
Shot the organ grinder

Anders Behring Breivik shot the organ grinder instead of the monkey, the puppeteer, not the puppet.

The government of Norway is electing a new people.  He did not like it.

Mencius Moldbug doubts that right wing terrorism can be effective, without a corresponding conspiracy within the government or within the armed forces.  I disagree. I think this action will be highly effective in influencing the government, but the government is more a symptom than a disease, the real disease being that Norwegians have lost the will to continue to exist, which problem terrorism cannot remedy.

Norwegians, and westerners generally, are failing to reproduce, biologically or culturally, for lack of fathers.  Men are not volunteering to get married, because of a society and legal system hostile to husbands and fathers.  The courts treat husbands and fathers as evil by definition, while television treats them as nincompoops.

High levels of illegitimacy and low levels of boys growing up with their biological fathers indicate a father shortage, which indicates that the marriage terms are too unfavorable to men to equalize supply and demand. The last time supply and demand was reasonably equal was 1830 or so, at which time marriage was severely and radically unequal in favor of men, and to the disfavor of women, marriage being a contract in which a women irreversibly gave up extensive rights over herself, her property, and her own body to a husband, in return for his irreversible commitment to support her and his children by her.

The natural state, absent contract, is that a woman can abort, or give up children, and the father, similarly, has no obligation to support his children or their mothers. Couples can leave this natural state only by formally witnessed contract, that is to say marriage, which contract has to have terms that reflect supply and demand.

Such a contract, to equalize supply and demand for fathers, cannot treat men and women as interchangeable, it must give men terms that are nearly the opposite of the terms it gives women – the woman must commit to love, honor, and obey.  Not that many men want to be pissed on the way a television dad gets pissed on.

The welfare state that Norwegians imagine will support them in their old age is collapsing.  To prevent the collapse, the state brings in dark skinned Muslims to replace the grandchildren that Norwegians are not having.  The outsiders, however, lack any inclination to support aging Norwegians, so the collapse  is accelerated rather than prevented.  Norway’s overall fertility rate is replacement, which is very high by European standards – but that reflects the average over outsiders breeding far above replacement, and Norwegians breeding far below replacement.  Norway, like the rest of Europe, is suffering a massive increase in the never married and the divorced.

Norway has a generous welfare system supporting children, which is pretty good for people who are happy to bring up children on welfare, but not really a major benefit for a white middle class couple married to each other.  It winds up being another Jizya paid by Dhimmi to Muslims.

6 comments Shot the organ grinder

Red says:

The ruling class is the government. The people who are not reproducing are the regular people. These people don’t reproduce because of the crappiness of the ruling classes laws. Change the ruling class policy and the nation can heal itself. The ruling class has imported new people as slaves they can contol better than average people.

The act itself was very counter productive on many fronts: murdering children is gareteed to sink anyone remotely parroting his ideas; this will frighten the ruling class and will result in reprisals against the right; immigration will be accelerated to provide the ruling elites with people to supress the conseritives. Think progIves moving feral blacks to American cities to destroy them and supress the groups who ran them.

jim says:

Possibly. I anticipate a more conciliatory response. You are imagining what you would do if you were in their shoes, the shoes of the ruling elite, while they are imagining what they would do if they were in our shoes, the shoes of their critics. If they were in our shoes, they would be organizing some more disownable terror, possibly this time targeting the fathers rather than the sons.

We shall see. Observe that the Oklahoma bombing was intended to prevent any more Wacos or Ruby Ridges, and it did – not that a crackdown on immigration and Islamic misbehavior will save Europe, for even if Europeans reproduce physically, which it is said that Norwegians are doing, they are not reproducing culturally. It is fathers that propagate culture.

red says:

“We shall see. Observe that the Oklahoma bombing was intended to prevent any more Wacos or Ruby Ridges, and it did – not that a crackdown on immigration and Islamic misbehavior will save Europe, for even if Europeans reproduce physically, which it is said that Norwegians are doing, they are not reproducing culturally. It is fathers that propagate culture.”

It did? I see swat teams murdering people at least once a month. Oklahoma city put an end to any real resistance to the government. Nobody wanted to be associated with a movement that produced a child killer like McViegh. With the death of all the large scale anti government movements they don’t have a big target to kill but they still shoot the small fish on a regular basis.

I probably was not clear on what I meant with “reprisals against the right”. Progressives do cultural/job/limiting free speech reprisals. People will loose their jobs, they will be mocked and compared to this man every time they say something, and their movements will likely be outlawed. People will treat someone with anti-immigration views like they went around calling people n*ggers. They may even pass laws sending you to jail for saying immigration should stop or for pointing out the extra crime they bring.

Left wingers already beat up right wingers in the streets and during protests and that’s not going to change. You may get a few random murders here or there however. The left is only conciliatory towards it’s own, it’s never gives aid and comfort to the right.

jim says:

I see swat teams murdering people at least once a month.

If Ruby Ridge rules of engagement still applied, Steve Sailer would have been shot while “resisting arrest”.

Nobody wanted to be associated with a movement that produced a child killer like McViegh. With the death of all the large scale anti government movements they don’t have a big target to kill but they still shoot the small fish on a regular basis.

James Dalton Bell was arrested, rather than being shot out of hand and all witnesses shot out of hand. That is a substantial improvement. These days, they blight your career, and in extreme cases jail you on trumped up charges, but they don’t do wholesale massacres any more. Repression has in many important ways become more severe and more effectual, but casual murder is no longer on the cards.

Freegard says:

It is the Plutocrat Banking families, specifically, the Rothchilds who are behind the satanic push for absolute control of absolutely everything and everyone.
Cut the head off
Cut the head off
Cut the head off
..and it WILL ALL FALL.
Do not go after the banks, go after the Plutocrat Bankers
themselves; there are not that many of them you know.
They are scared shitless that that is going to happen. All in the same DAY!!!!!
Then put out dire warnings to their puppets–the media…they better get the f— out of dodge cause they are next.
Then the politicians that promoted this satanic socialism et al.

jim says:

No it is not the plutocratic banking families, aka THE JOOS. In the US the two banks that pissed away the most money were Countrywide and Washington Mutual. Similarly, the bankers that ruined Ireland and Iceland were not Jewish. Angelo Mozilo is not a member of a plutocratic banking family, but a typical corrupt beneficiary of affirmative action. Long established families usually have a long established family reputation to maintain, while the beneficiaries of affirmative action usually have small time criminal and minor thug backgrounds.

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