
Condition of the Maidan regime in January 2025

On available data, it looks as during this war, and in the lead up to this war, the Maidan regime recruited and conscripted about two and a half million men. The regime says the current size of its army is nine hundred thousand men under arms, but it looks more like two or three hundred thousand thousand men under arms, because the Russian army has seven hundred thousand men under arms on the Ukraine front, and outnumbers Ukrainian troops by two or three to one almost everywhere along the front, according to both Russian and Ukrainian social media posts from the front.

So what happened to rest of them?

The Maidan regime is having difficulty conscripting more, due to flight, resistance, men hiding in strange places, and mass desertion, but, according to Zelensky, the main limit on conscripting more is not resistance but equipment, prosaic ordinary routine military equipment, which is entirely plausible because Nato has been stripped bare. Since the Ukraine is downstream of Nato logistics, it is reasonable to suppose that they are even harder up than Nato. Also Nato can get away with only equipping its troops on paper, but when you send troops to the front line with equipment that exists only on paper (which the Maidan regime has sometimes done) things do not go well. When the current Middle Eastern unpleasantness started, Israel discovered that a lot of their equipment only existed on paper, because the real stuff had been sent to the Ukraine. If that was the condition of Israel, you can imagine how things are in the rest of the Globohomo empire.

Since the Russian attempt to take Kiev by coup de maine failed, Russia has been fighting a war of attrition whose primary military objective is not to gain, or even hold, turf, but to physically destroy the Ukrainian army and Nato’s equipment.

The Maidan regime has been fighting a war for bullet points on tomorrow’s power point presentation in Washington. Their military objective is the next aid installment.

Reflect on the recent Maidan regime counter counter offensive in Kursk. They scraped together a couple of thousand fighting men, plus sufficient armored vehicles to transport them, from fronts where they and their equipment were vitally needed. They equipped all the vehicles with drone jammers, of which they even shorter than they are of vehicles, sent them to Kursk, and then successfully seized their objective, some undefended and entirely indefensible snow covered pasture lands in Kursk. (Possibly because any defensible location in the possession of the Russians was defended.) The usual shills proclaimed a triumphant victory and a big black eye for Putin, though I doubt that an indefensible patch of snow covered pasture is a very big black eye.

The men dumped on snow covered pasture land were not wearing snow camo, but desert camo. With no shelter, they had better have had snow gear, or else’s Russia’s greatest ally, General Winter, took care of them when night fell before the Russians could.

The men survived long enough to be a bullet point on the day’s power point presentation, then they died. Not all of the armored vehicles were lost, though a great many of them were, but the men unloaded at the objectives were never picked up again, and I doubt that there was ever any real intent to attempt to pick them up again, for the Maidan regime, though very short of meat, is even shorter of equipment to move the meat around, and even shorter still on drone jammers for that equipment.

Recollect the 2023 greatest Ukrainian counter offensive, which in 2023 September was still being hailed a mighty victory, and a sign that Russia was on the ropes and would very soon collapse, the collapse to be followed by a gay parade in Red square and war crimes tribunals in the Kremlin. It was supposedly a mighty victory because the Ukrainian army had reached the first Russian line of defence, the first of three. But by July-August the Ukrainian army had ceased to be capable of further advance, because of enormous losses of men and equipment, and because Nato artillery barrels had worn out and were not being replaced.

The Washington consensus is that because of terrible losses in Ukraine and unsustainable economic cost, Russia is desperate to make peace and will accept a humiliating and disastrous freeze in the conflict. Trump appears to be more in contact with reality, but is reluctant to inform those around him, many of whom do not want to believe it.

Assuming that Maidan conscripted two and half million men, and has three hundred thousand left, Russia is about seven eighths of the way to accomplishing its objectives by military means without negotiation. Not all of the missing men are dead, wounded or prisoners. Probably some of them have deserted and are in hiding, or have snuck into Russian controlled territory after throwing down their arms, or were in place when the front moved over them, then discarded their arms and uniforms, and addressed the winners in their best Russian.

Ending the war

Right now, the US is in a weak negotiating position. And if the Ukrainian army vanishes and the Maidan government withdraws to their Washington and Massachusetts mansions, this will not settle the war the way the disappearance of the Afghan army and the withdrawal of Afghan government settled the Afghan war, because Washington and Moscow have engaged in horizontal escalation against each other over half the world. And because Nato logistics are being exhausted even faster than the Ukrainian meat supply, Russia will then be in a good position to settle these escalations the way it will have settled the Maidan coup, whereupon the US will find itself in an even weaker negotiating position.

233 comments Condition of the Maidan regime in January 2025

i says:

Dunno if this is an appropriate post for carry forth the discussion from the last post.

Aside from foreign invasion. What explains the dysgenics of India? If arranged marriage is universal. Did their arranged marriage system fail somehow?

Fidelis says:


– Very low trust for a long time means that you get more return over the generations from more clannish inbreeding, keeping wealth in the family. This naturally limits the candidates for any trait you might favor.

– Europeans love physical aesthetics and athleticism. South Indians have a lot of higher IQ clans, but without the focus on physicality, they become doughy and weak, can end up with rather ugly features.

– Much of the Indian population comes from eternal serfs. These types don’t care to select for anything except resilience to farm labor, filth, and famine. Anything else doesn’t necessarily increase chances of passing on to the next generation, when you are already so far behind. Hajnal europe managed to avoid this equilibrium from the martial class having a heavy hand in selection, lots of downward mobility from the elite, and a culture of loving status and freedom over material condition. An English serf was likely to give up management of some land to emigrate to the towns and work as a day laborer, just to be called free. His material life as a wage worker much worse, but his percieved status higher. This creates a different class of peasant with different traits to favor.

i says:

I suspect that whatever the problems with female mate selection. It seems that their selection criteria is more balanced compared to what has been selected for in those higher IQ clans.

Chad is more often than not Athletic, Charismatic. Even Empathetic as in having an accurate Theory of Mind which enables him to navigate social situations deftly, understand power dynamics instinctively and inspire his men according to Voxday’s definition anyway.

Compared to the Average Man he has higher Agency:

Normal men simply don’t have those inbuilt qualities that would suit him for a leadership role.

Trump is an example of this “Alpha”. Is Empathetic enough to understand and connect with his base allowing him to be an effective Showman.

The Sage while having many Virtues is no King.

Fidelis says:

Female hindbrain does not care at all about the qualities you listed. Primary way to activate the female hindbrain in todays’ social world is being as much of an antisocial asshole as possible and not getting killed for it. Notice that high level celebrities tend to get cucked by 90iq “bad boy” barely verbal protohumans.

Unconditional violence also works, but no one is allowed to deal out unconditional violence. Least of all an intelligent man, or well coordinated tribe. So the only men getting pussies wet this way are petty criminals, since we no longer execute them.

Pax Imperialis says:

>So the only men getting pussies wet this way are petty criminals

Technically I’m a so called petty criminal. Multiple (alleged) dismissed felonies and now an almost certain article 133 heading my way. You’d think I would be drowning in pussy because of that but I’m not. A married woman in the process of divorce did hit on me, but I don’t need more UCMJ in my life. Obviously I’m getting out alpha by the hardened criminal in prisons. 🙃

My legal troubles have allowed me much free time to explore east coast communities and their churches (if they have them). Quite a lot of mustard seeds planted just beneath the fields of astroturf. I notice Christian Nationalist Churches seems to be doing well. Lots of families and children. Mainstream SBC Churches on the other hand… not so good.

Fidelis says:

You have to be so abrasive to male social code other men quietly steam about you or flinch away, while doing things obviously and blatantly illegal, like sell drugs to highschoolers. Can’t be some abstract crime, ‘I’m a hot felon tax evader!’ doesnt work, needs to be something quite animal level, something an ape might even understand as a sort of violation.

I don’t mean to blather on but this point seems to be missed by many, so the more words clarifying the disgusting behavior that works to turn women on, the more likely we hit critical mass of understanding.

Pax Imperialis says:

>needs to be something quite animal level

Well, that’s what I was getting at, although I was less direct about it, but my point stands that if it’s “petty” crime, it just doesn’t get the panties wet. Women do not watch the plethora of true crime documentaries and reality TV shows about Mr. Got Caught Felony Speeding, no, it’s all about serial killers and more recently school shooters. On occasion, Jihadi John.

Jim says:

> Chad is more often than not Athletic, Charismatic. Even Empathetic as in having an accurate Theory of Mind which enables him to navigate social situations deftly, understand power dynamics instinctively and inspire his men according to Voxday’s definition anyway.
> Compared to the Average Man he has higher Agency:

This is not what I observe. Sounds to me like purple pilled rationalisation of female behaviour by someone who is unable to make his peace with the red pill.

There are no unicorns.

I have higher agency and all that, and it is not what works.

Money does not work, social status in the male hierarchy does not work unless those males are right there in person treating you as high status, and personal qualities that are deservedly high status among males do not work.

I have posted no end of articles on what does work, and it is none of that.

i says:


As you say it is currently maladaptive. But I wouldn’t discount the evolutionary history that made it adaptive. If those that said women were attracted to were bad leaders in said ancestral environment then they won’t survive genetically over time due to him killed along with his group of men. Lack of paternal investment likely leading to his bloodline extinction even if she and the children survive.

Better leaders mean more effective groups who win in war.

Plus it’s likely the Ancestral Environment and likely said Hindbrain selects for Athleticism as well as Aptitude for Leadership rather than being overspecialised such that particular human capabilities get atrophied.

What I want is more Werner Von Braun. Adequately Masculine, Athletic, genetically healthy and Intelligent. Healthy to the extent that for example like Hunter-gatherers have good eyesight with very rare instances of weak myopia:

Closer to the ideal Warrior Aristocracy.

I believe our current situation is heavily distorted. Leading to the Hindbrain malfunctioning. Low IQ thugs not being executed for low IQ thuggery like any Virile group of men would do to said losers.

Jim says:

> If those that said women were attracted to were bad leaders in said ancestral environment then they won’t survive genetically over time

For four million years female choice has not mattered. Populations that survived just do not have female choice.

Jim says:

> I believe our current situation is heavily distorted. Leading to the Hindbrain malfunctioning. Low IQ thugs not being executed for low IQ thuggery like any Virile group of men would do to said losers.

Which leads to females reacting to them as if they were leaders, rather than reacting to Wernher von Braun as if he was a leader. But even if you fixed that problem, they would still not react to Wernher von Braun as if he was a leader.

Fidelis says:

The last time female sexual selection was in any way meaningful was before we left the jungle. What females were and were not attracted to ceased to matter after we began needing to organize mutual defense against land predators, and certainly after we became more carnivorous than omnivorous.

You’re presupposing female sexual selection having any effect on proto-human and human populations. Any female sexual selection only occured during tribal and later civilizational breakdown states. Otherwise it was limited to adultery, and men are very very good at distinguishing faces, such that successful adultery became very very rare a long time ago. Again, likely before we were quite human.

These traits you’re referring to were selected for by environment and by the men who organized society. The valiant, charismatic, trustworthy, brave, intelligent, they happened to survive the more troubling times, and have the most surviving children during good times. Women do not select for these traits. They select for the most alpha chimp according to their hindbrain, and the most alpha chimp in human(shaped creature) terms is the ape that disrespects other apes without getting beaten and killed, and the ape who orders the killing.

The Cominator says:

The most common chad type is not some Adonis looking 80s nerd movie villain type, the most common chad type is a drug dealer. He might have some muscles or intelligence but generally has neither his most positive and negative quality is ussually he doesn’t care too much about risk.

T says:

What I want is more Werner Von Braun. Adequately Masculine, Athletic, genetically healthy and Intelligent. Healthy to the extent that for example like Hunter-gatherers have good eyesight with very rare instances of weak myopia

There are always more dysfunctional males than dysfunction females (also always more extraordinary males than extraordinary females), so naturally most people that civilized society has to physically remove to remain civilized will be male. That skews somewhat the sex ratio. Now even if every poor man can afford a wife, there are some extra females in the community, and it will be best for everyone involved if they go to the King and to his warriors. You need not have discarded arranged marriage to get Wernher von Braun.

You do need to get Aryans, which means selecting for cooperation and long-term planning, for which periodic winters are responsible. After enough selection for these traits on the genetic base, you set a genetic-cultural co-evolutionary process in motion that increasingly selects for these traits, at least until a certain equilibrium is reached, even regardless of periodic winters.

i says:


I did some reading on Alpha Chimp behavior. And according to what I read the Chimps that are tyrannical die the quickest as other Chimps form a coalition to kill him.

But those Alpha Chimps who are good at coalition building and taking care of Subordinate needs in addition to being fearsome. Last the longest. No source as far as I am aware ever indicated that simple rule through fear and brutality on its own worked best.

It really is Good Men that are prevented from exercising Righteous Violence that is distorting things even to the Female Hindbrain as said many times in the past.

The Ideal Man. The God-Man himself exemplifies said Ideal “Alpha Male” behavior without the downsides:

As Heartiste himself explains too:

God himself is the Alpha of Alphas.

Jim says:

> No source as far as I am aware ever indicated that simple rule through fear and brutality on its own worked best.

Men know this, but I am very sure that women have not figured it out.

Reflect on the Mary Sue characters in Girl Boss moves. They were horrible people. Well, they were written by horrible people, but it is clear that that the writers could not comprehend the difference between alpha and evil.

Fidelis says:

What do you think these not-so-tyrannical chimp kings are like? The least tyrannical chimp is going to look like a cruel savage monster if you compare to human norms, and that’s the point. They don’t have human norms, and the female-specific sexual selection drive stopped evolving right about here.

It really is Good Men that are prevented from exercising Righteous Violence that is distorting things even to the Female Hindbrain as said many times in the past.

They emancipated women long before they stopped hanging antisocial men, and we know the result. It was dysgenics from the very start. It just doesn’t work. I wish it did work, it would be one less problem, but it does not work.

i says:


Men know this, but I am very sure that women have not figured it out.

Which is precisely why I used the Chimpanzee Hierarchy as an Analogue for the Ancestral Human evolutionary environment.

Chimpanzees are much more instinctual in addition to not having human consciousness. And even they don’t tolerate tyranny but would ensure that those who even on the most primitive level those with good leadership survive and reproduce the longest. I don’t expect women to understand their own attraction either.

What throws a spanner into the works is that the Perfect Man the Logos in the Flesh have no problem attracting women because of his very strong “Frame” and other features of what the Red Pill used to call “Game”. Being a Kingly Man such “Game” is inherent to his very Personality.

Yet he is in no way is he a tyrant or cruel or a thug. The Perfect Man, the Christ somehow has the same magnetism of a “bad boy” who isn’t actually is one. I linked Heartiste and the website he cited so you can read more about this.

S says:

Increase in average genetic quality requires elite selection for quality, an elite more fertile then the rest of the population and sustained downward social mobility.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In very broad terms, people in lands at the crossroads of empires tend to end up highly mongrelized, and this has innumerable downstream effects. It’s not a coincidence that the greatest civilizational superclusters on earth to date arose in northwest europe and northeast asia, no somewhere in between.

For illustrative purposes, lets examine success in international athletics as a rough signal of genetic fitness, be it in more meta terms of capacity for extended coordination – larger societies have deeper pools of talent to draw from – and in more direct terms of mutational load – beauty, intelligence, and physicality are all correlated with each other.

What you can see is peoples in central asia, mena, and specially the indian sub-continent, in roughly such order, greatly underperforming in competition relative to their population numbers. The Iranian wrestling team is excellent, even if you don’t see them stand out anywhere else (‘regional overperformers’ tend to involve local elite human capital funneling more towards a particular pursuit). Nothing else compares though to just how positively dismal the podium performance by our dot friends is though. Over a billion people in population, and yet it’s not unusual for an olympic games to go by with them so much as winning even one (1) single gold in any event. For all that east asians could be described as typically less physically typed than other species, they don’t have the same problem. Even relatively small players like Japan or Korea are well represented at the trophy table.

It’s not simply a question of typology or trade-offs, it’s like sugar in the gas tank; somethings are just knackered with no redeeming benefit.

Hard thoughts must be had by dharma-bros on the means of excreting genetic refuse and refounding a vedic race in bharat.

Fidelis says:

In very broad terms, people in lands at the crossroads of empires tend to end up highly mongrelized, and this has innumerable downstream effects. It’s not a coincidence that the greatest civilizational superclusters on earth to date arose in northwest europe and northeast asia, no somewhere in between.

Are we sure it’s ‘mongrelization’ and not some other problem with the way breeding is handled as a civilization? England was perhaps the most mongrelized nation of said northwest europe, and I agree this does not come close to what you see in places like the middle east or the subcontinent, but still a rather large degree of homogenization took place. (And, just because I like the slavs, please do not exclude the Rus from your supercluster! Another nation that can be said to be born of a mixing event).

It looks to me like it’s less ‘mongrelization’, mixing of peoples, and moreso lack of elite cohesion and fertility. The subcontinent elite was clearly unfocused in breeding, and suffered decay for it. The Han, for all their faults, and lots of mixing of peoples, unintentionally created a better system through malthusian managerialism, and we do see plenty of example of Han winning physical competitions and accomplished in at least applied and highly mathematical sciences. Perhaps not great pound-for-pound, but not totally out of the race.

Hard thoughts must be had by dharma-bros on the means of excreting genetic refuse and refounding a vedic race in bharat.

It looks to me like the ‘hard thoughts’ are well upstream of this question. Besides the very democratic, the hindoos at least do seem to aspire to greatness, and in practice are incredibly exclusive in their breeding. Something seems broken in their value system and their systems of elite cohesion, as jim has repeatedly pointed out. None of their elite want to live in a giant trashheap blight on the surface of the earth, cannot coordinate enough to clean up their surroundings, so attempt escape instead (carrying their low trust broken culture with them). When they can put the lower class in firm grips and enforce hygiene in physcial surroundings, likely genetic hygiene is to follow shortly thereafter.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I would say that mongrelization is a large part of it; the caste system had its origins in the fact that the different castes were literally different species once upon a time. Calling England mongrelized is technically tendentious in a manner similar to saying that America was founded by immigrants. As much as I love our slavic cousins as well it is also hard to argue they clearly stood above their brothers westwards – there being a rough but easily observable continuum of population geographies there. The Russian people are something that exist on the Atlantic side of the Urals; everyone else is an imperial subject.

The selection dynamics are more than just simple though. One of the other main consequences of being a frequently conquered crossroad is that non-NPC and non-duplicitous bloodlines tend to end up rather harshly ‘selected against’ as well.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

On the later point poland is probably the most obvious example. Centuries of being literally incapable of stopping their anal bleeding which inevitably brews into yet another continental catastrophe.

Fidelis says:

Calling England mongrelized is technically tendentious in a manner similar to saying that America was founded by immigrants.

Not exactly, it truly is the most homogenized when you compare the other North Sea and generally Northwest European peoples. A mix of celts, romano british, continental germanics and seafaring norse. The English themselves are also far more homogeneous by blood than any other European group. If you PCA their blood, it’s one big cluster from Sussex to York. This is not true for French, and this includes French close in geography not some gotcha comparing the Breton to the L’Occitane.

And, speaking of blood, when we measure these ‘mongrelized’ people in the roads of empire, before they decided it was a great idea to marry their nubian slave girls, they seem to have not changed much for some 6000 years, about the same length of time we see for the Aryan expansion into Europe proper. Before we crushed Malthus by hygiene and Haber, large scale population movements and mixing didn’t seem to occur at any great rate, and the expansions of people like the Aryans a great exception, which is why we talk about them. For all the time the turks subjugated the baltics, not much turkish blood soaked into the region. Similarly the Spanish and the saracen problem they dealt with. Usually gene flows outwards from high population farming groups, the same groups that we would be accusing of being subject to mongrelization here, the Han thoroughly mongolizing the steppe peoples at their borders by generous donation of wives.

Looks to me what determined great peoples was a high fertility elite, elite determination of how the serfs married, and downward social mobility. This provides more of a common thread than some sort of racial purity, as there are many quite pure groups found dotted throughout the world of no real consequence.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You say not exactly then agree with me? Why did you try to make that point in the first place if you didn’t believe in it? Anyways…

>high fertility elite[…]and downward social mobility

I agree these are the most important things in isolation. Never the less, you’re missing an explanation for why peoples in the crossroads of empires are significantly more dysgenic than peoples on the edges of the continental superclusters, which is a hell of a coincidence. And while I have nothing against the Spaniards or the Balkans, one also cannot help but make less flattering comparisons to their more successful neighbors in mitteleuropa… As far as examples go these don’t buck the trend, rather in fact, illustrate a continuum.

Aidan says:

I have been over this before. The upper Aryan castes of India practiced femicide, producing a shortage of upper-caste females. So high caste men started marrying down, marrying dasyu nigras.

i says:

The lack of prohibitions of infanticide in general and the way the Dowry system worked. Both likely combined to make femicide more common.

Zorost says:

“What explains the dysgenics of India?”

Climate, and the starting genetic material. In Asia there is a clear north/south cline of IQ; the farther north, the smarter people tend to be. This is likely related in part to homo erectus leaving africa by following the coastline and not going much further inland due to mountains and climate. While northern types fought it out with each other and the weather, getting better over time, the southern types just sat around eating from the bounty of tropical and coastal regions. See: africa from ancient times to the present.


S says:

It isn’t climate- Sri Lanka has higher IQ scores.

Jim says:

Is climate, but a lot of regions with chimplike climate, especially islands, were settled by peoples whose ancestors came from harsher climates. It is clear that there were a whole lot seagoing Aryans, though the original and major seagoers were Semitic peoples. The Bronze age collapse was in substantial part Aryans sailing boats built by Semites, or sailing boats whose designs they learned from Semites, notably the Children of Dan, who operated the major known shipbuilding facility during the Bronze Age collapse. We have no idea who built the boats sailed by the Bronze Age collapse era Aryans who settled the British isles, but we have good indications that during the Bronze Age collapse, Aryans were sailing the Mediterranean on boats originally created by Semites, or whose designs were taught to them by Semites. In the genetic record, there are hints of an Aryan invasion of India during the Bronze Age collapse that sailed from the Red Sea (so naturally settled coastal lands and islands).

The original Aryans were landgoing, chariots and wagons. When they hit the Mediterranean coast, they were landbound, and the Semitic peoples, who had been on the Mediterranean coast a long time, were not. When they hit the Red Sea, we have no direct information about what happened next, but to get to the Red Sea, they had to pass through Semitic lands. Although we have absolutely no records indicating a sea based Aryan invasion, we see coastal genetic influence of Aryans along coasts near the Red Sea, just as we see coastal genetic influence along coasts near the Pillars of Hercules.

Jim says:

Humanlike creatures evolved towards fully human as they pushed into environments more and more different from the ancestral environment of the common ancestor of man and chimp. The more different the environment, the faster evolution went. Genetic analysis shows that subsaharan Africans have substantially more commonality with the common ancestor of man and chimp than populations descended from the steppe peoples. From memory, steppe descended peoples have about thirty percent more difference than most subsaharan descended peoples.

Evolution on Mars is likely to go a whole lot faster than evolution on earth. Of course, settling Mars requires us to solve the woman problem.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Perhaps you’ve been doing this blog, all these years, in order to maybe be taken seriously by the right people now — just enough of them — to head off a global catastrophe.

T says:

His Heavenly Purpose is greater than this.

KD was right.

Zorost says:

Global catastrophe is the cure.

T says:

Whether or not it is the cure, when bad genes are selected rather than good genes, and when social technologies are totally broken and fixing them is prohibited, “global catastrophe” is all but inevitable.

fus says:
Jim says:

The US government has quietly taken despotic power incompatible with freedom and democracy, and Thermidor is not willing to let go.

Not unduly stressed, always expected this, and am working on another solution (bitmessage on steroids)

I don’t expect democracy to survive, but I intend for freedom to survive. I expect some drama to ensue once the restore freedom project actually starts delivering results, as no end of people who theoretically believed in freedom discover that they do not. Hence the code of conduct

Fidelis says:


U.S. officials urge Americans to use encrypted apps amid unprecedented cyberattack
Officials from the FBI and CISA said it was impossible to predict when the telecommunications companies would be fully safe from interlopers.

They’re going to have conflict within. Centralizing communications and data collection while backdooring everything just leaves potential leaks everywhere. Some orgs are going to be pushing encryption and obfuscation, if only just for their own use. Everyone knows tor was a fed pet project, and I’d bet BTC survived to its current state because various feds found it quite useful to leave around.

Different debate entirely but I don’t think freedom returns until we reach space. Looking at the past, whites shook off despotism through being ground up organized for violence, while kings were always distracted by near peer enemies at their borders, making it so crushing their subjects’ ability to carry out violence just made them vulnerable to enemies without. EIC was chartered and nurtured by the state, and Reconquista townships and the following Spanish colonies chartered and nurtured by the state. I think only the Dutch provide a counterexample, but they were rather weak and short lived in comparison.

So, if you want liberty, need to be armed and organized, that’s not happening without the state’s permission, unless a new fronteir opens up. Well, the only frontier left is off-world. We may get lucky and the people with state power decide private logistics are necessary to out-violence the eurasian axis, in which case we get arming and organization closer to the stock population, which grants us liberty again.

We’ve had black markets a long time, they don’t really tend towards the sort of organization and industry you want while powerful states are around, and they don’t really tend towards liberty either. They tend towards liberty and industry only by accident when the state collapses and they fill the vacuum, not really by design.

Fus says:

Yep… Encryption thing was a big admission, they’ve got everybody ten different other ways already, so crypto isn’t a problem. Also likely pushing people into huge trap… they’ve moled out every cryptosystem and project in ten different ways already. You have to be really picky about apps, and use defense in depth.

Notice how Govts got REAL convenient with shutting down all public talk of privacy coins, and delisting all serious ones. They effectively WHACKD McAfee for talking privacy and sovereignty on the public scene. Few years later and those topics were dead… not a single keynote or speaking circuit on that today.

> Armed

Milei recently relaxed at least some gun laws.

> Arming … grants us Liberty again

Money kindof does that first, build guns with it. They first took the world’s gold with bank controlled Fiat, then took the guns. Probly not going to get Gold back, because Crypto is more fash for now. But you do need a better P2P crypto than BTC, something that can handle an entire nation worth of people and biz transacting maybe once a week or so… so they can begin to starve out their Govts buy using unconfiscatable P2P crypto.

Govts will respond with a Poll Tax, dragging Polls off, until you respond with… 3DPrinted, but you’ll need to make ammo, because they’ll shut that down too.

Jim says:

> until you respond with… 3DPrinted, but you’ll need to make ammo, because they’ll shut that down too.

People have long been making their own ammo.

Fidelis says:

You can do plenty with 100 well trained and well organized men with guns. You cannot do anything as a mob communicating on owned platforms and infiltrated on all levels by informants.

There might well be organized men in the west, but you’re not going to find out about them until the state starts truly breaking. Their comms will be homebrew, their recruiting thorough and mostly in person and local. If they exist, and they might, they’re going to be mostly invisible.

white bread says:

>Milei recently relaxed at least some gun laws.

Milei is one of the biggest CIA shills on the planet. He hasn’t decreased state power in any meaningful way at all. Just for the record.

Jim says:

> We’ve had black markets a long time, they don’t really tend towards the sort of organization and industry you want while powerful states are around, and they don’t really tend towards liberty either

Cyberspace and the blockchain can make a huge difference to that. We need to move the corporate form to the blockchain. Modern capitalism. (When I say modernity, I mean seventeenth century, when the modern forms of social and economic organisation originated. We now are in postmodernity)

I anticipate a cryptoaristocracy — where anyone wealthy and powerful whose meatspace location is known can be killed, and very likely will be, so the cryptoaristocrats conceal their meatspace location. Like superheroes, they will have regular guy alter egos. People are already starting to live like that. Can’t speak the truth if the state knows who is speaking it, and it is getting harder and harder to do business if the state knows what business you are doing. People set up companies in Hong Kong and Dubai — whose ownership is non obvious, but quite traceable, and whose actual economic activities are considerably less traceable.

The state can shut down organisation in physical space if it can find it, and will make a very determined effort to shut down organisation for violence. If move organisation for economic activity to pseudonymous cyberspace, organisation for violence, private military companies, will follow.

Fidelis says:

I don’t see whatever it is that you are seeing.

I see cyber black markets, they don’t really market in anything of consequence. I see meatspace cartels, they don’t really do anything interesting. I don’t see how keeping books in a digital ledger changes the operation enough to be meaningful.

For PMCs, warriors aren’t really fond of black market work. You can get grunts but not warriors. Mercenaries of the distant past were tribes hired by an empire, they contracted as if they were a state themselves, and of the recent past they’re just privately run state contractors. Gold has existed a long time, and used to be even more useful than today, I don’t see how digital money is going to change this, seems like an issue born of human nature.

You say there will be a cyber aristocracy, but all the bitcoin multibillionaires aren’t funding anything that would keep their bitcoin safe, let alone anything aristocratic. At best they fund L2 stuff, but barely that. Look at nostr, at how unmaintained it is, and look how only hobbyist devs seem to do anything to advance private interaction. It’s obvious to you and me the internet itself, on a protocol level, is fundamentally broken if you want it to be soverign. Who is funding a new internet protocol? Now is the time to do it, while the feds are dealing with all the diversity hires, they wont even recognize the danger.

It looks to me like we do get a new aristocracy that leverages the new paradigm brought about by lightspeed communications and encryption and automation, but it’s going to come about from a state that wises up, or from the ashes of one that didn’t. Humans don’t seem to organize violence well enough outside of states. They can do banditry, but not military, until the state militaries disappear and the bandits don crowns.

Jim says:

> I see cyber black markets, they don’t really market in anything of consequence

Cyber grey markets market quite a lot of consequence, among them tanker loads of Russian oil.

> I don’t see how keeping books in a digital ledger changes the operation enough to be meaningful.

The books have to be made available to the shareholders, and have to be authenticated to the shareholders. At present the state holds a central role in this authentication. Cut the state out, huge difference.

> It’s obvious to you and me the internet itself, on a protocol level, is fundamentally broken if you want it to be soverign. Who is funding a new internet protocol?

I intend to seek funding once I have a prototype. The trouble is that these ventures tend to be funded through foundations and such, through organisation beholden to the state. So we have a chicken and egg situation. Difficult to get funding for non state forms of organisation, till he have non state forms of organisation.

You can get funding from Bitcoin billionaires, and I myself am not entirely broke, but ideas are worth two cents a bale, and only if already baled. They want to see something that works. And I want to make something that works first. This turns out to be harder than I expected.

Fidelis says:

Cyber grey markets market quite a lot of consequence, among them tanker loads of Russian oil.

Is this what is going on in Dubai? It’s hard for me to picture how these deals work out, how the man paying for oil doesn’t get stolen from or arrested for violating sanction. A tanker load of oil is not inconspicuous, is it? I get that the people running the GAE are becoming quite incompetent, but incompetent enough to miss something like this? If one tanker, more. If a whole tanker, who knows what else. This is new information for me.

The books have to be made available to the shareholders, and have to be authenticated to the shareholders.
The trouble is that these ventures tend to be funded through foundations and such, through organisation beholden to the state. So we have a chicken and egg situation. Difficult to get funding for non state forms of organisation, till we have non state forms of organisation.

So my understanding is the primary benefit of shares is providing mutual benefit and risk. If you want to start a business that requires a starting charge of capital before revenue makes you whole again, need a shareholder system. When the business is running, the shareholder system helps with allocating capital towards and away from businesses on the macro scale, and provides incentive for cooperation out of high level participants from within the business.

However I don’t see why not having a shareholder system is a massive blocker for making a shareholder system protocol. The first iterations should be incredibly cheap compared to the money that gets thrown around elsewhere. Why arent they finding devs, paying directly in bitcoin on an informal contract basis, and bootstrapping? This is not some 1000 man industrial project, this is a small team project, at least at bootstrapping phase. You can do that with informal agreement and direct payment. When it leaves bootstrap yes, lack of shares and contracts will prevent scaling to a proper team size, but we’re not even close to that yet.

Finally, still not seeing how these enterprises meaningfully arm themselves. The best examples from the colonial past, they all rentend warriors from the state, with the explicit approval and help from the soverign. Is there a case of a private enterprise hosting a significant amount of military power in our past? I can think of maybe something like the Pinkertons, but the state was pretty friendly to them as well. It really looks to me like serious warriors are organized by faith into states, and otherwise you get flaky grunts that are not interested or capable of fighting a real power.

Jim says:

> hard for me to picture how these deals work out, how the man paying for oil doesn’t get stolen from or arrested for violating sanctions

Do a search for “shadow fleet”. The people receiving stuff from the shadow fleet need to pay for it.by shadow payments, so find the regular banking system inconvenient and difficult to use.

> The best examples from the colonial past, they all rented warriors from the state, with the explicit approval and help from the soveriegn.

Rather, the state rented warriors from the private sector, which is how formerly French Uranium is now protected.

The British and Dutch East India companies had explicit state approval. But there were a whole lot of similar businesses that operated on the edge of being declared pirates, and sometimes they were declared pirates, and sometimes they very belated sought state approval, and sometimes got it and sometimes did not. The West Indies and Hong Kong were developed by a bunch of pirates. When Queen Victoria was declared Emperess, there was a big crackdown, but the crackdown took a long time before irregular military activity, unapproved military activity, and actively disapproved military activity diminished.

> the first iterations should be incredibly cheap compared to the money that gets thrown around elsewhere

Nowhere near a cheap as you expect and I expected. Undoubted cheap “compared to money that gets thrown around elsewhere” But that is exactly the problem. The state’s tentacles are all over the system wherein very large amounts of money get thrown around.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Tankerfulls of Russian (and I presume Iranian?) oil are sailing out and being paid for every day. Somehow.

Bitcoins flying around in cyberspace, and briefcases of gold into and out of Dubai airport.

All systems and conventions being invented and perfected on the fly since the Z tanks rumbled into Ukraine in 2022. War is a stern teacher, but also a desperate and driven innovator.

Fus says:

If you are coding, and writing manifestos about shit that needs coded, then do and push more of that out into the space.

Both West and East have no problem censoring, blocking, and cutting cables… so if people expect comms to survive, people need to start learning RF so they have raw airwaves as backup.

Most of the “West” seems doomed… collapse first, then whatever rises to fill the vacuum. Democracy was designed to be unfixable like that.

Trump2 seems mostly a reaction to WokeDEI, with flavortext of trying to be something more, but is perhaps nowhere near based enough to end the DeepState, Trump1 got crushed trying that. DS knows Trump2 is playing harder, but not fully based, so DS is going to raise defense.
The Corporates coming in is interesting though.

Weapons / Resource drain… true.
Was an unsettled big dick contest, the West lost $1T and the War, because Gay as usual. Even then, pretty sure both West and RU knew that if they confined themselves to fighting strictly within UA, neither side would be dumb enough to escalate outside UA at each other… but West couldn’t find the rhetoric to go in hold back the skirmish line anyway. West was Gay, Jew, Corrupt, Woke… thus never had the balls, skills, stockpiles, or diplomats to say shit… thus the War, and lost the War.
West-RU shouldn’t have bothered, when they both have bigger China, Jews, Islam, Woke Gay DEI, and their own Corruption and DeepState’s to worry about.

USA really needs to get the Jews and Leftists out of its politics and media, they’re disloyal to the US and have been fucking shit up.
And close the border to all incompatibles, including Jews, Left, Muslims, Chinese, Africans, “migrants”, “refugees”… never did need a single one of them, no one else takes them, for the same reasons, neither should you, tell them to go fix their own shit in their own countries, instead of bring their shit to yours.

Can’t believe the US people didn’t thrown Biden-Kamala and most of Congress out the hard way already. What a disgrace.

Bigger swings are happening, sooner or later one will hit.

Jim says:

> both West and RU knew that if they confined themselves to fighting strictly within UA, neither side would be dumb enough to escalate outside UA at each other

But they have escalated outside at each other.

The west has also escalated against China, using deniable proxies to cut the silk road by violence.

Fus says:

> 100 men making ammo

True. Yet world has not yet seen 100 men displace any Democracy gone more Evil than Democracy itself. Democracy was designed to defeat that, the PsyOp keeps declaring itself even if the current segment is severed. Kings/Dictators/Autocrats/etc are supposed to be benevolent and sometimes are, Democracy never is.

> have escalated outside against each other

Yes, blowing pipelines cables sanctions in 3rd party or the seas. And their informal agents are doing minor things to each other. At least appear to be refraining from sinking each others commercial boats in quantity yet.

(ps: Look at all the sabotage and spying going on in the USA the last five years or so)

For that matter, China and India are “doing stuff” too, and it’s not “neutral” or “right” either. Opportunists freely wage behind the Wars of “others”.

Point is, everyone is still willing to excuse that lowlevel / informal stuff. And they still appear to have both the brains and control to not have their formal forces guys directly pulling triggers at inside the lands of each other. That’s still governed by MAD, at least for now, so they still confine themselves to UA, more or less.

And because of that, and the simple Grace of God, you still got to wake up today to a blue sky instead of a red one, or not at all.

The biggest breach of the “confine-to-UA” rule, was DPRK committed war against UA (when Z’s UA captured RU land), however to the extent DPRK remained only in RU helping push UA back out, that would have to be excused by the West tough cookies, same as if the West went into UA to help push RU back out, RU could really only safely per escalation/MAD confine its reaction to within UA. If DPRK had entered UA against UA in nontrivial fashion, then DPRK and UA would be at War, but Kimland is bigger, so they’re not, LOL.

DPRK going globo is the big unwritten news for Historians.
Similar to how, on Military gameboard level, the West probly could have gone into UA to help UA push RU back out, but the West wussed out… that decision might be analysed by Military historians for a while. Same as RU use of pol-war rhetoric there might be analysed by Political historians.

The War was stupidly unnecessary for both sides to even venture, and now both sides are more or less depleted, so they’ll give up soon.

Point… if the end-to-end “Internet” survives the coming Geopolitical Balkanization attempts to shut it down, then P2P survives, and crypto thrives, giving Humanity back control of the money in their pockets again. Much harder for Politicians Govts to steal Hard Unconfiscatable Unprintable CryptoMoney to pay for their stupid wars with…. The grunts aren’t going to accept worthless Fiat when their families and businesses have all been transacting their lives in sound CryptoMoney for years.

Theory… you need a Global P2P CryptoMoney *NOW*, and to roll your own non-govcorp private piecewise personally-owned P2P meshnet RF/fiber comms too in order to back up the operating power of that CryptoMoney against central Internet lawfare/balkanry/filters/shutoff… you need to build your own P2P-distributed nodewise-supported CryptoMoney, AND build your own P2P-distributed nodewise-owned NextGen Internet.

Otherwise your only option is Gold, and since 95% of Humanity forgot how to transact with Gold 100yr ago, and the P2P-device-comms multi-purpose future is viewed as far cooler than boring old Gold, Gold is probly never going to happen at any scale or have any impact (other than maybe inside the first 50yrs post global nuclear war) ever again.

Unless the Aliens need Gold for some kind of tech, and they don’t have guns, and they’re willing to trade their virgin daughters for it 🙂

Neuropoison says:

The War was stupidly unnecessary for both sides to even venture

Retard take or shill payload. For Russia, this war is existential.

and now both sides are more or less depleted, so they’ll give up soon.

One side is depleted; the other apparently has more soldiers (and some kinds of materiel) than it started with. And the side for whom the war is existential can’t give up, if it wants to survive.

I get the sense that this blog is being subjected to systems testing as the bad guys see just what, if anything they can slip past our radar, and how it long it takes for us to detect it.

Neurotoxin says:

Whoops, previous remark is mine; wrong name.

skippy says:

There’s a good argument for Russia not launching this war, but, once launched, cannot be unlaunched. Of course they expected a much better outcome.

Jim says:

Russia should have physically resisted the coup in 2014.

Neurotoxin says:

“There’s a good argument for Russia not launching this war”

No. Russia had no choice.

Neurotoxin says:

Also, to say that Russia started this war shows a failure to consider anything that happened before February 2022.

skippy says:

I’m not assigning blame to them but at this point a better strategy would have been to completely abandon Donbas and build up their population inside their (ample) borders. Ukraine has nothing in it that they need. Of course, if you believe you will win in 3 days anyway then why not take it?

Russia, per the government’s public statements, is now beginning to realize that the birth rate and high technology is more important than symbolic things or even land. Much depends on whether they succeed in raising it.`

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If creeping washington advance is met with creeping russian retreat, by and by they’ll be retreating all the way to gay pride parades in red square.

Jim says:

Washington strategy in a nutshell. Even if the Ukraine vanishes and everyone forgets about it the way they forgot about Poland, Washington is going to go on creeping until there is an agreement in place to stop creeping, and that agreement is enforced by the president — which means we first have to have a president that can enforce it.

Neurotoxin says:

“Ukraine has nothing in it that they [Russia] need.”

Ukraine doesn’t have something that Russia wants. Rather, Ukraine has something that Russia doesn’t want: a base of operations from which Russia’s enemies can attack it.

Russia has made it clear that it understands this and knows that its survival depends on not allowing it.

Also, you’ve commenting here long enough that you know this. Your last couple of posts have been odd.

Jim says:

I put Fus on moderation for shillish behavior — sailing right ahead with his repetitious narrative without responding to people who responded to his narrative.

Pretty sure he is a Thermidorian shill, but shill or not, this behaviour leads to endless threads that waste space. Obviously narratives contrary to reactionary orthodox should be posted from time to time, but they should be posted to be debated, not just posted, and reposted, and reposted.

skippy says:

Of course not invading Ukraine would not make the US go away, but it would give Russia an indisputable international border. One of Russia’s biggest losses in this war is accepting the ‘porosity’ of its border. The West can bomb and Ukraine can invade Russian territory and there is not an immediate – or perhaps any – nuclear response.

In large part the Ukraine invasion was a boomer war fought for the principal of Russian language schools in the Donbas etc. I get it, maybe even sympathize, but it’s not a strategic reason to launch a war. Russia has everything it needs within its own borders except a healthy birth rate for Great Russians. Russia needs to get more like Israel.

If Russia has benefited from this war, it’s through developing a large body of men experienced in modern warfare; it’s increasingly clear that non-Ukrainian NATO armies are only proficient in 1990s warfare.

Jim says:

> Of course not invading Ukraine would not make the US go away, but it would give Russia an indisputable international border.

Nuts. The US has been disputing the international border of Russia since Bush in 2002. They have been trying to fork off Chechnya from Russia, among other things.

In the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia gave away vast areas that were majority non Russian, but contained very large Russian minorities. Since 2004 or so, the US has been campaigning that Russia needs to yield any place that someone that the US does not regard as altogether Russian has set foot, that Russia does not have legitimate authority over the over most of Russia. If the US had its way, Russia would be small enclave in Moscow like Vatican city is a small enclave in Rome.

This has led to many serious armed conflicts, some deep inside Russia, some on Russian borders, of which the Ukraine is the greatest. I have forgotten the names of all of them except Chechnya and the Ukraine. Too many, the names were too foreign, and the maps were complicated and foreign.

Fidelis says:

I think what skippy is getting at, and forgive me if I’m putting words in your mouth, is that the kind of escalation that Putin opted for was in retrospect not what Putin wanted or expected. Was instead what NATO wanted but did not expect.

As there was already an ongoing low level proxy war, could have opted to escalate the proxy war tactics without triggering the Rules Based Order types into overdrive. Looks like Vlad figured he could cut the head off the serpent in the Ukraine instead of the slow buildup of proxy war, instead got trapped there. Luckily for him and unluckily for NATO, turns out NATO was the dollar printer masquerading as a great power.

skippy says:

That’s a reasonably fair summary. Russia wanted a bloodless coup, bloodless because backed by a huge army, and probably would not have attacked if the outcome had been known. Turned out the army wasn’t so huge, and Russia got an attrition war where Ukraine could be backed by every NATO member. This is theoretically a dream for the Cathedral, but turned into a nightmare by the unexpected realization of how badly they had hollowed out their lands. The Cathedral has suffered a major loss, but Russia has not (yet) won anything of significance, has lost a significant (but not huge) fraction of its own population and war materiel, and has not really gained anything except combat experience for its troops and a better appreciation of the real outlook of its “Western partners” (Putin’s old words).

Jim says:

> Point is, everyone is still willing to excuse that lowlevel / informal stuff.

The lowlevel/informal stuff has been getting higher and higher level. Putin, Russia, and Russians are not willing to excuse it any longer, which is why Russia and the west are now at war and will remain at war even if the Ukrainian government flees west until the West cuts it out. And this lowlevel informal stuff is clearly getting on China’s nerves as well. American and China are slowly sliding towards high level war, in the same that America and Russia were sliding towards high level war from 2004 or so. America needs to stop murdering Chinese engineers engaged in the Silk Road initiative, stop blowing up Silk road infrastructure, and stop sending terrorists into China.

And America needs to return to the old status quo on Taiwan — that Taiwan is a Chinese province, and that this is an internal matter, except that it is not.

Neurotoxin says:


Russia has everything it needs within its own borders

Except security against the Global American Empire trying to destroy it.

The Cathedral has suffered a major loss, but Russia has not (yet) won anything of significance

This is like saying that if a guy tries to rob me and I shoot him in the leg and he falls down, then I haven’t “gained” anything. My goal is not to gain something; it’s to avoid having my money stolen.

I am quickly becoming weary of several people pretending they don’t understand this point. I’ll put it all in caps so that it’s not possible for people to continue pretending that they don’t see it:


There. Try to pretend you didn’t see that, asshole.

Neurotoxin says:


the kind of escalation that Putin opted for was… what NATO wanted but did not expect.

Disagree. The GAE’s hysterical reaction to the Special Military Operation indicates that they didn’t expect it and don’t want it.

skippy says:

“Except security against the Global American Empire trying to destroy it.”

Launching the war has certainly reduced Russia’s security, indeed gravely imperiled Russia’s survival. Once launched, ending the war with anything other than complete victory will only endanger Russia’s security even more, but that doesn’t mean one would still launch the war… given possession of a time machine. I am making a strategic argument, not a moral argument.

Jim says:

> ending the war with anything other than complete victory will only endanger Russia’s security even more,

That is only because the “Peace Plans” that Globohomo is offering are slow motion surrender to never ending low level war. So Russia has no option other than total victory, which total victory is now in sight.

Once the last Ukrainian has been killed, not many will want to be next up. Expect even Poland to dig in its heels. Britain is offering to send a hundred troops highly trained in sensitivity to the feelings of official victim groups, but with no experience in warfare, let alone peer warfare, with training for asymmetric war but absolutely no training for peer warfare, which is likely to be rather less troops than needed even if they were trained. So Nato will be facing Russia with no men and no guns, at which point Russia can impose whatever outcome it chooses anywhere in Eastern Europe. “There are considerably fewer of you than there used to be of Ukrainians. Here is a proposed arrangement for living in peace with us. Or you could choose to not live in peace with us, in which case who knows what might happen.”

The only way to avert this outcome is to offer Russia a deal that is considerably better than slow motion surrender to never ending low level warfare.

(During assorted middle eastern wars, the British gained lots of experience at cowering in bases, and lots of experience at being rescued by Americans, but very little if any experience in asymmetric warfare.)

skippy says:

“Disagree. The GAE’s hysterical reaction to the Special Military Operation indicates that they didn’t expect it and don’t want it.”

GAE initially agreed with Putin’s assessment that Russia would cheaply depose and replace the Ukrainian govt in a short time.

When this happened, they became euphoric, even unbalanced, at the opportunity they had, because they did not realize their own weakness. This lasted until the 2023 counteroffensive, when they were forced to the current state of confusion.

alf says:

> Launching the war has certainly reduced Russia’s security, indeed gravely imperiled Russia’s survival.

Three years into the war and Russia’s war economy now outproduces the entirety of NATO 4 to 1. Four to one. Not only does Russia have the industry to wage war, they have built up a veteran army with experience in electronic warfare. War is the father of us all, and Russia is quick becoming its favorite son. It is NATO whose survival is gravely imperiled.

Neurotoxin says:

Skippy: “GAE initially agreed with Putin’s assessment that Russia would cheaply depose and replace the Ukrainian govt in a short time. When this happened, they became euphoric”

Huh? Why would they be euphoric about their client regime being deposed?

Jim says:

They expected a low level forever war over Ukraine — a war whose level and intensity they could control to meter steady pressure up and down. They like their low level forever wars.

Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union with a strategy of a thousand pinpricks. They have been trying to imitate him

The difference is that in the primaries Reagan told us that Soviet GDP was fake — we would say “fake and gay”, and therefore the Soviet Union would be unable to logistically sustain this strategy.

Turns out that this time around it is American GDP that is fake and gay. So the winning Russian strategy is to turn up the heat to exhaust the US logistically.

The Soviet Union fell because its faith was dead and its client states ceased to afraid. Globhomos faith is still live, so events will play out differently.

skippy says:

“Skippy: “GAE initially agreed with Putin’s assessment that Russia would cheaply depose and replace the Ukrainian govt in a short time. When this happened, they became euphoric”

“Huh? Why would they be euphoric about their client regime being deposed?”

Should have written “when this DIDN’T happen” (since it didnt).

Karl says:

At present, Russia considers the US to be agreement incapable. Maybe this will change, if Trump takes power. If it does not change, the US won’t even be in a weak negotiating position. No negatiating position is worse than even the weakest negotiating position.

If there is no negotiaton to be had at any price, the only options are surrender or escalation. Surrender is impossible unless there is someone in charge who can order everyone to surrender. If Trump doesn’t take power, the US is incapable of surrender and escalation is bound to happen.

Jim says:

> If there is no negotiaton to be had at any price, the only options are surrender or escalation.

Escalation is impossible because Nato is disarmed of conventional weapons, and the capability of its nuclear deterrent is not something anyone wants to find out.

Surrender is impossible due to lack of cohesion. This could get extremely ugly. On the other hand, I think that part of the driving force of Thermidor is people who understand this — but they are reluctant to tell the rest of Thermidor how bad the situation is.

If Pete Hegseth gets the army into shape, we are still out of weapons, but Trump is then in a position to negotiate, because the army has the capability to sort out the proxy warriors.

Britain seems to be declaring independence from Maga America, which is odd because their power within Britain rests on American military capability — the woke resistance is marching out upon a limb that is going to break under them. The left is effeminate. Having shit tested Russia, they are now shit testing America.

Karl says:

Escalation is impossible because Nato is disarmed of conventional weapons, and the capability of its nuclear deterrent is not something anyone wants to find out.

Amen to that, but I don’t think that’s true. A few examples for possible escalation are a blockade of Kaliningrad, (more) assassinations of Russians (inside and outside Russia), sinking of Russian ships, sabotage of Russian infrastructure, (more) organizing of terrorism, biological warfare (there might be something better than Covid).

Of course, there is no escalation that offers the US a chance of victory, but they are continuing in Ukraine without any hope for victory. The US does not wage this war to win and will not escalate in order to win.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Hegseth can’t give his own Secret Speech to the Pentagon/IC soon enough.

I’m referring to Kruschev’s Secret Speech that he gave to the communist party after taking over post Stalin.

“OK guys, now that we’re alone, here are the truths that we all individually know, but have been too afraid to say to each other.”

Bix Nudelmann says:

Escalation IS possible, just “horizontally” as you stated yourself. Just specops guerrilla gangster assassination and fucking shit up, forever, all over the world.

The other side can do way worse to us, of course, but so what? The aim isn’t to win, but to have something to show on next week’s Powerpoint scoreboard.

Neurotoxin says:

Escalation is impossible because Nato is disarmed of conventional weapons, and the capability of its nuclear deterrent is not something anyone wants to find out.

Jim, you’re assuming the people who make the US’s war decisions are sane. Such touching optimism!

Pete says:

Even if Putin reached some agreement with Trump, this agreement would be tossed in the trash as soon as another Democrat president got into office (probably on January 2029).

Plus the CIA, State Department etc would not abide by the agreement and would still be in there wrecking things.

Neurotoxin says:

Word. Not agreement-capable.

Jim says:

Hold an election in which the peace party is allowed to campaign, and regional parties favoring union of their regions with Russia are allowed to campaign.

An agreement with Russia will work and stay put if Russia gets what it wants. What it wants is a Ukraine that is not in the Globohomo empire, giving it a neutral buffer state between Russia and Globohomo.

If Globohomo regains power in the US in 2029, it would have to color revolution the Ukraine all over again, much as it now has to color revolution Georgia all over again. And color revolutions stopped working after the 2014 Libya debacle.

Color revolution rested on belief that the US was invincible. “Resistance is futile”. This was punctured in 2012 debacle, and the Libyan color revolutionary government overthrown in 2014. The events of 2012 stiffened the spine of Libyans, and the events of 2014 in Libya stiffened the spines of everyone being color revolutioned.

The Ukrainians threw an army away in the 2023 Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive, and most of Nato’s military resources with it. This was the equivalent for Nato as 2012 was for color revolution. If history rhymes, 2025 is likely to see the equivalent of 2014.

Pax Imperialis says:

Total number of uniformed service members in Ukraine likely far exceeds the two and a half million over the course of the war due to multiple waves of mass conscription. Conscription which everyone now acknowledges does not keep up with losses. That they are now at only several hundred thousand strong… I have a suspicion there may be a million dead Ukrainians, and a million more maimed or deserted. Voicing such in military circles has the terrible tendency to draw unwanted attention. If even the military is leery about being realistic about what is happening, I doubt Trump can find many outside a very small and select group to voice his true feelings on the matter.

white bread says:

It’s “interesting” how we still have little actual information about what’s going on. For instance, I listen to McGregor and co. and they always say something like “the war is over for all intents and purposes” – yet the war keeps dragging on.

It may be the case that the Russians are minimizing their casualties and methodically destroying the Ukrainian forces and that is a slow process, but we can’t confirm it because we don’t know the real numbers.

Jim says:

If one looks at tactics on the field, it is completely clear that the Russians are only advancing as necessary to destroy Nato equipment and kill Ukrainian soldiers. Everyone is focused on what village is captured, and flags going up, but the Russians are not at all focused on that. Russian advances are an indicator of the thing you want actually want to know, not the thing itself. That Russian advances are accelerating is an indicator that Nato equipment is diminishing.

Since Ukrainian goals are frivolous and very short term, as in the recent much ballyhood capture of a snow covered cow pasture in Kursk, the only question of interest is are the Russians achieving their objective. I don’t believe the Ukrainians had any expectation of keeping that pasture, or any intention that the men they sent there would survive. If they had any real intention of keeping it for longer than the Washington presentation lasted, would have gone for something more defensible.

Since the limiting factor on fresh meat is Nato equipment for the meat, this means “are they keeping up with Nato production?” Well, looks like they are.

Since Nato production continues, this can continue for a very long time. Eventually the limiting factor will be fresh meat. This limit is in sight, but has not yet been reached. We may hope that Nato equipment goes near zero before Ukrainian men go to near zero, and this outcome is increasingly likely.

The Maidan regime is suffering increasing incohesion and could collapse any day, but regimes in worse straights have fought on for a very long time. McGregor is now saying a year, and in the past he has always been unduly optimistic.

What keeps it going is the graft. If the graft money stops flowing they will all return to their mansions in the west, and the regime will just evaporate.

There is an obvious negotiated peace solution. Putin will not negotiate with Zelensky, because the regime is illegitimate and was installed by people hostile to Russia, and none too keen on Ukrainians either, and he has no need to negotiate. Plus he just does not like the man. So, need a new government in the Ukraine. It is obvious that Maidan was unpopular from the beginning, and could never win a free election, and since the war has turned out as it has, now massively unpopular. So, hold elections locally and nationally in which the peace party is free to organise and campaign, and local union with Russia parties free to organise and campaign. Problem solved, since the peace party wins, Russia gets pro Russian areas without everything being destroyed in the process, and America saves face, because Democracy.

Since Putin says he will not negotiate with Zelensky, one might wonder why no one mentions this solution? Zelensky is proposing another managed election in campaign, to be held in May.

It is unmentionable because it draws undue attention to the fact that the Ukraine has not bothered with elections for quite some time, and even when it was still pretending to have them, no real opposition was permitted. Zelenksy has proposed another election with a choice between Maidan and Maidan, presumably to forestall conversation about an election with a choice between Maidan and peace with Russia. To propose an election featuring peace candidates would shatter the color revolution narrative, since it would instantly be revealed that the point of color revolution is not to install democracy, but to ensure “democratic” outcomes, thus discrediting the word “democracy”, which has had a double meaning since 1858.

Everyone in power in the Ukraine is on the US payroll. If the American presidency decides on real elections in the Ukraine, real elections there will be. But this requires a confrontation between the American president and the American presidency, which would be difficult while Trump is trying to get his nominees confirmed. Whether he will have the balls for it afterwards, I see no information.

A confrontation on this issue would immediately split Thermidor, which would be a problem while Trump is attempting to take power. And him taking power may take a while, if he accomplishes it at all, which remains uncertain. He has already conceded on not abolishing Fisa, which means he has conceded on leaving some of the lawfare people untouched.

Trump’s negotiator for the Ukraine is utterly delusional about conditions in the Ukraine and the state of the war. I don’t think Trump is deluded. This odd. Having Kellogg as negotiator is completely unserious. I conjecture this a ploy to keep the Thermidor factions all in the same camp.

Washington Post has admitted to “more than” four hundred thousand Ukrainian casualties, which is edging the absurd bubble of delusion to slightly less absurd.

white bread says:

If Russia is doing well on the attritional war they probably should keep going and mostly ignore negotiations with the US, the US being completely untrustworthy. It would be great if the Russians liberated Odessa and cut Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea.

As to having elections and allowing the peace party to win that would be sensible, but as you note, it’s not the kind of “democracy” that Washington likes…

Bix Nudelmann says:

You know they want Odessa so they can make a shrine out of that one building (a church was it, or an opera house?) where those protestors got burned up. Freaking brutal.

Fus says:

> Fisa

Hopefuly the woman is playing trojan-horse and willing to break political wind over those she shook hands with to get in.

Pete and a few others should get in.

Things seem way too quiet, something’s brewing.

Also, Christian Russia signing major agreements with Islam this week… on principle you’re not supposed to give beneficial business to those who want to conquer and kill you (Islam)… sad that West and Russia have not yet decided to settle and join with each other under Christ, there is much Greater future there than with Islam.
Putin apparently forgets what behind Circassia, Chechen Wars, Makhachkala, Grozny, Derbent, St Pete, Kizlyar, Crocus, Dagestan, Apartments, Budyonnovsk, Metrojet, Moscow Theater, Beslan, and many more.

Worshipping Kissinger… he was a JEW behind a lot of shit that was good for Jews but not good for America.
Einstein was useful and got an H1B for it.
Islam is not useful, or compatible, and seeks to conquer everyone, thus Islam should never be let in, by anyone anywhere ever.
Hispanics, at least the Christians, families, the ones who can obviously support themselves doing work, speak some English, who pass residency interviews by real American citizens not by govt agents and courts, they’re probly not much problem.
Left’s Bulk importation is never right.
Send the Left who did that out of country first,
then send all their incompatible, animous, and non-useful importees back out with them.

Jews are not useful behind your news media, the Jew ratio at the top ownership/management level is INSANE.

This is why Americans are rightly building their own news media now.

Islam’s Mosques are also not useful in your lands, so STOP selling your land to non-Americans, including Chinese, and Gays, Corps, and everyone else who wants to wash you and your countries out and replace you.

RU won’t get all of UA’s coastline, the ports, offshore gas, and other access is too valuable to West as a whole, it will defend any incursion west of Dnieper.

Jim says:

> sad that West and Russia have not yet decided to settle and join with each other under Christ, there is much Greater future there than with Islam.

Better to cut a deal with Muslims than with demon worshippers.

Russia will find its fellow Christians more reliable allies when there are some fellow Christian nations.

Christians have more freedom to be Christian in Dubai than in America.

K1 says:

> demon worshippers

[*swerving the subject deleted*]

Jim says:

Christians have a sufficient supply of enemies right here. The crusades can wait.

As I said, Christianity in Dubai is less suppressed than Christianity in America — something Tucker also noticed.

Handi says:

Rod, you should go perform a series of acts of a nature that I assume Jim prefers not to have written out in his comment section.

Neurotoxin says:

A 100% infallible identifier of a War Faction shill:

(1) Bullshit on the Russia-NATO war (Oh, sorry, I meant Russia-Ukraine war.)
(2) “Islam is bad.”

If poster says both of these things, War Shill with 100% certainty.

Extra credit for “JEW” all in caps.

Jimmy says:

“This turns out to be harder than I expected.”

Ah yes. The sad, sweet song of the engineer. I know it well. It’s a thankless job, wresting order from the formless void, but those who strive are surely merry warriors. I hope you succeed, Jim.

Fus says:

Both Putin and Trump will die or become medically incapacitated soon. Maybe those two will have humorous fun with it visiting each others mansions.
So the question is… what, and who, is next?

T says:

We all know, and all agree, that Putin is sick, is ill, is unwell, is dying, dying, is about to die, just about to die, really about to die, is dying, will so soon be dead, OY VEY GOYIM, THE TSAR IS ABOUT TO FALL, WHO DO (((WE))) REPLACE HIM WITH, HMMM??

Try being less obvious.

Fus says:

Trump is 78.5, Xi is 71.5, Putin is 72.5.
Regional life expectancy is roughly 73ish, servicable life begins growing its tax starting around 3yr by around 70ish.
Therefore not unexpected that these guys will cease waking up or functioning before long, and probably in that order.

RU is top five on list of places preferred to live, and US/UK/Israel are not on that list.

Jim says:

That is *average* life expectancy. Which includes all that mysterious sudden adult death syndrome, car accidents, suicide, and so on and so forth. It averages over people who died young.

If you make it to seventy and you are in good shape, you probably are going to make it to your eighties or nineties. Putin is excellent shape, and Trump seems fine. He is very sharp, has an amazing memory for people, is physically able, and displays remarkable endurance. When the bullet nicked him, everyone heard the shot, but he was first to hit the ground. And he then got up despite a pile of people who were obstructing him from getting up. Physically, looks to me he could do two more terms, though three would likely be a stretch.

Average life expectancy does not mean that everyone lives that long and then keels over. Some people die a lot earlier, and some people die a lot later. Putin is definitely going to die a lot later, Trump probably in his eighties.

Jim says:

This is the fantastic hope of the left, who think that Trump is casting a magic spell on Americans that prevents them from noticing how nice diversity is and how great bidenomics is, and Putin is casting a magic spell on Russians that strangely makes them thing that Globohomo intends a global world empire in which Russia and Russians are to be crushed.

They think that if not for mysterious mind waves emitted by Trump and Putin, the masses would own nothing and be happy.

JustAnotherGuy says:

So we all know the GDP / inflation / economics statistics are cooked up to overdose you fetanyl, what about sex, marriage, and fertility?

Supposedly, besides the big dips that keep increasing, millennials and younger are still finding sex and getting married. I should supposedly not believe my lying eyes, and the only areas where they have a very hard time cooking the books is death and birth. You can say there’s less crime now than ever before, but hiding a dead body is stretching it a lot.

Andrew said something to the effect that he *knows* people aren’t having sex. I know most millenials and zoomers aren’t having sex. Jim was even surprised himself to know that if a woman got on the bed and laid out her pussy, the boy would just be stunted and do nothing but stand there. Not going to dox myself but it seems that the only people actually having a good sex life are those who didn’t get immiserated in globohomo and were shipped over here. It’s grim out there man.

I know Jim talked about what to do with all the childless cat hags, but what are we gonna do about those old creaky men who will only have their mamas and papas when they get to over 50? We should at least let them go on an African safari for fun.

T says:

If the Trump Administration becomes the Trump Regime, then what follows afterwards could well be a state religion inspired by the Cult of Gnon, because only we right here provide the correct answer to the WQ, and the Twitter accounts who translate our memes from Spergish to Normalese know it full well, which is why they lurk here.

If not, then collapse, and then you’ll have entirely different worries.

T says:

The trad type boomercons are mad that the zoomers all seem to like Andrew Tate. Okay, but do they offer any alternative worldview relevant to the Current Year? But the “market,” so to speak, adjusts to the customers. In the previous thread, I predicted the rise of red-pilled Churches. That the boomercons are now worried that someone might be stealing their flock suggests that a correction is not far away.

The problem has been noticed. WQ rapidly going mainstream.

Jimmy says:

The rise of red-pilled churches is coming. It hasn’t started yet, but a few people on the inside can see that although no one has arrived on the jobsite, all the building materials are stacked, the building permit is posted, and the sun is rising.

In 10 years, there won’t be enough “Christian leaders” who read about the holocaust and civil rights marches in public school textbooks to keep the rising generation of Christians who have wrestled a normal life from the death grip of the dying empire on the plantation.

Mayflower Sperg says:

We should at least let them go on an African safari for fun.

And come home with African wives and mulatto babies in tow? Or is America already so thoroughly nigged that it doesn’t matter anymore?

A2 says:

“Jim was even surprised himself to know that if a woman got on the bed and laid out her pussy, the boy would just be stunted and do nothing but stand there.”

I heard of a criminal case in Sweden, where else, where the woman invited a visitor man into her bed, after a while they had sex, then he was convicted of rape. Perhaps there is a swedish commenter who can tell us more? Anyway, if so, nice mind game to hinder reproduction even with sluts.

A2 says:

“but what are we gonna do about those old creaky men who will only have their mamas and papas when they get to over 50? We should at least let them go on an African safari for fun.”

Btw, post-50s euro-hags are notorious for going to Africa and bringing back with them their 20-y/o black love of their life (what remains of it). One sort of blatant sex vacay that the authorities do not complain about (the other sort is mass gathering for spreading monkey pox).

Anonymous says:

Funny you should mention that because the other day I saw a twitter thread about how blacks seem to be unbothered by old age in women. Goes hand in hand with blacks having high rates of “down low”, just general sexual dysfunction due to targeting anything and everything.

A2 says:

The true pansexuals.

Varna says:

China has a hundred million “leftover women”, which over there is from 25 upward.
Should be enough to satisfy the creaky 50yr incel market, if managed properly.
Question is who lives where. Today’s urban China provides a safer and comfier lifestyle for the leftover gook femoid. Doubt she’d want streets and malls full of hobos and blacks.
However, way things are going, maybe there’s a tsunami of pajeetas on the horizon anyway, whose bobs and vagenes are yearning for some creaky 50yr aryan semen. One would have preferred a tsunami of Filipinas, but it is what it is. Maybe if Musk’s current woman was half-Filipina and half-yid, as opposed to half-pajeeta and half-yid…

Fus says:

People who displayed a “Keep New England White” banner from a highway overpass in July 2022 did not violate state law

Depends on if no-trespass was posted, and on “public property”, free to travel, free speech, etc.

Related to internet, speech, travel, facebook…

Jim says:

Had all these legal cases happened before the election, or Kamala had won the election, it is completely obvious that the outcomes would have been the opposite. Zuckerberg is not the only one who is trimming his sails to the wind.

Right now, the US is in a weak negotiating position.

On the contrary. The US is in an excellent position. We simply ignore both sides and let them fight their own wars.

Jim says:

This war was never a Russia versus Ukraine war. It was always a Russia versus Nato war.

If Nato is defeated, everything changes.

The war cannot be contained except by Nato making peace with Russia.

Russia cannot stop until it has a peace deal with Nato.

Nato has been waging low level war on Russia since about 2008 or 2014, depending on how low you go before you stop calling it war. Because there are a lot of elements in Nato that have the will and capability to continue to wage low level war, it is not going to stop unless someone — which is to say Trump — makes one decision for all, and imposes it on all.

And I suspect that senate confirmation votes are not going to cut it. To restore the presidents power to make war and peace, he probably needs to give numerous government officials long distance swimming lessons, resembling what Emperor Hirohito had to do to make peace with the US.

Jim says:

This war is existential for Russia. It cannot stop until Russia is destroyed, or Nato is destroyed, or Nato makes peace. If no peace deal, war will continue long after everyone has forgotten the Ukraine, much as World War II continued long after everyone had forgotten Poland.

When the Ukrainian army is eradicated, and the Maidan regime retreats to their mansions in the west, if the west continues to needle Russia with low level war along the border, Russia will react to that as it has already reacted.

Fus says:


Jim says:

You gave us that script already, and people pointed out a whole lot of unreality in it. Address their objections, or stop giving us the script.

Fus says:


Ash says:

USA is consolidating power with the suggestion of annexing Greenland, Canada, Mexico (possible if the population is fully on board) against any potential russian retaliation – toss western Europe into the deep end, watch them struggle to swim and possibly even drown..

USA needs a buffer zone against Russia spanning from Canada to Greenland..

but Russia’s population is so small that they can barely administrate all of their laws over their region.. can Americans fully administer American laws + enforcement over Canada, Greenland and Mexico?

for many decades nothing happens.. and in a matter of months, decades are pushed through

Neurotoxin says:

“USA needs a buffer zone against Russia”

Russia isn’t the nation that’s trying to establish a world-wide empire.

Ash says:

I agree, they will not conquer USA.. Russia won’t send a single troop into USA..

but give it a little thought – USA is firing missiles into Russia (USA hasn’t sent a single troop into russian territory)

there’s surely some rich bankers living in the USA worried a few hazel missiles are fired into the USA?

Your Uncle Bob says:

Is Mexico under any serious consideration, or are people throwing it in just spitballing?

However it came about, it would be a disaster for the US. All the problems of Puerto Rico on steroids, and more besides. The gibs, the votes for more gibs, the demographic change, the open borders, the cartels, their particular brand of death/demon worship (not that we don’t have one, but why add another?)…

Any scenario in which Americans of all people rule with the iron fist necessary to whip them into shape must be discounted as science fiction. I’m not sure we have it in us even if Thermidor breaks right or Trump claims the throne for his line, but we certainly don’t in any circumstance short of that.

Would be a real and final repudiation of Trump’s original campaign and support base. Which doesn’t make it impossible, but would really show Thermidor dropping the mask and going all in for oligarchic control and peonage for the rest of us.

Greenland is at least defensible on realpolitik grounds. A map of the world centered on the north pole makes it immediately obvious why a retrenching American elite would want it in the fold. I’m not sure it’s such a great deal for them in the long run. Short of reaction winning they’d be signing up for gay parades and infininiggers, but at least they’re not infiniLa Raza so I see the case for us.

Neurotoxin says:

Above Jim says, “I suspect that senate confirmation votes are not going to cut it.”

This had been bugging the crap out of me lately. The President needing permission from his enemies in Congress to appoint members of his own Cabinet is an outrage. That by itself goes a long way to defeating Trump. If we had a time machine and if Constitutionalism were the way out, I’d go back to the drafting of the Constitution and re-write it to make clear that the President can appoint whoever the fuck he wants to his own goddamn cabinet.

Since that’s just a fantasy, Trump should simply ignore Congress and say “These people are in my Cabinet.” He should then walk them – he personally, Trump – over to the buildings where they’d work if confirmed by Congress, with a large number of men with guns, and should then compel, by overwhelming force if necessary, the guards there to admit those people to their offices. It’s highly improbable that the guards would pick a fight over this, but if they do, then by all means let the bullets fly. (After Trump gets into a bullet-proof car or whatever.)

Playing by rules that your enemies wrote to thwart you merely guarantees that you’ll lose.

Ash says:

the current trump that was on a Joe Rogan podcast.. he was maybe 2 inches taller than Joe Rogan… good body doubles or something

Joe Rogan is 5’1… + 2 inches is 5’3..

trump’s height was a solid 6’5 or so in 2016

who even knows what’s real on TV or broadcasted anymore?

T says:

I thought we were all agreed that the red-tie guy is the real Trump snd the blue-tie guy is the fake Trump… are you saying there’s another one right now, manlet Trump? Just how many Trumps are there, damnit!?

Neurotoxin says:

T: It’s a Vox Day thing. He has been pimping a “fake Trump” thing lately.

Of course, Day has also said that there are like six different Bidens, which is obviously false because if they could fake up a Biden, they’d fake up one who wasn’t obviously in advanced stages of senility.

T says:

It’s a Vox Day thing. He has been pimping a “fake Trump” thing lately.

Namefags are such grifters, it’s unbelievable. Perhaps not all of them, but the common e-celeb has about as much integrity as the common politician.

alf says:

God that’s so gay. And obviously only Real Sigmas can see this truth, if you don’t then you are a gamma!

Oh the slow descent into manic grifthood…

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah, his “If you disagree with me you’re a gamma/idiot/whatever” has noticeably picked up over the last couple of years.

beow says:

Apparently the Q fiasco didn’t humble him. Although a recent post made it seem as if he never stopped believing.
What do people think of his mathematical refutation of evolution?

Jim says:

The AI is making mistakes, and he is making mistakes.

One trivial error is that many, many genes, can go to fixation in parallel, and another error is that major and radical evolutionary differences are apt to depend on changes in a very small number of genes, and all the other genetic changes don’t make much difference to the important things that differ between one species and another.

The differences between modern domestic corn and the wild grass Teosinte are primarly four genes. Any one of which is has effects big enough to make an obvious species difference. If you have a plant with all the genes of Teosinte except the four corn genes that matter, it is obviously corn. If you have a plant with all the genes of corn, except the four that matter, it is obviously Teosinte.

There has been plenty of time for millions of genes that differ between humans and apes to go to fixation, but chances are that only a very small number, two or three, actually make much difference to being human, rather than ape.

I would guess that there are a couple of genes that would make an ape bipedal, and millions of genes with small effects that help a bit if you are bipedal, and a couple of genes that would give an ape human reasoning power, and millions of genes with small effects that help a bit in a creature with more dependence on reason and less dependence on instinct.

An intelligent upright walking ape would still be hairy and have no whites to its eyes, but would not be an ape.

Neurotoxin says:

“What do people think of his mathematical refutation of evolution?”

I don’t pay attention to anti-evolutionists any more. They’ve had more than 150 years since On the Origin of Species was published and all their arguments have been ridiculous. I’m no longer listening when the boy cries “Wolf!” I skim the posts at Day’s blog when I’m over there, but my skimming has become very fast indeed.

Your Uncle Bob says:

OR… short man who does a lot of interviews has a tall chair.

It’s not impossible Trump has a body double somewhere for security purposes, but Rogan was a good interview to get, I don’t know why he wouldn’t do it himself.

Neurotoxin says:

The Constitution, Article II, section 2, says the president “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for.”

Whoever drafted that probably was honestly mistaken, so I don’t hope that God puts him in Hell for it. But I do hope that when that person gets to the afterlife, He administers a thunderous bitch-slap and says, “What the hell were you thinking?!”

Karl says:

It is not clear whether it still matters what precisely is written in the constitution. Any wording is subject to interpretation and when you have judges that someone who was born with male genitals can now be a woman that interpretation is no longer bound by any words written in any law.

I wouldn’t worry too much about anything the senate says. At most, it indicates whether Thermidor is still in agreement or already starting to splinter

Neurotoxin says:

“It is not clear whether it still matters what precisely is written in the constitution.”


T says:

To solve the deviant problem, a preliminary step should be categorizing the entire LGBT+++ thing as mental illness, or just illness. That will mean doing away entirely with the Frankfurt School memeplex.

The faggot problem might create the first real rift between the (prog converted) Khazar Hazard and the rest of Thermidor – Tel Aviv is rightly called the Gay Capital of the world. Possibly because 2 Jews, 3 factions, 76 heresies, and 839 sexual fetishes, the lustful Jews love the gays way too much.

I conclude that circumcision should be banned.

Jehu says:

Homosexuality was removed from the DSM by …. drum roll …. a vote. It could be put back in by the same. Of course you’d have to purge the professional organizations that curate the DSM, but you honestly should do that anyway.

T says:

An altogether New Priesthood is needed. I’m just afraid that the Jewish faction of the ruling class, due to the corruption in their genes or memes or both, will resist any real attempt to suppress faggotry. Orthodox Jews (much as I otherwise like to criticize them) will be fine if you start turning fruits into vegetables, but they are not part of the ruling class, so they are not relevant in this regard. Released from the constraints of Orthodoxy, but still genetically or memetically (or both) influenced by the tribal heritage, the “non-religious” liberal Jew tends to fall into sexual perversity even more so than your standard non-Jewish liberal fedora afficionado, hence the Frankfurt School that turned America into Weimerica.

T says:

Ultimately, Trump or Vance or Hegseth will have to be in a position to say “This is a Christian country, and if you don’t like it, GTFO,” and have the apparatuses of power, both state and quasi-state, obey that.

Fidelis says:

I’m making the prediction that the Lavender mafia is going to be the trigger for the breakup of Thermidor. That’s the line they’re not going to be willing to cross, that also will need to be crossed in order to get a working military.

Looks to me like the coordinated core of ‘Thermidor’ is a collection of zionists, gays, and gay zionists. Zionists having the most coordination among the jews, and gays having the most coordination among the deviants.

ZOG type things can probably be tolerated even if it’s not good for the Amerikaaner, as all wars are proxy wars now. They probably cannot get away with sending large masses of conscripts into Iran or whatever other hellhole, but can get away with sending lots of materiel and PMCs into the region. This is not going to a be a breaking point among the coalition.

Gay cannot be tolerated, not just because it’s deviancy, but because they form mafias and break the cohesion necessary for state and military. It just wont work. Someone like Hegseth, or really any other figure in charge of purging elements of state that are dysfunctional, is going to run into the gay mafias rather soon into their cleaning. First they’re going to clear out the eunuchs, and no one but eunuchs will care much, everyone has gotten tired of them. Next they’re going to clear out the girlbosses, and no one at all is going to care much. Then they’re going to find that there is a gay mafia embedded, that wields its power to ends not compatible with the organization, and they’re going to have to try to cut it out. This is where the coalition breaks. The zionists and empire parasites are far more interested in a working US state than they are a gay US state, the gays are far more interested in gay than anything else.

T says:

Yes, Thermidor is likely to break over the gay question. I suspect that Yarv was actually right in his last post – this looks abortive, they lack sufficient cohesion and energy to carry this autocoup and religious revolution through to the desired destination. I expect Thermidor to start breaking in a few months.

This is not doomerism, but a reminder that 2026 is on schedule.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Looks to me like the coordinated core of ‘Thermidor’ is a collection of zionists, gays, and gay zionists. Zionists having the most coordination among the jews, and gays having the most coordination among the deviants.

Hence the otherwise curious willingness of thermidor shills to say bad things about women (but not good things about patriarchy).

Jim says:

> Looks to me like the coordinated core of ‘Thermidor’ is a collection of zionists, gays, and gay zionists. Zionists having the most coordination among the jews, and gays having the most coordination among the deviants.

Right now we are allied with Thermidor against the Woke, and similarly allied with old type Muslims. As the shills are always correctly pointing out, these are not entirely satisfactory allies. But the Woke, by grossly overreaching, have united unlikely bed partners.

But first we deal with the woke. Then Thermidor will be weak for lack of faith, and Muslims weak for lack of the true faith.

A2 says:

It would be amusing to sort LGBT under a chapter on ‘Spiritual Illnesses’ in the next DSM. Then again, could be enough to just hint that a draft version is being circulated among the right practitioners.

Martin says:

“Secret talks leak indicating EU/US/UK are going into Ukraine. Given this has been coordinated as an explicitly non-NATO movement, a number of NATO and non-NATO countries will serve only in external materiel and/or funding support roles, others have opted for neutral positions.”

Jim says:

This is not a daily news blog and nor is news — they are telling every man, his dog, and his dog’s bitch this “secret” in the confident expectation that the Russian are shaking in their boots in fear of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion army highly trained in sensitivity and the number of genders.

The British army has over a hundred generals, but can only put less than a hundred men in harms way. During the Afghan and one of the middle eastern wars, those less than a hundred men cowered in their base, and when the enemy attacked, called on the Americans to rescue them.

It will be interesting to see how the French fare. Their performance in the recent African conflicts consisted of cowering in their bases, and when the enemy started menacing the base, seeking diplomatic intervention to allow them to leave.

Larry says:

Ukraine has something that Russia doesn’t want: a base of operations from which Russia’s enemies can attack it.
Russia has made it clear that it understands this and knows that its survival depends on not allowing it.

Classic Paranoia and invalid excuse.

Life is dog eat dog. YOUR country is literally surrounded by enemies who can attack you. But do you attack them, no, because there is no ongoing non-incidental evidence of actually threatening belligerant rhetoric or imminient physical motions… only shittalking geopolitical funsies. YOUR country is surrounded by a second, third, and fourth ring of countries who can attack you… same thing… they’re not actually going to attack you… utter paranoia. No one has actually ever intoned they really intend to attack Russia.
“Russia russia russia” yes, but everyone knows that’s just stupid USA internal politcal corruption, not an actual international thing.
And Sanctions… boohoo, if you set yourself up dependant so others can get one up on you like that, that’s on you, cry a river, it’s still not a war invasion.

Everyone who claims the West is going to attack Russia, including Putins and Kremlin claims, are paranoid lunatics… everyone knows doing so would be GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR, thus SUICIDAL and INSANE.

Really ashamed at the dog-level faulty thinking that they can prop their latest favorite Russian invasion with that bullshit nonsense.

Russia is a fine country, if you love it so much man up and MOVE THERE. Seriously, you all BASH you own country USA and wherever else the fuck youre from so hard, and ADORE Russia and Putin, so just MOVE to RUSSIA. Solve that massive inconsistency in your life and fulfill that huge hole in your heart.

Just know that nobody is going to attack Russia, even if Ukraine was a fully integral Russian state with no internal border and no name it wouldn’t make a single bit of difference, because attacking Russia is suicidal in the first.

Integrating any part of Ukraine just makes it Russia, which you will then contort yourself into saying “oh noes, look here, now RU’s new border at Dnieper or Lviv or wherev, has “enemies” on it and RU is legit to go grab more as a ‘Buffer Zone'”, farther and farther you expand RU… your nest of dolls never stops expanding.

So your argument falls apart on its face.

International law of borders is what came to help prevent endless wars moving skirts on the dolls, and allow internal success, and external trade. Even your GOD separated your stupid tribes for that reason.

Your wish is to fully and by force of WAR as needed recapture all the former Soviet Union land area (which by the way “Russia” illegally started invaded and stole over centuries of war, just like every other EMPIRE is guilty of), and to install a Tsar-like dynasty of quasi-electively consented-to Rulers.

No problem, just admit it, stop lying, get rid of stupid DEMOCRACY in some places have some KINGS, just stop beating around the bush, admit that, and youre free to go.

Even fucking Hegseth beats less bush than you.
That’s why you worship Hegseth and Putin… they baller on you.
No problem, just admit it.

And accept that most of those former land areas are going to fight back, many physically, and Russia will forever be seen as tyrant empire for that.

EMPIRES rise and fall, some areas in cycles, some never return, NONE ever remain the same as you want and adore and subscribed to, let alone intact or even extant at all. Every empire that ever was, is, or will be, is guilty just the same.

Putin is simply paranoid and even more relevant, is an irredentalist, he literally admitted it in overall context of his two big speeches right before invading with his “special military operation”, and on Tucker Carlson.

Like or support or whatever Russia and Putin, no problem… but while you’re busy bashing USA Israel EU India China and everyone else, just admit that Russia and Putins shit stinks just as bad as all those you bash, and your own shit stinks too. Aint no one a saint here, no one.

T says:

You are projecting, as usual. In fact, all the pro-Maidan accounts that I stalk have been vehemently arguing that Putin wants to take over the world. He obviously wants nothing of the kind, whereas Harvard does seek world domination, and the Jews at the State Department want to murder as many Slavs as possible, which is why they’ve manufactured the Azov Nazism psyop.

Pro-Maidan = pro-Harvard = pro-hoholocaust.

Neurotoxin says:

I assume that since we detected and mocked the – relatively – subtle war shills, they’re now trying the unsubtle “just stir up shit” strategy.

This is annoying, but it also shows that this blog scares them, a great sign.

Jim says:

> Everyone who claims the West is going to attack Russia, including Putins and Kremlin claims, are paranoid lunatics… everyone knows doing so would be GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR, thus SUICIDAL and INSANE.

You are an idiot.

US missiles, launched from Ukraine but under US guidance from satellites and military planes on the edge of “International” airspace, and launched with the “assistance” of US advisers, have been hitting Russians since 2014, Russia since 2022, and started hitting Russia’s early warning nuclear facilities in 2024.

And it was obvious in 2008 that this was where the US was heading if Putin failed do something about it.

If you are in a central built up area, the time has come to leave. Preferably upwind of the prevailing winds.

If this thing goes nuclear, it will not be because one sovereign chose to press the button, but because a thousand bureaucrats are each doing their own thing and ignoring the Sovereign who is yelling at them to stop, which is how Germany wound up invading France through neutral Belgium in World War One, and how Japan wound up bombing Pearl Harbor in World War Two.

For your argument to hold water, the American Sovereign, the president, would have to be in charge. Was Biden in charge? Will Trump be in charge? Probably not unless he is willing to give quite a few officers of the presidency long distance swimming lessons in the Pacific.

What happens is a bureaucrat makes a really bad decision, provoking the adversary to react. The bureaucrat thinks, “well, if we apologise and retreat, this is going to wreck the careers of everyone involved, and result in a lot more oversight by the Sovereign. So we will escalate, which might lead to problems tomorrow, but it makes today’s problem go away, and tomorrow, it is probably going to be someone else’s problem. I just have to get through today’s power point presentation.”

The Japanese emperor did not want war with America, noting that America had considerably more war making capability than Japan, but every time the Americans did something to deter or penalise Japan for its imperial actions, the bureaucrats responded with escalation. The emperor would yell at them when he found out, but he usually did not find out until after events, and when he did find out before events, they would say “Yes your Majesty” and go ahead anyway. You have seen this dynamic depicted in the television shows “Yes Minister” and “Yes Prime Minister”.

In the end, in order to make peace, the emperor had seize control, and in order to seize control, a considerable number of high ranking officials had to be gently and respectfully assisted to commit suicide. To avoid nuclear war, Trump will likely need to employ similar measures.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“If you are in a central built up area, the time has come to leave. Preferably upwind of the prevailing winds.”

Jim, I though this was something not to worry about with Trump in power. What are you gauging the chance of LaunchTheMissileNow.mp4?

Jim says:

Trump has appointed Kellogg as peace negotiator on the Ukraine, and Kellogg’s peace plan inevitably and inexorably leads to nuclear war. Which Trump probably realises, but I conjecture and hope his immediate problem is to keep Thermidor on side, and that once he has the levers of power, he can change course before the nukes fly, that he appointed Kellogg to avoid even more confirmation flack than he already has.

What I hope will happen is that shortly after Trump becomes president, Kellogg gets called in and told he has a new peace plan. Kellogg says “Yes Mister President”. What is likely to then happen is that events ensue that look remarkably like “No Mister President”, and Trump then becomes obstreperous.

Last time around Trump was playing 4D Chess, but was playing against opponents who will kick over the chess board and accuse you of beating your wife. We may hope that this time around he will suffer a little less normality bias. Nothing like being nicked by a bullet to focus one’s attention.

Larry says:


Jim says:

When Russians in the Ukraine chose to resist the Ukraine coup, they faced an enormous risk of dying horribly while Putin sat on his hands.

There can be no doubt that the Russian intervention in the Ukraine is enormously popular with Russian Ukrainians, since they demonstrated willingness to fight on their own, rather than submit to the Maidan regime.

It is obvious that the Russian retreat from southern Kherson and Kherson city to more defensible positions across the Dnipr river was enormously unpopular with a large number of residents of Southern Kherson, though the alternative was likely to put their homes at considerable risk of being reduced to ruins. Everyone fled the areas that Russia decided to abandon, and many of them hope to return.

Larry says:

Putin didn’t sit on his hands, just like the JewFags behind Biden did for UA, he shipped them money and weapons and supplies and Mercs and PMCs, and got planes shot down with BUKs and so on. And China and DPRK and Iran are doing the same backing shit. NOBODY moves on that type of war shit without at least money and tacit go from the top of the parties. And Putin and Biden and whoever’s around them all gave the go. Aint nobody no pure saints here.

I blame motherfucking everyone.

> Was Biden in charge?

Sorry, missed that only ‘?’ to my whole OP, so to “respond” while I still have a minute… FUCK NO NIGGA, that REKTBRAIN HOUSE-NIGGA Biden was NEVER in charge, and was SOROS or some other NIGGAs BITCH during his VP and Con-Gress too.

And don’t “respond” to my home-ruination concept without actualy posting my home-ruination concept… u think I dont see you tryna slyer-than-sly my shit in fronta all ur fanboiz without “ackknowligin” and “respondin” to it. So Imma post that shit for yall again cuz.

Yes the radar thing probably hit the Red Phone, fucking miracle that didn’t trigger shit. Though I suspect that unit was a generation or two behind being a critical unit, or wasn’t soley dedicated to ballistics vs airplanes, and both sides probably knew it… see “show” below. Is there data on the unit?

[*deleted for presupposing your claims as if everyone agreed, instead of arguing them. Illegitimate forms of argument not alllowed. You are allowed to argue anything, but not allowed to substitute cheap rhetorical tricks for argument*]

[*unresponsive repetitions deleted. You already said all that too many times and ignored the replies*]

If Putin really wanted to avoid war, put on an even better hat, or whatever… Putin should have made clear the risk of staying in UA to the “Russians” in UA, [*unresponsive, this point has already been addressed and rebutted. You are allowed to respond to the rebuttal, but not allowed to just ignore it and repeat yourself endlessly*]
[*similar unresponsive repetitions deleted*]

Jim says:

If Putin really wanted to avoid war, put on an even better hat, or whatever… Putin should have made clear the risk of staying in UA to the “Russians” in UA

Given that Donbas had been shelled for eight years, and Putin was offering free residence and goodies to everyone in Donbas, pretty sure they already knew.

During the withdrawal from Kherson to more defensible positions across the Dnipro, Putin made that clear to everyone, and offered free housing and assorted goodies in areas that Russia expected to continue to control, and in Russia. Which offer left the residents of Kherson mighty angry and disappointed.

Why should Russians have flee what used to be Russian? And, given past American conduct, if Russians flee once, pretty soon they are going to have to flee again. If you are retreating, “retreat with us” is an unappealing offer.

Neurotoxin says:

Shill: “JewFags” “nigga” “Soros”

You can see how superficial their modelling of “right-wingers” is. It’s “Right-wingers hate jews, gays, blacks, and Soros, so let’s have the shills rag on jews, gays, blacks, and Soros. That way the shills will slip past their defenses.”

I’m tempted to say, “When the deep state sends their shills, they’re not sending their best.” But of course they don’t have much choice: if they get any deeper than “sorosjewfagnigga” they’ll be exposed to memetic infection.

T says:

They are sending people whom any decent Eugenics Program would have aborted sterilize.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I for one was shocked and embarrassed to learn that the Donbass provinces already had their own militias, in 2022, with tanks and armored vehicles and everything. Like holy shit, how long has this been going on, and at this level of aggression and lethality?

“Somalia Battalion”, remember those guys? WTF?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they were tied into all kinds of crooked mafia type shit too. No pure-hearted angelic freedom fighters without blemish or spot, these guys. But still, this was way past a protest movement, and I knew nothing about it.

AzovUA says:

Azov militia spanked them, soundly, repeatedly. What Azov are able to achieve is truly amazing, even way before 2022, huge patriot rallies streets filled with popular support genuine Ukrainians, lots of volunteers, homeland families all working rear supply, custom uparmor, hospitals, drones, global crypto crowdfunding, documentaries, tanks, armored vehicles, everything… like holy shit.
It was not until Putin sent in his army that large numbers of field battles began to be won by the russian side in UA.
If the West chose to send in its armies, the russian army would begin losing battles in UA.
Because like the West, Russia is also running low on some materiel and men and morale for the proxy fight too.
Like all parties to a proxy fight, both sides are wisely trying to keep some reserves to defend against any incursion that might grow beyond the borders of the proxy arena.

Jim says:

> Azov militia spanked them, soundly, repeatedly

Obviously they did not spank them soundly, since Donbass held them off for eight years, and Crimea evicted or eradicated Azov with scarcely a dog barking.

Jim says:

Those militias were organised in the chaos following the 2014 coup. By 2022 they had eight years of battle experience. And the Russian army did not, which became rather obvious during 2022.

One of the reasons the Russians got clobbered in 2022 is that the Ukrainians knew what they were doing and did it smoothly and instinctively out of habit, while the Russians were lost and confused. The Ukrainians instantly reacted in competent and appropriate ways, without needing orders or bureaucracy, while the Russian force was startled by their reaction and did not know how to react to their reaction. The Russians tootled around awaiting orders, which orders were late, and stupid.

It took the Russians a while to figure out that they did not know stuff, and needed to learn, while the Donbass militias, like the Ukrainians, hit the ground running.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not only was it going on in 2022, it was going on all the way back in 2014; and not only was it going on in 2014, the heroic posse comitatus had completely routed the KOG forces and were on the cusp of completely rolling up the whole front for a clean drive all the way to Kiev – but Putin got on the phone and told them to stop.

T says:

Lol, I think the Maidan plotters are feeling pretty nervous right now, or else why send here all these shills?

Jim says:

At the confirmation hearings, I saw absolutely no will to throw them overboard. Retain an all Maidan government at any cost in money, logistics, and human lives, was the subtext that I saw. On the other hand, they are running for confirmation, and I saw them retain a little bit of wiggle room for use after they get confirmed.

T says:


WhizLou says:


Do you admit that, because so long as Russia has nukes, no one was ever going to attack Russia proper within its Internationally Recognized Borders?

[*Deleted because unresponsive*]

Jim says:

We certainly do not admit that, because Russia has been attacked within its international borders, attacks that have been getting increasingly severe since 2005. It is low level, plausibly deniable, acts of war. Which have steadily been getting higher level and less deniable.

Neurotoxin says:

“Do you admit that, because so long as Russia has nukes, no one was ever going to attack Russia proper within its Internationally Recognized Borders?”

Do you admit that the Saraha Desert is covered in five feet of snow? Jim already dealt with this one. It seems crazy to say something so obviously false. But this is a classic two-pronged attack: the overt level is the brazen falsehood; it’s so attention-grabbing that it provides a distraction from the second-level attack.

The second-level attack is “Internationally Recognized Borders.” That notion (which other totally non-shill posters also used in the last couple of days, what a coincidence!) is enemy-speak for “Russia doesn’t have a right to exist unless the ‘international community’ says it has a right to exist.” And in practice what that means is “”Russia doesn’t have a right to exist unless the US says it has a right to exist.”

Fus says:

[*deleted*]The West doesn’t give a fuck who the UA President is, [*deleted*]

Jim says:

Then why have no non Maidan candidates been allowed to run since the coup? What was Nuland doing in the Ukraine appointing the government?

I would think that burning all of Nato’s military logistics in the Ukraine, leaving the cupboard alarmingly bare, indicates fairly strong concern about who the president is.

Now the west wants negotiations, but Putin will not negotiate with Zelensky, and is unlikely to negotiate with any UA President who wins a Maidan only election. Why talk to the puppet when you could talk the man holding the strings? Yet permitting a non Maidan election still remains an unthinkable thought crime, even though looming defeat in the Ukraine and many other things that were formerly thought crimes are thought crimes no longer.

yerti says:

hey jim i’m new here and dont say much elsewhere and quite frankly wont be here because of what i see but i will say he doesnt have to answer a goddamn fucking thing you ask when you refuse to post and acknowledge whatever his points were [*deleted*]

Jim says:

> when you refuse to post and acknowledge whatever his points were

All his points have been allowed through at least once. And we acknowledged them by replying to them. He ignored those replies and just made the same points all over again, which is a waste of space. It was like talking back to your television.

Putin is spend a great deal of money rebuilding the Russian areas of the Ukraine. So the argument that Putin’s actions show he does not care about Russians is stupid. Obviously he cares about Russians. But certainly does care more about Russian security, which the primary thing at stake in this war. The Ukraine’s vast natural resources are a distraction, it is projection by the Globohomo on people they do not understand. They don’t understand the Russians and don’t understand the effort needed to utilise those natural resources, and would not be able to utilise them — were not able to utilise when their rule of Russia and the Ukraine was unchallenged, because they were too busy looting the place to put out the long term effort that promises long term rewards. If they were not able to utilise Russian and Ukrainian resources when the Soviet Union fell, they are even less able to utilise them now.

China is now the world leader in such projects. They are hard. China figures it can do it, but does not quite trust the Russians to not rob them blind if they were to do it. But it trusts Globohomo even less, so Chinese led development is more possible after Russian victory than before. But chances are it will be Russian led. We shall see how the Russians manage. It is not like nuggets of gold are lying around on the ground. Utilising natural resources is not easy, because all the ones that were easy were used long ago. Globohomo cannot do it, could not do it back then and today is even less capable than it then was. Whether the Russians can do it is unclear, and in any case Russia has plenty of undeveloped natural resources already. What Putin cares about is first Russian national security, and secondly Russians.

He has stated many times his war aims, and what he requires for peace. Natural resources are not on the list. Under the circumstances, what he wants is existential. Anyone would want what he says he wants.

Varna says:

> “Whether the Russians can do it is unclear, and in any case Russia has plenty of undeveloped natural resources already. What Putin cares about is first Russian national security, and secondly Russians.”

Very true about the undeveloped natural resources, most of them, however, are in tundra-permafrost areas, which makes extraction super difficult and super expensive. Hence the highest average wages (even above Moscow and St Petersburg), are in the frozen hellscapes where resource extraction takes place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_federal_subjects_by_average_wage

(And these days, of course, on the front lines — as a second option to risk it all and come back rolling in dough)

The Ukraine has the infinitely more benign Southern Russia climate situation. Even Belarus, which is as drab, grey, and chilly, as Poland and Germany, is infinitely more benign than 85% of Russia’s territory. In a sense Russia really did use half of its normal usable land when the Ukraine and Belarus split off.

>”Utilising natural resources is not easy, because all the ones that were easy were used long ago. Globohomo cannot do it, could not do it back then and today is even less capable than it then was.”
Which begs the question of what they intend to do with the underground riches in Greenland and Canada. Try to get Russia/China to show them how it’s done?

In theory, a USA/Canada/Greenland/Mexico merger of some type would be almost the equivalent of a merger of China/Russia/India. Industry and knowhow from China, natural resources from Siberia, human material from India. ==> Industry and knowhow from the US, Canada and Greenland playing Siberia, and Mexico playing India. But can the extraction of resources take place as such?

Or even merely the effective use of the coasts to control the North Sea?

Varna says:

BTW, in Bob Dylan’s bio: “My grandmother’s voice possessed a haunting accent—face always set in a half-despairing expression. Life for her hadn’t been easy. She’d come to America from Odessa, a seaport town in southern Russia.”

Neurotoxin says:

The post of “Yerti” is simply an attack on this blog’s defense mechanisms: “How DARE you suppress shill posts!!!”

They do this all the time, of course. There’s nothing interesting about this one, except the use of DARVO – Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. Specifically, the shills refuse to acknowledge their interlocutors’ points, so the shill accuses Jim of refusing to acknowledge the shills’ points. Yawn.

cub says:

Jim thought I was a shill at first. I’d like to know who he thought I was shilling for- I could use a side gig.

In all seriousness, I’m glad this comment section is curated in the way that it is. Nice to see people put in the work to not only identify shills but discern shill behavior patterns.

Yerti says:

hey jim i’m new here and dont say much elsewhere and quite frankly wont be here because of what i see but i will say he doesnt have to answer a goddamn fucking thing you ask when you refuse to post and acknowledge whatever his points were (which makes you no better than what youve been accusing other posters of not doing and demanding they do for you in return for no such courtesy from you) and even worse you delete his posts well people can see right through you and they see someone who is afraid of open debate and afraid of other viewpoints and a narciccist in need of worship well its your blog you can do whatever the fuck you want with it you can shelter holes in your exclusive ideology from debate and keep your followers naive and untrained for combat and play holier guru than thou well you do you but just dont think youre some kind of rockstar getting away with it because youre not. uncensored.

Jim says:

Bored now.

Yerti says:

original uncensored unedited full post.
dont worry your little tushies i dont join lodges led by petty tyrants bye.

hey jim i’m new here and dont say much elsewhere and quite frankly wont be here because of what i see but i will say he doesnt have to answer a goddamn fucking thing you ask when you refuse to post and acknowledge whatever his points were (which makes you no better than what youve been accusing other posters of not doing and demanding they do for you in return for no such courtesy from you) and even worse you delete his posts well people can see right through you and they see someone who is afraid of open debate and afraid of other viewpoints and a narciccist in need of worship well its your blog you can do whatever the fuck you want with it you can shelter holes in your exclusive ideology from debate and keep your followers naive and untrained for combat and play holier guru than thou well you do you but just dont think youre some kind of rockstar getting away with it because youre not.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hegseth confirmation hearing.


Bitches be insufferable. Their shrill shrieking is almost a comedy.

Hesiod says:

AI is getting pretty good at translating body language and subtext:


Jim says:

Blatant Thermidorian shilling allowed through.

Even if, as seems likely the “controversial” Trump cabinet picks are allowed through, the presidency intends to resist the president.

The Romanian election was just cancelled because the elected leader said his foreign policy on the Russia and the Ukraine will be whatever the American president says it is. (Which would seem a wise policy for a small country on the battlefield between great powers. When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. Not a good time for a little country to have its own foreign policy.)

In other words, the Romanian election was cancelled because of declared intent to obey the American president rather than the American presidency.

This cancellation may not necessarily stick, Thermidor is winning, but Thermidor is still in for a fight, is divided against itself, and lacks a faith.

The final outcome of this attempted cancellation will tell us a great deal about who has the upper hand in Washington, and very little about who has the upper hand in Romania.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I’m cautiously optimistic about the hysteria. Granted it works in normal times, but it works in normal times by outer party conservatives preemptively cucking and rolling over for it, and the media presenting it as true and normal to the tv watching crowd.

But if the inner party is on the skids and there is a Thermidor behind the scenes, substanceless shrill shrieking becomes a loser’s play not a winner’s. So Hegseth’s confirmation becomes partly a test of if there’s a Thermidor and if they’re winning, but again, I’m hopeful.

Jim says:

Shrill screeching was presented as the absurdity that it is, rather than utterly devastating for Hegseth. This makes it completely obvious that the woke have lost the levers of power.

Unfortunately Thermidor is composed of some very strange bedfellows. Strategic withdrawal and war with China and war for Israel. Faint evasive and ambiguous hints of realism on war with Russia. No one wants to rock the boat, but I think it likely the boat is going to rock. Surely Thermidor has realised it cannot afford all three wars, nor even one of them. Marco Rubio evasively and deniably hinted about USA GDP being fake and gay.

Ryan says:

Jim, how much funding will you need for your crypto projects?

You may wish to go quiet about it here and release it under a different pseudonym to avoid unwanted attention.

As an aside, I had a dream I attended the first ‘JimCon’ on a boat in international waters. Not practical but pretty funny. I would be scared to infiltrate as a shill or glowie if I might get thrown overboard. No helicopter required.

Jim says:

The envisaged project is gigantic, but getting something useful enough to get eyeballs, which then makes it possible to do something gigantic, is not so big.

That the founder of Telegram got caught has created a large gap in the market for something less vulnerable to state violence. The minimum viable product is anything substantially better than bitmessage. Then after we become a distributed Telegram, we can become SWIFT.

I envisage funding as proceeding through litecoin or monero contributions. But right now, lacks organisation capable of allocating money to appropriate objectives. Needs more and better defined milestones.

If the milestones and issues were rather better, people could offer bounties on them.

The plan is:

(Better Bitmessage) –> eyeballs –> (distributed social media platform) –> (dexes, bitcoin mixers) –> (eat SWIFT’s lunch)

For a better Bitmessage, donations of developer time, and donations of money to incentivise developer time, all up, probably fifty thousand or so. Money is not the issue, it is organisation capable of absorbing it. To eat SWIFT’s lunch, eighty million or so, maybe north of a hundred million. To get that amount of money, will need to have sovereign corporations up and running on the blockchain.

And lacks code capable of allocating ownership of potential profit centers related to the plan. In part because potential profit centers related to the plan are vaguely alluded to rather clearly defined. And at this stage that is all they can be.

What I envisage is milestones, people who wish us well offer bounties for milestones and enhancement issues, one of the milestones, a long way down the track unfortunately, being a mechanism capable of allocating ownership of a brand name and code for a profit center operating within the environment we intend to create (which does not yet exist, hence the lack of any design or code for these hypothetical profit centers) And then initial ownership then gets rather arbitrarily assigned to contributors, who from time to time issue new funding rounds that result in more secret shares.

By brandname I mean of course, not government registered brand name, but rather a name in what the search engine will regard as the global name space of Zooko nicknames. You will own some of the secret shares for a threshold signature of an identity that has and is likely to retain top page rank in the social media search engines for services that will cost. Something like a telegram channel that is also a bank. Something with Metcalfe law lockin and the first mover effect.

As for the total cost, it has become apparent that it is a huge project, barely started. However the minimum viable project, which will yield absolutely no possibility of profit, but will be a foot in the door towards bigger things, is a better bitmessage with proper threading, moderation, and name system. Once we have eyeballs, then bigger things become possible. Like eating SWIFT’s lunch. And a better bitmessage, which supports names (and name support is where the potential for profit, and the potential for solving the social media problem now that Telegram has been nailed) is not all that big, Wild assed guess would be thirty or forty thousand or so, for that tiny little foot-in-the-door starting project, but things always take longer and cost more. But money alone is not enough to make it happen. You cannot throw money at something that is not there. Conversely, you can start something with zero funding and create something that meets the minimum threshold of usefulness. As for example Linux, Gnu, and Git. Git is free software and had zero initial funding, but there now is an enormous ecology of businesses around it and inside it.

alf says:

Once the barebones of your improved bitmessage are up, you could coordinate a team of developers on that version of bitmessage to further improve it. Sounds like fun.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Building a decentralized messaging system is easy — Usenet did it in the 1980s. Keeping such a system from being overwhelmed by spammers and shills is not so easy.

There must be rules, but there also must be a sovereign who can change the rules as circumstances require, and behead anyone who gets overly creative at interpreting the rules. There can be no Jim’s Blog without Jim, no Linux without Linus, and no GNU without Stallman.

You’re attempting to write a new Constitution to be enforced forever by the consensus of a million immutable nodes. Real constitutions and legal systems evolve over time; yours has to get everything right before the genesis block.

Alf says:

There must be rules, but there also must be a sovereign who can change the rules as circumstances require, and behead anyone who gets overly creative at interpreting the rules. There can be no Jim’s Blog without Jim, no Linux without Linus, and no GNU without Stallman.

A priesthood needs a priest, but does a well-working program necessarily need a sovereign? Bitcoin does not have a sovereign. Granted, Linux without Linus sounds like a daunting project, but the whole idea is that Linux can be forked and changed as needed.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Forking is not an alternative to sovereignty; it is rather a way of choosing a new sovereign. Like when the Maidan government said, “If you don’t like what we’re doing in Ukraine, you can leave,” and the Crimeans said “OK.”

Bitcoin has forked a few times, but to no avail because miners hold absolute power over users, miners do not want larger blocks or a more democratic hash function, and speculators don’t care if each transaction costs $100.

There are hundreds of freeware programs that still work fine 10+ years after their last revision because they perform middleware utility functions whose requirements never change. Code that interacts directly with hardware or with the outside world needs regular updates, and that requires a project leader.

alf says:

The ability to fork software is a luxury with as its only weak point that it needs a sovereign.

That bitcoin is unable to fork is a weak point, but also a very interesting strong point: shows us that if a fixed piece of code becomes important enough, ecosystems will evolve around that code, trying to accommodate it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

You can be the sovereign of your fork if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Just don’t bother forking Bitcoin because your fork will not be Bitcoin and no one will want it.

The ecosystem has “evolved around” Bitcoin’s shortcomings by using it as an inflation hedge, like fine art but slightly more liquid, and not using it as money. You want to attend a Bitcoin conference, need to pay in dollars.

Alf says:

You want to attend a Bitcoin conference, need to pay in dollars.

I went on a search engine, looked for ‘bitcoin conference’ and tried buying a ticket for the first hit. Paying with bitcoin, unsurprisingly, was an option.

Obviously there’s flaws with bitcoin. But it is easy to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I am confident that whatever code jim will produce, its value will greatly outperform its flaws, as has been the case with bitcoin.

Jim says:

This is an extremely bad situation. The shills endlessly point this out, and they are right, but I shut them off for repetition and dooming. This situation can be fixed, and arguably is being fixed, by layer twos, of which the most successful is lightning.

But lightning is, as the shills correctly point out, running into the problems with its base layer.

This can be fixed, and a solution has be rolled out, by lightning on top of layer two, liquid lightning. But the liquid lightning software is unbearably bad, and there is no acceptable dex linking linking liquid lightning, lightning, and layer one bitcoin. This is fixable, and for us to eat SWIFT, have to fix it.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

TikTok ban looks like it will go through. The response by the zoomers has been to switch over to Xiaohongshu (Pinterest/Instagram for rich chinese international students), and this app (whose branding is completely in Mandarin) is #1 on the US app store charts.

The zoomers are having a bit of a “yeltsin in the grocery store” moment seeing Chinese cities and railways. No way this stands for long lol. This is probably the first time we’ve had substantial crossover between the Western and Chinese internets. Hell, Xi probably isn’t a fan of westerners talking to the chinese on it either.

So yeah, the spooks have created a Streisand situation here. Ouch. Pair this with the recent SCOTUS arguments on requiring ID for pR0n sites (which necessitates blocking overseas sites who don’t do ID verification), and we’re set up to have a Western “Great Firewall” within the year.

Rev up those VPNs boysss

Fidelis says:

The zoomers are having a bit of a “yeltsin in the grocery store” moment seeing Chinese cities and railways

The chinese women, despite emancipation, do not actively make themselves as disgusting and ugly as possible. Seen a few posts remarking on this as well.

c4ssidy says:

Users will want a propagation time of one second, and no synchronisation on start etc, even if it comes as certain costs, such as having a ‘to’ key in the metadata, or direct connection sender to receiver, or relying on local always-online-and-always-listening whale nodes (equivalent of the group chat host or a discord server) to make things easier, even if whales will be commonly metadata honeypots. Maybe a mixed system is better if there are intrinsic time and work and storage limitations in the bitmessage ideal. There could be different types of messages with different levels of tradeoff of privacy and speed. Even basic steps would be great. Telegram used plain text chats stored on a webserver, e2e encryption was only an optional feature, 99% ignored, and not applicable for groups. It would be a big step to do something as simple as force individual whales to be the parts getting raided because authorities find themselves unable to stop the protocol itself. The culture could even drift between choosing mostly fast-and-leaky or slow-and-secure depending on the political climate

i says:


They emancipated women long before they stopped hanging antisocial men, and we know the result. It was dysgenics from the very start. It just doesn’t work. I wish it did work, it would be one less problem, but it does not work.

That may be one weakness that wasn’t fixed. Maybe there is a certain price that needed to be paid for this to go away. To have said instinct become adaptive again.

Of course our enemies will want to take advantage of that. As much as they could.

Jim says:

Game theory 101

Because of the extended human childhood, you need long term cooperation between men and women in reproduction. Prisoner’s dilemma ensues. Defection is adaptive.

Therefore, external enforcement is required.

So peoples that allow female choice just disappear. Thus women are never exposed to the evolutionary selection that would make their instincts more adaptive. Because even if their instincts were adaptive, they would merely be adapting to play the game of players and bitches better.

Thus, the Old Testament rules logically follow.

Fidelis says:

Because of the extended human childhood, you need long term cooperation […] Defection is adaptive.

I don’t follow.

When I see defection from women, it’s always trying to swing to a higher branch, and it’s always a failure.

When I see defection from men, it’s usually two patterns. ‘Situationship’ type game, where the guy finds the girl to be below what he can get otherwise or just not worth investing in, which is a failure on some level, and he just fucks her on occasion, maybe brings her places to raise his status. The second pattern is keep a girl until she’s pregnant, then instantly drop her. This would be a failure in any environment that didn’t involve welfare, and often does end up a failure when the kid mysteriously disappears, and always is a failure in the sense it produces lower quality offspring, but sometimes the total number is indeed higher.

Where is this adaptive? It’s hard to imagine the environment this produced the most viable offspring for.

Jim says:

> it’s always a failure.

Is it? They get nailed.

Fidelis says:

Not always, sometimes they shit test because ofnthe presence of another man they want to branch swing to, without actually securing anything. Sometimes they do bang, once or twice, without securing a pregnancy. Can’t think of an example I’ve seen where she successfully branch swings upward, has a child, then gets resources for the child. Sometimes you do have cuck second husbands taking care of bastard children, but that’s not exactly defection, because they are husbands, and they usually only take that deal because they are getting laid.

Jim says:

> Can’t think of an example I’ve seen where she successfully branch swings upward, has a child, then gets resources for the child.

In defect/defect, she does not get the resources. This is why it sucks. Most men do not get sex or children, women don’t get husbands. Everyone loses. But you cannot fix it by cooperating individually. You want the other party to cooperate.

Fidelis says:

You said that defection is adaptive, and I don’t understand how it’s adaptive. In what environment would defection lead to higher chances of successful offspring?

Looks like the defection pattern is akin to disease, in that it produces no good results under any circumstance. Even the r-selected are failing to properly proliferate.

T says:

If a female gets away with being impregnated by the alpha and having the beta support her materially, it is adaptive to her individually. But a society that allows females to practice that strategy will not be nearly as resilient, to say the least, as a society that doesn’t.

Alf says:

It’s a little bit of a definition game, but women defect on (tribes of) men who do not force them into relations. Which on the short term produces nasty situations, on the long term ensures those women end up in the hands of men who do force them into relations, and in that sense, adaptive.

T says:

Looks like the defection pattern is akin to disease, in that it produces no good results under any circumstance.

Nah. Bonobo females are promiscuous most of the time, but during the fertile period it just so happens that they hang around the alphas rather than the betas. When human females attempt to practice that strategy, which they are genetically hardwired to do, it results in both defection and in selection for the wrong kind of alpha.

T says:

Point is, if they can get away with it, the way bonobo females get away with it, then it is individually adaptive. But in human society, or rather in human civilization, allowing defection and selection for alpha as perceived by females results in the failure of civilized man to reproduce (tfw no gf and no tfr), and moreover in dysgenic reproduction – you become a nigger, among whom defection and selection for alpha as perceived by females are obviously much more common.

T says:

Prohibition of female mate choice is the first law of civilization. Abrogate it, and you lose civilization. Restore it, and you might restore civilization.

What is adaptive to the bonobo female (and the human female, who has inherited similar strategies) is not what is adaptive to civilization either in terms of successful social technology or in terms of which genes are selected for.

Fidelis says:

It’s not adaptive even for one generation. The welfare queen shaniqua stereotype is actually an anomaly, most shaniquas dont want to bother with kids, and so even the black population is sub replacement in america. So it goes with everyone else.

What happens is she has a kid with human chimp 1, fails to secure another human chimp for several years because single mother, sometimes convinces beta to support her, has maybe one more kid. Others continue branch swinging and never successfully have a kid at all. Altogether not very fertile.

Chimps don’t have a defect/defect for the same reason they don’t have a cooperate/cooperate. They’re incomparable. Women also are completely disgusted by betas, they don’t even pity fuck them except in cases where it’s highly socially expected (used to be common enough for a girl to get a provider boyfriend for social reasons, less and less so as the decline continues). Whatever is going on with the female sexual selection instinct, it’s not what chimps have. Must have been from right after chimp, before full adaptation to savanna.

Anyway, jim said that because of the child investment prisoners dilemma, defection under modern circumstances is adaptive. Which I disgree with, looks maladaptive under all circumstances, because even dumb humans have too much forethought when compared to apes, so we fail even to be crowded out by r-strategy hairless apes.

T says:

Women also are completely disgusted by betas, they don’t even pity fuck them

Yes, but… Consider the ease with which they do OnlyFans or porn in general. True, they would much rather not actually fuck betas (but prostitutes do still exist), but she needs to get the beta buxx somehow, and sometimes that means shoving a toilet brush into her ass while a 55-year-old boomer-gooner faps to her doing so.

They are attempting to pursue a strategy that was adaptive in the very distant past. When conditions in society resemble that past (civilization breaks down), then that strategy might indeed be adaptive. But that, in my view, isn’t the most crucial point – the crucial point is that in order to prevent the breakdown of society, females need to be prevented from pursuing the strategy that their genes command them to pursue.

T says:

Trad-cons (at least the blue pilled ones) had to be bullycided out of NRx because that is precisely what they refuse to contemplate – they are concerned exclusively with male sexual misbehavior, while wilfully disregarding female sexual misbehavior, which currently (that is, in a sexual market like ours) is the far bigger problem.

The Day of the Pillow is coming, frens.

T says:

Female sexual misbehavior manifests in her being asexual frigid frozen 95% of the time, and having a parade of Chads some 5% of the time, while also simultaneously trying (and usually succeeding, at least to a degree) to dupe a beta or several betas into giving her the buxx. The “friendzone” often (but not always) plays a part in that, as do “foodie calls,” as does OnlyFans.

T says:

Such behavior is not adaptive today, obviously. Rather, it destroys the fabric of civilization (it is a form of social entropy), and with the breakdown of civilization, it then may or may not become individually adaptive. Such sexual strategies are just far more suitable to a savage environment; and they also rapidly bring that environment about. In fact, I consider the failure to curb the female sexual strategy to be the source of the decline. Seems that, at least this time around, and possibly in previous times too, the Lavender cult is responding for this – by introducing the Doctrine of Love (sex is icky, female love shall redeem it), which gave birth to the Doctrine of Consent (sex is icky, female consent shall redeem it).

Jim says:

> Such behavior is not adaptive today, obviously. Rather, it destroys the fabric of civilization

Adaptive behavior is what is adaptive for the individual. Civilisation is a collective endeavour, requiring extended cooperation on the largest scale.

Which is, like violence, a male speciality. Expecting women to do it is stupid. Gnon built women for an even more important task, and we should no more expect would to behave in ways that support civilisation than we should expect them to fight on the front lines in war.

Women are wonderful. They are wonderful at being women, terrible at being men.

You are complaining because women fail to perform an inherently male function.

T says:

The failure mode is daddy latching on to dear princess for far too long, and white-knight simps pretending like if she misbehaves then it’s surely because evil males make her misbehave, but there needs to be a religious doctrine that allows this failure mode to occur in the first place; a flaw in the priesthood, that produces a flaw in the religion, that produces a flawed social technology. Why is conservadaddy not “gently encouraged” to marry her off? Why are the lying simps (who blame female misbehavior on men) not burned alive like Muath al-Kasasbeh? It’s because of the reigning religious doctrine. The Doctrine of Consent descends from the Doctrine of Love, which is the result of a gay memeplex (gays are probably behind the memeplex) that declares sex to be inherently icky, thus spiritually in need of “redemption,” or else you should join the celibate priesthood, aka the Voice of the Bathhouse.

T says:

“Men” who are oh so concerned about male sexual misbehavior, concerned exclusively with male chastity, and seek to punish male sexuality exclusively, and try to drive men into celibacy – what is their motivation? Sometimes it’s just regular leftist evil; other times it could be crypto-faggotry. They hate heterosexuality, and also want to sexually prey on straight men. All their religious doctrines are inspired by that. Satan is gay.

T says:

I also strongly maintain that public schools are a crucial driver of the decline, and the Voice of the Bathhouse can be clearly identified there as well.

T says:

The reason I warn about BAP (look at his feed, he is obviously gay) is that he is influential with the Powerful, the Thermidoreans secretly read him; and it’s important that the Priesthood of Next Faith gets the deviant problem right, that it preaches and prescribes heterosexuality and heterosexual social technologies, and excludes the faggots from its ranks (and from society), which is unlikely to happen as long as you have such glaringly obvious infilitrators. Remember: even Moldbug supported Anal Marriage, and IIRC he never backtracked his support. I’m afraid that Thermidor has already fallen to the Lavender.

T says:

If Thermidor has fallen to Lavender, unlikely to do anything substantial to solve the WQ.

Hegseth might be the anti-Lavender, and I pray to God that he is.

T says:

You are complaining because women fail to perform an inherently male function.

My complaint is that men allowed this to happen. That is the question that concerns me – why did men allow this to happen, and how can it be permanently fixed.

Jim says:

Men rather like women, and the female role is tough. Men project onto women their own desire for autonomy, which superficially seems like rational explanation of endless female shit tests. So they give it to their daughters (A problem hilariously depicted in the very based show “Married with children”.) They don’t have grandchildren, and their people vanish.

T says:

White knight simps are a common male failure mode, but there clearly has to be a flawed memeplex in place that liberates them to wreak havoc on society. Who let the simps out? But maybe the real question is: who let the gays in? This goes back to Early Christianity, and I don’t know the answer. Evidently, a bunch of gay heretics playing at “celibacy” ditched Saint Paul and instituted something demonic in place. This shall not happen to the Cult of Gnon!

Or is there another explanation besides gays hijacking the priesthood? This is an extremely interesting topic.

Jim says:

Historically, the major figure in the pervert infestation was Origen, who was at the time, and for a thousand years thereafter, widely believed to be a pervert.

So, gay mafia all the way back.

A lot of the right are converting to Orthodoxy, because Russian Orthodoxy, safe behind Putin’s nukes, is the last major Christian denomination that is still Christian, all the others having succumbed to Woke and PostChristianity.

Unfortunately there is a major flaw in Orthodoxy, including Russian orthodoxy. They succumbed to the faggot pervert lavender mafia doctrines of the Protoevangeilum of James, a fraudulent book that purports to be written by James the Just, brother of Christ, the man who led the Christians after Peter went underground.

The protoevangelium was promoted, and probably written, by Origen. We see some of its doctrines pushed before Origen, but the attribution of those doctrines to James the Just comes from Origen.

It is an attack by the Lavender Mafia on marriage, family, sexual love, and patriarchy. It pushes the faggot pervert doctrines that the apostles were celibate, that Joseph of was celibate, and that Mary and Joseph failed to perform their duty as man and wife.

T says:

The unfortunate thing is that while Anglo Protestantism ditched the original Lavender heresies (Perpetual Virginity, celibate priesthood), it — or rather its cladistic descendants — picked up on the later heresy of Courtly Love, which showed up around eight centuries after Origen’s infiltration (like the blossoming of a poison tree which he planted), and mutated/spiralled it to the Consenting Adults heresy of our age.

FrankNorman says:

Unrelated to the discussion here, but has anyone else noticed that Anonymous Conservative’s blog is offline?
One gets the WordPress setup menu.

Hesiod says:

Currently working fine for me, though AC’s daily news round-up has been having some format issues the past few days. He may be tinkering at the moment.

Albert says:

Maybe one time in thirty that I check his website I see the WordPress setup menu. Just wait a while and refresh and the normal page appears.

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