Month: August 2009


Denying Darwinism

There is on the blogs a lot of debate as to when the idea of common descent and the tree of life originated – “genetic future”, as usual, gets it correct, “Panda’s Thumb” gets it correct, and “genetic inference”and “evolving thoughts” as always, get it politically correct. From any political post of “genetic inference” and …


Chinese GDP to surpass US by about 2016 or so

Meanwhile, however, the US government is engaged in a sufficiently determined attack on tax havens, having recently successfully pressured the Swiss to deny financial services to Americans, blissfully unaware of the increasing dependence of the American economy on entrepeneurial skills and knowledge mediated through such havens. Interpreting the golden goose as a parasite, as a challenge to their authority and a rejection of their superior wisdom, they prepare to slay the golden goose.

party politics

Purple shirts:

Hotair thinks this will rebound against the Obama, but history tells us otherwise. People love the strong horse, and despise the weak horse, and beating people up looks very much like strength if you can get away with it.


The vast majority of defaults were black and hispanic

Hat tip Steve Sailer who provides the breakdown of defaults. The proximate cause of the international crisis is that the US$, the international reserve currency, lost much credibility.  The proximate cause of the US$ losing credibility was massive defaults by blacks and Hispanics, and the proximate cause of the massive defaults by blacks and Hispanics …

party politics

The nomenclatura

each benevolent intervention either by its nature does not effect people like the beloved leaders themselves , or, as with the health plan, people like the beloved leaders are specifically exempted from this kindly help.