
Yes, we are at war with Islam

And always have been.

For over a thousand years, a multitude of nations, states, peoples, cultures, religions, and empires have attempted to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first.

If you have a few percent of Muslims, you have what you can pretend is a major crime problem. If you have ten to thirty percent, you have a low level civil war, which intermittently becomes a high level civil war whenever you relax or show signs of weakness. If you have thirty percent, you can have a fairly tense peace, like the not-quite-war in Mindanao if you have a large well disciplined military, guards and soldiers everywhere, and regularly and routinely deploy death squads, but you cannot afford rule of law – you can have peace only by ruthlessly and unhesitatingly applying the laws of war. With a large Muslim minority you need death squads and the routine and frequent application of torture to keep the almost-peace, the not-quite-war.

France has five or ten percent Muslims, regular car burnings, Calais has been burning for some time, and the French state has no power over substantial areas that have been successfully seized by Islam.

France has taken pretend measures – checking passports at major entry points. This is security theater. Calais continues to burn, and the French authorities avert their eyes. Muslim illegal immigrants continue to flood over the borders unopposed. Rapes by Muslims are piously ignored. Preachers continue to preach terror, and while Muslim preachers preach terror, the French authorities arrest and prosecute Marine LePen and Eric Zemmour for incitement.  A Muslim that gets over the border cannot be deported.

Far from France getting serious about stopping terror, it remains a criminal offense to advocate getting serious about the problem.

Under recent international law you cannot return people unless their country of origin agrees to accept them, or at least that is how international law has recently come to be interpreted.  And the countries of origin never agree. Australia and Israel have been cheerfully breaking this law, and New Zealand has been furtively breaking it.  Burma has been dumping Muslims into boats and telling them that if they want to live under Islam, start sailing to a Muslim country.

When France rounds up illegals and dumps them in Africa or the Middle East, then France will be beginning to get serious.  But no one can imagine such a thing, let alone propose it, for to imagine such a thing is a thought crime.

France is absolutely unserious about dealing with terrorism, and to even think seriously about dealing with terrorism is a crime no Frenchman will admit to committing.

The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim.  If a Muslim is not murdering innocents and raping children, he does not take his religion seriously.

153 comments Yes, we are at war with Islam

Ted Nuisance says:

The old bag on CNN last night, “blah blah blah, these terrorists SOMEHOW managed to get into the country…”

ya, somehow. it was tough… yet they managed. clever bunch.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

It’s time to start killing them and those who defend them and make excuses for them. There’s just no other way. It will have to come to this.

Timbo says:

Preferably start by hanging that bovine Merkel up in the window of the abattoir

Kabir says:

There’s a billion Muslims, so you have your murderous work cut out for you. If you start with babies and women, the rest of them should come easy to you.

This article was total bullsh*t, BTW. Moronic is as moronic does. “The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim. If a Muslim is not murdering innocents and raping children, he does not take his religion seriously.'” One the stupidest, ignorant statements ever uttered in a blog.

T.A. says:

You are only partially correct in your judgement of that statement. It will make more sense if you let me correct it.

The only good muslim is a DEAD muslim.

There, I fixed it for you.

Kabir says:

Given the fact there are a billion Muslims living now, not counting, the millions upons millions who lived in the past, to focus on the pronouncements and actions of the most insane, violent, lunatic Muslims as proof that all Muslims are bad is irrational beyond words. I’d bet the mortgage you know no Muslims personally and have studied them in person for any period of time. But you are just a bigot, so of course you never got to know any. That would force you out of your bigot comfort zone. Your wish to kill all of them makes you as deranged and evil as the worst ISIS head cutters.

T.A. says:

You wouldn’t want to be so quick to lose your house there buddy. I have spent multiple years in the military and as a civilian in various middle eastern nations, and was involved in dealing with the aftermath of the muslim kidnappings and grenade attacks in the phillipines. I have never been so underwhelmed with the contributions made to society as I was when I lived in places ruled by your satanic, moon worshipping death cultists. Without a doubt, the international need for oil is the ONLY thing that was brought the middle east into anything approximating a civilized society. There is no moderate islam, there is only islam. Christianity has already had a reform movement, and I will be willing to change my thoughts on the matter when the nonexistent moderate muslims force a reform movement throughout the islamic world. I’ll bet MY mortgage that’ll never happen EVER. Until then, I am sorrowful that Abraham didn’t slit the throats of his filthy concubine and bastard child.
The only way to fix this issue is as follows:

Burn every copy of that satanic book.
Burn every place of worship a house they occupy.
Salt their lands till nothing will ever grow again.
Put a bullet in everyone of their heads.

I’m not a racist, I just have nothing but contempt for every muslim regardless of skin color or national origin. Your people refuse to live in peace with anyone anywhere, and never have from the time ol’ pedophile Mo had his narcissistic epilepsy induced demonic vision making him a prophet. I am MORE than willing to go toe to toe with you over the finer points of hypocrisy in your death cult at ANY time. I assure you, you will have you hands full winning that argument.

Be happy I didn’t take your bet or you would be a homeless “moderate” satanic moon worshipping death cultist. But since taqiyya allows you to back out of commitment and lie with impunity, I have no doubt that you would refuse to hand it over.

Kabir says:

Not that bigots like you ever care about facts when it comes to Muslims, but here’s an article that rips to shreds your smug, ignorant pseudo-Christian moral superiority:

No, Muslims Are Not More Violent Than People of Other Religions. Here Are the Facts to Prove It


jim says:

Wherever Muslims are live in the same location as non Muslims, they make war upon the non Muslims. And wherever two different kinds of Muslims live in the same location, they make war upon each other. In this sense, Muslims are more violent than people of other religions.

pseudo-Christian moral superiority?

you mean like “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God?”

Well, Islam recognizes the prophet ((Jesus)).

Who decided that all religions are equal? Not Muslims. That’s a pseudo-Christian belief. Who decided that violence doesn’t work? That’s also a pseudo-Christian belief.

You’re right, I don’t know any Muslims personally. The people I know from the Middle East are glad to be away from it, and aren’t reproducing, which I’m happy about.

Now take your takfir attitude, emigrate to a decent country, drive a cab, and never reproduce. faggot.

T.A. says:

Yes, islam IS about murder, rape, and theft. Here’s fact to support the reality we ALL see happening around the world with our own eyes.


You are living in a state cognitive dissonance. It occurs in the minds of liberals also. Over time it makes people suffering from it insane as the human brain was not designed to hold both sides of an argument in equal regard. You refuse to recognize reality that you see and read about, AND hold your peaceful fantasy as truth. It’s delusional at best, and a deliberate falsehood designed to soothe the rest of the world into submission at worst. Simply put, you are either crazy, or a lying apologist.

T.A. says:

BTW Kabir……….

Look, I get where you are coming from. You are probably a nonviolent family oriented kind of person. You want to believe that transfers over to every other haji out there.
Every orange is a fruit, but not every fruit is an orange.
I stand by my beliefs, time will prove my beliefs correct. I still go into the world armed without fail, every time. Because one day I might find myself confronted by one of your fellow peaceful brothers who is intent on doing harm to me and mine. I will win that confrontation because I know no other way but to send them straight to hell. I am that jackass that actually lubed the bullets of all my defensive ammunition with bacon fat. You know, just in case.

Kabir says:

T.A., your exposure to Muslims is obviously very, very limited. I have known and befriended Muslims from Europe, the US, Turkey, South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, plus other lands, not to mention those I work with, and know I have visited these places multiple times and got to know the people. Your blind outrage and white-hot hatred for people called Muslims would never allow you to see the kindness, goodness, spirituality, humility I have seen in those I have met from around the world, especially in Turkey, over the course of decades, and NONE of which had any interest to warrring with other Muslims, or Americans or Westerners, etc., and all of whom would be horrified at the behavior you choose – since you are as such an expert on Muslims – to claim is normal Muslim behavior. Anyone with even a pea brain can see your tactics (and those of your sympathizers here) always selects the most diseased and morally repugnant Muslims and upholds them as representative of all Muslims. An illogical and bigoted tactic.

Without knowing it, apparently, what you select are simply the Wahabis and their dreadful ilk, who are rampaging around their world with hatred and violence and murder. In the end, everything you say against Muslims, and especially your words on what you would like to do to them, proves decisively you are a mirror image of the monstrous pseudo-Muslims you hate so much. You passionately hate – as a Christian – certain types of Muslims who are *just like you* in their hatred of Christians and anyone who disagrees with them. You are just like each other in your hatred and desire to murder each other. Like the Wahabi terrorist martyrs who think they are going to Paradise when they die, I think, with your attitude, you are going to be in for a surprise when your your time comes.

In the black, paranoid, godless, graceless, fearful world you live in, as seen in your compulsion to always “pack” a gun wherever you go, you have no real brothers or sisters in spirit, everybody is a potential or real enemy to you. But in one sense you do have a real brother in spirit – other fundamentalist religious fanatics, no matter what they label themselves. The Brotherhood of Religious Fanatics in essence transcends all creeds but is believed in, by its members, with the strongest hysterical and murderous passion.

BTW, you are dead wrong about something else, when you mention “I will be willing to change my thoughts on the matter when the nonexistent moderate muslims force a reform movement throughout the islamic world.” oh there are plenty of moderate Muslims. But the odds indeed favors their influence will not reform much. Unlike the Wahabi fanatics, who you are so convinced are so different from you, moderate Muslims don’t control the Saudi oil fields. It takes money to do reformations, which is why Martin Luther could succeed with his, as he had rich German princes backing him.

T.A. says:
November 17, 2015 at 4:36 pm

You wouldn’t want to be so quick to lose your house there buddy. I have spent multiple years in the military and as a civilian in various middle eastern nations, and was involved in dealing with the aftermath of the muslim kidnappings and grenade attacks in the phillipines. I have never been so underwhelmed with the contributions made to society as I was when I lived in places ruled by your satanic, moon worshipping death cultists. Without a doubt, the international need for oil is the ONLY thing that was brought the middle east into anything approximating a civilized society. There is no moderate islam, there is only islam. Christianity has already had a reform movement, and I will be willing to change my thoughts on the matter when the nonexistent moderate muslims force a reform movement throughout the islamic world. I’ll bet MY mortgage that’ll never happen EVER. Until then, I am sorrowful that Abraham didn’t slit the throats of his filthy concubine and bastard child.
The only way to fix this issue is as follows:

Burn every copy of that satanic book.
Burn every place of worship a house they occupy.
Salt their lands till nothing will ever grow again.
Put a bullet in everyone of their heads.

jim says:

Your blind outrage and white-hot hatred for people called Muslims would never allow you to see the kindness, goodness, spirituality, humility I have seen in those I have met from around the world, especially in Turkey,

That would be this Turkey:
Armenian genocide

Each of those women was raped before being crucified.

It simple fact that Muslims just will not coexist. They must be subjugated, as for example in Mindanao, or they will subjugate.

For over a thousand years governments, peoples, cultures, empires, nations, religions, states, and such have been trying to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first.

Kabir says:

Hey Jim, I can find hundreds of pictures of innocent blacks lynched by mobs in good Christian towns – especially in God-fearin’ Southern US communities – from the not too distant past that could equal these crucified women pictures, and I don’t go around shrieking “This is an example of typical Christianity”. If it were not for laws that are *now* enforced, such lynchings would be regularly occurring even to this day. As I said, murderous fanatics are all the same, whatever their professed religion.

jim says:

Hey Jim, I can find hundreds of pictures of innocent blacks lynched by mobs in good Christian towns –


If there was one plausibly innocent black lynched in all of the US in all of history, they would not be so hard up for poster boys that they had to make Emmet Till the poster boy.

B says:

>I can find hundreds of pictures of innocent blacks lynched by mobs in good Christian towns

No, you can’t.

The SPLC says that several thousand people were lynched between 1860 and 1960, about 2/3 of whom were blacks.

I am willing to bet you that 99%+ were male, and that the vast majority were guilty.

All of which adds up to maybe a slow Saturday in the Muslim world.

Any group of non-Muslims which has had to live around Muslims for any time (except maybe in Bosnia and Central Asia) can tell you the same thing-Muslims suck, are violent and savage.

T.A. says:

Actually my exposure to muslims has been quite extensive, to include a long term, poorly thought engagement to a young Turkish aliwite in my younger, less wise years; not that it was any of your business. But apparently, decades of exposure to the glory of the seventh century ideal that is end goal of islam doesn’t count as acceptable experience. Sure, I discovered that the aliwites sect is somewhat less judgemental and prone to violence toward infidels by comparison to the sunnis, shia, wahabists and others, but are just as quick to vent their spleens against their fellow muslims that are not aliwites. They like to claim that it is a result of 1400 years of abuse by the other, bigger, mainstream muslim sects. In reality it is because no muslim is capable of living in peace with ANYONE NOT EXACTLY LIKE THEM. You may feel free to continue to call me a bigot if you wish, as I am quite accustomed to seeing it used as the last, best defense from prove and others of your ilk in order to stir up some sense of moral indignation and outrage against folks like myself. I ofcapable of using critical thought and empirical evidence to draw a logical conclusion. Islam is a malignant, fiercely metastatic cancer on the face of the planet, and MUST be eradicated in order for the rest of the reasonable and reasonably peaceful world to live in some semblance normalcy.

As for carrying a firearm. I do so because the concept of relying on some publicly funded government empowered functionary to provide me with a sense of, yet no actual safety is innately and morally repulsive. No one is responsible for my safety except ME. I mean, we have fire departments, yet I am sure that you have a fire extinguisher in your house. Ask those families of the bacatlan victims why the police weren’t able to keep them safe. If you are not willing to take your own safety in your own hands, you are no man. You are a subject.

Dave says:

How many Muslims must we kill for this madness to end?

Let’s start with “all of them” and negotiate down from there.

T.A. says:

Agreed. Even benign tumors get excised regularly, just in case.

Corvinus says:

You won’t even lift a finger. Cali life is too good for you and your beard. It is hilarious for a bankster like yourself to make such silly pronouncements.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Well, I heard that President Hollande has ordered the borders closed which probably means that the Vatican has decided it has enough of its followers in the United States so that it can end its “global, open borders, multiculturalism” project.


Have you checked Frank Holland’s Wikipedia entry? He doesn’t have a listed religion, nor does he have a wife, he has a “domestic partner”, and he is a shameless divorcee.

Also, dat nose doe http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=1360

jim says:

The French borders are not closed. It is just security theater. They are “closed” in the sense that you get passport checks at official entry points. They are not closed in the sense that the Australian, Israeli, Botswanan, and Hungarian borders are closed, with actual unpleasant well armed men who will arrest you and imprison you without charges or trial if you try crossing the border at an unofficial entry point.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Where do North Korean borders rank among those, “Jim”?

jim says:

North Korea stops people coming out. As an accidental side effect, they also make it difficult for people to come in. This makes Korea a prison. Australia stops people coming in. This makes Australia a state with defense. Big difference.

Alan J. Perrick says:


We’ll see about France though…


smedley butler says:

After 911, we were killing the wrong Muslims. It was not the Iraqis, it’s the Saudis stupid. Also, notice how ISIS has done nothing to Israelis.

A Pint Thereof says:

Europe will need to look to Spain, and its beautiful Inquisition, to discern how best to nullify the Moslem threat.

Corvinus says:

The Inquisition was anything but beautiful. The Moslem threat are those Moslems who are fundamentalist.

jim says:

Every country everywhere with substantial numbers of Muslims and non Muslims, or two different kinds of Muslims, is either in a state of war, or, as in Mindanao, near war with the tense peace maintained by methods progressives find horrifying.

A Pint Thereof says:

All moslems are fundamentalists. The better choice of word would have been “extremist”, but even then, according to Pew research, 24% of moslems in the UK agree that violence against the civilian population is a justified method of advancing the interests of islam.

B says:

Today’s Muslims (not the historic Ottoman/Timurid/Seljuk/etc. kind) are an opportunistic infection. Europe’s been spending lots of time making new friends in the bathhouse and now has Kaposi’s sarcoma and thrush…but the herpesvirus and candida yeast are the least of its problems.

Interestingly, this recent thing happened right after they decided to pass a law labeling everything produced/manufactured in the Israeli “settlements,” where horned Jews torture innocent Muslim children into working in their fields and factories for no pay.

As French Jews leave, we will shortly see whether a Jew-free France is a paradise as the White Nationalists promise us, or not; after all, with his amazing superiority only susceptible to Jew mind ray kryptonite, if the Jews are gone, the White Superman should have no problem getting a handle on the 10% Mud population. I mean, it’s not hard, what with them being so inferior.

Or will the ever-present crypto-Jews, whom the true White Nationalist can identify by the shape of their noses, their green reptilian ichor, and possibly the last name of one of their great-grandparents, continue to sabotage European greatness despite the actual Jews being gone?

vxxc2014 says:


As a general proposition w/regards to the matter of protection…what do you think of the practicality of dealing with whatever shepherd regardless of motive or say rough nature? Even if his primary interest in the sheep is wool.

It’s my considered opinion that any engine of mass repression in America would be turned round upon the Americans; so therefore should be frustrated at every level.

This doesn’t mean we don’t defend ourselves from either our core problem [corrupt elites, irredeemable] or opportunistic infections with which we abound.
It means we don’t get the grand engines going for the selfish motive I state above [it would be turned on me and mine].

I believe that under present circumstances matters of protection and self defense should follow a subsidiarity or Jacksonian local model, and that by their existence and local interests [including protecting their own wool business] they could so frustrate such a grand engine.

I’m a practical man and have to work with what’s at hand.

Interested in your thoughts. patbrehon10@gmail.com

Jack says:

Come on. If restoration is feasible at all at this point, it’ll take time. Israel still hasn’t completely eradicated socialism, even after all those decades of socialist defeats; evil Jewish mind control rays still echo even after Jews are gone, though perhaps not for very long, see: Russians going Orthodox after Communism’s collapse. It takes some time to restore what the Jews have destroyed, though it may not be too late even for the French.

BobbyBrigs says:

Jew free Poland is doing pretty well. Jewsish pro muslims invasion mind control rays are pretty weak there.

jim says:

Portugal is more Jew free than Poland, and Portugal is fairly pozzed.

BobbyBrigs says:

You mean the nation with almost no Muslim invaders? Try again Jim. Portigul like most European nations say the right words pretend to do the right actions but only nations where jews hold power is the progressive insaniy followed to the point of destruction.

pdimov says:

Western Europe is an American province. Has been for so long they no longer seem to remember how to be sovereign. Whether French Jews leave or not appears immaterial.

Although wouldn’t it be fun if they leave and France – by coincidence – suddenly finds herself again?

jim says:

By and large the Jews mostly have left, but France does not yet show any signs of finding herself again.

Sweden is the most pozzed country in Europe, and has the lowest proportion of Jews in Europe. For all practical purposes, it is Judenrein.

Australia is arguably the least pozzed white country, in the sense that it is the only one actively and openly defending its borders, and it has a fairly high proportion of Jews. Yeah, if some australian is very upset and indignant about the fact that Australia does not let hordes of “asylum seekers” enter at will, there is a good chance that the fellow full of high moral indignation is somewhat Jewish, but his mind control rays do not seem to be working.

pdimov says:

I can’t think of any simple variable that would explain the different degrees of pozzification observed in the wild. Nothing seems to fit.

Jews selling bagels on the street, which is what a percentage of Jews gets you, don’t matter. What matters is whether there are Jews owning the media.

Just because Sweden’s Jewsmedia hates Israel doesn’t make it any less subversive. Sweden’s media has been controlled by Jews since at least the middle of the last century, which is why Swedes are such a joke.


B says:

Obviously, people with IQs of 120+ should sell bagels rather than running newspapers or industries. Don’t they know there’s perfectly good goyim who can’t get ahold of the microphone to tell everyone what they think the truth is?

jim says:

Your link does not show that Sweden’s media is controlled by Jews. It shows that the advocates of mass immigration of people of alien race and culture tended to be Jewish.

This, however, is a good fit to the theory that the Social Democrats, finding themselves the party of the underclass and overclass, with anyone who actually had a job voting against them, decided to enlarge the underclass, and the propagandists they employed were disproportionately Jewish. Your link points to the cape, not the matador.

pdimov says:

Neither theory is a good fit for France. Theory A (your usual strawman):

– Jews mind control France into importing Muslims
– Muslims drive Jews out
– remaining Jews continue to mind control France into importing even more Muslims

This does not even rise to strawman level.

Theory B (matador-cape):

– French elite hires Jews to mind control voters to support importing Muslims
– Muslims arrive and drive Jews out
– remaining Jews continue as if nothing happened

Doesn’t quite ring true, does it? You could salvage it by making a distinction between Reform Jews (collecting paychecks) and observant Jews (being driven out), but still.

Or perhaps European Jews are just pozzed.


jim says:

Theory B (matador-cape):

– French elite hires Jews to mind control voters to support importing Muslims
– Muslims arrive and drive Jews out
– remaining Jews continue as if nothing happened

Doesn’t quite ring true, does it?

I don’t think the remaining Jews are continuing as if nothing happened.

red says:

>This, however, is a good fit to the theory that the Social Democrats, finding themselves the party of the underclass and overclass, with anyone who actually had a job voting against them, decided to enlarge the underclass, and the propagandists they employed were disproportionately Jewish. Your link points to the cape, not the matador.

When you’re trying to make a stupid bull gore a matador taking away his cape is a good first step. Matador’s generally stopped their predatory behavior they lose their cover.

Jim, you really need to spend the time examining the results of the pogroms that actually removed the jews. I would wager the elites were much better behaved once that happened.

jim says:

Jim, you really need to spend the time examining the results of the pogroms that actually removed the jews. I would wager the elites were much better behaved once that happened.

It is your thesis. You check out elite behavior following removal of Jews. A good starting point would be the largely Jewish old Bolsheviks purging each other.

pdimov says:

“I don’t think the remaining Jews are continuing as if nothing happened.”

It’s starting to dawn on some of them, now, that maybe diversity isn’t such a strength after all. Given their notoriously high IQ, one would perhaps have expected them to have seen it coming a bit earlier.

Irving says:


The thing about Jews in France is that they are mostly Sephardic and Mizrahi. They lived in the former North Africa/Middle Eastern colonies and were stupidly given full citizenship and allowed to settle in France. A very small number of them came Spain by way of fleeing the Inquisition, but from what I know, most of those ones are assimilated now. Anyway, these Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews haven’t the IQ advantage on the indigenous French population and so they haven’t been able to take over the media, finance, etc., in the way that the Ashkenazi have in France and everywhere else in the world. (When they try and do that sort of thing, they stick out enough for people to notice it. Everyone in France knows what Sarkozy, Bernard-Henri Levy, etc., are up to, and they revile them for it.)These Jews, for the most part, keep to themselves except for when they try to counter-protest the Muslims in the streets or else get into actual physical altercations with them, wherein they are typically beaten up pretty badly.

Anyway, all of the above is to say that France will in fact be far better off when it can get that extremely numerically small but overwhelmingly powerful Ashkenazi ruling elite off its back. Doesn’t matter if they decide to go to Israel, or are forced to go, or whatever, but once they’re gone, things will be much better. For the other Jews, they’re basically like the Arab/Berber Muslims: they look like each other, they aren’t particularly smart, etc. The only real difference is that it is the Muslims doing the terror attacks.

B says:

This is just dumb. Eric Zemmour is a North African Jew.

Most of France’s indigenous Jewish population either assimilated, died in the Holocaust or left afterwards. France then decided to hand over its colonies to Muslims. Its Jewish colonial citizens moved to the metropole so as not to be slaughtered. They are law-abiding citizens of slightly above average intellectual achievement. That’s a crime?

>France will in fact be far better off when it can get that extremely numerically small but overwhelmingly powerful Ashkenazi ruling elite off its back.

If the French are so stupid that 200K Ashkenazim can rule them, they are better off being so ruled, being too stupid to rule themselves.

>For the other Jews, they’re basically like the Arab/Berber Muslims: they look like each other, they aren’t particularly smart, etc.

You probably look like an Albanian, and aren’t particularly smart based on what I’ve read. Does that mean that you and Albanians are basically the same thing?

Irving says:

Eric Zemmour is indeed a North African Jew. My thoughts on him are basically the same as the author of this review of his recent book: http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/05/eric-zemmour-on-the-suicide-of-france/

Anyway, I’ve nothing personally against the Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews of France. You seem to have taken offence at what I wrote, although I don’t understand why. There is a great deal of similarity between the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews of France and the Arab-Berber Muslims of France in terms of their IQs, their physical appearance, their culture, etc.. This isn’t something that anyone familiar with either of these groups would deny.

(FWIW, I look nothing like an Albanian; I’m not even white.)

B says:

I take offence at what you wrote because the Sephardi Jews are my brothers.

I understand that we all look the same, but there’s a world of difference between North African/Yemeni Jews and Arabs. I live with both, and am qualified to judge.

You can substitute some random band of degenerate Asians for Albanians, then.

Irving says:

What do you mean by “a world of difference between North African/Yemeni Jews and Arabs” and Berbers? They’re certainly very similar, to the point of being the same, physically, culturally and intellectually. They’re obviously religiously difference, but to be honest it isn’t as if Judaism and Islam are really all that difference anyway.

I too am qualified to judge, because besides the fact that everything that I’m saying is really common knowledge and is also verifiable by what scientific evidence that is available on the subject, I lived in France for ~2 years around these people; I know exactly what each of them are like.

And I’m not Asian either.

B says:

They are not similar. Their culture is completely different; their family interactions, their outlook, their priorities.

Of course, to someone who can’t tell the difference between Islam and Judaism, maybe these are minor differences.

Not Asian? No brother in his right mind would call himself Irving. Hispanic? Also not likely…

Irving says:

I’m half-Ethiopian/half-Lebanese Christian.

And yes, I know that there are differences, many and significant differences between Judaism and Islam. However, there are many and significant similarities as well, much more so than either have with Christianity or for that matter with any other religion*. What’s more, this is such an obvious and widely accepted fact that I find it hard to believe that you would get upset at my pointing it out. After all, it isn’t as if the fact that this is true should hinder you in any way from continuing to identify the Jews as the chosen race or whatever.

There isn’t any need to go into too much detail regarding how Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are mostly indistinguishable IQ-wise from Arab-Berbers, as I’m sure you’re already well aware of that. But, as far as culture and mentality goes, its pretty clear that Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are quite close to Arab-Berbers. And I’m not the first person to point this out; the quotations from prominent Jews which I can cite to corroborate this fact are numerous. This needn’t be taken as an insult by the way: I’ve always suspected that the reason why Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are so much more sensible as regards the Palestinian question in comparison to Ashkenazi Jews has precisely to do with their closeness to Arab-Berber culture and mentality. They know very well that there isn’t any compromise with the Palestinians because in many ways they themselves are Palestinians.

*Though I would add as a caveat that Ethiopian Orthodoxy is extremely Jewish in terms of its rituals and practices. Putting aside the fact that they claim to be in possession of the Ark of the Covenant in their holy city, Axum, they seem to be positively obsessed with the Old Testament, and to this day keep many of its dietary laws, uphold the necessity of male circumcision, etc.

B says:

>I’m half-Ethiopian/half-Lebanese Christian.

I literally can’t even.

>What’s more, this is such an obvious and widely accepted fact that I find it hard to believe that you would get upset at my pointing it out.

I hold by Maimonides: “The difference between our religion and the other denominations that liken themselves to us is like the difference between the living, rational individual and the statute skillfully molded out of marble, wood, silver, or gold that looks like a man.”

Of course there are similarities. There are also great similarities between a C-47 and a cargo cult’s copy of a C-47 made out of coconut palm trunks.

>Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are mostly indistinguishable IQ-wise from Arab-Berbers

First of all, this is wrong. The numbers floating around for Jew-free Algeria are an average IQ of 83. The numbers floating around for Sepharadi Jews are about 98, and for Mizrahi Jews around 93, and I think that’s low-probably poor sampling-based on the amount of both I’ve worked with in tech. Not token guys, either.

Second, IQ is one dimension which doesn’t tell us the important stuff. Russia supposedly has an average IQ of 97, and New Zealand of 99. Ever been to Russia or New Zealand? Do you have any idea how different they are?

>But, as far as culture and mentality goes, its pretty clear that Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are quite close to Arab-Berbers.

Not clear to me. In fact, here in Israel I can tell the two apart 98% of the time just by facial expression. For instance, the expression on this guy’s face is quite common among the Arabs and almost never to be found among Sepharadi Jews: http://f.a7.org/Resizer.ashx?save=1&source=album&album=6&image=84577&a=470&b=1500

Even among Ethiopians, and just the subset that are here, there is a huge and immediately visible difference between Ethiopian Jews and Falash Mura (supposedly Jewish,) in terms of behavior, demeanor and performance.

>And I’m not the first person to point this out; the quotations from prominent Jews which I can cite to corroborate this fact are numerous.

Well, there have been a lot of prominent Jews, and a lot of the non-religious ones have said various nasty things about each other. I can also cite you German Jews who were assimilated into the German and American culture saying various bad things about newcomers from Poland and Russia-they were stupid, uncultured, had a low state of development, etc. Needless to say, those Ostjuden produced Feynman and a whole host more.

>I’ve always suspected that the reason why Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews are so much more sensible as regards the Palestinian question in comparison to Ashkenazi Jews has precisely to do with their closeness to Arab-Berber culture and mentality.

The Ashkenazi Jews who were here and living among the Arabs before there was a state were quite sensible about those Arabs. Half the settlers are Ashkenazim.The secular Ashkenazim working in the tech bubble are more removed. A lot of the Sepharadim have parents and grandparents who told them in great detail about what life was like under the Arab foot, with things like the Farhud. The ones who don’t, who have assimilated into the secular Israeli culture, can be heard making noises about the poor Ishmaelites and apartheid and such.

Irving says:


What do you mean you “literally can’t even”?

The IQ numbers that you claim for Sephardic Jews look suspiciously high. Are you sure that the studies which say they have an IQ of 98 were done on actual Sephardic Jews, as opposed to Jews who are today commonly called Sephardic Jews, which are basically all Jews that aren’t Ashkenazi Jews? I suspect the latter.

In any case, the numbers that I’ve looked at say that there is a range across the Jew-free Arab-Berber world, with the Gulf States being at the low end with about a 79, the North Africans, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese being in the middle with about an 84, and the Iraqis at the high end with an 88. It stands to reason that the Mizrahi would at least be up their with the Iraqis, if not slightly higher. In fact, its almost certain that their higher. Everything that I’ve looked at suggests that its (at the highest) 90, but if you say 93, fine, it isn’t much of a difference. The point here is that they are quite close to the Arab-Berbers, and there’s no reason to believe that the evidence that we have for this is the result of “poor sampling”.

You’re totally right that IQ isn’t everything though. It turns out that the Greeks and certain South Slavic nationalities have IQs that aren’t much different than some Arabs and African Americans, which is astonishing to me.

Where the religious question is concerned, let’s agree to disagree. Nevertheless, I’d encourage you to read Jan Assmann if you haven’t already, particularly his “Moses the Egyptian”, so that you at least understand why someone like myself isn’t going to think that a reference to Maimonides is particularly apposite to the point that I was making.

B says:

I literally can’t even means, some half-mud, half-ayrab is going to lecture Jews on our genetic inferiority?

>The IQ numbers that you claim for Sephardic Jews look suspiciously high.

Who could possibly believe that the people who gave us Maimonides, Nachmanides, Rav Yosef Karo etc. would have high IQs? I think those numbers are low, based on personal experience and the amount of intellectual giants the Sepharadim have given us.

>Are you sure that the studies which say they have an IQ of 98 were done on actual Sephardic Jews, as opposed to Jews who are today commonly called Sephardic Jews, which are basically all Jews that aren’t Ashkenazi Jews?

You suspect the Ethiopians, Yemenite Jews and Bnei Menashe from the mountains of NE India have snuck in there and skewed the number high?

> the Gulf States being at the low end with about a 79, the North Africans, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese being in the middle with about an 84, and the Iraqis at the high end with an 88.

Funny, but I’ve been to Iraq, and have never met a dumber, more vicious and dishonest group of people. As for the Gulf States, the natives of Dubai were not geniuses, but they were certainly no Iraqis.

> they are quite close to the Arab-Berbers

10 IQ points is not quite close.

>You’re totally right that IQ isn’t everything though. It turns out that the Greeks and certain South Slavic nationalities have IQs that aren’t much different than some Arabs and African Americans, which is astonishing to me.

Serbia has an average IQ of around 89, supposedly. But I’ve been there. They’ve got a decent high-tech outsourcing industry, functioning infrastructure, decent and fairly well educated people, etc.

China, on the other hand, has a higher IQ than Denmark, supposedly. Been to China? Been to Denmark? Where do you see people letting their toddlers shit in the street and selling melamine-cut baby powder?

When the numbers keep turning out to be bullshit, well…

Irving says:

“I literally can’t even means, some half-mud, half-ayrab is going to lecture Jews on our genetic inferiority?”

Who said anything about Jews being genetically inferior? I simply said that Mizrahi Jews are very similar in various and important ways to Arab-Berbers, which they are, and in any case most people, even most Jews I’m sure, wouldn’t have a problem accepting that.

I’ll pass over the racial slurs without comment.

“You suspect the Ethiopians, Yemenite Jews and Bnei Menashe from the mountains of NE India have snuck in there and skewed the [Sephardic IQ] number high?”

No. I have no doubt that Sephardic Jews, real Sephardic Jews, have an average IQ of 98, perhaps even higher. But the point that I was making never had anything to do with Sephardic Jews, except to the extent that Mizrahi Jews are sometimes classified as Sephardic Jews.

“10 IQ points is not quite close.”

But who said the disparity was only 10 IQ points? For example, Richard Lynn puts the Mizrahi IQ at 90, which he says is roughly six points above that of the Arab-Berbers. This is more or less compatible with what I was saying, especially given that Lynn goes on to point out the considerable genetic similarity due to centuries of interbreeding between the two groups, except that I point to the fact that there is wide variation in North Africa/the Middle East with some parts being closer, and others being further, from the Mizrahi IQ average.

B says:

>Who said anything about Jews being genetically inferior?

Well, it’s pretty obvious that the Arabs are inferior to anyone who’s dealt with them or even paid attention to the news coming out of their countries. To say that the Mizrahi Jews are similar is to say that they are inferior.

I’ll pass over the racial slurs without comment.

>I have no doubt that Sephardic Jews, real Sephardic Jews, have an average IQ of 98, perhaps even higher. But the point that I was making never had anything to do with Sephardic Jews, except to the extent that Mizrahi Jews are sometimes classified as Sephardic Jews.

Strictly speaking, Sepharadi Jews are the exiles from Spain, but there is no place in which they exist in any number in a pure form, since they intermixed with the communities to which they fled. So when you say Sepharadi today, it means those who pray the Sepharadi rite and keep Sepharadi customs, more or less, i.e., all North African Jews, most Turkish and Greek, half the Balkan Jews and the Persians.

>But who said the disparity was only 10 IQ points? For example, Richard Lynn puts the Mizrahi IQ at 90, which he says is roughly six points above that of the Arab-Berbers.

Look, you can’t just cherry pick secondary sources. Find some primary sources, let’s look at sample size and certainty, as well as SD, for IQ.

For genetic similarity, again, bring some primary sources.

pdimov says:

“When the numbers keep turning out to be bullshit, well…”

Even if we limit ourselves to IQ, a single number is only sufficient when the distributions are identical and only vary by the mean, which is generally not true for most countries.

Sephardi refers to Ladino Jews, as Ashkenazi refers to Yiddish Jews. Germany and Spain were economic centers, and Jews in the surrounding areas spoke with each other in pidgin Spanish or German.

This story is complicated by the fact that the Ashkenazim have a relatively large amount of Aryan DNA due to their migration to Poland, and high IQs due to the nature of their settlement in the region.

As a result, in addition to the linguistic difference, there is a racial difference, with Ashkenazim occasionally referring to the other kikes as niggers.

jim says:

What do you mean by “a world of difference between North African/Yemeni Jews and Arabs” and Berbers? They’re certainly very similar, to the point of being the same, physically, culturally and intellectually. They’re obviously religiously difference, but to be honest it isn’t as if Judaism and Islam are really all that difference anyway.

Hence all those Jews blowing themselves up in pizzerias.

Irving says:


I specified above that it is the Muslims doing the terror attacks, not the Jews. Nevertheless, Jews and Muslims have a long history of working together, especially against Europe and Christians. After all, it isn’t simply some anti-Jewish conspiracy theory that it was the Jews who opened the gates of Grenada, and of Constantinople, and who in fact prospered in a way that Christians didn’t, and in many cases at the expense of Christians, in Islamic Spain and in the Ottoman Empire; these are facts. (One might argue that the Jews are at least partly responsible for the opening of the gates to modern Islamic education, but that’s another matter, irrelevant to what I’m saying here.) Also, there are the religious similarities: both are radically monotheistic and iconoclastic in their theology, Islamic law is essentially the Mosaic law for gentiles, etc.. Then there is the genetic, intellectual and cultural sameness between Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews and Arab-Berber Muslims…

Yes, the Muslims are the ones blowing themselves up in pizzerias but that doesn’t do anything to undermine the point that I was making to B.

Jack says:

Try looking the wrong way on a Moroccan Jew’s girlfriend or sister versus looking the wrong way on a Gentile Moroccan’s girlfriend or sister and compare the results. Although obviously Islam and an influx of SSA blood have brutalized the Berbers and the Arabs to a large extent (“gene-culture co-evolution”), and keep brutalizing them, at their core Middle-Eastern Jews are typical Middle-Easterners, typical honor/shame-culture barbarians. The same applies, more so or less so, to other Middle-Eastern ethno-religious tribes. All Middle-Eastern tribes believe themselves to be unique special-snowflakes (see B’s comments), but fundamentally they’re all the same civilization-poisoning, hot-tempered, ululating, honor-obsessed cultures; some honor-cultures being more sensitive, more explosively sensitive in the case of Muslims, than others to shame.

Irving says:

I meant to write “modern mass immigration into the West from both Islamic and non-Islamic non-Western nations” instead of “modern Islamic education”.

B says:

Christians and Muslims have a long history of working together, especially against Europe and Christians.

For instance, El Cid was fighting for the Moors before he was fighting against them. There were major Crusaders who fought with Arab allies against other Crusaders. France and Ottoman Turkey had an alliance against other Christian countries in the Med for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, without Jewish financing, I doubt the Reconquista would have gone far. And certainly your Christian Lebs took Jewish help when they could get it.

>who in fact prospered in a way that Christians didn’t

Quelle surprise, jealousy is a factor.

Interestingly, in your Lebanon, Christians prospered in a way Muslims didn’t.

>Then there is the genetic, intellectual and cultural sameness between Sephardi/Mizrahi Jews and Arab-Berber Muslims…

Not particularly. First, there is less commonality between Sepharadi Jews and Arabs than between Sepharadim and Ashkenazim. Second, there is no “intellectual and cultural sameness.”

>Try looking the wrong way on a Moroccan Jew’s girlfriend or sister versus looking the wrong way on a Gentile Moroccan’s girlfriend or sister

Lots of honor killings among Moroccan Jews, are there?


Your entire civilization is built on things we gave you. Without our religion to knock off, you’d still be painting yourself with woad and sacrificing people to sacred trees. And without Maimonides, you wouldn’t have had Leibniz or Newton. Etcetera.


That explains our massive crime rates!


As opposed to the gentle crooning you can hear at European football matches.

>All Middle-Eastern tribes believe themselves to be unique special-snowflakes

The amount of attention you and your kind dedicate to us vs. the Kurds, Berbers, Yoruks or any other “Middle Eastern tribe” shows that you share this belief about us.

>typical honor/shame-culture barbarians

As opposed to civilized people like you and yours, who have neither honor nor shame.

Irving says:


Do you have evidence for the claim that European Christians fought on the side of the Muslims in the Crusades though? I know that there were European non-Christians, as in European converts to Islam, who fought on the side of the Muslims in the Crusades.

As for the Franco-Ottoman alliance, how is it in any way similar to Jews actually opening the gates to the Muslim invaders of Grenada, Toledo or Constantinople, and then working for those same Muslim invaders as tax-collectors, which is what they did?

The claim that Jewish money made the reconquista possible seems hugely exaggerated, but I may have read somewhere or other that the Catholic Monarchs were at one point borrowing large sums of money from Jewish lenders, even as they continued to prosecute the Inquisition. Of course, even if Jewish money made the reconquista possible, it wouldn’t do anything to bring the original point that I made — that Jews and Muslims have a long history of working together, especially against Europe and Christians — into question.

B says:

>Do you have evidence for the claim that European Christians fought on the side of the Muslims in the Crusades though?

It’s a well-known fact that there were episodes where one Crusader faction would ally with a Muslim faction. For instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Crusade#Egypt

>As for the Franco-Ottoman alliance, how is it in any way similar to Jews actually opening the gates to the Muslim invaders of Grenada, Toledo or Constantinople, and then working for those same Muslim invaders as tax-collectors, which is what they did?

Very simple. The Jews of e.g. Grenada did not owe the Visigoths (who had persecuted them mercilessly) anything. On the other hand, France, as a Christian country, can be said to have owed its fellow Christians at least not supporting the Turks who were trying to enslave them. Not to mention the Christian Crusaders’ attack on and destruction of the Christian Byzantine Empire.

>Of course, even if Jewish money made the reconquista possible, it wouldn’t do anything to bring the original point that I made — that Jews and Muslims have a long history of working together, especially against Europe and Christians — into question.

And as I said, your point is stupid. Politics is politics. Jews have a long history of working with Muslims against Christians, with Christians against Muslims, with either against other Jews. Christians have a long history of working with Muslims against other Christians, with Jews against Muslims, etc. Read Machiavelli-expediency almost always takes first place.

Irving says:


What would primary sources even look like in this case? Do you want me to give IQ tests to and do some genetic sampling of a large and representative sample of Mizrahi Jews myself, and post the results of these here? Much better that you read this book if you haven’t already: http://cnqzu.com/library/Philosophy/neoreaction/Richard%20Lynn/The%20Chosen%20People.pdf . All of the hard work on this issue has already been done, and the facts speak for themselves. There isn’t any need to needlessly contest this issue, which in fact has been settled for a long time now.

B says:

Primary sources would look like the study/studies purportedly determining Mizrahi IQ, with their data, as well as the study/studies showing genetic distance on various loci of a Mizrahi population from Arabs and Berbers.

vxxc2014 says:

I wonder if France is regretting being in NATO now?

Not seeing the pitiless war in the Banulieues yet. I bet Hollande got some whoah Georgie calls after that outburst.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

>The Vatican reveres Islam as legitimately Abrahamic, despite the historic teaching of their church
>Secular leaders ignore (or even encourage) the causes of Islamic terrorism
>Protestant leaders, save for a few rural Pentecostals, promote ecumenicism and multiculturalism
We should obviously blame the Jews.

If it were not for that one country on the edge of the Mediterranean, Muslim would be peaceful. Were it not for Zionism, the Vatican would crush the cult of Allah.

>horned Jews torture innocent Muslim children into working in their fields and factories for no pay
If you enslaved the Palestinians, they probably would be better behaved. BTW, didn’t medieval Catholics think Moses had horns?

» If it were not for that one country on the edge of the Mediterranean, Muslim would be peaceful.

haha no. They are a miserable lot of polygynous monkeys and have an innate drive to do violent things. However, they lack our ability to cooperate and our creativity and initiative, which is why we could defeat them with supply lines stretched across a continent before the age of sail. It might be an improvement to the global utility function to kill them all to save them from being mudslimes if the social construct that is humanity somehow is stretched to include them, but I don’t care.

B says:

They thought he had horns because that’s what happens when goyim get ahold of the Bible and read it without context (since context is all Jewish lies, obviously.)

The Bible says he had rays of light shining from his face when he came down from Mount Sinai, and the people couldn’t stand to look at him. The word for “rays,” karnaim, is the same as the word for “horns.”

ron says:

Is that why Islam butchered it’s way through India? Is that why the Muslims conquered the Byzantine empire? Is that why the Ottomans fought their way up to the gates of Vienna, the Ummayads took Hispania, and Martel had to amass an army to drive them away from Tours?

All of history denies you. You speak the most breathtaking lies that even an Arab would be in shock.

Eli says:

I think he is just being sarcastic. Alas, there are so many liars and crazies out there that it’s hard to filter.

ron says:

@Richard Nixons Ghost

Eli told me that I misunderstood you.

Please accept my apology RNG for the way I wrote to you.

Scott says:

No Jim,

We are not at war with Islam.

Islam is at war with us but we obviously don’t understand that.

In order to win this war we have to recognize that Islam is not a “religion” that it is a VIOLENT political ideology of conquest.

We have to outlaw it.

Here is the way to do that.


Corvinus says:

Fascist is your proposal.

RDG says:

We can stop terrorism now but we won’t. Once the terrorist is identified we kill his family, we kill his friends and we kill his friend’s families. Most were complicit anyway. It’s the Islamic way; the way they understand. Terror will be over worldwide in three months. No need for security theater at the airports. Terror will be self-extinguishing.

But alas we can’t do it. The best we can do is bulldoze his house.

D. Immi says:

“If it were not for that one country on the edge of the Mediterranean, Muslim would be peaceful. Were it not for Zionism, the Vatican would crush the cult of Allah.” You doubling up on stupid?? In the real world, the mussies attack Israel (a) because they’re not mussy, and (b) they are an outpost of Western civilization. Of which too many jackasses make a mockery of the word civilization. And the Vatican will crush gay porn – oops, sorry, that was a mean-spirited jibe about a small minority of priests in the Church,- the Vatican will crush mussies how? No military… and not doing a damn thing about the Christians being slaughtered in the Levant doesn’t really inspire confidence.

Feel free to make your insipid little pokes against Jooos, but perhaps do you your homework and rid yourself of Jooo-inspired advances. Like the polio vaccine, huge per centage of cell phone tech, chemo to combat cancer, medical marijuana, nuclear anything (you go Einstein!), the PillCam (unless, as I suspect, you secretly prefer a garden hose with a TV camera stuck up your butt for a colonoscopy), Google (not sure if this is good or bad, but started up by two Joooos) the USB, fricken lasers, stainless steel…. Go look it up at Wiki… In case youre unsure about how to find Wiki without using Google, try this link (is link a Jooo name?) and will limit it to Joooos in an un-named country on the Med: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_inventions_and_discoveries. Oh, more Jooo propagnada?

And my favorite Jewish inventions: the Tavor rifle and a toss up between the Uzi and the Desert Eagle.

Yeah, some screw ups did invent communism. Oops. No culture is perfect.

But really, Jooos may be very smart, they earn something like 20 to 30% of Nobel prizes – way cool considering Jooos are about 0.25% of the world’s population, (muslems not so much in Nobel Prize awards but they did teach the world about IEDs ). Tel Aviv is a bio-tech center of the world. The mussies, they gave us skyjackers and suicide vests. How many hospitals are named after moho? I digressed, how could Jooos even use mussies as slaves? The mussies have been marrying their half-sisters and first-cousins for 1500 years and the inbreeding has taken a toll – average IQ in mussie land is about 90 and they are just not smart enough for the job. Go read the Bell Curve – finding yourself well to the left?

And why are the mussies invading Europe? If you wanted to burglar a home, would you pick the one where the owners are paying attention and armed or the home where the owners are singing koom-by-ya and are politically correct. The mussies may be stupid, but they arent complete idiots.

And to Jack, BB and Ghost – fear not the mind-control rays, the rays need more than 2 neurons held together by a spirochete. (To save you some time, a brain is made up lots and lots of neurons; spirochetes – you know this type of bacteria as syphylis (“Again, doc??”)).

Welcome to the new world, where Jooos love the irony of a Glock (mine’s a G30) for EDC [a prettier Kimber for a night out with the wife] and a Saiga 12 (of course, the 20 round drum magazine) in the back seat of my rig.

This rant was the nicest way I could say fuck you to the antisemitic readers here.

Richard Nixon's Ghost says:

Sarcasm is lost on some people.

>The mussies have been marrying their half-sisters and first-cousins for 1500 years
So have Jews.

>In the real world, the mussies attack Israel (a) because they’re not mussy, and (b) they are an outpost of Western civilization
Worldwide, the people killed by Islamic terrorism are almost entirely Muslim. Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria have the same sort of problem Israel has. You’re two reasons don’t seem to fit.

vxxc2014 says:

Listen. The problem is they’ve lost their balls. If we’re getting took – and we are by just about everyone so get in line – it’s our fault.

I don’t usually bring this up but in the sense of it’s policies the French invented Jacobinism and Lenin copied it, so did Marx although he wouldn’t admit it.

In the applied horrors of communism it’s exactly the Jacobins – the real ones not Dickens creatures – Marx wasn’t actually an original. Even the name Communism comes from the Communes – Paris in his case.

Sorry to steal part of your heritage. You have some other books I’m sure.

What goes around comes around. Europe is starting to suffer payback for its collaboration with the Nazi Holocaust. Europeans still stand by their bovine hatred, they just label it Israel now. Europe deserves a thousand 11.13’s for its slimy crap-weasel anti-Semitism. It all makes perfect karmic sense.

Aristocles_Inv says:

Still believing in the 6 gorillion myth they holocaust industry spawned. Are you really this new?

vxxc2014 says:

Well Mr. Carter there’s plenty of racism in Jews isn’t there?

Which would be fine but it was always unwise to point the finger at everyone else.

I myself believe in names not groups, names are the work literally of a lifetime.

Not everyone else agrees.

vxxc2014 says:

Hmmm…deserves more.

You do realize that in the context of 1930s communism the western Europeans hit the Jews with genocide before Jews marching under Communism could hit them? Once Stalin consolidated power the slaughter stopped.

Who the great killers of the USSR were was no secret at the time. In 1930s Germany the electorate faced a choice of their own certain genocide under the KPD – which came in 3d in 1932 and certainly would have instantly pushed over the Social Democrats – or the Right Wing tough guys the NSDAP. They chose the party that loved Germans and promised genocide for Germany’s enemies. Of course they did.

You say the Europeans deserve it now. Did the Ukrainians deserve the Holodmor?

Of course the policy was yes they did. Who killed them and why isn’t a secret.

What did the Americans do to deserve it now in 2015? Apparently the 1924 immigration act. But we already deserved it before 1924 because “the new guys” started bombing and shooting after WW1.

The truth is the dominant Jewish political wing is hostile and genocidal. Of course it is and has been since the Old Testament days. Does this mean you are to blame for all of the West’s troubles? No. We’re weak. We deserve to be taken, robbed, corrupted and slaughtered for the mortal and unforgivable sin of weakness. But that is actually Americas only sin w/rgd to your group. We were weak, we were available. We’re a high trust culture that accepted incompatible ancient cultures whose default is to kill strangers, or at least rob them.

In America the default remains to leave your doors unlocked. This isn’t a culture that’s compatible with the Levant or indeed any but it’s own. That’s all.

It’s nothing to be proud of, picking on the trusting simp isn’t a great achievement.

I remain names not groups but the incoming retribution is deserved and self-inflicted. Our only sin was misplaced charity. We have suffered greatly for it.

We must be strong and that means the rest of you fall in line or leave – or else.

If we don’t do that we cease to exist.

B says:

>In America the default remains to leave your doors unlocked. This isn’t a culture that’s compatible with the Levant or indeed any but it’s own. That’s all.

That’s untrue. I leave my doors unlocked, and many of my neighbors do as well. I can leave my doors unlocked in any religious Jewish neighborhood worldwide, and so can any non-Jew (not talking about places like Crown Heights which is 50% black).

>in the context of 1930s communism the western Europeans hit the Jews with genocide before Jews marching under Communism could hit them?

By the late 1930s, the vast majority of those marching under Communism (the top echelon as well) were not Jewish. The idea that the Nazis murdered the Jews of i.e. Poland, who were largely not Communist or socialist, many of whom were religious, in order to keep them from conquering Berlin and establishing Communism is nonsense.

>Apparently the 1924 immigration act.

Well, I don’t think that turning away the St. Louis, Joe Kennedy’s actions in 1939-40 or FDR’s conversation with Karski (he inquired whether the horses of Poland were suffering terribly because of the war) were particularly to America’s credit. On the other hand, Frankfurter and Steven Wise and the rest of the conversos didn’t exactly cover themselves with glory either.

>But we already deserved it before 1924 because “the new guys” started bombing and shooting after WW1.

Sacco and Vanzetti were Jewish?

Or are you referring to those Jewish miners bombing and shooting at Cripple Creek? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cripple_Creek_miners%27_strike_of_1894

>Once Stalin consolidated power the slaughter stopped.

No, it didn’t. Stalin consolidated power in the late 20s/early 30s. The Polish Operation, to take a random example, happened in the late 30s.

>In 1930s Germany the electorate faced a choice of their own certain genocide under the KPD – which came in 3d in 1932 and certainly would have instantly pushed over the Social Democrats – or the Right Wing tough guys the NSDAP.

You failed to mention that they were in a coalition.

jim says:

>Once Stalin consolidated power the slaughter stopped.

No, it didn’t. Stalin consolidated power in the late 20s/early 30s.

Stalin did not consolidate power until the Moscow trials and great purge – the great purge being a coup by Stalin against the party.

Until 1932, Stalin was not supreme. From 1932 to 1936 he was supreme but riding the tiger, justifiable terrified of the conspiratorial communist left. Between 1932 and 1936, power was far from consolidated, and policies reflected the need to appease or distract his internal enemies.

B says:

This is your spin on it, not shared by anyone else I’ve read on the matter.

And if it were true, which it is not, it doesn’t explain things like the Polish Operation.

jim says:

That Stalin was not supreme until around 1936 or so is the story told by Robert Conquest in “The Great Terror: A reassessment”

He presents the Great Terror as a coup by Stalin against the party.

B says:

Have not read Conquest’s book. Is it available online?

Primary sources (memoirs, autobiographies) suggest that things in 1937-40, when Stalin supposedly had consolidated power, were worse than in 1928-31 or 1934-35. For instance, one guy who got arrested in 37 mentioned casually that an entire Siberian indigenous tribe, 50-100 Evenks, got arrested and sent to the camps for spying for the Japanese or being Trotskyites or something along those lines. Not speaking Russian and incapable of eating the camp food, they all died of hunger quickly. There was the Polish Operation, etc.

Stephen W says:

The only way to win the war with Islam is extermination.

France biting the dust as maggots feast on its corpse. Ironic it was the very first ‘Enlightened’ country, and now it has the honor of being the first to execute itself. I can’t really blame the Islamic culture anymore. The strong cultures absorb the weak. Now laid bare are the fruits of that ‘secular’ cult of reason. I wonder, have they reasoned out their own national autopsy yet?

A Pint Thereof says:

Totally agree. Pdimov says above that Europe has forgotten how to be sovereign. It is a question of psychology. We truly are cucks.

What brought the current situation about is complex. Any talk of addressing the current problem with anything that even looks like force is derided as “nazi”. I don’t see how this can be overcome, given that the owners of the media are the gatekeepers and the curators of what so many people see and think. The future is not bright.

jim says:

What brought about the current problem is pretty straightforward. Politicians always look for the cheapest votes, and proceed to buy them up. They are importing voters, because cheaper.

A Pint Thereof says:

This would be true for left-wing parties and politicians, but not for the “right-wing” ones. It also doesn’t explain the failure of the right to redress this metaphorical land-grab by the left. Unless of course you assume all parties are working for a One-World Government and mass immigration is simply part of a wider plan…the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan perhaps?

jim says:

Of course all political parties are working for a one world government and mass immigration is simply part of a wider plan – see my post “Republican Party funds the sale of baby meat

Any politician that is not working for a one world government gets called a racist, sexist, etc, and any politician that gets called a racist sexist etc by the mainstream media runs away whimpering.

in the age of zuckerbook, it should be easier than ever to shut candidates out by calling them racist, since no one wants to be caught supporting a racist in public

but people don’t signal things just because they are told to, people signal things to seek advantage for the future, and more and more White men are realizing that they have no future in the jew world order

I think Spandrell’s recent analysis, all is signaling, is important here.

(1) The whole point of being a politician is to signal, and utilitarianism is the philosophy of the day, so signal that you’re going to maximize the global utility function somehow

(2) Leftists want more socialism, and since the White “labor aristocracy” is too comfortable to support socialism, leftists want to import people who will vote for socialism, which will of course be better for everyone, with the exception of the capitalists and possibly the labor aristocracy.

(3) Jews don’t see themselves as proles or middle class. Jews see themselves as Jews. They don’t signal that all Jews should be killed the way the middle class signals that all proles should be overrun by niggers.

vxxc2014 says:

I don’t care for peppermint but point 3 is well taken.

The problem is white people. If we’re weak we’ll get took.

The rest are opportunistic infections. Of course they’ll take us.

We’re weak. That however is a choice because we’re only weak minded.

Corvinus says:

France is not observably “dying”, nor is it executing itself.

Steve Johnson says:

You’re back to “observably” on things that aren’t observed?

… and you’re the one who declared that observing things requires forgiveness of God. For shame.

jim says:

From time to time, stuff burns, and Frenchmen avert their eyes and do nothing. Lots of rapes, and Frenchmen avert their eyes and do nothing. Looks like suicide to me.

No need to reason with Corvinus. He worships at the altar of the Founding Fathers and other 1700s BS. Might as well be tuning into Glenn Beck.

Andrew Anglin has this problem, he wants to appeal to Americans, so he thinks he has to respect ((Jesus)) and George Washington, who was financed by ((Haym Solomon)).

In reality he only has to appeal to Americans under 40, who are much less interested in cuckstainty or the American Experiment.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Peppermint Papist”

No use asking a woman or androgyine to stop trolling with the most banal of ideas, is there?


okay AJP, how about this. You work on reanimating the civil war dead and finding a better outcome – of course if the Union soldiers were reanimated they would find common cause with the Confederates – and I keep talking about stuff that actually matters.

When did the Irish family of Obama’s mother come to Kansas, and why?

The answer isn’t just that the Catholic bishops were anti-slavery (but did not put an end to slavery in Latin America). Mass migrations do not occur without the migrating people either conquering whoever used to control the area or being let in for some reason or other.

The US government wanted anti-slavery Catholics for ballot stuffing just like the Catholic bishops who sent them wanted anti-slavery Catholics for ballot stuffing.

Similarly, today’s cucked and kiked Western governments want mud people for raping White women, driving up the costs of safe housing for White families, and as welfare leeches and to take jobs subsidized by welfare at below-maintenance wages, reducing wages for White men.

Mud people voting is a secondary issue. They are offered welfare, subsidized jobs, and White women to rape. They come to take the welfare, subsidized jobs, and White women. I don’t know how this could be any more clear.

The purpose then was to stuff the ballot against slavery for great justice. The purpose today is to make it difficult for White men to have families.

For some reason, this is difficult for old people to understand. Perhaps they are too used to thinking in terms of religion and not race, and their only choice of ethical framework was God’s law / normative traditionalism, utilitarianism, or both.

In reality, moral behavior is behavior, and behavioral traits evolve just like all other traits.

There’s a reason the Confederates lost, and the KKK also lost. There’s a reason your people are almost dead. And it’s no longer the case that the longer you refuse to understand why and take the necessary steps, the more your people will dwindle in numbers, because if things keep going the way they are going, this is the last generation, after this Whites will never be able to challenge the Jews for supremacy.

Corvinus says:

“…and you’re the one who declared that observing things requires forgiveness of God. For shame”

Butthurt are we not. Cry like bitch you should.

“Lots of rapes, and Frenchmen avert their eyes and do nothing. Looks like suicide to me.”

You’re going to have to offer statistics as to who is committing these rapes, which I believe you said doesn’t truly exist. You really can’t keep up with your bullshit.

Mark Citadel, you are impotent. You spout off ideas, yet are unwilling to ensure they are actually put into practice.

Another copy-and-paste tirade. No real substance whatsoever. And doubting that migrants are raping French women is laughable at this point.

[…] case you haven’t noticed, Yes, we are at war with Islam – We have been for over a thousand years. – Sent in by […]

[…] references (1, 2). Chaos in Germany and Sweden. Double-plus chaos in Paris (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), plus left responses (1, 2), thoughts, and reflections. Cultural diversity. The ways things could […]

AC says:

Looking to your government to solve this is suicidally stupid. Your government is part of the problem.

Your options are to solve it yourselves, or die.

Anon says:

Jim I’m curious about what your idea of an actionable solution to something like this if (and when) it were to happen here in the US. I noticed you said you live in SF. I drive down the Embarcadero on my way to work every day wondering what recourse would be available if the US became overrun. Certainly relocation to Australia, Russia or Hungary might be an option, but also may not be, given their tightening immigration policy. Have you given any thought to this?

you fight or you die. Don’t expect anyone to take White refugees, except possibly as cannon fodder, which is exactly what the hordes of mud people are.

ron says:

And that is especially so if you are Scotts-Irish and from Kentucky.

A friend of mine was telling me about how mistreated they are. What is being done to them is Evil. And the use of a capital “E” is intentional.

There is a real serious effort underway to murder and crush them psychologically precisely because they are the core of what is good of America.

B says:

White refugees have never had a problem finding a country to take them in throughout history. Civilized people who are willing and able to work are always a hot commodity.

Of course, if you’re a fat Gender Studies major or something like that, you might have a hard road ahead.

for most of White history, Whites have been slaughtering each other, or enslaving each other; the story of Brutus of Troy, who gave the island of white cliffs the name Britain and founded London as Trinovantum begins with him finding his Trojan kinsmen enslaved to the Greeks (this is the cause of the atavistic hatred of Greece found in Anglo countries, as seen most poignantly when the Anglo world twice maneuvered to keep Constantinople mud slimed and stole the Elgin Marbles).

These “Anglo-Saxons” of Britain, when invaded by the “Normans”, staged a few revolts, but quickly forgot about fighting each other (in reality, they were kinsmen) when it was time to send the king and the army to go wreck shit in the Middle East.

But even in the 20th century, some kike found it desirable to take the Norman name “Ashley Montagu”.

Yvjrolu says:

You can still go to Australia now, but I wouldn’t try the other two.

One way or the other, you’re going to have to decide *before* the US is overrun.

vxxc2014 says:


We could fight.

some of us will. Out of sheer boredom at this point.

Yvjrolu says:

I’m not the one saying we should run, I’m just saying that whoever plans to should do it now.

vxxc2014 says:

I agree.

Runners run now.

And stop giving the rest of us advice except how to run.

You’ll never stop running and your money will be taken by predators in a heartbeat. You will then find yourself on the charity of cultures that at best avoid the unfortunate. There is no escape but we’re better off without you. You won’t make it and you shouldn’t.

To fight back one has to prepare, if only by thinking out scenarios and likely outcomes.

Everyone should perform at least some local reconnaissance, if only so they can anticipate upcoming Muslim attacks.

the raven says:

No, Australia won’t let you in. You will need some exceptional skills to even have a chance. Believe me, their borders are slammed shut.

jim says:

I suspect that a great many commenters on my blog do have exceptional skills.

and also have families without exceptional skills who they don’t feel like abandoning.

Muzzies aren’t dogs. Dogs are loyal; Muzzies hate dogs for it because it works and Muzzies don’t have or want it.

The only way I’m leaving is if my family gets nuked, which is an unlikely but not impossible consequence of a nuclear war. I wish there would be a nuclear war to cleanse the cities of garbage.

jim says:

I have created and maintained an adequate supply of passports, identities, and legal residences. I don’t have a pile of buried gold, ammo, and dried beans, since I figure dark ages come on slowly rather than abruptly. Political crises come on abruptly, but those you avoid by changing jurisdictions.

ron says:


If you can, I recommend buying an apartment in Beersheba and finding an honest agent who can rent it out to university students. That was good advice I got and I wish I had followed it.

B says:

It’s forbidden to sell land in Israel to a non-Jew.

ron says:


Thank you for the correction.

vxxc2014 says:

If you’re a pussy it’s your fault.

Someone is going to take you, does it matter who?

The problem is us. We’re pussies. However that is a choice, it’s an act of will.

We’re not exactly the size of Luxembourg. We can easily defend ourselves. Even if we were Finland put up one Hell of a fight…and there’s that country in the Levant who’s name escapes me that certainly was fighting some long odds in 1948 and it was kind of hairy in 1973 as well.

Man up and get a crew. You don’t even have to join the MIL and deploy…it’s deploying to you.

B says:

Every Muslim male knows how to kill a large mammal with a knife.

Every Eid Al Adha, the streets run red with sheep blood as they bring their sacrifices.

Killing and death are a part of life.

Physical violence, i.e., fighting and beatings, are also a normal part of life.

Meanwhile, the typical western male is so far removed from that reality that every military hooah school has to have a kill class, where you kill, process and eat a rabbit or a chicken-and that’s a major training event in the school! To a normal male (which the Muslims are,) that’s like having to teach a man how to wipe his nose.

As you say, being a pussy is a choice, and like leaving food around brings ants, being a pussy brings predators.

Jack says:

Preach on about proper masculinity, Yid. Such compelling. So brutality. Can’t believe all those thousands of years, the White Man was such a feminine wussy pussy, until these notorious paragons of manliness, the Yids, who all fit perfectly the muscular warrior archetype, arrived to teach him a thing or two about being a real authentic male. Really enlightening theory you’ve presented here, you.

B says:

Watch out for your new black and Arab neighbors, there, Ragnar Redbeard. Avoid making eye contact as you scurry past them, and remember, on any given day, only one in 5000 impalas gets eaten, so the odds are on your side.

Jack says:

It seems like you’re projecting here, pal. Iirc, it were Israel’s streets that tended toward emptiness recently because a few 10 year old sandniggers attempted to commit a new holocaust with kitchen knives. Not some intimidating, burly, adult niggers, but a few camel-jockeys with no trace of a moustache in sight, have induced the brave kikes of Israel to soil themselves in fear. But do go on.

B says:

Haven’t noticed any emptiness. Streets are as crowded as usual. Me and my friends and neighbors are going to and from work/school in the center and our settlements.

I have noticed passerby Jews stomping would-be terrorists, and running them over with cars, like this:



I’ve also noticed that when an Arab shows up with a meat cleaver, very quickly a Jew with a gun shows up and caps him like this:


Read it and weep. Where are the stories of crowds of brave whiteys stomping or running over non-white stabbers and terrorists?

But if you don’t believe me, please buy a ticket to Israel, purchase a knife in any supermarket and try the experiment yourself, heroic Aryan. We will miss your comments.

A Pint Thereof says:

I remember a few years back when a great number of Jewish journalists in the UK were writing articles about how dangerous children armed with sling-shots were in the occupied territories, and how it was only fair that Israel responded to those same children with assault rifles, bullbozers, and bombs.

Perhaps the Israelis were right, perhaps not. I genuinely don’t know. Maybe we Europeans really are weak for not killing children who throw rocks in the street…..

Anon says:

This is some strong projection from our local neurotic Jew.

B says:

A pint of bullshit.

“Children”=packs of 14-19 year olds, with the adults at the back cheering them on.

“Slingshots”=slings, just like in ancient times when slingers were used in combat by everyone, meter-long strings, launching rocks for up to 150 meters.

“Rocks”=anything from the size of a baseball (slung or thrown by hand) to the size of a basketball or more (chucked at cars passing by full speed, sometimes from an oncoming vehicle.)

Ever been hit with a rock like this? I have. My brother in law caught one in the head while going down the road doing 60, and lost consciousness (the passengers took over steering,) and spent some time in the hospital.

Whether you Euros are fags who deserve everything you’re getting from your beloved Muslims (whom you’ve been importing and supporting for a long time) is not really up for debate. But these “children” and “teens” don’t only need to get shot (which actually doesn’t happen very often,) their whole family and tribe needs to have their property confiscated and be evicted.

ron says:


What you wrote is absolutely the truth.

Eli says:

I second B, too. When we lived in Natzrat Elit, in 92’/93′, my paternal grandmother who lived with us at the time would regularly visit Nazareth, the Arab part of the city, to buy some produce and fish.

One of those days, as she was walking down the hill, she passed a young Arab (15 to 18 y.o.), and not even a minute elapsed as she noticed rocks hitting the ground near her. She turned around and saw him throwing rocks from up the hill.

Not to be outdone, she picked some stones of her own and started throwing it back at him, while *pursuing* the douchebag (she got really angry). Of course, being a brave young Arab nationalist, he ran away.

Of course, even if he knew that my grandmother wasn’t Jewish (and she didn’t look like one), he’d still be throwing rocks, trying to kill/damage her.

Of course, rocks can kill (both directly and indirectly) or damage severely. Recently there was a case in East Jerusalem of a man driving in a car where he was hit with a rock, lost consciousness, and smashed his car, resulting in his death. It was in the news.

In any case, I am yet to see conclusive proof that muscles translate to bravery, especially when tested directly. Living in Moscow, the little Yezedi from Armenia that I studied with in high school had an amount of courage that could overwhelm most of the Slavs that dared to go up against him.

Paradoxically, our only remaining hope at this point is to hope for more terror attacks like we had in Paris, the more the better, the sooner the better, the worse the better.

[…] remove closer to the events in Paris, Jim notes: Yes, we are at war with Islam. A rather one-sided one these […]

[…] A letter to France. Related: Observations on Paris. Related: Yes, we are at war with Islam. Related: A difficult question. Related: A look at the stats of Islam and terror. Related: Not […]

Ron says:

For the people who argue about this. I am talking about what is going on right now,Not during the crusades. Muslims just don’t do well in modern western countries. They don’t adapt. They also don’t accept other faiths. Don’t believe me? Open a Christian church in Saudi Arabia or most other Muslim countries.
Heck fellow Muslims don’t seem interested in helping these displaced? People invading Germany.
Our country would be better off if we could deport the ones that are here now.Let alone bring any here. Our government doesn’t seem to get that it is about religion,Not life styles or wealth or climate change.

Hi Ron says:

> For the people who argue about this. I am talking about what is going on right now,


> Not during the crusades.

We need to regain the perspectives and awareness that enabled us to push Islam back during the Crusades in the first place.
The Islamic globohomo et al have been effective at sneaking into peoples minds in order to take them over.

> Muslims just don’t do well in modern western countries.

False. They *appear* to not do well, but this is wrong, especially compared to their lives in Islamic lands. You must understand, that, as in their own lands, they are very good at subsistance living such that they appear “poor” and “not doing well” to those in the West, when in fact they are thriving. Furthermore, they are very good at businesses. And they are very good at exploiting free welfare handouts.

> They don’t adapt.

More accurately, they *refuse* to *integrate*. This is called Hijra and Jihad, which have multiple similar definitions all with the same intent… to invade and conquer by various forms. They adapt to exploit you.

Once you let in over a certain small percentage of any one type of group, say 1%, then any more you let in automatically by nature have far more incentive to *not* integrate but to seek out their own inside your lands to integrate and multiply with. That’s just human nature. We seek out our own, and if we can’t find our own, or take our own in with us, then we fall back to integration, until we can make our own later. The way to stop this is simply not to let in, or subsequently let become established inside, any more than at most 1% total, ever. And you must reserve the right, at all times forever, to throw them back out. Islam is very insidious, you must realize that.

> They also don’t accept other faiths. Don’t believe me?

Correct. But it’s not just don’t accept, is is total literal opposition, up to and including murder. No other “faith” or “religion” is commanded by their written and practiced “faith” or “religion” to Murder People, Islam is and does.

> Open a Christian church in Saudi Arabia or most other Muslim countries.

No, Sharia Law in actual Islamic countries forbids the opening of new Churches. Christians are only permitted to maintain existing church buildings, not to buy new land and build new churches on that land.

Yet the world foolishly lets Islam remain free to install Mosques throughout the world, and bleat the Adhan from Minarets five times a day.

Thus one way to help defeat Islam is to vocally state that you are simply adopting the exact same policy that Islam does… Forbid All New Mosques, let the old ones collapse and rot away. Then restore all the Bell Towers in your churches and set them ringing again.

> Heck fellow Muslims don’t seem interested in helping these displaced?

Muslims are tribes to this day, and they care first about Jannah, so they don’t give a fuck about other Muslims, especially those outside their tribe. They see a different Muslim poor or sick in the street, they walk by. Muslims far prefer to give to Islamic expansion first, than to actual charity, except for the reward points.

> People invading Germany.

Your post is almost 10 years old, DE has being invaded by Islam’s recent historical wave for at least 30 years now. I feel for you brother because it is now happening all over the West and the rest of the world too, like in South America the last majority stronghold of whats left of the Catholic Church. Pray that South America does not fall to Islam as the West has.

> Our country would be better off if we could deport the ones that are here now. Let alone bring any here.

Absolutely true. You have to spread the restoration of the Crusades, how the Crusades were made possible, spread the thinking the ideological rationale that made the Crusades possible… every chance online and every place in real world you can find to mention such original thinking you must.

> Our government doesn’t seem to get that it is about religion, Not life styles or wealth or climate change.

No. Government knows it’s about religion, it’s simply too scared and afraid of Islam to do anything about it… so Government and News Media and Social Networks all *hide* and buries and censors the fact that it really is about religion. Because they’re all afraid of a bunch of Crazy Ragheads with Swords. Do you remember how Indiana Jones defeated the crazy Sword Wielder? He did not shoot him, he first became braver than him, and thus was then able to defeat him by available means. That’s what the Crusaders did, and need to do again… they became brave, and organized, and funded, and faithful, and pushed Islam back out.

Fact is, Islam could be utterly defeated by Polemics against Islam and Apologetics for Christ, their mere words and steadfast courage of that form of Crusade alone. However it will help immensely to restore the physical support networks (growth of the Church, monetary and much greater numbers in Faith) that the Crusaders will need to help them effect the needed pushback and pushout and eventual natural death of Islam.

For example, there are only about 25 truly good Polemics against Islam around the world on YouTube and other Internet Media. And most of them have to work day jobs to support their Polemics. There need to be 250-1000 doing what they do, and given financial support so they can quit their day job and focus on building broadcast around the world doing what they do best, and given safehouses and protection from which to do so. These are the New Internet Crusaders, their work is vital, and they must be supported.

jim says:

Allowing this through because it is relevant and responsive.

But since Israel had a go at genociding the Palestinians I and others have been getting a storm of obvious shill posts on Islam whose payload is that the US should launch another war on behalf of Israel, that the alt right should fight each other over matters of faith, and that the Taliban are the bad guys. So you are still on moderation. Your comment seems fine, but it is the same subject matter as a hundred blatantly obvious shill posts.

Take the shill test described in the moderation policy

jim says:

> Fact is, Islam could be utterly defeated by Polemics against Islam and Apologetics for Christ, their mere words and steadfast courage of that form of Crusade alone.

And there is the difference between your comment, and the hundreds of shill comments about Islam that I have silently suppressed.

Hi Ron says:


A simple lesson, but there is much more people can study from and put into their work.

jim says:

You are still on moderation, though your comments are fine, and your link is fine, they are addressing the same subject matter as the shills. And moderating you is work for me, I have to think about it each time. It is always easier just to delete everything in my moderation queue. Most of it is enemy action, sometimes, as with your stuff, it is not.

It would make my life easier if you gave the affirmation and/or took the shill test, so I could white list you and save myself the effort.

Fokrs make us fat says:

Ruling elites love to tell the sheep who is…and who is not a threat….

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