party politics

The permanent trump crisis

At a gut level, the Cathedral feels the Trump presidency to be illegal, unconstitutional, and improper. They simply know it is illegal, unconstitutional and improper, but cannot come up with any intelligible or coherent explanation of why – or rather any explanation that they can say out loud.

All the standard rules that you or I should apply in a conflict with Social Justice Warriors apply in a conflict between Trump and the Cathedral: They always lie, they always project, and any apology or concession will excite them to even greater rage. At the slightest sign of concession, they smell blood in the water.

They are not moving towards impeachment because they have found any exciting reasons to support the Russian narrative (Trump supposedly stole the election using the KGB). The real reason they are moving towards impeachment is that Trump bombed, and continues to bomb, Syria, that Trump appointed cuckservatives to the whitehouse staff, who promptly spread lies about him. When he did that, they smelled blood in the water.

Trump cannot appease them. They are unappeasable. He can only deter them. That is the nature of the beast.

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”

Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”

Because the Cathedral is primarily driven by holiness competition, it is incapable of acting rationally. This is in some ways a strength. The way to win at chicken is to first drink a bottle of vodka, then at the last moment rip out the steering wheel and throw it out the window. Maybe they will succeed in impeaching Trump on the grounds of “cover up”

But it is also a weakness. The likely result is, sooner or later, to blunder into war, state to state, state level civil war, nonstate war, and likely all of the above.

172 comments The permanent trump crisis

Dave says:

I don’t think this talk of impeachment will go anywhere, because any RINO who actually votes to impeach will likely be assassinated upon returning to his home state. Trump is much more popular than the RINOs — white people only vote for RINOs because Democrats would like to see us hacked to death by rioting mobs of their voters.

JT91 says:

If that sort of grassroots fervor existed, a collective reaction from “deplorables” of all stripes would have, and should have already happened.

Dave says:

If the Republicans oust Trump, it settles once and for all the question of whether voting makes a difference. Non-moocher voters stay home, the Republican Party ceases to exist, and the USA becomes another Latin American kleptocracy where people hide their money and dodge taxes as best they can.

Whether Americans get violent or passively accept this fate remains to be seen.

Alrenous says:

There’s no passive acceptance. There’s only quiet contempt. In this case, Cathedral collapses exactly like USSR did.

glosoli says:

The USSR did not collapse.
They merely wanted to give that appearance, appearing weak, the death of communism. Heh, it’s almost unbelievable the West bought it all, and now the Right loves Putin, a socialist who has plotted against the US for decades.
Read Jeff Nyquist.

Cavalier says:

Really? Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, and a bunch of Central Asian states nobody cares about were all just a feint?

glosoli says:


Cavalier says:


Alrenous says:

Of course. Neoreaction is simply an attempt to be edgy. And that idea’s edgy as hell, no?

Cavalier says:

I honestly cannot tell if you’re serious or sarcastic.

Alrenous says:

I believe in clarity.

Jack Highlands says:

“Whether Americans get violent or passively accept this fate remains to be seen” is a long way from “any RINO who actually votes to impeach will likely be assassinated upon returning to his home state.”

I agree with the former, so let’s be careful about the LARPing. My feeling is that Trump fooled us all: he’s just a very smart guy who was very goal-oriented and figured once he held the office, that would readily overcome the hate.

To me the critical phase now is the battle on the streets. That will up the ante for everyone, force Trump to see how high the stakes are even for him and his family, and use those smarts to get ruthless.

When he does, the gnashing of teeth will be terrible to hear. Let us steel ourselves now in the knowledge that the Left and the Globalists brought this on themselves every step of the way.

A.B. Prosper says:

Not necessarily. Trump has after all only been in office a few months. He has years to go and has never asked for help

Also the amount of people still going to rallies is staggering , pretty clear there are lots of people out there willing to aid him if asked. In any case Conservative people have no reason too and no need to be hasty or violent

Also unlike nearly any time in my life time the Right is willing to engage Leftists with violence in the streets as needed. Its happened maybe once or twice in the last 50+ years and never in an organized fashion , the last big one I can think of , the Hard Hat riots was in 1970!

Also The Right and note I’m using the term very loosely is aware if the country goes to exterminatus , it probably won’t recover and up to a hundred million will die. If that much blood is shed it has better be worth it

Hearts are hardening but the hard work of “what do we want and what can we get” is in its infancy

There are maybe 4 ideologies out there , Jim’s 1650 forever, Vox’s 16 Points, Northwest Front and friends and Muh Constitution — the real details haven’t been worked out and none of those people is yet as fit to rule as the Cathedral was (not is, was)

Trump bombed, and continues to bomb, Syria, that Trump appointed cuckservatives to the whitehouse staff

The complete inability of the “NRx” movement to name the real enemy here – the Zionist fifth column in America – keeps them spinning their wheels telling half-truths.

Adelson is “furious” at Tillerson for not buckling under on some crazy Jew religious shit about the Whining Wall – then the media started another round of Russian conspiracy theories.

Who is the only ACTUAL link between Trump and the Russians? That’s right, his Mossad son-in-law Jared Kushner (whose father was also Mossad and placed homosex spy Golan Cipel in the New Jersey Department of Defense.)

Trump is the ultimate “useful goy” for these people – they even literally used his hot daughter’s womb to make more Jews – and he’s owned by them lock, stock and barrel.

And yep – his Zionist friends will take him down – are taking him down – when he is more useful weak and eventually gone then he is in place. The time is getting closer every day.

But the NRx types will never point out the literal, actual, real Jonathan Pollard style Fifth Column in America because they are so afraid of being called “anti-seeeemite” and they have a weird boner for the shitty little country.

“New Jersey Department of Homeland Security” or course.

jim says:

Your criticisms of the Jews are true but obsessive, and a distraction from the problem: Look at who is trying to impeach Trump

They are not particularly Jewish.

Yes, the Jewish problem is real, the Jewish question is real, and Jews have gone completely overboard on milking the Holocaust. But it is not the big problem, or even a big problem. It is a distraction, it is the matador’s cape.

Rod Horner says:

If the Jews aren’t the ones holding the cape it shouldn’t be too hard to find Gentile power elites who aren’t beholden to Jews. I can’t say that I’ve given it a great deal of research, but I’d be curious to know if anyone else has found some who fit the description.

jim says:

“We hold these truths to be self evident” Not a Jew in sight.

Similarly, the failure to divorce Queen Caroline.

Theshadowedknight says:

America has a hostile Judeo-Christian Left elite. Killing half that elite means you just swung at the king and missed. Don’t swing at the king and miss.

The Shadowed Knight

Rod Horner says:

Sure, but It’s a fair number of centuries since the people who put those words to ink, were political power families. It would be disingenuous to argue that modern China was run by the Manchu when the Han obviously superseded them. So too the ZOG theorist argues that the Jew has superseded the Anglo.

Again, I’m not convinced of the veracity of either argument, but I have to say the cursory investigation yields no gentiles who act as though they were autonomous from Jewish power. Were it the case that Jews didn’t have everyone else by the balls, you might expect that some renegade WASP families would be funding the alt-right or at-least funding some kind of political insurgency.

Jack Highlands says:

I believe Rod Horner may be seeking evidence that’s less than 200 years old. Genetic accelerationism says Europid psyche changed as relevantly in 10,000 farming years as a million foraging ones, in 1300 outbreeding years as 9,000 inbreeding ones, and in 250 industrial years as 6,000 Aryan ones.

Then there’s the incredible Jewish accelerationism of Ashkenazim adding 1-2 IQ points per generation at the cost of sphingomyelin diseases and (righteous) pogroms.

Jews have become LEADING beneficiaries only in the last 200 years. George IV and Queen Caroline are relevant, but no more so than Mayer Rothschild, James Watt, Charlemagne and many other figures of history.

Jack Highlands says:

Above is reply to Jim’s reply to Rod. Obviously, I agree that MODERN times count.

And in modern times, Jewish hegemony is obvious; indeed Slezkine, Gabler, the Jewish Forward, and many other Jewish sources trumpet it.

viking says:

I have noticed they exist and something seems to happen to them if they get noticed

Theshadowedknight says:

Precisely. NRx is not unaware of the Jewish Question, but the answer is ultimately looking like Jim’s solution. Kill the leftists and we are going to get a lot of Jews in the process, then we run the rest out or breed them out of existence. If we kill all the Jews, then we still have a whole lot of leftists remaining and we get Jewless leftism, which is still going to be fatal. Obsession over the JQ is missing the point of with what will we replace the left? That is the more important question.

Also, too much time spent on the JQ attracts low quality psuedoright idiots. That degrades the whole experience, so it is better left alone. We already answered the Question, and it attracts losers, so why bother? That is why you do not see much NRx action on it.

The Shadowed Knight

Rod Horner says:

I think that implies the Jew-wise are monomaniacal and otherwise tolerant of the gentile radical left. Perhaps that is the case with some, but if they are reactionary or alt-* I doubt they have any love for the anglo-puritains either. The question isn’t so much “why just jews when you need to solve the problem of all leftists,” as it is “who really leads the left? What’s the actual pecking order?”

Obsession over the JQ to the detriment of subduing the left more broadly is stupid, clearly, but operating on the principle that the best way to handicap an organization is to understand it’s structure: one must obviously make an empirical study of the left and make allowance for the possibility that it has a distinctly Jewish leadership caste. If that is the case, and I am not convinced that it is for certain, then it certainly does make sense to pay special attention to the JQ as that would be the prime mover in the politics of the left as a whole.

Jack Highlands says:

Basically, what you refer to is the hierarchy of organization. Here, the organization of the Left.

Well, nature is an organization too, and race is an organizing principle. It’s impossible for most people to see, because of programming and all the exceptions (fuzzy margins), but race trumps religion and ideology. The reason Jews are so bad for us cis-Hajnal Whites is that they are highly intelligent parasites who have successfully hacked our most important distinguishing feature, our high trust.

Everything critical to the JQ follows from this biological distinction.

Rod Horner says:

Yes, that’s essentially the MacDonald hypothesis and a fairly compelling reason to assume that Jews lead the left’s grand army of the anti-republic. But I dislike opening and shutting a case in the length of a single post. I’m open to hearing about the little-known gentile elites who compete for power with Jews if they exist. It just seems that nobody is forthcoming with any examples from recent decades.

We could assume, given the lack of counter-examples, that this JQ hypothesis is correct, but I’d be satisfied in saying that it is simply the most reasonable inference given the data we have an Occam’s razor.

Anonymous says:

>if they are reactionary or alt-* I doubt they have any love for the anglo-puritains either.

Wrong. If MPC (MyPostingCareer) is any indication, and if some stuff I read on 8chan/DS is also an indication, the alt-* is full of anglo-puritans seeking to take their country back away from the Yid. They do not, like this blog does, realize that jews and anglo-puritans are each evil for their own reasons.

Rod Horner says:

Where are these powerful puritans? WASPs were largely driven out of power over a century ago and latter-day puritans don’t seem to have enough power to be anything but useful idiots.

vxxc2014 says:


viking says:

Matadors cape? Thats sort of apt. Hollywood, The Press,Fake news,Academia,NGO press releases, studies, think tanks, conferences,and religions. These are all certainly capes of a sort,clever false signals that rigger instinctual responses.
But its worth noting They are what move the entire bull. If you understand such a small group has amassed orders of magnitude more power then understand part of that power is not simply waving their capes they have trained and are directing the picadors as well.
This is not to say ZOG is in sole control of the globe but its in considerably more control than you give it credit for. You seem to only credit the zionist faction, the other faction is infinitely more dangerous and cares little about israel.You seem oblivious as to who designed the new religion who began the seminaries for the new priests over a hundred years ago.It was jews in the cities who met the first bright young things as they left the flyover country and landed in our cities and universities.
Jew progressivism is morbid to whites, white progressivism until a decade ago was still do goodism.

Cavalier says:

Yes, but in [the current year] it isn’t useful to single out Jews as Jews. It might have worked in 1933, but it won’t today.

Rod Horner says:

One could say the same thing about Africans and violent crime, but that would make you a liberal.

Cavalier says:

Assimilated Jews are mischlings, and in certain key respects make our gene pool better.

Assimilated negroes are just whiter niggers, their parentage is evident and obvious for many (many) generations afterwards, and the effect is massively dysgenic no matter how you slice it, genetic load and all.

Rod Horner says:

Sure, but that simply re-states the assertion that there is no JQ worth asking. Why use a few good mischlings as an obviation of the JQ and not a few intelligent negros as obviation of their distinct population issues?

Cavalier says:

Ashkenazim won’t be a distinct population for long; that in the nature, and the terror, of assimilation.

Genetically, they’re fine: lower average genetic load, higher average IQ, somewhat lower natural honesty, somewhat higher natural clannishness, and with a special talent for symbolic deconstruction.

Negros are basically the exact opposite.

Besides that, most Jews are just normal people, with normal people jobs and normal people concerns. Targeting Jews as Jews is like nuking NYC to take out the denizens of Wall Street.

Finally and most importantly, it’s completely politically impractical. Nobody is going to vote to dissolve all Jews in unpleasant, foul-smelling vats, and if someone comes to enough power to indefinitely suspend all voting, due to the nature of Jews, he’ll have come to this power with the assistance of a significant minority of Jews and fractional Jews, and won’t be inclined to dissolve them.

Real criminals and traitors can be taken care of with real laws and tradition for real crime and treason.

Anonymous says:

Ashkenazim have a shitty performance IQ and imagination. Take verbal and purely-abstract skills out of the equation, and Ashkenazim are basically retards.

All the most creative, ingenious, daring projects of Western civilization came from gentile whites. Jews can do (certain, specific) types of science, and that’s it.

The smartest Jew ever, William Sidis, dindu nuffin. Smart gentiles did everything. Do I need to list the stuff white goyim have invented? The list is enormous, and the potential is yet astounding. Two words: creative engineering. Jews don’t do it.

This is without even mentioning art, which Ashkenazim couldn’t create even if their lives depended on it. (Painting, architecture, sculpture, music, cuisine – nothing to contribute. Poetry, acting, and drama – maybe, but nothing exceptional)

Ashkenazim without whites are nothing. Whites without Ashkenazim can do just fine. It doesn’t mean that Ashkenazim have nothing to contribute. But they are, except in a few fields, inferior rather than superior.

What have Jews built? Look at all the revolutionary technologies and endeavors pre-computers. Where’s the Jewish contribution? High-tech aside, when you look around, do you see anything invented by Jews? In all the arts and crafts, where’s the contribution?

Jews lack creativity and lack guts. Your wildest dreams can only be realized through white gentile engineering. Inb4 shilling.

Cavalier says:

Jews are a breed of white, and the other breeds are not even remotely equal either. Varieties of German produced all the best art, for instance. Ever single great classical composer was German, and of those Germans a striking majority were of a specific, noble type. And speaking of Germans and superiority, their astonishing superiority in engineering stands out.

I once saw an interesting graph showing a partial collapse of German scientific output after WWII and a corresponding rise of American scientific output.

And of supreme white contributions, where are the Ukrainian contributions? The Baltic contributions? The Polish contributions?

This is just the beginning:

Anonymous says:

Look at the architecture in Riga and Warsaw. Look at the painters from those places. Jews don’t compare at all. Also, by “whites” it is usually meant the stronger branches of the white tree, who did everything. Not fucking Albanians (though even they have better performance IQ than the kikes).

The Britons, Germans, Frenchmen, Scandinavians, even Italians – these are the “whites”, and they are 100% superior to Ashkenazim. Muh abstract faculty, blah blah blah. Jews are inferior and can’t do stuff without heavy white guidance.

Cavalier says:

Riga and Warsaw used to be ruled by what, for our purposes, we can say was essentially an extended family whose dominion spanned most of Europe, and below them in most places, at least in the east, was a fairly secure class of what we might call “bureaucrat-Germans”, who ran things day-to-day.

And so it was, until nationalism destroyed this bucolic order, sometimes known as “the West”.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Ordinals of conflict.

Pan-white european dynasts nominally enabled the direction of european vigor outwards to colonial expansion, as is meet and right.

Nationalism was used by blue tribe leftist whites then because in that particular historical context it was usable to enable them to compete and undercut their peers and neighbors, as they always and already wish so to do.

As always, competition that breaks the ordinals of conflict is subversive, rather than elevating.

As always, the issue with leftists is never really whatever the particular issue is, but the *defection itself*.

Anonymous says:

You’re missing the point, Cavalier. The point is Ivan Aivazovsky. One Armenian(!) was a better painter than all Jews ever. The point is that even the most “mediocre” inventors and artists hailing from the less-developed regions of the white world have more ability, have contributed more, and most importantly – have a *higher potential*, than Ashkenazim.

The primitive Eastern/Southern Europeans have more artistic or inventive talent than Ashkenazim. The relevant word here is “folk”. Folk-musicians, folk-sculptors, folk-painters. The parish Church in a remote Southeastern European village contains more beauty than everything Jews have ever created. Ordinary unassuming whites, even from the more backward ethnicities, are more technically-ingenious than the best Jews. A 90 IQ white can be incredibly creative. A 90 IQ Ashkenazi can’t do shit.

And similarly, a 150 IQ white can revolutionize the entire world by coming-up with unprecedented ground-breaking technologies, engineering things that hitherto were entirely inconceivable. In contrast, Jews simply don’t have their Wright brothers or their Ford. A 150 IQ Jew runs a blog called SlateStarCodex.

Take a glimpse of this:

Jews don’t design or build revolutionary technologies. Tesla was a Serbian, and Jews don’t have a Tesla, to say nothing of an Edison. Somewhat like the literal small-souled bugmen of East Asia, Jews are smart, but lack creative genius. This point really can’t be repeated enough. You can get to Mars without Jewish involvement, while the Jews can’t get anywhere without white direction.

Imagine Germans conquering the world, but not even extrerminating the Slavs, realizing that Slavs have great potential. Think of all the revolutionary ground-breaking inventions and technologies that could’ve been invented and built. Flying saucers running on nuclear power. Colonization of the galaxy. Wikipedia says: “Preventing the degradation of telomeres can prevent aging.” Imagine that! Has the center of the Earth been explored yet? Who’ll explore it, if not whites? Finally – crossing into parallel dimensions, the most interesting thing of all.

Fuck the Jews. Who needs Jews, when there are whites?

Cavalier says:

>Flying saucers running on nuclear power. Colonization of the galaxy. Wikipedia says: “Preventing the degradation of telomeres can prevent aging.” Imagine that! Has the center of the Earth been explored yet? Who’ll explore it, if not whites? Finally – crossing into parallel dimensions, the most interesting thing of all.

This is called “jumping the shark”.

Anonymous says:

It really isn’t. There are so many possibilities for scientific advancement, and Jews are not needed for any of that. What have Jews built?

It’s a crucial point, because white history is rich in inventions and discoveries that are revolutionary, while Jews only joined the party in the late 19th century, and most of the so-called “Jewish contribution to science” is a myth, containing a tiny kernel of truth but massively blown out of proportion, serving the empty self-promotion of its propagators, much like the niggers in white coats meme or the female inventors meme.

Where’s all the ground-breaking technology?

And the cons greatly out-weigh the pros here. The Jewish contribution is mostly superfluous; it is white science that is indispensable. Meanwhile, the harm caused by Jews was and is horrid and unimaginably severe.

Where’s the technology?

ilkarnal says:

I’ve been leaning towards the stance that there’s a genetic problem. As HBDchick points out, the ban on cousin marriage and the very effective outbreeding programme created by the Church’s cousin marriage ban and proto-corporate manorialism has created the most universalistic population ever to walk the earth. It’s not a coincidence that uncucked whites tend to be from areas that were somehow marginal – scots, irishmen, east europeans, etc. I throw the Jews in there too. I would, being half-Jewish, but I am pretty sure the idea that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white is retarded.

There’s an attitude among uncucked whites that Jews somehow corrupted their brethren. IMO they owe Jews an apology – this was perhaps a viable claim when Jews were the only ones whites were putting before their own interests, but now it has been shown that a certain kind of whites will lick the boots of any scum that washes in under the door.

Clearly this isn’t preordained – cuck attitudes of this magnitude are fairly new, springing up within the past few hundred years, too quickly to be a purely genetic phenomenon. But there’s definitely a large genetic factor. When consanguinity is too low, you lose the attitude that ‘blood is thicker than water.’

Another large factor must be the inherent cosmopolitanism and corporatism of cities. Even without universalistic populations, degeneracy of a similar sort to what now plagues us can be found in trading cities of antiquity. This typically wasn’t coupled with the generosity and outsider-worship we now see, though. Maybe in Rome – they might have been the first relatively universalist population.

Interesting reading:

I think of the three options – talk, fight, and flight – flight is the best option. Just get a group, some resources, and GTFO to some place marginal enough to hide in but lush enough to provide support. Base the group on white identity, don’t descend into weirdness or poverty, and invite whites from all over to immigrate. Need money for this and a way to earn income in exile. Not sure how this happens.

Perhaps ‘seasteading’ as a first step, build up capital in the form of mobile ships, then go settle somewhere in force and with a base of capital to rely on. Do an L Ron Hubbard but not crazy. Build casino ships, hospital ships, offer useful services. From there you can build relationships and make an honestish living anywhere in the world. Be like the Nazis – willing and eager to work with nonwhites in mutually beneficial ways. Not fucking autistic stormfront ‘ew niggers’ ‘ew spicks’ shit. You don’t have to fuck ’em to make deals with ’em. Nonwhites already think all whites are racist, because the least racist whites scream the most about how whites are racist. They are still happy to make deals.

ilkarnal says:

I want to say more about how autistic the Stormfront attitude is. Uncucked whites seem to think all the other races really love race-mixing and are shoving their way into the white gene pool. Actually that whole impetus is coming from the cucked whites. Other races are perfectly happy to have bright lines drawn between them and whites, in order to avoid ensuing turmoil. Sure black men love to fuck white women, but it isn’t like an organized initiative. And black women are super SUPER unhappy about their men going off and fucking and even marrying white women. It’s not like the ‘black community’ left to their own devices would be like ‘whites MUST come marry us.’ They’ve been propagandized to demand this, and see any sort of segregation as evil, by the cucked whites.

Yeah, yeah – ‘what a surprise, the Jew tells us we have to love blacks’ – whatever. I already told you to take a hint from the Nazis, who are a useful example in this and many other ways, and pragmatically work with nonwhites in potentially mutually beneficial ways. Autistic Stormfronters are welcome to sit in a corner jerking off while practically minded whites go out into the world and try to do something.

Cavalier says:

If you read the thoughts of the mentally deranged, you may experience a bit of mental derangement yourself.

ilkarnal says:

What in my comment strikes you as ‘deranged’?

Cavalier says:


Anonymous says:

SF’s main and perhaps only problem is that it lacks a sense of humor, as do some other venues of white resistance. Fortunately, we now have an illimitable treasure of comedy in the person of Andrew “holocaust is my holy cause” Anglin, who’s probably the funniest blogger in the world.

Whatever happens, there’s no going back to boredom-nazism anymore; we’ve seen the future, and it is lulzy.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The most practical thing a practically minded white can do is have 5 kids with a wife he keeps in line and works to support their future prospects as they continue his legacy. Family brings power, and expands the essence of your ideals in a fundamental way.

If you happen to feel great pangs of duty, i’d recommend your local police force over the military.

Samuel Skinner says:

“There’s an attitude among uncucked whites that Jews somehow corrupted their brethren.”

I’m not sure they actually care that much about the mechanism. They see the cucked whites trying to exterminate them and they see the Jews helping them. “We just wanted money and don’t care if it hurts you” is not exactly something that endears us to people whose entire society is built on minding the common good.

“I would, being half-Jewish, but I am pretty sure the idea that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white is retarded. ”

It depends on the definition of white. They aren’t talking about skin color, but genetic kinship. In other words, are Jews more closely related to Arabs and Persians then they are to Greeks and Englishmen?

Rod Horner says:

Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white is retarded, but it was an idea generated and promoted by Ashkenazi Jews. The fact that edgy white nationalists picked it up wasn’t an unconditional endorsement of the thought process, it was the latter demonstrating to the uninitiated that some Jews who would otherwise appear to be white consider themselves other and apart from white.

Mister Grumpus says:

Civil war and/or foreign war as Cathedral Temper Tantrum.

If they don’t get a second scoop of ice cream then they’re burning the house down. Running Amok.

A geopolitical Columbine High School, honestly.

JT91 says:

I’ve lurked here for a while without posting much, and I can’t say I share the optimism you do re: Trump’s intestinal fortitude and acumen in dealing with people as diabolical and heartless as the various creatures in DC.

I believe he earnestly thinks he can make “deals” and play their game into his favor. This, of course is a critical error.

These people do not play. They aren’t interested in deals, favors, or compromise. In fact, if they could erase him (to use a family friendly euphemism) and cover their tracks, I’m sure they’d have done it by now.

The media has become so overtly hostile and downright psychotic that I almost feel that they’re praying for one especially mentally unstable fool to snap and do the dirty work for them. Get people so irrationally scared and upset that they’ll turn into savages.

If I were Trump I’d come down on the media with the force I’d go after a hostile foreign intelligence agency or spy network, because that is what they are. An adversary. Crush them, expose them, delegitimize and rebuild from the rubble.

It’ll be an American version of the Prague Spring

jim says:

> I believe he earnestly thinks he can make “deals” and play their game into his favor. This, of course is a critical error.

Well of course that is what he believes. Or believed. And of course he was wrong. We are on course for civil war in a decade or so. There are no deals to be made.

When you are on course for civil war, it is a big mistake to pursue peace while the other side pursues war. You should jump them when their pants are down. The side that starts the civil war and seriously goes at it hammer and tongs right away has a huge advantage. Civil war is total defect/defect equilibrium, and you should always defect faster and more severely than the other guy does. Nice guys finish last.

If you see cooperation is going to break down at time X, then you need to halt cooperation and massively defect at time earlier than X. The time approaches to cross the Rubicon.

ilkarnal says:

Who is gonna fight this civil war? Conservacucks? The last civil war could only happen because there was a southern elite that was warlike. Now the southern elites are cuckservatives who tear down confederate statues. Right now to be elite is to be a cuck. Power is concentrated in cosmopolitans, globalists, whatever you want to call it. The mercantile elite plus the ideological/academic elite – both absolutely hostile to white identity. Those who recognize this horrorshow for what it is are a small and marginal group – inherently marginal because to be anything but marginal is to buy into the values of the culture, sell your soul, however you want to put it.

We confused Trump for someone who is part of this group because he said – used to say – that maybe we shouldn’t necessarily let anyone who wants to come here into the country. He might have been saying this to signal that he was willing to be as far to the ‘right’/identitarian side as the Overton window allowed. He might have been saying it out of pure populist, self-serving instinct. The latter hypothesis seems to have been borne out, and with that hope of a political revolution lost.

You assume everyone is like you, has fire burning in their blood. In fact the vast majority of whites would be perfectly happy to be replaced if only they could have generous handouts along the way. The idiotic stinginess and hatred for white males the elites displayed propelled Trump to office. If eased with sweeties and platitudes they would gladly drift into a peaceful demise.

More and more I think the only hope is to create some entirely separate hierarchy that is a clean break from this society, made up of uncucked refugees. A relatively small number of people, with natalist policies, can turn into a large number of people pretty quickly. If we can find somewhere like Quebec before it was settled, somewhere where population can freely explode, we can rescue this situation. Large swaths of virgin and fertile land still lie in South America. There are also some countries there with nascent white identity movements.

‘Seasteading’ is a nice idea as a bridge but not a final living space… The thing to understand is that the US Navy rules the sea, they claim the right to arbitrarily detain, search, etc, any vessel. You don’t go to sea to escape US authority altogether. You go to sea for breathing room, freedom from excessive regulation and the ability to alight anywhere in the world at any time.

Literally no country in the world will allow a significant group of white identitarian edgelords to alight and flourish without getting something in return. Hiding out in marginal places as povertycucks might be possible, but is fundamentally uninteresting. Some bridge is necessary, to go to a new place with a base of capital in order to grow strong there rather than languish. Having your capital mobile makes you less vulnerable to seizures and exploitation. Gives you options.

The ‘exit’ option is so drastic that it is only viable if staying here and carving out a viable space through political means is impossible. The Scientologists managed to do it… But the hatred we’d receive would make them look positively loved.

jim says:

Assume a bunch of edgelords find a place and wander off to it. A bit of farming, a bit of remote coding. A good internet connection, and a good delivery system so that you can order stuff from, or sell stuff to, Ebay. You can also ship container loads, and the heavier and more routine stuff and less time urgent stuff comes in and out by a container on a truck. All fresh food is locally grown, but a some food, including rice, grains, and cans comes in on the container truck. What benefits do they derive, what benefits do they want to derive?

I would propose that the objective should be to get freedom of association for ourselves (HR does not hire stupid people in order to apply the same dumb standards to those that actually work as are applied to affirmative action hires) and social and legal enforcement of Pauline marriage. (Your wife only associates with virgins and first wives, because there are no other females to associate with, the state will not throw you out of your house while requiring you to pay for it for disciplining your wife or children, the priest tells wives to honor and obey, and husbands to love and cherish, any priest deviating from this gets thrown out, freedom of religion for us but not them. Women are not permitted to own property in their own right, nor to exercise authority over men, wives are not permitted to leave their husbands except for cause, and reasonable and proportionate physical discipline is not cause) and freedom of speech for ourselves. You can use the forbidden words for race, class, misbehaving women, perverts, and defectives, all you like, but anyone preaching the doctrines of envy and covetousness, for example that all men are created equal, gets expelled or silenced mighty quick. No freedom of speech for enemies. In particular, your wives and daughters are not exposed to the false life plan.

Cavalier says:

Fake and gay.

Not really. But totally fantastical.

The truth is that America is Rome, she spans the world, and there is no escape. We lost control of the state, and unless Trump succeeds we aren’t getting it back. So, “wait,” I can hear you saying… “you want to form a nation without a state”. Jaaa, duuude, it’s time to get all Jewy up in here. Why not look to the stateless par excellence, the masters in rootless cosmopolitanism, of hiding in plain sight? And of the Jews, the obstinately unassimilable, which group stands out?

Yes, the Orthodox. The dudes who go around shamelessly exploiting the welfare state, running the Jewiest of scams on their enemies, breeding like rabbits, swallowing up apartments by the building, with cash, and taking over and gutting local governments with each gulp.

Welcome to the future.

P.S. Seriously, find some friends and buy a cluster of condo-apartment-things. “It’s a friend ship”, you say to your neighbors. And you’re handsome and fit and wear decent clothes and speak well-articulated words and maybe some Latin, and your women are hot and have long legs, very long legs, and your children are sandy-haired and blue-eyed and running around the complex, and you have pull in the local government. Who’s going to chase you down? Please.

ilkarnal says:

Being Amish or Hasidic is not that inspiring a goal, at least to me. Who is going to chase us down? Well, first of all ‘white supremacists’ are much, much, much more hated than Amish or Hasidics. Second of all, unlike Amish and Hasidics we don’t accept being marginal indefinitely, we want influence, wealth, power – and attempting to get that will provoke a fairly vigorous response. We are not satisfied with being subjects of the Western elite indefinitely.

The picture Jim is painting – going off farming, making a trickle of income from remote coding work – is a little too povertycuck for me. There needs to be some fairly major industry, a source of considerable income which can be used to attain and make productive some significant de-facto territory.

jim says:

The picture Jim is painting – going off farming, making a trickle of income from remote coding work

In would not work anyway. They would discover we were oppressing women and children, and go Waco on us. That is pretty much what resulted in Boko Haram, and they are a thousand times more likely to get triggered by us oppressing women than some black tribe in the jungle oppressing women.

Cavalier says:

I recommend a media detox. Spend a month consuming no media, or if you can’t do that, no media besides old books. No TV, movies, news, Stormfront, NYT, Twitter, or Faceberg.

The Cathedral is an electronic mind-tether force-feeding machine. Cut the cord.

ilkarnal says:

I would be less ambitious, at least at first. I would want to create a community with at least some of the following as common ground:

One should be allowed to state hatefacts, and one should recognize certain hatefacts as true (racial differences, gender differences, the magnitude and relevance of these differences.)

Ingroup loyalty should be recognized as a good thing, lack of it considered a terrible thing. Life should be considered better than nonlife, humanity better than other animals, whites considered better than other races, (edgelord group name) considered better than other whites. This should be an inflexible principle, yet not extend to distorting reality. Pulling a Hitler and assuming things will be easy because of our inherent superiority should be considered unseemly.

Natalism – driven by the recognition of genetics as foundational to one’s being, and ‘survival’ in a true sense only possible through reproduction. It should be common knowledge that to be successful an organism needs to do more than breed at levels sufficient to keep the population stable – there WILL be times when that is not possible, so to balance that out opportunities to breed beyond replacement must be seized and exploited fully.

To make natalism practical, children should be put to work at a very early age. This doesn’t mean they must face long hours or harsh conditions – just that they should do much more than earn their bread, which is possible with pretty limited working hours. Also, women should have children early and often.

Militarism – men should be armed and capable of fighting.

I think a community that holds these principles can thrive, and most who hold these foundational values will be a boon to said community.

On the subject of the ideal status of women I somewhat disagree with you. I think they should get married and have their children very quickly – starting around 16, 17 – pump out a lot very fast aided by fertility technologies, be ‘full time moms’ until the youngest can be fairly independent (around the age of 5), and then… not be full time moms anymore. They should still be moms, spend most of their time at home, but they should also have a job – along with their kids. The economy should be driven primarily by women and children, while the men are concerned only with strenuous or dangerous tasks, and military affairs. All male work should ideally be directly connected or at most one step removed from warfare – building machines of war, practicing in war games, building fortresses, bunkers, and lines of communication.

This doesn’t mean that male work can’t also be useful in peacetime – aforementioned lines of communication, fortresses, and bunkers can take forms that are very useful in peacetime. Machines of war include supply vehicles, which in peacetime can be used conventionally – though they should be built to standards that will endure the rigors of war, and be understood to be employed as best suits the war effort when war does come.

Society should be shaped in recognition of the absolute primacy of organized, armed conflict in determining which civilizations rise and which fall.

Women having income, property, and pretty much running their households is in my view only sensible. The necessary imposition upon them is – they must bear children, many children, for their husband, engage in no extramarital sexual activity, and as you said be unable to leave the marriage without cause. With this duty properly undertaken I see no problem with women owning property.

All this being said, demanding potential members first accede to all of this, or expecting the new society immediately take this or any other radically different shape is autistic. The main thing is white identity, recognition of racial differences and the importance of racial and general ingroup loyalty. The rest can be imposed from above, sooner or later, as appropriate.

No freedom of speech for enemies.

While I agree with this in principle, I am perfectly happy to waive this if ‘muh freedom of speech’ is an important enough wedge issue. Free speech is more harmful to our enemies than to us.

jim says:

> Women having income, property, and pretty much running their households is in my view only sensible.

Women are not very good with money unless they feel themselves answerable to their husbands. Observe that in almost every divorce, the wife pisses away the family assets and generally ends up with nothing, financially ruining her husband and her children in the process. Obviously women should run the household, but under the husband’s authority and light supervision.

> I am perfectly happy to waive this if ‘muh freedom of speech’ is an important enough wedge issue. Free speech is more harmful to our enemies than to us.

There is never free speech, there never has been free speech, and there never will be free speech. It is always a lie. If our enemies have free speech, very shortly thereafter, we will not.

It is inherent in the nature of the state that it has the capacity and indeed the duty to enforce truth and suppress lies, and if it officially disowns that duty, it will nonetheless unofficially perform it. And since unofficial actions by the state are clouded in lies, the outcome will be that the state enforces lies and suppresses truth.

Cavalier says:


Anonymous says:

If we take control of the state apparatus, or substantially influence it, this “ought”, like many others, becomes an “is”. What’s your problem?

Cavalier says:

The two possibilities of Taking Power™ are as follows: 1) Trump wins and reigns — likelihood: possible, maybe probable; 2) shadowy deep state forces pull a Constantine and appoint Jim as grand inquisitor.

There is no third option.

Turtle says:

Not all dreams are possible. I think this world has limits.

ilkarnal says:

I know you think nonspecifically signaling contempt makes you look clever, but it is really just annoying. State your objections and your position clearly.

I think discussing what SHOULD be done is only sensible. Why do you disagree?

Cavalier says:

Jim covered freedom of speech, which includes hatefacts and suchlike. The other shoulds are as follows:

* In-group loyalty: People are always loyal, or at least not malicious, to their in-group. You just want the power to tell people what their in-group should be.

* Fertility: Vertical vs. horizontal memetic propagation. What are you willing to give up? TV, movies, all news, public schools, Internet communications?

* Child labor: When robots make everything, most people are unemployable at any price. You’re envisioning some kind of “work on the farm” scenario, painting the fences or something, Huckleberry Finn-style. The only problem is that machines have already rendered nearly every farmer economically irrelevant. What are you going to do, put children in factories, in some kind of grand return to horrifying Dickensian dystopia? That might work, except, oh wait, those jobs are now performed in Asia by ants and if the industrial base ever came it would come back with robots doing the work.

* Early marriage: The most special whites are the ones who got put through the late-marriage Hajnalien meat-grinder. Gain early marriage, lose Peppermint’s white magic white particularity.

* Militarism: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Power concentrates. Drones and nukes and soon-to-be killer robots dramatically alter the balance of power decisively in favor of the state against the rabble. You can train a man to use a crossbow or a gun in a week, but it takes a lifetime of training to make a knight. Did you ever watch that Tom Cruise movie _The Last Samurai_?

* Armed conflict supremacy: MAD.

* Women owning property and having income: Lol.

* White identity: …Is a farce.

ilkarnal says:

Fertility: Vertical vs. horizontal memetic propagation. What are you willing to give up? TV, movies, all news, public schools, Internet communications?

What’s that got to do with fertility? Simply ban birth control and tie citizenship/freedom to getting married and having x number of kids.

What are you going to do, put children in factories, in some kind of grand return to horrifying Dickensian dystopia?

Yes. But with limited work hours and good working conditions. Half their pay goes to them, half to their parents. Incentives!

oh wait, those jobs are now performed in Asia

That’s because they’ve decided to do them, and we’ve decided to hire them to do them. Alt-rightistan will focus on native manufacturing as the center of the economy.

Early marriage: The most special whites are the ones who got put through the late-marriage Hajnalien meat-grinder.

Slavs are fine. Went to space. Built lots of nukes. I don’t mind being like Slavs. But anyway northwest europeans aren’t northwest europeans because of late marriage, but because of manorialism/corporatist/nonfamilial relations which happened to result in late marriage. You could have the same thing with early marriage if you cared to. The thing that mattered in the respect that you mean was that slavs tended to marry more consanguinously. This meant they found spouses earlier, but the thing that mattered was the kind of spouses they found, not how early they found them.

Anyway I don’t want to recreate cuckistan, I am fine with higher levels of consanguinity. Somewhere between slavs and northwest europeans seems like a good middle ground.

Militarism: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Power concentrates. Drones and nukes and soon-to-be killer robots dramatically alter the balance of power decisively in favor of the state against the rabble.

Nukes are overrated, drones are laughable, killer robots are science fiction.

You can train a man to use a crossbow or a gun in a week, but it takes a lifetime of training to make a knight.

No, you can’t. And there’s no evidence it *took* a lifetime of training to make a knight. As the Spartans trained for a lifetime and didn’t end up being vastly superior to their fellow Hellenes, so many other warrior cultures train for lifetimes and end up being similar in skill to only moderately trained opponents.

I propose moderate training for all men – which means something on the order of a year, with regular two-week refresher courses every few months indefinitely – and then elbow grease. Meaning building vehicles and weapons, building fortresses, building lines of communication (roads, railways, pipelines), and of course actually fighting. Time not spent training or fighting should be spent consolidating gains. Warriors should have an intimate understanding of the construction and servicing of the weaponry, lines of communication, and fortifications they depend on to make war.

Armed conflict supremacy: MAD.

Getting back to nukes being overrated – when you live in ridiculous glass modern art sculptures nukes are terrifying. When you live in very sturdy bunkers, when your whole population is dispersed in said bunkers at all times, nukes are much less threatening. The missile defense problem has a difficulty that scales precipitously with the distance at which the nuke can detonate and cause sufficient damage. An efficient defense of hardened targets is very possible.

How will we get anything done if we’re dispersed in bunkers all the time? Well, the population density you require to efficiently serve factories is actually pretty low. Megacities are not the result of industrial necessity – in those terms they are parasites. They create and serve their own economic and sociopolitical logic. I’m not interested in that. I am interested purely in the efficiency of this proposed society in making war.

ilkarnal says:

To clarify on the gun/crossbow point – you can teach someone to literally shoot a target and service the weapon with a week, though they will have lots of room for improvement. You cannot make an infantryman in a week.

This does not differ cardinally from teaching someone to use a spear or their fists. Supermen in medieval combat are just as mythical as Rambo is now. Things haven’t changed in that regard. Guns don’t ‘take the skill out of fighting,’ and neither did crossbows.

jim says:

Pretty sure that William the Marshal was a superman in medieval combat.

In Medieval times, quality weapons and incessant training really made a huge difference. Muskets made hordes of poorly trained cannon fodder with cheap crude weapons cost effective. This led to mass conscription, which led to nationalism, which led to democracy.

jim says:

What’s that got to do with fertility? Simply ban birth control and tie citizenship/freedom to getting married and having x number of kids.

Reproduction is so primal that material incentives do not matter. War and peace, boom and bust, has had very little effect, so it seems unlikely that the measures you propose would have much effect either.

ilkarnal says:

Medieval Europe was a bit of a backwater for a good long while. Compare the army sizes in historically relevant battles from that time, to the army sizes in the great battles of ancient greece and rome. You want to look at the latter to see what efficient low tech warfare looks like.

And it looks like very large armies with simple equipment, ‘nationalism,’ ‘hordes,’ etc. Poorly trained – no, training was required. But certainly not a lifetime of training. Incessant training has always been the wheelhouse of weird obsessives like the Spartans. Any benefits they get if they get any at all are marginal, as you can see from the many battles they lost.

Reproduction is so primal that material incentives do not matter. War and peace, boom and bust, has had very little effect, so it seems unlikely that the measures you propose would have much effect either.

Citizenship and freedom are fairly important. Few would choose to become slaves rather than have children. Especially when all the other girls are having children, and having children means more income. Young girls are naturally baby crazy, it has to be propagandized out of them.

jim says:

Medieval Europe was a bit of a backwater for a good long while. Compare the army sizes in historically relevant battles from that time, to the army sizes in the great battles of ancient greece and rome. You want to look at the latter to see what efficient low tech warfare looks like.

Medieval tech was substantially different to, and better than, Greek tech. Fighting in very heavy armor were required not only a high level of skill, but body builder muscles. Medieval knights were shorter than us, but extraordinarily strong, much stronger than us, on par with elite modern athletes and top body builders. And presumably far more skilled than elite modern athletes and top body builders.

Garr says:

Uh, on the strength of medieval knights — they’d be doing the equivalent of very-high-repetition sets with light weights. That’s not a “top body builder” producing workout. They probably would have looked more like college swimmers or rowers. Anyone can build up a fair amount of muscle in couple of years. After a while you plateau. So they couldn’t have been stronger than ordinary people today who work out in a gym regularly. In any case, it would only make sense to compare the “elite” knights to our “elite” athletes. Sure William the Marshall, but Fedor Emilienenko could have kicked his ass, and Fedor’s not a bodybuilder. (I saw a guy in my gym incline-press a set of three at 334.1 pounds today — a 20 kilogram bar, so just short of 335. Why would any medieval knight have been able to do that?)

jim says:

Sure, modern weight lifters could probably beat elite knights at lifting weights, but lets us see Fedor Emilienenko dancing about fighting with a sword and shield in full medieval armor.

Medieval knights were skilled athletes, and elite knights were elite highly skilled athletes, but you are right that they they probably looked more like a rower than a body builder.

ilkarnal says:

Plate armor developed in the late middle ages and was probably pretty easy to fight with. Modern examples show how the very evenly distributed weight allows great mobility. A modern infantryman is much, much more encumbered. A full suit of plate armor weighs about 30-40 pounds. Soldiers now carry 60-100 and often even more – and it isn’t nicely distributed all over the body.

‘Very heavy armor’ was jousting armor and not suitable for warfare.

dancing about fighting with a sword and shield in full medieval armor

If you had full plate armor you wouldn’t use a shield. Wouldn’t need one. Full plate armor was very, very effective. And I would agree that it was more sophisticated than anything the ancient greeks or romans had. But coming in in the late middle ages, it was around when you had pretty large armies starting to emerge. Battles of that era were fought by large groups of men with plate armor and large polearms. The era of knights was ending or over.

By about 1420, complete suits of plate armour had been developed… In the 15th and 16th centuries, large bodies of men-at-arms numbering thousands or even more than ten thousand men (as many as 60% of an army) were fighting on foot wearing full plate next to archers and crossbowmen[citation needed]. This was commonly seen in the Western European armies especially of France and England during the Hundred Years War, the Wars of the Roses or the Italian Wars…

So you didn’t have long between plate armor becoming widespread and the era of large armies. And large armies of armored pikemen pre-dated the widespread use of muskets.

So what’s your point, obviously large plate armored armies are more effective than what the Romans had. Medieval Europe was less pozzed than the Roman Empire, which Christians have historically ascribed to Christianity while anti-Christians have claimed that it wasn’t inferior. Today’s anti-Christians claim that it was less pozzed due to increased nationalism, and inferior in many ways other than technologically, but that inferiority protected it from cosmopolitanism, of which Christianity is a form.

Early Roman armies had lots of troops early Roman political thought was pretty nationalist. Democracy came later, after prosperity and absorbing Greece and having lots of intellectuals running around.

Turtle says:

If you call just war defection, it sounds like betrayal of a good friend. It shouldn’t represent a change in policy- when war is necessary, just do it. Clarifying my position, I don’t mean it’s good to obsess over the concept of self-defense, that’s moot- we don’t get to declare our own innocence.

But cooperation breaking down can happen sooner or later, and some expect civil war in 5 years. Only true ‘clairovyants’ with the spiritual gift of foresight can make legitimate predictions, but we do have free will.

Maybe we can prevent the coming civil war, like the one in the 70’s didn’t fully happen. You don’t much mention the times conflict did not rule the historical day. There even was an era ‘of good feelings’ ~1820. Peace can happen again.

Zach says:

Pretty much my sentiments as well JT91.

Pepe Minion says:

> can’t say I share the optimism

Yes, the Trump skeptics are looking prescient about now. Without reducing the cathedral’s hatred of him by an iota he’s backtracked and compromised enough to have become a disappointment to his own supporters. For the cathedral a Hillary win would of course have been ideal, but a weak and ineffectual Trump is satisfactory. He’s done nothing to jeopardize the election of a new people, the only issue that really matters. Absent some massive turnaround – unlikely – it’s only a matter of time before the new permanent majority asserts itself.

The best available outcome now is that Whatevergate succeeds in bringing down Trump. That would concentrate some minds that still think Trump can succeed. I’m not saying that hope is delusional but it’s looking pretty improbable, isn’t it? As Jim says, the cathedral isn’t rational so they might make the mistake of crushing Trump, so showing their power too openly. Then again, Soros or whoever is really making the big decisions might be able to restrain their holy warriors enough to leave a wounded, floundering Trump in office but not in power.

Alrenous says:

At a gut level, the Cathedral feels the Trump presidency to be illegal, unconstitutional, and improper.

More precisely, they feel it is seditious. It is.

He can only deter them.

Better than Muslims, who can’t even be deterred.

The side that starts the civil war and seriously goes at it hammer and tongs right away

Whether Trump sees this or not, the (so-called) right isn’t yet willing. They only just worked themselves up to cracking antifa heads when attacked.

When was the first game of chicken played? Before WWI? Earlier?

The actual correct response to someone offering to play chicken is to get out of your car, cock your assault rifle, and calmly aim at their face. If they rev the engine, put them down like the rabid dog they are.

The unwillingness to do this a hundred years ago is why there’s going to be some hideous calamity now.

Why was it legal for Irish to immigrate to the US having sworn an oath to subvert US laws?

The answer to that is the same answer to why the right continues to not be ready to fight.

I hope open war is delayed for as long as possible to give Generation Zyklon time to get ready and Boomers time to die.

viking says:

What oath was that? Whatever it was, I think the answer was elites wanted cheap labor, and they needed violence potential to hold the continent they had designs on. This is the problem with the Elysium model you need men to hold territory if you dont give them a cut they dont work for you anymore.

Of course the Northern industrialists wanted labor and it was government policy to fill the western expanse with Aryans to replace the Indians. It should have been blatantly illegal for them to come with the intention of subverting US law, but because they were recognized as Christians and the Constitution recognized their religious freedom (MD and RI were Catholic before the Constitution) they were allowed in.

A group of Irish soldiers, the St. Partrick Brigade, famously betrayed our race during the Mexican war.

Consequently Irish and Catholics were hated. Which hatred is used by the same traitors who imported them in order to throw squid ink on the question of race and, now, Islamic immigration.

How many people of Irish descent today think that Irish weren’t considered White and therefore mudslimes should be let in? It’s a pretty popular line amongst the Irish-descended American community. They are, of course, proud to be Irish, because they are forbidden to take pride in being White.

Today’s conservatives talk about democracy and human rights exactly as previous conservatives talked about Christianity, as a way of holding the enemy to his own standards. Some of them are and have been cucked enough to believe it.

Cavalier says:

>not hostile subversives

Anon says:

Are you actually mad about catholic immigration? Surely the northern way of catholics for labor was better than the southern way of negroes? St Patrick brigade is one small incident.

They came with the intention of subverting the government, and precipitated the War between the States. They should have been turned back.

Steve Johnson says:

Northern leftists thought the Irish and Italians were 85 IQ savages – which is why they imported them.

The hilarious part is that they then try to use that earlier misconception as a counterargument to rightists pointing out that muds are low IQ.

Garr says:

Thinking about civil war, how it would be shotguns and IEDs (the Right) vs. mech-suits and hovercraft (the Left), how the Yarvins wouldn’t help the Right with kewl programmy stuff because the Right wants to kill them (or at least “run them out”), it occurred to me that Charles Manson was a proto-alt-right guerrilla leader. He’s even explicit about it — all except for the label “alt-right”. Maybe someone can find recordings of his music (wasn’t he a guitarist?) and do a techno-remix for alt-right dance-parties. Well, that’s probably been done already, if it can be done. Anyway, the best the civil-warriors can hope for, it seems to me (but I know nothing) is a permanent Iraq/Syria.

viking says:

LOL By that definition a lot of crazies are right alt right. In a sense yes certainly randy weaver tim McVeigh certainly got the cathedral. But like the Nazis you will find a lot of prole right types have muddled political ideas. Admittedly hearing rural “right wing/Anti Gubmint” types in Idaho go on about the big corporations being in conspiracy with the socialist left doesn’t sound as crazy to me post moldbug/soros as it did when i got to Idaho in the spring of 92 when randy was holding of USG 15 miles from the land Id just bought. In fact Im convinced of it, commies have goiven up on pur economic communism in favor of racial redistribution of not simply money but the entire west, and they are indeed partnering with “capitalists” who think of it as a nuisance tax in exchange for monopoly corporatism, these types of capitalists like regulation that keeps the bar too high for upstarts, and is perfectly happy with a smaller cut of the entire globe. marking up government debt is the greatest wall street scam since ever

Im afraid you’re right Moldbug and Land are not going to be the friends of the people who come to understand the only way you stop the cathedral is to kill them. They cant admit it but they really are just mad they did not get a invite to DAVOS. In a sense they would (if they could drag themselves away from these monarchy type larps) understand the cathedral is brilliant and its faux democracy should be preserved only the theology needs to be replaced with something like genteel nazism. a sort of live and let live patchwork of ethno states ours driven by reality and science. But youre right many nrx are jews and the rest pretty squeamish. Its actually hilarious to watch them try to explain how their scientific racism is so much different from Hitlers. Oh sure from our perspective theres a difference, but from the lefts there really isn’t either you believe in christianity/communism brotherhood of man or you believe in genetics and evolution and their implications. And so they try to obfuscate their racism with Lewontins falacy and love to larp on about how the average white prole is hardly more than a nigger compared to themselves, You know the old trick when getting called on calling a spade a spade replying that all blacks are not niggers and even some whites are like niggers so you dont hate blacks you hate niggers.
So what is Land/MM imagining that is so different from Davos? A multicultural Elysium of cog elites supported on the ground by prole white helots. Well thats the setup thats brought down every elite group thats attempted it. They set it up with decent wages for the warrior yeoman class then get greedy and use their smarts and position to start the cheating, they tell themselves farmers and fighters cant possibly be worth their salt when the can import vikings, mexicans, jews,niggers for less. Overthrowing a elite ruling class is never done lightly and so this cheating can go on for quite a while sometimes until the empire collapses never to rise again sometimes the yeoman wake soon enough or some competing elite wakes them seeing the opportunity to offer them their true worth.
The sustainable model is the one where elites get a big reward as they deserve but everyone else gets a reward commensurate with their value as warriors, producers of future generation of elites, as yeoman, and as the best possible examples of these things best because they are actually genetically related to the elites they are in fact brothers not brothers of a social construct like brothers in socialism christianity or SAT scores. While objectively these actual prole cousins do in fact make the best warriors and steamfitters and producers of Half the new cog elites, The very fact that they are cousins makes them a much much much safer group to have as your support if you treat them fairly. The cathedral has obviously decided they are much more dangerous if you intend to not treat them fairly,which is also true.

Cavalier says:

People love harsh masters and despite nice ones. The danger to the Cathedral is that one day their “cousins” decide that they would rather rule than serve. Once the old Ottoman rule died, the Ottoman pretender, once in power, would kill every related male with even a hint of a claim, his cousins, his half-brothers, and his full brothers. THAT is power in action.

viking says:

Are we really going to bet the whole of western civilization and its peoples on a moldy jews off the cuff theory of holiness signaling? Oh sure theres some truth in it,its useful to explain the SJW undergrad etc.
But do you really think the people in the deep state trying to take out trump, Or George Soros,Clintons etc really give a shit about niggers? Seriously? You think machiavelli was wrong and moldbug nailed it humans are not after material security and power as much as being seen as nice or popular?

Its about power and wealth They want to control the world. The commies came to see that the only way their goal was attainable was with a compromise with capital and the capitalists saw the same, thus globalism.Do you seriously think they believe Islam a religion of peace? they will ride it till it drops then send it to the same glue factory they sent catholicism then protestantism. They ar not demotists they are elitists, democracy is only another charade they use to mesmerize and distract the little people.Communism was also another ploy to seize power.leftism may be post christ christianity certainly it fills the likely genetic impulse for religion in many. conservatism is only its correlative. Oh yes a lot of conservatism happens to also be true, but thats a coincidence and nuisance they manage to manage. Conservatism for the cathedral is just another distraction for the masses another beast to rip to shreds in the colosseum.
The real rulers dont give a shit about any of it they simply want to rule the world.
Now Reaction needs to think about this. Do you really disagree or would you simply like to tweek a few things? Most of us seem to think elites ruling is a good thing. Do you have a better way of getting the masses to allow you to do that? the cathedral system is rather brilliant, this faux democracy and seemingly dispersed power makes it very difficult for an uprising, because the people think they voted for this and can unvote it if patient, They also see this power diffusion and think theres no one to kill, too many people have a hand in this,Its random, its just the way it is,Nothing can be done. Now of course this is an illusion. certain people are carefully orchestrating this and choosing how to respond to random events, and they are carefully steering the world to a one world economy government people. Its even sort of a moral cathedral, obviously if they had wanteds to they could have wiped out the third world instead they chose multiculturalism, and we know they didnt do it because they are too stupid to know niggers and spics are not as smart as whites and slants.After all they the cog elites. No they simply couldn’t bring themselves to do the deed.They actually think they can manage this post racial stew. The question is can you really do better, how. Can you pull the trigger I see no evidence NRX has the stomach for any final solutions. So what you seem to propose is a return to colonialism slavery serfdom apartheid. Granted it would be better than what we have now and where we are headed. But it would not be sustainable for the reasons it couldnt be sustained plus the fact that it hasnt been sustained and the genie will never go back in the bottle.Its as if nrx thinks they will somehow be allowed to wall themselves off in technological luxury unmolested and watch the world burn.Where is your evidence this is possible? Youre going to have to get over your race queasiness and face the problem squarely the racist nazis are correct its really the only question. Multiculturalism has to be stopped and reversed ethno states is the only solution short of genocide. Then you can easilly restore things like meritocracy capitalism etc

Garr says:

First — I have the sense that Yarvin/Land like the idea of their “patchwork” including ethno-states here and there; it’s just that they wouldn’t give the ethno-staters any help because the ethno-staters keep saying “I hate you and want to kill or at least seriously abuse and humiliate you” to them or to their friends. So the ethno-staters would have to rely on shotguns and IEDs, and the best they could hope for would be an endless Iraq/Syria situation. (I’m just playing with this thought; not confidently asserting.)
Second — using my own experience as an indication of what many people’s experience might be … while I’m more comfortable around my own rough “ethnos” (Park Slopish SWPL, I guess) than around other ethni(?) merely because I can read their facial expressions well enough to know when they’re feeling hostile, I’m only truly comfortable around ADHD/aspies. The reason so many Jews and half-Jews come to these websites despite the ethno-abuse is that they feel a deeper-than-ethno, neurological kinship with the commenters. So I wish there were something like a neuro-ethnos. Maybe that’s what asteroids are for.

viking says:

Pretty fair assessment. However I think moldbug and Land really are intentionally blinding themselves to the implications of the HBD they crusaded to make respectable to crypto jews and effete wasps.As you point out they are so emotionally triggered by the usual racists they cant see that ethno state needn’t be fourth reich or alabama. Sometimes they get it, Moldbug i think used 50s America as the Ideal state. He wouldn’t have been allowed on the golf course back then. The JQ I think is not about white behavior its about jewish behavior the frustration anger and resentment expressed by some whites after finally waking to the reality of the jewish problem is then used to further the jewish argument that ….. well we all have heard it. Obviously if it werent for the lived experience we all have of jews jews could be as easily white as any other white group youre great in a lot of ways and have contributed and share as much as any group our western heritage. So full citizenship in nations that have no particular white ethnicity like the US should be a no brainer.
Unfortunately your traitorous scum and post ww2 american jew behavior really was the final straw, how can we trust you after that . so lets put the jew question aside.
all reaction s founded on HBD as science and irrefutable. the rest capitalism reason its old hat. what NRX changed is we now know all men and women are not created equal. we know about how evolution works. This not nazi fetishism is what reactionary ethno state is about. There is no other possible stable state. if it triggers the jews and former wasps it triggers them. That was supposed to be a given- you know the horror the dark enlightenment gnon, but now we have the park slope reactionary who wants a kinder gentler reaction. There is a kinder gentler reaction its called the cathedral. The cathedral wants a few good elites of any ethnicity as long as youre nice and dont trigger each other give each other some safe space no microagressions. no first prizes no IQ tests no standards whatsoever. It wont last but you can enjoy the decline trigger free. who do you think wins in a street fight park slope or bed stuy. so you want racist irish cops from long island to keep bed stuy in bed stuy but you dont want to know how they do it.
So how will the parl slope patch survive you cant fix a leaking pipe or protect your wife from nigger rape, what exactly is it you bring to the table? Lets see I have tenants like you. currently one designs websites for progressive NGOs another designs crap like bustops, and traffic islands for the city, another makes lefty documentaries, a couple trust fund “artists” an advertising exec, a videogame cinematographer, pretty much all useless if liberalism ever gets defeated. Im sure not one can put up a shelf change a tire, or throw a punch but they all like yourself consider themselves sperg geniuses. Well we used to have a name for kids like this but we cant use it anymore. Oh sure we neednt incinerate your lot but you certainly shouldn’t be the elites and deciding what reaction is well thats pretty funny almost as funny as that video of moldbug trying to explain it that audience at the comedy club.
what we have is a jew anticipating the reaction that was bound to come and trying to get ahead of it and a real reaction overtaking him. Jews that want to stay had better get ahead of this and get some skin in the game while white skin is still a liability, because i dont think after the war anyones going to want to hear how you were just following orders

Cavalier says:

The Park Slope class has the dollar and needs the security, and the security forces class has the nightstick and needs the dollar. The real danger is that the Park Slope class runs out of the dollar, not that they suffer an organic shortage of nightstick.

Garr says:

Sheesh, Viking, stop getting so personal. I don’t consider myself a “sperg genius,” just a weirdo, and I was trying to explain that although Park-Slope-SWPL is sort of my ethnos it’s not my group in a deeper, neurological sense. My group is comic-book-nerds and people like that — the fantasy-side of ADHD/aspie, not the tech-side. I don’t live in Park Slope; I couldn’t afford to. I live in Sunset — $1100/month one-bedroom with giant roaches.
Don’t tell me “I have tenants like you.” You don’t know me. Get the Woody Allen image out of your head. I’m six and a half feet tall, and that’s from my Jewish father’s side. I work out in the barbell-basement at Harbor Fitness on 15th St, among all of those Negroes from whom you suppose I can’t defend my hypothetical wife (I’m already twice divorced, unfortunately (or maybe not).) I’d be happy to bring you in on a guest pass. You’d be able to draw your own conclusions about how well I’d be able to defend hypothetical wives from hypothetical Negro assailants. Have you ever beaten up a Negro who was about to rape your wife? (Come to think of it, not many of us actually find ourselves in the situation of having to prevent a Negro from raping a wife.)
Now, as for whether Park Slope in general could beat Bed Stuy in a street-war. Yes, obviously it could. There’s a little psychic on-switch that turns SWPLs into imperial administrators for whom extreme violence would just be a technical problem. Park Slope could defeat Idaho, too, come to think of it.

Rod Horner says:

Having seen this in action first-hand in Berkley, I tend to think you over-estimate the SWPL combat transformation. Yes, they can fly into a moral berzerker rage, but compared to your average ruralite whose adolescence was full of fist-fights, contact sports, and guns, to say nothing of their over-representation in the military… it’s not very close. The best argument to be made in favor of the urbanite is the numeric advantage, which is far more convincing.

That being said, I think the SWPL and ruralite will either form an alliance of convience at some point or they’ll both fall. The urbanite will be ruthlessly culled by diversity and the ruralite will be driven into ever-further hinterlands by the same.

Garr says:

Park Slopers are upper-middle-class professionals, not antifa-idiots. They’d mail-order weapons, google whatever technical information they needed, practice a bit, and be ready to conquer Idaho.
As for alliances — evidently the “ruralites” want to kill the SWPLs, even those who think that HBD is true and Feminism is bad. Ruralites despise SWPLs for being unable to fix dripping faucets and that sort of thing (= for not yet having brought up the relevant Youtube video); they want to kill them for this inability. So an alliance seems unlikely.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Ruralites despise SWPLs for being unable to fix dripping faucets and that sort of thing (= for not yet having brought up the relevant Youtube video); they want to kill them for this inability. So an alliance seems unlikely.

This smells like projection.

Cavalier says:

Zman’s blog is that demographic, isn’t it? They mocked a guy for being in a place where Teslas are seen on a regular basis, which is when I stopped reading.

Rod Horner says:

The SWPL cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Garr says:

“This smells like projection” — no, just reporting viking’s emotional state, as in: “Oh sure we neednt incinerate your lot” (in other words, “I’d like to incinerate your lot, but will refrain from giving you what you deserve”)
“The SWPL cries out in pain as he strikes you.” — you’re fantasizing. I have no doubt that the average Park Slope male could and would demolish the average “alt-right” tough-guy poster here in hand-to-hand combat.

Cavalier says:

Maybe not in hand-to-hand, but hand-to-hand doesn’t much matter in any conflict of any importance whatsoever.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>you’re fantasizing.

I do believe you’ve completely misread that old and very excellent saying.

Cavalier says:

Pretty much. if you cut off all aid and then pitted a group of average Park Slope dudes against a group of average “ruralites”, the ruralites might make some early gains, with natural knowledge of guns and fixing leaky pipes, but unless they succeeded immediately it wouldn’t be long before the effeminate Slopes adapted and established the tactical and logistical protocol necessary to utterly rout the countrymen.

Antipas× says:

Rurualites already have most of the fighting men with active or recent combat experience. They also control the vast majority of the food supply. They wouldn’t even need to fight. Just blockade the cities and victory would be swift and decisive.

jim says:

You believe in Murray’s tall tale that the elite is smart.

Been getting dumber since 1875. Used to be run by the likes of Steve Jobs, is now run by the likes of Tom Cook.

Entirely incapable of establishing any tactical and logistical protocol. They are running on the tactical and logistical protocols they inherited from World War II.

Cavalier says:

Tim Cook was Steve Jobs’ logistical guru.

jim says:

Nah, Tim Cook was Steve Job’s token gay. He was not expected to do anything useful. It was fine if he turned up to work late, infrequently, and stoned, because then he was less in the way.

Is Tim Cook a genius token faggot who loved Crapple because Crapple is for women, homosexuals, and schools? Or is he a normal token faggot?

He certainly isn’t capable of doing great things with marketing and subpar tech like Steve Jobs. And the shareholders of Crapple aren’t capable of demanding anything better than minimal competence. And the shareholders of Yahoo can’t even get that.

Garr says:

Jim, we’re talking about upper-middle-class professionals (“Park Slopers”), not “the elite”. My contention is that Park Slope can easily conquer Idaho. Intelligence, competence, and aggressiveness aren’t the problem — Park Slope males have those in abundance. They also have more children than Idahoans have. Park Slope, not Idaho, is the superior barbarian tribe. The problem is merely one of organization — Park Slopers aren’t very socially inclined. They need a Leader — a Fuhrer. Cavalier, perhaps. Then they’d be ready to go. The peasants of Idaho would be sorted out very rapidly.

Cavalier says:

>Is Tim Cook a genius token faggot who loved Crapple because Crapple is for women, homosexuals, and schools? Or is he a normal token faggot?

He’s a very smart bean counter without a creative bone in his body.

His buttboffery didn’t get him the job.

You say Apple is for women, homos, and schools, but everything produced by Microshit Corp. is insecure, bug-ridden bricks of Indian shit extracted from the Ganges, dried in the sun by H1Brown incompetents, and then carelessly thrown on top of the other; I can’t find a decent Linux laptop anywhere, and in any case Linux on anything but servers sucks enormous, sweaty, hairy donkey balls; and Android is a flaming pile of shit and Scroogle spyware to boot.


I type this message from my iPad, better for composing cutting rhetoric than my iPhone, but not nearly as good as my Macbook.

Cavalier says:

>Cavalier, perhaps.

Sign me up. I’ll not only conquer Iowa, I’ll also cross the Potomac.

Cavalier says:

Some people think there are politburos, but refuse to drive to the ultimate logical conclusion, preferring instead to think that our elite are stupid because their decisions don’t make sense to their Sauline eyes. That’s not to say there aren’t power struggles — there are — but that the power struggles are rather similar to the Republican power struggle with Democrats: they don’t have a problem with the agenda, they just want to be the ones implementing it.

Cavalier says:

Probably, that should be “our Sauline eyes”, because they often don’t make much sense to me, and yet things still keep clicking into place at a steady pace.

The biological instinct to religion or spirituality is actually to feel like the ephemeral finger of the family and village and nation that we really are. Aryans depend on their families and villages, though of course positing a biological national sentiment is basically group selection. Aryans compete with individual village members, but when it’s important, the “spiritual” instinct will foster cooperation. Additionally, as sterile bees will die for their hives, Aryans who are past breeding age will do anything for their families and religious views, thus the phenomenon of churchladies/catladies, and the pain and derangement of Nancy Pelosi, who is trying to harm her children with her holy work.

jim says:

> Do you seriously think they believe Islam a religion of peace?

Absolutely. Recall Major Nidal Hasan gave a presentation to his fellow officers as to why he had a duty to shoot them, they did not believe him, because to do so might undermine affirmative action for Muslims in the military, and he shot them.

Hard to demonstrate faith, progressivism, and sincerity more strongly than that.

Rod Horner says:

I think he’s referring to the gilded elite families themselves, not the bespoke ranking military drones whose adherence to progressive dogma is at-least partially attributable to career advancement.

jim says:

But the guilded elites are selected even more rigorously for adherence to dogma than military officers.

Rod Horner says:

I think it would be useful to draw a distinction between verbal promotion of dogma and literal adherence to it. I can’t think of any elite families who’ve proposed a refugee center in their neighborhood or disarmed their body-guards on principle.

Conversely, a military officer had better act the part of believing the “religion of peace,” line or he’ll never make better than Lt.

jim says:

Observe Harvard busily destroying itself by admitting stupid students and excluding smart students.

Similarly, the financial crisis was the minority mortgage meltdown. A lot of financial institutions destroyed themselves, and many more would have been destroyed were it not for a gigantic taxpayer funded bailout.

The financial crisis was our financial elite falling on their swords for the sake of diversity.

Rod Horner says:

Now that is quite a compelling narrative. It would certainly appear that Wall St. acted on their espoused convictions in that case. That being said, knowing they would be able to socialize the costs of their adherence to dogma does leave room for machination rather than pure ideological zeal.

Rod Horner says:

FWIW, I do agree that Harvard, or academics generally, are in large part true believers and are directly selected for both espousing and acting on prog dogma.

Grampy_bone says:

This is so true. Most people have no idea how extortionate the diversity scam is.

Consider that it is illegal to refuse to lend money to a borrower because he is black, but it is legal to do so if he has poor credit and repayment history. By some odd happenstance, the vast majority of black borrowers have bad credit history. So the regulators demand that the lenders match the lending rate of blacks to whites. The lenders complain that they don’t even collect racial data, so this task is impossible. The regulators don’t care; if the loan refusal rate for blacks is 20% or more higher than the rate for whites, they are guilty of racism under disparate impact and must pay fines.

The only way for banks to continue lending under this scheme is to simply eat the cost of lending to blacks, or pay huge fines. Most do both, with the higher costs passed on to paying customers. In the end, the situation was untenable and it all blew up. That would have been the perfect time to fix it (even had a republican in office) but instead we doubled down and attempted to revive the scam. These people really think that if we punish enough people for thought-crimes, blacks will eventually magically achieve at the same rate as whites.

Now it’s probably too late. The next collapse will make 2008 look like paradise. History will conclude that the origins of America’s second civil war began decades earlier and were foolishly ignored by everyone in power. Our descendants will laugh at the silly diversity pogroms and universal education racket the same way we joke about harsh soviet and nazi dictatorships. Common practices like circumcision and drugging children will be looked at the same way we view lip-discs and foot-wrapping. People will boggle their minds at how an entire nation would waste it’s youth’s most fertile and productive years spinning their wheels and racking up debt in college.

In short, there’s no fixing it, enjoy the decline. Sometimes you have a burn a forest to save it.

Alrenous says:

The pro-diversity lending rules were created precisely because they were bad, due to the perversity of political power. If you can make pointless trouble for millions of people and get away with it, you get laid.

The banks A) knew they would get bailed out, B) knew they would be able to find many bigger suckers and C) saw an opportunity to lobby to get their enemies removed from the bailout list.

Congress was delighted to have yet another excuse to be lobbied at.

This particular form of bad was chosen only because it’s harmonious with progressivism. A form of bad would have been chosen regardless.

Turtle says:

It is very telling that only a family-owned, small, Chinatown bank in NYC was prosecuted for not deserving the bailout. And there’s a documentary film about them out now. So, it’s now ok to let SWPLs now there is illegal discrimination against east Asians. HBD is going normie.

do you have evidence or link for Harvard admitting stupid and excluding smart?

glosoli says:

‘The real rulers dont give a shit about any of it they simply want to rule the world.’

It’s not they, it’s he: satan.

‘…obviously if they had wanteds to they could have wiped out the third world instead they chose multiculturalism, and we know they didnt do it because they are too stupid to know niggers and spics are not as smart as whites and slants.’

Altruistic white Christians are satan’s enemies, God’s children. Anything that satan can do to destroy white Christian civilisation is being done, including importing savages to kill us.

Small ethno states are the answer and God’s way. That’s why gloablism will fake that very state for the world after the eradication of radical Islam. A merger of the religions, a satanic UN controlled by Russia/China/Israel/Vatican. satan is very cunning indeed.

Cavalier says:

You’re in the wrong place to find people who believe in the existence of subterranean spirits.

glosoli says:

Give it time.

Altruistic White Christians are God’s children. And how do they prove that they’re God’s children? By adopting Black embryos, so both the man and his wife get cucked.

Cavalier says:

As this will Christianity will end as it began.

Cavalier says:

And thus will Christianity end as it began.

Jack Highlands says:

HBDChickism ‘anti-clannishness’ has deeper, more general meaning than its late-phase offspring, NRx ‘Synthedralism.’ Most importantly, it has a sound biological foundation. Synthedralism (you should give the Jews their due, Jim) is end-stage anticlannishness: what happens when a powerful tribe, itself very clannish, takes control of the clan-breaking apparatus of the former Cathedral. IMO, that happens much closer to the end than the beginning.

Now we have Anarcho-tyranny (anarchy for dindu and kebab, tyranny for White betas going 10 mph over-limit to get to cubicle on time): more proof that the 1300 year effort at clan-breaking has begun consuming its own tail. Originally, the Synthedral brought Browns & Blacks to the West mainly in a delusion born of those 13 centuries of success: the delusion that these highly clannish people could become Western by dint of magic dirt.

The vigorous middle period of clan-breaking based its successful pacification of the West on measures like hanging thieves and massacring Scots. Now that once ruthless process sentences an Englishman to extrajudicial death by kebab for leaving bacon sandwiches at a Mosque, while allowing most kebab gang-rapists of thousands of English girls to remain free.

I hope to live to see the day
The traitor caste is cast away.
I hope to live, I live in hope
Those scorpion necks will feel the rope.

glosoli says:

Amen brother.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

On a tangentially related note, have some emanations of the Millennial Experience:

Jack Highlands says:

A lot of posting above claiming Ashkenazi Jews are White. They are not. Discussion:

1. Because revealing Jewish sources admit they’re not. Google “Jews Aren’t White” and see what Haaretz and The Forward have to say.

2. Because their cultural effect is completely anti-White. ‘Watch what they do, not what they pretend to be.’

3. Because their DNA forms a cluster between European and the Middle Eastern, with limited overlap with Europeans.

4. Because their European component is mostly late Roman Empire Mediterranean – Italic. Since then, outside of the far South, Italic evolution has moved in the Westernizing direction: infusion of Northern European genes in the migration period, then forced outbreeding by the church: HBDChickism.

5. Meanwhile, Ashkenazi evolution went in a completely different direction: selection for high IQ via inbreeding.

6. So Ashkenazi moved in a different direction from Mediterraneans. And they were even less like Northern Europeans to begin with, because essentially all Europeans are a blend of Old Farmer and Steppe, and the further North and East you go, the more Steppe and less Farmer. Ashkenazi have very little Steppe.

7. So we see they are not like Trans-Hajnal (clannish) Europeans either, who, at least in the NE, have the most Steppe.

8. Overall, they are perhaps genetically most like a very smart version of modern Greeks, who are also a blend of European and Middle Eastern, and also clannish. But of course, being clannish, and a different clan, and reasonably smart themselves, Greeks are more Jew-wise than almost any other Europeans. We’re back to 1. The cultural component of identity.

I thought it was pretty established that they are 40% White, and 23 and me is fudging their statistics calling alleles in that 40% suspected of being Jewish in order to give pure Whites some mud

Cavalier says:

You yourself claimed the “White American nation” to be the pool of white people who breed together freely. Well, most married Jews are married to non-Jews, and nobody considers mixing genes with a Jewess or Jewboy to be comparable to miscegenating with a nigger, a spic, a ricenigger, a sandnigger, a turkroach, or a currynigger.

It’s likely that the Ashkenazim was founded by a S.Italian-like male population and an Eastern European female population, followed by complete endogamy. This doesn’t matter all that much because Italians are whitish, were whiter back then, and because 1200 years of northern selection is a powerful thing indeed.

Jewish genetic contamination just isn’t a problem: the genes themselves are high performance and at the pool level there aren’t enough of them to make much of a difference.

If you attack the Jews for being nonwhite rather than for their history of outrageous chutzpah and subversive kikery, you’re striking the wrong target, and if you attack the Jews for their history of outrageous chutzpah and subversive kikery, you’re missing the fact that the Jews, all the ones who are white enough to matter, are about to be wiped out by racemixing.

= the genes themselves are high performance

you know this from the IQ tests that they perfom on themselves and from a million people eager to prove they’re not White supremacists asserting it

= and at the pool level there aren’t enough of them to make much of a difference

how do you know their behavior genes would be irrelevant if they were completely mixed in? 25% Ashkenazi are pretty obvious and 13% are recognizable. 6% dirt niggers are pretty easy to tell. 2% Ashkenazi may behave differently in subtle but predictable ways, that might result is different levels of civilization.

If there were 4% of the population half as Jewish as their current 2%, that could easily pose a greater threat.

We don’t know what percentages of what behavioral genes make a civilization work.

= nobody considers mixing genes with a Jewess or Jewboy to be comparable to miscegenating with a nigger, a spic, a ricenigger, a sandnigger, a turkroach, or a currynigger.

nobody is a strong word. There’s a reason the jewesses I’ve dated have tried to hide their mud blood initially. There’s a reason a jewgirl who was trying to kiss me said she regretted once having yelled at her brother for bringing home a shiksa.

Besides, the Germans, French, and arguably the Spanish tried to integrate and assimilate Jews. Instead, the Jews continued to be Jews. They don’t want to assimilate. It’s totally cucked to try it anyway.

Cavalier says:

Only Ashkenazis are exceptional. Sephardis, Mizrahis, and the other mud-Jews are just boring mud-Jews.

If the devious Jews could manipulate IQ tests, they would have already put niggers on the level with whites. If the scheming Progs could manipulate IQ tests, they would have already put spics on the level with whites. Neither have happened, and the Cathedral still can’t “close the gap”. You can’t fake your way into high-performing STEM professions as a disproportionately dominant minority, either.

I have a Jewdar like a Swiss watch, and I occasionally miss half-Ashkenazis. Quarter-Ashkenazis can sometimes look vaguely Jewy, but almost always well within the bounds of normal “white” ethnos, “white” including Polish, Irish, and the whiter variety of Italian. There’s just no way you, Peppermint, can tell a concentration of 13%.

Jewy-looking Jews try to play it off as “Italian”, or whatever. Normal-looking Jews don’t care all that much. The reason your Jewgirl apologized to you is because she was probably a Jewy-looking Jew, and also because she just loved your white bunker buster so much.

Assimilation is biological. A half-mischling is partially assimilated. A quarter-mischling is mostly assimilated. Any lower concentration is fully assimilated. An obstinately full-Jew Jew is an intransigently unassimilable overseas Israeli.

Anonymous says:

>I have a Jewdar like a Swiss watch

Hmmm. Let me ask you: can you identify, with a reasonable amount of confidence, percentage-ranges? I mean, can you go beyond the basic realization that “this person has Ashkenazi ancestry” and figure the approximate degree of his Ashkenazi-ness?

If so, please do me a favor and tell me how Jewish, if at all, Richard Cevantis Carrier is. He’s a militant atheist blogger and polyamory-enthusiast. Here’s a full-Jew-y pic of him:

And here’s a rather mischling-y pic:

My hunch is “half Ashkenazi”, but you’re the expert.

Anonymous says:

To add some biographical context:

“My experiences with religion as a child were all good. My mother was a church secretary at a First Methodist Church only a block from our home, and I attended Sunday School fairly regularly, but my parents rarely insisted that I attend any sermons. The religion sold at this local business was a very liberal brand of Christianity. It was more like a preschool and social club, and that made it an excellent asset to the community, and a place of fond memories for me. Amidst arts and crafts, lunches, running and climbing about, and basic learning, the alphabet and numbers and whatnot, Sunday School had its story time. Bible stories were always on the menu, intermingled with other popular fables and parables, and it was never even suggested there was any difference. The Good Book was always treated as a collection of handy tales used as springboards for teaching moral lessons, not as a history book. Indeed, I was never once told that unbelievers go to hell or that I had to “believe on Christ” to be saved or anything like that. All good people went to heaven, so you’d better be good. That was it. Jesus in this version of Christianity was little more than a moral teacher. Being the Son of God made him an authority on the subject but had no other importance. Perhaps it was no accident that everyone who attended this church was very kind and jovial and all around just good folk.”

How do you square that with his kike-face, that’s what I have in mind.

Cavalier says:

There were some Jews here before Emma Lazarus and her “teeming refuse whatever” poem, some crypto and some not, and a lot of them converted to the various strains of Protestantism dominant at the time, varying with geographical location and cultural milieu. Likely they favored more liberal branches, as they’re inherently predisposed towards liberalism.

Nothing in his story pings my Jewdar, though it does ping my “Universal Unitarianism”-dar.

As for his face, there’s nothing especially Jewy about it. What you’re seeing is just some low-T guy with a thoroughly shitlib city-dweller physiognomy. His specific facial features that ping your Jewdar, such as it is, are probably Polish in origin.

One of the interesting things I noticed when I began to develop my eye for white ethnicities is that a nontrivial part of the “Jew look” is actually found and presumably originating in certain strains of EEuro, especially the Poles, presumably as the Ashkenazi spent so much of their incubation period in the Polish-Lithuanian-area shtetls.

Cavalier says:

Watched a video; read some things. Very smart guy.

Anonymous says:

>Nothing in his story pings my Jewdar, though it does ping my “Universal Unitarianism”-dar.

Exactly, the story is not at all Judaic, yet his publicly-held positions on religion and sexuality appear very Judaic, which, in combination with his “low T… shitlib city-dweller physiognomy” (as you call it) makes him a suspect.

>As for his face, there’s nothing especially Jewy about it.

The wavy-curly hair, the glasses, the 6-shaped nose (not seen in these pics, but in other pics of him), the complexion, the thin facial hair (Jewish facial hair is never full; if long, it looks like pubic hair), the bulging-lips and the bat-ears all point to a partial Jewish ancestry. I’m actually surprised you don’t think he’s got any. For instance, if you saw the following 2 pics

and were told that the guy is Jewish, would you doubt it? In the first pic he looks like Mischling Moldbug or Bryan Caplan. Also:

“One of our writers, Richard Carrier, has been banned from Skepticon for “his repeated boundary-pushing behavior”. This is, obviously, a serious accusation, and we’ve been investigating further. We now have several first-hand reports of persistent, obnoxious sexual behavior in defiance of specific requests that he cease. We believe his accusers.” – from the FreeThought website

And all over the web, everyone is calling him bad names for his robust, forceful sexuality. Google “richard carrier sexual” and you’ll get all kinds of lulzy results; apparently he supported, in typical pozzed Feminist fashion, “always believing the victim”, so it’s ironic he was himself accused of a bunch of stuff. Dunno what happened between him and his wife, but he’s divorced her and became a polyamorist.

Everything here screams “Hebrew!”

>a nontrivial part of the “Jew look” is actually found and presumably originating in certain strains of EEuro

Possibly, it’s the other way around, in that many E-Europeans have partial Jewish ancestry. The white genes of Jews had probably originated before the immigration to E-Europe, in the C-European Rhineland area and in France (that is, in addition to the Italian X-chromosome DNA). Russian Jews do look somewhat Slavic, but this is probably due to “recent” — no earlier than 3 generations — admixture.

>Very smart guy.


Anonymous says:

Meant “Italian mitochondrial DNA”

ilkarnal says:

you know this from the IQ tests that they perfom on themselves

You know this from the nukes :^)

Or do you share Hitler’s view that ‘Jewish physics’ is a hoax, along with IQ tests?

Anonymous says:

Jewish physics aren’t a hoax in the sense of being outright false. Rather, the importance of Jewish physics to modern scientific-technological endeavors is vastly overstated.

This is not to imply that Jewish abstract theories haven’t contributed anything, but to de-mystify the “Jewish genius” meme; the heavy lifting necessary for scientific development was done by white (substantially German) engineers, not Jews.

Jews are uncreative. Once you start asking: “okay, so what have Jews built? Where are all the Jewish-invented revolutionary technologies that leave one with a dropped-jaw and mouth-agape?” you come to realize that every scientific miracle you see — and as well, all the ‘ordinary’ tech you see — is the result of white, not Jewish, inventiveness.

Visuo-spatial reasoning is as indispensable for ground-breaking scientific progress as verbal (abstract) reasoning. Jewish visuo-spatial reasoning is mediocre. Furthermore, inventiveness requires imagination, not just ‘logic’, and Jewish visuo-spatial imagination is extremely deficient, which is why there are no worthy Jewish artists, for instance. Jews may get the logic behind certain technologies, but the Jew won’t come up with it on his own, due to very constrained imagination.

Tell a white, a normal unremarkable white, to imagine a tree, and he’ll vividly see in his mind the trunk, the leaves, the branches, the proportions, the coloring, etc. When a Jew imagines a tree, it looks like a vague blur, basically. Jewish thought-patterns — conception and even perception — are idea-oriented, not details-oriented. There’s a solid biological basis for it. Nitty-gritty details are for whites; Jews are “big picture” thinkers.

Whites are superior.

ilkarnal says:

Hate to repeat myself, but nukes are a pretty big deal.

the heavy lifting necessary for scientific development was done by white (substantially German) engineers, not Jews

Sure. Jews aren’t generally inclined to get their hands dirty. When they do, though, the results are beyond compare. ‘Jewish genius’ is not just a meme.

Jews are uncreative.

Tell that to the Coen brothers. Hell, tell it to Alvarez and Feynman and Ulam. They had plenty of achievements outside the Manhattan project, which required a great deal of outside-the-box thinking.

Nitty-gritty details are for whites; Jews are “big picture” thinkers.

You’ll find math and physics involve a lot of very precise ‘nitty gritty’ thinking.

I don’t think you know much about intelligence. Intelligence is a general factor. Cognitive performance tends to cluster, resulting in a very consistent finding among all populations that people who are good at x cognitively loaded task tend to be good at y arbitrary cognitively loaded task – and the converse.

There are some interesting trends to be found in the subtests. When you give just verbal tests to blacks, for instance, you tend to slightly overestimate their performance. When you give just visiospatial tests to Jews you tend to slightly underestimate their performance. As interesting as this is it is not of terribly great significance – on the whole blacks score poorly, and perform poorly, on the whole Jews score well, and perform well. There’s no threat to the concept of IQ and general intelligence here.

Whites are superior.

Jews are white. Are they inferior to other whites? Well, their clannish ways are a problem for universalistic hyper-trusting hyper-trustworthy whites, meaning a large proportion of northwest europeans. They aren’t much more of a problem in that regard than Slavs or even Irishmen. They were the original clannish infiltrators into high-trust european societies, but at this point there are a whole lot more white clannish people running around everywhere, and the distinction is clearly pretty meaningless compared to middle eastern + mongoloid + negroid populations coming in.

jim says:

The contributions of Einstein and Feynman are enormous and vitally important. But they only engaged in thought experiments. Feynman never actually laid his hands on an actual piece of uranium. Jewish scientists are theoreticians, not engineers. Important and valuable theoreticians, but they do have a tendency to get detached from reality. If science gets too many Jews, tends to discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Now there were a pile of Aryan descended scientists that were dancing around the same ideas as Einstein. They were getting mighty close, and they probably would have gotten there eventually even if we had gassed every Jew. But they had been dancing around those ideas for a hundred years, and it probably would have taken them a while longer.

The key insight was that light does not travel in straight lines, rather straight lines are defined by the path light takes in a vacuum – that geometry is physics. That was a big conceptual leap, though Aryan scientists were as close as they could be without taking that leap.

So Aryan science could proceed OK without Jewish science, while Jewish science would be dead in the water without Aryan science. But there is no denying that lack of Jews would have slowed the Aryans down considerably.

ilkarnal says:

Feynman’s contributions to the Manhattan project were minor – he was a very junior member of the enterprise. But they weren’t thought experiments. Number-crunching with newfangled mechanical calculators was an engineering problem, not a thought experiment. Inspecting production facilities for design defects isn’t a ‘thought experiment’ either.

It is true that Feynman and Einstein’s greatest contributions were in the realm of theory. Sakharov, Teller, and Ulam’s greatest contributions are in the realm of engineering. Jews have proved their mettle there.

they do have a tendency to get detached from reality. If science gets too many Jews, tends to discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a pin

This is a trait of high IQ people generally. They tend to abhor practical work. When they actually get down to it, they tend to get great results. I would say Germans had a tendency to lionize real work more than is typical, thus their great engineering accomplishments. Probably can say the same for Russians. Jews have the opposite tendency.

So Aryan science could proceed OK without Jewish science, while Jewish science would be dead in the water without Aryan science.

Obviously the body of gentile accomplishments in the sciences and in engineering utterly dwarf Jewish accomplishments. Just by less than the factor by which the gentile population dwarfs the Jewish population.

I believe that fundamentally European Jewry owes its existence to gentiles, and the only viable path for them is within gentile society. Israel, for instance, is an outpost of the west – their grain is grown by gentiles, their core weaponry and ammunition built by gentiles. The geography is a relatively minor matter.

The problem at hand is the creation of a robust, mutually beneficial relationship. The biggest obstacle to this is the cuckwhites who view any such bargaining as inherently evil, loudly proclaim that they will be selfless and valorous even against their own interests, and then succeed at being selfless but fail miserably at being effective or valorous.

Anonymous says:

Muh nukes… try again:

>They had plenty of achievements outside the Manhattan project, which required a great deal of outside-the-box thinking.

What have Jews built? If “IQ” worked the way you think it works, you’d see myriads of revolutionary technologies invented by Jews, outperforming Aryans by a wide margin. Since you don’t see any revolutionary technologies invented by Jews, it follows that the “IQ” doesn’t work the way you think it does.

>You’ll find math and physics involve a lot of very precise ‘nitty gritty’ thinking.

Okay, fair enough. Yet, if Jewish thinking was details-oriented, rather than “pig picture”-oriented, Jews would come up with actual concrete technological miracles, rather than mere theorizing.

>I don’t think you know much about intelligence. Intelligence is a general factor.

This is not the whole truth. Yes: retards are overall retarded, normies are overall normie. When it comes to ingenuity and inventiveness involving complex mental tasks, on the other hand, the dissimilarity of Jewish intelligence and white intelligence is stark, as evidenced by reality.

>They aren’t much more of a problem in that regard than Slavs or even Irishmen.

Come on, now.

>Jews are white.

“Caucasoid” =/= white. Arabs aren’t white, neither are most Jews. White means European; no, not “having spent centuries in Europe”, but actually *from* Europe. Jews aren’t from Europe. Although Jews have some European admixture, so do American niggers, whom we don’t regard as white. Having a few European genes doesn’t make you white. Being on the whole European makes you white. Jews aren’t on the whole European, thus aren’t white. Very simple.

ilkarnal says:

Muh nukes… try again:

Obviously Hitler wouldn’t have gotten nukes by not kicking out the Jews. You need brilliant people AND a huge amount of resources AND the (probably unwise) decision to spend those resources on an uncertain and long-term project during a war.

Obviously Jews had a very out-sized presence and impact on the Manhattan Project, and were the minds behind most of the challenging technical breakthroughs. It’s not a coincidence that in the later race to the thermonuclear bomb, both sides of the iron curtain had Jews create the successful design – Teller and Ulam on the American side, Sakharov on the Soviet side.

If “IQ” worked the way you think it works, you’d see myriads of revolutionary technologies invented by Jews, outperforming Aryans by a wide margin.

No you wouldn’t, because there are far far far less Jews than ‘Aryans’ and because those Jews are not generally employed in R&D. When they are, again, excellent results.

Yet, if Jewish thinking was details-oriented, rather than “pig picture”-oriented, Jews would come up with actual concrete technological miracles, rather than mere theorizing.

It doesn’t get more concrete than thermonukes. But leaving that hobbyhorse, you can look at the military and technical accomplishments of Israel.

But also their tactical successes on land and in the sky, even against Soviet pilots, their weapons systems (including the pretty cool Spike missile, and the Trophy APS for the Merkava IV), etc. All this from a pretty small population base.

‘Jewish’ thinking is big picture oriented primarily because high IQ people generally are drawn to big picture thinking. I agree that this is a problem, and high IQ people – including Jews – should apply themselves much more to nitty-gritty technical subjects.

When it comes to ingenuity and inventiveness involving complex mental tasks, on the other hand, the dissimilarity of Jewish intelligence and white intelligence is stark

And, controlling for the size of the Jewish population, in favor of Jews.

“Caucasoid” =/= white. Arabs aren’t white, neither are most Jews.

I don’t claim caucasoid = white. I claim caucasoid + european + light skinned = white. Arabs haven’t been in europe for thousands of years, and are swarthy.

All categories are fuzzy around the edges. But calling Jews non-european or non-white strikes me as strange from any objective yardstick.

Anonymous says:

How do you account for the non-existence of Jewish aesthetics? No Jewish aesthetics! There are Greek, Anglo, Germanic, Dutch, Scandinavian, Italic, Slavic, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Berber, Egyptian, etc. aesthetics, but not Jewish/Ashkenazi.

Isn’t that extremely creepy? Like Jews aren’t fully human.

ilkarnal says:

What the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous says:

No independent Ashkenazi architecture or painting or sculpture. Ashkenazim have cuisine — because hominids require sustenance to survive — and it’s total crap.

Musically, there’s klezmer, but it’s basically jazz, which is something anyone can produce. Folk-songs don’t exist among Jews at all (creepy), which is why the nation-building Zionists had to “borrow” them from the Slavs – like kazachok and other folk music.

No real aesthetics.

jim says:

Hence the weakness of Jewish art, and art favored by Jewish critics.

Jewish contributions to science are real and important. Lots of people correctly point out that non Jews almost sort of discovered Einstein’s theory of relativity, that they were really really close to it. But they had been really really close to it for quite some time. Indeed, Maxwell himself was pretty close to it. On the other hand, Jewish contributions to engineering and applied science are kind of like black contributions – embarrassingly weak.

Jack Highlands says:

Sure, in a sense they’re 40% White (that’s the mostly Italic component I referred to), but race is a dynamic concept that changes over time. You and I are probably ‘60% Yamna’ (the original Aryans), but they don’t exist anymore. Neither do Romans exist in the way they did in the time when Jews were marrying Roman and other Italic women. Neither are modern Ashkenazi Jews, of course, their Middle Eastern forebears at the time of Imperial Rome.

The 40% of ‘White’ that is within the Ashkenazim has remained clannish and participated in extreme selection for IQ. The 95+% White in a modern Italian from anywhere north of about Naples has had clannishness bred out and has undergone a more modest selection for IQ, along with other upper class characteristics, such as good looks.

You’re probably right about 23 and Me and their (((sneaky))) tricks.

Alrenous says:


Alrenous says:

Though also you’re pwned for thinking ‘white’ is a real category, not something proggies made up for their own convenience.

Anonymous says:

These are very important points. Ashkenazim are not white, but are Semites (Afro-Asians) with moderate white admixture; some Ashkenazim are whiter than others, but genetically all are closely-connected. Yes, it feels strange to look a flaxen-haired, aquiline-nosed, ruddy-skinned Ashkenazi in the blue of his eyes and tell him “you’re an African”, but it is what it is.

If the issue is primarily biological rather than “cultural” or “religious” — a view I wholeheartedly embrace — then the problem is much acuter than most on the alt-right realize. I’ve touched on this before, but basically, the estimation of American Jews as a mere “6 million” is a vast underestimation. Of the “6 million” Jews who are counted as Jews, the overwhelming majority are full Jews. However, besides these, there are millions upon millions of mischlings who are not considered Jews, or not counted among the Jews, yet have substantial Ashkenazi admixture. I’m referring to first, second, and third degree mischlings: 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 Jews.

If these are to be counted among the Jews, the quantity of the Jewish element in America rises to, probably, a whopping 18 million individuals. Just look at this very blog – it seems that for every full Jew here, there are 2 or 3 mischlings of varying degrees. All the data shows that (secular) Jews are getting incredibly high on their own supply, drinking their own Kool Aid, that is: race-mixing heavily with whites or yellows. If the reality is that, in fact, there are 18 million individuals with substantial Ashkenazi admixture, rather than “6 million”, then Jews make for 6% of the US population, not just 2%. Seems more likely than not, really. I must correct about this.

Now for some arm-chair theorizing. Since the Ashkenazim have formed in Gaul (circa 800 AD) and later-on migrated to the Rhineland (1,000 AD), wandering all over the territory of the Roman Empire for some 10 centuries and acquiring genes from a diversity of white ethnicities, as dissimilar as Cypriots and Wends, there’s no doubt in my mind that at least *some* indigenous old European (Steppe) blood has trickled into the Jewish blood-stream. While Semites can be rather lightly-pigmented, the light pigmentation of many Ashkenazim has to be partly European in origin.

There’s a passage in the Talmud that says that Jewish skin is something between that of the light-skinned Europeans and that of the almost-black-skinned Negroids: it is caramel-colored. Today Ashkenazim are pale, not caramel-colored, so it seems that between the Talmudic period and the formation of modern Ashkenazim, there occurred a substantial admixture event.

But all this, however, doesn’t make full-Ashkenazim “white”, any more than mulattoes or happas with inter-Hajnal-Line admixture (or Steppe-originated admixture) are “white”. A full-Ashkenazi is like a mulatto or a happa. A partial Ashkenazi is closer to being white, but it’s still important to decide on what degree of mischling is acceptable. If 7%+ or 8%+ non-white DNA is taken to be the standard by which one is deemed non-white, and if we accept that Ashkenazim are, say, a third white and two thirds non-white (as Cochran believes), then it follows that half-Ashkenazim are 33.33% non-white, quarter-Ashkenazim are 16.66% non-white, and eighth-Ashkenazim are 8.33% non-white, which is on the verge. To worry about smaller percentages is rather autistic, so let’s not go there.

What this means is that some of those estimated 18 million individuals with substantial Ashkenazi admixture can, in all likelihood, be incorporated into the white meta-tribe. The majority, however, are not white enough. Sorry, folks, but these are the numbers. 1/8 Ashkenazim can, if their phenotype is “benign” enough, live among whites as whites and inter-marry with whites, though even 1/8 Ashkenazim are not SS-material. On the other hand, full, half, and quarter Ashkenazim are not white enough to belong in white countries.

If you worry about 4% non-white genes, that’s quite retarded. But to preserve basic racial purity, or “hygiene”, by not breeding, that is: polluting one’s blood, with those deemed insufficiently white (7%+ or 8%+ non-white) is not retarded whatsoever. Afro-Asians have no place in the White Man’s land.

Samuel Skinner says:

“All the data shows that (secular) Jews are getting incredibly high on their own supply, drinking their own Kool Aid, that is: race-mixing heavily with whites or yellows.”

Or blacks. 2 members on the Jewish side of the family married blacks.

Cavalier says:

>so it seems that between the Talmudic period and the formation of modern Ashkenazim, there occurred a substantial admixture event


ilkarnal says:

Yes, it feels strange to look a flaxen-haired, aquiline-nosed, ruddy-skinned Ashkenazi in the blue of his eyes and tell him “you’re an African”, but it is what it is.

It ‘feels strange’ because it is fucking retarded. There are three great categories – caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid. Semites are caucasoid, unambiguously. There are caucasoids in Africa, that does not make them negroid if they don’t have negroid admixture.

The Jews have been in Europe for a very, very long time. They are European, and they are caucasoid, and they have white skin. That’s as ‘white’ as it bloody well gets. Are they separate from other races who are also European and also caucasoid? Yes, as are many other sub-categories of European caucasoids. A Frenchman is not a Greek is not a Slav. The unique thing about Jews is that they remained separate from populations they co-located with, with very little interbreeding. The other separate categories were geographically separate.

ilkarnal says:

2. Because their cultural effect is completely anti-White. ‘Watch what they do, not what they pretend to be.’

It isn’t difficult to see how this second point obliterates your first point. Yet still, it is moronic. The ‘effect’ of a group of people being ‘anti-White’ has nothing whatsoever to do with whether they are white. Northwest Europeans generally are ‘anti-White,’ especially their elites. ‘Pro-White’ whites are the clannish whites – scots, irishmen, slavs. You’ve read HBDchick, presumably you understand how the ban on cousin marriage and manorialism led to universalism. In the current situation, universalism is extremely anti-White. Does that make White universalists nonwhite? Obviously not.

because their DNA forms a cluster between European and the Middle Eastern, with limited overlap with Europeans.

What do you call ‘European’? Whether they have ‘limited overlap’ with Europeans – still doubtless part of a bigger caucasoid cluster – or whether they are an edge cluster *of* Europeans is a question of definition. What definition do you use? Why is a race that has been in Europe for thousands of years not European? Are Sicilians European? Basques?

Since then, outside of the far South, Italic evolution has moved in the Westernizing direction: infusion of Northern European genes in the migration period, then forced outbreeding by the church

You don’t have to go very far south in Italy to get to the clannish populations. Are those not European? That’s retarded.

Meanwhile, Ashkenazi evolution went in a completely different direction: selection for high IQ via inbreeding.

Via European society. It’s not ‘completely different’ – Europeans evolved a high IQ too, just not as high as Ashkenazis. Europe, for whatever reason, was a place suited for high IQs. Jews got the extreme end of that.

ilkarnal says:

Goddamn formatting. Wish I could see what my mistake is – missing a >?

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