Month: December 2014


The Trichotomy

The last time I posted this, people did not like the trefoil graphic, and proposed the triquetra, which has the handy property of symbolizing both Odinism and Christianity. So here is the improved graphic. We need capitalism, because we need wealth and technology, we need patriarchy and tradition, to uphold the enforcement of the marital …


Post rationalism

Christianity was the basis of European civilization, and now it is dead save for a remnant smaller than mustard seed. Civilizations die with their animating religion, being devoured by demons. Progressivism wears the religions it has devoured like a monster that dresses itself in the skins of people it has eaten. It has consumed Judaism, …


Peace is hard, war is easy

For peace to continue, everyone has to play by the rules established in the last round of wars. Even if the rule is that the hegemon gets his way, he got to be hegemon by doing dreadful things, which tend to be forgotten or denied as time passes. So there is always a temptation to …


Islam lives, unfortunately

Previously I remarked that Christianity is dead, save for a remnant small as a mustard seed, which is a problem, for civilizations tend to die with their animating religion. Europe was the faith, and the faith was Europe – then, later Anglicanism, while it was alive, gave us the scientific and industrial revolutions. Islam seemed, …


Death of Christianity

A woman running the Young Christian Activity Group is every bit as incompatible with Christianity as an openly gay bishop, and like gay bishops, results in most of the boys and all of the manly boys dropping out of their religion. People may tell themselves that Christianity can be compatible with progressivism, but each step …


False rape fantasies

Roissy proposes four possible motives for the UVA false rape accusation, of which sexual fantasizing is only one, the other three being political fantasizing. Well, I suppose he is more expert at girls than I am, but it seems glaringly obvious to me that the UVA accusation was rape fantasy: The story departs from realistic …


America number two

“In recent years both the Chinese and American economies have been fundamentally transformed.” In fourteen years, America went from three times the size of the Chinese economy to slightly smaller, and the rate of relative decline shows every sign of quite rapidly accelerating. Chinese GPD per capita is still substantially lower than American GDP per …