
Current events

all kneel and present your assholes

As predicted, moving left faster and faster. All my life, we have been moving left, and the rate of movement left has been accelerating.

Harvard University was founded in 1637 by radical leftists plotting to conquer the world, though it was at the time a very minor part of the left wing conspiracy. The main action took place in England. When Cromwell halted the left singularity in England in 1648, Harvard became the primary center of the conspiracy.

And they have been getting crazier and more powerful ever since.

The latest developments:

1. Baltimore, Ferguson, and the supreme court case on disparate impact in housing amount to a resumption of the 1950s Warren Court program of ethnically cleansing whites out of what they have built. Difference is that due to the mass importation of illegal immigrants to live on crime, welfare, affirmative action jobs and government jobs, they now have the votes to sustain that policy all the way to its logical conclusion. Baltimore was our Kristallnacht.

2. Finishing off marriage, not that there was enough left to be worth preserving.

3. Obamacare case sets the important precedent that the bureaucracy can budget and legislate, rendering the house of representatives and the senate obsolete ritual survivals, like Buckingham palace.

4. Lowering the Confederate battleflag, and raising the butthole sex flag.  Not only is what is left of marriage to be destroyed, but all must enthusiastically applaud its destruction, and you don’t want to be the first one to stop applauding.  So that I am not going to be first to stop applauding, will be leaving this flag on my blog permanently.

124 comments Current events

Seamus says:

Cromwell stopped a leftwing singularity?

I would have thought killing your monarch was pretty leftwing.

What is this leftwing singularity I keep hear about recently anyway? – is it the achievement of all their goals? – the ultimate freedom of the individual to do whatever he wants with xir being judged from his peers and society?

I think the only major thing they have left to do is legalise pedastry, That will take time. I suppose they will get some scientists to claim that children are developed enough to consent to sex with adults and get a court to enforce this understanding.

Cromwell killed the king, and made himself king. So the revolution ended there. Revolutionaries are revolutionary until they get power, then they are very conservative. As Moldbug says, power is conserved, only it’s conserved someplace else.

More generally on the topic- God is not mocked. Or, if you will, the God of nature, or nature, is not mocked. We will now have a fag military, which will be less and less effective, even to the extent the defense industry is not permeated with Chinese spies, ethnically Chinese and not.

jim says:

The left wing singularity is infinite leftism in finite time. Everyone tortures each other to death for being insufficiently left wing, and the last torturer commits suicide for his failure to inflict infinite torments.

Jack says:

They’re not going to ever legalize pedophilia, and if they’ll allow bestiality and polygamy, they won’t be really enthusiastic about it. The only reason they promote the sanctity of perversity is to stick it to straight (white) males by redefining the institution that binds man and woman together. Once this is achieved, male homosexual and transsexual ‘allies’ are thrown under the bus. If you think otherwise, you’re misreading your enemy. The next big sexual “issue” won’t be about having more sexual liberty (poly, zoo, pedo, etc.), but about having less of it. I expect it’ll be some rape-hysteria that seeks to obliterate the presumption of innocence altogether. “Sex crimes” will be expanded and augmented until de facto, if not de jure, all heterosexual contact falls under the category of ‘rape’. Gays could ‘marry’ all they want, but if an allegation of sexcrime is brought against you, consider yourself vaporized. Also, the feminization of culture, or of male culture, will be made mandatory. You think radical Feminism is behind you? Wait for Hillary. I just wonder if they’ll be satisfied with chemical castrations, or opt for the real deal. I guess we’ll see.

Erebus says:

This sounds compelling to me. Things in Sweden have been playing out in just that manner — from the broadening of the definition of “rape” to the wholesale feminization of culture. (Overt masculinity is so loathed by Swedish policy makers that gyms are raided by police officers… and people are even arrested on the street for having large muscles. This despite the fact that steroids are not especially addictive and, by and large, not harmful at all.)

Cloudswrest says:

Sweden is a curious place.


180 hours of community service for violent forced rape of a 12 year old girl:

(Although I suspect Julian Assange would not get the same treatment for his fake rape accorded to a Somali immigrant’s real rape.)


Man arrested for being too buff. Gets 2+ years for steroid use:

(1) Rape is nonconsensual sex + power. Consent is socially and personally constructed and can only be determined by asking the woman, just like an individual’s religion, race, and sex are socially and personally constructed and can only be determined by asking. A written contract in which a woman says that she consents is evidence of coercion.

This is empowering towards women, and any man who opposes it is just bitter that he doesn’t have what it takes to keep a woman happy.

(2) The exception is intersectional: if a White woman accuses subhuman garbage of rape, the garbage is assumed to be innocent, since it lacks agency.

(3) Jews are not considered White for the purpose of raping White women. The only masculinity that young White men can look up to is Jews and Islam.

(4) Robots replace increasingly many White men doing menial jobs (subhuman garbage is mostly on welfare) while importation of welfare slaves increases as quickly as possible.

(5) The Dire Problem is considered, by Moldbug and his fellow mischlings and Jews. White men are required by law to enter mancaves and play WoW all day if they haven’t done so already, especially those White men who break the law by looking at a woman with rape eyes or say the word nigger.

Samseau (@Sam_seau) says:

Pedophilla already has been legalized. Gays can:

– Adopt
– Teach
– Work at foster homes
– Work any any profession with children

As long as gays have access to children, children will be raped and molested.

I thought ISIS’ response was rather funny, and Vox pointed it out.

“#LoveWins? No, my friends… #GravityWins”

R7_Rocket says:

Yeah, I saw ISIS’s #LoveWins tweet. They showed homos getting executed by being thrown off a building. I wonder how many SJW jimmies got rustled by that tweet. Ha ha

jim says:

Hey I want to see the tweet – and I want to see gravity winning

Peter Blood says:

One could also use the part of “Braveheart” where the king throws his queer son’s anal prober out the window.

Jack says:

Consider that within not many years, the Supreme Court will have an unbeatable majority of Sotomayor/Kagan/Ginsberg types. (This is because the non-white Third Worlders swamping us vote socialist.) Once they have a solid five-vote majority – let alone six, seven, or more votes – there will be nothing to stop them from fundamentally transforming us into whatever they choose.

So, how about a list of predictions of the things the left will do once they have unopposable political power? Here are some of my guesses.

Shorter term:
* Outlaw gun ownership, in several phases (first assault rifles, then handguns, then all guns)
* “Hate” speech laws that outlaw any expression of white identity or anger about the direction things are going; high-profile examples made of some white men, with long prison terms for expressing “hate”; the reactionary blogosphere largely disappears from view because no average white person wants to risk prison for reading such things
* Fully socialist health care
* Increasingly wide open border, with the goal more and more openly expressed as the destruction of any significantly white communities in the country. The borders will only be closed when there are so many vibrants that their numbers intimidate the small remaining white population out of any consideration of rebellion, a la South Africa
* De facto freedom for vibrants to get away with murder, rape, etc (in South Africa now only 2% of murders are solved)
* Skyrocketing taxes, increasingly targeted at white men specifically, justified as “reparations”
* The focus of law enforcement at all levels becomes increasingly targeted solely at whites, especially men, as a “terrorism threat” – making examples
* Unrestricted government spying on citizens, with the goal of making sure whites can’t organize – finishing the abandonment of right against searches and seizures, free speech, etc
* Gangs of thugs, loosely associated with the leftist government, targeting whites for robbery, rape, and murder –

Longer term:
* Make it culturally shameful for straight men to refuse to engage in homosexuality when approached by gays, as white women are currently shamed if they don’t want to date blacks
* Illegal for whites, especially men, to leave the country, to prevent the important human capital from fleeing (socialist states seem to end up building walls to keep people in)
* Outright genocide of whites. Illegal for whites to marry other whites, in order to miscegenate the white race out of existence.

Dr. Faust says:

When they lit the White House up with the colors of the gay flag something in me snapped and I had to fight the urge to suicide. Not really having any God or belief in the supernatural I lost hope at that moment when the very real, very visual expression of who rules things came into perspective. The hope I had for america died then and my fervor to watch this country be destroyed became ecstatic. There is no union anymore. Millions of people saw them light the white house up. Those millions of Christians can’t deny it anymore. They took every symbol of Americanism which once represented liberty and freedom and profaned it, turned it to their own ends.

What I expect though is that Christians are cowards, hold no true beliefs, and will not make much fuss about this. Instead, they’ll line up to shovel down cheeseburgers and welcome it all into their homes.

christfags are cuckfags. They enjoy the dildo, telling themselves that it secures their place in heaven.

jay says:

”What I expect though is that Christians are cowards, hold no true beliefs, and will not make much fuss about this. Instead, they’ll line up to shovel down cheeseburgers and welcome it all into their homes.”

Didn’t Christ talk about those who call him Lord, Lord? Whence he shall say: ” away with you evildoers. I never knew you.”

quit inventing scriptures.

(1) turn the other cheek
(2) blessed are the peacemakers
(3) the meek shall inherit the Earth

does that sound like someone who would say such things? Monty Python did a much better job of making up scriptures in their Quest for the Holy Grail movie.

Oh, and before you quote Leviticus, Christ’s purpose was to replace the old law with a new law, based on the Golden Rule. Most Christians sadly don’t know that, because education is a joke in the US.

You over-simplify things to the extreme. Christ endorsed EVERY OT law, however he fulfilled the Ceremonial Law via his sacrifice (Kosher, Circumcision, etc) and the Civil Laws were rendered defunct when Ancient Israel was destroyed by the Romans.

The Moral Law remains, but Christians can apply it in a civil code as they like. Muslims cannot, and have to obey the specifics of the Sharia. A Christian government doesn’t have to execute people for sodomy. It could fine them, for example, or jail them. I’d recommend you actually look at how Christian governments operated before the ‘Enlightenment’, which was spearheaded by Atheists/Protestants and exacerbated by Jews.

jim says:

I seem to recollect death penalty for homosexuality in England until fairly recently, 1861. Of course it was hardly ever applied, but it kept gays out of sight.

correct. The abolition of the Civil Law did not necessitate the abolition of its penalties as a guideline, it simply meant they were no longer Sharia-esque in their absolutism. Many countries had the death penalty for such crimes.

Samseau (@Sam_seau) says:

Biblical illiteracy:

– Turn the other cheek refers to defending yourself against slights. All Christians have an obligation to fight evil and defend the innocent.

– Blessed are the peacemakers – letting people fight and destroy themselves with debt and debauchery is anything but peacemaking.

– Meet shall inherit the earth does mean a Christian should deliberately make himself weak. See parable of the talents. What meet inheriting the earth refers to those who struggle for righteousness yet are in a position of weakness. They will be the ones who inherit the earth in the long run.

The Bible is actually a call to arms – “I come to bring the sword, not peace” – against Evil and to follow the path of God through his son Christ. Modern pussy interpretations of the Bible are so incorrect, it’s got nothing to do with anything Christ ever taught.

“The effeminate shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven” = most pussies who refuse to defend their faith or their neighbor aren’t going to Heaven.

Hidden Author says:

Yet when Christ and His Apostles were faced with lethal persecution, they did not fight back. At most, they ran away!

Officially nominating Samseau to position of High Cleric Overseer in the Reactionary State.

All opposed? *crickets*

Corvinus says:

“Officially nominating Samseau to position of High Cleric Overseer in the Reactionary State. All opposed? *crickets*

This guy? A leader in your make-believe reactionary state? You’re kidding, right?

What exactly do you want Christians to do? Christians Reactionaries are as currently powerless as you are in the United States. Where we have power, we use it, as we do in Eastern Ukraine where I recently watched a video of a separatist leader declaring he would arrest any women found in bars or clubs, because they belonged at home as mothers and wives.

True Christians realize that America’s ‘liberty and freedom’ shtick is anti-Christian anyway, since it goes against what has been practiced for almost 2000 years by Christian governments.

Part of the reason why Christian Reactionaries are not drawn to suicide, is that we see the signs of God’s impending judgment (see: Muslims in Europe cutting off heads and shooting tourists which is akin to the Babylonians and Israel). And when turmoil strikes, we will act as an inquisition against all the Libera ‘victim’ groups. You could say similar things about whites. Why don’t whites collectively do something about a negroid president? Because they are powerless.

Just sayin' says:

“What exactly do you want Christians to do?”

Sunnis wouldn’t be asking this question.

Right, so I am assuming you mean you want Christians to conduct attacks against the West as Sunnis do?

1) Very few Sunnis in the West actually do this. They give tacit support for such actions, but the number of actual attackers in the USA is very low.

2) When Christian attacks do occur, and there is a good moral grounding for them, I support them. i.e – the various actions of Army of God

3) There is such a thing as being tactical. Holding one’s tongue can actually help your cause because it exacerbates frustration from Christians who see attacks on the Faith and say “why is nobody doing anything about this?”. Then, when the environment is at full ripeness for anti-Modern actions, many more will be inclined to say, “look, they had it coming. we were silent for so long.”

I don’t think any strain of Reaction wants to be AQ. We’d find better inspiration from the various European Interwar movements. Look at Spain, Romania, Serbia, etc. and see how organizations made their moves towards power when the time was just right. I believe that if those conditions repeat themselves (which at this point our enemies are all but guaranteeing) and we learn from these successes, so long as nobody starts another stupid World War, we could finish Liberalism for good.

Just sayin' says:

I can’t give you tactical advice and I certainly wouldn’t advise doing anything illegal. I’m just saying, Sunnis in Iraq lost their country, had it handed over to their hated enemies, then got it back in within a couple years. The higher echelons of the new Sunni country are full of people who used to run… the old Sunni country.

Those are the kind of great deeds that religion can inspire.

On the other hand, many Christians seem to be comfortable with letting the world go to hell, while they suffer through it, try to hang onto small churches and convert a few people.

But giving the forces of Satan control of the mass media (and the entire world) means that millions (or billions) of people who might otherwise be saved will be indoctrinated with Satanic propaganda and probably fall into sin as a result.

But stopping the forces of Satan from dominating the world might involve doing or saying something that isn’t nice, so Christians just aren’t interested.

I think they will be, given time (not sure about Prots or Catholics, but at least we Orthodox are organizing in Russia). You have to remember right up until recently, Christians have kind of felt like they owned the place, especially in America. Only in the last few years really have they begun to experience what Iraqi Sunnis have under Shi’ite government.

I think race is also a factor. Arabs are naturally a very violent people (not as violent as blacks, but close). Occidentals are one of the least violent races, and so it takes a little more time and anguish to rouse us to anger typically.

Corvinus says:

“I think race is also a factor. Arabs are naturally a very violent people (not as violent as blacks, but close).”

Corrected for accuracy –> Human beings are naturally violent.

“Occidentals are one of the least violent races, and so it takes a little more time and anguish to rouse us to anger typically.”

Occidentals are NOT a race, but a group of people who are equally subject to their passions.

“You have to remember right up until recently, Christians have kind of felt like they owned the place, especially in America.”

Exactly the problem.

“we could finish Liberalism for good.”

Only fools think this be the case, much like those who believe Conservatism will eventually be eradicated.

Corvinus says:

“Officially nominating Samseau to position of High Cleric Overseer in the Reactionary State. All opposed? *crickets*

This guy? A leader in your make-believe reactionary state? Surely you jest.

R7_Rocket says:

Long Term, I see a collapse of Pax Americana as it runs out of real cash to pay the legions while technology has increased the destructive power of smaller states/organizations and individuals.

Short Term, I see more laws passed but more disobedience and failure to enforce. Bans on “hate speech” will be defeated by encryption (and the USG’s gross incompetence in all matters of IT) while arms control is rendered obsolete by further advances in 3d printers and CNC machines.

jim says:

Movement ever left, ever faster, has been going on for centuries. So, something pretty much like what you envisage – war on whiteness and on maleness, escalating to actual literal warfare.

jim says:

Dispossession of whites, after the fashion of Ferguson and Baltimore.

Increased treatment of maleness as pathological, a form of sickness and crime, as in the current educational system. All employers are required to medicalize maleness.

Criminalization of whiteness.

Criminalization of maleness, as is already applied in the Violence Against Women Act.

When you say that Harvard was founded to be the center of a conspiracy, you make it sound like leftism is a conspiracy, instead of an emergent phenomenon of social signaling where there is an abundance of physical and social capital, exacerbated by the parasitic Jew.

Ron says:

I like it better when you refer to us as The Jew. As in “naming The Jew”. It’s more dramatic that way. It gives me a “no one expects the Spanish inquisition!” feel. Makes me feel like I’m some kind of super villain in some steampunk movie set in the 1800’s

Or you could write “the Parasitism of The Jew”. That’s also fun because it makes the Parasitism into a living thing instead of just a verb. See, if you write “the parasitism of the Jew” then I’m just some random parasitical Jew, but once I become The Jew then I’m big time, and if you refereed to my parasitism as Parasitism, then it’s like a super weapon. A sentient super power if you will.

I’m no longer some random fat idiot living in Israel, instead I am The Jew, a mustached bad ass with super Parasite powers that has to be taken down by a crack team of super assassins compared of a gay Neo Nazi scuba diver, a Protestant Bishop turned crime fighter, a black Kung fu master who fights against the Man and some cute nerd chick with freckles.

Ron says:

“Compared” — meant “composed”

Spell check error.

jim says:

If one supposes that progressivism is a Jewish plot, obviously “the Jews” have super powers of mind control. If, however, one notices that Jews who convert to progressivism are well on the way to assimilating and will disappear in a few generations, and concludes that Jewish progressives are conversos, converting to the heretical spawn of Christianity, then it looks more like progressivism has quite ordinary powers of mind control exercised through the education system.

Some people suspect that this conversion is frequently fake, citing as evidence that “the Jews” are somehow less keen on unlimited immigration to Israel than unlimited immigration to the US and Europe. But, fake or not, still conversos. Seems to me that those who complain of Israel getting unprincipled exceptions are one step away from having an inquisition to make sure that progressive Jews are sincerely converted. If Jews are sometimes insincerely infiltrating progressivism rather than always being sincere conversos, this does not worry me as much as it worries some.

Alan J. Perrick says:

The summer is not over yet. Wonder what’s next?


You forgot to include Pope Francis’s global warming encyclical. The eco-socialist subversion of Catholicism is nearly complete.

Steve Johnson says:

Yeah, those things tend to happen when you have communist entryist as a pope.

Dr. Faust says:

I just want somewhere away from these fucking faggots. Leave me alone. Not one stone left unturned.

Dr. Faust says:

I hate conservatives. What are they thinking? Let’s conserve a pile of unholy shit!

I have a post upcoming on how its time to really murder Conservatism at this point. This is a great time to radicalize the right, when its moderate wing have proven totally useless.

Corvinus says:

“I have a post upcoming on how its time to really murder Conservatism at this point.”

And yet you have the gall to claim that your grandiose schemes are not social engineering, but reverse-engineering–putting into place a system that ultimately neuters the liberties of humans.

Steve Johnson says:

Ah yes, the vital liberty of conserving the revolution is never to be denied comrade!

My guess would be that conservatives were the ones who just wanted to be left alone in the first place when it happened to them. Be scarily reactionary enough to keep the leftists away from you, at least.

B says:

I’m amused by the tone of hurt betrayal and outrage on the right. It really is like watching a dog get poked in the face with a stick through the fence and then spazzing out and attacking the stick furiously.

Newsflash: the American govt/academia/media complex is not your friend. It is your owner. You gave your owner the power to license and regulate your basic need: coupling and reproduction. Why would you expect your owner to use these powers in your best interest and not his? That’s what a dumb owner would do, but if your owner was dumb, he wouldn’t be your owner-someone else would.

Your owner obviously finds it expedient to provoke you with gay marriage. This suggests that the predictable response-snarling, lunging, whining-is in his interest, not yours.

If you don’t like it, form your own, alternate institution of marriage and boycott that of your owner except where it’s to your benefit, or run away to another owner or go be a maroon. But quit whingeing-it’s fucking undignified, you pussies.

jim says:

The rabbis that recently reinvented Jewish law on homosexuality are not your masters, yet you kiss their asses anyway.

Better to bite at the bars.

B says:

This is your imagination speaking.

Keep charging that stick. It keeps traffic up and gives that little hormonal rush of outrage every time. Anyone suggesting a different strategy is just trying to steal that rush. Look, they banned the Rebel Flag! Aaahhh!!!

Hidden Author says:

But once America was great–how is it just for that to change just because the establishment has been hijacked by faggots!?!

spandrell says:

You gotta admit that the White House in rainbow colors was unexpected.

B says:

They’re pretty flagrantly fucking with the citizenry. You’ve gotta admit that as far as a boot stomping on a face forever goes, this is pretty mild. They haven’t even mandated government employees and academics must publicly blow a tranny to prove they’re not phobic. Yet.

Anyway, all this is serving its purpose. “NRx”, which used to be quite subversive when it was Moldbug, is now basically a further right version of, like MPC, muttering about faygits and YKW. A good steam valve, functioning properly.

Hidden Author says:

Just because a liberal majority might deserve this shit, it doesn’t mean that Americans that are actually decent should have to endure it! Your gloating, B, reveals an evil, malicious mindset…

B says:

Half of the “decent” ones will turn you into HR or collaborate with their investigation. The other half won’t put their career on the line for you-they made their choice 5 years ago when they signed up for that year mortgage. I would like nothing more than to see a successful American rebellion against the degeneracy that’s been running their country for quite some time, and would even consider going back and pitching in, but realistically, it’s not happening. The only rebellion scenarios I can realistically see are on the line of the Haitian Revolution, with the class equivalent of mulattoes, blacks and whites waging total war and destruction. Since American society is structured very similarly to that of pre-Revolution Haiti-though everyone is much softer and weaker-that’s about all that’s in store.

Eli says:


There is no better way to put it. But “half” is way too optimistic. The “decent” ones will only whine, but when time comes to reveal their “decency,” virtually everyone is going to look up for themselves.

That’s not white collar only. The “hardworking” policemen and firefighters will gladly arrest anyone if they think it makes them look good for publicity or if it helps them look good in front of young’ish pussy.

No rebellion will happen. And even if it does: it will not be good for anyone, much less for those “decent” people.

I say: keep watching those commercials and eat that pizza. Life can be far worse than that.

Hidden Author says:

To be fair, it’s easier to resist when you have tight-knit groups like clans, squads or small sects to back you up. I think even hard-core Kahanists would break down if they have no group to support them when they were weak or if their group actively betrayed them to the establishment. In fact, that would explain how a small but cohesive left-wing elite can dominate larger masses of right-wingers in Israel even though formally the State is a democratic republic. Israelis, especially settlers, are not morally superior to Americans…in fact, I could point out behaviors that signal moral inferiority to Americans…

jim says:

B seems to believe that by being super duper ultra careful on keeping cheese crumbs separate from meat grease, one magically cancels out the effect of sacrificing children to Moloch.

Hidden Author says:

Would B mind if you sodomized him with a piece of cheese? Would you mind if he sodomized you with his greasy meat?

B says:

No, man, all we Jews need to know G-d’s will-which is just a social construct-is to take the Bible-which is just a bunch of stuff made up by Bronze Age goat herders-and have a really smart and moral guy like Jim ctrl-f through a translation for an hour or two, to tell us which parts are still relevant and how to implement them.

Then we can do that every generation.

Hey, where’d that spiky-haired bull dyke on the pulpit come from?

B says:

>B seems to believe that by being super duper ultra careful on keeping cheese crumbs separate from meat grease, one magically cancels out the effect of sacrificing children to Moloch.

Yes, all the practical parts of our religion were invented 3000 years ago to prevent us from being corrupted by the Ancient Polynesians. Who aren’t around, so those parts no longer apply.

Of course, the Jews who thought like this in every past generation aren’t around either, and the ones who observed the Law scrupulously survived not only the Canaanites, but the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and so forth, who certainly didn’t have goat-milk-cooking rituals. Probably just a coincidence.

jim says:

Of course, the Jews who thought like this in every past generation aren’t around either, and the ones who observed the Law scrupulously survived not only the Canaanites, but the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and so forth, who certainly didn’t have goat-milk-cooking rituals. Probably just a coincidence.

What constitutes scrupulous observance of the law has been changing, and in recent times has been changing fast.

B says:

No, it hasn’t.

jim says:

Notice the heavy overrepresentation of homos in the newest members of the ruling elite. Blowing a tranny is not absolutely mandatory, but it clearly helps, thus is well on the way to becoming quietly mandatory for academia and government employment.

Notice also the practice of adopting a male child, and “discovering”, that he is really a she. (Such “discoveries” are markedly less common with one’s actual biological children) This resembles the Canaanite practice where the nobility was expected to sacrifice their children to Moloch, but frequently cheated by adoption.

I notice that such human sacrifices are occurring in Israel, and occurring among Jewish “Orthodox” Israelis.

Your official religion is progressivism, and Jewish Orthodoxy, rightly understood, is supposedly progressivism. What are YOU doing about it?

Mister Grumpus says:

> This resembles the Canaanite practice where the
> nobility was expected to sacrifice their children to
> Moloch, but frequently cheated by adoption.

Holy crap man.

k says:

Saying Orthodox Jews are against gay marriage is anti-semitic

jim says:

Come to think of it, has B unambiguously said that Orthodox Jews are against gay marriage, and anyone party to a gay marriage is no longer an Orthodox Jew?

B says:

>Blowing a tranny is not absolutely mandatory, but it clearly helps, thus is well on the way to becoming quietly mandatory for academia and government employment.

Let me know when it becomes mandatory. We can make a bet, if you want to risk two bottles of whiskey at once.

>I notice that such human sacrifices are occurring in Israel, and occurring among Jewish “Orthodox” Israelis.


>Your official religion is progressivism, and Jewish Orthodoxy, rightly understood, is supposedly progressivism.

My official religion is Judaism. Which is not progressivism. As you can tell from the absolute hatred with which the Cathedral has referred to us religious Zionist settlers over the past 40 years. What I’m doing about it is taking some land in Samaria, building on it, making kids and raising them with the proper values in a community of other people who are doing the same. Those kids will go on to enter the mainstay institutions of Israeli society, including the military (hopefully, the elite units,) the universities (hopefully, the elite majors) and the workplace, and demonstrate by their daily presence and comportment what a proper Jew should act and live like, while having kids of their own and continuing the conquest of the land. Which is the most subversive thing that we can do. It obviously doesn’t feel as good as barking about rainbow facebook flags, but will have a lot more effect in a century.

B says:

Are you retarded? Do I need to specifically say that every celebration of a behavior prohibited by the Torah is against the Torah, and that anyone who’s doing this is not acting as a Torah Jew?

jim says:

Under present circumstances, you most certainly do, because under present circumstances that is very much disputed and very much denied. And since there is no recognized organization or social group as “Torah Jews”, you have to relate that statement to actually existent cohesive Jewish social groups – that group X should not, must not, tolerate open behavior Y or have members that openly do and endorse behavior Y.

Or would that perhaps constitute biting the stick with which you are being beaten?

B says:

>Under present circumstances, you most certainly do, because under present circumstances that is very much disputed and very much denied.

I have not seen anyone of any stature claiming that gay marriage and Orthodox Judaism are compatible, any more than eating pork and Orthodox Judaism are compatible.

>And since there is no recognized organization or social group as “Torah Jews”

That’s untrue.

jim says:

At the same time, no one of any stature dares say too loudly that gay marriage, or anything else gay, is incompatible with Jewish Orthodoxy.

This inexorably leads to a transition that neoreactionaries call “Not getting the joke”, or “the instability of hypocrisy”

Step one “Religious” organizations (funded and sponsored by violently irreligious organizations) of gays, trannies, etc, encourage homosexuality among the religious, and openly recruit children to homosexual activities. Bat Kol says “Most our members did not realize they were lesbians until they joined us”. Girls join up with Bat Kol because it is a high status heavily promoted girlhood, then “discover” that they are lesbians, because girls love drama. Female sexuality, unlike male sexuality, is flexible. Pretty much all lesbians eventually realize that they have been cheating on their girlfriend with alarmingly numerous alpha males more than they are having sex with their girlfriend. Gays can plausibly claim that they cannot help being what they are. Lesbians can plausibly claim that they cannot help doing what they do – but one of the things they regularly do is have sex with men, whereas gays seldom have sex with girls.

This is in actual practice treated as very high status, because the outside world is granting them high status, and NO ONE IN AMONG THE RELIGIOUS DARES SAY OTHERWISE.

Step two. No one among the next generation remembers that they are supposedly low status. Homosexuality is optional. The kids have been raised seeing religious homosexuals presented as high status, and no one vehemently denying it.

Step three. Homosexuality is mandatory.

Right now today, older women cruising for hot young Orthodox chicks in Israel is a high status, heavily funded, heavily publicized activity, and you do not dare do or say anything to make it low status.

How about a few heavily publicized whippings to remind people of Torah law on Lesbianism?

You think you can politely ignore homosexuality while homosexuals proudly and openly make a big deal of it, but that is hypocrisy, and it is unstable. It is particularly unstable with lesbianism, which seems to be the leading edge of the drive to make Orthodoxy gay, since girls get the hots for the rebel who gets away with making a status claim without being hammered down.

A furtive status claim is pretty much a contradiction in terms. If gays are loudly claiming status, furtively denying them status is not going to work for very long.

B says:

>At the same time, no one of any stature dares say too loudly that gay marriage, or anything else gay, is incompatible with Jewish Orthodoxy.

Now you’re just moving the goalposts. Everybody of any stature in the Torah world knows and says, when asked, that homosexuality is against the Torah.

>Bat Kol says “Most our members did not realize they were lesbians until they joined us”.


I have never in my life heard of this organization. Either I live under a rock, or you’re googling up obscure freak NGOs with three members and proclaiming them mainstream.

>How about a few heavily publicized whippings to remind people of Torah law on Lesbianism?

There are no whippings until there is a sanhedrin.

jim says:

>At the same time, no one of any stature dares say too loudly that gay marriage, or anything else gay, is incompatible with Jewish Orthodoxy.

Now you’re just moving the goalposts.

No, I am describing progressive strategy for remaking all other religions into their own image.

There are no whippings until there is a sanhedrin.

Fathers cannot do corporal punishment any more? Jewish law is changing faster than I realized.

B says:

>No, I am describing progressive strategy for remaking all other religions into their own image.

Well, it’s not an apt description for what is going on in our community.

Even the relatively liberal Modern Orthodox rabbis whose statement you’ve been parading around with explicitly said that the only sexual behavior permissible according to the Torah is heterosexual and within marriage.

>Fathers cannot do corporal punishment any more? Jewish law is changing faster than I realized.

You don’t have to pretend so hard to impersonate an imbecile. It comes naturally.

A father can discipline his minor child.

A random person can’t take it upon himself to whip another person for perceived or actual violations of Torah law.

A rabbinical court can assign lashes in a place which is governed by Torah law. But Israel is not currently such a place. It is gradually moving in that direction. Having random assholes take it upon themselves to usurp the function of rabbinical courts and attack people on the street is not a way to make it move in that direction faster. Neither is randomly deciding that certain sins condemned by the Torah are worse than others of the same category, because they are more disgusting. Homosexuality is not worse than Shabbat violation, for instance, or cheating in business.

B says:

>>At the same time, no one of any stature dares say too loudly that gay marriage, or anything else gay, is incompatible with Jewish Orthodoxy.

Come on, enlighten me some more about the Orthodox Jews and what they’re like. Maybe find another group of 20 lesbians who claim to be be Orthodox and two of whom actually keep Shabbat.

jim says:
“At the same time, we note that Judaism teaches respect for others and we condemn discrimination against individuals.”

Funny, I thought Judaism teaches forcefully discriminating against them. Hard to keep up with the latest changes in Jewish law. You point to a document that shows the glass is still half full – but not very long ago it used to be actually full. I confess that document shows more balls than I expected – but less balls than you possessed a few short years ago.

Maybe find another group of 20 lesbians who claim to be be Orthodox and two of whom actually keep Shabbat.

One group of lesbians, loudly claiming to be orthodox and actively recruiting young orthodox women, is amply sufficient if no one dares deny their supposed orthodox credentials or put a stop to their recruiting activities.

Mackus says:

“Having random assholes take it upon themselves to usurp the function of rabbinical courts and attack people on the street is not a way to make it move in that direction faster.”

Then why won’t rabbinical courts actually do their job and suppress public homosexuality, as Torah commands them to?

B says:

>Then why won’t rabbinical courts actually do their job and suppress public homosexuality, as Torah commands them to?

The Torah commands them to do this in a context where those courts are the law of the land. In other words, where the nation lives according to what those courts say. In this reality, every small community has a court of three, every larger community has a court of twenty three, and a high court of seventy one presides over all. There are officers who enforce the court’s rulings, and a king who is in charge of the executive branch, or at least tribal councils.

But in the current reality, the law of the land is a mutant hybrid of Ottoman and British civil law and a sort of knock-off of the American system. There is no king, there are no tribal councils, the rabbinical court system exists in parallel with the secular one, as a sort of castrated junior partner, ruling only on civil cases and divorces, and the executive branch is secular.

Until the people are ready to live under Torah law, this is what we have. It is obviously suboptimal and we are working to change it.

B says:

>Funny, I thought Judaism teaches forcefully discriminating against them.

As I pointed out repeatedly, the situation where you forcefully discriminate against them is one where you have a system of Torah courts which have an executive branch enforcing their decisions. This is not the system which we currently have.

The fact that these guys use the Cathedral’s own rhetoric against it (“hey, we’re not about, you know, DISCRIMINATING”) is irrelevant. The point is that gay marriage and homosexuality are against Judaism, there’s no room for ambiguity, and they are not going to lay down.

>One group of lesbians, loudly claiming to be orthodox and actively recruiting young orthodox women, is amply sufficient if no one dares deny their supposed orthodox credentials or put a stop to their recruiting activities.

As I said, until you brought it up, I had no idea they existed. When I googled them, I saw an article which proclaimed their great triumph of getting a $10K grant from some private incubator to…translate their website from Hebrew into English. I mean, come on. State and the rest of the Cathedral fund NGOs that spend that on office incidentals weekly without blinking. And apparently none of their terrifying legion of 20 members and followers can use WordPress and just do it themselves. This is an even less serious organization than More Right.

As for orthodox credentials-they have none as religious authorities. Other than that, anyone can say they’re an Orthodox Jew-it’s not like there’s a Supreme Galactic Orthodox Council of the Vatican. The Torah world will not take you seriously, but hell, you could go out there tomorrow and proclaim yourself one.

“Put a stop to their recruiting activities”-what does this mean? Revoke their internet permit? Get the Tel Aviv municipality to issue a shoot-on-sight order? What?

Ron says:

That doesn’t make sense, the purpose of the government is to enact laws and regulations for the public good. Regulating the marriage agreements between men and women is clearly beneficial to the social order.

The Gentiles are obliged to establish a court system to regulate social order. This is a well known noahide law. It is also one of the 7 laws that they are obliged to prohibit and punish degenerate sexual unions such as incest, and in particular homosexuality. As Christians they probably have little regard for the Noahide laws, but as a religious Jew you are obligated to encourage them to follow those laws where possible. Instead you seem to be discouraging them.

I’m not as smart or put together as the rest of the posters here, but I feel obliged to point out something that I think B is neglecting.

We Jews have an old tradition that there are two things which God absolutely expects of the Gentiles no matter what. That means it doesn’t matter what you believe, what you do, what you think, these are two things that are always expected.

The first is not sell human flesh in the market place. The second is not perform marriages between men. There is no middle ground with these two things and they are considered equivalent in depravity. Violation of these principles results in the absolute wrath of Heaven with no mercy at all.

I obviously don’t speak for anyone who does not believe this, but this is the tradition I have been taught, it is well known, and I think you Gentiles should stand up and fight for yourselves. Maybe you can’t change the society, but you have to speak up. I apologize if I’m offending the commenters here by seeming pushy. I am pushy, but I mean no harm by it.

jim says:

The libertarian program of getting the state out of marriage is an answer to state mandated homosexual marriage, but it is a mighty weak answer, since it effectively abolishes marriage as a reproductive contract.

For men and women to successfully reproduce, they have to be stuck with each other, to avoid the defect/defect equilibrium. This requires laws that should apply specifically to people who get together for the purpose of bearing and raising children. With divorce on demand, such laws have already been abolished.

Mackus says:

Well, divorce on demand already effectively abolished marriage, so libertarians can hardly make things worse by getting government out of it.
I am totally fine with laws that would punish adulterous wives with public lashes, by the way.

Would divorce be allowed?
I am considering allowing no-fault divorce under one condition, that is person who asked for it will never be legally allowed to marry again, even if their ex-spouse died.

[…] Even the progs “get it”. It was quite a week. Rarely do you get to see the worm in the act of turning. And when it turns this much in a short time, it is a sight to behold. Thus the confederate battle flag is deprecated, and the rainbow flag suddenly raised everywhere. No more fitting symbol exists for this week than that above. And by analogy it is a fitting symbol for the entire march of progress. Which, tho’ we “celebrate” #LoveWins (and have always “celebrated” it), is admittedly not over. For now, we have always been at war with East Asia. […]

Contaminated NEET says:

>I am not going to be first to stop applauding

Sarcastic applause doesn’t count, comrade. I’ll see you in the gulag.

A.B Prosper says:

NrX and the .Alt Right would be a hell of a lot more successful if they actually had an idea for a replacement state.Jim gets close to the idea at least but most of the Right just whines and spouts religious or doom bullshit. ,

Hell the only idea I’ve seen is the “Northwest Front” and under no circumstances should Neo-Nazis be smarter and farther ahead of the curve than reactionaries.

Seriously people, you can’t win without a battle plan and you can’t rebel unless you are rebelling to something. Not against something, to it. If your new society resembles the past, great but its still going to be a new thing, History rhyming, not repeating if you will.

In this regard the “progs” are much smarter than you having an actual plan which they have succeeded in.

My suggestion for the 1st exercise is to go a whole weak without saying want you don’t want and instead say what you do.

And sure there are things you may not want to say out loud, fine don’t but do say “here is what the new society would look like.”

You keep doing that, apply a little common sense, no the US cannot be flipped to a monarchy and given some time and effort you can build a better society

As such if you don’t do this and learn from the progs , you deserve to lose

Corvinus says:

“NrX and the .Alt Right would be a hell of a lot more successful if they actually had an idea for a replacement state.”

Actually, had you been paying close attention, their plan is for an aristocracy to be developed and lead by creating a monarchy based on God’s law–anyone deemed unworthy of being part of the kingdom will be forcibly removed, killed if necessary.

It’s a pipe dream that these authors spout off, who are actually unwilling to put into place now. Rather, they are waiting for the “right moment”, i.e. a global catastrophe, and then offer their plan to desperate people.

A.B Prosper says:

if you call that a plan, I’ll grant them that. Its utter horseshit however and “I,m going to be a Christian Warlord after the Apocalypse which may never happen.” its not a replacement state.

Erebus says:

But isn’t that exactly what the “Northwest Front” hopes to achieve?

As far as I can tell, the NW Front apparently seeks the establishment of a white ethnostate following the collapse of the USA or Canada. (Whichever comes first.) So, barring some apocalypse which may never come, their “idea of a replacement state” is basically LARPing — with a meaningless constitution, meaningless “fundamental principles”, and more nonsense.

…If the NW Front were serious, they’d move to South Africa, where white secession may become possible in the very near future. The Pacific Northwest is an awful place for them. Between Seattle, Vancouver, and Portland, it has 1000 unconvertable SWPLs for every single white nationalist.

jim says:

The SWPLs will eventually murder each other in large numbers for insufficient leftism as the economy collapses as a result of the confiscation of what white males produce and its transfer to women and minorities. After which the survivors will likely quietly acquiesce in the seizure of power by someone who confidently believes they have a workable plan to make society function as once it did.

Erebus says:

So if NRx can be (wrongly and uncharitably) interpreted as: “I’m going to be a Christian Warlord after the Apocalypse which may never happen.”

Then the NW Front can be quite reasonably interpreted: “I’m going to be an Aryan Warlord after the Apocalypse — and the SWPL purge — which may never happen.” (One might add: “Contingent on other folks not usurping the power vacuum before, or more forcibly than, we do.”)

They don’t differ, fundamentally.

Again, if the NW Front were a serious organization, they’d go where they’re needed. White men who are down for a fight are needed in South Africa, but are clearly unnecessary (in fact, they’re almost pathetic,) in Cascadia. These guys are just LARPing — a “Model Aryan State” like some schools have a “Model UN”. NRx should deride them, not look up to them as an example to be followed.

B says:

>After which the survivors will likely quietly acquiesce in the seizure of power by someone who confidently believes they have a workable plan to make society function as once it did.

Yeah, those Twitter and blogging skills will be in real demand then. The typical Neoreactionary will come through the apocalypse just fine, what with his excellent physical fitness, military experience and survival skills, not to mention his tight-knit community.

How do you type a farting sound?

Corvinus says:

“The SWPLs will eventually murder each other in large numbers for insufficient leftism as the economy collapses as a result of the confiscation of what white males produce and its transfer to women and minorities.”

There was no confiscation. There’s not going to be any murdering within the SWPLs.

jim says:

No confiscation from whites? During the 50s whites were terrorized out of the nicest parts of the city, which subsequently became festering hellholes, the most notable case being Detroit. Now degentrification is happening all over again. Whites in Ferguson were forced to flee. The flight of whites collapsed property values, so suddenly they found themselves underwater on the mortgages of the houses that they had to abandon to blacks.

No confiscation from heterosexual males? Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground, pursuing the interests of social justice rather than shareholders.

No persecution of social justice warriors by social justice warriors? They have been terrified of each other since 1906, and are getting more frightened every day. Pretty soon they will bring out the guillotine or open the killing fields. We have seen the leadup to the Red Terror many times in the past. We are in another leadup to another red terror right now.

“After which the survivors will likely quietly acquiesce in the seizure of power by someone who confidently believes they have a workable plan to make society function as once it did.”

If you mention this to Rod Dreher, you get banned from his comment section. Glad at least someone is speaking the truth.

Corvinus says:

“After which the survivors will likely quietly acquiesce in the seizure of power by someone who confidently believes they have a workable plan to make society function as once it did.”

Likely being the operative word here. More like the survivors will decide for themselves sans the power grab by some madman the type of world they will create in the event of a global “reboot”. No guarantee it will be of the reactionary flavor, it leaves a distinct bad taste in one’s mouth.

“During the 50s whites were terrorized out of the nicest parts of the city…”

I didn’t realize whites willingly locating to the suburbs constituted terrorism.

“Whites in Ferguson were forced to flee…”

I’m sure you can offer specific numbers in how many white families have left Ferguson, i.e. actually moved, within the past year.

“Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground…”

Again, you should be able to procure a plethora of actual incidents proving your assertion.

“They have been terrified of each other since 1906, and are getting more frightened every day.”

I offer you a virtual paper bag so you don’t hyperventilate yourself into a stroke.

jim says:

“During the 50s whites were terrorized out of the nicest parts of the city…”

I didn’t realize whites willingly locating to the suburbs constituted terrorism.

There was, and is, nothing willing about white flight. The people who were suddenly forced to flee Ferguson were financially wiped out. You may not be allowed to count them, but you can observe real estate prices.

“Whites in Ferguson were forced to flee…”

I’m sure you can offer specific numbers in how many white families have left Ferguson, i.e. actually moved, within the past year.

Obviously anyone who took an actual count would be unpersoned and vaporized, but we can observe Ferguson real estate values, which have abruptly fallen to a fraction of previous values following state sponsored black terror against whites, indicating the mass exit, at great personal cost, of a very large number of people. Plus, obviously, when you have state sponsored black terror against whites, whites are going to leave. That is the whole plan, that blacks are entitled to have what whites have built. Then they wreck it, and need to have some more of whites have built. Thus Detroit becomes a ghost town as those that destroyed Detroit move on to help themselves to some more stuff made by whites, like locusts endlessly moving on leaving desert behind them.

Thus Obama puts on a black accent and says “You did not build that”, pretending that the government built that, so it should be given to minorities and women.

You cannot count the people being driven from the homes that they have built because you are not allowed to count the people being driven from the homes that they have built, but you can observe locusts residing in buildings not built for them or by them, and the desolation left behind as the locusts move ever onward. If you look at any black neighborhood, it is obvious that the buildings were originally built for a better class of people, built by whites for themselves, nice buildings that have become run down. That blacks are living on plunder and treating it like plunder makes it obvious that someone was plundered.

Corvinus says:

“There was, and is, nothing willing about white flight.”

Whites willingly left the central city for the suburbs. Don’t say I blame them. Suburban expansion, coupled with road construction and a booming economy, led whites to move on their own volition.

“The people who were suddenly forced to flee Ferguson were financially wiped out. You may not be allowed to count them, but you can observe real estate prices.”

You are notorious for flinging shit on a wall. You go from one point without offering any evidence to making another statement without proof. The burden is on you to submit facts and figures. I’m waiting…

“which have abruptly fallen to a fraction of previous values following state sponsored black terror against whites, indicating the mass exit, at great personal cost, of a very large number of people…”

Not exactly.

“Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground…”

Again, you should be able to procure a plethora of actual incidents proving your assertion.

“Plus, obviously, when you have state sponsored black terror against white…”

Use the virtual paper bag again. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Repeat the process.

jim says:

Whites willingly left the central city for the suburbs.

Yet strangely, in most of the rest of the world, no such willingness. In most of the world, the central city is full of the better class of people, and the poor live in favelas on the exurbs. In most of the world, the poorer you are, the longer your commute, and those that do not work live far from the center. In America, those who do not work live in the center. Obviously that is an odd arrangement, the result of state sponsored violence against whites with the objective of dispossessing them.

It is not “willing” when one acts under the threat of violence. Even less is willing when the move causes one to lose one’s house. Quite a few houses in Ferguson are being foreclosed by banks. Presumably the owners just up and left. There are 15.3 homes foreclosed per 10,000, strikingly higher than the national value of 4.5. 41% of Ferguson homeowners are “underwater” on their mortgage.

You are notorious for flinging shit on a wall. You go from one point without offering any evidence to making another statement without proof.

This is because you keep demanding proof that the sky is blue.

I seldom provide cites proving that the sky is blue, because the person asking for such cites is never convinced by them.

Steve Johnson says:

Corvinus –

Ha ha! More white people murdered by black people than soldiers killed in the Vietnam war – why worry about trivia like that?

21,000 murdered in Detroit alone since 1969. What kind of a pussy worries about that sort of thing?

Either our government is amazingly horrible at controlling crime – its primary duty after securing the borders (not looking too hot on that one either) or it’s waging proxy war. When that same government sees results even remotely resembling that (obviously never that bad) but one of its pet groups is being attacked it always – every single time – concludes that it’s proxy war. What does that tell you?

Corvinus is an avowed Liberal, ergo he does not see whites getting killed as a problem. It’s called diversity, you nasty fascist bigots! Now prepare to be culturally enriched!

Corvinus says:

There is no denial that housing prices drop in the wake of a social incident and that people are hurting economically. But you made the yet unsupported claim of a “mass exodus as a result of being financially wiped out”. The source, along with this other citation, refutes your outlandish assertion. You’re still flinging shit on the wall. There is no mass exodus. There is no financial wipeout. You are being your normally fatalistic self.

“Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground…”

Again, you should be able to procure a plethora of actual incidents proving your assertion.

“It is not “willing” when one acts under the threat of violence.”

American whites were decidedly not under any threat of violence in the 1950’s when they left for the suburbs. Different racial groups gradually moving into the central city certainly played a role why whites left, but the Interstate Highway System, affordable loans, and good-paying jobs were the catalysts.

Steven Johnson–zzzzzz

“Corvinus is an avowed Liberal”

Actually, I’m a human being with no need for such petty political labels that mean nothing anymore. How’s that aristocracy coming along? You know, the one you believe will eventually be developed and lead by creating a monarchy based on God’s law, with anyone deemed unworthy of that kingdom being forcibly removed and killed if necessary?

jim says:

There is no denial that housing prices drop in the wake of a social incident and that people are hurting economically. But you made the yet unsupported claim of a “mass exodus as a result of being financially wiped out”. The source, along with this other citation, refutes your outlandish assertion. You’re still flinging shit on the wall. There is no mass exodus. There is no financial wipeout. You are being your normally fatalistic self.

Your link does not refute anything. It is just a Ferguson realtor whistling in the dark, providing no evidence or data for his optimistic story. He says “You see a lot of for sale signs but …” and counters the concrete data of the for sale signs with empty optimistic pieties, PC feelgood feelings, not any concrete data.

Further, if you look at the plundered ruins left over after being sacked by the victorious plains apes, you can see that these buildings were built by white people for white people. Check out the Detroit ruin porn.

You ask for citations proving that the sky is blue. I provide them. Predictably, you remain unconvinced that the sky is blue.

American whites were decidedly not under any threat of violence in the 1950’s when they left for the suburbs.

There was no collective organized violence against whites in the 1950s, but the state refused to protect whites from individual small scale black crime. Blacks got a free pass and revolving door justice in the first of many pious efforts to equalize the imprisonment and punishment rates.

As I said, it is completely abnormal that the inner city rendered unusable because overrun by wild plains apes. In the rest of the world, the richer you are, the shorter your commute. In the rest of the world the inner city is where the classy people hang out, and the poor live in favalas in the exurbs. In most of the world, one is no more likely to be mugged in the inner city than eaten by crocodiles in the municipal swimming pool.

“Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground…”

Again, you should be able to procure a plethora of actual incidents proving your assertion.

Gamergate, where the journalists pissed on their audience, then pissed on their advertisers.

jim says:

“Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground…”

Again, you should be able to procure a plethora of actual incidents proving your assertion.

Corvinus says:

“It is just a Ferguson realtor whistling in the dark, providing no evidence or data for his optimistic story.”

You are a blatant liar.

‘’We`re not seeing the number of homes everybody was predicting would appear on the market. There doesn`t seem to be any panic selling,” Neikirk said.

The St. Louis Association of Realtors posted the following numbers:

Homes sold Jul. 2014 – 16
Homes sold Jan. 2015 – 11

New listings Jul. 2014 – 30
New listings Jan. 2015 – 18

Average days on the market Jul. 2014 – 59
Average days on the market Jan. 2015 – 50

Neikirk said average home prices are above $75,000.

“you can see that these buildings were built by white people for white people.”

Corrected for accuracy–built by people for people.

“You ask for citations proving that the sky is blue.”

ONE citation. Which I acknowledged. You’re still flinging shit on the wall. There is no mass exodus. There is no financial wipeout. Those were YOUR claims.

“There was no collective organized violence against whites in the 1950s,”

Exactly. Glad you admitted this fact.

“but the state refused to protect whites from individual small scale black crime.”

Onto your next bullshit claim. Have any proof that “the sky is blue”?

“Gamergate, where the journalists pissed on their audience, then pissed on their advertisers.”


This is your evidence that “Women, gays and trannies become CEOs, and subsequently run the companies into the ground”???

Gamergate is not a company, it’s a controversy. Reddit was founded and is run by two straight males.

Steve Johnson says:

“Neikirk said average home prices are above $75,000.”


He said the average non-distress sale home price was above 75k.

Then he didn’t provide numbers of how many distress sales there were. The guy is a realtor – what do you expect him to say? Get out before now before your land is totally worthless? Nope, he’s a totally disinterested party and would never try to shade the truth. My god Jim – you dare imply that a realtor would be less than totally scrupulously honest in a press release (which gets printed in local newspapers because realtors are the biggest advertisers)?!?!? You monster.

“Reddit was founded and is run by two straight males.”

Although she looks like a pre-op trannie Ellen Pao is actually female.

A.B Prosper says:

I agree with you more or less, on the NWF. And yeah they are basically LARPERS. The only good thing I can say for them is that they seem to have a more achievable ideology the NrX does by whatever measure one uses for basically unaworkable ideologies

jim says:

Who is NWF?

B says:

>their plan is for an aristocracy to be developed and lead by creating a monarchy based on God’s law

Which they don’t believe in 🙂

jim says:

One can believe in God’s law, without believing in God.

B says:

Who the hell is going to die for G-d’s law when they don’t believe in G-d?

Alrenous says:

You don’t win by dying for your god, you win by making the other bastard die for his.

B says:

Nobody ever wins fighting for something that he’s not willing to die for.

jim says:

Jews fighting for their God repeatedly got hammered by people fighting for conquest, plunder, their comrades, and their salt.

jim says:

Men are far more likely to be willing to die for their comrades, than to die for their God.

Indeed “God”, in practice, is just a reification of one’s people, “The ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods”, which men are indeed willing to die for in a healthy society. Men will die for the temples of their Gods before they will die for their Gods.

Consider the ten commandments. The first four are just arbitrary, are intended to mark the Hebrews as different, distinct, and recognizable to each other. (The Hebrews had one God because everyone else had more gods than people.) They serve the same function as coat of arms. The next six are universal, are what you need for a people so distinguished to function well with each other.

So each new religion rings some changes and heavy re-interpretations on the first four, but keeps the next six unchanged. Each distinct group needs a distinct and different coat of arms.

B says:

>Men are far more likely to be willing to die for their comrades, than to die for their God.

Yeah, that explains ISIS’ success, or that of the Crusaders, or the Muslim expansion. In reality, men who don’t have a god (or a substitute, which the Communists provided) are generally not very willing to die for their buddies.

>Consider the ten commandments. The first four are just arbitrary, are intended to mark the Hebrews as different, distinct, and recognizable to each other. (The Hebrews had one God because everyone else had more gods than people.)

It is this level of understanding that explains why we were given the commandments and not you; every time you try to interpret or implement them, you get this hash. We have one G-d because there is only one G-d. It’s not like there were no other monotheists around at the time the Torah was given.

>Jews fighting for their God repeatedly got hammered by people fighting for conquest, plunder, their comrades, and their salt.

Only in cases where we were outnumbered 20 to 1 (Assyria, Babylon, Rome.) And where are those people now?

dav says:

“The vast majority of teams from the four major professional sports leagues in the United States stayed curiously silent after Friday’s landmark same-sex marriage ruling.”

Jim, why are you so right ?

[…] support diversity and equality. Current events. Related: Packing up and going home. Related: When cads are the defenders of sexual mores. […]

Marapoem says:

Now that WWG is over, the next war will be WWH: not for, but against, heterosexuality. While you’re preparing to be shocked by pedophilia-promotion, the Left is planning to illegalize heterosexual sex and the heterosexual family. The anti-concept of “martial rape” was just the beginning. Recognize the dialectic for what it is: the eradication of heteronormativity and biological maleness. All other sex-related issues were, are, and will be subservient to this goal. The end-goal is #KillAllMen. See the Left for what it is.

Corvinus says:

April Fool’s Day has long since past. I suggest you submit your statement at that time. You truly cannot be serious.

jim says:

Corvinus, you claim to think it is ridiculous to say that your movement is inexorably heading to a blood bath of torture, terror, and mass murder – yet you dare not criticize the most extreme amongst your movement, revealing a fear that soon enough you will be answering to inquisitors looking for thought crimes that are not yet thought crimes, but will be thought crimes soon enough.

Linked in no small part to early Feminist radicalism. See the S.C.U.M Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. If the Feminists of today could create a society in which women were impregnated artificially, and abortion was sex-selected to kill males, they would do it, and declare that this was a natural next step in human evolution away from a violent and barbaric past towards a glorious harmonious utopia.

Of course, the question is how long can the world tolerate the existence of such insane people, whose utopian vision makes Karl Marx look like a stately realist. If French protesters kicking the heads of FEMEN members in the streets are anything to go by, not long.

Corvinus says:

“Corvinus, you claim to think it is ridiculous to say that your movement…”

I don’t belong to a “movement”.

“is inexorably heading to a blood bath of torture, terror, and mass murder”

It is ridiculous.

“yet you dare not criticize the most extreme amongst your movement, revealing a fear that soon enough you will be answering to inquisitors looking for thought crimes that are not yet thought crimes, but will be thought crimes soon enough.”

The most extreme, liberal AND conservative, will carve themselves up soon enough.

“If the Feminists of today could create a society in which women were impregnated artificially, and abortion was sex-selected to kill males, they would do it,”

Not really.

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