Month: November 2012


Leftwards with John Corzine

Urban Future tells us: When the Right attains power, it is by becoming something other than itself, betraying its partisans not only incidentally and peripherally, through timidity or incompetence, but centrally and fundamentally, by practically advancing an agenda that almost perfectly negates its supposed ideological commitments. It builds that which it had promised to destroy, …

party politics

The median voter

Heartiste’s usually wise, insightful, and excellent blog has a pile of silly advice: What A Future American Right Party Can Do To Win A future American right party cannot win.  You win by winning over the median voter, or, equivalently, the modal swinging voter. The median voter or modal swinging voter in this election was someone …


Puritanism and purity

As I have said before, the Imperialists were the original anticolonialists, starting out as the British antislavery movement, but, going back further, following the brilliant research of Moldbug, the Puritans were the original leftists. 


Military incapacity illustrated

Shortly after my post “Military Incapacity”, a few hundred Tutsi rebels evicted the “Congolese Army” (poorly equipped black Cathedral third world armed forces) and seventeen thousand “United Nations International Peace Keepers” equipped with helicopter gunships and suchlike (better equipped and not quite so black Cathedral Armed forces) from the city of Goma in the Congo. …


Don’t know much about history

Supposedly we are ruled by the cognitive elite, but, strikingly, when compared to the elite of a  century ago, they don’t know much about history, don’t know much biology, don’t know much about a science book, don’t know much about the french they took. The members of the old elite would casually make interlingual puns, …


Military incapacity

When Europe attempted to intervene in the Balkans, the result was shameful and ridiculous.  European armies, it seemed, could do nothing. The ludicrous weakness of Europe is an attractive nuisance.  There is a lot of women and loot sitting around undefended.  That cannot continue forever.  It might continue for a very long time, or might …


State capitalism

Google and Facebook competing for an Obama cabinet slot Big corporations get bigger while smaller businesses disappear. Most regulation is impossible to comply with, and is intended to be impossible to comply with. You “comply” with it by getting favors from the state exempting you from compliance.


Google is evil

Google tells us Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from government agencies and courts around the world to hand over user data. Note that “government agencies and courts”. No warrant needed. Google … provides government agencies with e-mail communications, documents, browsing activity, IP addresses used to create an account and other …


Google is evil

The official story for the shafting of General Petraeus is that: Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus resigned after a probe into whether someone else was using his email led to the discovery that he was having an extramarital affair, according to several people briefed on the matter. A Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into …