global warming

No twentieth century warming:

The Strata-sphere has found that surface temperature measurements fail to show twentieth century global warming. The raw CRU data released in Climategate shows that surface temperature readings measure the first half of the last century (1900-1960) as warm or warmer than it is today.

John Pittman has found some interesting science in the Climategate emails: The treeline is an sensitive treemometer, since it is very sharply defined, a few kilometers broad.  Trees grow, just barely, south of the treeline, they entirely fail to grow north of the treeline.  During the Medieval climatic optimum 750-1450 trees grew north of the present day treeline, indicating that the medieval climatic optimum was warmer than today in the north.  During the past century, 1897 to present, there has been no movement in the treeline, indicating no twentieth century warming in the north,none.

Global sea ice area has also remained constant since it has been observed, from 1978 to the present.

5 comments No twentieth century warming:

>remained constant

That’s a hell of a graph and blows a hole in the usual alarmism, but let’s be exact; the global sea ice area has declined ~10% since 1980.

jim says:

That would require a decline of two million square kilometers.

I look at the red line on the graph. From the low point of 1980 to the low point of 2014 ice has increased half a million square kilometers

From the high point of 1980 to the high point of 2014, has decreased half a million square kilometers.

No change within observational error, and certainly not a two million square kilometer change.

The outliers aren’t telling the whole story. The 2004-2014 average is clearly at least 1e6 sqkm lower than it was 1980-1990.

I concede it’s not 2e6 sqkm. It has declined 5% total.

jim says:

True, but that is well within the range of random fluctuation. In 1979-1984 sea ice was below average about one quarter of the time (eyeballing it). In 2009-2014, below average about two thirds of the time. Not significant. Maybe the world warmed in the period 1975-1998, and maybe it did not. If it did, not by enough to be readily detectable.

[…] in fact we have rather good data indicating the world did not warm up over the period 1975 to 1998. In particular, global sea ice remains much the same as ever it was and the tree line has not […]

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