
Your taxes at play

Crystal Mangum, the whore who accused the Duke University Lacrosse team of raping her, is currently charged with murdering her boyfriend Reginald Daye Wilson.

The incident that led to the death of her boyfriend started with her applying for food stamps, Medicare, subsidized child care, cash, and employment assistance, which application was, in whole or  substantial part, granted.   Your taxes at play.

Crystal Mangum was falling down drunk or stoned at the time of the murder, and was “arguing about money” with her boyfriend. She has nine prior convictions, many of them for alcohol related violence.

After she stabbed Wilson, she left the apartment with his rent money. Her story is that he earlier gave her the rent money for safekeeping. No place safer than a drunk whore’s handbag.

Looks like she got money from Uncle Sam the big pimp, promptly got drunk, murdered her boyfriend, and attempted to steal his rent money.

Wickepedia has a long, too long, don’t bother reading, account of the Duke University Lacrosse case. The short version is that there were five men’s DNA inside Mangum, but none of it matched any of the forty nine Lacrosse players, nor her boyfriend. This, however, did not stop the good and the great from sainting Mangum and demonizing the Lacrosse players on the basis of class and race.  For a better account, See Durham in Wonderland.

Here is some material that should have been in Wikipedia, but was not:

We are listening to our students. We’re also listening to the Durham community, to Duke staff, and to each other. Regardless of the results of the police investigation, what is apparent everyday now is the anger and fear of many students who know themselves to be objects of racism and sexism, who see illuminated in this moment’s extraordinary spotlight what they live with everyday. They know that it isn’t just Duke, it isn’t everybody, and it isn’t just individuals making this disaster.
But it is a disaster nonetheless.
These students are shouting and whispering about what happened to this young woman and to themselves.

What Does a Social Disaster Sound Like?

. . . We want the absence of terror. But we don’t really know what that means . . . We can’t think. That’s why we’re so silent; we can’t think about what’s on the other side of this. Terror robs you of language and you need language for the healing to begin.
This is not a different experience for us here at Duke University. We go to class with racist classmates,
we go to gym with people who are racists….It’s part of the experience.
If it turns out that these students are guilty, I want them expelled. But their expulsion will only bring resolution to this case and not the bigger problem. This is much bigger than them and throwing them out will not solve the problem. I want the administration to acknowledge what is going on and how bad it is.

Being a big, black man, it’s hard to walk anywhere at night, and not have a campus police car slowly drive by me.
Everything seems up for grabs–I am only comfortable talking about this event in my room with close friends. I am actually afraid to even bring it up in public. But worse, I wonder now about everything. . . . If something like this happens to me . . . What would be used against me–my clothing? Where I was?
I was talking to a white woman student who was asking me “Why do people — and she meant black people — make race such a big issue?”
They don’t see race. They just don’t see it.

You go to a party, you get grabbed, you get propositioned, and then you start to question yourself.
[Independent, 29 March 2006]

. . . all you heard was “Black students just complain all the time, all you do is complain and self-segregate.” And whenever we try to explain why we’re offended, it’s pushed back on us. Just the phrase “self-segregation”: the blame is always put on us. [Independent, 29 March 2006]
. . . no one is really talking about how to keep the young woman herself central to this conversation, how to keep her humanity before us . . . she doesn’t seem to be visible in this. Not for the university, not for us.
And this is what I’m thinking right now – Duke isn’t really responding to this. Not really. And this, what has happened, is a disaster. This is a social disaster.

The students know that the disaster didn’t begin on March 13th and won’t end with what the police say or the court decides. Like all disasters, this one has a history. And what lies beneath what we’re hearing from our students are questions about the future.

This ad, printed in the most easily seen venue on campus, is just one way for us to say that we’re hearing what our students are saying. Some of these things were said by a mixed (in every way possible) group of students on Wednesday, March 29th at an African & African American Studies Program forum, some were printed in an issue of the Independent that came out that same day, and some were said to us inside and outside of the classroom.
We’re turning up the volume in a moment when some of the most vulnerable among us are being asked to quiet down while we wait. To the students speaking individually and to the protestors making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard

We thank the following departments and programs for signing onto this ad with
African & African American Studies:
Romance Studies;
Social and Health Sciences;
Franklin Humanities Institute;
Critical U.S. Studies;
Art, Art History, and Visual Studies;
Classical Studies;
Asian & African Languages & Literature;
Women’s Studies;
Latino/a Studies;
Latin American and Caribbean Studies;
Medieval and Renaissance Studies;
European Studies; Program in Education;
and the Center for Documentary Studies.

Because of space limitations, the names of individual faculty and staff who signed on in support may be read at the AAAS website:



An Open Letter to the Duke Community

In the spring of 2006, the Duke community was rocked by terrible news. We heard that a woman hired to perform at a party thrown by our lacrosse team had accused members of the team of raping her. Neighbors, we were told, heard racial epithets called out at the woman as she departed the party. The criminal proceedings and the media frenzy which followed are perhaps beginning to wind down. For us at Duke, the issues raised by the incident, and by our community’s responses to it, are not.

In April, a group of Duke faculty members published an advertisement in The Chronicle. The ad, titled “What does a Social Disaster Sound Like?” was mostly a compilation of statements made by Duke students in response to the incident and its immediate aftermath. This ad has figured in many discussions of the event and of the University’s response. It has been broadly, and often intentionally, misread. We urge everyone to read the original ad, available at We have. Some of us were among the ad’s signers.

The ad has been read as a comment on the alleged rape, the team party, or the specific students accused. Worse, it has been read as rendering a judgment in the case. We understand the ad instead as a call to action on important, longstanding issues on and around our campus, an attempt to channel the attention generated by the incident to addressing these. We reject all attempts to try the case outside the courts, and stand firmly by the principle of the presumption of innocence.

As a statement about campus culture, the ad deplores a “Social Disaster,” as described in the student statements, which feature racism, segregation, isolation, and sexism as ongoing problems before the scandal broke, exacerbated by the heightened tensions in its immediate aftermath. The disaster is the atmosphere that allows sexism, racism, and sexual violence to be so prevalent on campus. The ad’s statement that the problem “won’t end with what the police say or the court decides” is as clearly true now as it was then. Whatever its conclusions, the legal process will not resolve these problems.

The ad thanked “the students speaking individually and…the protesters making collective noise.” We do not endorse every demonstration that took place at the time. We appreciate the efforts of those who used the attention the incident generated to raise issues of discrimination and violence.

There have been public calls to the authors to retract the ad or apologize for it, as well as calls for action against them and attacks on their character. We reject all of these. We think the ad’s authors were right to give voice to the students quoted, whose suffering is real. We also acknowledge the pain that has been generated by what we believe is a misperception that the authors of the ad prejudged the rape case.

We stand by the claim that issues of race and sexual violence on campus are real, and we join the ad’s call to all of us at Duke to do something about this. We hope that the Duke community will emerge from this tragedy as a better place for all of us to live, study, and work.
Click for list of Concerned Faculty

21 comments Your taxes at play

Contaminated NEET says:

Have you seen the Law and Order episode about this case? They definitely got defter over the years at playing with racially-charged crimes. There are two strippers making false accusations, one Hispanic and and one Asian. The falsely accused (football, not LaCrosse) team is mostly White and rich, but the whole system is trying to put the blame on the one saintly Black (well, half-Black) player. The false accuser is not portrayed flatteringly, but her motives are understandable at least; the White players are revolting bigots and snobs, and it feels like a shame that they didn’t commit the crime and can’t be jailed.

Red says:

I can actually thank law and order for sending me down the path of discovering what’s really going on with crime. Their fictionalized version of the turned the blacks into a pair of white trash brothers. The crime was so horrific and I was surprised I’d never heard of it. So I yahoo-ed it and discover just how many other law and order episodes had similar criminal race switches and how the actual details of the crime were far worse than even law and order would put up. It was a real eye opener that something was very wrong with the world and it was one group committing the vast majority of real crime.

Robert in Arabia says:

You finally noticed the Jews rewrote and enacted Law and Order episodes to demonize white folks and Catholic while making saints of the vibrants.

jim says:

The Jews control Hollywood, but the Federal Government controls broadcast television.

You can definitely blame the Jews for the civil rights movement, the demonization of whites, and the beatification of the vibrant, but the big theme on broadcast television is that husbands are evil idiots and should be removed from families, and that women are just hitting their sexual prime at fifty. Django from Hollywood, Sex and the City on broadcast television.

In other words, its not all Jews all the time.

Red says:

Jews seem to play the same role in every society: A middleman group that makes it easier for the elites to exploit and hurt the masses and then take the blame when the masses get too upset.

I have seen exactly two episodes of Law and Order. One involved South African bar owners who were dealing drugs. The other had a white, upper class mother who murdered her teenaged daughter.

rightsaidfred says:

This is so surreal. I can only stand slack-jawed at it all.

jim says:

New York Times enthusiastically demonized the accused in a way that would have made it extremely difficult for them to get a fair trial, while scrupulously avoiding identifying the accuser, let alone mentioning that she was a drunken whore.

The accused got off because they were innocent, lawyered up to the gills, and their parents had pull. Had they merely been innocent, and not lawyered up nor well connected, would surely have been convicted, and the Duke University Rape case would have been another one in the long, long, long, long list of evil crimes whites commit against blacks.

Red says:

How do you explain Zimmerman walking? He had a lot less resources than the Duke kids.

peppermint says:

he was so blatantly innocent, he got Skeletor “Bones” West and Mark O’Mara pro bono.

he also had half the Internet describing exactly why he was innocent. This prevents the mythmaking from catching on outside of the incredibly deluded progressive bubble.

lastly, his case got so much attention because if you just squint at it right, it sounds like he has to be guilty of something.

* Lots of progressives don’t like guns at all, and would have preferred for him to be beaten to death.

* It is universally agreed that he should have had to explain himself. The police arrested him and he was grilled by a homicide detective for two hours, however, they *said* he voluntarily was interviewed. For the first time in history, progressives take the police at their word.

* “skipping home with skittles” versus buying the ingredients for a particularly noxious drug, which he had been using for a year, and is known to cause brain damage

* “17 year old kid” makes Whites think something slightly different, because Blacks physically develop faster

jim says:

On the other hand, the Zimmerman prosecution was, in the end, reluctantly ethical. They presented the evidence they actually had, which was compelling evidence that that Zimmerman was innocent and Trayvon was guilty The defense case was for the most part sitting back watching the prosecution self destruct and asking prosecution witnesses to repeat what they had already said. The prosecution had no case, and that is what they showed the jury. Indeed, they had worse than no case. They would have been better off showing nothing at all.

This differs from the Duke case in that the Duke prosecution was willing to lie, intimidate witnesses, and procure false testimony. The Duke University nurse and admin collaborated with the police and prosecution in manufacturing fraudulent evidence.

Zimmerman faced a mostly honest prosecution that knew it had no case, and went ahead and prosecuted him anyway for political reasons despite having no case

The Duke Lacrosse players faced a crooked prosecution intent on stirring up racial hatred with lies.

The Zimmerman defense did not present any evidence. They did not need to. The prosecution did all the work for them. The Lacrosse defense on the other hand actively discovered evidence, for example surveillance camera footage providing alibis.

One of the key items of incriminating evidence against the Lacrosse players was that there was physical evidence that Crystal Mangum had had rough sex with lots of people shortly before making her complaint. The defense lawyers researched her recent activities and found that she had indeed had sex with lots of people – that she had sold her ass to numerous males shortly before showing up at Duke U.

If the Lacrosse boys had had the Zimmerman legal team, probably would not have had the alibi evidence and the evidence of Crystal Mangum hawking her ass to lots of men shortly before going to Duke U.

Further, without their political connections, the case would have actually gone to trial, and would be tried before a substantially black jury that did not give a damn whether the Duke boys were innocent or guilty, since even if they had not raped, they were rich white racists which is just as bad, perhaps worse.

Red says:

I’m still not sure what happened in the Zimmerman case. The left may have thought that their screaming about it was enough and it probably would have been if not for the sequestration of the jury. They may have felt that persecuting Zimmeran to the extent that they did was enough to get self defense law invalidate again black attackers and they appear to have achieved that goal.

The idea that the prosecution is ethical in any sense seems far fetched to me. They did things like deleting data from Trayvon’s phone, allowed a their star witness to be replaced by another girl when their first fake witness backed out, and repeatedly lied about the evidence and the law.

jim says:

Retard girl was their star witness?

I understood her testimony to say that Martin Trayvon went to his dad’s home, then turned around and went back to beat up or kill the (racist epithet)

If they had really between engaging in malpractice that would have done what they did with Crystal Mangum, got one story after another out of her until they got one that seemed like it would work.

If they had been trying to hang Trayvon instead of trying to hang Zimmerman, then she would have been a great star witness.

Steve Johnson says:

Maybe I’m being paranoid but in a way the worse the case in fact was the better it was for the purposes of Progressives.

Look at how they railroaded and ruined an insanely innocent non-white who had a tenuous connection to being white (his last name). That’s an abject lesson for anyone else thinking about self-defense.

If Zimmerman was even a little guilty the lesson isn’t as strong.

Red says:

“If they had really between engaging in malpractice that would have done what they did with Crystal Mangum, got one story after another out of her until they got one that seemed like it would work.”

They did that with Trayvon’s actual girl friend (the owner of the phone and the writer of the first letter). She then backed out and Crump picked a retarded friend or sister the original girl to stand in for her. By the time the prosecution realized how stupid she her identity was already out and it was too late to switch again. My impression was that the prosecution was trying use Crump as the fixer to avoid dirtying their hands in cases things went south. Crump was simply too incompetent for the job. Once they went to try they pinned all their hopes that Zimmerman would testify as he’s a self righteous and headstrong idiot that they’d have looking a like a racist bastard inside of 20 minutes.

jim says:

But Zimmerman did testify in the sense that the prosecution showed a video of him being questioned by police, telling his story to police, and he smelled of roses. He came across as an overgrown and overweight boy scout. So honest and decent that you have to believe him. He tells us that Trayvon did it, and then the prosecution puts retard girl girl on the stand, and she agrees, Trayvon did it.

VXXC says:

Quando Academiae significat ignis liberi sumus.

Ubi Academiae significat ignis liberi sumus.

[…] Crystal Mangum was falling down drunk or stoned at the time of the murder and was “arguing about m… […]

Zach says:

“…the Zimmerman prosecution was, in the end, reluctantly ethical. They presented the evidence they actually had, which was compelling evidence that that Zimmerman was innocent and Trayvon was guilty The defense case was for the most part sitting back watching the prosecution self destruct and asking prosecution witnesses to repeat what they had already said. The prosecution had no case, and that is what they showed the jury. Indeed, they had worse than no case. They would have been better off showing nothing at all.”

Since I saw every second of this case 2 or 3 times over, I consider myself a jaw dropping expert (jeah, I’m so awesome! kidding). You left out a large portion of the story. The criminality by the state. How on earth can you comment on this case without commenting on that?

Trust me. Filthy shit going on there by the state.

Zach says:

Wow. Pissed off.

Rasputin's Severed Penis says:

Meanwhile back in dear old Blighty…

a nice little glimpse into the Left Signgularity.

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