
The Cathedral triumphantly announces victory in the streets

The Daily Beast:

Protesters Scare Trump Out of Chicago

The Riverfront Times in Saint Louis

The activists in this town are battle-hardened and ready to go. They’ve had a lot of fights in the last year or so, and that’s only primed them to take on bigger ones. It really makes you wonder what Trump was thinking.

Well, a short time ago, Trump’s rally in Saint Louis took place. How, I wonder, did it go?

Bunch of arrests, one guy who decided to fight the cops somewhat the worse for wear.

If you want to look for videos of violence at the Trump rally in Saint Louis, you see Trump’s adoring crowds drowning out the protester with a Trump chant, followed by Trump commanding the cops “get him out of here!”, and then you see a crazy black guy trying ineffectually to fight a couple of cops who are throwing him out with smooth efficiency and complete control.

When you try to control political outcomes using the threat of crazy black guys, crazy black guys are only a problem if no one is allowed to fight back.

And so we see frequent noisy announcements that Trump is being outrageous and horribly politically incorrect for having his people fight back. The Cathedral is confused and continually surprised by the way government cops keep maintaining order and following Trump’s directives at Trump events. The Cathedral is accustomed to controlling both sides of the pretended confrontation, the protestors and the cops both, and is confused, disoriented, and surprised by what happens when the cops support order. Order prevails.

Meanwhile, large numbers of American voters notice that, outside of Trump rallies, order does not prevail.

Despite the frequent and triumphant announcements of disorder at Trump events, what the voters see is someone able and willing to maintain order, who has the support of the men he needs to maintain order.

The Cathedral is implicitly threatening voters, that if they elect Trump, the NAMs will come around and beat them up, but what the voters see at a Trump rally tells them the reverse.

38 comments The Cathedral triumphantly announces victory in the streets

Irving says:

>The Cathedral is implicitly threatening voters, that if they elect Trump, the NAMs will come around and beat them up, but what the voters see at a Trump rally tells them the reverse.

The protest really was awful. On TV, I saw two big black guys fighting a crowd of Trump supporters, with one obese white girl, two Arabs with keffiyehs around their necks, and an Indian kid cheering them on.

In sum, it looked as the main protesters were a fairly multi-racial set, with a noticeable representation of whites and Asians, but that these protesters brought along some blacks, very big and aggressive blacks, with the purpose to unleashing them on the Trump supporters.

jim says:

They brought blacks, Trump brought cops, what is going to happen?

Bo says:

Black activists have made a pretty grand show these last 8 years of how much they hate all white people. So much so, that even middle-class white Democrats are saying, “what, even us?”

We’re seeing a change now that those middle-class white democrats including a great many cops are coming around to the fact that they were only ever destined to suck diversity dick no matter how loudly they shouted the party line.

Minion says:

BLM is not an actual black movvement. It is simply plantation politics at its finest- a bunch of niggers blindly following white liberals to become more liberal (eg getting niggers to abandon tehir trademark homophobia to follow a bunch of lesbians and trannies who lead blm)

CSLite says:

They are the shock troops for the oligarchs to disrupt whites actually trying to improve themselves collectively.

Hesiod says:

Bwahaha! The knegrows, beaners-in-sombreros, pink-heared-lady-cats, and other miscellaneous Colonel Sanders fans have just ensured Trump’s presidency. As Sean Connery once said, “Suck it long! And suck it hard!”

Strelok says:

Didn’t take long for most of the media to blame Trump for magically emitting rays that make colored people uncontrollably rabid.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Who is supposed to have won this confrontation? From the commentary, I cannot tell.

jim says:

Trump won in Saint Louis, lost in Chicago, because in Saint Louis, the government police were in his pocket, in Chicago, were in Black Lives Matter pocket.

viking says:

its too early to tell how this will play the cathedral is upping the anti for sure they want a referendum on weather its 1968 and hes wallace but its not 1968 hes not wallace and americans may have decided the benefit of the doubt is no longer deserved

the benefit of the doubt was never deserved, except in the credulous minds of cuckstains. But the Cathedral has short-sightedly been destroying cuckstainty.

Make no mistake, if cuckstainty hadn’t been under attack, as Fox News points out, cuckstainty would be able to, as Fox News points out, save souls from the sin of racism. Trump would never have gotten off the ground in a cuckstain country.

Don’t forget, Eldridge Cleaver openly wrote about raping White women and was lauded by the same cuckold fetishists and Jews that would have succeeded at condemning Trump as a mean-spirited bully.

I move that after the revolution we take bullwhips and beat the cuckstain leaders, only allowed them sanctuary at their monasteries, where they can live out their days worshiping the kike on the pike.

Alan J. Perrick says:

What will happen to the anti-Christians like yourself?

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Civil war…bring it on, bitchez.

Zach says:

I got a chuckle when protestors hacked one of his speeches and he said something like “go home to mommy” heh.

Alan J. Perrick says:

“Jim” it’s not only an alternative authority via Mr Donald Trump, it is also an alternative authority via the alternative press that continues to grow.

Best regards,


The more rioting by leftists, blacks and “Hispanics,” the more people going to vote for Trump. Why cannot these imbeciles understand this?

Minion says:

Liberals want flyover white to rise up so they can scare non-whites into becoming liberals

I, for one, am not going to fall for that ruse. As a Muslim, I am going to vote for Trump. I hate feminist and liberal “Muslims” far far more than I hate conservative anti-Muslims- the former are cucking our religion from the inside.

Bo says:

Your bros are merely engaging in Taqiyya to expand under the false pretenses of peace until they show their true colors. Maybe they just don’t trust you enough to let you in on it.

Hidden Author says:

Precisely though to be fair, faggotry in the Muslim World is not defined the way it is in Christendom.





Obviously homosexuality is not homosexual at all when you’re the pitcher instead of the catcher!

jim says:

Yet another reason for “If a man also lie with a man, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

That guy needs killing.

Hidden Author says:

You aren’t impressed by how macho he is? He’s much more macho than most faggots in the West. Don’t you go on about how your ideal NRx order rests on a macho warrior aristocracy loyal to the King? Isn’t the Iranian guy you said needed killing the equivalent of such a warrior aristocracy or at least the closest you could get in an Islamic Republic?

jim says:

He is a faggot. He sounds like a faggot. I am totally unimpressed by his empty charade of masculinity. I get the impression that if I spat in his face he would cringe and grovel. He sounds much like one of those leather clad gays who try to chug a beer in an effort to be manly but unconsciously hold their beer with an extended pinky. Gays in leather try to look and sound like Hell’s Angels in leather, but hilariously fail to do so in little subtle ways.

Gays are not attracted to gays. They are attracted to manly men. So they often try to be manly and macho, but keep getting macho subtly wrong in ways that render them absurd. He is absurd, like the leather clad gay manfully chugging his beer with pinky extended.

Yes, Muslims are right that receiving is even more unmanly than giving, but something about this guy, I don’t know what, I cannot put it into words, tells me he has done more than his share of receiving.

Minion says:

Well, there are quite a few Islamists Muslims (eg real Muslims, not watered down moderates), who support Trump just to get back at the moderate Muslimcucks

For example, this guy:

Your position on homosexuality is a distinctly Abrahamic one (including Islamic), in which it is unconditionally considered a sin.

However, in pagan antiquity, homosexuality was allowed as long as it was regulated by the passive/active distinction. Greeks and Romans had no problem sodomizing their slaves, for example, but looked down on free men being sodomized themselves.

That distinction held by modern Middle Easterners is a holdover from pagan times, rather than from Islam. Muslims are far more Hellenized than Westerners think.

Sex exists for two reasons, reproduction, and bonding to facilitate fatherhood.

Other uses include ranking men against each other, by scoring with whores or faggots, or, for sheer physical enjoyment, with whores, faggots, and animals. These sexual activities are inherently sterile for the alpha male, and, thus, markers of faggot status, since alpha males by definition have better things to do.

Dave says:

Whenever Iran or ISIS catches two men naked in bed together, they are both executed together. So how does it matter who was doing what to whom? Or were they doing sixty-nine?

I love how the media calls the condemned men “suspected homosexuals”. When I see dudes sucking dick, I don’t “suspect” that they’re fags, it’s an objective fact.

jim says:

We should not go looking in closets, but if they come out of the closet, give them both the high jump, after the fashion of Islamic State.

Gravity wins!

Minion says:

It is obvious you are an ignoramus who knows nothing about Islam

If you want some true reactionary thinking, watch some Hamza Yusuf or Timothy Winter.

Irving says:

>If you want some true reactionary thinking, watch some Hamza Yusuf or Timothy Winter.

I like Timothy Winter, not to familiar with Yusuf though.

Minion says:

I like how Winter’s recent sermon on star wars and feminism is triggering feminists. He already triggered the fags by calling fagosexuality a sickness. Too bad that Islamophobic “conservatives” sided with the SJWs against him. Conservatives are liberal enablers.

Hamza Yusuf is very good too. He is the perfect mix of faith-based edginess and erudition

Shadee Elmasry is also another one that the alt right crowd should pay attention to, but he is Egyptian (but American), instead of masterrace white.

Irving says:

>I like how Winter’s recent sermon on star wars and feminism is triggering feminists. He already triggered the fags by calling fagosexuality a sickness. Too bad that Islamophobic “conservatives” sided with the SJWs against him. Conservatives are liberal enablers.

Timothy Winter is obviously a brilliant guy, but don’t expect Westerners to listen to him. For better or for worse, Westerners, especially reactionaries, more especially people on this blog, are inclined to see the relationship between the West and Islam as irreconcilably hostile and existential in its nature.

>Shadee Elmasry is also another one that the alt right crowd should pay attention to, but he is Egyptian (but American), instead of masterrace white.

I’ll look him up. I’m a “mud’ myself, I’ve no problem with Egyptians.

Hidden Author says:

Even people who resemble Mohammed 99% don’t like Islam unless they want to convert because people don’t like being dominated by brute force unless they are masochistic. And jihadis subjugating people by brute force to impose the Shari’ah is a tendency pioneered by Mohammed himself with his division of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb (House/World of Islam and House/World of War).

Contaminated NEET says:

Poor HA. This is how it starts. You think you’re just looking at Islam through a secular progressive lens, but you’re on a slow train to shitlordville.

“crazy black guys are only a problem is no one is allowed”

IF no one is allowed.

[…] panic report (1, 2, 3, 4). Street politics (plus). Revolution 2.0. “… the GOP would obviously prefer to lose the election rather […]

Strelok says:


Trump not intimidated.
He threatens to send his own supporters to Bernie’s events.

Mister Grumpus says:

“…who has the support of the men he needs to maintain order.”

That, right there, was the key nugget for me. Cathedral can’t believe that there’s this underground dimension of loyalty, order and effectiveness that’s orthagonal to their “2D” (to borrow Scott Adams’ use of the term) org-chart of merit-badge-status.

This has to be how (some) revolutions happen: When the org-chart of merit-badge-status twists and perverts and deviates to the point of being SO irrelevant (or even outright opposed) to genuine order and authority at the wolf-pack level, that eventually the wolves just wander off and re-group under a different banner (and perhaps don’t even notice that they’re doing it?) regardless of what the org-chart says.

(After all, Roman Law is still on the books somewhere… in a library. It was a government building once… but now it’s a “library for historical research”.)

vxxc2014 says:

UPDATE – Chicago UIC police union letter denounces UIC. They were ordered to stand down.


The Chicago Police [CPD] also complained at the time no plan, no riot squads or rapid response forces, lack of plan to control streets or resources to do so.


jim says:

It was a setup. The Cathedral bussed in Dindus to beat up Trump supporters, and then commanded the police to take a fall, to be supposedly defeated by the might of the justly enraged dindu masses.

And then every cuckservative screams in outrage at Trump for provoking the Cathedral to shut him down.

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