
Against Liberty

Liberty allows and encourages the highest human flourishing. But when your enemies seek your destruction, it is time for liberty to go.

The time approaches for the warrior ethic, wherein the highest good is to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

It takes two to keep the peace, only one to start war. Every time that Muslims drive a truck into a bunch of Christians, or Black Lives Matter ethnically cleanses the neighborhood of whites and burns down a shopping center, people start panicking “Oh, the terrible white backlash is forcing Muslims and blacks to become radicals.”, though no one has seen any white backlash yet.

The way to respond to war, is with war. History shows us that only war works.

Let us try massacring some peaceful Muslim men and enslaving their women, and see what the effect is on Muslim radicalism. Let us try reenslaving those blacks that are causing the most problems. That would be backlash.

For liberty to exist, there must first be law. For law to exist, there must first be order. For order to exist, there must first be peace. For peace to exist, there must first be victory. And victory usually requires the most horrifying means.

Submitting to your enemy’s war making is not liberty, nor order, nor is it peace.

It is been too long since the last war, people have forgotten how terrible war is, and our enemies have become too used to easy victories, where they make war unopposed, and this war making is answered by generous concessions, which necessarily leads to more extreme war making by our enemies. The only way to real peace, is now through real war.

110 comments Against Liberty

Steel T Post says:

I’ve seen people you libtards wouldn’t believe. Migrant shelters set on fire for lack of Nutella on a Ramadan evening. I watched Africans drive trucks through glittering Christmas Markets near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be revenged in time, like blood in rain. Time to die—for you. [BAM!]

Nice Bladerunner reference. Can hear Hauer/Roy Batty haltingly delivering your revised lines in my head with the Vangelis soundtrack in the background, then abruptly getting up again with renewed vigor instead of passing away.

Randy the Random says:

I’ve come the the conclusion that Jim is the only man on the internet who understands the problem.

One white man, among billions, who gets it. What does this say for the future of western civilization?

How many bloggers continue to white knight for their females? They want to purge the blacks, the muslims, etc. but not in their wildest nightmares can they ever dream of repealing the 19th amendment.

They’d rather slaughter billions of dindus, than get their own house in order.

The first step to enlightenment is rational observation. We must learn from our enemies. Islam does one thing right: females have the same legal rights and responsibilities as children. They are, and have always been, dependents.

This was the first cardinal sin which began the cascade that lead to the fall of the west. And it’s not the first time it has happened.

The white man’s propensity for white knighting may be genetic, and if so, it will spell his irrevocable doom.

Heed my warning, or perish, white man.

Robert says:

Jim isn’t the only one. Many others see the problems that we face. Many of our people see feminism for what it is. You should watch


The biggest issue is not that we don’t see the problem, it’s that we don’t see the solution, that we don’t have the courage of our convictions.


Randy the Random says:

To be frank, we see no solution because there is none.

Once woman is allowed to infiltrate man’s space of thought, she only ever solidifies her grip on his mind.

Men at no point in history have been more indoctrinated by woman’s manipulations than today.

From early childhood to full adulthood, they are surrounded by women, and castrated by men. Male police guards prevent them from being men while female school teachers, professors, lawyers, judges and bosses mold their behavior to be perfect eunuchs.

“Do this, and you’ll get sex.”

“Do that, and you’ll be punished.”

Throughout all of this, their own female peers are constantly among them and around them, infiltrating their minds with the temptation of their nubile flesh.

Tell me, how is a young boy supposed to mature into a man, when is mind is constantly dominated by women? How is he to think for himself when women wholly own his mind? Once women broke the dam of all male fraternities, they destroyed the only barrier which protects the male mind from female predation.

The biggest lie ever told was that woman is the weaker sex. For nature brandishes its creatures with the tools they need to survive. Woman’s greatest tool is deception, and it begins with her fragile form and ends with her wickedly Machiavellian mind.

Men would have you believe that the only measure of mental acuity is logic and reason. Women are the greatest counterexample. They are hopeless at surviving in nature, but when it comes to manipulating men like mindless golem, they are unrivaled.

Randy the Random says:

“brandishes” is supposed to be “furnishes”. Confound it all, Eve herself plagues my mind.

Robert says:

When looked at as a whole, the problem is insurmountable, but it does not have to be taken on as a whole. On a personal level there is much we can do. In a marriage you have great power and influence over your wife and children. The most adamant feminist can become alt-right if her man leads her so. Your children, even if you are divorced, look up to you, and there are a great many opportunities to teach them. You can look for ways to influence young men positively (blog, youtube, church). I live and work in a feminist world, but in my individual interactions with women I still take the dominant position, and without fail, they fall in line. It is not that they have beaten us, it’s that we rolled over without a fight.

You seem to be suffering from mind/body dissociation disorder and maybe spiritual ideation. Men manipulate women as well. Feminism came from professors trying to get pussy by telling women why they should be liberated to give it up.

The current state of dating has finally become bad for everyone, which is why it will change, over the objections of the true believer eunuchs Vox Day calls gammas.

Corvinus says:

Randy, what are YOU PHYSICALLY prepared to do about it? Are you ready to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Now, Jim…

“Let us try massacring some peaceful Muslim men and enslaving their women, and see what the effect is on Muslim radicalism. Let us try reenslaving those blacks that are causing the most problems. That would be backlash.”

That would be insanity. Are you going to lead this charge front and center? See, that’s tough talk from behind the comforts of your domicile.

“”For liberty to exist, there must first be law. For law to exist, there must first be order. For order to exist, there must first be peace. For peace to exist, there must first be victory. And victory usually requires the most horrifying means.”

We have law and order. It depends to what extent one views it in our society. Regarding peace, Americans generally go about their daily lives living in that manner. What you are proposing is chaos.

“Submitting to your enemy’s war making is not liberty, nor order, nor is it peace.”

The same logic can be applied to the Alt Right who champion absolute monarchy and patriarchy. Most people enjoy their liberty via representative democracy. That’s not going to change despite your protestations.

“The only way to real peace, is now through real war.”

Which you won’t even begin on your own front, you impotent fool.

jim says:

That would be insanity.

Reflect that Muslim terrorism began with Mohammed, and ended with the French invasion of Tripoli. They invaded in 1830, and Muslim terrorism was quelled world wide from 1830 to 1960.

Then reflect on how the French conducted the invasion, conquest, and rule of Tripoli.

Making war on Muslims in ways that match or exceed typical Muslim brutality works, and works well. This has been proven by experiment. If a defeated enemy remains unquelled, you are not being brutal enough. Muslim terrorism stopped when the French invaded Tripoli, and remained stopped world wide until the French withdrew from Algeria.

Most people enjoy their liberty via representative democracy.

White males are getting screwed badly by people who hate them, out vote them, but are woefully incapable of being soldiers.

Corvinus says:

“Reflect that Muslim terrorism began with Mohammed, and ended with the French invasion of Tripoli. They invaded in 1830, and Muslim terrorism was quelled world wide from 1830 to 1960.”

The same logic can be applied to Christian terrorism beginning with the Age of Exploration and ended with the end of European colonial rule in Africa and Asia by the 1960’s.

“Making war on Muslims in ways that match or exceed typical Muslim brutality works, and works well.”

Except you are not going to lift a finger in this regard. Talk is cheap.

“Muslim terrorism stopped when the French invaded Tripoli, and remained stopped world wide until the French withdrew from Algeria.”

You are talking about the Barbary Pirates, who were similar in their penchant for mayhem to their European counterparts on the open seas.
In other words, the European states had their own robust tradition of state sponsored terrorism–piracy and pri­vateering. In other words, both engaged in this action.

Oliver Cromwell says:

““Making war on Muslims in ways that match or exceed typical Muslim brutality works, and works well.”

“Except you are not going to lift a finger in this regard. Talk is cheap.”

What’s the point of this sort of comment? Obviously something doesn’t work if you don’t do it.

Corvinus says:

Right, so are YOU going to begin this war on Muslims, or remain on the sidelines?

Again, talk is cheap.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The comment, and most of this blog, is about what society should do, not individual people. You are a pointless contrarian.

Corvinus says:

“The comment, and most of this blog, is about what society should do, not individual people. You are a pointless contrarian.”

Genius, society consists of individuals. It’s all right there for you to be a one-man Muzzie wrecking crew. What are you waiting for?

jim says:

One of the requirements of just war is right authority. Waiting for right authority. One man cannot make war by himself. Recall Trump’s wise observations on how to make war on Islamic State.

Corvinus, you are a terrorist trying to recruit death squads. I expect the FBI to arrest you any minute now, if you’re not working for them, of course.

pdimov says:

“Genius, society consists of individuals.”

Only in the most vulgar sense. You similarly consist of cells, and your table of protons and electrons. But it should be obvious even to you that if the individuals, cells, or protons all decide to do their own individual thing, there’ll no longer be a society, a Corvinus, or a table.

Your ideology is cancer. In the second example, literally so.

Corvinus says:

“Only in the most vulgar sense.”

What is vulgar is assuming that people from different backgrounds are other than capable of forming a society based on a similar ideological framework.

“But it should be obvious even to you that if the individuals, cells, or protons all decide to do their own individual thing, there’ll no longer be a society, a Corvinus, or a table.”

Except that individuals do their own thing in a society within the legal and moral framework established by said individuals. That is the beauty of liberty.

Your ideology is cancer. In the second example, literally so.

pdimov says:

“Except that individuals do their own thing in a society within the legal and moral framework established by said individuals.”

Obviously untrue, as said individuals are born into the already existing legal and moral framework and for the first decade or two of their lives are in no condition to establish anything.

This idea of society as an optional emergent property of the individual consensus is completely nonsensical. It has nothing at all to do with the real world.

But even if we assumed that it were true, the current legal and moral framework does not allow killing Muslims on sight. Which is why we don’t do it.

Schoolboy says:

Over the last few weeks I’ve come to the conclusion that war is the height of human endeavors. Only in intense war and defeating your enemies is life really worth living. All the rest is just breathing, eating and waiting for war. Victory really makes life great instead of the shambling we do in everyday life.

Corvinus says:

“Only in intense war and defeating your enemies is life really worth living.”

Then do something about it rather than masturbate to your fantasy.

Cavalier says:

This is not the meth house where mouth-breathing, rebel-flag-waving, sieg-heiling van bombers hang out; this is the dark smoke-filled room where wars begin.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Meme magic corv; the discourse is a substrate in which policies struggle to take root.

If the discourse is broadly amenable to a certain thing, then the conditions are right for it to happen, then men will be inspired and greater men will have license to carry them out. All the little pieces will be nudged in all the little ways towards its end.

Memeing about how great something is on twatter and anonymous indonesian finger painting boards is quite literally the most effective thing an average prole can do in order to help conjure that thing into reality.

‘y dnt u d sumthin lol’ – t. sperg

Cavalier says:

Since the dawn of storytelling, there have been two vocations for men, to work for their families or fight for their nations.

Cuckstainty tried to add a third, to be a priest, which in our day became pinhead academic pseudoscientist.

War is important, but families also need to be sired and fed.

Nameless says:

” Every time that Muslims drive a truck into a bunch of Christians, or Black Lives Matter ethnically cleanses the neighborhood of whites and burns down a shopping center, people start panicking “Oh, the terrible white backlash is forcing Muslims and blacks to become radicals.”, though no one has seen any white backlash yet.”

Where does your perspective come into play, the West kills thousands and thousands of them, and literally upsets and manipulates their political systems, so they can benefit. Some terrorists kill a few hundred white people every year and you are calling for a global war, that will maybe ensure 100 million dead at least.

Stop falling for the Israeli media, more people die falling then they do by terrorists. The only reason people care, is because it is not part of any plan, it is random chaos.

You are calling for people to give up liberty, start an other bloody world war, because you expect a world war, to stop a few hundred murders a year?

Hundreds of millions dead, and the possible extinction of mankind, is not worth a few hundred dead a year.

Nameless says:

Send them back, segregate non compatible people and races, and enforce, a non interventionist policy.

Salger says:

And let them sit on such handy real estate?

Cavalier says:

Exactly, Salger. Let us make their countries great as England once made America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand great.

jim says:

You are calling for people to give up liberty, start an other bloody world war, because you expect a world war, to stop a few hundred murders a year?

We are not free when we are frightened to notice Muslim men raping Christian women, and when Christian women find Muslim men bad boy attractive because we are frightened to notice Muslim men raping Christian women.

Nameless says:

I get the point of your post, it is valid, and where I think we are heading towards to. The multiculturalism questions will have it’s final answer, in the coming decade.

I just think the rousing blood lust, and vengeance, is terrifying, and should be dealt with carefully. Send them back, take extreme civil measures, anything to not have to resort to military procedures. I wonder if humans will survive this next war and how it will be fought.

Oliver Cromwell says:

There would no more be a war against Islam than there was a real war against Iraq in 2003. The Muslim world would find itself returned to imperial government by Europe in a very short time. If the imperial governments were explicitly imperial governments, and used imperial methods, there would not be much disorder.

jay says:

And reinstitute dictators that they all must live under like Gaddafi since that seems to be the only thing to keep them in line.

Jack Highlands says:

True, and the very fact that all Muslims could see Iraq was not a real war against them continues to embolden them. To nations with above-replacement fertility, a million dead Muslims is a sign of Western weakness. As they only respect force, they will only respect the West when we begin to make true war upon them.

pdimov says:

“I just think the rousing blood lust, and vengeance, is terrifying, and should be dealt with carefully.”

It is the preventative dealing with the potential terrifying vengeance that is exacerbating the problem as it causes pressure to build.

At some point you need to make a choice between a few victims of horrible intolerance now against millions dead later.

“Send them back…”

If only.

Glenfilthie says:

That is exactly the wrong tact to take, Nameless. Being nice to moslems will not make them your friends, and when you deal with suicidally warlike people – the last thing you want to do is appear weak before them. They see mercy and restraint as weakness which is why we cannot defeat them, much less assimilate them.

We could stop terrorism right now. If we know Abdul is a terrorist, we kill him. If we THINK he’s a terrorist, we kill him. If he hangs around terrorists, we kill him. Not only him, but his family and his entire community.

This is probably the best article our host has ever written.

Corvinus says:

“We could stop terrorism right now. If we know Abdul is a terrorist, we kill him. If we THINK he’s a terrorist, we kill him. If he hangs around terrorists, we kill him. Not only him, but his family and his entire community.”

You first, Internet Tough Guy.

“This is probably the best article our host has ever written.”

If only you actually put forth the effort to carry out Jim’s course of action. Otherwise, it’s impotency at its finest.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Sending generals and statesmen to fight with bayonets without an army is impotency at its finest. You are a moron.

Corvinus says:

“Sending generals and statesmen to fight with bayonets without an army is impotency at its finest. You are a moron.”

You are not a general nor a statesman. You are a foot soldier whose job is to immediately neutralize the threat. Jim clearly laid out the plan. Follow it to a T.

Otherwise, all this talk about “society stopping terrorism right now” is neutered by YOUR inaction. Chickenshit.

pdimov says:

Some people never learn.

Steve Johnson says:

Post your home address and we’ll see if you’re right about everyone here.

Or don’t do it and admit you’re full of shit.

Killing them one by one isn’t the plan, having the government or qangos kill them as all at once as manageable is.

Corvinus says:

“Post your home address and we’ll see if you’re right about everyone here. Or don’t do it and admit you’re full of shit.”

565 North Clinton Drive
Milwaukee, WI

Steve Johnson says:

Couldn’t even make up an address on a street that exists? Sad.

Same reason I don’t announce showings of The Greatest Story Never Told at movie theaters that exist, libel and harassment.

Corvinus says:

“Couldn’t even make up an address on a street that exists? Sad.”

It’s from Happy Days. You need to chill the fuck out. It’s psychotic of you to be begging for my home address to have butt sex with me. I am heterosexual, not a homo like yourself.

No is no. Go find Pajama Boy.

Please consider that throwing a few leftists out of helicopters now can prevent much harsher war or the destruction of our people. Sure, some NGOs can be defunded by the government and low level employees “forgotten” – a lot of people can be “forgotten” – but only if we cut off the head. The top thousand professors, the editorial staff of the major newspapers and TV networks, some NGO guys, and a few bishops, throw them out of helicopters, forget the rest unless they try to start something, and we have our country back. We can do this with less killing than the Blacks do to us every year if we do it right. Doing it right means not kvetching that it’s mean to kill commies. Commies are scum who want to see White women raped by muds and Whites genocided because they got turned down for a date once or are Jewish. They deserve to die under the golden rule, justice demands their blood for their sacrilege and blasphemy, and they must be killed to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Candide III says:

You are fixating on the most dramatic results of the infiltration. This is as if somebody argued against substance abuse by pointing out the people who died from choking on their own vomit. Past a certain point demographic change is not recoverable on historic time-scale, and it involves hundreds of millions of people and their descendants who might have lived in a relatively free and orderly country but will live in a Third-world dump.

» literally upsets and manipulates their political systems, so (((they))) can benefit

How do Americans benefit from the wars in Iraq and Syria?

Cavalier says:

In Iraq, we could nuke their cities until they acquiesce to our oil companies operating unmolested in our extraction of the oil. Then we take the oil, use the proceeds to fund the Patriarchy, and if they terrorize, we nuke some more.

In Syria…I don’t know, maybe there’s something useful in Syria. We could grow a few world-class cities out of nothing, Dubai-style.

They’re a mindless rabble of savages who can barely maintain biologically backed taboos like kidfucking and cousinfucking let alone goatfucking. They make their ugly women wear bags over their heads when they go outside, not because of shame, but because they are all afraid of each other. They are militarily useless because they refuse to cooperate, consequently there is no need to use nuclear weapons to control them.

Go in with guns blazing, take the oil, give them food in exchange for menial labor.

That was our initial plan. Then a bunch of christcucks offered to play house with them claiming that they would behave better. Maybe the first christcucks were permitted to do so so that they would at least leave civilized people alone. But gradually the mission changed from extracting resources and settling White families to uplifting savages according to various incompatible cuckold theories of soul, until the christcucks seized control over the government by simultaneously claiming to be the true Christians and the true atheists while traditionalists tried to find something to claim as an identity. The loss of WWII barred us from atheistic nationalism, which is flatly true, enabling the christcucks to achieve total doninance, with the result that they are now playing house with their various incokpatible theories with their savages in formerly civilized countries and explicitly talking about how the “worldly” Aryan nations need to be leveled before the Lord God or maybe progress.

Reform consists of throwing the college professors, journalists, NGO leaders, and other clergy out of helicopters.

Cavalier says:

Moslems don’t _need_ to be nuked.

And obviously they’re not the root problem, but you asked what we could do with Iraq and Syria. Also, I’m pretty sure our shit-show in the Middle East began with “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, which sounds more like “let’s re-enact the ‘liberation’ of France (but with goat-fucking sheepherders this time)” than it does “let’s make Iraq great as England once made America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand great”.

I hear Trump is quite fond of his helicopters.

Javier says:

Stupid comment. We already know from black crime rates that we can stop every injustice that was ever committed in the name of the state, privilege an entire race and community to preferential treatment well above their skill level and ability, give them free money, free food, free housing, free shoes, and even free smartphones just for existing, and they will still hate us, curse our name, and call for our destruction.

Cavalier says:

They despise us with all the visceral, venomous hatred of a servant for his tolerant, indulgent master, or a woman for her cuckfaced beta schlub hubby. Humans love the strong man with the whip; we killed millions of Germans and Japanese 70-odd years ago and to this day they are some of our most faithful subjects. We now let Moslems and Mexicans and Africans run wild, and they despise us for it. If you want peace, prepare for war.

Candide III says:

“Submitting to your enemy’s war making is not liberty, nor order, nor is it peace.” Suggested addition: “It is defeat. If you do this, you are not a virtuous person or a lover of peace, you are a coward and a loser.”

Cavalier says:

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

John Morris says:

Please don’t keep passing around this adulterated version I see every month or so on the Alt-Right. Use Kipling as he wrote it or don’t.

Can’t make this an actual link, the blog blows up:

John Morris says:

Bah, that link isn’t complete, too clever with their html. Search that site for “The Beginnings”

Cavalier says:

Is this is a practical joke, or do you mean to say that I’ve spent most of my life knowing a “revised” poem?

u2load says:

When the English began to hate.

That the Saxon began to hate.


Oliver Cromwell says:

Strange adulteration. I’ve only ever read the “Saxon” version but it was immediately obvious that “Saxon” meant “British”. I think “Saxon” actually sounds a bit better.

Jack Highlands says:

It’s phonetically much stronger indeed, for several reasons too spergy for me to elaborate on.

Erik says:
Reactionary Oriental Libertarian says:

Jim would there be a need to deal with Muslims and NAMs if the Cathedral is defeated and things take their natural course? These are just proxy attacks by the Cathedral on their greatest enemy, the Vaishyas. If the Middle East was ruled by white colonialists or even just sane kings I doubt Muslim radicalism would be a problem. The main enemy is the Brahmins, not their pets.

vxxc2014 says:

“You are calling for people to give up liberty,”

Liberty is taken by the violent for only they take and hold it. Men at arms.

It was then gifted – only word for it – to the many and most of the rest.
This was of dubious wisdom.

The real Cardinal Error and political sin was then extending political power to those whose very Liberty and indeed Laws were contingent on the continuing success of those who defend Liberty – who found themselves relentlessly undermined by those who view it as merely their baseline Gimmedat from which all the other gimmedats flow.

No More. Politics is Power, Power is Force and the Franchise or any other political powers must be restricted to the wielders of Force. This is ancient and only recently extended past them in the 20th Century. Even the French Revolution understood the Franchise [voting] was in exchange for Military Conscription.

vxxc2014 says:

” The main enemy is the Brahmins, not their pets.”

We shouldn’t put off a reckoning for the Elites any longer indeed this peace or war is probably our last chance. I think peace for awhile longer then war…Trump isn’t Moses and capable of actual miracles. Overdue in any case and presently in our favor. Time isn’t as the enemy may learn to be men and fight again.

However this doesn’t mean we can ignore their pets, or indeed further:
Islam isn’t just a pet of the Elites. They’ve discovered this themselves the last generation. We at least must have great distance and no mixing of our civilizations. At least. Frankly they’re overdue a reckoning themselves – and there can be no dispute bloodbaths are what they understand not words.

Steel T Post says:

vxxc2014: “Trump isn’t Moses”

I’d rather Trump act like Pharaoh anyway.

“What if Joseph and his people were in fact the plague in the first place?”

Exodus Viewed from the Alt-Right
by Lawrence Murray | Atlantic Centurion |Dec. 14, 2016

Reactionary Oriental Libertarians says:

Islam is not a material threat to the West without leftist protection.
See: Pre-1950s western colonialism

jim says:

Terrorism started with Mohammed, ended with the French invasion of Tripoli. Resumed immediately following the French retreat from Algeria.

Cavalier says:

Terrorism is makeshift bombs, old Soviet AK-47s, and shiny new Humvees airlifted from Washington.

Call me when Moslems start producing cars, tanks, planes, bombs, rifles, missiles, nukes, and CRISPR.

A.B. Prosper says:

This is a rather good point. Fighting our enemies tooth to tooth, claw to claw puts us in their camp.

As for right now, simply cutting off jobs and welfare and closing borders will solve most of the Muslim problem by default. Using Sweden as an example, 95% of the people there get dole.

No dole and a decent defense means 95% go elsewhere, If the West is closed to them and hard enough to defend itself, they will go home.

Hell the 5% who have jobs and aren’t toxic could stay if we really wanted them.

Now if we don’t take this path, the inexorable human tide will push either destroy us or far more likely push us to react with extreme violence

We are better fighters , better at war by far but they aren’t all fools and excel in skirmish raids and are hard men, harder than us in some ways

why should we shed our blood to defeat them when our science provides us with answers at much less cost in life?

There is little technological reason we can use our science as a vast force multiplier, autonomous kill machines, tailored germs , chemicals, better explosives . precision guided weapons, tactical computers Use that STD IQ deviation to our gain if we must,

viking says:

Now you are talking sense, this nrx faggotry of watching your children raped and murdered while you read old books and become worthy to be monarch is, well what you would expect a yuppie jew pajama boy to counsel.
Want to know how monarchs became worthy to rule? They conquered their enemies.
Euroman reveres freedom because it was one of his great achievements, the level of freedom possible in a white nation.But it became a cult and an entry point for leftists.

That said war must be done intelligently, larping that trump will have his generals declare martial law unlikley more likely more of same multinational corporatists and global marxists conspiring to enslave whites.
Going after elites might work it should be researched their are instances of it happening how did it work out, going after them through false flaggs is another option. Going after them through hacking another. They need to be poked, we need to know about the deep state,we need to think about how politics might be used to move pieces around ostensibly for one reason but really for war effort. Allies might actually be found on left, Asange being an example, many leftists are leftist because believe lies.Also leftist could be pwnd to think they are working for left when really working for war effort. First order of business how do we know who can trust or how can we obviate need for trust.

Cavalier says:

All the firepower in the world means nothing without the will to pull the trigger.

This is not a war of bullets and will never turn into a war of bullets; this is a war of ideas, a war of memes, memetic warfare, ideological battle, the existential struggle to secure the Aryan soul and a future for White children; though, it may well conclude with one or two thousand bullets fired into carefully selected targets at very close range.

The reason that we will win is that we will purge those to the left of us when the time comes. You will purge SJWs, I will purge you when you attempt to make peace and reconcile with the avowed enemies of my race and my civilization, and if there’s anyone sufficiently to the right of me (I doubt it, but I suppose it’s possible) they will purge me. Most of these purgings don’t need to end in grisly personal demise, but some do, and will.

viking says:

I doubt youre to the right of me. I think that might actually be impossible. Im guessing you think Im a jew lover. whatever i might think of any individuals would not stop me from whatever means might be necessary to protect my people, And you may have read me suggest that it may be necessary to temporarily flip the jews.While i dont buy this idea that the wasps are the real leftists and jews just trying to fit in,Im also not yet convinced theres a jew conspiracy. By which i mean most leftist jews like leftist whites really believe they are on the side of the angels they dont see they are an existential threat to the white race and civilization.The jews I think also believe multiculturalism is a good survival strategy which is understandable and sort of on a slave morality basis makes them a bit less culpable if ungrateful.That is not to say my morality necessarily would give either group a pass when at a point we would actually have the luxury of such a decision.As you point out that may never happen. Is it possible there is a conspiracy well as i said in my comment we need to get inside the deep state to find out. I will say i find it hard to imagine a conspiracy that goes to the bowels of the NSA etc and jews’s are the ones running the entire show or leading it, I should hope we are not so stupid that could happen.If there were a a cabal of jews running the whole show but most jews are no more a part of it than the average SJW should we ship them all to Auschwitz again? Or simply deport them ? or allow them noncitizen residency with restricted privileges? I would say it would depend on what is learned.People like Soros types should certainly stand trial and be executed but so should many whites.Treason is already a capital crime.
You seem to imagine you will win this power by posting kek memes and that Im proposing we head to the woods with our AR15s, both are incorrect. Memes are not going to win this in case you hadnt noticed they are gearing up to eliminate free speech and control the internet.Both of which i have warned about for a decade and always got the same response which is theres nothing we can do but read old books and larp monarchy but dont worry muh collapse is coming. well its not coming.Something more proactive is needed.memes while they are still allowed are part of that but much more is needed and some of it must be violent but unlikely to mean heading to the woods.
That said washington actually did just fine in the woods aginst the cathedral of his day because he realized an army pursuing him would very quickly alienate the population through atrocity.USG really cant go hot war against an armed insurrection at least not while the internet is free.just saying. No idea how trhat might come about or where in the order of hail mary ideas it ought to fall, intelligence is needed to assess that. But consider it was thought the mid east was never going to change and then this Tunisian fruit vendor self-immolates and in a few years the entire mideast is in ruins. Things tend to change when we most think they can’t. Trust me you are not going to meme a majority of whites into nazism. If you could i would be fine Id vote hitler current conditions but honestly nazis really messed shit up and killed a lot of whites

Cavalier says:

And yet you speak of alliance with leftists.

viking says:

temporary strategic alliance to gain enough power to do what needs to be done but can not be done from here. There is very little to be done from here, as you point out we are down to frog memes.Nazi frog memes will hit a high point soon, as normies take frogs as proof whites really are nazis given half a chance and start singing kumbaya.
Trump may buy some time if hes not total dumb cuck.If that time is wasted on frog memes its over if that time is spent preventing the movement to lock the internet and make speech illegal while launching a robust attack on the cathedral through well planned craft maybe theres a shot.

Cavalier says:

You must not have read Mein Kampf. It very clearly lays out why Hitler won: National Socialism made no alliances with political rivals, formed no coalitions with competing factions, and converted everyone to its own banner. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

When I say memes, I’m not talking about Nazi frogs (you nitwit) I’m talking about “restore the Stuarts”, the 14w, or my personal favorites “the 100 million foreigners have to go back” and “let’s make Mexico, Central America, South America, South East Asia, India, Africa, and the Middle East great the way that England once made America, Canada, Austalia, and New Zealand great”.

Or “keep women barefoot and pregnant and chained to the kitchen stove”.

Or “white genocide”. Or “gas the kikes race war now”. Or “kill the men and take the women”.

Corvinus says:

“I will purge you when you attempt to make peace and reconcile with the avowed enemies of my race and my civilization, and if there’s anyone sufficiently to the right of me (I doubt it, but I suppose it’s possible) they will purge me.”

There are more good whites than bad whites. You will lose every time. Best wishes on your purge.

jim says:

There are more good whites than bad whites

There are more badwhite males than there are goodwhite males, and when the shooting starts, only white males will count.

For democracy to be stable, the election result should approximate what a civil war would produce, at lower cost. But politicians are naturally tempted to enfranchise cheap low information voters, Obamaphone voters, which results in block identity voting where some of those blocks lack military capability. The resulting democracy ceases to be stable.

Corvinus says:

Nope. White males will make their own racial decisions. Some will “fight” for their race, others will fight out of allegiance to their nation, and more will fight for their religion.

“For democracy to be stable, the election result should approximate what a civil war would produce, at lower cost.”

Bullshit. Stability is the result of those who work diligently to minimize the potential for civil war.

“But politicians are naturally tempted to enfranchise cheap low information voters, Obamaphone voters, which results in block identity voting where some of those blocks lack military capability. The resulting democracy ceases to be stable.”

Bullshit. White males out of their own volition or due to outside pressure granted women and nonwhites with the right to vote. That is liberty at its core. Our representative democracy as a result has been more stable compared to only a certain group of people who had the franchise.

jim says:

Bullshit. White males out of their own volition or due to outside pressure granted women and nonwhites with the right to vote.

Extensions of the right to vote were snuck in without consulting the existing electorate, much as two million Somalis were recently snuck in to the US.

Hidden Author says:

The enfranchisement of women took place over decades–for that to be “sneaked in”, the white male electorate would have had to be dumber than a stereotypical hip-hop ghetto negro!

jim says:

And similarly the movement of tens of millions of hostile aliens took place over decades, even though no politician took responsibility, and any politician that took responsibility would have been shot down in flames. Immigration of hostile aliens is massively unpopular with the existing electorate, and yet it happens, two million black male Muslim military age Somalis being an extreme example.

Do you recall president Obama saying “Hi, I am going to bring in two million Somalis who are approximately my own skin color and plant them in marginal electorates in flyover country.”

The defining characteristic of actually existent democracy is that when the people lose the confidence of the government, the government dissolves the existing people and elects a new people.

Hidden Author says:

Yes, but in the case of illegal immigration or gay & abortion (for Moloch) “rights”–politicians can verbally oppose the policies while installing judges who later declare that the initial, conservative policies are unconstitutional and thus null and void. By contrast, the 13th-15th Amendments with blacks and the 19th Amendment with women were passed by the elected legislators themselves rather than judicial activism. Women’s suffrage was actually advocated quite noisily by feminists and as for Amendments 13-15, 1-2 million Union men under arms during the Civil War plus the anger of the surviving veterans over the continued resistance by “former” Confederates accounts for Constitutional Amendments put in place accordingly…

jim says:

Feminists advocated, the mass media advocated, the universities advocated, every book and play represented women as angels, but did politicians advocate when running for election by an all male electorate?

Men voted for one thing, and got a different thing. Much as with immigration today.

Hidden Author says:

Wouldn’t that imply that the problem with democracy is not democracy itself but its form i.e. by politician rather than referendum?

By all means, put executive authority in the hands of a grand poohbah with a term long enough to be held accountable for results and legislative authority through referendums. (Judicial authority is a scam, it is either supreme legislative authority or politically meaningless.)

We can call the executive the king and the legislative council the moot.

But really what we need to do is burn the universities with the academics inside.

Jack Highlands says:

For everything
Turn, turn, turn
There is a season
Turn, turn, turn
And a time for all things under heaven.

A time to trade
A time to crush
A time for talk
A time for tears
A time to clasp their daughters to your bosom.

‘Against freedom’ is exactly the right kind of war declaration, the one that triggers leftists beyond untriggering.

arqiduka says:

It is disheartening that in the peace-order-law-liberty evolution a society can easily move back many steps in a short time. If only we only had to contend with a situation of order but arbitrary enforcement (as in the better third world countries), we’d have to fight for “just” the law. Instead, parts of the West seem to find themselves all the way back to a lack of order and soon enough, a lack of peace. Some way to make these slips manageable must be thought of.

Zach says:

I think I’ve sent more Jim posts to my wife, than perhaps anybody else.

Of course, I’ve been talking for a long time about being who we’re not, in order to be who we are. War is necessary for peace. And the peaceful must go to war. Quickly. Brutally. Get it over and done with. But if it’s going to be done, then throw ’em all in the toilet bowl.

If we’re going to war with islam, then we are going to war vs many lands and many peoples. But if it’s going to be done, then do it. Quickly. Brutally.

If it’s not going to be done, then GTFO, and let them rot and feast on themselves. Personally, I’d rather we wall ourselves in, get our jive on with Russia and Europe, and never let these vermin in this country for any reason EVER again. Shit is going to get real interesting around here.

The long slow burn of countries in decline seems to be slowing very recently as realizations are being made. Take this moron for example:


Hello? McFly? Why did it have to take so much for the obvious thing to be realized?

Corvinus says:

“But if it’s going to be done, then do it. Quickly. Brutally.”

Why don’t you start your own personal Jihad and get back to us.

jim says:

War requires right authority. Recall Trumps recommendations on how to make war on Jihadis.

Dave says:

As long as the West is swimming in free resources, all attempts at white resistance will be thwarted by other white people. Why fight the barbarians when we can just print up a fresh batch of money and pay them to leave us alone for a little while?

When welfare benefits have to be issued weekly, then daily, then hourly as prices explode, we might awake from this torpor (or not, see Venezuela). But until then, it’s business as usual.

Alan J. Perrick says:

All of the non-whites know that their group must have a degree of power, cohesive and not atomised, for there to be enough peace to get by on. That’s why rich Mexican Carlos “Slim” Helu bought the poorly performing New York Times.


Cavalier says:

Carlos Slim is Lebanese.

Alan J. Perrick says:


You are drooling on your keyboard!


Cavalier says:

Slim was born on January 28, 1940, in Mexico City,[11] to Julián Slim Haddad (born Khalil Salim Haddad Aglamaz) and Linda Helú Atta, both Maronite Catholics of Lebanese descent.[12][13][14]


Alan J. Perrick says:

At the minimum, somebody who never uses the word “license” as in “licentiousness” should never be taken seriously when he talks about “liberty”.


Robert says:

I think we often make the mistake of assuming that “liberty” is why we had such a high quality of life in America for so long, when in fact it was a great many other things, sometimes things expressly opposed to “liberty”, like patriarchy, and killing a bunch of Indians, and women not being able to vote.

Americans have been lying to Americans for many many years. It is like in the movie “the matrix” when they were talking about the first matrix they created without any pain or suffering and whole crops were lost. We are experiencing the same thing,whole crops (baby boomers) are lost, many people will never wake up, and many more will not wake up until the knife is at their throat.

War will not come, if we do not bring it. Our enemies know that they are winning (not really that they are winning, but that we aren’t even fighting), they know that we grow older everyday, they know that time is on their side. Nothing will change until enough white men stand up and say “No”. In the mean time, I think we should continue to wake as many as we can.


10900209 says:

I’m otherwise a gentle person but Rotherham alone makes me feel viscerally that no measure is too horrific. And there are so many Rotherhams. And then you have the massacres, and the ordinary rapes, and all the other great heaps of indignities. If even 5% of the population has an amygdala that functions similarly to mine, it’s going to be ugly.

Black pill types will say that normies will never fight. I have a feeling it always looks like things will continue as they were until suddenly they don’t.

Capt. Hinde says:

…209, you might read Revilo Oliver’s “The Jewish Strategy.” He goes through several (possible) scenarios of white self-defense. The only one that has a chance is the “let it burn” strategy of withdrawal while the muds and jews eat the system down to destruction. Then come in and resume living.

It is clear that RPO thought that rainbow whites would block all non-violent ploys by whites to “retake” their governments. It is a most depressing read, but clear.

Oliver, and Harold Covington, believe that leftism can’t be stopped because they don’t really know what it is. Covington thinks the Northwest can stage a gorilla revolution while the rest of the US becomes inexorably more pozzed, while Oliver encouraged Pierce to write The Turner Diaries about a horrifying and bizarre campaign exactly as the leftists imagine a fascist revolution.

But we know how to win, because we’ve done it before in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Romania, and in Hungary, Poland, and Russia.

The let’s grip on power is tenuous, much more so than when the churches had institutional authority. Their grip on reality is more tenuous than ever before.

In the US, churches have no de jure authority and have never had less de facto authority. Academia, the legislative authority of the judiciary, and the establishment media have been under fire from the conservative base for some time and have never had lower prestige.

Dismantling the Left means taking the Presidency, getting the legislature to strip legislative authority from the courts, eliminating “degree discrimination” in hiring, doing various end-runs around the establishment media and certain converged social media, and letting the churches continue to wither.

It is not even necessary to throw all professors out of helicopters (perhaps after a grace period in which the professors who can get a private sector job at or above the median wage are allowed to live), though that should be enacted as a vengeance move to ensure that people are afraid to betray the nation in the future.

Note the difference between the independence of the judiciary, which demands that the La Raza judge recuse himself in the Trump lawsuit, and the legislative authority of the judiciary.

Mr Curious says:

O/T White Men here in England need to cancel their subscriptions to Sky immediately. Advert doing the rounds on TV & print media shows a group of hero engineers (possibly one of the most White high IQ profs) as all dindu, sandu or female. ‘batman’ is the boorish idiot who ruins everything and is… You guessed it… A White Male. As CultMarx now as ZBC.

Stop being such CuckingIdiots & funding your own destruction so you can follow a bunch of ethnic foreign mercenaries kick a ball around!!!

[…] Danger, danger! Rightists would be good to note his tone and remember it. This is the tone of war. An unavoidable war, because leftists like Maher simply lack the ability to back […]

Paul Bonneau says:

You have it backwards.

“… liberty, not the daughter but the MOTHER of order.”
— P.J. Proudhon

jim says:

Proudhon was fond of deliberate self contradiction. His positions are intentionally contrary to reality.

Mackus says:

He also said that property is theft.

Abelard Lindsey says:

Who would we go to war with? The muslim middle-east?

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