
Maybe a relatively painless Soviet Style collapse?

I have been predicting, and still predict, that the fall of the Cathedral will be long, bloody, and terrible, and that the Cathedral will likely be replaced by something that none of us want, like the Islamic Caliphate.

But lately there have been happier signs, like the Trumpening.

And the defection of Duterte from the blue empire is another encouraging sign.

Duterte won the Philippine election on a hugely popular program of replacing the dysfunctional justice system with right wing death squads.  The Cathedral could not quite believe this, but after a while started murmuring about doing something, presumably another color revolution after the fashion of Syria.

Whereupon Duterte defected from the “International Community” to China, seeking Chinese protection against US military intervention.

Hillary’s program is to restore the blue empire by overtly violent means. Trump’s program is to let it go.

What happened in the Soviet Union is that when they let Afghanistan go, then another state went, and another state went, and a landslide of states, and then Moscow itself fell.

While the International Community, the blue empire of the consulates, has been struggling with Syria, Thailand and the Philippines have wandered off the reservation. Insurrection has a habit of cascading. To restore control, it would not be sufficient to destroy Syria and have the Alawites and Christians genocided, but war with Thailand and the Philippines might well also be necessary, and might well escalate to similar degrees of horror.

War tends to become far more horrible than those starting it expect. The Cathedral is piously indignant about barrel bombs, forgetting that the neighborhoods being bombed were often quite recently ethnically cleansed of their previous inhabitants by the forces supported by the Cathedral.

It seems to me that if a neighborhood was previously occupied by group A, and then group B drives them out, it is perfectly reasonable for group A and their allies to bomb the hell out the neighborhoods new and old occupied by group B. Yeah, there are children living it those neighborhoods. And there children driven out of their homes by violence when those neighborhoods were ethnically cleansed. The Cathedral has sponsored a whole lot of violent ethnic cleansing in Syria, which caused, and entirely justifies, the violence that we now see in the reconquest of Aleppo.

And the Cathedral has sponsored a whole lot of violent ethnic cleansing in America, to which everyone piously turns a blind eye.

The empire rests on white males, while sadistically increasing the oppression of whites and males to ever more ridiculous extremes. Contrary to the fantasies of the 1488ers, no backlash ensues, instead whites and males become ever more passive, apathetic, terrorized, and emasculated. But on the periphery of empire, the empire is collapsing.

This collapse does not reflect for the most part backlash against anti white and anti male measures (though Boko Haram is unambiguously backlash against anti male measures) but the fundamental military weakness of a society that is constructed by white males, that is entirely dependent on the work and military capability of white males, and is ever more hostile to white males. The utterly extraordinary and almost incredible British defeats in Basra and Helmand province show what happens when you feminize your military. The empire is falling not because white males will fight their oppressors, but because they will not fight for their oppressors. Will the fall of the Blue Empire go all the way to Washington, as the fall of the Soviet Empire went all the way to Moscow?

131 comments Maybe a relatively painless Soviet Style collapse?

ECM says:

I have nothing constructive to add, but this is definitely sentence of the month:

“Duterte won the Philippine election on a hugely popular program of replacing the dysfunctional justice system with right wing death squads.”

Alfred says:

> Contrary to the fantasies of the 1488ers, no backlash ensues, instead whites and males become ever more passive, apathetic, terrorized, and emasculated.

This has been an eye-opener for me. Few males fight, few males care. As long as they have a roof, food and entertainment they rather stay passive than risk a fight.

Anyway the fall of the Blue empire has to go all the way right? Its power is priestly power and its priests are eating each other.

jim says:

Prediction is difficult, especially about the future, but that is the way the wind blows.

A.B. Prosper says:

The US has the laziest rebels on the planet. They want collapse and might fight but are completely unwilling to accept power . They are terrified of it and if somehow they fought and won, they’d immediately run home to Monticello 2.0 leaving a vacuum and than be subverted back to Cathedralism

To have power you must want power, Duerte does , is willing to use it and likes it. Its quite refreshing to me and I’m certain the average Filipino as well.

Now as Men of the West . What precisely would they fight for ? Material life can’t get better, family life isn’t all that awesome even for patriarchs and while the current system sucks, who exactly has an idea that would be worth the cost They certainly aren’t going to fight for Christendom , its a dead letter

What needed is a homogeneous, patriarchal, subversion resistant society and as of yet even the most red pilled people are barely able to handle the idea of restricting the franchise and eliminating female suffrage

Once something worth fighting for is created, fighting can commence. Till then, no ideology , no fight

Alfred says:

Same with NW Europe.


This is the most inspirational fighting propaganda I’ve seen. The final 5 seconds are telling though: ‘would you die for it?’ Nope.

Jack Highlands says:

As a lifelong ideologue and lifelong fence-sitter, I don’t believe ideology is anything more than an emergent property of more basic forces. It is better to be than to know, better to act than to think.

Even religion is an emergent property of race – constantly shifting and adapting to particular ethnic situations – the Germanization of Medieval Christianity, the Persianization of Shia Islam, etc.

Race is real, even for the least clannish tribe on the planet: Westerners. When enough MerClintons have permitted enough White cops to be emasculated in Cologne and shot in Dallas, lack of coherent ideology won’t matter.

— family life isn’t all that awesome even for patriarchs

Typical oldfag rhetoric. You’ve never felt the feels that drive the kids to worship Kek, so you make fun.

You probably fucked a google in college, right?

It’s easy to say how easy life is if you entered the labor market prior to 2008, or before the Bush Years.

Soft men make bad times, bad times make hard men, hard men worship Kek. Shadilay!

Cavalier says:

Old men never manage to wrap their mind around the fact that I’ve never met a marriageable girl.

you don’t _meet_ a marriageable girl. Women aren’t argued into sluttiness and won’t be argued out of it.

My gf still thinks normal sex of the kind she instinctively wants is BDSM fetishism, feeling deeply emotionally attached to your partner is a fetish, and getting aroused by the prospect of having a baby is a fetish. She has a hard time admitting that she’s cisgendered, heterosexual, and monogamous.

It’s actually ridiculously easy to get a woman interested in marriage once you decide that marriage is what you want. White women are biologically programmed to want to get married.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn married one woman at 22 despite having no intention of having kids with her. He then met another woman, and fathered her children. That’s what the 20th century was all about, and the kind of vile degeneracy that’s going to get a man shot in the future.

Cavalier says:

Yes, marriageable girls are made, not born, but when _I_ come across a girl, I’m either coming across a girl who is already marriageable, or not, a female who is already ugly, stupid, slutty, or old, or not. I can teach retarded dogs tricks. I can work with almost anything else. But I cannot change ugly, stupid, slutty, or old.

And so far, throughout my admittedly short life, I have never, not ever come across a girl that made me want to marry her, though I have been thinking of that possibility for a few years now.

I cannot seem to find one that is not either ugly, stupid, or slutty. I don’t think I’m asking for the moon here. A pretty, intelligent, chaste girl, much like the last several generations of my female lineage. (She must be also white, obviously.) And it would be nice if she had a feminine demeanor, and even nicer if she had blue eyes and blonde hair, much like much of my recent female lineage.

So you tell me how I don’t _meet_ a marriageable girl.

jim says:

In Silicon valley, all the girls that would have been marriageable are riding the cock carousel.

The big business of facebook is enabling people to organize assignations. Ninety percent of their stuff is girls posting selfies, and guys posting emoticons responding to those selfies.

jim says:

My son took my advice, took a year off from work, and proceeded to travel the boondocks, cruising the back of beyond and the far side of nowhere for chicks.

Now I am getting one grandchild after another.

I have told my other son that there are no marriageable chicks in Silicon Valley.

A.B. Prosper says:

That’s not bad idea at all. I don’t think I can take a year off but I’ll bet I can find a woman in the boondocks

Cavalier says:

That sounds like the thing to do.

But by the back of beyond and the far side of nowhere, do you mean the boondocks of America exclusively, or the boondocks of foreign countries, up to and possibly including the former Soviet bloc?

And congrats on the descendants, may they too be fruitful and multiply.

jim says:

Oh, especially the former Soviet Bloc. But the boondocks of America and Canada are pretty good also.

Brit says:

Former soviet block is really excellent.

I live in an affluent part of England, and it amazes me how much effort and resources that young men are wasting on women here. You can find a girl from Eastern Europe ready to get married at 20 and start raising children. Many are very religious. Hopefully I can get more bright young men on board with this.

A.B. Prosper says:

Not a college guy and I don’t race mix.

And I stand by the notion that patriarchy isn’t that awesome If it was people would have worked harder to keep it . . Its a shit ton of responsibility for a lifetime for what is essentially a short term of regular sex and kids

This is a much better deal in lower tech times, when you needed a help meet , many women died having children and there was less to do. overall.

Also people wanted children more than they do now, not only were they economically useful they were part of the cultural backdrop. many people have kids because people around them are having kids

Now they don’t have to and enough of them aren’t that its not longer required to be part of the herd

This wouldn’t be a disaster if we didn’t have incoming hordes but we do.

Now if there is a collapse all bets are off, but modern life is fluid and systems designed for different conditions won’t work nearly as well

Urban societies nearly always have less children .

before the boss here mentions Timor Leste , its non White, nearly 100% Catholic, nearly undeveloped, with no electricity in many areas has an IQ 2/3 pf one STD deviation of Whites , marginal literacy (about 50%) and is small. Its capital is smaller than my area and I live in the sticks

If when r society implodes, well now that is a different thing but till than, 1016 ideas don’t fit 2016 lives even if our instinct are from 20,000 BC

And note there is no scenario that I can think that will result in a numerically much larger White population. if there is a collapse, most people of every race will die . we are way over carrying capacity and the diminished condition will support s smaller population

The same cultural traits that drive Timor Leste high fertility may apply after. Though its
questionable since we are entering a post Western Christian era

The key to better is healthy families and higher White ratios . Instead of a tiny percentage we need to get back up to 25% of the human race or more,

And as for today’s hard times, They aren’t, not really. People don’t have work or a future but they aren’t starving and are entertained

Its a rat utopia really

yeah, it’s not hard times, young men are stuck at their parent’s houses because they _choose_ to play vidya instead of getting married and a real job

i am so sick of victim blaming

A.B. Prosper says:

There are different kinds of hard.

The kind of hard times that builds men of strength differs from what we have now.

even so, there are a fair number of young people an older who could afford family formation but choose other things. Its not victim blaming to note there are different priorities in play.

The very younger ones are well and truly screwed though

I’m not so sure the 1930’s hard times were all that either, it gave us the greatest generation after all . On an individual basis I liked these people but as a group, they wrecked America and the Boomers pilled on

The current hard times are in some ways worse as they erode character and men’s souls. Maybe when things get worse off, they’ll get better off. I don’t mean politically, worse is worse but the end of the free resources ending the rat utopia

jim says:

even so, there are a fair number of young people an older who could afford family formation but choose other things. Its not victim blaming to note there are different priorities in play.

You are bananas.

The problem is not the cost of family formation, not “priorities”, not whether one can “afford” family formation, but the likelihood that your wife will destroy your life, your children’s lives, and her own life, by making the decision, usually a terribly unwise decision, to stop having sex with the father of her children and have sex with some passing alpha male, and then accuse her husband of domestic abuse etc in order to gain complete custody of the children and the accompanying cash and prizes.

In order to form a family, men and women must cooperate. Hence marriage must be indissoluble.

One household has to have one boss. Hence patriarchy.

Women are notoriously irresponsible and prone to making terribly bad and self destructive decisions. Hence the authority of the father and husband to apply corporal punishment to his wife and children must be socially and legally enforced.

Then we can have family formation.

Wealth and poverty, war and peace, has little effect on family formation. People do not make the decision to have children because they can afford them. Rather they make the decision to have children and then do whatever it takes to afford them. The one thing that has major effects on family formation is whether it is socially and legally possible to form a family – patriarchy.

R7_Rocket says:


Corvinus says:

Jim, you are certifiably insane.

The problem is the the cost of family formation.

Men and women destroy the lives of families.

Some husbands and wives stop having sex with one another.

Domestic abuse occurs in families by men and women.

Men and women in a household determine for themselves the nature of their relationship, NOT you.

Some men and women are notoriously irresponsible and prone to making self destructive decisions.

Then we can have family formation.

“Wealth and poverty, war and peace, has little effect on family formation.”

Citations or retract.

A.B. Prosper says:

Jim, the US TFR has been below replacement since 1930 with the exception of the 25 years of the baby boom

75 years of at or below replacement fertility

Divorce is part of it but its not all of it , Its tax on families keeping them below replacement rather than at replacement

Anecdotes are not evidence but I grew up in a completely White exurb in one of the more religious parts of the country in an era with fault only divorce

It was quite hard to get a divorce and child support enforcement was nil. There was work too, the economy wasn’t amazing but it as adequate . I was the poor kid and several of my schoolmates went to top tier schools

There was no internet and many people did not have cable or anything else.

No one my area had more than two kids except for one religious family with 4 . It was a a nearly exact match for the national TFR of the time 2.0 or so

Small families were the norm because people wanted smaller families and no other reason

Somehow assuming because “patriarchy” densely populated urban cities with tiny apartments and soul destroying shit jobs are going to miraculously create a baby boom is just wrong

Most people don’t want large families anymore

Caveat, the low impulse control, double digit IQ types might but they aren’t who we are concerned with

To use an NrX term, modern cities are IQ grinders and have been since the 1930’s

There is no policy to fix that however we can make society more homogeneous and conservative, fix divorce, punish single moms and get the birth rate up a little

But only a a little. Poland is highly religious and Catholic , abortion is illegal . women decently traditional and the TFR is 1.3

Its much lower than most White groups including 100% White Norwegians , Brits , Swedes and Americans

Now when the collapse comes , most people will die and the survivors will be patriarchal and tradition based.

The TFR will be higher but so will the infant mortality rate

It may never achieve the same raw numbers as now though but of the non white population is lower, it doesn’t matter

jim says:

But only a a little. Poland is highly religious and Catholic , abortion is illegal . women decently traditional and the TFR is 1.3

Your concept of decently traditional differs greatly from my own.

jim says:

It was quite hard to get a divorce and child support enforcement was nil.

You are making shit up. Women have been rewarded with cash and prizes for ditching their husbands and fucking alpha males since approximately 1860.

It was hard for a man to divorce an adulterous wife. It was totally easy for an adulterous wife to compel her abandoned husband to support her and her lover. There was a legal presumption that women were not committing adultery even when they flagrantly were. To get out of supporting your wife and her lover you pretty much had to photograph her in the act.

If you cannot kill a man or have him executed for spending half an hour behind closed doors with your wife, marriage is not enforced on women.

The nineteenth century legalized female adultery through the backdoor by granting women a ridiculously extreme presumption of chastity, by putting a shield of secrecy around any evidence that might cause men to doubt this chastity, and by simply flat in your face refusing to enforce any of the old laws against female immorality.

If marriage was enforced on women, where is the poster girl of a woman suffering hardship as a result of adultery?

If marriage was enforced on women, where is the woman with the scarlet letter?

A.B. Prosper says:

A note here, I made a mistake its half a century of low fertility, not 75 years

basically from 1930 to now nearly 2/3rds of the time were at or below replacement fertility including many years where people were religious divorce was hard and marriage was basically mandatory,

Absolutely true that divorce/feminism had an impact but its impact was more “reduce to below replacement” rather than anything else.

The rest is urbanization, technological innovation and economic.

And note too because its majority those factors, a revival isn’t feasible . if Poland which is pretty religious has 1.3 (and a ban on abortion and tough divorce laws) and Hungary which is intensely nationalist and 75% Christian has 1.3 and neither has a boom and even state support of Orthodoxy in Russia isn’t having a major impact (though its more fertile than those two, about that of the US) religion isn’t a fix

Want more babies? Steady work for men, no work for women. and the TFR will reach the level that families want

How much this will be is unclear. People lie to pollsters and they may simply want two

This is my guess, a prosperous stable modern urban society will have a TFR of around 2.0 not much more

The taxes we pay, divorce and the expense of good schools do have an impact but its not so high as to push the rates sky high

Maybe, maybe with ideal choices slight growth is doable but beyond that?

Nope. We’ve reached social carrying capacity

jim says:

basically from 1930 to now nearly 2/3rds of the time were at or below replacement fertility including many years where people were religious divorce was hard and marriage was basically mandatory,

Divorce being hard is irrelevant if patriarchy is illegal and adultery is legal. The wife could simply walk out on her husband, but the husband could not walk out on his wife, being stuck with a ruinous obligation to support her in the same style as a when they were a couple, even if she was flagrantly adulterous. If flagrantly adulterous, husband had to prove adultery, which was made extremely difficult, almost impossible. Under these circumstances, with wife’s adultery being legal, socially acceptable, and financially rewarding, making divorce difficult is counterproductive. You have to make divorce difficult and force women to submit to their husbands.

Fertility rose when social approval of corporal punishment of wives was restored, fell when “Domestic violence” was recriminalized.

jim says:

Want more babies? Steady work for men, no work for women. and the TFR will reach the level that families want

History has proven that feast or famine, boom or bust, war or peace, has little effect on fertility. People make the decision to have children, then they make the decision to do whatever it takes to afford those children.

History shows that mere economic forces are insignificant against forces so primal.

jim says:

before the boss here mentions Timor Leste , its non White, nearly 100% Catholic, nearly undeveloped, with no electricity in many areas has an IQ 2/3 pf one STD deviation of Whites , marginal literacy (about 50%) and is small. Its capital is smaller than my area and I live in the sticks

The reason all that makes a difference is that it makes it hard for the Cathedral to boko the schoolgirls

It is not being rural that makes women fertile or urban makes them infertile. It is Cathedral brainwashing that makes them infertile.

If instead of being taught that they first need to get an advanced education and a career and then think about marriage and children, girls were taught the truth, that they have plenty of time for education and career, but a rather limited time for marriage and children …

Corvinus says:

A.B. Prosper…

“What needed is a homogeneous, patriarchal, subversion resistant society and as of yet even the most red pilled people are barely able to handle the idea of restricting the franchise and eliminating female suffrage.”

What YOU need is to appear on a reboot of Fantasy Island to carry out your dream.

“The key to better is healthy families and higher White ratios . Instead of a tiny percentage we need to get back up to 25% of the human race or more,”

What YOU need. This reward “good whites” and punish “bad whites’ phenomenon by the Alt Right may seem yuge, but it’s only a drop in the bucket.


“A pretty, intelligent, chaste girl, much like the last several generations of my female lineage. (She must be also white, obviously.) ”

Best wishes on your endeavor.

A.B. Prosper says:

So what do you want or think people need. ?

You are not getting a Christian revival or a Christian patriarchy. Its a living faith but its leaving the West for new rounds and its not coming back at least in Europe. Note secular countries tend to HIGHER White TFR than religious ones there caveat Russia which is more driven by nationalism than faith

Islam isn’t going to be it among Whites and while amusing to contemplate neither is Neo Hellenic Paganism or Asatru going to be it either

As for Good Whites/Bad Whites , a simple tweak of incentives will settle it. The default condition for Whites to the West of the Hajnal line is order

jim says:

So what do you want or think people need. ?

The reason Christianity is dead is that its moral code is illegal.

For example, it is inherent in women’s nature to fuck the best male available, who is rarely the male who loves them or is their husband. It is inherent in male nature to kill men who fuck the woman that he loves.

Legalizing adultery, and criminalizing the killing of adulterers, empowers wives over their husbands the way it would empower husbands if they had the authority to kill their wife for any reason or no reason at all.

We need to criminalize adultery, in the original biblical sense of sex with another man’s wife, and legalize the killing of adulterers.

This would make our laws consistent with human nature, consistent with what men and women spontaneously tend to do, would be enormously popular with men, and would be a significant step towards patriarchy, would likely raise the fertility rate to well above replacement.

You seem to imagine I hope for a Christian revival in a society where African style sex is legally mandatory, where Christians are required to enthusiastically cheer gays, transexuals, and unmarried mothers. Indeed that would be unlikely and upopular.

First we criminalize gay sex, adultery, spousal abandonment, and single motherhood, then everyone converts to, or at least piously gives lip service to, the state church, the way that they now piously give lip service to gay sex and single motherhood.

Koanic says:

You have it.

Corvinus says:

“We need to criminalize adultery, in the original biblical sense of sex with another man’s wife, and legalize the killing of adulterers.”

You would be dead, Jim, under your own criteria, You had sex on the side when you were married, regardless if that woman was married or was single.

You broke the covenant. You are an adulterer.

On top of it all, you supposedly have an East Asian girlfriend. I have no problem with race mixing, but several posters here do. And yet they don’t call you out on it. Hypocritical, to say the least.

Mackus says:

You must be hallucinating pretty badly, since you don’t even seem to realize you’ve _quoted_ sentence that directly contradicts your claim that Jim broke _his own criteria_. No. You retroactively, in your own mind, rewrote his sentence until it “became” hypocritical.

Corvinus says:

Did Jim have sex with women other than his wife? Yes.

If those women were married, then Jim is an adulterer according to “his” criteria.

The Biblical standard is also clear–a married man or woman is barred from having sex outside of marriage. Since Jim had sex as a married man with a woman other than his wife, he is an adulterer.

Perhaps you are covering for Jim. Do you also have sex outside of marriage?

jim says:

A man having sex with multiple women is not adultery. Pretty much every biblical patriarch and every biblical king had sex with multiple women, and there is nothing in the new testament that forbids multiple wives, except that Bishops must usually be married to one, and only one, woman.

A woman having sex with multiple men is adultery.

Corvinus says:

“A man having sex with multiple women is not adultery.”

A man having sex with multiple women who are NOT his wives is committing adultery. A man having sex with single women with no intention of marrying them IS committing adultery.

“Pretty much every biblical patriarch and every biblical king had sex with multiple women…”

Context, which escapes you.


“and there is nothing in the new testament that forbids multiple wives, except that Bishops must usually be married to one, and only one, woman.”

Although the New Testament is largely silent on the issue, some point to Jesus’ repetition of the earlier scriptures, noting that a man and a wife “shall become one flesh.”

However, some look to Paul’s writings to the Corinthians: “Do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘The two will become one flesh.'”

Supporters of polygamy claim this indicates that the term refers to a physical, rather than spiritual, union.

Three passages in the pastoral epistles (Timothy 3:2, Timothy 3:12 and Titus 1:6) state that church leaders should be the “husband of one wife.” This has been read by some Christian sects as a prohibition of polygamy. Others argue that polygamy is allowed, but not for church leaders. Still others argue that the passage refers only to church leaders not divorcing their first wives. Walter Lock in his 1990 book argues it may simply refer to marital unfaithfulness since “no Christian, whether an overseer or not, would have been allowed to practice polygamy.”


In other words, Jim, there is more direct evidence that polygamy is a condemned practice by God and church leaders.

How is that race mixing going? Why are you selling out the white race?

jim says:

Not seeing any direct evidence in the material quoted that polygyny is prohibited, except for Bishops.

Steve Johnson says:

I see you’ve given up on primary sourcing in your stupid quest to ignore the meaning of words.

Corvinus says:


“Not seeing any direct evidence in the material quoted that polygyny is prohibited, except for Bishops.”

Because you’re fucking blind.

Lil’ Stevie…

“I see you’ve given up on primary sourcing in your stupid quest to ignore the meaning of words.”

Indeed, you are a lost cause in this regard.

Steve Johnson says:

The only lost cause is the idea that you have any support in the book you allegedly hold as holy.

Not only is polygamy not condemned, it’s endorsed.

Men are prohibited from screwing goats and their sisters but not from screwing unowned women. Your only argument is that it’s so obvious that men are prohibited from screwing unowned women that it doesn’t even need to be stated – meanwhile the express prohibition on goat fucking is there. The only logical conclusion is that you are more inclined to screw goats than single women.

That seems to agree with what else has been observed about you.

Planning on posting that home address?

Corvinus says:

“Planning on posting that home address?”

It’s rather odd for you to insist on something that even if given you wouldn’t dare losing everything you own to prove a point by showing up on my doorstep and attempting to murder me.

“The only lost cause is the idea that you have any support in the book you allegedly hold as holy.”

There is no alleging. The book is holy to me.

“Not only is polygamy not condemned, it’s endorsed.”

Endorsed only by those other than holy.

“Men are prohibited from screwing goats and their sisters but not from screwing unowned women.”

Christian husbands are prohibited from screwing women other than their one wife.

“Your only argument is that it’s so obvious that men are prohibited from screwing unowned women that it doesn’t even need to be stated – meanwhile the express prohibition on goat fucking is there. The only logical conclusion is that you are more inclined to screw goats than single women.”

You still on that point where you got served? It burns you that you got destroyed in that argument. Like a little girl, you’re always trying to find a way to get noticed. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

jim says:

There is no alleging. The book is holy to me.

You read it in accord with the progressive interpretation, not with the traditional Christian interpretation of the Communion of Saints, nor with any real attempt to read original intent, Sola Scriptura.

And I am pretty sure that the book is not holy with progressives.

Steve Johnson says:

Everything you write proves that you don’t believe it.

If you think no one would show up at your door, you’d publish your address. Instead you say no one would show up and you act like someone would. Why is that?

I guess you’re protective of that goat you find very sexy.

» » “Not only is polygamy not condemned, it’s endorsed.”

» Endorsed only by those other than holy.

Corvinus, did you just call pretty much all of Africa and Asia unholy? http://giphy.com/gifs/racist-thats-mexican-TWhOmZ783UrwA

Go on, post your home address. I’ll get the Antifa to shit on your sidewalk.

Corvinus says:

“You read it in accord with the progressive interpretation, not with the traditional Christian interpretation of the Communion of Saints, nor with any real attempt to read original intent, Sola Scriptura.”

I have offered numerous passages from the Bible, along with commentary, regarding the original intent on the topic at hand.

You, on the other hand, clearly pervert the word of God through your interpretation.

jim says:

Your interpretation of these passages is progressivism, and progressives despise Christians and the bible. If you took the bible seriously, you would take the communion of saints seriously, and the communion of saints is far to the right of Hitler.

You’re still a racist who thinks Africans and Arabs and Chinamen are unholy. Nothing you say matters.

I mean, even I don’t think they’re unholy. Just not fully human, and at any rate not White so I fundamentally don’t care about them.

This is why christcuckoldry is evil. It refuses to leave the muds, alone, it must “convert” them or whatever the hell. We don’t need to have anything to do with muds, except maybe to take their land.

lalit says:

How about a return to Saxon Paganism?
No? Too Germanic?

Okay, If that’s not cool, what about going back to the Pagan Viking Religion?
No? too Violent?

Ok, how about Greco-Roman paganism? No? Too civilized?

You know what? Fuck you Guys, I’m going home!

jim says:

Those were all great religions, but they are dead.

And so is cuckstainty. The only living religion in the West is esoteric Kekism, and the skypes can’t begin to understand what’s happening. Shadilay!

jay says:

Why do you think Right-wing death squads failed in Latin America?

jim says:

Lack of discipline, moral certainty, and strong leadership. Right wing death squads did not fail. Rather the will to apply them failed.

Subversion from anti-communist secular USA and anti-communist Catholic Church. The Church also scuttled Falaginst Spain.

Death to professors, death to priests.

Theshadowedknight says:

The reason they did not have the will is because the people of Latin America are socialists by nature. The rest of the world shrugged it off when it became too onerous–at least the outward trappings of it–but the South Americans seem to love their socialist ideas. Just not the actual practice, which is when you they tend to degenerate down to tribal savages on their own devices.

The Shadowed Knight

when capitalism means banana republics, communism means communism, and christcuckoldry means christcuckoldry, they don’t really have a lot of options

The government of Ecuador would probably prefer Hillary because they are dominated by Cathedral catholicism, but they’re supporting Assange because they know that if they don’t it means they’re totally cucked.

Wilbur Hassenfus says:

They say that’s why communism always fails: It didn’t fail, it was just misapplied.

Where have right wing death squads worked? Pinochet seems to have ruled effectively and well. Did Franco have death squads?

I’d like to believe in right wing death squads. But they sound too good to be true.

Franco’s Spain was subverted by the Catholic church, specifically Opus Dei, and the king, who wanted to be cool and join the EU

Fascism has existed in the past. Franco’s Spain lasted for quite some time, and liberals will agree that a number of countries before liberals too over were pretty fascist, though they will try to pin all manner of abuses on fascism, including made up abuses.

The problem with being a reactionary is that it’s hard to say that this or that non-pozzed example isn’t what you want. The problem with being a Hitlerite is that Hitler was a flawed figure from a problematic time.

I want England between the reigns of Edward and Cromwell, but the only thing I mean by that is no skypes.

Mike says:

When the “international community” declared, “Assad must go,” and Assad did not go, de facto independence was granted to all the vassals.

Duterte and Vietnam were inevitable so long as Assad’s wife remained hot, ‘unspoiled’, and in Syria.

And Syria was inevitable the moment the Civil Rights act forbade White males to self-segregate outside of their basements.

Military organization requires male organization. German men can’t defend German women on German soil. American men can’t shoot a Black man outside of their basement. Civil Rights made man caves the center of Western civilization because male organization is civilization.

Thus, because military organization requires male organization, the de facto geopolitcal borders of the Blue empire are man caves.

Thus, the borders of the empire will shrink till they reach the muddy vestibules of White man’s sheds, garages, basements, and outhouses.

If the decline is gradual, White men will gradually exit their retreats; Trumps, Dutertes, exportation, and segregation become common.

If the decline is sudden, White men will return in aggression; one hundred Sacre CÅ“urs (Paris Commune, 1871) commemorate the slaughter of ‘minorities’ and lefties in the inner cities.

If priests legalize male organization, the result will be the same as gradual decline; but with fewer canabalized priests.

do you really believe right-wing death squads is a better policy than, you know, just legalizing drugs (and thus profit the hell out of its sales)?

aside of that, I guess the dynamics of slow, then faster, secession from the empire is probably how it goes down. the difference between the Blue Empire and the Soviet Empire is that the Soviets didn’t have a race-driven civil war going on. things will probably be messier in the core of the empire (since State secession has been judged unholy and heretic back in the mid-19th century).

A.B. Prosper says:


Executing degenerate drug users and sellers improves society. The only people who need compassion are those hooked on legal drugs from a prescription . Otherwise if you use hard drugs, you undermine order itself . Heroin , PCP, Meth, Coke and the rest need to go.

Now I do favor some legalization , low grade weed, shrooms LSD maybe X etc but people who regulatory use them are degenerates

Mycroft Jones says:

You can’t outlaw cocaine, you’d have to execute a large percentage of the ruling elites.

pdimov says:

And what a tragedy that would be.

A.B. Prosper says:

If I have the power to actually fight a war on drugs, not a war on the poor than I’ll be the elite and can in fact do just that or more probably already will have

Jack Highlands says:

At our eugenic peak (roughly, The Enlightenment, which is ironic, given the NRx take on The Enlightenment) we Europeans had arrived there mostly via two trends: the intelligent and industrious outbred the stupid and lazy, and we executed many violent males before they got to breed at all.

(Note that by eugenic, I mean well matched to the culture the genes had built – we could use more violence-prone genes now.)

Now, after 250 years of fossil fuel-driven Malthusian plenty, the stupid and lazy are about the only ones breeding at all. One can’t seriously think that the stupidest and laziest being removed from the gene pool via Fentanyl OD’s – or via death squads for that matter – is, in the big picture, a bad thing.

Corvinus says:

“One can’t seriously think that the stupidest and laziest being removed from the gene pool via Fentanyl OD’s – or via death squads for that matter – is, in the big picture, a bad thing.”

Actually, tens of millions of white people are able to seriously think your proposal–the murdering of the stupid and lazy–is anti-human and anti-God.

Jack Highlands says:

Executing those at the top of the drug chain is no more murder than executing highwaymen was centuries ago. I admit though, even the highwaymen received more due process than a helicopter ride.

glenfilthie says:

LOL….you guys are AWESOME.

torpedo says:

> death squads is a better policy than, you know, just legalizing drugs

The point of fighting drugs isnt fighting drugs, but people who do drugs and people who sell drugs. Drugs are a honeypot to catch degenerates and psychopats.

> and thus profit the hell out of its sales

Your society profits even more when drug users and drug merchants have bullets in their heads.

If people aren’t souls and there isn’t a responsibility of everyone in the world to support all the souls that exist no matter what, then drug dealers and drug users are a cancer of the nation that the nation is probably better off eradicating with fire and magnets.

A.B. Prosper says:

Fucking magnets . How do they work?

Rhetocrates says:

The one problem with this is what happens if USG, whom nobody is leading, mis-steps in its frankly insane game of brinksmanship with Russia. Putin has recently pointed out that Russia feels threatened by USG brinksmanship, especially regarding ballistic missiles, and that they have a timeline – not an option on the table, but a TIMELINE – for launching their nukes.

At which point NRx is all well and good, but the gig is basically up, boys. Unless you’re lucky enough to be living in Nebraska when the bombs fall.

Alfred says:

Bonding with babyboomers over their memories of a possible nuclear war could be a tender intergenerational moment.

If Russia nukes Boston, NY, DC, LA, SF, that would be the best thing ever to happen to America.

A.B. Prosper says:

Not so much. I’m in fallout range of one of them.

viking says:

we have a saying in AA ‘attraction not promotion’ america turned into an empire mostly through attraction and can not hold it together by force or promotion. It can however “keep the focus on itself” [another saying] and become ” apower of example rather than an example of power” [yet another] AA is a brilliant organized anarchist philosophy that has withstood leftist entry.

One really needs to think very long term what will happen when china and whites are the last men standing, cathedral want the jewish strategy be a minority among minorities and preach asians dont have judeao christian guilt wont work need another approach.
so decades ago we assemble a empire against communism now we are trying to assemble one against other capitalists do we even know wtf we want to accomplish. if it were greater wealth not working are we worried china will conquer our territory cut off our supply of cheap electronics? do we have any idea what they want? long term they may be adversaries but we are ensuring this. if we are sure this is inevitable nuke em now. if not steer a better path.
the reality is we dont know what the fuck we are doing or want and leftism is the problem qwe cant think straight. whites will fight eventually it is not surely even a physical fight thats needed which is why it hasnt happened the right has all the guns and testosterone

Mycroft Jones says:

why would the leftists infiltrate AA? It is so disfunctional… people go there to put up with the lies and bullshit of other members. then the group leaders secretly sell them moonshine. Leftists need not apply; organized crime already got there before them.

viking says:

AA has no ‘leaders’ thats the point its completely anarchistic open yet never pwnd. sure it can be argued theres nothing worth stealing but leftists like to steal any social organization thus any organization not specifically rightist willl end up leftist, yet AA doesnt end leftist. its brilliance is its traditions which many view as spiritual principles but theyre an immune system that works and Ive alway thought could be adapted.
BTW whats with your obvious hostility to AA its a completely free voluntary non political self organized group of people helping each other to get sober and this offends you?

Alan J. Perrrick says:

The thing to do is to continue to be anti-male, but be considerably less anti-white.


Jack Highlands says:

I have been a KMac reader for almost 20 years, so when NRx came along, it was impossible for me to take it seriously. In retrospect, that was a mistake, and reading this blog did a lot to convince me of that.

Nevertheless, there is a lot to be said for a Jew-centric view of post-Enlightenment history. In 1917, there were 6 million Jews over there, far fewer here, and matters over there became very violent – the Russian Civil War and the Gulag.

In 1989, there were 6 million Jews here, very few left there, and matters over there remained amazingly peaceful – Velvet Revolution in the center, Gorbachev > Yeltsin > Putin in the east.

In 2016, the 6 million are still here and wielding tremendous power, and though the world hardly knows it, it’s catching its breath and waiting for something to happen. And when something does happen here for the first time in decades, or maybe in 150 years, the 70’s power shift from WASPs to the 6 million means it’s likely to be violent.

A huge question is timing. Politics can remain irrationally stable longer than hawkish pundits can remain solvent. By rights, the Empire should have its good decades within the overall declining trend. That may be Trump.

Anon says:

As Ramzpaul recently said, whites don’t just chimp-out. They require moral permission to start using organized violence. Trump may just become that moral permission.

There are a lot of specific people I know IRL who I’ve talked to about these issues who have gone crimestop on the issue of White separatism, and on social war issues like gays and trannies. The rest of Hillary’s problems, they’ll kind of agree with.

Of course they’ll throw their culture war bullshit under the bus if White separatism gets serious, but some of them I expect to forget they were ever opposed, and others I expect to have to hold blanket parties for.

glenfilthie says:

No need for hysteria boys. This ‘Cathedral’ is gone the second the ‘free money for stupid people’ shit ends. Today’s people of colour and African Americans will go right back to being niggers and shining shoes, and baby momma welfare queens will be shamed, mocked and derided.
America’s fortunes will improve the second we start taking money seriously again.
No, we aren’t going to war over a shit hole like Syria. Or the Phillipines. When Duterte called Obama a son of a whore, most Americans laughed and agreed. Right wing death squads? Hardly! Drug dealers and mob bosses kill all the time and only liberal meat holes think due process is more important than the victims of crime.
turning America around is as easy as slapping a stupid cunt like Hillary across the teeth and making the bitch shut her fuggin yap. Or spraying a clip full of 5.56 NATO into a rioting crowd of vibrant black baboons. Your Cathedral is a paper tiger that lives in fear of people finding out how easy it would be to kill.

Once the shooting starts the good guys will be asking themselves why it took them so long.

Dave says:

Yup. This shit ends when the entire population of D.C. is roasting rats and pigeons over burning piles of $100 bills.

“When you have no work and no money, you start to discover that money is really **IMPORTANT**” -Odd Todd

Corvinus says:

The only thing people here are shooting off is their mouths. No one here is going to start murdering anyone.

See, that is what is so hilarious here. Y’all talk about “once the shooting starts”, yet no one is willing to go out front and center and pull a Breivik, to be an actual martyr for the cause.


jim says:

The time has not yet come.

viking says:

Im not arguing about timing or necessarily convinced shooting is the way to go ,black ops?
But I have been frustrated by neo inactionarys use of moldbug to excuse faggot cowardice cause thats what waiting for your AI robot armies to materialize is, when tens of millions of niggers swarm your nations.
anyway pondering their point for the millionth tie and it occurred it doesnt jibe with their monarch larping, waiting for a zeitgeist to coalesce is a democratic way of thinking, before democracy change happened because of individuals to decided it needed to today even monarchists wait for consensus.
I might add this ‘becoming worthy and assuming power ‘ is also utter faggotry. Davos is not ever going to call nick land for help.kings became worth and assumed power by conquering.

Epimetheus says:

This is a really good point.

There’s so few right wingers with an ounce of will to power. It’s all muh Constitution, muh free speech, muh religious freedom. Need a lot more “convert of die” and flushing the ashes of the Constitution down the King’s toilet.

Cavalier says:

Those aren’t right-wingers, those are the kept men of the Progressive Party. The passivity you notice is the passivity of the kept man as he watches his patron lubing up for another anal reaming.

Epimetheus says:

You’re right.

But it is depressing to see professional sports arenas, full to the gills with pure prog-crushing potential, and know that there is less will to power in the entire crowd than there is in your average gay rights activist.

Corvinus says:

Why don’t you show how it’s done? You know, harness your own “will to power” to “crush progs”.

The time is now. Not later, not in the future, now. That is the way that it works for true men. Are you up for it, epunketheus?

Steve Johnson says:

Why don’t you publish your home address so we can start there?

» The time is now.

yes, it is.


Corvinus says:

“Why don’t you publish your home address so we can start there?”

Even if I would tell you where I live, you wouldn’t actually come over and murder me. You’re stupid, but not that stupid.

“yes, it is.”

Ok, Peppermint, begin the rampage.

jim says:

Hey, tell us your address, and I will check it against your IP number.

Also, email us a selfie, or a true name that we can get a picture for. Like, do you have a Linked In account? How about your facebook? With your facebook and your IP, I should be able to physically locate you.

Steve Johnson says:

C’mon, only one way to find out.

Publish that address or we know that you’re nothing but talk.

pdimov says:

That’s not how it works, Corvinus.

Eli says:

While possible, the problem with the idea of Soviet style collapse is that the “Progressive” party functionaries very much believe in the idea of anti-functional male “rights.” That was not the situation in Soviet Union by mid-80s. The last gasp of true believers happened during Chernenko and Andropov — these guys truly believed in the communist/socialist ideals.

After their death, there was virtually no one in the high echelons of the Communist Party who took those ideas seriously.

The only serious organization that remained was the KGB, a mafia style organ within the Party. They also didn’t care for communism, but at least they had plenty of cohesion.

“The fish rots from the head,” as the Russian saying goes. By those standards, the Soviet fish really stunk, and was ready to be thrown out.

This is not the situation in the USA. These people truly believe in “Progress.”

jim says:

I recall the fall of the Soviet Union as more reality crashing down on them, and less the ruling elites converting to accept reality.

The fundamental problem was that their logistic capability to support troops far from home collapsed, and this became obvious to everyone. The Cathedral is showing similar external military incapacity.

Eli says:

If the Communist party didn’t lose their cohesion (notice the power struggle dynamic between Gorbachev and Yeltsin), Soviet Union would have existed to this day, not unlike N. Korea.

The loss of internal cohesion did it. The dying off of the old-timers, true believers who actually fought for the system and pinned their hopes on it. Reality was, albeit ever crushing, of secondary importance . The craziness that preceded the Afghan war is a testament to that.

Did the humiliation in the Finnish war showcase Soviet strength?

The Revolution kept consuming the country’s best, till mostly the trash, the apathetic, and the cynical remained after 3 generations of class struggle, real and imaginary.

If anything, America is only in the beginning of its journey towards the “Progressive paradise”. Contra you, I’m seeing a great many otherwise talented people supporting it in one fashion or another. At least, they aren’t resisting. I give it 50 to 80 years, *at least* (possibly a couple of centuries), till it collapses, Soviet style or not. Average IQ can go down for a long time. And in the age of automation, one doesn’t need it to be even a 90.

pdimov says:

“I give it 50 to 80 years, *at least*”

If people see collapse in 50 to 80 years, this is an indicator that collapse is due in much less than that.

Nobody sees collapse 50 to 80 years in advance. Well, some extraordinary people do, but nobody takes them seriously.

Eli says:

George Friedman in “The Next 100 Years” sees America being dominant in 21st century, being somewhat challenged by Japan, Poland and Turkey (as independent powers), by mid-21st century. Ultimately, however, their possible challenge cannot match American strength.

It’s quite an interesting book, and Friedman is not a nobody.

The US has a lot of great intertia carrying it forward. I am not buying Jim’s thesis: the current cultural and social degeneracy, while weighing the country down, is still not anchoring it, on total balance. The other countries have still ways to go to catch up, and they suffer from their own problems, some of which resemble American.

jim says:

If the loss of cohesion did it, well our elite is the least cohesive ever. Obama might as well be herding cats.

Recall the amusement that met Trump’s remark that he would fire many or most of the generals and get a new set of generals that had not presided over disaster. “Oh, ha ha, what a maroon! The igerrant doofus thinks the president can fire generals! Ha Ha!”

Obama cannot fire a general, and he cannot discipline some black buck at airport security who humiliates a visiting head VIP.

China went to war because foreign diplomats did not like being forced to kow tow to the emperor. In America, foreign diplomats are forced to kow tow to googles.

Eli says:

How much cohesion do niggers need to plunder a shop during a riot?

Hidden Author says:

Google “generals fired by Obama”, numbnuts! You’re welcome.

Meh, what percentage of the best do you think support this system?

The only intelligent young White men I know who support the system are confirmed sociologists or other cultists.

The ones who don’t speak out are terrified, not agreeing. So when the terror stops…

Eli says:

Many men, especially, in urban centers, are brainwashed to accept feminism as the status quo, to believe that Islam is a religion of peace, and to accept a whole bunch of other things as true. Not seeing it changing other than by an external jolt by whatever ultimate power controls this universe.

I’m not really surprised after listening to Taylor Swift, but actually, I am surprised by how women immediately drop all pretence of degeneracy when marriage is seriously discussed. They are pure stimulus-response and when the intelligent young White men stop providing degenerative stimuli they will respond accordingly. And the men will stop degenerating when the “post”-Christians ban intelligent young White men from having sex or being employed, which is right now.


Cavalier says:

“I am surprised by how women immediately drop all pretense of degeneracy when marriage is seriously discussed”

Are they dropping the pretense of degeneracy or are they hoisting the façade of lack of degeneracy?

there’s a reason marriage is such a big issue in women’s songs

Cavalier says:

Presumably there is also a reason that a majority of marriages end in divorce, divorce which is more often that not a horrifying doomsday scenario for the man’s life and the man’s finances, and a lotto-like sound of cash and prizes for the woman.

And presumably there is also a reason that women, when given power, opt to have a series of short relationships with a small fraction of all the same men, the hottest men, men obviously unwilling to marry them and men who even if they were to marry them would possess no power in the marriage, women having been given all the power.

Earlier I noted that I had never met a marriageable girl, not for lack of trying, not for lack of SES, and not for lack of female interest, but for reasons not totally known to me except that there must not be but one marriageable girl in one thousand, as apparently nine hundred ninety nine girls out of one thousand are one of either ugly, stupid, slutty, or old, or if not then do a good enough job of fooling me into thinking there are. Who knows, maybe I’m just being played.

I might even prefer it if I were being played. It’s a less horrifying alternative than what I think is the reality of the situation.

Yeah, but a divorced man can marry a younger woman and a divorced woman is pretty worthless.

Cavalier says:

Are you a woman?

Marriage is more important to women, and divorce is more devastating to women. They’re biologically incapable of choosing rationally, but they are very easy to not so much convince to make the right decision but lead to a good outcome. Especially now that everyone has so much contempt for the govt and media, making it harder to tell women that it’s cool to ruin their lives.

What men need to do is lead.

Cavalier says:

As a woman, you will know quite well that a woman, once broken, is forever broken.

And by broken I am heavily implying sluttiness, and by sluttiness I am heavily implying an empty space where the hymen should be. And by heavily implying I mean explicitly stating.

After the first spin around the carousel, the magic is mostly spent, and after the third, it’s spent _in toto_, gone forever.

What men need is a supply of marriageable women.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Real opposition is outside the overton window. Many people are unhappy with what is happening but even if they went to the furthest right extreme they can conceive – a leftist caricature of the right with fangs and a cape – they would still be on the left by the standards of 1900, which our host tells us was already rather leftist.

It’s one thing to conceive that the war is lost, but who do you surrender to?

Biggly says:

Very few progressive belive the shit they’re pushing. They view it as a way to get ahead and to avoid the SJW police.

Chiron says:

My view of the Soviet Union collapse is that after the financialization of the Anglo-American economy under Reagan/Thatcher and the Jewish takeover of the GOP with the NYC jewish neocons and useful idiot Evangelicals is that they don’t needed Communism anymore as a rival. A Soviet official said he knew it was over for the Soviet Union when jews abandoned it (refuseniks), Jews created and destroyed the Soviet Union.

jim says:

Jew centric view of the world is obsessive. The Jewish Bolsheviks purged each other. Soros is just a contractor.

Steve Johnson says:


I found this amusing. From Scott Alexander’s tumblr:

“4. Jonathan Haidt. I mentioned last night that big parts of the right are so horrible that they are massively counterproductive for their own stated goals. Jonathan Haidt is what happens if you take an actually smart and decent person and direct him at the same problem. If the darkest possible path for American politics sees the free-speech/free-thought movement fall to Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon, and Milo Yiannopolous, then the best possible path sees it go through Jonathan Haidt, Steven Pinker, and Jerry Coyne. And of those, Haidt is the one actually putting work into it and thinking strategically.”

lol. The main problem with the right is that it isn’t being led by three leftist Jews because they would never do or say anything that might make Scott uncomfortable.

Steve Johnson says:



Item 1 is also (unintentionally) very very funny but I won’t spoil the joke.

jim says:

And supposedly the ideal defender of freedom of speech is the theorist who has concocted an elaborate theory that rightists are evil and insane. Haidt’s theory of moral foundations is that what the mere unenlightened would call evil is good based on rational and reasonable moral foundations, while what the mere unenlightened would call good is based on crazy, stupid, and hurtful moral foundations.

And he then proves this by surveys consisting of loaded and question begging questions.

Chiron says:

“The main problem with the right is that it isn’t being led by three leftist Jews ”

The US right has been led by leftist jews since the 80s or maybe longer.

jim says:

I don’t think so.

vxxc2014 says:


I don’t think we get a second miracle in our lifetime.

The Cathedral and indeed every government it touches with the Dollar is in deep trouble – the dollar touches 60% of world economy and……The.Dollar.Is.A.Derivative.Based.Currency.
That’s $138 Trillion in USD derivatives.


So is JPY, Euro and see BIS stats.

Why do you think low interest rates are so important? See also REPO.

If the stakes for the Cathedral are existential and the implosion above is the scaffolds for them why do they surrender without fighting?

Also we didn’t buy all these guns in America to talk about it.

Finally there are no small number of very quiet, very angry recently minted veterans with unfinished business. Not to mention rednecks, cops tired of being hunted and all the rest.

The USSR had America to surrender to…who does the USG/Elites surrender to? The People? They see their Doom from the American people and they’re right.

I’m not saying it’s impossible I’m saying existential conflicts seldom if ever admit of peaceful solutions in history.

vxxc2014 says:

” Will the fall of the Blue Empire go all the way to Washington, as the fall of the Soviet Empire went all the way to Moscow?”


[…] takes a long look at the tea leaves and wonders whether Maybe a relatively painless Soviet Style collapse is more likely than long, terrible, bloody chaos upon the fall of the […]

[…] all of a sudden, “Duterte Harry” is elected president on a platform of death squads. Before you know it, he’s telling the EU to “fuck off”, calling Barack Obama […]

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