
After white male america

Law enforcement against blacks is inherently racist. Gentrification proceeded under an unprincipled exception. Eric Holder is rolling back that unprincipled exception. Not only does every good progressive know that being black is no indicator of propensity to commit crimes, he also knows that a past history of criminal conduct is no indicator of propensity to commit crimes in future – see “Les Miserables” for the correct progressive position on crime and punishment, which is, pretty much, that punishment is horribly oppressive and old fashioned.

Thus Krystalnacht in the small parts of Baltimore where whites are permitted, areas which were suddenly revealed as a precarious ghetto subject to the terrifying whims of a non white male majority.

If white nationalists were allowed to behave the way the rioters were, we would be back to overwhelming white majority lickety spit.

I suspect that most of the Cathedral is quite comfortable with gentrification, and are horrified to see it rolled back, but, because no enemies to the left, are unable to restrain the radicals among them.

After all, if the radical program succeeds, and ethnically cleansing white males becomes the next big holy cause, the way ladyboys were yesterday’s holy cause, each member of the establishment wants to be last to be fed to the crocodiles, and to this end will industriously feed his fellow establishment members to the crocodiles.

If Baltimore is being ethnically cleansed of whites because two thirds black, then this has no great implications for the rest of America. There is a lot of ruin in a nation. We let leftists destroy Detroit out of hatred for whites, we can let them destroy a hundred Detroits.

If on other hand Baltimore is being ethnically cleansed because the New York Times and Eric Holder are rolling back the unprincipled exception that white laws are enforced on black people, then every white male in America is in the same boat as white males in Baltimore.

The obscure town of Ferguson, Missouri remains in the spotlight of national concern because in Ferguson the cops tend to be white and the criminals black. Something must be done about this! Of course, this pattern is observable everywhere in the United States. Ferguson is an extremely average town.  Liberal cities like Santa Monica, CA tend to have racial disparities in arrest rates that are much worse. Indeed, the more liberal the city, the more that arrests consist of whites punishing blacks.

Because blacks are naturally and inevitably violent and subhuman, law enforcement is naturally and inevitably racist. Did I hear someone say “Not all blacks are like that”? But when you take statistics over all arrests, all unpleasant encounters between police and citizens, as Eric Holder has been doing, you get the mean, the median, and the mode, and the mean, the median, and the mode is that law enforcement consists of blacks being vicious subhuman thugs and whites stopping them, which is racist. So Eric Holder issues an injunction to stop this racism, which is to say, to stop police from protecting whites against black violence.

If all men are created equal, it is morally wrong for police to protect whites from black violence. And Eric Holder has proven this, in a court of law, over and over again.

If the Obama Administration and the press were out to do to every municipality in America what they’ve talked of doing to Ferguson, the country would soon become a lawless Mad Max post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Conservatives tend to suppose that progressives are basically sane, so will refrain from making the US into a lawless Mad Max post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I don’t think progressives actually think things through, I don’t think they ask themselves “would it be good if we progressives, acting as a whole, did X”. Rather each progressive does that which maximizes his status relative to other progressives, makes him holier than the next progressive, and if the net effect of all these holy actions by all these holy progressives is utterly disastrous, they rewrite history and reality that the net effect is just wonderful.

Eric Holder is just proving himself more holy by burning down Ferguson and Baltimore, and if that works, over time, lots of people will prove themselves more holy by burning down lots more.

Since trannie acceptance has maxed out with seven year olds being taught transexuality rather than the three Rs, each of the elements of the Cathedral is casting around for some new cause to be the next big thing.

And what they are right now trying on is getting rid of white males. It is ambitious, but with leftism moving left ever faster, with the overton window shrinking ever smaller, pays to be ambitious, to be in there first with the next big thing.

Quite likely there will be a reaction that causes them to try something less ambitious before all America is on fire. And quite likely there will not be.

Something similar to this happened in the period 1953 to 1969 leading to the 1967 race riots which ultimately resulted in the ethnic cleansing of whites out of Detroit and many other places, and it was rolled back, leading to the era of gentrification.

People take it for granted that “the inner city” is occupied by hostile subhuman savages. But in most of the world the inner city is where the civilized and elite upper crust live and play, since it is naturally desirable to be close to the center of things, and the subhuman savages are excluded to the exurbs, the favelas, where land is naturally cheap. And, until the Warren Court, that was the way it was in America. The Inner City went black due to the courts privileging black violence against whites. If do an ngrams search on inner city and you go through google books by date, you don’t see references to the inner cities being a scary dangerous place, poor and black, until you see references to civil rights and such, until the Warren Court period. The inner cities are the way they are because, during the Warren court period, whites, rendered second class citizens, denied the right of collective self defense, were ethnically cleansed out of the most desirable real estate, with the result that it became the least desirable real estate.

In the fifties and sixties, the courts systematically abused judicial discretion and due process protections to excuse criminals generally and black attacks on whites in particular. Due process protections were systematically abused to obtain the substantive result that it was difficult to punish crime, and near impossible to punish black crime against white people.

To counter this, the politicians struck back against the judges with mandatory sentencing and terrifyingly broad prosecutorial powers, prosecutorial discretion being abused to counter abusive judicial discretion, and punitive prosecutorial process being abused to counter judicial abuse of due process to obtain substantive results.

Gentrification ensued – or rather regentrification, as parts of the inner city resumed the civilized character that they had had before Civil Rights and the Warren Court.

But since then, with unlimited nonwhite underclass immigration, with huge numbers of foreigners entering the country to live on crime and welfare, which is to say, to live on white males, the white vote has become effectively irrelevant. Most white males vote outside the Overton window, in that they will reliably vote for whichever major politician is closest to the right edge of the Overton window. Single women tend to live on welfare and affirmative action jobs, so vote with non whites.

The great majority of white males already vote for the rightmost candidate permitted.  What are we going to do?  Vote twice?   Backlash is just not going to have any noticeable electoral impact.   There is no substantial electoral downside to hating white males twice as much as the other guy and thus being twice as holy.  As a tidal wave of non white underclass immigration floods the country to live on crime and welfare, the white male vote becomes increasingly irrelevant.  Everyone is asking themselves what they can do to win these new voters.   No one wonders what will influence white males.

Thus the kind of political backlash that occurred against the courts allowing criminals to go free, that led to mandatory sentencing and alarmingly broad prosecutorial powers, is now politically irrelevant. It will not change electoral outcomes.  It does not matter how white males vote, because most of them already vote their interests, and if even more of them vote their interests, that adds up to not many votes up for grabs.

These days, alarmingly broad prosecutorial powers are apt to be used against any person who attempts to defend himself against black violence.

With white males effectively already a minority, quite likely there will not be reaction that causes them to try something less ambitious – quite likely this will slowly escalate into the coming purge of whites as a market dominant minority.

It is early days yet, but that is the way the wind blows.

And it seems to be working as a political cause. Baltimore and similar riots America wide seem to be gaining the Cathedral support. Only white males care, and they already vote for the least progressive candidate. All the church ladies are having orgasms for the manly rioters, and worrying about how the rioters are oppressed victims.

Whites are well on the way to becoming a market dominant minority. Market dominant minorities tend to get ethnically cleansed or genocided, sooner or later. Further, the necessary mythos for genocide and ethnic cleansing is already in place. We whites, merely by existing, cast baleful magic spells that cause all other groups to underperform. It is like original sin. We can only atone by vanishing. Pretty much everyone believes this, including most whites. Whites possess the evil magic mind control powers previously attributed to Jews.

The nominally Christian Churches, like the mainstream media, are all preaching we deserve ethnic cleansing for our sins, for casting these evil spells. Our powerlessness in the face of ethnic cleansing makes all white males look beta, so naturally all women will vote alpha. Women always identify with the conqueror against their own people.

Progressives collect mountains of evidence that group x is doing poorly compared to white males, for numerous values of x, and there really are only two possible explanations. Evil white males are casting evil spells harming members of group x, or group x really is inferior and needs to be ruled by their betters.

And, of course, no decent person would suggest that group x really is inferior and needs to be ruled by their betters.

Libertarians and Conservative Christians attempt to mark out a position somewhere in the middle, avoiding these two extremes, but a position in the middle turns out to be mighty slippery, seems that rather than avoiding both extremes, they embrace both extremes, depending on whether they are being criticized from the left or the right. Whenever they explicitly deny one position, they implicitly affirm the other.

But I really was not expecting the market dominant minority treatment until whites really were a minority. Cleansing Baltimore the way Detroit was cleansed seems premature. Efforts to cleanse New York, Baltimore style, have been forcefully checked by good old fashioned politically incorrect policing. But if ethnic cleansing is the next big cause, the way ladyboys were the last big cause, the New York check is only temporary,

From the point of view of the Cathedral as a whole, it does not make sense to make a start on ethnic cleansing and genocide so soon, but from the point of view of any one member, any one faction, any one conspiracy within the Cathedral, if ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide is inevitable sooner or later, it is in the interest of any one element of the Cathedral to try for sooner, to gain a status advantage by jumping the gun on the next big thing.

The Cathedral is more like a cancer than a conspiracy. It is not necessarily capable of following its own best interests.

Where do whites go from here? Alaska and Australia are looking good. Settlement of the Arctic is forbidden. Settlement of Antarctica is similarly forbidden, but Australia, the last white haven, has a claim, not internationally recognized, to most of the interesting parts of Antarctica.

Or we could do what the Koreans did – repel troublemakers and cops alike.

Recall the Cronulla beach riots. Police were ordered to back the Muslim rioters and repress the white rioters, but were either unable to obey those orders, or disinclined to obey them very effectively, whereupon the whites made short work of the Muslims.

Ethnic cleansing of white males from most of America, with the probable exception of Alaska, begins. It will not happen all at once, but rather, one city after another, one excuse after another. First Ferguson, now Baltimore, Krystalnacht proceeds.

Quite possibly it will hit determined opposition, and be postponed a decade or two, or many decades, until whites truly are a minority. Early days as yet. But so far, seems to be sufficient that white males are minority, and white females are being taught to despise them.

Because effective law enforcement against blacks is racist, and since the declaration of independence has been an unprincipled exception, and unprincipled exceptions get rolled back one by one, there is no lasting solution short of moving to Alaska, or rolling the enlightenment all the way back, back to that all men were not created equal, and women do not count at all.

Any politically thinkable solution merely postpones the inevitable, temporarily keeping the unprincipled exception in place to allow gentrification, and preserve areas already gentrified. Any permanent solution is going to require the politically unthinkable

And by the unthinkable I don’t mean Nazism or white nationalism. Nazis were leftists in 1930, Roosevelt on steroids, became rightists in that the rest of the left continued to move ever leftwards. I mean the reaction of the eighteenth century.

Because the establishment is secretly not all that keen on the latest program, because the establishment rather likes gentrification, it is likely that whites could fight back, and not be crushed by the united power of the state, because the state is not really all that united. We really should try a Cronulla, we should render unsafe white areas safe by judicious lynching of particularly badly behaved blacks and/or wholesale removal of nonwhites, yet I see no one trying that.

We cannot continue the enlightenment project because the effective law enforcement that preserved parts of America for whites is an unprincipled exception to the enlightenment, and always has been

One could have predicted Baltimore from Les Miserables. For whites to live in Baltimore, we need a society in which no one could take Les Miserables seriously.

Here is the outline for such a society. See also.

Libertarians, conservative Christians, and such, don’t want to accept the position that white males cast evil spells that impair the performance of other groups, which position has the disturbing implication that white males need to be eliminated, but neither do they want to accept the positions that whites should rule over inferior races and men should rule over women, and so they attempt to take a variety of intermediate positions, but these intermediate positions consist of crimestop, doublethink, and unprincipled exceptions, and so are inherently vulnerable to the superior holiness of the position that white males cast evil spells, and since it seems that no amount of punishment or castigation can stop white males from casting these evil spells, white males have to be eliminated.

Thus, for example, a libertarian may piously say that there is no such thing as race, that that is collectivist thinking.

This pious tactic works just fine in Turkey, in most of Latin America, and in Egypt, where anyone who notices that the ruling class is white, and the underclass brown, is apt fall down several flights of stairs in a one story police station. In consequence, everyone piously agrees that all Turks are one race, all nationals of the Latin American country in question are all one race. Similarly, there are a lot of black countries where the ruling elite varies from milk chocolate to “Huh? That guy is white!” and somehow strangely no one seems to notice.

But in America, such piety does not go far, because a progressive points out that black schools are invariably very bad schools, and proposes that whites fix this problem (presupposing that whites caused this problem). Saying that there is no such thing as black school because there is no such thing as a black is unlikely to be persuasive, because it is perfectly obvious that the progressive is correct in that there are such things as black schools, and that black schools vary from bad to worse.

So the libertarian, inconsistently, temporarily dumps his position that there is no such thing as race, and snarkily asks “Why is that when blacks are bussed to good schools, those schools then immediately become bad schools”

But the libertarian dare not answer his own question, for the true answer is crimethink, whereas the progressive can easily answer the question: White males are so evil and hateful that they cast evil spells upon the school when blacks are bussed there.

So the progressive asks the libertarian what is to be done about black schools. And the libertarian cannot answer, for were he to answer, the true answer is that the black schools must be subject to white authority, black students forced by harsh discipline, including the frequent application of corporal punishment, to behave like white students, (in other words, whites must rule over blacks), and that mothers who deprive children of their biological fathers need to be shamed and punished as trash, sluts, and whores, (in other words, males must rule over females).

And so the libertarian has no answer that he dare speak, or even dare think, but the progressive does have an answer: Somehow make sure that white males are just somehow not around any more.

Any program for races and sexes living together as equals will always run into the problem that they are not in fact equal, and political activists will then always make hay out of this inequality.

And the end result of activists making hay is that one race must be eradicated, or one race must rule the other.

Any solution short of whites ruling over blacks and men ruling over women is always necessarily vulnerable to the superior holiness of those who wish to prevent evil white males from casting evil spells.

Any measure to prevent evil white males from casting evil spells will always fail, requiring ever more drastic action to deal with the evil committed by white males and the very great harm that they magically inflict.

154 comments After white male america

Red says:

>Because blacks are naturally and inevitably violent and subhuman, law enforcement is naturally and inevitably racist.

A more precise term here would be half civilized, not subhuman. If blacks were subhuman they wouldn’t be any kind of a threat and their ability(poor as it is) to work together in larger groups is what makes them a threat. It’s blacks inability to control their violence that’s makes them harmful when not subjugated. Realistically blacks suck at black organized violence.

Neither of these riots were very big compared the ones we had in the 60s and 70s nor anywhere close to the smaller LA riots in the 90s. It’s also take a large amount of public involvement by largely SJW’s to organize things like marches, street propaganda, arson and mass beatings. In Ferguson most of the fires were reportedly started by very light skinned males who were most likely SJW’s doing the things blacks are no longer capable of doing. It’s hard to burn down a modern up to code building and certainly beyond the capabilities of your average black thug.

Things may not be quite as bleak as you think. Lower class whites and Mexicans are already mixing into a common culture(one that drives progressives up the wall) and will probably become a stable slave class. Areas with smart leadership import Mexicans in large numbers to fix their black problems. Asians have already started their march through elite power structures and I don’t think it’s going to be long before we end up with an
White/Asian elite running things(check out the massive influx of Chinese elites into America). While the American middle class will shortly be dead a buried, the few smart whites that still reproduce will probably move into the middle/upper half of administering the system. It won’t be a highly successful society, but it might limp along for another 100 years or so if not challenged too strongly from the outside.

The real problem is the largely Jewish SJW’s. If there’s anyone who will be putting white males into death camps, it will be them. You’ve talked repeatably how jews purged themselves out of the party leadership in the Soviet Union, but it got to be an all Jewish group by purging all the whites first. SJW’s are a huge threat to any future stability and certainly will be the forerunners in one way or other of a Great American purge.


Blacks do not form large-scale civilizations of their own. Jim is right. They’re not “half civilized” — it’s a lot worse than that.

“largely Jewish SJW’s”? For every Jewish SJW, there are at least 10 white European SJWs, in addition to the many Asian and Hispanic SJWs. It’s an urban/millennial problem in general. If all the Jews vanished tomorrow, your problems wouldn’t disappear. Best to come to terms with this.

Corvinus says:

“Blacks do not form large-scale civilizations of their own. Jim is right.”

Jim is observably wrong. One need only research the Mali Empire.

Occupant says:

“Blacks do not form large-scale civilizations of their own. Jim is right.”

“Jim is observably wrong. One need only research the Mali Empire.

Sundiata Keita founded the Empire of Mali. His son, adopted sons and brother all had Muslim names.

cledun says:

the Mali Empire was a great empire by African standards, but was quite weak and slipshod by the standards of every other race.

jim says:

Jim is observably wrong. One need only research the Mali Empire.

The founder of the the Mali empire claimed descent from Alexander the great (white) and the companions of the prophet (whitish)

Anyone who claims descent from Alexander the Great obviously knows his Greek history, therefore culturally white. What he was racially we will never know, but for his claims to have been credible, he cannot have been all that black. If truly descended from the companions of the prophet, probably Arab in appearance.

Further, that he made the claim of descent from Alexander the Great implies that the claim must have impressed his officers, which implies his officers were culturally somewhat white

B says:

The entire Muslim world, black and white, as well as all of India, knows about Alexander (Dhul Al Karnain), and has for a long time. There are places named after him all over Afghanistan, Kuwait, Pakistan, etc:

To say that the inhabitants of Farah and Kuwait are “culturally white” in a way that, say, Malian Arabs and Germans are, sort of makes the concept meaningless.

In any case, I can say that I would not be surprised to see the Igbo running a functional government and empire (at least Iron Age level,) were their hands untied. This doesn’t make the Igbo culturally white. It makes them functional and civilized. These are not qualities unique to Europeans.

Nyk says:

The Ethiopians have some nice churches and castles too. Of course, one could always argue that most Ethiopians are a Black-White hybrid population on the fringes of Subsaharan Africa (same for Mali).

By the way, both Mali and Ethiopia have richer history and culture than the United States of America, a country established by near-iconoclastic European radicals. The fact that the US has been chronically incapable of producing splendid, beautiful monuments throughout its close to 350 year existence is a symptom of the latter. The US is chronically incapable of producing a Gaudí or a Chalermchai Kositpipat (see Sagrada Família and Wat Rong Khun for their respective masterpieces).

doclove says:

Amen. Although a larger percentage of Jews are progressives than Whites, it is also true that a larger number of Whites are progressives than Jews. There are also some Jews who are conservatives, more who are centrists and most who are progressives. Non Jewish Whites are their own worst enemies. The progressive Jews would have little to no power without their progressive White Allies. The White progressives should be thought of in a more negative way than the Jews even the progressive Jews by the other Whites. How much do you want to hate another group-in this case the Jews-for doing what they believe is in their own best interest? The Jews are not the traitors to Whites, but White progressives are traitors to the Whites. I am a White, and I dislike the White Progressives more than the Jewish Progressives and dislike the White Progressives much more than the Jewish conservatives.

Dr. Faust says:

Israel is a racist country. It actively practices racial profiling in its security measures, encourages Jewish only immigrants, and deports any black Jews that find their way into the country. The Jews only promote diversity within white countries

jim says:

Israel is a racist country.

Three cheers for Israel

doclove says:

I thought Israel let in Ethiopian Jews who are most definitely Black people. Maybe they are token Blacks just for show and then put them in Potemkin villages. Maybe they let the Ethiopian Jews in out of real concern in the late twentieth century for fear of persecution in Ethiopia. Either way, I don’t know. Maybe we Whites should flatter the Jews by imitating them for our own good. It is ultimately Whites screwing over other Whites which is the primary problem, and it is our own doing and fault. It’s a concept of sorts.

jim says:

I thought Israel let in Ethiopian Jews who are most definitely Black people.

There are varying degrees of blackness. The blacker they are, the more likely Jews are to discover theological grounds why the Jews in question are insufficiently Jewish.

doclove says:

So what you are saying is the Ethiopian Jews are for show, the convert Blacks are not let in and Israel is trying hard to look more Aryan than White countries. You’re probably right. I simply don’t know and will refrain from making final judgements until I know one way or the other. They recently had an Ethiopian Jew as Miss Israel, but Bar Raefaeli, someone even Adolph Hitler would have said looks like a top Aryan beautiful woman. was billed as their hottest model

B says:

Israel lets in black converts, no problem. They have to show that they converted through some sort of recognized communal rabbi, which is not that hard, but filters out the vast majority of interested people, since it’s a process.

Israel also has a bunch of Black Hebrew Israelites, who are not Jewish but Black Americans, living down by Dimona.

There is no racism in Judaism. We have, for instance, a bunch of Northeast Indian converts (Bnei Menashe.) I haven’t heard anyone question the validity of their conversions, though I know people who dislike them immensely.

Ethiopian Jews are most certainly not in Potemkin villages. They have difficulty integrating, but they were not let in for show. I think that eventually they will absorb. The ones who follow Torah will have children, the ones who don’t will not.

Jack says:

Ethiopians are 2% of the Israeli population yet between 20% and 30% of detainees at the Ofek Prison for Adolescents…….B would have you believe that this is the result of vile hatred by racist secular Ashkenazim due to the color of the skin.

Recusancy says:

>their ability(poor as it is) to work together in larger groups is what makes them a threat
Chimps can work in groups.

jim says:

Chimps, alone among apes and monkeys, eat meat and make war on other chimps From which we may conclude that the common ancestor of man and chimp ate meat and made war. Indeed, it is pretty rare for mammals to make war.

War efficiently selects groups better at cooperation, which efficiently selects for intelligence. A smart boss ape and his smart lieutenants roll up their neighbors, take their women and their food sources. And, after a million genocides, here we are.

jay says:

I think Aurini said that even the grunt in modern warfare has to think for himself rather than just follow orders, otherwise he is not qualified for modern war.

Wheras in more ancient times the grunt simply has to follow orders. While only the General and lieutenants have to be intelligent.

Occupant says:

“War efficiently selects groups better at cooperation, which efficiently selects for intelligence.”

If war selects for cooperation and intelligence, then ants should outscore man on IQ tests.

If war selects for cooperation and intelligence, and chimps make war, then why aren’t chimps more intelligent? After all, chimps and man share a common ancestor, and they have presumably been at it for as long man has.

TheGreatestIdiot says:

>If war selects for cooperation and intelligence, and chimps make war, then why aren’t chimps more intelligent? After all, chimps and man share a common ancestor, and they have presumably been at it for as long man has.

I’m not entirely sure what it is that you are trying to refute with this ill-thought-out wisecrack. By your argument (taken to its full idiocy), all life on earth should be the same species — indeed, all life shares a common ancestor, and a common environment.

Why does speciation happen?

Occupant says:

“Why does speciation happen?”

Speciation is caused by variation due to mutation under differential selection due to differences in environment over distance and/or reproductive isolation over time. If environments were dull, grey, and uniform, the distances slight, and the time short, then we would expect all life to be the same. But we don’t live in that world.

Problem is that early chimps and early man evolved in the same sub-Saharan environment, so we should expect convergent evolution. Why aren’t chimps smarter than they actually are?

jim says:

Problem is that early chimps and early man evolved in the same sub-Saharan environment

Actually not. The apes that became the ancestors of man lived on the plains, were plains apes. The apes that became the ancestors of chimps lived in the trees. There is less fruit and more meat on the plains, which led to greater patriarchy (since females more dependent on males), and greater male adaption to violence – since killing prey not very different from killing enemy tribesmen.

With greater adaption to violence, and greater subordination of females, more war. More war, more cooperation, more cooperation, more smarts. So the plains apes got smarter than the jungle apes, eventually becoming two different species. Conversely, you will notice that humans that lived in the chimp environment, in the jungle, and relied heavily on gathered food, heavily on female providers, what the Victorians called the bushmen, have IQs approximately midway between chimp and human, devolving back to something very like a chimp.

jay says:
jim says:

On the plains, apes necessarily hunted more than in the jungle.

So those dwelling on the plains became smarter, and eventually a different species, to those dwelling in the jungle.

A killer ape on the plains just needs more smarts than a killer ape in the jungle.

And today, humans whose ancestors lived on the plains are smarter than those humans whose ancestors lived in the jungle. Negroes are pretty close to being a different species to whites, and Australian coastal aboriginals (now extinct) arguably were a different species to humans. All claims by existing humans to be partially descended from Australian coastal aboriginals smell mighty funny. Looks like crossbreeding fertility suppression, though not quite total, was close enough to total. After all, they coexisted with inland aboriginals for fifty thousand years with no apparent mixing.

So speciation is still happening, or at least was happening over the past few hundred thousand years.

Clearly, seventy thousand years has produced large phenotype differences between existing human races – phenotype differences comparable to those between different species. So even if you think that all existing humans are the same species, that is largely because of genocide. We keep wiping out other kinds of human, for example Homo floresiensis. A modest environmental difference, and a million years or so, you are going to have two different species.

Ozymandias says:

“If war selects for cooperation and intelligence, then ants should outscore man on IQ tests.”

Whose IQ tests, man’s or ant’s?

Raekwon says:

I’m a NY Jew who works on Wall Street (go figure), and I can attest that Wall Street is pretty much made up of Jews, Chinese, and Indians. Furthermore, there’s a lot of mixing of these three groups romantically, relatively speaking (it’s usually Jewish guys with Chinese/Indian girls, but it’s also not too rare to see an Indian guy with a Chinese or Jewish girl).

Asian SJWs are just as bad as the Jewish ones… probably because they tend to be higher IQ, and thus, more effective/irritating. The NAM SJWs are intellectually lightweight, and just take cues from their betters.

Occupant says:

“The real problem is the largely Jewish SJW’s. If there’s anyone who will be putting white males into death camps, it will be them.”

Ashkenazis are white — Middle Eastern by Y chromosome (dark Caucasian) Italian by mitochondria (white Caucasian). And Ashkenazis with fair hair and fair eyes (George Soros) suggest there must have been some Nordic introgression at some point.

Trouble is, skin color is no guarantee of solidarity. White tribes have been at each others throats for millenia, with no end in sight. Whites rightly see other whites as their main rivals for all the Good Thing In Life.

Corvinus says:

“A more precise term here would be half civilized, not subhuman.”

Please define “civilized”. What are the metrics involved?

Occupant says:

“Please define “civilized””

By word origin, ‘civilized’ means ‘of the city’. Eurasians have been practicing and under the selective pressures of settled living longer than sub-Saharan Africans have. Therefore s-S Africans are are less civilized than Eurasians.

By this reasoning you could also say that Germans are less civilized than Italians, and that Middle Easterners are more civilized than either one of them.

doclove says:

Have you never heard of populations stagnating or even worse regressing in their genetics? Sure populations can go up, down or stay the same in their genetic fitness, It’s a concept of sorts.

Just sayin' says:

“The real problem is the largely Jewish SJW’s.”

No, the SJWs are our greatest ally, because they show people where this is going. Very few people really like progressivism, if you have a SJW explain it to them. It has to be repackaged by a garden variety liberal to make it seem palatable. But the internet and progressive success has allowed unfiltered SJWism to be rubbed in a whole lot of faces.

The real problem is the (disproportionately Jewish influenced) neo-conservatives and Republicans who constantly undermine, sabotage and prevent any organized RESPONSE to the latest SJW atrocity.

Stop watering down the Jimbo.

Fucking cuck.

Barnabas says:

I would like to send this to various people but the subhuman knock means that the entire document would be rejected by all but the most partisan.

jim says:

The middle position is ultimately indefensible. If you cannot state in plain words the reason why law enforcement is “racist”, you have no argument. The modal interaction between law enforcement and a criminal is a white stopping a black. If you cannot speak unkindly of the modal black interacting with a cop, you have no argument.

If you cannot say “subhuman” or near equivalent, you cannot explain why Eric Holder is wrong.

Jefferson says:

I’d like a near equivalent, personally. They’re clearly the same species as whites, but a significant subset of them are completely uncivilized. (Also it’s unfair to lump church blacks in with gangbangers)

jim says:

also it’s unfair to lump church blacks in with gangbangers

I would cheerfully lump most white church ladies in with gangbangers. Come the counter revolution I would auction them off, though not to the gangbangers, tempting as that thought is. And Reverend Wright’s nominally Christian Church definitely belongs with the gangbangers.

I am told there are good Christians somewhere, but they seem hard to find. See Dalrock’s complaints on the topic. Every Church seems to be on board with amnesty and bastardy, and there are only a few holdouts against gay marriage.

Recusancy says:

There aren’t many church blacks anymore. And they were largely a result of blacks living in a society with White laws, White culture and other White stuff.

There aren’t many church blacks in Africa. Never were.

B says:

There are black towns in South Carolina that make you think you’ve fallen through a wormhole into a different dimension. Neat, clean, everyone is well-dressed and polite.

Dealing with Africans (don’t remember the tribe) from Ghana and Botswana and Igbo from Nigeria, I’ve been generally impressed with them as intelligent and trustworthy (Igbo more so). As I understand, being brought up with a stick being broken off on your ass for disrespecting elders and other bad behavior has an amazingly beneficial effect on black children.

Temple Grandin has an extended discussion in her book about different phenotypes in dogs and horses that make different training techniques more effective. One breed (Belgian shepherds) needs physical correction to pay attention, another (Border collies) breaks down and ceases function when corrected harshly. What is abuse for one breed is necessary for the socialization of another.

jim says:

Quite so.

The problem with Gentle Giant Michael Brown and nine year old Rhodes Scholar Martin Trayvon was that they got away with everything – until they assaulted a man with a gun.

Barnabas says:

Otherwise, sounds terrifyingly accurate.

Robert says:

I agree that something like the Cronulla riots needs to occur, but a prerequisite to that occurring is some form of organization on our part. If I wanted to stop a riot of blacks in my town, there is maybe two or three guys I could call to help me that would actually show up, and the risk for two or three guys is too high. Now if I could call one hundred guys, then the risk is spread out amongst us all so we will be more inclined to do it, but there is no larger network of people that I can draw from.

Ted Colt says:

Of course, those are unarmed co-ethnics, but things could get interesting when the guns come out with no badges in sight.

vxxc2014 says:

Blue [police] are being hammered nationwide in a power struggle between local governments and washington, more specifically local police and DOJ.

This is pure politics as power, the powers being struggled over are the plenary police powers which in America are held locally. There are 18000+ local police depts and constitutionally they don’t answer to POTUS or the AG.

As Blue is not only being villified but killed now is the time to reach out to them locally as allies or at least to receive hands off neutrality. It’s not a hard sell.

They certainly have a strong animus to Obama, Holder and now Lynch.

Tis a peculiar tyranny that makes enemies of it’s police, but that’s the tyranny we have. It could be worse.

Not to mention they’ve alienated their military and for that matter their operational Intelligence agents.

As Jim noted they don’t act in their own interests.

jim says:

In the Cronulla riots, police were ordered to back the Muslims against the Christians. They failed to do so very successfully, perhaps their hearts were not in it.

jim says:

The core of Cronulla organization was surfer clubs. Muslims started pushing Islamic law on Cronulla beach, and surfer clubs acted cohesively, as one, to address the problem.

Recusancy says:

>Where do whites go from here?

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Outstanding post. War is certainly coming. White men need to network more, form self-defense groups, start local cells. We should also be more open about what we intend to do to the SJW scum and their Orc armies. Total eradication. May a million Cronullas erupt–hopefully, within our lifetime.

Corvinus says:

Indeed, war is coming, and banksters like yourself will be the FIRST to go. All you do is blather, you assuredly won’t risk your beard by fighting amongst the low-life whites that castigate at your high brow dinner parties.

jim says:

Nazis still socialist despite everything that has happened.

The greatest period of the white race was Regency England and early Victorian England, which was as capitalist as we have ever been.

B says:

Tell us about Raffles while ignoring his antislavery policies again 🙂

Dave says:

Any plan to conquer and replace rural whites will face serious logistical challenges not present in cities. Shall Eric Holder bus hordes of Africans out to the country, or give them cars, which soon break down for lack of maintenance? Should he concentrate the Africans, turning a few unlucky towns into squalid refugee camps, or spread them out so they quietly disappear into unmarked graves and dog stomachs?

Max says:

Excellent post, just a few minor corrections:

happend s/b happened

scarey s/b scary

substative s/b substantive

Dave says:
Max says:

“The forest on both sides of the highway then opened up with small arms fire.”

Dave says:

Read it again; the highway cuts through a hill, so the attackers can shoot down from both sides. According to Google Maps, that’s the only place on I-88 where such an ambush is possible. Anyone with an IQ over 80 would see that it’s a trap and go around.

Before becoming a racist, I wondered why every battle between the KKK and armed blacks was called a “massacre”. In the movie “Glory”, Hollywood portrays Union blacks failing to capture a Confederate fort. Couldn’t they find a battle where the blacks won?

vxxc2014 says:

Good stuff Jim, Rally!

Look there’s no place on earth for us to run, because there’s no place on earth left to run to.

But I don’t want to run and certainly not from this, and I would hazard I’m not alone.

Good heavens the NRXN right is rallying. Praise the Crab and the God of Deus Vult.

As far as numbers it’s only relevant to how many numbers::skills of courageous men the enemy has…and now that works in our favor.

What does anyone think we are buying 46K guns per day since 2008 [BATF background checks stat] and 7-12 Billion rounds a year for? Not counting grey/black market and handloading.

We have more than enough of everything and plenty of manpower.

vxxc2014 says:

I say thank God for Baltimore and prosecutor Mosby. Clearly a long term plan by the Confederate Rascal Mosby. At last a Confederate who thought strategically.

As far as networking…I’d take a look at actual networks as the model. We quite already solved this problem the last 40 years of how to make distant and disparate groups work together for sufficient commerce/traffic to accomplish a vareity of purposes. It’s called the Internet and it runs on BGP – Border gateway protocol. Study and adapt those rules for they were made for human organizations, the computer and telecommunications equipment are just tools.

May the Crab continue to pinch Baltimore with one claw and us with the other.

Kgaard says:

Jim … Isn’t the message of the UK elections precisely that the backlash from the right has already started — in force? Seems to me the issue of Muslim immigration works as a curb on the holiness spiral: normally if I am for open immigration and you are not, I am hier than you and a better person. But if Muslims SAY they want to kill gays and kill those who leave Islam (as America’s top Imam did on Hannity), doesn’t that short-circuit the holiness spiral? I am not holy if the people I want to import want to kill gays. So the left loses the holiness card. This I think is what happened in the UK and the conservatives cleaned up.

jim says:

You call that lot conservatives? Conservatives at least try to conserve, try to obstruct the ever leftwards movement. When the Royal Navy stops boats full of illegal immigrants and forces them to turn around, as the Australian navy is doing, then I will believe that they are conservatives.

When a British political Party can advocate the Australian immigration policy for Britain without being crushed by violence the way the IP is, then I will believe that they are conservatives.

Kgaard says:

“Hier” should be “holier.” Auto-correct strikes again.

critic says:

“rolling the enlightenment all the way back, back to that all men were not created equal, and women do not count at all.”

What discredits you is that you just a hater. Purely negative ideology. You even hate most white people, especially women and the working class.

You don’t know what you are talking about when you say “roll back the enlightenment.” You aren’t a throne-and-altar conservative. You are too much of a hater to be a Christian. You don’t genuinely believe in the divine right of kings or that the Church should run things. All churches would oppose your ideology anyway. And I’m sure that you accept much of the science and reason that came from the Enlightenment.

The Roman Empire existed way before the Enlightenment and was diverse. You could go to the capital and see people from the Middle East and Africa. There were even non-white emperors. Alexander the Great wanted to hybridize Greek and Persian culture. The idea that everyone thought like you before the Enlightenment is false.

jim says:

Superiors do not hate inferiors. We merely condescend to them. Blacks hate whites, but whites do not hate blacks, and men most certainly do not hate women.

The accusation of hatred rests on the theory that white males cast evil spells against women and nonwhites, and that I am in favor of continuing to cast these evil spells.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Good point. That reminds me of what I heard the Euros chatting about in a comment section once, that “Germans love Italians but don’t respect them. Italians respect Germans, but don’t love them.”


Recusancy says:

Blacks don’t hate Whites. They are envious of Whites.

Segregationist Whites didn’t hate Blacks. They were disgusted with them.

Occupant says:

“You don’t know what you are talking about when you say “roll back the enlightenment.” You aren’t a throne-and-altar conservative. ”

Thomas Hobbes was a 17th Century throne-and-alter atheist. David Hume, a 18th Century one. Secular reactionaries are nothing new.

Dave says:

As John Glubb explains in “Fate of Empire”, diversity was all well and good while the sun shone, but when the (Roman, Persian, Ottoman, etc.) Empire was in danger and needed brave men to fight for it, people suddenly reverted to their foreign roots.

R7_Rocket says:

critic says:

The Roman Empire existed way before the Enlightenment and was diverse. You could go to the capital and see people from the Middle East and Africa. There were even non-white emperors. Alexander the Great wanted to hybridize Greek and Persian culture. The idea that everyone thought like you before the Enlightenment is false.

Roman Empire: founded 23 b.c.
Japan: founded 660 b.c.
China: founded 2100 b.c.

One of these things is not like the other…

Occupant says:

“trannie acceptance has maxed out with seven year olds being taught transexuality rather than the three Rs”

Trannie acceptance has not maxed out yet. We have yet to see Peak Ladyboy. Right Thinking People can still push for pre-pubertal reassignment surgery (early surgeries are more successful!) and the forceful integration public restrooms (a victory that isn’t complete yet.)

Karl says:

I don’t know about the situation in the US, but progressivism or however you call it is a desease that inflicts the entire western civilisation. In Germany most white men are still progressive and push the Overtone window ever more to the left. If, as you say, white men in the US start collectively rejecting progressivesm then there is hope. But it has not yet begun in Europe.

You can’t win before you reject your opponent’s ideology. You can’t even fight before you reject your opponent’s ideology. So I expect the situation to change for the worse, before there is any chance for it to get better.

jim says:

Hardly anyone in the US has rejected their opponents ideology – but white males are reluctant to let go of their unprincipled exceptions to that ideology.

Dr. Faust says:

As my mind is mostly set in the future I must ask something. Any dereliction from your 2020 collapse prediction or has the clock advanced toward midnight?

As ideologies go progressivism isn’t a very good one. It’s impossible ideals are rife with contradictions from the start and it only grows worse. As a tool for jewish agitators within a society it has proved useful even with such inane virtues as equality. Unfortunately, there seems to be few counter-ideology. The nearest is Islam which is not ethnonational currently. Stagnation, more than saturation, in “true believers” is what festers in the West. A battle of nihilism – soft versus hard – and the winner gets to bury the West in apathy.

Compare the true believer of a hundred years ago to today. Faith has waned and whites seem more content to lounge in a pleasant apocalypse then to take up arms. To fight is to struggle, and to die is to honor something, but what would we honor? There is nothing here to believe in? There is only the plastic, dildoification of people and tradition that once valued itself. No more.

It is a lack of opponent which lets leftists prosper.

jim says:

As 2020 approaches, I am inclined to think that like most prophets of doom, I predicted doom too soon. Now shifting to 2026. The Strauss–Howe generational theory predicting a major international war in 2020 seems reasonable to me – Hillary Clinton is gunning for nuclear war with Russia over the failure of the Russian Orthodox church to coordinate with progressivism, but I am now less inclined to think it will synchronize with the left singularity.

Occupant says:

“As 2020 approaches, I am inclined to think that like most prophets of doom, I predicted doom too soon. Now shifting to 2026.”

Turchin thinks 2020 is the year of strife:

“To Peter Turchin, who studies population dynamics at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, the appearance of three peaks of political instability at roughly 50-year intervals is not a coincidence. For the past 15 years, Turchin has been taking the mathematical techniques that once allowed him to track predator–prey cycles in forest ecosystems, and applying them to human history. He has analysed historical records on economic activity, demographic trends and outbursts of violence in the United States, and has come to the conclusion that a new wave of internal strife is already on its way1. The peak should occur in about 2020, he says, and will probably be at least as high as the one in around 1970. “I hope it won’t be as bad as 1870,” he adds.”

I say 2020 (or 2026) is too early. I just doesn’t ~feel~ like 1965 (or 1959).

Alan J. Perrick says:


I’m staying hopeful that there won’t be a big shooting war, and that these riots are because society is returning to earlier mores. The riots in the 1960s and the riots of today, the 2010s, are to be seen as the “bookends” of peak Cathedral.

Back the way we came, in other words…

Best regards,


Marapoem says:

The Cathedral needs terrorists to go nuclear, so the world order is re-ordered according to leftist design – militaries becoming irrelevant, to start. Nuclear war with the Russians is not the best strategy here, while ensuring nuclear proliferation in the Middle-East is the safest bet. The State Department will triumph over the Pentagon when finally “Al-Qaeda” has the bomb. The army won’t come searching for a priestly class because there may not be much of an army left after Progressivism wins this last battle. A NWO will ensue, and it’ll be leftist.

R7_Rocket says:

Marapoem says:

A NWO will ensue, and it’ll be leftist.

If small organizations and states can get nuclear weapons, there won’t be a NWO. NWO has failed at conquering nuclear-armed Orthodox Russia and nuclear-armed Nazi North Korea.

peppermint says:

the North Koreans prove that you can’t hug a child with nuclear arms

Marapoem says:

NWO is for controlling domestic population, all foreign policy affairs are directed towards that aim. Once Islamic terrorists acquire — and employ, against Israel or against fellow brethren, but preferably (from State Department’s perspective) against Israel — nuclear weaponry, dirty bombs, etc., then NWO is all but guaranteed.

R7_Rocket says:

Marapoem said:

NWO is for controlling domestic population

The NWO/Cathedral can’t control Russia’s domestic affairs… And nuking Israel won’t somehow cause the Tsar and his fellow Siloviki to somehow give up their nukes and bow to the NWO/Cathedral.

Kgaard says:

Marapoem … Can you walk through the steps in between nuclear bomb being detonated and leftist NWO?

Marapoem says:

Terrorists proliferate & detonate nuclear bombs -> all countries in the Mid-East (and outside it) desperately need to align with US for protection -> world order dissolves as militaries, incapable of stopping nuclear terrorism, and indefensible oil corporations, lose all their power -> all power now rests in the hands of leftist American diplomats -> State Department world-dominance guaranteed, no person can resist the NWO: Progressives re-shape Earth according to their ideals.

Dave says:

The Left thinks that if every state plus dozens of non-state actors had nukes, war would be impossible. Instead, people would file their grievances with the wise Leftists at the UN and State Department, who would resolve their disputes fairly according to universally accepted international law.

In fact, nuclear proliferation ends with millions of Leftists dead, along with a few dozen non-Leftists who picked the wrong day to travel through the city.

R7_Rocket says:

Dr. Faust said:

Compare the true believer of a hundred years ago to today. Faith has waned and whites seem more content to lounge in a pleasant apocalypse then to take up arms. To fight is to struggle, and to die is to honor something, but what would we honor? There is nothing here to believe in? There is only the plastic, dildoification of people and tradition that once valued itself. No more.

Occupant says:

“From the point of view of the Cathedral as a whole, it does not make sense to make a start on ethnic cleansing and genocide so soon, but from the point of view of any one member, any one faction, any one conspiracy within the Cathedral, if ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide is inevitable sooner or later, it is in the interest of any one element of the Cathedral to try for sooner, to gain a status advantage by jumping the gun on the next big thing.”

Institutions of higher learning are where the leftmost edge of the Overton Window is designed and delineated before being implemented and enforced through the courts. This is how we know that additional revolutions in the direction of animal rights, liberation, and welfare lurk in our not-to-distant future.

A New York appeals court recently reasoned rightly when it held that a chimpanzee is not a person, but animal rights lawyers at colleges and universities are busy crafting their replies, ready to get an other bite at the apple. I’m just waiting for some preening progressive to talk himself hoarse incanting, “If a corporation can be considered a legal person then surely an animal can be as well!”

Can you point to an academic who, in plain words, advocates white eliminationism in the way that we can point to academics who, in plain words, advocate for animal rights?

jim says:

Can you point to an academic who, in plain words, advocates white eliminationism in the way that we can point to academics who, in plain words, advocate for animal rights?

Progressivism is not noted for its use of plain words.

Clearly gentrification in Baltimore has been radically reversed, and in response, we see the Republican party lining up for further reduction in punishment and imprisonment.

Anyone who fails to notice that the normal and natural state of the inner city is rich, white, and upper class, that the normal location of poverty stricken slums is far from the center, is in favor of elimination.

Occupant says:

“Progressivism is not noted for its use of plain words.”

“Violence is man re-creating himself. ”

― Frantz Fanon

“They would do well to read Fanon; for he shows clearly that this irrepressible violence is neither sound and fury, nor the resurrection of savage instincts, nor even the effect of resentment: it is man re-creating himself.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

“In Algeria and Angola, Europeans are massacred at sight. It is the moment of the boomerang; it is the third phase of violence; it comes back on us, it strikes us, and we do not realize any more than we did the other times that it’s we that have launched it.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

Fanon died in 1961. His fanboy, Sartre, died in 1980. Both spoke plainly about how murdering white folks was good for the soul. Progressives speak plainly about gay marriage, trans acceptance, and animal rights. Where is the 2015 equivalent of Fanon or Sartre?

jim says:

There is no shortage of progs speaking plainly about how white males should not be around any more. There is a shortage of them being plain about the means. Satre, however, did not argue that it would be good if white males were not around any more.

Ethnic cleansing is happening, the entire political establishment supports it. How plain do you want it?

Occupant says:

“There is no shortage of progs speaking plainly about how white males should not be around any more.”

Do they? Do you have someone in particular in mind who says this?

jim says:

It happens literally all the time. The first google hit. If you cannot hear it, it is because you are so used to hearing it. And a big outpouring happened in response to the recent ethnic cleansing in Baltimore. No one is saying “ethnic cleansing”, but they see ethnic cleansing, say “hurrah”, and promptly say in a supposedly completely unrelated remark, how good it is to get rid of white males.

Your bizarre deafness on this point reminds me of arguments I have had about female employees interrupting and talking over their male bosses.

“Never happens”

“Happens all the time. Let us just listen.”

“OK, it happens all the time, but it is not a rude sort of interrupt. It was entirely courteous when she interrupted her boss and talked him down.”

Occupant says:

“There is no shortage of progs speaking plainly about how white males should not be around any more.”

“Do they?”

“It happens literally all the time. The first google hit.”

The Diversity Chronicle is a satirical website run for the personal amusement of its author.

Noel Ignatiev, who is a real person, says the interview is “an entire fabrication”.

Here is an actual Ignatiev approved quote:

“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”

This is in an article entitled (as per Malcolm X) “Abolish the White Race – By Any Means Necessary”

Old Student says:
jim says:

Of course he is lying

Oldstudent says:

I thought only SJW’s always lied
About Reality
Did he truly love her or not?
Or was she just a pump and dump?
And why is her full given name
Irrelevant, since his latest opus is
dedicated to her.
Pretty simple questions.
Aquinas has very hard line on suicide.
Not that I believe a word of it anymore.

Richard Thorn says:

On what evidence do you base your claim that Myatt is lying about having rejected extremism and now laments his neo-nazi and jihadi past?

Given Myatt’s voluminous writings post-2009 – such as his 2013 books “Understanding and Rejecting Extremism” and “One Vagabond In Exile From The Gods: Some Personal and Metaphysical Musings” – the evidence does seem to indicate his was and is sincere in his rejection and lamentation. Especially when you factor in his philosophy of pathei-mathos. Even his former ant-fascist critics have accepted his change of heart –

However, that said, some others – like Senholt and Per Faxneld (qv. “The Devil’s Party: Satanism in Modernity”, Oxford University Press, 2012) do believe otherwise, and that he has been playing some sort ‘of sinister game’.

Occupant says:

From the article:

“My experience leads me to suggest that the first component[of the ideology and politics of hate] is prideful identity, and that the second component is the ideal, the goal, of the ideology. For this given and accepted identity is always supra-personal and always imparts a needed sense of belonging, a meaning to life, just as the goal, the ideal, involves individuals committing themselves in a manner which vivifies, removes doubt, and imparts a sense of purpose, with the result that individuality becomes subsumed with duty and loyalty to the goal, the ideal, given a high priority in the life of the individual.”

The author of the article, David Myatt, starts by proudly identifying his superior understanding of compassion in the service of an ideal of non-judgemental individualism. He then swiftly proceeds to violate this ideal by unfavorably judging two entire catagories of people (Nazis and Islamists) without showing any regard for their individuality. (Was an individual such as Oscar Schindler a good Nazi? Was Adam von Trott? How about Wernher von Braun? Can there even be such a thing as a good Nazi? Myatt doesn’t even begin to tell us).

If “non-judgemental individualism” is even possible, Myatt gives no evidence of it.

Richard Thorn says:

Did you read parts 2 & 3 of Myatt’s article?

Part 2 is entitled “A Personal Perspective – My Uncertitude of Knowing” and clearly shows that Myatt does not start his analysis by “proudly identifying his superior understanding” but rather is writing from personal experience of extremism and because of his regret regarding his extremist past. he also clearly states, in part 1, that he is writing about extremists and extremist ideology in general.

So he is critical of extremists, a category of people he clearly defines in part 2 – defining an extremist as “a person who tends toward harshness, or who is harsh, or who supports/incites harshness, in pursuit of some objective, usually of a political or a religious nature; where harsh is understood as rough, severe, a tendency to be unfeeling, unempathic.”

So what’s wrong with being critical of such people, defined as they are by their observed behavior and by their espoused beliefs?

Occupant says:

“Did you read parts 2 & 3 of Myatt’s article?”

Where are parts 2 and 3?

His ‘Notes on The Politics and Ideology of Hate, Part Two’ is better than ‘Part One’ because it is more concrete, but it still wallows in progressive psycho-babble, viz. you don’t need compassion to know that suicide bombing is not OK (even an autist knows that.)

“So he is critical of extremists, a category of people he clearly defines in part 2 – defining an extremist as “a person who tends toward harshness, or who is harsh, or who supports/incites harshness, in pursuit of some objective, usually of a political or a religious nature; where harsh is understood as rough, severe, a tendency to be unfeeling, unempathic.” “

By that definition, Steve Jobs was an extremist (and so was Thomas Edison, for that matter) — both of whom were “leaders” (a suspect category by Myatt’s lights.)

“So what’s wrong with being critical of such people, defined as they are by their observed behavior and by their espoused beliefs?”

Myatt’s analysis ignores the upsides of “extremism” (i.e., harshness.) Tough love is also love.

And his ideology of “non-judgmental individualism” is a non-starter. Among our ancestors, there were three kinds of people: friends, enemies, and strangers — and you would due well to assume that strangers are dangerous until proven otherwise.

I’ll let Jared Diamond describe what the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation was like for millennia:

“All those restrictions on free movement cause members of small-scale societies to divide people into three categories: friends, enemies, and strangers. “Friends” are the members of your own band or village, and of those neighboring bands and villages with which your band happens to be on peaceful terms at the moment. “Enemies” are members of neighboring bands and villages with which your band happens to be on hostile terms at the moment. Nevertheless, you probably know at least the names and relationships, and possibly the appearances, of many or most individuals in those hostile bands, because you’ll have heard of them or actually met them in the course of negotiations for compensation, periods of peace resulting from shifting alliances, and exchanges of brides (or occasionally grooms) during those truces. An example is those two river men who had married into the village of my mountain friends”

“The remaining category is “strangers”: unknown individuals belonging to distant bands with which your band has little or no contact. Rarely or never do members of small-scale societies encounter strangers, because it’s suicidal to travel into an unfamiliar area to whose inhabitants you are unknown and completely unrelated. If you do happen to encounter a stranger in your territory, you have to presume that the person is dangerous, because (given the dangers of traveling to unfamiliar areas) the stranger is really likely to be scouting in order to raid or kill your group, or else trespassing in order to hunt or steal resources or kidnap a marriageable woman.”

What Myatt is asking us to do is deeply unnatural.

Richard Thorn says:

1. Parts 2 & 3 are here –

2. You wrote: “What Myatt is asking us to do is deeply unnatural.” Which of course necessitates that you define what you mean by “unnatural”. Which of course raises certain metaphysical and ethical questions….

3. Don’t forget that Myatt has been accused of playing “a sinister game” – and which “game” a certain philosopher associated with NRx described as an “arcane cultural game”.

4. Also, as someone recently wrote, the esoteric group rumored to be connected to and founded by Myatt (in 1972) has, and I quote, “exoterically much in common with NRx, and thus – of course – with the raison d’etre of fascism and National Socialism, as well as being, esoterically, an arcane cultural game that is part of – and a positive contribution to – what has been termed Western culture, rooted as that culture is in Greece and Rome.”

So, in respect of David Myatt, some things may not be as they outwardly appear to be.

Strelok says:

“Women always identify with the conqueror against their own people.”

Is this always the case though?
Did it happen in Nazi occupied France for one?

Occupant says:

“Women always identify with the conqueror against their own people.”

“Did it happen in Nazi occupied France for one?”


After the Occupation, female collaborationists had their heads shaved.;_ylt=A0LEV1o_8FRVQ1IA0ZRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMDgyYjJiBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?p=Female+Collaborationists&fr=yfp-t-901

Strelok says:

I take it German soldiers were perceived as superior status than French men too.

Occupant says:

Until they had their asses handed to them by the Allies.

Ursus Maritimus says:

“Did it happen in Nazi occupied France for one?”

Among those women who were uncontrolled by parents or family, a very small group then and there, yes.

Want to guess what the result would be today in the US? “Follow your heart!” “If dinosaurs are extinct, why are my parents still around?” etc etc

[…] one easy way to do it is to teach in the schools that the ethnic group you want to get rid of is really evil and a source of all the bad things in history. Anyone who has been through the […]

Picke says:

Did you really just write those thousands and thousands of words about white genocide and not use the term white genocide once? No wonder the neo-reactionary world is still a fragmented circle jerk. GTF on message if you want to change things. Diversity is a code word for white genocide. Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white. This is psychological warfare, not a decline of western civilization reenactment. lolzzzzzz

jim says:

They would be horrified to stuff us into death camps and cremate us. Well, they would not be horrified to stuff us into death camps and cremate us, but would be horrified by having to think about stuffing us into death camps and cremating us.

OldStudent says:

What’s Frances last name?
I want it on my lips
When the Violence is Golden
Crowd comes for me.
I am possessed by her.
Where is the Grand Inquisitor?
Did he hate her, or what?

peppermint says:

I just… I can’t leave. Every time I try, someone tells me something that I can’t reply to, I can only say ‘yes, Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an intelligent Black scientist’ or ‘I only like Bill Maher when he’s not being obnoxious’.

But this post, this isn’t the way we’re going. There will be no lynchings. There will be no nuking of Cambridge, MA; have you met the people in Cambridge, MA? I mean, if you meet the families you’re talking about wiping out… you should at least meet them first? It’s not that simple.

The Reaction is the hipsters realizing that their parents’ attitudes don’t cut it anymore.

The preferred to Black misbehavior is cameras, not lynchings. What happens when every Black who loots is de-anonymized to the courts? We’ll know soon enough.

There will be an altering of social norms to match the environment. And Whites will have a special place in this process since Whites are the most adaptable.

And part of this new environment is the fact that endless amounts of porn can be carried around on a pinkie nail sized chip that can be inserted into any standard phone; one response to which is the new BDSM stuff young women are into these days, and, following the women, everyone talk about, because for some reason the men still need to think with their glans. The Jim solution is to ban interracial sex; it wouldn’t need to be banned if people knew the truth about race. Which is currently leaking out of the Reactosphere faster than Jim could raise an army to smash the state and restore power to the local soviets.

Old Student says:

Why did she kill herself?
She was Aryan Perfection,
From what I see.
What made Her suicidal
And unworthy of a last name?
Fear is a Mindkiller.
I’m not afraid, just asking simple
You are the Master, I’m just an old student.

Mister Grumpus says:

Great to have you back, Jim.

cazalla says:

The White Australia I grew up with throughout the 80s and 90s is gone and it’s naive to suggest my country is the “last white haven.”

White Australian women AKA progressive career women typically have one child and do so in their 30s. Meanwhile, Asians (predominantly Chinese) and Indians flood our shores and take the entry level jobs as careers, gaining citizenship years later to continue working jobs which were once upon a time the type of job teenagers like my then self took as part time work while still at school, ensuring I had experience before really entering the workforce. This is pushing White Australian kids into higher education where they’re loaded up on debt and study progressive subjects for jobs which don’t exist, ensuring they can’t afford to get married, buy a home and start a family. Of course, many of these White Australian kids were never suited to higher education to begin with but now also lack any work experience because they pissed years on gender studies.

The majority vote which puts a government into power at this time belongs to White Australian’s over the age of 45, but this will soon change. It’s already evident that politicans do not give a fuck about people my age (30s) as we do not get married, do not have large families and if we do have kids, have one at best. Meanwhile, truckloads of non-Whites are sucking the country dry by having large families at the tax payers expense.

Dr. Faust says:

The majority of the first world have aging populations so it’s questionable if the over 45 majority will ever disappear. People’s opinions tend to change as they age and they become more conservative and less involved with change. Which is bad since being a conservative only seeks to preserve that which is blasphemy and wretched. It is no virtue to maintain a sick society.

Dave says:

It’s about preserving my Social Security checks dagnammit, now geet off my lawn and go get a job to pay for those checks!

At today’s fertility levels, the young know they’ll always be outvoted by the old. They can either rise up and smash the gerontocracy, or adopt an herbivore lifestyle that generates little taxable value.

jim says:

No. Old whites outvote young whites, but women and minorities outvote white males. So what we get is not primarily transfers to grandma, but primarily transfers from white males to women and minorities.

Dave says:

Either way, the writing is on the wall: Tax rates will be voted up, way up, especially on the “rich”. If you can’t expatriate to an undemocratic, low-tax country, getting rich probably isn’t worth the effort.

I support diversity in the workplace. White men need to “lean out” so more women and minorities can get corporate jobs and pay the taxes they voted for.

OldStudent says:

Where are her diaries and her
Letters and emails to friends,
Her achievements and thoughts?
Her memoirs?
Where is her diary?
Why wasn’t she able to cultivate
Where’s her blog?
She deserves all of that.
Her pain cries out for Redemption.
She died tortured with doubt and despair.
Just how you like it.

OldStudent says:

My theory is that she
Hated being tortured by
Real and actual demons
Who didn’t love her at all.
All the Mindweapons
Couldn’t be bothered
To keep her alive.
He probably moved on to greener
pastures the next day.
TS Elliot’s wife was locked up for life.
Frances knew that,
She chose death instead.

Contaminated NEET says:

Jim’s cleverest commenter chose
To use poetry rather than prose.
Does he write nonsense
Or is the reader too dense,
To see the Emperor’s beautiful clothes?

OldStudent says:

The DSM5 was written by you
What mental illness drove
Frances to be a Self Annihilator?
Surely you have a diagnosis
Ask the Last Psychiatrist.
She wasn’t a psychopath or a sociopath.
So which disorder did she suffer from?

Oldstudent says:

Eradicate me today.
Je Suis Frances

OldStudent says:

It is unbearable to be Frances.
Mentally ill.
I wonder if she had electric shock treatments,
Took medication, had a genetic predisposition
To depression.
Hate, Cruelty and
Destroyed Her.
Pure and Simple.
Cast into which Circle of Hell?

OldStudent says:

There is something haunting
About Frances’s smile
I wonder exactly when that photo
Was taken.
How much time
Elapsed before
She killed Herself.
My Heart is with Her.

OldStudent says:

She wasn’t Manly.
Doesn’t look too militant, either

OldStudent says:

My loving husband will plant a new Rosemary
In our Garden today. Along with a Bleeeeding Heart
To Frances.
In Memoriam.

Richard Thorn says:

So, “Old Student” – what have your numerous replies re Myatt and Frances to do with the topic of white male America?

OldStudent says:

Who exactly treated Frances with Cruel Indifference?
She’s a footnote in History, one photo on the Internet.
Jim said that David is certainly lying about his anti-extremism.
The Cruel Indifference of His Extremism broke her.
She was utterly submitted to his Authority.
Look where it got Her.

Richard Thorn says:

As for Myatt lying about rejecting extremism, see my reply to Jim.

Your apparent obsession with Frances raises the question of just what of Myatt’s post 2009 writings you have read. His book “Understanding and Rejecting Extremism” perhaps? Or his “Religion, Empathy, and Pathei-Mathos: Essays and Letters Regarding Spirituality, Humility, and A Learning From Grief” perhaps?

OldStudent says:

Frances died from Cruel Indifference.
A Suicide.
White Male America could not give a crap about her.

Contaminated NEET says:

The beautiful soul Frances Myatt,
Dead from neckbeards who couldn’t keep quiet.
Would she still grace this earth,
Had Jim shut up about worth,
And not kvetched when subhumans ran riot?

OldStudent says:

He doesn’t know I am in her Possession
I’ve kept Her a secret.
She looks like she was a Nice Person.
I wonder what her last thoughts were,
When She died for lack of Love

OldStudent says:

She doesn’t want me Dead.
But Someone does.

OldStudent says:

She wants me to thrive and live.

OldStudent says:

My Identity is Merged with
Knowing why She Suicided?
Why could she not Shapeshift
And be Reborn each Morn with
Strength and Joy?
Instead, she Died in Despair.
Awaiting a Diagnosis
Crickets from the Last Psychiatrist.

OldStudent says:

I believe the Pope recently
Told a little girl
There is no answer.
Maybe he is right.

OldStudent says:

I think Frances was afraid
And lost
And felt unloved.
Unlike her, I am Loved
By a good Man.
She wasn’t Strong Enough
To be A Terrorist.
A freedom Fighter.
She lost the will to Live.
Anyone care to explain?

OldStudent says:

I’m certain that she should
Be made a Saint.
Protectress of the Mundane
Confused Little People.
Killed by Violence and Extremism.
St. Frances.
I’m sure that won’t be happening
Anytime soon.
She’s burning in Hell
With the Suicides.
According to Brad Griffin.
And St. Ann Barnhardt.

[…] just can’t stop. The egalitarian end game. Neoreactionary achievements (0, 1, 2, 3 … 10). Insanity and […]

[…] just can’t stop. The egalitarian end game. Neoreactionary achievements (0, 1, 2, 3 … 10). Insanity and nihilism. […]

Glenfilthie says:

Great article!

Welcome back Jimbo!!!

Just sayin' says:

Whites aren’t a market dominant minority. Most whites are in relatively precarious economic positions. They work, but they can easily lose that job and would almost immediately struggle if they did. Some whites are economically well off, but they tend to work against the interests of other whites.

Whites won’t be genocided through hot lead and cold steel. Whites may be economically marginal, but they’re heavily armed, skilled (and often trained) at organized violence, connected to the security services and they occupy huge swathes of key arable land, infrastructure and resources.

Urban SWPL / neoreactionary whites might be a market dominant minority in danger of ethnic cleansing, but nobody can say that they didn’t have it coming.

Actual whites would be a far tougher nut to crack. Which is why the plan is not to use violence against them, but to economically dispossess them and gradually replace them with brown people through mass immigration and miscegenation.

Neoreactionaries ought to think more about what exactly they have to offer regular whites.

jim says:

Whites aren’t a market dominant minority. Most whites are in relatively precarious economic positions. They work, but they can easily lose that job and would almost immediately struggle if they did. Some whites are economically well off, but they tend to work against the interests of other whites.

There are plenty of poor Jews, does not stop them from being a market dominant minority.

Just sayin' says:

Let’s check the numbers

According to the U.S Census Bureau “The per capita income for the overall population in 2008 was $26,964; for non-Hispanic Whites, it was $31,313; for Blacks, it was $18,406; for Asians, it was $30,292; and for Hispanics(median of all races within group), it was $15,674”.

Jewish Americans also tend to have a higher average income than most Americans. The 2000–2001 National Jewish Population Survey shows that the median income of a Jewish family is $54,000 a year and 34% of Jewish households report income over $75,000 a year.[192]

No comparison.

Whites are an industrious race but it is idiotic to call a bunch of easily replaced people doing wage labor a market dominant minority. Especially when they’re … the majority.

Urban SWPL / neoreactionary whites are very confused about what actual whites are like.

jim says:

Whites are an industrious race but it is idiotic to call a bunch of easily replaced people doing wage labor a market dominant minority. Especially when they’re … the majority.

Whites won’t be the majority for much longer, and single white women, who tend to live on welfare and affirmative action, are voting with minorities.

Whites minus single white women are already a minority.

B says:

Single white women who tend to live on welfare and affirmative action tend not to have many children (at least, not ones that resemble their grandparents and go on to have children who resemble THEIR greatgrandparents.) And single white women are certainly not a market dominant minority.

I suspect that the American whites of 2050 will be disproportionately descended from today’s Mormons and such, and that they will be a market dominant minority but living in enclaves that are highly resistant to diversifuxation. Which is actually a pretty good position. Market dominant minorities tend to be more resilient to attempts at ethnic cleansing by proxy-see the Koreans during the LA riots. A little cohesion goes a long way.

Mitch Warton says:

Fantastic post. Time to very quietly start researching bacteria and viruses.

OldStudent says:

START researching virus and diseases?!
Now that is actually comedy.
In the Northeast alone there are Plum Island
And Fort Deitrich.
There are many among you that are
Expert in chemical and biological warfare.
Cold indifference when your own family members
Are the victims, I presume.
Like Frances.

OldStudent says:

So david in Disingeneous?

OldStudent says:

Is Disingeneous?
Je Suis Frances

OldStudent says:

Je Suis Frances
The Embodiment of Evil.

[…] Ethnic cleansing in the US. Related: Ethnic cleansing in American cities. Related: Gentrification methods in New York. Related: On self-hating gentrifiers. […]

[…] Jim is back after his brief hiatus, and fit as a fiddle as expected. First words out of his mouth: “The point of the dark enlightenment is to understand the world, not to change it”. Also he paints a not so pretty picture of “After White Male America”. […]

[…] Here’s a little earworm thoughtcrime, courtesy of Jim: […]

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