Month: April 2009


Trillion missing, top accountant dead

David Kellerman, the acting Chief Financial Officer and Senior VP at Freddie Mac, was found dead early this morning from at his home in Virginia. It is described as an apparent suicide. The press is rightly comparing this with the very similar “suicide” of Enron’s top accountant. When large sums of money disappear, the person …


Iran tells it like it is:

In his April 15, 2009 speech, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told America: We say to you that you yourselves know that you are today in a position of weakness. Your hands are empty, and you can no longer promote your affairs from a position of strength. … with the grace of God, and thanks to …

party politics

We are all terrorists now

The liberty papers found an interesting Obama document.  It seems that it is not those poor misunderstood adherents of the Religion of Peace that are a problem.  It is any American who disagrees with the Obama agenda.  Michael Malkin confirms the document is real, not a parody. Veterans are also terrorists, no doubt it comes …

global warming

Dr Lindzen on “corrected” data

Dr. Richard Lindzen on “corrected” climate data. it has become standard in climate science that data in contradiction to alarmism is inevitably ‘corrected’ to bring it closer to alarming models. None of us would argue that this data is perfect, and the corrections are often plausible. What is implausible is that the ‘corrections’ should always …

party politics

Worshippers of the Obamessiah start to wake up

The New York Times almost gets it right: Obama’s Ersatz Capitalism What the Obama administration is doing is far worse than nationalization: it is ersatz capitalism, the privatizing of gains and the socializing of losses. It is a “partnership” in which one partner robs the other. Close but no banana. It is crony capitalism, which …


Smashing capitalism

President Barack Hussein Obama tells us: Your warranty will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it has ever been. Because starting today, the United States will stand behind your warranty. This reads like something out of “Atlas Shrugged”. I predict fifty percent inflation or so over the next three or four years …


Geithner’s plan explained

President Barack Hussein Obama tells us: Your warranty will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it has ever been. Because starting today, the United States will stand behind your warranty. This reads like something out of “Atlas Shrugged”. I predict disturbing inflation or so over the next three or four years – …