Month: March 2010


The Obamized future

America was the place where the future was created.  All the world depended on America for progress. It ceased to be that place under Clinton, and things got worse under Bush. We cannot rebuild the two towers, we no longer have a human presence in space, and the next big thing on the internet, networked …


No men on the left

A leftist women, who merely wants humans to return to the stone age, was publicizing her book criticizing the far left, who want to get rid of humans altogether  (They want the stone age with no killing of non human animals, an arrangement where one’s life expectancy would be measured in weeks.)  A bunch of …


Allies and enemies

You will observe that Obama regime is full of noisy outrage that Israel is building housing in Jerusalem, most of which will be occupied by Jews, as Israel has been doing for the past forty years, ever since it seized the rest of Jerusalem and announced that all of Jerusalem, Jerusalem undivided, was the eternal …


Pedestalization of women

Roissy, in one of his many excellent political posts, asks Why Do Conservatives Sanctify Women? The correct answer, which he misses, is that they hanker for a world in which women stayed on pedestals instead of sneaking off to bang strange males.

global warming

The boot comes down hard on the Institute of Physics

As you doubtless know by now, the Institute of Physics gave a wonderfully politically incorrect report on Global Warming. Predictably the boot came down on them hard. Academia is indeed like a communist country.  They don’t shoot dissidents in Academia, but communist thought control seldom found it necessary to shoot  people.  It mostly  worked by …

global warming

Exegesis on the Institute of Physics report on the CRU emails

The Institute of Physics tells us. The Institute is concerned that, unless the disclosed e-mails are proved to be forgeries or adaptations, worrying implications arise for the integrity of scientific research in this field and for the credibility of the scientific method as practised in this context. In plainer words, climate science lacks credibility.  That …


Physics calls out climate science

The institute of physics is arguably the most prestigious scientific institution.  It has told us that climate science is not scientific, that the climategate emails are big deal. … unless the disclosed e-mails are proved to be forgeries or adaptations, worrying implications arise for the integrity of scientific research in this field and for the …