
The final election

Democracy, and any system where transfers of power are peaceful, such as a Republic, require that the elite play by the rules, for limited stakes, thus require a virtuous elite.

We no longer have the necessary conditions for democracy or a Republic, and restoring them would require recreating a virtuous elite, a project that takes generations.

As Front Page Magazine observes:

If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime — morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.

Well, I do think civil war. The left has overplayed its hand. They are in too much of a hurry to slow boil the frog.

Civil war would be terrible, it is a race to the bottom, and then you discover there is no bottom. But a left victory would just be civil war with us not shooting back. Tens of millions would die. Perhaps everyone would die, as last leftist murders the second last leftist for insufficient leftism.

Leftism is not a journey to a destination. Rather, you are in a car with the accellerator stuck and the engine will not turn off. Leftism just goes on getting lefter, faster, until it is stopped by sufficient violence.

Typically it is stopped short of everyone dying by one leftist seizing absolute power, a Stalin or a Cromwell, and that leftist makes it as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. Which by that time is apt to be very dangerous indeed.

If we can stop it by civil war, that would be unusual, though hardly unprecedented.

But, supposing we stop it, what then? Democracy cannot be restored, for the stakes are too high. Ceasar just has to take power though of course we will call it the Republic, as Caesar Augustus called it the Republic. But a genuine Republic is no longer a viable proposition. Were Trump to concede, he would be killed, his family would be killed, and a great many of us would be killed.

As in the Russian and French Revolutions, the left if victorious would then go on to devour each other. In the Russian Revolution the Kadets overthrew the Tsar, the Socialist Revolutionary Party overthrew the Kadets, and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Socialist Revolutionary party.

The Socialist Revolutionary Party cut its own throat by stripping officers of their mandates and handing over control to revolutionary-inclined “soldier committees” and allowing revolutionary agitators to be present at the front. It pursued a strategy of no enemies to the left, no friends to the right, and was predictably devoured by those to its left.

And then there was civil war, because the communists had no support, were an extremist minority within an extremist minority within an extremist minority. There always is civil war as the left moves ever leftwards, ever faster, but the later the civil war starts, the less likely the right is to win it, because if the war starts late, all potential leaders of the right have been eliminated.

Civil war is inevitable, it happens every time, because the left gets ever lefter, ever faster. But it is usually lost by the right, because the right starts fighting too late. The earlier the right starts fighting, the better the prospects of right wing victory.

If the civil war starts after an inconclusive 2020 election, whose outcome no one accepts, we will win militarily easily and decisively, and will then face the problem of what to do with the military victory, will face the difficult problem of how to turn military victory into political victory.

If the left wins without a civil war in the 2020 election, there will be civil war soon enough, as the left gets ever lefter. There was civil war in Russia after the communists took power, and civil war in France after the French revolutionaries moved ever further left.

The historical tendency is that the civil war seems to start earlier, perhaps because with the advantage of history, more people see sooner where leftism is headed.

As the left moves ever lefter, there will be war, there always is war, and the sooner it starts, the more likely we are to win it.

For us to win, Harvard, Yale, and the Judiciary will have to be cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized. The prosecutorial system will have to be depoliticized, which will require removing most existing prosecutors to the gulag. It has to become as dangerous to be too far left, as it is to be too far right. So long as Harvard remains Harvard, so long as judges have anarcho tyrannical power, so long as most existing prosecutors have their jobs, it will still be safer to be too far left than to be too far right, and we will continue to move ever leftwards, ever faster.

452 comments The final election

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

I have the perfect solution.


Simply transfer sovereignty to the United Nations.

That is what President Hillary was going to do.

That is what President Joe will do.

Because as everyone knows, “Harvard, Yale, and the Judiciary” are the motive power behind the United Nations.


Strannik says:

The United Nations is a diaphanous nothing that nobody would believe actually ruled over them or anyone else. And nobody believing in it’s rule, would have little problem in not being ruled by it.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:


jim says:

Deleted for being an uncritical spam link to a spam document issued by communists spamming predictable commie lies with the intent of murdering us all, as they have done before in so many countries so many times under cover of the same repetitious and predictable lies.

I would have allowed the link if you had fisked the document. Though I only read one or two lines, it was obvious that every line translates to “We are going to kill you all”, because that is how every such document translates. I have read far too many such documents, they all say the same thing, and they all fisk the same way.

If the United Nations is a diaphanous nothing that nobody would believe actually ruled over them or anyone else, then how can it also be an evil commie organization credibly threatening to murder us all?


jim says:

You engage in the standard progressive tactic of inventing a position for your enemies.

If “UN” troops come to America, it will be because the hostile and treasonous elite that rules America wants them here.

No one thinks the UN is a threat. They think it is a cover story for treason by our ruling elite and the deep state.

The Cominator says:

Yes the UN is just a cover story for things.

Its only other function is as a place where heads of state send people that they want to get rid of but can’t kill or even expel from the ruling elite entirely.

Trump put neocon bimbo Nikki Haley (who a lot of uniparty drones in the GOP want to give the nomination to) at the UN in order to get rid of her.

Strannik says:

Because it isn’t.

The UN is an empty shell that is filled with whatever you want it to be filled with.

At present, it’s the sounding board for the biggest bloc of countries in the world, the OIC, the ”Organization of Islamic Countries”, with all that entails.

Your posts come off like a Neo-Confederate regurgitated John Birch Society spiel, and yet you have the nerve to try to mock Jim as a ”Boomer”? What a joke.

The Cominator says:

Lets not lump the good honorable men of the John Birch Society with this shill.

I do not believe that Eisenhower was any kind of secret communist (I think he was a sort of centre right tradcuck) but otherwise the John Birch Society was mostly right about everything else.

Strannik says:

I was in the John Birch society. There were some…”interesting” people in that organization to put it mildly. I’m no Libertarian, but most of their talking points were and are very Libertarian ideologically.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

Don’t you have to be paid to be a shill? Let me assure you: no one of my calibre is being paid to post on pseudonymous message boards. I assume that those people are paid something approximating minimum wage, which is not even in the same dimension as my rack rate, to say nothing of when I really tighten the screws.

So, basically, you’re a huge faggot.

jim says:

Prove you are not paid to shill by saying that which cannot be said when posting from a company computer where your output is subject to your supervisor watching your shilling, and potentially read by the Human Resources Department.

let me see you say something that could not be said on an office computer controlled by your employer’s IT department, with messaging potentially visible to your human resources department.

Why, for example, has white and elite fertility collapsed? Why are fewer and fewer young white males getting laid?

What has child protective services been up to lately? What has Soros been up to lately? Who is funding and organizing Drag Queen Story hour?

If you have no thought crimes on any of these topics, you are a shill on the Soros, Democrat, or FBI payroll, working from an office paid for by them, on a computer provided by their IT department.

Not Tom says:

Let me assure you: no one of my calibre is being paid to post on pseudonymous message boards.

Well, I’m convinced. Here I was thinking you were a shill, but now that you’ve told us that you make a lot of money, I think you’re a shill and a complete loser.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:


jim says:

Telling us you are not a shill is unpersuasive. Say something a shill could not say with his shilling monitored by his supervisor and potentially accessible to the Human Resources Department.

You tell us you are writing from home on your own computer, but everyone when writing on their own computer under a pseudonym, even leftists, sometimes says things you cannot say on a company computer.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

[*deleted for failure to commit thought crimes*]

jim says:

If you don’t agree with any of our thought crimes, how about restating them clearly in the course of disagreeing with them.

If you don’t agree that modern laws on sex, family and marriage are failing disastrously and are contrary to human nature, at least state clearly what we think human nature is, and in particular what female nature is in the course of disagreeing with it. What do we say all women are like? Why do we say all women are like that?

If, for example, you don’t agree with the latest Daily Stormer, fisk it, rather than ignoring it while blandly asserting a contrary position.

You will notice that it is not old white rich men the daily stormer is worried about. Present some observational evidence to contradict his observational evidence, and acknowledge the evidence he has presented, and engage the reasoning behind his conclusions from that evidence.

You claim that our position, that the Daily Stormer’s very similar position, is untrue. Well. What is our position?

What was Daily Stormer’s very succinct summary of our position on the woman question as a revolutionary slogan? What program does the slogan stand for?

You are always posting links to enemy propaganda and asking us to comment on it. I just linked to allied propaganda. Comment on it. You ask me to explain the words of our enemies. Explain the words of your enemies.

The Cominator says:

“I was in the John Birch society. There were some…”interesting” people in that organization to put it mildly. I’m no Libertarian, but most of their talking points were and are very Libertarian ideologically.”

I’m an ex libertarian as are most people in NRx. I still like the idea that the government doesn’t fuck with people much but certain aspects of it don’t work out in reality.

I have nothing against rightist libertarians like Hoppe.

Jsd says:

Anglin has to be reading this site, right? “Seize the means of reproduction.”

jim says:

Probably. We all read each other, but I generally only link to fellow reactionaries. Daily Stormer, though excellent now that he is no longer overly Jew obsessed, is still a demotist.

Starman says:

@Sic Semper Tyrannis

” Don’t you have to be paid to be a shill? Let me assure you: no one of my calibre is being paid to post on pseudonymous message boards. I assume that those people are paid something approximating minimum wage, which is not even in the same dimension as my rack rate, to say nothing of when I really tighten the screws.

So, basically, you’re a huge faggot.”

What’s up shill?
Prove your not a shill by answering this multiple choice RedPill on women question. Just copy and paste the entire answer in your reply. If you disagree with the RedPill answer, copy paste that answer in your fisking reply.

Should we make pornography illegal?
[A] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling.
[B] No, because pornography allows us to learn about various fetishes and alternative sexual practices, and that is valuable knowledge.
[C] Yes, because pornography is how the (((Synagogue of Satan))) destroyed our TFR. Before the advent of pornography, there were fecund marriages and stable families, but then we let in these Semitic parasites, and they singlehandedly turned all our women to porn sluts and all our men to incels. Were it not for Jewish pornographers, we would all have big families, just like we had in Hitler’s Germany. Similarly to Brave New World, the Jews are using our own desires to control us – so it’s more like a Brave JEW World, am I right?
[D] No, but Child Porn should still be illegal, because whenever you look at an image of a child being abused, you are both encouraging the production of more CP, and repeating the original abuse.
[E] No, but we should require all porn actors to wear condoms, in order to protect the actors and actresses from venereal diseases, and to teach the viewers — who are often our own sons — to use contraceptives. Porn is spiritual poison, but it’s not realistic to ban all of it, so we should focus instead on protecting the sex workers — who are often our own daughters in college — from exploitation and bad working conditions.

Not Tom says:

I will admit that Anglin’s overall quality has definitely gone up lately, and having read that article, I am pretty sure he must read not only the blog but also the comments.

Of course, memes do have other ways of propagating, could simply be readers of his who post stuff from here in the comments.

I’m still not big on the sexual communism meme, though maybe that’s what’s necessary to get through to the white nationalist community. It’s more accurately described as propertizing the means of reproduction than seizing and redistributing it. Propertization of women being the foundation of civilization for nearly two millennia. But I suppose that doesn’t sound as exciting as the revolutionary language because we’ve been steeped in that language for generations and been told that it’s exciting.

jim says:

> Propertization of women being the foundation of civilization for nearly two millennia. But I suppose that doesn’t sound as exciting as the revolutionary language because we’ve been steeped in that language for generations and been told that it’s exciting.

As I said, he is a demotist.

The communist slogan “bread, peace, and land” implied that the peasants would get land, propertization being what people had been steeped in back then, but of course they lost their land instead. They dressed confiscation in propertization clothes, and Anglin is dressing propertization in confiscation robes, which I doubt is a good idea.

That said, seeing as there are a lot of unowned woman about, restoring the old order is indeed going to substantially resemble seizure. Australia from the 1790s to 1820 provides a good model for dealing with the problem of unowned immoral women.

Not Tom says:

No, but we should require all porn actors to wear condoms

We should start including masks and face shields in this choice, just for the extra lulz.

ouscte says:


“Demotism” is nothing but old-style Marxism. the entire WN schtick revolves around restoring the traditional Marxist roots of Americanism and banishing progressivism. Anglin has now caught on that this is actually wildly unpopular among productive people and is now resorting to a new schtick of “sexual Marxism.”

“Seize the means of reproduction?” Tosh! Pussy has to be seized by the individual to be bonded.

A quick test to uncover crypto-Marxists: Do you support the unbounded accumulation of wealth by honest means, while limiting taxation to what is actually necessary for sustenance of an Army and diplomat corps? Do you support Government staying out of the alms and charity business (“welfare”) altogether, and let that task fall to the Church/Established religion as is its right?

The test above has never failed me till date. Most “rightists” are just looking for apple carts to topple and balk at it.

I propose a similar test for the new “sexual Marxists:” You propose pussy for everyone proportionate to the amount he produces. Do you then believe that since men have inherent differences in productivity, which some men will have orders of magnitude more than others, that some men will have access to vast harems while others will have to make do with rotten hookers? Do you support institutional polygamy, where a man is entitled to as many lawful wives as he can afford and service, up to and including zero?

Baphometan Law, surprisingly, ticks off both boxes. Not only is the creation and possession of wealth high status (where the richest merchants are indeed wealthier than the Sultan), but also the accumulation of wives/concubines, with concomitant extremely high elite fertility. Eg: Osama Bin Laden’s 50+ siblings, which enabled him to take such risks and yet not have his entire lineage destroyed. Baphomet might be a demon, but he sure is more GNON-aligned than Moloch. He only prohibits usury, considering it to create wealth from nothing, thus immoral, which is actually a surprisingly rational position, and used to be the norm in Christianistan as well, until Jewish takeover.

Not Tom says:

I propose a similar test for the new “sexual Marxists:” […] Do you support institutional polygamy, where a man is entitled to as many lawful wives as he can afford and service, up to and including zero?

There is a difference between pussy and material wealth. The supply of pussy at any given time is finite, whereas material wealth is created by the very trade that socialists seek to curtail.

Pussy isn’t finite over time, of course, but there’s a roughly 12-year delay between when one is produced and when it can be used to produce more. It doesn’t take 12 years to build a car or an assembly line to build cars. And excepting the relatively rare cases of twin and triplet births, each woman can only make one baby at a time.

If a merchant has limited supply and is expecting high demand, there is nothing wrong with him putting a “LIMIT 1” disclaimer on either the coupons or the product itself. It’s a little tricky to enforce – nothing stops a customer from buying one at 20 different stores, and a man with 20 “legal” wives in 20 different states may be able to keep that up for a long time without being caught. But for the most part, people tend to follow the rules because they’re very inconvenient to break and the marginal utility above 1 is not that high.

Legal monogamy – that is, proper monogamy under the old rules of marriage – ensures that you don’t have vast hordes of incels wreaking havoc on society. It does not maximize fertility, but produces quite an acceptable level (3-6) as a tradeoff for social stability, and doesn’t have any negative feedback loop like wealth redistribution. Individual men still have to compete for the best quality, and they most certainly will; they just don’t compete on quantity.

A reasonable (not perfect) analogy is residential housing. Very few men actually occupy more than one house, and the ones who do tend to rent them out, and those houses tend to become less valuable as they get older and have been rented out to more people, and hardly anyone wants to buy a former rental property. A market where nearly everyone rents would be catastrophic, but a market where no one can (legally) rent will cause grinding poverty. Again, it’s an imperfect analogy, but it demonstrates that a market doesn’t completely break down simply because consumption is throttled; it breaks down when production is limited due to confiscation from the most productive.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Love the quizzes. What happened to the earlier ones (and document in progress) on the GQ?

For the sake of variety, I think “what did [famous sexual predator] do wrong?” works well as one can pick any number of examples and improvise.

What did Harvey Weinstein do wrong?
A. Nothing
B. Asking
C. Overeating
D. (((SoS)))
Note: bad films and Hillary donations don’t count for this question.

What did Jeffrey Epstein do wrong, sex-wise?
A. Nothing
B. Hoarding
C. Under 12’s
D. Not marrying
E. (((SoS)))

jim says:

I don’t know why Starman’s multiple choice quizzes are so effective.

Perhaps because by giving the PC option, the shill would be acknowledging the existence of non PC options.

You shut down the possibility of what the script requires – a reply that fails to acknowledge the question.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

[*deleted for inability to respond to my shill test*]

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

[*deleted for inability to respond to Starman’s shill test*]

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

But allow me to reiterate.

Here is an interesting point.

16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

What does this mean?

Go on, Boomer, tell us the meaning of this.

jim says:

I told you what it meant.

Standard issue Trotkyism dressed in greenie clothes. Old type Trots are no longer a significant threat, standard issue Trotskyism is no longer a significant threat – Fabian trots and neocons are a significant threat. Not going to waste electrons fisking old type trotskyism unless they appear in the New York Times, as they used to long ago.

The Cominator says:

“If the civil war starts after an inconclusive 2020 election, whose outcome no one accepts, we will win militarily easily and decisively, and will then face the problem of what to do with the military victory, will face the difficult problem of how to turn military victory into political victory.”

We need to do to leftists what they would do to each other.

Jehu says:

A Civil war puts the destruction of all the institutions on the table. Basically the only way the Right can win is by destroying pretty much all of the existing institutions. That’s why its stupid for the Left to incite or initiate a Civil War. If you control pretty much the entire media, education and most of the other institutions, you basically can’t lose a long term struggle.

Strannik says:

Many liberals are atheists, who believe that this life is the only life there is or will ever get. They can’t do planning beyond their own lifetime even when they try, they try to get everything they want done, all done before the end. And so, they screw up constantly by their impatience.

Dave says:

They can when they have children, which they generally don’t because of feminism. But this problem is not limited to atheists. Across the world (except sub-Saharan Africa, where niggers breed like animals because they are animals), feminism is sterilizing billions of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others, sparing only those who are 1000% commited to their faith. You know the type — church seven days a week, every object in the house is of a religious nature, the DVD case is all religious movies, etc.

It wasn’t always like this; less devout people used to get married and raise families because it was a normal, natural thing to do.

The 22nd century will be downright Medieval if this keeps up. By the 25th century all industry will disappear, the C and D climate zones will be populated by Amish farmers, the B zones by Muslim goat-herders, and the A zones by naked savages running through the jungle poking each other with pointy sticks.

Cis Scum says:

@Jehu “Basically the only way the Right can win is by destroying pretty much all of the existing institutions.”

Indeed. The only way and none other. Destruction is one solution, recapture another. If you look at the Cuture War Map below, and look through the list of institutions, one thing strikes you immediately; we control only one institution, and may even lose it in a month’s time.

But onward we march. The fight goes on. Looking through the list, how do we reconquer each one? Each one requires its own strategy. Note also that control of certain institutions enables control of others, something that must be incorporated in the planning.

Basically, if CW2 breaks out, and is won, do we have a plan to seize the moment? Because if institutional control is left in the hands of the enemy, that’s not victory, it’s defeat plain and simple.

Note that what follows is a draft. I think it’s important that we develop a more systematic view of the Culture War. Corrections or improvements are welcome as this is a work in progress.


Legend: The Culture Warzone consists of ten [THEATERS] each subdivided into several institutions, or [Battlefields]. The arrows [—>] represent high to low ground. Controlling high ground battlefields facilitates but doesn’t guarantee the conquest of low ground counterparts. For example, [GOVERNMENT] —> [JUDICIARY] means control of the government facilitates conquest of the judiciary. Note that the reverse is also possible, as was attempted with Spygate. Uphill battles are not unwinnable; they’re just harder. If control is uncontested it will naturally flow downstream over time.

Some battlefields are more important than others. [Fund management] for example controls most corporate boards though the actual ownership of shares belongs to the dispersed fund owners. Somebody who owns an S&P500 ETF wants the capital appreciation and dividend stream, not the truck loads of voting materials generated by its 500 constituent companies. As such [Fund management] is more important than say [Payment processors]. These allow you to cut off dissidents which is important but pales relative to the importance of controlling corporate boards and by extension an adjacent theater.

The Culture War is won by whomever controls the most theaters, as control of most can be leveraged toward control of all. As seen in the case study of the Trump presidency, control of the [Executive] is being challenged primarily by same theater institutions [Intel agencies], secondarily by adjacent theaters [JUDICIARY] and tertiarily by upstream theaters [MEDIA]. What the Left fears most about Trump is that control of the [Executive] might be first leveraged into control of same theater institutions, then into control of adjacent theaters and then into seizing everything else.

Culture War Map at link:


@Jim Thank you

TBeholder says:

If you control pretty much the entire media, education and most of the other institutions, you basically can’t lose a long term struggle.

This implies an united, non-senile player.
USSR had the entire media, education and most of the other institutions controlled, to the point they didn’t need external inquisition due to futility and bosses being loyal to their chairs (not even hides). Then it got senile. And then it got terminally senile (mainly due to corruption of promotion mechanism that both weakened will and made stagnation worse). USSR media and education were butts of infinite jokes.
The current Cathedral? Individually they are mostly senile: Pelosi, Biden and even Soros are not revolutionaries. Institutionally, they are mostly senile: they already promote the relatively non-threatening (Occasional Cortex), and since those are not safe enough (“The Squad” backstabbing Pelosi), the next wave will be even more retarded. They are already at “late USSR” stage after taking the softer power, but before taking the power firmly enough to be unquestionably in charge.

Karl says:

I’m surprised you didn’t mention Spain in your list of historical examples. Present day in my opinion very much resembles Spain a month before the last election that quickly led to civil war.

pyrrhus says:


pyrrhus says:

Malfunction….Indeed, Today and 1936 Spain look very similar with Antifa-BLM filling the role of anarchists…

Strannik says:

And about as effective.

jim says:

Yes, I should have listed Spain.

Spain is the primary example of the civil war starting early. In Russia the officers should have started the civil war when Kerensky and the Socialist Revolutionaries started against them, and would have won had they done so, but they were facing an external enemy and were tired of war.

The Cominator says:

Russia in 1917 was also a difficult situation for another reason.

Even the monarchists absolutely despised the monarch (rightly so, Nicholas II was the man mostly responsible for World War I and though I mostly like the Orthodox Church its wrong that they made him a saint as certainly Nicholas II is in hell)…

Strannik says:

Tsar Nicholas is not in Hell. He expiated his sins with his family, martyred by the Bolsheviks. He is canonized with them by the official church because of his suffering witness for Christ, not his political failures and weaknesses.

The Cominator says:

World War I is what put this world in the hands of Moloch…

If Nicholas II is not damned then nobody is.

Strannik says:

Wrong. And I say that as one who is no fan of the Romanovs at all. He was the Final Emperor of the Third Rome, unless God is merciful, and following the Tsar, Antichrist will come. And the Lord coming again after that.

jim says:

Nicholas II was a catastrophe.

He started World War I, which ended the power of Kings and the aristocracy, and started the problem we still have.

He fired the people who were trying to save him and trying to save the entire world system, Pobedonostsev, who was seeking to maintain the state religion of Orthodox Christianity and prevent it from being replaced by the state religion of leftism, and failed to adequately support Pyotr Stolypin, who was attempting to undo the catastrophic results of Alexander the Liberator’s emancipation of the peasants, which had given land to the peasants collectively rather than individually.

The practical result of collective land ownership was that the wealth of Russia was up for grabs politically, which of course resulted in a headlong gold rush by the left to knock over the biggest applecart of them all.

But he was rightly canonized for dying a martyr.

If land ownership had been decollectivized, and Pobedonostsev or someone like him still in charge of the state religion, Russia would have been saved.

Strannik says:

The Tsar was a catastrophe because he harbored traitors and intriguers and did not listen to Rasputin, who warned him against the war.

Stolypin was Russia’s last hope before 1914.

But ultimately as i’ve wrote before, Russia’s problems were long in the making.

Holy Russia is coming back however, nothing can stop that.

Eli says:

Tsar Nicholas II was a criminal, suicidal moron who deserved what he got.

Strannik says:

To the Devil with that nonsense.

The Cominator says:

If he had done the right thing and let the Serbs get what they deserved for state sponsored terrorism both world wars could have been avoided as could the age of feminism, leftism and social Democracy.

I’m certainly not God but in my limited human understanding that does not make for a saint, quite the opposite.

Strannik says:

Sorry, Bullshit.

Serbia was being used as an excuse by the Germanic powers to war against the Slavs and conquer them, and to war against the French and crush them too. It was a Vatican/Germanic thing and it’s noteworthy that the terrorist head of Serbian intelligence who backed the plot against the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 was later shot by the Serbians for being a German spy,in 1917. The Austrians and the Germans wanted war.

jim says:

Yes, the Germans wanted war.

And the Tsar of all the Russias gave it to them, while in a radically insecure position at home.

He could have secured his position in 1905-1906, by adequately backing the state religion of Orthodox Christianity, and rapidly and radically decollectivizing land, thus taking the biggest applecart off the leftists’ table, whereupon the Germans would have been less keen on war. And, while in a profoundly insecure position, should have avoided war.

The Cominator says:

“and to war against the French and crush them too.”

Germany absolutely did not want to fight both at the same time.

“and it’s noteworthy that the terrorist head of Serbian intelligence who backed the plot against the Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 was later shot by the Serbians for being a German spy,in 1917.”

Okay that is interesting but if the regular Serbian government wasn’t involved why was the chief sticking point on Austria’s demands that the Serbs were refusing an outside investigation.

“It was a Vatican/Germanic thing”

I can believe the Austrian government was aligned with the Vatican but not the Hohenzollerns… Papen who was a papal agent all his life did everything he could to provoke the US into the war so Germany would lose.

jim says:

The regular Serbian government was not in control of Serbia. It lacked sufficient cohesion to make war or peace, and so inevitably found itself in war. It was not agreement capable. Same collapse of authority as was happening in Russia. The Tsar should have restored authority in both Russia and Serbia.

The Tsar should have made a peace deal in which Serbia got a government capable of making and keeping peace.

Publius says:

Unfortunately, Austrians made it very hard for Russians to let Serbians get what they deserved, because of theirs and Germans actions during Bosnian Crisis. Russians been humiliated once, and that made them reluctant to trust any “gentlemanly agreement” with Austrians.

Plus, one of many reasons Serbia was so unstable was because Austrians helped terrorists murder pro-Austrian Serbian king. The same organization later murdered Archduke Ferdinand.
And they were actively supporting Polish and Ukrainian terrorists in Russia.

This was a fiasco, and Russians hardly deserve all blame for it.

Yul Bornhold says:

“If he had done the right thing and let the Serbs get what they deserved for state sponsored terrorism both world wars could have been avoided as could the age of feminism, leftism and social Democracy.”

That’s by no means certain.

Even without Russian involvement, the Cathedral already grasped Britain, France and America in its iron claws by 1914. Ordinary men fought for democracy which, while not quite as gay as gay rights, is still pretty gay. One can’t reason with the Cathedral. It only understands strength. Halfway through the first World War, the Central Powers quite sensibly tried to negotiate peace and return to pre-war borders but France and Britain could not countenance this. They were very much willing to fight even unto their own death against reactionary Germany, though England limply gave in to proto-pozzed Ireland only a few years later.

It would require a different spark and a bloodier war with America exerting much more of its strength, but it’s not inconceivable that, even with Russian neutrality, the Cathedral would have eventually crushed Germany.

The Cominator says:

France was not going to fight without Russia going in initially. England definitely not, especially not for Serbia.

The Cominator says:

“This was a fiasco, and Russians hardly deserve all blame for it.”

Not blaming the Russians (a people who I generally like) only Nicholas II.

Eli says:

Slight clarification: “criminal” as in “criminally stupid.” As an absolute monarch, he could never be an actual criminal.

Strannik says:

He was the product of his own Romanov ancestors modernization and westernization projects, and so grew to doubt his own anointing and his sovereignty over all the Russian lands, otherwise he would not have abdicated what cannot be truly abdicated. I as an Orthodox Christian cannot mock or accuse him; ”you shall not revile the prince of thy people”. All I can do is note that with the Restrainer gone, if we do not have another Tsar then Antichrist shall come.

Eli says:

I wish to be empathetic with you, but I just can’t. One of my great great grandfathers, being the head of the Minsk community, along with another person, paid something like 30,000 rubles to buy off a high-posted St Petersburg bureaucrat, in order to prevent a giant pogrom. They were already amassing Black Hundreds on the outskirts of the city, before the thing got called off.

Another great-grandfather of mine was a cantonist.

I have no love for the Romanov dynasty, even if (likely) Peter the First’s wife Catherine I was Jewish.

Then I read stuff like this, and I’m reminded that I still don’t have any love https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/28/russian-orthodox-church-suggests-tsars-death-jewish-ritual-murder/ . That said, I knew one Russian Orthodox deacon who is pretty amazing (and a mathematician, to top it off). I guess, it’s like me saying that I’m no racist, because I have one Negro friend.

As to Nicholas himself, Nicholas was a weakling who went along with all kinds of imbecilic shit: affected by his priests, by people like Rasputin (albeit said influence was probably more of a perception thing), by his own stupid German wife (you know a cuck, when you see him taking POLITICAL advice from his own fucking wife).

jim says:

> One of my great great grandfathers, being the head of the Minsk community, along with another person, paid something like 30,000 rubles to buy off a high-posted St Petersburg bureaucrat, in order to prevent a giant pogrom.

The Jews sawed off the branch on which they were sitting.

The Jews, due to their talents and that they could trust each other, had secured large amounts of property secured by the Sovereign. Whom they proceeded to subvert in favor of the mob.

The mob, predictably, came for them, as they suddenly discovered that the Tsar did have the most easily overturned applecart. The Jews had the most easily overturned applecart.

“Hey, it is not our applecart you are after. We are on your side. Go for the other guy’s applecart”. So say the progressives in the suburbs today, when the mob comes to destroy suburbia, and so said the Jews in Russia in 1906.

Much like the Jews in London and Paris today welcoming mass Muslim immigration. When the last Jew in England is murdered, the refugees will probably blame it on the Crusaders. Any British Jew, those of them that remain, will tell you that anyone who opposes the open door and welcome wagon for Muslim rapeugees is a white supremacist and anti semite.

During the move-the-embassy business it became obvious that the Democrats and the Israeli Supreme Court want to destroy Israel, and nationalist Israelis have generally gotten aboard the Trump train. During the China Flu mass murder in New York City, it became obvious that the Democrats want to kill the Orthodox Jews. Have Orthodox Jews joined the Trump train?

Russian Jews picked the side that was going to destroy them, and stuck with that side all the way through, like a progressive suburbanite chanting “Black Lives Matter” as his house is burned down around his ears.

The Cominator says:

Orthodox jews mostly voted for Trump in 2016 and probably will vote overwhelmingly for him this time… reform jews will remain overwhelmingly shitlibs.

The Cominator says:


NY is no dice still but this should help should he need it here in Florida.

Eli says:


You’re full of shit. Minsk was a Polish city until 19th century. The Jews who lived there comprised 50% of the population. The other half was Polish. The Jews were invited by Polish nobility centuries before and hand no problems with the Polish aristocracy, other than the usual antisemitism exhibited by the locals.

The Russian Orthodox church had specifically and systematically targeted the Jews. When Minsk became part of the Russian Empire, Jews had to deal with a hostile policy directly conducted by the Russian Sovereign, with perhaps Alexander II being an exception.

Read up, for instance, on the cantonist policy of the Russian government. This is a good example.

jim says:

Cantonism was the forced conversion of Jewish children from 1827 to 1857 by Nicolas I.

OK, reasonable that would piss off the Jews, but it is still stupid and suicidally self destructive to blame Nicolas II and the black hundred for the 1906 pogroms. That is like British Jews blaming white supremacists for the troubles that they now suffer as a result of unlimited Muslim rapeugee immigration.

It was not the black hundred that was doing the 1906 pogroms and when some goodwhite progressive who supports globohomo finds that his house in the green leafy middle class middle America suburb of Wauwatosa is on fire, it is not white supremacists burning him out of housing that white people built.

When you said “black hundred” you are walking the same path as all those Jews who blame white supremacists for burning down Kenosha

When you said “cantonism” you are saying “OK, it may not be true, but they are so wicked they deserve the lie, and if they did not do that wicked thing, they did plenty of other wicked things”

Jews, not white supremacists, not black hundreds, are the victims of this lie. Don’t let the fact that real enemies on the right existed somewhere far away and long ago blind you to the fact that you have real enemies on the left right now.

Not Tom says:

NY is no dice still but this should help should he need it here in Florida.

From this guy’s Twitter, he comes across as a Covid Karen but not obviously anti-Trump, and called out Cuomo a number of times. Like a Jewish Tim Pool maybe. So, I don’t really get it – seems like one of these bizarre intra-tribal disputes, for which the media obviously spins its own gay narrative, but for which the actual facts are mysterious and inscrutable to non-members of the tribe.

It says good things about the community itself that they see through the lies (oh noes 10% infected and still 0 dead! shut it down!) but as far as this reporter and this incident, looks less like left vs. right and more like the popular kids teaching a lesson to the sickly faggy kid whom they ignored until he got a little too uppity.

But that’s just my intuitive read on it. Maybe someone more familiar with the vagaries of Haredi Jews can explain.

jim says:

The Jewish propensity for self destructive myth making is notorious.

Strannik says:

And @Eli;

Don’t assume. I have Old Believer Orthodox sympathies and ties, and am well aware of the Russian history involved. I’m no fan of the Romanovs in the slightest. But they were the Tsars, the rulers of the country to whom fealty and obedience is due as a command from God in all things except sin.

polifugue says:

Before the revolution the leader is an enlightened visionary, after a tyrannical despot.

According to the Unitarian Register, Nicholas II was a reformer. He curbed the actions of the ober-procurator of the Holy Synod Pobedonostsev, ended the political convict system, and deposed the education minister after student riots.


Pobedonostsev, eventually fired in 1905, was the man who wrote “Reflections of a Russian Statesman.”

Most disturbingly, he sought the advice of professors, students, lawyers, capitalists and laborers. Imagine a King caring about what “students” and “workers” think! It is unkingly to care what people in the lower castes think, and peasants don’t “think” they “feel,” about you. Imagine Charles II caring about what the peasants “feel” about him, let alone seeking their opinions!

As a member of the Orthodox Church, I am not allowed to dispute the canonization of Nicholas II as a Passion-Bearer. He may have been a terrible politician, but he died with his family a martyr’s death in our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. Nicholas II is in heaven with the saints for his service to Christ, not his failures as monarch.

The Cominator says:

Its not wrong for a monarch to speak with people outside the elite that wasn’t Nicholas problem, Nicholas problem was starting a war he wasn’t prepared for and for very stupid reasons and the fact that he let the lawyers and such advise him. Listening to lawyers and academics is MUCH worse than listening to peasants and workers.

polifugue says:

If a King speaks with an individual peasant, student, or worker, the problem is not that he is listening to them, the problem is it shows softness.

Genuine elites do not give a damn whether or not people like them, only that they serve them in practical matters. Not Machiavellian, not elite. Machiavelli says it is better to be feared rather than loved not because a leader wants to make people hate him, but that caring about people liking you shows incapability to rule.

Russia in the early twentieth century needed a King who was ruthless like Suharto, a man who could have Kerensky extrajudicially executed and any member of the Duma who opposed sent to Siberia. Instead, Nicholas II let Kerensky go; even his wife told him to execute him.

It is not the content, it is the mindset. If a leader cares what plebs think of him, he will and should be overthrown.

jatt arya says:
jim says:

If God is referred to as s/he, you are being assimilated by globohomo.

The substance of the article is that you should conduct war according to rules that globohomo enforces on its warriors when it wants them to be defeated, because they fear near more than they fear far, but when globohomo actually wants to win, they apply very different rules on their warriors.

These are not the rules that Globohomo followed when they attacked the whites of Rhodesia, the Tutsi in the Congo, or the Alawites in Syria.

jatt arya says:

Lol, it’s a decades old article quoting centuries old sources.
The Vedic concept of the Formless Lord IS ‘genderless’ so it’s up to the author how they translate it.

Primodial Chaos,
From the formless Lord emerged the Sword (Shakti) or Great Mother who gave birth to the universe||
Warriors are highest because they are most in tune with the cosmic reality||
The Sword is called Chandi the name of the Goddess, all weapons are considered her physical manifestation||

Another representation of Akal Purakh (Immortal/Deathless Being) is the AAD Chand||
Both creation & destruction, crescent moon of Shiva & Khanda of Devi||
Qazi Nur Muhammad is a Pir who accompanied Durrani during the Afghan-Sikh Wars.
Globohomo def is attacking us by trying to get gay marriage||

Thing is the Khalsa in blue still segregates by caste & gender.
They’re also armed to the teeth in a country where swords are licensed..
In the west, honor killings aren’t even reported anymore,

We attain salvation fighting & dying for, and against the Lord so theology doesn’t matter as much.

The substance of the article is a good PR campaign, when the reality is something more like this:


All along the platform, she later wrote, blue-turbaned Sikhs sat cross-legged, their curved kirpans across their knees, patiently waiting for the next arriving Special.


Karl says:

No, kings absolutely need to listen to lawyers and academics and correct them or remove them if they have the wrong opnion.

The opinion of a judge matters very much. A king must not neglect that opinion.

Neglecting the opinion of a judge or a state prosecutor means neglecting whether criminals go unpunished and decent subjects of the king are sentenced to prision or death.

Neglecting the opinion of academics is neglecting the opinion of future lawyers.

jim says:

Future lawyers, and present lawyers, and judges, need to listen to the Sovereign, not the other way around.

Otherwise we get what we have got, anarcho tyranny, a thousand Kings three miles away instead of one King three thousand miles away.

Karl says:

I guess that was just a misunderstanding of the word “listening”. I understood the word to mean merely note what one is saying (perceiving) and such be very different from the word “obeying”.

Let me phrase it more clearly:

Judges should obey the sovereign. The sovereign needs to check whether he is obeyed and therefore has to be very aware of what the judges say and write.

The Cominator says:

He needs to give them orders corrections and have them executed from time to time.

Taking them in as close advisors… no.

“neglecting whether criminals go unpunished and decent subjects of the king are sentenced to prision or death.”

This is why he should talk to the peasants and such from time to time. He’ll get a more honest and realistic perspective on that issue from them.

Pooch says:

The discussion about Nicholas II got me thinking about my conversations with my family (tradcuck Americans) trying to persuade them about the merits of monarchy.

Their response is always “What if the King is a tyrant or a really bad leader, then we can’t vote them out!” For which, I never have a good answer.

pyrrhus says:

Ask them…What if the party you have voted in turns treasonous and starts inviting millions of aliens into your country, and bailing out (((bankers)))…and the other party is no better? How do you vote them out?

Dave says:

Since 1945 all important decisions concerning social policy in America (segregation, abortion, gay rights, to name a few) have been made by federal judges. How do we vote them out?

Not Tom says:

We don’t. A strongman informs them one day that they are going to follow the law, not make the law, otherwise they will find themselves on the wrong side of “the law”.

In an Augustan, restoring-the-republic frame, this could be a Supreme Court overturning Marbury v. Madison, but that seems unlikely to happen in our lifetime or ever. So coercion it is.

It’s not as if this can’t be done systematically. The Cathedral installs its commissars in every corporation through the HR department. A strong government could easily provide the same “oversight” to federal courts, ensuring that, for example, any judges whose judgements fail on appeal a little too often (DC circuit and NY courts being famous for this) are visited by heavily armed men who ask them very politely to retire early.

BC says:

Tell them we already have a bad monarchy where thousands of judges act as dictators inventing bad laws left and right. A single ruler is much preferable to thousands of rulers.

The Cominator says:

Can you vote out the permanent government now?

If you could vote out the permanent government how could it possibly differ from Moldbug’s “true election”?

polifugue says:

Was it the voters who ousted Nixon, was it congress, or was it someone else?

We have representatives in Congress, in the Senate, in the White House, do they write the laws?

Does Congress run the schools? Does the Senate run the military? Does the White House run the FBI? Sure, the president can appoint leaders of such institutions, but does he in fact run these institutions? Our elected officials choose judges, but who trains the judges? Who educates the officials? Who instructs the military officers?

If a man refuses to bake a cake for homosexuals, is it congress who fines him? Is it the senate? Is it the White House? If Obama in 2008 says marriage is between a man and a woman, then 10 years later such opinion is racist Nazi Hitler Hitler Hitler, is that Congress, or is it something else? Do we vote on them?

Government is not its leaders, government is its administrators. Democracy is a fiction, it is rule by those who guide the thousand kings, rule by those who educate and train the administrators. Would it be better to have one king on a throne far away, or a thousand kings five miles away, trained by people who hate you and want you dead, your children abused and murdered, who think it’s funny?

Not Tom says:

And if you do end up with a tyrant king, it is far easier to depose one tyrant than a thousand tyrants.

History suggests that kings and dictators who are hated by their subjects tend to have very short lifespans, while oppressive castes tend to become entrenched to an almost inconceivable degree.

For the less cerebral types, the analogy I like is: it’s a lot easier to kill one tiger than a thousand rats or a million ants.

Strannik says:

General Kornilov tried an early coup, but failed when Kerensky sent out the red guards to stop his march on Petrograd. Of course these same men stormed the Winter Palace and ended Kerensky’s provisional government, but the Left just doesn’t have that kind of foresight to see things like that.

Atavistic Morality says:

If it resembles Spain, it does so as a candle resembles a bonfire.

Those leftists paid women 50% of a man’s salary on principle and called blacks worthless niggers. While the Antifa “collection” are a disjointed bunch of women and faggots cruising for alpha male dick plus a few criminal rejects that can’t even defeat children.

If the military and the police are with Trump there isn’t going to be any civil war, the left is utterly incapable.

Strannik says:

I agree. And the semi-sane among them will have made the same calculations as well. By the time they get around to even trying anything stupid, the money spigot will have dried out as well.

Not Tom says:

Military and police are not a single entity. That’s why civil war occurs. Elites against elites, warriors against warriors.

If a rogue general orders a division to march on the White House and take down President Trump, that is unlikely to be obeyed, not because there isn’t a single grunt who would be willing to obey, but because the ones who would be willing to obey know that they would be hopelessly outnumbered (or so I assume; you never know until you try).

But if 1000 mayors and 20 governors across the country all assert that Antifa Is An Idea and order their local and state police to ignore them while arresting any homeowners foolish enough to defend their property, then it is property owners against local police, local police against state police, state police against military loyalists, military loyalists against military brass and captains “just following orders”, all against a backdrop of rage and confusion promoted by the media and the academy and the IC. That looks a great deal like civil war to me.

It’s not an issue of the laughable “revolutionaries” and their individual abilities; it rarely is. They’re merely the tip of the spear.

Atavistic Morality says:

I don’t see any evidence of these divisions happening among LEOs and soldiers anywhere, but I do see evidence of the opposite. When Trump gave the order it was heard and followed.

Who and where are those warriors opposing Trump? Show them to me.

If you care for reality you can try looking for this on google: police union endorsement 2020.

Pooch says:

The division won’t be seen and cannot be seen until the leftist Generals order Trump removed from the White House. At that point the line is drawn on who obeys that order and who obeys Trump instead.

Not Tom says:

Precisely as you say. Obviously we are not seeing cops shooting at each other because the divisions are mostly across territorial and hierarchical lines. They arrest Kyle Rittenhouse, they arrest and manufacture evidence against the McCloskeys, they arrest gym owners for trying to open their gyms, they arrest Christians and Orthodox Jews for having too many people in their churches or synagogues. Many are probably not doing it because they want to, but they are too craven to resist and simply “following orders”.

Military grunts will probably not shoot at each other unless the head-counting shows an even split, which is unlikely. But military divisions, quite possibly; naval forces against ground forces, air force being a tossup.

It’s rather ridiculous to demand evidence of a thing happening in the present when the debate is over whether it will happen in the future. We can’t know until the cold war heats up, until both the left and the right decide that the time for words and procedure has ended. The left decided that long ago but the right has not fired any shots yet – not officially, not at anyone on the left who truly matters. If the Trump faction tries to arrest Biden or Obama or Sally Yates or Andrew McCabe, or of course if the Cathedral faction tries to arrest Trump or Barr, then we’ll see the fireworks, and then we’ll know who is truly on the side of whom.

But so far, it’s still just the left enforcing anarcho-tyranny where the left has undisputed authority, and the right blustering about it but generally minding its own business where the right has some plausible degree of authority. It is, as Jim says, a civil war with us not shooting back. The LEOs and NCOs are indicating that they might be willing to shoot back, but have not actually shot back.

Atavistic Morality says:

The LEOs and NCOs are indicating that they might be willing to shoot back, but have not actually shot back.

Untrue, Lafayette Square and Portland. There’s no one to “shoot back” to in the manner you’re describing, Americans still live in the pretense of the Republic as a framework. When Trump has led, they have followed.

You’re playing Coronadoom two, this time with an allegedly military and police civil war to which there’s no evidence of any kind. Further, the Democrats are openly and increasingly hostile towards police and soldiers, who are increasingly mutinous, unwillingly to care or bother about them, their orders or their faggots. Antifa gets whisked away in the middle of the night, no one cares, no one does anything, but apparently police are fighting police and military are fighting military, but what is actually happening like Jim describes is police vs prosecutors and judges.

All throughout the country police unions, which are true representatives of police willingness, opinion and intentions (they are the ones who protect John when he shoots back at the nigger) are endorsing Trump, remarkably so from long controlled Democrat places. You want us to believe that these people are somehow going to fight for Democrats if it comes to war, it’s ridiculous. The attitudes don’t line up, the incentives don’t like up, the facts don’t line up.

They arrest someone because they are bound to listen to the judge and the prosecutor, who manufacture the evidence and demand these retarded laws are applied. The police officer has no choice, this is the inertia of the system in the pretense that the Republic is still alive, this is the bubble in which they live along with every other citizen including Trump. But when Trump gives order A and enemy gives order B, he happily follows order A.

A civil war implies the end of the pretense, like the end of the pretense in Spain in 1936. If the pretense ends, the cop is very obviously not going to join the side that wants to defund him, kill him, sic niggers at him and insults him and hates him. And the same goes with the soldier. Where are all the “Veterans for Biden” groups at? Lmao.

The cop, living under the pretense of Republic, is willing to arrest a willing citizen, without effort, or risk, following all this pretense of “law still alive”. The cop, after the cataclysm of the pretense, is not going to risk his life for a nigger, a strong independent womyn, a faggot or a criminal reject who hates him anyway.

Don’t even bother appealing to authority with “as Jim says” unless you at the very least bother to listening to what Jim actually says:

If the civil war starts after an inconclusive 2020 election, whose outcome no one accepts, we will win militarily easily and decisively, and will then face the problem of what to do with the military victory, will face the difficult problem of how to turn military victory into political victory.

Doomer narratives are fake and gay.

Dave says:

As Napoleon said, never interrupt your enemy when he’s attacking the cops. Our enemy unites under the banner “All Cops Are Bastards”, which includes Black and Latino cops. Maybe when the police tire of being scapegoats, they’ll rise up and become the renegade blue-clad right-wing death squads that the Democrats presently imagine them to be.

I’d rather live under a Jimian patriarchy, but a Latin-American-style military junta would be a big improvement over what we have now.

Pooch says:

Yes the interesting development to me is non-white police and military have rallied to the Trump flag. Trump is right, strict White Nationalism should be avoid. We should welcome competent non-white warriors with open arms.

Pooch says:


Pseudo-chrysostom says:

There are tactical contingencies that make that line more valuable; more valuable the more universally leftist leftists become, and the dragnet for destruction includes ever wider swaths of folk declared heretical; but one of the chief errors of cold warriors and similar ‘political realists’ of the 19th and 20th centuries, was their propensity for taking contingencies of their present circumstance as fundamental in of themselves; not so explicitly kenning that the contingencies of their circumstance was created by the interplay of yet deeper forces, which are not in stable equilibrium, and that the greater good is done through perception of a deeper force, and greater alignment with it, greater advancement of it’s telos.

Great powers undermining each other around the globe, especially with ideological weapons, are a classic example of this. Many of the men responsible for such events considered themselves patriots – believed, as far as they understood things, that what they were doing was for the sake of their countries interests. But that instinctive tendency, to keep an eye out for any shoots growing taller than you, and want to chop them down to size, the tendency for every other shoot to decide to focus on chopping down the tallest shoot first, is essentially a basal form of leftism in embryo. And though few of those men were alive to see it, all subversion comes home to roost; the mindset capable of conceiving and enacting a subversion to begin with, even if initially projected onto an Other, conceived of specifically as a means of harming the Other, is capable of being bent further down the road implied by it’s cardinality.

Not even Trump has the cohones to say ‘America was an invention of teutonic peoples, and does not subsist but that it is populated by those peoples’ at his next press briefing (unlike anyone else with a platform he does have the cohones to dogwhistle it though), yet it is no less a true statement.

Not Tom says:

Not even Trump has the cohones to say ‘America was an invention of teutonic peoples

Teutonic? Uhh…

America was an invention of English settlers. And some Dutch.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:
jim says:

The Britons were largely eradicated. The survivors fled to Brittany.

Briton placenames do not survive, except for Wales. The genetic evidence is disputed, but when there is a dispute someone is lying, and it is obvious that power is on one side of the story, and against the other side of the story.

Pooch says:

Was there clear left vs right signaling of military and police loyalty in the run up to the Spanish Civil War? My Spanish Civil War knowledge is lacking.

Atavistic Morality says:

Yes, Franco was specifically sent to the Canary Islands under house arrest as a form of exile because they were afraid of him before the conflict. I imagine this further fueled his incentive to join Mola.

In 1934 the leftists tried a coup, which they failed.

The comparisons with our civil war are delusional, or at best like I said like comparing a candle to a bonfire. As if the American left had any Indalecio Prieto or Largo Caballero and their goons, it’s not even close.

Pooch says:

I see. So ours is different in which the left has all the Generals already yet we have most of the rank and file.

Dan Kurt says:

Thanks to Fitness Reports being the tool for promotion American Generals are toadies & perfumed princes.

Dan Kurt

Pooch says:

While the Antifa “collection” are a disjointed bunch of women and faggots cruising for alpha male dick plus a few criminal rejects that can’t even defeat children.

Latest Antifa shooting did not fit that stereotype. Shooter had a good gun with an optic, good grip and stance that comes from proper training, and appeared to be wearing body armor.

All advocacy for progressive social reform will serve as evidence of spiritual sickness as well as a propensity for interpersonal treachery until proof of the contrary can be known.

[…] Source: Jim […]

jatt arya says:

is advocating for weapons rights from a leftist cultural/religious angle spiritual sickness?

Like Kirpan for Sikhs, Seax for Saxons, Dirk for Scots.

jim says:

I don’t understand the question.

Old type Sikhism is a thoroughly rightist religion.

jatt arya says:
jatt arya says:

Sikhi’s eternal and I was replying to marlow colt..
We view pro-Sikh social reform such as lesser weapons restrictions, protection of the poor and tightening of divorce as “progressive” social reform.

Are we spiritually sick? We’ll attack both the blood-sucking billionaire and rapist on the street||

Kshatriya Dharma is eternal & has no concept of past or future||


Dirtnapninja says:

A rainbow curtain is descending over the west and it will not be lifted in our lifetime.

Mike in Boston says:

There always is civil war as the left moves ever leftwards, ever faster, but the later the civil war starts, the less likely the right is to win it, because if the war starts late, all potential leaders of the right have been eliminated.

Jim, is it possible that you have the causality backwards here?

Perhaps it is the case that the longer it takes a suitable leader of the Right to appear, the longer it takes the civil war to start, because it takes the Right longer to coalesce around a divisive or marginal figure that it would around a more easily accepted one.

I think 1917 would have turned out much better in Russia if the tsar had abdicated not in favor of his hapless lefty younger brother, who refused the throne and deprived monarchists and normies of a Schelling point to coalesce around, but in favor of his minor son, who would have provided that Schelling point for anti-Bolsheviks. Instead, the Right was left without a clear figure to coalesce around; Admiral Kolchak emerged only much later, when it was arguably too late militarily. He pledged only to kick out the Bolsheviks and back a Constituent Assembly. Someone who could have pledged to support a Tsar Alexei could have gotten consensus backing much sooner.

The same holds today. For someone on the Right to serve as a Schelling point, he needs legitimacy. Mr. Trump offers legitimacy by virtue of his position, and we may hope that he maintains it; but suppose a heart attack takes him out of play and we find ourselves in a Harris Administration, with more and more suburbs burning and the house to house gun confiscations beginning.

Any governor or any general could step up to become a Kornilov or Kolchak. But to avoid their fate he needs to get enough state governors, or possibly enough local police chiefs, to fall in line behind him. What’s going to be the Schelling point to get them to do that and feel good about it? Muh Constitution? The propaganda is deep-seated that the Constitution means whatever the Supreme Court says it means, and most of the eleven Supreme Court justices will line up behind President Harris.

What the Right needs is a program as clear and compelling as “Peace, Bread, Land” was for the Soviets, so that if we find ourselves without an obvious leader, a non-obvious leader can be quickly accepted before the situation deteriorates much more.

Strannik says:

”Make America Great Again”. That’s your clear and compelling slogan. As for President Trump, others will do what has to be done, we just need God on our side and for Him to ”break the teeth of the wicked”.

jim says:

> What the Right needs is a program as clear and compelling as “Peace, Bread, Land” was for the Soviets, so that if we find ourselves without an obvious leader, a non-obvious leader can be quickly accepted before the situation deteriorates much more.

No one is short of bread, rather, men are short of virgin pussy, and short of pussy generally. Fathers are short of children, and children are short of fathers. Our program has to be to restore 1950s marriage and 1950s suburbia – which was unsustainable in the 1950s because not backed by the system of coercion and compulsion against women that was abandoned in 1820. We have restore the authority of the husband within marriage, and the authority of the father over his daughters.

The natural and primitive form of authority is a band of brothers which can wipe the floor with any individual or smaller less cohesive group, and whose alpha male assigns secure property rights in land and women to his lieutenants and men. In a civil war there will be reversion to smaller scale and more primitive forms of authority, and property rights will be insecure, but to win, we will need large scale forms of authority and need to establish secure property rights, including property rights in female sexual and reproductive services. As most existing large scale institutions are enemy controlled, we will need to eradicate them, but we will ourselves need large scale institutions.

The smaller forms of authority will need to be subsidiary to the larger forms of authority, and the larger forms of authority will need to support, rather than undermine, the smaller forms.

Mike in Boston says:

Everything you write about the need to reinstate a sane social structure from top to bottom is true, basically self-evidently so. (If I didn’t agree with you, I would be posting somewhere else.) In fact, I believe it is inevitable that such a social structure will eventually come to pass; there is a lot of ruin in a country, but the gods of the copybook headings don’t have infinite patience. The question is how it will happen.

I see two possibilities.

One possibility is that a critical mass of people with agency (those who control the mass media, or those with guns, or some combination thereof) accept (and then impose as necessary on everyone else) a consensus worldview from which the sort of sane societal structure you describe follows as a natural consequence, and that worldview is swapped into our existing society as a more or less direct replacement for Globohomo, just as Globohomo was swapped in to supplant nominal Christianity between the Sixties and the present day in the West, or just as a vaguely religious nationalism was swapped in for Marxism-Leninism after 1991 in Russia. For this to happen would require some sort of consensus, organization, and concerted effort.

The other possibility, which requires none of those, would be for our society to continue along its current trajectory, culminating in economic collapse and widespread violence. When gangs and warlords rule the streets, each man will need to secure property rights with his own gun and band of brothers. Men who don’t will be replaced, both in life and in the gene pool, by those who do. Feminist illusions will disappear pretty quickly as women find that trading illusive agency for real security is a pretty good deal, and slowly new institutions will emerge, bottom-up, constituted by those very men.

The second possibility strikes me as the more likely one, unfolding over at least a couple of generations with lots of blood.

The relative likelihoods of these two scenarios is a significant question in my medium-term planning. So I am curious how much your assessment coincides with mine and whether you have thoughts on what can be done to improve the odds of the first one.

Pooch says:

What do we think of this story about Whitmer being kidnapped? Fake news?


Not Tom says:

Obvious false flag, especially when you consider the source.

The Cominator says:

It could be a fed tricked a bunch of dumb wignats into conspiring to do something stupid.

Luckily from what I hear Whitmer is now so hated… that the only thing anyone in Michigan is going to condemn them for is incompetence.

Pooch says:

Yeah that’s what I was thinking.

Jehu says:

Yeah that’s what I’m hoping too. Always seems to be at least one october false flag. Bet we get another mass shooting too.

Pooch says:
Strannik says:

Funny thing is, the mere fact of reporting it seems to indicate that the Left should be concerned about the Anarchist Demoniacs out there.

Pooch says:

Exactly, unless it’s a complete fabricated FBI false flag, but I would think they would want it to be followed through somewhat for greater effect.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, “roll up a tard” is false-flag adjacent so I don’t make much of a distinction between them. Sort of like how a shill is not necessarily on the enemy’s payroll but might as well be.

It’s all astroturf.

Pooch says:

Yeah I’m expecting more of these which they’ll use to blame on Trump supporters as we get closer to the election. Possibly part of the Color Revolution script.

Pooch says:

Every news outlet is reporting it including the local Michigan papers.

Thales says:

“Hail, fellow anarchist! I agree that Whitmer is a very bad person and something should be done about her…”

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Ever more saturation coverage of ever more cartoonish crises and pseudoscandals (or the inverse, ever more strenous denials of visible obvious irregularities) is an indicator the information organs are nearing their singularity. They are desperate for material and running low on credibility, yet feeling more righteous and confident than ever. They are trying to prevent another 2016, while somehow still not aware of why it happened nor able to change their playbook. So in that respect the Whitmer thing is a good sign; the priesthood is approaching the credibility apocalypse without having any clue that a cliff is opening before them.

Jehu says:

Hey Jim, serious question. Do you think that Trump’s declassification etc effort right now is based on the following?
There is no way that the deep state will allow meaningful prosecution of the guilty
With the Senate deliberately never adjourning, no recess appointments for Trump, so he can’t purge the deep state elements
He can’t rely on the DOJ/Justice system etc to do its job
So therefore he will just dump it all out in the court of public opinion in October, because declassifying earlier than now would have been less effective.
Is that the way you see this going down?

jim says:

Prosecuting the guilty is turning out to be a coup complete problem. I don’t know what is going on.

Pooch says:

It’s becoming clear that the entire FBI is completely controlled by the left. They are the SS of the left. They may need to be completely disbanded.

The Cominator says:

Its not rocket science, the FBI mainly hires people with academic priestly backgrounds such as lawyers.

90% of people with such backgrounds are raging leftists. The NSA is much less left leaning because mainly actually smart people with backgrounds in mathematics and other hard sciences.

The CIA is the funny one… elite schools but not always priestly fields of study but full of outright communists.

Pooch says:

FBI is important though to prosecute Obamagate coup conspirators. They are federal law enforcement. Without them, Durham cannot arrest anybody. The whole Whitmer thing leads me to believe they are entirely controlled by the left.

Strannik says:

I don’t think they’re entirely controlled by the Left, but they are out to protect the FBI as an institution, and so justice takes a back seat to creating a narrative that covers up any potential black eyes as far as public relations are concerned.

The Cominator says:

And if there is anything I hate more than leftists its these muh institutions types… I’ve never really understood this form of thinking at all maybe its a feature of my autism.

You even see it outside of politics with Papists defending the Roman Catholic boybuggery and open borders church.

Strannik says:

People often desire cohesion, unity, even if it’s a false unity at the expense of other social virtues, and can easily degenerate into a clannish mafia-type situation.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Much of the plot will continue to unravel, but it’s not clear if Trump genuinely has declassified anything or practically has the power to do so in time to be relevant. “Authorized” vs “ordered”, slow-walking of unredactions, Durham cases as a shield, and (from now to election) simple disobedience and lying by subordinates. Leaks from allies probably more important until November.

Eli says:
Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Media is suppressing it *hard* until the election (learned from Kenosha debacle).

Everything memoryholed 24 hrs later.

Strannik says:

The Cominator, you said;

”Germany absolutely did not want to fight both at the same time.”

But they knew that France and Russia were going to fight them in any European war, because neither was going to allow Germany the opportunity to beat them one at a time.

”Okay that is interesting but if the regular Serbian government wasn’t involved why was the chief sticking point on Austria’s demands that the Serbs were refusing an outside investigation.”

Because Austrian demands were practically a demand to surrender sovereignty, with Austrian officials wanting total control and having the opportunity to directly interfere with Serbia’s ruling dynasty-the only Slavic country with native monarchs, all the others were Germans including the Romanovs.

“It was a Vatican/Germanic thing”

I can believe the Austrian government was aligned with the Vatican but not the Hohenzollerns… Papen who was a papal agent all his life did everything he could to provoke the US into the war so Germany would lose.

Strannik says:

Crap, accidentally hit submit.

Part Two;

”I can believe the Austrian government was aligned with the Vatican but not the Hohenzollerns… Papen who was a papal agent all his life did everything he could to provoke the US into the war so Germany would lose.”

Kaiser Wilhelm records that the Vatican offered him support in a future European war in return for returning the Papal States to Vatican rule after the Germans beat Italy.

info says:

What is this about?

What is this a sign of? Good thing or a bad thing?

jim says:

Not faggots, therefore a displacement activity from arresting the actual guilty.

Not Tom says:

It’s really very simple. Every time you see one of these, search for the word “boys”. If that word is present, it’s the real deal; if not, it’s enemy propaganda.

Teddy Spaghetti even goes on to cite teenage prostitutes (15 and 16) as proof. If that doesn’t cause your eyes to roll back into your head, then you might be beyond hope.

info says:

Okay. Thanks.

ten says:

Shocking reveal – near elderly rich johns prefer young whores.

Sure it’s a little extra foul.

There was a feminist police boss who for a decade was everyones favorite PC cop, whose task force was specialized on underage prostitution. After copping against it, seeing what the girls were like and how the entire thing worked, he apparently caved in and started himself arranging gang bangs with the teen whores, for several years, until his own task force realized they were trailing their boss. He has never expressed a word of regret. A life long commitment to progressivism broken in a few years of direct contact with feral whores.

Not Tom says:

What does anyone honestly expect from runaway teenage girls?

All of this crap is based on some unbelievable notion that girls are somehow traumatized by sex. Why would they be? It makes no sense. Even if it’s unsatisfying, there’s no reason it would be traumatizing. People enjoy procreative sex, it’s literally in our DNA.

Regret, sure. Same as the regret you feel after scarfing down half a dozen Big Macs. Feels pretty good at the time, and then later you hate yourself for it, but that’s not the fault of the Big Macs, and teenage whoring and serial monogamy isn’t the fault of the johns and boyfriends.

These are post-pubescent girls, they aren’t confused, they know how their own plumbing works. They likely don’t understand the long-term consequences of what they’re doing, but then again, neither do women in their twenties and thirties. That’s not because they’re young, it’s because they’re female.

In every case of pederasty, we find that the boys did not pursue their molesters, were in a place they believed was safe, did not have any idea what was going on, and immediately told their parents. In every case of “pedophilia”, we find that the girls had snuck out in the middle of the night, gone somewhere clearly unsafe, were dressed provocatively (implying they knew exactly what they were doing), and never told their parents at all. These two opposite patterns of behavior cannot both emanate from the same state of mind.

>All of this crap is based on some unbelievable notion that girls are somehow traumatized by sex. Why would they be? It makes no sense. Even if it’s unsatisfying, there’s no reason it would be traumatizing. People enjoy procreative sex, it’s literally in our DNA.

Well of course there is the issue that girls are cruising for alpha dick, not just any dick, hypergamy and all that. Non-alpha dick is not traumatizing, but likely unpleasant. Jim tends to say that the men who fuck prostitutes tend to be of the criminal-alpha type who could fuck non-prostitutes as well, hence the prostitutes are enjoying it. I am not seeing it over here, maybe because here it is legal. If you park for half an hour in front of a whorehouse in Vienna and watch the men walking out, you could swear there is a doctor in the building, not whores. 60+ years old not healthy looking men, often walking with a limp or something.

Anyway it is not traumatizing but I would not think they are enjoying it that much. There is a reason they gotta pay for it, after all.

Not Tom says:

I’d hazard a guess that those are older, used-up whores servicing the senior citizens. At least in the US, the young ones get to work as high-priced call girls and “escorts” and can be surprisingly choosy about their clientele. And no, I’m not speaking from experience, believe it or not there have been books and TV shows and documentaries on this stuff – maybe they embellish a little bit but the narrative is pretty consistent, and these days they often don’t even need to put out, they just camwhore or get themselves some social media paypigs.

Really, it’s grotesque and evil how easy it is for a semi attractive non-obese chick to make as much money as some doctors for doing basically nothing. And society demands we prosecute the men they overcharged and give them cushy settlements and sinecures to ease the pain.

A lot of people have unpleasant jobs. Even the lowest-tier hookers have a much easier time than coal miners and sewage workers. If you got paid $100/hr to fuck really ugly girls and the occasional plain one, would you complain about being abused?

The Cominator says:

“maybe they embellish a little bit but the narrative is pretty consistent, and these days they often don’t even need to put out, they just camwhore or get themselves some social media paypigs.

Really, it’s grotesque and evil how easy it is for a semi attractive non-obese chick to make as much money as some doctors for doing basically nothing.”

This is one of the few areas I blame men as much as women…

The dumb simp shits who pay hundreds of dollars for feet pics or something… that is a situation where the guy is being a complete moron (no matter how desperate he is) and I can’t be too angry at the woman for exploiting such an obvious racket (though I’m enraged at the Cathedral and the ideological left for enabling this). If you are going to pay for it try to find the real thing in the flesh but there appears to be an unlimited supply of moron simps who will pay for stuff that is often less than even regular porn.

A Honest Indian says:

True patriarchy is about restoration of arranged marriage of young girls by their families and de legitimizing the so called sexual Liberation of women.

In today’s environment when a man can be put behind bars when a women merely points a finger at him, not possible.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The reason that happens is because sex as such isn’t what is really being desired. There’s a whole universe of doujins, fan art, eroge, and other material out there catering to almost any kink humanly imaginable, almost all of which may be found free of charge by the resourceful. Cooming has never been easier; so why, as you say, can you see men dropping benjamins in hopes of seeing a streamer put her feet on the phone?

Because they’re not really paying in hopes of sumfucc, they’re paying in hopes of an emotional connection.

There is an absence inside, a sense of dissatisfaction, that they are driven by; but few so consciously realize what it is, what would actually satisfy it. Not by total coincidence either; any not sheltered from synagogite pseudopods are steeped in ‘false life plans’ throughout their formative years. Generations of men cast adrift in clown worlds, ideological blinkers placed over their eyes; wanting, without knowing how to want.

Where voids exist, approximations are conjured to fill them; things that can prosper by touching upon the needed dynamic. While a titty mag may be a prosthesis for desire of piv, an e-girl stream is a prosthesis for desire of a relationship.

Which is to say, the desire for a band of brothers to go forth with, and a wife to come home too.


The Cominator says:

You’ll get better emotional connection if you regularly fuck the same stripper or something like that too and I can (shamefully or not, I’d be much more ashamed of ever fucking paying for feet pics from some woman I’ve never met) speak from experience on this.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>You’ll get better emotional connection if you regularly fuck the same stripper or something like that too

The jokes about guys hiring a prostitute just to have a conversation come from reality (and isn’t something like that a perfect watermark of an abject state of affairs); but evidently, few men consider use of prostitutes in this manner as an option for themselves, or do prostitutes frequently enough to start considering it as an option.

“If you got paid $100/hr to fuck really ugly girls and the occasional plain one, would you complain about being abused?”

No, I wouldn’t complain. I would not do it either, I would rather drive a bus or something for much less, but that is a different thing. Sometimes I wonder, really how comes I am on the same page politically with a lot of gentlemen around here, but on a personal level they seem to be bursting with sexual libido, are being super horny, and I am not and in fact most people I know do not? I don’t even remember having much sex outside relationships, because without a relationship it seemed pointless. The body wanted it, but the mind not, the animal wanted it but the human not, the hardware wanted it, but the software only wanted sex as part of a relationship.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

My favorite part of the Epstein revelations was the law enforcement interviews with his teenage sex worker-bees in Florida, local high school girls. In addition to the detail that some of them were in love with him, there was a procurer girl who would bring in others, and was proud and boasting to the authorities about how it all worked. The interviewers, without a trace of irony, noted that she seemed not to be aware there was anything “wrong” in the whole enterprise. They were incapable of grasping that she was right and they were engaged in an atrocity.

Mahmet says:

Now that the election is just weeks away it seems certain Biden will win this election and the Democratic Party will win the Senate as well. If the Democrats in Congress and White House start to implement unconstitutional laws like the “Green New Deal” and the Supreme Court strikes them down, can they enforce this? It seems that the Supreme Court is powerless to enforce its rulings?

Not Tom says:

Certain to whom, pray tell?

The Cominator says:

Trump is even in the IBD poll and looking great in early voting. He has stopped ads in Iowa and Ohio because ahead. You’re full of shit.

Strannik says:

Why yes, yes he is…

jim says:


The Democrats intend to steal this election, and are announcing victory to make the theft sound plausible.

Strannik says:

And, the craven bastards can back down from a theft of the election if the vote for Trump is too overwhelming.

jim says:

Maybe – perhaps I am too cynical, but at this point, I doubt that any outcome of mere voting is going to make a difference. No matter how massively they lose, the Democrats are going to announce victory – they have already counted the votes, while denying Republican scrutineers access to the counting. The counting is done, the science is settled. The election is already over. Your vote has been counted before you cast it. The results have been finalized, and all that remains is to announce them.

Pooch says:

I still think it is imperative Trump show a decisive victory on election night through the legitimate vote so he can make the strongest claim to victory, but I agree it may or may not make a difference if he is censored from claiming victory.

Not Tom says:

There may not be any legitimate vote to show. Who’s going to broadcast it, and where will they get the numbers from?

It’s harder to fake vote counts than it is to fake polls. But not that much harder.

What puzzles me is the Rasmussen poll, they usually don’t make numbers up. Maybe there really was a wild swing after the corona week, but if so then it will dissipate by next week.

The Cominator says:

Maybe they got paid off. IBD poll is most reliable all the time and hes about even there.

Pooch says:

All the polls are fake and gay. Didn’t we learn that from 2016?

The Cominator says:

IBD poll has been reasonably accurate every election cycle.

Rasmussen is worrying some people because its seen as traditionally pro Republican and pro Trump (and in previously election cycles wrongly pro Republican sometimes) however the swing is impossibly dramatic indicating likely subversion in some way.

The IBD poll run by financial analysts who want to give the truth to their investor audience has the best record of accuracy over the last 30 years.

jim says:

The problem is that the left takeover of every institution is proceeding rapidly – observe for example Fox news.

Likely Rasmussen now part of a conspiracy to manufacture seeming plausibility for the claim that the Democrats won the election.

Pooch says:

The legitimate vote counts are going to come from all the polling sites that aren’t entirely controlled by Democrats (ie everywhere outside of the cities) which will allow Republican poll watchers to scrutinize the process. All the fraud is going to come from the cities who are barring the Trump poll watchers and scrutineers from the sites. Getting someone to broadcast Trump’s claim to victory is another matter.

Not Tom says:

Mail in votes and swing states controlled by Democrats.

Of course the Democrats are pivoting away from mail-in ballots after seeing how many of them are being rejected, so apparently many of the state-level authorities have been unwilling to play along with their little game. That’s a good sign, at least.

Poll watchers are a good idea in theory but it’s shooting a BB gun at a rhinoceros. They’ll catch fraud, and lots of it, but not nearly at the staggering scale on which it’s happening, and they often can’t do anything about it other than file a complaint.

jim says:

The Democrats are going to lose, they are going to lose spectacularly, obviously, and massively. They are going to lie that they won, and ask the generals to enforce the supposed outcome.

At which point the boogaloo begins.

Brian says:

They control the media, so how can a Trump victory be obvious?

Pooch says:

Ignoring the MSM fake and gay polls, all the data indicates Trump landslide.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Trump is on the way to a colossal victory in the legal vote, according to such non-manipulable, or hard to manipulate, indicators as are available.

-Republican vs Democrat voter registrations since 2016
-Demonstrated enthusiasm, signs, attendance at events
-Every poll that does not directly ask “whom will you vote for”, but measures approval rating, or whether voter feels better off than 4 years ago, or who voter thinks his neighbors will vote for, etc.
-Comparison of such metrics to past incumbents and to 2016 election
-Experience of Trump as president has nullified 2016 fear campaign against his election such as being a warmonger, dictator, fascist, racist, antiSemite, etc.
-Biden much weaker challenger, Harris is hated and viewed as shadow president if Joe wins (now with 25th amendment procedure available on day one).
– Biden running on program of perpetual lockdown plus massive tax hikes (enough voters can figure out the two together are impossible). This alone would be fatal but he has several other poison pills to turn off voters to his left and his right. Taking the knee, Green New Deal, reversing Trump foreign and immigration policy, etc.

It’s a no brainer that Trump will dominate. The Shy Trump Voter effect is larger than in 2016 because a lot of respondents are, rather rationally, afraid their privacy is not all that private and they will be put on an inquisition list should Trump lose. The polls oversample Dem +10 and Trump supporters understate their support by a similar amount. In legal votes, a landslide is imminent.

jim says:

> In legal votes, a landslide is imminent.

Not expecting a whole lot of legal votes. We will see.

I hope for the best, but expect the worst.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

As I said under some recent post, your 2026, or 2024 at the very least, has been here for some months now. Take credit! The fraud election will just make it official. Lockdown, Instant Socialism, anarchy in the streets and money being spent faster than it can be printed is old news already — we can’t even get an approximate number as to whether it has cost 5 or 8 or 10 trillion dollars.

Meanwhile, in today’s news, social media have become increasing specific that they will suppress any claims Trump won the election, and Yelp has rebranded itself as the enforcement arm of the Woke Inc extortion racket.


Things accelerate daily and singularity is nigh.

Pooch says:

Do you think Trump wins or loses?

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

I think his lead (in honest, legal votes) will be large enough that with cameras, poll watchers, and half the country on high alert, it will narrow the scope for any fraud that isn’t immediately obvious. The increasingly erratic tactics from Democrats indicate that either they realize this and are in a state of panic from internal polls, or think they have some ace up their sleeve to make it all irrelevant come November. I think they are out of aces, or cannot coordinate aces nationally with the necessary efficiency and secrecy; they will simply create unprecedented chaos before during and after election day, which will collapse when the extent of police support for Trump becomes clear, heading off most of the boogaloo that might have been, with Trump ultimately left standing (but the composition of Congress unpredictable). It’s hard to foresee and events are moving rapidly.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

“if you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”

-POTUS on the Rush Limbaugh show to day. dare i say that sounds like a threat or even a challenge?

Strannik says:

Call it a warning. Governments just like people have to be warned of the consequences of going too far with mistaken actions, and have it understood by them that the other government isn’t bluffing.

Pooch says:

Wasn’t he referring to Iran?

Strannik says:

Yes, President Trump was on the Rush Limbaugh radio program, and mentioned Iran in that manner.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

well that learns me to not trust edited sound bites.

BC says:

Was he though? Iran won’t understand that message, but the left will.

Not Tom says:

Doubt it. The right has been issuing Dire Warnings to the left for about a hundred years. They don’t respond to warnings. If it was directed toward the left, then we need less talk and more dawn raids.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yep. Decades of experience have taught the Left that we’re all bluster and bullshit. We brag about all the guns we have, but we’re too soft, weak, complacent, and indoctrinated to go to war with them.

jim says:

Reflect on Kyle and the recent car parade.

The left has given up on tangling with the car parades.

Contaminated NEET says:

The Left never gives up on anything. They might delay, they might regroup, but always plan to come back and retake every scrap of ground they give up, and more on top of it. Rightists, on the other hand, inevitably come to accept every one of the Left’s victories as a the immutable nature of the universe. Like you say, the Left is entropy, and like Neil Young says, rust never sleeps.

Rhovanost says:

The Democrats are not even trying to hide the fact they want civil war:


I hate to admit this, but the clip feels like a quote from Jim’s blog, just on a 5 month time delay.

BC says:

They’ve been calling for civil war for years on leftist forums. Less of that talk is being filtered by the media because the inching towards that war has become normalized.

someDude says:


Jim, looks like some influential people in the Indian Right wing read your blog. Op-India recently has gained quite some fame with it’s coverage of current events. I’m referring specifically to the statement, “As a wise man once said, Politics is downstream from culture.” He never mentions who this wise man is. I for one, have never read this phrase or indeed even heard of it anywhere except for Jim’s Blog.

A google search attributes this quote to Andy Breitbart. I’m calling bullshit on that. Jim came up with it first. I read it here first. I think the media is too terrified to even admit that someone like Jim exists. Hence attributing it to Andy B.

Op-India too does not want it’s readers to know where they are getting their insights from. At least they did not credit India’s past sages and seers with something that is essentially Jim’s wisdom. For that we must be thankful, I guess.

A Honest Indian says:

Jim’s views are not his invention. The knowledge has always been there and ancient Hindu culture existed before Jim. The important thing is that Jim recognizes the knowledge despite it being a crime think in today’s progressive world and dares say it loud.

I doubt whether any influential right wing group in India reads anonymous American reactionary blogs. Most would not even be aware of it.

The Cominator says:

Politics is downstream from culture = cuckservative view and I think the phrase comes from Ben shapiro

Culture is downstream from power = Jim’s view

A Honest Indian says:

Arnab Goswami is the most right wing commentator in Indian MSM today. he has done a great deal to move the Overton window to the right. But Mainstream influential right wing in India is still too timid and too defensive to be inspired by Jim.

tunrbs says:

And Arnab Goswami is already the target of an attack by the Bombay Commissioner of Police, of all people. His channel was apparently trapped in a pay-for-play arangement for higher ratings. This is what Jim and others don’t get about India. Being pro-Modi is equally, if not more dangerous, than being anti-Modi.

Anyone: For more info search for TRP Scam India 2020.

Given the generally high level of corruption in the Indian mind, I have no doubt that Republic TV was actually engaging in ratings fraud, just like any number of other channels. That he was *caught* is another matter entirely, and the result of selective, discretionary application of laws.

More tellingly, the entire media establishment was cheering Bombay police, from the far left NDTV to the “Fox News of India”, Zee News.

someDude says:

@tunrbs What is so hard to get? Isn’t being Pro-Trump much more dangerous than being Anti-trump in the US? Why should same with Modi be different in India?

A Honest Indian says:

It’s a bit like being pro Trump in a blue state in the US. Not all state governments in India are allies of BJP or ruled directly by BJP. Arnab will fight it out in the Supreme Court of India.

Pooch says:

Being pro-Trump in an American city is likely to get you shot and killed.

A Honest Indian says:

India’s multi party democracy with so many regional parties make it more complicated. Except the Communists and the Congress party most parties have allied with BJP in the past and they have also allied against BJP. Most of this kind of litigation is not necessarily driven by ideological motives but about settling scores.

A Honest Indian says:

Arnab was trying to expose a Bollywood drug mafia in Mumbai which was blessed by the Mumbai police and the ruling party in Maharashtra. Hence they are going after him.

Rhovanost says:

“Politics is downstream of culture” = Andrew Breitbart (Ben Shapiro’s mentor).
If you control the culture, you control what the warriors will and won’t rally behind.

“Culture is downstream of power” = Jim. If you have power, you can decide who gets to control the culture.

someDude says:

@cominator You’re right. My Bad. I’m still catching up my Jim. Came here after boning up on my Darwin, Galton and Nash. I’m sure you understand.

BC says:

They’re running a pretty effective demoralization campaign. Corrupting the last somewhat honest pollster and giving Biden a ridiculous 14 point lead.

An even bigger factor is the collapse of the Durham report. Arrests needed to come from Obamagate. Crimes are not real crimes unless arrests follow which they have not. This is highly demoralizing to the right. Big Talk Barr is big failure.

Have hope, there’s no reason to concede to the Democrats as they are militarily much weaker. Fighting will follow the stolen election and it’s a fight the left is very unlikely to win.

BC says:

Should have been:
Big Talk Barr is a big failure.

Not Tom says:

But Q says the storm is coming any day now! And uh, some people we’ve never heard of committed suicide!

Seriously though, I’m looking at the Flynn “trial” as a bellwether. If a judge can keep the case open indefinitely when the executive branch has dropped the charges, then the people running the executive branch are either not fully in power or not fully on the side of truth and justice. When Emmett Sullivan is behind bars himself, or at least in forced retirement, then I will believe we are really winning and not just holding position.

Contaminated NEET says:

Barr isn’t the only one who talks big and never backs it up with action. No matter what happens in this election, the right is not going to fight.

Not Tom says:

I feel justified in my occasional pessimism and cynicism because I also recognize and openly point out the steep and accelerating decline of the Cathedral and openly discuss possible paths to victory. I don’t approve of blustery claims that victory is assured and don’t like to participate in exaggerated triumphalism over extremely trivial tactical victories, but I recognize that there’s a war on and that the right already is fighting back, and sometimes shooting back. Not everyone realizes yet that their backs are up against a wall, but Kyle Rittenhouse realized, the McCloskeys realized, General Flynn and his lawyer realize, Nick Sandman realizes, and they are have all been taking the fight to the enemy.

In other words, I see that resistance is still kind of weak and very disorganized, but gradually getting stronger and getting organized in a hurry. That’s a bad time to stage an assault on the front gate, but it’s not the same as doom and gloom.

The doom and gloom narrative is enemy propaganda. Hurr durr never do anything, it’s hopeless, nothing ever changes, just give up now. Entryists love to come to groups like these and post their demoralization porn, blur the distinction between pragmatism and despair and subvert a rational assessment of allied and enemy capabilities. Are you one of them, or are you just very emotional and easily demoralized?

Contaminated NEET says:

Let’s make a concrete prediction and we’ll see if I’m an entryist shill/demoralized weakling, or if I just see things clearly. I say that on January 21st, 2021, Donald Trump will not be President of the United States, nor will he be the leader of any kind of rebel army or secessionist territory. If you think otherwise, say so clearly, and time will tell who was right.

jim says:

Pretty sure that on January 21st, 2021, Trump will be president, or leader of the loyalist forces in a civil war, or dead.

Want to bet 10mBTC on it?

The Cominator says:

If the enemy can take him into custody alive there might be a little delay between the time he is taken and the time they have him executed…

The Bolsheviks waited a little while before killing the Romanovs.

jim says:

Trump knows more history than the Romanovs did.

Mister Grumpus says:

@ Jim:
“Trump knows more history than the Romanovs did.”

Including the rather recent history of Chris Matthews (cable TV news guy) calling him, Melania and little Barron “Romanovs” on live TV at some point during his 2016 inauguration.

OK OK maybe it was another guy, but dammit I heard it.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Want to bet 10mBTC on it?
I’m just a poor NEET posting from my mom’s basement, so I’d rather not bet any real money, but I’ll gladly go on record taking the opposite side of your prediction. When Jan 21 rolls around, if you’re right (and I hope you are), I will admit I was wrong and that I was far too blackpilled. If I turn out to be right, I’ll expect a similar admission from you. How does that sound?

jim says:


But surely you can afford 10mBTC

The Cominator says:

There may come a time when everyone can afford 10 million bitcoins but nobody can afford that much right now.

jim says:

10 mBTC is currently $113.47

m stands for milli, not million

The term for a million BTC is MBTC

If bitcoin continues to appreciate, we are going to have to start using μBTC, which is going to be inconvenient, because not conveniently available on the keyboard. Perhaps we will write microBTC

1 mBTC is currently %11.35

1MBTC is currently over ten billion dollars.

Not Tom says:

How would you even enforce a BTC bet in this environment? Is there some kind of escrow?

Anyway, last time I checked, a BTC was what, $8K? I can see why an actual NEET might be uncomfortable shelling out $80 on such a bet, some people really are very poor. Though it does provide an awfully convenient excuse to keep black pilling.

Contaminated NEET says:

On second though Jim, you’re on. 10mBTC it is. You’re betting that:
“on January 21st, 2021, Trump will be president, or leader of the loyalist forces in a civil war, or dead.”
I’m taking the opposite side.

10mBTC buys a lot of tendies, but I’d consider it an honor even to lose this one to you.

Please reply to confirm, and the bet will be on.

jim says:


We will settle on January 22nd, 2021, assuming we have a means of communicating – there may well be massive internet disruption caused by escalating efforts to control the narrative by then.

simplyconnected says:

[…] using μBTC, which is going to be inconvenient, because not conveniently available on the keyboard.

I believe 1 micro meter is commonly written on the keyboard as ‘1 um’. So ‘1 uBTC’.

Cis Scum says:

Not 10 million bitcoin. With that kind of money ($115 billion) you can buy the elections as well as the media.

1 BTC = $11,350
1 mBTC (milliBTC) = $11.50
10 mBTC = $115

Cis Scum says:

lol my math is wrong. I meant $113.5.

I shouldn’t comment this late.

Cis Scum says:

Anyway the issue is not whether Trump wins or loses. Trump will win and the Dems know it. That’s why they are going all in on mail in fraud. Its purpose is not to win by cheating, which they don’t have the geography for, it’s to create enough confusion to drag out the process into January whereupon the House elects the President. This will be a Ryan style Republican cuckold whom the media will acclaim as if it was the second coming of Obama. Expect them to become rapturous with talk of olive branches, bipartisanship, healing and unity for weeks on end.

The plan is half assed but then again they’re desperate. The scheme’s key vulnerability is Trump. He needs to fall for it or it’s no go. Will he accept being upstaged by a Republican cuckold? Will the media barrage intimidate him into giving up?

Of course not and of couse not.

The Cominator says:

“his will be a Ryan style Republican cuckold”

If the house elects the President it goes by the MAJORITY OF STATE DELEGATIONS TO THE HOUSE.

Trump wins and the GOP knows that their own people won’t tolerate anyone but Trump. Otherwise he’d have been gone long ago.

Well that’s why you’re blackpilled. Fix yourself.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

If there’s suspicion that you’re an entryist shill, you can answer my question that Sic Semper Tyrannus refused to answer:


So far, blackpillers, such as Kevin C., have been batting zero against StarProphet Elon Musk.

jim says:

I have been fairly black pilled on Musk, but it is a mighty good sign that Starship got off the ground, and then landed in one piece. Took some damage, but did not undergo rapid disassembly.

BC says:

I become white pilled on Musk when the Falcon 9 started landing rockets for reuse. He’s a flim flam artist, but you can’t argue when he uses the rewards of his flim flamery to produce greatness.

Contaminated NEET says:

OK R7, this looks pretty easy:
>Should we make pornography illegal?

I’ve got to go with:

[A] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling.

How did I do?

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET
You’re definitely not a shill.

Now if only Sic Semper Tyrannis can convince us that he’s not a shill by answering my question.

jim says:

Right on

Not Tom says:

I say that on January 21st, 2021, Donald Trump will not be President of the United States

Too easy to weasel your way out of that one in the event of a long, drawn-out contested and chaotic election. Another possibility is that the “counting” drags on for months and no one can tell you with any consistency who is President, but the real shooting war has still not started.

Change that prediction to either Biden or Harris or some other current Democrat being undisputed President, and then commit to that. Make a positive prediction in clear language, not a negative prediction that’s open to interpretation.

My prediction is the same as Jim’s, but I wouldn’t fix the date so close (this is not a normal election and therefore won’t be a normal inauguration), and would leave open the possibility that Trump be not literally dead but imprisoned, on the run, etc., obviously not allowed to return his former life even if he wanted to.

jim says:

> > I say that on January 21st, 2021, Donald Trump will not be President of the United States

> Too easy to weasel your way out of that one in the event of a long, drawn-out contested and chaotic election

Hence my proposed bet:

Pretty sure that on January 21st, 2021, Trump will be president, or leader of the loyalist forces in a civil war, or dead.

Not Tom says:

I have nothing to bet since the field of outcomes I consider to be plausible already includes yours, it’s just wider.

The opposite of a long bet is a short bet, but I’m not making a short bet, I’m making a long bet with a hedge. This is like the debate with AM who will brook no disagreement with his total certainty of victory. My prediction is less precise, which means I profit less if it’s correct, and I’m fine with that because I still profit a little (metaphorically, anyway).

Or in other words, I’m placing a show bet while you guys go for the trifecta. I wish you luck, because I win that way too, I just have less confidence.

jim says:

So, what are you betting on?

You cannot be wrong if you will not commit to anything definable.

Not Tom says:

I thought I was pretty clear about this, but I’ll say it again. I see any of the following outcomes as at least somewhat likely:

1. A Trump landslide that the media and big social try but fail to cover up. Some far-left groups continue to chimp out, but they are quickly put down or run out of steam.

2. A marginal Trump or Biden victory on paper. The losing side claims that the winning side cheated and refuses to concede. This escalates into states sending competing electoral delegates which is settled by one of them (depending on who has more real power, probably Trump/Republicans) being arrested. This may subsequently trigger open war but it depends on how strong the strong horse appears to be at the time.

3. The establishment overplays its hand and tries to make it look like Biden won by a landslide. Nobody believes this, not even most Democrats; the contradictions become too great ending in a violent coup/countercoup similar to #2, but probably occurring shortly after the election itself (before any delegations can be sent).

4. The official press and agencies refuse to declare a win for either candidate and refuse to release official vote counts, claiming either evidence of fraud (in red areas) or millions of mail-in ballots suddenly appearing (in blue areas) or apparent improprieties around lost or rejected ballots (in either areas). People will not necessarily be certain whose side is actually being favored by the shenanigans in many states, and may therefore be too afraid to shut it down, which would result in the “counting” dragging on for weeks or months.

You can claim that’s “not definable” if you want, but your own predictions also include multiple outcomes and you could just as easily be criticized for failing to commit yourself to exactly one. Of course I believe that committing oneself too early is foolish.

Not Tom says:

Oh, there’s a 5th possibility I forgot to include, which is that ACB or another conservative is confirmed for SCOTUS before the vote count issue is settled and the election gets litigated through the Supreme Court to Trump’s favor. Though, I consider this a long shot compared to the others; Democrats would probably see the writing on the wall at that point and refuse to plead their case in court, choosing instead to plead it through the press and street violence.

jim says:

Civil war is coming, has already started if we count Bloody Kansas as the opening shots of Civil War I.

The question is will it start soon enough for us to win it.

Contaminated NEET says:

Soon enough for us to win was long before I was born. You can’t hand control of the press, the bureaucracy, the entertainment industry, and the judiciary to your enemies for decade after decade and expect to win anything at all.

Yes, the Left will eventually eat itself like it always does, but it has a lot of winning left in it before it weakens itself enough for sanity to triumph.

Not Tom says:

The press is still important, but the Cathedral would not have gone all-in on converging social media and exposing them to massive liability if the influence equation had not flipped long ago. And the social media companies are in a very weak, precarious position right now.

The entertainment industry is in such horrendous decline that it is starting to ask for bailouts. Pro sports are dying at the time when audiences should be most captive. And the Supreme Court is about to have a 6-3 conservative majority.

And none of these things matter one whit in a shooting war. Your analysis has no connection to reality whatsoever. Your logic boils down to an assertion that the right can’t win if nothing ever changes, and nothing will ever change because the right can’t win. Even if your premises were correct, which they aren’t, the argument from them is illogical.

Contaminated NEET says:

>And none of these things matter one whit in a shooting war.

They absolutely do matter, because they determine what people think is right and wrong, which determines if they’re willing to kill and die and which side they will kill and die for.

Not Tom says:

You greatly overestimate people’s trust in media and entertainment figures.


Contaminated NEET says:

Well, right-wingers will say they don’t trust the press, but they watch it, they read it, and they let it set the conversation. You can agree or disagree with the NYT, but you’ll be agreeing or disagreeing on a topic that the NYT chose to talk about at a time when the NYT wanted to talk about it.

Even more important than the press, though, is entertainment, especially television. TV feels like something we’ve seen and experienced ourselves. Watch 10,000 stories about wise, kind, intelligent Blacks; crooked, sexually-depraved Republicans; clean-cut, stylish, caring, and responsible homosexuals; and brilliant, selfless, crusading journalists; and it doesn’t matter what you consciously think about the Hollywood degenerates, because on a deeper level you’ve absorbed and accepted the goodness and correctness of Leftism.

jim says:

> Well, right-wingers will say they don’t trust the press, but they watch it, they read it, and they let it set the conversation. You can agree or disagree with the NYT, but you’ll be agreeing or disagreeing on a topic that the NYT chose to talk about at a time when the NYT wanted to talk about it.

On heavily censored forums dominated by shills, such as facebook and twitter, true.

Where the right is allowed to talk about what it damn well wants to talk about, such as Gab and Bitchute, not seeing it.

No one pays attention to the New York Times trying to set the agenda.

Hell, I have not even bothered to respond to all this “second corona virus wave” bullshit, because I am scarcely aware of it. Not seeing anyone talk about it.

Second Corona Wave is the New York Times number one outrage, with rising oceans about to drown us all and global warming gonna burn us all to a crisp taking second and third places. Is anyone paying any attention? They are just flat out failing to set the agenda for anyone except the shills on their payroll.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I have not even bothered to respond to all this “second corona virus wave” bullshit, because I am scarcely aware of it. Not seeing anyone talk about it.

In my neighborhood, there’s not going to be a Halloween this year. Nobody is buying candy to hand out, and nobody is taking their kids trick-or-treating. I’m still going to put out a jack-o-lantern and have some candy on hand in case some kids show up, but I’m the exception.

jim says:

They are afraid of leftist violence against their children. Where you can talk without the threat of violence, no one pays attention.

Not Tom says:

In my neighborhood, there’s not going to be a Halloween this year.

Then I’m willing to bet you’re an urbanite. I’ve personally seen the stark difference between the cities and suburbs, and the red states and blue states, over the past couple of months, and you really don’t have to go far outside the Cathedral strongholds to see people really not giving a shit.

And even in the blue areas the narrative is starting to fail. The problem with these top-down narratives is that they require continuous reinforcement, and they are trying to force too many narratives (often contradictory) on too many people at the same time. Why do you think shitlibs always complain about being “exhausted”? It really is mentally exhausting for them, and many have been hitting their limits. Outwardly they’ll keep playing the Karen, but that dumbass mask comes off the very second they think nobody’s watching.

jim says:

I predict that Halloween will proceed normally in states where the prosecutor can be relied upon to prosecute acts of criminal violence by the left, and not at all in states where the prosecutor refuses to prosecute acts of criminal violence by the left. No one is listening to the ranting of the New York Times except to figure out what criminal acts are going to be protected by the state tomorrow.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> pretty effective demoralization campaign.

It doesn’t work because most people remember the 2016 campaign, and over-doing it backfires. We’ve already been told that Trump is Hitler, is the Antichrist, is Satan, is Cthulhu, is whatever else — and that’s before he came to the White House. At a certain point people start to consider the messenger, and how the message compares to their local observable reality. Are there more Trump signs or Biden signs in their neighborhood? Are people in their suburb scared shitless of 4 more years of BLM?

> last somewhat honest pollster giving Biden a ridiculous 14 point lead.

No way. Even Zogby, one of the Cathedral pollsters, called the huge leads nonsense and says it’s about 2 points. That’s without attempting to account for Shy Trump effect, differences in registration, ads/funding, or other quantitative indications of Trump being in a stronger position than 2016. The subjective indicators are also excellent for Trump, such as everyone believing Biden to be either senile or getting there.

BC says:

>It doesn’t work because most people remember the 2016 campaign, and over-doing it backfires.

It’s currently effective. I see a lot of people down about the election because. Just because enemy propaganda is lies and bullshit doesn’t mean it’s not effective.

>No way. Even Zogby, one of the Cathedral pollsters, called the huge leads nonsense and says it’s about 2 points.

Again, I noted that it’s bullshit. And again, it’s effective. This is typically the part of the campaign where they do this sort polls demoralization and then right before the election they release polls closer to reality. I’m wonder if they will do that this time or not. They may just try to keep the farce going to the end.

> Are there more Trump signs or Biden signs in their neighborhood?

The other day I saw a big pickup truck driving around with a Biden flag being held by someone in the backseat. I’m pretty sure they were paid to do it. No one fucking likes the guy enough for that sort of thing.

Pooch says:

Poll Demoralization Psyop. For those that saw through it in 2016 it’s no big deal but for the new Trump voters it’s effective.


Not Tom says:

Even in deep blue areas there are not many Harris-Biden signs. Some, but few. The ideology is there, but not the enthusiasm.

I think a lot of independent voters are also connecting the dots and realizing that Democrats are not acting like Biden has a 14-point lead. If he were even 5 points ahead, they’d be saving their money and energy until the week before the election, but instead they’re pulling out all the stops – subvert the debates, subvert the balloting, spread unhinged conspiracy theories about Trump’s coof, push wacko 25th amendment ideas, and generally do everything they possibly can to squeeze out a few dozen more votes here and there, real or fake.

And the same polls that are showing Biden with a 14-point lead are showing that a substantial minority of Democrats (I think it was around 30%), while they obviously plan to vote for Biden, actually think that Trump is going to win. Forget about demoralizing Republican voters, even their own voters don’t believe it.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Effectiveness requires depressing the Trump vote, not just making Trump supporters feel depressed. The polling psyop has been tried before, in 2016 when Trump was in a much weaker position:


By openly spurning (fair) primaries, campaigning, and any pretense of election security, the Democrats have depressed their own turnout. Bernie Sanders’ voters, women, and blacks have no particular reason to come out and vote. Having run as the Virus Party will scare their base from materializing on election day, and the mass mail-in votes they were pushing are “lossy”, with lots of delivery failures, missed deadlines and validity challenges to screw things up.

Trump enthusiasm is high on the non-manipulable indicators I listed earlier. Biden can hire some guys in a truck to cruise the neighborhood with flags and megaphones. Have you seen any car parades or boat flotillas or well-attended rallies for Biden?

Low voter turnout + high Trump enthusiasm is a very very bad scenario for the Democrats.

Pooch says:

They are going all-in on fraud.

Pooch says:

The polls indicating a sure Biden win will give them cover to make the claim it is actually Trump who is stealing the election and then proceed with Color Revolution.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Easier said than done. Republicans nominally control most state and county election offices, which is not necessarily full material control down to the vote counters and postal workers, but not-having Democrats at the top makes large scale fraud a lot harder. Litigation has gone about 80 percent in favor of Republicans so far on election security, and Trump has flipped several judicial circuits.

The bulk of the Democrat controlled positions where they can steal effectively is in out of play blue states where it gains some House seats but for the Presidency can only run up the popular vote score.

Either they have figured out a system for massive and undetectable (until too late) mail fraud protected by litigation, or they will have to improvise everywhere at once. At the high levels Democrats have most of the evil geniuses, but at the bottom they rely on stupid, and stupid election tricks run into things like Trump supporters putting cameras on the ballot drop boxes and parking lots of key buildings.

Then, after the election, car parades become motorized paramilitaries in December and death squads in a president-less February. What does the DNC have?

Pooch says:

Agree with you but even if they can’t mail fraud enough to win outright it appears they’ll still use mail voting for the pretense that Trump is committing fraud (voter suppression or some such nonsense) and illegally stealing the election.

The Cominator says:

“Either they have figured out a system for massive and undetectable (until too late) mail fraud protected by litigation, or they will have to improvise everywhere at once. At the high levels Democrats have most of the evil geniuses, but at the bottom they rely on stupid, and stupid election tricks run into things like Trump supporters putting cameras on the ballot drop boxes and parking lots of key buildings.”

I think the kind of vote fraud the Democrats want to pull off requires a competence at the lower level they really don’t have.

I watched the a lot of 80s and early 90s cartoons growing up and like Ninja Turtles (not the movies the cartoon).

Shreddar and Krang would have kind of well thought out intelligent evil plans that they would be dependent upon Bebop and Rocksteady to carry out part of them. The Democrats because they select for insanity and stupidity are sort of in that position… also Shreddar and Krang are now geriatrics and Bebop and Rocksteady are close to inheriting the whole organization.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The evil geniuses have been struggling for some time, because Trump usually has Gnon (i.e., reality compliance) on his side, which makes his job considerably easier than theirs.

They aren’t acting like people with a clear plan, even for fraud, or coherent leadership. They have delegated the Biden campaign to the media, itself a group of failed evildoers.

It’s possible they are just going through the motions to mitigate damage, find some new narrative to hobble the Trump 2nd term, and leave a clear field of candidates for 2022 and 2024.

Has someone studied the actual effect of fake polls to real turnout? Because I would say it is just as likely to make leftist voters stay home as they tend to be lazy and might think their vote is not needed.

Strannik says:

Today is the anniversary of the battle of Tours between the forces of Islam and the Frankish troops of Charles Martel (”the Hammer”). Would that we have the caliber of such men today, who crushed the Muslim forces with such slaughter!

I believe that they are still out there; bold and courageous Christian men, ready and willing and able to put to rout the barbarians from within and from without.

Pooch says:

They do and they are called special forces operators.

Pooch says:

Iran loves Dem Presidents because they send them plane loads of cash.

Not Tom says:

Nah. Muslim congresswomen are a new thing, Islamic countries supporting Democrats are a very very old thing.

If you follow Jihad Watch you’d think the US is 30% Muslim, not 0.5%. That’s his whole MO. Nothing he reports is untrue, of course, but it’s still a giant confirmation bias factory, like all of these single-mission pundits.

Listen, I’ve got nothing against you wanting to remove kebab. You go full Cominator on Mohammedans and I’ll back you up all the way. But come on, enough with the Chicken Littling. Jihad is not on our doorstep today and not coming to our doorstep tomorrow. If you live in Sweden or France, then yeah, good freaking luck, but the US is decades away.

jim says:

That 0.5 are the Democrats deniable killers.

And thus, in a good position to seize power – they probably outnumber to radical left that shouts at us from the commanding heights of the culture all day long.

Not in a very good position to hold power, but in a good position to seize it. This has happened before (Muslim minority grab power from their left wing sponsors) in remote third world countries, and generally results in a holy war where the Christian majority set about removing kebab, only to have kebab rescued by “the international community” – which somehow never rescues Christians when Christians are on the losing end of a holy war. Muslims are a large part of the muscle now protecting Democratic ballot box stuffing and prevote vote counting.

TBeholder says:

That’s the thing. Pantifa, Salafists, “J.T.”s and MS-13 (in USA), who else? As many of these can be recruited as available and wanted.
The strategy is fairly obvious: a bunch of wildly different forces, each can be deniably used for whichever opportunity fits it better, and if they are united only externally, they can’t act up in the wrong direction, lest they will be cut off and thrown to the dogs (formerly allied or not).
If it’s salafists — suddenly Jihad Watch will be “vindicated”. By CNN and Washington Post. Who supported import of the salafists in the first place. Well, they won’t say “Jihad Watch guy was right!”, they’ll say “we’re adults mediating a squabble of angry teens”. How’s that for vindication?

Until then, it just distracts the attention to one specific tentacle and away from the rest, never mind the soft body of the hogtopus.
And that’s another part of this strategy: outsourcing terror to puppet forces that threaten directly distracts the attention, toward the disposables.
Works especially well vs. aggressive yet stupid enemies. Someone like Breivik isn’t really dangerous to them, but he could start shit where it actually matters, and could be followed by lots of people sick of the Cathedral. If he instead goes for the stick and not for the throat, like an untrained dog, they can whack him and piss on his corpse at leisure, and the only ones taking risk will be imported thugs.
Any “Breivik vs. Pakistani bandits” altercations are harmless to the puppeteers, while the likes of Clintons or Soros receive only fake bombs (not that the real ones could improve situation significantly, let alone immediately, it’s just that now they have a great risk-free fun ride). They can even benefit from such activities:
– it’s an example useful to back their strawman for propaganda purpose;
– it shows the thugs that they cannot quite go wild with impunity on their own and need that support;
– the louder the mess is, the more everyone looks at itself as “present problem”, only few look at who supported, encouraged and in some cases imported the thugs to begin with and why, let alone connect it to other troubles.

mbdcsv says:

> …go full Cominator on Mohammedans and I’ll back you up all the way.

Cominator is surprisingly sympathetic to Baphometans (maybe d/t lack of direct experience). Maybe you’re thinking about me?

hopinforabetterfuture says:

A trump supporter was shot dead in the street in denver by a Journolist’s bodyguard.

jim says:

And no prosecution will ensue, while Kyle gets prosecuted for using deadly force while fleeing deadly attack.

The cops instantly arrested the shooter and detained the journalist, but the prosecutor is going to let them go.

BC says:

You correctly called the Portland shoot setup attempt and this was something similar. This was the same sort of setup but with with an AP photographer standing by to frame up the Trump supporter. The video however has great sound and the antifa guy had pulled out and racked is gun and aimed the gun before he shot the Trump supporter who had mace.

Pooch says:

Already charged him with murder 1. Good sign.

hopinforabetterfuture says:


Matthew Doloff is charged with 1st degree murder for the shooting.

jim says:

Nothing is going to happen to him, unless Trump is in real power after the November election crisis.

BC says:

He hasn’t been charged with murder. He’s being held for suspicion of it, but no formal charges yet. The DA is a Soro’s creature. No court on the weekend so he hasn’t been released yet.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like the victim smacked the shooter upside the head before he was shot, and that’s what precipitated the shooting. Here’s the video.


Pooch says:
jim says:

The charges will go away if Trump loses the election or the civil war which is likely to ensue when he wins it. And will be stalled until it is clear which way the wind blows.

Pooch says:

You don’t think getting Barrett in the Court makes the Civil War any less likely from starting in earnest this year?

jim says:

A supreme court ruling that Trump won the election and the endless recount has to stop will be

1. Not reported.

2. “Discredited, debunked”.

Pooch says:

Interesting trend: Young smoking hot broads running for Congress to the right of Trump. Presumably all owned by very alpha husbands.


Pooch says:

I’ve see at least 3 or 4 different ones now.

mbdcsv says:

Tradthot one, tradthot all. Women attracted to high status plays, as they perceive them. Hardly a new phenomenon. Also related phenomena: tradthots “renouncing” a life of racist bigotry and coming home to the Cathedral, while they dox/harm erstwhile “friends” in the process. Happened more times than I remember.

AWALT. Giving political position to a woman is a recipe for disaster. Even in a traditional society. but especially in a Cathedral-dominated one.

Not Tom says:

“Trad wives” don’t run for Congress. What kind of alpha husband would want or even permit it? These are pretty little trojan horses.

At best, maybe you get a Lauren Southern type who actually remembers which team she’s playing for but still comes with a lot of unpleasant baggage.

Shelby says:

If you believe Deagel.com’s 2025 predictions, then the only plausible math that enables the U.S.A. to emigrate two-thirds of its population is with blue States seceding from the Confederate States of America. The timely death of Ginsberg probably sealed this fate. Americas prefer a political solution to hot Civil War. The scamdemic helped to polarize the nation.

The key determinant is as Jim points out is that conservatives brought the fight early in the USA, starting with a vengeance in 2016 as a reaction to Obamacare.

Shelby says:

The military will not defy the Supreme Court and attempt to take our guns from our cold dead hands after swallowing some of our 6 trillion bullets.

We don’t want to fight but if they give us no other option, we will fight. But it will not come to that because the rank and file of the military love our country.

TBeholder says:

You may as well call things their names: because the rank and file of the military are the untouchables the Cathedral allowed to do the dirty jobs for it while chiding “the brutish Morlocks” for not being very virtuous, thus
1: they are all Red Tribes people, while Blue Tribes not represented, and
2: they tend to be rather stupid.
(2) is why this only will help in an overt all-out war, and it will probably not start this way. If USA civil war will happen, it will be an escalation of a stupid, made up incident. Which may easily lead to the forces opposing the Left being divided.
Remember all the conservatives expressing their love of freedom by butt-kissing police in all and any case (after BLM)? Army seems a much “redder” institution, so it will gather a faction.
For a more specific scenario, imagine Waco 2.0: US Army tanks and helicopters help the FBI against some “extremist” oldthinkers who unbellyfeel… and those are really, really kooky, it’s not just CNN drool — because there is someone that kooky and it’s an early stage in salami slicing. Except this time the first helicopter suddenly eats a missile and burns… because by now oldthinkers who unbellyfeel understand the stakes and this particular bunch didn’t just hope for the best, and after all is really over the top.
Then what?

Shelby says:

Americans are not going to be fooled into a bloody Civil War. The prior Civil War was a mercenary war. Southerners were just defending themselves. The Minute Men stood without aiming their weapons at the British. After the British shot them, we ambushed and decimated the British all along their escape. This is the American psyche. We fight domestic wars only when it is necessary.

I believe only the all-out war scenario factors in the calculus because I believe the center-right remains the political-economic Nash equilibrium for the red States. Any attempt by the left to disrupt that equilibrium is a Schelling point that leads to the Trump phenomenon. The p(L)andemic hoax has rallied and focused conservatives on the existential threat.


The pendulum will likely swing necessarily more right in the red States as a necessary chemotherapy. Those cancer cells which don’t like it can pack their Uhaul or pushcart and point in the direction of a blue State.

Not Tom says:

This is the American psyche. We fight domestic wars only when it is necessary.

I hate to break it to you, but the “American psyche” today isn’t what it was in 1776 because America today isn’t what it was in 1776 – politically, geographically, ideologically or biologically speaking.

Anyway, nobody cares what some effete general wearing a face mask in obsequious submission thinks that the military’s role should be. We established a long time ago that the brass is pozzed, but the commander-in-chief is President Donald Trump.

Shelby says:

Agreed the center-right American psyche has moved progressively leftward but it is still center-right w.r.t. contemporary population distribution. Indeed biologically testosterone has reduced due to numerous factors including non-rural lifestyle, desk jobs, nerds earn more money than soldiers, etc.. I am appalled that American football players can be ejected from the game for hurling their body at someone in a way deemed too aggressive. The new rules are holiness signaling because the sport is still extremely dangerous by design, such as the flipping upside down jumping to catch a pass and landing on your head resulting in paralysis.

The rank and file military presumably has many lads from the remaining rural areas, although that may have shifted significantly in the past 20 years as the military abandoned marketing for recruiting that had emphasized masculinity and starting accepting females and gay soldiers.

But I don’t think a sufficient majority of the military and the general population are sufficiently extremist to sanction the shooting of Americans by uniformed military in an offensive posture, unless it can be argued that there is some military threat against the nation. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the military to continue to participate in non-shooting support roles domestically if the military perceives the order to be legitimate and constitutional.

My point is any attempt to accelerate the slide leftward is defeated by the Nash equilibrium. Only the entire center-right can be moved leftward in unison. Can’t just force a lurch into a holiness spiral until the center-right has moved far enough leftward that the posited Nash equilibrium fails. I do not believe we’ve reached that juncture yet. So Trump is a reaction to the attempt to accelerate the leftward movement too fast with Obama. Those who are that far out of band of the center-right will be forced out of the coalition, which I suppose mightmeans in effect they will be left holding some shadow government bag.

The Cominator says:

The center right is useless unless it can be forced to accept a strong FAR RIGHT leader out of fear of open left wing radicalism. Otherwise it is basically a non factor.

It normally exists only to consolidate left wing gains. That is why we call them cuckservatives and cuckservatives have been that way since Edmund Burke at least.

William F Buckley was a CIA plant and probably a communist his purpose was to get rid of the Birchers (even though I think they were wrong about Ike being a communist) and even the Randoids (as crazy as they were in some ways) because those groups favored an uncompromising fanatical fight against the left by any means necessary.

Shelby says:

The center right is useless unless it can be forced to accept a strong FAR RIGHT leader out of fear of open left wing radicalism.

Indeed did you note that I wrote on this page:

1. The Nash equilibrium will swing the pendulum to the right if the lurch to the left is too rapid, but the trend will return to the leftward trend eventually.

2. The plan appears to be to assassinate Trump and a far right leader will step into the power vacuum and MAGA religion anger that his assassination will foment.

You all may actually get your far right outcome. I don’t think you’re going to like it. Digital control over everyone will be one of its features.

jim says:

You are not using the concept of Nash Equilibrium correctly.

If you claim that X is a Nash Equilibrium, you have to show that the given X, X is is the least bad strategy for all players.

You are just blowing smoke.

jim says:

Shelby, this seems to presuppose that MAGA is incompatible with Christianity.

Obviously MAGA is compatible with Christianity, and in particular, it displays the shibboleths of old type Christianity, which new type post Christianity is profoundly uncomfortable with. Maga is reluctant to speak the truths of Old Type Christianity, but, like the Republican not-a-platform, dog whistles them, leading to leftists smelling a suspicious inclination that it might speak them.

Not Tom says:

Muh Nash Equilibrium

When all you have is a hammer…

Pooch says:

MAGA religion

Suspicious wording.

The Cominator says:

“Suspicious wording.”

Shelby is like what you would get if Alex Jones and David French (if David French were physically a woman rather than merely spiritually so) got really drunk one night and fucked without a condom…

jim says:

Likely Shelby has been eating bad shrooms, but the effort to slide left wing concepts under the radar as more right wing than thou, and demonic concepts under the radar as more Christian than thou, is rather suggestive of shilling.

On the on the other hand, no script I have seen from a shill, and a lot of his stuff arguably would not be permitted by a shill organization, so probably bad shrooms.

When criticized, he, like a 911 troofer, instead of responding to the critique, fires off a storm of stuff in all directions other than responding to the criticism.

Because of the unresponsive responses, I may well start moderating him for unresponsiveness – though the unresponsiveness is likely not a result of a script handed to him from above, but just being intransigently unresponsive.

The Cominator says:

My feeling is not a shill…

Shelby says:

If you claim that X is a Nash Equilibrium, you have to show that the given X, X is is the least bad strategy for all players.

The leftward drifting center-right coalition (perhaps soon to turn to the right as a reaction) is the least bad because if anyone attempts to step too far out of it, then the politics will ignore or defeat you as necessary. Which even to your own admitted surprise is what has been transpiring.

If this is also censored then I will not bother attempting to reply to other points.

jim says:

And yet, we are still drifting left, and people who engage in outrageous acts of far leftism, including murder and arson, are not being suppressed, while people who equivocally express positions that would have been entirely uncontroversial twelve years ago are being harshly repressed.

Therefore not a nash equilibrium. It is a slippery slope and we are rapidly sliding down to a very deep cliff.

Trump has defunded and deplatformed the critical race theory, which is not nothing, but it is utterly trivial compared to what has been happening to the mainstream right. The extreme left has, for the first time since McCarthy, received a very small dose of its own medicine, while the mainstream right gets a giant dose of that medicine.

Not Tom says:

I maintain that Shelby isn’t a fed/NGO shill but demonstrates close similarity to them because he uses the same techniques and tactics. He’s not very interested in engaging with the other commenters here, just sees the blog as a means to promote his *cough* unique viewpoint whenever and for however long it’s convenient.

The techniques and tactics I refer to are: repetition, changing the subject, assuming consensus, inverting the burden of proof, and threatening to ragequit, all while refusing to even acknowledge that anyone else has raised a counterargument or has a separate viewpoint. Another common shill tactic is attempting to smuggle in rules and norms from other communities – a good example of that being the “if this is just the usual censorship crap”, as if this place ever advocated free speech absolutism.

But a shill is not a shill unless he serves some more powerful organization. Since that’s not in evidence, the alternative hypothesis points to an individual with disordered thinking combined with extreme stubbornness and self-importance. Not bad qualities for, say, an artist or a writer of fiction, but said talents are wasted here.

He clearly subscribers to the pendulum theory of left-wing politics, whereas we all know the ratchet theory to be far more accurate. This is a common problem with the “angry conservative”/Alex Jones type crowd, who do not live in Year Zero but do live in Year Ten, such that the tiniest bit of pushback on the left’s most recent and extreme madness means “Aha, see, the pendulum is swinging the other way!” It’s a little sad, to be honest, because you know these folks mean well, but they are still hopelessly trapped in the Cathedral’s memeplex and therefore more of a liability than an asset.

We can free you, Shelby, if you want, but you have to pipe down and show some humility. If you just want to grandstand, well, you’ve got your own blog.

jim says:

> I maintain that Shelby isn’t a fed/NGO shill but demonstrates close similarity to them because he uses the same techniques and tactics. He’s not very interested in engaging with the other commenters here, just sees the blog as a means to promote his *cough* unique viewpoint whenever and for however long it’s convenient.

Well that was my thought also. He does not sound like all the other shills, and he is not running any of the standard and all too familiar shill scripts. But he has failed the shill test (cannot acknowledge the position he disagrees with on the women question) and failed the Demon Worshipper test. (Cannot affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, and the simultaneous humanity and divinity of Christ)

He gave a lengthy and reasonable reply to Starman’s question, which, however failed to acknowledge the frame and position taken by R7’s answer ‘A’ – that we think that female sexuality is causing us problems, and male sexuality is not. Responded as if the only thing we worried about was gender neutral sexual activity, or male sexual activity.

He responded at great length to the Demon Worshipper test, and at great length to the shill test, while tap dancing around the hot buttons in both cases. His reply to the Demon Worshipper test was a theological discussion about things unseen and unfalsifiable, not an affirmation of faith, in which he presented evidence favorable to Christianity, without actually committing himself to the fundamental Christian positions.

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments deleted on sight till he takes the Mueller test*]

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby posts deleted on sight till he takes the Mueller test*]

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

When shelby talks about ‘nash equilibrium’, he is engaging in what you might say is a typical 20th century-ism; expressing, in the tone of an observation of what is so, what is really *desired* to be so.

He *wants* ‘center right’ to be a stable equilibrium; he *wants* the contingent overton window of yesterday’s political situation in america to be a fundament encompassing the range of all possibility; he *wants* there to be such a thing as a ‘corrective backlash’ to cthulhu’s sharks swimming left, to spiraling pseudosanctimoniacs, as like an autonomic, agentless force; a guardian angel that would relieve men from the responsibility of being the conduit for it’s instantiation in the first place…

Shelby says:

The conservative and center-right are not as gullible as the leftists in the facets of life that matter most. They at least have the common sense to not get all bent out of shape for ideas that don’t impact reality. And they have enough common sense to follow their leaders unless the leaders are subverting the country and peace they love and pledge to fight for. They can be duped into fighting Al-Qaeda, i.e. literally translated ‘the toilet’ because they know nothing about the world outside the microcosm of their hometown. They’re not going to be duped into turning America into Afghanistan.

Not Tom says:

Leftists aren’t gullible. That is why they never ever fall for it when conservatives try to “cleverly” turn their rules against them. Your model is observably incorrect. Leftists are opportunistic, they’ll fervently “believe” whatever is in their interest to believe without actually believing any of it.

Conservatives and center-right are in fact the gullible ones. Anyone who seeks cooperation is by necessity going to be more gullible than one who doesn’t – you can’t con the con artist. But it doesn’t matter, because the contradictions are becoming too great, the narrative is becoming too overly and obviously disconnected from reality, and the threat of real violence on one’s doorstep is enough to wake just about anybody up.

Shelby says:

Conservative Americans are not going to shit in their backyard. They will not shoot up their own country. They may be gullible about many things but not this.

I agree with your astute correction. Leftists are gullible in the sense that they believe they can be opportunistic, leeches without destroying themselves. They think they can get away with it for the duration of their lifetimes (or commit suicide if their game ends early) and leave the aftermath for the next generation, while pretending they care about the next generation. Also I do believe many of them (my own mother is a prime example) convince themselves they actually care; until of course one calls them out on it and then they cry and accuse you being overly aggressive.

Center-right is the stable Nash equilibrium. Folks around here may be a tad bit too extremist. The pendulum may swing your direction for a while, but Americans will not tolerate an extreme right system forever. Extremists who depart from the Nash equilibrium do not have a sufficient Schelling point to rally around.

We routinely con Satan by simply staying in the Nash equilibrium. He will walk himself into a trap of his own doing every time. That’s why we’re not as paranoid as you may wish.

I agree with your point about the left pushed too far and we woke up. It started with our gullible politicking in 2016 in reaction to Obama. And now with the scamdemic we’ve been stockpiling weapons. I believe we’re ready for any direction it goes.

Shelby says:

As Jim says, don’t interrupt the enemy when they’re busy destroying themselves. Trump apparently employed that stratagem w.r.t. to the inexorable corona viruses being sold as something new.

jim says:

> Center-right is the stable Nash equilibrium. Folks around here may be a tad bit too extremist. The pendulum may swing your direction for a while, but Americans will not tolerate an extreme right system forever

Center right is not stable. It has been following the left leftwards for two centuries, and is now attempting to hold a position that twelve years ago would have been considered over the top ultra left madness, a parody of radical leftism.

The only system that can endure is the system that endured for millenia. Center right is now attempting to hold, but cannot hold, a position that is intolerably evil and insane, that daily grows more evil and insane, and which grows daily less endurable.

We did not vote our way into this, and cannot vote our way out of this. Leftism always collapses sooner or late, usually killing a great many people in the process. We have been down this path before, many times.

There will be civil war. There always is. Leftism always leads to civil war. Perhaps this election, perhaps the next. Civil war this election is looking increasingly likely.

If we lose, there will be mass murder.

The Cominator says:

“Center-right is the stable Nash equilibrium. Folks around here may be a tad bit too extremist. The pendulum may swing your direction for a while, but Americans will not tolerate an extreme right system forever.”

Republics do not scale.

A monarchy and an extreme right wing monarchy is the only way out… otherwise the civil war will NEVER really end.

Sulla after purging all those he considered traitors and curbing the overly powerful Plebian tribunes tried to restore the Republic but civil war started again 30 years later.

For America to live the Republic needs to die.

Shelby says:

A monarchy and an extreme right wing monarchy is the only way out… otherwise the civil war will NEVER really end.

C.f. my response on this point down thread. I claim another outcome is possible and very likely. I agree though that secession and war will dice up the West (as Deagel.com is predicting before 2025) as the transition to a global empire deprecates the nation-state.

The Cominator says:

Humans are not global humans are tribal. The alternative to tribe is to try to organize people based on religion but the only religion that can sort of do this is Islam (progressivism is a failure at it that needs 24/7 cradle to grave propaganda and indoctrination to get people to believe it) but even with Islam when there isn’t the prospect of easy conquest the tribes break down and fight each other.

“Now, there is no such thing as ‘man’ in this world. In my life I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, and so on. I even know, thanks to Montesquieu, that one can be Persian. But as for man, I declare I’ve never met him.” – De Maistre

Shelby says:

For America to live the Republic needs to die.

The American Republic experiment died with the tacit coup d’etat which was the CIvil War. The power elite from the British Empire reasserted their control over the colonies and installed their puppet government which we had ever since.

But now the British empire (as extended to the American empire) is collapsing. A multi-polar world is rising. And our global elite are managing a transition to a new global empire based around a world governance and monetary model. There will be a two tiered currency system where all the Banana Republic currencies (formerly known as nation-states) will float against the new unassailable reserve currency Bitcoin. They will over the next centuries or soon drive the former nation-states into absolute servitude. This will be fulfillment of the prophesies in Revelation.

The only system that can endure is the system that endured for millenia. Center right is now attempting to hold, but cannot hold …

Center-right can hold against a too fast lurch into leftism. May swing more right in some facets for a while but on the long trend will continue to trend leftward until we can no longer buy nor sell anymore as Revelation predicts.

Which is empire. Not a specific form. Empires have evolved from city-state to nation-state and now heading towards the 666 finale.

You (we) can not resist. To the extent any places revert to a nation-state monarchy it will be subservient to the globalist overlords.

There will be civil war. There always is.

You differentiated between civil unrest and civil war. Civil war requires the elite to fracture launch the military into a domestic fight. There must be a coup d’etat by a faction of the military and/or political elite. What is the left going to use for a military if our military will refuse to fight for them? That is my point.

Does the left call in foreign troops? Do they form an alliance with China?

The Cominator says:

“The American Republic experiment died with the tacit coup d’etat which was the CIvil War. The power elite from the British Empire reasserted their control over the colonies and installed their puppet government which we had ever since.”

Republic 1.0 as a coalition of states died with the civil war but it was still a free society until the progressives and the Wilson administration created the Cathedral. There is a certain strain of thinking that attributes too much evil to Lincoln and not enough to Wilson. The free soilers legitimately could not tolerate the Dred Scott decision as it would have flooded the country with African slaves… this would not have been a good thing.

Shelby says:

Humans are not global humans are tribal. The alternative to tribe is to try to organize people based on religion but the only religion that can sort of do this is Islam

Civilization has always been ruled by empire. Parochial tribalism is subjugated by the economies-of-scale of empire. Economics is the dog. Culture and politics don’t wag the dog. This is why Islam to the extent it sustains tribalism is an economics failure.

The global elite are well aware of this and they are gradually enslaving us and moving us towards the 666 finale. As we transition to urban life, we lose our a tribal and even human identity. We also lose our soul and Christianity, which is replaced with the emptiness you describe:

(progressivism is a failure at it that needs 24/7 cradle to grave propaganda and indoctrination to get people to believe it

The aforementioned emptiness demands to be filled with something. The propaganda is provided to supply the demand.

The Bible is very clear. Come out of this world, or lose your soul.

jim says:

You start to sound suspiciously like a Gnostic, not a Christian.

You are not preaching Christianity. You are spinning it.

I don’t have a good shill test to detect Gnostics.

So, general purpose shill test, which you will probably pass, since you don’t sound like a government shill: https://blog.reaction.la/war/the-final-election/#comment-2672308 – the test being not what answer you give, but that you can acknowledge that we think the red pilled answers.

Next, shill test for people claiming to be Christian: Does not stop atheists claiming to be Christian, but it stops demon worshippers claiming to be Christian.

Say after me:

“Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ died for our sins”

“Jesus is the word made flesh. He is before Abraham was. Jesus is the logos, that existed before the creation, made flesh”

Did God himself experience the mortal condition and get flogged through the streets of Jerusalem?

Well, that is a test for demon worshippers trying to pass as holier than thou Christians, albeit there is a lot of overlap between demon worshippers and government shills, also a lot of overlap between demon worshippers and plain old crazies.

You are now on moderation until you pass both tests: The first test is to exclude government shills working from a government office, the next test is to exclude demon worshippers working from something like Epstein’s temple.

Both tests are to detect people who pretend to a position they hate and despise in order to sow confusion and conflict amongst their enemies. Though it is perhaps more likely you have had a bad batch of shrooms.

I would be happy to debate government shills and demon worshippers, but not if they say “Hail fellow reactionary, I am a better reactionary than you, Hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou.”

Shelby says:

Republic 1.0 as a coalition of states died with the civil war but it was still a free society until the progressives and the Wilson administration created the Cathedral. There is a certain strain of thinking that attributes too much evil to Lincoln and not enough to Wilson. The free soilers legitimately could not tolerate the Dred Scott decision as it would have flooded the country with African slaves… this would not have been a good thing.

Agreed more free than after the key events you enumerated. And agreed there are always political justifications that form the collective “Sheep Logic” (sheep collectively strangle themselves in a barn net while acting in their individual self-interest), e.g. the Dred Scott quagmire.

I want Jim to admit the Bible is correct that we are filthy rags. Our human plight is hopeless without the eternal salvation Jesus offers.

The Cominator says:

Empire’s typically function with the sovereign of the most powerful tribe ruling lightly over many vassal sovereigns of lesser tribes. When they try to centralize and rule other tribes directly (on a permanent basis, empires do have cause to wipe out a tribe’s elite sometimes) they generally fail.

The Russians are the exception and Russia has always worked being run as a country, albeit in a way that tends to be massively inefficient and often miserable for its multi-ethnic multi-tribal subjects… but its held together.

Yes progressivism fills a void and tries to displace tribalism… but only Islam is actually somewhat good at truly displacing tribalism. Progressivism (as opposed to Marxist leftism which is a more natural ideology designed for the exploitation of envy and power seeking) requires extremely heavy handed brainwashing to keep its adherents.

Shelby says:

The Cominator, digital tracking, enslavement and control enables the 666 centralized empire. Again the design of Bitcoin was essential for the plan underway.

Not Tom says:

Shelby is like our very own Alex Jones. Every once in a while he’ll start to dance around an interesting or relevant subject, and just when you think he might be going somewhere with it, drowns it in a pile of insane, incomprehensible, “not even wrong” bullshit.

Shelby says:

Not Tom when you start that baseless ad hominem I know your cognitive dissonance normalcy bias defense mechanism has kicked on and you can’t think clearly anymore. One of the problems is you ostensibly lack the technological understanding of the subject matter, so how can I make any sense to you when you lack the basic level of understanding? You’re obviously very intelligent, so it is not criticism of your intellect. Only of your confirmation biases and willingness to learn.

Shelby says:


jim says:

If we are going to discuss Christianity within the frame that you are a Christian, I want you to first take the demon worshipper test.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world.

Am I a Christian? I am not sure. I discuss Christianity from within the frame that it is the best glue we have developed so far for holding state, society, and family together, and that old type Christianity is a sane response to the nature of the world and the nature of man, but when I give thanks at mealtimes, and thanks for a good sunset, I feel emotions as if I believed, and I can say the words above without feeling I might catch on fire.

But whenever someone tells me what the proper Christian position is, from within the frame that he is a Christian, which is not the frame I use, I frequently get the feeling that the person I am talking to at best a gnostic, at worst a demon worshipper.

Shelby says:

[*Deleted for being more Christian than thou, while refusing to take the demon worshipper test or the shill test*]

jim says:

Take the test. I am still analyzing and thinking about your response to the Demon worship test, in which you failed to say “Jesus Christ is Lord”, and failed to say that Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is from before the beginning of the world to beyond the end.

Your response to the Demon Worship test was overly thoughtful. Less thinking, more faith required if you are going to lecture us on what true Christianity is. Thinking about things unseen and unfalsifiable is an unprofitable exercise suspiciously akin to weaseling. The central doctrines at the heart of Christianity are flatly self contradictory beyond mortal comprehension, and mortals trying to comprehend them sound suspiciously like mortals abandoning them.

But you entirely failed to take the test of acknowledging the red pill position on women. You gave us your position on those issues, while entirely failing to acknowledge our position. The whole point of the Red Pill/Woman Question tests is not the answers, but to acknowledge the question.

Your answers don’t sound like shill answers, but like a shill, you dodged both tests.

Shelby says:


Not Tom says:

cognitive dissonance normalcy bias defense mechanism

Incorrect/incomprehensible use of shibboleths.

The reason Vox Day chafes at midwits, and the reason I chafe at midwits, is because they are used to being able to trick halfwits. They don’t understand that smart people can tell the difference very easily between someone who is trying to speak plainly and accidentally slipping in jargon (expert explaining to layman), someone who is freely using jargon without particular regard for clarity (expert trying to persuade another expert), and someone who is intentionally and often incorrectly injecting various kinds of jargon in order to obscure their ignorance and insecurity (layman trying to persuade an expert).

We can tell when someone is making an effort to be clear, or not making an effort to be clear, or making an effort to be unclear. Yesterday, you were simply not making an effort to be clear, but several of us understood you anyway and tried to engage relatively amicably. Today, apparently alarmed at the fact that people actually understood your assertions and were challenging you on them, you’ve resorted to being intentionally unclear, and so you see several of us now responding not so amicably.

This “defense mechanism” business is pure projection. What am I defending against, exactly? I’m quite clearly on offense, not defense; I told you to prove some of your ideas instead of blindly asserting them in scattershot fashion, and you proceeded to throw a tantrum.

Theshadowedknight says:

Heretic detected. One who cannot pledge allegiance to our Lord and Savior in the manner of old is fit for nothing but kindling. Burn him.

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments deleted on sight till he takes the Mueller test*]

jim says:

What was deleted for failure to pass the Mueller test was an effort to pass the Demon Worshiper test – which came kind of close, but still did not pass.

The Demon Worshiper test is short and simple, and a long exegesis on Christian doctrine is not going to pass.

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments deleted on sight till he takes the Mueller test*]

way to fight a globalist empire with bullets nor nation-state organization. They already have Bitcoin in place now to enslave you monetarily. To fight them you need to do it with technology and I continue to work on ideas for that but probably will not succeed.

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments deleted on sight till he takes the Mueller test*]

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments from within the frame that he is a Christian will be deleted till he takes the Demon Worshiper test*]

The Cominator says:

To the extent leftists believe they are in different categories. There are genuine believers among them or else the cult wouldn’t work though. Orwell despite being a disillusioned leftist himself observed that women among them tend to be true believers.

Centre-right types are gullible to the extent they seem to have an overly rosy assessment of human nature and tend to believe in the good faith of leftists… but the center right is collapsing more and more to the hard right because there are limits to their gullibility. If true evil is blatantly pushed into their faces they can see it.

Strannik says:

The Left can see it’s Enemy and knows Him. The Center-Right doesn’t know that they have an Enemy, who is the Left (or rather it’s animating force).

The Cominator says:

Indeed the left is well summed up by this passage in the Gospel of John…

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

If you observe the modern progressive left this is the most salient characteristic… there is no truth in them. Those leftists who were motivated to join the left out of a misguided sense of compassion or something such as Tim Pool have fled. Whether you are a Christian or not its strange how well it fits… also why the left is so devoted to promoting the homosexual and pederast perversion. The lusts of their father…

This is also why I feel well justified in advocating that victory should be followed by ruthless and thorough extermination.

Not Tom says:

Blue states won’t try to secede unless they think they are losing, and by that point there is no reason for redgov to allow them to secede. There’s too much valuable land in California; just kick out the invaders, slap around the tech companies and helicopter a bunch of politicians and journalists, and California would be red again faster than you can say “Goodbye Gavin”.

It’s coup-complete, obviously, but if you’re talking about blue-state secession then the coup has already succeeded.

Shelby says:

I believe it’s likely the Trump victory will push the saboteurs over the ledge into the desperation of declaring a shadow government as the legitimate one. Ostensibly they believe their fake media and Big Tech gives them an ace-in-the-hole to control the narrative and propaganda. They’re drunk on their own Koolaid and blackhole holiness spiral.

We’re already prepared for their now impotent and rotting propaganda vehicles. Lawsuits and court proceedings are more civil and efficient than helicopters — we-the-original, Americans are pure Anglo-Saxon, not Chinese-Aeta-Spanish mongoloids. The FCC chief will resign after the election and Trump will appoint someone to corral Big Tech and the fake media. The leftist coalition will walk themselves into a corner, and so as to not implode they would probably desperately radicalize (move further to the left) to sell the narrative that the blue States own a significant portion of the national GDP. Gavin claims CA alone is a nation-state.

If I’m correct they’ll trap themselves in a counter-coup they created, lol.

The New Progressive States may intend to form alliances with Trump’s enemies such as China and Iran. I read that Iranian Navy is sailing a destroyer to the Gulf of Mexico.

In the past the opposing factions of the ruling elite were able to work out a compromise to avert fracturing the nation-state. It seems it’s too late for that now, because they’ve got too many mouths to feed and their minimum requirement for booty exceeds the value of what the Americans can be duped into paying. They’ve reached the end of their rope.

The U.S. military may refuse to be involved into fighting Americans. So it may not be possible to stop the blue States. Also the secession may not be declared as such. Instead they may assert States’ rights. And they may pass a law that declares that the the State will indemnify any resident who does not pay the federal income tax and if it is instead paid to the State, then State will deduct that from State taxes owed. Possibly these States can raise their tax rates with such a scheme in place. The may also be able to employ the Constitution against the Union of Confederate States, such as claiming the Feds have no policing or land use jurisdiction outside of WA D.C..

Strannik says:


But I for one am not inclined to let them go, nor allow the blood and sacrifices of the generations who went before them be in vain, the sacrifices made to make those states into something good.

I have the gut feeling though that they’ll be surrendering before the fight even really starts-I think Biden will concede fairly quickly after november 3rd, and that’ll be the end of it.

Shelby says:

As a counter-example to my model is that Army did disperse the Bonus Army violently. Only one veteran was killed.

But the military can’t be called on to force the constituents of a State to obey a different government than the one they recognize as legitimate. The military can’t occupy every left leaning business and homestead.

How would we even fight? Seems impossible.

From the central valley going east is Republican so it would likely secede from CA in that case. I would hope we could drive a wedge of land to the ocean to maintain access to both coasts. Perhaps we could occupy a low population coastal area such as SLO and Monterrey counties?

jim says:

Take down the center – which is Harvard and Yale.

Either level it with tanks, or install old type Christianity in charge. Except that you make sure that those in charge are males with faithful wives and well behaved biological children to avoid the risk of the lavender mafia, which has always been a terrible vulnerability of old type Christianity.

Everyone then sees on which side their bread is buttered, and leftism slowly, quietly, and silently evaporates everywhere in the entire American hegemony.

Shelby says:

There is no political plausibility for creating a secular orthodoxy among the center-right coalition Nash equilibrium which continues to slide leftward as the population becomes less rural and more technological. Google returned many articles explaining why urban living promotes collectivism. It’s in essence the inexorable maximum division-of-labor economic trend. People become dependent on the collective because it is the most economically efficient strategy.

Since the nation-state deprecated monarchs and city-states, the true power has been held by those industrialists and bankers who aggregated and monopolized power and wealth, enabling them to capture and monopolize the power vacuum of the nation-state and democraZy,

These masters have now planned for the deprecation of the nation-state and moving us to a globalized empire. To control this they have innovated with for example Bitcoin to create an unassailable monetary reserve which they absolutely control but no one can prove that they do. Mining is anonymous. And ownership of mining farms can be hidden through shell companies, contracts, etc..

America was an extension and continuation of the British (Anglo-Saxon) empire. The control remained with the global elite who are well hidden behind the curtain. We only know of the figureheads and puppets they install for a narrative to write in our history books and blogs like this. Anna “von Reitz” explains that since the Civil War the U.S. has been run by corporate fiction of the United States (Corp) which was incorporated in Scotland.

Deagel.com’s 2025 predictions which only make sense if the West will be diced up by secession, is what happens when the world is transitioning from a nation-state empire to a world government empire. For a while there will be civil war, secession and even the Thucydides trap until we beg for the world government to restore an order that can’t be put back together in any other way anymore.

The bizarre murals at the Denver airport are the global elite providing their honest and ethical disclosures about the chaos we to go through:

Shelby says:

On further thought, the coastal blue States are extremely limited because if they’re overtly attempting nation-state sovereignty, the soon-to-be conservative Supreme Court may interpret this as the threat of enabling foreign troops to establish bases on our coasts and deem this as a military threat which warrants a military response. I suppose the military would accept orders to blockade such a threat. Without food, water and maybe electricity, it seems political capitulation would be swift.

It seems the leftists have no options but to become every more desperate. How much more crazy can they become before their black hole sucks them in? Do they have a bird, swine flu scamdemic on tap to shut down our meat supply. It seems this scamdemic was desperate attempt to sustain the collapsing socialism in the West and shift the blame for the collapse to SJW memes. They’re been planning this U.N. Agenda2020/30 for a long time though.

Do they really think that conservative Americans will roll over for their nonsense? The more they push into the inane crap, the more focused and fervent our restoration.

Perhaps the global elite (e.g. Soros and higher echelons) have some strategy in play w.r.t. to the Thucydides Trap. Is Trump merely their well-planned carrot (i.e. Wikileaks helped Trump win the 2016 election) whom they will assassinate after sucking his base into fervor and then insert their preferred autocrat into the power vacuum?

Not Tom says:

You misunderstand the essence, or rather lack of essence of leftism. If the left secedes, it dies, because there are no more applecarts to tip over. A parasite can’t survive without the host.

When leftists threaten secession, they never mean secession. It’s like everything else on the left – affectations, words empty of coherent meaning and uttered purely for emotive effect, secret codes spoken to intimidate enemies or elicit coordination from allies.

Look at Quebec in Canada, the Catalan “independence movement”, or the Irish “nationalists” who schemed against Brexit. All of them, down to the last man, were aiming for something very different from independence. Quebec wants to keep getting handouts and preferential treatment but not have to follow Canadian law. Catalonians want the same from Spain. And the Irish wanted to keep sucking at the wrinkled and flabby teat of the EU.

When a right-wing group says it wants to secede, it wants to secede. When a left-wing group says it wants to secede, it wants to intimidate the legitimate authorities into giving them free shit and special treatment under the law.

Steve Johnson says:

They could actually be sincere in wanting secession because that still lets them play their classic game of aggressing then retreating to a safe haven – think Latin American communist guerrillas robbing banks then retreating to university campuses where the police can’t follow them.

They’ll have nominal independents launch raids and retreat to the sovereign state – want to go after them? Put in a request with the sovereign who will ignore it leaving the other state with no recourse but war with the sovereign which the left then paints as the aggressor. This is a pattern repeated many times.

nils says:

so you think the federal government will stop colorado militia from stacking commies in california when they massacre children in colorado? like how the brits stopped rhodies from stacking negroes in the velt? If Trump is in charge i doubt he would be dumb enough to do that, if not then its war anyway, the only thing secession accomplishes as i can see is making the feds look week which is big, and making it easier to burn cali and nyc to the ground, plus i doubt the sanfran cunts can keep the rurals in check when they decide land appropriation and rape of their children is like uncool dude.

Not Tom says:

These tactics do get used, as you say, but bluegov wouldn’t secede in order to use those tactics because guerilla raids across a national border are a much worse situation than they have now.

Right now they can extract pretty much any amount, any time, from anyone they want. If they were forced out of the Union and allowed to keep running their own territory (into the ground), then I could certainly see them restoring to outright piracy, provided there’s any testosterone left. But I can’t see them seceding as a pretext to piracy because they are already able to commit piracy at a much larger scale with impunity.

Steve Johnson says:

Of course – that situation is worse for them unless they’d win in the conflict that results and want a pretext to start it.

Shelby says:

Is there a plausible scenario wherein all three of you, myself, and Deagel.com’s predicted 2025 mass exodus of 2/3 of the U.S. population are correct?

The MAGA right is winning with superior political organization, dedication, stratagem, property rights ideology and adherence to the Constitution, despite being outnumbered by the left’s unconstitutional ‘useful idiots’ electorate.

The Constitution grants the states the power to set voting requirements. Generally, states limited this right to property-owning, adult white males comprising ~6% of the ‘people’ (not state Citizens!) of the U.S. states. The Naturalization Act of 1790 also stipulates that state Citizens must be free, white, adult males. All Constitutional amendments since the Civil War have been corporate fiction.

In red states such as Texas there’s no need yet for secession by the right because they’re in political control and subjugate the left-leaning cities. In blue states the left is pushing the right to the brink either physically departing or seceding from the state. The relative severity of the scamdemic lockdowns in the blue states demonstrated to the right the coming necessity of flight-or-fight for the Constitution. If you agree that constitutional state Assemblies have not been in session since the Civil War, thus the second Civil War may be finishing up the unsettled resolution of the first one. The right which is politically dominant over most of California’s land area might restore of the constitutional state government and militias.

The left would depend on the Supreme Court to uphold the unconstitutional corporate fiction that has been running the United States (Corporation) since the first Civil War in the sense that for example the right’s reconstituted state Assembly would only have legal jurisdiction over the State of California if the 14th amendment is deemed invalid. Yet my presumption is the majority of rank and file U.S. military will not fight against Americans even if unconstitutionally ordered to do so by a cucked Supreme Court. The current Supreme Court is also part of the corporate fiction but I doubt restoration of the Republic will be complete. Instead we are likely to end up with some hodgepodge outcome.

There may be a military power vacuum filled by the grassroots state militias in some of the blue states, which may actually be constituted or at least lead by former or even active police and military.

The left might be forced to retreat to a fiction of them still being in political control of blue states when in fact they are under de facto military occupation. The left wouldn’t recognize the legitimacy of the state Assemblies, militias and any federal government elected by said Assemblies.

I would like to conclude in this scenario the entire leftist house-of-cards would collapse in the U.S.. But I believe economics is the dog and politics is only the tail. The economy has transitioned significantly from industrial to technological. And the geeks tend to be left of center. And even many of those who were leaning right tend to lean more left after they live in a city for a while.

Shelby says:

Anna “von Reitz” Riezinger proposes that after state Assemblies are constituted as required by only white, adult, male landowners as Citizens with voting rights, that their legislatures should pass legislation in each state to grant voting rights to females and non-whites.

As I understand the legal precedent females only gain Citizenship via marriage and thus they can’t be granted voting rights as they’re owned by their husband. And the Naturalization Act of 1790 would have to be repealed by a reconstituted Confederate States of America in order to grant Citizenship to non-whites.

If reconstituted state Assemblies grant voting rights to non-landowners they will succumb to the ‘useful idiots’ democraZy tragedy-of-the-commons. Although a landowning elite can ultimately fail as per the example of Athens but that’s out-of-scope for the imminent crisis we’re dealing with. The landowning criteria should be strengthened to perhaps 10 acres, because only rural culture is immune to the leftist cancer. Presumably this is why the U.N. Agenda2020/30 map intends to make rural land inhabitation verboten.

Unfortunately the contemporary center-right is already very progressive. I doubt any reconstituted State assemblies will be aware of what is at stake w.r.t. to the granting of Citizen and voting rights.

Anna explains that the ‘people’ includes all that are here within the state and national boundaries; not all of the ‘people’ have Citizenship and voting rights.

Anna and SCOTUS nominee Amy Barrett appear to have high IQs, yet they both in their own unique ways seem to (unwittingly?) subscribe to the leftist holiness spiral religion. Amy says racism is abhorrent. Anna seems to want to be the mother figure of a perfected German hamlet. Racism is abhorrent if misapplied in judging individuals, but races are a fact. Nature may be abhorrent, but it is what it is. Dreamy crap is not reality.

The Cominator says:

Democracy and Republics don’t scale the Roman Republic had to become the Empire and the American Republic needs to become the American Empire, the alternative is civil war without end.

Shelby says:

Governance is an imperfect and unstable phenomenon throughout the history of human civilization. The Lord’s admonished us in 1 Samuel 8 to not have an earthly king to rule over us and lead us into war. Jesus told us in Matthew 22:21 to “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” Even Romans 13 appears to have been incorrectly translated from the original Greek. Paul apparently never wrote that government is good and actually concurred with the Lord and Jesus.

Restricting females and non-whites from voting is because democraZy is guaranteed, accelerated failure for the reasons discussed at length on this blog. The concept of an idealized government will never actually exist in the nature we have. For our sanity we should establish a stable government that remains sufficiently limited per the command of the Lord and Jesus. Thus idealism has no standing in this issue. Only landed, adult white males should vote.

I can also turn this around and to the extent that Jim is pushing for an idealized monarchy or any other form of Babylonian nirvana on earth, he is also defying the wisdom and command of 1 Samuel 8 and Matthew 22:21. Yet we live in in this earthly realm for the time being, so we must render to Caesar what is his. And to God what is God’s. But harbor no illusions about achieving an everlasting nirvana here on earth. The only eternal salvation is by following Jesus. Because again all things on this earth turn back to dust again eventually. There will be no perfected solution. Perhaps this is why leftists choose to be opportunists. In any economic system some actors have to fulfill every natural role in the system. I would prefer we analyze in terms of that reality of an economic, natural system and the actors in that system. Clearly no monarchy will be stable either.

jim says:

> I can also turn this around and to the extent that Jim is pushing for an idealized monarchy or any other form of Babylonian nirvana on earth, he is also defying the wisdom and command of 1 Samuel 8 and Matthew 22:21.

The story of the book of Samuel is that Hebrews could not rule themselves, so were punished by God giving them a King.

Or, in my terminology, if you lack a virtuous elite, need a King.

Anarchy is the best and worst of systems.

The Cominator says:

In the Roman Republic only property owning males could vote and the voting was heavily weighed towards Equites and then people of slightly less net worth…

Still went to constant civil war after they became a large state. Keeping women and the landless will only delay entropy…

Yes governance is imperfect but the entropy factor is less in a simpler structure government, a monarchy.

The Cominator says:

Republics require a lot of aasibaya among both their elites and common citizens and a mutual kind of up and down loyalty… otherwise you get hostile factions that grow more hostile even without any radical leftist factions.

You inevitably lose aasibaya in large states.

Shelby says:

The Cominator, the next empire will not be based on a city-state (e.g. Athens and Rome) nor a nation-state (Spanish and British empires). The nation-state is being subjugated by a technological global order. This is what Bitcoin is all about. Bitcoin will forever vacate the power of the nation-state per John Nash’s Ideal Money white paper.

Trilema is a Bitcoin $billionaire:


Jim when the next Bitcoin halving is accelerated to 2020 and all the impostor Core scam coins are donated to the miners, that will be the global monetary reset and transfer of the reserve currency from the dollar. This was planned was from the inception. The halving can be accelerated to ~2022 on the legacy Bitcoin fork that has been mined surreptitiously since the 2017 “soft” fork. You can verify this mathematically by presuming it is mined without the hashrate volatility in public scamfork.

Our masters are asserting their ownrrship and control. This is what Bitcoin is really about.

So any analysis has to based on the natural deprecation of the nation-state, analogous to when the nation-state deprecated the city-state.

Shelby says:

Or, in my terminology, if you lack a virtuous elite, need a King.

That’s not equivalent. If everyone follows the 10 Commandments and other scriptures, there’s no need for extensive governance. Governance is necessitated because humans subjugate their soul to appease their perceived earthly economic situation. In the multiverse our reality is only one of infinite illusions that we have chosen for ourselves. The enlightened one follows Jesus instead of earthly economic and evolutionary realities. That is why the Bible instructs us to come out from the world, because we are not of this world.

I understand my stance will not be satisfying to materialists and CHRINOs (Christians in name only). Jesus allowed us to give to Caesar (this world) what is his. But if we give what is God’s to Caesar then our soul is eviscerated.

Shelby says:

Apology I screwed up the html tag. Feel free to delete the prior response.

Or, in my terminology, if you lack a virtuous elite, need a King.

That’s not equivalent. If everyone follows the 10 Commandments and other scriptures, there’s no need for extensive governance. Governance is necessitated because humans subjugate their soul to appease their perceived earthly economic situation. In the multiverse our reality is only one of infinite illusions that we have chosen for ourselves. The enlightened one follows Jesus instead of earthly economic and evolutionary realities. That is why the Bible instructs us to come out from the world, because we are not of this world.

I understand my stance will not be satisfying to materialists and CHRINOs (Christians in name only). Jesus allowed us to give to Caesar (this world) what is his. But if we give what is God’s to Caesar then our soul is eviscerated.

Not Tom says:

The nation-state is being subjugated by a technological global order. This is what Bitcoin is all about.

The purpose of Bitcoin is to eliminate nation-states and subject everyone in the world to the rule of globalist technocrats?

Looney tunes.

Shelby says:

Not Tom, what is your objection specifically? Do you even understand that everyone who holds BTC with an non-legacy address that does not begin with 1 or with any SegWit lineage even if respent to a legacy address, actually does not own Bitcoin at all. And their coins will be taken by the miners in 2022 in a Nash equilibrium Schelling point event that was designed into Bitcoin to protect it from “soft” fork scams. Do you even understand that SegWit addresses are ANYONECANSPEND?

Come on debate me if you think you know anything about Bitcoin.

Not Tom says:

I don’t have to “understand” it, you have to prove it.

You never stop to prove any of your points, you just flit from one stream of consciousness to the next like an old-time hippie under a bad batch of shrooms.

Shelby says:

Looney as when I warned you all in 2019 on Jim’s blog that the powers-that-be would attack Trump with an economic implosion and you all ridiculed it as impossible and looney. Also I blogged late 2019 about the likelihood of them employing a pandemic hoax.

W.r.t. to fragmentation into a multitude of political entities ruled by a world government (and perhaps also the 10 Kings regional blocs mentioned in Revelation) we have already for example a community in Canada outlawing COVID restrictions and citing International law.



Shelby says:

Not Tom I don’t have a need to convince you. You will find out soon enough whether I’m correct. If you want to understand engage me in an appreciative demeanor for using my time to spoon feed the expert knowledge I’ve accumulated in this area over the past decade, then I might make the effort. But if this is just going to be more of usual censorship crap, why should I bother? I came here to have a fruitful discussion and brainstorming. If you’re not interested or think you know everything already, then why should I bother?

Shelby says:

For example and I only bother to write this because I think Jim knows a little bit about Bitcoin so this may be meaningful to him. Isn’t a bit peculiar that no pool will pay you as a miner in Bitcoin that isn’t polluted with some non-legacy address lineage (e.g. pay-to-script-hash aka P2SH or the SegWit specific forms)?

Unless you have the economic resources to run your own huge mining farms that have enough hashrate to overcome the huge variance (in mining a block) for individual miners, then you can’t obtain Bitcoin anymore. You obtain the scam altcoin known as Bitcoin Core (aka the “official” Bitcoin) which will be entirely destroyed when miners start taking the ANYONECANSPEND lineage as donations on the legacy chain which will then cause the Core chain to fork off. The Bitcoin whales such as the Trilema dude (who had 0.5 million BTC per the financial statements of his MPex Bitcoin business) have promised to dump millions of Core coins on the exchanges to crash the price when the donations-taking moment arrives (perhaps in 2022 at an accelerated mining reward halving event).

The game theory is that the miners will have no choice but to mine the donations because their income will be shut off by the crashing price of the Core chain. The whales can dump at a profit because when the legacy chain forks off the Core chain, everyone who had legacy BTC receives a belated free airdrop of the Core shitcoins.

Shelby says:

Have you read John Nash’s Ideal Money white paper to understand how Bitcoin will enslave the nations?

In addition to Moldbug monetary theory (MMT) written by Curtis Yarvin, understand technologically why Bitcoin will be the only unassailable Ideal Money:


Also recommended reading for those who refuse to overcome their psychosis aka confirmation biases:



ten says:

Shelby, you see hard association where there is loose association and hard causation where there is loose incentivization. Some artist employed roughly on a whim at some airport, reproducing some visualization of cathedral visions, makes you see the honest confession of hidden “masters”.

Memecontrol mechanisms collecting their funding, like ants from farmed aphids, to you become aphid overlords in absolute power over the hive.

You are presenting your competing story without engaging with the NRx story, and when pushed on specifics you supply nothing to ground this competition with.

I don’t think you are a ruinous presence here, but you’re not giving anyone much to work with either, just shouting from your box in direct opposition to the memeplex we are operating with here.

ten says:

And as for bitcoin.. When metal was money, its greatness was in that it almost reached bitcoin like affordances. Bitcoin is insufficient but can be worked around, and can be improved upon, when it comes to privacy of exchange, yet you see an opposite intention to the one stated by nakamoto, and you see these obscure aphid overlords behind the entire thing.


Sounds like paranoia and falsehood. Sounds like bitcoin is a great attempt at avoiding all the things you assert it is meant to implement. Substantiate.

Not Tom says:

I don’t think you are a ruinous presence here, but you’re not giving anyone much to work with either, just shouting from your box in direct opposition to the memeplex we are operating with here.

In fact, although I see no specific evidence that he is here to shill for our enemies, he is engaging with us in an almost identical fashion to those shills. He uses certain key phrases extremely repetitiously, with the goal not to inform but rather to confuse and attempt to dominate the conversation. He follows a fairly strict script, albeit a script that is likely of his own making and not from some HR department. And when directly challenged on this, he pivots to a scattershot tactic, posting rapidly and repeatedly and going off on half a dozen different tangents so that it is impossible to respond to the substance, if there even is any substance.

Earlier I joked about an acid trip, but he actually acts like a coked-up midwit, likely a recent MBA or economics graduate or maybe employed by an investment bank. I know the type well, I used to go to their parties.

Mike in Boston says:

Trilema is a Bitcoin $billionaire:

OT, but the only value to narcissist loon “Mircea Popescu”‘s incoherent logorrhea is as an example of the polar opposite of our host’s clear thinking and clear prose.

I feel about links to trilema dot com exactly as I would about a plantar wart: hopefully there’s only one and this isn’t going to become a regular occurrence.

Shelby says:

And as for bitcoin.. When metal was money, its greatness was in that it almost reached bitcoin like affordances.

Bitcoin adds the affordance of being distance agnostic. Additionally John Nash explained in his Ideal Money paper that Bitcoin can’t be manipulated by national governments, e.g. in the way the gold and silver ratio was manipulated by the Silver Democrats which bankrupted China and probably contributed to it falling to Communism as a reaction. The nations are entirely powerless to stop or regulate the Bitcoin blockchain and the private keys of hodlers. Whereas, gold requires identifiable and government regulated market markets (e.g. physically located precious metal dealers) for exchange, cryptocurrency via decentralized exchange can in theory enable anonymous market markers.

Bitcoin is insufficient but can be worked around, and can be improved upon, when it comes to privacy of exchange, yet you see an opposite intention to the one stated by nakamoto, and you see these obscure aphid overlords behind the entire thing.

Lol. Like the rest of the idiots who think Core improved Bitcoin, you do not understand Bitcoin at all. You do not understand why Bitcoin was created and why Nakamoto insisted on keeping the blocksize at 1 MB. If you want to be educated on all the details, we are going to need several pages of discussion. If our host will promise to stop censoring me, I am willing to explain it. Otherwise I will not bother.

I suggest you start by realizing that Satoshi promised the coming attack I have been describing, “Imagine if gold turned to lead when stolen. If the thief gives it back, it turns to gold again,”

Sounds like paranoia and falsehood. Sounds like bitcoin is a great attempt at avoiding all the things you assert it is meant to implement. Substantiate.

I will substantiate in great detail if our host will promise that I will nt be wasting my time. Seems instead he is going to censor, so I will stop wasting my time on those who prefer to remain ignorant of Bitcoin.

jim says:

OK, go ahead on bitcoin.

Bitcoin’s big problem is the scaling crisis. Bitcoin has hit its scaling limit, the problem that I complained about when Satoshi first explained his great idea, but Satoshi rightly responded that the best was the enemy of the good enough. And for a long time, Bitcoin was good enough. And now it has to change or be replaced.

Raising the limit was a (half assed) attempt to deal with scaling. The lightning network is a better solution, but I don’t think it can be implemented successfully and effectively unless we implement Yarvin’s solution first.

Shelby says:

[*All Shelby comments from within the frame that he is a Christian deleted on sight till he takes the Demon Worshipper test*]

jim says:

I promised that your bitcoin comments would be allowed through, but first, the Mueller test.

ten says:

Come on Shelby, take the mueller test. I genuinely want to see what you have to say on bitcoin.

jim says:

It is the standard shill stuff on bitcoin, but a conversation on it would be worthwhile, because Shelby sometimes does make relevant responses, and it might be possible to have a conversation on the shill claims about bitcoin.

Shelby says:

[*This Shelby comment paused till he takes the Mueller test*]

jim says:

That was an intelligent and arguable comment on bitcoin, but first, the Mueller test.

Shelby says:

[*This intelligent and thoughtful comment on bitcoin paused till Shelby finishes the Mueller test*]

Shelby says:

[*paused because Shelby has not finished the Mueller test*]

jim says:

Also it is standard shilling on Bitcoin, and really does not make attempt to make sense, but I promised him a debate on bitcoin, and if he completes the Mueller test, will then fisk his Bitcoin black pill.

I, like Yarvin, am rather black pilled on bitcoin myself, despite being an early and continuing investor, but the shill bitcoin script seems to have been pulled out of the asses of people who made no attempt to understand bitcoin or money. Midwits wrote the script for idiots, incorporating broken fragments of relevant and valid blackpill arguments made by smarties that they failed to understand.

I have plenty of blackpill arguments on bitcoin. Satoshi correctly figured that by the time these became problems, bitcoin would already be very big.

It now becomes apparent that would have been better to worry about the problems too soon, rather than too late.

By the way Shelby, what crimes did Mueller commit or preside over during the Mueller investigation? It is has been pretty big in the news, and the DoJ gave illegal acts committed by the prosecution as grounds for dropping Flynn, so illegality has been presented in court by Flynn’s lawyers, and conceded by the DoJ.

Shelby says:

[*deleted once again for all the usual reasons*]

Shelby says:


jim says:

Not going to debate you on bitcoin until you take the Mueller test.

And I am only going to debate you because I promised I would. Your bitcoin stuff is not worth debating.

Shelby says:


TBeholder says:

For us to win, Harvard, Yale, and the Judiciary will have to be cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized. The prosecutorial system will have to be depoliticized, which will require removing most existing prosecutors to the gulag. It has to become as dangerous to be too far left, as it is to be too far right.

So long as Harvard remains Harvard, so long as judges have anarcho tyrannical power, so long as most existing prosecutors have their jobs, it will still be safer to be too far left than to be too far right, and we will continue to move ever leftwards, ever faster.

The second part shows why the first on its own will accomplish very little.
The problem #1 with this is that the masses supporting this and providing cadres will be mainly American conservatards, thus:
1. They are prone to stopping the moment they can posture as “winners”.
2. They are adapted to carrying the rear end of the Overton Window, thus are not accustomed to going out to do anything new actively, and meme-wise are little different from moderate Proglodites outdated by two eras or so (they simply virtue-signal to the Moral Fashions of 130-60 years ago).
The problem #2 is that the Leftists who are more than bobble-heads are opportunistic chameleons. They’ll play XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union/Peryestroyka/… and will be always have been secret Trumpists.
Also, the Left quasi-reaction is already a thing. They just don’t pretend so hard and act like it’s So Edgy (e.g. Quilette and wehraboo).

And that’s in your best case scenario. Looks like you guys would need more wild cards and emergent “things”. But then, changing conditions tend to produce some, right now it’s a bit of writing on the surf with pitchfork.

jim says:

> The second part shows why the first on its own will accomplish very little.


If Harvard, Yale, and the judiciary are cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized, if most of the prosecutors are relocated to agricultural labor in Alaska, then everyone will perceive the situation as at least as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right, and the spiral ever leftwards stops.

As soon as the spiral ever leftwards stops, then there are no new applecarts to knock over, and the left gradually evaporates over time. Old leftists will quietly cling to their beliefs, but the young will find leftism unattractive.

Leftism has to keep moving leftwards, as a shark has to keep swimming, or else it drowns. If no new applecarts to knock over, no left. The old leftists turn into the cynics they always were inwardly, the young leftists just are not there.

Young people are naturally leftists because they feel they have to grab stuff. If nothing is up for grabbing, they will feel they have to earn stuff, so will naturally be rightists.

Not Tom says:

Leftism has to keep moving leftwards, as a shark has to keep swimming, or else it drowns.

I’m finding that this is very easy to understand for people who understand what leftism is, and nearly impossible for those who don’t.

If you understand leftism to be a defection strategy then it is obvious that the left must swim or die, because the leftism and the swimming are the same thing, and to stop swimming is to stop doing leftism.

But too many still insist on modeling leftism as a political movement, identity or belief system, and to them the idea that the left can’t just take a 5-minute break is incomprehensible. They’re like the people who watch detective shows and are always shocked at the end because they default to believing what all of the witnesses say, rather than treating them all as potential perpetrators or accomplices. They believe they live in a perfect world of social trust and so even when someone is caught lying, they try to understand why they lied, what circumstances could have caused them to lie, rather than just accepting it as part of who they are.

Of course this makes some of them like chameleons, and some will pretend to have been secret Trump voters all along, but in the extremely unlikely event that they subsequently stop defecting, then they are no longer leftists, and in the much more probable event that they change nothing at all, they’re not going to blend in very well – one need only observe the endless shilling attempts here for proof of that.

Javier says:

I feel like the most likely outcome is a contested election, as you say, with SCOTUS resolving it. The military won’t act without the courts, and if the court decides Trump lost he’ll step down.

During the court battle there will be even more insane riots and violence and destruction, but nothing will really change. Trump will win eventually but the country will keep sliding toward implosion. Trump won’t be able to stop the hydra as every head cut off will grow two more, and he isn’t really attacking the source of the problem. Immigration will continue, leftist culture invasion will continue, media propaganda will continue and get even more brazen and outrageous. States will keep doing insane shit like ordering reparations, banning cars and fossil fuels, and allowing pedophiles into primary school bathrooms. Governors are already ruling their territory through decree and the federal government will only become more irrelevant.

Notice that in Portland it has been declared open season on Trump supporters yet the Trump supporters are not rising up collectively to defend themselves. That’s because Trump sent the federal marshals to arrest the guy who shot one of them, but not arrest any of the large conspirator apparatus that nurtured him and allowed him to operate freely. As long as people have this feeling that ‘justice’ will eventually work for them, then they don’t feel the need to do anything about it themselves. Perhaps Kyle Rittenhouse will be acquitted, perhaps not, but as long as people have faith in the court system they will not rise up.

In short I almost think a Biden victory would be better, if only to hasten the collapse and awaken the sleeping and deluded normies who still think they live in a free country. Only when the right feels they have no other option but war will there be war. Electing Trump would continue the illusion of normalcy and give people the feeling that someone else will do something about it, even as armed bands of marauders roam their streets with impunity.

The Cominator says:

“In short I almost think a Biden victory would be better”

Accelerationists are enemy shills.

The right has been moving towards war already.

Javier says:

I just don’t see us voting our way out of this. Where I live, all the right-wingers are saying ‘vote for trump and our problems will be over.’ They want an easy solution, not the right solution. They are more likely to move away and build a new home than to fight to stop the implosion of their current home. They will only fight when there is nowhere left to run.

The Cominator says:

The best case scenario is that the left escalates too far if Trump is reelected including a failed coup… which will allow Trump to just start killing leftists and make him our Caesar Augustus. This is essentially why you want to vote for Trump… on the hope that the left goes a bridge too far at a time when they don’t have command of the military.

Now as far as your blackpilling about the right…

Individual right wingers are less herd creatures than leftists and don’t want to fight without some chance of success. You are essentially shortchanging them for responding rationally to futility… I’m going to guess you are in some Midwest swing state that stupidly elected a Dem governor because you seem to be complaining that there is real fighting to be done but they aren’t fighting back.

I live in Florida, the left will not riot here because the law and the authorities are 100% on the side of right wingers who will defend themselves and there are just too many rednecks (who generally have 5 guns each at least) here who are HOPING they riot because they want to shoot leftists. This even includes some of the redneck broads…

My great worry is that the right wins and does what the right generally does in history, that it shows mercy and that the left is back with a veageance in a little more than a generation. I do not believe the left can win the war when it comes… the modern left is not so manly as the old Bolshevik left.

Javier says:

You’re a pretty smart guy. I know people who live in one of the cities devastated by riots. Their neighborhood looks like a bombed-out warzone. Has this shaken their core values at all? Nope, they blame Trump. “He’s the problem,” they say, “If he hadn’t been elected, none of this would have happened.” Or they blame themselves and their ‘white privilege.’

Meanwhile, my right-wing friends are in perpetual retreat. When the schools started pushing hardcore leftist indoctrination, they did not fight, they just abandoned the schools. When the neighborhood gets bad, they flee the neighborhood. When the ‘executive order’ for covid shutdowns and masks occurred, they did not fight, they meekly surrendered.

During the riots there was case after case where someone had a shot and didn’t take it. They don’t want to fight. They’ll avoid it at all costs. Worse, they don’t understand how deep the rot goes. They think the law and criminal justice system is generally fine, and even agree that ‘non-violent’ criminals are in jail unjustly. When the AG lets every single rioter go without charges, they don’t storm the jail to deliver proper justice. They all think college is fine and are sending their kids despite soaring costs and plummeting value. They think diversity is great, we just need to ‘keep things fair.’ They don’t see how stupid it is to celebrate ‘juneteenth’ or put Harriet Tubman on the twenty.

Basically, the current right agrees with the left on too many things. They’re going to have to die off before anything can really change.

jim says:

You obstinately ignore the reality that the left, and thus the center left, and thus the right, moves ever leftwards, ever faster.

This always happens, and always leads to the same result. Trees do not grow to the sky, but they grow till they fall over.

As long as it is is more dangerous to be too far right than too far left, everyone tries to move leftwards faster than everyone else is moving leftwards.

And for two centuries it has been more dangerous to be too far right, starting with Burke’s lawfare, and for two centuries everyone, including the far right, have been moving leftwards ever faster. And as it gets more and more dangerous to be too far right, everyone stampedes left faster and faster.

Strannik says:

But it’s a perceptual problem, because people think of the Left as a concrete reality rather than what it is; nothing, an absence of something, a taking away from something that is real. The Left is Nothing, and Leftists are Nihilists on a journey to nowhere. Their ”political program” is nothing more than suicide, murder, and destruction. It’s a death cult essentially.

Honest men may disagree over the proper management of the real world and the art of government, but that’s not what the real Left is about.

Karl says:

Of course there is no voting out of this. If the civil war starts so late that there is nowhere left to run, the left is in an excellent position to win the civil war because then each small group starts it own civil war and is crushed.

Wars are won by those who act collectively, by those who achieve large scale cooperation. This is achieved by a leader who tells his supporters to fight. Maybe Trump is that leader, maybe not, but at present there is noone else.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>’if i hit rock bottom, things can only get better’

When times are tough, and you’re having a hard time, just remember; no matter how bad things may seem… they can always get worse.

So it pays to keep your head up!

jim says:

But, if the republicans vote Trump’s justice in, not bloody likely that the court will rule that Trump lost.

Meanwhile every mass media outlet will have announced Biden’s victory, every social media platform will have censored any reporting to the contrary.

The generals will have declared Biden won the election. The color revolution will attempt to roll.

Javier says:

I don’t see the generals going against the SC. Cover Your Ass is the name of the game. People would not accept a presidential removal under those conditions. So in that case, if the generals declared for Biden and tried to remove Trump, defying the SC, you are correct and we would probably see a large-scale uprising by the right.

SCOTUS has failed conservatives countless times in the last few decades. The right has shown time and time again they will obey the law even when the law is egregiously wrong and corrupt. There is no support for Obamacare among the normies, everyone knows it is wrong, it has made the healthcare system immeasurably worse in every way, yet the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA was pretty much the end of the issue. The right expects someone else to fight the battle for them. Would ACB be willing to vote against Trump if she sees it as the only way to prevent war? Maybe? idk.

When the left declares victory, they will flood the streets with rioters which will give Trump the excuse to roll in the troops and end the violence. The media will call this a fascist takeover but Trump will not go that far. He’ll roll up the violent thugs but all the paymasters will remain, all the tacticians and organizers, all the propaganda mills and indoctrination systems will all remain in place, intensify, and grow in power. Trump will enter a second term with a left galvanized and more determined than ever to embed itself in the country. Even if prominent mayors and governors on the left are devoured by the mob, Trump will simply be blamed and everything will continue.

Basically I think the frog can tolerate a lot more boiling before it jumps out than you do. But I hope I am wrong.

Not Tom says:

The right expects someone else to fight the battle for them.

I don’t think that’s true, except maybe for the cuckiest parts of the cuck right.

Rather, individual rightists are generally not stupid or impulsive, are not inclined to try to stage a one-man revolution, and do not expect anyone else to help them if they do because they’ve actually learned from history.

The right does not expect someone else to fight, but it is waiting for a leader and for a formal declaration of war.

Consider, hypothetically, the President coming out with the following announcement: “The time for talk and negotiation is over. Our enemies will never allow themselves to be subjected to the rule of law or face justice and will never leave us alone to live our own lives. I have instructed federal forces to arrest [people/organizations], with armed forces as backup and all local and state police are hereby deputized with instructions to arrest Antifa and BLM rioters, and will be prosecuted themselves if they attempt to arrest any of victims of mob violence acting in self-defense or defense of their property. All local militias are hereby granted federal authority to arrest anyone found countermanding this order.” And assume, hypothetically again, that this statement is credible, that he is accompanied by several other officials and several police chiefs and soldiers while making this announcement and that we could reasonably expect the majority of the military and police to follow this directive.

In that situation, do you still think no one on the right would fight? Or would it suddenly be open season on commies?

The fighting is not happening because they correctly perceive that it is too dangerous. Trump supporters are literally shot in the streets, local DAs show little interest in prosecuting the shooters, but when someone like Kyle Rittenhouse acts in self-defense, they have the book thrown at them. Obviously very few people are going to take up arms in such a situation.

Javier says:

If the scenario you suggest happens, and there’s a non-zero chance it will, then I think all my friends with personal home arsenals would be out on the street with itchy trigger fingers. However, they would most likely not shoot first, only as a last resort, only at those armed and pointing weapons at them. The rest of the rioters would be ‘arrested’ at best, or simply chased off, to go home and rest up for the next riot. Those arrested would be quietly let go in a few weeks or months when no one would bother to check in on them. The riots would stop while the media kicks and screams bloody murder, but they will only lose their easily replaced foot soldiers and none of their C&C.

Still, this would be effective at cementing Trump’s victory, deliver the left a slap in the face, and usher in the next four years. But that is all it would do. The right will figure with Trump back in charge, they don’t need to do anything more and go back to sitting idly by while the left dismantles every part of the culture and country. Hell, many of them will join in and actively encourage it, because ‘Democrats are the REAL racists.’

What will never happen is Trump rounding up and arresting all the DNC officials who have openly and brazenly committed crimes while subverting his rule (the Qanon ‘trust the plan’ fantasy), including the same exact crimes he was accused of and impeached for. Nor will there be mass arrests of deep-state officials and organs, no shutting down of the myriad non-profit, foundation, and ngos endlessly fomenting rebellion against the state. Nor will their funds be seized through the numerous and potent legal tools to battle external influence and blatant corruption. None of his enemies will suffer any major punishment for what they have done, other than some type of Bill Ayers house arrest on a private estate paid for by Soros.

Nor will Trump order every single school and college which has aany staff member openly supporting communism (even the janitor or mexican gardeners) permanently banned from receiving federal funds, including student loans. If he did, the RIGHT would fight him because ‘our kids need degrees to get jobs.’ Nor will he have those teachers permanently barred from serving in public or educational jobs for the rest of their lives. Nor will he put every single journalist on trial for open treason and sedition, drumhead-style outdoors next to a gallows and an open grave. Nor will he march federal troops into Google, Twitter, and Facebook HQ and arrest the senior management for openly fomenting treason and unrest throughout the country, and the right will never do this on their own.

My friends would never, ever, not in a million years, go down to their local church and throw out the female pastor for daring to usurp God’s authority. We’ll win the battle but not the war. The right just doesn’t have the stomach for it.

jim says:

> but they will only lose their easily replaced foot soldiers and none of their C&C.

Their mid level C&C, the ones that need to be actually present to guide the rioters, have been rolled up – the problem is that the legal system will swiftly release them.

The solution is to drop catch and release – effectively bypassing the judiciary.

Rolling up their top level C&C is the Durham report and related. Which is stalled, but is likely to be unstalled or bypassed in civil war situation.

> Nor will Trump order every single school and college which has aany staff member openly supporting communism (even the janitor or mexican gardeners) permanently banned from receiving federal funds, including student loans

When he ordered an end to critical race and sex theory everywhere connected to the federal government, that in fact was effective, and effective far beyond the federal government.

His order for patriotic education has not taken effect, because race theory relied on a parallel system of political commissars, who got disempowered by the order, while education is all political commissars, who are just ignoring his order.

His order on “rape crisis” in higher education did take effect everywhere. So he is batting two for one.

Here is how you roll up higher education:

Plan A: You fix the funding for academia, so that instead of the money flowing through an incestuous maze of incrutable committees, it flows through president of the board. Then you fix the board if needed, but they will probably fall into line when they see which way the wind blows. Then the top academics fall into line, or get relocated behind the water heater in the basement. Then the schools fall into line. Create an academia where the people at the top are married men with faithful wives and well behaved children, who give at least lip service to old type Christianity and country. Then everyone else falls into line.

Every tenured academic everywhere in the world abruptly changes position overnight when the wind from Harvard and Yale changes. They will abruptly change their position and forget they ever held a different position, as they have changed and forgotten so many times already.

Or, if there is substantial resistance, Plan B: send the tanks into Harvard and knock down their newer and uglier buildings. Confiscate their limited circulation libraries, the stuff that they make difficult for anyone to read who has not been approved as politically correct, scan them, and put them on the internet. (Thus crippling their power to revise history and present reality. “Who controls the past controls the future”.) Then you will find that plan A goes more smoothly.

Once Harvard and Yale is rolled up, the schools will roll up. We have seen abrupt changes in the line before. Another abrupt change in the line will hardly be noticed. Every Academic everywhere will chant “Four legs need guidance by two legs” with the same enthusiasm as every academic everywhere formerly chanted “Four legs good, two legs bad”, and scarcely notice that their chant has changed. I have seen it happen before, it can happen again. Every single academic everywhere in the entire western Hegemony did a U turn on Darwin overnight, and every single academic everywhere in the entire western hegemony did a U turn on Cambodia overnight. If Trump is still president on January 21, ever single academic everywhere in the entire western hegemony is going to do a U turn on critical race theory by January 22nd. Every academic everywhere is today watching for the signal for a tactical retreat on that issue. They have all, every single one, suddenly gone very quiet waiting for a signal, and no signal has come.

Not Tom says:

The rest of the rioters would be ‘arrested’ at best, or simply chased off, to go home and rest up for the next riot. Those arrested would be quietly let go in a few weeks or months when no one would bother to check in on them.

You don’t get it. Rolling up the Soros DAs who let the rioters go free is part of the order.

Haven’t you ever studied how police break up gangs? They learned decades ago that rolling up a few small fry doesn’t work, and rolling up the kingpins also doesn’t work, you have to roll up everyone in the gang, or at least a sufficiently large majority to cripple their logistics.

This presidential order would be a monumental task and police would be calling on citizens to help wherever they can. The sleepy reticent gun hoarders would have explicit instructions to go out and use them as a deterrent first, and a weapon if necessary. Hell, that’s kind of the whole point of the second amendment. The founders may have put down on paper that militias would just form spontaneously to put down a tyrannical government, but deep down they knew it would have to be elites organizing the rabble.

The only question is whether the President, whoever it is at the time, can give such an order and expect to have it taken seriously and obeyed, which is largely a function of how many people already really want to do that thing but are just waiting for official permission, like abolishing critical race theory from corporate training.

The rest of your post was just spongelike faggy blackpilling, not even worth the time to fisk. If all you have is negativity then you should just GTFO. There’s a world of difference between polite skepticism and demoralization. Quit being such a pussified crybaby.

Pooch says:

The Sheriffs will likely make the call to form a posse if an order that large was made.

There are many fat LARPers out there right now buying guns with no idea how to use but there also quite a few combat vets. Operators who served in Afghanistan and Iraq who have killed other men while taking enemy fire.

Not Tom says:

I saw this the other day, a little taste on how things can play out: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/mass-arrest-at-small-north-portland-protest/283-7c5879a5-af74-4dee-b593-88113022ee3a

Summary: Portland police got a tip about an Antifa/BLM “protest”. They went out and arrested every single one of them before they could even assemble. When informed that those arrests were actually, technically illegal, they said, in short: “fuck you”.

This is in Portland, the leftiest city in the country that’s not overrun by blacks, with an openly hostile DA and state governor. But they report to the feds now, they obviously like reporting to the feds, and they’re sick and tired of letting communist garbage overrun the city.

Again, the key is giving people official permission to do what they already want to do. Portland police asked for this arrangement, it wasn’t forced on them. It’s going to be the same everywhere else. Very hard for the President to order actual leftists around or get them to do anything they don’t want to do, but very easy indeed to “order” many police departments and military divisions to do what they’ve been craving for months or years. The trick is identifying those groups and figuring out what they want to do that’s advantageous to the right, or at least disadvantageous to the left.

jim says:

> this would be effective at cementing Trump’s victory, deliver the left a slap in the face, and usher in the next four years. But that is all it would do. The right will figure with Trump back in charge, they don’t need to do anything more and go back to sitting idly by while the left dismantles every part of the culture and country

The order on critical race theory made bioleninism illegal and officially racist and sexist, and the left is, remarkably, lying down for it. I thought that 1, 2, 3, the New York Times would issue a stern editorial, and there would be a judicial order mandating critical race theory. I thought that the entire bureaucratic apparatus would just defy or slow walk the order, as they have defied and slow walked so many others. But I am seeing dead silence from Harvard, the judiciary, and the New York Times.

One of their major projects to dismantle a major part of this culture and country silently and suddenly stopped dead in its tracks.

The left has suddenly and silently fled the field of cultural battle on the major battlefield without a peep.

Trump cannot, so far, harm his enemies, and for a long time he could not or would not protect his people. Lately he has been protecting his people. And now, suddenly, he has people. He gives orders, and people on the ground make those orders stick.

Well, it is a long way short of QAnon’s fantasies. But it is one hell of a lot more than nothing.

Trump has demonstrated he has cops who will damn well lock people up. Keeping them locked up is proving more difficult, but being able to lock them up at all is a dramatic improvement. Suddenly we saw on his critical race theory order an army of enforcers making sure it took effect.

Not Tom says:

Trump will win eventually but the country will keep sliding toward implosion.

Enemy propaganda.

Trump won’t be able to stop the hydra as every head cut off will grow two more, and he isn’t really attacking the source of the problem.

Enemy propaganda.

allowing pedophiles into primary school bathrooms.

Enemy propaganda squared.

I almost think a Biden victory would be better

Gay. Quit shillposting.

Javier says:

Calling it as I see it. Notice that we are enshrining Negrolatry as our official state religion, even with Trump as president, and no one is being allowed to vote on it. Trump exec-ordered CRT illegal and that hasn’t stopped or even slowed its adoption in schools across the country. My state is just flagrantly denying everything Trump has ordered, hasn’t been punished for it, and will continue to do as it pleases.

I WANT to be wrong, but I’m usually not.

jim says:

We continue to move left, faster and faster.

The left always continues to move left faster and faster. This always happens. No one here expected anything different.

But trees do not grow to the sky. They grow till they fall over.

The left always falls over eventually, usually killing very large numbers of people in the process. We have been down this road before many times.

Not Tom says:

Notice that we are enshrining Negrolatry as our official state religion

Leftism has no essence.

The normies never “awaken”. Did not wake up in Cambodia, or in Russia, or in France. The left has been siccing feral negros on normies for sixty years now, and they have not woken up.

Elites rally normies to their wars, but the wars are planned and executed by the elites. You are still hoping, with “normies awaken” that somebody, a lot of somebodies, are going to fight the war for you.

Strannik says:

It takes an new Elite, or a faction of the old Elites, to lead people to replace old Elites. And historically it does seem to happen that way more often than not.

jim says:

> The normies never “awaken”.

The right in America is already awake – why do you think they are stampeding to buy guns and ammo? They await a lawful leader, and a lawful command.

Karl says:

Normies awoke in Spain

Strannik says:

Today on Columbus Day, I read an article in one of the Liberal media sites that Columbus was motivated by ”Islamophobia” to go out on his journeys…

Every damn time, it boils down to psychologically preparing Islam’s way and demoralizing generations of Non-Muslims to not resist it’s inexorable march to world domination. This includes in my opinion, the stoking of hatred and fear between the major world powers, instead of serious facing the threat.

To me, the ”Left” is nothing more than a collective suicide pact, loving evil and death and hating the One True God and hating mankind. All they are are the road of skulls that paves the way to Hell.

someDude says:

Being left is an evolutionary successful strategy on an individual level, not necessarily at a tribe level.

Strannik says:

I’d say part of an ”de-evolutionary” struggle to embrace entropy, but yes, on the tribal level it’s too dependent on the planning of people that are often miserable absolute wrecks of human beings to carry out said plans.

It’s like Hermann Goering heading up the Luftwaffe during WWII. The guy had a WWI wound which never fully healed and he became a total opioid addict, and was pretty incompetent loon as a result.

The Cominator says:

Goering was a depressed wreck throughout the war because he always knew they couldn’t win but despite profiling as a psychopath otherwise he had this weird genuine loyalty to Hitler. Speer Milch and others testify how extremely depressed he got towards the end of the Summer of 1939.

Goering was not a depressed wreck and drug addict (he may have been a morphine addict but it didn’t slow him down) in the 30s before the war he was firmly #2 man in the Reich said to be the only man other than Hitler with his own “underived” authority. In reality they would have been a lot better off if Goering was in charge if not Hitler.

Goering would not have sought territory beyond the Anschluss, not gone to war except as part of a broad coalition against the Soviet Union, would not have socialized the economy as much, and would not have gone full retard on the jews.

Fred says:

As Spandrell pointed out, leftism is just a set of easy excuses for defection, and defection is a successful strategy when you’re in an environment of cooperators.

If you’re a defector in an environment of defectors, the lot of you will just get eaten by tribes of cooperators.

Hence leftism is evolutionarily adaptive when surrounded by cooperators, and maladaptive when surrounded by other defectors.

Karl says:

Sure, if you are defector in an environment of defectors you die. Same result if you are a cooperator in an environment of defectors.

So what is your evolutionary argument? Avoid defectors like the plague irrespective of whether you want to cooperate or defect?

Fred says:

To cooperate successfully, you need fellow cooperators. It is profitable (ie. adaptive) to cooperate when everyone else is defecting, and vice-versa.

If you’re a cooperator in an environment of defectors, you’re all going to get eaten sooner or later.

Avoiding defectors is common sense – it just requires a defector-detection mechanism, and leftism is a good proxy for this.

Not Tom says:

It is profitable (ie. adaptive) to cooperate when everyone else is defecting, and vice-versa.

This isn’t remotely true. It’s never profitable to cooperate in an environment of defectors. It’s profitable to create or join a separate environment of cooperators and keep the defectors out, but it’s equally profitable to do that whether there are zero defectors or ten million defectors outside your cooperative tribe.

You’re trying to create some kind of equivalence or reciprocity or symmetry here where none exists. Defection is always the best individual strategy as long as you’re able to get away with it, and cooperation is always the best group strategy as long as you’re not infiltrated by chronic defectors. The best way to avoid being infiltrated by chronic defectors is to employ tit for tat (good) or tit for two tats (better), and the best way to get away with defection as an individual is to find a cooperative group that doesn’t employ one of those strategies.

ten says:

In a system where everyone is a defector, two people who do not defect on each other indeed have an advantage. They keep defecting on the defectors, but cooperate among themselves.

I think this is what Fred is saying.

Fred says:

Yes, that’s it.

Not Tom says:

These arguments aren’t coherent because they keep getting individual and group mixed up.

Defection is advantageous for individuals, cooperation is advantageous for groups. It has nothing to do with the environment they’re in – a firewalled cooperating group performs the same regardless of what everyone outside the group is doing. It could be argued that it actually performs better when everyone outside the group is also cooperating – for example, your business is more likely to succeed when your employees and your suppliers cooperate than only employees. But it is not advantageous for your business to cooperate too much with other, competing businesses.

It is always advantageous for an individual to defect, and always advantageous for a group to cooperate (with itself), no matter what the environment looks like. The entire goal of civilization, at least from the materialist point of view, is to prevent individuals from repeatedly defecting to gain individual advantage, thereby bringing the benefits of cooperation to the tribe.

And this property is essentially transitive. For example, if the earth is a closed system, then America and China should defect on each other, because there isn’t really any greater threat to either of them. But if we colonize other planets or discover an alien civilization, that changes overnight; suddenly it may be absolutely essential for America and China to cooperate.

So sure, tribes that are good at enforcing internal cooperation will edge out tribes that aren’t – but it’s still advantageous to the individual, regardless of which tribe they are in, to defect on their tribe. Forming a new tribe with people who cooperate is a form of defection on the tribe they used to be in.

Fred says:

keep the defectors out

I was thinking more along the lines of cooperators unfalsifiably signalling to each other, rather than physical separation. There must be some way of doing it – otherwise, cooperation could never evolve, and if you can’t recognise cooperators, how do you form a hypothetical community of cooperators in the first place?

as long as you’re able to get away with it

Sure, but usually you can’t.

James says:

The evolutionary answer was costly signals, ideally to be slowly repaid over time, as well as seniority-based status and rule.

People who have stuck around longer and are known for good character will be difficult to fake. Not impossible, but difficult.

Costly upfront signals means that you don’t get casual grifters, only hardcore, well-resourced entryists.

So make the costs high upfront, and make the payoff delayed.

jim says:

We have an incohesive hostile elite.

This is a prescription for creating a new elite.

Not Tom says:

There is actually a name for this in evolutionary biology: the green-beard gene or green-beard allele. It is useful as a thought experiment because if it existed (which is doesn’t), then the green-beard tribe would immediately outcompete all others and eventually be the only one remaining.

Gnon probably doesn’t like this – its existence would raise some thorny questions around free will and self-determination, and the tribe itself would grow stagnant. A lot of things you wouldn’t necessarily think of as defection actually tend to be some form of defection, like humor and fashion. Beethoven, Mozart and Wagner defected against the church and centuries of musical tradition by composing and arranging symphonies and operas to be played in theaters and opera houses rather than masses to be played in churches and cathedrals. Even JS Bach technically did the same thing, he just contributed a lot of masses in addition to it, so they left him alone.

What makes the great classical composers and great renaissance artists different from the grinding artistic poverty of the late 20th century Serialist and Brutalist movements? There is obviously a difference, and an enormous difference at that, and yet both the Renaissance/Baroque and Modern periods were characterized by people saying “nah, fuck you” to the earlier generations.

A civilization with no inclination to leftism at all, and thus no defection, is a civilization that doesn’t innovate. You need to have a little bit of defection, channeled through the appropriate outlets, just like evolution requires a lot of random mutations, most of which are deleterious. The ones that aren’t beneficial, the overwhelming majority of them, we throw out, but sometimes one turns out to be beneficial.

That is why there has never been an “unfalsifiable” signal, only signals that are rather difficult or expensive but not impossible to subvert. Entryism and convergence acts as a check on tribes and organizations that have become weak and incompetent. Problem is, church and state became weak and incompetent after the Enlightenment, and once both of those are taken over, it is nearly impossible to stop the cancer from seeping into every other aspect of society.

Anyway, I know I’ve rambled a bit but I wanted to address the “unfalsifiable” phrasing and explain why that can’t exist and why we wouldn’t want it even if it could. A little subversiveness (and for Europeans, arguably rather a lot of it), even within tribe, is part of human nature; we can’t just stamp it all out without removing our own humanity in the process.

@Not Tom

It is one of the great ironies of our age that while the old Dawkins is such a retard in matterns concerning philosophy, theology or history that he looks like an utter clown of an intellectual, the young Dawkins with The Selfish Gene (from where the green beard metaphor comes from) was a giant, few books ever contributed this much to understanding our natures. It transformed Darwinism as much or more as Einstein transformed “Newtonism”, this is why I don’t even like the term “Darwinism” as that terminology frames these discussion in a 19th century “survival instinct”, wrong way.

jim says:

Dawkins was great, but Darwin changed our understanding of man and human nature, while Dawkins did not do so.

Dawkins is only politically significant in that he reminds us of what Darwin said.

Study of evolution is still a matter of following through the program that Darwin laid out. Any denigration of Darwin as outmoded is an attack on our understanding of natural selection itself. While Einstein corrected Newton in discovering that Newton’s laws were approximations valid at speeds small compared to that of light, Dawkins merely added to Darwinism matters that Darwin was aware needed to be filled in. Darwin has not been superceded, outmoded, obsoleted, and unlike Newton, has not been corrected. There were gaps in his knowledge and understanding, but these were known unknowns, he was aware of them, and filling them in is part of the program he outlined, and that we are still following.

Sorry! I was the one who wrote that comment on Dawkins to @Not Tom, just due to a brain fart I wrote his name, not mine in the Name box. Please fix.


The problem is, Darwinism turned almost instantly into not only a science, but a philosophy as well. For example, look at this Robert Heinlein quote:

“The instinct to survive is human nature itself, and every aspect of our personalities derives from it. Anything that conflicts with the survival instinct acts sooner or later to eliminate the individual and thereby fails to show up in future generations. . . . A scientifically verifiable theory of morals must be rooted in the individual’s instinct to survive–and nowhere else!”

You see? The focus of the The Selfish Gene and I think our mindset, too, is not survival but reproduction.

This philosophy, that life is struggle for survival, used to be immensely influential. For example, Marx dedicated Das Kapital to Darwin because his basic idea was that humans are a species who produce the necessities of survival via productive work, hence those who control the means of production have power over life and death. Another example is the quote attributed by BAP to Nietzsche, namely that Darwin thinks the conditions of life are the same in everywhere as in England, hinting at the Dickensian slum stuff where life was indeed something like a struggle for survival.

The problem is, Darwinist science turned into Darwinist philosophy back when it was incomplete. Dawkinsist philosophy is very different, as its focus is on reproduction, not survival.

Starman says:


Do I smell a whiff of anti-Natalism here?


I don’t know, such a thing was not consciously on mind in this case. But any rate, please do not play Inquisition. Too early. We still have shit to figure out, hence not a good time to enforce a “party line” yet.

notglowing says:

Didn’t think we’d get so see this kind of fun stuff so early

Let’s hope the same happens to the rest of the intellectuals

jim says:

> https://twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1315518374252736512

To my astonishment, Trump’s order is having impact.

Trump declared the latest extreme of the state religion “white privilege, male privilege” and so forth to be racism and sexism, equivalent to Stalin declaring left communism to be “objectively fascist”. I did not expect it to take effect, without the measures that Stalin employed. But it did.

Normally saying “Democrats are the real racists” never works. Except this time, it did.

What happened, what made a difference, is that he gave an actual order – an order that, it now becomes apparent, a great many people were waiting for, thirsting for, and hungering for.

The order theoretically only affects fedgov, but in fact everyone is falling into line “Alas, Trump made me do it”, says the boss with a big grin on his face.

“I have no alternative but to obey our president”, says the boss.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if when the left attempts to steal the election, Trump gives an order declaring open season on them.

someDude says:

And just like that, the chances of civil strife further diminished. Ideally, if the left wanted to win, they’d wait till Trump keels over or until 2024. But it seems that high time preference selects for high time preference. They literally cannot help themselves

Strannik says:

That’s pretty much my thinking, with the hardcore die-hard liberal fanatics winding up becoming Jihadis over time.

But they can’t seem to wait, their gerontocratic leaders wanting to see their plans come to fruition in their lifespan.

notglowing says:

“Trees do not grow to the sky, but they grow till they fall over.”

Someone I knew used to say: there are more airplanes at the bottom of the sea than submarines in the sky.

Kevin C. says:

Over at NYT, Peter Beinart gives a possible step for Left color revolution against Trump — appeal to UN “oversight”:


What stood out about this was how he opened with a blatant analogy to the failed color revolution attempt in Belarus. That, and this bit:

To professed political realists, this may sound laughably naïve. In practice, international do-gooders at the United Nations and Organization of American States are virtually powerless against the most powerful government on earth.

But that’s not the point. While appealing to international bodies may not change the election’s result, it could change the Democratic Party itself.

Some very interesting messages coming from the Left media outlets these days.

Not Tom says:

How not to look like the strong horse: RT a bunch of whiny tweets about how Twitter and Facebook are censoring the latest Veritas and Hunter Biden stories.

They’re literally banning the Trump campaign and several official Republican accounts, and all the victims have to say is “Well, I never! There needs to be an investigation! Expect a subpoena in 1 week, good sirs!”

To me, an appropriate escalation would be revoking Twitter’s business license, notifying their domain registrar and ISP(s) to take them completely offline under threat of criminal charges, and leaving a note to Jack to call one of them in order to have it reinstated. Subject them to exactly the same extortion to which they subject their users every day, and when they break (which wouldn’t take long, since they hemorrhage money on a good day), inform them that the only way to have their business license reinstated is to delete their entire trust and safety team and anyone else who was found to be involved.

It’s two weeks before the election. The time for “investigations” was last year. Everyone knows exactly what they’re doing, this is the time for action.

Of course they’d never escalate that far. But Twitter and Facebook will – on the eve of election day, they’ll do exactly the same thing to Trump himself and every other Republican when they dare to say Trump won, or link to any article saying Trump won. If they don’t see this as a dry run and precedent, they are fools.

Pooch says:

What criminal charges? They are protected by Section 230, apparently.

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