
The threatened imprisonment of Sheriff Joe

Sheriff Joe was threatened with imprisonment for enforcing the law of the land, after he was elected on a platform of enforcing that law.

This reflects the drift towards criminalizing political differences. Or as the Democrats call it “rule of law”, rule of law being a euphemism for rule by judges, where judges make executive rulings on traditionally executive issues.

Straightforward extrapolation of this trend is that if Trump loses power, he will be imprisoned, and eventually executed, and not very long thereafter, we will see a purge of military and police in which most of the current leadership is imprisoned and/or executed, nominally for past crimes towards single women, blacks, gays, fat people, and whoever gets on the oppressed list next year, actually for being suspected of insufficient loyalty and enthusiasm for the new regime.

Trump is losing or firing his strongest loyalists, and surrounding himself with people who intend his destruction. He rather should surround himself with people who intend Trump and his descendants to remain in power permanently.

People are going to tell me that imprisoning and killing the Trumps is unthinkable. It is unthinkable in 2017, but a whole lot of things were thinkable in 2016 that were unthinkable in 2008, and imprisoning Sheriff Joe was one of those things.

Purging loyalists and installing enemies in power is how the Romanovs died. The first coup resulting from this policy was the Kadet coup, which merely intended democratic constitutional monarchy, which was swiftly followed by a social democrat coup which merely intended a democratic socialist Republic, resulting in the purging of the Romanovs, which was swiftly followed by a communist coup, which swiftly resulted in the execution of the Romanovs. Something along those lines for 2024 is just straightforward projection of current trends, of which the attempt to imprison Sheriff Joe for enforcing the law of the land is one straw of a great many straws in the wind. The elite is increasingly using political violence, not only on ordinary political opponents as at Charlottesville., but on elite political opponents such as Paul Manafort and Sheriff Joe. They have crossed a line, and there are no remaining lines between what they are doing now and full scale war. This sets in motion an inevitable drift to the greater use of simple violence to resolve political disagreement within the elite. Wars are easy to start, hard to stop. We are drifting towards wars internal and external. War is a form of entropy. If you don’t do anything clever, forceful, and effective to prevent war, war will probably ensue. If actions are unconstrained by the possibility that war may ensue, war will ensue. War is easy, peace is hard. Even if the right rolls over and plays dead, this will merely mean that people who are today unthinkably far left will be deemed extreme right, and eventually executed for their reactionary tendencies.

65 comments The threatened imprisonment of Sheriff Joe

Dave says:

This is starting to look like the early days of the English Civil War. Especially the part where Charles I reluctantly assented to the execution of his loyal servant, the Earl of Strafford, only to remark later at his own execution what a terrible mistake that was.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I’ve heard a few D voters already talk jokingly-but-not-really about executed Trump. And these are not extremists, they’re the sort of people who’d be natural rightists but vote D for social status point.

TheBigH says:

So we’ve lost? Sad times.

jim says:

Peace has already lost. When war starts, who knows what will happen.

vxcc2014 says:

Peace has been lost since they started shooting cops in 2014.

What a bunch of Bitchez.

No war will be fought by elites=they lose power=fighters gain power by taking it=power for all with balls to pick up the rifle.

As far as Trump losing power: Trump is replacing his ‘ideological loyalists’ with Generals. Across the Board. Kelly, Mattis, McMaster*, Kellogg, etc.

Now if you judge by ideological purity because being ideologically pure is the only grasp on power you have – as oppossed to the power of holding a rifle, or the power of wealth – you may be dismayed by all this nonsense. Well don’t be as you aren’t losing anything real. Just the delusion that on the right ideologues have power. Never. That’s the Left. Our power is Soldier power, not priest power. Trump is exactly surrounding himself with Generals the Troops will follow even though the Troops love Trump: McMaster, Kelly, Mattis are all known and beloved by Soldiers and Marines.

A word about Trump: he’s no ideologue. Neither I suspect really is Bannon, Gorka or the Generals above.

Another word about Trump: He’s always, always been a Master Showman, a true magician. His act is all…all in The Art of The Deal. I’m on chapter 8 and I’m not worried.

A word about American Soldiers/Marines/MIL: certain people are under the impression we’re the unsullied, or some Latin American conscript army, or whatever chessboard fantasy you have. That hasnt’ been true of Western Armies since the Athenian Assembly. No we don’t fight for pay either.

*No McMaster isn’t anything but loyal to the President, and Trump.
That’s a scam the media is being fed.

Cavalier says:

>A word about American Soldiers/Marines/MIL: certain people are under the impression we’re the unsullied, or some Latin American conscript army, or whatever chessboard fantasy you have. That hasnt’ been true of Western Armies since the Athenian Assembly. No we don’t fight for pay either.

Unfailingly loyal to the Constitution.

Alrenous says:

It’s best that soldiers never discover they do indeed fight for pay.

Mister Grumpus says:


…don’t you think that Trump gets this, though? That he’s purging his defenders and promoting his enemies? The whole Romanov-Bolshevik Cascade?

That’s what I don’t get. Trump just can’t be that dumb. Just can’t be. So I’m stumped.

My best guess is that these anti-himself moves that he’s making must look completely necessary to him in this present moment. Like how cutting off a foot is a horrible thing to do to yourself, but gangrene is gangrene and if you want to survive even one more month, you have to take this L right now.


TheBigH says:

>That’s what I don’t get. Trump just can’t be that dumb. Just can’t be. So I’m stumped.

Trump was dumb enough to let Mueller be appointed and letting Flynn go.

Filthy Liar says:

He is absolutely that dumb. Jim’s own analysis leads to that conclusion, but Jim doesn’t like to admit that a system can produce a leader who is perfect for that system and also dumber than a post. There is no deeper thought behind Trump’s actions, he is exactly as dumb as he appears, and he’s also as good a God-King as any. That’s not an indictment of God-Kings, that’s an indictment of those who prefer them as anything but the least-bad option.

Your Wife's Son says:

If Trump is low-IQ, and yet has managed to arrive where he is, then IQ must be vastly overrated.

But he is not low-IQ.

John Morris says:

Ah, but is he actually purging? Kayfabe, look it up and review everything Trump has done in light of it. It is safe to assume someone in the Hall of Fame understands such a basic wrestling idea and Trump is bright enough to realize how useful the idea could be if applied to politics. The #fakenews crowd still haven’t figured out just how little he respects their world.

Flynn sent Pence out to make a Susan Rice scale ass of himself so he had to be let go. How many of the others “fired” have actually been fired? Have any left Trump’s service or simply been redeployed to the battlefield in new roles? How many have gained “sudden new respect” by dishing on Trump?

The mid terms are about to get serious and we can assume Trump would like some primary action against the cucks. Let General Kelly lead the battle inside the swamp and Bannon take the Breitbart Legions into #WAR against the Republican Party with plausible deniability.

Cloudswrest says:

Check out this “Cultural Revolution” style response to an academic paper extolling 1950’s style bourgeois values.


It is well known that professors will cheer for the cultural revolution while the noose is fitted to their necks by their own former students. That’s why universities must be abolished.

Antlitz Grollheim says:

Burn the Wes Andersen movies!

ilkarnal says:

Pinkerization is unlikely to reverse. It isn’t a fluke, we really have broken the back of the cycle of violence. In concrete terms, there’s no-one willing to back a strong revolutionary movement in the united states. Everyone is happy to chill and get fat.

The state security apparatus is very well fed and the leadership is full of conformist boot-licks. Violence will be brief and one sided if it breaks out.

War is like boiling, requires nucleation sites. We’re well stripped of nucleation sites, which are seeded by recent conflict and deprivation. Country is a sea of degeneracy, sloth, gluttony, etc. The Nazis are cosplaying Nazis, the communists are cosplaying communists. There’s no real spark, and the timber is sodden and rotting.

Hope lies outside this wretched set of circumstances.

ilkarnal says:

What would you be saying in the 60s and 70s, Jim? Surely you would have predicted large scale violence, and would have much more justification. It didn’t happen, and that wasn’t just luck. Sparks firing on sodden timber.

Sparks are weaker now, timber is slimed over mush. Fuggeddabodit.

Samuel Skinner says:

Because the left got what it wanted; status, money and to kill people. The situation now is different; there isn’t enough status and money to go around (especially not combined with the escalation of killing people).

I agree with the people who think that once the money runs out things will fall apart. So 2020-2040.

ilkarnal says:

Money doesn’t ‘run out.’ It slows or quickens in transfer-frequency. Too low, recession. Too high, unreasonable price instability. The ‘technocrats’ in charge aren’t great – bunch of fools, honestly – but some have managed to get a very basic handle on this concept. And once you do, smooth sailing. What turbulence we will face will just be from the retards who think money is something that ‘runs out’ and must be conserved on an economy wide basis when transfer-frequency plummets. These idiots usually shut the fuck up once things get really bad, and let the adults take over.

As a result of this, and various commonsense programs that create stability in transfer-frequency (unemployment insurance, SNAP, medicaid on the left, the military and prison systems on the right), economic shocks even on the level of the last Great Depression are very unlikely. And you need considerably more than that for things to really ‘fall apart.’

No, the issues threatening to make things fall apart are biological, not economic. And they will take many generations to bear their poison fruit.

Cavalier says:

End QE∞, let interest rates return to their natural level, whatever that is, and watch the entire economy implode and your dollars disappear. “Where did they go?” you will ask. “Back to heaven, where all fiat currencies go after they die, little Timmy.”

ilkarnal says:

QE already ended, without the economy imploding. Large scale purchases stopped in 2014.

Dollars won’t disappear if interest rates rise – they will stick around and become more valuable. Which is problematic, because people are more reluctant to part with appreciating assets, and because debt that increases in real value over time is difficult to pay off. Overall it reduces the velocity of money – not the amount of money – which beyond a certain point reduces economic activity, which is how things get done.

Cavalier says:

>QE already ended

Did it?

>Dollars won’t disappear if interest rates rise – they will stick around and become more valuable.

It doesn’t matter. The fate of the dollar is tied to the banks, and the banks are rupt. I wouldn’t look forward to what comes after, either — cryptocurrency with national ID card, no thanks. Feel free to chuckle at the thought; you won’t be laughing when it happens.

Alrenous says:

You were doing well until you stepped into the velocity thing. For some reason when almost all economists see a supply or demand change, they immediately forget there might also be a demand or supply change.

Velocity is irrelevant. Perfectly irrelevant. Velocity changes cannot cause there to be more stuff, or less stuff, so it has no effect on wealth. By definition, every increase in velocity is both a demand and a supply, so it has no effect on prices.

Any nonzero velocity is fine. Imagine everyone bought groceries once a year, as a plan deal. Sudden velocity drop. Also, nothing happens to the supply of groceries, nor their consumption.

Technically more velocity means more trades. Normally trade directly increases wealth. However, what matters is the quality of the trades. If they get it right the first time, it’s better than taking several steps. If instead it’s hot-swapping stocks trying to find the biggest sucker, it’s actively destructive.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Money doesn’t ‘run out.’”

The United States has a trade deficit with the rest of the world. This only exists because the US dollar is seen to have value beyond its face value. If that perception of value disappears we get to see all the dollar bills outside the country suddenly have an intense desire to return to the United States.

Now deficits can last for a long time if the value of the currency is husbanded well. Or spending can ratchet up in order to pay off all the pensions and gibs that a democracy needs in ever increasing amounts. The latter looks a lot more probable and a fitting finale for the Boomer- they took it all with them.

“No, the issues threatening to make things fall apart are biological, not economic. And they will take many generations to bear their poison fruit.”

That would be true if people only imported Mexicans (who are only a small net negative financially). However the quest is to import as dysfunctional people as possible while simultaneously providing them lavish benefits. This will cause things to escalate a lot faster.

Unlike the past, modern technology allows the feedback to happen quickly and for insanity to progress to civilization destroying levels faster; the state will break before the genetic legacy does.

ilkarnal says:

The United States has a trade deficit with the rest of the world. This only exists because the US dollar is seen to have value beyond its face value. If that perception of value disappears we get to see all the dollar bills outside the country suddenly have an intense desire to return to the United States.

Sure. People don’t think of this correctly, though. This comes down to something very simple – dollars outside the United States represent an interest-free loan to the United States. People gave us stuff, we gave them our paper (meaning essentially an IOU) and we don’t have to make payments. Great!

But the size of this zero-interest loan isn’t that large, well under a trillion dollars, about 500 billion. It just doesn’t matter that much. Ending it wouldn’t be that big a deal. If all the money came back at once to be spent at once, then it could cause some temporary price instability, but that’s very unlikely to happen, and not catastrophic anyway. Our GDP is around 20 trillion dollars, there’s no scenario where an extra half-trillion is some terrible blight.

Now deficits can last for a long time if the value of the currency is husbanded well.

Sure, and in our case it doesn’t even matter that much if they last. Actually, I would prefer if they didn’t. That would represent a shift towards producing things at home instead of feeding foreign industry, and I like that path very much indeed. Won’t happen, unfortunately.

That would be true if people only imported Mexicans (who are only a small net negative financially). However the quest is to import as dysfunctional people as possible while simultaneously providing them lavish benefits.

The issue is not finance, the issue is IQ. When smart white people become rarer, countries become shittier. There will be a slow descent into shittier and shittier territory.

ilkarnal says:

Also – the stuff we are buying matters. We could have a trade surplus, a huge one, and still be extremely dependent on foreign trade. That’s actually a very common scenario, for oil or mineral based economies. They need to import crucial stuff because they don’t have much native industry, often don’t have much agricultural production either.

The US is in a spectacular situation because it produces huge amounts of oil and natural gas, produces huge amounts of food, and has excellent mineral wealth, AND on top of that has the world’s largest value-add economy. It doesn’t need foreign trade – that’s just gravy thrown on top, probably even harmful because the competition withers heavy industry and drives a shift to ‘services’ and finance.

You can have a great trade surplus, high value-add economy, and still be completely fucked if isolated – Japan was in a situation like that. Needed resources.

The idea that the US is on life support from the world because they have been fooled into accepting dollars for really valuable things, and once this charade inevitably ends the US will be fucked is just completely retarded on every single level.

Stripes Duncan says:

All of your scenarios ignore the fact that the engine requires the issue of ever more debt to keep running, and as this country descends into a polyglot mass of squabbling muds and their enablers and the people trying to flee them, we become a greater credit risk. Our society is descending into dysfunction. If there’s no functioning consumer society here to buy Chinese garbage they’re going to stop funding it and look for another market.

You have to produce before you can consume. When I was looking for a new truck they were advertising loans at or near zero interest for seven years. They can’t move them otherwise. If the music gets turned off the dancing is going to stop.

glosoli says:

I have no idea where you got that $500b figure, but you are way short of the mark. By trillions.

You will be surprised by two things in the next decade:

1. The oil states will switch away from USDs to euro/yuan. That is the lighting of a fuse to the death of the USD. All trade will switch away from USD settlement. How will the FedGov and the country then finance its twin deficits? By printing, until hyperinflation destroys the currency entirely. Those who saw this coming decades ago have the replacement monetary system in place ready to go.

2. The USD is still bound by international agreements whereby it owes international creditors gold, not dollars. One day it will have to pay up, in gold. That’s why its gold is held in deep storage at $42 an ounce, it is currently useless to the US, until there is a new US currency, and old debts are settled.

The day you see the ECB launch QE into physical gold, you will know the trigger has been pulled.

Yup. The empire of petrodollars is what sustains dildolech, that and Boomers, who are retiring now. Collapse is coming.

ilkarnal says:

I have no idea where you got that $500b figure, but you are way short of the mark. By trillions.


Trillions? Find me *that* estimate, please.

How will the FedGov and the country then finance its twin deficits?

Japan has no trouble selling bonds without its currency seeing much use abroad. You’re just full of it.

By printing, until hyperinflation destroys the currency entirely.

There’s a reason QE and all the Fed’s mighty efforts failed to move the needle on inflation as much as they wanted, let alone cause the hyperinflation all the retards were yelping about. The idea is just nonsensical. What matters is the velocity of money, not the total amount of it.

The USD is still bound by international agreements whereby it owes international creditors gold, not dollars.

Dingbat nonsense.

The day you see the ECB launch QE into physical gold, you will know the trigger has been pulled.

The dam’s broken on the crazy reservoir.

A.B. Prosper says:

The Us doesn’t owe anyone anything they can plausibly collect so long as our military is the largest in the word and we have nukes

hell we are working on orbitally dropped gravity nukes now, no launch detection either

Also cutting the US off from trade?

Every single nation that did that would lose access to like the 3rd largest market on the planet

Everybody produces too much and consumes too little , no US market and your economy collapses

Eventually internal issues over race, infrastructure and wage arbitrage will kill the US but until than, we can do what we want to anyone who doesn’t have nukes or who needs to trade with us.

JanMartense says:

“But the size of this zero-interest loan isn’t that large, well under a trillion dollars, about 500 billion.”

Hmmm…your source also mentions that this figure represents about . You’ve fallen for a classic economic fallacy: that “real” paper money represents the actual total value of what’s in circulation. In reality, we need to consider the “multiplier effect:” banks (or other investment agencies) use their holdings to loan money to other banks, which do the same to still more banks, and so forth; leaving a small (federally mandated) amount in reserve. The current reserve rate is 10%, which means the total amount of money (as opposed to hard currency) in existence is about $1 trillion/.10, or 10 trillion. (And therefore the amount of “foreign” holdings is about 5 trillion).

This also explains why the current velocity of money is about 1.5 (source: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2V), ie 10 trillion times 1.5 equals total GDP of about 15 trillion (the remainder involves foreign currencies, inventories, etc.). By your figure, total GDP would come out as ridiculously low (a bit over 1.5 trillion).

Glosoli is actually closer to the truth, then, at least for this figure.

JanMartense says:

Meant to say: your source also mentions that this figure represents about half of all currency that currently exists.

pdimov says:

Money does run out. In your model, this event is called “hyperinflation” and is characterized with a very high “money velocity”, but it’s actually a currency collapse caused by “money” running out.

Why woud anyone expect the Boomers and the Worst Generation to do anything other than teach their little girls to be sluts and boys to be faggots? No, this is all on Generation Zyklon and the percentage of Millennials who rejected the increasingly insane brainwashing.

Your Wife's Son says:

The real problem is not older generations’ memefare, but their lack of fecundity. A slut who’s given birth to 3 non-niggers is infinitely better than a chaste/sterile catlady. Chaste/sterile catladies are the bane of civilization.

Ban condoms.

A.B. Prosper says:

It won’t help.

The US total fertility rate hit roughly its current level in 1930;s and condoms were very hard ti get in many places.

What no one wants to consider is that lower fertility is the norm for all developed societies going forwards and that the baby boom was an abnormal bubble

The normal TFR won’t exceed two and change by any real margin among anyone with impulse control and a 3 digit IQ in a developed society

Also sterile broads are fairly rare, most women get around to having a child eventually. two/+younger would be better but everyone is having kids later, The number of men being first time dads who are over 40 is 10% compared to 2.5% in the 1970’s which is wild

jim says:

What no one wants to consider is that lower fertility is the norm for all developed societies going forwards and that the baby boom was an abnormal bubble

Development is not the relevant variable because poor people with emancipated women also have low low fertility, down to Japanese levels, and because war and peace, boom and bust, has very little effect on fertility, and because Amish and Orthodox Jews are affluent and reproducing rapidly.

Empirically, men with a great deal of power and authority over wives and children like lots of children, and proceed to find a way to afford those children even if very poor. If well off, proceed to have even more children.

Everywhere and always, rich and poor, boom and bust, war and peace, the only thing that makes a significant difference is the authority of fathers and husbands.

A.B. Prosper says:

Amish people are not affluent, They are outsiders permitted by suffrage.

The Orthodox and a few Evangelical and LDS do meet that criteria

while I think your core argument is basically correct , emancipating women lowers fertility , how much is up to question.

Also the issue really isn’t population decline , there are too many people on the planet period. When one city (NYC) has more than the entire population of Great Britain in 1776 , that’s not progress. Its a problem

We need to control our borders, expel anyone who things cheap foreign labor or leftists social signaling s acceptable and let the population decline slowly and naturally

This way when the crash happens and it will, the chaos level will be much lower

Germany is about 50% larger than Oregon, has more habitable land but assuming similar sizes and such, with relative population density its would have say 8 million. Its quite crowded at such a density

Germany has 10x that many people which is crazy, removing foreigners right now would cut the population to 60 million or so (even foreign TFR is low in Germany) and in a short period of time it would drop to 40 million

This would be a boon for that nation and increase everyones standard of living vastly.

Assuming birder control, I’m hard pressed to see why less people would be worse

Issac says:

Trump can remain under the slim cover of the Zionists for only so much longer. Bibi is feeling the heat. When the Zionists stop lending Trump and the rest of the right cover, then things will devolve rapidly.

TheBigH says:

It’s amazing how quickly antifa is growing. They’re getting mainstream press open about their violence but always shown in they are all powerful manner. Every loser male in America is going to come running.

They look like retards and their ideology is cucked beyond belief. Only garbage people like Tim Kaine’s son will ever join.

Pepe minion says:

> We are drifting towards wars…

Germany too, maybe –

“…discussed their plans with other right-wing activists on social media.” They need to be smarter than that (assuming the report is accurate). I hope there are people out there who understand the need to use tor and the like, and not to involve blabbermouths and boasters. It looks to me like there is no other way forward now but through an underground movement that is willing to hit back, and I don’t mean with tweets and memes.

Glenfilthie says:

This will be a very short war, Jim. Consider: The democrats hate the military and although they don’t say it, the military hates them right back. There aren’t nearly enough affirmative action queers, trannies or other deviants in the military to change that. On the civilian side – you won’t find many democrats, queers, welfare vibrants or ethnics at the gun club or signed up for the NRA.

If the left goes for a a coup now they’d be crazy.

Contaminated NEET says:

Pshaw. We right-wingers talk big all the time about how well-armed and tough our side is, but somehow we always lose.

The left controls information: education, entertainment, news. They also sign the paychecks and give the orders for all those supposedly right-leaning cops and soldiers. A full-scale civil war would be unbelievably brutal and drawn-out – we’d stand a chance, but it wouldn’t be a walkover. Good propaganda would have at least half of these patriotic right-leaning military and law enforcement men fighting against us. Any conflict short of a full civil war though, and they win easily, thoroughly, and consistently. They decide how it’s reported and how it’s remembered. Ask a normalfag about Ruby Ridge. The most likely response is, “Ruby what?” The next most likely is, “It’s a good thing the authorities punished those wicked violent white supremacists.”

jim says:

> Pshaw. We right-wingers talk big all the time about how well-armed and tough our side is, but somehow we always lose.

We never had a substantial actual violent conflict between right and left in the anglosphere.

Contaminated NEET says:

True. Because the right keeps surrendering. Because the left wins the propaganda war long before we even get to the shooting war.

Karl says:

“We never had a substantial actual violent conflict between right and left in the anglosphere.”

What about the English Civil War 1642-1651?

jim says:

OK, no recent civil war.

Lost the stoush between Charles the first and the parliamentarians, but won the the stoush between General Monk and the parliamentarians. And after Charles the first, they knew they had been in a fight.

Poochy says:

American Civil War?

The War of Northern Aggression didn’t divide the northern elite.

As a war of conquest with humiliating submission as the only acceptable outcome fought because the Yankees wanted to impose their cultural imperialism, the War of Northern Aggression was like WWII and Afghanistan.

jim says:


You are right. The left won the American civil war.

But in recent times, the left has started to look less and less militarily capable as it has become more and more hostile to males and masculinity.

The argument that the right is more militarily capable than the left is based on the modern left.

Contaminated NEET says:

My argument is that, despite appearances, the right is NOT more militarily capable than the left when you consider the left’s massive propaganda superiority. Even when the war turns hot, if it does, the left’s propaganda advantage will probably be decisive, and it will have many good, patriotic, Anglo-Saxon men who “should” be on our side fighting against us.

jim says:

Likely true.

On the other hand, left propaganda is increasingly pushing shit uphill.

Consider, for example, the pious assertions as to how women are unwelcome and victimized in tech.

Poochy says:

The left does have money however. My guess is they could buy off some generals (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Clark) and all the forces loyal to them. This is essentially what the elites did in Rome to fight Caesar even though Caesar had the full support of the common people.

A.B. Prosper says:

The entire fortune of Soros or the like could pay for a short war for a few years

Mercs are around $500 US a day plus say the same to keep them supplied

100K merce would cost 1 billion per day without inflation

It can probably pull that many armed and trained veterans in California

The entire fortunes of of every leftist assuming no inflation or heavy damage could manage a modest force for maybe a year, at most

Contaminated NEET says:

Again, pshaw. Soros could buy himself a warship and go a’privateering, sure, but that’s not how the left is going to finance the civil war. There’s $6 trillion in yearly American tax receipts, counting state, local, and federal. That is their war chest, right there. You don’t think the great Beast is going to be fighting on our side, do you?

bob k. mando says:

Cavalier says: August 27, 2017 at 2:07 pm
Unfailingly loyal to the Constitution.

get the fuck out of here.

you followed illegal and un-Constitutional orders to seize weapons from Law abiding citizens in the aftermath of Katrina.

you followed illegal orders at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

you followed orders to murder the Bonus Army ( and their wives and children ) … not simply your brothers-in-arms, but older veterans of the Great War. Men who were FAR more heroic and had suffered FAR more than any of the uniform wearing pissants who were running bulldozers over them.

you’re “loyalty” it to whoever is issuing orders to you.

Cavalier says:

With enormous pride and tremendous WASP privilege, I give you… the Constitution.

A living document, indeed.

Zach says:

lulz at Trump being executed. It will never happen unless we’re all knee deep in civil war. And by civil war, I mean the whole hog version.

c23 says:

Off topic: Jeremy Meeks in the public eye again, banging billionnaire Jewish heiress: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4835566/Is-Chloe-Green-engaged-hot-felon-Jeremy-Meeks.html

Mister Grumpus says:

I both hate you and love you for sharing this with me. What a timeline.

TheBigH says:

And the escalation continues:

Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe:


Ron says:

Hey Jim, remember how you said that Trump’s choices were either stand up to the Lefitsts now, or quietly go along with their program until they amass sufficient power to kill his family?


You called it.

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