
Crony Capitalism

Palin’s brilliant speech on Crony Capitalism seemed to go right over the heads of most of the voters, but the party faithful understood it, and now this talking point is being used to hammer Obama at every opportunity.

After it has been repeated one thousand times, the voters might well get it.

Potentially, democracy can stop the government from buying up businessmen. Pity it cannot stop the government from buying and importing low IQ voters. The Mexican underclass is moving en masse to California, because the welfare is better. Even if Mexico was not lower IQ on average, the kind of people California attracts with welfare being legal, and employment being illegal, are substantially lower IQ on average, which is the way politicians like them, but I digress:

Back to Crony Capitalism: Zombie has had a wonderful cartoon created explaining Crony Capitalism in the Solyndra case. Palin’s September 3rd speech may have gone over the voter’s heads, but Zombie’s September 9th cartoon makes it all perfectly clear even to the median voter.

Solyandra for Dummies
Solyandra for Dummies
Solyandra for Dummies
Solyandra for Dummies
Solyandra for Dummies

One comment Crony Capitalism

lisa says:

USA has no money now

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