Month: November 2010


The war with Islam was lost on the playing fields of Sidwell Friends

Roissy reports how when the Washington school to which the elite send their children made a poor sporting performance, their response to losing was childish, unsporting, and unmanly. Pajamas Media reports how unsportsmanlike attitudes are inculcated, and masculinity treated as a mental defect caused by testosterone poisoning. If the Battle of Waterloo was won on …


Decline of the west

The last man on the moon left in 1972 The tallest building in the united states was finished in 1974. Cars are becoming humbler. US electricity production was growing exponentially until 1972.  After 1972 it grew more slowly.  Per capita electricity consumption  seems likely to have peaked around 2007 or so. Supposedly GDP is still …


Losing to Islam

Parapundit discovers that 130 000 US soldiers have suffered brain damage in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is far too high a price.  We have to defeat Islam, but cannot do it this way.  We have use methods that inflict much higher costs on Islam, at much lower cost to ourselves.


Hyperinflation coming, but not soon

There is a lot of ruin in a nation. Glen Bleck predicts catastrophic instant inflation completely collapsing the currency and government in a single two week crisis.  That is not the way hyperinflation happens. Hyperinflation consists of a series of hyperinflationary crises.  In a hyperinflationary crisis, the value of money falls abruptly, typically to two …

party politics

How dumb is Obama?

Obama is an affirmative action president.  Affirmative action people are always stupid, incompetent, and corrupt.  Is Obama stupid, incompetent and corrupt? For corruption, observe that the infamous regulatory revolving door between Goldman and the Treasury continues to spin, even after the wall street financial system imploded, and similarly between Soros and the DoE. Perhaps Bush …


Britain goes totalitarian

Sean Gabb, speaking very carefully to avoid saying things he could be arrested for, tell us: Without thinking very hard, I can remember how Nick Griffin of the British National Party stood trial for having called Islam “a wicked vicious faith”. I can remember how a drunken student was arrested and fined for telling a …


The party of the state

The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has doubled in the two years since President Obama took office Update: Bill however argues this is less alarming that it seems: The big jump in % over $150K is all from the fact that the GS scale maxed out less than $150K in …



Officially, America has near zero inflation and a mere ten percent official unemployment.  Odd that it has a mere ten percent unemployment when the proportion of young adult males with jobs has dropped a lot more than ten percent. As with third world and Marxist countries, the government’s reaction to bad news is to declare …