
Who is allied to Israel?

Egypt proposes a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel in which everyone ceases to fire.

The (Jewish) US Secretary for state proposes a ceasefire in which Hamas gets a new route to import rockets, now that Egypt is trying to stop them from being smuggled through Egypt, and a big pile of money with which to import them.

There are a lot of things wrong with Jews, but being sneakily cohesive is not one of them.

71 comments Who is allied to Israel?

Jake says:

Kerry isn’t Jewish.

jack says:

yes he is actually. He learned of it himself when some investigative reporters did some research on his past during his 04 presidential run. But it is confirmed, the family name was originally Kohn.

Jake says:

But he’s never identified as a Jew and was raised Catholic, so there’s no reason to think he would favor Jewish interests.

jim says:

OK, supposing he is not Jewish, still, the Zionist Occupation Government does not seem to be very Zionist.

fnn says:

ZOG should be changed to JOG since its true priority is the destruction of white Christians-not the preservation of Israel. That’s true even though the Christians are no longer Christian but practitioners of a blend of Holocaustianity and negro worship.

ADL-Al Qaeda alliance:


B says:

Finally it makes sense.

Tell me, though, is fluoridated water also a JOG scheme against the negro-worshiping Holocaustians? These things are difficult to keep track of, even for me.

Alan J. Perrick says:

You don’t see the Roman Catholic and Jewish alliances?

United States Supreme Court. Alinsky and Kennedys in the 1960s.You can look and see the team work in Stewart and Colbert in Comedy Central.

Roman Catholics and Jewish come in two flavours, neoconservative and communist. Fox News for example, Hannity and O’Reilly are the perfect controlled opposition.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Supreme Court is ALL Jewish and Roman Catholic. That sets off as many alarm bells as the Jewish monopoly on the Federal
Reserve chairmanship.

The way out is through, gentleman. Trust in God, fear him too.


Alan J. Perrick says:


And nickbsteves, father z, anarchopapist, vox day, and /r/catholicism?

vox day and father z are the closest to neoconservative, and i guess anarchopapist and nickbsteves could be communist.

Alan J. Perrick says:

You should watch them, even in Neoreaction, there was a R.C. blogger who did up a post and used that Marxist vocabulary like “lumpenprole” and “bourgeois” in it.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I’d more likely see the differences between Roman Catholics and other Christian groups as a contest between brothers if it weren’t for the deafening silence regarding the brown Romanist flood coming from the south of the border – White Genocide.

At the same time I hope I am not being too bold before God. “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the LORD”

B says:

Ah, you like quoting the Bible? Me too:

17 “Then you will know that I, the Lord your God,
dwell in Zion, my holy hill.
Jerusalem will be holy;
never again will foreigners invade her.
18 “In that day the mountains will drip new wine,
and the hills will flow with milk;
all the ravines of Judah will run with water.
A fountain will flow out of the Lord’s house
and will water the valley of acacias.
19 But Egypt will be desolate,
Edom a desert waste,
because of violence done to the people of Judah,
in whose land they shed innocent blood.
20 Judah will be inhabited forever
and Jerusalem through all generations.
21 Shall I leave their innocent blood unavenged?
No, I will not.”
The Lord dwells in Zion!

Sam says:

Oh goody we’re quoting scripture.

JESUS CHRIST, speaking to the Jews in the Gospel of St. John, 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. – then answered the Jews — ” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

Chris B says:

Interesting question. I think it’s best to look at it as Jewish factions. In same way you have factions in all groups. Each with differing interests. The Kerry thing is a farce. Designed to create the illusions of the USA being impartial. The USA is playing all sides at once. It has to, regardless of Neocons or Zionist agendas. Saudi stills needs to be kept sweet, which entails Sunni muslim concessions, but Israel security is also vital hence ISIS and Gaza attack. ISIS falls into both categories, and is quite smart. The MASSIVE wrench in the works is the left wing Jews, and left wing muppets in general in the USA and Europe – as well as the big new vibrant Muslim populations that have been brought in to enrich us so vibrantly. Seems geopolitical considerations are failing to appreciate the leftism fest. The closer Isreal gets to success – the greater the leftism pushback against an ethno state – leftism cannot accept ethno states.

jim says:

Saudi stills needs to be kept sweet

Saudis would be happy if the entire population of Gaza was crispy fried in napalm. They would tut tut a bit, while grinning from ear to ear.

leftism cannot accept ethno states.

And Israel cannot survive except as an ethno state. So, two factions. Oppose ethnostates, including Israel, oppose ethno states, but make an unprincipled exception for Israel.

There appears to be no third faction, don’t oppose ethno states.

Chris B says:

“Saudis would be happy if the entire population of Gaza was crispy fried in napalm. They would tut tut a bit, while grinning from ear to ear.”
O, absolutely. Saudis give zero craps about Gaza, but still needs the plausible perception of support for obvious public relations reasons. Their real concessions would largely entail Iranian shiites being given a beating (ISIS in Iraq, which is also of assistance to Israel as it wraps Iran up in an unwanted conflict and creates a resource issue – they can’t really assist Hamas or PLO now), also note Saudi Arabia has large Shiite populations on the east coast which are of security concern, as well as energy concerns in relation to gas and oil supplies competition with Iran. The real main issue is Saudi security which is wrapped up intrinsically in local Saudi politics and USA support. The country (and the top dogs) only exist with the help of the USA. No USA = Saudi collapse = no money for the head families.

And yes, Israel cannot exist as an ethno state. Hence Israel’s days are numbered (with thanks to left wing Jews). Hence a new diaspora is pending.

Anonymous says:

In the long run, no society anywhere can exist except as an ethnostate. History is littered with the gnawed bones of “multicultural societies” that thought they could defy this iron law.

B says:

We support ethnostates. Euro rightists send delegations to our settlements.

I’ll note down that our days are, once again, numbered. Then again, doom has been prophesied for us since the establishment of the state, and in all kinds of ways. I admire your audacity in prophesying it now that the economy is booming, our enemies are collapsing and our birthrate is higher than that of the Arabs within our borders. Doom is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

jim says:

Your links show European advocates of the ethnostates in Europe endorsing a Jewish ethnostate in the middle east, which is a logical consequence of their position. Does not show Jewish advocates of a Jewish ethnostate in the middle east endorsing European ethnostates. Dave Rubin says “Perhaps it is time” to endorse European ethnostates, and sort of puts one toe into the water. It is a first step.

However, any ethno statists wants, at a reasonable minimum, an ethnically homogenous governing elite, no diversity in groups in which you want high internal trust, high asabiyyah – which is necessarily going to result in a whole lot of Jews, Indians, Egyptians, blacks and Mexicans being fired from the public service and quasi governmental institutions, but mostly Jews.

In the recent financial crisis, as I am fond of pointing out, the biggest villain was a “Hispanic”, not a Jew, but outsiders of all ethnicities did have a disproportionate role in the dishonest conduct that manifested as a financial crisis. Outsiders in general, not Jews in particular. (“Hispanic” is a fake identity manufactured to united disparate voting blocks who do not like each other very much)

B says:

But you guys keep changing your definition of a nation.

Up to a certain point, if you were a subject of the Monarch, you were part of his nation. Then religion became very important in some places-you weren’t properly Spanish if not Catholic. Then you had the 19th-early 20th century states like Germany and England, where as long as you believed in the ineffable German-ness of being German, you could be a Protestant, Catholic or Jew. Hitler’s company commander was Jewish, for instance, and many others laid down their lives for Germany as “Germans of Jewish background.” The same thing happened in Russia and the USSR, and is still happening, although to a lesser extent. Now, all it takes to be an American or Brit or whatever is a passport, paying taxes and a professed love for some tokens of the native country, you know, pubs and curry etc.

So, if by supporting ethnostates you mean supporting the dispossession of Jews who bought into Europe’s line of bullshit (or whose ancestors bought into it,) of course I’m against it. I would rather those Jews wake up and go to Israel, but I am against forcing them to do so, just as I am against disposessing Israel’s Druze and Circassians.

jim says:

Right now we have unlimited illegal immigration of brown people into every white state except Australia and Israel, and Australia is wobbling

A lot of advocates of ethnostates want ethnically pure states, because they want everyone inside certain borders to be allowed to vote and receive welfare, so they want everyone inside certain borders to be the same ethnicity. Achieving such purity would indeed be a horrifying business. On the other hand, stopping white states from turning brown seems like simple sanity.

If you don’t allow outsiders to vote or receive welfare, or, better, don’t allow anyone to vote or receive welfare, then outsiders cease to be such a serious problem. My recommended solution for unscrambling the omelet is that an ethnostate should be deal with minorities and outsiders roughly as the Caliphate did.

B says:

I personally like the Ottoman solution.

Personal opinion-stupid populations can generate lots of value with a relatively small smart managerial class. Smart populations can, by exporting a small percentage of their engineers, doctors, etc., generate lots of value in symbiosis with stupid populations. This is the natural arrangement. If the smart population does not fulfill its natural destiny in entering such a relationship, due to basic economics it will end up importing stupids to fill the niche functions, and those stupids’ kids will end up swallowing the host population or forcing a civil war through TNB. Battening down the hatches is not an option: Israel, which you think is an ethnostate, has 20% Arab, Druze and Circassian citizens, and every day tens of thousands of “Palestinians” cross the “border” to work at their day jobs, to return home at night. Before the Intifada, it was many more. There is a ton of Phillippino and Thai guest workers, and a lot of Sudanese/Eritrean “refugees” getting hired for dumb jobs. T

Either you export order, or you import entropy is the bottom line. The Torah says our function is to export order, and I hope to see us fulfill that prophecy. My ideal Israel is one where nobody gets to vote, which goes from the Nile to the Euphrates, and where the non-Jewish population lives in a system of order, productivity and quiet, with no political power whatsoever.

Jack says:

Supporting Israel “because they’re an ethnostate” is like neocons and progs who support Israel “because they’re a democracy”.

It’s a reach attempting to forge kinship where there really is none. European christians and israeli jews have nothing in common besides muslims don’t like us, and we can handle the muslims without them, probably even better if they stopped preaching diversity and inventing things like islamaphobia to guilt weak whites into flooding their countries with beige people, some of whom occasionally strap on a bomb or shoot up a marathon.

chris B says:

enemies are collapsing? thats the issue. You seriously considered Syria, Iran and Iraq as real enemies. Hence the coordinated assault. Thet were joke nations with joke armies. UK and France had them as colonies without effort. UK and Usa assistance it appaling.

the real enemy is universalism open borders. Enjoy the Somalis.

B says:

Throughout most of our history as a country this go-round, Syria, Iraq and Egypt were quite formidable enemies, with many thousands of tanks, jet fighters and bombers, artillery, anti-aircraft missiles, special forces teams, etc., trained and equipped by Soviet advisors to world-class standards, full of hatred and determination to kill us all. In 1973, the Syrians turned back from the Golan only under threat of nuclear attack. In the 1980s, they were very serious in Lebanon. They were taken quite seriously not just by us but by the US.

In retrospect, they turned out to be paper tigers, undermined by the lack of social cohesion and honesty in their countries. But the difference between retrospect and the present is huge. For all we know, the open borders threat may turn out to be just as much of a paper tiger, as may the US and EU militaries. Maybe rounding up and expelling the African “refugees” will be a piece of cake, more than beating the Iraqi army was for the US. Maybe Israeli Arab birthrates will continue to collapse and their immigration will continue to increase. We are continually told in the Torah “only do not be afraid,” and I think this is the best policy.

Red says:

Call me back when American jews are screwing other American jews instead of American Gentiles.

jim says:


red says:

Madoff went to jail for scaming other jews. He didn’t walk away scott free like other jews do when they’re scamming the gentiles.

jim says:

In the recent financial crisis, who were the big scammers?

Number one is Angelo Mozilo, mestizo.

This was a diversity crisis, both in the recipients of the bad loans, who were almost all non asian non white minorities, and in those powerful men who made the bad loans, who were disproportionately diverse, but Jews don’t seem to have been particularly prominent.

Diversity reduces trust, so Jews are a problem, but these days, we have way bigger problems. Dumb irresponsible minorities made a lot more trouble than smart minorities.

Jack says:

Many diverse people had incentive to scam and loophole, a better litmus test is to look at who was influential in creating the legislation that led to financial crisis. Who were the loudest voices for strongarming banks into lending to NAMs? That matters more than some White or Bindi suit making loans with one eye on his company’s stock price.

jim says:

OK. Who were the loudest voices strong arming banks into lending to NAMs?

Gimme some names.

To the best of my recollection, it was Acorn, George Bush and Bill Clinton.

You can make a plausible case that the opposition to school vouchers common among non-Orthodox Jews is aimed at Orthodox Jews.

B says:

American Jews who identify as Progressives were involved in urban planning and politics in the 60’s-today. Large urban areas which were full of Jews became Judenrein as a result of those policies. The ones that stayed Jewish did so in opposition to them.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

All Jews (including the Orthodox) vote consistently Democrat.

Jews are rich, and thus lose from high taxes on the rich. They also lose from scaling back US support of Israel. Is there any major issue where the Democratic party supports Jewish interests?

[…] Source: Jim […]

fnn says:

But the entire West is busily engaged in self-destruction- so I don’t why we should give a damn about Israel.

jim says:

The suicide of Israel exemplifies in clearer, simpler, and more direct form, the suicide of the west.

One of the most irritating thing about Jews is that pretty much all of them oppose ethno states for everyone else, but some of them make an unprincipled exception for themselves. But that is an unsustainable and indefensible position. Jews who make an unprincipled exception for themselves know that they are less holy than Jews that do not make an unprincipled exception, so are bound to lose to Jews more holy than their very holy selves. Jews are likely to be the first group slaughtered for lack of an ethno state. To stay alive, they have to doubt the superior holiness of those who oppose ethno states, and to doubt that superior holiness, they have to endorse ethno states as a good idea. But they would rather die.

B says:

>pretty much all of them oppose ethno states for everyone else

demonstrably untrue.

Alan J. Perrick says:


What if support of “Israel” was due to propaganda and rhetoric designed to secure a foothold in the Middle East for a good vantage point to control the oil resources nearby? This seems most likely to me and the avaricious individuals and groups could be so short-sighted to push the Holocaust meme without giving due consideration to the consequences of doing so.

Learning to shrug when it comes to the fate of the blasphemously named “Israel” may be a necessary step in the West regaining its health… Hope I didn’t come across as too cold.

Best regards,


Zerg says:

What if monkeys flew out of my butt?
Am Yisroel Chai.

Helmuth says:

You would shortly be a very, very wealthy man.

jim says:

Israel does not control any nearby oil. The obvious explanation for Zionism is that history tells us that Jews need a homeland and heavy weapons.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I know that they don’t but supporting them could be part of destablising the states like Saudi, Iraq among others as a ploy for intervention “to protect our ally”. At least that is my theory.

jim says:

But there have not been any interventions “to support our ally”.

The Marxist account of Israel works even worse than the Zionist Occupation Government story.

B says:

It’s JOG. Didn’t you get the memo? Or the Anti Negro-worshipping-holocaustian Underground Semites.

ANUS made George Bush invade Iraq. Afghanistan, too (they were dancing when the towers fell!)

ANUS made Obama overthrow Mubarraq and Qaddafi, replacing them with the Ikhwan and tribal anarchy, respectively.

ANUS made the FAA stop flights to Ben Gurion, and then made them restart.

ANUS made the IRS crack down hard on joint Israel-US citizens.

I am really flattered-Ahmadis, Parsis, Hakka and Udmurts don’t bring this level of frothiness out of people. I guess we Jews ARE special, like the Torah says.

Alan J. Perrick says:


I’ve simply seen too many outgroups being promoted by subversive elements to say that there is no motive or function to promoting and supporting an island of Jewish in a sea of Muslims.

It’s that I don’t believe that U.S.G. will do anything worthwhile with the money that I have no reason to believe the sales-pitch any more.

Promote Holocaust narrative –> sympathy for the Jewish –> sympathy for “Israel” –> reasons to be hard on militant Islam in Middle East –> wage war and raise sanctions on controllers of oil –> secure advantageous oil contracts –> profit

“Israel” is being used as a wedge against the Muslim states. There was a lot of shouting coming from U.S.G. when the former Iranian president threatened the Jewish state, and we’re to believe that (and other similar episodes, eg. how many Wahabi-style Saudi clerics would have to be suppressed by the Saudi administration and decreased Saudi’s bargaining power?) had no effect on the business climate over there? Spare me…

I won’t go into the ill effects that the Holocaust narrative has, as it’s really too obvious at this point. Haven’t been reading the responses of the Jewish commenters here, either, as it’s been mostly clucking. Not fit for consumption, in my opinion.

Best regards,


jim says:

Promote Holocaust narrative –> sympathy for the Jewish –> sympathy for “Israel” –> reasons to be hard on militant Islam in Middle East –> wage war and raise sanctions on controllers of oil –> secure advantageous oil contracts –> profit

Did the Jews do the two towers also?

As for the holocaust narrative, anyone who thinks that Hitler did not kill the Jews, also thinks he should have.

Jews are irritatingly but entirely reasonably paranoid. I really wish they would get over the holocaust, but hard to do that when so many people so obviously want to do it all over again.

You might say that when Muslims go after Jews, it is none our business.

You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you. It is not Jews that are massacring ancient Christian communities.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I’m saying that there is only so many news stories that people can focus on, and the situation of “Israel” doesn’t even crack the top 5.

Let’s go through my top 5:

1. Massive non-white immigration into white areas in North America
2. Massive non-white immigration into white areas in Europe
3. Anti-whites, anti-Christians in North American schools and civil government promoting Anti-Whitism and Feminism.
4. Decreased traditional spirituality in North America leading to low fertility
5. Global persecution of Christians

Even if there was a consensus agreement to prevent shooting wars in the Middle East, because of the above, there isn’t enough stability permitted to people living under U.S.G. for any prescriptions to be followed through on. As you have surely noticed, “Jim”, whenever another Middle Eastern or Muslim oil state is toppled over there – Iraq, Egypt, Syria – the situation becomes worse and more militant leaders are selected; maybe I.S.I.S. or Benghazi is the result. U.S.G. doesn’t and will probably never have the will to see these different episodes of adventurism to a more beneficial result for white Christians which are (maybe were) supposed to be U.S.G.’s national core.

As for the Jewish, they shouldn’t be trusted as a people. In fact, the farther an outgroup is away from the national core, the more inherently subversive it is. Jewish people outside of “Israel” are consistently supportive of the Left or controlled-opposition neocons. The same is probably true for non-Jewish, non-white groups like mestizos, Orientals, and certainly true for negroes. In fact, the Jewish and negroes have already been given a chance in North America and so it’s time to start taking a harder look at them. Roman Catholics as well, as I’ve mentioned in a comment up-thread.

But, when you give groups a chance to behave in ways constructive to national survival and they do not conform, (not talking about assimilation here), it’s time to start pushing them away and start building more homogenous groups that will do it. Some may derisively call them “echo-chambers”, but that’s what is needed, God willing, to make national progress. Remember that it is about love, rather than hate… These outgroups don’t love us back!


Alan J. Perrick says:

*Iraq, Egypt and Libya.

(seems that a bullet was dodged in Syria’s situation)

Jack says:

“As for the holocaust narrative, anyone who thinks that Hitler did not kill the Jews, also thinks he should have.”

Of course nazis killed Jews, but blindly trusting the jewish narrative of the holocaust is short-sighted. A bit of examination shows it was far less than the holy can’t-be-questioned 6 million, and that most of the deaths were due to typhoid outbreaks and shots to the back of the head, not gas chambers and weird torture. Yeah, unpleasant for jews to be sure but no less humane than your usual war.

“Jews are irritatingly but entirely reasonably paranoid. I really wish they would get over the holocaust, but hard to do that when so many people so obviously want to do it all over again.”

This of course starts the story in the middle. Jews are reasonably paranoid that their tendency to exhibit disproportionate control and influence over their host countries finance, media, culture, academia might make people backlash against them.

Of course it follows that hosts have an ‘entirely reasonable paranoia’ about what happens to their culture and traditions when jews exhert a disproportionate control over finance, media, academia, lobbying, etc.

jim says:

This of course starts the story in the middle. Jews are reasonably paranoid that their tendency to exhibit disproportionate control and influence over their host countries finance, media, culture, academia might make people backlash against them.

If you look at the 1950s civil rights campaign, blaming the Jews makes a lot of sense. If you go further back, not so much sense. We were moving left long before we let the Jews have overmuch influence. Hitler’s main bitch about the Jews was that they spread defeatism. But the German home front was collapsing. They had plenty to be defeatist about.

Seems to me that the notorious leftism of the Jews is more them jumping on a bandwagon that was already rolling.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Let’s make it clear that it’s not only the Jewish pushing the Holocaust narrative, but neo-conservatives of assorted ethnicities who want to build support for their Middle East adventurism.

Jack says:

“If you look at the 1950s civil rights campaign, blaming the Jews makes a lot of sense. If you go further back, not so much sense. We were moving left long before we let the Jews have overmuch influence. Hitler’s main bitch about the Jews was that they spread defeatism. But the German home front was collapsing. They had plenty to be defeatist about.”

Seems to me that the notorious leftism of the Jews is more them jumping on a bandwagon that was already rolling.”

You understate the complaints about Jews in Weimar germany. There were a lot more people than Hitler bitching about them.

But of course it is not so simple as blaming one ethnic group for all the faults of progressivism, but saying the jews did everything is as stupid as saying the jews did nothing and were just going along with it.

Yeah, America didn’t have much of a JQ problem until the 20th century, but Europe knows better. Wherever they go, Ashkenazi Jews are subversive to host societies. They were pamphleteering communist filth for centuries.

The bandwagon theory that jews assimilate wherever they go strikes me as short-sighted. Jews seem always to be conservative among other jews, but spread progressivism among gentiles. Have the jews ever moved to a socially conservative place and made it more socially conservative?

jim says:

You understate the complaints about Jews in Weimar germany. There were a lot more people than Hitler bitching about them.

I have read Mein Kampf (in translation) Supposing everything Hitler said about Jews in Mein Kampf was true, and it probably was mostly true, adds up to no big deal. The man was making much ado about nothing.

Wherever they go, Ashkenazi Jews are subversive to host societies. They were pamphleteering communist filth for centuries.

That is true, but they don’t go blowing themselves up in Pizza parlours. Russia did not go left because Lenin was one umpteenth Jewish, nor because of Jewish pamphleteering. It went left because of Tsar Alexander the Liberator, and during one brief period in its drift leftwards, a bunch of Jews jumped on the bandwagon, only to promptly throw each other off the bandwagon. It was not Jews that overthrew the Tzar. It was the Tzars that overthrew the Tzars.

Jack says:

“That is true, but they don’t go blowing themselves up in Pizza parlours. Russia did not go left because Lenin was one umpteenth Jewish, nor because of Jewish pamphleteering. It went left because of Tsar Alexander the Liberator, and during one brief period in its drift leftwards, a bunch of Jews jumped on the bandwagon, only to promptly throw each other off the bandwagon. It was not Jews that overthrew the Tzar. It was the Tzars that overthrew the Tzars.”

I’m not versed enough in Russian history to disagree with your points here, but I think we depart in general opinion on a couple points:

First, I don’t think one has to pick a side in the epic jews vs. muslims battle. To the “war is interested in you” argument, I say that if Muslims want war with gentiles, we should be prepared with ironclad borders and superior technology, but Jews aren’t our allies in this battle, the more we entangle ourselves on their behalf, the more resentment we draw. I don’t think muslims blow themselves up in Switzerland.

(This is also not necessarily an anti-Israel position, I’m fully in favor of them declaring war and claiming the west bank and getting a little resolution. Or vice versa. I just don’t think dollars or weapons should be flowing to either side of the conflict).

Second, I view progressivism as an evil force that opportunists use to grab power profit and pussy, subverting order and tradition for their personal gain. Thus, I don’t lay blame exclusively on any ethnic group, as the yearn for power is a human condition.

But, whether or not progressive movements were started by gentiles, it is undeniable that jews put progressivism on steroids wherever they go. Jews may not always start progressivism, but they damn sure are the best at it. (and for their share, they’re great at starting progressive movements as well, feminism etc.)

The “they were just assimilating” argument comes with a complete absence of them ever helping a traditional culture become more traditional. Live amongst the goyim, spread progressivism, live amongst other jews, find God. That is the true inner nature of Ashkenazi Jews, It has happened for centuries, it is happening now, it will happen in the future. I don’t think there is a big conspiracy or some legends in Zion calling the shots. I think it is just genetics, and we’d all be better off if we could peacefully grasp the JQ. As they say, if you don’t want another Hitler, make sure he is not the only one speaking the truth.

jim says:

First, I don’t think one has to pick a side in the epic jews vs. muslims battle.

It is not Jews versus Muslims.

They are killing Christians. They are killing Hindus. They are killing Buddhists. Jews are the closes to them that has a decent army. You should support whoever is closest to them with a decent army.

The “they were just assimilating” argument comes with a complete absence of them ever helping a traditional culture become more traditional. Live amongst the goyim, spread progressivism, live amongst other jews, find God.

Selection effect. If they assimilate to progressivism, they think, incorrectly that they remain Jews. If they assimilate to traditionalism, they think, correctly, that they have ceased to be Jews.

Plus no one is assimilating to traditionalism these days. It is a remnant.

Most Orthodox Jews voted for Obama – but all Democrat policies are anti Jewish and harm Israel. Democrats ethnically cleansed Jews out of most of their old inner city neigborhoods, and still they vote Democrat. Jews don’t control the Democratic party. The Democratic Party controls Jews.

Zerg says:

We’re cool with ethno-states in principle, because the Torah’s very ethno-statey so it’s the obvious way to go, but we’re just a bit nervous about ethno-state-promoters that aren’t explicitly nice about us the way you are, because of history and all that.

I’m very dubious about states in general.

A Jewish state was not necessary in Release 1.0 of Zionism, which was based on a Jewish homeland in a small corner of the Ottoman Empire. (Herzl was from Austria–Hungary and might have regarded multinational empires as the natural way of doing things.) That even explains such oddities as the Jewish National Fund or the Histadrut which make sense in a Jewish corner but not in a Jewish state. On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and its successor the British Empire proved unreliable. The US is looking equally unreliable.

If an emergency evacuation of Israel should become necessary, it’s helpful to have a handful of anti-ethno states (e.g., places where expelling Elian Gonzalez is impossible) available.

It would, of course, be even more helpful to have ungoverned areas available.

jim says:

Since Jews need an army, they need something rather like a state.

It could be argued however that Judges Israel had an army, but most of the time was not much like a state.

B says:

The Book of Judges ended with the battle of Gibeah over an outrage committed by the tribe of Benjamin, i.e., tribal anarchy leads to civil war.

The army back then was a bunch of guys with their personal weapons, carrying their supplies on their backs. No need for the extensive logistics and specialization that characterize modern warfare. The closest thing back then were horses and chariots, which G-d adjourns the kings of Israel not to acquire many times, because they will necessitate a logistical apparatus and taxation and will lead the king to hubristic decision-making and national disaster. But in today’s reality, you can’t fight without vehicles, planes, tanks, intelligence, the logistics associated with all of the above. So you need a state.

jim says:

Judges Israel lasted over three hundred years, and the civil war with the Benjaminites killed a smaller proportion of people than the American civil war. On the whole, seems to have worked OK.

Before the Crimean War, British army logistics were private – a horde of camp followers followed each regiment around. Seems to have worked OK. Suppose that wealthy individuals and corporations are allowed to own tanks, warplanes, etc.

B says:

Eric Prince tried it. I suspect, from basic reading of Machiavelli on mercenaries, that any private group strong enough to field and sustain a military would shortly turn into a state. See: the East India Company.

J says:

Saudis would be happy if the entire population of Gaza was crispy fried in napalm.

Napalm is the American way, the Saudis prefer beheading. In their dream scenario, there must be famelic dogs feeding on the bodies left in the market square.

Chris B says:

@ Jim
“Suppose that wealthy individuals and corporations are allowed to own tanks, warplanes, etc.”

the Ukraine situation is that in disguise. I also remember private armies being very effective in Africa post decolonisation (until world opinion intervened as per usual – struggling to find the link for the exact example I read about). Creation of nation not necessary, only access to money.

I have read a few excellent stuff here. Definitely value bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how much effort you place to create any such great informative site.

Ted Nuisance says:

Finland… welfarist “paradise”… but lily white…

Their biggest minority is Swedes at 5%…

Zach says:

Such a complicated question.

The key point, I would argue, is the bullshit, that lead us to ask such a complicated question.

Adolf the Friendly Wolf says:

Jews are sneakily cohesive. But that is mixed in with Progressivism, which hates Israel.

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