Month: October 2012


Vote Cthulhu

Why vote for the lesser evil? If you vote Democrat, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the left edge of the Overton window leftwards If you vote Republican, you vote for the branch of the Cathedral’s public relations department that specializes in moving the right edge …


Origins of Leftism

Bruce Charlton, who is usually wise except when his religion gets in the way of reality, argues that the origins of the left are not in Christianity, but rather in secularism, that Christianity became corrupted into leftism by becoming secular, rather than secular because corrupted into leftism. He is wrong.  Christianity really is to blame.  …


The Flaw in Moldbug’s proposed dictatorship.

Obviously democracy is not working, is failing catastrophically.  The productive are outvoted by the gimmedats, in large part non asian minorities and white sluts. Moldbug’s solution is simple:  Dictatorship, evolving into Monarchy.  The dictator, he hopes and expects, will fire all government employees, except for military, police, and some tax collectors.  What use are all …


Block google analytics

Google takes particular and exceptional interest in people with heretical views, as illustrated by the fact that people who post subversive material under their google accounts get special treatment, and special requests for identifying information.


Google is evil

Google has shut down my gmail, you tube account, google documents, and so on and so forth, until I give them a phone number at which I can be contacted – which is to say, until I give them a provable link to my true name. This did not come as a total surprise, so …


How to fire big bird

Romney has promised to defund the Public Broadcasting System. Reagan promised to defund the left, and did not seriously try it. If Reagan did not, what chance Romney? But if Romney is serious about it, which I doubt, here is how to do it: The Public Broadcasting System is, in large part, half a billion …


the gimmedat party

Today, you can predict pretty accurately how someone will vote from which interest group she belongs to. I say “she”, not out of political correctness, but because this is most obvious for females. The gimmedat party is non whites and single white females. And it has a majority in the US. Thus, Obama and Romney …