
The left plan

The plan appears to be to go right ahead with massive repression as if Hillary was president. If the mere president allows this to happen, he and his family get arrested later, by a bunch of social justice warriors dressed as cops carrying a warrant from some judge no one has heard of. If the God Emperor does not allow it to happen, they attempt to arrest him sooner.

Looks like Spencer and Charlottesville had nothing to do with it. They just happened to be in the line of fire when Democracy Spring started to roll.

We not only over estimate the role of street protests and public opinion, we also over estimate non state agency. Collective action starts from state decisions This was always about Trump. Going after Trump through the Russians was not working, so now they are going after him through their real target, the right.

The plan was that Hillary would be elected, then they would do to conservatives, including cuckservative Republicans, what they did to Nazis. With the unexpected loss of the presidency, the plan is being adapted in an ad hoc fashion. If “Russia stole the election” had worked, they would have taken out Trump, then the right. Now they are going to attempt to take out any and all Trump loyalists, then take out Trump, then implement the original plan.

143 comments The left plan

Brandon C Francis says:

Does this mean the right is finished?

jim says:

If Trump capitulates the right is finished, and Trump will be arrested, and not long thereafter, he and his family will be executed.

If Trump declines to capitulate, we shall see interesting times.

If he declines to capitulate, it may all blow over as RussiaStoleTheElection did. Or the left might escalate to civil war and democide. Chances are it will all blow over if he holds frame, as he did on Russia, but the situation becomes volatile and unpredictable.

This close to the left singularity, prediction becomes difficult, except to expect the unexpected.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Did Russia actually blow over?

Trump might not have been impeached but he is still on 40-60 approve-disapprove and his agenda has been hijacked.

Looks to me like the Russia bullshit resonated with the swing voters.

jim says:

You pay too much attention to blue state propaganda.

It is never true. Standard Color Revolution tactic is to announce victory. “We are winning, we are winning, we have won.”

Oliver Cromwell says:

Are opinion polls propaganda?

jim says:

Now they are.

c23 says:

Trump’s approval rating was 35% the day he was elected, about the same as what it is now. The poll declines the media has been talking about since he took office was mostly the end of his post-election honeymoon combined with the media reporting every time his approval rating randomly walks down as a revelation, while not reporting when it randomly walks up.

Conservatives did the same thing when Obama was president. They were delusional too. http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/019123.html

Oliver Cromwell says:

To clarify, the 40-60 result is certainly much better for Trump than one would expect if any significant proportion of people who weren’t already his opponents believed the accusations that he is a Manchurian Candidate, traitor, or even useful idiot. But elections aren’t won with 40% of the vote.

Cavalier says:

We just loosed our last election.

Let us hope it flies true.

jim says:

As of today, elections have ceased to be relevant, although the pretense will continue, as the pretense of the Roman Republic continued under the empire.

Oliver Cromwell says:

If the left felt they would lose the election fair and square, they would try very hard to cheat. Probably hard enough that it would become plain they are cheating.

If they would win it fair and square, they will piously obey all laws and conventions, and say that that settles the matter.

jim says:

You pay too much attention to official reality. Treat it as you treat the Communist Party History of Russia: Loosely based on misleading half truths, to the extent that it is not total lies.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Do you think they’re going to lose fair and square?

I’m afraid if we lived in the world where the left were just 10 guys called Yvain, we would not have this problem at all. Many people are really leftists, which is why they are a social problem. And many people are, individually, rational to be leftists, the problem of the defect-defect equilibrium.

Of course many people are leftists because the leftists control the majority the means of communication, not because their ideas are intrinsically appealing. But they do control those means.

jim says:

The left really are just ten guys called Yvain, in the sense that it is highly centralized, and the rest, the horde of minions, the river of mindless meat, just follow orders in fear of punishment and hope of reward. See, for example, Obamaphone woman.

Most people are leftists in the sense that the left tells them they are good people, and deserve other people’s goodies, crude appeal to simple and base motives, but those people are just cattle and don’t matter.

Oliver Cromwell says:

That said, perhaps I am misinterpreting my normiebook. I am seeing as many leftist replies as before, but they are coming from fewer and more hardcore leftist people. Most people are keeping silent, which in this world is resistance.

Alrenous says:

If the left felt they would lose the election fair and square, they would try very hard to cheat. Probably hard enough that it would become plain they are cheating.

This already happened. Several times. But, what does it mean to be the government? It means when you say, “I didn’t cheat. You didn’t see anything,” even Trump can’t keep pushing.

Dave says:

Have you thought much of Rwanda lately? (((Someone))) convinces the darker-skinned tribe that they aren’t getting a fair deal, and ought to genocide the lighter-skinned tribe, which they proceed to do. Lighter-skinned tribe then invades from another country and drives the darker-skinned tribe into exile, where they all die of dysentery in squalid refugee camps

Or consider Britain, which was a multicultural diversitopia under Roman rule but quickly became an Anglo-Saxon monoculture after the Romans left. There’s a fairly good chance the US and Canada will have zero vibrancy in 2050, and many statues of the men who made this possible.

Mister Grumpus says:

Can you suggest a few best places to start/attempt getting a legitimate mental grip on Rwanda? Because man I don’t know where to start.

viking says:

Way I see it is if whites are at peak leftism having seen that it will be their end then no this only wakes more of them because the left will continue to overeach.
That said it was pretty stupid of alt left to use a condeferate monument in the south and invite nazis and KKK to troll the antifa into violence they should have found the most mild of events in the puritain north brought no weapons and had cameras installed everywhere. so this was a disaster. maybe the left set it up.

way i see it it its not different this time whites like all animals have strong survval instinct and when they actually see where this is going will rise up, leftism comes from excess whites see it as somehing they can afford encouraged by fiat debt this has gone longer than it should but thats all the better when the loop closees the rage will be final and the problem peole eradicated entirely

jim says:

The theory that whites will react when genocide begins is falsified by experience. Everyone likes the strong horse. If you are being genocided, you are the weak horse, so nine tenths of whites will shop their neighbors to the killers in the hope of being last to be killed.

We have to react before the genocide starts – which is hard to do when any resistance is deemed hate – is in fact hate, since whites hate being second class citizens, hate creating a black and hispanic middle class that lives on the public purse that white people fund.

Oliver Cromwell says:

A better idea than holding leftish rallies would be to form fraternal associations pledging war with the US Government if some line should be crossed, a line that we could plausibly see being crossed but normies could not.

E.g. the US Government starts seizing the property of whites on racial grounds.

Since the state cannot admit that this line could plausibly be crossed, hard to suppress this as actual violence. Suppressing it means admitting it could happen. On the other hand, refusing to suppress it means either hard limits on what they can do or an organisation point and institutions for a future rightist coup.

Robert says:

Great idea. Check out www knightsofthewest.com

Kevin C. says:

“A better idea than holding leftish rallies would be to form fraternal associations pledging war with the US Government if some line should be crossed, a line that we could plausibly see being crossed but normies could not.”

And when USG crosses that line, what happens? I see only two possibilities:
1. the “fraternal association” backs down, the Left continues rolling on.
2. the “fraternal association” engages in “war” as pledged, and gets killed to the last man by USG, because the “Age of the Rifle” is over, and a force with only civilian arms, no matter how numerous, cannot stand against a modern army (when that army isn’t hamstrung by State Department Leftists who side with Muslims).

The left was consciously trying to start redguarding this week. A lot of normalfags are kinda horrified and want to put it all behind them and resume standing for everyone’s rights.

Pledging war with the government is nutty. You pledge war with the givernment’s favored paramilitaries thereby demanding that the government either smash you officially or the paramilitaries leave you alone.

Kevin C. says:

“A lot of normalfags are kinda horrified and want to put it all behind them and resume standing for everyone’s rights.”

Sure, but whatever they may want, they’ll still cave to the power of the Left if the Left makes clear that those who “stand for everyone’s rights” will be crushed.

“hereby demanding that the government either smash you officially or the paramilitaries leave you alone.”

What makes you think the government won’t “smash you officially”?

Oliver Cromwell says:

Nothing important – AA, tax transfers, etc. – is enforced by paramilitaries.

Affirmative action and ethnic cleansing of Whites from cities was accomplished through government money and paramilitary violence

Oliver Cromwell says:

Blacks only won in northern cities when the government police switched sides.

The government police backed some paramilitaries by not prosecuting them and prosecuting their opponents. That’s how government oppression works. The Chinese police were not the same as the red guards.

The second amendment protects people from paramilitary violence, which makes the government police have to attack them directly.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Exactly. The paramilitaries are the cape, not the matador.

Leftist protest marches are also the cape, not the matador. Rightist protest marches are a cape without a matador.

viking says:

we shall know soon enough what i am talking about is or is not already underway. Long before the genocide its going to start costing whites personally, its already doing that for quite a while and we are seeing the white males first blue collar now white collar rebel theres even some girls involved now. and its a world wide phenomenon which helps.

At some point though there has to be a real war with killing because the left will never surrender. before that we should be tipping the scales. Instead we are blogging

Kevin C. says:

“At some point though there has to be a real war with killing because the left will never surrender.”

Except in any “real war”, the Left will have us insurmountably outgunned.

viking says:

that depends. half the country voted for the guy who opened his campaign calling hispanic rapist criminals that have to go.
I think a civil war between whites would cause most hispanics to flee south. blacks would take advantage and do most damage to liberal neighbors.men are much more likely than women to be conservatives. and cops and military are definitely woke.we also own more guns hold more ground and are more self sufficient.

Working against us is conservatives like order and law so are reluctant to contribute to disorder. cops/ military like authority and are reluctant to break with civilian command.and the left has the power over communications including the deep states intelligence ops.

The right needs to work out its differences and work together, which will mean not being seen to work together.but for each of us to deploy as most effective.and we must coordinate plans that change the dynamics above working against us.

There are thousands of tactics that could be used we are pretty much only blogging and memeing.and fighting with each other and stepping on each other.

Andrew E. says:

From the beginning of the campaign Trump worked tirelessly to get the military and law enforcement on his side along with the white gun owners. Trump has an army if he needs one.

jim says:

If the God Emperor calls, we shall answer. The danger, to him and to us, is that when the time comes, he does not call.

The past history of Social Justice Warriors should tell us that appeasement will not save us, surrender will not save us.

Rick Sean says:

Trump got the foot soldiers on his side, but didn’t manage to get the command structure. Soldiers without a command structure is not an Army.

Who are the soldiers going to follow, Trump or Mattis ? Who is Mattis going to follow, Trump or the Communists ? The fact that Mattis supports transgender rights tells everything you need to know.

Andrew E. says:

Mattis does what Trump tells him to do.

RightTrak says:

For now….

Oliver Cromwell says:

Does he? When it was safe to do so, he opposed them. At his confirmation hearing, when it was not safe to do so, he gave non-answers.

sy says:

From jiu-jitsu … Trump’s only choice is to do everything they accuse him of:
*Collaborate DIRECTLY with the Russians
*Launch a cultural revolution: declare all Monuments federally-protected, start saying “Merry Christmas” again, etc.
*Make it about Antifa.. not the alt-right

Trump’s base will love it. Who doesnt love world peace, a peace dividend coming home to rebuild America, a Wall, renewal of pride in America. See CH on the negative narrative vs. the positive narrative. Positive narrative wins!

Mister Grumpus says:

“CH” = “Chateux Heartiste”?
“CH” = “Chile”?
“CH” = ______?

Helvetica Confederacy as in Slokezerland

Mister Grumpus says:

And what’s the “positive narrative” of Switzerland? I sure don’t know.

Cavalier says:

Donald Trump, crown thyself.

guest says:

Poor CON-servaties, they truly are in a pinch now.

They can’t cuck any harder, so what do they do?

Switch party affiliation outright?

Will we see Republicans en masse switching sides because of Charlottesville? It’s the perfect pretext half of them were waiting for anyway.

hcm says:

No matter how true to themselves such a switch would be, they are well aware that it would cost them their voters and that the Democrats would replace them anyway. There is a lot of incentive to cuck, but I see little incentive to switch parties (for politicians and pundits). The whole point is to control both sides of a false dichotomy – McCain, Kristol, and company have no value to the system as Democrats.

Dave says:

The cucks could impeach Trump, thereby providing absolute mathematical proof that our votes don’t matter. They will be swept out of office in the next election, and the Democrats will have them all executed. Publicly, I hope, so that I may come and throw rotten fruit at them!

Mister Grumpus says:

Holy shit what a show. This “Romanov” meme is WAY too close for comfort.

Jim buddy I’d very much appreciate your angle on this:

From what I can tell both the Left and the Nazi-ish Left got exactly what they wanted.

Nonwhites are now scared into turning out to vote (blue) in greater numbers.

More median-whites are social-shamed into voting blue this time.


Nazi-types have the Beer Hall experience that they need to move forward along their timeline also.

So who in the hell is zooming who here anyway?

Grampy_bone says:

If the left thought they could get a majority of people to reliably vote for them, they wouldn’t be resorting to violence and strong-arm tactics. This is a sign of desperation.

No, the left is all about violence and redguarding, that’s literally definitional, they want to ensure everyone’s human rights by making everyone equal in death, and do so in stages, first the bad republicans, then all republicans, then democrats who weren’t on board with them.

Anonymous says:

Hello Jim,

What event in particular spawned this post? I enjoy keeping up with the progressive propaganda by entering ‘trump’ into Google mobile a couple of times daily, but I have come across nothing between the events of Charlottesville and today to warrant such an escalation in severity.

jim says:

Yesterday Trump was a Russian agent who stole the election, and today he is a Nazi who killed the peaceloving Jews of Charlottesville

Anonymous says:

The alt-right is (justifiably) freaking out because everyone is getting shut down on the internet, plus all the monuments and everything that symbolizes white history are going down, and the Soros-funded commie thugs have “gone hunting” for alt-righters in the streets.

It smells like civil war, but I’m skeptical, because normies are sitting out. Good time to buy guns and ammo and get some training, though.

When the tiki torch nazis disappear, does punch nazis go back to meaning punch Trump supporters?

Anonymous says:

Feral niggers have never ceased punching MAGAists, but if you want to witness scenes like in (((Charlottesville))), where a large multiracial crowd has committed a pogrom against ordinary whites, then you must look for the organizing hand of higher powers, such as Soros.

Kevin C. says:

“Good time to buy guns and ammo and get some training, though.”

Except those civilian guns and “training” are *useless* against modern armies. It doesn’t matter how much guns and ammo you buy, it will at best only slow down the USG killing you and your family, but it won’t, cannot stop theme because their military advantage is insurmountable.

Your Wife's Son says:

It’s to defend yourself against the “anarcho” part in “anarcho-tyranny”, not against state agents as in the USSR. The US won’t be USSR because the regime is relatively incompetent. Or so it appears.

Kevin C. says:

Except that the “anarcho part” has backing from the “tyranny part”. Defend yourself against the orcs, and end up in jail for hate crimes against the poor yoofs who dindu nuffin’.

Samuel Skinner says:

It isn’t to fight against the army. It is to deal with the collapse of state authority.

Kevin C. says:

What makes you think they’re going to collapse before they get to the “gulags and torture for insufficient leftism” phase? So long as there’s still an economy to tax, civilizational seed corn to devour, and white wealth to loot, all to pay their foot soldiers and prop up their system, they can delay the inevitable collision with reality. Lot of ruin in a nation, the market can remain irrational, etc., etc. We’ve got a lot longer of escalating toward Leftist singularity before we can hope of things collapsing; probably long enough for the demographic trends to give non-whites enough quantitative advantage to overcome our qualitative/technological advantage (particularly when the industrial age logistic chains go).

pdimov says:

“What makes you think they’re going to collapse before they get to the “gulags and torture for insufficient leftism” phase?”


Anonymous says:

Should’ve written “Soros-funded alt-left” because it stings sharplier.

Anonymous says:

Trump is not, never has been, and never will be your (moronically pursued) “God Emperor”. He is so fucking tone deaf, such a blind narcissist with NO political skill, that it’s astonishing your little band of larpers ever thought this guy would make a good .. (lol).. “king”.

As for all your other predictions – they’re just as fantastic, and not going to happen (examine your track record). No one is going to get a helicopter ride. The patriarchy will NEVER return to America (if you ever even thought it was here). You’re agitating online for a bunch of ridiculous shit that ain’t gonna happen. And, yes, before too long whites will probably be the minority in America. Fucking deal with it. “HBD” is so much bullshit anyway. Culture makes the man (or woman), not tiny genetic variation in things like skin color.

Samuel Skinner says:

So little political skill Trump managed to become president of the United States.

“The patriarchy will NEVER return to America ”

I’m curious how exactly you think Muslims in America live. Do you think getting of the boat they immediately turn into feminists?

“Culture makes the man (or woman), not tiny genetic variation in things like skin color.”

I love the constant denial that the brain has something to do with thinking.

jim says:

Trump is not, never has been, and never will be your (moronically pursued) “God Emperor”. He is so fucking tone deaf, such a blind narcissist with NO political skill

Odd that a tone deaf man with no political skill defeated a Republican Party, mainstream media, and Democratic Party united against him.

patriarchy will NEVER return to America

The patriachy always returns. The only question is whether American whites recreate it, or get conquered by conservative Mohammedans. Peoples with emancipated women are unsuccessful at reproducing and feeble in war, so sooner or later they get conquered, their men get massacred, and their women enslaved.

Rick Sean says:

His mistake was thinking that the battle is over once you win the presidency, and he has overplayed his hand ever since. By this time he should be getting allies, not being more and more isolated.

jim says:

Not seeing him overplaying his hand. Rather, underplaying it, reaching out to people who are determined on overthrowing him in a color revolution, employing people who intend to destroy him.

Rick Sean says:

I assume he hires those guys because there’s no other competent people that can do the job. He can’t replace the senate, the parliament, the military leadership and the secret service, he somehow has to work with them.

But what surprises me the most is that he’s taking all the risks himself instead of sending goons for the dangerous missions. What is Pence doing for example ?

Rick Sean says:

Well it turns out Pence was plotting a Coup all along. This shit’s insane.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Well it turns out Pence was plotting a Coup all along.”

Say what?

A.B. Prosper says:

Trump is an old man and a hotelier/entertainer not Sovereign material

He figures it all theater and he can go home and retire and let his kids run the Trump corporation after a term or two

The Left however doesn’t forget and they’ll find some way to get back at him as soon as he is out of office. Its just how they run

We on the Right have a different problem being stuck on the idea of rugged libertarian individualism.

That needs to go. Our boot, their necks or no peace.

Getting allies from where?

Cops and soldiers who were on the fence but see him respecting and protecting them?

Working men who were on the fence but see him respecting and helping them?

Ultranationalists who can’t be appeased without angering everyone else and who it is beneath the dignity of the office of God-Emperor to publicly work with?

Or his diehard cosmopolitan opposition in media and bureaucracy and in private industry political commissary, who can only every be brought to heel with the threat of being fed to the ultranationalists, but His Majesty really needs to slowly dismantle through humiliation?

No, He knows who His allies are. If He loses, it won’t be for lack of cooperation by natural allies. As individuals, ultranationalists love Him too, because He offers to make civic nationalism real.

Alrenous says:

Patriarchy never left. The State simply arrogated all women to itself, then demanded that the non-State man grovel, and maybe they’d consider leasing a woman him. Because Impact.

Anonymous says:

See, until the last line I could give you the benefit of the doubt: “here’s an alt-leftist who may be evil, but not outright retarded.” No – you really are outright retarded, in addition to being evil.

What’s really disturbing about alt-leftists (like you) is that the science is all there, accessible to everyone. You can just spend a few moments reading up on variation between various genetic clusters, but you will never do it, because you’re afraid of what you may become as a consequence (a “racist”, which is low-status among your peer group). It’s like communists and lysenkoism. Except your excuse is much thinner, because the gulags aren’t in operation *yet*.

The Soros-funded, corporation-supported alt-left is, as they say on MPC, demon-possessed. It’s one thing to argue that “Trump is a moron”. An out-of-touch contention if ever there was one, but the alt-left is a hermetically-sealed echo-chamber, so one can understand where they’re coming from. Still more disingenuous is to argue that Trump makes for a “bad king” when the Cathedral hasn’t missed a single opportunity to obstruct his every move. But the assertion that “HBD equals melanin variation” is retard-tier nonsense, and Anglin was right to caricaturize it with “I hate the color of the skin”.

The nonsense-spewing alt-leftist is correct about one thing, though: it’s too late for helicopters. Targeted helicopter-rides require functional state infrastructure, a structure to take over. At this rate, even Brazil looks more and more like the *optimistic* scenario. It’s when you realize that Brahmins are not merely the brains, but also the bones and the brawn of the unhinged alt-left, that you also realize that heads will roll – on both sides. Gonna get ugly.

Joe says:

They have to take out Pence first to throw off succession.

Anonymous says:

The fact that Twitter TOR denounced the alt-right is excellent news. It’s excellent news, because it means that TOR isn’t shutting down any time soon. Wise move, TOR.

Mister Grumpus says:

My thanks to you, Jim, for using all of your computer/security skills to keep yourself anonymous and safe out there.

In jealous of your women, kids and income, but I’m REALLY jealous of you for that.

Bane Blumpf says:

Jim, what do you make of the rumours that Bannon is out?

Anonymous says:

Yes, dumb fuck, Bannon is gone. You need Jim to confirm it for you? No doubt he would deny it anyway, as he often blatantly denies facts, despite clear and overwhelming evidence that he’s wrong.

Bannon is gone, there will never be a “patriarchy” in the USA (sorry Jim i know you get super excited about raping 10 year old girls – cuz they are looking for a “dicking”, and you’re just the guy to do it!), and despite the idiots that infest this hovel stating otherwise, “HBD” (racism) is pure pseudoscientific bullshit.

Have fun LARPing folks.

bartok says:

Take a long look at an Australian aboriginal skull and get back to me regarding HBD.

As soon as USG eliminated civilizational patriarchy through no-fault divorce/mother custody, women all over the country sought their Prince Charmings among losers, band members, gang members and other local patriarchs. Divorcing non-patriarchs (boring dudes) went viral. Patriarchy, like sovereignty, is conserved.

pdimov says:

There’s nothing either pseudoscientific or bullshittory about either HBD or racism.

Anonymous says:

>“HBD” (racism) is pure pseudoscientific bullshit.

“Pure”? Like, you won’t even allow for a tiny little bit of crimethink to pass through your mental electric fence of HNU (human neurological uniformity) and its corollary: SSSM (standard social science model)? Nothing at all?

The thing about calling things “pseudo-science” is that it could work if you were conversing with young-earth creationists, for instance; doesn’t work against, urrmm, us. The tragicomic irony here is that the more science — mainstream or otherwise — catches on to the research conducted in the field of HBD, the more resoundingly you, the proponent of SSSM, will be rendered “pseudo-scientific”.

It’s like you guys parrot the slur “pseudo-intellectual” (it must have worked so well against the televangelist you were arguing with inside your own head) without ever noticing that, not to put too fine a point on it, it best fits you, the shitlib, the Harry Potter enthusiast, the soy-boy.

>Have fun LARPing folks.

If, for some reason, you were given the impression that I’m not already having the time of my life in here, please disabuse yourself of this notion.

>there will never be a “patriarchy” in the USA

You are correct, technically. As long as the USA is “USA”, there probably won’t be any functional, government-sanctioned patriarchy in Northern America. But don’t worry, mama pimplejama – the fragmentation is coming. Without the backing of federal USG, you alt-leftist poltroons will get your just deserts, fair and square.

Enjoy your airs of triumphalism while they last.

Anonymous says:

I love all the acronyms ! I imagine you think it makes you sound smart? Reminds me of Moldbug going through furious contortions making up terms in support of his idiotic ideas. At least yours aren’t made up out of thin air.

Let me take a wild guess: you think anthropic climate change is a hoax or otherwise not happening? None of you have any authority when it comes to science, and “HBD” is just as much bullshit as climate change denial. The research does not support you – you’re full of shit 🙂

I could give half a fuck about Harry Potter. You’ve absolutely no idea what you’re on about – as I would expect.

As to how much fun you’re having, well, I suppose a big circle jerk could feel good? It’s not my thing but I know it’s modus operandi for echo chamber morons like yourself. As to the “patriarchy”, actually just a pathetic excuse for losers to rape and whoop on females, it’s a (disgusting) dream. It’s not gonna happen, and the only dessert I’ll be getting is a fucking hot fudge sundae 😉

Remember to give that reach around!

Samuel Skinner says:

We are capable of reading MRI images. But believing our lying eyes is the essence of the right while being so holy reality has no bearing on our beliefs is the essence of the modern left.

Steve Johnson says:

fMRIs showing brain size differences? More made up bullshit acronyms. Everyone knows the only function of the brain is to keep the blood cool.

Anonymous says:

>I love all the acronyms ! I imagine you think it makes you sound smart? Reminds me of Moldbug going through furious contortions making up terms in support of his idiotic ideas. At least yours aren’t made up out of thin air.

lol dipshit:


Anonymous says:

How fucking retarded are you?

I clearly said *at least yours aren’t made up out of thin air* – lol, moron! Learn how to read.

Anonymous says:

Oh, sure. Good thing I have the whole context quoted, then. You disingenuous SELF-APPOINTED pseudo-intellectual. Your game is up, alt-leftist.

Steve Johnson says:

“Retarded”? Are you saying that people have different levels of intelligence?

pdimov says:

Xir is clearly ableist scum.

jim says:

Let me take a wild guess: you think anthropic climate change is a hoax or otherwise not happening?

Whether it is happening or not, it is still a hoax, in the sense that the reason it is hard to tell if it is happening is that “scientists” keep doctoring the data. When Greenland glaciers shrink, it threatens the very existence of the world. When they grow, everyone averts their eyes, or “corrects” the data from the model, as happened with the supposedly rising oceans. If the major part of the ocean rise was false, how do we know if any of it was real? Maybe the oceans are falling. Probably they are rising, but hard to tell when real data is mixed with false data, misleading data, and “corrections” conjured from models.

As Moldbug famously observed, add a drop of wine to a barrel of sewage, you have a barrel of sewage. Add a drop of sewage to a barrel of wine, you still have a barrel of sewage.

And our data on anthropogenic global warming is approximately fifty percent sewage.

Jack Highlands says:

“As Moldbug famously observed . . . ”

I was already hardcore dissident right by the time NRx came along (with, as always, hardcore meaning ‘woke to the JQ’), so I dismissed them. Discovering Jim has taught me I must have missed something, but I doubt it was much. I strongly suspect Moldbug’s meteoric rise to fame (by dissident standards) had much to do with Jewish privilege, and this un-jimlike exaggerated praise strengthens that in my mind: I’m certain a thousand people have come up with this or something very similar long before Moldbug said it.

Though it may well have strong Talmudic antecedents.

Samuel Skinner says:

Much of Moldbug is

“Hey guys, if you read old books, there is a totally different view of the world and they accurately predict what is going to happen. Maybe we should listen to them.”

viking says:

well problem is with that theory is its not actually getting warmer so …..

Anonymous says:

Let’s dissect the shitlib.

>I love all the acronyms

Actually, I do have a habit of coming up with neologisms, but the SSSM isn’t one of them, and I advise you to click that link, you’ll learn something about yourself… just kidding, self-reflection isn’t your thing. As for HNU, I’ve picked it up from Moldbug, credit where due. And all of it doesn’t matter, because independent thought — to which you are allergic — allows me to form and frame my thoughts as I see fit.

>Let me take a wild guess: you think anthropic climate change is a hoax or otherwise not happening?

I withhold judgement on the matter, also I find it too boring to deeply delve into.

>None of you have any authority when it comes to science

Translation: “I need authority figures to tell me what to think.” Or the Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam. Shitlibs need their Jon Leibowitz to tell them when something is funny, and they need their Neil deGrasse Tyson to tell them what is and what isn’t “science”. After all, independent thinking is for “crackpots” like us; an alt-leftist can’t breathe without at least a minimal degree of peer-group approval, viz., “WHERE’S MY PEER-REVIEW, UGHH.”

>“HBD” is just as much bullshit as climate change denial.

Perhaps I should become a denialist, then. It logically follows, since HBD is absolutely correct, in fact.

>I could give half a fuck about Harry Potter. You’ve absolutely no idea what you’re on about – as I would expect.

Watch out, this alt-left shitlib has a serious case of the “special snowflake” syndrome, so surely he’s not like the rest of ’em mama’s pimplejamas.

>I suppose a big circle jerk could feel good?

The Cathedral’s megaphone-y cacophony feels good for the participants, that’s very very true.

>It’s not gonna happen, and the only dessert I’ll be getting is a fucking hot fudge sundae

You see folks, the shitlib has noticed that I’ve misspelled “desserts”, and being the smartass pedant that he invariably is — true to form — thought it a good idea to bring attention to it.

Hey soyboy, could it be that I make spelling and grammatical errors *on purpose*, because it’s already established that my IQ is higher than yours, and I want to showcase the true extent to which IDGAF what you think?

Fuck off, and shame on you for unacquaintance with the SSSM.

Anonymous says:

ROFL! You make spelling errors on purpose because … what? Oh man, funny stuff. I think you’re just a fucking idiot.

I’m familiar with the acronym SSSM – I specifically said *at least you don’t make up (all) your acronyms out of thin air*. But you’re a dishonest moron, so it’s cool. I understand the need (for people like yourselves) to nitpick little things like this (who’s pedantic?) Too bad you can’t get it right. But that fits – you don’t get anything right.

And I love what a big fucking pussy you are with your refusal to acknowledge anthropic climate change – I understand, you don’t want to look bad in front of your little friends. It’s ok pal. They still like you (although surely no one else does).

Keep on larping in the free world 😉

Oliver Cromwell says:

Jim, can I request you ban this duplicate name? It is annoying never being able to tell if I should read or skip a post by “Anonymous”.

jim says:

Censorship is for leftists – I am reluctant to censor even a name unless it is deliberately deceptive or confusing.

Oliver Cromwell says:

It is confusing, deliberate or not originally he knows there’s another Anonymous, who was there first, and he hasn’t changed it.

Can be as simple as just changing it to “Anon” or something.

Dave says:

> Censorship is for leftists

Everyone posting as “Anonymous” so it’s impossible to follow a conversation is for 4chan.

jim says:

So, if you want people to follow your conversation, don’t post as anonymous. Duh!

If people are not interested in you following their conversation, don’t follow it.

Your Wife's Son says:

Fine, I’ll acquiesce in the popular demand and change it. 😉

Alrenous says:

So, if you want people to follow your conversation, don’t post as anonymous. Duh!

And conversely, if it’s hard to follow their conversation, then don’t. How much do you really lose out on here?

Censorship is debatably for leftists. What do you think an Inquisitor does? Outrage is 100% for leftists.

The ability to post anonymously is a huge safety valve because people get stuck in their ways and don’t necessarily want to be held responsible for everything they feel like they need to say. Anonymity means being able to tell your own friends that what’s happening is bullshit. We can’t afford to lose it.

jim says:

The temperate rises, the temperature falls, the ice caps grow, the icecaps shrink. The icecaps are larger now than they were in 1900 or so. The much predicted disappearance of the arctic icecap in summer has not happened, and at the present rate will not happen for a hundred years or more. How do you know that anthropic warming is happening to a significant extent, except the most holy church says so?

Show me why the eyes of the senses, rather than the eye of faith, needs to acknowledge significant global warming.

Alrenous says:

Earth is warmer than it was 100 years ago.

This warming is A) small B) good C) natural and D) has leveled off.

jim says:

Earth is warmer than it was thirty years ago. It is warmer than it was two hundred years ago. It is warmer than it was three hundred years ago. It is probably slightly cooler than it was one hundred and twenty years ago.

Anonymous says:

>And I love what a big fucking pussy you are with your refusal to acknowledge anthropic climate change

So you’re calling me a liar, then? I said that this issue is boring to me, which it is. Couldn’t care less about global warming or whatever you alt-leftists want to call it. Who cares?

Anonymous says:

One more thing: it somewhat reminds me of the “cellphones cause brain cancer” meme, which today we know is bogus. Is global warming also bogus? See – I have no idea. A great man had once asked:

“Which is worse: ignorance or indifference?”

He then answered: “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

Catch my drift?

Anony-maus says:

You do enjoy your fantasy world, though it is indeed a pity that Bannon is out. We’ll have to see if he can cause more problems for your ilk outside than inside, however.

viking says:

Bannon was not helping at all inside he was afraid to anger the Don or be seen as a traitor wrecker.He dared not use his power lest he lose his power
from outside he can tear into the cucks in the administration in detail while building up the president.

Bannon may actually be more useful outside the Trump administration, but that is beside the point. I am also skeptical about Jim’s assertion that a leftist singularity is near. Many nations have ratcheted leftward over decades. (Argentina, Venezuela, etc.) Many nations have become more leftist, more non-white, and generally more third worldish, without a full killing fields collapse. This remains the question of our time. Leftist collapse, or leftist Brazilification?

Samuel Skinner says:

Collapse. Brazil requires money and the country is spending like a drunken sailor.

jim says:

Many nations have ratcheted leftward over decades. (Argentina, Venezuela, etc.)

The US empire prevents them from going over the top. They ratchet left to win approval and ngo jobs from Harvard, therefore can only go as left as the Harvard lunatic fringe. Recall that the New York Times enthusiastically support the self destructive and grotesquely murderous economic program of Venezuela. If the New York Times said the glaringly obvious, that it is stupid, evil, and murderous, Venezuelan leftism would vanish in a puff of smoke.

Venezuelans are murdering Venezuelans to win approval from the New York Times, international NGO jobs, and admission to Harvard for their kids.

viking says:

Ok fair enough about jims penchant for younguns but HBD is not bullshit. get specific so we can tear you a new one. lets start with the easy one that triggers you libtards the most. is it bullshit that michling niggers have an average IQ of 88 and full blood bucks in africa 65 or 70? are ashkenazi and east asians no more intelligent than average than europeans? Can we not scatter chart DNA onto graphs and identify what race they are or even withing thre hundred miles of where they are born (assuming they arent immigrants) and then what do you suppose those differences to be that make races and sub races so easily identifiable? are you seriously so stupid you dont know that Lewontin and Gould are disgraced even among leftist scientists?

Cavalier says:

I’m not sure that the average NEAsian can be considered more intelligent than the average whitey in the intellectual ways that matter. Though, they’re certainly far better at seeing through the bullshit, at exploiting high-trust environments, and at incredibly boring concentration-related tasks.

jim says:

Whether he was out or not, the left will be saying he is out, because part of a color revolution is to announce that “the enemy is weak, is weak, is weak, is folding, is folding, is collapsing, is collapsing, is collapsing, tadah, has collapsed they are out of power now and we are in power now.”

And sometimes it works, and they take power bloodlessly. And sometimes their bluff is called, and dreadful and bloody war ensues with an enemy that was not weak, was not collapsing, has not collapsed, and is still very much in power.

viking says:

That being saif Bannon is not our guys hes another mainstream conservative just slightly less cucked from the neocon perspective

glosoli says:

You don’t have any *guys* at all.

Trump appointed a load of Goldmans to his cabinet, they’re always there, in the background, pulling the strings.

Be assured that whichever way the US lurches next, left or right, civil war, or coup, or counter-coup, none of it is random. The boys know exactly how this will play out, and Trump is in on the plan (obviously, as he wouldn’t have won the election election otherwise).

If this comment leaves you feeling annoyed, just ask yourself why Ron Paul (the real deal) was totally ignored by the mainstream media and the Republicans, whilst Trump was given huge publicity all the way through. Because he’s part of the plan.

(FWIW, the plan is a leftist purge ahead of/during US dollar collapse in a few years, and a humbled US ceding international power at the UN to the Russians/China, and a global order of NatSoc sovereign states, none of them left behind).

…why would the Jews want to cede international power to Russia?

Why would any globalists want to cede international power to Russia?

The only people who actually like that plan are nationalist Whites in every White country including America.

But if nationalist Whites (White Nationalist is taken by ultranationalists, but nationalism needs an ethnicity, so it’s more natural the other way around anyway) are in charge in America, why can’t they so much as allow an ultranationalist rally to occur without being smashed by a rabble of communist paramilitaries with state backing?

viking says:

while i wouldnt say your theory is completely impossible Id bet McCain was a manchurian and obama possibly but its pretty clear clinton was their girl in havana and it sure seems like they were caught off guard hard to believe they scripted trump hes just too implausible. But i do think they have a lot of shit on congress.

John McCain has spent his entire life mooching off his family name and, fearing being discovered to be worthless, promoting equality at every opportunity.

Alrenous says:

Temporary contracts are a real thing people do, especially busy people.

Personnel have strengths and weaknesses. A president, indeed any leader, shouldn’t keep someone around after their role has ended. If he must reward loyalty, he shouldn’t do it with inappropriate responsibilities.*

Prima facie there’s nothing wrong with Bannon’s narrative.

Of course it could be a lie. However, if you think you have any idea what’s actually going on at the White House, your name better be Handle or Foseti. Otherwise, no. Just no.

*(And certainly shouldn’t waste competent individuals with sinecures.)

Dr Wynn Lloyd says:

The color revolutions have failed in the end, even when they achieved their objectives. The color revolution in Iran was crushed, and the one in Ukraine succeeded in ousting a democratically/elected government, but that only resulted in handing half the country over to Russia. The Eastern Ukrainians have been mopping the floor with the western Ukrainians in the civil war.

These globalists are absolutely incompetent. I think we forget that. They have every conceivable advantage, but they can’t achieve victory. All we have to do is survive, and keep our army together. George Washington understood this in his war and we should also. Eventually the leftists will ruin their own efforts out of a combination of insanity and idiocy.

If it were merely a question of ideological competence then we win. Demography is destiny and we are running short on time.

Cavalier says:

Hey, can you do a classic mind-searing Jim-post on the PUA-ish motto:

“She’s not yours, it’s just your turn.”


Jack Highlands says:

Likely Jim can do a better job, but what’s there to say? ‘Yours’ is a possessive grammatical form in English and the definition of patriarchy is male possession – ownership – of female sexuality. In the absence of patriarchy, no woman is ever possessed for more than some kind of turn.

The way civilized patriarchy requires patriarchal institutions is of great theoretical interest, but it’s a castle of air for Western man right now: I can’t see how we get back to those institutions without a very uncivilized interphase first: war, rape and concubines, the usual antecedents of civilized patriarchy.

Your Wife's Son says:

Also, PUA is as Jewish as the Ark of the Covenant, and Jews seek to undermine monogamy among their white hosts, so a motto which suggests that women are fundamentally incapable of eternal and unswerving loyalty encourages its (white) male adherents to themselves diminish from the seriousness they accord their monogamous relationships, thus precipitating the dissolution of said monogamous relationships while Schlomo is rubbing his hands gleefully. /feminazi

Seriously though, there isn’t much to analyse about this motto, it’s pretty straightforward. Jim can pepper one of his posts with it, but is it worthy of a whole Jim-post dedicated entirely to it? Let Jim decide, lol.

jim says:

Pua is not Jewish, and the pedestalization that it dismisses was not Jewish either. This was and is a war for the soul of civilization that the Jews were not significantly involved in.

jim says:

Women are complicated.

Women want to be owned, but make it hard for men to own them.

Women forcefully resist a relationship of eternal and unswerving loyalty. It is not so much that they are incapable of it, but rather they think it is not what they want.

Early Australia revealed what women are inclined to do, free from the restraints of family, and with plenty of males to choose from. And what they did was not pretty.

If a man had what he wanted, he would have one woman after another, applying only five minutes with each woman to fuck her and those women would never fuck anyone else. If a woman had what she wanted, a series of high value men would each make a very substantial investment of time and energy in her and would never be interested in investing time and money in someone else.

Your Wife's Son says:

Of course you are correct, and I should wean myself off the ironyposting.

But, there’s something distinctly corrosive about the suggestion that all relationships are ephemeral in essence. “Oneities” as Rollo calls it may be a (lamentably) real phenomenon, but I do believe that the kitschy ideal of 100-roses-monogamy should remain intact, so people have something high to aspire to.

Saying “you are just taking a turn on her”, while it may be true in many cases, is also false in many cases, and a life-willing civilization ought to minimize this statement’s veracity and maximize its falsity, by fostering enduring monogamy; such cynicism isn’t helpful.

Allegedly, Mao has said: “a statement can be true and false at once: true for some, false for others.” We should seek to have the PUA-motto provided by Cavalier false for as many monogamous relationships as possible.

It’s just one of those self-fulfilling prophesies that, if believed with sufficient sincerity, transform into reality. If you believe that you’re merely taking a turn on her, then you’ll probably end-up merely taking a turn on her. Which is the path proposed by PUAs such as Nick Krauser (who is indeed non-Jewish), but it’s not the “alpha strategy” as Peppermint would put it.

You’re approaching it from the “what do women want?” angle, but that’s not the vital part. The fact that you keep pondering this question proves that you’ve moved insanely to the left from the positions prevalent in the good old days. Does the OT or NT ever ask this question? No. Who cares what women “truly” want? If sufficient portions of men determinedly decide to run patriarchy, the question of female “wants” instantly becomes obsolete.

And when that happens, at some point in the indefinite future, there won’t be any place for taking turns on a woman, at least one who isn’t a harlot. Yes, modern women are all harlots. Well, women won’t de-harlotize themselves. It’s the task of men, as creators of civilization, to do it. Once it is done, need monogamy, not turns-taking.

Even today, it’s better to avoid turns-taking. It’s probably better to be single and masturbate to depraved pornography, than to play a slut like a slot machine (now it’s your turn to win, then it’s your turn to lose), which is more socially corrosive than depraved pornography, because real human dynamics are involved.

Hence, let’s not destroy the kitschy ideal of 100-roses-monogamy, because — poolside or no poolside — need something to build with and with which to inspire men for civilization-building. I think that white men, and Cavalier should agree with me on this point as he understands the white mentality on a very instinctive level, are inspired primarily by 100-roses-monogamy, and not by “fuck and run” like the niggers; and it’s not niggers who build civilization.

jim says:

Of course we need the ideal of 100-roses-monogamy. But we also need to recognize that it is unachievable without enforcement. Anyone who is alpha enough to keep a hot fertile age woman faithful is alpha enough to have a passing parade of additional women, and telling him he should not do that is just going to pander to feminine primacy.

I recently watched the movie “Mike and Dave need wedding dates” with my girl – which showed what women want. The bride has sex with some random guy, as part of the celebrations leading up to the marriage, Tatiana prostitutes herself to Mike’s cousin during Mike’s date with Tatiana, while successfully convincing Mike that he is chasing her, though in fact she is chasing him. And they all get happily everafters.

Which I am pretty sure is a female wish fulfillment fantasy, because it sure as hell is not a male wish fulfillment fantasy.

After we watched the movie I told my girl that is she manipulated me the way Tatiana manipulated Mike, I would dump her, which was persuasive because I had just dumped my previous (considerably prettier) girl for that reason, and she had been stalking us shortly before we watched the movie, and I told her that if she was unfaithful to me the way Tatiana and the bride were unfaithful, I would kill her and whomever she fucked.

If we are going to get 100 roses, need more dumpings and more killings.

Your Wife's Son says:

>Anyone who is alpha enough to keep a hot fertile age woman faithful is alpha enough to have a passing parade of additional women, and telling him he should not do that is just going to pander to feminine primacy.

In my view, sexualsocialismus trumps the feminine imperative. That is: making sure that each man receives his fair share of the means of reproduction (fertile vaginas), which means that the top can’t be self-interestedly eating from everyone else’s trough. It should be an honor, not a shame, for a leader of men to refrain from committing sexual peccadilloes. My proposal may sound puritanical, but there’s no element of “supererogation” in it: you take what is yours, and content yourself with it.

>I told her that if she was unfaithful to me the way Tatiana and the bride were unfaithful, I would kill her and whomever she fucked.

Hot-headedly, I have made similar threats. Can’t vouch for any positive results; if a chick has thoroughly nibbled one’s inner sense of security to the point where one is issuing death threats over a damn movie, one should probably step back, leave the chick alone for a couple of nights, and let *her* own insecurity take over her, while restoring one’s confidence. Then again, I’m no womanizer, so my advise could be inapplicable to someone with a different personality.

>If we are going to get 100 roses, need more dumpings and more killings.

Sad to say, when you’re right you’re right.

jim says:

> > I told her that if she was unfaithful to me the way Tatiana and the bride were unfaithful, I would kill her and whomever she fucked.

> if a chick has thoroughly nibbled one’s inner sense of security to the point where one is issuing death threats over a damn movie, one should probably step back, leave the chick alone for a couple of nights,

My sense of security is just fine. Expecting a significant likelihood of cheating is realistic caution, like not driving a car at high speed with your eyes closed.

My sense of security is warmed by the fact that my previous girlfriend, who dumped me either after cheating on me with someone younger and handsomer, or making arrangements with him to cheat on me, has texted to me offering to forgive me (for what is unclear) and of the three potential replacements I rounded up, one was recently stalking me, one is living with me, and the third texted me an hour ago asking for a date despite, or because, her competition is living with me.

As the PUAs tell you, one does not obtain a sense of security by harboring delusions about female virtue, but by being confident in one’s ability to replace an errant female.

Individually optimal behavior is defect/defect. We are stuck in defect/defect equilibrium, which is not good for anyone

jim says:

inspired primarily by 100-roses-monogamy, and not by “fuck and run” like the niggers; and it’s not niggers who build civilization.

100 roses monogamy comes from restraining women from bad behavior, which comes from understanding that women are prone to bad behavior. Which is the PUA position.

The Victorian strategy of persuading women to behave well by ascribing good behavior to women bit them on the ass badly.

Your Wife's Son says:

>If a woman had what she wanted

Our ancestors — doesn’t matter the ethnicity — did not concern themselves too much with the consequences of letting women have what they want, because women were not allowed to pursue their arbitrary tingles to the detriment of society; the question is rendered moot under patriarchy.

But I have an altogether different argument to make, actually: the *aesthetic* case for monogamy. Because people are deeply inspired by aesthetics. Okay, Jews aren’t, but note I said “people”. (take it easy, fellas; dark times yield dark humor) See, Muslims for instance. Would they blow themselves up in crowded locations if Islam, not just abstractly, but also on a visceral, and I really mean aesthetic, level, didn’t inspire them to follow through with it? I dunno. The muezzin-call and Mosque-architecture have their charms. Islam has a distinct, unmistakable aesthetic, from which Islamic civilization (“civilization”) springs almost spontaneously.

What I’m saying is that any marital aesthetic other monogamy shall surely fail to inspire whites to labor for the establishment and restoration of civilization, because that’s just white collective psychology. You know – I love old songs. One common theme of the old songs, and the old movies, and the old paintings, is that of monogamy-as-superior-marital-model, presented, of course, in normie-friendly, non-autistic terminology. That was before degeneracy set in. Edmund Leighton has painted many women, and somehow all of them, without exception, seem fit for marriage. Why is it so? Because monogamy — romantic, idealistic, irrational, sentimental, whatever — touches an inner nerve within whites that modern culture, negrified, Judaized, hollowed out and cynical, just cannot reach.

So, it goes beyond mere “utility maximization”. It’s not the (undeniable) utility of monogamy that summons whites to self-sacrifice even unto death; it’s the sheer beauty of it. Give white man a wife, and he will fight for you; give him 5 sluts in succession, and the only thing he’ll be fighting is venereal diseases. In terms of reproductive incentive, you could make the argument that this is senseless. Counter-arguments notwithstanding, what matters is that to have a wife, and have true love, is practically white man’s sole motivator for exerting great efforts to secure civilization. You don’t secure civilization so you could have 5 sluts in succession and contract VD from 2 of them. Aesthetics, not just reproductive incentive, is the name of the game here.

A beautiful civilization is one worth defending, preserving, and if need be, restoring. An ugly one, isn’t. Because rational incentive isn’t enough, and most people aren’t rational anyway. Inspiration, inner morale, that’s the key. The best argument against degenerate, modern urban design is that, being so ugly, it fails to inspire the city’s dwellers to strive for the preservation of *any* kind of urban culture. Hence, everything becomes exponentially uglier; the more ugly, the less inspiration to defend against further ugliness. Decadent feedback loop.

Same applies to monogamy, but to a much greater degree. When patriarchal, lifelong monogamy was the norm, there was wild enthusiasm to defend it. Then something happened, maybe (((something happened))), and it all came falling apart. The more promiscuous is the culture, the less desire there is to maintain any norms of pair-bonding, pair-bonding becomes rare and ever-rarer, so as in the above illustration, you get exponential increase of promiscuity, to the point where promiscuity is the rule and monogamy the exception, a profligate feedback-loop; and then the Somalis arrive and replace you.

That, I believe, is the gist of my argument-from-aesthetics: when the aesthetic is fractured, aberrancy creeps in; once it has crept in, disintegration of the entire structure inexorably follows. Feedback-loop, yadda yadda yadda, Somalis. The monogamous aesthetic is vastly, indisputably superior to promiscuity; it’s the only aesthetic white men genuinely feel is worth defending, and the only source of inspiration for any warrior or patriarch whose vision encompasses the future as well as the past. I’ve never seen in my life any man inspired to greatness, to say nothing of cultivation of the greatness of society, by sluts. Succinctly: Trad waifus > Tattooed barflies. Promiscuity is a social-ill promoted by Jews and suited for niggers, who are the kangs n’ quans of modern promiscuous “culture”. For restoration, need to counter promiscuity. Beauty versus ugliness.

Again: Beauty versus ugliness.

Now, having read thus far, think again about Cavalier’s PUA-motto: “she’s not yours, it’s just your turn.” What kind of inspiration does it give you? Really, need I say more?

Cavalier says:

When I want a nuclear bomb to drop in somebody’s lap, I call upon the nuclear scientist par excellence. I don’t know if he’ll oblige, but I think if he does, the result will be positively… radiant.

lalit says:

Jim, Nassim Taleb here seems to believe that Trump has betrayed his supporters. Apparently, he has only one more bullet left.


Your take?

jim says:

May well be true, but this has been said of Trump many times before.

We shall see. Not believing anything till I see it. I remember, after disbelieving in Peak Oil for a very long time, I finally conceded that it was true, just in time to be proven wrong.

lalit says:

Not many people would admit they were wrong before without even being asked to do so. And this after you get 5 predictions correct for every wrong one.

No wonder Mister Grumpus always comments with “I love you man”. Now wonder Social matter praises you every half-chance they get. My respect and admiration grows the more I hang around. The exact opposite of my feelings for that Cathedral educated, half naked, frail, bald, halitosis afflicted lawyer colloquially called a Gandhi, about whom the more I know, the more my contempt grows.

Why someone like you would humor someone like B. instead of just ignoring him was beyond me and still is.

B brings an a different perspective, it is valuable to find out what other people are thinking

Oliver Cromwell says:

B is intelligent and interesting. The normie commenters who assert normie views ate right because normal and then fall back on insults are a waste of space.

[…] The left plan « The plan was that Hillary would be elected, then they would do to conservatives, including cuckservative Republicans, what they did to Nazis. With the unexpected loss of the presidency, the plan is being adapted in an ad hoc fashion. If “Russia stole the election” had worked, they would have taken out Trump, then the right. Now they are going to attempt to take out any and all Trump loyalists, then take out Trump, then implement the original plan. […]

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