
Coup by permanent government in the wind

I expected, and predicted, a self coup by Trump, seizing the power of the presidency for the president, but instead, Mueller has empaneled a grand Jury, which is the permanent government, the presidency, seizing the president.

Empaneling a grand jury is institutional preparation for arresting Trump, not institutional preparation for an impeachment vote in the senate. Attempting to arrest Trump is a coup.

A grand jury issues indictments. That is what it is for. A grand Jury indictment directly results in an order for someone to be arrested and imprisoned. The target usually does not know what the indictment is, what the evidence is, what the charges are, until after he is jail, which is mighty convenient for prosecutors – and for coup makers.

Should it succeed, not long thereafter leftists will be arresting leftists for insufficient leftism, until the process is halted by a Cromwell, a Stalin, or a Napoleon, or until the process goes all the way to the Seven Kill Stele, and everyone executes everyone else for insufficient leftism, leaving very few survivors.

Mueller’s cops armed with guns and a warrant may well be quietly shown the door by Trump’s praetorians armed with guns and a presidential pardon, but if both sides survive, trouble and escalation will ensue until one side does not survive.

A grand jury is pretty much a formality, since the prosecutor has complete control. A grand jury will indict you for being a ham sandwich, so will surely indict Trump of being a Russian agent and stealing the elections. Or something. We will probably never find out what the charges were, because once the arrest is made, or attempted, the charges will cease to matter, and being able to hit what you are shooting at will matter. Does anyone recollect the charges on which King Louis or Czar Nicholas was executed?

The trouble is that the institutional outcome of the grand jury process is not a two thirds vote in the Senate, as provided by the constitution, but a bunch of social justice warriors dressed as cops equipped with an arrest warrant from someone no one has heard of, giving Trump a perp walk in front of the press.

And when you attempt to give the president a perp walk, that is not an arrest, but a coup. By empaneling a grand Jury, Mueller begins walking down a path where the end of the path is his death or Trump’s death.

First faction to start shooting usually wins. The merely elected government, the mere president, needs men who will shoot to kill other men dressed in police uniforms and equipped with a judicial warrant from someone no one has ever heard of. For I am pretty sure that those attempting to serve a judicial warrant on the president will shoot to kill. Once the fatal words are spoken, the logic of the situation is that you win or you die. The violence inevitably escalates. Whoever is slowest to face up to this loses, gets arrested, imprisoned, and eventually, executed, for once imprisoned, too dangerous to live. If Trump gets arrested, one thing will lead to another thing, and pretty soon his entire family and then all elected Republicans will be arrested, and not very long thereafter, executed. It is defect/defect, and the one who defects hardest and first wins. A grand jury exists to arrest people. Once you start resolving political conflicts by arresting your opponents, you win or you die. If Mueller attempts to arrest Trump or his people and fails, Trump has to arrest Mueller and his people, for if he does not, Mueller will surely succeed the second, the third, or the tenth time.

And if Mueller successfully arrests Trump, he is going to have to kill Trump, and a rapidly increasing number of other people, for if he does not then sooner or later Trump is going to be unarrested.

Arresting people is violence, and the logic of violence takes over from the logic of politics. Once started, hard to stop. This does not mean that the escalation will take place overnight, though it well may do so, but there will be escalation.

If the permanent government successfully performs a self coup against the merely legitimate and formal government, we get informal and illegitimate government, on the model of our officially unofficial official state religion. This sets in process a power struggle, where you get a sequence of coups, each lefter than the last, as happened when the Kadets overthrew the Czar to institute moderate conservative parliamentary democracy on the British model, until the army, the praetorians, or the security services get involved, or until a single dictator makes himself absolutely supreme.

Unless saner heads prevail and stuff Mueller back in the bag, or just simply shoot him and his jurors, we are on track for a coup, which, if it succeeds, will result in a chain of ever more radical coups.

From the illegal re-election of Tiberius Gracchus in 133BC to Caesar crossing the Rubicon in 49BC was eighty four years, one long human lifetime of steadily escalating political violence, ending in direct military intervention.

From moderate constitutional monarchists overthrowing the King of France to Napoleon was ten years of steadily escalating violence, ending in direct military intervention.

From the Kadet’s overthrowing the Czar in the name of constitutional democratic monarchism to Stalin stabilizing the Russian political system was sixteen years of steadily escalating political violence, during which the military and the security services have remained strangely quiescent.

So this grand jury is not going to result in the stuff instantly hitting the fan. Rather, we will see substantial and escalating erosion of the norms of peaceful political competition, and in retrospect future historians will record the revolution as starting in 2017 or not very long thereafter. It is not going to instantly result in war to the knife, and for a while, everyone will think that normality continues. But the logic of events takes us to war to the knife, and the side that first sees the logic of events and acts on that logic, wins.

Politics by arresting your opponents is not politics, but war. Wars are easy to start, hard to stop. The side that first realizes that war has begun gains a substantial advantage.

105 comments Coup by permanent government in the wind

Inquiring Mind says:

A Grand Jury is a perjury trap. It is a way to put people in jail who have not committed any crime, that is, until now when they give a funny answer to the questioning. We have been down this road before with “Scooter” Libby.

The people appearing before this Grand Jury need to get good lawyers to advise them of their rights and prepare them for answering the questions truthfully and without any embellishment.

jim says:

This never stopped them from indicting anyone. If you want to imprison an innocent man for perjury then you ask the same question a hundred different ways. If he fails to change his answer according to the form of the question, he committed perjury. If does change the form of his answer to match the form of the question, then he gave two different answers to the same question, therefore he committed perjury.

“It is not the original crime, it is the cover up. We are indicting them for the cover up”

A grand jury can, and probably will, convict you of being a ham sandwich.

And once the arrest warrant is issued, no one is going to care or remember what it was for.

Jack Highlands says:

It’s touching how naïve and autistic we men of the West can be on the logic of outward forms.

‘It’s difficult to keep up with all this legalese.’

It’s about power, stupid.

‘Why would the courts care so much about one tiny bakery in Indiana?’

It’s about power, stupid.

‘It’s ridiculous to photograph those Seals dressed up in red pumps.’


Alrenous says:


Jamie_NYC says:

It’s more likely that it will be Donald Trump Jr. who will be indicted.

jim says:

They don’t care about Donald Trump Junior except as a stepping stone to his father.

John Morris says:

True. But that is who they will indict first. The idea being to burn the ground around Trump, make it so he has no allies who aren’t themselves besieged. It won’t stop there of course, soon everyone around him will be lawyered up and fighting felony charges. Nobody will want to work anywhere near him, knowing the price.

If Trump didn’t know all these things and more were coming his way the moment he announced an intention to “drain the swamp” the more experienced people around him certainly did. Bannon knew. That Trump did it anyway gives hope, hope that he has a plan.

For Trump has to know the gamble he has made. Failure means personal and business ruin for himself and his family. He literally pledged his Life, his Fortune and his Sacred Honor to this project. General Washington would be proud to know such men still live.

Turtle says:

So far, Trump has done better than most expected, by far. He has not done as well as rightists wanted, but that was wishful thinking (demanding or craving, really). I suspect that Trump has far more support than we realize. Yes, most people are docile goats (sheep are not so docile, they have a Shepherd), but then they are neutral, not involved. And most active people, especially native-born Americans, going by rallies, not voting, are Trumpists.

I am realizing most people (the cucks and cuckellas) dislike courage, rather than only lacking it. They dislike hearing my confession (as if they have a right to not forgive), dislike Christ because He trampled down death (as if they can undo His victory), and *want* to go to hel (as if they can avoid God there)l. The generous assumption that everyone wants what is good, somewhere “deep down,” is liberal BS. This does indicate that there is far more sin than I know about. But more importantly, Trump’s men are far stronger.

Trump’s people are stronger in their morality. They are not only patriarchalists, but also appreciate women (rather than only being macho tough guys). Trumpists not only know the martial Psalm, “teach my hands to war and my fingers to fight,” but respect and understand their enemies. It’s is easier to defeat a simple-seeming being with whom one is not angry. The seething SJWs who vomited with panic attacks when Trump won still have not recovered, so how can they fight? Some of them have killed themselves!

People who can fight almost automatically like strong white men, especially handsome Vikings like Trump. I don’t understand why people are doubting the Trumpening. Is Mueller really such a threat?

Anyway, I thought that loosely, or literarily, Family Guy ‘s Quagmire is Trump, while Peter Griffin is Mike Pence. I suppose Lois is Hillary, Chris is Millenials, Meg is Gen X, Cleveland is Dr. Ben Carson, Stewie is Bannon, and Brian is Obama. Quahog Channel 5 is CNN, Mayor Adam West is perhaps Trudeau or Macron… and more. It’s oddly ahead of its time, for such a boring, plebian show.

Is that useful?

Samuel Skinner says:

“I am realizing most people (the cucks and cuckellas) dislike courage, rather than only lacking it.”

Because someone else having courage reveals they lack it; they care about relative status and nothing else.

“They dislike hearing my confession (as if they have a right to not forgive), dislike Christ because He trampled down death (as if they can undo His victory), and *want* to go to hel (as if they can avoid God there).”

Autistics lack the ability to read other emotions. Religious impulse is about as complex so it should be as likely to break down. It appears that it is intimately tied up with morality since it solves the mathematical issues the normally plague group selection.

In other words imagine individuals who think morality is simply doing what everyone else is doing and copy the words everyone else is using without grasping what is behind it. I would say they fail to see beyond connotations and believe they can change how things work by changing the connotation applied to them, but that is imputing too much agency to them. They are utility machines; avoid pain, follow pleasure.

“The generous assumption that everyone wants what is good, somewhere “deep down,” is liberal BS.”

Everything the left says are lies.

“This does indicate that there is far more sin than I know about.”

It gets better- there is no escape. Women desire powerful men, so men desire power. Get rid of the desire from women and the species falls apart because the mutational load increases over time without a winnowing mechanism. Eliminate mutation and the species falls apart to disease. Introduce genetic engineering and behold single point failure with a feedback loop.

Garr says:

Sam, would you please explain your two paragraphs that begin “Austistics lack” and “In other words” more carefully? The second paragraph is supposed to explain the first, but I don’t understand it. I don’t understand how you are using the word “connotation” and how you see “religious impulse” playing a necessary role in ensuring social cohesion.

Turtle, when Augustine reflects on his youthful pear-stealing (in the Confessions) he first seems to suggest that he did it simply because it was a bad thing to do, but then appears to conclude that he did it because law-breaking made him feel powerful, and the feeling of power seemed good: “Did I wish, if only by gesture, to rebel against thy law, even though I had no power to do so actually–so that, even as a captive, I might produce a sort of counterfeit liberty, by doing with impunity deeds that were forbidden, in a deluded sense of omnipotence?”(Outler translation, available online in PDF).

Augustine’s presumably committed to Plato’s “we pursue the good in everything that we do.” Milton has Satan saying, “Evil, be thou my good”, but would Milton imagine a human being saying this?

Samuel Skinner says:

I’m drawing a comparison between how autistic lack a certain capability and how there are individuals who have a similar lacking when it comes to morality. Think Haidt’s moral Foundation where liberals use 2 and conservatives 5.

For connotation… words come with emotional content tied to them. There are people whose entire world is the tag the words are labeled with and the actual reality the words correspond to is irrelevant. I’m not talking ‘change the words, change reality’ (although it is phrased like that), I don’t mean people who don’t see the distinction between the two, I mean people who mental world doesn’t extend even to that.

“how you see “religious impulse” playing a necessary role in ensuring social cohesion.”

The problem with group selection is that it isn’t beneficial to the individual who does it (otherwise it would be normal behavior); the fact the group benefits doesn’t matter. For the math to work it has to help the individual in question OR for there to be a way to punish individuals who don’t contribute.

What you need is for ‘good of the group’ to be seen as something concrete that exists separate from the individuals of the group. The religious instinct in humans looks like it fills that niche. It comes with the idea of being watched, timescales longer then a human lifetime, connecting benefits from group positive actions to the good of the group and a way to regulate members.

I have no idea if this is how reality actually works; it makes sense, but obviously I would think that. Inspired by “Dutton 2017: Atheism as Evidence of High Mutational Load under Conditions of Weakened Selection “

Garr says:

Got up to about the 10-minute part of the video; by then, Dutton had proposed that chicks dig religious guys because they see religious guys as groupy and therefore less likely to be killed, and that religious guys are less likely to be cuckolded (presumably because the other guys in the neighborhood are also religious), so it’s their own genes that are reproduced. Seems reasonable.
I still don’t get what you’re doing with “connotations” (vs. denotations? vs. real-world-utility? Isn’t autistic morality hyper-focused on real-world utility as opposed to the direction of the heart?) If you’re tired of explaining, that’s okay. Thanks for explaining the other thing, anyway.

For more on connotations, see Vox Day’s recent posts about modernism in literature as anti-literature. James Joyce’s book Ulysses was published as great literature almost a hundred years ago.

There’s more to it than idiots taking over the unversities and demanding that retard-tier connotations and amateruish art with some purpose or other replace what they could never make or even appreciate themselves. There’s more to it than Jews taking over the universities and using them to insult and degrade and supplant Whites. The university itself is a flawed system and its capture in turn by puritanism, relativism, and mewling idiocy was baked into the design.

Garr says:

Scrolled down at his site but didn’t see anything like that. Maybe further down? Anyway, Joyce, Faulkner, Proust, etc., are all almost forgotten now. They were Prophets of the Religion of Art and Literature when I was growing up a long, long time ago. Star Wars is pretty much gone now. The main thing happening now that everyone knows about is the Marvel Movie-Universe, I guess. I finished reading Orlando Furioso (the original one from around 1530, not the Virginia Woolf thing) a few weeks ago — it’s a lot like a Marvel superhero-series. There are even two superheroines — Bradamant and Marfisa. The characters have super-strength and super-equipment comparable to Cap’s shield or Thor’s hammer. Astolfo travels to the Moon to retrieve Orlando’s sanity.

“Which is the True Text Order” and “Mailvox: Bad Writing is Cancer”

He also comments on what comes after converged superhero movies in “The Death of Pop Culture”, and his latest blog post, “The Sickness in Hollywood”, if true, tells us the degree to which Jews and faggots have been in charge in Hollywood, as a separate issue from the treason and Jewish takeover of the universities.

Garr says:

Correcting myself here: autists seem to be hyper-focused on rules, so it would be the ones for whom the one rule is “maximize average cheerfulness” (or whatever utilitarian rule”) who would be hyper-focused on real-world-utility.

Maybe one could say that a normal moral sensibility requires empathizing with an imaginary “spirit of the community” and that autists can’t do this.

Dave says:

Autistics are pretty much ignorant of and indifferent to other people’s feelings. This is not always a bad thing; when your society is collapsing in a spiral of leftist virtue-signaling, when truth has been abolished to protect people’s feelings, it helps to have a little autistic boy telling us that the Emperor is naked.

glosoli says:

I think you’ll find that most of the alt-right working online are somewhat autistic.

They speak plain truths. They are good people.

Your comments are wrong.

Alrenous says:

There’s no such thing as a good person. There are bad people, and worse people.

But yes their grasp of autism is weak at best. They read the secondhand sources, who blindly or willingly misunderstand.

good person – a man who works and fights for the future of himself, his family, and his nation, in a manner fully 14w compliant, supporting the Aryan race’s telos of galactic lebensraum

neutral person – a man who works and fights for his family and maybe nation without considering 14w

bad person – a man who will not work or fight for his own interests, or thinks his interests are not included in 14w. As the transcendentalists say, bad people just need more education – through concentration camp labor

n.b. women are good when owned by a good man, neutral when owned by a neutral man, and usually can’t help but be bad if feral

Oliver Cromwell says:

and religion as state ideology. Shinto has most of the attributes we want but people say Japan is atheist. Catholicism with its magical saints was better than atheistic Universalism.

Anonymous says:

>people say Japan is atheist

“People” are idiots. Japan is only atheistic if you define religion in terms of inner faith. If that’s the definition, then no, the average Jap doesn’t sincerely believe that he’s a descendant of the gods, or that the Mikado’s great-grandmother was Amaterasu, or what have you.

But if, on the other hand, you define religiosity in terms of observance of ancestral traditions, then the Japanese are about as religious as Bible-Belt Americans are religious in their own way.

glosoli says:

Your attempt to re-define religion to enable the Japs to claim it is ridiculous.

Also, you are probably satan and I hate you.

Turtle says:

Or, glosoli, Anonymous is just an Asian who admires whiteness in a pagan way. Perhaps he is Korean – they like Japan more than the Japanese like themselves, in a codependent way. They also tend to be atomized, as pastoralists (the ones who settled Korea) have trouble with sedentary lifestyles.

If Anon. were white, he could note that anime / manga is aesthetically religious, with heroes instead of saints, pixies instead of angels, ogres instead of demons… but Asians don’t understand that. It could also be that high-IQ -ism makes whites like him become Asianesque. I could care which is the case, but it’s his private business anyway.

Finally someone else is saying it. Yes, and the religion we’re supposed to have is ancestor-worshipping nationalism, and the first thing christcuckoldry did to cuck us is displace it. It took a while to accomplish, but was accelerated when universities were formed, when printing presses put words in everyone’s hands, and finally when everyone started going to universities.

Anonymous says:

>Think Haidt’s moral Foundation where liberals use 2 and conservatives 5.

Conservatives over-blow Haidt’s theory and its ramifications. Yes, conservatism is more holistic than “do as thou wilt” liberalism. But that’s far from the end of it. Think mutations. Most mutations are detrimental. If 1% of mutations are beneficial, though, the carriers of those 1% are gonna be at the top of the evolutionary game. Shoher made the same observation about businesses:

“Conservative policy is, however, also detrimental to business entities: while conservative corporations outperform the majority of competitors, they are inferior to a few companies risking successfully either by chance or through unique leadership. Conservatives survive longer than average, but they are doomed. Enterprising ventures are on the average short-lived, but some of them rise to dominance; there is no way to dominance other than through risky policies.”

Men take more risks than women, hence more likely to fail spectacularly, but when — rather seldom — the risk results in magnificent success, the success is clearly evident in male hyper-competence in basically all fields. Most risk-takers (risk-takers being overwhelmingly male) will fail, but that minority which won’t fail, the successful minority, will rule above everyone else.

Which is all a fancy way of saying that conservatives who pat themselves on the back for never doing anything risky, who delight in smelling their own farts without accomplishing or innovating, while they are indeed in a better position than median risk-takers, they’re not going to be at the top – they may not be omegas, but they aren’t alphas either. Conservatism is strictly the beta strategy; innovation is the alpha/omega strategy – omega when ends in failure, which is usually the case, but can be alpha in those minority of cases where it results in success.

Think of a conservative society. 90% of people are status-quo-keeping conservatives. 10% are risk-taking innovators. Of those 10% risk-takers, 90% (9% of all society) will utterly fail, while 10% (1% of all society) will succeed phenomenally. (Of course, success doesn’t have to be phenomenal, but for the argument’s simplicity’s sake) In this scenario, the hierarchy goes: 1% at the top, 90% in the middle, and 9% at the bottom. Those 1% at the top will not belong to the conservative majority, but will belong to a minority of a minority.

In short, if you think along the lines of “well I’ve read Haidt, so now I can prove with SCIENCE!!! that the damn liebruls are wrong about everything always, because uhhhh they don’t utilize the feeling of disgust when evaluating moral dilemmas” then sorry pal, it’s not that simple. The creative innovator is usually not outright sociopathic (yes, I’ve read Radish’s “Crazy Talk” essay, tnx), so it’s not that he actually lacks those purported “moral foundations” that Haidt’s inert conservatives can so proudly boast of; rather, he *overcomes* his own inborn biases/limitations in order to pursue a greater Good, which admittedly is often not all that good, but can potentially be very good. That’s mutations (good/bad) vs. stability in a nutshell.

>The problem with group selection is that it isn’t beneficial to the individual who does it (otherwise it would be normal behavior); the fact the group benefits doesn’t matter. For the math to work it has to help the individual in question OR for there to be a way to punish individuals who don’t contribute.

No. Zero-sum game dictates that a competition between two groups, whose result is group X defeating group Y, where group X defeated group Y due to superior asabiyyah, will *select for* group X, even if other aspects of said asabiyyah are wholly detrimental to the individual member of group X, e.g Islam the religion of low-IQ inbreds.

See, if Muslims cut the throats of Christians, then Muslimhood has been selected for, and the fact that Islam on the whole always ends up genetically/civilizationally screwing over its adherents in a manner that Christianity doesn’t, doesn’t change the outcome of the actual selection that goes on. The incremental degradation of individual quality is irrelevant; an asabiyyah that benefits the group vis-a-vis other groups, even if the individual could do better outside of it, is ipso facto vindicated – it is “selection approved.”

If Muslims end-up slitting Christian throats worldwide, then — long term consequences for the individual Muslim be damned — Islam ought to be regarded as approved-by-selection. Perhaps temporarily approved, but we’re talking about *group* selection, and insofar as that is our topic, any ideology that brings group X to triumph over group Y is perforce “selection approved” – these are the rules of a zero-sum game.

> has […] to punish individuals who don’t contribute.

Has to punish belonging to the other tribe. That’s it. Other than that, asabiyyah (as opposed to ideologies concerned with logic-driven, utility-maximizing intra-group governance, such as MRA or even Libertarianism) is pointless; its utility lies EXCLUSIVELY in the domain of inter-group competition.

If no inter-group competition, then you need wise rulers and rational citizens (that is, you need rulers who aren’t Jewish and citizens who aren’t niggers), guided by an ideology/religion that goes beyond mere asabiyyah — such as National Socialism — and that’s basically it; the “social aspect” of the “religious instinct” becomes a moot issue, redundant, a subject for MPC goons to 888 about. If competition is wholly intra-group, not inter-group, then asabiyyah evaporates, and rightly so as it’s not needed anymore.

So, pursue asabiyyah until you rip the adversarial out-groups all apart, then drop the asabiyyah and promote a weltanschauung that governs society according to the dictates of logic, not muh religious fewweies pulsing within the collective brain. Which brings us to the issue with liberals: they pretend away the threat posed by out-groups, thus undermining social cohesion, when in reality asabiyyah is — in our times, as in previous times — needed in order to defeat the hostile out-groups. That’s the source of the problem.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Conservatives over-blow Haidt’s theory and its ramifications. ”

Of course. Autism and sociopathy are classified as negatives, but there are certainly times where they are positive. I’m not saying deviance is inherently bad, just that you can’t assume deviant individuals are thinking the same as you (where the you is Turtle). I don’t know how much deviance is common and since Turtle since the problem is sin and evil are common, I’m offering up an alternative they can check.

“No. Zero-sum game dictates that a competition between two groups, whose result is group X defeating group Y, where group X defeated group Y due to superior asabiyyah, will *select for* group X, even if other aspects of said asabiyyah are wholly detrimental to the individual member of group X, e.g Islam the religion of low-IQ inbreds. ”

I’m talking about how you get asabiyyah in the first place.

“Has to punish belonging to the other tribe. That’s it.

If no inter-group competition, then you need wise rulers and rational citizens”

I don’t think there is a clear boundary between the two. We should expect the size of acceptable group members to depend on the nature of the threat. So when fighting Muslims, defending those wtih IQ above room temperature. Facing Orientals, white race. Facing Slavs, Aryan. Facing Germans, English.

Anonymous says:

I’m triggered — just triggered, let me tell you, wowza — by the foul malodor of normie-supremacy I can discern in your first paragraph. Like, helloooo? Is it not 5777 years since G-d created our Flat Earth? Bigoted much? /leftist_frum_jew.txt

Seriously though, the issue isn’t deviance and its discontents, the issue is majoritarianism being bunk. It just doesn’t matter if the majority aka “ordinary people” aka normies feel certain feelings and believe certain beliefs.

Normie-supremacy is false even if the normies themselves are relatively high-quality. Even if the average IQ in society were 120, that would still not justify normie-supremacy. I mean, perhaps when the average IQ in society is 140, we may consider the merits of normiism, but even then we’ll have to keep in mind that Exit is superior to Voice. Right now, with an average societal IQ in the mid 90s, normie-supremacy is a no-brainer, if you pardon the pun.

That’s one of the primary mistakes of the alt-right, actually. Normie-supremacy. This is not even meant as defense of autism, certainly not defense of psychopathy, but rather, I advocate for not allowing normies to define the social mores at all, because the result is likely some sort of a purity spiral, likely puritanism taking hold of people’s hearts and minds; we have had 200 years of just that, and we can safely say – not working.

Andrew Anglin understands this, but he is stuck in “mass movement” mode, so he has no choice but to write satirical articles denouncing white-knightism, which satirical articles fail to persuade the intended audience of WN white-knights. Because guess what, Andrew: white-knightism follows directly from normiism. If you have normiism, gonna have white-knightism. If you don’t believe me in 2017, you’ll believe me in 2020.

You don’t need to compulsively read Manosphere blogs to know that men are prone to white-knightism, just as you don’t need to register at mkingdompdzmk7e3.onion to know that teenagers are sexual beings (hi FBI). All you need is to open your eyes and look around.

A medium-IQ WN would say: “yeah but uhh, if we just kick out all the non-whites, then normies will simply mean whites, so normie-supremacy would be indistinguishable from white-supremacy, r-r-r-ight anon?”


There’s a difference between shaping society’s culture and manning society. You want white normies to man society, not to shape its culture, because lol – look at Vox Day’s comment section, and tell me if these people should shape society’s culture. Horrible, catastrophic idea. Anglin doesn’t fully get that normie-supremacy equals rule by Vox Day’s comment section. When he finally gets it, he’ll go full-NRx. And eventually he will get it, because he’ll be constantly denounced by his colleagues/followers for insufficient puritanism, and being denounced for insufficient puritanism gets on his nerves, obviously, hence the satirical articles.

Thankfully, Pax Dickinson from the right and Scott Alexander from the left both realize the problem inherent in the ideological framework that is normie-supremacy, because neither are tied up with a “mass movement”. In the model I have presented above, of society being composed of 1% successful innovators at the top, 90% conservative normies in the middle, and 9% failed innovators at the bottom, the implication is rule by the top 1%, not rule by the 90% conservatives.

If you get this, you have solved the puzzle.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Probably not. Religion dies with increased rationality, selected out with improving ability to accurately perceive the world. Evidence: the lowest races like aus aborigines and pygmies literally believe in ghosts, as in they see them with their eyes, and think all physical processes are supernaturally driven. The fact that more mathematically able people have a weaker ability to form literal mental images (indeed, many believe no one can) is probably related. Animals likely live in a dream world.

But there’s religion as belief in the supernatural

Bullshit. People with IQs between 105 and 135 literally believe that a man who says he’s a woman is a woman and needs the right to enter women’s safe spaces at will, and that Black lives matter, and that communism is a good idea, and that the fact that evo psych is sexist means it’s false.

jim says:

Believing in ghosts, miracle working saints, and young earth creationism, is a whole lot more plausible, rational, and better supported by the evidence than believing that all men are created equal, black lives matter, trans are the sex they claim to be, etc.

What we are seeing is not the triumph of reason, but the triumph of ignorance, hatred, covetousness, and unreason.

Turtle says:

About creation science, I liked this video:

There is a difference between noticing and investing- I didn’t like hearing ghosts one halloween; they were whiny and intrusive. But if I were stronger then, they would have left gladly, feeling better about whatever bothered them. The aboriginals, however, have trouble discerning which spirits are good or bad, and allegedly have marital problems.

It is possible for a human spirit and animal soul to be supernatural yet tightly connected to organic bodies. The higher the creature, the greater the self-conscience and free will.

I have decided to secularly call miracles “holy magic.” That is condescending, but people who haven’t seen miracles only know about magic, and need a verbal explanation.

re: equality, how we were made is not so important. We can change by our own choices- God only guides or leaves us, He’s not a control freak. The whole egalitarian cult is, in historical context, anti-deist – deists say God didn’t do much of our creating, and is an unfair abandoner, basically a deadbeat dad, so egalitarians do this opposite thing, that God is a great dad, so beta that he not only loves equally, but makes everyone equally valuable. This is an understandable response, but it’s wrong because e can’t judge God’s works. We *are* one of them!

So, God might create us more or less equal (what if it’s relative, like much equality within races but not between them), and that’s the happy hierachy. I am sure we are all unequal, unique in our value, but only God knows that worth-data.

Being equal is only intended as a way to say we all must be treated the same way- egalitarians are covering for corrupt bureaucrats (according to their own standards): “Everyone must wait in line at the DMV, but VIPs are more equal and get their own faster line.” Maybe egalitarianism is covert hierarchy, to hide status, ranking, etc. And the conceptual thing is a strange application of calculus, to divide beings into categories.

Black lives matter differently, not 0. I felt something going wrong the last time the local moderate-ghetto had a shooting murder (not too often, every couple of years, they do try to be peaceful). But tragedies involving white really do feel more personal and familiar.

I feel like whenever a minority person improves, he becomes more white. I have met a nice gypsy girl, who acted and looked white, to my amazement, and Dr. Ben Carson is like that too. The various non-whitenesses are all deformities; in photos of minority saints, in particular the 20th c. Chinese martyrs, they look godly more than they look Mongoloid. I also believe sin reduces a white person’s whiteness.

Trans-freaks really do have alter-egos or shadow bodies of the other sex. It’s like they created a ghost, with demonic energy. This can also happen with wiggers acting black, and any other identity disorder. We are more creatively capable in changing ourselves than we seem able to responsibly handle. I still have dreams of being a girl, not that I’ve ever acted on that when awake. But when I felt what girlhood is, sometimes empathetically with LJBF ‘friends,’ I was bored. It’s like the female soul is a mental cave and emotional minefield. I don’t know how they can live that way, it’s off-putting. I sense that they are more like animals.

Reason is triumphing- the science restoration is real. Amy Cuddy, the Harvard “social psychologist” whose career height is that she popularized grotesque postures with data manipulation (faking the idea that “power poses” help losers and dykes compete with strong men), is not feeling good now. She realizes her ‘professional community’ is jealous of her fame and wealth, so they won’t protect her from the death threats she gets. She is refusing to admit guilt, but hey, she can resign any time. It’s sad she has fooled so many aspiring leaders, but maybe they wanted to be fooled, to make feminism look bad.

I looked into her work when it first emerged, and realized this was a social media age problem- if we use our bodies fully, not just swiping screens, then we have actual power- muscular strength. Professor Bimbo means we need to impose ourselves, because everyone’s distracted by the tech dildos/portals. That would work, if she, like good doctors, prescribed walks in parks and strength training, not shallow dominance for people who can’t handle wielding it.

This is just one prominent example of an SJW fraud getting caught, at Harvard. Justice has not been served yet, but the DOJ could crack down on fake science with public support- 58% of Republicans say college is bad for America. That spiked hugely recently, and is increasing. I would say we are seeing the peak of the ivory tower-of-Babel. They are deluded, and need a soft landing back to earth.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Religion dies with increased rationality, selected out with improving ability to accurately perceive the world.”

That is really questionable. The amount of creationists in the US has stayed between 40%-50% over the last 4 decades without any clear trend.


That said creationists tend to be more fertile which means in the long run it is not selected out and should grow more common with time.

People whose sacramental religion has a dogmatic answer to a question they don’t care about will assert that answer.

The problem creationists have is that they do care about the question of origins and purpose, and the answer they have is inherently cucked. God is not Aryan. His wishes should be considered as foreign policy – which is how the Jews view him anyway. Instead, creationist Christians think their purpose is to treat all Aryans and subhumans equally, and their children think their purpose is to miscegenate.

Most people assert evolution in the same way – it is so because Science says so, and they FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE, but they have no interest in the details, not because details are for nerds, but because they have better things to do.

Anonymous says:

>Get rid of the desire from women and the species falls apart because the mutational load increases over time without a winnowing mechanism.

Horsecrap. Sexual selection is not the only culling mechanism against increasing mutational load; it isn’t even the primary one. Mutants are culled first through literally natural selection (the forces of nature overcome them), secondly by having stronger members of the in-group cucking them and often killing them e.g King David, and THEN — if and when some mutants remain — sexual selection may come into play. Controlling female desire, *obviating* female sexual choice, is not going to “collapse the species” all that fast, if at all.

>Introduce genetic engineering and behold single point failure with a feedback loop.

Who is going to “introduce” it? Slant-eyed Chinese gooks. These amoral organ-harvesting ant-people have no qualms about human experimentation on a MASS SCALE, which means that when they get to try genetic engineering on humans, it will not be some careful timid “one shot deal” with lots of stifling regulation and shit; on the contrary, they’ll keep wildly experimenting on and on until — after 99% of their guinea pigs “go awry” and die an unfathomably miserable death — they’ll manage to decipher specific genetic reconstruction processes whose benign results will far outweigh their deleterious effects even unto the long-term.

>Religious impulse is about as complex so it should be as likely to break down.

False. Not complex at all. With the right substances, the most emotionally-numb nerdo could instantly sense a spiritual energy akin to that which is only accessible to elderly Buddhists who meditate on the mountains in silence, or whatever it is these bindis do to “reconnect” with the “cosmic consciousness” or some such. What I’m saying is that, with a bit of Ayahuasca/DMT, even the Virgin from “Virgin vs. Chad” comics would be conversing fluently with ethereal mystical entities, the figments of his own chemically-illuminated mind, so mystical like you wouldn’ta believe.

Historically, White women have exercised very little sexual selection, to the betterment of the White race, while West African women had more control over their finances and bodies than other cultures, which evolved them to act like niggers.

Samuel Skinner says:


Dammit. I blame sleep deprivation.

“Who is going to “introduce” it? Slant-eyed Chinese gooks. These amoral organ-harvesting ant-people have no qualms about human experimentation on a MASS SCALE,”

I was thinking problems more along the lines of how patients of fertility treatment doctors occasionally have children who resemble the doctors.

“False. Not complex at all.”

I’m not referring to having mystical experiences (which appear to be just shutting down parts of your brain). Unfortunately I don’t have any religious instinct at all so I can’t describe what I’m lacking. I could be overestimating the complexity necessary for what I see.

Anonymous says:

>I was thinking problems more along the lines of how patients of fertility treatment doctors occasionally have children who resemble the doctors.

Heh, sperm-cuckoldry. I’d feel sorry, but then I remember that the victims are dykes and careerists – screw them. Unsolicited Anal Cunt lyrics go here:

You fucking dyke
You didn’t want to get touched by a man
You wanted to be a strong single mother
You ordered a sensitive, gay poet’s sperm

I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank

Instead of a bright poet offspring
You’re stuck with a drooling retard
You went broke paying for special care
Your girlfriend left you for another woman

I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank

Your child’s a fucktard
I’m sorry but it’s true
It could have been worse though
He could be a Jew

I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank
I snuck a retard into a sperm bank

>Unfortunately I don’t have any religious instinct at all so I can’t describe what I’m lacking. I could be overestimating the complexity necessary for what I see.

It’s just some brain chemicals, likely oxytocin or dopamine. Pretty sure I get my religious instinct involuntarily activated just by listening to music I like; it’s fun actually. It’s a feeling of transcendence, which I guess in a “social context” would manifest as collective euphoria/mania (allahu ackbar) and that feeling of unity and selflessness which Haidt wrote about in that chapter.

Hidden Author says:

We have this and we have Jim being chomo and yet you guys talk about the need for a dictatorship to punish leftist degeneracy and promote wholesome traditionalist families. How very inspiring!

Dictatorships naturally control less of their subjects’ lives than democracies, and are less likely to let Socrates troll them into killing them, since they are less dependant on social sognaling.

Hidden Author says:

You bash the Left for the vulgarity of its degeneracy, then square and cube it. You talk about the need to save civilization for future generations then talk about the need to rape future generations before they grow up…Etc., etc.

jim says:

You accusations make no sense. You are responding not to Peppermint, but to the voices in your head.

Anonymous says:

>You bash the Left for the vulgarity of its degeneracy

People like us take the fight to the next level. “Muh respectability” doesn’t work. A good thing, too: killjoy-morality leads to insidious degeneration and disintegration, because under its dominance you don’t notice who’s cucking you. When you say “kikes and dykes” you instantly reveal the hidden forces influencing the playing field. Ironically, the conservadads at MPC agree with my hypothesis; Pman is way more vulgar than I’ve ever been. (That’s because he’s a real psychopath whereas I just LARP as one)

Hidden Author says:

I’m not responding to the voices in my head–I’m responding to this Anal Cunt/Cuck obsession and to your allegation that prepubescent children are seducing adults beyond their ability to self-control, a phenomenon that’s only real in the heads of pedos.

jim says:

According to you, someone who believes that girls are capable of doing bad things on their own initiative and according to their own sexual desire is a pedo.

This is a non obvious and non standard definition of pedo. The reason many societies genitally mutilate girls starting at age eight or nine, starting at andrenarche, is to deny nine year old girls the capability of obtaining sexual gratification.

Maybe in more modern times we might accomplish the same thing reversibly with drugs that block andrenarche till menarche, but standing around denying what is in front of your face is not working and is having disastrous consequences. The traditional white solution has been to keep girls under tight supervision until marriage, but with the modern career mom, this is just not happening.

Attempting to deter adult males from having sex with young girls, while making no attempt to deter young girls from having sex with adult males, might work in theory, but in practice the law is only applied to respectable males. Anarcho tyranny means that there is no real effort to deter underclass adult males, and the theory that women are angels means that there is no attempt to deter females, and so the entirely predictable happens. The girl from the family with the career mom aggressively seduces and fucks the no income man. And it is the girl aggressively seducing. Girls with boobs get pursued and eventually allow themselves to be caught. Girls with no boobs need to do the pursuing if they hope to get any action with the kind of man they are interested in. Eggs are precious, sperm is cheap, but girls between andrenarche and menarche have no eggs.

Hidden Author says:

First of all, entry into puberty happens at different rates for different girls. So out of two girls at a given young age, one may be sexually awakened while another may not. And if an adult male rapes one, who’s to say that it’s the sexually awakened one?

Secondly, even a sexually awakened girl may be more inclined to be shy, coy and/or timid toward her beloved, who would naturally be of her age group since that would be more relatable. Of course, in your scenario, it works to the contrary. Yet, speaking of that which is in front of everyone’s eyes, what I described fits the bill. If that which is in front of your eyes is the contrary, then maybe your friends pimp child sex slaves and train them to “seduce” you so that you “know” that gays are pederasts and that prepubescent girls are lining up to seduce you. The reality in front of most people’s eyes, however, is more along the lines I described…

jim says:

> And if an adult male rapes one, who’s to say that it’s the sexually awakened one?

Literal rape of a female child by an adult male is extremely rare, almost never happens. Boobs are a requirement for girls hoping for some violent rough sex.

The normal and extremely common case is that the female child starts rubbing up against an adult male, typically her brother in law, uncle, or elder sister’s boyfriend, often in his sleep. Why do you think a lot of societies cut off their clitoris at nine?

It is not to prevent literal rape by males, on which it would have almost no effect. It is to prevent them from rubbing up against adult males.

People in those societies are aware of something that we are in denial about.

If you don’t keep girls tightly supervised and sharply disciplined after andrenarche, and you don’t cut off their clitoris at andrenarche, you are going to have socially damaging levels of female sexual misbehavior – not a majority before menarche but large enough minority before menarche to have substantial harmful effects on society, and a substantial majority not very long after menarche.

If we are not willing to apply whippings or purdah, we should block andrenarche, and perhaps menarche, until it is time for them to get married.

When people say that some adult male raped some female child, what they usually mean is that she climbed aboard his woodie in his sleep, except that you are not allowed to blame a female for anything she does.

Anonymous says:

>So out of two girls at a given young age, one may be sexually awakened while another may not. And if an adult male rapes one, who’s to say that it’s the sexually awakened one?

When I was working at a pool, a 10 or 11 y/o chick initiated physical contact with me (she put her arm on mine while I was sitting, then proceeded to caress it) and together with her friends started asking me whether or not I have a girlfriend and “what is sex?”; she was visibly very excited, and there was nothing innocuous about that excitement.

Now, if I were inclined to fuck a chick in her age bracket, whom should I have logically chosen to seduce – her, or her friends, who may have indeed been innocuous? Obviously, I would’ve chosen her. So here’s your answer. The “sexually awakened one” would get a cock in her pussy, because she’d be the one asking for it, or more likely to desire it.

jewish pedophile says:

>When people say that some adult male raped some female child, what they usually mean is that she climbed aboard his woodie in his sleep, except that you are not allowed to blame a female for anything she does.

Unfortunately, that’s not what they mean – but that’s what reality is actually like. Acknowledging the very existence of sex drive among prepubescent girls, verified by the life experience of everyone who remembers what little girls were like, everyone who saw it documented in CP, and/or everyone who actually had girls climb aboard his woodie in his sleep, goes a long way. Most people don’t remember what little girls were like, did not watch CP, and did not have girls climb aboard their woodies, hence are in a state of near total ignorance about the matter.

Anonymous says:

>We have this and we have Jim being chomo

Okay, so you’re another normie-supremacist advocating for killjoy-morality (puritanism 2.0) because apparently the lyrics of a shit-tier grindcore band deliberately designed to provoke an emotional response on the part of their readers have had your amygdalae itching for a safe-space. Or perhaps you’re just concern-trolling, I dunno.

Whatever the case, our “Encyclopedia Dramatica Aesthetic” is crucial for keeping society sane via memetic cultural disruption. Now, if everything was going fine, you could say “GTFO cultural disruptor” (nevermind that when things do go fine, it’s more often than not due to tolerance for, at least minimal, cultural disruption – not despite it). Is everything going fine now? If not, then your problem cannot be cultural disruption – your problem is the culture. Surely, then, you can grasp the logic behind our strategy.

Hidden Author says:

It isn’t the vulgarity and degeneracy itself that is troubling. Rather it’s how you guys pitch a fit about how certain people (in this case, the Left) deserve to be extrajudicially executed for it while you the opposition to such things pile more of the same shit to the existing rotten eggs laid by the people that you so love to hate…

Contaminated NEET says:

>you’re another normie-supremacist advocating for killjoy-morality (puritanism 2.0)

Nah. HA is something weirder and more precious than that. He’s a bonafide progressive saint who journeys into barbaric wildernesses to preach the Word of Harvard to us benighted savages.

Sadly for him, he’s gone a little native. If his fellow proggies could see the things he has written over the years, they would tear into him like a school of barracuda turning on an injured member.

Anonymous says:


None of your business.


Cultural disruption a la Socrates.


Because the culture we’ve inherited is lame.

– – –

The method is sound. If you disagree with the specifics of the execution, such as my unsolicited interpolation of AC lyrics into my posts, for instance, then we can argue about that.

》The generous assumption that everyone wants what is good, somewhere “deep down,” is liberal BS.

It surely is secular humanist and Christian universalist bs, and Transcendentalist bs, and also old Christian bs. It may or may not be rejected by original Puritans.

Scientific morality holds 14w to be good and believes that deep down inside cucks also want the company of Whites, even though they harm the White race at every opportunity.

However, unlike all forms of Christianity, including secular humanism, scientific morality doesn’t believe in redemption. The effects of a person’s life are what they are and no one can change it after the fact. Victory requires no explanation and failure admits none. The only redemption is for individual enemies who come over to our side and bring us victory. I expect that to happen many times before this is over, because there is nothing more bleak than a future without White women.

Garr says:

Plato wasn’t really a liberal, but I guess he was more NRx than Alt-Right?

Rick Sean says:

Old Christianity’s whole point is that humans are fallen creatures who do everything wrong by default. The whole new testament is about Jesus running around fixing things while everybody around him acts like obnoxious, greedy, mischieving, pretentious and entitled retards. Even after his hundredth miracle, the disciples are like “sure he did one hundred, but can he do one hundred and one ? Btw, dips on the best place in heaven, I deserve it. Oh! here’s the Devil, what can I do for you Lord Satan ?”. And then Jesus facepalms but does not give up.

The whole other point is that there’s no Heaven to be expected on hearth, and that anyone trying to sell you that is likely possessed by satan. Which is something you should keep in mind while dreaming of your White Valhalla in America

You need to stop reading the bible trough Karl Marx’s glasses. Subverting Christianity is the leftist’s biggest victory and you are cheering for it, get a grip.

It is wrong that humans are all flawed and do things wrong by default. The Romans and Greeks did a lot of things right, the ancient Aryans evolving White sharia was unquestionably right.

Old Christianity as in the Roman state church and medieval Church was a religion of sacraments, not a religion of divine mission. Islam and puritanism and secular humanism are religions of divine mission, as is WN.

I have zero interest in the early Church. It was a Jewish sect and I hate Jews and their volcano demon.

Anonymous says:

>Islam and puritanism and secular humanism are religions of divine mission, as is WN.

I see a key difference; in a word: evangelism.

The scope of evangelism of Muslims/puritans/progs is purposefully limitless. It’s all-encompassing by design. They can leave no space for non-Muslims, non-puritans, or non-progs to occupy; no territory for Exit. In contrast, WN — its territorial pretenses notwithstanding — has a natural limit. Unlike the former 3 worldviews, WN doesn’t seek to convert the whole world, usually.

That’s the argument I’ve heard from zionists regarding Israel, in fact: let Israel be, because its territorial aspirations and revanchism are limited, while the Muslims seek world-occupation. The first premise here isn’t necessarily true, but that’s not the point. The point is that, with equal pertinence, the same thing applies to (many segments of) WN: while it seeks to convert whites, probably all whites, certainly all Hajnal Line whites, it’s not hysterical about whatever happens in foreign continents, in faraway lands.

“Divine mission”? Perhaps, but not a global, (((international))) mission. That’s what matters here. A mission not directed at everyone.

Turtle says:

> unlike all forms of Christianity, including secular humanism, scientific morality doesn’t believe in redemption. The effects of a person’s life are what they are and no one can change it after the fact. Victory requires no explanation and failure admits none. The only redemption is for individual enemies who come over to our side and bring us victory.

No, Orthodoxy is not mixed with Egyptian and other paganisms, so we do not believe in redemption either. You could call my religion “God’s own scientific theology,” with the Church as a Holy Engineer, and I think the saints who were scientists would agree.

We can change the past by changing the present. Victory does need story-telling, to celebrate wisely, and failure can be understood. There is also redemption when an unrepentant sinner dies, and all are relieved of his presence.

White women right now are struggling with a crisis of conscience- they don’t know what to do. Today, on the new Church Calendar, is Transfiguration, a forgotten feast,, so hopefully I will change some feminine minds soon.

Jack Highlands says:


“Is Mueller really such a threat?”

Think of Mueller as ‘a manifestation, in replaceable human form, of the desire of the global elite to remove every vestige of Trumpism’ – ie remove the remnant will of Western man. Then yes, he is quite a threat.

Mister Grumpus says:

I voted for Trump because I have more faith in his ability to figure his way out of this than anyone else’s. It took a super-genus to beat the Democrats, Republicans, Bureaucracy and Media, and it’ll take a genius to get out of this.

Prepare to learn something!

Dave says:

Trump also managed to evade Hillary’s mysterious suicide squad, so he’ll win this one too.

And if the Republicans do vote to impeach Trump (or Mueller, also a Republican, succeeds), I hope the lefties execute them in public so I can come and throw rotten eggs at them!

Cockasian says:

>Trump also managed to evade Hillary’s mysterious suicide squad, so he’ll win this one too.

Appointing four Justices just wasn’t enough.

Excellent analysis.

Trump is preparing counter-moves by getting the military on side with things like moving General Kelly into the Chief of Staff role and putting in the Transgender ban.

lalit says:

Reading your Blog, mate. You are a fantastic writer. And a fellow Stoic and zen practitioner. How wonderful. Look forward to more of your writings.

I thought the tranny ban was to keep dhimmicrats from focusing on economic policy, but the RAISE act was to raise the stakes after Mueller announced a grand jury. But if anyone has inside info, it’s Trump.

Stuff like the tranny ban normalizes his application of power. Notice how the left were scrambling to claim that the army was ignoring his order, hoping that it wouldn’t happen. But it is happening and everyone is going to see it.

Trump does action X, he gets away with it, so he’s now perceived as a powerful man who can do stuff, so more people see him as the place where the power is. And power is largely a function of where people believe it is. The tranny ban and everything else are all useful stepping stones if he’s going to shoot the first bullet.

vxxc2014 says:

IF under any pretext or legality including Impeachment they Depose or Arrest him THEN it’s on-at that point he’s failed and THEN the brutal logic of our survival means War to Victory and no lesser Settlement can be trusted.

I am a Soldier and when I say War I mean War.
For most of you that’s a story. Do consider it’s real.

vxxc2014 says:

OTOH if they swing and miss he has the advantage of possibly crushing a failed coup – but it’s probably war regardless.

He may have let Hillary go but not pardoned her to keep her feet to the fire but that’s just the Clintons who’ve been a spent force since 8PM election night.

He may have decided he wasn’t strong enough to win the Civil War at that point and he may still not be, just as they if they weren’t so desperate would realize they can take DC and a few cities but not the nation.

The problem is the decisions of his foes trapped them to this course of war against the rest of America from Financial Crisis forward. They owe more than they can ever hope to pay. Their only chance of likely survival from 2008 forward was to play for all of America without contest and the contest began from the very citizens outraged at bailout. Trump simply picked up power lying fallow, he’s a leader of a movement waiting for one.

[…] Coup by permanent government in the wind […]

Ludwig von Neetgenstein says:

This reminds me of the corruption scandal cum attempted coup of 2013 in Turkey. A group of prosecutors started indicting sons of Erdogan’s cabinet members on 17 December 2013, when Erdogan was abroad. A couple of days later, they went for Erdogan’s son, but the newly appointed cops and several key officials refused to carry out the raids, which halted the process. Then Erdogan immediately changed the judicial system by usurping the authority of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (now closer to Fuhrerprinzip). The prosecutor that ordered the arrest of Erdogan’s son, then, became the prosecuted, and fled the country.

It was during the events of 17-24 December that Erdogan finally realized the breadth and depth of the Gulenist deep state apparatus that he himself helped install. He started referring to these events as an “attempted coup”. I wasn’t paying much attention at the time, and thought he was just being a corrupt dictator, but in hindsight, whether the accusations had some validity or not, it was clearly a coup attempt.

The pretext of the prosecution was the laundering, by people close to Erdogan, and especially by his son, of the money they made from illegal trade with Iran (violating US sanctions).

Incidentally, Gulen is/was a CIA asset. So I would expect a similar M.O. by the deep state of the US against Trump, drawing from the same playbook and all.

In the present situation, we’ll probably see the deep state go after Don Jr first. If they go unchallenged, very soon after, they’ll aim for DJT himself. Trump must take the initiative and stop Mueller before he acts, or he’ll lose everything.

viking says:

Its clear the deep state is using its quasi legal ability to access ALL COMMUNICATION in the world to wage war with allies in the civil service, congress, law, and media etc. Its clear besides leaking this info on their enemies, they are leveraging information they have on -well every one and anyone they need to do or not do something. Its simply incredible that they are being so open and brazen about what they are doing.But trump is that much of a threat. Trumps a moronic idiot but the thin edge of a wedge doesnt need to be intelligent it just needs to be well placed and have a consistent and regular force applied to it.That force obviously is not the republicans. (5% of republican voters want obamacare repealed and they wont do it, same with immigration.The force is the people, the republicans will have to be the shaft of the chisel or be replaced by the trump party next election. UNLESS trump can be taken down and the people humiliated . Unfortunately there is no one defending Trump. all his people are his enemies from his jew family, the cuckservatives of various flavors riding his tails as far as they can before rotating out for fresh cuckservatives.Its clear there are considerable moles in his inner circles and of course 90% of the civil service under his appointments are leftist radicals. And of course almost none of his appointments has really been anything more than a moderate. While Its true trump his too moronic to even understand who the players in US politics are let alone the historical inflection point he finds himself in. His un- interest and incompetence in anything deeper than name calling battles with the press,means he cant possibly discern who might make a good ally. He thought he would get a lot of people and let them hash it out he didnt understand they ar all on the same side more or less so he loses no matter what they decide,well actually we lose. He doesnt even know what a loss or a win looks like strategically. Add to this that there really is no one available with any experience or talent anyway. seriously what actually needs doing is sort of a reverse FDR, a massive radical 180 degree change backed up by absolute force. who on this planet that gets that is whats needed and is actually intelligent enough to figure out how to successfully do it without civil war that has any practical experience in the world of business government law. No one. the closest you get is someone like Bannon or so we hope, We needed someone with brilliant mind original thinker and the personality say ann coulter who should have been his press secretary.He abandoned the hard right as soon as he saw he had a shot at winning, and has been cucked ever since

Garr says:

Here is a formatted, lightly edited version of Viking’s post:

“It’s clear that the Deep State is using its quasi-legal ability to access ALL COMMUNICATION in the world to wage war together with allies in the civil service, Congress, law, and media, etc. It’s also clear that besides leaking this info on their enemies, they are leveraging information they have on — well, every one and anyone they need to do or not do something.

“It’s simply incredible that they are being so open and brazen about what they are doing. But Trump is that much of a threat. Trump’s a moronic idiot, but the thin edge of a wedge doesn’t need to be intelligent; it just needs to be well-placed and have a consistent and regular force applied to it.

“That force obviously is not the Republicans. (5% of Republican voters want Obamacare repealed, and they won’t do it — it’s the same with immigration.) That force is the people. The Republicans will have to be the shaft of the chisel or be replaced by the Trump-party next election.

“UNLESS, that is, Trump can be taken down and the people humiliated.
Unfortunately, there is no one defending Trump. All of his people are his enemies — from his Jewish family to the cuckservatives of various flavors riding his tails as far as they can before rotating out for fresh cuckservatives. It’s clear that there is a considerable quantity of moles in his inner circles, and of course 90% of the civil service under his appointments are leftist radicals. And of course almost none of his appointments has really been anything more than a moderate.

“Trump is too moronic to even understand who the players in US politics are, let alone the historical inflection-point at which he finds himself. His lack of interest and his incompetence in anything deeper than name-calling-battles with the press mean he can’t possibly discern who might make a good ally. He thought that he would get a lot of people and let them hash it out, but he didn’t understand that they are all on the same side more or less, so he loses no matter what they decide. (Well, actually WE lose.) He doesn’t even know what a loss or a win looks like, strategically. Add to this that there really is no one available with any experience or talent anyway.

“Seriously, what actually needs doing is sort of a reverse-FDR: a massive radical 180-degree-change backed up by absolute force. Who is there on this planet that gets that this is what’s needed, and is actually intelligent enough to figure out how to successfully do it without civil war, and has any practical experience in the world of business, government, and law?

“No one. The closest you get is someone like Bannon — or so we hope. We needed someone with a brilliant mind — an original thinker with the personality of, say, Anne Coulter, who should have been his press secretary. He abandoned the Hard Right as soon as he saw he had a shot at winning, and has been cucked ever since.”

viking says:

LOL thanks


dershowitz Ive noticed has been very surprisingly even handed about trump almost sympathetic its seemed considering his uhuh history

vxxc2014 says:

FEAR grips Mr. Dershowitz
and keeps him in line
funny how it works

vxxc2014 says:

Trump isn’t a moron Viking, I’m surprised you fell for that canard.

A moron like Reagan, Eisenhower were?

Not even Bush II was a moron. Weak. Not vacillating.
A child’s necessary optimism as a recovered alcoholic -need Blue skies forever. An Evangelical’s need for redemption. but not a moron.

Trump owns the media Viking even if it’s negative press.
No? They are ALWAYS talking about him whenever he desires.
He just used the noise mostly generated by him to consolidate Executive power. Reince his intended mandarin manager out.
Spicer out as Reince ally.
Several other firings.

Most importantly DC Deep State FBI Power Lawyer James Baker [not the Bush Baker] was exposed as under investigation for leaking classified.
A wave of firings, mooch himself serving as suicide bomber for same.

Sessions feet held to fire.
Sessions allowed however to keep working [drama appears staged].

While all this is happening a great deal of GOOD WORK was done.

Now Mueller is a danger [and Deputy AG Rosencrantz a coward cunt] but Mueller isn’t just another DS hack. As Director of FBI somewhere in his lawyers mind he realizes:

1] Trump will only be arrested if he allows it. Marines would shoot his order

2] If Trump deposed by any means/pretext then Civil War

3] DC/DS chances of winning CW2 poor. Not impossible, just poor.

Should mention again: Key that Right is armed.
Also Key: Left is organized.

Dershowitz would prefer the kind of Jew-Goy relations that England had during the last century, and didn’t appear to want to push things this far fearing the goyim starting to notice. He should hope to avoid a war that would exterminate his kind living in the US instead of expelling them.

Cockasian says:


Inquiring Mind says:

Those “transcripts” of Mr. Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders — fake news?

I mean, President Trump (I have this filtered through the NBC Nightly News, though) is depicted as begging, groveling that the Mexican president had to help him out (Trump) on his campaign promise that Mexico “would pay for the Wall.”

Wut? Is the Boisterous Brooklynite a cowering simpering wimp? Am I missing something — this does not compute.

vxxc2014 says:

@Thomaswictor goes over the baited trap that was leaks thursday to WAPO.

They were.

And the stories about McMaster are patently silly.

Setup. Now WAPO is on blame line for leaking classified.

Cockasian says:

Have you ever noticed how big Donald Trump’s head is? I mean this literally. Whenever you see picture or video of him standing next to other people, even people with very large heads themselves, his is always bigger.

Jack Highlands says:

Big head? Big head? You wanna image search that pic of Gorka next to Sessions. He’s practically a Valuev Neanderthal. What is it with these Slavs and acromegaly?

Mister Grumpus says:

My hope is that DJT can “shoot first” on the status plane, and neutralize Mueller my merely humiliating him publicly. Somehow.

Doug says:

I know one thing. These deep state/globalist scumbags pull that kind of bullshit on Trump and we who voted for him, this country will become totally ungovernable.

They want to go there?
They think they are something special?
We will show those fuckers something special.
Its called total resistance.

Contaminated NEET says:

Big tough talk like that is par for the course for American rightists, but we never deliver. They can perp-walk Trump on live TV, try him in a months-long public spectacle, and execute him by breaking-on-the-wheel, and we won’t do shit. The globohomo Beast owns too many of our minds and souls for R.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N. Eventually the system will collapse of its own unsustainability and absurdity, but it’s not nearly at that point yet.

jim says:

Iron law of rebellious tools applies.

Our masses do not matter – but their masses do not matter either.

vxxc2014 says:

No system collapses of it’s own weight and absurdity including the USSR, I was around for that one.

Not even shirking and hanging back will collapse of their own heavy weight and absurdity-reality will collapse that fantasy as well and on it’s terms. HEH.

Contaminated NEET says:

How did the USSR collapse?

glosoli says:

Read Jeff Nyquist.

It was collapsed for appearance’s sake only by the Soviets.
They wanted to fool the West into thinking communism had died, the cold war was over, they were no threat.
All the while their infiltrators were subverting the West.
Even today, alt-righters are fooled by Putin.
Heh, and by Trump, all part of the game.

Communism died and the cold war ended. Those Jewish professors are not Russian spies. They are Israeli spies.

vxxc2014 says:

At first.
Followed by Victory.
Resistance is how we gel army for victory.

Resistance by the way is for the few areas they’ll control. We make their control there challenged on daily basis: this creates effective safe haven for rest of country to mobilize for victory.

Understand resistance as end fails. As creating conditions for safe havens elsewhere to march – as conventional army – to victory works.

Johnb says:

Doesn’t a President have some sort of immunity while he’s in office?

jim says:

Of course he does – hence any attempt to arrest him is a coup.

Win Bigly says:

Grand jury indictment? The only way an indictment can be made upon the President is by the House, aka, impeachment, for trial in the Senate. Of course, whomever can always try, but per the Constitution the only body that can try higher federal officials is Congress.

I’m sure its every President Trump supporters desire to see him clean out some of the deadwood in the appointable federal bureaucracy starting with 92 Federal Attorneys.

jim says:

Which is exactly why an indictment would be a coup by the permanent government against the merely elected government, a coup by the presidency against the president.

They would initially intend and expect to only arrest a few important members of the merely elected government, but the logic of events would eventually lead to them imprisoning, and then executing, the entire elected government, probably not immediately, but a few years down the road.

Nationalist Perspctive says:
Pepe Minion says:

Good stuff! It does look doubtful that Trump is both able and willing to halt the election of a new people. It’s plausible that he is of most use to that project as an Emmanual Goldstein hate figure, a figure who is also ineffectual and flailing.

Toppling him would be a mistake for the deep state or the cathedral or whatever you want to call it. Pence would be no more effective than Trump but less useful as a hate focus, and Trump might become a martyr. I hope they make that mistake but I think that saner heads will prevail, as Jim puts it.

As censorship is likely to become more rigorous I hope that you and Jim and others will prepare to move to tor or i2p or some such, if you haven’t already.

ron says:

I think Jim is right, this is a very dangerous situation. A lot of people will be destroyed if this is handled wrong, a lot of lives will be lost, and the trauma among the survivors will be horrific. This is the kind of thing that can shatter families and communities for generations.

People in all camps who have influence must work hard now to prevent a disaster from happening. The requires the moderates to step up to the plate and to put their Leftist colleagues on “pause”. They have to be clear that they will go all the way on the side of Trump.

This situation is absolutely terrifying. I never imagined I would live to see the day when the United States would fall into civil war. I never imagined people could be so delusional and sick as to push for it just because they lost power. What a horrific tragedy. What a tragedy. And for nothing.

vxxc2014 says:

“This situation is absolutely terrifying. ”

My advice Sir is to never show fear or disgust again.

vxxc2014 says:

“I never imagined I would live to see the day when the United States would fall into civil war.”


They always happen from time to time. Always. Every country.

ron says:

One of the things I’m noticing about this case is that the leftist media articles on it are repeatedly “advising” Trump and Trump supporters not to “fire Mueller”.

It’s clear to me that that is exactly what he has to do. It is standard for leftist r-selected weaklings to make a great deal of noise, they are testing to resolve of their opponent. Is he going to back down? Will he take their crap seriously?

Remember, these are abject cowards and pedophiles. They have no courage or stomach for a real fight.

Pres Trump should stop going along with this sham and farce. He should make the Leftist scum work for any victory they want. If they want a crises, let them fight for it on their own. He on the other hand, must fire that son of a bitch, and pronto. It’s all well and good for those selfish bastards to mess with people over nothing, but we are talking potential Civil War here, and a permanent end to the good that the United States has brought to the world. That has to stop. This childish idiocy must no longer be indulged. If Mueller can be fired, then fire him. Now.

vxxc2014 says:

The side that fires first – including firing a Special Prosecutor – bears the burden of firing on FT Sumter and starting the general civil war.

Now there are advantages to firing first if you’re ready to fight and finish.

As neither side is so ready we have the Mexican standoff.

Again: Right is heavily armed.
But Left is heavily organized: logistics, money, intel, some legitimacy [enough] and position.


glosoli says:

‘….the good that the United States has brought to the world.’

Yeah, it’s all been so good.
Fleeing from a King’s authority, setting themselves free from God.
All downhill from there.

Siding with the commies in WW2.
And dishing out war and havoc to any country that threatens their hegemony.

And for the past century, sliding further and further into pure evil sin: usury; sexual practices; drugs; abortion; anti-marriage.

Let it burn to the ground, and quickly.

Kevin from Ohio says:

Mueller as Robespierre creates a chilling dynamic that would be interesting to explore.

What we’re seeing is continued maneuvering. Each side will play chicken until it strikes. The Coup controls The Offical avenues of communication, but this is also proving their irrelevance. The Coup also controls minorities and urbanites, but I would rather have Red Staters on my side in that scenario.

Trump has the military. Which, given your analysis, explains the
Administration’s recent decision with regard to transgendereds – he’s getting out ahead to ensure their allegiance.

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