global warming

Conservatives find their balls

As a general rule, the left deploys any means necessary, routinely engaging in treason, criminal acts, and barefaced lies, as for example the latest business about Islamic rape war on Swedes. And the cuckservatives roll over and let them get away with it. The left does this stuff because they can, and routinely do, get away with it.

However, the committee on Science, Space and Technology is now insisting on investigating the latest act of Global Warming deception by the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, demanding papers that the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration is highly unlikely to release, because these papers would likely be proof of crimes by civil servants. You cannot prosecute a scientist for being one eyed about what he is determined to believe is true, but you most definitely can prosecute a civil servant for willfully deceiving the government.

Hat tip Watt’s up

Trump has a pile of prosecutions he can apply for breaches of national security, and now we are seeing potential prosecutions for fraudulent warmism. If he applies these (and you know Trump – would he not) the permanent government is going to be brought to heel.

12 comments Conservatives find their balls

R7_Rocket says:

All hail the God Emperor!

Cavalier says:

His Majesty isn’t a conservative, nor are His followers, nor are His loyal subjects. Look around yourself, look at yourself, there is nothing to conserve. This is it, Fräulein.

Those steel-spined and brass-balled men of whom you speak, are _royalists_.

Praise dein Trümpenführer.

Mister Grumpus says:

Shit I love this.

viking says:

Conservatives find their balls?

some liberal judges reverse their decades long story about how the president has unlimited authority over immigration and trump folds

The new “conservative supreme finds it necessary to go on TV and express his troubled feelings about Trump thinking the 9th circuit is wrong and re legislating from the bench

Trump assures nigger lovers for the millionth time he is hardly going to deport anyone and he really loves the children

Pence goes to EU and swears undying loyalty to global socialist corprocracy

Milo is thrown under the bus

Flynn is thrown under the bus

despite a new head of CIA and state department and reappointment of FBI deep state continues brazen coup against duly elected president. GOP says nothing to see here but rather opens investigations into flynn and trump and russia

The lynchpin of the actual globalist conspiracy the clinton foundation -crickets

Trumps agenda -either crickets or reversals

And why

Because Trump is a weak minded moron that had no clear let alone cohesive vision nor the ability to win politically on the hodgepodege he stumbled upon.

(The hodgepodge which actually had some potential that we of a reactionary alt right perspective understood the possibilities of and desperately wanted to believe underlied his choices rather than his archie bunker mentality- oh well)

Hes since been both bullied by the press and the GOP neocon cucks and his jew family into reconsidering everything, because if anything is true and obvious about DJT is he desperately wants to be respected by the elites

Liberal judges have never had to rule against a president exercising this authority because a president has never tried to. They refuse to cite the congressional statute because their argument is that it’s somehow against the constitution to restrict immigration in any way, which, if that’s their position, it means they’re totally implacable and outside of the legal tradition even of liberal judges and need to be brought to heel, though not necessarily now.

His Majesty replies by reading the statute to His fans, with the consequence that His fans know what the law says about immigration, since the constitution doesn’t actually say anything.

Some congressional Royalist proposed a law barring new jus soli citizenships, new ones because judges might have a case against stripping old jus soli citizenships. Take it to the bank that judges will rule against that as soon as it comes up, bringing about the final confrontation between congress and the courts.

Trump says, once again, that He loves Mexicans and wants people in this country that will help this country and build on its traditions and stuff, the same as our position. Later He can act surprised when it turns out that pretty much all of the recent immigrants don’t pass that test, along with His fans, many of whom would also be surprised to know that, since the legacy media is lying to them.

Pence goes to Europe and tells the European nations that whether or not they stay in the EU they’re always our best allies.

Milo is thrown under the bus by the dying coalition of losers at CPAC and the Simon and Schuster is relieved to have an excuse to ditch his book deal. This happens in a way that is embarrassing to leftist eceleb George Takei, who also expressed warm feelings towards an older man who molested him. Gay supporting Boomers tell themselves this drama is restricted to conservatives on posts about how great it is that Milo was taken down by any means necessary even if just for being gay. The gay arm of the coalition is forced to eat it and say they support Milo being taken down for being gay because they’re the faggot little bitches of the gay supporting Boomers and tumblrites.

Flynn is ditched for unclear reasons (supposedly because he lied to Pence) as part of the behind the scenes war between the Trump adimistration and the Deep State.

Random GOPe tratiors call for investigations as if they hadn’t gotten the message when liberals knocked that 71 year old staffer unconscious: the left isn’t going to make deals with them. The rest of the Royalists know that and there will be no bullshit investigations.

Deportations continue, wall-planning continues, bringing jobs into the country continues.

Jews have surprisingly little leverage over Trump. He finally gave them a statement condemning anti-Semitism, saying that He wants to unite the country and hatred is terrible. I endorse that statement. Consequently the Jews came back and said His Majesty is still an anti-Semite and asked Spicer why His statement was so weak, and Spicer replied that nothing is ever good enough for the Jews.

viking says:

Hope youre right but obviously think youre not

jim says:

some liberal judges reverse their decades long story about how the president has unlimited authority over immigration and trump folds

Early days yet. Took Abbot ten months of confrontation with the courts before the courts went openly illegal and Abbot went stormtrooper.

Trump is working on delegitimizing the courts.

Mister Grumpus says:

GEDJT is the king of long time-preference. He knows how to develop a plan over months and years. Not just because he’s good a planning big projects like building condo buildings, but because he understands People in Large Numbers.

He knows that simple logic isn’t enough, and that instead we need to be clobbered upside the head with a counter-fact (“Hang on wait a minute. These judge people don’t actually give a shit about us or the law at all, do they?”), over and over, before we start to actually notice it, let alone believe it. We’re not all spergies who can turn on a logical dime without noticing or caring how that makes us look like doofuses to normal people.

(The other side didn’t sell us gay marriage over a single cup of coffee either.)

Kevin C. says:

“Early days yet.”

Care to put a date estimate on it? Is there *any* point in time where a lack of action will prompt a switch from saying “Trump’s working slowly and waiting at the right time,” to it really not happening?

jim says:

Trump’s number one promise was the wall. His number two promise was deportations.

I earlier posted on my blog that to accomplish deportations, he would have to do what Tony Abbot did. And, low and behold, Trump on Tuesday issued a couple of memos issuing guidance to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers that they should do things Tony Abbot style – should deport immigrants without taking them to court.

This is the start of Trump, rex vivat, ignoring the courts.

Now all they need is snappy military style uniforms, bigger guns, and more shine on their guns.

You know, last time around there were in Germany a bunch of people who had good taste in martial looking uniforms. I would recommend the same general style, while avoiding any specific recognizable details reminiscent of Germany. You want a costume that is clearly distinct and original, clearly not that German costume, but conveys the same sense of order, discipline, and intimidation, something that is likely to prove popular with biker gangs, role players, and trick or treaters. They need a uniform that will inspire Less Wrong males, when they role play being men, to dress up as Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and Less Wrong females, when they role play being women, to dress up as wetbacks.

I expect an escalating confrontation with the courts with Trump ignoring the courts, and the courts proclaiming him and his entire administration anathema, and attempting to do an impeachment from the bench, with Trump winning in October or November of 2017.

If he does not decisively settle matters with the courts before the mid term elections, then I will get worried.

Kevin C. says:

“Trump’s number one promise was the wall.”

Tell me about it when the wall actually starts getting built, rather than just orders directing people to draw up proposals for authorizing the establisment of funding mechanisms for yadda yadda yadda the wall, and concrete signs that we won’t immediately have liberals helping “poor, downtrodden Mexican Dreamers” bore holes through the wall.

“Trump on Tuesday issued a couple of memos issuing guidance to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers that they should do things Tony Abbot style”

But are the ICE officers following that guidance yet, or waiting to avoid being punished by the courts? And I note that both Obama’s and GWB’s ICE heads are already out denouncing this as illegal, with citations to a consistent history of Supreme Court rulings holding that even “undocumented aliens” are entitled by our Constitution to “due process”.

“You know, last time around there were in Germany a bunch of people who had good taste in martial looking uniforms.”

And they lost badly to Anglo-American and Soviet Leftism.

“I expect an escalating confrontation with the courts with Trump ignoring the courts, and the courts proclaiming him and his entire administration anathema, and attempting to do an impeachment from the bench, with Trump winning in October or November of 2017.”

I expect much the same thing, except with Trump _losing_.

“If he does not decisively settle matters with the courts before the mid term elections, then I will get worried.”

And if that does come to pass, what then? If Trump fails, if the presidency and congress really are subordinate to the permanent, unelected government of the agencies and the courts, what comes next, except all our deaths as all of civilization is slowly and irreversibly consumed in a global Leftist Singularity?

jim says:

“Trump’s number one promise was the wall.”

Tell me about it when the wall actually starts getting built, rather than just orders directing people to draw up proposals for authorizing the establisment of funding mechanisms for yadda yadda yadda the wall, and concrete signs that we won’t immediately have liberals helping “poor, downtrodden Mexican Dreamers” bore holes through the wall.

We just got orders directing people to throw illegals out without bothering with judges, and the New York Times says that Immigration and Customs Enforcement cops are enforcing those order right now.

As for the wall, I expect that ditches will be dug and concrete poured by 2017 May first, and that Trump will take a victory lap around a largely complete wall in the 2020 election.

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