
Rotherham Syndrome

Approximately one thousand vibrants sexually assault two or three hundred white females. Zero arrests.

Thus though white males are legally second class before white females, all whites, including females, are legally second class before vibrants. Two arrests took place a week after the events, but this was a feeble gesture to appease the rioters. Nothing will happen to the two men arrested.

The interesting thing is not that this behavior happened, but that it received, and continues to receive, impunity.

And, similarly, when woman make false rape allegations – against whites, they also get impunity.

Government policy is that white males shall not get their wicks dipped, and vibrants shall get their wicks dipped. The government, and feminists, are super duper sensitive about female consent in some cases, but not others.

Hundreds of women were robbed of identifiable items, such as cards, jewelry, and cell phones. That very few arrests have been made indicates that not only did they not want to arrest anyone then, they still do not want to arrest anyone now.

74 comments Rotherham Syndrome

pdimov says:

Why are you not on Twitter, Jim?

norton says:

Because he doesn’t want to get on this righteous woman’s radar:

Alrenous says:

The interesting thing is white men continue not to give up on cops. Can lay proof cops aren’t on their side, right in their face, and they still won’t budge. On the other hand, the cop’s violence toward them -will- change their behaviour. Probably deters further protests.

pdimov says:

PEGIDA should know very well by now that the police are under orders to not be on their side.


But I suspect they also know that the police is secretly on their side.

“A high-ranking Frankfurt police officer told Bild, strict instructions had been given not to volunteer information about crimes committed by refugees. Details should only be disclosed in response to direct questions from journalists.”


vxxc2014 says:

Who and what should white men give the cops up for Alrenous?

What replacement for the Cops is on offer?

What do you want of the White Men and for that matter – the cops?

I doubt it’s Anarchy. So what is it?

The Cops aren’t the enemy in my view. However I have begun to say to them:
Gentlemen of the Blue; A defense of Evil by Good Men in the name of the Law was always an unstable arrangement and it’s time is ending.

What say you, what offer you? What do you want?

ochotan says:

50% of policemen voted Front Nationale in France, so the police are on the nationalists side there.

We get leaks from the German police all the time, so that means that they are not on the politicians’ side, too.

Alrenous says:

Rather, I’m seeing 50% that are not on side.

You can invite someone into your house. There’s a 50% chance they’ll be friendly, and 50% chance they’ll pull a gun on you. Do you invite them?

Further, note that despite this, they continue following orders, and we can be certain the 50% against are top-heavy.

On the street, how you vote means nothing.

pdimov says:

The police is usually the rightmost wing group in the country. If they aren’t secretly on your side, nobody is on your side and nothing you do will stand a chance.

Alrenous says:

Sounds like the opposite of plausible to me.

pdimov says:

Prove me wrong then. Give me an example.

A Pint Thereof says:

The police force in Britain is now arguably the most left-wing, feminized, progressive organization in the country.

We’re slightly further on when it comes to the “march through the institutions”, but where we lead, everyone will follow…..

Alrenous says:


Notably, the police do what the police chief says to do. Supposed sheepdogs are sheep.

Arrested rapists: effectively zero, as above. Watercannoned innocent civilians: if it wasn’t all of them, it was because they missed.
But they voted right. I’m sure the protestors will be assuaged, and that’s not sarcasm. By contrast, one of boys is correctly sued for excessive force, and they’ll perjure themselves.

Your turn. Prove me wrong.

pdimov says:

You’re reiterating your previous statement that the police are following orders, and there’s nothing to be proven wrong here. They do follow orders, and their orders are to not be on your side, as I already said.

Which of my two sentences did you prove wrong?

“A Pint Thereof” disagreed with my first one and he may well be right – I have no idea where the British police stands on the left-right spectrum compared to the general population.

I still can’t think of a counterexample to my second assertion, a successful right-wing popular revolt without covert police (or military) support.

Karl says:

I think they are giving up on cops, at least in Germany. For some, this means giving up all hope. For some, this means to concentrate on change by democratic means. For some, this means that they are no longer ousourcing security to the police. Germany by now has more privately employed guards than police officers. Lastly, for some this means preparing to use illegal means.

With the exception of the rise of private security businesses, none of this will be immediately apparent.

What reason is there to assume that white people are not to give up on cops?

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Vigilantism is the solution.

vxxc2014 says:

Yes it is. Self-Defense is a good starting point for such, but if you need a mob to act then get one. Human and time proven and tested.

May I suggest a Vigilantism that is respectful of the Police? That too works.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

We will make outreach efforts to the police and happily work with sympathetic elements within the security forces.

A.B Prosper says:

Only of stay stay out of the way or are as LBF notes helpful. Otherwise they are the same as the bad guys.

We didn’t accept “doing my job last time”, we shouldn’t this time.

Alan J. Perrick says:

What happened is stated more accurately that the white working or lower class has been abolished, as Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev demanded: “”The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race.” The white women, who are to be made into concubines, are instead poached from the white middle class and the way to make them available is then to restrict sexual access from white middle class men…


When it was just happening in England and France, it could be ignored. This will end with Merkel and Henrietta Reker dead or in jail within the next five years. I expect another Nazi to finish the job on Reker.


See the signs they carry. They’re openly pro-German, and the government is blaming the police after preventing the police from stopping it. The cat is out of the bag, says Andrew Anglin.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Those like Anglin who have been predicting race war are about to be proved right.


Hungarian politicians discuss conspiracy theories about a global elite dedicated to the destruction of all that is decent and humane.

Now if only the guy could not only say that the European white man is being attacked, but that the “unnameable global power” is Jews. Maybe next year?

Irving says:

>the “unnameable global power” is Jews

So what do you make of people like this:


a guy who looks like le happy merchant and used to work for Goldman Sachs isn’t who you should be pointing to. Try this Ralf Jaeger guy http://www.dailystormer.com/german-minister-facebook-posts-criticizing-migrants-at-least-as-bad-as-mass-rape/ or the faggots currently posting on Slashdot about how everyone should share everything and work should be obsolete like Keynes said, or pdimov, who still thinks socialism is a good idea and needs to be tried. Or AJP, who thinks there’s a conspiracy of papists and we all need to follow the one true church…

pdimov says:

“pdimov, who still thinks socialism is a good idea and needs to be tried”

*rolls eyes*

I think neither of those things. Socialism is observably not a good idea and has been tried plenty of times.

A.B Prosper says:

Its not however the relevant problem . The .alt rights obsession with economic systems is in fact toxic.

Race is the only problem and if some country wants to tray Communism, Socialism, Distributism, Capitalism or whatever so long as they are a homogeneous white society its up to them

jim says:

The rise of the west, the technological and industrial revolutions, were based on capitalism. If we go back further to before the restoration, based on feudalism, another system that diminished centralized power while at the same time endorsing and valorizing high levels of inequality. Egalitarian systems have always proved fatal, and if you have a system that seeks equality, you will always be outflanked by the guy who is more egalitarian than thou.

You are arguing that leftism would be fine if not for those horrid Jews. Leftism was never fine. Freeing the slaves and emancipating women dates back well before substantial Jewish influence.

If you want to unscramble the racial omelet, need to have slavery and segregation in place of prison and welfare. If you want the white race to reproduce successfully, have to unemancipate women. Targeting Jews will not get you there, because, as B correctly tells us, leftism is as American as apple pie.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Not really true. East Germany and West Germany were racially the same, and so were North Korea and South Korea. The difference between them was/is as big as the difference between Manhattan and Harlem. The precise mechanism and manifestation dysfunction was/is different, magnitude was/is the same or worse.

Moreover the classification of race by physical appearance, while not arbitrary, is not the only possible scheme either. Class warfare is also a racial conflict as the suppressed 19th century writers realised; the Anglo-Germanic working class is genetically distinct from the Anglo-Germanic professional class and the two don’t tend to interbreed much. Different races.

jim says:

Not really true. East Germany and West Germany were racially the same, and so were North Korea and South Korea. The difference between them was/is as big as the difference between Manhattan and Harlem. The precise mechanism and manifestation dysfunction was/is different, magnitude was/is the same or worse.

Quite so. Similarly compare communist china and nationalist china.

America double crossed the nationalists and gave China to the communists. Imagine a twentieth century where China modernized in the fifties instead of the eighties, and became the major economic center of the world in 1985 instead of 2015.

Irving says:


>Not really true. East Germany and West Germany were racially the same, and so were North Korea and South Korea. The difference between them was/is as big as the difference between Manhattan and Harlem. The precise mechanism and manifestation dysfunction was/is different, magnitude was/is the same or worse.

Is East Germany really this bad? I know that unemployment and welfare-ism is rife there, despite the fact of its racial homogeneity, but that’s about it.

>Moreover the classification of race by physical appearance, while not arbitrary, is not the only possible scheme either. Class warfare is also a racial conflict as the suppressed 19th century writers realised; the Anglo-Germanic working class is genetically distinct from the Anglo-Germanic professional class and the two don’t tend to interbreed much. Different races.

Such a granular view of race, such as you’re taking, would eventuate in the negating of the concept of race altogether.

it is true that the professionals in Russia were ethnically part German, and they were all killed by the Jews in the name of the Russian working class. From which we Aryanists can expect that today’s Russia is incapable of replicating the successes of its pre-Soviet period

OTOH, maybe genetics isn’t as simple as 19th century writers and 20th century governments thought

pdimov says:

“Is East Germany really this bad?”

Under socialism, second world. Worse than first world, not as bad as third. I can’t quite think of a non-white capitalist country to which to compare it. Pinochet’s Chile? Pre-EU Portugal? India?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Irving: Race simply refers to some collection of families. Interesting races are coherent collections, not just any. The Han Chinese are a coherent collection of families, not all of which are interrelated and some of which are interrelated with non-Han Chinese. The professional class, broadly speaking, is too.

Problem with people who focus too much on the world races is that while importing a lot of black Africans is a quick way to destroy Western civilisation, excluding them doesn’t save said civilisation, just leads to its somewhat slower destruction by dysgenic fertility. Conversely, if Western fertility weren’t dysgenic, it wouldn’t be so dangerous to admit a lot of Africans. The few useful ones would integrate; the rest would work, have few children, die of old age, and gradually disappear.

A society with eugenic fertility is anti-fragile; it can be damaged but not destroyed. A society with dysgenic fertility is an advanced AIDS patient, which might be killed by this opportunistic infection or that one, but certainly going to be killed by something soon.

Oliver Cromwell says:

pdimov: India isn’t a capitalist country. Until Modi it was governed by the Fabian Society, headquartered at LSE just a few blocks over from the old East India House. India is what the unrestrained Anglo left looks like without two centuries of capitalist seed-corn to consume: same crushing poverty but without the ideological terrors of the less tolerant Germanic left.

Irving says:

Cromwell, yes, you are right, I wasn’t questioning your approach to race though, I was merely pointing out that your approach seems to abolish the hard-and-fast, color line based approach to race that most people use. And, your point that eugenic fertility = antifragility is especially apt: after all, racial diversity need not be a problem, or at least a major program, so long as a mechanism is in place that ensures that the reproduction rates of the superior far outstrips the reproduction rates of the inferior.

Alan J. Perrick says:

-Conversely, if Western fertility weren’t dysgenic, it wouldn’t be so dangerous to admit a lot of Africans.-

You’re right, having lots of negroes as an underclass has worked so well for the non-dysgenic U.S. South and Brasil…Except not. Please, come to grips!

-the rest would work, have few children, die of old age, and gradually disappear.-

Or they’d maintain their fertility relative to the rest of the population, be incredibly glad for themselves that there is a white population they can glom onto instead of having to live an existence purely on the merits of their own race, ie. in Africa.

Now I’m starting to think that you may be coloured yourself…This is a really dangerous, anti-white position, O.C.!

Folks, this is what the actual “supremacist” position looks like when it’s applied in a fantasy situation. Let the Dixie-Dreamers and such partake. Let the coloured integrationists advocate that… It’s not for pro-whites.


pdimov says:

“Conversely, if Western fertility weren’t dysgenic, it wouldn’t be so dangerous to admit a lot of Africans.”

Yeah, I wouldn’t do that if I were a eugenic society. The effects of few generations of socialism aren’t pretty, but they should be reversible, even if you kill the right side of the bell curve after the glorious revolution as is customary. African admixture is basically forever.

jim says:

Remember we were all Africans originally – the white race is only about ten thousand years old, the newest of all the races, maybe four thousand if you are really picky about what constitutes “white”.

So African admixture is not forever.

B says:

>Race is the only problem and if some country wants to tray Communism, Socialism, Distributism, Capitalism or whatever so long as they are a homogeneous white society its up to them

The French Revolution was as bad as anything you can point to in the 20th century. It took place in a society which was homogeneous and white.

The British Civil War was quite bad, and also took place in a society which was homogeneous and white.

The Reformation and the 30 Years’ War. The Guelphs and the Ghibellines (talk about white unity there.) The Albigensian Heresy. Etc.

“If some white country wants to try X” actually means, in practice, “if some group in some white country wants to try X and imposes X on the rest of the population through force and subterfuge, resulting in rivers of blood being spilled.”

“Whites” only exist as a cohesive group in places and times where they are threatened by a common enemy.

>the white race is only about ten thousand years old

Not so. I suspect that the relevant traits go back 50KYA or more. Not necessarily skin color.

jim says:

>the white race is only about ten thousand years old

Not so. I suspect that the relevant traits go back 50KYA or more. Not necessarily skin color

Modern skin, hair and eye color all together in one population only ten thousand years old, if that, maybe only four thousand years old, although these traits existed earlier in separate populations, for example a blue eyed but brown skinned population.

The first farming people in Europe were your standard sand niggers, originating in the middle east, who at first totally genocided and completely replaced the european hunter gatherers. As they went into lands with harsher climates, they became pastoralists, and merged with, rather than genociding, the hunter gatherers. One of these pastoralist peoples with combined sand nigger and hunter gatherer ancestry evolved into something very like modern whites, and proceeded to conquer most of the world, sometimes totally genociding the locals, sometimes killing the men and herding the women, sometimes setting themselves up as a ruling aristocratic class.

Alan J. Perrick says:

In Europe, USA, Canada, Australia (places founded by White people), we’re told “we’re all from Africa, so we have to assimilate millions of non-White immigrants”.

BUT in South Africa, even though “we’re all from Africa”, we’re told Whites people stole the land and have no right to the country they founded.

People shouting “we’re all from Africa” claim to be anti-racist. They aren’t anti-racist at all. They’re anti-White.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

B says:

>The first farming people in Europe were your standard sand niggers, originating in the middle east

When you say “standard sand niggers,” you mean the current population of the Middle East. But the current population of the Middle East only formed over the last 3000 years or so, as a result of waves of invasions from the sea, from Central Asia, from Africa (Egyptians had a Nubian dynasty,) from Europe (Vandals, for instance,) from the wastes of Arabia (the Arabs who conquered most of the Middle East were the Mudar and the Rabiyyah, 200K men or so, a drop in the bucket,) and a constant flow of slaves from Africa and Europe.

I find it hard to believe that the ANE people who contributed to the modern Europeans looked anything much like your “typical sand nigger” does today.

I also suspect that whatever was living in North Europe 50-70KYA looked more or less like the Ainus.

jim says:

When you say “standard sand niggers,” you mean the current population of the Middle East. But the current population of the Middle East only formed over the last 3000 years or so,

They had evolved in the tropics, hence had to be dark skinned, probably darker than the current inhabitants. OK. They probably did not resemble the present inhabitants. But the EEF people were nonwhite, probably very dark.

I find it hard to believe that the ANE people who contributed to the modern Europeans looked anything much like your “typical sand nigger” does today.

You have absolutely no idea who the ANE people were. You saw the acronym used in some discussion of European ancestry, and dropped it at random into the conversation to sound as if you were educated and knowledgeable.

Greg says:

Two interesting factoids from Wikipedia:

An estimated 1 to 4 percent of the DNA in Europeans and Asians is non-modern, and shared with ancient Neanderthal DNA rather than with Sub-Saharan Africans. Ötzi the iceman, Europe’s oldest preserved mummy, was found to possess an even higher percentage of Neanderthal ancestry.

A 2007 genetic study suggested some Neanderthals may have had red hair and blond hair, along with a light skin tone.

B says:

>They had evolved in the tropics, hence had to be dark skinned, probably darker than the current inhabitants. OK.

Who evolved in the tropics?

I find it hard to believe that the ANE people who contributed to the modern Europeans looked anything much like your “typical sand nigger” does today.

>You have absolutely no idea who the ANE people were.

Please enlighten me.

pdimov says:

“Remember we were all Africans originally”

“Out of Africa” is less and less likely. I don’t follow this topic in detail so I can’t speak authoritatively about humans, but not even the apes are from Africa:


Even if we ignore Neanderthal ancestry, I think that Sapiens may well not have evolved in Africa, but I can’t back this up with sources.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Anti-Whites aren’t going to Asia and saying “We’re all out of Africa, so we’re going to drown you with millions of non-Asians and force-mix you out of existence”.

Anti-Whites aren’t going to Africa and saying “We’re all out of Africa, so we’re going to drown you with millions of non-Africans and force-mix you out of existence”.

You anti-Whites ONLY demand this be done to ALL & ONLY White countries.

You are demanding the GENOCIDE of my people.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

jim says:

The underlying problem is not Jews etc. The underlying problem is that whites are not breeding, blacks are, which is a reflection of the general problem of mostly dysgenic breeding. In particular smart women get sucked into education and get PhDs instead of husbands and babies.

If we had eugenic breeding, we would have white population pressure and we would be invading black countries to settle them. We would want, and need, lebensraum.

Restore patriarchy, deflate educational degrees, endorse the coercive authority of the father and the husband, and firmly discourage female education and employment. It is not immigration policy that is the problem.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Don’t get me wrong as I’m not saying that the scientists here are wrong, I agree with them. But employnig the Mantra is a way to show the double standard whilst taking the moral high ground at the same time, showing the anti-whites the respect they deserve…Zilch!

Anti-whites will sometimes say that you as a pro-white and using the Mantra are being repetitious. Nonsense! Anti-whites have been encouraging whites and non-whites to “blend together” and destroy the white genotype since at least the 1960s. That means decade after decade, year after year saying the same thing to white people! Anti-whites shouldn’t be permitted to get away with those tactics, it’s only a mind-game…

Then I have a question: How much of the actual White Genocide is in YOUR head, white man??

White self-hatred is SICK!!


pdimov says:

There’s no question that “we’re all Africans” serves progressive interests, so were it true, we’d have been torn between our love of truth and our unwillingness to aid the enemy.

Fortunately, it’s probably not true. Another bullet dodged.

Jim, I agree with what you said, but you forgot some kind of religious background with regards to the birth rate. There is a direct correlation between the nihilism we live in today and the catastrophically low birth rates.

jim says:

Disagree. People want kids. Are nihilist because they cannot have them. Just cannot irrevocably commit to sticking together to raise them. So we get defect defect equilibrium.

Restore patriarchy, the authority of husband and father, deflate educational degrees, end co-education, and permit divorce only for very grave fault. A woman divorced for fault (normally adultery) should not be allowed to remarry. She can become someone’s mistress, but can no longer bind him to a contract, having previously broken a contract.

Reduce the cost of housing and education to third world levels, and the average guy can afford two wives and eighteen children. (We don’t allow him two wives, of course, unless he is sufficiently rich and important to get away with it) Housing is expensive because safe neigborhoods are expensive, and because everyone needs to live close to the regulatory revolving door. Education is expensive because children waste their fertile years listening to tedious propaganda.

Fertile age women should only be allowed to socialize with parentally approved males who are potentially capable of supporting a family.

Birthrates would then skyrocket.

pdimov says:

“It is not immigration policy that is the problem.”

It should be obvious that it is a problem.

Debating the root cause is useless in practice. If you don’t have the political will to stop or reverse third world immigration or renounce birthright citizenship, you certainly won’t have the political will to, say, disenfranchise women.

jim says:

Debating the root cause is useless in practice.

Debating the root cause will tell you that fashism is insufficiently radical. It is time for a Stuart restoration.

I get the defect-defect argument, but when we say ‘restore the patriarchy’, it all sounds a little easy. Throughout history patriarchy has been propped up by two pillars, both the husband’s physical and personal prowess, and his exclusive role as the spiritual center of the family around which all else orbits. When feminists relate patriarchy to the practice of traditional religions, they are not wrong. They’re just wrong to say this is bad. Patriarchy appears to emerge as a necessary institution in light of other facts within a society. Trying to just artificially install it would be ill-advised.

The best method would be to mimic the common structural and social conditions that existed in past patriarchal societies. It may be sluggish, but eventually women should ‘click’ back into their feminine roles and cease the pursuit of male virility for themselves. I know you favor Anglicanism as a community locus, but looking at the current state of the UK, it seems Catholicism would be more advisable (problems with it aside). Anglicanism already has female bishops, a joke in itself.

jim says:

I get the defect-defect argument, but when we say ‘restore the patriarchy’, it all sounds a little easy.

It is easy. General MacArthur abolished patriarchy in Japan with a pen stroke. It could be restored with a pen stroke.

At the top level, at the state level, partriarchy is socialism in the means of reproduction, which are of course far more important, and which men care about far more, than the means of production. The state fixes the price of pussy downwards (gives men authority over women) and, because price control leads to shortages, imposes rationing of pussy (chastity and monogamy)

At ground level, patriarchy is an agreement between men to respect each other’s property rights in women, to not undercut each other. You might fear that the stoke of a pen from above would not necessarily result in changes at ground level, but whenever men are buddies, they spontaneously act to respect each other’s property rights in women, despite an intense propaganda barrage to behave otherwise.

Patriarchy is an agreement between men to not undercut each other, to each respect the other’s property rights in women.

Dave says:

The “Out of Africa” theory never made much sense. What sort of selection was happening in the tropics of Africa that bred new improved hominids who then fanned out into harsher climates, replacing the hominids who had spent millennia adapting to those environments? Was Eurasia full of leaders like Angela Merkel, inviting Africans to come and take over?

There was certainly a mass invasion of wheat-farmers out of the Middle East, because wheat could sustain much larger populations than were possible before. Even so, many married into the invading tribes and learned to grow wheat, so their own genetic innovations were not lost.

Alan J. Perrick says:

M.C., why not the religion of Mahomet?


A Pint Thereof says:

>…importing a lot of black Africans is a quick way to destroy Western civilisation, excluding them doesn’t save said civilisation…

You can never “save” a civilization; you can, at best, only ever save the race that the civilization emanated from. And once one civilization crumbles, that same race builds another. This is essentially what history is.

jim says:

Civilizations tend to disappear through through dysgenic fertility – The Roman elite failed to reproduce. Usually it is a different race that moves in and produces the next civilization.

The dark age that ended the Bronze age resulted in total replacement in most areas of grain farmers by pastoralists of a different race.

pdimov says:

“Debating the root cause will tell you that fashism is insufficiently radical. It is time for a Stuart restoration.”

Can’t have anything remotely close to that anywhere in the American sphere of influence. America has been killing monarchies since WW1.

And the prospects of restoring monarchy in America itself, where it never existed in the first place, aren’t very good.

jim says:

If so, then the prospects for the survival of western civilization and the white race are not very good.

Mister Grumpus says:

“…but whenever men are buddies, they spontaneously act to respect each other’s property rights in women…”

See? Right there. Why didn’t I notice this? What ABOUT the erosion of buddy-hood, anyway? What about that?

“Somebody’s out…
…to get yo’ lady.

A few of yo’ buddies…
…they SHO’ look shady.”

–The O’Jays.

B says:

>What sort of selection was happening in the tropics of Africa that bred new improved hominids who then fanned out into harsher climates, replacing the hominids who had spent millennia adapting to those environments?

Off the top of my head, Africa (the junglier parts) has a much higher disease load, so the people living there have evolved defenses to the native diseases. I’d be surprised if there hadn’t been scenarios similar to the conquest of America, where the Europeans brought diseases to which they were adapted but which were devastating to the natives. When climate warms up, the disease load of a place goes up as well, giving invaders from a warmer climate an advantage.

Carleton Coon thought that the various races of H. Sapiens had evolved in place from the corresponding races of H. Erectus and H. Habilis. I suspect populations have been flowing into and out of Africa for as long as hominids have existed, as climate changed and local adaptations became more or less advantageous.

B says:

>What ABOUT the erosion of buddy-hood, anyway?

What about it? Euros have never been very trustworthy around each others’ wives. King Arthur was cuckolded by Lancelot, who was not considered any less of a hero for it. You can look at Euro aristocrats throughout the ages and see them seducing each others’ wives and not being shy about it. It was considered a mark of valor, a funny thing even.

Simon says:

jim is not aware that all the positive genetic traits associated with whites are actually Neanderthal. The Neanderthals occupied Europe for 500000+ years.

No Neanderthal, no magic.

werner says:

You gotta hand it to Muslims, they don’t acknowledge female bullshit. Try doing a slut walk in Syria and see what happens.
White males tolerated the feminist craziness for too long, in some ways they have given up any rights over their women, now a different race is stepping up to teach them respect. Who do you think the women are gonna listen to/fuck in the end?

Mister Grumpus says:

I think you’re getting to why so many people hate Donald Trump so passionately. He’s a confident successful white man who obviously gets laid very very well. And isn’t apologetic about ANY of it.

“If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s an uppity nigger!”

jim says:

White men getting laid, particularly old white men with hot young wives and numerous children, really pisses them off.

If he also unironically wore a cowboy hat their brains would explode.

Alan J. Perrick says:


This is one of the reasons why I thought Mr Romney would win when he was running. Then I took a closer look and even ended up throwing ecumenism to the dogs…

Unfortunately, Mrs Romney hadn’t the foresight either…She, an Episcopalian by birth, found herself married to the man!

Best regards,


Mister Grumpus says:

My Lord man have you seen Bernie Sanders’ wife? What a cow. Meanwhile Yeb! is married to the mestizo gnome who can barely speak Spanglish, and Barry is getting pegged by the gorilla who obviously hates her own country and isn’t ashamed to talk about it on TV. Or for that matter, shit, does she even say nice things about Barry himself?

It’s a real sign of just how deep The Crazy has gotten, isn’t it, that any of these people think it’s even appropriate or decent for them to be running for President in the first place, given just that one single factor. Seriously now. It reveals their Crazy for even trying, and our Crazy that they’ve gotten away with it.

Even Hitler had the good sense to be seen with a pretty young model/artist/whatever.

Even Nancy Reagen would shut the fuck up with Ronald was talking.


My God. If there were a pill, or some kind of magic potion, that would peel off my Poz for just 15 minutes, I would probably just blow up like a popped baloon.

There has developed another catty ridiculous conflict between Roosh and the /pol/acks over two responses to this ongoing crisis:

A) refuse to ‘white knight’ for women who nine times out of ten support mass migration, leftist government, and at least the basic tenets of feminism that have emasculated white men

B) act in ethnic solidarity and focus all rage against the ‘vibrants’ and their heinous disregard for the peoples who are insanely generous and masochistic

I’d argue this doesn’t matter. The rapes themselves are incidental in Cologne, much like the murders and robberies that have come as a result of this wave, however much emotional anger they may justifiably ignite in us (and believe me, I experienced this over the Rotherham incident in particular). A far more important aspect is what this represents, a complete symbolic rape of the entire Occident. Leering immigrants do not care about the finer points of Liberal doctrine, they are here for fresh meat like a pack of jackals. We predicted all of this, and we’ve been proven right. What these incident do is expose Liberal men as pussified wimps incapable of defending anything, not even their own supposed ideals, and inspire a will to resistance in some worthwhile members of the population. I have maintained that women are, in the grand scheme of things, politically irrelevant. It is men who make the big changes to the world, and women follow. They can intensify a political change, but rarely if ever be the true catalyst of one. Male hands have to operate the switch.

We need both things. We need European men to experience a collective and intensifying hatred of migrants, but we also need them to see women as things to be protected not mainly from swarthy foreigners, but from themselves, and the only way that can be achieved is through a moral yet domineering hand.

Alrenous says:

>We would want, and need, lebensraum.


There’s lots of space we’re not using. China has room for entire ghost cities. Living space is yet another thing the market can provide in abundance if nobody is preventing it from doing so.

Even the islands aren’t quite crowded yet. Japan seems crowded only because everyone has to pile into Tokyo to either reach the trough or to prevent themselves from being bled into the trough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Japan_Population_density_map.svg
England (not UK’s) overall population density is ~20% higher.

Same illusion as befalls Somalia. “It’s war-torn!” No, just Mogadishu. Where they put the airport that journalists use.

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