Archive for July, 2016

RNC convention: No riots, no floor fight, Trump in charge.

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

The headlines and stories about the floor fight were written in advance. I heard what I presume was the floor fight live.

The speaker called a vote that the troublemakers should not be given the opportunity to sound off, that that part of the proceedings should be skipped. Thunderous ayes. Two or three nays, perhaps four people shouting as loudly as they could. Maybe there were some quieter nays that I did not hear. “Sorry folks”, says the speaker, “the ayes have it.”

Mighty short floor fight.

The headlines and stories were also written in advance about the rioting outside the convention, but, of course, they had to ditch those stories. If anyone rioted he got squashed so fast that the newsmen could not spot him.

According to the news

And so, when those Never Trump delegates shouted for a roll call vote, the acting convention chair—Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack—ignored the chant and declared the rules approved. The “ayes” had it.

Before Womack could move on, he was shouted down, as pro- and anti-Trump delegates went back and forth on the floor, screaming in a battle of wills.

Bullshit. The anti trumpers shut up.

The Ayes had it.

I based the above comment on video coming from the convention organizers. On you tube, there is a different video, taken by the anti trumpers, which sounds a lot more disorderly. On the anti trumpers video, the shouting goes on and on. But on the anti trumper video, I see no one shouting except for short periods even though I continually hear seeming shouting. There is a discrepancy between the video and the audio. I would say the seeming shouting is just background conversation with the amplification turned up.

The only disorderly bit was four people chanting “Roll Call vote” for 33 seconds, and then falling silent because they could not get a critical mass of people to join them. Mostly it was one woman who looked like a classic social justice warrior waving her arms to coordinate the chant, and another man chanting and clapping in time. The waving and the clapping was an attempt to lead a mass chant. Two leaders, two followers. When they could not get any more than two following them, they wimped out.

So, what we now have is a straight up civilizational battle between the force of order, the strong leader of men who can effortlessly impose peace and order, and the forces of disorder, Obama, Hillary, and the news media inciting black people to kill white people.

And, as I will say in every politics post, this is the last presidential election in which the candidate who stands for killing white people might lose, or even have their point of view contradicted. If Hillary wins, the presidential election after this will be between a cuckservative who supports killing white people, and a leftist who supports killing white people with a lot more enthusiasm.

But today, order prevailed. The total absence of trouble outside the convention tells me that the warrior class has already accepted Trump as the rightful ruler, which makes it hard for the priestly class to depict him as illegitimate. I am pretty sure that the Cleveland police got stand down orders, which they creatively reinterpreted.

Trump is a credible commander in chief because he is obeyed, victorious, and has the support of the warrior class. He says he is a winner, and that story, told with confidence, becomes true. He wins. There was peace and order in the convention, and around the convention.

Another prediction: No kayfabe at the Republican National Convention.

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

At the coming Republican National Convention Trump will be officially nominated as Republican candidate for president, in a process more like a coronation than a vote.

A long distance outside the coronation, there will be small, and exceedingly peaceful protests. Anyone unpeaceful will be hammered down so hard and fast you will scarcely get a chance to see him.

The reason I predict small and exceedingly peaceful protests is that the left is universally unpopular and loathed. People only show up for a left wing protest if they expect the police to take a kayfabe fall, and the judiciary to let them off in the unlikely event that they get arrested for riot, smashing stuff, beating people up, and stealing stuff. They only vote left for ecb cards and obamaphones. With the Republican National Committee capitulating to Trump, it is clear that the police, who have always favored Trump except when very directly ordered to take a fall, are not going to take a kayfabe fall, and the judiciary are not going to let rioters off. Law and order will prevail, triumphantly confirming Trump’s promise that he can provide law and order.

If Trump can quell the Republican National Committee, quelling race riots is easy. If quelling race riots is easy, Hillary’s program of inciting hatred and attacks against whites and police will blow up in her face.

For nonwhites and single women, the Democrat/cuckservative program is ECB, SSSI, and obamaphones. For white males, the Democrat election program is “Vote democrat or we will send around the blacks to burn you out of your homes and rape your children”. Thus the demonstrated ability to provide law and order is YUGE.

Trump is white’s last hope of collective defense, short of a military coup or armed revolution. We shall see collective defense on display around the Republican National Convention.

Trucks gone wild

Saturday, July 16th, 2016

Our rulers’ position is now clear. We should learn to live with terrorism. Unlimited immigration will continue, and it is unthinkable and morally abhorrent to object to anyone in the world moving to America and living on crime, welfare, and voting left. The continued existence of borders and citizenship in a world dominated by progressive ideology is an unprincipled exception. Open-borders absolutists are perfectly correct that there is no coherent way to argue that racial discrimination or hereditary aristocracy are unjust without also concluding that anything short of completely open borders is equally unacceptable. The logic is inescapable.

Thus, if a black criminal is killed by police and it less than perfectly clear that the killing was justified, his picture is all over the news, whereas if a Muslim kills a child, we never see the child.

Well then, what will it take to stop terrorism? Truck control?

Notice that despite extremely strong gun control in France the terrorist (who entered as a refugee) had a fine collection of weapons in his truck. Not only is it hard to stop individual criminals from getting guns, it is considerably harder to stop large organized groups from getting guns.

Recall that Saddam allowed his people to own full auto weapons. Since he could not stop his enemies from getting full auto weapons, he had little choice but to allow his loyal, or at least not actively rebellious, subjects full auto weapons. If Frenchmen were allowed to own and carry full auto weapons as Saddam’s people were, the truck incident would likely have had a different outcome. But it would still have been pretty nasty.

But of course we don’t want a state like Saddam’s, where civil war is barely held in check by state terror. (Though it would be an improvement on today’s Iraq, where civil war is not held in check.) Nor Mindanao, where civil war is held in check by the threat of state terror, by state terror recently past, and the imminent likelihood of more to come. We want a peaceful high trust society. And to do that, have to remove the Muslims. Dump them on the shores of Africa.

Very few Muslims are inclined to blow themselves up in a pizza parlor. But every single Muslim, including the moderate friendly nice Muslim next door who would never dream of exploding in a pizza parlor, supports and sustains a society where the man who blows himself up in a pizza parlor is holier than you are, where the jihadi gets the girls, where a terrorist can hang out and it is hard for police to find him, let alone surveille. him.

For over a thousand years peoples, cultures, religions, civilizations, empires, nations, and Kingdoms have struggled to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have ever succeeded. We will not be the first.

Defense of capitalism:

Friday, July 15th, 2016

Reactionary future criticizes capitalism from the right.

Capitalists have power independent of the state. They are apt to use that power politically. Example George Soros. By and large, capitalists overwhelming back the left.

But, if they back the left, they are sucking up to power, or like the NGOs, serving the state when the state wants a smidgen of deniabity. For example you cannot see daylight between George Soros in the Ukraine, Harvard in the Ukraine, and the State Department in the Ukraine. In the Ukraine, it is perfectly clear that George Soros it taking orders from the State Department.

Charles the second said that science and the scientific method was high status, and rich people all over the place proceeded to apply the scientific method and sponsor science. Harvard says that equality is high status, and all the rich people attempt to tap the untapped potential of women and nigerians.

The State Church keeps capitalism in line with no problems.

Separation of Church and State has failed catastrophically.

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

Same problem as anarcho capitalism. The vacuum is apt to be filled. And today it is filled with an official government belief system that daily becomes more extreme, and is enforced more coercively.

In retrospect it is clear that in England the demand to disestablish the Anglican Church came from a competing religion, then called Evangelism, descended from Puritanism, which was already most of the way to becoming the state religion of England though it continually changed its name in the process.

The history of official religion in the US is more complex. When the United States was many separate states with a common defense and a common foreign policy, back when people said “The United States are” rather than “The United States is” there was absolutely no separation of Church and State, for each state had its own state religion, and the seminary of the state religion of Massachusetts, charged with promoting and enforcing the state religion, was Harvard.

After the English restoration the religion of New England became aggressive, political, this worldly, and bent on conquest and domination. They forever resented the English restoration which had disempowered them and purged them from lucrative positions in the Church of England and in the English government. Whig history began as their plan for reconquering England and the world.

The state Church of Massachusetts was state church of New England, and New England set up its Rome, its Papacy, in Massachussetts. The civil war and the Mormon war was New England conquering America – and then, following the civil war, denied it was a religious institution and proceeded to apply the doctrine of “separation of Church and state” as a very thin coat of white wash over the state religion of Massachusetts being enforced on everyone in America. And after World War II, everyone in the world, except those protected by nuclear weapons, Russia and China. There is a direct correlation between one’s alma mater’s proximity to the Boston-NYC-DC corridor and the height of one’s position in the government and ruling class of one’s country. Outside of Russia and China the only substantial resistance comes from Muslims. If you are Muslim a tranny nonetheless wins your song contest, your universities are run from Harvard, two thirds of the youngsters attending university are women due to affirmative action for women, and shortly after they attend university they find themselves covered in semen from head to foot and are told that they are liberated. Approximately half of all Muslims are moderate Muslims, and if you are a moderate Muslim you support the gay parades, you have only one wife in the event you have a wife, and if you do get married you will probably marry a women nearing the end of her fertile years, and are failing to reproduce. Immoderate Muslims, most of whom support Islamic state or some faction equally violent, are getting laid, marrying young women in their most fertile years, and having numerous children.

Ann Coulter famously said “Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity”. Predictably, the US government adopted a policy of killing their leaders and converting them to progressivism, which policy is not entirely failing, but is having considerably less success and more serious problems than admitted. Conversion to progressivism is not keeping up with rate at which real Muslims, the ones that make women submit to their husbands, breed.

By and large, I tend to focus on power at the bottom – that women interrupt their boss tells me that they are hired for reasons other than their contribution to profit, that businesses are forced or morally pressured to hire women, and then stuff them into parts of the business where they cannot do too much immediate damage. Blacks walk down the street like aristocrats, taking up lots of space, while white males walk like serfs.

I also write a lot about female sexual preferences. Sexual selection, female choice, results in a positive feedback cycle, hence the peacock’s tail. I expect my readers, unlike Harvard alumni and Word Bank economists, to know the difference between positive feedback and negative feedback, to, unlike the typical Harvard alumunus, understand why the peacock’s tail is a really bad thing for peacocks, and to know that positive feedback is apt to have extremely bad consequences, and almost always needs to be broken and disconnected in the most direct way possible.

But this post is about power at the top. It is, however, also about my favorite topic: Positive feedback loops. And if you did not get that the peacocks tail is a manifestation of a positive feedback loop and that the peacock’s tail shows that women should never have been emancipated, do some homework before commenting. Seems that these days all they teach in university is how to hate white males, even if your degree is nominally in computer science. If your degree is in computer science, you damn well should know what a positive feedback loop is and why it is a bad thing.

During the reign of Charles the First of England, there was a remarkable outbreak of holiness. By and large, the holiest people tended to get the preaching jobs in the Church of England, and, since there was not a whole lot of entertainment and social events other than going to church, they persuaded other people to be holy.

To some extent this holiness was genuine and sincere. On the other hand, since Church of England jobs had good pay and status, it was to some extent pharisaical, and became increasingly pharisaical. And this pharisaical holiness started to increasingly resemble nineteenth century leftism, alarming the King, so Charles the First set to appointing Bishops that opposed and suppressed left wing pharisaism – or perhaps Bishops that, like Charles himself, enjoyed a good time and were not particularly holy. And this led to civil war, which the exceedingly holy won.

And pretty soon each candidate for office was even holier than each of the other candidates.

And pretty soon pharisaical holiness developed a striking resemblance to twentieth century leftism, the twentieth century labor movement and the hippies, Which alarmed Oliver Cromwell, who, like Stalin, found himself outflanked on his left, so he cracked down on it, a good deal more vigorously and more successfully than Charles the first did. Cromwell is both a villain to reactionaries, for executing a great King, and a hero to reactionaries, for putting a stop to leftism, and for equipping General Monck with a praetorian guard, the Coldstream guards.

Cromwell’s leftism did not go all the way to twenty first century leftism and celebrate sodomy, but the wind was blowing that way, as men ever more holy had to denounce yesterday’s holiness. The war on Christmas and the war on Marriage began under Cromwell, foreshadowing the twenty first century celebration of sodomy.

After Cromwell died, General Monck staged a coup, and to this day the Coldstream Guards, who were originally his praetorians, guard parliament. General Monck restored the monarchy, and the monarchy, Charles the Second, purged puritans from state institutions, including the Church of England.

This pissed off the puritans no end. Charles attempted to purge New England’s ruling institutions, but whereas puritans were unpopular in England, pretty much everyone in New England was a puritan, and the puritans eventually regained power in New England by a revolt that England let slide, and eventually legalized.

And having regained power, they proceeded to get holier and holier, until they were holier than Jesus (abolitionism and prohibition). And here we are.