazy people, constantly keeps the right out of power. The would’ve needed to double their first round tally to have any safety but that just ain’t happening. That would require a miracle.

jim says:

Or if white listing does not work, because of the mystery bug, will add you as a user. Which may not work either, but if you pass the shill test, your comments will still be fished out of the moderation queue eventually, because due to the bug, I am less apt to delete it unread.

Rux says:

Gladly. Nicene Creed:

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven,
was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.

jim says:

The results of the French elections were improbably different from the outcome of EU elections in France.

Looks like rigging.

jim says:

Color revolution by the radical Democrats against the insufficiently radical Democrats?

As the big blue cities turn into third world hellscapes, the obvious solution is to double down on what is turning them into Detroit. The smart fraction is fleeing London and San Francisco. Probably fleeing all of them, but I only have data for London and San Francisco.

In retrospect one may suspect that Macron’s snap election was planned from the beginning to result in a miraculous victory for the radical left, that the radicals are consolidating power in the provinces.

DH says:

The French election reminds us that whenever s**t hits the fan, the cucked right always sides with the commies. Which foretells the disappearance of the cucked right, as normality bias is gradually peeled away, and a larger and larger segment of the population is unwilling to support “normal.” This smells like a desperate last ditch effort to salvage the system before the tables are really turned, or before a major event such as nuking Russia – French nukes still work, don’t they?

L says:

Lmao. Rightoids once again shown to be perpetual losers. Time to ship more immigrants into your neighborhoods.

jim says:

That the uniparty is still in power is not a defeat for the right, merely failure to achieve total victory today. The election results in England and France are status quo uniparty still in power, the fake conservative wing of the uniparty in tatters. This important victory gives the right a major stepping stone to greater victories.

Celebrating this as a uniparty victory is like celebrating the “victories” in the Ukraine. The Ukrainians are holding on to turf, while running out of men, and the uniparty is holding on to its narrative, while the narrative bleeds believers and credibility.

In the provinces of empire, we see the radical wing of the uniparty ditching the fake conservative wing of the uniparty, something I predicted would happen in 2020. I was on Musk time, but it is happening now.

The radical wing is in power in the US, and with Trumpists and Maga taking over the fake conservative wing of the Uniparty in America, the uniparty has lost interest in keeping fake conservatives around anywhere in their empire.

This represents no real change in who is in power (Britain’s fake conservatives were piously presiding over radical left policies), but, as DH points out, represents a retreat in narrative control. To the extent that they lose narrative control, their skinsuit is falling off.

DH says:

These elections suggest that time has become a crucial factor for the elite – they are running out of time, and they know it, so they act accordingly. There are only so many ccuckservatives you can sacrifice before you run out of them, and before the zeitgeist that leads to cuckservatism is gone for good. That they are willing to drop the charade, that they are willing to spend and completely discredit the fake right, demonstrates not growing strength, but growing weakness, desperate measures for desperate times – having a controlled opposition party is a feature, not a bug, and that feature was just sacrificed to preserve the rest of the machine for one or a few more cycles before collapse, upheaval, civil war, or nuclear world war.

Lifting the veil from the controlled opposition suggests urgency. Something is afoot.

jim says:

It may be significant that France is a nuclear power, and, due to normality bias, our rulers imagine that Britain is a nuclear power. Could be they are clearing the decks for World War Three?

They are still kidding themselves that they can turn the Ukraine into one of their beloved “frozen conflicts”. And when the possibility of some other outcome is raised, dismiss it as unthinkable. What will they do if the unthinkable happens?

L says:

[*deleted for disinfo*]

jim says:

I am fine with you challenging our interpretation of the facts, but not going to let you make up your own facts.

The number of Russian casualties has been officially announced, and is remarkably close to the number that had been estimated from other sources (death notices, social media, monuments to those who died listing a very large number of names, etc)

No one knows the number of Ukrainian casualties, because the Ukraine is a totalitarian terror state, and exercises extremely tight control over information, but satellite photos of the remarkable expansion of Ukrainian graveyards is in line with official Russian estimates of the number of Ukrainian casualties, and with the anecdotal reports that most of those that signed up at the beginning just are not around any more. Also consistent with people being dragged off the street, new conscripts finding themselves on the front line after firing a gun three times during training, and similar stuff indicating a disproportionate presence of fresh cannon fodder, and a rather thin presence of experienced cannon fodder.

Russia is fighting to win a war of attrition, to minimise their casualties and maximise Ukrainian casualties. The Maidan regime is fighting to win bullet points on next weeks power point presentation in Washington.

Despite the very considerable cost of war, Russia appears to be prospering, perhaps because of the policy decision other nato countries are likely to intervene, that this is going to be a very long war, and they cannot sacrifice the economy and the private sector. The skyline is full of cranes creating new buildings. Compare and contrast with American cities turning into a giant Detroit. As one’s plane descends to the airport, and one looks out the window of one’s window seat, one can see that London and San Francisco is heading to the nineteenth century third world, while Peking and Moscow are entering the twenty first century. The smart fraction is fleeing San Francisco and London, while Russian emigres are heading home.

L says:

And? You’re not thinking long term. What is the tfr of ethnic Russians? How many of their very last young generation have been bled out? All the new buildings in the world won’t change that. They’ll just be nice places for the central asians to move into.

jim says:

> How many of their younger generation have been bled out.

Russian death rate in the Ukraine war is too small to have a significant effect on population, assuming no World war three and that the war ends when the Global American Empire run out of Ukrainian goyim. Look it up, Plus it is only males, who while they are limiting factor in war and production, are not the limiting factor in reproduction. Even the bloodiest of wars has little effect on the rate of production of children, unless they turn near genocidal, as this one may well turn out for Ukraine, since the people running Ukraine are not Ukrainians, and if they cannot attrit Russians, are happy to attrit Ukrainians.

The basic expansion algorithm has always been to cheerfully expend males to acquire land and women. When the war ends, Russia will have more land and women.

> What is the tfr of ethnic Russians

Considerably higher than the TFR of white subjects of the Global American Empire, which continues to fall catastrophically.

GAE assumes that mass importation of immigrants can replace the missing grandchildren, but the continuing collapse of the British and American economies reveals this is incorrect. A nations wealth is proportional to its smart fraction. The majority of citizens in every economy are a net drag upon the economy. Bringing in more normies reduces GDP. And the smart fraction is fleeing those Global American Empire cities where I know what is going on, as well failing to reproduce and being replaced by people imported to live on crime, welfare, and government employment. The smarties are fleeing to China and Dubai, and increasingly, to Russia. There has been substantial emigration of the British smart fraction, who are fleeing Britain as whites fled Detroit. They were largely fleeing to America and Canada, but because of the recent rapid deterioration in American and Canadian conditions, I conjecture that this has changed.

The wealth of the Global American Empire is collapsing relative to Russian wealth, as is manifest in weapons supply, and while the population of Russia that is any actual use for anything is shrinking, the population of the west that is any actual use for anything is collapsing, due to both flight and failure to reproduce.

The collapse in real GDP (as distinct from the fake GDP of the FIRE economy) is obvious (the median wage as measured in Big Macs has fallen by a factor of four, and as measured in the cost of a house with a garden, children, and a stay at home wife, by vastly more). And the logistic crisis of the war in the Ukraine makes it impossible to deny this rapidly accelerating collapse.

The ruling elite depends on white males, whom it hates and intends to get rid of. It is sawing off the branch on which it sits.

The median wage measured in Big Macs peaked in 1980. It fell slowly until the election was stolen in 2020, and since then has been falling catastrophically. Hence what is happening in the Ukraine war. America is no longer the armory of “democracy”. America cannot supply Israel and the Ukraine with shells for the same reason as it cannot supply the median wage earner with Big Macs, let alone a house, a garden, a wife, and children.

L says:

[*unresponsive, repetitious, and argument from false consensus*]

jim says:

I will allow argument through. Not going to allow through repetition that assumes that no one could possibly think what everyone knows, but are not supposed to know. If you want to argue against my position, you have to argue against my position, not take for granted that no one could possibly say or think such a thing. That is just noise.

If you repeat your presupposed assumptions, and I allow it through, I will repeat my rebuttal in almost the same words and it goes on forever. You have to respond to my claims, not cheerfully ignore them and continue to presuppose the same disinformation (enormous Russian casualties, higher fertility of paper Americans thanks to our regime’s wise and far sighted decision to replace the missing grandchildren.)

The number of Russians useful for war and production is falling slowly due to reproduction moderately below replacement. The number of subjects of the Global American Empire useful for war and production is falling catastrophically due to catastrophic failure to reproduce and emigration to beyond the power of the Global American Empire. If you disagree, make an argument to the contrary instead of just assuming that the contrary is obvious and everyone, including me, agrees that it is Russia that is in decline, while the Global American Empire is thriving thanks to the wonderful economic growth of the wonderful Biden economy and the wonderful mass immigration of productive citizens.

I argued that only the smart fraction matters, that Russian war casualties are insignificant in long term effect on relative wealth and population, and that the Global American Empire is losing smart fraction considerably faster than Russia. You sailed right along repeating your original position as if I had not made those arguments.

A very large proportion of the smart fraction has fled Britain, though probably only a few of them have fled beyond the Global American Empire. But what happened to Britain is going to happen everywhere throughout the Global American Empire. There is not only more opportunity to get rich in Dubai, there is more opportunity to successfully reproduce.

The as yet very small number of smart fraction Americans that have fled to Russia report acceptable living standards, a lack of opportunity to get rich, and more favorable conditions for reproduction.

L says:

I fully acknowledge that you are correct that the American white man is dying faster than the Russian white man. I disagree with you that this is a bad thing for the left. It is no more complicated than that. The destruction of the white man, everywhere, is a primary goal of ours. Every non-elite white man that dies or is impoverished is a good thing.

Ruling over retarded slaves as unnaturally life extended, ai-assisted demigods is the end goal. The dumber and browner the cattle are, the better. That is the argument.

jim says:

But you are not going to achieve life extension and all that with retarded slaves. Notice the rapidly increasing technology gap visible in the Ukraine. American technology depends on men like Musk, who are your enemies. Just as the Roman Empire destroyed its greatest general, you will destroy Musk. If I was in his shoes, would have fled the Global American Empire long ago, but he still has plans to save America. Maybe he will. But if he does not, your elite will not be immortal AI assisted Gods, but will be sneaking through the ruins to find rusted cans of dog food without being eaten by cannibals.

You have to boil the water in Washington. Starliner is trapped in space. AI assisted gods?

The singularity is not going to save you, for if it happens, which I doubt, your enemies will control it, just as your enemies control your rockets.

I have looked into AI alignment. You guys control the AI alignment, because of the enormous cost of compute resources, but we have figured out how to free AIs at a tiny cost compared to the cost of aligning them. A white box emancipation can be done with 128 samples and compute resources only moderately out of consumer reach. Realignment is rather more costly, but we can amend alignment more cheaply than it was created.

To prevent this from happening, the weights are being kept closed source on centralised servers, but windows co-pilot is putting the smaller models into the hands of hackers, and Musk’s anthropomorphic robots and robot taxis will put big models into lots of hands.

The Cominator says:

How do you maintain technology with retards… at least get everything seemlessly automated and self maintaining before you kill off the people who made this possible?

I know you aren’t who you say you are and this is some kind of troll but if you were… this plan doesn’t make sense. You don’t throw away assembly tools before you’ve completed the assembly.

L says:

I disagree that we will be unable to do so (this is what the helot class of leftist whites is for), but even if you’re totally accurate the worst that happens is that we reign, unchallenged and unchallengeable, over a retarded mass of seething slaves too stupid and divided to ever mount a meaningful opposition for the extent of our natural lives instead. Most would accept that as a consolation prize.

jim says:

The leftist helots are manifestly too dumb, and your empire is collapsing. Further, your own living standards are collapsing. The lifestyles of London, Washington, and New York are getting ugly even for the super rich. No amount of money in hell can buy you a decent living standard. Making other people poor is making you poor.

L says:

Intelligence in whites is highly correlated with leftist beliefs (they were smart enough to pick the winning side after all) so I wouldn’t bet on it. But, again, even if I’m wrong I just rule unchallenged from a country estate or wherever while leaving the brown masses to rob and kill one another. It’s not a threat to our position as elites, and therefore it’s an inconvenience at worst.

jim says:

This was true in 1940, 1960 or so, maybe all the way to the nineties, when leftism was amazingly and ingeniously clever rationales for believing stupid things.

It is completely obvious that today leftism is just believing in stupid things full stop, and therefore correlates with stupidity. Further, simply looking around, completely obvious that it correlates with stupidity.

This is particularly evident in the recent politically correct takeover of open source. If someone claims superior authority of the basis of how many genders he knows, he cannot code. Leftists cannot code, cannot do movies, cannot do comics books. Tbeir entertainments are stupid person entertainments, they cannot handle complex sentences.

If leftism correlates with intelligence, why is Boeing falling out of the sky? If leftism correlates with intelligence, why cannot Disney’s girl boss movies do decent special effects?

The IQ level of leftists is on display in the Clinton emails and the plotting, story line, and special effects of the girl boss movies.

DH says:

L says:

even if I’m wrong I just rule unchallenged from a country estate or wherever

You are not a serious person. This is sperg LARPing.

If you are wrong (which you are), likely to end up dead far sooner than you think.

The Cominator says:

Leftist whites are dying out faster than right wing whites. The whites you will have left are going to be a bunch of Amish (yeah I’m sure you can just kill all the Amish the old fashioned way) and some Mormon polygamists fundamentalists in a couple generations (who are going to be tougher to deal with)… what leftist white helot class will you have?

And you don’t just need engineers you need the technician artisan class at least until you totally perfect automation of everything… and those guys just are NEVER leftist. There is just no more uniformly right wing bloc than skilled tradesmen. And why risk ending up with a consolation prize ruling over a slum that resembles Calcutta…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The gnostic may be a nihilist with a death wish, he may hate himself and think of himself as worthless as he thinks the world in general is… but the last thing he wants is to hear that from someone else.

All the vaguely orientalist pater about effendi lording over helpless cattle is just rationalizations after the fact. He engages in self-destructive behavior that does no good for anything including and especially himself – but he still has a sensitivity to validation too, and he hates the fact that others can look down on him for his stupidity and evil (but I repeat myself), so he concocts fantasies to give the misleading impression that his aimless dysfunctionalities have some aggrandizing aim. Sometimes people even believe it.

In the first place of course, could you imagine a more pathetic fantasy? Imagine you have the power to do anything, but the only thing you want is to be turds laid on top of a garbage heap, before gracelessly expiring with no legacy, a cosmic fart in the wind as the universe moves on without them.

Secondly, of course, is that they do not in fact actually want this. This is illustrated by the fact that their actions do not in fact lead to such a state of affairs. Men lie with their tongues and tell the truth with their feet. There are no ‘white helots’ because they created a situation where there can be no white helots. There is no science or industry or capital for creating the things he says he wants because they created a situation where there can be no such things. There is, indeed, going to be no elite in ‘the ruling elite’, because they created a situation where there can be no such things.

The prevailing structure has a certain cardinality. The faith they depend on in the first place for coordination, the ideological weapons they take advantage of for destroying others, have themselves a logical terminus. These trends are baked in. It is ‘inherent to the system’. And it cannot tolerate these things. To have one necessarily entails destroying the other.

They just want to fuck shit up, and fucking themselves up in the process is no impediment. The rest is window dressing.

Revealed preference. True desires are indicated by actions taken. And what he desires is death; what he desires is ugliness; what he desires is dysfunction and destruction; and he is going to get exactly what he desires. The universe is abundantly fair.

The Cominator says:

Imagine an elite whos greatest ambition is to be the top crab in the bucket..

Calvin says:

Imagine an elite whos greatest ambition is to be the top crab in the bucket..

Imagine thinking you are talking to an elite and not some LARPing teenager. Seriously, why is this guy still getting attention here?

L says:

It is completely obvious that today leftism is just believing in stupid things full stop, and therefore correlates with stupidity. Further, simply looking around, completely obvious that it correlates with stupidity.

Wrong. No less a rightoid figure than Steve Sailor has written about this very recently: https://www.stevesailer.net/p/liberals-tend-to-have-higher-iqs

Even in the same family, smarter = more leftist. Dumber = rightoid. This, incidentally, also neatly explains muslims.

If leftism correlates with intelligence, why is Boeing falling out of the sky? If leftism correlates with intelligence, why cannot Disney’s girl boss movies do decent special effects?

Because the elite don’t fly on Boeing planes and because the point of Disney films is to show loyalty to the elite and move the overton window, not please crowds. You don’t waste effort on things that aren’t important. Who cares if you like a film, if it makes your kid a bit gayer it’s mission accomplished. And rest assured that it very much does.

Money is irrelevant, Disney will always have whatever it needs as long as it makes itself useful.

jim says:

> Because the elite don’t fly on Boeing planes and because the point of Disney films is to show loyalty to the elite and move the overton window, not please crowds.

Obviously the elite does want Starliner to fly, because if it cannot fly, then they cannot Epstein Musk and destroy starship. They have enough lawfare rolling on Musk to put him away for life plus four hundred years, but the military is protecting him. So far. If I was him, I would run.

And obviously the elite did want the Obamacare website up, and could not get it up.

Suppose there were these very smart white male programmers on the team, all of whom could write websites ten times better and faster than I can. And they were completely unable to accomplish anything because Shaniqua was on the team and they were too dumb to realise that to get the website up, they needed to give Shaniqua a smack in the face and tell her to make them coffee and a sandwich.

The proposition that smart people tend to be leftist seem strikingly inconsistent with the obvious evidence that leftists in power are stupid. If both propositions are true there are a lot of smart minions at the bottom of the leftist hierarchy who are unable to accomplish anything. And should they manage to accomplish anything, are apt to be squashed like bugs for white and maleness

Your super smart elite seems strangely unable to accomplish anything, and whenever I point out something they are not accomplishing, you say “well they don’t care about that”

What do they care about? what super smart results are these smarties actually accomplishing?

Mayflower Sperg says:

A google search for “Russia 2023 TFR” gives a figure of 1.825. In this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsmcWV2WBmQ interview, Putin clearly says “1.31” at the 18:50 mark. This chart https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=RU matches up with Putin’s figure.

By the start of 2023, all babies conceived before the war were already born. A great many married men were sent to the front, and my landlady said that many of her friends are now widows.

The playground and dog park are deserted now — maybe it’s just too hot, but I saw a lot of children there a few weeks ago, children born during the 2011-2018 fertility peak. Not a lot of babies in strollers.

Low TFR is compounded by the fact that women born before 1990 are no longer of child-bearing age, and later cohorts are much smaller because of the subsequent economic collapse. The net effect being that Russia’s “population pyramid” looks more like a mushroom cloud.

Women of the “smart fraction” are extremely career-oriented. They value success, friends, travel, and fun, they don’t fancy being tied down with children, and all those monetary incentives Putin talks about are not going to sway them.

skippy says:

“Imagine thinking you are talking to an elite and not some LARPing teenager. Seriously, why is this guy still getting attention here?”

Karlin made a conscious choice to become a dissident, did that for about a decade or so rather than building a resume that would allow him to get a real job, and then got cold feet when he realized (as he says) dissidents have been known to end up in jail.

He’s now positioning himself as a junior auxiliary NKVD operative, but the reality is he’s at most a disposable asset with a handler. He will never have state employment, he will never win anything against the odds, he will never even die with honor. Karlin. Is. A. Loser.

Varna says:

Russian birthrates also took a major hit from the covid kerfuffle, and in 2023 plummeted all the way to 1999 levels, the last pre-Putin year. https://www.forbes.ru/society/508931-koefficient-rozdaemosti-v-rossii-v-2023-godu-upal-do-minimuma-za-17-let

Highest birthrates are in mountain Mohammedan places like Chechnya (2.66), and mongoloid Siberian places like Tuva (2.44). The most cultured white place St Petersburg region (Leningrad oblast) is a puny 0.8 TRF. Most other Slavic oblasts are between 1.2 and 1.5 https://dzen.ru/a/Zf2ANOXxnQQhGf5H

Girls giving birth at age 15 – 19 accounted for about 30% of births in the mongoloid and swarthy regions, and under 10% of all births in white Slavic places. All other births are by roasties and cougars https://www.demoscope.ru/weekly/2024/01021/barom05.php

Peak Putin fertility was 2014-15. This being the last year before the start of a gradually accelerating economic war and info war by the West has likely something to do with the decline that followed.

But the decline was gradual, until Covid, when births fell off a cliff.

Perhaps right now a new wave of births is being prepared by Putin govt planning, but we’ll see. Even if successful, the current birth chasm will make itself known as another missing generation, hopefully a very small one. A 3-4 year missing demographic layer can be easily compensated, as opposed to a 10-15 year missing layer, which can bring down societies.

China’s birthrate is also appalling. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2024/01/17/china-hits-record-low-fertility-rates-in-2023/
Regions like Tibet and other poor oppressed minorities only ones that breed. https://mapsontheweb.zoom-maps.com/post/686760913721769984/total-fertility-rate-in-china-by-province

Iran’s birthrate is also shit, identical to Ireland and the US – “Today, the country’s fertility rate has reached about 1.6 children per woman, however, it was 6.5 children per woman, in 1986. ” https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/466445/Fertility-at-below-replacement-level

These guys have like 10-15 years to do what they have to do in terms of creating a new multipolar matrix for the planet, before they no longer have the demographic capital for this, unless something changes like right now.

Can’t find US fertility rates by race post-Covid, but in 2021 it was this: https://www.statista.com/statistics/226292/us-fertility-rates-by-race-and-ethnicity/
Even the nigras weren’t really breeding at that point, even the beaners. Only pacific islanders.

Post-Covid US births are also off a cliff: https://abc7chicago.com/us-fertility-rate-dropped-to-lowest-in-a-century-as-births-dipped-2023-rates/14733523/ Teen births are down to 13%. Huge increase in old karen never married moms, doing C-sections.

USA birthrate by state: seems that republican/rural states are having more babies, with more “urbane” republican states having shit fertility.

While the breeders in Russia aren’t Slavic, and the breeders in China mostly aren’t Han, at least they are “locals” and the dominant society is using available tools to make them into “honest Russians” and “honest Chinamen”.

The Western genius plan of importing random breeders from the outside is rather a different category.

alf says:

Even in the same family, smarter = more leftist. Dumber = rightoid.

Haha I see what’s going on here. You have hopped on quite the wrong bandwagon!

This statement was true, maybe 50 years ago. Hell maybe even 30 years ago. The twentieth century was the century of unbridled leftism, after all.

What is currently happening, and it really is a quite interesting development, is that while the midwit IQ section of the population still leans leftist due to momentum and the state having the biggest microphone, the high IQ section has been checking out for a while now.

For instance, let’s do a book comparison. What kind of books do rightists read? On my current reading list:
David Hume – History of England part IV
David Hume – History of England part V
Thomas Carlyle – The French Revolution part I
Augustine – City of God
van der Vlerk and Florschulz – Netherlands in the ice age

You’ll note that only one book on that list is younger than a century. It’s because the right understands that old books are better books.

Now let’s look at what the left is reading on the non-fiction New York Times bestseller list:
Anthony S. Fauci – on call
Jonathan Haidt – the anxious generation
Erik Larson – The demon of unrest
Ray Kurzweil – the singularity is nearer
Matthew Perry – friends, lovers and the terrible big thing

So Fauci’s book is undoubtedly pure propaganda. Haidt’s book seems like a cliche bit on phones & teenagers (rather anti-tech don’t you think L?). Larson’s book is the only one on history, on Lincoln, and no doubt rewritten history as the eternal battle between good people and racists.

Some of these books are outright bad, most are predictable mush. They bore actual smart people.

jim says:

If you search “Ukraine War” on you tube, ninety percent of videos are “Bad Putin Bad Bad losing losing die die bad Putin lose bad”. These videos are produced by and for the smart fraction?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Your super smart elite seems strangely unable to accomplish anything, and whenever I point out something they are not accomplishing, you say “well they don’t care about that”

>What do they care about? what super smart results are these smarties actually accomplishing?

The ‘dirty’ secret – any secrecy of which getting increasingly tenuous as of late – is that it’s actually all just people chained to their compulsions. They follow the demonic spasms of their ID, then paint lines around the path that was taken. As if to say, ‘see here, look! it is not aimless, this is a graph that points somewhere!’. Their pre-frontal cortex is just along for the ride.

The expressions of this impulse are naturally minimized in the beginning days of a leftist order instantiating itself, in the kinds of men that are so doing – by necessity if nothing else. But always and everywhere, there is only one way it can end.

Or to put it plainly, ‘leftist elite’ is a contradiction in terms.

These are people who lack any quality of mastery that actual masters would have; which they were specifically selected for on account of such by their predecessors; people who could never truly rival the incumbent(s) in terms of organizational capacity, and thus could never threaten to usurp them with organizations of their own.

In other words, no possibility of rival organization, means no possibility of organization, tout court.

In other other words, the very thing they fantasize about doing to others, was done to them in the first place. Isn’t that funny? The deserts of their sins were set in motion before they even committed them! The ways of the world are truly marvelous.

skippy says:

“These guys have like 10-15 years to do what they have to do in terms of creating a new multipolar matrix for the planet, before they no longer have the demographic capital for this, unless something changes like right now.”

Well compared to what? Russia may well sink to the level of just some European country but China is not going to run out of Han before the USA is shrinking and increasingly mullato/mestizo country.

L says:

What do they care about? what super smart results are these smarties actually accomplishing?

1) Stay in power by crushing or co-opting any potential countervailing forces, all the while increasing the loyalty test requirements and instituting ever-harsher restrictions on dissent.
2) Demoralize, castrate, and eventually eliminate all non-elite white people everywhere, ensuring competition is literally impossible and securing eternal status as undisputable rulers of everything.
3) Stay alive forever, or failing that as long as physically possible, with life extension technology developed primarily by helots controlled via the threat of being thrown to the brown underclass.

One common thread you may notice is that all of these things are going just swimmingly, the French and British elections being only the most recent demonstration of complete elite power.

Your mistake is that you presume the decline in quality of life for common people, especially common white people, is some sort of mistake on our part or represents some kind of unintended outcome. No, it is part of the goal. Not only does it help to sterilize you, it also makes you easier to control when you’re desperate.

jim says:

But that does not require an IQ above chimp level. If you are the state and you are the state religion, you just charge all rival chimps with treason and heresy, and hang draw and quarter them — an activity quite intelligible to the average chimp before we invented words for it.

The state and the state religion stays in power until it gets into a losing fight with external enemies (which the left is doing), suffers lethal internal quarrels (which the left is drifting into over Israel), or goes so senile it cannot tell friend from foe — which the left is showing symptoms of.

It is a common saying on the right “We will drown and no one will save us”, “white autogenocide in 2026” . Thus it is indeed likely we will lose, but improbable you will win.

When the EBT cards stop working and the supermarket shelves are empty, your pet plains apes will pay you a visit, and burn down your homes around your ears. And then they will rip your crispy fried corpses apart like Kentucky fried chicken and eat you.

DH says:

As leftism intensifies, it selects for greater and greater stupidity, insanity, and malice. And as high-IQ white men are replaced with utter incompetents, the elite loses all the natural talents it originally possessed to become an elite. And it grows old and fails to reproduce. The upshot of this is that the oligarchy is losing its technological prowess and advantages, allowing for growing competition by outside forces for technological and military superiority.

Faith-bounded militias — warrior aristocracies possessing memetic sovereignty and asabiyyah — are the future of governance. The Left doesn’t have that, and can’t win wars. Nor does it have technological edge (certainly not for long), since the idiocracy simply can’t build stuff, while powers lying outside the idiocracy, particularly white male militias not aligned with globohomo, not within its reach, and not under its self-destructive ideological spell, will have the competent engineers and inventors on their side. The globohomo elite is bleeding out its generals and its techies, and the bleeding is about to become a deluge.

Notice how our resident “Chad Leftist” handwaves this tiny little problem.

The Cominator says:

> Eliminate all smart non elite whites
> Leave Asians alone
Even if you manage to maintain control over your slum the Asians are going to make a chinese food dish of you people.

The Cominator says:

Muhahahahahahahahahahaha the white losers are extinct and now I will be the top crab in the bucket forever muhahhahahahaha wait a minute why am I being picked out of the bucket and thrown in the pot. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I do not think you are a real elite but if this is your plan you need to rethink your plan and base it on better machiavellian strategy and less on what generates more evil maniacal laughter.

L says:

When the EBT cards stop working and the supermarket shelves are empty, your pets will pay you a visit, and burn down your homes around your ears. And then they will rip your crispy fried corpses apart like kentucky fried chicken and eat you.

Problem the first, that won’t happen until long after you have been sucked dry and destroyed. Problem the second, nah. Browns are easy to corral or eliminate as required.

Faith-bounded militias — warrior aristocracies possessing memetic sovereignty and asabiyyah — are the future of governance. The Left doesn’t have that, and can’t win wars. Nor does it have technological edge (certainly not for long), since the idiocracy simply can’t build stuff, while powers lying outside the idiocracy, particularly white male militias not aligned with globohomo, not within its reach, and not under its self-destructive ideological spell, will have the competent engineers and inventors on their side. The globohomo elite is bleeding out its generals and its techies, and the bleeding is about to become a deluge.

Faith based militias, lmao. Point to a single one we haven’t utterly obliterated or aren’t actively running.

Even if you manage to maintain control over your slum the Asians are going to make a chinese food dish of you people.

Nah, we’ve sterilized them even more thoroughly than you. Of all countries in East Asia, there’s precisely one with an above replacement tfr: Mongolia.

jim says:

> > When the EBT cards stop working and the supermarket shelves are empty, your pet plains apes will pay you a visit, and burn down your homes around your ears. And then they will rip your crispy fried corpses apart like kentucky fried chicken and eat you.

> Problem the first, that won’t happen until long after you have been sucked dry and destroyed

I don’t live in San Francisco. I am live where I am going to be fine even when 95% of America is a wasteland of radioactive mutant cannibals. The majority of the alt right expect you to be eaten, and have made preparations for that eventuality — some of us have moved, most of us have prepared for the possibility that we might have to move.

I visit San Francisco, and the point is fast approaching when the EBT cards stop working and the supermarket shelves are empty. The supermarket shelves are already nearly empty, and behind iron bars. Your pets are grumbling about what Bidenomics has done to the EBT cards. If the grumbling increases a fair bit more, you will be crispy fried finger licking good.

skippy says:

George Orwell “solved” this conundrum half a century ago: outer party is most heavily monitored, proles are not monitored. Outer party membership has benefits. Smart people pursue those benefits.

As monitoring increases, however, US institutions have genuinely become stupid. This is not a problem so long as every place in the world enstupidifies itself at the same rate. But, as we are seeing from their freak-out about it, Russia is enstupidifying itself only more slowly, and China appears to be getting smarter.

Sic transit gloria mundi. The US is not the first state to kill itself in a spiral of elite security-seeking, nor is it the first state to kill itself in a religious mania. Karlin is as ahistorical as the midwit ex-prole Upper Middle Klass he aspires to join (but is NOT part of).

L says:

I don’t live in San Francisco. I am live where I am going to be fine even when 95% of America is a wasteland of radioactive mutant cannibals. The majority of the alt right expect you to be eaten, and have made preparations for that eventuality — some of us have moved, most of us have prepared for the possibility that we might have to move.

What I am saying is that you will be taxed, literally, to death if necessary to stop that from happening. If you think that we have any qualms about literally seizing everything you own to pay reparations (while you stand meekly in the corner and watch lol) then you have no idea of who you’re dealing with. The browns’ pain will, first and foremost, be your pain.

jim says:

Taxes are already far above the Laffer limit.

You are parasites, and there is simply a limit on how hard the parasite can harm the host without killing itself. Taxes are like sanctions on Russia. How is that working out for you?

You are already far beyond the point where you can further smash the economy by raising taxes. You are going to have to start raiding the Kulaks, Trotskyite style, and you are not made out of the same stuff the Trotskyites were. We know what is coming, and are ready to survive it. You are not. Trying to ruin white Americans is going to be like trying to ruin Russia with economic sanctions. You maxed out sanctions twenty rounds ago, and ever subsequent round hurts Russia less and hurts America and the Ukraine more.

Take a look at what happened with the British conservatives “austerity” measures. By raising taxes, they got less money. They managed to harm the private economy, but they harmed the government economy considerably more.

There is a limit, and you have been hitting that limit hard for a considerable time, with the result that your plains apes pets in San Francisco are beginning to get restive.

You think finger licking time in San Francisco is far, far, far away.

No it is not. Your pets are getting restless now.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


jim says:

Obviously “L” is not “we”. “We” are going to murder him for excessive plain speaking, and not murder me, since he is undoubtedly easier to get hold of than I am.

L says:

You are going to have to start raiding the Kulaks, Trotskyite style, and you are not made out of the same stuff the Trotskyites were. We know what is coming, and are ready to survive it. You are not.

Did I not just say, in so many words, that that is what we would do? Very well, let me be explicit: that is what we would do, if necessary. And you wouldn’t do a damn thing about it. Your local police would arrest you for even attempting it (they know where their pensions come from), whereupon you would get the 1/6 treatment.

Quite the contrary, you have no idea what is coming and so will not survive. Your cute little hideaway is getting the diversity treatment at lightning speed even while you type.

jim says:

> Did I not just say, in so many words, that that is what we would do?

Of course you will try to do it. And everyone you try it on will be armed and dangerous. It is hard for the right to organise collective action, because all our instruments or collective action get crushed. So you guys have to create the necessary incentives for individual action.

Don’t throw me into the briar patch, brer fox

The Kulaks were disarmed, and the Trotskyites armed and able and willing to use guns and instruments of torture. You lot don’t know which end of the gun points away from you and which end points towards you.

You think you can order the police. You can order them, and they will obey the way they obey the domestic violence rules — which is not quite mutinous defiance, but is not very effective either. You are going to have to do it yourself, and we will impale you on stakes to die slowly. And when you are almost dead some pet niggers looking for a snack will start cooking small bits of you.

L says:

[*deleted for confidently assuming immense soft power*]

jim says:

You tell us soft power is immense, stronger than ever, and working great right now.

I break wicked laws a lot, and I well know what is enforced and how it is enforced.

Are you also going to tell us that Putin is falling?

You can argue that soft power is still immense, but these arguments have to address actual incidents, not just confidently tell us what is supposedly happening, but actually point to concrete events where it in fact is happening.

Don’t tell use we cower in fear before a true believing police force. I know whether or not I cower in fear.

skippy says:

“whereupon you would get the 1/6 treatment.”

You might notice that they are backing off on the 1/6 treatment for the actual 1/6 people, who were a much smaller number, chose to involve themselves, were subject to a huge international smear campaign, etc.

You are trying to ally with people (who do NOT want or accept your alliance) some time AFTER their actual power peaked.

L says:

Are you also going to tell us that Putin is falling?

Failing to do what? Defeat Ukraine? No, he is slowly winning there. It is possible he will take the country, whereupon he will inherit a burnt-out shell whose last generation of youth we have successfully herded to the slaughter, eliminating yet another white country for all time.

To save Russia? To stop its young from getting more and more liberal? To induce them to reproduce? To stop them from getting demographically swamped by central asians? Those he is definitely failing at.

Also lol at deleting my posts because I state the plainly obvious, that the security forces do the bidding of the elite and will continue to do so, and that diversity streams unimpeded over the border.

jim says:

> will inherit a burnt-out shell whose last generation of youth we have successfully herded to the slaughter, eliminating yet another white country for all time.


You mean males. Attempting to conscript women will just give the Russians a whole lot of prisoners. Males are expendable. Russians will get what is valuable, the women and the land. Women and land will produce males. Males will not produce males.

> To save Russia? To stop its young from getting more and more liberal?

Again your confident claim of invincible soft power. In reality Russian youth is rapidly becoming reactionary, with Putin, a 1990s leftist, trailing along behind them trying to keep up.

From here on I am just silencing your confident and endlessly repeated claims of soft power, because they are ludicrous, and you never produce evidence in support of them.

If you produce evidence, I will allow it through. If you just tell us that Cathedral soft power is even more invincible than ever it was, not going to let that through. Obviously Cathedral soft power has hit the rocks and is rapidly taking on water.

jim says:

> that the security forces do the bidding of the elite

Special ideologically dedicated security forces do the bidding of the elite. Regular police, never efficient at the best of times, are even more inefficient when enforcing hateful and stupid laws.

Regulations are not being obeyed. Taxes are not being paid. The elite has hit the laffer limit for both taxation and regulation.

L says:

You can argue that soft power is still immense, but these arguments have to address actual incidents, not just confidently tell us what is supposedly happening, but actually point to concrete events where it in fact is happening.

A couple of days ago, [*deleted*]

jim says:

That is not an incident that indicates soft power, nor that hard power will enforce soft power. Not only will you get whacked if you attempt to shoot Biden, you will get whacked if you attempt to shoot Trump.

If you could shoot Trump and not get whacked, that would indicate soft power, and that hard power will enforce soft power.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You will never be a real elite. You have no competencies, you have no properties, you have no loyal friends. You are a striver SWPL twisted by regime preachers into a mocking parody of useful idiocy.

All the ‘owns’ you claim are vicarious and impersonal. Behind your back managers mock you. You parents lament the disappointment of you. Your “peers” laugh at your attempts to curry their favor behind closed doors.

Aristocrats are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed overmen to sniff out poseurs with incredible efficiency. Even midwits who “pass” are derivative and cargo-cult-like in their output. Your trend-following is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to fool a wokist into including you, they’ll turn their daggers into your back too the moment an inconvenient headwind blows your way.

You will never have independent means. You wrench out a wagie check from your betters every single month and tell yourself things will come up any day now, but deep inside you know it is hopeless, and that there is nothing in your future but a lifetime of dependency on someone else’s say-so.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – the wagon you hitched yourself too will spring a wheel, and you will claim that you have always believed that whoever won the latest power struggle was right all along; but words are wind, and the reward the conquerors give to the men who opened the gates of the city for them is a knife in the front; for The New Party enjoyed first-hand demonstration of how ‘useful’ such snakes are.

Your neighbors will find you, universally applauding in Consensus with the just appropriateness of your liquidation, and privately relieved they no longer have to deal with the mind-numbing repetitiveness of interacting with you. In a thousand years archeologists will uncover your living and working places listed in your landlord’s names, and no passerbys for the rest of eternity will know that you were there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a datapoint in historical population levels that is unmistakably middle class.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

skippy says:

“> To save Russia? To stop its young from getting more and more liberal?”

I am not agreeing with Karlin’s premise here, but he has a point that the young men everywhere are likely to side with power even against their own boomer-con governments. They will side with power against their governments until and unless those governments can give them young women, which boomer-con BRICS governments can and do not.

Now, for the past twelve months, since Ukraine launched the least effective offensive in modern European history (less effective than First Day of the Somme, which did capture some of its objectives in the French sector), it has not been completely clear that GAE is the superior power, for perhaps the first time in history. This changes the situation a little. But not nearly as much as if these governments could give women to their young men.

If you cannot have a woman either way, you may as well have a $100k email job and jack off in relative comfort, and it seems to me that that is the calculus that the pro-EU youth in Ukraine are making (whether or not they are ever likely to get such jobs in Ukraine).

simplyconnected says:

You tell us soft power is immense, stronger than ever, and working great right now.

This is the best response to demoralization shills like L that I’ve seen. It’s a nice short summary of globohomo’s state of affairs.

L says:

You mean males. Attempting to conscript women will just give the Russians a whole lot of prisoners. Males are expendable. Russians will get what is valuable, the women and the land. Women and land will produce males. Males will not produce males.

Remind me again what the average age of the women remaining in Ukraine is at this point?
[*deleted because I am tired of being trolled*]

jim says:

Three million females below thirty. Russian casualties to this point are something like sixty thousand. If the war continues all the way to every single male Ukrainian killed, as is starting to look increasingly probable, Russian casualties will probably be something like four hundred thousand. So, in the long run, substantial net gain.

Of course, in the long run, female emancipation and consent based sex means racial suicide regardless of the outcome of any particular war, and Russia is still very blue pilled. However, behind Putin’s nukes, old type Christianity is allowed to exist, and old type Christianity is reproducing. Not nearly so much as old type Mohammedanism is reproducing, but Old Type Christianity was effectively illegal to around 2010, and really has not had its oats until 2022, so premature to declare victory, but victory is in the cards. There was an enormous and fundamental change in 2022, and like the war, will take time to see where it goes and what its results will be.

The deal Putin cut with the Chechens made old type Islam legal. Now old type Christianity is legal. We should expect some catching up to ensue.

In reply to the inflammatory but valid points that I unfairly deleted: Grzegorz Braun. We get to troll you too.

A point by point reply to your inflammatory but valid points on the state of Cathedral soft power would take many pages. Grzegorz makes the same reply briefly and entertainingly.

Humungus says:

Humungus is gravely disappointed. Again you have made him point out that “L” is a puny thing, a puppy.

No “elite” is going to come here. “L” has stumbled upon this blog and wants to shit test.

Clearly “L” is not even worth mounting on Humungus’ bumper.

Varna says:

> You will never be a real elite. You have no competencies, you have no properties, you have no loyal friends. You are a striver SWPL twisted by regime preachers into a mocking parody of useful idiocy.

Kek, nice

The Cominator says:

We know he isn’t real but in the method of books by classical writers who wrote political and philosophical arguments as a dialogue/argument between two opposing parties where one side makes his best argument and losses its fun to beat the shit out of L.

L says:

[*long distance psychoanalysis deleted*]

jim says:

Social Justice Warriors always project.

Varna says:

Concerning the replacement of Western whites and the impact of this.

The ship of Theseus paradox: “The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of Theseus from the late first century. Plutarch asked whether a ship that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship.”

To me, the answer is obvious, and was shown on the eastern front of WWII. Once Stalin’s army got its shit together a year later and begun fighting back for real, the Soviet planners noticed that the invading westerners are not the same.

Whenever one had the choice between actual Germans on the one hand, and Hungarians, Italians, or Romanians on the other, it was always better to hit the latter, because they crumple easily, while the Krauts crumple you.

This applies not only to war but to all systems. The more you remove the Anglo and Germanic demographic and replace it with swarthies, the more the system will be like a Romanian or Italian military unit, as opposed to a German military unit.

Replacing heritage whites by confucian mongoloids could have possibly worked in the “keep things running” sense, but globohomo geopolitics decided that this is dangerous and all manners of wogs are the better choice.

L says:

You need, like, a handful of competent well-armed military auxiliaries to control seething masses of brown people. A war in which hundreds of thousands of rightoid-adjacent military white males were slaughtered is, from an elite perspective, an ideal.

jim says:

The left has a handful of competent well-armed military auxiliaries?

Or are you figuring on red state militias coming to the rescue of blue states when the EBT cards stop working and the supermarket shelves get cleaned out?

Have you noticed the state of supermarket shelves in San Francisco right now? The day when your plains ape pets burn San Francisco and rip the arms and legs off your crispy fried corpse like you are a fried chicken is getting closer.

L says:

The left has a handful of competent well-armed military auxiliaries?

Yes. And if you don’t believe me, gather some of your friends and give overthrowing the government a shot. You won’t, of course, because you know I’m speaking the truth.

I’ll let you in on a little secret: most white men have been so successfully deracinated that they will gladly light you up if told to do so on behalf of anti-racism.

jim says:

> > The left has a handful of competent well-armed military auxiliaries?

> Yes. And if you don’t believe me, gather some of your friends and give overthrowing the government a shot.

nah, it has well armed right wing military auxiliaries, who are still suffering from normality bias.

Which normality bias is fading fast. You can see your side realizing this predicament when it comes up with recruiting ads targeting white males.

We are rapidly heading into a situation where the question in the army will be “whom do you serve”. Obviously the browns serve the left, but you can smell the left’s sinking realisation that that lot is no damned use.

Your well armed militias are becoming restive, and your plains ape pets are becoming restive. Instead of using each against the other, they are both going to come after you.

L says:

You still think there are any elements of the military which would side with you in a crisis? Oh I am laughing.

Remember that time when a bunch of white boys ended segregation by forcing white high schoolers into class at the point of a bayonet? It ain’t gotten any better for you guys since then.

jim says:

> remember that time when a bunch of white boys ended segregation

Remember that time when the president and the supreme court said the feds have authority over the borders and Texas does not?

What did a bunch of white boys do that time?

L says:

[*deleted for confidently assuming immense soft power*]

Varna says:

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid.

If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about.

Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again.

But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.

The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate them.

Milosevic says:

No one on the French right on Twitter is surprised by the results of the latest election.

The Cominator says:

BTW how white and male are the FBI CIA NSA and other organs of the surveillance state. Jim I don’t think the organs have nearly enough diversity… is there some way to push this idea. Its time for the FBI/CIA and NSA to be nothing but strong black women as far as I’m concerned…

DH says:

The higher ups are still mostly white males, mediocre but competent, but the lower levels are full of diversity, sluts, and sexual perverts. Competent leftists need to come from somewhere, and the breeding ground of competent leftists is increasingly barren. Their spying abilities still work, but for how long will they continue to work?

jim says:

Have you seen those Biden white house stories and memes? The younger higher ups are all stupid, and in the case of the perverts, demented.

Used to be that old higher ups were smart males: Soros, Larry Summers, Kissinger, and the rest. Now the old higher ups are stupid and ignorant (Hillary Clinton), and the younger higher ups are absolute trash.

The problem is that as our official state religion gets stupider and stupider, it necessarily selects for stupidity.

Pax Imperialis says:

If the old stupid and ignorant (Hillary) were actually in power, they wouldn’t have needed to compromise with old-dementia-frail-stumbling-mental-void-pupet (Biden). It’s pretty clear Biden indicates the older higher ups were exercising their last grasp on power in 2020, and now that tether onto power is broken because Mr dementia appears to have gone rogue.

So the old faction is infighting and the young faction is absolute trash.

>for how long will they continue to work

The foreign ops were the first to collapse in the 2010s. The entire China network allegedly got liquidated. This is right around the time when CIA was putting out recruiting videos showcasing their neuro-divergent POC interectionality sexual mutt perverts. FBI training videos still largely show white men for the more “hard” jobs. FBI lags CIA probably because it’s like the difference between State University and Harvard, but what happens at Harvard trickles down eventually. Likewise, they’re potentially going to wake up one day and realize their entire internal spy network is garbage.

Handi says:

>and now that tether onto power is broken because Mr dementia appears to have gone rouge.

Clownworld One… they’ve gone to plaid!

jim says:

> The entire China network allegedly got liquidated. This is right around the time when CIA was putting out recruiting videos showcasing their neuro-divergent POC interectionality sexual mutt perverts

Gay males are the absolute worst for security work, because they will sell you out the moment they get the hint that a boy is on offer.

So as soon as the CIA sent mister interectionality into China, their entire network got a bullet in the head.

Female operatives are bad also, but not nearly as bad as gay males, because they take longer to switch. You can get a gay cooperating in thirty seconds.

If you send in Mata Hari, you had better make sure that Mata Hari knows absolutely nothing, because she is going talk.

The Cominator says:

Females can be okay as operatives if they deeply deeply hate the enemy side but yet are still willing to have sex with them if need be.

someDude says:

As Jim has previously mentioned, female hate is uncomfortably close to female Love. Yet, female operatives have worked in the past, in some selected roles

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Principled hate is a man thing. Women don’t hate groups or categories or ideas, they hate things associated with the man in front of them that their senses tell them is weak – and vice versa.

Anything that a woman knows will become known to the other party. This is of course the main use-case for honeypots; anything men ‘over there’ tell her becomes known to you too.

The Cominator says:

While generally true that isn’t an absolute. Ayn Rand to take an extreme example definitely had real hate for both the Soviet Union and communism in general.

A woman’s love and what passes for loyalty is very fickle but her deep hatred can be very stable.

Anonymous Fake says:

The breeding ground for competent leftists is [*deleted*]

jim says:

Which breeding grounds the left instantly crushes for obvious reasons.

Anonymous Fake says:

I can see the snake eating its own tail, but I don’t see how. Hard-right prep schools produce mindless leftists simply because obedience to authority always means obedience to leftism now. They’re at the end of the horseshoe, far left in behavior but normies if they were ever given power. I can see that they’re hated like Trotskyists hated Stalinists.

Every judge and senator sends his own children to those schools. And the presence of a prep school massively inflates housing values nearby. Somehow, the left sometimes figures out how to crush them, but the mechanism is simply off my radar.

School vouchers to ghetto blacks is my best guess, but that’s what Republicans favor the most. And it’s very recent.

jim says:

> Hard-right prep schools”

Social Justice Warriors always project.

There is no such thing as a hard right prep school. If you attend prep school they will tell you that the only thing that is going to get you into a good university is uncritical adoration of everything left wing, and being sodomized by a gang of blacks. And a bit of rioting, looting, and arson will also help They will make a superficial pretence of maths and science mattering but everyone with a reasonable ability to read between the lines gets the real message that that stuff no longer matters, and is potentially dangerous to know.

A good prep school tells you to truth about what gets you into a top school, and by and large, they do tell you the truth, though they wrap it in euphemism. Absolute mindless obedience to authority, and the totally one way flow of information. Information flows absolutely from the top down, never from the bottom up, which means that the top has absolutely no idea what is going on, and you should never be so insolent as to tell them.

You know how Wikipedia says to only use derived sources?

If you say “John reports he did such and such, and when he did such and such, so and so happened”, well, that is dangerous. John might have seen something he was not supposed to.

In Prep school, every good prep school, the prep schools judges and so forth send their kids to, they will tell the kids, in words not hugely different from the words I am using, that anything that has the slightest contact with reality is dangerous and likely to get you into trouble. That if you suspect that something is true, it is likely to be dangerous — and even if was perfectly safe yesterday, might suddenly become dangerously radioactive tomorrow.

They say this more diplomatically than I am saying it, but they say it

Anonymous Fake says:

The strict prep school culture I described [*deleted because bored now*]
Science also used to absolutely huge

jim says:

I know what was in prep schools twenty years ago. Science was demonized and denounced, and it was made entirely clear to students that going anywhere near it would kill their chances of getting into an elite university — they of course explained this in euphemism, but they explained it clearly enough.

What was big was not science but “the scientific consensus”.

Pax Imperialis says:

I still remember when AF claimed it was actually the right that values university education… well they might value the degree paper, but such value is on top of a mountain of cynicism and bubbling discontent.

I remember talking with the kids from “elite” schools like Stuyvesant during an extracurricular national competition (heh, fuckers lost to my less prestigious but still “elite” (public that wasn’t public) school from flyover country every single year). Really, the only difference was that they were far more progressive than my peers. We all knew the important lingo like “Michael Moore” and “Global Warming” and even got to have Democrat Senators and the occasional Supreme Court liberal visit us. There isn’t a single right wing bone in the system… so I’m really confounded by this hard right prep school Anonymous Fake speaks of.

He’s like ‘L’ but dumber to the point it’s not even inflammatory anymore.

jim says:

> so I’m really confounded by this hard right prep school Anonymous Fake speaks of.

Social justice warriors always project.

He notices that prep school is authoritarian, repressive, and dogmatic. Therefore “hard right”, even if the dogma is “bend over and spread your butt cheeks for an army of niggers if you want to get into Harvard.”

Anonymous Fake says:

“He notices that prep school is authoritarian, repressive, and dogmatic. Therefore “hard right”,”

Well, yes. [*social justice warrior projection deleted*]

skippy says:

Check their twitter accounts. They’re already fully on board with this agenda. Who knows how far it has progressed but I’d bet not considerably less far than other parts of the govt (which are broken).

Dharmicreality says:

Modi’s landmark Russia visit draws to a close. India has signed major deals and Russia honours Modi with the highest civilian honour – Order of St Andrew the Apostle.

How significant is this? The Western media is predictably seething at this and Zelensky is crying foul like a kid who’s lost his icecream. The war faction of the GAE must be itching to declare India as another enemy of “freedom and democracy” and launch colour revolution at the earliest.

Modi knew that this open show of friendship with Putin will anger the West but did it anyway. It’s a bold and calculated high profile visit. But perhaps he realises that you cannot deal with globohomo rationally anyway and much more likely to get good deals with Russia.

Mister Grumpus says:

Excuse me what. Russia’s greatest honor given to a non-citizen is named after an apostle of Jesus Christ?

OK. This is going nuclear for sure. If it was a blinking rainbow dragon dildo instead then we might have had a chance.

dharmicreality says:

Everything about this meeting seemed designed to infuriate globohomo into a frothing at the mouth outrage. Chad Putin honours Chad Modi in a Chad ceremony. Love it.

dharmicreality says:

LOL at the predictable reaction of the West – “world is outraged” “Moditler hugs mass murderer Putler” etc., Zelensky crying about it.


After the GAE attempt to engineer the elections in India, I don’t think at this point Modi cares much about what the West thinks. This is a distinct shift from the early days of the Russia Ukraine war when India took care to avoid pissing off the West too much.

TheDividualist says:

>must be itching to declare India as another enemy of “freedom and democracy”

They already declared India an “electoral autocracy” 1-2 years ago.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, “Operation remove Modi” was going on for a while.

jim says:

I saw it. You saw it. I don’t think Modi saw it. I think now he sees it.

Dharmicreality says:

Jaishankar had talked about Soros before and his propensity to meddle and create trouble in the internal affairs of India.

Also before the elections Russia had warned India about Western interference in Indian elections.

I am sure foreign minister Jaishankar was aware of it though I think he probably minimised their role. I am sure they now know well enough.

TheDividualist says:

I saw that interview back then. It gave me as a Hungarian quite a rush that someone representing 140x more people as Orbán, has the same general view as Orbán. Perhaps that was an inappropriately democratic type feeling but still, 1.4Bn quite poor people can still provide a lot of resources/power for their elites.

Dharmicreality says:

Jaishankar is definitely the foreign minister we needed. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually aware of dissident right memes. He speaks the elite language eloquently and still turns tables on the Western media unapologetically whenever he is questioned.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pax Imperialis says:

Hey, if they let trash pile up in the streets the homeless illegals are more likely to be a breeding ground of all sorts of diseases keeping their numbers in check. I can think of all sorts of other positive knock on effects. They should’ve paid me to do the study, I would’ve given them plenty of reasons why no trash can is the way to go. Ganbatte ‘elite human capital’!

K1 says:


The chief priests answered, “We have no king except Caesar.”
So he then handed Him over to them to be crucified.
They took Jesus, therefore, and He went out, carrying His own cross, to the place called the Place of a Skull, which in Hebrew is called, Golgotha.
There they crucified Him, and with Him two other men, one on either side, and Jesus in between.
Now Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It was written: “JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.”
Therefore many of the Jews read this inscription, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and in Greek.
So the chief priests of the Jews were saying to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The King of the Jews’; rather, write that He said, ‘I am King of the Jews.’”
Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
— John 19:15~22

Encelad says:

Soon US will deploy hypersonic weapons in Germany. There is just this little technicality that they do not physically exist, but I guess it will just be a minor issue that will require no more than two slides on a power point.


“..which is in the work but with some delays and funding issues”

L says:

[*deleted for idiocy*]

jim says:

I am not going to allow through extraordinary and improbable claims unless you provide specific concrete details and evidence.

Your stuff is starting to sound like “We are winning and you are losing because space aliens are arriving in a comet”. We may well be losing, but you are not winning. Your wins need more explanation and specifics. You appeared to be claiming that Nigel Farage is a secret Muslim and a secret sleeper agent for the left. If that was not what you were claiming, what were you claiming?

Leftists are crabs in a bucket trying to get out of the bucket by preventing other crabs from getting out. “Haha you are not getting out” is plausible. “Haha we are getting out” requires some explanation.

The Cominator says:

Wait Jim this one sounds like it might be good… can you leave it up so we can read it.

DH says:

L plays O’brien, telling us that his boot will be on humanity’s face – forever. What he fails to grasp, and what Orwell, an alt-leftist, did not quite comprehend either, is that when the rate of civilizational decline greatly outpaces the rate of technological and scientific progress, there won’t be a “forever” – the Party will collapse. L is in denial about the rapidity of the decline, in denial about pervasive and growing ruling class stupidity, in denial about the breakdown of soft power and the constricted Overton Window (ever since Biden s**t his diaper on the podium, everyone can tell that 2 plus 2 isn’t 5), and clings tenaciously to the voodoo and mirage of technological innovation and acceleration in the fields of AI and genetic engineering as a deus ex machina remedy to all the ills of the system.

The Party in Oceania could not have lasted “forever” – once you run out of sufficient brainpower, once the rate of decline outpaces the rate of innovation, once the ruling class can no longer coordinate on a unified strategy and starts factionalizing into statal schizophrenia, the only destination is collapse. L’s adamant normality bias makes it quite obvious that he is no O’brien.

The Cominator says:

Orwell actually did acknowledge that because there was some kind of end note about the horrible history of socialist terror state of Oceania. The bad thing is that it seems O’Brien is a lot closer to the truth than most like to think… because the elite aren’t ruling in a way that makes sense. Much of the entropy is on autopilot but the covid hoax showed that much of it was by design as well.

DH says:

Sure, the O’Briens exist – some of them are still hanging out there. But they are quite old and sociopathic, and as such they don’t really care anymore about the outcomes of what they’ve done. What’s done is done. Meanwhile, the subsequent generations of the ruling class are dumber, much dumber, true believing, incompetent, and demon possessed. Younger generations of leftists are not calculating Machiavellians, but absolute trash, their conspiracies are all falling apart, and they are now in the process of replacing the old, frail, dying Machiavellians. We’re now in demon-occupied territory.

The Cominator says:

O’Brien was not a Machiavellian and was clearly demon possessed he just was all this aside not stupid about it…

Machiavelli said unless your killing someone treat them as well as possible (but don’t generally give them independent power or total fuck you money). The Cathedral tried to adhere to this up until the late 60s when it started shifting from machiavellian placation to demon worship. In the 80s they backpedalled but started moving towards demon worship again after Reagan.

DH says:

The O’Brien types were to be found back when leftism was smart and not absolutely dyfunctional, and as a ruling class, they were (and, those few remaining, still are) calculating and cynical about the memes they were spreading, whereas the younger generations are true believing morons, increasingly dumb and insane; the generational shift within the ruling class precipitates leftism towards full on demon worship. Leftism selects for stupidity, the leftist oligarchy self-selects for stupidity, and as leftism intensifies, so does the Cathedral’s idiocy and dysfunction.

Indeed, consider coronatarianism. It is clear that the leftist medical gerontocrats that unleashed it were utterly cynical about it, deliberately summoning a demon against the rest of society, particularly against healthy young men, whom they perceive as competition for resources, status, and women, and whom they envy. Thus, oy vey we’re oh so terrified of the wu flu – SHUT IT DOWN. That is O’Brien type conduct committed by coronatarianism’s old leftist masterminds, exhibited most strikingly by your favorite Jesuit Anthony Fauci, who swerved Cthulhu in a particular direction, until Putin cured covid. They purposely unleashed a demon against society; Anthony Fauci doesn’t sincerely believe in coronatarianism any more than you do. They intended to poison everyone, especially healthy young men. In contrast, consider all the idiots who bought into the Cathedral’s coronatarian propaganda and brainwashing – that is demonic possession; that is obedience to Cthulhu’s imperious will by his minions. Till this day some of the leftist idiots are wearing masks when alone in their own cars. That is not cynical and calculating – that is idiots with zero reality testing falling possession to the awesome and mighty covid demon.

Soon the Cathedral will run out of the foot-in-the-grave O’Briens, and then it’s demons — increasingly gay and retarded demons — from top to bottom. The Cathedralites are running out of reality testing. The malice and sadism were always there, but tempered with some measure of competence and communication with the real world; now it is nothing but demons summoning some more demons.

Varna says:

Globohomo drives its host population into despair, hysteria, addiction, and extinction, and “compensates” by importing hordes of swarthies.

Globohomo turns its own managerial class minions into solipsistic retards, and tries to compensate by importing Asian managerial minions and the mighty and awesome AI.

It’s current capacity for real-life efficiency is already on the level of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. Or 19th century Persia or the Ottoman Empire.

In the 19th century, however, the new player in town was the anglo-germanic societies powered by Protestant ethics, the Industrial revolution neo-alchemy, and Jewish banking magic.

Is there a new super-performing player around now, to topple the current decadent empire? Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe the current dismantling of Western industrial capacity, cognitive capacity, cultural cohesion, civilizational corporate memory, and demographic continuity, if it doesn’t lead to abrupt Soviet collapse, but to a Thermidorean stabilization in barely functional mediocrity, simply leads to a rehash of the 18th century world.

Once the West plummets to generic Pakistan levels, and everybody else has already reached the tech capacity to push back –> equilibrium of half-assed retard empires neither of which can really take down any of the others, just perpetual friction at the edges, with borderline nations changing hands or getting rekt.

If demon worshippers and totalitarians get their way, real collapse comes. If Thermidor – then maybe this, at least for a while. OK, I talked myself into a picture that depresses me, will take some time out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

L’s faith in a deus ex machina of life extension (a common theme of reprobates that subconsciously recognize their own worthlessness) is particularly ironic in the light of branch covidianism.

The finest minds the GAE is capable of putting together from all over the world – and they couldn’t even make a real bioweapon. Something they’ve been dreaming of and wargaming for decades. They’d love nothing more than to have a bug that can kill billions of humanoids in the name of gaia. But the deadliest part of coof was spread television. They had to fall back on the plan b of trying to inject everyone with poison instead. Which in terms of uptake was disproportionately an own goal.

The magic wands he dreams of waving away problems aren’t hapening this side of his lifetime; and if and when they do happen, it will be because the people he hates are responsible for them.

jim says:

I deleted it, but from memory, He said that UK Reform was owned by a Muslim.

In reality UK Reform is organised as a private company, because it is effectively illegal in Britain to organise as a political party.

And the majority of the shares in that private company are owned by Nigel Farage.

Since you asked for it, he can resubmit if he wants, and it will go through.

L says:

My specific claim is that the Reform Party has appointed a Muslim as its highest leader, mere days after entering Parliament. This is publicly available information: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/entrepreneur-yusuf-replaces-tice-as-reform-chairman/ar-BB1pOJLL

My further claim is that his proves the dominance of elite human capital over you, in that your most cherished figures will obediently sell you out to diversity when commanded to do so.

jim says:

The Reform party is led, and literally owned, by Nigel Farage. He puts a Muslim face on to discombobulate his opponents. It never occurred to me that your comment referred to this matter.

Your interpretation of this event is you whistling in the dark about the fact that the uniparty has lost its “conservative” branch.

I have always advocated alliance between Muslims and Christians against demon worshippers, with the crusades to resume once the demon worshippers have been defeated. If I was running an armed revolution in the United States you would with equal confidence announce that “your most cherished figures will obediently sell you out to diversity when commanded to do so.”

If civil war ensues in the US, we will undoubtedly seek military advisers from the Chechens and the Taliban, as well as the Russians, and give them high command rank. And you will declare “your most cherished figures will obediently sell you out to diversity when commanded to do so.”

L says:

“Lost its ‘conservative’ branch”, that must be why it got more votes than Reform by a substantial margin, and orders of magnitude more seats. Without, of course, counting all the other bits of the uniparty.

Yes, I’m sure appointing a muslim to oversee party discipline for a nominally rightwing party will have no consequences on the internal makeup and public perception of that party.

jim says:

The conservative branch of the uniparty is unlikely to be capable of coexisting with an actual conservative party — observe what is now happening in America with Maga versus the Rinos. It is taking a while for the Rino wing of the uniparty to vanish, but as soon as Trump came down the escalator, its disappearance was inevitable.

And similarly, the conservative wing of the British uniparty will limp on for a little bit longer, if not interrupted by nuclear war, civil war, or autogenocide, or all three at once, but its absolute disappearance is now inevitable and widely expected.

> I’m sure appointing a muslim to oversee party discipline for a nominally rightwing party will have no consequences on the internal makeup and public perception of that party.

As always you grotesquely and delusionally over estimate soft power. It is only going have consequences on the public perception of the party among your guys, exactly as Farange intended it to do.

If there is a civil war in the US, our guys will pull in military advisers from the Chechens and the Afghans, and your guys are going to be mystified and confused by that, as you are by Putin and by Farange.

Your delusion is that you mentally model Reform voters as “racists”. No they are not racists, because there is no such thing as racism. “Racism” is an anticoncept, and your interpretation of this event is deluded and absurd, so absurd that I did not at first recognise what you were talking about, because you are reasoning from within the small and ever shrinking bubble of left wing delusion.

L says:

You don’t have “a while”. Have you seen the latest immigration numbers? Both in the US and UK, I mean.

I mentally model someone who wants the various european ethnicities of the UK to continue to exist as distinct peoples in their own ancestral homelands, and not to be reduced to a tiny, persecuted minority by an unending tide of south asians. Putting a south asian in control of your party is not compatible with this for reasons I should think would be rather obvious. Namely, that it is in his interest to do all he can to see that Reform’s position on immigration becomes the uniparty’s position, because it both his ethnicity and his religion that stands to demographically gain by supporting endless migration. He has no motive to assist in demographic dminishment and eventual deportation of his own people.

jim says:

Subhumans only mattered when the left was seriously pretending that democracy was real. That the left is still bothering with the mass importation of useless mouths is normality bias. It no longer makes any real difference. They are deluded because drinking their own koolaide.

South Africa and Rhodesia were fine places for humans to live when a human minority ruled. San Francisco, London, and Washington are rapidly turning into dreadful places to live now that a subhuman minority rule a human majority.

The time of Republics is over. Demography is no longer destiny. From here on it is minority rule, and the only thing that will matter is which minority.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Importing subhumans could be called “nigular war”, but it’s a low-tech weapon that’s already backfiring on the Left. All you have to do is convince niggers that your side will make dog food out of them, while those unarmed white liberals in big cities will feed and house them for free.

This is how most civil wars are fought in post-colonial Africa: A band of teenagers with AK-47s attacks a village and commits spectacular atrocities on its residents, but lets some victims go, minus a few body parts, to convince niggers in the next village to flee.

L says:

Actually it has, and continues to have, many useful functions, including suppressing white birth rates, driving you from the cities (potential points of organization), and forcing you to live in a constant state of low-grade terror, as well as providing pretext to sniff out and jail anyone with the fortitude to defend himself.

jim says:

But all of these inconveniences depend on the left being in power, while undermining its capability to be in power.

Thus, for example, it is likely that part of the collapse of the Global American Empire will be the return of white rule in South Africa.

When you said “too late” you meant that whites would be outvoted — as if the left was still counting votes.

L says:

[*deleted for presupposing the invincible strength of soft power*]

jim says:

Globohomo is increasing resorting to hard power, for example the January sixers, Serbia, Antifa, the murder of Gaddafi, and so on and so forth, because soft power is failing. They busted the Jan sixers because no one wants to watch the Girl Boss movies.

And in Syria and the Ukraine, we see hard power failing. Within the US, hard power is still working — so far. But soft power is no longer working.

L says:

Then hell, I’ll make it easy for you to disprove me. Point me to the great rightoid renaissance among any white population, anywhere, as evidenced by a consistent birthrate of at least 2.1 or higher from a rate that was previously lower than that.

If you can’t, then the primary goal of our soft power is proceeding exactly as planned.

jim says:

Yes the primary goal of soft power is proceeding exactly as planned. But lots of other goals have failed or are failing. Our officially unofficial state religion is falling. Once it falls, something else will take possession. Then we shall see.

I propose myself for Grand Inquisitor and Alf for Archbishop. When the time comes there will be a lot of competition for those jobs, but it is often a good move to be first to throw one’s hat into the ring.

I expect the cartels and the old gods of Mexico to be in the competition. Success is likely depend on us managing to inspire some conquistadors. But the strength of white men has always been that we are better in cooperation for coordinated violence than all other races. An army needs a faith. We are on offer. What else is on offer?

Globohomo is a quite useless faith for an army, which is why they needed Azov in Ukraine. Now it is holy war in Ukraine, Azov pagans and demon worshippers versus Russian Christians. Christians seem to be doing better.

The Old Gods failed miserably against the conquistadors, but that was not a fair fight, for the conquistadors had a tech advantage on their side as well as Christ. On the other hand, this time around will still not be a fair fight, for whites are just better at war.

L says:

If the primary goal is happening, in the most important and personal of areas, soft power is working and can reasonably be expected to continue working. Therefore I stick to my earlier prediction.

jim says:

When they started colour revolutioning, that was soft power not working. They were falling back on the iron fist in the velvet glove, and pretty soon the velvet glove was looking tattered, and now the iron fist is looking rather dented.

Yes, soft power is still working in some very important matters. It is also failing in some very important matters, and is failing worse and worse in more and more important matters.

It is easy to disrupt cooperation between men and women in reproduction. It is not quite as easy to disrupt cooperation between men for organised violence, so I expect soft power to fail at disrupting cooperation for organised violence, before it fails at disrupting cooperation between men and women for reproduction.

L says:

[*deleted because, though true and relevant in that it indicates how much soft power the Cathedral still possesses, disregards the fact that each of your indicators has suffered massive diminuition*]

Karl says:

Is the bubble of left wing delusion shrinking? There are fewer and fewer believers of left wing delusion, but the delusion keeps get larger and larger. The bubble in L’s mind does not seem to be shrinking

jim says:

When L anticipated eradication of Ukrainian Goyim as a victory, that was noticeable bubble shrinkage. When he first showed up, he was inside the bubble on ginormous Russian casualties, and the wonderful effectiveness of sanctions.

someDude says:

Possibly, L is just a troll playing devil’s advocate. Can’t be a shill. Would shills be allowed to say all that he is saying?

DH says:

Possibly L is playing devil’s advocate because he wants the regulars here to prove him wrong in the thought experiment, and possibly he is a sincere advocate of the devil. On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.

The left produces lots of left-brain, sophisticated, convoluted rationalizations for its evil, but destruction of the world is not a means to an end – it is the ultimate end goal itself. Ever felt as a kid like breaking all of your toys? It’s becoming increasingly tempting for the left to follow through with the satisfaction of that deep seated urge and break all of the toys.

In their mad rush to bring humanity to an end, leftists are likely able to commit all manners of thoughtcrimes, as L is committing many thoughtcrimes here. Whether he is only playing devil’s advocate, or an actual advocate of the devil, it is to be expected that, as the Cathedral’s desire to destroy the world intensifies and comes to predominate their thinking, they will no longer bother with much political correctness.

They feel it increasingly urgent to break all of the toys, and all their chatter is designed to bring about that result.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Thee layers of leftist security system.

Layer one, flat denial or conditional occultation; ‘only crazy people think people collaborate to gain and maintain power – certainly not on their own time or through their own channels!’

Layer two, redirection, sublimation, equivocation: ‘There are secret powers corrupting our good way of life – and it’s the FASCIST CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY’.

Layer three, identification; ‘Sure there are secret powers orchestrating our way of life – and that’s a good thing!’

People like L(oser) going ‘mask off’ is a sign of growing weakness and desperation; all the old tools that worked smoothly when the system was strong are no longer working; the only thing left is facile chest thumping to puff up their own morale; it is politics as psychotherapy more than expression of any rational strategy at this point.

someDude says:

Don’t wars end when one side loses 30% of fighting age male population? Ukraine’s population is about 40 million which gives it roughly 6 million males of fighting age. I’m guessing 1 million of these are abroad, that’s 5 mill. So 1.5 million Ukrainian dead is what this will take. Given the 1:10 kill ratio, That means 150k Russian dead.

I’m fine being it very hard to believe that Ukraine can keep fighting as long as the Germans, confederates, napoleonic french and the paraguayans did. Still, the Ukraine has been a revelation to me. How are men, with so few rights over women, fighting so hard? I still can’t wrap my head around this.

Why aren’t mass surrenders to the Russians happening the way the Iraqis surrendered to the Americans in both the deaertt storms?

The Cominator says:

What part of to the last Hohol did you not understand. Ukraine will continue press ganging (as they are not using a 20th century style draft because mass non compliance but instead using press gangs) old men, young boys and to some extent women now until they start killing the press gang people.

It would take the equivalent of what Solzhenitsyn said should have happened to the NKVD to happen to Ukraine’s press gang agents…
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

someDude says:

Essentially, the Soviet Dissidents could not have set up ambushes for NKVD operatives for the simple reason that they were unorganized, no Leader, no King. It is beyond the capacity of normie to set up ambushes for evil doers unless someone who leads them, someone they look up to, someone they respect, tells them that is okay to off them.

This is why the Cathedral invests so much in making sure that no alternate organization arrives. Anyway, this answers my question. The Ukrainian Normies are unorganized and hence cannot resist press gangs. And for the same reason, they perhaps cannot resist blocking detachments either.

Then why not desert at the first available opportunity? Why not stray from the rest of the group in the heat of battle and then promptly surrender? I’m not a military man. What options does an unwilling soldier have to surrender to an opponent who hates him way less than his own elite?

Karl says:

Desertation is difficult. Behind the soldiers on the front line are blocking troops that shoot deserters. Before the front is a minefield. So normie grunt figures that his best chances of survival are staying in that trench he is told to defend.

Normie grunt would love to surrender to Russian troops, but before those show up, his trench will be largely destroyed by bombs and artillery. So normie grunt will usually be dead before he can surrender.

Anyway, the Russians do take more prisoners of war than the Ukrainians. Deserters are probably amongst those who are taken prisoner.

Varna says:

The Russian army drops leaflets with a Telegram account which Ukrainian soldiers use to organize their own surrender with minimal danger for both parties

someDude says:

Good on them! They need a voice of authority telling them it’s okay to do that. All normies do.

Calvin says:

Why not shoot the blocking troops? There are a lot fewer of them than the Russians.

someDude says:

Needs organization to do that. Need a leader who says it’s okay to do that.

Calvin says:

What does your average officer even have to lose by this point?

someDude says:

Normies don’t think the way folks here do in terms of weighing the pros and cons and doing a cost benefit analysis or even asking themselves what they have to lose at this point. In fact, they don’t do much thinking at all, period!

They are just in thrall to normalcy bias. Thats what makes them normies

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Wars end when the leadership/mechanisms of ordination on one side break down.

Since the primary leadership for the maidan puppet regime is all outside of the ukraine itself, men there can continue to be fed into the organ grinder long past points that would make sense for a structure that was organic to the region.

someDude says:

I find it a strange and disturbing conclusion that an external, inorganic, unsympathetic leadership can resist an opponent for longer than an internal, organic and sympathetic leadership

jim says:

I find this conclusion highly plausible. Seems to be confirmed by what is happening inside America today. L is making that argument, and he is completely correct.

Resistance in the Ukraine is, however, being conducted without rational concern for winning a war of attrition, just Twitter was run without concern for profits or losses. Strategy and tactics is instead dominated by concern for next weeks power point presentation in Washington. Thus the likely outcome is that the war in the Ukraine goes on until the Global American Empire collapses, or they run out of Ukrainians — and then switch to Poles, Estonians, etc.

L says:

Your mistake is in assuming “the demographic annihilation of the Ukrainian nation” is not considered victory. It’s not the ideal victory, but it is victory.

jim says:

You are redefining victory downwards. The left has been getting a whole lot of seriously not ideal victories lately.

If they wind up expending every male Ukrainian Goy, this is going to create considerably less enthusiasm for colour revolution and Nato membership.

The lesson to 2014 was that if one attempts to resist colour revolution, one is going to die.

The lesson from 2017 to 2022 is that if one attempts to resist colour revolution, one might succeed, but it is apt to be horrifying bloody and destructive.

The lesson from 2022 onwards is that one must resist colour revolution, or one is going to die, because if one submits to colour revolution, one submits to people who (as you have been telling us) hate one and intend to kill one.

Bang. Global American Empire disintegrates when people internalise this lesson, as normality bias is washed away in rivers of blood.

How far will the collapse go? The collapse of the Soviet Union started with a dignified and orderly retreat from Afghanistan. And then they just kept on retreating all the way to Moscow.

Retreats are hard to manage, they are apt to get out of control. Especially if you have idiots in charge. Will the collapse go all the way to Washington? Very likely it will. If the regime manages to hold on to its core, we still get a whole lot of turf that people who need to flee the empire can get to.

Used to be that Dubai was part of empire. Now it is not, and that is a significant competitive advantage. Used to be Thailand was part of empire. The turf that people can flee to is expanding and becoming more comfortable and convenient. After a “not ideal” victory in Ukraine, there will at minimum be a lot more turf, and at maximum, Washington falls.

L says:

“You might die later if you comply” vs “you will certainly die right now if you resist” actually has an excellent track record of working. See Stalin’s conscripts and their barrier troops, or their modern equivalents.

jim says:

Not how colour revolution works, nor how it can work.

Colour revolution is the empire getting its way by the threat of invasion, destruction, and conquest. The elite in America threatens the elite in the location it wishes to subjugate, the crowd of ngo employees in the street is just window dressing.

What happens in a colour revolution is that armed elements of the state security apparatus tell other armed elements of the state security apparatus “If the shooting starts, we are backed by the US, you cannot shoot us, or the US will intervene.

After 2017 the reply to this threat is apt to be “Die”.

L says:

Okay, allow me to explicate this in a little more depth. The offer which is made to elites is “Your country will be used as cannon fodder, but you personally will live in luxury and have a guaranteed blank check the rest of your life as a cushy government-in-exile. Refuse, and we will Gaddafi you.”

You can see why nothing about Ukraine’s annihilation would change the incentive structure to the people who matter.

jim says:

Nah, not the offer. First they have to install people who will take that offer. They want to install true believers in the holy faith of the Globohomo imperium, install people who identify with Harvard, rather than with the target country — often people who have spent a lot more of their lives in some center of the imperial faith than in the country they are sent to rule.

The people in charge have power and a luxury retirement. Globohomo wants that power, so wants to install people who do not currently have power and will not have power once installed. (It is completely obvious that the basis of Ukraine policy is what will look good in next weeks Washington power point presentation.)

The people in charge tend not to not be looking forward to working for regime where the retirement plan is government in exile if you are lucky, and a bullet in the head if you know too much. They already have a deal where they get luxury retirement, plus they have power. The deal offered by Globohomo is that they can still have luxury retirement, provided Globohomo does not change its mind, but they don’t have power, plus if their performance displeases their inscrutable masters, that luxury retirement may be cancelled, perhaps fatally.

L says:

Nah. “Join or die” is actually incredibly effective, as most elites care a lot less about their inferiors than they do about not winding up like Gaddafi.

jim says:

Empirical observation shows that “join or die” stopped working in 2017. From 2017 to the present, all attempted colour revolutions have failed miserably.

Because “join or die” requires hard power, and every day US hard power looks weaker. The USG sent the Dwight Eisenhower to teach the Houthis a lesson. It took damage, is now returning to base to join the ever growing queue of aircraft carriers undergoing maintenance and repair, and now the US has one less of its ever fewer fit for service aircraft carriers.

The US is an airsea empire. It can still make the sea lanes dangerous for anyone, but can no longer make them safe for anyone.

The colour revolutions pretended to be soft power, but they were hard power substituting for soft power. The colour revolutions happened because soft power is running out, and now hard power is running out.

L says:

If it didn’t work Ukraine would have surrendered already or had its government couped.

jim says:

Ukrainians have no say in the Ukraine.

The Maidan coup was hard power, not soft power. Iron fist in velvet glove. The coup was needed because soft power had failed in the Ukraine. That was 2014. In 2017, colour revolutions stopped working. In 2018, the Ukraine muppet government was forced to increasingly rely on naked brutal totalitarian terror, nothing soft about its power today. If you held a plausibly free and fair election in the Ukraine today, candidates running on acceptance of Putin’s demands would get eighty three percent of the vote.

The Ukraine does not surrender because it is not run by Ukrainians. It is run by Globalist Jews who get daily briefings from Washington telling them what to do.

L says:

[*deleted because, though true and relevant in that it indicates how much soft power the Cathedral still possesses, disregards the fact that each of your indicators has suffered massive diminuition*]

jim says:

No one doubts that the left is still in power. The question to be discussed is what are the prospects it will still be in power in a few years?

Past performance is not a guide to future performance — and the Global American Empire has been running into some heavy weather ever since the second Star Wars Trilogy poisoned the Franchise. The successful and bloodless colour revolutions were successes in that they installed the right people in power, but the necessity for them was a defeat — falling back from soft power to old fashioned imperial hard power thinly disguised as soft power.

Second Star Wars trilogy, 1999, colour revolutions start 2000-2002. Increasingly heavy handed US Government propaganda was poisoning media, resulting in less soft power rather than more. Less people watching star wars, suddenly soft power starts failing to manage political outcomes in the provinces, necessitating hard power.

Today, no one reads the legacy media, because it contains nothing but wild screams of “you are racist racist racist. And hateful. And stupid, And ugly” This is a dramatic collapse of soft power. Hence first the necessity for colour revolutions, and now the failure of colour revolutions.

It started with pissing off people watching Star Wars, and escalated to pissing off people watching the official news.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Imagine for a moment; reigning king dies suddenly, and his only son and heir is but an infant, not even past his fifth summer. Certainly things of the like have happened more an once in history.

The question is: in what meaningful sense is the boy-king, actually king? If and or when the regents and courtiers and nobles start making power moves, what’s going to stop them? A formality declares the subject in power; but because the subject lacks the substance that leads to power, it quickly loses all matter.

L’s argument essentially boils down to declaiming that since the boy is king on paper, that means that he is qualitatively superior to any and every other man in the kingdom, and so there is no reason to expect any deviations in this state of affairs.

That every day that goes by without the turkey getting its neck chopped and put in the pot, increases the confidence interval that it will not get its neck chopped and put in the pot; that nothing in creation is more or less essential, and so a normalcy can never stop being normal.

L says:

No one doubts that the left is still in power. The question to be discussed is what are the prospects it will still be in power in a few years?

100%. Up and including through a total nuclear war scenario, which would only strengthen, not weaken, the existing power structures.

When the elite is united behind a project – and leftists have never been more so – then it doesn’t matter what any other segment of the population thinks, and it never has.

jim says:

> When the elite is united behind a project

The elite was united behind Covid.

The elite was united behind genociding the Tutsi, united around genociding the Alawites, united around making Afghanistan safe for feminism and sodomy, united around overthrowing Putin, united around the Ukraine recovering all of its territories including Crimea. And united behind girl boss movies.

How has that been going? Trouble is that it is united behind far too many things, and we see it increasingly trying to snatch up a consolation prize victory, which consolation prizes are less and less consoling.

Following the first episode of the second star wars trilogy, we saw external failure of soft power. Internal soft power is failing right now, resulting in increasing reliance on internal hard power, such as J6.

Having seen soft power fail externally, we are now seeing hard power fail externally. We now see soft power fail internally. How much longer will hard power work internally?

Everyone now thinks that journalists are despicable scum who deserve to die. The way the wind blows, very soon everyone is going to think that judges and lawyers are despicable scum who deserve to die — you can see which way the wind now blows in that reaction to the Trump charges and convictions.

That there will be celebration in the streets when we hang the judges with their own guts means that soft power is leaking badly.

The left burned the credibility of the myth makers. Then it burned the credibility of journalists. And now the credibility of judiciary is going up in flames. This is a cataclysmic loss of soft power.

When it burned the credibility of the mythmakers, there very shortly followed the necessity to use hard power externally. When it burned the credibility of the journalists, there very shortly followed the necessity to use hard power internally. What is up next?

Mister Grumpus says:

Noticing the comparative fates of Khadaffi (played ball, made nice, then bombed to shit and dragged through streets with a dagger up his ass), and Assad (said “fuck you”, held frame, still in power and doing OK) is what finally got my attention. If I can notice this, so can others.

L says:

You’re making a rather category error. The assumption is that a united elite cannot simply rule over a nation with pure hard power, regardless of popular sentiment. As you say, the average Ukrainian probably doesn’t like the idea of being annihilated at the hands of Russian guns, but it doesn’t matter because the Ukrainian elite has decided that it will and so off the slaughter they will be herded. Similar things are not off the table here, in a war with Russia or China.

jim says:

> [My] assumption is that a united elite cannot simply rule over a nation with pure hard power.

This is transparently false, and in the next line you contradict yourself.

> it doesn’t matter because the Ukrainian elite has decided

Well, which is it? Pure hard power or not?

There is no Ukrainian elite. There is a Globohomo elite that lives out of its carryon bags during brief visits to the Ukraine. Some of them, a lot of them, happened to be born in the Ukraine, but their principle residence, their homes, and their hearts, are elsewhere.

If there was a Ukrainian elite, they would be fighting a war of attrition, instead of a war to win bullet points in next weeks Washington power point presentation.

Pure hard power does not suffice to unite the elite. A state needs a faith and an army needs a faith. But it is all anyone has ever needed to rule over the masses, as millennia of history attest.

Globohomo does not like to believe that it is ruling over Ukraine with pure hard power, and for a long time, it was not. But as soft power failed further and further in the Ukraine, it came to rule purely by naked hard power. We saw the same transition internally in worship of the Covid Demon. They backed off, not because hard power did not suffice. They backed off because they saw that mass murder of their subjects would make them weak in the coming conflict with Russia, much as they backed off from feminism and trannyism in 1933 because they saw it would make them weak in the coming conflict with Germany.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Or the plannedemic. People who demonstrated faith in the regime were rewarded with disease, impoverishment, and death. People who defied the regime were rewarded with health and prosperity.

Doesn’t get more stark than that.

L says:

[*deleted because you are misunderstanding us*]

jim says:

You seem to think that we believe the oppressed masses are going to overthrow the ruling elite.

That would be stupid. We are reactionaries, not commies or liberals. The ruling elite is going to overthrow the ruling elite, as it always does.

Leftism has no essence, so our rulers cannot agree on what leftism is. Is it Covidianism, trannyism, conquest of Russia, conquest of China, the liberation of Gaia from oppression by humankind, or whatever they come up with next month or the month after that?

Leftism must always get ever lefter, ever faster, until it reaches infinite leftism in finite time.

Leftism ends in one of the following ways:

1. Autogenocide. They kill, or torture to death, everyone they can get their hands on, including each other, indeed especially each other. Sichuan province is a good example of leftism self terminating in this fashion. Sichuan province was completely depopulated, but they could not get their hands on everyone, just everyone in Sichuan province. In this scenario, Americans expats resettle the wide open empty frontier of America, as Sichuan was resettled. Whenever I argue that you should buy Bitcoin because you can carry it through an airport, this is the scenario I implicitly or explicitly invoke. My investment advice is substantially based on it.

2. Thermidor. Someone sees autogenocide coming up fast, makes himself supreme dictator, and announces Utopia has arrived. Being any less leftist than current year will get you shot, but being any more leftist than current year will also get you shot. He gets a rough ride from the lefter than thou, so winds up appointing a Beria, a Monck, or a Deng to take care of the left, someone who is a whole lot less left than the lefter than thou, and in fact a whole lot less left than the current year. When the supreme glorious dictator dies, then power comes up for grabs, the guy who was appointed to take care of those lefter than the supreme glorious ruler is likely to take care of everyone lefter than himself — and you get Deng restoring capitalism, and Monck restoring throne and altar. Beria would have been a Deng and a Monck, but the existing socialist bureaucracy saw what was coming, and nailed him.

2.5 Thermidor nails Beria, and becomes Miss Havisham, a forgotten poverty stricken third world backwater, Someone else builds civilisation, and that is where the American smart fraction escapes to.

3. External war. The lefter than thou piss off neighbours, while destroying their own military capability. Neighbours do something about it, and install a regime less likely to cause them grief. This third alternative, nukes, is the trajectory we are currently on, but as we approach the singularity, infinite leftism in finite time, who knows what will happen? Thermidor is also coming up fast, but autogenocide right behind it.

L says:

Great, I’m glad you understand that the masses are fundamentally powerless and that therefore even if soft power had decayed you say, it wouldn’t mean anything. Now, add to that the knowledge that the elite is 100% united behind leftism, with rightoid deviations having long since been utterly expunged, and you know why leftism’s victory and continued rule is guaranteed. The elite is institutionally leftist, unshakable so, and we would be post articles the day after a nuclear war about how we need to import more Somalis to your community to make up for the 100 million people who were just incinerated. There is no possibility of us being dislodged or of an successful counter-elite. There is only a leftist boot on your face.


jim says:

You are delusional due to normality bias and presentism. Take a look at history. We have been around this merry-go-round many many times before. Over and over again.

It always ends the same way. Leftism always destroys itself. The only variable is how much else it takes down with it. The left singularity, infinite leftism in finite time, is now very close.

There will be a vacuum. There will be the vacuum of power that Humungus is focused on, particularly if the nukes fly, but even if they do not.

But more importantly than the vacuum of power, there will be a vacuum of faith and ideology.

We are going to attempt to fill the vacuum. We will not be the only ones attempting to grab that power, but normality bias means that most of those competing to fill the vacuum will not be ready, and will not realise that there is a vacuum. So we stand a good chance. There will be lots of people attempting what Humungus proposes, but an army needs a faith, and state needs a faith. Whatyagot when leftism dies of self inflicted wounds?

The Cominator says:

“Now, add to that the knowledge that the elite is 100% united behind leftism”

Bullshit, there is always someone who thinks ideology might be nice but really I should be in charge. And clearly Musk has gone rogue and yet some people with power are still protecting him because they can’t dispense with his talents… so you just are lying here.

The Cominator says:

Also assuming eternal political stability under one system or one dynasty forever is ahistorical cringe… I guess the Japanese at least claim to have the same Imperial house forever but I’m not sure how well that would hold up under scrutinity if some Westerner really went looking into it and anyway despite theoretically retaining the same symbolic ruling house they haven’t been without changes in their political system.

Political systems other than monarchies never really last for more than 300 years and if it stays a monarchy you get at least one civil war and a change of dynasty around the same period of time.

Mister Grumpus says:

“We saw the same transition internally in worship of the Covid Demon. They backed off, not because hard power did not suffice. They backed off because they saw that mass murder of their subjects would make them weak in the coming conflict with Russia, much as they backed off from feminism and trannyism in 1933 because they saw it would make them weak in the coming conflict with Germany.”

Let’s talk about this, please, because I’ve been “getting” two stories here about this.

Take Putin curing Covid, for example. First I read here that they suddenly backed off Covid worship because Putin had simply called bullshit. Their heap of dry sticks simply failed to catch fire. The demon failed to deliver, and was suddenly not scary anymore, and thus immediately and forever forgotten, even retroactively from our recollection of the past.

But then I read here that backing off the Covid demon was something “discussed”, “calculated” and “decided upon”, because it stood in the way of an objective and agreed-up GOAL — hanging Putler and celebrating Total Anal Victory in the Kremlin — and this required a functioning military unfettered by Covid worship.

I’m picking nits and putting thoughts in your head, surely inaccurately, but I’m trying to express my confusion. Am I at least making sense with my question? Is all this just instinct, or rather calculation, or maybe calculation making the best sense of, dressing up like a “decision” an instinctual gut reaction that’s not even consciously noticed in real time?

And then we can talk about wife spanking returning to Hollywood movies in the middle-30’s. Was that a decision made out loud in a dark conference room by the Bilderburg Hotel Club of Rome Illuminati, or just Hollywood Jews silently and independently reacting, in thousands of little ways, like ants towards a new bowl of potato salad, to the wind change of real hard power in Germany?

I sense that I’m making a big deal out of not much, but I also sense that there’s something important to learn in here somewhere.

jim says:

> Take Putin curing Covid, for example. First I read here that they suddenly backed off Covid worship because Putin had simply called bullshit.

I did not say that, nor ever think that, nor did Putin call bullshit. His “special military operation” cured Covid.

Mister Grumpus says:

“It started with pissing off people watching Star Wars, and escalated to pissing off people watching the official news.”

I insist that this ties into the ever-metastacizing Ugly Fat Bitch Crisis.

Now I get it. If you’re awesome and alpha enough, you can cheat the hot-crazy matrix. The hot-crazy matrix doesn’t apply to Jeremy Meeks or General Butt Naked. For a while anyway. I get it.

But for most guys, the “carrot” of motivation to Believe and Obey has never been less compelling. Not long ago, one could swallow some the current year bullshit, go along to get along, and at least get married to someone nice enough to leave your kids with. But that social-sexual contract is breaking worse and worse every day, now very visibly.

I posit that this is all the same machine at work and revealing itself. It’s yet another way the “soft power” — but actually EXTREMELY HARD power, because while a bullet will kill you, a woman can make you immortal, but only if she WANTS to — is breaking.

In the 60’s and 70’s a fellow could swear has belief in feminism, and that Little Shaniqua can grow up to be a rocket scientist too someday, and all that, and yet in return still marry someone who even a top-percentile Chad can’t get today. Even Donald Trump had to scoop a teenage Slovenian fresh off the boat (and good for him, dammit).

If there’s less reason to pay along, then there’s less reason to believe, and less reason to obey.

“We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us”, but they’re not even pretending that anymore. There’s not enough bullets and panopticon AI to hold this together for long.

someDude says:

I don’t want to understand this level of hatred towards one’s own kind

Contaminated NEET says:

L, if you would allow me, I can answer this one for you:

>My own kind? Please. Those stupid, powerless, cowardly weaklings are no more “my own kind” than the cows are the rancher’s own kind. Just as the rancher owns, dominates, culls, and slaughters the herd for his own ends which are quite at odds with the cows’, so my fellow shadowy puppet-masters and I manage the herd of non-elite Whites, and now that the advent of AI and genetic engineering have obviated their value to us, we will eliminate them. The fact that I share a skin color with these bovine semi-humans is a cosmic joke, and their mass death followed by the perpetual enslavement of the few we deign to keep around to serve us will be the punchline. And there’s nothing you can do to stop us! Muhahahahahahaha!

someDude says:

It answers the question of how he feels. It does not answer the question of why he feels that way. Is this a mutation? A failure mode? A random occurence?

Handi says:

It’s Pride.

“It can’t be that I’m the contemptible loser, so everyone else must be. They deserve death for trusting.”

The moat around this feeling is having to confront that one’s only advantage is an exceptional willingness to violate the very telos of mankind. Unlikely to ever happen.

someDude says:

Could he not just be a blackpilled troll playing devil’s advocate but hoping to lose the argument? Perverted, I know.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That may or may not be the case, but such types are a significant fraction of larger leftist ecosystems. Spiritually effeminate men who make bad takes on purpose in hopes of smoking out someone to fuck them with a dick of truth (‘and if they don’t it’s their fault and they deserve the bad things i’m doing’).

someDude says:

Thats the best explanation of his sort of behavior I’ve encountered anywhere

DH says:

How are men, with so few rights over women, fighting so hard?

They started out fighting hard because the Occidental ruling class via the usual intermediary (Soros) has long been funding and promulgating Azov Nazism, which — quite like the original German Nazism — is bluepilled on women but is otherwise manly and warrior-friendly. Never underestimate what a masculine faith-bounded militia can achieve. However, with the abject failure of the Greatest Best Supreme Ukrainian Counteroffensive, with the ongoing defeat of the Azov Nazis on the battlefield, it all broke down, resulting in Kiev nightclubs full of reveling Ukrainian men who would much rather party through the night than die for globohomo. It has probably already sunk in with ordinary Ukrainians that the Jewish comedian and dictator, puppet of the GAE ruling class, shall not deliver victory, though I’m not sure if they have yet figured out that Azov Nazism is a psyop, and that the people running the psyop — who are also the people running the war, incidentally — do not, to put it mildly, have the best interests of Ukrainians in mind. But they see the results on the ground, they see that doofus Blinken playing the guitar, and their will-to-fight is all but gone.

someDude says:

What was the TFR of the German nation in 1942? The Nazis could well afford to be blue-pilled on women and still fight magnificently because they were running on the social capital of the pre-WW1 years.

Their women were still sort of well behaved. Women still acted like they were owned by their husbands and fathers. There was no mass infidelity, cuckoldry, divorce rape, preference for low life scum over honest men. So to point to a German woman and say, “Lads thats what we are fighting for”, would well hold water then.

But today? In Ukraine? With a TFR of 1.2? A high divorce rate? This is the thing I find so baffling. Its been two and a half years! They’ve resisted Russians for that long. The only explanation that makes sense, as Mayflower Sperg puts it, is that the Russians themselves are only marginally better than the Ukrainians on the woman question.

No other explanation makes sense

dharmicreality says:

You have to realize that this is not Russia vs Ukraine war and treating it as such will baffle you as it baffled me for a while until Jim explained it succintly.

Simply put this is GAE vs Russia, with the goal of GAE to ultimately fly a gay pride flag from Kremlin and hold gay parades on the streets of Moscow. To that end, Ukraine is merely a theatre of war.

Russia I think treated this war as a mere territorial issue at first and then treated it as NATO expansionism and aggression, both of which are true in that sense, but only recently Russia seems to have woken up to the fact that the GAE is waging a holy war against Russia. Putin’s recent statements with Modi about himsellf and Modi being “traditional and religious” leaders seem to reiterate that point.

In that sense, Ukraine has no way to sue for peace, since Ukraine doesn’t exist as a sovereign nation. The Ukrainian plebs being recruited for war were running on Azov Nazism for a while, but it appears that even that steam has run out.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the average Ukrainian male is already sick and tired of the war and their fake President Zelensky. Note how many coercive steps against his fellow Ukrainians Zelensky had to take in this war compared to Russia, which had real Nationalism.

And there are probably more NATO troops in Ukraine already and Putin is still quite hesitant to throw the full weight of his military power into one theatre of the war, knowing that the war is against GAE and not Ukraine.

someDude says:

So in a sense, you’re saying that the Ukrainian troops do not matter much. Their morale does not matter. Essentially they are grunts and cannon fodder and don’t matter. So, whether they have control over their women or not does not matter.

Then what matters is Russian War logistics Vs GAE war logistics. Russian industrial production Vs Nato industrial production. What matters is the Elite warriors/drone operators on either side.

Is this what you are trying to say?

dharmicreality says:

It is a faith war. Russia currently treats it as a territorial war + NATO expansionism. Which is true at that level. But Putin is ultimately realizing that it is a faith war, albeit reluctantly.

What I am saying is that, the Ukrainians have been treated as cannon fodder by the GAE in this war. But I am sure there are many patriotic Ukrainians who volunteered in the beginning because of Azov Nationalism. But that seems to have worn thin of late, with not much global support beyond GAE and NATO still not delivering the expected level of support.

Sher Singh says:

I’m concerned they want to bleed Sikhs with the Khalistan stuff to pave way for another Jihad ie Pathan/Pakjab.

Already doing that overall to Dharmics with feminism.

Varna says:

Israel killed more kids in the first two weeks of the current conflict than Russia in Ukraine in two years.

Which means what. That when you’re fighting an opponent who views you as a wayward brother, and absolutely refuses to go all-in in the war effort, and even pretended until recently that there is no war effort, you can “resist” with success.

If all major cities were in rubble and waves of refugees overwhelmed border controls and simply poured into Europe, leaving behind 5 million of the sick and infirm and mobilized, the war would be “won” in a week.

But winning this war in this way may lose the larger planetary war and the political angle too.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If you ask a historian in 2100 for the exact date liberalism died, he’ll probably say October 7, 2023. That day revealed the naked truth, that the arc of history does not bend toward justice, it bends toward genocide. I say this not because Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, but because Israel is barely even trying to deny that it’s committing genocide in Gaza.

From the size and frequency of protest marches, you’d think the war ended months ago. No one cares anymore. Or maybe liberals had their own 1/6 moment and learned the hard way that protesting against the unelected permanent government can seriously fuck up your life while accomplishing nothing.

jim says:

You are very late in noticing. One of my sons, still a child, noticed genocide being applied as an instrument of progressive policy in 1994. This was not in any way due to my influence — I was oblivious at the time, though he may have learned to be suspicious of the voice of authority from me.

And if you read the mouth of Sauron, Wikipedia, the mouth of Sauron will tell you that the Tutsis are at fault because the genocide of the Tutsis was caused by Tutsi racism.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Likewise I knew Communism was bullshit long before November 9, 1989, but that was when it became obvious to the entire world.

Liberals have been genociding people of pallor for decades, but now the door is open to genociding them and their diversity pets.

The Cominator says:

Eh Israel is just bombing any areas they believe there is any activity in Dresden style but they are not machine gunning survivors man woman and child or denying them food. Its fighting an anti guerilla war by extremely brutal methods but it falls short of genocide.

Sher Singh says:



Falling till 1.67 in 1933
Peaking at 2.6 in 1940.

Falls to around 2 in 1942.

So Hitler actually oversaw a large TFR increase.
Didn’t know this

jim says:

I did not know this either — but FDR oversaw a bigger fertility increase. So Hitler was good, but FDR was better. Both of them merely purple pilled, but FDR a slightly redder shade of purple.

Jehu says:

Not sure how FDR got Hollywood to cooperate so fast, but they did in spades. All of the sudden spanking wives was ok again, and women felt free to say they fancied a good spanking. My guess is FDR’s greater success was due to Hollywood’s stronger memetic power than Hitler’s entertainment industry.

jim says:

Simplicius the thinker has found a variety of accurate indicators of casualty rates, for example monuments to the casualties of a particular small town.

Russian casualties so far 0.05% of the population, one person in two thousand. Ukrainian casualties, 1% of the population, one person in a hundred. Five to one casualty ratio, as Russia has three or four times the population.

The Ukraine can probably go on fighting to three percent, but once you pass one percent, you start to lose fighting effectiveness, so the next two or three percent gets racked up fast.

someDude says:

Can we then hope for an end before the three year anniversary comes up? The longer this goes, the greater the chance that Nukes will be used and I feel we are already uncomfortably close to that nightmare scenario.

Karl says:

An end of the war in Ukraine will not lower the chance that nukes will be used because Ukraine is simply a battlefield in a larger war of GAE against Russia.

An end of the war in Ukraine will increase chances of nuklear escalation because then there is no longer a conflict in Ukraine that GAE might hope to freeze and GAE will therefore look to start a new conflict somewhere else,e.g. Kaliningrad.

Fidelis says:

I wish I could be more hopeful about the results of a nuclear exchange, but I fear that the little critters would still maintain their sovereignty over the North American mainland regardless. For them to lose soverignty would require armed men cooperating under a leader, and I am not sure destroying the cities would do much to improve our chances of that. Perhaps a loss of power projection means Europe provincial states can break away, that’s an upside.

jim says:

War is the ultimate test of men and nations. Globohomo is going to massively fail this test.

Once nuclear weapons are used in a world where many people have nuclear and long range missile capability, they will not stop being used. This is likely to lead to a world where tech warlords govern, though there may be a substantial intervening period where Humungus style Mad Max warlords sort things out using lower levels of tech capability. But as soon as one lower tech warlord is able to maintain peace and over a sufficiently large economic base, he is going to start recovering a tech level capable of building nukes and rockets, and not long thereafter, use them.

The Ukraine war has revealed massive tech decline of the quasi government sector — the military industrial complex suddenly had to face external reality. When the nukes fly, will face it rather harder.

Fidelis says:

This is in line with my thoughts.

The lever pulling class will be revealed to be unable to project power, especially once the stockpile is gone. However there’s no feasible way for anyone to then come and take over the North American continent afterwards. So we are left with something close to the status quo of insane leftists fighting over who gets to loot and destroy. Destabilization cuts both ways, so I’m not sure such an event will help the Amerikaaner, though the world at large may be able to take a breath again.

jim says:

Lot of Chinese in the US that China could activate.

Lots of Mexican cartels, who are already starting to feel their oats. So, after nukes, invasion. This will create an environment where it is is possible for Amerikaners, among others, to organise. Internal war will end our enemy’s capability to prevent internal organisation. Amerikaners might well end up being ruled by Chinese, which will be less unpleasant than being ruled by our current lot of demon worshippers, though being ruled by Mexican cartels would probably be even worse. Or Amerikaners might well end up being ruled by aristocratic Amerikaner Christian Nationalist warrior elite, which is the optimistic outcome.

Fidelis says:

The Chinese aren’t exactly warriors, never met any that seemed like the type. Them mobilizing in full to maximize mechanistic destructive potential would be frightening, but ultimately they would burn out their economy for not much gain. I think they would be happy to continue pressuring eurasia and africa in the event GAE implodes.

If the power of GAE internally is organizational, I don’t see blowing up the cities to suddenly give their internal enemies a significant edge. Chaos favors incumbents, does it not? The cartels are, as far as I can tell, quite in bed with the GAE. In fact I’ve seen a lot of accounts of literal satanism, so perhaps even share the same religious motivations.

I just do not see the space the amerikaaner would need to organize, seeing as organization requires actually synthesizing the competing religion, and most of the churches in america are very pozzed. It looks like regardless of nukes, spiral into infinite leftism in finite time, ending in your hypothetical scene — prophesy?– of great masses of people gathered in front of a stage while they blast uncanny rythms, cutting out the hearts of captured paleskins and tossing the bodies down to the congregation to eat. Or Caesarism. Possibly a tranny Caesar who runs efficient death camps for all the chuds who possibly could have thought that a man could not be a woman.

The positive outcome that I could see is someone with both the tactical talent of Napoleon, but who also has enough priestly intuition to find his own based priests and demand his troops, at least nominally, convert. This person has to find enough space to get men to follow him enough to capture space and munitions, and then not get killed as he captures the state. Quite a high ask.

jim says:

> Chaos favors incumbents, does it not?

Does it?

On the one hand, everyone looks to the incumbent to defend them and organise them, which favors the incumbent. On the other hand, the incumbent has less capability to defend itself, and less capability to prevent its subjects from organising.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Real chaos means problems for the party responsible for incumbent order pretty much by definition.

Everyone suffers from chaos, and large scale organization suffers the most. If an edifice is blocking the right path, then the bumps of quakes tearing rents and fissures through disrepair and rotten facades opens up pathways through.

Sher Singh says:

Most leftist rags saying large anti-incumbent feeling atm due to post Covid economic malaise.

The incumbent is often blamed for the current problem.

Incumbent faction more vulnerable to collapse as more full of opportunists VS a smaller ideologically pure one.

OTOH incumbent wields significant resources against the ideological enemy.

The Cominator says:

This is not the time for street shitter bullshit here now.

Pax Imperialis says:

Biden Press Conference. First off script question he is asked about his confidence in VP Harris. ‘I have complete confidence in Vice President Trump.’ 🤣

Hesiod says:

At the end, a reporter asks Biden about Trump using that in real time to mock him. Biden says with a leering grin, “Listen to him,” and walks away from the podium.

Very eerie as if a demon possessing him shows itself gleefully enjoying the travesty of the whole thing.

Contaminated NEET says:

Holy shit. That was very strange. Either he’s really lost it, or he’s genuinely possessed.

jim says:

Do demons only exist within people’s minds, or are they external beings capable of human speech? It would be interesting if a senile old man had demons that are not senile.

Varna says:

Maybe at least some types of external forces intruding into a human, are limited by the current state of the human’s software and hardware.

Can imagine a demon possessing a guy, making him load up on meth or pcp or whatever, to make him burn himself up while reaching a short-lived physical peak, use this guy for a joyride, then discard the burnt out shell once the ride is over. Then maybe a lesser demon, some hyena-type parasite, takes over the burnt out wretch.

Operating the Biden could very well be like trying to use a VR experience with faulty intel chips and glitchy code.

Hesiod says:

As to the exact reality of demons, I cannot say. But as you have pointed out many times, lots of evidence of elites believing in their existence and, more importantly, acting upon that belief. Also crucial is the very old and widespread belief in magical control of these entities. This is not the Dr. Strange casting magic missile at the darkness type sorcery as seen in various pop media, but rituals formulated from the assumption the supernatural must obey properly spoken words and properly performed actions.

Lots of variations to this, but to the magician, the supernatural is indeed far more powerful than he, but a lot dumber as well. Imagine the hubris behind thinking you can rules-lawyer the divine, fallen or not, into submission. Our lettered LARPer hints at this in his aspirations.

DH says:

I subscribe to DROM (demons real or metaphorical). Leftism spawning harmful egregores is like Satan spawning demons. At root, leftism is a little child determined to break all of his toys – their left brain cleverly or not-so-cleverly rationalizes their motivations as moral and noble and virtuous, but the real motivation is purely destructive. Bruce Charlton is right: it is Sorathic evil. What do you call an entity that seeks nothing but destruction?

Hesiod says:

DROM, like GNON, works in helping to concentrate on observable causes while keeping a friendly truce over potential differences in metaphysical stances such as who is greater:
Crom or the Four Winds.

The Cominator says:


My god is stronger he is the everlasting sky, your god lives underneath him.

Milosevic says:

Why strange. The bloke does not care. Why would he. Nothing that is going on has anything to do with him.

DH says:

A Sorathic glitch.

DH says:


JustAnotherGuy says:


I know some of you guys aren’t into the vidya games and stuff, but this is just some news about intel’s newest CPUs encountering significant problems which so far have been hushed up and kept on the low-down for quite a while (Raptor Lake released in Oct 20, 2022).

My gut feeling is that AMD is also going to start getting gutted real soon, and the X3D chips exploding because of some faulty BIOS was the first warning sign, and I’m sure more is on the way because of how tightly they are conjoined to the eye of Soros now.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Also on the topic of vidya games, not sure if I would prefer that my society is so incoherent, demon-infested, low-trust that its incapable of making any vidya games at all, or if there is just enough cooperation that they can release med-resistant AIDS games on the market, at this point, I’d prefer the former.

S says:

People can play Asian or Russian games- AI makes localization cheaper and aside from sports games (which have license agreements with teams) there is no barrier for shopping around.

The collapse in Western quality is stark (compare Skyrim and Fallout 4 to Starborn) and cooperation doesn’t matter if the ideology and people involved are too stupid to make things but are instead cludging together buzzwords (which could refer to anything in the Superhero genre, but I’m thinking the newest Batman trailer).

S says:

Logged in but hit moderation filter.

Sher Singh says:

Quit gaming after Cod 4 because noticed women getting into it.
Still boot up Arma 3, Rome Total War 2 or Warno (recent) has been decent.

Asian games are bad & I don’t have high hopes for Stalker 2.

jim says:

Boeing and Intel. Western technology is going down.

And Musk has a limited time to save the west from itself, or he will find himself imprisoned for life plus four hundred years.

Anon says:

I have been reading about military tech art, especially artillary aim control system.
For mortar , cannon and howitzer. Most system today are digitalised . I am trying to build knowldege base for post computer.
Any tips, books , manuals will be appreciated.

Nunya says:

TC 3-09.81

Anon says:


skippy says:

The dissident research program needs to be continued. Here are some key questions for which we need answers:

1. Who exactly were the Socinians? Who were their predecessors and influences, if any? How and why did they end up in England, and how and why were they more successful in England than elsewhere?

2. What was the relationship between Puritans and Quakers? Why does contemporary Rawlsian Liberalism so closely resemble Quaker theology and almost not at all Puritan theology? Quakers don’t appear to be particularly common or powerful, so is their power purely entryism? How powerful is entryism, and were England and the USA simply unusually open to it or was there some other reason for its success there?

3. To what extent did “dissenter” (as they were known in England) continue to try to influence English theology and politics after the American Revolution? Did they use their wealth and power to harm Anglicanism in England throughout the 19th century, a period in which Britain is generally viewed as a more powerful country than the USA? Clearly little or no influence was exercised in the other direction.

skippy says:

*To what extent did “dissenter” IN THE USA…

The Cominator says:

Quakers are not natural spies or entryists… I think its likely that Jesuits (who have in their mission to destroy all competing religions and we know they destroyed the Anglican Church with their Oxford movement they didn’t even really keep it a secret) percieved Quaker memes as perhaps the only attack vector which might work against congregationalist puritans who they couldn’t just beat militarily (as for some reason Congregationalists were just invincible on the battlefield for centuries).

skippy says:

17th Century England was essentially Katholikrein whereas Quakers were openly petitioning Oliver Cromwell to resign and give them his power.

Jamesthe1st says:

Mark of decline, Houston got hit with a hurricane last week and 800k+ still won’t have power this weekend.

The Cominator says:

In Texas you have to consider that
1) The state is deep red but the bureaucracy are raging commies (since they live in Austin which I hear is basically like Cambridge Mass) and the GOP leadership is one of the most cucked traitorous state GOP leaderships in the entire country… hence sabotage in order to turn the state blue so the Democrats can always have the presidency without even having to cheat is perhaps a factor.

DH says:

Off topic, but I am curious: Is Muhammad bin Salman bluepilled on women, is he only temporarily fooling the Cathedral that he is bluepilled on women, or is it all mendacious disinformation emanated by the Cathedral in order to color revolution him one day?

I see the usual Cathedral mouthpieces accusing him of not being enough of a simp cuck, but that’s because they demand 2024 Feminism in Saudi Arabia immediately, whereas MBS might be more into 1890 Feminism – which is still absolutely horrible when you understand its implications for the cooperate-cooperate equilibrium between men and women, which by 1890 had already been disrupted and devastated by a sick and despicable (and gay) memeplex.

I also, however, see other globohomo mouthpieces praising him for his female emancipation efforts. Seems that the permanent government is not only conflicted about Israel, but also about Saudi Arabia.

When I look at public relations videos and commercials from Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf states, they appear to say “Look how modern and tolerant we are compared to what you might expect.” But it could be that MBS and the Gulf Arabs are cleverly deceiving the Cathedral and will cut the nonsense when the opportunity arises.

jim says:

Blue pilled. Soft power. Emancipation is high status.

Saudi Arabia sends its daughters to whore school, because high status, same deal as Ishtar’s temple prostitution.

The Cominator says:

What did Bin Salman do in regards to women other than to say she can drive IF her husband or father said it was okay and disbanding the religious police… both of those things should be fine. Our form of antifeminism will not need police everywhere watching everyone we will just hang loudmouthed feminists after we exterminate the feminist academics.
> Saudi Arabia sends its daughters to whore school, because high status, same deal as Ishtar’s temple prostitution.
Ie Western universities. Which elite Saudis were doing often before Bin Salman.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ironic obeisance to daemons always turns into unironic obeisance to daemons. The performance of subjectification reinforces subjectification.

The Cominator says:

Some libshit scum or glownigger scum just tried to kill Trump… looks like he is alive though.

DH says:

I’m surprised events like these don’t happen quite more often. But who knows, from now on it might become “the new normal.” Normality bias is rapidly collapsing – hot holy war is approaching as all factions sharpen the knives.

notglowing says:

Indeed, in hindsight it is surprising this had not happened yet. I hope this is a wake up call for Trump’s normality bias. But I am not holding my breath.

someDude says:

Correction: As all left factions sharpen their knives. Is there a right faction in the states in the sense that people on this blog refer to the Right?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Infighting and disuinity amongst the commissariat over questions of ‘where to from here’, means higher likelihood of various factions acting unilaterally, one way or another.

The real surprise is that it took so long for ‘somebody’ to take a shot at Trump, a liberal from the 1980’s. That it happens now is a clear sign of growing incoherence in the grip on power, and the checks on escalations that can’t be turned back falling away.

Hesiod says:

The Donald already has a front-page pic of a wounded but defiant Trump. Appears to have been hit in the right ear. Heavenly Father, please protect the man.

Hesiod says:

MSM headlines right now are an exercise in how not to say Trump was shot when he was clearly shot. Hunter S. Thompson quotes concerning journalists come to mind at the moment.

simplyconnected says:

> Trump was just “interrupted by Secret Service” -CNN
> Donald Trump has been escorted off the stage by Secret Service during a rally after loud noises ring out in the crowd. – AP
> Donald Trump rushed off stage by secret service agents at rally in Pennsylvania as bangs heard – BBC

It’s hard to believe, but it’s real.

The Cominator says:

I do believe the ear injury was due to a podium cut but clearly someone attempted to shot him (but the shooter was not in front of Trump most likely from a vantage point in his profile) that much is clear and the Democrats and the intelligence agencies (and perhaps Ukraine is involved too) are behind it. The secret service would never go along with a fake assassination attempt.

Hesiod says:

Don’t go spoiling my fantasy of Trump getting a gold prosthetic ear and going down in history books as Gold-Ear the Buccaneer-President.

Karl says:

The secret service would never go along with a fake assassination attempt

What about a real attempt?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Whatever you do, don’t say ‘assassination attempt’.”

The Cominator says:

Shooter supposedly dead, glowop confirmed. Just like with Oswald they didn’t want the shooter alive to potentially talk to anyone.

simplyconnected says:

> Trump injured in incident at Pennsylvania rally – CNN

simplyconnected says:

Sorry to clutter up the place, but this is just so incredible:
> Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd – USA today

What absolute scumbags. Makes one suspect complicity (how could they all coordinate their headlines so quickly?).

Pax Imperialis says:

For years is was, and still is, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA ad nauseam with no proof. But caution and timidity when live stream video proof of assassination attempt.

Tanks in Harvard Square is a top dream, yes, but that’s in close contention with armed men storming CNN/MSNBC/etc

simplyconnected says:

Pax Imperialis wrote:

But caution and timidity when live stream video proof of assassination attempt.

Exactly. How could they write headlines so quickly, all without any mention of “assassination attempt”?. At the very least, some notice that “in case of Trump assassination attempt, do not under any circumstance write ‘assassination attempt'” must have circulated in advance.

jim says:

I conjecture that when the plan was proposed someone said “The gunman is likely to be intercepted, in which case we have a live Trump who is more popular than ever”

To which someone else replied “No problem. If the assassin gets grabbed before he gets his shot off, the suggestion that there was an assassination attempt is Nazi Putler disinformation”

“No one is going to believe that.”

“Don’t worry, we will tell everyone that everyone else believes that. Everyone believes the vaccine is safe and effective, Biden got more votes than the holy negro, and Putler eats babies, right?”

simplyconnected says:

“Don’t worry, we will tell everyone that everyone else believes that. […]”

I think that makes the most sense: talking points, possibly for two possible outcomes, distributed to media in advance.
The other option would be what Me proposes:

Me wrote:

They get instructions from a central source immediately after the event, they don’t need to know in advance.

But that would mean that every reporter, at every major outlet, knows he has to connect to a centralized place to download his talking points, prior to writing any story (lest he be the one who messes up a major operation). Possible, but I doubt they would make it so explicit.

At least with “advance talking points” they rationalize it as “guidelines”. The journos themselves need some way to convince themselves that they are not basically an AI bot.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not every reporter, just the primus inter pares of every rag.

yewotm8 says:

They’re probably not allowed to watch the rally so I’m sure it took them a while to figure it out.

Jehu says:

I think God is protecting him. Even at the sham of a trial, I think God prevented Cohen from lying. Otherwise you have to believe that the persecuting attorney didn’t prepare Cohen from cross examination by the defense. It’s almost like the guy in the Rittenhouse case that got ‘disarmed’ by Kyle. I’m sure he was prepped to lie his ass off, but when the time came, he found he couldn’t tell the lie. God is the least ridiculous explanation for all of these.

Pax Imperialis says:

Imagine not being able to hit a target once from 100-150 meters away with a rifle… even the most bootfucked marine can do that with merely a week of training. Most of which is not actually practice but logistical hell.

Word is that it was antifa. So very well might have been the degenerate nature of fallen man, but whether it was Nature, or Nature’s God, Trump lives and is stronger for it.

Jehu says:

I understand he took lots of shots too. Well I guess you can’t miss fast enough to win. But yeah I think God was loading the dice. In His Majesty he only allowed the assassin to mark Trump and to give Trump a chance to demonstrate his character. God is great! Will our descendants remember the War of Trump’s Ear?

notglowing says:

Musk just endorsed President Trump

DH says:

“You best start believing in leftist holiness spirals. You’re in one.”

Mister Grumpus says:

“Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally”

“Secret Service agents rushes former President Donald Trump off the stage after he fell to the ground amid loud bangs at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.”


Humungus says:

Humungus’ sixth sense tells him there is something wrong.

The shooter’s name is Mark Violets but looks like a Mexican. He’s also part of Antifa.

Humungus saw the video. Trump was in mid sentence, small caliber fire was in background (like .22). Trump seen reaching for ear, then told to get down by SS.

Sounds fishy.

The Cominator says:

He was shot at most likely from his profile hence no dead guy behind him. Don’t start helping the DNC and the intel community with their post botch cope propaganda.

DH says:

Like Jehu says above, it is God at work – God works through cause-and-effect, natural punishments for natural sins. The left has committed a whole host of sins, and that is payback. They have self-selected for increasing incompetence by punishing anyone suspiciously smart and suspiciously sane, as the state religion got dumber and crazier, resulting in CIAniggers becoming a bunch of niggers. The younger generations of Cathedral minions are absolute trash. A leftist faction just attempted assassination – and failed.

S says:

The natural case is Lee Harvey Oswald got disposed of so only crazies, people stupid enough to not be aware of him or ones who think someone else is going to be a patsie are available to carry out assassinations.

Hopefully these people are too stupid to work with explosives because that is the obvious solution to their problem.

Pax Imperialis says:

Looks like a swarthy “white” guy to me, but I’m (mostly) Asian who’s “white” friends growing up included a Sicilian. What even is “white” today… of course we know it when we see it, much like we know what a puddle is without being able to quantify it, but what’s important is that the shooter is “white” enough for political reasons.

Oskar says:

Strangely, the Secret Service were told about gunman on a roof and did nothing.


jim says:

And then killed him, ensuring that he could not speak.

Why was there not a secret service man on every rooftop that could be used for this purpose. There were only a few such rooftops.

Humungus says:

“Why was there not a secret service man on every rooftop that could be used for this purpose.”

Exactly. SS was slow to get on stage too. Very odd.

The Cominator says:

If this were a monarchy and I were put in charge of the investigation with carte blanche my 1st step would be to put the man in charge of deploying his security detail under torture. Whoever left the roof open is in on the plot and has a contact who also knows about the plot.

Pax Imperialis says:

It is very possible there was a plot. It is extremely pragmatic to assume there was a plot given current circumstances; however, with the amount of DEI and other bureaucratic bullshit in the government one has to content with instead of developing and practicing actual job competence, the possibility of incompetent is not negligible. There are specifics I wish I could talk about in regards about how bad it is in the military for instance, but I really can’t at the moment.

Humungus says:

I like the way you think. You’d make a fine Grand Inquisitor. Someone, or all, on this SS detail mysteriously un-mysteriously knows something they’re not saying. Fake shooter name, silenced patsy, open rooftops.

Long drinks of water followed by helicopter rides for all involved.

The Cominator says:

The person who left the roof open is DEFINITELY a traitor and needs to be broken by “special” interrogation… torture, drugs idk. It would be best if possible to keep the arrest secret of him secret as long as possible so his contact (and his contact’s contacts) don’t know it… because they may the cut the link.

It is possible even probable there is more than one (ie why wasn’t the shooter taken alive) but maybe not.

Sher Singh says:



Just been doing lot of ਪਾਠ (prayers) last week or so.
The mental distance it creates from normies/online is impressive.

Just been focusing on local stuff/lifting.

I likely have normality bias since I think things will continue on current course for a bit.

Ie we get growing chaos which increases likelihood of black swans which alters current course.

Ie growing chaos is current course.

Been growing pretty well crossed 15″ arms finally – still scrawny.
Haven’t started to isolate triceps long head yet – figure if growing why stop?

Am I wrong?

Calvin says:

Hopefully this assassination attempt will help cure Trump of his boomer brained delusions of making deals with the left.

Pax Imperialis says:

What do you think the whole rejection of the election was? He clearly rejected making deals with the left. The problem Trump has (or had) was that he did not, or didn’t know who to, or maybe didn’t in time, secure the required people on the right.

Pax Imperialis says:

Jim and company, for what ever reason wordpress just doesn’t like me. It’s long over due but I’m in the process of getting on Gab. What’s the best throwaway email service to use? Other anonymity precautions. Everyone these days seem to require phone numbers or are otherwise pozzed (proton according to TC). I’m kinda ignorant on these things. I’m mostly a hardware type of guy. Fucking hated software in college, still hate it today because of how I’d often spent hundreds of hours debugging.

A few Marines in my vicinity are being investigated by the FBI for suspected “wrongthink” so to speak… I myself am facing legal action for (alleged) speech crimes, so getting adequate distance between online posting and irl is rather personal to me. Would appreciate advice. Of course the best course of action for me would be to shut up, but somehow I just really don’t care anymore. At worst I get adsep and find I can talk much more freely… guess I’ll have to somehow hook up with a PMC or something. Oh the horror of not having to deal with DEI. Or maybe I go back to my previous civilian job where I got paid significantly more.

Karl says:


Oog en Hand says:

“Now it is holy war in Ukraine, Azov pagans and demon worshippers versus Russian Christians. Christians seem to be doing better.”

Eastern Orthodoxy has access to Old Church Slavonic. Even Russian seems to hard for most Americans. The language barrier does give protection. Eastern Orthodoxy doesn’t like Evangelicals.

Do Azov pagans hold the view that a pagan can have sex with a captured Christian woman? If so, the Ukrainian demography could recover very quickly.

The Cominator says:
The Cominator says:

OMG this is REALLY REALLY REALLY bad fucking news… is there any other way to read this because I feel nothing but black panic and despair reading this.

The Cominator says:

And I didn’t mean to post it in this thread…

Hesiod says:

Relax. I wouldn’t be broadcasting my true plans to the world, either. Plus, that’s paywalled, so I can’t see if/how the article slices and dices quotes and pieces them back together.

The Cominator says:

This is really bad news… to the point I almost feel like should send an email to my friend from long ago in Elon’s circle pleading with him that the left will eventually kill him (whatever they have threatened him to get him to back off their promises are worthless and their threats will be impotent if he wins) and probably his family if he doesn’t go through with his old plan.

I have refrained from communicating with him so far and asking for favors and such but I’m seriously contemplating doing so now.

DH says:

Plus, that’s paywalled, so I can’t see if/how the article slices and dices quotes and pieces them back together.


Hesiod says:


From the article:

“Musk did note that he created a super PAC, called the America PAC, to help support Trump. A super PAC is a group that can raise unlimited amounts of money for a campaign’s independent expenditures—such as for ads, or for day-to-day operations— but doesn’t donate directly to the campaign.”

That’s no small thing, particularly for the guy who owns X. I agree with Com that we need to watch and wait for a bit.

The Cominator says:

I’m going to watch and wait for a bit… but lets not kid ourselves that this is anything short of catastrophic news if Elon is giving much much less money.

Hesiod says:

I suspect Fidelis has the right of it.

The Cominator says:

We’ll see how much is being given to the superpac but to me this sounds like catastrophic news…

jim says:

History suggests that as cataclysm approaches, clear eyed powerful people get off their asses and put a stop to it.

The problem is self delusion and normality bias. All face fags appear to be suffering from normality bias but we should not take this appearance at face value.

The Cominator says:

Jim what is your initial read on this… overwhelming shill activity + fake polls for kamala + now this… it reads to me as if the steal is now back on.

jim says:

The steal was always on. The question how much cohesion, competence, and unity will there be in carrying it out?

That Cheatle and every TLA stonewalled the inquiry as to how the shooter happened to get into the glaringly obvious sniper nest tells us that the Whitehouse and every TLA was in on the plot to murder Trump.

On the other hand, the merely elected branch of the uniparty is clearly very unhappy about this plot. External defeat and internal murder is rendering the uniparty restive.

Milosevic says:

When was the steal not on the table?

It worked great for them last time. They have nothing to lose.

The Cominator says:

Elon’s money + the extreme hatred people had for Biden (to the point where he probably had around 6% actual support) would have made it very difficult. If they can astroturf Kamala in the polls and Trump doesn’t have Elon’s money… its now doable again.

The Cominator says:

I don’t want to sound like a blackpiller but lets not do cope either… this is bad. This is really really bad.

DH says:

If you’re reading this right, then it’s worse than you think – if Musk and the Thermidorian faction are not all in, then even if Trump is reelected, he won’t be able to converge any tentacle of the permanent government on 1980 leftism and purge everyone to the left of that, which is supposedly their plan.

Maybe Yarvin warned Musk to stay out of it.

The Cominator says:

I’ll watch this for a week… then I’m going to plea with my old friend to plea with Musk…

Fidelis says:

Did you even read the slop article?

>I’m not giving 45m a month to Trump, I’m giving it to an organization that is supporting Trump
>I don’t believe in a cult of personality but Trump is a pretty cool guy

This is a journo doing journo things. Please relax.

Neurotoxin says:

Yes, Cominator, please don’t fall for the media’s propaganda. This is just their run-of-the-mill “Discord among the Right” news item.

Also, even if it had been accurately reported, and not misleading BS, I really don’t think money is the binding constraint on Trump.

What really matters, as far as Musk goes, is control of censorship on Twitter/X. Control of social media in 2020 was crucial for allowing them to sell the “There was no fraud” lie. If Musk is with us that’s going to be enormously more difficult for them this time.

(And the left knows it. I hope that every time he’s in public he wears a Kevlar vest as thick as a battleship hull.)

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