
The shots heard around the world.

The cold civil war is turning hot.

What always happens is that authorities take sides. And different authorities are taking different sides. As things get hotter, expect mass arrests of normies in blue state cities.

I do not expect high altitude bombing of cities and mass artillery barrages until 2024 or so, but escalation has been happening steadily, dramatic escalation just happened, and escalation will continue. Vox Day has long predicted 2033, but I have for decades predicted 2024-2026. Things seem to be happening on my schedule, maybe faster, looks to me we are now ahead of Vox Day’s schedule.

In the sixties they came to Detroit to burn people’s homes, destroy their businesses, and drive them out. And now they have come to middle America in flyover country. Kenosha is small town America in center of flyover country. We are out of places to run to. If we retreat to cabins in the woods and do business by videoconference, they will come to us when the shops in Kenosha are cleaned out.

Fortunately for us, the war has started with clean cut boy scout Kyle Rittenhouse versus evil Jewish hardcore felon Joseph Rosenbaum.

As he leaves the group of militiamen guarding the car lot, a group of antifa pursue him with deadly weapons and attack him.

All of those that attacked him have criminal records, in particular Joseph Rosenbaum.

Kyle shot three of his attackers, two of them fatally, one will be one armed for life.

We could not have started the civil war on a better opening: We are the good guys, who will protect you, they are the bad guys who intend to burn your homes and businesses and kill you if you resist. This is way better optics than starting it over tearing down statues and desecrating churches.

As individuals, we can retreat to cabins in the wilderness and work by video conferencing, if Musk gets his internet in space working. But cities matter for organizing collective violence. If we abandon all the cities, we will find ourselves in same boat as South African farmers.

Any solution has to be “Here is how to end the war victoriously and quickly”, or, more realistically, “Here is how we can make peace once the combatants have been exhausted and the logistic base of one side or both sides has been destroyed or exhausted.”

We have passed the point where a handful of executions could stop the left singularity from getting lefter. Any compromise peace that allows the left to keep getting lefter will collapse. Any solution is going to require a significant number of major enemy figures being permanently removed from circulation.

And as the war escalates (or if the left is temporarily victorious, as the left singularity goes ever lefter) the number of figures whose removal is required to end the left singularity will increase.

Fortunately for us, the civil war has not started with antifa versus fascists, but antifa versus normie boy scout types.

Shoot me” says Joseph Rosenbaum to militia.

Since they don’t shoot him, he later attacks a militiaman with a deadly weapon. Shots heard around the world ensue.

The left is not agreement capable. They cannot make peace.

If we win, which will likely require killing several hundred, perhaps several thousand, of them -(obviously killing two of them was not sufficient) we will impose peace. If they win, they will impose war. It will go on, and on, and on, like the great communist democides, killing millions, perhaps as with the seven kill stele, killing everyone, as each leftist tortures other leftists to death for insufficient leftism, till the land is utterly emptied.

Law is only possible if there is order and peace. Peace requires victory Order requires victory. Victory requires war.

Victory in war requires a leader. We will lose if the boogaloo happens without a clear national leader. The time approaches for Trump to step up the job of commander in chief.

I hope he is waiting because he plans to restore order close to the elections, giving our quarreling enemies the rope they need to hang themselves.

Trump rescued the McCloskey’s and brought them the RNC convention.

He brought Nick Sandmann to the RNC convention, and presumably would have rescued him if he was charged.

Trump needs heroes and has been rescuing the heroes he needs. He will rescue the kid who defended life and property against Antifa and the BLM

The red meat at the Republican National Convention: The left hates you and hates me, intends to destroy our lives. Hates regular normies who work for a living, obey the law, and just want the authorities to let them be. Biden is in the pocket of the left, or too “sleepy” to control them, and Kamala Harris is the left. She hates us, and when she is president, will destroy us.

Kenosha was the first shots. There will be more shots. Violence will escalate until one side wins and one side loses. That is how large scale violence works, that is the nature of war, that is why you cannot have half war and half peace, cannot have “mostly peaceful protests”, except that they are rendered peaceful by being crushed.

Violence will always escalate, until someone wins, and someone loses. That is the nature of violence.

If the side that chants “Death to America” wins, legacy Americans will be exterminated not long thereafter.

We will win, or we will die.

496 comments The shots heard around the world.

Sam says:

The paragraph “We have passed the point” is repeated twice.

Content wise? I’m waiting to see what insanity erupts on election day.

jim says:

Thanks, fixed.

The madness will escalate until stopped by decisive violence. It has to become as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right.

The right has long suffered ever escalating repression. Things are not going to stabilize until the left gets comparable repression.

The Cominator says:

Also when we win this civil war that they started…

No mercy this time. Thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live in the name of the God-Emperor and the saint Primarch Kyle let none survive. Some may question our right to exterminate millions of leftists but those who truly understand know we have no right to let them live.

BC says:

Blessed be his name, Saint Kyle the Commie Slayer leads us into this holy war. May GNON bless us with many more such warriors.

A dead antifa on the street of Portland tonight.

BC says:

Sadly, I was wrong, the deceased was one of ours.


Dave says:

War is war. If you engage the enemy, you’re going to take casualties.

The Cominator says:

Cry God for Donny, America and Saint Kyle!

Oliver Cromwell says:

“As things get hotter, expect mass arrests of normies in blue state cities.”

Can you elaborate on this?

jim says:

Kamala Harris: “And once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place … lookout if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we will be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out … For it is you who have betrayed us.”

Unable to strike at enemies in red states, they will strike at real and perceived enemies closer to hand.

Contaminated NEET says:

After a little cursory searching, that doesn’t appear to be a real Harris quote. I’m entirely willing to believe I’m being lied to by all the “reputable” sources about that, but it would take a time, place, and context to convince me.

jim says:

I stand corrected.

The quote was originated on a satirical website.

But the thing being satirized is manifest in the anti Trump brigade.

Mister Grumpus says:

If the Kamala quote is satirical and fake, then say so in the OP. C’mon man.

jim says:

I silently deleted it, but here in the comments, I apologize.

Pooch says:

Even if they wanted to do that, what would be their means? Have the voting offices give up names of registered Republican voters?

Mister Grumpus says:

“Even if they wanted to do that, what would be their means? Have the voting offices give up names of registered Republican voters?”

Mail in voting. Names and addresses. Figure it out.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“Kamala Harris: “And once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place … lookout if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we will be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out … For it is you who have betrayed us.””

Even though this is not a real quote, I agree that it reads as real, because it reflects an aspect of the reality.

But I’m interested in the scenario of mass arrests of normies. Where would they put them? What would they ultimately do with them? How would they choose the names?

Maybe I am being unduly optimistic, but I feel like they will arrest big names and leave HR to terrorise the normies. Do you disagree?

Frederick Algernon says:

With Coronatarianism as a precedent, they could just enact some kind of mass house arrest scheme. Bar people from working and walking of their own free will and they will become dependent on their captors. It is already like this in big cities; control the culture with supply side regulations, propagate a female superiority complex, and in a relatively short time you have a cucked population. It has been said by others, but hunger is the traditional weapon of the Left. I assert that the “mass arrests” will take the form of lockdowns and rationing.

James says:

Ergo, dear reader, get thee to the Asian Market and buy a shitload of rice.

The Cominator says:

This is why I warned everyone early to fight coronatarianism immediately but no…

Hunger is the result of leftist policies if taken far enough, and as a result of hunger decisions have to be made. They actually rarely intentionally use it as a 1st degree weapon because admitting that hunger exists in leftytopia is initially unholy, WE should explicitly use hunger as a weapon if we get the chance. In victory the coalition of the woke would be removed to a remote area and where they confined and then we just wouldn’t feed them.

Its the easiest way…

Cementmixer says:

While I am grateful for the analysis, there are many questions that come to mind.

What will be the global implications of civil war in the US? How will other countries in the world be affected depending who wins and the level of chaos involved? Is global economic disruption and collapse likely regardless of who wins?

How to best prepare for this storm with our families intact? Remote safehouse in the wilderness? Learn to live off the land? Attach oneself to a strong traditional community?

I suppose these questions aren’t particularly specific, but any comments you deem strongly relevant would be appreciated

jim says:

Individual action can provide safety for the moment – arm up, keep a cache of dried food, and have a place far out of town, cultivate your neighbors.

But this is a collective action problem. In past left singularities that went all the way to killing very large numbers of people, the survivors were those who got the hell out of the country.

Make sure you have a passport ready, preferably several passports, a residence permit here and there, and keep your money in bitcoin, because you will not be able to take money with you. The periphery of empire will watch this thing out, and the far edges of empire will quietly cultivate neighboring empires.

Pooch says:

Even if it doesn’t have the violence, Places like Australia are going to continue to be squeezed to death by COVID laws and mandatory vaccines while the war plays out in America. Will it really be all that much better to flee instead to stay and fight?

Gedeon says:

Australia is owned by the Chinese now.

When General Flynn says, if MAGA loses freedom is lost around the world, you should take it literally. There is no safe haven and you will not be a refugee. There will be no Taiwan with no USA to allow a Taiwan to exist.

Everyone here appears to recognize that the enemy culture is a death cult and death is easier to cause than life. Dig in and wrap your head around the totality of the circumstances.

Pooch says:

Not so. Observe how Australia continue to enact the strictest CoVID lockdown laws in the world for Cathedral holiness reasons. Would not happen if China owned them.

jim says:

> Observe how Australia continue to enact the strictest CoVID lockdown laws in the world for Cathedral holiness reasons

These vary state by state. Queensland, which has good contact tracing and well enforced quarantine, after the fashion of South Korea, has blocks against people entering from overseas and interstate, but no internal lockdown.

NSW and Victoria, who are cheerfully murdering people in old people’s homes to keep their death count up, have remarkably strict lockdown, but are strangely unable to keep sick people from wandering about to visit Queensland. In Cathedral fashion, they lockdown the healthy, but not the sick, the productive, but not the underclass. Queensland is powned by Greens, but nonetheless decided that murdering people in old folks homes to get their numbers up was a bridge too far.

Pooch says:

The next phase of tyranny will be the rushed forced vaccination of unsafe vaccines to the populace. The Prime Minister announced them then backed off them but it seems there may be refusal of certain services to those who do not take it.

Starman says:

The CDC just quietly admitted that the COVID19 death numbers were fake.

BC says:

That’s true of every disease. Underlying conditions generally kill you after the virus weakens you.

Starman says:

No, it means that COVID19 hysteria is a complete hoax and completely fake. All of the mask wearing and lockdowns were bullshit.

BC says:

>All of the mask wearing and lockdowns were bullshit.

No shit Sherlock. The Asian Flu Pandemic had a death about double COVID and we didn’t lock down. Doesn’t change the fact that most deaths attributed to a virus are due to underlying conditions caused by the virus weakening people. If someone has diabetes and gets the Wu Flu then they died or the Wu Flu that made their diabetes wose. We already know that COVID isn’t that bad.

Now there’s an discussion to be made about hospitals inflating deaths numbers, which I personally think is likely, since they already inflated by murdering people in nursing homes. However, these particular numbers are not part of that argument.

Starman says:


“Now there’s an discussion to be made about hospitals inflating deaths numbers,”

There is no more discussion to be made. The COVID19 death numbers were faked. End of discussion.

Cominator and President Lukashenko of Belarus were right about this hoax from the very beginning.

Steve Johnson says:

When you’re a moron subtle (and not so subtle) distinctions elude you.

The Cominator says:

Only the Japanese and South Korean numbers on Covid for anything can really be trusted, do not trust any data in the United States everyone is lying about everything or they don’t know and are making it up. To the extent Covid did spread big and in high viral load in dense cities it seemed to do it via the mass transit system. Japanese and South Korean masking seemed to shut this down.

Masks seem to have SOME efficacy in planes subways and trains.

Starman says:

@Steve Johnson

“When you’re a moron subtle (and not so subtle) distinctions elude you.”

When the data is lies, there is no more discussion. I know it’s hard for liberal arts majors to understand this.

Dave says:

“The Asian Flu Pandemic had a death about double COVID and we didn’t lock down.”

The Korean War had a far higher death rate than the Iraq War, but people had a different attitude toward death in the 1950s. It’s a woman’s world now, and any risk whatsoever is totally unacceptable.

James says:

There were cases where the survivors won. I think that retreat to the hinterlands and arming up is the way to go. Having a passport ready will be valuable, but stand and fight is the first option. Leftist singularities in Russia won because Russians were well-armed and formed a decent coalition against a demoralized enemy distracted by a foreign war.

Leftist singularities in America will not win, because they are inherently disorganized (blacks hate latinos hate white liberals), are poorly armed, don’t control any infrastructure, don’t have any real faith.

The right is strong in America. It doesn’t seem like it if you live in California, but if you live in the Midwest, you can see it. And so far what we’re seeing is that when a single rightist stands up to the mob, one rightist takes down 3 members of the mob, and that’s when he’s acting with restraint. When a mob of leftists goes hunting for rightists, they manage to kill one guy because they caught him off guard.

If we fight, we win. We need to find our balls and hunker down for awhile.

Dave says:

Hardly a fair fight; we’re up against an enemy that lays siege to its own cities. Truckers don’t want to be beaten into a coma or have their expensive rigs set on fire. When leftists leave the cities in search of food, they’ll keep running into surprise roadblocks where their tattoos, body mods, and vegan physiques single them out for summary execution.

This war will be the Paris Commune times 1000.

jim says:

In the Yugoslavian civil war, retreating to the wilderness failed catastrophically, because collective violence. The armies could defend whichever cities they controlled, failed to defend the countryside and the small towns.

Retreat to the wilderness, a large gang shows up and passes through

Kevin C. says:

> Make sure you have a passport ready, preferably several passports, a residence permit here and there, and keep your money in bitcoin, because you will not be able to take money with you.

And for those of us who cannot obtain foreign residence permits (such as due to a disqualifying disability/condition)?

jim says:

There is a significant risk, if all goes badly, as it has sometimes gone in similar situations in the past, that you will die.

Try to take as many enemy with you as you can to serve you in hell.

To win, requires collective action, requires a leader. But you can individually kill quite a lot of enemy, which will take the sting out of losing if we lose.

Karl says:

During the war in Jugoslavia people in the countryside or remote house had it much worse than people in cities. Situation in Syria was similar. No village can defend against an army. Armies probably won’t bother defending a village, but they usually defend their cities.

James says:

I favor suburbs on the edge of barely-blue cities as a survival strategy. Suburbs have enough population density that they can defend themselves from marauders, and can flee to the wilderness when necessary, or flee to the city when necessary. It keeps things flexible.

Octavian says:

This is something that will probably also be true in the future. To take advantage of the countryside properly requires mobility and good information. Lone houses and small towns can’t run away. Let’s hope things do not come to that.

It will never be possible to properly prepare fully for what may happen but it is certainly imperative to prepare one’s resources and networks as much as possible.

Gedeon says:

Square your food away. If you can get your women and children more than a 300 miles away from a major city, the juice will not be worth the squeeze to the bandits.

Ferfal blogged about the gangs raiding smaller farms in Argentina if you all have not read his account of Argentina’s collapse. He, too, pointed out that scarce federal resources to the the urban areas first and everyone else fights for the crumbs.

jim says:

I repeat. In the Yugoslavian civil war, the villages got it worse than the cities, and the countryside far worse than the villages, because the armies did not have the capability to control the villages and countryside, so just raided them and burned everything they did not take so that the next army following in their footsteps would not have a roof to sleep under.

Not Tom says:

Yugoslavia is a tiny country, America is enormous.

Odds are high that some rural areas, somewhere, will be hit. Odds that your specific plot of land will be hit, especially if it’s in a red state, not particularly high.

The Cominator says:

Even if Biden wins and normie soldiers sort of think he won legitimately (which I don’t think they will) their ability to mobilize the army and marines for expeditions to burn towns and farms will be limited. The best they’ll be able to do with the government troops is hold onto urban centers. The government has few military bases with ground troops outside the American South and the soldiers mostly come from the countryside (and mostly from the South).

I just don’t see how they can win this without say inviting the Chinese army in or something and China probably will just lol at them if they ask.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Javier says:

Pretty sure all three of those guys are jewish commies.

The survivor has amassed a war chest of over $2 million. The shooter has had every fundraiser shut down.

If the left can successfully make an example out of him, arrest him, charge him, throw the book at him, give him 10,000 years in jail or whatever, then what?

Not trying to be a downer, just curious how you think this will go. The left has been aggressively punishing self-defense, successfully mostly. They’re going to throw everything they have at this dude to try to get him into jail. Because otherwise it’s open season on rioters.

BC says:

>If the left can successfully make an example out of him, arrest him, charge him, throw the book at him, give him 10,000 years in jail or whatever, then what?

Unless they murder Saint Kyle he’ll walk out that jail a free man before his 18th birthday. If they try to railroad him a lot of guys in big trucks will roll up and men armed to teeth will tell the guards them to let him out or else. You think a bunch of cops are going to die for a commie DA? No way. They’ll let him out.

Pooch says:

Man I hope you’re right.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yeah, I’ve heard that before. I’ll believe it when I see it. Your heavily-armed patriots will be sitting on their sofas, yelling at their TVs, or maybe posting angry comments, as St. Kyle goes to his martyrdom.

Gedeon says:

I find it useful to let the left throw good money after bad. This includes sending money to all of the pre-arrest politburo as well as losers like one-arm. These campaigns might offer a psychological boost within their echo chamber, but they hoover up cash for certain destruction.

The same applies to arresting Kyles. Even in the worst-case scenario, Kyle is a 2.5 for 1 @ $1-2 total ammo cost. Kyle is under arrest, but that is probably close to the best place for him right now and the left cannot arrest everyone. What the left has going for it is a large pool of unemployables (cheap soldiers) with the potential for that pool to grow with a second economic downturn. The left’s strategy today is to collapse the economy to increase the pool of desperate normies and convert them into lemmings.

TammyFan says:

Not every fund raiser for Kyle has been shutdown: https://www.givesendgo.com/GUCZ

James says:

I think it’s more likely to become open season if he loses.

My POV is that if he wins, then people kill our attackers when attacked. Casualty count is 3, 2 dead, 1 crippled.

If he loses, then people kill their attackers and everybody on their attacker’s side when attacked. Casualty count is however many well-placed shots the defender can make before their magazine is empty. People will not kill fewer leftists if the law refuses to defend them; they’ll kill more.

Mister Grumpus says:

I’ll have to throw a “citation needed” onto the field for the Kamala quote, but yes, in spirit you’re already right. I too have had the hair-raising experience of practicing “MAGA Taqiyya” with lefty types while they raise their voices and virtue-signal that the Trump supporters WILL PAY.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

One of the most essential strategic factors of war throughout all ages, is siege, in broad sense of the term.

So much so even that it would not be too far from correct to say that the only utility all the much preoccupation spent on the question of pitched engagements where spearheads directly entangle with the enemy, lies chiefly in how it may decide just that question, as to which side succeeds in the imposition of siege over another, with all else that comes thereafter being a long but inevitable denouement, to the real climax of the war, that had already been decided so suddenly in it’s opening movements.

Just so, the strategic question as to whether it would be feasible for a sovereign to succeed in taking up arms against another entity, may hinge chiefly on the question as to whether it could succeed in the imposition of siege over the other party or not, in the first place.

Hunger is perhaps the most ancient shrive of Nature, by which what was unworthy was smote. Certainly, it is one of the most Perennial means of warfare, that of putting your foe into logistical checkmate, leaving them to wither on the vine. That which may serve to better spare the best men on both sides, and disproportionately affect the worst on theirs. Such things that may serve as blessings in the long run; and certainly curses, where it is otherwise.

There is much that may be criticized about the not!wars that our synagogites play-acted at in the latter half of the twentieth century, and early half of the twenty-first, but amongst their greater errors is just so; that they would never truly employ siege, in large scale certainly, but in smaller scales especially.

For after all, such sorts of things which you might call words like ‘nation’, are nothing else if they are not at least a border – and what else is the use of siege, but further elaboration?

The ability to impose borders, utilize borders, control borders, holds great power, is a means of power; that by which changes may be brought about upon the fabric of that which is worked upon; enemies into neutrals, rebels into subjects, those which should not be, into those which are not.

That sense then, where which one might say, that such wars were in fact not wars as such, that the increasingly true believers in latter days, were not actually conducting actual wars, would be so; that they were not actually participating in the ways of war, the ways of power.

That they did not know what goes into a war, is a natural downstream, of not knowing what goes into a civilization, in general.

Always it may pay for a folk to remember the ways of war in the back of mind; for easy it is to lose conflict when you have not even begun to fight; for easy it is to prevail, over those who know not even what it means to win.

Dave says:

Here’s a thought experiment: Suppose a heavily-armed patriot group supported by elements of the military seizes control of the U.S. Mint, the Federal Reserve, and its central banking computers. They immediately zero all Federal spending not mandated by the Constitution, and tell all cities and states that their bank accounts are locked until they restore law and order to our satisfaction.

The most likely effect would be a Bitcoin-style fork of the U.S. dollar, with “blue dollars” and “red dollars” priced on global markets according to which side seems more likely to win.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Most dollary-doos in circulation are created by banks lending to each other, or financial entities in general. One party lends to another party, and that party uses the lent money to lend to another party in turn, and poof, you’ve now conjured more currency on ledgerbooks somewhere (as long as noone calls in over leverage).

The social machinery for such operations, as it exists now, is purposefully opaque, especially with regards to whom actually have say-so over permissiveness for transactions. Bank and sovereign naturally tends to blend together, especially at the highest levels, and it can become difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Empirically, we can observe that our current ruling mob has the ability to put it’s thumb on commoner facing aspects of finance; seizing subject’s accounts, deplatforming revenue streams, and et cetera. By what means is authority enforced, in such cases? That is to say, how is it possible for us to observe such a phenomena as ‘freezing assets’? Who asks, and who listens, and what is it that is done?

An enemies transportation capacity is often the most obvious strategic weak point in most any sort of conflict. In a civil war specifically though, the networks, the civilizational superstructures of the pre-existing society that were built up to afford coordination between it’s elements, become valuable objectives in their own right; occupying such apparatii for yourself, and dissolving your enemies use of them.

Dave says:

Most dollars in circulation are of the electronic variety. They exist not as paper notes but as numbers in a transaction register, like Bitcoin but centralized. Your name doesn’t appear on this register but your bank’s name does, and your bank keeps track of all your transactions and shares this information with the government.

So it’s not difficult to determine where a city or state government holds its money, tell the bank to lock the account, and if it doesn’t comply, lock its Federal Reserve account so that none of its customers can access their deposits aside from whatever physical cash the bank has on hand.

The progressives would have to recruit a crack team of non-affirmative-action programmers to set up a new master transaction register, a “shadow Fed”, and require banks to use it. Most people will accept this new currency if they think the progressives are going to win the war, whereas I say, even if they do win, how much is a communist country’s money worth?

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Yes; theoretically, any particular bank could be it’s own agent, which would make rolling up networks a potentially much more fractious proposition, particularly when concerning internationalist entities; but after 2008, and the fed explicitly assumed it’s theretofore implicit role as lender of first resort and fully automated financial communism was instantiated, it’s become a much more exploitable weak-link in the chain. Were the God-Emperor’s praetorians to occupy the servers – and pay the right people surprise house visits – that would leave bluetribesmen in a significantly worse position infrastructure-wise.

Dave says:

No, not even theoretically. In all times and places, banks are as free as the government allows them to be, because what fool would entrust his hard-earned savings to a rogue bank? The purpose of cash and crypto is not to set banks free but to eliminate the need for banks by enabling direct person-to-person transactions.

uqmusb says:


The purpose of cash and crypto is not to set banks free but to eliminate the need for banks by enabling direct person-to-person transactions.

Minor quibble, but you have significantly over-estimated the ability and willingness of the average “person.”

Computers were intended to be “bicycles for the mind” where everyone would own his own personal computer and keep track of his intellectual, business and life pursuits (cf Memex). We got IBM, and later Microsoft instead, where tech priests create this amazing capability that is voodoo to the customer abut may solve some of his/her needs.

Then the Internet was supposed to enable everyone to have his own plot of “cyberspace” (remember that?) where a person’s whole digital life was linked into a personal “homepage” hosted on a peer-to-peer network running on HTTP. Funny how we never got that, but got Fagbook instead.

Then the smartphone was supposed to set us free, but App Stores showed up.

The same thing will happen with crypto that happened with cashfiat money — people who “get” finance will base new financial institutions upon the foundation, and the rest will be customers. Today’s banks might have nothing in common with the usurers of old (in the gold era), but the basic principles of operation are the same, just that we call usury “lending” now.

And this is a good thing. People should specialise in what they do best.

uihtoi says:


The purpose of cash and crypto is not to set banks free but to eliminate the need for banks by enabling direct person-to-person transactions.

Minor quibble, but you have significantly over-estimated the ability and willingness of the average “person.”

Computers were intended to be “bicycles for the mind” where everyone would own his own personal computer and keep track of his intellectual, business and life pursuits (cf Memex). We got IBM, and later Microsoft instead, where tech priests create this amazing capability that is voodoo to the customer abut may solve some of his/her needs.

Then the Internet was supposed to enable everyone to have his own plot of “cyberspace” (remember that?) where a person’s whole digital life was linked into a personal “homepage” hosted on a peer-to-peer network running on HTTP. Funny how we never got that, but got Fagbook instead.

Then the smartphone was supposed to set us free, but App Stores showed up.

The same thing will happen with crypto that happened with cashfiat money — people who “get” finance will base new financial institutions upon the foundation, and the rest will be customers. Today’s banks might have nothing in common with the usurers of old (in the gold era), but the basic principles of operation are the same, just that we call usury “lending” now.

rurgrk says:


The purpose of cash and crypto is not to set banks free but to eliminate the need for banks by enabling direct person-to-person transactions.

Minor quibble, but you have significantly over-estimated the ability and willingness of the average “person.”

Computers were intended to be “bicycles for the mind” where everyone would own his own personal computer and keep track of his intellectual, business and life pursuits (cf Memex). We got IBM, and later Microsoft instead, where tech priests create this amazing capability that is voodoo to the customer abut may solve some of his/her needs.

Then the Internet was supposed to enable everyone to have his own plot of “cyberspace” (remember that?) where a person’s whole digital life was linked into a personal “homepage” hosted on a peer-to-peer network running on HTTP. Funny how we never got that, but got Fagbook instead.

Then the smartphone was supposed to set us free, but App Stores showed up.

The same thing will happen with crypto that happened with cashfiat money — people who “get” finance will base new financial institutions upon the foundation, and the rest will be customers. Today’s banks might have nothing in common with the usurers of old (in the gold era), but the basic principles of operation are the same, just that we call usury “lending” now.

jim says:

Centralization of crypto currency is unavoidable, because of inherent scaling law problems, but it is technologically feasible to have the secrets that matter in client wallets, as for example the wasabi wallet.

We don’t have to go the Facebook route.

Dave says:

If centralized third parties are needed to process transactions, governments will require them to collect ID for all users. Remember when hackers broke into Mt. Gox and stole all its customers’ passports?

Anyone who uses crypto is technically guilty of money laundering. Your only chance is to be anonymous and have a small enough footprint (i.e. no megawatt server farms) that the government doesn’t notice.

jim says:

If a big peer can easily disappear from one server, and reappear a thousand miles away, it may well be difficult for governments to require them to demand ID.

We have to bypass the domain name system.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The idea of ‘open market’ banks and or currencies attendant thereto certainly has existed in theory, specifically amongst libertarian circles.

I feel we are in vehement agreement though.

The Cominator says:

And this is a big point of disagreement on economics between Austrians and Neoreactionaries.

The neoreactionary position is that banking is never something the sovereign can disinterest himself enough to allow free market banking to exist.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

It is the way of power to coalesce; and in such times as we have been, where the most elegant and explicit expressions of power are cut down, the flow of power converges through proximal channels even more-so.

jim says:

More concrete speech would be appreciated.

I presume you mean that because our official state Church is officially unofficial, it is more intrusive, aggressive, and repressive, not less.

If that is what is meant, needs saying.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

In reference to the convergence of financial power specifically, per the preceding conversation. But it is also a general principle, that you see at work in many aspects of society, so spoken of in this manner. And spoken of in the past.

In an environment of ‘popular governance’, or demotism, prominent, obvious (elegant) embodiments of power become easy targets, schelling points to rally coalitions of fringes against. The nails that stick up get hammered down. Indeed, the use of such strategies being what creates such environments in the first place.

But in any case, if there are beings in this world, and there are things that they wish to make happen, then they must do them in certain ways.

Power is like a steam pipe under pressure; the demotist, declaring himself an enemy of all organized power (of civilization), immediately sets about to blocking off all the outlets he can find – the expressions of power he perceives *as* expressions of power. But things must get done; beings want to get things done; so power increasingly begins to flow through other outlets instead; through splintering cracks, leaks, and side-valves around the increasingly brittle edifice, such sorts of outlets the demotistically inclined do *not* so easily perceive or recognize as such.

Explicit power to occulted power, for occulted power is what is adapted for survival in the present environment. But this process is also not without consequences.

What is powerful will seek to do what it always and already sought to do, to seek what is valuable for it’s growth; but in the environment of demotism, naught is done except by pretext; through proxies, patches, back channels and hacks. The lie to accomplish one thing, precipitating side-effects, externalities, ‘unintended consequences’, in a hundred other things.

All power has a flavor; different forms of power more or less appropriate for different ends; more or less *given* to given ends. The attempted use of given powersources, towards ends they are not appropriate for, attempted use in absence of more appropriate forms of power, is what one might say the archetypical condition of modernity. When a conduit for a powersource is so ab-used, not only does what it is used on become distorted, but it itself becomes distorted, in it’s original use, as well.

jim says:

This an absolutely brilliant suggestion:

Plausible scenario: Election with disputed outcome, no electoral college, or two of them. Riots escalate, Trump issues the Insurrection Act Proclamation from the White House steps, blue state on red state civil war ensues, with the generals siding with the blue states, but the grunts defecting to the red states, then Trump freezes and demonetizes the Ivy League and the Blue states.

Pooch says:

What becomes of red team members trapped in blue states in that scenario?

jim says:

Red Team in blue states are either not on the state payroll, or if they are, will be federally deputized.

The Cominator says:

Behind blue lines Wojak owns the day but Pepe owns the night.

The Cominator says:


Just because 95% of the flaggers are pozzed doesn’t mean the entire officer corps is either, maybe some of the colonels who would never be promoted otherwise want to get promoted.

This is notice to the Cathedral that their control of the flag officers may be hollow.

info says:

Pandemics is the most efficient selective force out there. Especially the Bubonic Plague:

eternal anglo says:

On googling, seems that Kamala Harris quote was satire, although these days, it is impossible to tell the difference.

For a real Kamala Harris quote saying much the same thing, see this video: https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1299086889383649280

“Everyone beware, because they’re [the rioters] not going to stop… They’re not going to stop before election day in November and they’re not going to stop after election day. […] They’re not going to let up, and they should not. And we should not.”

Oscar_Cc says:

The riots are going to get Trump re-elected, that is for sure. Although I think he would win anyways. Biden is just not inspiring enough to rally the Dem’s base. Dems will lose again due to their weak candidate.

The coming civil war in America is like the much-predicted collapse of the dollar: I have been hearing about it for a long time now but I doubt it will materialize.

I am not there, have never been, so I am not the most authorized voice, but in my view for it to happen you would need a massive disrupting event, and millions of (white) people with nothing to lose, which is far from the current situation. Just remember the horrific conditions the Russians endured during the 1990s, and nothing happened. Greece was squeezed dry, and to this day the suicide rates are among the lowest in Europe (“based” Hungary ranks high, by the way).

I foresee a slow ‘Latinoamericanization’ of the US. A richer and nuclearized version of Brazil by the end of the century. Anarcho-tyranny in some places, riots from time to time… but nothing essentially changing.

I think you people in right-wing circles greatly underestimate the selfishness of the upper middle class and the aspirational middle class. They would see everything go to waste before losing an ounce of status.

Gedeon says:

To everyone in response to @Oscar_CC (note underscore)

Referencing Xenakis at Generational Dynamics, the reason we did not witness a genocidal collapse of the USSR was because the population that survived Stalin’s purge was still alive and did not have a desire for violence – not for foreigners or neighbors.

The 2025 estimate for peak violence is reasonable as that marks the absolute conclusion of the World Wars + 80 years (saeculum period).

If you go back one saeculum before 1945 you land on the conclusion of the American War of Secession. One saeculum before that you land on the American Revolution.

The saeculum itself is a slightly fuzzy cycle period, but it is historically reliable, as Xenakis has documented, because people forget violence is horrific and think it won’t touch them or end them, just the “other” they don’t like. Once violence has touched a culture, the micro acts of violence still manifest, but violence does not emerge at the cultural level for another saeculum.

The myth of mex-America is just that. I do not fault Mexicans for seeking a better life than their homeland offers them, but Mexico (and Spain) already lost that war and will lose again. If not for treasonous political top-cover, the great Mexican migration would not have been what it was. The Mexicans in the US have neither the numbers nor the organization to displace the militarized WASP culture and that culture was triggered by the aggressive provocations of the Barry administration.

Gedeon says:

I aill also add that using the term “latino” is a dead give-away that you are no Spaniard.

Oscar_Cc says:

Why? In Spanish we would say “Hispanoamérica”, which refers to the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas only, or “Iberoamérica”, which includes Brazil.

“América Latina” is also used, but if I recall correctly it was introduced by the French during the 19th century to reinforce their legitimacy to intervene in Mexico.

As far as I know, in English you say “Latin America” only.

Oscar_Cc says:

Interesting Gedeon. Certainly peace can not go on forever, Kant notwithstanding. If you are into that kind of cyclical calculations I suggest you check Spaniard Alexandre Deulofeu, which attempted something similar:


Regarding Mexicans, I don’t see things in strict ethnic terms. Obviously some Mexicans will not blend in, but many others will gradually integrate within the mainstream US culture. They are doing that already. Spanish language proficiency plummets in the newer generations from what I read. I am talking about this:


What I am trying to say is that Hispanics will probably become the new Italians or Irish, which in the past were regarded with suspicion. There are still some people in the dissident right like Brett Stevens of amerika.org which think the Irish or the Southern Europeans have always been a problem, but that ship has sailed.


That is white nationalism’s biggest problem, as E. M. Jones has pointed out, that it is contrived. Not absurd in this day and age, but you are basically coalescing around a US Census category.

So the Hispanics are not going to rise up, but I doubt those WASPs will, no matter how armed. The individualist ethos so deeply ingrained in mainstream conservatives is really what is killing you right now.

ten says:

People are people. Whatever is “ingrained” is only shallow and gives way for base nature whenever is needed.

We are war apes. Wherever there are enemies without protection, enemies die.

It is not “conservative individualism” stopping the enemies from dying, but state power.

Upper middle class self interest is clearly not driving events. They have nothing to gain from burning their cities. The bioleninist coalition of the worthless is mobilized by the heretic holiness spiral, mindlessly oriented towards destruction of the productive foundation of the west, because of the evil nature of holiness spirals.

They can not stop, we have to stop them (well, i’m sitting calmly at the fringe of the empire, just having to look forward to driving the muslims into the baltic), and eventually the brakes will finally be off, and there won’t be “conservative individualism”, but war apes.

James says:

“Upper middle class self interest is clearly not driving events. They have nothing to gain from burning their cities”

As an upper middle class person, I have nothing to gain from burning down my city, but my city isn’t being burned down. I live in the red state suburbs, with a blue state job.

And here’s what I see in my blue state controlled workplace:
Everybody in the big city office, apart from the legacy white female executive team, is an immigrant who doesn’t own their home and feels no attachment to America. Their neighborhood might be under threat, but they don’t own the building, and they aren’t invested in the country, except as a means of collecting a paycheck.

As for us white men working in the hinterlands, we just pretend we’re on board with their agenda, watch them burn down the homes of helpless white leftists, and marvel as the enemy coalition unravels. All while collecting fat paychecks.

Honestly, in many ways, we have a lot in common with these immigrants: They hate America generally, and want to see it burn, but also want to get paid. I hate Blue America specifically, am happy to see it burn, and also want to get paid. Blue America controls the dollar spigots, and I gather those dollars and redirect them to real goods.

If they come here, to my neighborhood, I’ll defend it, but until then, it suits me just fine to see them destroy themselves/each other.

jim says:

> The riots are going to get Trump re-elected, that is for sure

He who votes does not count. He who counts, counts for everything.

When they arrested Sheriff Joe, we began to enter the post legal era.

We are now in the post legal era.

After the restoration, we may need to recreate the judicial and prosecutorial apparatus from the ground up.

Oscar_Cc says:

What I read in the legacy media is that voter suppression and gerrymandering benefits the Republicans, but I guess you would disagree.

Just saw this on Twitter, you might like it.


someDude says:

You know that Jim takes a Dim view of all Twitter handles, right?

jim says:

Gerrymandering benefits the Republicans, but there is no voter suppression.

What the Democrats call voter suppression is feeble and ineffectual efforts to suppress massive voter fraud, which fraud has been escalating rapidly in each election.

When you vote in any country except the US, you need ID. In the US, no ID. In each election, the number of mystery votes arriving from nowhere knows where, has escalated.

In a close election, large numbers of mystery votes appear from no one knows where. The Democrats announce that they have “found” uncounted ballots.

When the Democrats talk about “voter suppression”, they mean voter ID. “Voter suppression” is efforts to identify who, if anyone, is voting.

And it is quite certainly the case that voter id massively benefits Republicans. A large and rapidly increasing proportion of Democratic voters are illegals, dead people, or people who do not exist and who never existed.

The reason that gerrymandering primarily benefits Republicans is that Democrats don’t bother with gerrymandering, when voter fraud is enormously more effective. The Democrats used to gerrymander. Now they don’t bother. They have not bothered for some considerable time. In each election, the scale of voter fraud has increased dramatically over the previous election.

Oscar_Cc says:

I see. Yes, it is pretty bizarre that you can vote without showing an ID. It would be impossible here.

On the other hand I also see resistance against a compulsory national ID like the one we have here.


Talking about this with my father he could not believe you still did not have it. It was introduced in Spain during the Franco era, by the way.

bet says:

When you vote in any country except the US, you need ID. In the US, no ID.

I never got this, perhaps because it seems so blatantly absurd.

Say I go voting and tell the person at the voting station that my name is Xiloryia Poopybutts3x, spelled with a 3. Do I get to cast a vote under that name?

Or can only registered Americans vote, meaning I need to do it either under my own name or under someone else’s? So one vote per American citizenship, just without the ID confirmation? So if I knew my neighbor wasn’t going to vote…

Dathruk Davilan says:

Here’s a first-hand account from 2012. It’s not quite ‘Xiloryia Poopybutts3x’ territory, but also not far.


jim says:

Obvious enemy shill.

They want us to go to war leaderless.

Dathruk Davilan says:

Civil wars do not happen just because people are squeezed financially. They happen because political factions start seeing each other as existential threats and acting accordingly. Economic collapse can contribute to this, but certainly isn’t necessary.

People also don’t need to have nothing to loose, rather they need to fear loosing everything.

I don’t know who you are referring to by the “upper middle class”. If it’s just an income range, then it is basically meaningless politically. There is a divide between people whose status comes primarily from wealth (think a successful contractor) and people whose status comes from the Cathedral (think a tenured college professor). Both could be described as “upper middle class”, but are on opposite sides politically and would be shooting at each other in a civil war. Desire for status über alles among the latter group is what’s pushing us towards war, because among them, status comes from being left of their competitors.

Pooch says:

How can Trump rescue the kid if it’s not a federal charge?

James says:

Bigger guns, shinier badges.

nils says:

If Eisenhower can tell free men who to send their children to school with, which free men must send their children to those schools or face punishment, the Trump can do whatever he can get away with, are you thinking there is no lawfare that the federal government can use against this DA? no violation of federal law that the DA has committed? Pretty sure the american judicial system has been engaged in false advertisement since forever, it certainly does not follow its own rules.

Gedeon says:

My primary criticism is that, in my estimation, your casualty estimate is low by several orders of magnitude.

Population of Rome (city) at time of Ceasar Augustus?
Population of US at start Civil War?
Population of USSR at start of Stalin’s reign?
Population of China at beginning of
Population of Cambodia at start of Khmer Rouge rise to power?

FWIW, MAGA does not have the political will to helo drop faculty senates from across the US into the Pacific. I do believe the will to execute beltway bureaucrats is there, but that is not going to change hearts and minds.

Fundamentally, the social policies since August 18, 1920 have alienated too many people from the nuclear family and the process of being utilitarian. No one slaughters their own meat or tills the earth for produce. No one chops knows where the lumber comes from for their furniture much less who felled the tree or who the carpenter was behind the end product. It has gotten to the point that children have been de facto alienated from their parents in terms of value indoctrination and general rearing.

At a minimum, I think the lower threshold estimate is around the losses from the Great Leap Forward and preceding hostilities, including famine losses. Call it 10%, but I believe that will be easily eclipsed due to the alienation from food slaughter and cultivation.

One way or another the education complex will no longer exist, but MAGA is still hoping to preserve the architecture no doubt for reeducation purposes.

Pooch says:

Relevant thread…


Next date to look out for violence would be the September 17th siege of the White House.

jim says:

Notice that statues stopped coming down after Trump issued an executive order making it a federal offense, which means that when someone tries to tear a statue down, the federal cops show up and apply the Trump/Barr rules of engagement (arrest people breaking the law, and if they resist arrest beat them up until they damn well stop resisting.)

It is arguably illegal and unconstitutional (though there are no end of Obama era precedents for it) but to my surprise, the courts are rolling over and playing dead on the issue – to my surprise they are not willing to manufacture a constitutional right to riot even though they have a pretty good constitutional argument – that states have a constitutional right to allow their pets and mascots to riot.

Gedeon says:

There is no legal ambiguity about Federal LEO prosecuting Federal property whether it is a monument or a court house. In fact, because Portland is located within 100 miles of a US “external boundary” the BORTAC crew can operate anywhere in Portland as well as many other urban areas within the US landmass.

Through my own conversations, comparing the rioters in Portland and their two month seige on the Federal Court House to the 1995 attack on the Murrah building short circuited most normie supporters. The second they are exposed as aligned with McVeigh they spin-out.

Allah says:

At what point does one just say this is American culture? It is said that people judge themselves by their intentions, and others by their actions.

I think America is too far gone, the really exciting stuff is going to happen in the rest of the world with Pax Americana ending. We will see much more bloody and brutal wars in the coming decades. I see leftism surviving in America as some sort of containment zone, but the rest of the world is going to be solidly nationalist, as it was before WW2.

Frederick Algernon says:

“midwit muslim declares America kaput”

Allah says:

Shaman never got to assassinate the sand nigger.

ten says:

And this we must mourn forevermore.

Icon says:

Meanwhile Jewboy Jim sits on his fat ass shilling for the Mossad.

jim says:

I still wait for you to tell us what Soros has been up to.

Seems that you are unable to mention any powerful evil Jews more recent than the Rothschilds (who lost power before World War II and were immediately thrown into the ditch by Churchill)

If you genuinely have Jews on the brain (other than the Soros minion watching your output) then name the Jew.

Starman says:


“Meanwhile Jewboy Jim sits on his fat ass shilling for the Mossad.”

Complete this sentence:

George ______ runs the Open Society Foundation.

jim says:

Icon might be able to say that, but he will not be able to say what the Open Society Foundation is doing.

He is also able to tell us all about a minor Jewish minion who wrote some open borders crap a century ago, but unable to tell us who had it put on the Statue of Liberty.

He is able to talk about the misdeeds of unimportant and dead Jews all day long, and would if I let him.

Yul Bornhold says:

“I do not expect high altitude bombing of cities and mass artillery barrages until 2024 or so, but escalation has been happening steadily, dramatic escalation just happened”

This intuition or you have a more concrete reason for this particular date?

Javier says:

Well shit, escalation already occurring. Commies in Portland have openly gunned down a Trump supporter. Shooter at large, mob cheered the murder. Mayor says Trump at fault for ‘causing hate,’ media demanding Trump disavow violence (???) in order to associate the murder with him and not their own side.

Smartphones and youtube means that the revolution will indeed be televised.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

‘My fellow Americans, i am here before you to disavow hate; the hate filled rioters who have murdered a good american.’

jim says:

And if would be good if while he was at it, he also disavowed the attempted murder of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Anonymous 2 says:

Tit for tat, is my guess. The left relies on always escalating.

someDude says:

It says here that you need to sign on your postal Ballot. This means that who you voted for can be known by the person who counts or processes your vote.


Have I made a reading comprehension mistake somewhere?

Mister Grumpus says:

Indeed. If those mail-in bubble-sheet ballots go through automatic scanners then I don’t understand how that doesn’t expose (blue state) Trump voters to getting their names added to shit lists. Or at least to feeling worried about that enough to change their collective behavior to some real degree.

Since I’m far from being a Machiavellian genius, but yet none of my Twitter people are even bringing this up, these two data points therefore imply that I’m simply a tin foil dumbass.

Voter fraud is easy: Just trash the mail-in ballots from certain neighborhoods. Easy.

But why no one is discussing, fretting over or even fake-newsing about the “shit list factor“ really puzzles me.

Jsds says:

Mail in ballot envelopes are signed on the outside and the signature is checked to see if it’s legit, if it is the ballot is removed from the envelop and put with the other ballots. There is no paper trail as to who anyone voted for once the ballot is taken out of the envelope. The only way would be if someone manually checks it off as they remove the ballot from the envelop. Which isn’t impossible but would take literally forever and there’s no infrastructure in place to do it automatically that I know of.

info says:
jim says:


We are going to win!

We have a leader. They don’t. They will go to war anyway, and will die.

Hail the Holy American Emperor, Trump the first of his name.

simplyconnected says:

We have a leader. They don’t. They will go to war anyway, and will die.

May God hear you.

Just want to post this
intriguing reply
by Trump, in case any of you have an idea what he may be referring to (I don’t):
Ingraham: “How do you think is pulling Biden’s strings?”
Trump: “People that you’ve never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows.”

Pooch says:

Also called BLM a Marxist group in the same interview. Trump was on a roll.

Pooch says:

My guess was he was referring to Soros.

simplyconnected says:

Soros seems too well known for Trump to say “people you’ve never heard of”. Unless Trump was simply being dramatic.

If it’s really people that Laura Ingraham has never heard of, people in the dark shadows, I hope he mentions them because he will say more about it later.

Atavistic Morality says:

Permanent bureaucrats no one ever really hears about but handle things behind the curtain, like some of those showcased in the shadowgate documentary.

Dave says:

Real power has been hiding behind curtains since the invention of the sniper rifle.

Gedeon says:

Soros acted fast to personally divest of his liquid assets when Trump was inaugurated. His scalp would be a symbolic score, but he is a manager of managers. Jack Welch type but instead of six sigma to corporate process engineering Soros is reflexivity to social engineering.

No one has taken a stab at why Trump would bother moving the US Embassy out of Tel Aviv. Setting aside the Code of Hammurabi, what other culture aside from the Jews codified law?

A major problem with the moldbug cathedral cum Harvard East India formulation of secret Irish supremacy is Hyde Park (U of C) and the LSE where Soros was groomed. The only reason the Harvard school of government was named after a dead President was to let the youngins know that if they can kill a beloved POTUS in the midst of his security detail they can kill anyone.

Let it be clear, I had hoped for Soros’s scalp in January 2017, but I also assumed they had the means to crash the markets and deny his inauguration.

MAGA has Trump sitting on the throne but it is much bigger than him or he would not be there. Similarly, the Open Society esperantists nominally have Soros as their figurehead, but it is much more than Soros.

Trump is choosing his words purposefully, so imagine the bogeypeople who are not signing the shill checks, but signing the checks of their masters.

jim says:

Soros is a minion.

Trump is not referring to Soros, but to a bunch of new young radicals.

simplyconnected says:

Trump is not referring to Soros, but to a bunch of new young radicals.

You’re right. Trump says so in the interview right after that clip.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think Biden is strictly speaking being handled by the young radicals, the people we’ve never heard of are probably the (it ties into Harvard most of these spooks are Ivy League) theoretically retired “private” consultant/think tank/contractor spooks referenced in the Shadowgate documentary.

It seems the Atlantic Council may have some of the real leadership.

The young radicals are the demons they have called up, but don’t have too much control over (other than their funding) because of the nature of radicals and leftist purity spirals.

The Cominator says:

Jim would REALLY like your opinion on this.

James says:

They really should have finished their pentagram of salt before the summoning ceremony.

Karl says:

I checked the link posted by info. What is there that indicated that we are going to win?

Pooch says:

He did a great job of not punching right.

Mister Grumpus says:

We are going to win!
We have a leader. They don’t. They will go to war anyway, and will die.”

You say this because Trump didn’t punch right onto young Mr. Rittenhouse? Is that the key thing you noticed?

Pooch says:

Also the Trump truckers in Portland macing and paint balling Antifa.

Pooch says:


Pictures of Trump looking over the rubble in Kenosha. Reminds me of Churchill looking over bombed out London. Jim is right, Trump is becoming a leader.

info says:

What I don’t get is why they are using the pedobear symbol for themselves and us as the pepe frogs.

jim says:

I don’t think they are, but we are trying to meme them into doing it.

info says:

Awesome. Now California is passing the pro-sodomite bill too:


info says:

Really don’t know if this is parody or not:


Why did they use this image to identify themselves?

jim says:

It is parody – this is an operation by our guys.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

On one hand i am kinda sad to see it, since pedobear is classic anon meme heritage; use in this form almost feels like debasement.

But on the other hand, antics like this are totally in the spirit of those times, and like the pro-wrestling business, knowing how to play heel to the crowd is also essential for the game. Im sure he and his good friends, grinman and happynegro, are looking down with understanding.

All in all, this reminds me of the dark tower (newfags wont get this).

BC says:

California Dems just banned the republican party for engaging in debate in the assembly:


Republican form of goverment is dead in the US. The only paths forward is the Holy American Empire or the People’s Republic of North America.

Dave says:

Reliable sources tell me that ZeroHedge is wrong, the dollar is not going to collapse into a pile of worthless paper, so the Republic will be fine. Every time a new problem arises, our beloved Republic will print another trillion dollars, pass it around, and everything will be fine. My dad’s very happy with the value of his stock portfolio!

Gedeon says:

ZeroHedge has preached the dollar collapse since its inception in March 2009. I was there in the blogger days before the domain.

What people have fail to grasp is that central banks have two basic options when it comes to doing business with the USA.

1) Buy made in USA Goods and Services – Economic boost to US
2) Buy US financial assets – Boost to US asset prices and marries investor to positive US outcomes.

The raison d’etre of every dollar or dollar credit is consumption of Made in USA. You really can’t buy much with dollars in any first world country because they have their own currency they need to support.

In the case of US Treasury debt of all maturities, the end of every debt is a tax. It seems entirely reasonable to me that a hyper wealthy individual, a multinational corporation or a sovereign wealth fund would be willing to pay the US Treasury to protect their purchasing power (wealth) in times of uncertainty. This payment would take the form of a negative interest rate.

In order for Soros to collapse the value of the US dollar, unlike the Sterling Pound or Baht, he would need to create a new currency with a more reliable tax collection machine than the IRS, a military at near parity to the US military, a codified chancery law and court to adjudicate such disputes, and a diversified economy to ensure that the sovereign can withstand anything thrown against it in economic terms.

Keep this in mind as we see a pop in treasury yields over the next couple of months and the hysteria is ramped up again. The US dollar is the most reflexive asset out there and it won’t go away until it has destroyed almost every other currency out there.

jim says:

Zerohedge is wrong.

The dollar is in better shape than it has been since president Kennedy, because the underlying creation of wealth by the US economy has restarted, because the US government is militarily stronger, and because its military capability is no longer overstretched by the distant and unprofitable provinces of empire. Trump has abandoned the distant provinces, which are quietly sliding into Chinese hegemony. Downsizing the US empire, abandoning its unprofitable provinces, and raising the squeeze on its profitable provinces, is the best thing that has happened to the US dollar in a long time.

The Cominator says:

Re in regards to the elusive “faith” the American right (and in victory the American nation needs)… I think the American Orthodox church should have lots of St. Kyle Iconography.


The Cominator says:

I am in moderation apparently???

jim says:

Misbehaving spam filter.

I switched spam filters for security reasons. My last spam filter was spying on me. The new one is doing stuff I do not understand.

Pooch says:


This thread seems to suggest, based on a reading of the Dems war games documents, that they are going to blame all violence around the election on right wing infiltrators into left wing protests. We are already seeing them reverse course off of “peaceful protests” into “this is Trump’s America”. They seem to be setting the stage for a legit false flag operation.

Atavistic Morality says:

Media doesn’t dare conducting polls, last year at this point there were several of them, so I doubt they are going to try to “win” the election. Normies are zombified but they aren’t that stupid, I’m not in America so I wouldn’t know 100% but all I see online… even many raging leftists aren’t buying it.

If they try something it’s going to be blatantly criminal, far worse than rigging votes, they’ve lost control of their own golem and now all they have left is going all in.

Pooch says:

Yes I am starting to fear something even larger than the Ukraine sniper shootings.

jim says:

Trump is wise to this – in the Lafayette conflict, his highest priority was countersnipers.

The massacre is going to have to happen in a blue state that is refusing to accept Trump assistance in maintaining order, making it less believable.

The massacre will happen close to the election, so that there will be little time to expose it as the Democrats slaughtering their own people, but we will need to get the counter memes ready.

Karl says:

The longer the riots with arson, looting and killings are going on, the more people will cheer when rioters are massacered.

This is no longer a situation like Lafayette or Maidan. Massacering protesters that are perceived as peaceful, is different from massacering rioters enagaged in burning, looting and murdering.

In war, the highest priority is no longer to prevent massacers. It is to prevent people on your side from being massacered. I expect that in October most Trump supporters will have realized that there is a war going on-a war that can still heat up, but a war that is hot enough to get a few people killed every weak.

If a massacer hapens in late October, I expect people to treat it like their grandparents treated news of allied bombing of Hamburg or Dresden. Noone will change sides because of it.

The Cominator says:

Yes the best thing that could happen is not a few prosecutions its for normies to get to the point where they cheer Trump ordering the rioters to all be summarily shot without trial.

That will establish the precedent that Trump has the power of life and death… and that will make him king for real.

Gedeon says:

“Propaganda of the deed”

The Portland hit was organized and the following thread is the best analysis, but missed the person who collected the brass for some reason.


The capturing of the event tells us this hit was propaganda of the deed. Their target tells us that Patriot Prayer is an honest broker, but I would caution against any of the early position groups and especially any that emerged during the Barry administration.

The brick attack on the man walking in a neighborhood is another example of a planned attack for propaganda of the deed.

The left is committed to violence and believes they can intimidate main street USA into compliance. Expect violence and be ready and able to engage it as best as you can should it come to you.

Mister Grumpus says:

“The Portland hit was organized and the following thread is the best analysis, but missed the person who collected the brass for some reason.”

Seriously? The video shows someone grabbing up the two brass casings from the ammunition?

Mister Grumpus says:

Well well. Yes I see the skateboard guy picking up something off the street.

If I ever witness a murder, I can’t imagine that my first instinct would be to look for bullet casings and walk off with them before the cops get there.

Gedeon says:

You can easily recognize the illumination from his flashlight that he uses to locate brass. The fact that the perpetrator was ID’d so quickly to an internet forum but has not been apprehended by Federal LEO supports that the perpetrator was exfiled in a coordinated plan.

When the internationalists had absolute control over the five eyes intelligence machine, they would have non-public information but could tip friendly journalists by pointing them to open source information to make matches to predicate formal investigations. Since MAGA does not have absolute control over Federal LEO or the media, they launder intelligence to the private sector through the chans to put pressure on formal LEO. Think about what happened with the Weiner laptop and how that forced Comey to reopen the investigation at an inopportune time.

Snowden was a direct attack on the NSA by the interationalist technocracy because they had achieved sufficient capability to displace the NSA edifice which still required FISA Court oversight and exposure to FOIA. NSA is under DOD.

The Portland shooter will eventually be caught, but he will likely be a ghost for a long time. The inability to arrest him provides an opportunity to call Federal LEO corrupt when we know Barr is doing yeoman’s work.

Atavistic Morality says:

*last election

Pooch says:

They are conducting polls and they are showing the race tightening so they dare not speak of them.

Not Tom says:

Faceberg is now promising to censor any *cough* premature declarations of victory.

They really aren’t even trying to hide their plan. Arizona 2018 was the dry run and they are now going to do it on a national scale using the Coof of Death as an excuse. Demand that red states wait for weeks after the inevitable election-day Trump landslide so that they can count up those all-important mail-in ballots, don’t let anyone concede, claim it’s not over yet even when 99% of precincts have reported, insist that it may take weeks or even months because of all the terrible things Trump has done to the postal service, then find that to everyone’s astonishment, voting blocs that have voted straight Republican ticket in every election since Reagan all went 98% blue through their untraceable mail-in votes.

They’ve been manufacturing both the machinery and the narrative around it for months. For his sake, I hope that Trump’s takeover and/or infiltration of the postal service is going well, because those guys are deep-blue and that is where they’ll make their first move. If the vote fraud isn’t stopped, or the narrative designed to delegitimize the election results is not thoroughly destroyed, then we will have civil war no matter who wins on paper. Mass rioting will of course be the last resort and the provocateurs will all need to be rolled up.

Frederick Algernon says:

I think Razor is a pretty in top of it guy. His analysis seems coherent and well researched and, like Styx, he seems to have a demonstrably good command of what lies just ahead.

…so why is he so adamant that there is little to no chance of civil war? Un-bloodied couch commandos like TC and BC hate cops because they are dorks or potheads. Anyone who has an actual adult understanding of Blue Team knows that they are over utilized and underappreciated. I think the DNC got away with what they did in AZ because McSally got a quid pro quo Senate appointment. What is the equivalent on the national level? The RNC may be cucked, but are they really the standard bearer for Red Empire anymore?

The Cominator says:

Don’t snipe at me and I hate pot. My disdain for the cops echoes that of Aidan Maclear but I’m not reflexively hostile under the circumstances given that the left has pissed them off so much.

Frederick Algernon says:

You virtue signal cop disdain as a predicate to any statement of neutrality or minor positivity towards law enforcement. That seems like sour grapes to me. Regardless, if any social castes are going to bring about Restoration, it is going to be law enforcement and military vets. Best get your priestly ass used to their many and pronounced foibles.

Pooch says:

Many cops are vets.

The Cominator says:

Because it used to be the St. Kyles of the world who enforced public order at zero or almost zero cost to the taxpayer and the left would have little power regardless of what happened in Washington if that was the case.

They’d still have the organs of propaganda academia and the media but thats it. Cops are traditionally the Cathedral’s mindless enforcers. Its only because they stupidly alienated them recently with all this that they are going to not help them. And even now their form of not helping is basically going to take the form of not explicit help but them being really really lazy if leftists start just getting murdered.

Do I ever express disdain for soldiers? Its not priestly or pothead based.

Pooch says:

The root of the problem with police seems to be the Soros DAs who bring charges against rightists defending themselves and drop charges against rioters. Barr is starting to circumvent this by bringing federal charges on Antifa and rioters with complete cooperation by the local PDs. It’s not the police, but who controls the police. Hitler correctly identified centralizing authority over them was the correct solution.

jim says:

Nah, span of control. The sovereign who tries to control everything controls nothing.

The solution is to close the courts.

The solution is that implemented by William the Conqueror and his younger son Henry the first.

The Cominator says:

Temporarily yes, long term a restored state would also restore the traditional way law and order is maintained (especially outside cities) in the Anglo-Saxon world. By every honest man in good standing and not by taxpayer funded government officials.

info says:


jim says:

The relevance of this comment is unclear.

If it is a reference to “Throne, Altar, and Freehold”, you need to engage with what other people are saying.

A conversation needs response.

The Cominator says:

Centralizing police authority is a temporary emergency transitional measure, the long term solution is to devolve ordinary policing authority to honest men of the empire under local gentlemen sheriffs.

There would probably be special police (inquisition secret police) to investigate subversives who have possibly infiltrated state and quasi state jobs people trying to overthrow the monarchy counterespionage things like that. But for ordinary law outside cities no police. Honest male patriarchs under gentlemen sheriffs would have that duty unless an area got particularly bad.

jim says:

The sovereign needs to have centralized police authority over crimes committed in the pursuit of state power – as for example when people of certain faith riot to shutdown heretical views, discover witches, or just to seize power from the legitimate authorities.

If however, he winds up in charge of dealing with someone who gets into a drunken fight behind the pub, someone who shoplifts from Walmart, he will lose power to his overly mighty servants.

In the case of crimes between millets, the millet should take care of its own bad guys, and if it does not, the sovereign should deal with the defective leadership of the millet, not himself deal with the bad guys.

Constantinople Not Istanbul says:

Long time reader, first time poster, definitely willing to answer the shill/fbi test questions (actually looking forward to them) from jim or another trusted poster (i.e. not Carlylean Restorationist).

However I wanted to make sure though I set up a good online security protocol first. IT is not my strong suit.

I signed up for protonmail, am using their free vpn and am browsing the site using Brave Tor browser. In the trusted community opinion, will this keep me anonymous from 99.9% of the cathedral? Obviously, if the NSA wants to find they are going to find me, but would the steps I listed above keep me safe from a digital doxxing? If I pull a Neff, that’s on me, but would appreciate smarter folks here IT expertise on my question. After that fire away on the shill questions.

ten says:

Is there some way to string search blog.reaction.la including the comments section? googles site: adress string seems unreliable, is it?

I recently had a T-test, 550 ng/dL, age low 30s, and remembered reading in the comments that the official “normal range” has been lowered, but cannot find this comment.

On the same note i looked for some quote that i didn’t quite remember in the form of “5 thieves is a _, 15 thieves is a raiding party, 35 thieves is an army” and i wanted to find it’s source.

ten says:

^was intended to be a separate off topic post, not a reply to CNI.

CNI, you trying to map out defensive measures to find cracks, huh, shill? &#x1F643

Constantinople Not Istanbu says:

I knew I would be hazed, but this peak paranoia

CNI: Hi, I am new to posting here, I would like to comment/ask questions, I know there is a shill/fbi test I need to pass first. I am willing to take this test just want some reassurance that once I post thoughtcrimes on the internet it will be difficult to track me down.

ten: Only a shill would say that

CNI: What if I refuse to take the test?

ten: 100% a shill then

ten: *air high five* smoked out another shill!

Why would the Open Society wu mao dang care about hiding themselves? There has been discussion about altering shills’ posts that could make them look bad to their employers, which Jim ruled out, I assume said employer would need a method to track them if they are paying them per post, unless they are like TinyDuck who posts for love of the game. (ten, I’ll even name the name who fund them)

jim says:

Shill detection relies on the fact that a shill cannot say anything that would disturb the Human Resources department of the organization paying him to shill, while his boss has given him a script to follow, a script that depicts him as a member of the dissident right.

Thus he has to dissent without dissenting, so his purported position is internally inconsistent.

So, we engage him on matters where his purported position would necessarily involve thought crimes or speaking ill of his employer.

A purported anti semite is strangely unable to speak ill of Soros. Someone who supposedly believes 911 to be an inside job unable to speak ill of the FBI. They supposedly hate immigrants, but are unable to notice bad behavior of women or immigrants, or even acknowledge us noticing.

ten says:

My character salad in the end was supposed to be 😜, indicating it was a joke (don’t know if this is the right way to do it either, test 2! I don’t know html)

You got to start sounding like a shill to trigger shill tests, i tried to come up with some way in which you sounded like a shill to accomodate your wish.


Ex says:

Laws of King Ine of Wessex, probably as referenced by Moldbug.

> We use the term “thieves” if the number of men does not exceed seven, and “brigands” for a number between seven and thirty-five. Anything beyond this is an “army.”

Other sources translate ‘bandits’ in place of ‘brigands’, which I think is because of the associated collective noun _band_ that might be the raiding party you had in mine.

jim says:

Yes, pretty soon farmers will be facing brigands, and in a couple of years, armies.

Unless, of course, Trump takes the drastic steps needed to halt the left singularity. It has to become at least as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right.

The group that attacked Kenosha and attempted to murder Kyle was an army.

Starman says:

Antifa is not a real army. Criminals are easily destroyed by armed farmers and taxpayers. Antifa convoys will be easily destroyed by ambushes by armed American farmers. The actual army in Kenosha was its Democrat mayor and the Kenosha police force, who were ordered to protect Antifa (none of these riots are happening in GOP controlled cities). Eventually some of the regular troops will be sent by Democrats to ravage the countryside, but I suspect this will be a tackier replay of Marius vs Sulla… where the Real Roman soldiers under the Marians defect to Sulla.

Gedeon says:


I have experience with the depth of the intel apparatus and can shed some perspective on the matter.

A VPN more or less is a fence against civil litigants, but it should NOT be regarded as any kind of barrier to the internationalists or sovereign intelligence operations.

At best, a VPN should be viewed as a single layer of private sector obfuscation and at worst an actual honeypot. While I am sensitive to the massive threat presented by civil litigation, I otherwise advise caution because all engagement with a network is traceable today. Until about 15 years ago, the data storage and processing limitations constrained mass surveillance to sovereign organizations backed by tax receipts. Post-2005, the cost of data storage and processing dropped below a threshold to enable large corporations to enter the game of mass surveillance. Today, the threshold to store and process massive data sets is measured in seven figures or less with a competent computer science and access to data.

It is a trivial matter to run a linguistic analysis of someone’s writing and attain a high statistical probability of match with known writings. With all of the electronic correspondence today, you can bet the volume of text companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook have on everyone is significant to run such an analysis.

In my estimation, the US military, under any leader, can only do 20% of the work required to restore the country to a healthy culture. On balance, the 20% will be protecting critical infrastructure and federal property and more significantly providing protection to the private sector cleaning their communities. MAGA’s most critical task truly is purging the corrupt bureaucracy, judiciary and law enforcement.

People need to learn to be good neighbors again. The US military cannot teach and regulate neighborly relations like we all must.

Pooch says:

As long as Antifa resembles an angry mob instead of a real army, there will be police present to protect them.

My guess is that the removal of police protection can only necessarily occur when Antifa resembles a leftist army with every member armed.

Pooch says:

They might look something like a Mogadishu horde of 100 armed skinnies. Individually, farmers will have good odds but 10 farmers vs 100 armed skinnies (armed with equipment likely by Democrats) will be a problem.

Starman says:


Niggers are even easier to kill, but I don’t think the armed farmers will be that lucky,

Pooch says:


Karl says:

Problem is you rarely have those 10 farmers together. Look at South Africa where farmers are murdered one family a time.

If there are 10 armed farmers together, the attack will be postponed until they have gone back home.

Now if your 10 farmers band together and attack 100 armed skinnies somewhere in skinny territory they might have a chance, but it will be very difficult to make those farmers leave their families alone on the farms and attack the enemy.

Nils says:

@karl it seems like SA farmers problem is not killing Zulu, they were plenty good at that in the past, seems to me like their problem is the USMC not allowing them to kill Zulu, and I don’t think that is going to be a deterent much longer. The Boer could purge their country in a year, but that would be the wrong kind of genocide which the evil empire does not tolerate, it only tolerates insidious and hypocritical genocides, they certainly wanted to go into Burma when the rhoingya were being effectively and swiftly dissappeared, unfortunately SA is not outside the reach of the empire yet.

Ex says:


> Antifa is not a real army.

By the King Ine standard, Antifa is the *most* real army here – over thirty-five of them assembled, and willing to kill aggressively. Antifa is several armies, even.

What army of American farmers and taxpayers are you imagining an ambush with? American farmers are very numerous in the census, but I don’t see thirty-five of them getting together to kill, or even seven.

Starman says:


None of these Antifa riots are happening in GOP controlled towns. None.

Antifa are completely dependent on Democrats ordering the police (the actual army) in a Democrat city to protect them.

Your post reveals that you are an urbanite in a blue city. You’ve never been in a real American town with a GOP mayor and DAs.

The Cominator says:

They’ll also now only be protected by police in broad daylight and full view now. I think its clear if they are murdered the left has so massively pissed off the cops (and one of the few things I agree with the left on is I don’t much like the cops either) that likely they are going to do their investigations of dead leftists at donut shops.

Pooch says:

The Rittenhouse treatment will most likely be the norm. The riot cops won’t immediately arrest rightists defending themselves, but will come back later once news reaches high enough up the chain to the leftist prosecutor.

The Cominator says:

Rittenhouse turned himself in. If it goes Argentina dirty war imagine that certain people will kill leftists and not turn themselves in and the evidence that is collected will be mysteriously lost that is when the cops doing anything but going to the donut shop.

Also I don’t buy that this antifa shooter pulled a gun it sounds like they just whacked him to me, making up a cover story to justify why instead of putting him before a shitlib judge who would release him. Trump and Barr have a death squad now at least as far as violent lefties are concerned. I don’t think hes at the point where he can use them on John Brennan, Chuck Schumer or Jeff Zucker though.

Pooch says:

Rittenhouse tried to turn himself in to the Kenosha riot cops and they told him to keep moving. His hometown Illinois PD then showed up to his house in the middle night and arrested him.

And yeah I was thinking that too. It’s possible they just lit him up and made up a story after the fact.

Ex says:


No, your post reveals that you’re a boomer grown fat and complacent on tales of the “silent majority” that will rise up when the time is right. Meanwhile the left imported their own majority, and now Ilhan Omar the Somali Savage gets elected in formerly 95% white Minnesota.

As for GOP controlled towns? If only white men could vote, everywhere would be a GOP controlled town. But now, ethots and joggers can vote, so control passes to Democrats, and Democrats let Antifa riot. It’ll happen to your “real American towns” in time, unless they form an army, or Trump forms them into one.

jim says:

> Meanwhile the left imported their own majority,

Democracy has passed its use by date. The first shots of the civil war were fired when Kyle fought back.

The Democrats have lost interest who votes, and are now focused on who counts the vote.

Starman says:


“As for GOP controlled towns? If only white men could vote, everywhere would be a GOP controlled town. But now, ethots and joggers can vote, so control passes to Democrats, and Democrats let Antifa riot.”

Just as I thought. Not only are you an urbanite in a blue democrat city. It is obvious that you have never left that bubble. That you are unaware of the world outside your democrat enclave.

Suspiciously unaware. In fact, I remember a poster using the handle “Ex,” and I think that poster refused to answer a RedPill on women question. The other posters here who lived in urbanite democrat enclaves at least are aware of places outside of their enclaves and even visited those places.

Ex says:


Your boldly lying about my life history is a clever tactic for trying to get me to doxx myself, but I shall limit myself to nonspecifically saying: no, you are wrong, I have very much lived outside blue democrat enclaves. In particular, I have lived in Africa.

Not Tom says:

I think it’s informative to look at this:


Linking to Steve here so that the report itself is put in proper context. The important thing is the map. Look at where all of the happenings are happening.

Even in permablue California and in Oregon, home of Portland, there’s almost nothing happening outside the urban areas. California violence is a strip on the west side from Oakland down to LA, and for Oregon it’s almost entirely concentrated in the Portland area.

It’s hard for me to imagine a better source than one produced by leftists themselves in defense of their own tactics. This map clearly illustrates which areas are either under leftist administrative control, too cucked to fight back, or too remote to be important. The white areas are very likely to be safe for a pretty long time.

Of course it’s true that the countryside hasn’t always been safe in many European wars, but the sheer massive size of the US is a factor. Blue may very well try to attack and loot the rural areas, but which ones? There are so many, spread across such great distances. I expect the areas within busing distance of the urban hives to fare poorly, even in red states, like if you live on the outskirts of Nashville or something. But if you’re smack in the middle of South Dakota? Not exactly on the front lines.

The Cominator says:

“Of course it’s true that the countryside hasn’t always been safe in many European wars, but the sheer massive size of the US is a factor. Blue may very well try to attack and loot the rural areas, but which ones? There are so many, spread across such great distances. I expect the areas within busing distance of the urban hives to fare poorly, even in red states, like if you live on the outskirts of Nashville or something. But if you’re smack in the middle of South Dakota? Not exactly on the front lines.”

Civil war is coming no matter what but it will have a radically different character depending on who the normie military man considers the lawful president.

If Trump wins (most likely) Argentine dirty war. Thousands of assassinations and reprisal hits for years and sporadic urban chimping. Hopefull eventually being ended by Trump extrajudicially shooting nearly the entire leadership of the Democratic party and much of the deep state shadowgate types to enthusiastic applause from the population.

If Biden is theoretically declared the winner much more like a real civil war. Under the banner of St. Kyle and with normie republicans realizing the left is going to murder him the right’s traditional passivism is mostly gone and large portions of military combat arms will defect. Red states likely to declare themselves in open rebellion, the key to victory here is mining the harbors of the big cities early IMHO.

BC says:

Linking to Steve here so that the report itself is put in proper context. The important thing is the map. Look at where all of the happenings are happening.

That data isn’t accurate. I know of at least 2 riots that barley made the local papers and didn’t make the national news that don’t appear on that map.

The media is largely suppressing news about it and censoring social media.

polifugue says:

@Ex + Starman

While it may be true that as of right now Antifa only riots in Democrat-controlled cities, if Trump loses power it will not matter what will happen in flyover country.

Antifa is not a band of low-class thugs, it is a group of angry low-testosterone upper-middle class elites. Think Pyotr Verkhovensky or Nikolai Stavrogin from “Demons.” The idea that Antifa will directly fight people from flyover country fails to grasp the psychology of the upper class Leftist. The upper class Leftist will never play fair, he will never play by the rules, and does not know honor.

If the Left defeats and kills Trump and his family, Leftist will drone every single “racist” 24/7 with night-vision drones like a turkey shoot. If the “oppressed minorities” sent in to peacefully kill the rest and are violently resisted, they will be nuked into oblivion.


In other words, “the thicker the hay, the easier mowed.” Without Trump and his praetorians, flyover country is all but a butchery. If Trump loses, all of his effective base will be methodically slaughtered until the drones fail, the nukes fail, and all the cannon fodder non-whites are dead. Only when every “racist” is dead or subdued, when every “church” has tranny story hour, will Leftists start killing each other.

I come from an upper-middle class background and went to a top university, and I know these people well. I would fit in an Antifa rally perfectly.

The Cominator says:

Poli that is perhaps what they intend but it won’t work. They won’t win a drone war either, they won’t command universal military loyalty and if they order the military to nuke their own country they will get an immediate mutiny of almost the entire military including people who ideologically are mostly on their side. Nuking their own country is not a realistic option.

Our side would never nuke NYC or LA (DC I could see it happening) either even if we intended to execute 60% of the population if we took the city.

The Cominator says:

“In other words, “the thicker the hay, the easier mowed.” Without Trump and his praetorians, flyover country is all but a butchery. If Trump loses, all of his effective base will be methodically slaughtered until the drones fail, the nukes fail, and all the cannon fodder non-whites are dead. Only when every “racist” is dead or subdued, when every “church” has tranny story hour, will Leftists start killing each other.”

Also you are wrong here. Leftists killing each other will be easy. Droning every redneck is going to be hard (and the rednecks will drone them back if you think everyone in flyover country is a stupid retard you’ve spent too much time among leftists) and leaves nothing to be looted. Nukes are not something they will ever be able to use on their own country. Only the most extreme fanatics of the fanatics of the leftist (Che Gueverra) regards nuclear war with anything but horror. Remember that during the Cuban Missle Crisis Che the most extreme fanatic wanted to use them to 1st strike, Castro and Khruschev of course regarded this suggestion with horror. Getting the missle command or submarine officers to obey such an order… fucking forget it.

Leftist will start killing each other when they’ve sufficiently burned down enough of their own neighborhoods that they are the only ones left with stuff worth stealing… also the blacks will start killing them when the food runs out and this will precipiate a whole divide between white leftists as to whether letting the blacks kill white leftists is wholely or whether its okay for to kill negroes as counterrevolutionary wreckers or something.

Not Tom says:

That data isn’t accurate. I know of at least 2 riots that barley made the local papers and didn’t make the national news that don’t appear on that map.

Meh, I’m sure it’s not perfect, because no data set ever is, but even what’s presented is a massive statement against interest, and statements against interest are a high standard for evidence. I can believe the overall story that the data is unintentionally telling (as opposed to the fake “mostly peaceful” narrative that they explicitly try to craft based on that data) which is that this “civil war” is almost entirely left-on-left.

Yes, they all hate the stupid rednecks and evil white supremacists, but they’re actually killing each other, as well as any right-wingers who are brave or stupid enough to bumble into their zone of control without appropriate camouflage. Because when you get right down to it, commies and naggers just want other people’s stuff, and in America the progressive elites have a whole lot of stuff, way more than flyover country and much easier to confiscate.

Even if they send drones and nukes to flyover country, it’s called “FLYover” for a reason. The area is goddamn huge. They’re not going to nuke the entire midwest and Appalachian regions.

The Cominator says:

“Even if they send drones and nukes to flyover country”

They won’t nuke anywhere in flyover country and if lets say Harris gave the order to nuke some small town it would not be obeyed the officers would resign blab about the order and the military would mutiny en masse and that truly would be the end of the left…

For all but the most fanatical of fanatical progressives nuking their own country (which will not only destroy the dumb rednecks but the whole biosphere for 100s of miles around and it gets worse if they nuke multiple place) is a bridge too far.

jim says:

> if they nuke multiple place) is a bridge too far.

War is one bridge too far after another that gets crossed.

The logic of the holiness spiral leads to war, internal, external, or both.

The logic of War is one unthinkable and unimaginable measure after another being thought, imagined, and done.

If this goes all the way, the winner is going to be the side that is able to make nukes work.

The Cominator says:

If they had managed to replace the people needed to carry out emergency war orders (in either missle air or submarine command) entirely with women or something I would agree with you but I don’t think they have and they aren’t going to be able to in time for President Harris…

Our officer corps may be pozzed but would they obey an order to use hydrogen bombs and ICBMs and turn the US their own country into a radioactive deadzone, I say not just no but fuck no. The pozzed officer corps is not so crazy as say a woman’s studies department at a West Coast school that wants to be more Harvard than Harvard.

I could see them going so far as to spraying towns from the air with poison gas (though its a big mistake if they do) and things like that but no ICBMs.

The Cominator says:

And nuke launches (emergency war orders) are a complicated procedure that require multiple people all of who know what they are doing to carry out. They can’t just get one fanatical moron to press a button.

One guy in the chain responds to the order by flushing the keys or burning the codebook and they’d be fucked.

jim says:

The army high command and most of the US navy officer core is composed of people who nod approvingly when they hear chants of “Death to America”

They are people who just want as many Americans to die as possible. They want us to die. They want us killed. They are itching for the order to nuke flyover country.

The army corp rank and file are solidly patriotic.

The NSA used to be composed of mighty good people, but it has been a very long time since I knew what was happening inside the NSA. Obama’s order to share data on his political opponents around his people suggests that they were not already sharing such data, so probably still have at least some good people.

Air force, complicated, but it is turning into the navy.

As for nukes, hiring for nukes has long been politicized. I don’t know how far it has gone, but fortunately hiring people for political reliability tends to hire people incapable of operating nukes.

The people in nuclear subs are solidly patriotic, but an effort is under way to correct this problem, to ensure that the men in the nukes would obey orders to nuke flyover country – which at present they surely would not. If the civil war goes nuclear time soon, we will have the subs – but I am not at all sure that their nukes still work. We are unlikely to have a whole lot of the airforce. The Navy is going to be against us, but a civil war is a land war.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The US will not nuke flyover country, because it would not be very effective, the US does not have that many nukes, and it needs them for other things.

A civil war fought with the military would be fought almost entirely with special forces, something which should be encouraging.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just noticing that the whole “nuclear disarmament” movement just dried the hell up over just one week in 1993 is conspicuous as all hell.

It went from “quick, surrender before we… I mean the ‘other side’… loses” to “hold on a minute we might need those.”

Dave says:

It’s like the old Protest Warriors slogan back when W was President, “Say no to war…unless there’s a Democrat in the White House!”

Except that with Trump being anti-war, the Dems now have to be pro-war.

polifugue says:

The objective of my post was to illustrate Leftists as evil, murderous and insane to which they will find ways to kill people in flyover country that circumvents widespread gun ownership. Whether or not Leftists use nukes or drones to accomplish this is beside the point; killing rednecks can be done using many different or combined methods, nukes are just one such option. If we look at the Vendée, the Russian Revolution and the Yugoslav War, peasants are largely unable to stop coordinated armies from massacring them. The only thing preventing Leftists from killing everyone is the rank and file in the US military, and if Trump gets deposed it will only be a matter of time. Cuthulu always swims Left, and so will the rank and file if Leftism is not halted.

BC says:

Just noticing that the whole “nuclear disarmament” movement just dried the hell up over just one week in 1993 is conspicuous as all hell.

It didn’t go away it won. The US stopped making weapons and we’ve effectively disarmed ourselves.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The special forces matter, and the air force matters.

A civil war in which the right has the special forces and the left has the air force will be very messy.

Since the bases must be on land, the special forces are likely to win, unless the air force has a top notch intelligent game.

Frederick Algernon says:

Stating that the Navy officer corps is completely pozz’d is on its face a lie. Eddie Gallagher is a naval officer. All SEAL officers are naval officers. All Marine Corps officers are naval officers. How can you claim SF is evil and our side in the same comment? In addition, the Army is traditionally Democrat. The top brass is fucked, I’ll grant that. But otherwise, this is an interesting case of One Lie…

jim says:

The marines and the seals are fine. It is the sailors that are a problem.

But in a civil war, we can simply ignore them, since it will be a land war.

The Cominator says:

Gallagher is a chief that is an NCO rank. But itd be interesting if the marines could seize some of the ships.

Yul Bornhold says:

I can’t predict how a civil war would play out. This factor, that factor; who knows how they’ll all come together.

Polifugue fears the left bombing flyover country but I don’t see what the right would be doing in flyover. In open war with the Cathedral; raze the media complexes, burn the courthouses, sack the universities and heap up warbrides. Leave a mountain of skulls atop the ruined temples of the enemy.

To accomplish any of this, have to attack the coasts, and when they bomb you there, they’ll at least be inflicting collateral on themselves.

Chevalier says:

Guys, look — none of this shit is going to happen.

jim says:

It is already happening, and the logic of violence is that violence escalates, until someone is crushed.

The conversation, as the catastrophic anthropogenic global warmists say, is over.

Arguments were over a long time ago.

And thus there can only be violence.

If no conversation, violence.

Starman says:


” Guys, look — none of this shit is going to happen.”

NGO shill is getting nervous

jim says:

Checking back over Chevalier’s comments, I notice failure to engage with our thought crimes.

Chevalier, can you commit a thought crime, or even acknowledge and make a relevant response to someone else’s thought crimes?

Or is your output subject to the scrutiny of Human Resources?

You have been telling us about the bad character and bad deeds of Bill Gates.

Can you tell us about the bad character and bad deeds of George Soros, which are having dramatically bigger impact on the daily news?

Can you tell us why reproduction, marriage, and family have collapsed without using gender neutral language?

Can you tell us why guys are not getting laid, except by thots in their thirties, without using gender neutral language?

Pooch says:

*arrested him under authority of the leftist Kenosha DA

Cloudswrest says:

Couple of videos.

1. Here’s a video analysis of the Portland assassination. Looks like a multi-party, coordinated, trained, professional hit.


2. Here’s a Vice interview of the (still on the loose) Portland trigger man. Why aren’t Vice personnel being arrested for accessories after the fact for not turning him in?


The Cominator says:

BAP has predicted that at least the 1st phase of the civil war is going to be much like Argentina’s dirty war and this would seem to fit this pattern.

Pooch says:

Portland DA won’t bring charges on Antifa for anything. DOJ federally-deputized Oregon state troopers to bring federal charges so maybe that is a route they use to bypass the DA.

The Cominator says:

Supposedly Andy Ngo is claiming “law enforcement” whacked the guy who did it. Right wing death squads are on the menu boys.

jim says:

Picking up the brass is an effort to render the hit less traceable, indicating that they at they expected law enforcement to take an interest. It also indicates that this was not some random idiots shooting some random guy because they suspected him to be in possession of a MAGA hat.

Dave says:
The Cominator says:

Hopefully if they didn’t bother trying to take him alive it means they thought he had no meaningful information.

jim says:

Or it may mean they thought he had meaningful information and did not want him turning them in.

jim says:

On reflection, had he been arrested, revolving door justice would have ensued, and he would probably have ended up like Bill Ayers, getting appointed to an Ivy league professorship for terrorism.

So the counter hit may indicate police frustration with the court system.

jim says:

Aaron Danielson was shot because an organized group of antifa were going to shoot someone, “planned execution”, but they may have been planning simply to shoot any maga hat wearer that they found under circumstances favorable for shooting him.

The shooter was part of an organized group, and the rest of that group is still at large.

ten says:

Thank you!

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The easiest way for a voluntary auxiliary thought-policepersyn to dox someone is ‘cross-contamination’, or identity overlap.

To wit, you may not have ever mentioned personal details on one identity, but you may have contacts with other identities of yours on it, which may in turn be used as links to other identities, where in turn you may have in fact.

So for example, dreadpirateroberts wasn’t busted because a hollywood e-sorcerer conjured up a GUI in visual basic to hack his IP; he got busted because his DPR account was connected to another earlier account (‘altoid’), where in turn he once made a post with an email containing his meat space account.

As a basic principle, pretty much any sort of linkage, contact, or interaction, between identities in general, but with your personal identity especially, are potential loose threads that you can pull on to unravel the sweater.

Or to put it in other words, opsec is king.

jim says:


Not that you have done anything that would require you to take a shill test, but if you want to take one for the purposes of entertainment or edification:

Woman Question. If women are allowed sexual choice, what happens?

Why are our laws on rape and sexual harassment failing catastrophically?

To pass it is not required to agree with the reactionary view, but it is required to be acknowledge what the reactionary view is, rather than steelman it.

Immigrant problem: What harms are immigrants causing?

explain why Jews need their own civilization, and blacks do not fit into anyone’s civilization.

A paid shill for the Chinese government cannot mention the resemblance between Winnie the Pooh and Xi Jinping, or acknowledge anyone else mentioning, and a paid shill for our government cannot mention characteristically female misconduct, or acknowledge anyone else mentioning it.

BC says:

I think they’ve suspended feminism. They’re pushing violent women beaters to the forefront of their movement.

The Cominator says:

They certainly have not suspended feminism “empowering women” means letting women have more of the violent psychopaths around that they crave. Don’t you listen to anything Jim says.

I’m trying to remember the joke of the three men in the concentration camp of the feminist dictatorship. I can’t remember the exact joke but one guy was in there for being murderer or a woman beater or something and one was a rapist… the last one the incel was scheduled to be executed tomorrow.

Atavistic Morality says:

The DemonRATS are the real sexists!!!


Sent from my iPhone 7

Contaminated NEET says:

>Sent from my iPhone 7

James says:

Feminism was never about not having men beat wives, it was about making families illegal and increasing the labor supply to make the middle class suffer.

Dave says:

Preventing domestic violence was a useful motte for the bailey of breaking up families.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Andrew Anglin wants Bill Barr replaced, so that the federal government will charge and detain rioters, so that riots will end. However, continued isolated rioting seems to be Trump’s most likely path to victory. Is Anglin mistaken? Is he coopted somehow?

Pooch says:

Anglin doesn’t understand it’s not as simple as replacing the AG. The AG needs complete support of the troops under him to go full bore after Antifa.

Mister Grumpus says:

Nothing has turned me off of the “alt right” more than their front men giving Trump shit for refusing to give orders that obviously won’t be followed. Nothing will take you from “weak” down to “kick me I’m helpless” faster than that.

Unable to imagine that they don’t know this already, I start suspecting…

Gedeon says:

It goes without saying that the internationalists are well versed in history and would be aware that dissent needs to be managed more than altogether eradicated.

Words need to match actions and anti-MAGA is a bright line. There is no other ship.

Karl says:

Even complete support of the troops under the AG will not suffice. He needs judges that are willing to convict the rioters.

jim says:

Or cops that cheerfully shoot them.

Karl says:


I had not realized the implications of “complete support”.

hopinforthefuture says:

The killer of the trump supporter in portland has just been shot and killed by US Marshal service SOG.

lehhpo says:

Praise the God Emperor!

I was NOT expecting this. I have no idea how leftists like Mr “100% ANTIFA” will respond to this, but I hope to see some reduction in brazen-ness, at least.

jim says:

It is clear that Barr has assembled a group of loyalist cops.

Trouble is, we lack loyalist judges.

But if the loyalists just shoot the bad guys, that works.

Mister Grumpus says:

Do you “read” Epstein’s death in jail the same way? As Trump loyalistas getting the only justice they could?

Because one can also read these as him covering up the Orange Man Bad Truth by the the “dead men tell no tales” method.

ten says:

Hell no. Epstein was killed because they realized his testimony would not be a weapon against Trump, but a weapon against the democrats.

Mister Grumpus says:

That’s what I saw too, but that’s also what I WANTED to see.

For those who “saw” the exact opposite, what do you tell them? (I’m bad at this.)

jim says:

They lie.

Don’t believe that they meant what their words say.

Call out the real meaning of their words.

ten says:

When more than one story seems to map to data, depending on point of view, you either need a specific data point that they must agree on, and that their story does not map to while your story does.

I don’t know enough about the epstein case to give you such a data point, perhaps there is one.

Otherwise, you must attack their entire point of view, with a barrage of data points that undermines other stories from their point of view, which is typically not a thing that can possibly be done without having previously built a solid trust.

I have lefty friends. I can tell them direct heresies to their faith, and they will listen, because they already know i speak in good faith. They will not abandon their point of view, but i intrude into it, and then they know there is a different story that is not based on “hatred and ignorance”, which they would have dismissed it with, had they not already trusted me.

Eventually, having anchored enough stories and shown my point of view, they are able to think from the new frame, and potentially adopt it as their own.

But this is an absolute waste of time, is utterly dependent on a level of trust you can not conjure on the fly.

In the case of sanct primarch kyle, there are specific data points that you can shove in the face of the leftist point of view that it can not defeat, only reject. Active preemptive defamation, poisoning the well, doctoring of data, on its face insane evaluation of events as seen by human eyes.

I know of no such data points to determine who/whom between democrats and trump regarding epstein.

Pooch says:

Looks like he fired on cops with a rifle before they shot back and killed him.

Contaminated NEET says:

You’re seeing what you want to see here, Jim.

This is better than nothing, but it’s not a win for our side. Now the press and the normies can consider the matter closed. Co-conspirators? Accomplices? Picking up the brass? That’s all paranoid conspiracy theorizing, now. This was just one disturbed individual, acting totally alone (sotto voce: although his motives were understandable and laudable), with no institutional support at all. Antifa’s hands remain clean, and their network of violent extremist support staff remains completely intact.

Gedeon says:

This is a good thing. This moron was so bold he couldn’t keep his head down for even a week before sitting for an actual media interview. This sends a clear message to everyone that you aren’t going to hide in leftist jurisdictions and behind leftist DAs and judges.

This guy attempted to make a mockery of not only our common sense lying about what happened after being ID’d, but sought to make a mockery of Federal LEO sitting for an interview.

re: Epstein

J. Epstein was the only one with standing who could challenge the evidence in court and despite being the kompromat operator, he was not control. G. Maxwell is boxed in.

The Cominator says:

Who got killed by a death squad.

Pooch says:

He shot at police first apparently. Don’t know if it qualifies as a death squad.

jim says:


It does not seem much like the action of someone who goes on television under his true name and claims self defense, on the formerly well founded assumption that lefties do not get arrested, and if arrested, do not get punished.

If he had gone to trial, the trial would have gone on forever while he was out on bail, he never would have received punishment, and then he would have received, like Bill Ayers, an Ivy League professorship.

If García Zárate went unpunished for murdering Kate Steinle, what are the chances that Michael Forest Reinoehl would have been punished for murdering Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson?

Pooch says:

Very true.

polifugue says:

>If he had gone to trial, the trial would have gone on forever while he was out on bail, he never would have received punishment, and then he would have received, like Bill Ayers, an Ivy League professorship.

This can be seen as a parallel to Kamo, the “Caucasian Robin-Hood” who murdered 40 people in the 1907 Tiflis Bank Robbery, who got out of execution by pretending to feign insanity. Loyalist cops summarily executing Reinoehl is equivalent to Nicholas II ordering Stolypin to militarize the Black Hundreds who then execute Kamo in his quarters before standing trial. It is a sign that Trump and Barr are more politically aware than we previously thought, and given the media’s latest attempt to libel Trump in relation to events at the WWI Memorial in France, it is becoming clear that this year’s election will not be a battle for the hearts of the voters, but a battle for the hearts of the praetorians.

Starman says:


“and given the media’s latest attempt to libel Trump in relation to events at the WWI Memorial in France, it is becoming clear that this year’s election will not be a battle for the hearts of the voters, but a battle for the hearts of the praetorians.”

That’s a pretty good explanation of the current propaganda drive. The voters are getting less important, and the praetorians are getting more important.

Of course, just as certain democrat shills are totally unaware of places outside of their urban enclaves… they are tone-deaf to the concerns of policemen, active duty military and veterans. In my veteran circle, this propaganda is falling flat.

James says:


In the military circles I have access to (and they are important ones, without going into detail), the Praetorian’s are 100%, ravenously pro-Trump. The NCOs are sharing Kyle the Commie Killer memes with their officers.

Cloudswrest says:

The original assassination was a team effort. Now the primary witness is is dead. The handlers are probably high fiving themselves right now. Their flunky is now dead. They knew he would misbehave when the cops eventually showed up.

Gedeon says:

They will have their moment. I expect the shooter to fall, but not this fast. Being entrusted as the trigger man, he was likely the brightest of the bulbs in that bunch.

The Cominator says:

This was not his own people that whacked him. He got whacked because they knew if they took him a live a left wing judge would just release him.

This is the unironic beginning of real right wing death squads.

Thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live, Deus Vult!

Oliver Cromwell says:

There’s no evidence this was a sophisticated hit. Lots of random people are carrying guns to these events.

jim says:

Difficult to tell lack of sophistication from lack of basic competence. Notice the fusillade of shots in the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Kyle

In the attempted Kyle assassination, looks like a whole lot people knew or strongly suspected that an attempt on the life of one of these evil right wing vigilantes was about to unfold.

That speaks of orders from on high.

Notice that the initial shot in Kyle assassination attempt was fired when the trigger man knew the killing would be videoed. Looks like the aim of the initial chase was to get a nice video of the assassination. The initial shot was fired when Kyle was conveniently close the cameraman, and the trigger man, presumably Rosenbaum, shadowed.

The video was intended to show fleeing right wing vigilante fleeing, then killed. The video of the initial assassination attempt was intended to convey the message “”You are weak, we are strong, resistance is futile”

In instead it showed the message “You are good shots and calm when in danger. We spray and pray.

Our vigilante psyops were working. This was attempt to counter our psyops.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The Rittenhouse incident looks possibly set up.

The Danielson incident does not.

Maybe there’s a combination of both. I find it easy to believe that the Progs possess and are willing to use hit squads, but I find it easy to believe that random Progs are showing up with guns at random locations in the belief that nothing can happen to them.

The Cominator says:

Just the opposite the Danielson incident looks more like a setup than the Rittenhouse incident.

The Danielson murder struck me as a reprisal for Rittenhouse (who sent right wing morale sky high) and was to be the inspiration for more murders of Trump supporters across the US. The public murder of a random Trump supporter in a protest zone was ordered at some level. Also noted that the murderer (Reinhoel) was interviewed immediately and seemingly expected to be arrested make bail do almost no time and be set for life.

What he didn’t count on was he was the 1st target of the new right wing death squad and Barr’s special cops had no intention of taking him alive.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Danielson played really badly, immediately, because it looked like he was executed for his political views. A hit would have involved establishing evidence that Danielson had it coming. So if it was a play, either it was a misplay, or it was a play by low level, low competence goons.

Rittenhouse looked like he was being set up to be murdered “in self-defence,” it being self-defence on grounds that he was carrying a gun at all and not pointing it at anyone. Rittenhouse was expected to not use the gun out of fear of the justice system. This would set a precedent that if you carry a gun you cannot fire it, and can be murdered for carrying it, substantively nullifying the 2nd amendment. They had to try this because the McCloskeys look like they’re doing OK, and encouraging others.

Rittenhouse looks like a play that backfired, in large part due to Rittenhouse’s personal preparedness and coolness under pressure, while Danielson looks like the victim of overenthusiastic low level goons.

jim says:

> Rittenhouse looks like a play that backfired, in large part due to Rittenhouse’s personal preparedness and coolness under pressure, while Danielson looks like the victim of overenthusiastic low level goons.

I don’t think overenthusiastic. Rather, under enthusiastic. Michael Reinoehl was supposed to murder a gun toting vigilante, and then claim self defense, but chickened out.

The top level decision was made to murder someone for carrying a gun, and successfully claim self defense because he had a gun at all, in a jurisdiction where the prosecutor was in on the murder, thereby nullifying the second amendment.

But after the low level goons realized that carrying out the plan as directed was likely to get you killed, they hit Danielson instead, which was not what their masters wanted at all.

That the McCloskey’s are doing fine – being rich, white, and armed sinks the “Trump is weak, weak, weaker, weaker, narrative”. The attempted murder of Kyle was the Democrats reply to Trump showcasing the McCloskey’s

The murder of Danielson was what happens when your command and control apparatus is shakey. Michael Reinoehl was supposed to murder a vigilante like Kyle and then claim self defense. But he just murdered some random guy with a Trump patch and then claimed self defense.

He was just skateboarding along looking for a suitable target to pop, saw a pro Trump protester on his own, and popped him from behind. Which gives the reverse message to that which was intended, that it is a damned good idea to carry a gun to these protests and be able to shoot swiftly and shoot straight.

Michael Reinoehl was supposed to have a confrontation with an armed vigilante and then kill him – but was instead looking for a target with minimal risk to himself. He was supposed to confront people as Rosenbaum did, but instead skate boarded along looking for an easy kill.

The press had their narrative ready to roll, and rolled out the narrative that they had already written for the murder when the murder was decided upon: “confrontation”, but Michael figured that confronting an armed counter protester might be dangerous, and just rolled up on his skateboard and opened fire.

He was supposed to go like Rosenbaum, someone attacks an armed counter protester, and then he pops the armed counter protester. But there is a lack of enthusiasm for carrying out Rosenbaum’s script.

The Cominator says:

And got death squaded.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Great implications all around; trying to attack a Real American will get you killed; and killing a Real American will *also* get you killed.

jim says:

Yes, exactly, they are rolling with the narrative that they prepared when they decided to murder some vigilantes, but it is falling disastrously flat.

jim says:

> Lots of random people are carrying guns to these events.

Random people with guns are in random positions with respect to video cameraman. The initial shot in the attempted Kyle assassination was fired with the video camera positioned so that, had the assassination been successful, the video would have been maximally demoralizing.

Kyle was chased past the triggerman and the cameraman, so that the video would show him dying while fleeing.

jim says:

The video camera conveniently positioned for the initial assassination attempt on Kyle was intended to be the Democrats reply to Trump parading the McCloskey’s at the Republican National Convention, and commending the second amendment as a defense against left wing rioters. Had the initial assassination attempt succeeded, the video would have carried the message: “Resistance is futile, the second amendment will just get you killed”.

Pooch says:

I think you give the mob in Kenosha too much respect. The clear video was taken by a right-wing cameramen and the initial pistol shots seemed to be just random shots in the air.

In Portland, the epicenter of Antifa, there was a Trump demonstration planned so murder was planned for Trump supporters on their home turf.

In Kenosha, rioting and pillaging was taking place by a low-IQ mob just out rioting and pillaging for the sake of it. Kyle tried to interfere by putting out a fire which provokes the normal ape-like mob beatdown (like the shopkeeper the previous night). To the mob’s astonishment Kyle was actually willing to use his weapon to defend himself, a major shock to them.

jim says:

> the initial pistol shots seemed to be just random shots in the air.

If I was running, and I heard shots, and could not locate the person who was presumably shooting at me, I would keep right on running really fast, only with zig zags. That Kyle reappears walking from near the shooter’s location only makes sense if the shooter is now dead, or if Kyle incorrectly believes the shooter is now dead.

The Cominator says:

Yeah I had heard the people recording the riots were /ourguys.

Rosenbaum the boy molester went to pick on the one who looked like a nerdy pussy and then decided it would be fun to kill him and he didn’t think he would get in any trouble for doing so after all being in antifa he got away with multiple acts of child rape and other crimes.

Its possible the leadership thought Trump supporters would be murdered because Antifa’s commanding men in shadows unleashed the worst of the worst.

jim says:

> Its possible the leadership thought Trump supporters would be murdered because Antifa’s commanding men in shadows unleashed the worst of the worst.

If all you are worried about is courts and judges, Trump supporters can be murdered.

The reason that Kyle was not murdered is that he is a vastly better shot than those trying to murder him.

Pooch says:

Rosenbaum wasn’t in Antifa. Was just your typical underclass street wigger doing his best nigger impersonation.

jim says:

Anyone that matters is not officially in antifa.

His action looks as if it was coordinated with a bunch of other antifa – not a solo loser.

Pooch says:

Huber and arm shot guy were probably Antifa.

The Cominator says:

“Rosenbaum wasn’t in Antifa.”

He was almost certainly somehow in the command and control and pay of whatever force controls antifa but probably officially not on their books because part of their worst of the worst. To be used strictly when Antifa’s masters wanted more than the usual destruction.

BC says:

The disarmed commie was filming Kyle. Part of his video has been released. If this was a propaganda op, and it very might be as the cops pushed the rioters into the group of militia guys. Our guys filming was byproduct of the cops pushing everyone close together in the kill zone.

Pooch says:

If I was running, and I heard shots, and could not locate the person who was presumably shooting at me, I would keep right on running really fast, only with zig zags. That Kyle reappears walking from near the shooter’s location only makes sense if the shooter is now dead, or if Kyle incorrectly believes the shooter is now dead.

That’s a stretch. Kyle’s official statement from his lawyer makes no mention of Rosenbaum being a shooter. States Rosenbaum reached for his rifle. There are plenty of pics of various nigs and wiggers with pistols during the riot. Muzzle flash indicates it was fired in the air. maybe to scare Kyle. Not sure. He stopped running because he ran out of real estate. Started walking towards his attackers body because he realized he had just killed someone and was in shock. Saw the mob forming and started running again.

jim says:

What is not a stretch is that Kyle is running, someone in the shadows fires the first shot, and then very quickly we hear a lot more shots, and when the dust settles Kyle is alive, two of his adversaries dead, one horribly injured, and one has run away.

Therefore, since the first shot was immediately followed by lots of action, not random firing in the air.

And, since Kyle is alive, and the rest mostly dead, he was shooting the right people. Whoever fired the first shot needed killing.

Do you think Kylie was thinking “Someone fired a shot and immediately the shit hit the fan, but I guess he was just letting off fireworks because he liked the noise so I can relax now.”

Not Tom says:

Rosenbaum wasn’t in Antifa. Was just your typical underclass street wigger doing his best nigger impersonation.

If there was ever a time to Name the Jew, this is surely it. “Rosenbaum” ain’t no “wigger”, he was a degenerate and deranged bolshevist snipdick.

In fact, I’m adding him to my personal shill test alongside George Soros and Susan Rosenberg.

I don’t believe he was underclass either, these guys are invariably upper middle class.

The Cominator says:

He had convincing wigger mannerisms all around and did not seem at all like a jew even a leftist activist jew (I come from Massachussetts so I’ve know a lot of jews)… Not saying hes not jewish but without knowing his name I never would have thought he was a jew in a million years.

Maybe he learned how to be a convincing lumpenprole wigger when he did his token sentence in prison for boy raping though.

James says:

My thoughts as well. The natural solution to a corrupt judicial system is ensuring that they never get the chance to go to court. This is the only logical response to their actions.

That’s really the issue with leftists; they misunderstand human nature so deeply, they can’t fathom that merely passing a law doesn’t ensure that society will bend to their will.

The Cominator says:

The comments on the dead commie are missing?

jim says:


Where from?

The Cominator says:

I don’t see the original thread comments on the dead commie even ones from you on this thread and clicking the links to them takes me to the top of the page… Could you have deleted them by accident?

jim says:

This may be related to spam filter misbehavior.

ten says:

🙃, i meant. Test 3!

ten says:

..which was supposed to go as a response to CNI, not off topic. I’m a mess lately!

Heh, the Dissociated Press is accusing Trump of having said “Why should I visit a military cemetery? It is full of losers.” [1]

The heh part: if my political Turing-sense is still well-calibrated, this *precisely* what a Leftist would think that someone like Trump thinks, and every non-Leftist considers a howler, an idiotic accusation entirely out of character. I mean, look at how they see capitalism and all that.

[1] no link, sorry, you know how surfing social media works, information goes whoosh by, I did not save this particular link, but should not be that hard to find

The Cominator says:

Yes its what a Marxist/prog priest thinks a rich capitalist thinks of warriors because its what priests themselves tend to think of warriors.

BC says:


The murder in Portland is looking more like an assassination.

The now made good commie was waiting for them to walk by as his associate tailed them.

BC says:

They wanted to get the patriot prayer guys to pull a gun before they shot them which is why they were yelling at them, but neither pulled out a fire arm.

Antifa “medics” pulled seconds later to render “aid”.


Planned hit all the way. Target selection may or may not have been random. The guy killed lived the area.

Atavistic Morality says:


The official attack on progressivism from power begins, huge white pill.

James says:

Based and whitepilled, indeed. This kind of move is really encouraging; it goes beyond merely being a boomer with cajones, as one poster put it, and actually striking back at the long march through our institutions, albeit in only one small step.

Violating this needs to be made a fireable offense.

Frederick Algernon says:


Victor D. Hanson. Hour plus long. He will say things you don’t like or agree with, but I challenge you all to listen to the whole lecture + Q&A.

jim says:

Namefags always lie.

Paraphrase and summarize what he said that is true.

He is under the impression that the election matters and that civil war has not begun.

Frederick Algernon says:

I will do a summary analysis soon.

I understand, I think, your 1lieAlllie axiom. I push back because my 98 iq brain is bothered by axiomatic thinking. But in matters of faith and Faith it seems correct. When it comes to analysis, I think it is to broad. Lies are separated into the categories of Commission and Omission. The more lies of commission, the more likely it is that the whole message is tainted. The same doesn’t seem to hold for lies of omission.

VDH is a boomer. This makes his omission potential massive. Most boomers have a very hard time color balancing out the 20th century.

VDH is a classical liberal. He is probably one of the most intelligent cuckservatives alive today. As such, he has blindspots in his reasoning.

These two attributes lead him to frame things poorly *from a Jimian worldview.* But if you balance it out, his analysis has a lot of value IMO. I’ve been studying his corpus and catalog for a few years. Much of his work actually reified what yours has taught me. You know the old story of a group of blind men trying to categorize an elephant by touch, yeah? His conclusions are often incorrect or fall short, but his assembled facts paint a very accurate picture. In the link I posted, his fact analysis comports well with yours, but he lands in the wrong field, regardless of the fidelity his jump point and intellectual/ideological compass readings.

I’m not the Teacher, you are. But I don’t have the luxury of your wisdom and experience. I have to work with what I have. I guess I just have a higher tolerance for bullshit, but I don’t be necessarily see that as a strength or advantage. I will work up the summary as soon as I can do so safely.

jim says:

He correctly observes that our enemies, being holier than we are, entitled to do anything they feel like, but then stops short at the implications.

Frederick Algernon says:

Consistently stops short. I’ve analyzed 20+ hours of his talks, lectures, and interviews. He lays out a lot of groundwork, draws up plans, puts the company card on the table, and stops short. He’s a regular Fox contributor, punishingly prolific (blog, op/ed, multiple recurring columns, scores of books, hundreds of essays), full time professor at two universities, and a working farmer. If nothing else, he should be the model for Scholar-Priests.

simplyconnected says:

Responding one of the final questions, he comments derisively: “the logic of egalitarianism has no end”. He may not draw too many conclusions, but how much further than planting the seed can a public figure go?

BC says:

Jim, I take it Trump waited to ban critical race theory and the alike in the US goverment because he knew his order would be ignored?

jim says:

What is going to happen with this order is unclear.

Critical race theory was primarily a vehicle for the government to fund the far left, analogous to bribing politicians via speaker’s fees. The order is not so much a strike at the irritating and obnoxious political content, as that funding.

We will know it is being obeyed if they get defunded. Expect a judge to order funding to be resumed 1 2 3.

Gedeon says:

I advised in January 2017 Title IV litigation against every education institution receiving Federal support, whether direct or indirect, through Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, research funding, etc. if they were discriminating against white Christian males and that the evidence was in course syllabi across the education complex. The course syllabus carries legal weight within the education dispute process, so it is diamond hard evidence of Title IS discrimination .

It took just over three years before the process was launched in the court system and now we have this. No doubt, this will have waterfall implications for the defense contracting industry who has also been coerced into adopting structural racism toward white Christian males by the Barry administration.

The only people who seem to have bought into the ideology are blacks and Marxist whites. HR has imposed fuzzy internal quotas to shield the corporations from EEOC sanctions.

I have a successful business (no government business) owner friend who had to pay out several million dollars of extortion dollars to the EEOC and put in a black hiring quota in the wake of an operation against them. I can’t say it was because he was my friend, but I also cannot rule out the distinct possibility.

Fortunately, the business could afford the tithe and he runs a good business so they were guilty of the sins, so the blame falls on the Barry administration and the loose lips of managers.

Gedeon says:

Correction – Should read Title IX

jim says:

In theory. In practice they have a secret command structure that totally ignores the theoretical command structure.

The secret command structure may well have been well organized, but it seems to have suffered a beheading strike, and is now chaotic.

someDude says:

Did you notice a change in their tactics that you came to this conclusion. Did they earlier actions make sense that recent actions are not? Was there a pattern or method to their earlier actions/tactics that make their recent tactics seem random and chaotic?

To When do you date this shift in tactics? And what do you think happened to their command structure. What does Beheading mean in this context? Jailed, eliminated or just lying low for the moment?

Frederick Algernon says:

Tim Pool and Styx cursory review will answer most of your questions.

Gedeon says:

In the case of the siege on the Portland Federal Courthouse, go back to when Riot Ribs announced on their Twitter account that they were immediately dissolving their operation. What happened next?

1) PPB Chief released a video the next day condemning the violence on their streets.

2) The day after next, the Oregon Governor and Portland Mayor capitulated to DHS Chad (The) Wolf in a deal to deploy State Police to assume duties restoring order.

jim says:

Jailed, lying low, failing to obey orders. When Trump announced he had jailed hundreds of antifa, the immediate effect was not that they quieted down, but that they could no longer operate competently

jim says:

Bottom level still functioning. Top level broken. They attack the wrong, or nonsensical, targets.

Karl says:

Antifa’s field officers are the highest rank that was rioting and got arrested. That is in military terms junior officers. Top level does planning and is not affected. Intermediate level got broken

The Cominator says:

Its possible the top level isn’t functioning most smart leftists are very old.

Dave says:

Antifa has learned to exploit the rules of engagement so that you’re not allowed to fight back until the deck is hopelessly stacked against you. Same way the Iranians captured a British gunboat a few years back.

Portland has been an open-air insane asylum for decades. If you live there or in a city like it, you need to get the fuck out. If that means abandoning your property to the rioting mobs, tough shit. Property in a city where petty criminals are publicly executed is worth something; property in a city where petty criminals roam free while being housed and fed at public expense is worth nothing.

info says:
jim says:

They attempt to block, but we are just building our own institutions.

Publius says:

That letter is hilarious. It argues that Trump could not possibly win the election, and therefore, any Trump claim to victory must be a lie and evidence of bad faith. It also totally discounts the effect of the riot. This article is nothing less than a request that the military not allow Trump to win the election.

jim says:

> This article is nothing less than a request that the military not allow Trump to win the election.

It is apparent that the Democrats have lost interest in how people might actually vote. Their internal polling must be telling them that in a fair election, they are doomed, which is what Biden turnout indicates. He tried to answer Trump’s Kenosha tour with a Biden tour, and no one showed up.

Pooch says:

What is the Supreme courts role in the coming color revolution? Do they plan to bypass it or rely on the Court for legal justification to remove Trump?

Publius says:

If the SCOTUS rules in a way the Democrats don’t like, they’ll just claim Kavanaugh was illegally raised to the court (should have been Garland), that his vote doesn’t count, and that the rest of the justices (who will surely vote for Harris) should get to decide the election.

What you have to understand is that law matters only when all the people involved in a dispute agree to be bound by the law. Absent this consent, we revert to the law of the jungle, and in the case of Trump, that means the barrel of a gun. This election is going to come down to the fraction of the military that supports Trump. Voting is irrelevant because the mail-in fraction is fake and everyone knows it.

I think we’re going to end up in a shooting war. It’s hard to say how much of the military we’ll have, but at least some people when ordered to shoot the CBP officers guarding the white house in January are going to have a moment of personal revelation, say “fuck that” out loud, and shoot their commanders instead. Then it’s game on. If we get an aircraft carrier or two on our side, we win. Few people are going to want to die for the cathedral.

jim says:

I think the aircraft carriers are not going to be on our side, but we will have significant air force assets and most of the ground forces.

Suburbs can soak up a lot more bombing and artillery than the city centers can. Bombing New York, San Francisco and Washington is going to have far more impact than them bombing suburbia and flyover country.

The Cominator says:

Aircraft carriers have a large force of armed marines on board, could they plausibly seize some of them?

jim says:

Plausibly. If Trump is alive and free when the bombing starts, definitely.

Dave says:

Once the war goes hot, I can’t imagine it lasting very long. The Spanish Republic had vast numbers of Spaniards and foreign volunteers willing to die for Communism, while today’s commies are a bunch of unemployable drug addicts. The “majority of the military” that opposes Trump are its affirmative-action goldbrickers, not its fighting men.

Much as I hope for a Suharto-style Leftectomy, I think it more likely that the Left will realize what a weak hand it’s playing with and revert to Fabian socialism, if it can.

jim says:

Fabianism was always a step towards war and democide. The wolf in sheep’s clothing plans to start eating the sheep. The communist/French communard playbook is first slow, then fast. Rather like bankruptcy.

If they had been more patient, would have won, and we would have had to wait for a Stalin.

But in the recent Republican Convention, Trump did what Sulla did, what the King of France should have done, and reached out to those that create wealth, that have a stake in the nation and in the future, to real Americans.

Sulla was, like Trump, an optimate. But an optimate is nothing without the support of his clients. The clients of the left are worthless losers. The clients of Trump are Kyle and McCloskey. The King of France failed to reach out to those that have a stake in law and order.

After the civil war, we need to redefine logistics workers as camp followers, not soldiers. The democrats are trying this prematurely because they have drunk their own koolaide on the military.

Putting support workers in uniform was a theft of valor. It was an attack on the largely aristocratic officer class, which supported throne and altar, but the main victims of that attack were the ordinary soldiers.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Bombers are practically impotent without targeting, but with targeting are almost invincible. With targeting, they can kill people and destroy specific items of value. Bombing everything in the general territory of the enemy has never been effective, but even great state armies would fall apart if their most valuable thousand people are quickly killed. A great deal depends on the quality of the enemy’s intelligence.

Publius says:

Right now, my military-fu isn’t strong enough to predict the level of support we’ll get. Of the Reddit military subs, only the air force one seems to be pro-Trump — but Reddit, of course, is a biased sample. I wish I had some general theory of revolutions, coups, and civil wars instead of an assorted bag of historical anecdotes and unreliable extrapolations from unreliably-told stories of the critical moments of previous revolutions, coups, and civil wars. But this ad-hoc synthesis is all we have to go on.

The Free Syrian Army got around 15,000 out of 50,000 or so Syrian government troops. Unfortunately for them, they got almost no aircraft with the package and so lost. But ie get roughly a third of the armed forces and enough gear to deny blue air superiority over red core regions, we win eventually.

The key is producing mid-level military defections. If red has no credible peer-level deterrent against blue CAS, red loses. Air power is everything. The brass is all politicians and all loyal to the cathedral. Everyone knows it. That’s why the military rank and file has little loyalty to or regard for the brass. But soldiers are still programmed to automatically obey orders. What are the specific circumstances that would prompt mid level commanders to defect, preferably with their equipment? We don’t know that. Pepe the Frog is nothing compared to the allure of Allah. It will be essential to highlight and reinforce the idea that the left literally wants to kill the families of the men holding the guns. (This narrative happens to be the truth.) If the left commits some atrocity, broadcasting evidence of it will do the trick too.

Another key factor will be control of communication channels. The moment the outcome of the election appears to be in doubt, all rightist people and their institutions get hard banned from social media. The HCQ censorship was a dry run. The tech companies are all going to go all out against people communicating the idea that Trump may be the legitimate president. Physical control over communication infrastructure will be essential. It will be almost impossible to produce military defections without communication between POTUS-loyal groups and the regular military. I don’t think it’ll be possible to control internet comms quickly enough, but it may be possible to shut down social media generally and rely purely on broadcast media, and that’s almost as good.

Many a revolution has died in its first few hours. Imagine if that rebel Turkish jet pilot had actually shot down Ergodan’s plane. Imagine if Gorbachev hadn’t been able to get his message out. Timing, opsec, and discipline are going to be absolutely crucial in preventing the cathedral from stealing this election.

Starman says:

I suspect that the Harvard faction of the military will have too many chiefs and not enough indians.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Another key factor will be control of communication channels. The moment the outcome of the election appears to be in doubt, all rightist people and their institutions get hard banned from social media.”

Perhaps that’s what Qanon is for, or rather the “role” that it’s engineered to assume/usurp/pretend/etc.

Cis Scum says:


“The moment the outcome of the election appears to be in doubt, all rightist people and their institutions get hard banned from social media.”

This scenario intersects with a 3D chess theory going around the chans.


The theory has it that if the tech giants engage in mass censorship this triggers a clause in the 14th Amendment that allows the President to strip a state of its electoral college votes on the grouds that the right to vote has been abridged. Further, the 14A also allows for public officials aiding insurrection to be stripped of office. 3D checkmate, if true.

S.J., Esquire says:

” Of the Reddit military subs, only the air force one seems to be pro-Trump”

Bro… reddit.

I dunno about US military subs but I know that r/CanadianForces is a risibly inverted bizarro clownworld of what liberal san Francisco techies think a military should be like. Useless gauge of troop opinion.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Right now, my military-fu isn’t strong enough to predict the level of support we’ll get. Of the Reddit military subs, only the air force one seems to be pro-Trump — but Reddit, of course, is a biased sample. I wish I had some general theory of revolutions, coups, and civil wars instead of an assorted bag of historical anecdotes and unreliable extrapolations from unreliably-told stories of the critical moments of previous revolutions, coups, and civil wars. But this ad-hoc synthesis is all we have to go on.

All wars are religious wars, but some are more religious than others; and civil wars are some.

There was a book i had enjoyment reading some years ago with the rather on-the-nose title of ‘Why The South Lost The Civil War’. I did not have high expectations for any book written after 1906, so it was a pleasant surprise to find some substance of value within the contents. In particular, it was the author’s conclusions that caught my eye, touching on something that would be immediately recognizable by someone of a more perennial perspective.

Briefly, the general arc was an examination of most of the theretofore commonly offered theories – such as differences in industrialization, union navy action, tactical differences in military engagements, states-rights ideology disrupting sovereign coordination, et cetera – and found that none of them held sufficient water to altogether explain the result.

At every point in the war, including the end, the confederates had men to fight, supply lines to fight with, and in terms of strategic situation, had an advantage in terms of war goals; unlike the yankees, they could win simply by not losing. So what happened?

>…In the end, the authors find that the South lacked the will to win, that weak Confederate nationalism and the strength of a peculiar brand of evangelical Protestantism sapped the South’s ability to continue a war that was not yet lost on the field.

You need to bring a religion to a religious war.

It is often noted that the one factor that can turn the fortune of a conflict, more than any other factor, is morale. Which is to say, *faith*.

Too few were the men that had a weltanschauung that would put their conflict into a larger context in the south; too many that failed to believe in the righteousness of their cause; while their foes were filled with zealous conviction; such that they could continue to throw army after army at their neighbors, even after the ones before got cut down, and their generals disgraced.

What tip the scales for winners in civil wars could be said to simply be a special case of what tips the scales for a civilization, in general; a vision of greatness, a vision of what’s at stake, and a vision of what makes the enemy a threat to it.

The Cominator says:

This is nonsense.

The Souths conventional military situation was hopeless after Sherman broke Hood’s lines around Atlanta where will could have helped is if they were willing to fight a guerilla war but the Confederacy was not all that popular with the Souths poor whites so guerilla war was doomed too.

Pseudo-chryostom says:

I don’t disagree with that particular case, but i don’t think it responds to the larger point either though; that the blues had a clear faith, while the reds didn’t.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

I don’t disagree with that particular case, but i don’t think it responds to the larger point either though; that the blues had a clear faith, while the reds didn’t.

Gedeon says:


“ We are already taxing and regulating the rich far above the laffer limit, and appeasing the envy of the poor ceases to matter when voting ceases to matter.”

Do you own a pass-through entity or are large shareholder of a C Corp? You don’t have to answer that, but I assure you that the asset owners are well below the Laffer Curve. There is a reason why public companies have been vigorously buying back their stock float through earnings and debt. Trump wants to eliminate FICA because that is the nastiest tax imposed on business owners and labor, but the corporations and hyper wealthy enjoy the public subsidy and the tax is capped far below their W2 incomes.

I have personally met Jeff Bezos and his wife and we all had a fun personal conversation. It was probably a defining moment in their marriage, in fact.

Setting aside the latter curve and theoretical economics, what I am trying to communicate is that the social insolvency that has been hidden through social accounting fraud (welfare and transfer payments) is no longer capable of being hidden through social accounting fraud.

The social insolvency is not remedied or reach a steady state equilibrium through a change in government architecture and will naturally correct dynamically, through a variety of paths (old age, suicide, famine, disease, homicide) until the new steady state equilibrium level has been reached.

To clarify, I am not advocating for any particular pathway, but I am making the claim that the conclusion of the process will leave us 100mm+ US souls lighter.

I find Cominator’s prescription capable of generating that kind of number if we end up with:

80% black population disappears
80% of 60 y/o+ population
20% of <60 y/o non-black males
?% of <60 y/o non-combatants


If the comment was not directed at me, then your reply to mine applies to you and your original comment which I responded to.

jim says:


You are detached from reality.

The Cominator says:

My proposal works whether the nigs disappear or not.

Housing costs would go down, male wages would go up. Most women would be forced back into economic dependency on men they could still work in nursing or hospitality (not so much teaching because there would be a lot less “school” in my world) but most jobs would be forbidden to them.

The Cominator says:

If the war goes hot at all no matter how quickly its crushed. We need to be screaming and writing Trump demanding that all males who sided against him must die and that all women who do so be sentenced to permanent servitude.

Trump should be receptive his family will always be in danger as long as these people live.

Atavistic Morality says:

This sounds completely out of touch with reality. All men executed and women enslaved? His own base would consider him the worst of monsters, not gonna happen.

Some form of court sentencing people to prison and maybe death penalty for the worst of offenders maybe. But enslavement for women isn’t going to happen, not even Nazi brides in France got that treatment, and in the 40s people were a lot more red pilled.

It’s almost like you think Trump voters are giga crimson lords serving on the Roman legion.

The Cominator says:

My hatred of these people grows every day and I think every Trump supporter feels the same way, they’ve made life a hellscape. The corona bullshit lockdowns should make my proposal outright popular.

Atavistic Morality says:

You can still check this kind of popular mood in places like /r/tucker_carlson and most Trump supporters will hail you a hero for killing a rioter in the heat of the moment, defending your property and so on.

But what you’re talking about, cold blooded mass execution of millions, is completely unthinkable. And slavery? Of women? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEj7M4WYvJc

jim says:

In war, the unthinkable rapidly becomes thinkable.

If Trump settles this matter quickly and quietly, well then, we will have to take the de-emancipation of women slow, and prepare the way culturally, with the media going to depicting women and masculinity as they did from 1933 to 1963. We start with the red pill in media and in schools

If it goes all the way to each side attacking the other side’s logistic base of support, then someone is going to implement the Cominator’s measures, and our side should be the first – doing the unthinkable before the enemy does it tends to be a good move in warfare.

Oliver Crommey says:

There should be no emotional, that is non-functional, use of violence.

Most people are followers who will follow whoever is high status. They do not all need to be killed.

The Cominator says:

“Most people are followers who will follow whoever is high status. ”

No only women are naturally like this, with good men its very limited. Any man who is like this is a bad man.
They should have known better and damn well indeed need to go.

They are dead weight anyway and getting rid of them will give us lots of land and women to go around. Of course any male who aligns himself with the Democrats and progressives needs to go on the chopper.

The Cominator says:

For those who advocate merciful treatment of leftists I ask why, there is generally no benefit to sparing them and they are truly evil people. There is lots of benefit to getting rid of them.

I often argue with Jim people fucking around should get off with public humiliation and a severe beating, and that bastards (although we should keep their numbers to a minimum) should be put into a situation where they will be treated humanely.

These are foibles and misfortunes that even mostly good people can find themselves in, but progressive leftism is not…

Any man who follows the ideology is just evil. Women can be NPC enough to follow it without thinking out of conformity but by 2018 the left has shown its evil face openly for even the dullest man to see. Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent and we should show none.

jim says:

The problem is that if we are going to do this in the name of God, we are required to be merciful.

Of course, mercy does not require suicide – if they surrender, then unsurrender, then we are out of cheeks and can play by Old Testament rules, rather than New Testament.

The traditional solution was to require conversion to the state religion, and then, if they commit apostasy, go old Testament. This is also an efficient way of sorting out Havel’s Greengrocer from the dangerous fanatics. Havel’s greengrocer is not paying attention to Human Resource’s slogan of the day, even though he mouths it piously, and will scarcely notice that it has radically changed. He will think “Another new dogma? OK. Whatever.”

BC says:

I don’t see the point of giving mercy to communists. I’ve talked to these people, they’re demons in human flesh.

The Cominator says:

“Of course, mercy does not require suicide – if they surrender, then unsurrender, then we are out cheeks and can play by Old Testament rules, rather than new Testament.”

Oh they will…

ten says:

The Cominator:

“Most people are followers who will follow whoever is high status. ”

No only women are naturally like this, with good men its very limited

I see no end of men around me who are at least sigma 2 and not politically interested at all, who improvise explanations for events in the cathedral frame. They have had this frame installed, it has served them ok, it lets them be roughly the good guys to the extent such things matter to them, and when the muslims burn their neighbourhood, they know it is because they are to be pitied, their lives in our harsh, northern racist country is very difficult for them.

They probably don’t even vote for leftist parties, they are just betas, they are field dependent, high agreeableness, whatever you want to call it. It is not a manly trait, because it is a beta trait, but most men are betas, and they should be.

I’m pretty sure it can be shown strictly in systems theory terms that a majority repeaters makes for stronger systems than majority signal givers. And repeaters certainly are happier.

I see them thinking what they are told to think and doing what they are told to do. If they for some reason end up opposite of us in war, sure, fuck them up. If they don’t, please hand them over to me, i could make great use of competent betas who never did anything to harm anyone, but just followed evil instructions, being to agreeable to see through them before it was too late.

They are not dead weight, they are cornerstones of every cooperative endeavour – men who can be trusted to just do what they are supposed to, without any extras, and who are probably quite happy doing it. They just need the correct alpha, they do not need to be murdered, they do not align themselves, they are aligned with their surroundings and can do nothing to change that.

Do you really think this is a rare or bad type of man? It is certainly not the best type of man, but if a general population of only the best type of man would be a win, we would already all be that type.

When you go after the agreeable follower, and havels greengrocer, you are fucking up. They are not truly nor otherwise evil people. Cooperation in your cultural frame, without understanding it, is the basis for large scale cooperation.

The benefit to sparing them is manpower and not tainting your soul with the blood of innocents. They’re just followers, man. They’ll follow you as long as they don’t have someone better to follow instead.

You need to speak to leftist followers who do not have a political interest. I do it often. All they hear is that somehow a clown got at the wheel because apparently racism is really bad, and now he will obviously lose because sanity is reappearing, and he will cheat because he is a crook, and once he is gone we can go back to “fixing the problems”, which everyone is for, but leftist follower doesn’t care, he goes to his job, then goes home to his girl, and they have a good time, and pay no attention to all the pesky things that they don’t understand and don’t care to understand. These are the people you are expressly stating your wish to kill.

To what benefit you ask, and i ask the same.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’m not advocating for merciful treatment if you include me there, I lost all mercy with the destruction of my country with a mass gulag.

But not even Nazi brides received such a treatment when they went back to France, neither did the Nazi officials and scientists when the war ended.

And you guys think 21th century purple-pilled betas are going to do worse? Give me a break…

The Cominator says:

Between the fake virus lockdowns and the riots normie conservatives have moved well towards my view of what should be done with leftists.

I’m not sure it will happen but the will to wipe them out is there now.

The Cominator says:

“When you go after the agreeable follower, and havels greengrocer, you are fucking up. They are not truly nor otherwise evil people. Cooperation in your cultural frame, without understanding it, is the basis for large scale cooperation.”

When the agreeable follower agreeably follows Moloch when he says kill all white males in the hopes of being murdered last the agreeable follower needs killing. I’m sorry I have no sympathy for these people and they are a liability. Tim Pool used to be a leftist when they retained some vestige of sanity but has abandoned them when it became clear how evil it was. The evil is now clear for all to see… all who followed it made their choice and deserve no mercy. Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent, killing these people allows their lands and women to be confiscated as well and we need to reward our followers.

jim says:

> When the agreeable follower agreeably follows Moloch when he says kill all white males in the hopes of being murdered last the agreeable follower needs killing.

Most people who worship Moloch when that is the state religion will worship Gnon when that is the state religion, and will scarcely notice that the state religion has changed.

They will, however notice that they no longer need to transexualize their children, and no longer need to step aside for blacks, but will not connect the two.

The Cominator says:

“Most people who worship Moloch when that is the state religion will worship Gnon when that is the state religion, and will scarcely notice that the state religion has changed.

They will, however notice that they no longer need to transexualize their children, and no longer need to step aside for blacks, but will not connect the two.”

Lets put it this way, blue America where these people live is overpopulated and we would not miss them and their houses apartments and women would be better off in the hands of our followers. They are dead weight generally anyway. If you don’t #walkaway to our side before the end of the war you should get the helicopter.


Pooch says:

Many male white leftists are simply virtue signaling because they think that will get them pussy. If we give them the prospect of a wife and children, they will suddenly not have much need for leftism.

The Cominator says:

“Many male white leftists are simply virtue signaling because they think that will get them pussy.”

If they go beyond signalling they are the most despicable type of all. No loss.

BC says:

Lets put it this way, blue America where these people live is overpopulated and we would not miss them and their houses apartments and women would be better off in the hands of our followers. They are dead weight generally anyway. If you don’t #walkaway to our side before the end of the war you should get the helicopter.

This is a fair point. A good friend of mine was a general leftists and we even got into a shoving match a few years during a BBQ ago about women’s ability to fight just as well as a man(I mocked him hard for saying it). Today he’s voting Trump, buying guns, and getting ready for war.

Good people are picking the side of the light and evil people are picking the side of the Satanic left.

ten says:

And i repeat, it is not clear for them to see, they do not see it at all, are shocked to hear about it. They aren’t interested and aren’t paying attention.

You want to kill the peasant a thousand miles from moscow because he doesn’t keep updated on the happenings in moscow, but just does what his local village chieftain and priest tells him to do, and you say he “chose his side” and deserves it.

Does the uninterested democrat even know there has been violent riots for months? Will he have a clue who it is that shows up to helicopter him or for what reason?

ten says:

You also mention Tim Pool, (who even had a guest on his podcast using the term “cathedral”, which Tim inquired about, in a way that made me suspicious he already knew it)

Tim is smart, and he is sceptical, and his full time job for at least a decade has been monitoring this stuff, and he would still have been a Yang or Bernie socialist if given the opportunity. He is clearsighted enough to go for Trump over the democrats he was handed, but would not have done so if he had been handed a more crazy democrat to side with.

And that is the leftist you want to spare, rather than the clueless followers?

Clueless follower over Tim Pool, any day, any time. Tim Pool is a dedicated enemy, driven to treason because he sees their abject insanity and that it will hurt him.

The Cominator says:

“You want to kill the peasant a thousand miles from moscow because he doesn’t keep updated on the happenings in moscow, but just does what his local village chieftain and priest tells him to do, and you say he “chose his side” and deserves it.”

You are being deliberately disingenuous. Everyone knows that the vast majority of the peasants hate the Cathedral. These people are midwit urbanites.

Pooch says:

What would happen to the IQ of the population without the midwits?

The Cominator says:

Much worse will happen if our idiocracy like reproduction patterns continue and its not like ALL the midwits are shitlibs just most of them are.

Atavistic Morality says:

What would happen to the IQ of the population without the midwits?

The population is dying of midwits, what would happen to the IQ of the population if the midwits remain? What’s the IQ of a corpse?

Not Tom says:

“Midwit” is a Vox Day-ism that does have utility, but we need to be more careful about how the term is being used.

He uses it as a contextual pejorative, meaning that when some “clever” faggot in the +1/+2 range tries to tell him (who is +3 or +4 if you take into account the racial handicap) how to think and analyze data, he tells them to fuck off, because they’re not as smart as they think they are, they’re just a midwit.

But that’s not saying that midwits are bad. An analogy is a douchey guy in the gym who can squat 405 and goes around criticizing everyone else’s form. And he’s not exactly wrong, most people there are weaker and actually do have dog-shit form and are liable to seriously injure themselves. But then one day he decides to offer his “advice” to a powerlifter with 600 lbs on the bar, who at that point is going to laugh at him and say “dude, gtfo, you’re just a middleweight”.

Midwit is just an IQ range, it doesn’t say anything about a person’s personality or beliefs. College education is a fairly good proxy for ideology because colleges are monasteries, but IQ isn’t. We’re not dying of midwits, and surely don’t want to kill all midwits, that’s just insane. There are millions of Americans with midwit IQs who vote trump and/or oppose progressivism, and while it’s true that NRx is often too heavy for them, they aren’t enemies either.

jim says:

> Midwit is just an IQ range, it doesn’t say anything about a person’s personality or beliefs. College education is a fairly good proxy for ideology because colleges are monasteries, but IQ isn’t.

The problem is that ivy league colleges are issuing advanced degrees to large numbers of people whose IQs are below 105.

These people cannot function in the modern economy except in a job where they are being watched by a supervisor. The only job that they can perform consistent with their official status is a job as enforcer of PC.

The Cominator says:

I’m not saying helicopter all the midwits.

I’m saying helicopter all the leftists who disproportionately tend to be urban midwits (with college degrees).

Vox Day’s teaching are often wrong but he was very right in identifying the problem of midwits with both too much self esteem and too much faith in the narrative. He was 100% right about that.

jim says:

The problem is overproduction of elites. The universities have been graduating too many midwits who are not capable of performing in the modern economy.

The minimum IQ for a position that does not require a supervisor watching you is typically IQ 105. The average of graduates is about 100, which means that more than half of them are only suitable for low level positions.

The only jobs that these people can do that are suitable for their perceived status and expected pay is enforce political correctness – so they head off into the business of enforcing PC. So we have an enormous oversupply of would be enforcers of PC.

They need to have their perceived status adjusted to their capabilities. While Cominator proposes to kill all of them, I would rather favor them being sent to prison camps in north to perform agricultural labor, under the supervision of people who are actually competent in agriculture, whose authority will be backed by guards, with the inmates compelled to act respectfully to both the guards, and the people who are supervising them, thereby adjusting their perceived and self perceived status to their actual capabilities.

The Cominator says:

There is some of the truly average going into PC enforcement (I would say this is far far more common with women, ie HR ladies) but when I say midwits I mean slightly above average IQ people trying to up their status by parroting every bit of the party line they hear on Colbert and whatever mainstream “experts” they read and assuming the status of someone smarter than they are by doing so. And engaging in fanatical SJW passive aggression towards those who openly told them that their party line was a bunch of bullshit.

That is what I witnessed in Massachusetts, the mecca of the midwit. I don’t see many of the truly average IQ joining the woke cult other than evil HR ladies.

The Cominator says:


This guy explains part of what I think about them and why I think we should make them go away… it even explains their tendency to purity and holiness spiral.

We don’t need intelligent people who are NOT interested in truth seeking, by getting rid of these people in order to have a virtuous and TRUTH SEEKING elite.

Atavistic Morality says:

@Not Tom

In this context, yes, midwits are killing civilization. We are talking about HR, journalists and ackshually redditors basically, like Jim points out.

Unless you want to argue that the average leftist enforcer is over 120 IQ or something.


Penal servitude sounds good, it’s also realistic to sell it to most Trump voters. I’m sure they’d agree fake news deserve to work the land for a while to experience and learn first hand what earning an honest living is like.

The women could also work in laundries as such, cleaning in general. Maybe they’ll learn something for marriage.

Not Tom says:

[TC] I’m not saying helicopter all the midwits.

I’m saying helicopter all the leftists who disproportionately tend to be urban midwits (with college degrees).

Yes, I got that. Didn’t have a problem with your post, I was responding to AM.

[Jim] The problem is that ivy league colleges are issuing advanced degrees to large numbers of people whose IQs are below 105.

I completely agree on the nature and scope of this problem. It’s also not the definition of a midwit. A midwit is someone between the +1 to +2 SD IQ range, not a regular average intellect who happens to have a college degree.

Well, that’s how I’ve always understood it, anyway. If I’ve erred somewhere, please show me the source.

[AM] We are talking about HR, journalists and ackshually redditors basically, like Jim points out.

Unless you want to argue that the average leftist enforcer is over 120 IQ or something.

No, I argue (or rather state as fact) that midwit intellect and the HR/media/academic/SJW hivemind are two separate categories. They have some overlap, perhaps significant overlap, and Cominator is correct to point out that the intersection of those two categories is particularly annoying and virulent. But the 95-105 IQ HR ladies are not midwits, they literally aren’t smart enough.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“We don’t need intelligent people who are NOT interested in truth seeking, by getting rid of these people in order to have a virtuous and TRUTH SEEKING elite.”

I agree here.

Norm-complying midwits are dangerous but reconcilable.

Norm-subverting elites are more dangerous and irreconcilable.

ten says:

I am not being disingenuous. Physical distance doesn’t matter, memetic distance matters. The uninterested default shitlibs paying no attention are far away from what is going on, mentally, not rurally.

Persecuting them, after power and peace is secured, would be madness with no upsides.

Gedeon says:

We have had peace at home for nearly 160 years and increased our population 10x over that period. IIRC, 70% of black children are bastards. Is that stat low now? I need to revisit the numbers post coronascam, but we have unprecedented transfer payments being made to non-producers (NPC)and net-negative malcontents.

On top of the population explosion, which is not of Malthusian proportions in the US, we have experienced incredible productivity gains in nearly all industries and we are now in the early to middle innings of the automation of banal labor.

Underlying all of this, is an economic system that is driven by public sector spending that is absorbed into financial assets in a trickle up fashion. I have tried explaining to various mouth breathers that all welfare is welfare to the wealthiest and have watched the light turn on and then watch them quickly hunt for the light switch.

A major challenge to non-physical reserve asset currencies is the logistics of exchanging and storing it. Paper deposit receipts with large banks and bourses was an efficiency innovation that enabled a lot more wealth scale, but an electronic deposit receipts backed by paper assets has truly changed the scale of wealth hoarding.

Prior to computers, the kind of wealth scale we are seeing was not possible because a person would bleed out on accountants, lawyers and security just to inventory to and hold it.

What I am trying to articulate is a mathematical problem that a simple mind wants to philosophize and moralize without considering the math . It is not about Hayek or Keynes, it is about 1 = 1 in the absolute mathematical sense. This is important to grasp because the problem of the math works for the left and moreso with the Forbes’ wealthiest merchants being non-warriors. This is why our merchants are so pozzed unlike the oil and steel titans of the 19th century and the tobacco and spice merchants of centuries prior.

As bizarre as it may sound, the underlying driver of the EEIC was the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. The colonies were all organized around gardens and agro research. The muscle deployed by the EEIC and VOC that people criticize was a function of maintaining order where the local elites contracted with the foreign warrior merchants and the local labor would inevitably revolt. EEIC and VOC became empires by default.

In any case, there is no escaping what’s coming on casualty front. Adjust your estimates way up. We will have warrior merchants again.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Beware the man just smart enough to recognize that there is a question, so that he can give a wrong answer to it.

Gedeon says:


Speak for yourself.

The math is what it is. Even Bannon recognized that if the ultra income earners didn’t accept a few percent higher top tax rate that the bottom economic stratum would soon come for their assets and here we are three years later. We have a growing percentage of the population actively trying to destroy capital and undermine civil society just to achieve the total abolition of our capital allocation system and we are damned if we don’t deficit spend and damned a day later if we do.

If you would be so generous as to share your highwit how we can achieve a bankruptcy reorganization of the financial system while simultaneously enjoying a steady population level, I’d like to hear your plan. We are not at terminal capitalism but we are at the terminal stage pre-bankruptcy and our society has never been so large or fragile as it is today. I believe 100mm US casualties is modest under the present circumstances.

It is silly to believe men can be sent down for re-education on farms like the CCP did half a century ago or that women can be detailed to laundry duty. Are we going to abandon the substantial agriculture technology gains we have made in the 20th century and regress to lettuce pissers just to re-educate? There is no laundry crisis at present or on the horizon of which women can be applied to solve.

I am MAGA, but there is a reason I am getting 20+ text messages/day and a similar number of emails trying to raise money. I am a modest four digits invested in this cycle and Jim can fact check that. I would give more but it is apparent to me that where we are going is beyond the ballot box and I do not like throwing good money into the wind.

jim says:

> The math is what it is. Even Bannon recognized that if the ultra income earners didn’t accept a few percent higher top tax rate that the bottom economic stratum would soon come for their assets and here we are three years late

We are already taxing and regulating the rich far above the laffer limit, and appeasing the envy of the poor ceases to matter when voting ceases to matter.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

That wasn’t a direct response to you, gideon, but the insecurity is noted.

The Cominator says:

Ban 90% of immigration, deregulate and kick women out of the workforce (at least greatly discourage it outside their traditional jobs) and wages go up.

Make lending requirements extremely strict for real estate and real estate prices will go down (No loans for 2nd homes, 25% money down 200 grand credit limit). Allow segregated neighborhoods again, though grandfather in minority families who supported Trump who already own real estate in good neighborhoods that want to segregate but they can’t sell to blacks or hispanics who don’t pass for white in the future.

Eliminate credentialism for jobs and bring back IQ tests.
You have the middle class back if you do all this.

Not Tom says:

Even Bannon recognized that if the ultra income earners didn’t accept a few percent higher top tax rate that the bottom economic stratum would soon come for their assets

Wait a tick, I think I’ve heard this before. Someone said that Communism is an inevitable consequence of Capitalist inequality. Can’t quite put my finger on it. Where have I heard it before? Hmm…

Oh right, it’s straight out of Marx. His predictions held up real well in the 20th century, didn’t they?

Not Tom says:


It is silly to believe […] that women can be detailed to laundry duty. Are we going to abandon the substantial agriculture technology gains we have made in the 20th century and regress to lettuce pissers just to re-educate? There is no laundry crisis at present or on the horizon of which women can be applied to solve.

Like we’ve never heard that one before either. “But what will women do if they’re out of the workforce? They need to work because technology! Industrialization! Current Year!”

Women work so that they can afford daycare, house cleaning, dog sitters, children’s education, organically-grown vegetables, take-out food, interior decorators, yoga classes, and vacations to get away from the stultifying atmosphere of office work. So here’s a thought: how about we stop outsourcing those things?

“Oh but think of all the daycare workers and Nicaraguan cleaning ladies and travel agents and Whole Foods markets that will suffer”… truly a great loss for humanity. How would we ever recover? The Economy might shrink, and we must protect the Almighty GDP at any cost!

Or, you know, not.

yewotm8 says:

“Beware the man just smart enough to recognize that there is a question, so that he can give a wrong answer to it.”

That’s what I’d always thought about commies. Able to point out to you “wealth inequality”, but unable to come up with anything better than forcefully redistributing that wealth.

Gedeon says:

“ Wait a tick, I think I’ve heard this before. Someone said that Communism is an inevitable consequence of Capitalist inequality.”

You make the false inference that I was stating, inferring or suggesting something which I was not. I would hope the intelligence level in the comments here is high enough to not conflate what Bannon said with advocacy of communism. To be certain, communism is a 100% tax on everyone with members of the politburo securing the highest status and their names at the top of the food, clothing, shelter and property lists.

Bannon’s economic nationalism advocates for ZIRP, but if you halt deficit spending such that we have parity between receipts and appropriations, treasury yields will go negative and that is a de facto tax on treasury bond holders. What happens next is a conversation I am happy to have, but too long to be buried in these comments.

What Bannon said is factually accurate and consistent with the math. If the math shares overlap with Marxist revolutionary theory, which it does, in this case, that does not invalidate the math and the math is more important than being signaling against Marxism. This is to say, if you pursue truth, Bannon’s statement is significant and should be thoroughly parsed and intelligently addressed in terms of formal policy.

Among the few people who I have been able to successfully take from ideologically resistant to the situation I have described and Bannon’s referred to, they are universally PhDs in hard science doing serious science and real math.

If you want to talk space, I have daily access to someone at the highest levels.

If you want to talk transportation and renewables, I have daily access to high level scientists at NREL.

If you want to talk about super computing, bioinformatics, search or or any kind of math, I have daily access to the brightest there, too.

When it comes to economists, I don’t have any connection to Bernanke, Yellen or Powell, but I do know someone who knows Volker well enough that Volker vomited in his bed from alcohol poisoning after drinking with his father. What I learned about finance has come from a variety of people, but I do owe appreciation to the guy (former Georgia Tech aerospace PhD candidate until he roundhouse kicked his dissertation advisor) who was a hard money quant who worked for FRE/FNM and discovered their portfolio risk in 2004. TLDR – Barney Frank shutdown the portfolio hedge because it would have ended in war when it came time for the BOE and CBR to pay out.

The system hasn’t collapsed because the law and order men don’t have a viable collapse plan and that was ok as long as the actual communists were not actively destroying capital and no cataclysm had befallen us. We have both now, so it’s important to think about all of this more urgently and throughly.

If you don’t, I can tell you with certainty that the technocracy internationalists have a plan and, if pseudo’s conclusions about the war of secession being lost because the south didn’t have a grand enough plan, this war is over and the fighting is just a formality.

In all scenarios, I still believe we have massive casualties ahead.

jim says:

Your belief system suffers from curious internal inconsistencies. As if it was not actually your belief system.

Time for a shill test.

Commit a thought crime, or at least respond to our thought crimes in a way that acknowledges our position and arguments.

Lets talk about the failure of reproduction without using gender neutral language.

Answer the women question, or address our discussion of the woman question. Or any of our other thought crimes.

Let debate female emancipation. I want to see if you can debate female emancipation.

jim says:

I would unkindly summarize your position as follows:

Hail fellow right winger.

I am totally on your side.

The Marxist position is true and is actually the right wing position.

All the rich and powerful capitalists overlords totally agree that the Marxist position is true.

No one believes that silly crap, and if people say that they believe it, it is only because authority is telling them what to say.

Hence the need for you to pass a shill test to see if your boss or human resources is watching over your shoulder. Back in the day, the poor and stupid were apt to believe that nonsense, because they were hungry. But now that the poor and stupid are well fed, it no longer deceives anyone, least of all those who spout it. Today, Marxism is an astroturf movement composed of ngo and CIA shills. The FBI shills do not preach Marxism, and the Soros shills preach Marxism disguised as anti semitism. Marxism fails to get any genuine penetration. It is going the same way as Trump derangement syndrome. People hear the voice of authority, and stop believing authority. Marxism has had no traction, no organic support, since the Soviet Union fell.

Not Tom says:

What Bannon said is factually accurate and consistent with the math.

No. This is a motte and bailey trick, and I don’t particularly care whether it originally came from you or Bannon, since (a) you are the one repeating it and (b) I’ve never considered Bannon to be any great philosopher anyway.

The inequality is the math and the motte. The idea that those at the bottom will “come for” those at the top is the induction and the bailey. Don’t try to create a false equivalency between the two. Either defend your bailey or concede it, don’t retreat back to the motte.

And as Jim said, I think it’s high time you stated a red-pill truth or two to demonstrate your bona fides.

Starman says:


” If you want to talk space, I have daily access to someone at the highest levels.”

Really? Can you demonstrate your knowledge of space travel for me?

What’s the difference between SLS and Starship?

Do spaceplane boosters work? If not, or if so, explain why.

The Cominator says:

Communists ain’t people is repeated every day in such places.

Publius says:

Dehumanization is a necessary prerequisite to warfare. It’s hard to convince a man to shoot another man. It’s much easier to convince him to shoot a man-shaped man-sized insect. You can tell war is coming because 1) both red and blue argue that the other tribe is beneath human dignity, 2) both red and blue believe the other side cannot be persuaded, 3) both red and blue believe the other side is non-agreement-capable, and 4) both red and blue believe that a war of extermination against the other would be short, easy, and beneficial. God help us.

jim says:

> 2. both red and blue believe the other side cannot be persuaded,

It is the other side that shutdown communication.

I have perpetually attempted to engage them in conversation, because I well know the horror that awaits.

> 3) both red and blue believe the other side is non-agreement-capable

We have continually sought compromise and agreement.

They uniformly and universally refuse.

If conversation is possible, let us have a conversation. We have had enough of lectures.

I have many times listed our intolerable sufferings. No one listens. No one will notice that we have grievances. No matter what we say, all they hear is “I hates women and blacks and wants to rape children”.

The Cominator says:

Actually I think the left is terrified because they THOUGHT war would be easy because ultimately the right is full of tough talking pussies but none of them will fight back, after St. Kyle and the death squading of Reinhoer I sense a lot of fear that oh god they actually are going to fight this time.

Cry God for Donny, America and Saint Kyle. Thou shalt not suffer a leftist to live, Deus Vult.

The Cominator says:

Oh btw it may not be short (especially if they succeed in ousting Trump), I expect the left to mostly have control of the oceans and so they may be able to bring in help from abroad.

Encelad says:

“so they may be able to bring help from abroad”

By the way, as it was discussed the working conditions of American nukes… Any speculation about the working condition of British and French nukes?

The Cominator says:

French nukes almost certainly still work as they have a fully functional nuclear progreamme all around, I doubt the British ones are in any better shape than ours.

simplyconnected says:

Publius said:

both red and blue believe the other side cannot be persuaded

Not to pile on, but this is a pretty clear cut one. Aside from our personal evidence, research clearly indicates that it’s the left side that refuses to engage. When asked if people would be willing to have a roommate of opposite political persuasion, it’s the left that refuses. Look at the research. Same with dating, friendship, on and on.

Mister Grumpus says:

“When asked if people would be willing to have a roommate of opposite political persuasion, it’s the left that refuses. Look at the research. Same with dating, friendship, on and on.”

That’s right. They’re locked in there with each other, and are throwing each other out to the wolves faster and faster.

Now this Qanon thing is triggering a Witch Trial response. A mental and spiritual contamination. The “real virus of disinformation.”

“Are you now or have you ever been?”

Thus the RNC2020 putting up the welcoming big tent. “You are welcome here.” Thus that D-to-R New Jersey congressman Van Drew saying he “felt liberated”.

Thus “#WalkAway”.

The Green Grocers are looking for a way out. Even in place. Even in Brooklyn. Some kind of escape, even if merely between the ears.

So these memes of “atonement” are powerful. “#WalkAway” is implicitly non-aggressive and mournful. A kind of probation. Refugee status.

“I’m sorry. I was wrong. I implicitly forfeit status and leadership for at least a generation. Thank you for rescuing me, and thank you for your mercy. I was blind but now I see.”

simplyconnected says:

Mister Grumpus says:

They’re locked in there with each other, and are throwing each other out to the wolves faster and faster.

I was shocked to find how true this is in my recent interactions with leftist acquaintances. Scientific matters like mortality rates due to a virus are now political (they turned everything into us vs them).

The left unilaterally closed the embassies and declared war.

Oliver Cromwell says:

The left has never admitted another side exists.

All of their descriptions of their opponents are psychoanalytical: hatred, ignorant, bigoted, angry, etc.

They have never described their opponents as animals, but only ever described them in terms fit for animals.

Their obliqueness has been an effective part of their strategy, compare with the ineffectiveness of the right’s direct terms. But it has also driven them insane.

jim says:

The only way we get an aircraft carrier or two is the seals seize it.

Which they are likely to do.

The Cominator says:

There is a contingent of Marines on board all large navy ships (though massively outnumbered by the crew on a carrier its around 50 marines vs a total carrier population of 6000) so its possible we get ships that way too.

simplyconnected says:

Yes, that article Milley was also linked by the Anton “the coming coup” article.
Anton’s point re democrat planning session leaking seems to be that the dems are leaking the report themselves, so their plans won’t be perceived as a secret conspiracy, and instead the coup will be blamed on Trump (I don’t quite get the logic, but that is what Anton seems to conclude with):

If there is a conspiracy to remove President Trump from office even if he wins, they’re telling you about it precisely to get you ready for it, so that when it happens you won’t think it was a conspiracy; you’ll blame the president.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Anton’s point re democrat planning session leaking seems to be that the dems are leaking the report themselves, so their plans won’t be perceived as a secret conspiracy, and instead the coup will be blamed on Trump (I don’t quite get the logic, but that is what Anton seems to conclude with)

As the old polish saying went: ‘the jew cries out in pain as he stabs you’.

Frederick Algernon says:

TC is a social justice warrior with an NRx frame. I doubt anyone can prove otherwise, but the more important question is, is this a bad thing?

I say Yes. Men who scream for the blood of many out of frustration, loathing, and anger tend to stand at the back of the mob and demand others bring them justice. But anyone who’s been here for a while knows how good I am at being wrong.

I think Ten very eloquently put paid to his Gas the Midwits, Scantron War Now invective. But I bet many of my betters will disagree.

So, I pose this question and proffer no concise answer: what is a Leftist?

Consider: if your answer equates to an amorphous collection of People I Don’t Like or vague groupings that comprise millions of people with general similarities, then you’re probably no different than a college educated mullatesse demanding racial justice in the form of gibbs.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

A leftist is someone who does leftism.

That is to say, someone who wants to cut the legs off of his neighbors, that his stature may seem greater by comparison.

Frederick Algernon says:


Pseudo-chrysostom says:

no u

Frederick Algernon says:

I’ve been hoodwinked!

The Cominator says:

Perhaps you have seen the meme of the political compass where the Authoritans understand politics and the right understands economics.

And its said of the so called Authoritarian left that they understood politics but not economics. Well I would argue that Stalin despite his delusions about economics probably understood politics (not in terms of charisma I mean the logic of politics) better than almost anyone historically. He got Hitler wrong because he though Hitler was a rational Machiavellian like him (when he wasn’t not entirely) but otherwise he made no serious political errors in his life.

Well Stalin knew leftists being one himself albeit of a different type, and the 1st thing he did when he had the power was to eliminate nearly all of them (sparring a few favored believing cronies like Khruschev and Kagonovich who he thought were too in awe of him to betray him). And he not only got rid of the men he sent their wives to Siberia (mostly they lived) so they couldn’t infect the rest of the population…

Stalin despite believing in command economics destroyed leftism as a religion, Suharto destroyed it as a religion… more moderate approaches historically have failed. Jim thinks he can hack status without carrying out a thorough purge at least if he can finds some state creed people will accept but I think historically he is wrong on that. Stalin didn’t think he could re-educate utopian leftists in his more pessimistic technocratic form of leftism he thought they had to die and that their close associates had to be isolated from the rest of the population in Siberia.

You guys don’t want to do this because you have some shitlib friend or relative still you want to spare and you know that in pure logic and examining history that I’m right. I have a single person I really want to spare too (though he maintains he hates the far left) and you know what I’ll tell him while the getting is good to get his ass to Canada or on a boat before it starts.

Frederick Algernon says:

You make some interesting points. You make some over general summations. You didn’t really address what I said. I don’t hate you; I’m worried about what you, and those like you, will do in the name of vengeance. I’m worried you will throw away a Future for a chance at Satisfaction. This is how I feel about the people I know who are Leftists.

Stalin and Suharto; head and tails…

I don’t know, brother. Think I might have to boot you out of da choppa right behind the last Leftist. Just to be sure.

Theshadowedknight says:

It is a simple solution. You don’t make a fanatic the Grand Inquisitor. If Jim is Grand Inquisitor, then Jim handles the problems that arise if Cominator gets out of line. If Cominator gets a little too trigger happy and too bloodthirsty, then Jim makes an example out of him. To encourage the rest of the inquisitors to stop trying to make policy. If Cominator does his job with a terrifying degree of enthusiasm, then falls in line once Jim is satisfied with the result, why make and issue of it? Such a man is useful, and should be given a good wife and encouraged to have many children.

Frederick Algernon says:

Coup complete, I agree. Coup current… I have faith in Jim’s words. I’ve never been under Jim’s command. I believe in Jim. I don’t trust Jim.

Theshadowedknight says:

Without an organization, Cominator isn’t going to go full retard and pull a Robbespierre, and you arent going to be pushing anyone out of helicopters. If you aren’t interested in joining up, then you will sit on the sidelines. Ultimately, its unlikely that any of us end up anywhere near command positions, so it’s a moot point. Even if we did, Cominator makes a great bad cop. So long as he doesn’t try to start running his own personal Inquisition on the side, we get to point to him as what happens if you get out of line.

ten says:

Yes, we are all just spreading ideas here, most likely none will play a grand role in the physical proceedings.

Which is precisely why there is a point to countersignaling overenthusiasm in recreating the vendée.

The correct form of government is not overly dependent on the contents of its subjects minds, as socialism is overly dependent on the eradication of nonexistent witches who spoil the peasants’ crops.

The world is fallen, every man is corrupt, slay only those that need slaying and be merciful to the rest. Not overly merciful, not prematurely merciful, but merciful.

Theshadowedknight says:

Machiavelli notes that the ruler should be both loved and feared, and that fear is the more important of the two. Well, many remaining leftists are not going to love Trump when he cuts their status down to nothing. They must fear him, and the proper amount of fear is produced from someone as merciless as The Cominator, so long as he is properly controlled.

A rabid dog or a criminal maniac is not the level of fear necessary, because it is unpredictable, uncontrollable, and inevitable. You put down mad dogs and madmen. Letting the RWDS rampage around is likely to provoke a defensive response from anyone capable of it.

On the other hand, too measured and legalistic an approach is likely to inspire insufficient fear. They might figure they can resist and plausibly argue their way out of it. Whether that is true or not, the perception of significant restraint might induce the remainders of the left to organize opposition, and it also leaves space for infiltrators.

Cominator understands the preparation for war. You all do not. Jim is a warrior priest; he is a templar, a paladin. Most of the rest of you are not warriors, which is not a problem, but it also means you don’t get to tell those of us who are what to do. Until The Cominator expresses open insubordination towards Jim, he is free to disagree with Jim here as is his right as a warrior.

I will defend his right to disagree with Jim, and make his case because priests and warriors both need consensus and common perspective. These types of conversations need to be had ahead of putting people on pyres and stakes. Once Jim passes the final word on the Leftist Question immediately prior to the Inquisition, we all fall in line and the time for argument is over. Until that point, or until Jim otherwise signals a decision has been reached, the matter is absolutely up for debate. And if you aren’t willing to commit genocide if that is what it takes, then you aren’t meant for this fight.

The Cominator says:

I’m not claiming to be a warrior you need real experience of war 1st…

But I think showing mercy to enemies is generally a mistake and in our case showing mercy to enemy priests is a YUGE mistake.

BC says:

But I think showing mercy to enemies is generally a mistake and in our case showing mercy to enemy priests is a YUGE mistake.

There’s presidence for it. In the first civilization of Sumer the priests ruled. We’re not sure how long they ruled but it was thousands of years at least. Eventually in one city they were overthrown by a General who became the first king and he appointed his daughter as chief priestess over the priesthood.

He both kept the priests around and humiliated them by putting a women in charge of them. The priesthood did not rule again for a very long time and kingship spread like wildfire to all civilizations.

There have been kings who tried to rule without a priesthood and they shortly found themselves with an endlessly revolting population making their rule endlessly unstable. We need the priests or we need a fully fleshed out replacement religion ready to go.

The Cominator says:

You are seriously arguing to not only spare Harvard women’s studies professors and the like but to keep them around in some kind of new priestly position…

And you think I’m nuts. Some form of patriotic christianity will the void don’t worry.

BC says:

And you think I’m nuts. Some form of patriotic christianity will the void don’t worry.

When’s the last time you stepped foot in a church? We’ve got more people to purge in the churches than almost anywhere else.

Christianity is no where near ready to assume the role in America. Christian leaders are dumber than shit and most are fully pozed and cucked.

You are seriously arguing to not only spare Harvard women’s studies professors and the like but to keep them around in some kind of new priestly position…

Don’t be a fag. I’m looking forward to Harvard burned to the ground and seeing it’s priesthood given helicopter rides with other universities given a similar treatment.

But again, we need a working religion before we can burn the old one completely to the ground. This requires a period of co-option before complete destruction. China didn’t go from Marxism to Capitalism overnight and we’ll require a transition period to go from Progressivism to Nationalistic Christianity.

jim says:

> China didn’t go from Marxism to Capitalism overnight and we’ll require a transition period to go from Progressivism to Nationalistic Christianity

Liu Bang had to fix Qin dynasty Confucianism, before he made it the state religion. With legalists having the upper hand during the Qin dynasty, Confucianism had been converged to legalism, as Christianity has been converged to progressivism, and is now in the position of arguing that Jesus is almost as holy as progressives, but unfortunately liven in unenlightened times, and telling their rapidly diminishing male parishioners that they are deplorables and Homer Simpson.

The Cominator says:

You want an answer to your what is leftism question… well in short.

Leftism is a secular religion with many forms. I think the heart of it is the belief in a malleable and usually in their false beliefs a perfectable human nature. Rightist believe in a more rigid view of human nature and believe an optimal societal structure must take even the more negative aspects into account.

Frederick Algernon says:

You didn’t say who is a Leftist. I struggle with this question myself. Your solution reeks of Leninism. It may be correct. I don’t think it is. As a very stupid man once said to me: You can’t just shoot your problems away; there aren’t enough bullets.

Theshadowedknight says:

If your problems are people, you can shoot them away. Failure to do so shows a failure of imagination, not of concept. However, you have to shoot the right people. Blasting everyone who disagrees with you is not the answer. The targeted removal of specific individuals is the way to go. Don’t try to kill an idea. Kill the man that spreads the idea, in a way that discredits the idea. See: #gravitywins.

Remove the Harvard/Yale command group that promulgates and disseminates the left’s marching orders, and a few hundred more among the most fanatic, and you might not even need the thousands Jim suggests. I feel that this might be unwise as it leaves an organized and hostile priesthood behind, but it is a possibility that should be investigated. Solving a problem that is based in people will absolutely require bullets to solve. We just need to make sure that those bullets go to as many of the right people and as few of the wrong people as possible, as quickly as possible so that we can end this.

jim says:

Seems to me that Charles the Second succeeded for over a century.

Of course, encouraging those purged to leave for America turned out to be a disaster in the long run, but hey, a century is pretty good.

Rustication, rather than exile. Make them grow their own food in the wilderness. Of course they would starve if not supervised by people who actually know how to do it, and it would be necessary to force them to treat their guards and supervisors with respect, thereby bring their vastly inflated self esteem into line with reality, but once they learn, we can relax the supervision and coercion.

Cementmixer says:

Rustication does seem awfully merciful and reasonable compared to just killing them…

someDude says:

Brother, I’m all for exterminating leftists, but you are making me nervous. I may be way more enthusiastic than you about helicopter rides, genocide and divvying up lefty pussy with my men all that, but I would not do it of my own initiative outside of Combat. I will need a superior officer to sign off on that sort of stuff. The right is all about hierarchy, chain of command and order. To take initiative in committing genocide the way you seem likely to do will make both your peer officers and your superior officers nervous.

At the end of the day you got to think about the effect your bloodlust will have on your own comrades and for the cohesion of your own group.

The Cominator says:

I’m not screwing anyone’s optics and going in don’t worry.

taswwh says:

I do not see The Cominator as a rogue officer acting out his fantasies. Instead I see him as a successor to General Sherman, advocating for the hard measures necessary to win the War and break the enemy quasi-permanently.

Sparing your enemy’s fighting resources during war or even after a victory is a monumental stupidity that my country has done and has yet to recover from. Even though I’ve come to sympathise with some of “the South” due to relentless right-wing memeing, I still admire Messrs Lincoln, Grant and others for being capable, efficient, and doing the right thing militarily as well as politically. The time for compromise is after the enemy has suffered total defeat, meaning not only total destruction of his fighting force, but also the complete dismantling of his fighting infrastructure and even ideology.

History has shown repeatedly that leftists (and their close cousins, Muslims) are treacherous in defeat, untrustworthy even at the time of death, and merciless in victory. Any advocacy of “mercy” or “reconciliation” before we have achieved total victory over them is enemy advocacy.

As for “Havel’s greengrocer,” any such person will rapidly switch allegiance to us when he sees the tide turning. There is ample amount of time between now and when the war starts for anyone with half a brain to defect to the side of Truth and Justice.

Those who beg forgiveness after defeat will be tried and to suffer either of two fates: those who are found to have fought for or materially supported the enemy will be executed (applies to enemy warriors), those who ideologically strengthened the enemy will be either be re-educated (enemy fellow travellers) or executed (enemy priests).

Leaving the enemy priesthood alive is a very, very, stupid mistake that the USA did not make at Nuremberg (but did make in Japan). I do not advocate for the complete depopulation of enemy territory, and I hope neither does Cominator. Our doors are always open for “Havel’s greengrocer” to come to us, but that is only BEFORE WE get to HIM.

The Cominator says:

You can spare the warriors if they were drafted somehow, but yes above all its a horrible mistake to spare enemy priests and if we are given the opportunity to wipe them out and don’t take it some form of toxic social entropy will return far more quickly (probably in two generations) than if you dealt with them my way.

We want a good period to last long enough that we can reach the stars and if that happens a return to leftism back here on earth or in any one place need not be so catastrophic…

taswwh says:


…spare the warriors…

Absolutely not. Those who live by the sword should be prepared to be put to it. Rosenbaum and his ilk truly deserve their fate as much as Trotsky deserved the ice-pick.

Exceptions are only to be considered in the case of fellow travellers. Remember, this is a civil war. There are no attacking foreigners who you are honour bound to fight against regardless of the crimes of your leaders. you are free to join the other side at any time. Robert E Lee could have just as easily assumed command of the Union forces but chose not to.

Fighting in a civil war is a choice. Those who make that choice must face the consequences.

The Cominator says:

Only if they were drafted and it was not easy to escape (or if the left was going to kill their family if they did escape), those who fight for the left voluntarily of course should get no mercy but its far far more important to be thorough about eliminating their priesthood than eliminating anything else.

Karl says:

Nuremberg resultet in a dozend executions. Do you think that there were no more priests alive in Germany after the war?

If the USA did make a mistake of leaving the enemy priesthood alive in Japan, how did that show? What consequences do you attribute to this alleged mistake?

Especially, how do think that a dozend executions in post-war Japan would have made difference?

The Cominator says:

Japan is the ultimate conformist society (the nail that sticks up is hammered down) things can actually work the way Jim says in Japan and only Japan as almost everyone is a greengrocer.

The true believers in National Socialism were not all killed but they were all persecuted (and quite many were killed) also losing a total war kind of discredited them in Germany at least until Merkel let in so many Muslims…

taswwh says:

Re: American actions in Germany vs Japan

Presidents Truman and (especially) Eisenhower were not hardcore leftists like FDR (pbuh), so deliberately soft-pedaled anti-German reprisals planned by US Jews like Morgenthau. Still, they had to make some effort towards destroying the “Nazi menace” so decided on decapitating National Socialist leadership while leaving the rank and file alone. In Japan they didn’t even execute the leadership.

My point was that postwar Germany and Japan followed roughly similar trajectories socially and economically. Both are socially conservative (Merkel is the right-wing Democrat in Germany, so is Abe) and economically successful. Former Nazis and sympathisers were quickly rehabilitated and achieved greatness, be it Adenauer (who had once proposed forming a centre-right coalition with National Socialists) to Joseph Ratzinger (the last real Pope) to Wernher von Braun (who Jim is a fangirl of), to, well, Hugo Boss :). Germany was able to consolidate many of the gains made during the Nazi years, and so did Japan, to a lesser extent.

Hemming Russia (then Soviet) in by Germany on one side and Japan on the other may have figured into Eisenhower’s calculations too.

Executing/re-educating the entire enemy priesthood is essential in a war that is 1) civil, and 2) existential. This has only been successfully accomplished by the Spanish Inquisition, and Suharto, till date. Even Stalin’s purge was less effective because Stalin stabilised the holiness spiral at a point too far left to be really stable.

To wit, the major problem in Indonesia today is due to the Muslim left (no doubt facilitated by the Cathedral), rather than the historical Reds.

Every single ruler that attempted a limited cull failed within/after a generation, whether Franco or even the great Pinochet. Even sending enemy priests into exile worked fine for Charles II for a time, but came back to bite us all in the arse, 100x as powerful.

The difference between Jim and Cominator is, that Jim is satisfied with a Charles II-type peace that lasts a hundred years, while Cominator is looking to establish a Thousand Year Empire.

Since America is a country with a very short and myopic view of history, i am reminded of the famous adage: The Englishman thinks a hundred miles is a long distance, while the American thinks a hundred years is a long time. Being from a country that is both quite large and with a quite long history and living culture, I’m naturally inclined to favour The Cominator’s approach.

The Cominator says:

1000 years of stability is not realistic but I think 300-500 is doable and probably enough time to reach the stars.

Otherwise we agree that limited culls of enemy priesthood especially fail.

jim says:

> The difference between Jim and Cominator is, that Jim is satisfied with a Charles II-type peace that lasts a hundred years, while Cominator is looking to establish a Thousand Year Empire.
> Since America is a country with a very short and myopic view of history, i am reminded of the famous adage: The Englishman thinks a hundred miles is a long distance, while the American thinks a hundred years is a long time.

Whig history and Marxist history has erased the past thousand years. The only thing that most people know about the past, even countries with thousands of years of history, is propaganda loosely based, very loosely based, on the Holocaust and slavery.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’ll be worried about Cominator going full Himmler when I see him pull the trigger.

someDude says:

He’s psyching himself up for committing a genocide when the time comes. By the time he pulls the trigger, it might be too late for you to do anything to stop him. Might be. I’ve never been in a civil war. I don’t really know

Atavistic Morality says:

He’s psyching himself up for committing a genocide when the time comes.

By enthusiastically making priestly arguments? Hahaha

someDude says:

And how do you suggest that he psych himself up?

Atavistic Morality says:

LARPing about a genocide doesn’t prepare you for one.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

To meme about something is to fertilize the ground of Being; preparing the conditions for it to bloom into reality.

pmcndf says:

I’ll defer to Jim on this, but I’ve realised that “genocide” may be another one of those anti-concepts weaponised by the enemy. Somehow the Tutsi massacre, nor the Kikuyu slaughter nor the killing of Maronites in Lebanon was genocide, but the killing of Bangladeshis in Rakhine was.

“Genocide” only seems to be brought out when some leftist group is suffering total defeat. Total war leads to total defeat, as our ancestors well knew and thus only fought limited wars. Even Genghis Khan largely spared those that surrendered to his challenge. Mercy and reconciliation are only possible when the enemy wants to fight a limited war. Leftists and Muslims seem incapable of fighting limited wars, any conflict they get involved in turns into total war, resulting in either their victory (which, suspiciously, is never “genocide” but may be “acts of genocide” as per Susan Rice), or total defeat, in which case the UN gets involved and NATO starts bombing the other party (cf Serbia, Libya, Iraq).

Allah says:

Exactly. “Genocide” was first brought up when Armenians and Greeks suffered total defeat as a result of declaring total war on their Turkish superiors. Very interesting that it was the ancestors of the current Left(Woodrow Wilson and co.) that started this trend of “adopting” distant foreigners, and this was before they abandoned Christianity.

As for Cominator’s solution, I think it would be a great betrayal of regular people. Most people simply do not know. Switch education and media from “hitler fascist holocaust racism sexism homophobia weed equality” to what is taught here and punish those who say otherwise.

someDude says:

Okay fine, we won’t call it Genocide. We’ll call it “making fertiliser with Lefties.”

pmcndf says:


pmcndf says:

Call it what it is — total victory. A la the Spanish Inquisition.

Leftists always fight a dirty, yet total, war. They mobilise all human and material resources to the fullest extent possible, and do not stop until the enemy carcass is stripped to the bone, then grind the bones into dust.

Fighting them is like “fighting” a rabid dog, not like a competing with an otherwise honourable enemy. If we are hesitant to claim total victory, we are certain to suffer total defeat.

Learn from the lessons of White Russia. Don’t underestimate the red guards. Do it the Chicago Way.

Of course, none of this will matter if we lose in the initial leftist wave itself, whether through superior leftist tactics or fifth columnists among us.

pmcndf says:

For the edification of Philistines who don’t know the Chicago Way:


(Yes Hollywood does get gud sometimes, or rather did)

jim says:

> So, I pose this question and proffer no concise answer: what is a Leftist?

I have answered this question before.

Leftism has no essence. It is social entropy, a mob of people looking for the next apple cart to knock over in the hope of grabbing some apples, and it is an ever shifting pile of rationalizations for the next apple cart and past apple carts.

Leftism in England spent over a century nice and quiet following the restoration, but got going again with socinianism, holier than Jesus types who had their eyes on jobs in the Church of England.

Leftism in the US never stopped going. When they founded Harvard, they planned to reconquer the world, to take back all they had lost in the restoration, and have been at it ever since, though everything in their belief system has changed except that marriage is not a sacrament, and Christmas needs to be suppressed.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

An implicit thread that runs through almost all forms of political rhetoric, from most any source, is the idea of a ‘bad winner’.

What honor societies understood intuitively, is that if you want excellence, then there needs to be such a thing as a ‘good loser’.

(There are some who would say they of course don’t believe in such a thing; these tend to be useful idiots for ones that do; enthralled by memetic sorcerers, long dead ones even, reaching from beyond the grave, whose trojan horsed mores they’ve unconsciously internalized without classifying such as such, going on to attack others – the desired targets – that they do.)

The explicit object that modes of thought like this are implicitly touching upon is potency; more crucially, it is the sense that something like status is not exactly identical to something else like potency.

A man who goes out of bounds in a foot race, for instance, could show himself to be at the finish line ahead of anyone else; but he is impotent, in the sense that his form does not actually possess greater speed than any of those other guys.

Likewise, a man who seeks to gain status by appealing to the conceits of dire apes, validating their narcissistic self-idealizations, and directing their narcissistic rage against those who would devalidate those idealizations, those whose very existence constantly puts them to lie, who actually are possessed of such virtues, who are more potent than themselves (and, more crucially, who they likely could not count on exceeding in stature *except* by such means), will of course be acting as a force that weakens the potency of the social organism he subsists in.

Much of the sinew that makes up civilization, you could say, is the canalization of competition; the contextualization, direction, of thymos, into more eutropic forms. That the formal winner and loser of a competition are both elevated thereby; that the very existence of the competition, for them to compete in, is a means of elevation; that doing the right things to elevate oneself, elevates all others in the field, wherever they may be in the ladder.

A good competition does not exist in a vacuum, but in the context of yet greater superstructures that supervene it; that which creates the table of play, sets the rules, and enforces their observance. And certainly, one of the most important functions of the king, is the supervention of how one may compete for social status.

A potent social organism requires components who do the right things; do the things that facilitate greater potency. To wit, it needs to provide a sense that it is a socially approvable outcome – not just fine, but laudable even – to do the right things, regardless of if you are ‘number 1’ or not, since by definition there is only going to be one ‘number one’, however massive the numbers involved – especially when they are massive.

Or in other words, a sacral underlining for the divine body who’s functions they embody; the ways of the divine that they participate in, above and beyond relative comparison with other particular beings.

The superficially collectivist appearance of many leftist moments, belie the profoundly dividualistic, subjective animus that motivate them – not by coincidence, either.

Karl says:

A leftists is someone who tries to gain status by oberserving the state religion more than his neighbor.

An older word for leftist is pharisee.

Mahmet says:

I don’t believe a Civil War will happen in USA. From all my readings it appears that the Left controls all important institutions from Media, Academia, CIA, FBI, military leaders (generals and colonels but not sergeants and privates). So there won’t be war between institutions because all are on the same side.

The Right cannot do insurrection either because now information control and organized military is too powerful. So whatever happens, I think the left takes over until they force America’s society to collapse completely. At that point I do not know what happen.

The Cominator says:

In the military they only have the flag officers and perhaps the navy (but I’ve heard not not the subs) and they don’t have the marines and many ships have detachments of armed marines, they don’t have the colonels there are plenty of right wing redpilled true warrior colonels but since Tailhook and especially since Obama they don’t make general.

The left can in no case rely on the military and they’ve so alienated the cops (who were far more politically reliable for them, soldiers are a lot more willing to go against orders than the type of people who become cops are) that the cops are likely to just sit on their asses at the donut shop…

So the left has the organs of official truth still, but only very weak unreliable control over men with guns and most of those men with guns loathe the modern left.

Not Tom says:

There is already a civil war happening in the USA, and it has already gone hot. One has to be willfully blind in order to actually read the news and still come to any other conclusion.

Cold civil war began the moment when Trump was inaugurated (“protests” in DC, attempted intimidation of federal electors), though it could also be described as merely an attempted coup without an actual civil war, since there was no resistance. The countercoup started when Trump hired Barr, tore down Russiagate and started Obamagate/Spygate, and most recently attempted to dismiss the Flynn case. The left fired several shots between ’16 and ’20 to incite a hot civil war – the congressional baseball shooter, repeated assaults on Rand Paul, and of course endless street violence against Trump voters. The left has been waging both hot and cold civil war; “open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not”.

The war has been lukewarm since the McCloskeys and hot since St. Kyle. We know what happens next. Braindead cuckservatives will first attempt to deescalate but the left will not allow it, so it continues to escalate. Cops executing agitators, death-squad style; retaliations against individual cops. Democrat mayors issue stand-down orders so federal forces deputize local police to bypass enemy DAs. This is where we are right now.

So when you say “there won’t be a civil war”, you actually mean “the left will win the civil war without any serious opposition”, but there is already serious opposition, you’re simply shutting your eyes. No one knows who will win this, and cuckservatives obviously aren’t going to fight, but no one needs them anyway.

My weather vane has always been Tim Pool; he’s not one of us, but he is the prototypical normie moderate. Watch the progression of his content and you can see how angry he’s gotten at progs and especially media, how he now owns guns, has softened up on cops, is planning to vote Trump, and believes (as he should, given the undeniable evidence) that Democrats are pulling all the stops to rig or delegitimize the election. Tim represents every milquetoast moderate who reads the news. If even the squishy moderates are forming battle lines, then we are in a civil war. The only question is how much it escalates, who wins, and how quickly and decisively they win.

Mahmet says:

So when you say “there won’t be a civil war”, you actually mean “the left will win the civil war without any serious opposition”,

What you describe is not a civil war but general oppression of Right-leaning people. I do hope all the good people of America will survive this oppression and eventually be free again some day.

jim says:

Shooting back has already begun. The logic of violence is that it will escalate.

The left is not agreement capable. They lack the discipline that the Bolsheviks had. If we do not defeat them, they will kill us all.

Not Tom says:

What you describe is not a civil war but general oppression of Right-leaning people.

No, it isn’t. Faceberg censorship is general oppression of right-leaning people. Suburban homeowners brandishing guns at BLM rioters, private citizens filling multi-million dollar lawsuits against the legacy media, mass arrests of antifa street thugs, teargassing agitators and Lafayette park, DoJ refusing to prosecute Flynn, police forces across the country resigning en masse, and normie kids shooting deranged homicidal Jewish boy-buggerers stone dead, is civil war.

Claiming that the right is not fighting back is shilling and demoralization. It is not going to be easy to win, we are a long way from any definitive outcome, and it could get quite a lot hotter than it is today – but it is absolutely a civil war and has been for months.

The Cominator says:

Its still the tense pre civil war period we’re in the late 1850s not the 1861, we have more than one bleeding Kansas but we’ve yet to have Fort Sumter. Trump’s reelection (and I think their attempts to steal it or cast ambiguity on it will fail, but I think they will try to send competing electors in some state that Trump won with a Democrat controlled government) however is going to be reacted to the way the South reacted to Lincoln’s election… but luckily probably will not fight nearly as well as the Old South did.

ppgrcb says:

I sure as hell hope they do fight “as well as the Old South,” and are thus militarily destroyed, economically bankrupted, and their very legacy the butt of jokes in a hundred years.

Militarily, the Southerners were cowards and cucks, fighting for a stupid cause under stupid leaders who were too blind to grasp the reality of total war upon them. They were simply not willing to do what was necessary to win the war before they got to establishing their Confederate utopia.

Robert E Lee never said or wrote as much, being too much of a gentleman and Virginia patriot, but his writings definitely give the vibe that in his moments of doubt he felt he could have done better as Commander of the Union Army instead of the bunch of clowns he ended up with. Sometimes I myself imagine that if Lee had realised that Virginia was greater as part of a Union rather than yet another marginal republic, the Union under Lee would be a much better place after an abbreviated Civil War.

The lower officers of the Union were militarily incompetent leftists, while the upper echelons were political appointees. This was the only reason the CSA forces achieved as much success in the beginning as they did. It was only after the political leadership united behind Lincoln (who probably had to eliminate/blackmail a LOT of people) that effective commanders such as Sherman (called insane by the lugenpresss) and Grant (called a drunk) were given free reign, with the results we all know about.

Pooch says:

I think it’s likely we will have competing claims to the presidency by Inaugutation Day. One by Pelosi backed by a House approved (Fake) contested electoral college and the real one by Trump backed by the Senate. The Supreme Court is a wild card which could side with either claim.

Coverage Wave says:

What are the odds the House will flip? That could change things, a Republican Speaker means a Republican Acting President if the Democrats keep contesting the results until January. But fraud for Biden would likely also be fraud down-ballot as well. What if key House elections are still being contested in January?

Trump should have held a presser six months ago saying he changed his mind on mail-in-ballots, with Peter Thiel and Erik Prince standing behind him smirking at the press. “I was completely wrong, I can admit when I’m wrong, and I think now that with mail-in voting we’re going to have one of the best elections ever. Of all time. Trust me folks, you’re not going to believe it.”

The Democrats who could smell a bluff would be trampled by the knee jerk lemmings who are anti-Trump in all things, and the left would be driven to kill mail-in voting themselves.

Seriously though, since we all see fraud coming, Trump must as well. He must have some countermeasures in place, or else he wouldn’t be worthy of the office anyway.

The Cominator says:

Once the war goes hot congress is not going to matter.

The Cominator says:

I’m not a huge fan of the Confederacy either given that I think they were sort of like the cheap labor lobby in arms (and seeking cheap hostile foreign labor is other than leftism one of the chief causes of the ruin of great nations) but I do not think it can be said they fought incompetently or cowardly.

Despite being massively inferior industrially and in terms of population and being generally badly outnumbered at most battles they held out for years and inflicted more causalties on the North than vice versa. Most of this credit should go to the Eastern Confederates, in the West they didn’t do nearly as well.

jim says:

> The Right cannot do insurrection either

If Trump reads Insurrection act proclamation from the White House steps, the right is not doing Insurrection.

The left is.

Mahmet says:

No, if the election is disputed, it will not start with violence but lawsuits as in 2000. It will wind up before the SCOTUS, and Roberts will most likely pick Biden. If SCOTUS does pick Trump, then Trump wins and gets to have a 2nd term (though the CIA/FBI will continue to try to undermine and remove him if possible).

Sure there will be riots but zero chance of Civil War. It does make very obvious that the Republic is dead. RIP.

jim says:

This is prediction that normality will continue – or rather resume, because normality has not been continuing.

People have been predicting that normality will resume for two centuries, and things just keep getting more abnormal. Maybe the civil war will not start in the 2020 election, I still predict 2026 or so, but if we do not get civil war in 2020, we are still going come alarmingly closer to civil war.

The Cominator says:

Some minor court just declared unlimited ballot harvesting in Michigan (the upper Midwest is the key theatre of electoral war) nah civil war is going to break out at least in a limited form after election day.

If they manage to remove Trump and install Biden large scale conventional civil war. If Trump stays in Argentine dirty war.

Not Tom says:

Dubya was an establishment candidate and so it didn’t really matter who won, they could afford to have a mock trial in the courts. 2020 is going to be very different. Team Trump knows that if it goes to the courts, the courts will endorse Democrat cheating, and that if Democrats win, they will go after Trump and his family, and eventually all Republicans. The stakes are much, much higher than they were in 2000.

A lot is riding – unfortunately – on the Senate. Republican senators should understand that they are next on the chopping block; should understand that Democrats, if victorious, will act immediately to plug the holes that caused them to lose in 2016 and make it so Republicans can never win again; and should therefore flat-out refuse to accept any Democrat delegates from contested states that allowed any form of ballot-harvesting, mail-in voting, or other measures that undermine election security, and should maybe warn the states ahead of time that they will do so, but I’m not an expert strategist.

The question is, will they? Every single Democrat senator will play ball, so Republicans (and by extension Trump) can only afford one or two defections. That means the Republican senators have to want to win, and the party leadership and/or Trump must be able to impose far more severe penalties for cucking than the Democrats/Cathedral/Left in general might be able to impose for cooperating.

This is a battle for legitimacy and I believe the Senate, rather than the courts, will determine legitimacy. If both the sitting President and the Senate declare that they won, and refuse to accept the results of any sham elections, then the courts will likely fall in line, and if they don’t, well, who cares? They could boycott the court proceedings to show how little they care; the Constitution does not give the judiciary authority to interfere in elections. But anyway, the Republican congresscriters have a long history of cowardice and backstabbing; hopefully they know what’s at stake.

It’s textbook iterated prisoner’s dilemma; Republican functionaries may temporarily gain from betraying Trump and their own voters, but the long-term consequences for all of them are extremely dire if they fail to cooperate.

Pooch says:

The Senate sided with Trump for impeachment. They’ll do so again in the election. I’m not worried about them.

Pooch says:

I am wondering if the Dems fraud the Senate races too and how that changes things. The new Senate convenes Jan. 3rd earlier then when the president is inaugurated.

Not Tom says:

It doesn’t. Electoral College convenes in mid-December. The inauguration happens long after all the important matters have been resolved.

Pooch says:

Got it.

BC says:

Anyone who defends themselves against the mob is being charged now:


Rushing faster and faster.

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