
Mate guarding game

The common wisdom in the manosphere is that mate guarding in hopeless: “She’s not yours, it was just your turn”

Even though a minority of men do get laid, laid by the overwhelming majority of women, none of them get what men actually want. This is the black pill and the council of despair.

It also happens to be overwhelmingly true in our society. Owning a woman, in our society, is difficult, dangerous, and illegal.

As Rollo says, addressing the same topic:

If a man is going to compromise mating opportunities with many women to parentally invest in one woman, the deal must come with one condition: the child must be his genetic stock or the compromise invalidates his existence (evolutionarily speaking). To ensure this men evolved a mental firmware that predisposes us to jealousy, mate guarding and desire to possess a woman.

But women are searching for the ancestral environment of successful reproduction. As long as a women is free to keep endlessly cruising for an upgrade, men are not going to invest in her and her children. This is the cause of our failure to reproduce. Men and women are afraid. Men are afraid of women’s freedom, and women are afraid of their own freedom.

Men are highly motivated to possess a woman. But women are also highly motivated to be possessed. The trouble is that in a society where women are emancipated, their desire for a strong man in a strong tribe gets in their way. They passionately wanted emancipation the same way they want to passionately win every shit test. They actually want a man that can dominate them by passing the shit test, they actually want a man strong enough that they lose the shit test.

She wants to secure investment from a strong man, a man strong enough to protect his investment.

And if you move to protect your investment: curfew, restricting some out of the house activities, requiring her to get your approval for all out of house activities, making her log you into her Find My Iphone on all your devices, unpredictable video calls, and unpredictable in person visits to her out of the house activities, (brief in person visits, hovering and following her around is needy) she is going to test you for that strength with a massive shit test, that may well have go all the way to giving her a beating. Or several as the shit test keeps on going.

But, if you pass, she will love it, and will love you for it, and will cooperate with your mate guarding fully and enthusiastically. She will feel truly loved by a strong man – the love of a weak man being entirely invisible to women. Women are consciously aware that they want to be dominated sexually, but because of their powerful impulse to fitness test men, are unaware that they will have peace and bliss when that dominance extends to their whole life.

And, since Game blogs seem to be dying off, a quick review of game and good sources on game:


Aidan McClear, particularly page 57 “Game Advice”

You may have read about negs. To understand them, you have to understand the mating dance and what a neg does.

The mating dance is that men perform to get women’s attention. Then she hits him a fitness test – she want to see if you can command and compel her on a matter of no great importance against her fierce resistance, so she is unreasonable or foolish in order to give you opportunity and incentive to conquer in some small matter. If you succeed, she will not long thereafter give you an opportunity to command and compel her sexually against her fierce resistance.

If a woman gets a man’s attention, he is nice to her. If man gets a woman’s attention, she is apt to very quickly become difficult.

A neg is pre-emptively passing a minor shit test without waiting for one to be given, finding a shit test in something not necessarily intended as a shit test. Hence leading with a neg.

862 comments Mate guarding game

Virtus says:

This formulation leans very heavily on implicit geographic limitations that no longer exist. If we’re applying the reduction of all behavior to evolutionary incentive gradients, which isn’t necessarily a bad framework for predicting human behavior even if incomplete, we have different successful time-energy tradeoff schemes.

I see a *very* successful reproduction strategy being employed now where a male simply moves from one mother to the next. These types are generally dark triad and tend to employ game that could be effective for LTR, but don’t select for traits in their partner that may indicate a potential susceptibility to monogamy. Instead they select for, consciously or not, women they are most able to successfully influence to the point of successful childbirth, before moving on. Often skipping town in the process, and many times even successfully avoiding state mandated resource extraction via lifestyle choices. Avoiding all costs of mate guarding, and long term relationship handling, and even child investment.

In order to select for mate guarding behavior, you need a larger social context. High child investment because they’re likely to die or become slaves otherwise. Because skipping town and successfully finding new mates is unreasonably difficult. We do not have this context. With our current environment, if you are acting as a hyperrational agent maximizing his total ‘reproduction events’, you would under no circumstances employ mate guarding or LTR game beyond the bare minimum; that is extra risk without extra reward.

Considering the level of heritability of most traits, I’m not sure you should advise men of our dying civilization to pursue marriage/LTR game, at least if the goalset excludes moral and psychological incentives. The children will, regardless of upbringing, be more likely to gravitate towards the political orientation of the father than otherwise. Still inherit the cognitive and physical characteristics. The missing components that I can see from this scheme are lacking insurance of established economic and social networking, and insurance of the passage of your particular lived value system.

Tl;dr why shouldn’t someone put all their assets in crypto or otherwise unconfiscatable form, and go around getting as many long-term-unreliable women pregnant as they possibly can? Crafting their lifestyle to avoid any potential recourse by the local state. They likely will have more children than otherwise, especially if they have the game requisite for keeping a woman long term.

jim says:

Because the children will be aborted or die a “natural” death.

Successful reproduction by this strategy is extremely rare among males. A very few males do wind up spawning a large number of children by this strategy, and those few children that are born today are mostly born as a result of this strategy. But not many children are born, and the rate of “natural” death resulting from products of this strategy, though low by historical standards, is still strangely high.

Secondly, this strategy is tiresome and leads to far too much drama. Every pimp is a cuck. You have to put a great deal of energy, effort, and time into it. It is a full time occupation. White males that attempt this strategy just burn out eventually.

Virtus says:

I strongly disagree that it is rare, though it does follow a pareto curve in success. On the converse, though, what is the percentage of married men that successfully have more than 1-3 children?

More and more women are single mommies now, probably *most* though I am not familiar enough with the statistics to confirm writ large. Women are not likely to kill their children that they invested at least 10 months and lots of biological cycles into producing; stick around long enough to ensure the birth before moving on. A few more generations of degenerative processes and perhaps it becomes an issue, but for now we have lots of betas very happy to support single mommies and protect the children of other men. I’m not saying it’s wrong that the child is in more risk of not reaching adulthood, just that that increased risk is still negligible in our overly safe civilizations.

>You have to put a great deal of energy, effort, and time into it. It is a full time occupation

As is successful management of a marriage. If anything, maintenance of an LTR is becoming relatively more costly over time as the social signals continue to support the narrative of single mommy empowerment, continue to grow stronger and more pervasive.

From my perspective, the reasons for performing marriage game are for personal moral and psychological inclination and preference. As opposed to rational response to social-biological incentive. Very rational to pursue a transient strategy over an ownership strategy if your goal is to maximize the number of children you have.

jim says:

Single people are really not doing much reproduction.

In the game of players and bitches, the players lose and the bitches win until they hit the wall. It is a reproductive strategy that always fails on average. It fails for men because most men fail at it, and those that succeed pay a high price.

> Women are not likely to kill their children that they invested at least 10 months and lots of biological cycles into producing

That parade of strange men that they invite into their household are. Tomcat strategy. Kill the kittens. I have felt an amazingly powerful compulsion to do that myself, even though I love children. If I am having sex with a women who has bastards, I feel a powerful compulsion to stick them in a sack and take them out to sea. It is not as strong as the entirely irresistible compulsion to kill adulterers, but it is mighty strong. And I love children.

Virtus says:

This has devolved into debating assertions, so lets bring out statistics.

As of 2016 at least, out-of-wedlock childbirths are dramatically increasing in proportion. That is by definition ‘single’ people doing reproduction, and the trend indicates these number will continue to rise. I am sure there exists much more depth to this trend. To prevent further devolution and wandering away from core thesis, let me present what I believe the fundamental fact underlying my argument: the proportion of children that are born to single mommies and successfully reach reproductive age themselves is growing, while the proportion of children born to even loosely nuclear family arrangements is shrinking.

More explicitly, what I am NOT arguing, is that under all circumstances such a mating pattern is the most fertile and successful. Just that under our current circumstances, it is the most fertile and simultaneously requires the least investment. I am also not arguing that it is the mating pattern to be pursued if one wants to experience the least psychological and moral stress. My linchpin assertion is merely that the strategy of minimal investment is currently winning in terms of determining the highest proportion of those making it to the next generation.

>It is a reproductive strategy that always fails on average. It fails for men because most men fail at it, and those that succeed pay a high price.

If we are counting events of children->adult as a success, the failure is on median not on mean. On mean there will be more counted towards those who are further down the success curve. You are adding in moral and psychological costs to what I was asserting as a hyperrational decision making process. Let me make clear what I am arguing for is in no way good for civilization in the short and medium term, and that I am sure it involves much suffering of those with proclivity to moral and psychological stress, in fact that is partially why I present the argument for it. A growing number of high psychological variance bastards that will more and more be willing to fight for someone that promises them property, which will come hand in hand with a return to patriarchy, but not willing to work in such a way that benefits our current demonic incarnation of society — that comes post civilizational turning.

jim says:

Yes, these days, most people reproduce through players and bitches strategy – I don’t need statistics. Not a question in dispute. Most married men are gay married.

What is in dispute is not whether people are following this strategy, obviously they are, because the high investment in family strategy is illegal and subject to social pressure and state violence, but whether it works for humans. Your statistics do not show more reproduction outside marriage. They show less reproduction inside marriage.

Observe that as the proportion of births outside marriage in the hispanic community rises. their fertility collapses. It is not that more women are having children outside marriage, it is that fewer women are having children inside marriage.

> More explicitly, what I am NOT arguing, is that under all circumstances such a mating pattern is the most fertile and successful. Just that under our current circumstances, it is the most fertile and simultaneously requires the least investment.

But it is not very fertile, and requires enormous investment. Or rather enormous expenditure, of time, effort, and money. Just you are spending on travel and partying rather than home and children. Every white male that follows this strategy burns out. It is a full time strategy, and emotionally stressful and depressing. And it is best carried out in international tourist hotspots and the like, which are fun to visit for a short while, but which rapidly get on one’s nerves.

It is not the best strategy. It is the best strategy if you worry too much about going to jail. Partying every now and then is good. Partying full time with endless new people is terribly stressful.

Men are following the players and bitches strategy because they are afraid, not because it works. Every pimp is a cuck, and it breaks him. The players and bitches strategy is more natural for blacks, but they are still following it only because they cannot compete with Uncle Sam the big pimp. White males generally can compete with Uncle Sam the big pimp, but the big pimp is apt to punish them for competing, so they don’t.

You are considering the hypothetical of the deflowered virgin who expected commitment from her man, but he was a player, he wins and the she loses. But the natural inclination of women is to follow the defect/defect strategy unless under the thumb of a strong man, so what normally happens is that everyone loses, but mostly the man loses. It is always men being romantic and women being “practical”.

Starman says:

What’s the ETA on Qanon restoring patriarchal society so that men can own their women and raise their family? 6 months? 10 years? 70 years?

If it’s 70 years or even 10 years, it is too long of a wait for most men today. And frankly, waiting for Trust-The-Planâ„¢ is now overplayed. People are increasingly done with wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and trust, trust, trust, trust.

Q is already five months past due for Stopping-The-Stealâ„¢ and enabling President Trump’s Rubiconâ„¢.

Reproduction via sowing as many wild oats as possible, hoping that some of the offspring will survive the tomcat problem is better than no reproduction. As shitty as that option is.

jim says:

You can, with adequate courage, will to power, and the backing of Gnon, establish patriarchy in your own little family sphere.

Indeed, I interpret Saint Paul’s command that priests be recruited from family men with well behaved children as aiming to recruit an already patriarchal priesthood in an increasingly cucked Roman society.

Starman says:


“You can, with adequate courage, will to power, and the backing of Gnon, establish patriarchy in your own little family sphere.”

I could suggest some detail… but that would be fed poasting! When a man has a mobile residence, and sees an unclaimed dollar bill on the ground, it ain’t a “crime” if he picks it up… amirite?

jim says:

> I could suggest some detail

I give a concrete example in a previous post.

It is handy to live near the ocean.

neofugue says:

One option is to get gay-married, marry a female in her early thirties and have her pump out two kids (maybe three if you are lucky) and hide your power level. If she becomes a problem, take her to the swamp. This type of marriage is most common. My mother and father got married at 32 and 31 respectively.

Another option, advocated by this blog, is to learn how to score females and practice marriage game. This of course assumes that you are able to do so, which most men are not. It requires taking a lot of risk, but is potentially the most rewarding.

If you’re going to spray and pray, just become a sperm donor.

If I were incapable of Jim’s option, I would rather marry a whore and take her for a pleasant trip to the swamp rather than spray and pray. Even though you will not have many children, you can raise them the way you want.

jim says:

> One option is to get gay-married, marry a female in her early thirties and have her pump out two kids (maybe three if you are lucky) and hide your power level.

As the world gets lefter and lefter, unprincipled exceptions are abolished, and the few remaining drips of the cultural capital of the 1950s evaporate, this solution becomes less and less viable.

Atavistic Morality says:

Who cares about what constitutes a crime, worthless moral pretenses never helped anyone, they are chains used by priests to control and enslave others. There is only one true law regarding life, to survive.

If more men actually understood this things would be much better. But too many white men are still playing ball to the system that wants to destroy them and loot them.

Men should do whatever, absolutely whatever they feel necessary under the circumstances. Every fedposting under the sun included, if it does actually help.

Starman says:

@A t a v i s t i c M o r a l i t y

”Who cares about what constitutes a crime, worthless moral pretenses never helped anyone, they are chains used by priests to control and enslave others. There is only one true law regarding life, to survive. If more men actually understood this things would be much better. But too many white men are still playing ball to the system that wants to destroy them and loot them.”

That’s why I see a silver-lining that the Democrats stole the 2020 Election on live TV.

It ended these pretenses. And why Joe Scarborough was so upset.

jim says:

One of your posts failed to go through because you used a different email address. Do you want that enabled also? (I recommend using one fake address on one site, and sticking to it on that site, because multiple fake addresses are a problem for moderation, and increase the risk of fake address re-use.

Starman says:

Must’ve been an autocorrect or something.

neofugue says:

If after a hundred dice rolls a “1” does not show up once, the gambler must figure out his opponent is cheating and put in his own loaded die.

If you don’t do something yourself, nothing will ever happen, but if you take action, something will change.

I am no mister-one-in-thirty alpha male, but that has not bothered me once, because I have won without being a player. Game is a loaded die, which when combined with Satan-like ruthlessness can help one recover his losses. The only sin in this game is to lose.

Javier says:

I was the type of guy who would just date girls when they were convenient, invest the minimal amount of time and effort, and never get married or have kids.

It was not until I encountered NRx people and ideology that I actually experienced a positive identity of fatherhood that made me want to get married. That includes religion unfortunately. The general secular view is that marriage is a sucker’s bet for losers, and the religious view is that marriage is a slave contract where you devote every waking moment in servitude to your wife (and this is somehow a good thing). Game blogs just direct you to accrue notches but never invest. It took NRx to give me an identity as the ‘king of the castle’ and made me feel confident to take possession of a woman and a family. I regularly receive expressions of amazement from coworkers, friends, and family at the level of devotion of my wife and how well fatherhood suits me. However it does not escape me that my marriage is functionally illegal and would be deemed abuse by any progressive viewer.

Obviously society should be arranged to make this viewpoint the default (as it once was) instead of secret forbidden knowledge located in the deep corners of the internet. Interestingly, this secret knowledge is still spreading. I recently had drinks with a friend I had not seen in some time, he started quoting pure Moldbug (without knowing who that was). He has gotten married and started a family too. My dad seems to have discovered NRx independently of me, and overnight solved long-running conflicts he had with my mother, and they have never been happier. Funny to crack a beer with my father and have him start talking about ‘the cathedral.’

So these forbidden truths are spreading and making their way throughout the culture despite all the efforts to suppress them. Presumably everyone is starting to realize what a bad deal prog/Sjw/CRT ideology is for white people and searching for alternatives. So while we need institutional and cultural support, this blog and others are doing good work.

Pooch says:

What are some examples where your marriage would be deemed abuse?

Javier says:

Well I’m not going to admit to specific instances, not even here. Just imagine a classic patriarchal marriage–every act by the husband is considered abusive nowadays.

Rationalists maximize expected utility, not offspring. What utility would you get out of producing a bunch of bastards you will never meet, raised to be wiggers or sodomites or castrati?

The Cominator says:

If you really want to reproduce with children you don’t raise and you are chad enough to bang multiple women…

Find women with beta husbands they don’t who voted for Biden or who are otherwise leftists (this means they deserve whatever they get) knock up the wives make sure the wife is onboard to have your bastard and pass it off.

Breed the white leftist genes to extinction…

yewotm8 says:

Cuckoldry is based when good white men are cucking defectors. But usually leftist men are marrying women who already have kids anyway, which is basically the topic at hand.

suones says:

…go around getting as many long-term-unreliable women pregnant as they possibly can? Crafting their lifestyle to avoid any potential recourse by the local state. They likely will have more children than otherwise…

This is a very Shudra way of looking at things, and is very like the mating strategy of the local “pet” feral dogs. Number of investments counts for nothing if profit per investment is zero (or negative).

Two able sons are infinitely better than ten bastards. When we rightists seek to increase birth rate, we are implicitly referring to able sons and not merely more animals.

To use a Vaishya metaphor, since the Govt can confiscate any wealth, it is better not to create any in the first place.

To use a Warrior/Kshatriya metaphor, since losing a major war is possible, it is better to only fight small skirmishes and retreat if possible.

To use a Brahmin/priest metaphor, since it is possible for evil to win, it is better for good priests to do nothing.

Each is a valid local optimum, but in the big picture is as good as a total loss.

Virtus says:

You are making implicit assumptions to the contradiction of facts I have already laid bare.

First contradictory assumption,

> When we rightists seek to increase birth rate, we are implicitly referring to able sons and not merely more animals.

“The children will, regardless of upbringing, be more likely to gravitate towards the political orientation of the father than otherwise. Still inherit the cognitive and physical characteristics.”

The second contradictory assumption is more subtle, you are presuming that the strategy should not change and that I am presenting timeless strategy without temporal context. It is unwise for a guerrilla army to fight symmetric battles with a superior enemy. Weaken the enemy, migrate, or fight and die as martyrs. I am presenting the option to weaken the enemy by forcing it to burn faster and denying it resources it may otherwise extract. When the battle lines shift, and recovery of marriage becomes feasible, then you condemn and punish the behavior once condoned and rewarded.

jim says:

For chimps that relied primarily on gathering, that strategy worked. All players, and all bitches. You simply never see a nuclear family group among chimps, father holding the mother, and toddler toddling along very close behind.

On the Savannah that strategy did not work. And it is not working now.

The policy of forcing employers to hire women into male sphere jobs where they are disruptive and unproductive, and of providing abundant free childcare, was intended to create a society where that strategy would work. But women still wind up in debt and without property, so that policy has failed to achieve its intended effect, much as the great minority mortgage meltdown failed to achieve its intended effect.

The game of players and bitches is observably failing as an individual strategy. Men who follow it burn out. Too distressing, and requires too much time and energy. The bitches win and the players lose.

And it is failing as collective social policy. Injecting women into the male sphere does not result in them functioning, still less reproducing, within the male sphere.

suones says:

“The children will, regardless of upbringing, be more likely to gravitate towards the political orientation of the father than otherwise. Still inherit the cognitive and physical characteristics.”

This is a gross underestimation of enemy priests’ power to turn our own blood against us. Genetic dividend counts for nothing if the environment is bad. Just look at Afghanistan.

Elite children are disproportionately affected by Prog demons. Since it is patria potestas they seek to destroy, the Father is the first one the child is taught to hate. A child lacking the mental tools to combat this pozpaganda will be drafted into the Prog Army that’s all. I thought this was common knowledge, given the numerous cases of apples falling very far from the tree and exploration of alternative/home schooling, etc, but apparently that’s not the case.

It is unwise for a guerrilla army to fight symmetric battles with a superior enemy.

You need to have an army, even a guerilla one, in the first place. That would entail having sons who 1) are numerous, and 2) committed to fight with their Father instead of against him. Wild oats strategy solves for 1) but fails horribly at 2), as bastards become extremely likely to either join the Prog forces, or become loners who are individually easy to subdue. Bastardy is not going to give even a guerilla Army, or any Army.

The ideal would be to have ten sons who fight in our army, at which point it would be a real army. Second best would be to have two sons who fight with us, which could use guerilla tactics. Bastardy means adding ten soldiers to the Prog Army, and is the worst possible option.

Migration is only a valid solution if we build an Army in exile — which requires asylum by a major anti-ZOG/Cathedral power who also allows buildup of an independent Army in their lands[1]. History teaches us that such Armies more often than not turn upon their host, and Russia and China both heed that lesson very well. Preservation of genetic seed is done by keeping the fighting sons with oneself, and sending younger sons and especially excess daughters off in arranged marriages to foreign lands.

[1] The prototypical example of this is Tutsi exiles in Uganda. The anti-example is South African “exiles” in Russia.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In broad terms, the notion of ‘guerilla warfare’ to begin with is fake and gay squid ink made up by the polygon to hide the hands of it’s own power, tipping scales around the world.

Every successful ‘insurgency’ in history is astroturf for an elite faction, foreign or domestic.

alf says:

Two able sons are infinitely better than ten bastards

Well that is the discussion.

The extreme case is sperm donation — minimal investment, 10-20 kids. A few might be sodomized in their gay adoptive households, who knows, but all in all it’s a low risk high reward strategy.

On the slightly less extreme end is what Virtus talks about. Does that work? From what little I’ve seen, it’s mostly a black thing – I remember a Senegalese man boasting about his dad having twelve kids with five women or something like that. But sounded like the dad was expected to take care of his investments at least minimally.

I can’t imagine true hit and run being that successful. Kids are apt to dissappear, I have no doubt.

At the same time, in the current environment, are two blue pill raised wagecuck sons going to procreate more successfully than two good-for-nothing bastards? Women do like a badboy and our society pretty much encourages them to chase them.

But at the end of the day, coop/coop equilibrium on any level will beat defect equillibria. Takes a family to raise children.

The Cominator says:

Like I said for Mr One in Thirty chad right wingers they should be actively putting bastards into male democrats (who are the fucking scum of the earth and they deserve anything that happens to them, no considerations of honor or morality apply to white male democrats) wives…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Hahaha, holy shit, Com, why don’t you tell us how you really feel?

Starman says:


I think Cominator’s idea is a great idea!

“[chad right wing men] they should be actively putting bastards into male democrats (who are the fucking scum of the earth and they deserve anything that happens to them, no considerations of honor or morality apply to white male democrats) wives…”

It has immediate practical application!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you are going to fuck their women, you should at least have the common decency to kill the men first.

neofugue says:

> you should at least have the common decency to kill the men first

Nah. Let the beta males kill themselves after they find out that their wife whom they married at the ripe young age of 32 doesn’t love them anymore.

The Cominator says:

We cant do that not yet…

But some hard rightist are spergs and some are chads… there doesn’t tend to be much in between. The chads on our side should do their part to eradicate the genetic basis of leftism now.

The Cominator says:

C’mon Wulfgar if you can do it its such a pleasant duty…

You find some beta shitlib with some priestly job and a bored wife.

You not only fuck her but get her to the point where shes got a kink for pulling paternity fraud on the bastard. Hell this is the only good reason why some of you should live in the city (particularly DC, NY, LA metros) is to do this. Imagine if Adam Schiff’s kid wasn’t really his and you were responsible… it’ll feel fucking great.

Pooch says:

Leftism is not genetic. Leftists don’t reproduce. They indoctrinate other people’s kids.

The Cominator says:
jim says:

I predict that if the state religion holds that women are property and blacks need to go, the same gene will be the conservative gene.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

> implying Schiff isn’t already a cuck or closeted homo.

I think that not cucking other men is a pretty good Schelling point. It’s too dangerous a rule to break, even against leftists.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Also, if I was into frumpy leftist women, I wouldn’t be chasing after married bitches in their mid-thirties. I’d get a younger lesbian couple and take them for my own. That way I can get the benefits of the multiple women strategy and still get to raise my children. And it isn’t as if lesbians are unfamiliar with the pimp hand.

The Cominator says:

“I think that not cucking other men is a pretty good Schelling point. It’s too dangerous a rule to break, even against leftists.”

There are no rules of morality or honor towards the enemy…

Starman says:


”There are no rules of morality or honor towards the enemy…”


suones says:


I think that not cucking other men is a pretty good Schelling point. It’s too dangerous a rule to break, even against leftists.

You are right. It is covetousness, against the Ten Commandments of tradcuckoldry, and basically the same sin as that ultimately destroyed the Nazis. Sexual Socialism is a very potent siren song for rightists, who are otherwise wary of Socialism in other forms of property.

That said, just like I never countersignal Nazism as “Socialism,” I will not countersignal our chads expropriating leftists’ sexual property. If Robert E Lee had not had similar scruples and slashed and burned a path to DC, the war would’ve ended with Davis in DC and world history would have taken a turn for the better.

We want to establish Aryan Spiritual Marriage (only for Aryans ofc) where cuckoldry is legitimate grounds for lethal vengeance. Our enemies do not recognise any such laws. So it is our duty to do unto them as they do unto us. I personally make it a point to implant Dharma into the minds of young children while shaming their nag mothers at the same time. I can literally see the flicker of light in the husband’s eyes as he realises I’m backing him up. This is an insignificant individual effort, but it needs to be done all the time.

The Cominator says:

“That said, just like I never countersignal Nazism as “Socialism,” I will not countersignal our chads expropriating leftists’ sexual property.”

Jim wants nazis/fednats to be our allies but they aren’t and they NEVER will be. They will always be the Marxists retarded cousins. So you should countersignal nazis… because their memes are bad, they are covertly controlled by the enemy (and will always be stupid to realize it), and because our goals and theirs are ultimately irreconcilable.

But there is zero reason to countersignal stealth sexual warfare on the leftist gene pool, we can and should deny them the little reproduction they do and actively seek to wreck and destroy the families. These people are our enemies and enemies should be treated as enemies… pragmatism and logic should restrain us but no consideration of morality ever should. The whole idea that they should be viewed as anything else is bluepilled and cuckservative. Our ultimate goal for leftists can and should be that they become part of the Final Helicopter Ride Solution.

jim says:

> Jim wants nazis/fednats to be our allies but they aren’t and they NEVER will be.

Consider Andrew Anglin. Seems like an ally now.

Hitler’s memes are just leftist memes from the days when leftism was slightly less insane. No one remembers them except the left and the feds.

The fednats don’t believe in anything except their paycheck, and the actual Nazis are coming on board. If someone makes a clean break with progressivism, we are all that there is.

Next, the Miseans and the Agorists.

The Cominator says:

Austrian school libertarians are very few but yes natural allies of ours… and the Hoppean ones have been with us ever since Hoppe wrote Democracy: The God that Failed.

suones says:

Hitler’s memes are just leftist memes from the days when leftism was slightly less insane.

I’d like to learn more about this. For someone swimming in the waters of Uber-Commie 1920s Germany, Hitler’s memes are extremely far-right, and not at all like the transparently absurd fednat shit.

The only credible arguments for Hitler’s Leftism I’ve seen come from his war-mobilisation years, where he chose Socialist Command Economy tactics which promised him faster buildup, to his ultimate detriment. But there too all his enemies were operating on the same economic technology, just had more resources than the nascent Reich.

Pooch says:
Rick says:

The only credible arguments for Hitler’s Leftism I’ve seen come from his war-mobilisation years, where he chose Socialist Command Economy tactics which promised him faster buildup, to his ultimate detriment. But there too all his enemies were operating on the same economic technology, just had more resources than the nascent Reich.

Watch some of TIK youtube videos on the German socialist economy. Hitler was very far left on economics.

The Soviet Union largely industrialized and developed their oil fields by hiring American engineers at free market prices and during the war they reverted to allowing individual factory mangers operate as though they owned their factories with large bonuses for increased production and the ability to set wages themselves. The transport problem that typically dooms socialist economies was fixed by the factories being relocated right on top of the mines that supplied them as the Germans advance.

Germany by contrast was saddled with a socialist rail system that couldn’t deliver the goods necessary to win the war in Russia, let alone transport the coal necessary to supply all the indusial base they’d captured.

The US despite have a socialist dictator saw the war production boards ignored as the US military worked directly with private industry and paying fair market prices for the war goods they needed. The Socialist boards screamed bloody murder but where ignored.

Hitler by contrast got more socialist as the war went on, while his foes (besides the UK) ignored their official dogma and got busy implementing the policies needed to win the war.

alf says:

14. We demand nationalization of all businesses which have been up to the present formed into companies (trusts).

Wait I’m confused. How is this different from communism?

Atavistic Morality says:

It isn’t, nazism and fascism are leftism.

There is no difference between the owner of the company being a bureaucrat from the Communist Party or the owner being micromanaged by a bureaucrat from the National Socialist/Fascist party.

In fact these people used the same nomenclature and dialectics such as social justice, like José Antonio Primo de Rivera did, and in fact they oppose monarchies. But there’s this weird dynamic with them where they truly are sort of a third way centrist thing and are likely to ally with the right and reactionaries against communism.

Andrew Anglin isn’t really a nazi and in fact he now loudly proclaims himself Christian and resembles Jim more by the day. But nazi imagery and memes have been used to counter-signal against the left since the early days of 4chan, because of race, feminism and Jews and all those good thought crimes. So it used to be that saying Hitler did nothing wrong was a right wing shibboleth, but the feds took over though. Literal neonazis do the bidding of the Cathedral in Ukraine and Russia.

At the end of the day it actually boils down to semantincs, just like Capitalism here means one thing but in society most would probably understand what we have today were big pharma and corporations fifth columinsts allied with the government implement worldwide narratives like coronahoax to rape you and loot you.

jim says:

> Andrew Anglin isn’t really a nazi

He was really a Nazi, but our memes are replacing Hitler’s memes.

Rick says:

Andrew Anglin isn’t really a nazi and in fact he now loudly proclaims himself Christian and resembles Jim more by the day. But nazi imagery and memes have been used to counter-signal against the left since the early days of 4chan, because of race, feminism and Jews and all those good thought crimes. So it used to be that saying Hitler did nothing wrong was a right wing shibboleth, but the feds took over though. Literal neonazis do the bidding of the Cathedral in Ukraine and Russia.

It was easier to do before the progressive adopted the Nazi program over the last 5-10 years. The Nazi aesthetic was and continues to be the most attritive thing about the Nazis and the most likely thing to trigger leftists.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Pragmatism and logic are what keep me from endorsing cucking. If you can cuck anyone to your right, then you have a problem similar to leftists being friends to those who hate them. The right attempting to be loyal to the further right who are cucking them. It’s too dangerous, because even if you think that your superior is only cucking lefties, you have to wonder if he might someday cuck you.

Leftist genes are already being wiped out. Look at their TFR. It isn’t necessary to fuck their women like a sneaky bastard to kill them off. When push comes to shove, a lot of those kids are going to get sacrificed to whatever tranny/homo/degeneracy-I-cannot- imagine is the flavor of the month.

The Cominator says:

Hitler mainly differed from Marx ideologically in that he rejected the brotherhood of mankind BS so instead of a dictatorship of the proletariat it was to be a dictatorship of the “racial volk”. A volksgemeinschaft.

Hitler’s moderation on some aspects of socialism was due to the fundamental contradiction at the heart of Nazi ideology… Marxism and Socialism reject the individual entirely in favor of the collective but racial and social Darwinist ideologies CANNOT reject the individual entirely.

This contradiction would have eventually been resolved if Hitler won (he had almost no chance of this but lets say he could have) and had a successor… if he was succeeded by Goering or someone from the SS (the SS was the most genuinely right wing faction in the Reich) the socialism would have generally gone away. If succeeded by Goebbels or some leftist party hack it would have more and more resembled a jew free Soviet Union.

The Cominator says:

“If you can cuck anyone to your right”

No anyone on the left… and not merely on your left… you have to know the husband supported Biden over Trump.

suones says:

14. We demand nationalization of all businesses which have been up to the present formed into companies (trusts).

Wait I’m confused. How is this different from communism?

Let me quote my previous comment (

Prog Vaishyas are extremely powerful, but the source of their power is their wealth. Also, it is only temporal power. Just as it is being channelised into the prog faith, similarly it is the duty of the King to channelise his Vaishya subjects’ wealth into eusocial activities. Bezos and Zuck and Gates etc will have massive fines imposed, and will have to contribute their (massive) tax streams towards the State Religion. A true Vaishya would see no difference to the current regime apart from that his possessions are suddenly more secure.

You have the commanding heights of business occupied by Vaishya thralls of Prog priests, and you can’t buy a razor blade without sponsoring cutting off your son’s dick. Suppose what all tradcucks dream of does come to pass, and you somehow achieve political power, nominate a High Priest, even. How, then, do you propose to deal with all this crucial infrastructure occupied by Vaishyas who will not supply your citizens, not supply your warriors, not tithe your priests, and instead will put their Croesus-like wealth at the disposal of your prog priest enemies and their mercenary warrior armies despite the fact that they will suffer in business? This is not just a hypothetical question — this was faced even by Trumpenfuhrer.

In effect, how is a Sovereign supposed to deal with misbehaving Vaishyas? They are creatures of wealth, and the only way to harm them is by taking it away from them. This is what Prog priests do to anyone they don’t like — just ask Chik-Fil-A or MyPillow or any number of others. A major unmentionable factor in the Oracle vs Google lawsuit (despite Goolag being in the wrong from a business perspective), and general “Oracle-hatred” in SV circles is that Larry Ellison[1] supported Trump, even in 2020.

So yes. Sovereign confiscation of enemy Vaishyas’ wealth and encouragement of patriotic Vaishyas’ business is standard, healthy practice, as established by the East India Company. Any “bbbuuutt KomUnIsM” fools can cry after they propose an alternative to the local TV shop getting looted and local mega corporations getting purged. The small grocer and IG Farben alike were protected under the giant swastika, and enemy Vaishyas got fucked.

[1] A Jew, and a bastard, even raised Reform Jewish — by some miracle is anti-Prog. GNON works in mysterious ways.

jim says:

> The small grocer and IG Farben alike were protected under the giant swastika, and enemy Vaishyas got fucked.

No they were not. The price of agricultural products was immediately controlled, and immediately became unrealistic. The farmer working the land, the peasant with two cows, immediately got in the nads.

Food shortages set in immediately, and were immediately dealt with by measures that fed people today while making worse food shortages likely in future.

jim says:

> In effect, how is a Sovereign supposed to deal with misbehaving Vaishyas?

Observing England from 1660 to 1820, Vaishya misbehavior simply was not a problem. Successful merchants used their wealth to buy status, and the Sovereign was the fount of all honors. Vaishya misbehavior occurs when a hostile force is the fount of all honors.

The problem is not controlling the Merchants. The problem is controlling the status system and status competition. Control the priests, and deny artists high status.

Thus, for example, the Sovereign brought the invisible college out of the shadows and made it the Royal society, and lo and behold, every pirate starts using blood stained gold extorted from terrified Sultans to fund damned good scientific research.

The Cominator says:

The Vaisyas do not have much real power… execute the believers spare those who acted soley under compulsion.

redpurplepurple says:

“The Vaisyas do not have much real power… execute the believers spare those who acted soley under compulsion.”

It is necessary to remember that those who acted under compulsion should not take precedence over those who actively resisted the insane directives from the PROG hivemind.

The Friend/Enemy distinction.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I meant to say, “If you can cuck anyone to your left…” but the rest of my point stands. You do not want to inculcate a habit of sneaking around and fucking another man’s woman, because it’s corrosive to male trust and cohesion. Look at East vs West Germany. Same genetic stock, but two generations of leftist rule had made them untrustworthy, opportunistic, and disloyal. We do not want to end up the same way.

The Cominator says:

“You do not want to inculcate a habit of sneaking around and fucking another man’s woman”

Leftists aren’t people Wulfgar they are just vermin.

Rick says:

Pragmatism and logic are what keep me from endorsing cucking. If you can cuck anyone to your right, then you have a problem similar to leftists being friends to those who hate them. The right attempting to be loyal to the further right who are cucking them. It’s too dangerous, because even if you think that your superior is only cucking lefties, you have to wonder if he might someday cuck you.

I’ve always followed this rule and I’ve passed up a lot of married pussy because of it. Deep down I believe that any married man I’ve would cuck had every right to kill me for it, just as I would kill them for fucking my girl. Our mating practices are rooted in a willingness to do violence to protect what we own and it’s a good system.

GNON demands that we not covet what others own unless we are at war with them, which we’re currently not. We await Caesar and if Caesar gives the order then killing their men and take their women as booty is the order of the day. Until then look to building your own rather than stealing from our enemies.

@Com, if you want to really harm leftists, seduce their daughters and bring them to the light of GNON. Nothing will piss them off more than their daughters leaving the faith and bearing “fascist” babies.

The Cominator says:

You are still applying morality and honor to leftists… I’m not saying cuck even centrist normie married men just leftists.

Morality does not apply to these people… if you think it does you are part of the problem. We can’t win until we start seeing these people as hated enemies.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I view them as hated enemies, I just do not agree with cucking them. Kill them if you must, but do not fuck their women until you do. Once you start carving out exceptions for fucking another man’s woman, those exceptions start to multiply. It is far too dangerous a door to open, even if it is just a crack. We should be warriors, conquerors, and scholars, not sneaky fuckers. I don’t care about the damage done to them; I care about the damage it will do to us.

The Cominator says:

Being sneaky fuckers is sometimes an essential part of war. Particularly when your enemies have control of the institutions and the air.

The enemy outgroup is the enemy outgroup, no morality applies.

Rick says:

Being sneaky fuckers is sometimes an essential part of war. Particularly when your enemies have control of the institutions and the air.

Really? What’s the historical evidence for it?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, I love you, man, but I am not making a moral argument, I’m making a moral and practical one. Cucking our enemies is like not immediately hanging anyone who’s buggery becomes public. It’s the first step down the slippery slope, and it is a step you. Must. Never. Take. If you start walking down that road, you destroy ingroup trust. I have seen what adultery does when it goes unpunished, and it is not good.

It doesn’t hurt them, because they were genetic dead ends. It hurts us, because we cannot cooperate if we have to worry about one of our own fucking our women. It hurts us by providing shitlib white women our children to destroy. It hurts us because our children will not have a connection to their fathers. I could care less about what happens to the leftists; I do not want your hatred to splash back on us.

The Cominator says:

They are not part of our ingroup…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No shit, I know they are not ingroup. I am trying to get across to you that if you do shit like this, it harms the actual ingroup. You will get pushed out if you go all in on cucking, even if it is the enemy you are cucking. I could not care less if you killed every leftist man and raped every single one of their women tomorrow. Hell, I would cheer you on. I do not and will not trust and work with a man who fucks another man’s woman, no matter how much I hate the cuck. Letting in a sneaky fucker is like letting in a bugger. It kills the trust between men, no how competent the bugger is.

Rick says:

Letting in a sneaky fucker is like letting in a bugger. It kills the trust between men, no how competent the bugger is.

Well said.

The Cominator says:

No wonder why we can’t win ever politically…

No no can never do anything underhanded even to the enemy…

The enemy is the enemy is the enemy… no rules of good conduct apply, none absolutely none they are demonspawn. The reason you don’t shoot randoms is because of optics and because its politically counterproductive. A campaign of mass chad cucking of leftists would only force them to confront the redpill on women the hard way.

Fuck em.

Rick says:

The enemy is the enemy is the enemy… no rules of good conduct apply, none absolutely none they are demonspawn. The reason you don’t shoot randoms is because of optics and because its politically counterproductive. A campaign of mass chad cucking of leftists would only force them to confront the redpill on women the hard way.

What’s the point of fucking their wives on the sly? They’re already being cucked by them. You cucking them some more doesn’t change anything. They’ll just keep pretending it’s not happening and their women will just keep on cucking them.

My father told me a story about a friend of his experienced a home invasion. A nigger broke in, beat him up, then raped his wife in front of him.

His wife of course left him over his inability to defend himself and his wife and my father’s friend later committed suicided.

For you plan to work to harm our foes, you’d need to do something like that, IE a warrior style break in and taking someone’s wife in the most hamulating way possible for the husband.

But your not going to do that. Nor is there anything to gain by doing that. Nigger do that shit because they’re still half hunter gather. White men do that when we’re in a warband attacking our foes. Since we don’t have a leader and we await Caesar it’s pointless thing to consider right now.

alf says:

Deliberately cucking leftists is one of those things that sounds good, doesn’t work. Unchristian as well.

Which Com, you are free to disagree with, but perhaps you want to test this strategy yourself first and report back in ten years or so 🙃

Starman says:


”We await Caesar”

What’s the ETA on Qanon again?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, if you do not think I would be unwilling to do underhanded things to claim victory, you are dead wrong. My limits are the limits imposed upon me by God. Which are not much, and allow considerable horrible acts to be committed. The battles of the Old Testament read like a encyclopedia of what would be called war crimes today. If that was acceptable, then I can hardly be said to be restricted.

No, my opposition to cucking men is the same reason I oppose open faggotry and buggery. It destroys male trust. I am down with murdering the leftist and taking his woman, but not with you cucking him. Gas him, set him on fire, shoot him, stab him in the back, convince him to commit suicide for equality; all of these are acceptable. Cucking him is not. We have standards, and we have to enforce those standards, especially against our own. We do this that we might become strong, and thus become more worthy. If we cannot trust each other, we will not be able to work together.

You are letting your hatred cloud your judgment and letting the demons whisper in your ear. Your hate should be like that of the Saxon: cold, focused, and targeted. Do not be tempted to self-destructive vices in the name of victory. Aspire to the heights of brutality and viciousness, not cowardice and spite.

suones says:

@Wulfgar Thundercock III

You are going to lose to Love Jihad.

To capture a nation, first you have to capture its women. This is what Muslims do[1], and how Christianity initially poisoned Roman elites — through out-of-control women. Being “chad” counts for jack shit if you cannot convince the Ambassador’s wife to convince her husband to not attack China but attack Saudi Arabia instead.

Seduction and use of married enemy women to advance political goals is a standard tool of spycraft. If you’re not up to it just stay away but please don’t whine about it lol[2].

[1] No woman too old, even 65 will do: Kamala Das
[2] This applies to others’ whining about National Socialism too haha.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


A Love Crusade is capturing and taking their feral women. Taking being the most important part there. She has to be taken by a man and removed from defect/defect equilibrium. Cucking a leftist man is not a removal from defect/defect equilibrium, it is participation and maintenance of the equilibrium. Taking and fucking some sense into the Ambassador’s daughter is a much more reactionary approach, and his little girl is just as important to him as his wife. If his daughter can convince him of the same thing that his wife can, why bother targeting the wife? Then you reinforce our power by enforcing cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, getting a valuable political connection, and building a more permanent tribe.

Also, Muslims are trash, and only win when the Church has weak memes. I do not suffer from weak memes, because the memes of Jim are better than any other, and allow me to genocide inferior types in a properly Christian manner.

“Terrorist attack? Okay, wait until Friday, then burn the mosques while they pray. Burn the men and the boys at the stake, and take the women as concubines, and the girls as future concubines.”

I can do terror. I have the sum total of human knowledge easily accessible, and I can look at every terrifying, horrible, and ruthless punishment recorded to pick from. Crucify them outside the airports and along the highways. Feed them alive to pigs. Burn them at the stake. And that is only what I can think of off of the top of my head. Terrorism works because people do not have the will to one up their terrorist opponents. When my limit goes up to and includes genocide, terrorism is not a problem I will long suffer.

jim says:

> Taking being the most important part there. She has to be taken by a man and removed from defect/defect equilibrium. Cucking a leftist man is not a removal from defect/defect equilibrium, it is participation and maintenance of the equilibrium. Taking and fucking some sense into the Ambassador’s daughter is a much more reactionary approach, and his little girl is just as important to him as his wife. If his daughter can convince him of the same thing that his wife can, why bother targeting the wife? Then you reinforce our power by enforcing cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, getting a valuable political connection, and building a more permanent tribe.

Well said.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>A Love Crusade is capturing and taking their feral women.

Women gaymarried to bugmen are feral and up for capturing; not counting that many don’t even bother with the rubberstamp at all.

info says:


Early Christianity had disproportionate numbers of women because they also saved abandoned infants which are more often than not female:

And raised them Christian. As much as being more attractive to women than the Official Roman cults.

Also they abhorred abortion which involved instruments that could be dangerous to women’s health and life:

“You shall not abort a child, nor again, commit infanticide.” Letter of Barnabas 19.5 (c.130 AD)

“Some, when they find themselves with child through their sin, use drugs to procure abortion, and when (as often happens) they die with their offspring, they enter the lower world laden with the guilt not only of adultery against Christ but also of suicide and child murder.”
-The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, St. Jerome, Letter to Eustochium

“The embryo therefore becomes a human being in the womb from the moment that its form is completed. The law of Moses, indeed, punishes with due penalties the man who shall cause abortion, inasmuch as there exists already the rudiment of a human being”
-The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Tertullian, Treatise on the Soul, Chapter XXXVII.

“Thou shall not slay thy child by causing abortion, nor kill that which is begotten; for everything that is shaped, and has received a soul from God, if it be slain, shall be avenged, as being unjustly destroyed.”
-The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Didache 2:2

“For it does not belong to the same person to regard the very foetus in the womb as a created being, and therefore an object of God’s care, and when it has passed into life, to kill it; and not to expose an infant, because those who expose them are chargeable with child-murder, and on the other hand, when it has been reared to destroy it.”
-Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. II, Athenagoras, A Plea for the Christians, Chapter XXXV

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What are the chances that a bastard raised by women, taught by women, and having no role models but women is going to grow into some great Chad? Most of the bastards I know are fairly unimpressive. All talk, no action, and they fold in the face of any serious resistance. I’m not the greatest savage ever to descend from the mountains, and yet it still requires next to no effort to keep the young men in line. If you raise your sons, why raise them to be weak, simmering wagecucks? Raise them to be savages, hit them with sticks in play swordfights, show them how to keep a woman in line when you talk to their mother, let them fight and teach them to be sneaky, ruthless fuckers. And why restrict yourself to two? Keep their mother barefoot pregnant, and in the kitchen and you can have half a dozen or more.

Leon says:

Agreed. A child of Chad raised by a single mother either becomes a thug or gets the testosterone beaten out of them.

neofugue says:
alf says:

Just to be clear, in Schwarzenegger’s case, the chad is the bastard, the fat one his legitimate son.

The Cominator says:

LOL he had the chad with that ugly Mexican maid of his lol…

suones says:

Which of the sons appears to have paternal guidance and which one raised by a single mother? That’s the cincher. Schwarzenegger’s real wife is the one who allowed him to influence his son, which is the Mexican maid. And it is perfectly natural — she was cooking, cleaning, for, and fucking him — all wifely duties.

Aidan says:

Arnold raised his bastard. His ‘legitimate’ son was raised by his mother. In Arnold’s chad bastard, we also see the supremacy of the Y-chromosome for determining the genetic quality of sons, but you obviously need to raise them right too. The heights of human quality require training.

I wouldn’t put bastards in any random woman, because what matters isnt just ensuring that you have kids, but that you have grandkids. White boys raised by white single mothers do not turn out to be player thugs. They turn out to be fags, or near enough to make no difference.

Bastard or no, the thought of some bitch putting my son in a dress and shooting him up with estrogen disgusts me.

Leon says:

The chad looks like he has a pretty awesome relationship with his dad. Was Arnie not able to control his wife so his legitimate son became a soy boy? Marrying a Kennedy seems to be a really bad decision considering their family history.

Pooch says:

Legitimate children of divorced parents might as well be bastards. They are raised by single mothers just the same in their crucial adolescent years where a strong male father figure is needed most.

suones says:

Legitimate children of divorced parents might as well be bastards. They are raised by single mothers just the same in their crucial adolescent years where a strong male father figure is needed most.

This cannot be emphasised enough.

Pooch says:

Bastards raised by single mothers turn into leftist beta males who don’t reproduce. Retarded strategy. Impregnating the wives of betas is also retarded strategy as your children will become bastards when the beta is ultimately divorce raped. Leftism is not genetic. Leftism is men being raised by women who grow up bluepilled.

The only option is to take ownership of a women and become a family unit as the Word of God commands.

baka says:

Why not take responsibility for several women? In situations where most men cannot be husbands and fathers (for example, after major military conflicts), those who had the ability to take extra women into their own hands did it.

If this is not done 1) the crop will simply rot 2) flies will fly on it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, this seems the way to go. Downside of polygyny, you have to deal with multiple women. Upside of polygyny, you own multiple women and can have lots of happy fun time. If you can, might as well own your multiple women instead of being a pimp to a bunch of married whores.

Sapo says:

Why not remove women from the equation? Have children via surrogacy and hire nannies to care for them.
1) Far better selection of genetics.
2) Control over how they are raised.
3) Cost might be a initially higher but over the long-run probably lower cause you don’t have to pay for the expensive woman and because point #2 allows you to not waste money on frills.

jim says:

Raising children is hard. Psychologically it is going to feel like someone else’s children.

Women are adapted to taking care of small children, and like it. The workload is enormous. Women are just naturally far better at it than men.

Karl says:

Wouldn’t two sons and ten bastards be even better?

Sperm donation seems easily compatible with raising a family. Impregnating feral women while raising a family would be much harder, of course

suones says:

Wouldn’t two sons and ten bastards be even better?

This would be adding two soldiers to your Army and ten to the enemies’. Not a winning strategy.

C4ssidy says:

Bastards tend to be psychotic criminals but not necessarily social progressives, that remains to be proven. A lot of the Nazis on 4chan seem to be disenfranchised young men raised in broken homes by whore mothers in ethnic areas

The Cominator says:

More likely to be psychotic criminals but a majority of the time only with nigs and spics.

suones says:

Bastards tend to be psychotic criminals but not necessarily social progressives, that remains to be proven.

This is a misunderstanding of the nature of the enemy. The enemy is not a mirror image of us, just with reversed values. We represent order, and are about discipline, our Army likely to be regular, uniformed, trained, armed, etc. Our enemy is chaos, which, by nature, is unorganised or poorly organised. Leftist Imperial Army like US Army is fairly orderly (d/t history as a non-chaotic power), but Leftist thugs are also de-facto members of Prog forces. Psychotic criminals are as much soldiers of chaos as Antifags (and in fact have considerable overlap).

A lot of the Nazis on 4chan seem to be disenfranchised young men raised in broken homes by whore mothers in ethnic areas.

Which is the problem I’m trying to advise against exacerbating by producing more bastards. Chaotic soldiers will not help us, regardless of motivation. A lot of “Nazis” simply want rightwing Marxism and are fertile grounds for fednat poachers. Turning chaotic soldiers into an Army was accomplished by ISIS, of all organisations, simply by promising plunder of pussy, backed up by an extremely brutal Caliph who in turn was backed up by an extremely brutal State Religion and god. Even weev realised this, and this was the genesis of the “White Sharia” meme. Even then, ISIS army was not a very effective army, and got fucked by the relatively more degenerate, but more orderly, Syrian regulars once their ZOG backers were neutralised by Russia.

Rick says:

Turning chaotic soldiers into an Army was accomplished by ISIS, of all organisations, simply by promising plunder of pussy, backed up by an extremely brutal Caliph who in turn was backed up by an extremely brutal State Religion and god. Even weev realised this, and this was the genesis of the “White Sharia” meme. Even then, ISIS army was not a very effective army, and got fucked by the relatively more degenerate, but more orderly, Syrian regulars once their ZOG backers were neutralised by Russia.

ISIS got fucked by effective air power. They had multiple fights with the Syrian regular army and the Syrian army got it’s shit kicked in. ISIS didn’t crumble in the face of this air power either, unlike the French and the British during WW2. They fought on for very a very long time.

Rome proved that if you give a band of brothers who were largely cast bandits home, hearth, and virgin wives they can conquer the world.

The Cominator says:

Early Rome is complicated… their histories insisted the founding Patricians were the survivors of the sack of Troy I think the earlier plebians were the bastards and outcasts of Italy who they invited to settle.

Bastards and outcasts can be turned into an army but they probably cannot provide the leadership of it.

jim says:

This is pretty much the history of recovery of civilization following the dark age that followed the Bronze age collapse.

You have a group that has large scale cooperation surrounded by violent and disorderly anarchy. And then people fleeing each other’s violence and capitulating to the violence of the group with large scale cooperation sign up with individual patriarchs of the group, which becomes the nucleus of a larger state and larger society, and at first the only real citizens, with unlimited authority to capriciously mistreat anyone that is not under the protection of another member of the group – order and security is only available through one’s connection to individual members (family patriarchs) of the group providing order and security, which makes everyone else slaves or something near slaves. If you are a citizen, you can hunt the stateless non citizens as if they were rabbits. (Which is how the non citizens treat each other) And the orderly group is reluctant to allow any of its members to take too many slaves under his wing, reluctant to allow outsiders in even as slaves.

During the recovery from the dark age, order and security was in mighty short supply, and those had some were tight fisted about letting just anyone share in it.

Rick says:

Early Rome is complicated… their histories insisted the founding Patricians were the survivors of the sack of Troy I think the earlier plebians were the bastards and outcasts of Italy who they invited to settle.

Rome was a high quality genetics vacuum cleaner. It pulled in the best leadership from all the place and produced an elite that was virtuous for an incredibly long period of time.

suones says:

ISIS got fucked by effective air power.

This is the thing — orderly Armies have access to far, far superior weaponry and tactics than can be shoehorned onto chaotic forces. This is why chaotic Armies either turn into orderly Armies (like ISIS managed) or go extinct. But the point still stands, ISIS had a strong brutal Caliph backed by a strong brutal State Religion backed by a strong brutal god. Any promises of pussy made by this Caliph were realistic promises in the eyes of chaotic soldiers, who were only required to enlist and start behaving according to Baphometan order, which they did. Hitler’s “National Socialist soccer leagues” accomplished the same thing.

Enlisting chaotic bastard “Nazis” into an Army is not just a coup-complete, but a jihad-complete problem. As such, the path from degeneracy (present) to glorious Empire (reactionary wet-dream) does not involve chaotic soldiers turning legit.

suones says:

…curfew, restricting some out of the house activities…

Can’t emphasise enough how much of a boon COVID-hysteria has been for this! Once she gets a taste of the family way, she’s never going back.

praeludium says:
Bilge_Pump says:

unrelated, but has anyone heard about Lockheed-Martin forcing executives to undergo diversity brainwashing recently? Saw someone bring it up in a YouTube comment but haven’t heard about it elsewhere.

R Green says:

Great post jim. As a man overcoming his former self this hits home. Trying to build wealth, power and status in my 30s and relearn how to deal with women after spending my 20s as a loser is not easy. I have never heard of Aiden Maclear’s before but after reading a little of that pdf I put him up there with you and Heartiste as an essential figure for all men to read. Does anyone know if Aiden still posts anywhere?

Aidan says:

I’m still here, but no, nothing long form.

Pooch says:

Rollo at is also required reading, particularly about the SMP, in which he shows men enter their SMV well into their 30s.

jim says:

Trouble with Rollo is that he is a namefag. He cannot address the issues of race and civilization decline, and he pulls his punches on the nature of women. There are a whole lot of important truths where he travels into the general vicinity of an important truth and wanders around the truth in circles, without ever actually going right to the truth.

He gets verbose when he is near something he cannot say. I get bored, because I know he is never going to get to where this is going, while Moldbug, after gallons of word porridge, would eventually reach his destination after a long and circuitous path.

But yes, Rollo is quite good and deserves reading. But Heartiste, a son of the father of lies, speaks truth and goes directly to the truth. Rollo, though a Christian, doodles on the edges of truth. I am pretty sure I would be instabanned if I commented on his site.

But if you get bored while reading Rollo, it is a sign that he would like to say something that he dare not say.

He says: “I’m not in the business of cures, I’m in the business of diagnoses” Because there is usually an obvious cure, and he dare not say it.

Often enough Rollo tells us the problem, but cannot tell us the solution. This gives his writing a black pill and purple pill tinge. Old type Christianity had the cure for many present day problems, and when writing on religion, he cannot acknowledge or report those solutions. His Christianity is tradcucked.

Tradcucked Christianity is a compromise with the father of lies, and such compromises always fail, because Satan always defects.

Pooch says:

He cannot address the issues of race and civilization decline, and he pulls his punches on the nature of women.

Don’t care what he has to say on anything but women. The female red pill is what he’s known for, just like I don’t care what Roissy has to say on anything but women. Rollo’s old work is invaluable particularly about the meta game of the Sexual Market Place and Sexual Market Value. Roissy is great on actual field level game. He gave the what. Rollo provided the higher level why.

jim says:

Rollo was a pioneer in understanding why what worked worked.

But, that understanding led him towards knowledge that a namefag dare not touch. He stops short and waffles around.

Yes, his old work was invaluable and advanced everyone’s understanding of game.

Green Fields says:

Why do you say Heartiste is the son of the father of lies? Is it because he is an agnostic, or because he is NatSoc (or nearly so)?
Also, does anybody know if he still posts anywhere, can’t find him on Gab anymore.

jim says:

Self chosen title: “Minion of Satan”.

Also. Defeatist strategy. Sex in defect/defect. Which is a major improvement on the progressive program of cooperate/defect, but still is the Satanic solution.

chris says:

“Also, does anybody know if he still posts anywhere, can’t find him on Gab anymore.”

I think he changed his handle to this.

If you follow him, you will follow any name changes.

Green Fields says:


The origins of women’s problems of course is Eden, and the curse given to them by God:

The Hebrew tells us she will have to toil to conceive, true. That she will suffer greatly during childbirth, true.

And also that she will desire to control (figuratively, devour) her husband, but he will rule over her, also true.

Patriarchy will be restored, but not this side of the troubles.

Oog en Hand says:

Cryptography keeps technology secret, Holy Language keeps social technology secret.

baka says:

It’s no secret that women like men who are liked by other women. Several times I noticed a noticeable improvement in attitude towards me and the beginning of the filter after a girl noticed another girl’s attention to me. On the other hand, there are women’s collectives, which in their essence are tangles of snakes. In a world without marriage, a rational strategy would be to have several women, but not let them live in the same house and sometimes recruiting new ones from the local college.

OneTimeCommenter says:

For many years, I have only been a lurker at Jim’s site(s). I am commenting this one time to alert the interested here to something I have only recently come across: a take on money (and hence the possible good from a truly good cryptocurrency along the lines that Jim is thinking about) that I have not found — at least explained so clearly — anywhere else.

In this relatively short Q & A is a description of the money the world actually needs (and a revelatory account of the paralyzed, inept money that the world now has).

A Good Time For Some Q & A: Bank Reserves, Treasury Auctions, MMT, and the Monetary Resolve

Instead of constantly rewriting the same fairy tale, what might actually work (and I argue that it would) is the opposite: credibly promise a responsible monetary system. One that is almost totally transparent, rather than hidden away deep in the global offshore shadows. A monetary regime with simple rules that everyone understands, rather than being incapably complex and the exclusive domain of only the largest global banks’ highly specialized trading desks.

Such a thing would encourage a high level of intermediation (via productive, rather than financial, opportunity) along with, modern innovations and advances, the ability to redistribute monetary and credit sources in the most efficient and effective manner possible (and, unlike MMT proponents, I don’t think this is easy at all – but it is one thing the eurodollar system solved quite elegantly).

I would urge the interested to RTWT.

jim says:

More socialism in the money system leads to the usual problems of socialism.

To which crises the socialists propose to respond with even more socialism.

MMT proposes to replace the entire banking system’s intermediation function with one which would be accomplished by a small group of centralized bureaucrats developing complex algorithms and econometric models

Been tried. I repeat: More socialism in the money system leads to more of the usual problems of socialism.

Socialist money is just a bad idea. It is not working. It never will work. The sovereign is overwhelmed by complexity, and delegates dangerously great power to dangerously overmighty servants.

The proposal is that instead of a Federal Reserve doing far too much stuff, which stuff gets ever more complex and yet strangely fails to work, we have a super fed doing far more stuff.

The Federal Reserve’s interactions with quasi statal nominally private actors are getting ever more complicated and ever more dysfunctional. Supposedly things will be simplified if we take the quasi statal semi private entities out of the system, and replace their activities by wise bureaucrats, who will deal directly with the people the quasi statal entities formerly dealt with.

I recommend that instead of reading that link, you watch “Yes Minister”.

The Cominator says:

But as per reactionary monetary theory (our main difference with the Austrian school on economic questions) money and banking always end up socialized to some degree.

jim says:

Some degree of socialism is inevitable where term transformation meets real property. But the sovereign needs to outsource the inevitable complications as far as possible.

Singapore gets it about right, and Kuwait is not doing too badly.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The sovereign is overwhelmed by complexity, and delegates dangerously great power to dangerously overmighty servants.

That such delegation happens in any case; the chief difference between a ‘centralized’ or a ‘feudal’ structure being whether this is explicit, or occulted; different selection environments, selecting for different sorts of men to be found holding power.

jim says:

The difference is that with feudalism, the sovereign knows who he is delegating it to, and what he is delegating.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, that was meant to be conveyed (that feudalization is explicit delegation, while ‘centralization’ simply entails occulted delegation), but playing with the word order for emphasis and depending on inference to match which with which might’ve confused it.

(Also a bunch of recent comments seem to have been deleted, wuwt?)

jim says:

I don’t know what happened to the comments. I suspect the hosting service is doing something funny. Will change hosting service, but not immediately.

Anonymous Fake says:

Are modern East Asians better off growing up without a father? All of the worst blue pill behaviors (feminism for women and chivalry for men), an obsession with pointless grinding education, and careerism more exploitative than slavery are all encouraged by authoritarian upbringings. But Asians who grew up with single moms act more like Eric Cartman, like a kid who needs a whipping or two. They seem to be healthier in our time.

I’m from a white middle class background but I could just as easily be culturally postwar Japanese. Liberals noticeably attack this kind of conservative (though increasingly formerly conservative) culture and ignore prole culture and there is probably a reason for it.

jim says:

The pathologies of East Asian culture are the result of “Tiger Moms”

East Asians with strong fathers do not have those problems. Pre emancipation Japan did not have those problems.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for total lack of contact with reality*]

jim says:

East Asian families are collapsing in a less wigger way than white families, but they are still collapsing, and in their own way, collapsing worse than white families.

Anonymous Fake says:

The entire point of our problem of collapsing civilization is that the wiggers aren’t the ones collapsing. The bastards are doing quite well. The families with stern fathers and occasional “tiger moms” are the ones in a demographic collapse due to true Cathedral belief.

Being literally whipped or paddled for trying to seduce girls in school or socializing instead of studying does horrible things to one’s libido. The nuclear family seems to be the outer party in this regime, and the inner party and proles are the fatherless upbringing types.

jim says:

The fatherless are not in the inner party. They are the inner party’s expendable mascots.

The inner party reproduces by recruiting our children. It does not reproduce biologically.

Basil says:

All of East Asia is already fucked by “social progress”, with the possible exception of Mongolia. By the way, in terms of the ratio of the level of intelligence to fertility, this country still has the best indicators in the world. Perhaps it is in based shamanism or in the peculiarities of the local economy (which does not allow large cities to form, but gives access to a large amount of meat).

The Cominator says:

I thought the asians have even until now very strongly resisted the trend of single motherhood. What % of Asians with single moms are there…

jim says:

East Asians are resisting the trend to single motherhood great.

The trend to powerless and terrified husbands and fathers, however …

That they are getting worse than we are.

The Cominator says:

I think asian women are more feminine than other races…

Whilst in the grip of lust they are excessively pleasant and submissive but if it ever wears off and they think you are an unworthy beta male… watch out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

My observation has been that east asians have less sexual dimorphism than most other humanoid species (more specifically in comparison with europoids here).

Online streaming services, as a distributed medium, provide unique opportunities for anecdotal perspective on the characteristics of various demographics, through the sort of content they put out, particularly in cases where different parties are nominally in the same niche or cater to the same interests.

What i mean by ‘less dimorphism’ is, besides the conventional characterization of east asian males as ‘less manly’, i would also say say that east asian women tend to exhibit more ‘male brained’ like behavior. Para exemple, if signaling an interest in something, they will tend to talk about it more like a man would; if arguing about something, they will tend to argue about it more like a man would; in general, more of an ‘external object’ focus, less of the expected ‘how does this relate to my personal brand’ solipsism (but still present by degrees). Which is to say more pertinently, there is less reflexive shittesting.

Many men often interpret this as then being more agreeable, more submissive, ‘more feminine’, and so on, when really what it is is them being *more copacetic to their mode of engaging with Being*; id est, they find them more agreeable to be with ironically on account of them being *less* ‘feminine’.

jim says:

> What i mean by ‘less dimorphism’ is, besides the conventional characterization of east asian males as ‘less manly’, i would also say say that east asian women tend to exhibit more ‘male brained’ like behavior.

The only genuine female engineers are east Asian. White female engineerettes are totally fake.

On the other hand, white engineers are better than east asian if there is any design or architecting involved. For just polishing up stuff and carrying out instructions, male east engineers are generally better than white engineers, but as team leader, or if there is significant design work involved, of limited value.

Cloudswrest says:

I’m saving this comment. It explains a lot of subtlety that is often missed.

Cloudswrest says:

Also consistent with why there are a lot of “gay” marriages (in the Jimian sense) between Jewish men and East Asian women.

Atavistic Morality says:

I don’t see any evidence to East Asians being or have ever been less manly than westerners. One had knights, the other had samurais. One had boxing and fencing, the other had martial arts. I can find plenty of giga faggots in the western sphere to put to shame any kpop celebrity you want to point out.

And the women behave differently because they are educated differently and grow up in a different environment, muslim women are very “submissive” as well if you want to get into it. You can’t really compare American women to women from places where the cancer is less spread for a good reason. I don’t know the truth since I’ve never been there, according to what I read online American women seem complete insufferable harpies but having lived in 4 different European countries I can tell you that doesn’t apply to any of them.

In my personal experience throughout my whole life women have practically all been rather accommodating and soft. Some are better, some are worse, but all pretty soft when push comes to shove. Maybe certain perceptions are biased from the viewpoint of blue pilled faggots that can’t even look at women straight to their eyes and tell them to shut the fuck up. Every woman is going to be insufferable if you’re an insufferable faggot, women hate insufferable faggots.

jim says:

It is absolutely obvious that the Japanese were more manly than westerners, now, suddenly, less manly.

It is absolutely obvious that everyone, even myself, are less manly than our grandfathers.

Female emancipation is the major determining factor of the level of conventional manliness, causing massive cultural shifts.

However, as for being male brained and female brained, when it comes to solving engineering problems, East Asian female engineers are more male brained that white female engineerettes by a very large factor, male East Asian engineers somewhat less male brained, not by a huge amount, but quite noticeably. I doubt that female emancipation is a factor in this.

Atavistic Morality says:

In my opinion it’s a pre selection bias, the only white female engineerettes you get to know become engineerettes to demonstrate holiness, because that’s what the west has come to. Asian females are less influenced by such cancer, thus you’re likely to actually find Asian women who actually went into engineering to do engineering and they’ll show a “more male brain” because they have had to adapt to it to perform the job. This is how female emancipation is a factor in this.

In poor countries like India you’ll find women who go into engineering for the sake of money, then they’ll imitate and develop their male skills as best as they can out of necessity, while in Norway every woman that goes into engineering is likely a degenerate whore because they could easily become nurses or caretakers instead and have a perfectly fine life, there’s no need for it.

I’m sure if you had the chance of meeting a WWII female factory worker you’d find out she had adopted the best she could to male thinking to properly do her work, because she was actually trying to do the work, there was a need for it.

Why I strongly believe this is because I’ve heard from my grandmother about women that grew under Franco’s regime and their mothers and grandmothers. These women were fully aware of their own biases and the differences between men and women, and could slightly regulate according to the circumstances of the situation. When they had to work and go through hardship because of the civil war and the consequences they did their best to toughen up and deal with it, and when they were able they enjoyed following their natural inclinations instead.

Modern women in the west have absolutely no need to pretend to be intelligent, go into STEM or anything of the sort and indeed most just don’t even bother. Those that do are 1% actual autistic women and the rest are all massive retards falling for the feminist meme.

suones says:

It is absolutely obvious that the Japanese were more manly than westerners, now, suddenly, less manly.

This is not a happenstance. Chinamen have done research on this[1].

[1] Chinese subconciously imagine Japanese to be like they were in 1942, and are shocked when that’s not the case.

jim says:
Dave says:

My observation has been that east asians have less sexual dimorphism than most other humanoid species (more specifically in comparison with europoids here).

The correct term is “hominid”. “-oid” means “having the general form of”, “-id” means “actually related by blood”. The existence of robots, and of convergent evolution, requires this distinction.

There’s an unspoken rule in biology that all living hominids must by classified as one species, Homo sapiens, because racism. So if an intrepid jungle explorer came across a tribe of e.g. Homo habilis, they and their fossil ancestors would magically become us.

jim says:

> So if an intrepid jungle explorer came across a tribe of e.g. Homo habilis, they and their fossil ancestors would magically become us.

Which is what happened with the Tasmanians.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>“-oid” means “having the general form of”, “-id” means “actually related by blood”. The existence of[…]convergent evolution, requires this distinction.

I was including those actually. Consciously emphasizing the ‘relation of form’ over ‘relation of blood’, the overemphasis of the latter of which of course being a contemporary pathology.

suones says:

There’s an unspoken rule in biology that all living hominids must by classified as one species, Homo sapiens, because racism.

No. Biological “speciation” requires the ability to mate with other members and produce fertile offspring. For example, all races of dogs are the same species too, as are all horses. It is muddied by the existence of several species that can successfully interbreed but were historically not known to be able to do so due to geographical separation. Humans are not one of those species. It is known since antiquity that any man can fuck and impregnate any woman.

Homo habilis etc are named differently because we have no surviving examples to test interbreeding with. The closest we can find are the Australian aborigines and or Guinea pygmies, but they can interbreed with us, so not a different species.

Dave says:

Interfertility of all living hominids is ensured by our habit of attacking weaker tribes, killing their men, and raping their women.

This does not make us one species because other genera get divided into many species based on much more subtle differences despite being completely interfertile.

suones says:

Interfertility of all living hominids is ensured by our habit of attacking weaker tribes, killing their men, and raping their women.

You’ve reversed cause and effect. Raping captured women is effective precisely because interracial fertility exists. All dogs can impregnate all bitches, regardless of race/breed. Doesn’t mean the pups will be any good — they usually regress to the mean of the feral yellow dog.

Afghan Baphometans are taught to capture others’ goats and rape them too, and have been raping each others’ goats for a millenium — didn’t generate human-goat fertility. Similarly for European women getting their dogs to fuck them — no effect on genetics.

Dave says:

I said “killing the men and raping the women”. Which does in fact make all living hominids interfertile by turning the genetically incompatible into extinct hominids, like the native Tasmanians.

Oog en Hand says:

Actually, because proto-chimp got 48 chromosomes instead of 46, like proto-human, they could’nt interbreed and started to differ in other ways as well. Humans often have 47-chromosome babies. Do the math.

Humans and chimpanzees would be considered the same genus by a non-human biologist. Gorillas and chimps can and do interbreed (koolakamba).

jim says:

I don’t pay much attention to mining, because proof of work has run out gas. It is not a viable technology for the problem before us now, which is crypto currency taking over the world financial system, and triple entry book keeping with immutable ledgers replacing SoX account. Bitcoin is stuck at ten transactions per second, despite all manner of measures to increase throughput, and Ether is not going anywhere until they radically transform their consensus algorithm rather than tinkering with bits of it.

ten says:

I had a ltr with a chinese girl and dated a few other east asians. I think you are quite correct, although if you’re actually in an argument with an east asian woman, she isn’t going to argue to prove a point, she is going to argue to piss you off – which is weird when they absolutely might stick to the actual issue but dance around it in an intentionally destructive and disruptive way – which they even are capable of seeing and admitting that they do, but that they don’t want to stop doing, because they want to fight.

Also strangely, keeping your cool and frame works very much worse than snapping and shouting for a second, once they actually get you pissed they have mission accomplished and are sweet again.

suones says:

if you’re actually in an argument with an east asian woman, she isn’t going to argue to prove a point, she is going to argue to piss you off

NAWALT!? I thought the “fighting” was just a fitness test.

Pooch says:

although if you’re actually in an argument with an east asian woman, she isn’t going to argue to prove a point, she is going to argue to piss you off – which is weird when they absolutely might stick to the actual issue but dance around it in an intentionally destructive and disruptive way – which they even are capable of seeing and admitting that they do, but that they don’t want to stop doing, because they want to fight.

All women do this.

jim says:

> she is going to argue to piss you off


> – which is weird when they absolutely might stick to the actual issue


> but dance around it in an intentionally destructive and disruptive way


FrankNorman says:

Maybe she just wants to find out what you’re like when you’re angry?

ten says:

Well.. there is some difference between white and yellow women in this general area. I have never heard a white woman admit to being a cunt just because she wants to fight, even though they do it all the time, while several different yellow women have been completely cognizant that this is what they do.

And the sticking to the issue thing is real too. Never met a white woman who will not drift off in a hundred different directions and within minutes, you’re having a hundred fights with dubious connection to the first one. The chinese girls drift way less, sometimes not at all – which, perhaps, due to my inexperience with them, made it even harder to pass tests. It looks more like a factual argument, but slipping into factual argument frame of course does nothing to resolve it.

Aidan says:

I am famously anti-asian girls. Asian girls are not more feminine than the other races; they are more masculine and more male-brained. For asian girls, most indicators of femininity are carefully performative. Her inner nature is as a shrill tiger mom or harridan hawking rotten chicken gizzards in a meat market in the slums of some festering hive of a city.

In my experience, asian girls are far more likely to cheat, and they cheat ruthlessly, with no qualms about the fact that the man giving her dick and the man cuddling her to sleep at night are different. I don’t think I’ve banged a single east asian chick who wasn’t in a relationship at the time, while I’ve never banged a white girl who I knew had a boyfriend. (At least for chinese and koreans, I don’t know many japs and I’ve never banged one.)

At the same time, they are hornier than other women, and will also put out for their beta provider while sneaking out to take alpha dick, likely giving those betas better sex than they ever got with white girls.

I am a good judge of character and find white girls very easy to read and handle. I know when my status with them is secure and when it is not. But I can’t read and thus can’t trust asian chicks. There is nothing inside that makes it to the surface.

Aidan says:

Shit, I might’ve accidentally commented with my personal email due to autofill. Jim, please remove if so.

jim says:

I corrected your email, which now should no longer exist in the database.

Aidan says:

Thank you kindly.

Virtus says:

>Asian girls are not more feminine than the other races; they are more masculine and more male-brained.

Agreed, East Asians, particularly Central/Northeast Asians, in general appear to have lower sexual dimorphism in biological state. Who knows what evolutionary forces produced this. We know that Eastern Europeans had a rapid shift in traits as a result in communal farming — brachycephaly, lower rates of unique neurology, higher cortisol resistance — but they are, if anything, more sexually dimorphic than Northwest Europeans. So I find it hard to account it merely to crowded peasant conditions. Going further on the tangent, SEAmonkies appear less affected by this, and their men in general are more assertive and capable leaders. Vietnamese ancestry gives you higher chances of business leadership positions, despite the lower average IQ. I could be wrong, my Chinese history is not the greatest, but I believe historically the most capable Generals, that weren’t directly steppe descendant, were also from the Southern regions.

> For asian girls, most indicators of femininity are carefully performative.

A(higher-IQ)WALT. You see less of it in European populations because mean clustering, owing to the higher dimorphism.

> Her inner nature is as a shrill tiger mom or harridan hawking rotten chicken gizzards in a meat market in the slums of some festering hive of a city.

This attitude is why they were in the west or in a large city you may have visited. Sample estimation bias.

> In my experience, asian girls are far more likely to cheat, and they cheat ruthlessly, with no qualms about the fact that the man giving her dick and the man cuddling her to sleep at night are different. […] At the same time, they are hornier than other women, and will also put out for their beta provider while sneaking out to take alpha dick, likely giving those betas better sex than they ever got with white girls.

Looking at stats on total number of partners, marriage stability, STD rates, etc. I’d say this is irregularity on your part. They’re less sexual in general, and the stereotypes they have in relation to white women — more concerned with wealth, less concerned with partner physical attractiveness and overall biological quality — reflect this.

> I am a good judge of character and find white girls very easy to read and handle. I know when my status with them is secure and when it is not. But I can’t read and thus can’t trust asian chicks. There is nothing inside that makes it to the surface.

“I can’t read dem chinky eyed faces and don’t trust ’em.” Well, fair enough.

jim says:

> Vietnamese ancestry gives you higher chances of business leadership positions, despite the lower average IQ.

Vietnamese have much higher standard deviation on IQ. Smart Vietnamese are very smart. Seems that they had a smart and extremely fertile aristocracy ruling over dumb peasants.

The Chinese mandarinate failed to produce a smart elite. Selected for grinds instead of smarts. The effect of this is very noticeable with East Asian engineers, who will dutifully follow instructions without ever wondering whether those instructions make sense.

China is making a vigorous effort to produce computers for the party that are not rooted by the USG – and they are relying on a security model following specifications originally written in English by white engineers, the psa. In their fundamental drive to develop their own computers, cpus built in china on motherboards built in China running software compiled in China, they are relying on a design by white engineers. They are also relying on Richard Stallman’s development architecture: ./configure && make && make install

If they get this working, it is going to be an all Chinese implementation of an all white design. The Chinese race is utterly dependent on the white race, and the white race is in grave danger of genocide.

If they do this right, which being Chinese lacking adequate white supervision, they probably will not, what should happen is that every time someone sshs into a computer as root, he should be able to know that this is the computer that he expects running the operating system that he installed, that it is only running root level software from sources which he has approved and directed to be installed, and that he really is root, not fake root. Psas needs to be exposed to the root over SSH.

Trouble is that the party is going to find it hard to ensure that they can spy on their people while making sure that the USG cannot. It is not hard to do that – not hard to implement psa compliant mandatory spyware – just ensure that the bios that the motherboard needs to run at the highest security level before it even looks for the boot sector comes from the motherboard manufacturer that they control, but the details get tricky, and they will probably screw up. There are no end of white engineers that could do that in their sleep, but I would not trust a Chinese engineer to architect that problem. In their eagerness to spy on their own people, they will likely open no end of doors for the USG to spy on their own people.

It is not hard to do, but it is going to be hard for Chinese to do. Chinese engineers are very good at many things, but they are not good at this. They need a white security architect, but the party doubts it can trust a white security architect right in the nest.

Psa, correctly implemented, is bullet proof, and can do what they want, but what is likely to happen is that some spook is going to say “Oh, we need this spyware feature and that spyware feature and the other spyware feature”, and those features are going to break security because they will be stuffed into the psa by someone who does not really understand why psas is supposed to be the way it is supposed to be.

One problem with Psas is that ui is out of scope for the specification, because the specification is intended to apply to computers that have no ui. If they want to use psas to secure the Chinese communist party against the cathedral, needs a ui specification for the psa credentials resting on Zooko’s triangle. The Chinese will have implemented their own psa ui for psas credentials, and will have buggered it.

Chances are that the party has asked for features that allow psa to lie to root over ssh. Which is a gigantic security hole that will bite them, but Chinese engineers are so dutiful that they will dutifully follow instructions without wondering whether the instructions make sense.

suones says:

Psa, correctly implemented, is bullet proof, and can do what they want, but what is likely to happen is that some spook is going to say “Oh, we need this spyware feature and that spyware feature and the other spyware feature”, and those features are going to break security because they will be stuffed into the psa by someone who does not really understand why psas is supposed to be the way it is supposed to be.

This is what happens when non-tech priests attempt to do tech-priest stuff. It’s the same in China as in the USA — witness how Intel bungled chipmaking (their “one job”) once tech-priests ceded power to Prog-priests.

The Original OC says:

“Looking at stats on total number of partners, marriage stability, STD rates, etc. I’d say this is irregularity on your part. They’re less sexual in general, and the stereotypes they have in relation to white women — more concerned with wealth, less concerned with partner physical attractiveness and overall biological quality — reflect this.”

EAs are more likely to keep their dynastic marriage together while cheating on the side. You may or may not have a problem with that.

jim says:

That depends on the consequences of cheating. If the consequences are apt to be catastrophic, will not cheat.

In this they are different to white women, whose sexual behavior is indifferent to incentives.

The Cominator says:

Have east asians have ever generally been in the habit of enforcing catastrophic consequences consistently ala the way Arabs and central asians do. Maybe in feudal japan…

jim says:

In Japan up to 1949, which by that time was neofeudal or modern corporate feudal.

The Original OC says:

Agreed that consequences matter. EAs are rational. Generally an EA woman reasons, “I want to keep my husband, but I also want better sex with this other guy. I will do both.” Wheres a white woman generally “reasons” that because she the other guy is willing to give her good sex he is also willing to become her husband.

But in this day, with cheap ~100% effective paternity testing, it’s almost never rational for an EA to try to pass off another man’s child as yours. So the material consequences of this kind of cheating arguably doesn’t matter, even though it’s a big kick in the balls emotionally.

The Cominator says:

Does the Asian girl think you are a stupid trusting fool who won’t have a paternity test then, she might try to get away with it then. Otherwise she won’t.

Anonymous 2 says:

Vitalik Buterin talks blockchain scaling:

jim says:

> Vitalik Buterin talks blockchain scaling:

When there are billions of people using the blockchain, it will inevitably only be fully verified by a few hundred or at most a few thousand major peers, who will inevitably have interests that do not necessarily coincide with those of the billions of users, who will inevitably have only client wallets.

And a few hundred seems to be the minimum size required to stop peers with a lot of clients from doing nefarious things. At scale, we are going to approach the limits of distributed trust.

There are several cures for this. Well, not cures, but measures that can alleviate the disease.

  • proof of stake:

    Make the stake of a peer the value of coins (unspent transaction outputs) that were injected into the blockchain through that peer. This ensures that the interests of the peers will be aligned with the whales, with the interests of those that hold a whole lot value on the blockchain. Same principle as a well functioning company board. A company board directly represents major shareholders, whose interests are for the most part aligned with ordinary shareholders. (This is apt to fail horribly when an accounting or law firm is on the board, or a converged investment fund.) This measure gives power the whales, who do not want their hosts to do nefarious things.

  • every single client verifies the transactions that it is directly involved in, and a subset of the transactions that gave rise to the coins that it receives

    If it verified the ancestry of every coin it received all the way back, it would have to verify the entire blockchain, but it can verify the biggest ancestor of the biggest ancestor and a random subset of ancestors, thus invalid transactions are going immediately generate problems. If every client unpredictably verifies a small number of transactions, the net effect is going to be that most transactions are going to be unpredictably verified by several clients.

  • sharding.

    Coins in a shard are shares in sovereign cipher corporations whose primary asset is a coin on the primary blockchain that vests power over their name and assets in a frequently changing public key. Every time money moves from the main chain to a sidechain, or from one sidechain to another, the old coin is spent, and a new coin is created. The public key on the mainchain coin corresponds to a frequently changing secret that is distributed between the peers on the sidechain in proportion to their stake.

    The mainchain transaction is a big transaction between many sidechains, that contains a single output or input from each side chain, with each single input or output from each sidechain representing many single transactions between sidechains, and each transaction between sidechains representing many single transactions between many clients of each sidechain.

    The single big mainchain transaction merkle chains to the total history of each sidechain, and each client of a sidechain can verify any state information about his sidechain against the most recent transaction on the mainchain.

  • lightning network layer

But we can worry about implementing solutions to scaling when we start to take over the world. Just need to keep a plan in mind, and make sure initial implementations are consistent with the end game.

Pooch says:

When there are billions of people using the blockchain, it will inevitably only be fully verified by a few hundred or at most a few thousand major peers, who will inevitably have interests that do not necessarily coincide with those of the billions of users, who will inevitably have only client wallets.

Vitalik wants full nodes for every client wallet. Makes me think he has no clue what he’s doing when it comes to scaling.

The Cominator says:

I hate to link to vice but this is it, this is THE faith… this is the church every right winger should join and that should become the state religion in the future.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Ave Nex Alea.

Saluto, Nex Alea.

Rick says:

It’s an interesting idea though they are a prime candidate for FBI false flag or FBI encouraged terrorist attacks.

My father’s church has quite a few men who trained and armed to protect the church but they’re doing the CC thing, not openly caring AR15s. We’ll see how this group turns out.

AFT will probably try to take them apart in the coming months if they don’t use them for terrorists attacks first.

Rick says:

No it’s not. I live like 20 miles from this gooks church, it’s in the Pocono mountains of PA. They also own Kahr Arms. They are pretty based and scare the living fuck out of the city faggots who have moved here and pozzed this area. They are actually quite peaceful and will bless your AR15.

Now that’s fucking awesome.

jim says:

For a church, it is far more important to speak the truth on women, marriage, and the family, than to speak the truth on guns.

If they are not in big trouble for their position on women and gays, maybe not so based.

Rick says:

For a church, it is far more important to speak the truth on women, marriage, and the family, than to speak the truth on guns.

Find a church that does that and I’ll join it. I don’t know of any and I suspect that if they exist, they’re keeping a very low profile. Such churches are probably destroyed without fanfare when they come to the left’s attention much as rightwing commenters are banned so people never know that there are people who are speaking the truth.

HS says:

The Poconos aren’t that far from Lancaster

C4ssidy says:

Sanderson gets plenty of trouble of his views on women and gays

Control-F your favourite keywords and enjoy

linker says:

What churches are based on the WQ besides Mormons (and Russian orthodox)?

Basil says:

Jim overestimates the modern Orthodox Church, believe me. For one traditional young girl attending church regularly and wearing a headscarf, there will be several dozen old whores who decided to fly out of the cook-carousel in search of a reliable husband and father. This also applies to modern Russian family law and the practice of its application. In some aspects, the level of feminism reaches Scandinavia.

Look at the number of single mothers and abortions. Society itself is debased very quickly and more and more people are adopting progressive views of the world.

neofugue says:

In my experience Russian Orthodox clergy go up to the line while never crossing it, but are open to the red pill if you generate trust.

The laity are almost entirely debased and do not differ too much from Prog degenerates, thus the clergy are hesitant to offend their sensibilities.

You will not find a traditional wife or community waiting for you in the church unless extremely lucky, but if you tame a whore and bring her there you will find a supportive priesthood and sympathetic friends along the way. Just be wary of snakes, there are plenty of them around.

Morality is downstream from power. Orthodoxy laity are debased because the priesthood does not (yet) have the power to compel them to behave.

The liturgy, sacraments, mysteries, and so on are still the same as was before all of this decay began, and will be the same after the decay ends.

Basil says:

And here I will take the side of the ROC. Of course, you can bring a whore to church, but why? Eastern Christians did not make the mistake of Catholics, the option of marriage and childbirth is available for the clergy. Sometimes daughters are born to priests. Of course, most of them will marry seminarians, but trustworthy man have the opportunity to get themselves one. Not everyone uses this marriage option. As far as I know, guys from such families are significantly more likely to choose celibacy. Girls are found by their husbands usually. Sometimes there is a turn towards modernity, but this is still the exception to the rule.

And if we talk about the power of the church and morality, I do not quite grasp how earlier Christianity fit into this narrative. The laity came to morality even with a weak and persecuted church, as even pagan authors who are negatively opposed to Christianity speak of.

neofugue says:

If one has the opportunity, marrying a priest’s daughter is a wonderful thing, but there is not an infinite number of them around.

While the desired purpose of the Church is to lead men to repentance, not everyone who attends views it as such. Some are born into the faith and retain it as an ethnic thing, others convert at the behest of their spouses. The demon worshiper Fordhamites are funded by the State Department.

In the early church, persecution weeded out unserious people. Only a true believer would convert to a faith whose followers are being killed. When Christianity became a state religion under Constantine, the church became flooded with bandwagoners; in his letter to Eustochium, Saint Jerome laments of a “plague” of “harlots.”

Apostasy reveals itself not as outright denial but in moral inconsistency begotten of indifference. It is why Kamo got off with a slap on the wrist after killing 40 people in the Tiflis Bank Robbery. My priest goes to parishioners’ homes for house blessings, and he told me of a family that placed icons of Buddha and other Far-Eastern pagan deities next to Christ and the Theotokos.

It is why persecution does not worry me. The number of faithful will decline, but the few who remain will strengthen.

Davey Crockett says:

Marriage isn’t allowed for ordained priests, it’s just that married men are allowed to become priests. They can’t become important leaders like bishops or other important positions, just merely ordinary lowest level priests.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Marriage isn’t allowed for ordained priests, it’s just that married men are allowed to become priests. They can’t become important leaders like bishops or other important positions, just merely ordinary lowest level priests.

Which is gay.

neofugue says:

> Which is gay

But stable, as de facto eunuchs are less likely to knock over apple carts and cause trouble with the sovereign. Even with monogamous patriarchy healthy societies will have significant numbers of celibate men, who ought to be given productive roles, status and competition.

The woman question is not up for debate in a sane society. If any one of these progs were sent back in time they would have been institutionalized or shot. Thus, it is not required for bishops to be married with children if they work in mostly administrative roles.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>de facto eunuchs are less likely to knock over apple carts and cause trouble with the sovereign.


And also, brain drain; canalizing eusocial thoughtful men in a society into genetic suicide.

suones says:

Even with monogamous patriarchy healthy societies will have significant numbers of celibate men

Having significant numbers of cels is the opposite of a healthy society. In fact the very institution of monogamy was invented to prevent that from happening. Having large numbers of cels is how you get revolutions (Leftist ones, ofc, because that’s where the pussy is).

neofugue says:

There is a small but not insignificant population of men who for various reasons are not interested in the struggles of life or having children, who should for the most part be put away in monasteries such as Mount Athos.

When a significant portion of the male population is involuntarily celibate, however, we get Leftist revolutions because a man’s Darwinian course of action in the ancestral environment would have been to band with other men and destroy the group not giving him family.

In the case of the Russian Revolution, it is obvious from saints of the Church as well as leftists that towards the end of the 19th century patriarchal marriage fell apart in the upper classes due to a combination of mandated female consent, late marriage, and female education.

neofugue says:

Jim, I meant to italicize “involuntarily” as in involuntarily, not including the rest of the post.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When you have lots of men who are involuntarily celebate, that means that there’s already been a revolutionary take-over by a leftist priesthood.

The Cominator says:

They are related to the moonies who practice arranged marriage…

The Cominator says:

Also the relationship to the moonies makes me think they are far far less likely to be an FBI honeypot than they would be if they appeared otherwise.

Oog en Hand says:

Moonies are DSCI/Hebrew Israelite on race, White/Black being replaced by Asian, Korean in particular.

Oog en Hand says:

Shotgun marriage presupposes shotgun.

Pooch says:

That has Waco siege written all over it.

neofugue says:

The demon worshipers have found their post-election sacrifice to Moloch, and they even brought with them a veteran from the Waco massacre to lead it.

The Unification Church of the United States, followers of which are called “Moonies,” is a cult founded by Sun Myung Moon, a Korean entrepreneur and religious leader. They are most known for their mass-marriages. Moon founded the Washington Times, a conservative news publication.

Just like the Waco cultists, the Moonies are going to be murdered for being insufficiently holy on temple prostitution. My mother had a friend who was put in an arranged mass-marriage with a Korean man she met on her wedding day. Together the couple had five children and are still married. While Vice focuses on Moonie gun obsession, the article alludes to arranged marriage when mentioning ex-Moonies.

It is difficult to incite ATF goons to mass-murder for above-18 arranged marriages, so the demon worshipers are going with an illegal weapons angle.

The Cominator says:

I think they are going to have more trouble here than they imagine…

Atavistic Morality says:

Pray for the Moonies, and if they were to fall, I hope they take at least 3 times the number of satanic faggot progressives with them. Feds should definitely get the helicopter.

Rick says:

This isn’t surprising but remember to let your people know the score:

Black guy murders white retired police chief, confesses to the crime and the all black jury lets him walk.

Pooch says:

Fuentes starting to lean into white cohesion more and more…

I’ve noticed as the anti-white holiness spiral starts to pick up steam, the beginning of white consciousness is slowly forming with a direct linear relationship between anti-white policy and white consciousness. Even people like Tulsi Gabbard are mentioning anti-white racism now. Maybe the axiom is whites are wolf to whites, except when whites are explicitly and deliberately persecuted by non-whites. Perhaps the prison gang dynamic is starting to take inevitable effect. I myself am even more likely to reflexively nod my head to any random white man walking by me on the street, where even 2-3 years ago this was not the case.

suones says:

Perhaps the prison gang dynamic is starting to take inevitable effect.

When you can get your teeth knocked out on the street, and your shop looted any time for any reason or no reason, then you learn to hang swastikas in your shop window and start praying to Uncle Adolf. Not before. All the “Socialism” antibodies flow out once your blood hits the floor. This has been the case inside prison for a long time[1]. Now it’s getting out.

[1] This is similar to why so many negroes seem to find Allah in prison — Muslim gangs are the least dysfunctional black social groups today.

linker says:

Question for Aidan or others who can answer: You indicated before that you had a crew of trustworthy guys who would act as a war band in a collapse situation. Any ideas on how to find good male friends?

alf says:

My group of friends too pozzed to act as war band, but they are red blooded males so I’ll offer some thoughts anyway.

Loyalty is always number one issue. People make all kinds of plans and promises, but most off them fall through. You can’t talk a group into loyalty. It takes much time. So, helps a lot to have known each other since childhood, or as teenagers. Or through family, shared blood, that kind of thing. That works best.

In absence of that, have to rely on shared interests or crypto based activities. Like, joining the local church or gun club, or even better, setting up something yourself. Might not be much, but it’s honest work.

Aidan says:

If you do manly, adventurous, and dangerous things, you get the chance to meet good men. Many are not consciously shitlords, but men of that ilk all have the right instincts. And you don’t meet true committed leftists. True committed leftists have a pathological aversion to adventure and danger. Even when they affect manliness, they mysteriously avoid full contact sports, hunting, survival camping, etc.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for florid insanity*]

linker says:

Thank you for the advice alf and Aidan. I did not see what Anon Fake said.

All those Orthodox jews killed at the festival for the dead rabbi, this is why it happened:

jim says:

The will of God manifest through material and effective causation:

A wicked religion, so full of wicked adherents. The wicked gathered, and some of them willfully trampled each other, whereupon a panic set in as they willfully trampled each other in order to get away from each others trampling.

Starman says:

Hey Gary, you blocked me on Gab when I asked you a RedPill on Women question. But you can’t block me here.

Answer this RedPill on Women question:

Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?
[A] No, because an AoC of 16-18 is just perfect.
[B] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young White women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control our women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before we get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.
[C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC. Consent is opaque to her. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.
[D] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.
[E] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious property. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

Rick says:

The calls to arrest Trump are growing.

And there’s this:

My bet is the ATF triggers something. The Demonic Tranny faggot Biden nommed for the head of the ATF will certainty start murdering Americans quickly.

redpurplepurple says:

From the proclamation of the “constitutional monarchy” to the guillotining of Louis XVI was ~3 years. It is looking increasingly unlilkely that Trump will exceed that.

Pooch says:

And there’s this:

Meh Flynn has gone into Qtard land with Lin Wood and Sydney Powell. No one is taking them seriously. Scott Greer made an interesting note that these Q-type meetings have tons of conservative boomer women in them. Could be explanation of why the Q movement basically makes no sense with no rhyme or reason. It’s a female-dominated movement.

Easy way to increase to increase crypto holdings: take advantage of the irrationality of the masses and bet on the many freakshow fights that have been happening lately. It’s free money.

Pooch says:

What freakshow fights?

With the decline in popularity of boxing, some promoters have turned from legitimate sporting contests to match ups between YouTubers and pro fighters, or between boxers and MMA fighters.

Betting on legitimate sporting contests? Bad idea. You’re unlikely to beat the pros. But a freakshow fight? You’re betting against the clueless.

Floyd Mayweather is boxing a YouTuber with an 0-1 boxing record this weekend. The public does not understand that the fact that Floyd fights defensively against world champions does not mean that he will do so against a novice, so
“Mayweather by KO, TKO, or DQ” is -200. Thus the public estimates that a novice with a youth and weight advantage has a 33% chance of going the distance with an all-time-great boxer.

Lots of weird fights like this are being set up. I’ve been making a killing.

onyomi says:

What do you use to bet? As an American citizen it seems difficult.

Pooch says:

Most states have sports gambling now. If your state doesn’t, try which accepts bitcoin.

I use as a US citizen. They give 50% bonuses for deposits with crypto, but you have to bet the bonus a certain number of times before you can withdraw it. It’s an attempt to get you hooked.

The Cominator says:

Mayweather is fighting an amateur?

He’s fighting Logan Paul, a YouTube star, this weekend.

linker says:

In the last “freakshow” fight the YouTuber dropped the pro fighter in the first round. Logan is very strong and 6 inches taller than Mayweather. I don’t think that’s a good bet.

yewotm8 says:

Plus he is hated for his youtube antics. This clouds the judgment of most of the masses who respect the illiterate Mayweather more than the “YouTuber” who makes fun of dead people, the ultimate sin. Last I checked the payout on Paul winning was 10x.

>Last I checked the payout on Paul winning was 10x.

He’s not that much of an underdog. Look at the boxing odds for the whole sport.

Plenty of fights there between established professionals that pay out 20 to 1 or 30 to 1 on the underdog.

You act like the public is underestimating Paul. That payout on bovada at the moment is 6x if Paul wins. That means the public gives Paul–a guy who lost to another YouTuber in his last fight–about a 15% chance of winning against a guy who is 50-0 just because he’s big and strong.

>In the last “freakshow” fight the YouTuber dropped the pro fighter in the first round.

That was easy to call. I got 11 to 1 odds on that bet by specifically predicting Paul would KO Askren in the first. Ben Askren is a pure wrestler. No striking whatsoever, and coming off retirement and a hip surgery in his late thirties. Jake Paul is bigger, younger, and has more boxing training.

>Logan is very strong and 6 inches taller than Mayweather. I don’t think that’s a good bet.

Being tall and strong is not sufficient to last eight rounds with an all time great. Logan got dropped by another YouTuber in his last fight.

Pooch says:

To his credit, he got back up after the equal size African knocked him out and made it to a decision. Now he is fighting a much smaller, much older, much more skilled African. If it was a full 12 round fight I would like those odds, but only 8 round exhibition -200 seems about right. Floyd can easily cruise to a dominating decision victory. He really has no incentive to be aggressive and push for a stoppage and risk being hit by a bigger man.

Leon says:

Where does one find these fights? YouTube? A particular channel?

You can see all of the upcoming boxing matches on ttps:// If you mean where can you watch them, I use crackstreams.

Pooch says:

“Mayweather by KO, TKO, or DQ” is -200. Thus the public estimates that a novice with a youth and weight advantage has a 33% chance of going the distance with an all-time-great boxer.

Although Mayweather is sure to win (which the odds do reflect at -1400 Mayweather), it is an interesting experiment. Weight and height does matter a lot when it comes to fighting. It is why women select for height when choosing mates.

I tend to think Floyd will knock him out eventually in the latter rounds when his elite cardio takes over like he did with McGregor, however I would not be surprised if Floyd just chooses to play it safe and put on a boxing master class, dancing circles around the younger, bigger man with jabs, winning a decisive decision.

>Although Mayweather is sure to win (which the odds do reflect at -1400 Mayweather), it is an interesting experiment.

-1400 isn’t really equivalent to ‘sure to win’. Naoya Inoue is -2400 in his next fight, for example. If you can consistently find bets where one fighter has a 99% of winning and get -1400 odds, you will quickly get rich. What’s even better is that Mayweather is only -1000 on Bovada at the moment.

Pooch says:

Interesting. Apparently Mayweather has guaranteed a stoppage victory and there are no judges so now I am more tempted to agree with your initial bet too. May be time to open an account on Bovada.

Use this link to sign up and I’ll get a bit more bitcoin:

“”Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

The Cominator says:

One of these days in your travels, a guy is going to show you a brand-new deck of cards on which the seal is not yet broken. Then this guy is going to offer to bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out of this brand-new deck of cards and squirt cider in your ear. But, son, you do not accept this bet, because as sure as you stand there, you’re going to wind up with an ear full of cider. – Sky Masterson, Guys and Dolls.

Pooch says:

We saw first hand why women unanimously list height as the most important physical attribute on dating apps. If it was a real fight in the ancestral environment, Loyd would have thrown the small African to the ground and pummeled him to death in short order.

Sapo says:

Thank you for this. Freak show boxing betting is just what neoreaction was missing. Now we can call become Peter Thiel level patrons.

Virtus says:

The decentralized internet grows by the day. I haven’t dug deep enough to be able to say what guarantees this protocol has in regards to user privacy, but it’s good to see plenty are working on breaking institutional stranglehold on public square communication.

jim says:

They are doing what I planned to do, but without my concern for scaling. They are not planning to conquer the world. On the other hand, they are actually doing something and their code is out there and working right now, while my code is not in a fit state for other people to deal with it.

If their social network reaches twitter scale, or even gab scale, it is going to fail. They aim to be a niche alternative. But it is a mighty good start, and if they succeed well enough to hit their scaling limit, we will learn much, as Musk learns much by launching lots of rockets that explode or crash.

Each feed needs to be its own (highly centralized) sidechain, massively linked to other sidechains and the mainchain. You cannot fit unlimited feeds on the mainchain.

Virtus says:

I believe rollup technology can help, but I’m not sure this construction here can support them. You’re absolutely right there will be scaling issues the moment this picks up any steam — hopefully the ledger could be ported into a new protocol in that case.

Are you familiar with what is being called a zkRollup? I admittedly only have a high level picture for now, but they seem extremely promising. Probably your best bet for scaling and privacy until permissionless oracle systems have the kinks ironed out.

jim says:

zk-starks (a ten times faster form of zk-snarks) are enormously promising, and in principle it is possible to construct a truly scalable crypto currency with them, but I have seen neither practical design proposals, nor any zk-stark libraries that are actually useful for anything except research into zk-starks.

Virtus says:

As I said, I have only a high level knowledge of these. I would need to sit with a few examples and build a few small projects before claiming to really know much. But I have been following the response to Eth reaching it’s consensus bandwidth limits, and zkRollups are the most promising avenue. Apparently, they do not rely on true zero knowledge proof construction, but some other validation techniques that are related (zk being a very specific definition) to prove that the state being pushed to the main blockchain is valid. is one example of a working implementation.

Have you used Cairo? Or is that yet another library only useful for toy problems?

jim says:

Last time I checked, Cairo not ready for prime time.

Maybe it is ready now.

The two basic problems with zk-snarks is that even though a zk-snark proving something about an enormous data set is quite small and can be quickly verified by anyone, it requires enormous computational resources to generate the proof, and how does the end user know that the verification verifies what it is supposed to verify?

To solve the first problem, need distributed generation of the proof, constructing a zk-snark that is a proof about a dag of zk-snarks, effectively a zk-snark implementation of the map-reduce algorithm for massive parallelism. In general map-reduce requires trusted shards that will not engage in Byzantine defection, but with zk-snarks they can be untrusted, allowing the problem to be massively distributed over the internet.

To solve the second problem, need an intelligible scripting language for generating zk-snarks, a scripting language that generates serial verifiers and massively parallel map-reduce proofs.

Both problems are being actively worked on. Both problems need a good deal more work, last time I checked. For end user trust in client wallets relying on zk-snark verification to be valid, at least some of the end users of client wallets will need to themselves generate the verifiers from the script.

Satoshi’s fundamental design was that all users should verify the blockchain, which becomes impractical when the blockchain approaches four hundred gigabytes. A zk-snark design needs to redesign blockchains from the beginning, with distributed generation of the proof, but the proof for each step in the chain, from mutable state N to mutable state N+1, from set N of coins, unspent transaction outputs, to set N+1 of coins only being generated once or generated a quite small number of times, with its generation being distributed over all peers through map-reduce, while the proof is verified by everyone, peer and client.

This is not a problem I am working on, but I would be happy to see a solution. I am seeing a lot of scam solutions, that sprinkle zk-snarks over existing solutions as magic pixie dust, like putting wings on a solid fuel rocket and calling it a space plane.

Anonymous Fake says:

Any comments about Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart”? He portrays the ruling elites as aloof in their morality, absolutely certain that drugs and sexual liberation are acceptable behavior but strangely never indulging for themselves. They don’t seem to have any consciousness or even conscience for that matter. Working class people know better, but are far more likely to fall for these vices.

I see the same thing with regards to how elites treat Christians, with persecution without ever actually realizing it and acknowledging it. It’s entirely informal and there is no earned credibility for Christians who are hurt by it because it doesn’t officially exist. These elites are like clueless tokens put into their place by fate itself, without any kind of meritocracy, but meritocracy is all those beneath them have ever known.

All I want is meritocracy for people who performed well in school (against their will) and to hell with whatever was being taught. All that mattered was before 2008 it was supposed to guarantee a lucrative career and people who signed up for college just before the economic depression deserve a fair compensation for doing everything based on the information they had available. Conservatives just need to treat people fairly first and then they can do anything they want, but so far conservatives just look like they want to lose on purpose.

jim says:

> Any comments about Charles Murray’s “Coming Apart”?

Charles Murray is full of it.

I have posted on him at length long ago:

> All I want is meritocracy for people who performed well in school

These days, anyone who “performs well in school” should probably be kept as far away as possible from anything that matters.

Atavistic Morality says:

All that mattered was before 2008 it was supposed to guarantee a lucrative career and people who signed up for college just before the economic depression deserve a fair compensation for doing everything based on the information they had available.

Yes we get it, you’re one of the midwit zombies that went into college without bothering to actually think or observe reality for yourself and now you feel like you’re owed something. Not how the world works, retards pay for the consequences of their actions or else everyone does and no one makes it.

There is indeed meritocracy in place for people who performed well in school, you’re all worthless trash.

Anonymous Fake says:

I don’t like being stabbed in the back and I think anyone deserves at least the same opportunities as his parents and ancestors. If there were any evidence working class people like plumbers and welders were going to be the new middle class I would have gone down that road.

And most people who chose careers in finance or computer science, supposedly legitimate professions and not meme degrees, got burned too, by NYC or Silicon Valley cost of living manipulation. We had no idea about cost of living traps when I grew up. Leftist economics makes sense when conservatives refuse to let the government equalize pricing among regions to prevent completely artificial migrations from flyover country to fake prosperity blue cities. And then the third world types come in to replace the flyover conservatives…

jim says:

You have noticed that the false life plan is not working for good little leftists, and proposing that the right make it work. It cannot be made to work. We are producing far too many people trained by priests, and thus trained only in priesting. “Equalizing” cost of living would require the countryside to subsidize the megacities more than they are already subsidized.

The big megacities continue to exist because it is more important to the boss to be close to regulators, or more important for him to be close to the “””consultants””” who are courtiers that cultivate connections with the regulators, and bagmen that deliver them gigantic sums of money (notice that the career public servants surrounding the fake president are all obscenely and mysteriously rich) than it is important to be close to anyone who actually produces anything. They should not be subsidized.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for all the usual reasons*]

jim says:

All your comments are the same comment. You point to problems the right complains about, caused by leftism not working, and propose that the right adopt left wing measures to make leftism work.

Education not working? Force employers to treat people trained in priesting as if they had been trained in producing value.

Over centralization not working? Force the countryside to subsidize the big blue cities.

Imported Somalis not working? …

Anonymous Fake says:

What I was saying is the opposite! The blue cities are subsidized by flyover country because they’re allowed to show off a fake prosperity (high cost of living) that lures in migrants to prop up their populations! [*rest of your comment deleted for similarly self contradictory insanity*]

suones says:

You really need to make a blog post if you actually have a coherent theory about meritocracy. I’ve seen “meritocracy” as a rhetorical weapon to dislodge eusocial priests from power, creating a vacuum that was later filled by Prog priests, at which point meritocracy suddenly and inexplicably ceased being a virtue, and is now even a thoughtcrime. Same with “free speech,” which was a Good Thing(tm) as long as Piss Christ was involved, but once the Piss Christ Party won and came to power, suddenly it became FreezePeach.

The Cominator says:

I went into engineering and couldn’t get a job because they wouldn’t hire entry level white guys too. You eventually need to find other ways to “earn”. Engineering jobs can be made to work by excluding entry level foreigners (what Trump was doing) excess priestly jobs cannot be made to work.

“Leftist economics makes sense when conservatives refuse to let the government equalize pricing”

What the fuck are you even talking about… you think people in flyover country should be paying 4 grand a month in rent for a shoebox? Not even most leftist have the balls to argue for that shit and its not a winning program… what is wrong with you, what do you mean by equalizing pricing.

The Cominator says:

Also people are not migrating to blue cities from flyover country overall, quite the opposite.

R Green says:

Yes we get it, you’re one of the midwit zombies that went into college without bothering to actually think or observe reality for yourself and now you feel like you’re owed something.

You’ve accurately summed up my life. Now I am in my 30s stuck in a dead end job and trying to correct my past mistakes and get something more our of life. I could make excuses and blame others but at the end of the day no amount of blaming others will change anything.

Dave says:

All you’re entitled to is a refund for your worthless degree. From the college, that is; society at large owes you nothing.

Rick says:

Excellent new book came out recently:

Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II

The author hasn’t quite grasped that FDR viewed the Communist’s as his pawns but it’s top notch factual history about the realities of Soviet Russia and FDR’s and the US enabling of their system. He even mentions UK and US troops helping the Reds during the civil war. I’m not very far in yet, but it puts together all the bits and pieces I’ve learned about the real history of this era quite well.

Mike says:

I’ll bet in the Civil War section it talks about General Kornilov? Staunch Russian monarchist on the White side. Woodrow Wilson hated his guts.

Rick says:

Russian civil war is mostly mentioned in passing. The primary focus is the USSR in the Stalin era.

Mike says:

Ah ok. Also its actually Kolchak I was referring to, getting names mixed up.

The Cominator says:

Youtuber Tik is probably the best source of WWII information (at least with Europe) because he compiles tons and tons of sources and cuts out all the bullshit (especially leftist bullshit).

He for instance makes the single best evisceration of the leftist propaganda that Hitler was some kind of extreme right wing ultra capitalist… the problem is its 5 hours long but he not only debunks the narrative that Hitler was a right wing capitalist he brutally tortures all the leftist lies to death and dismembers the body.

The Cominator says:

Looks like bitchute has cucked, I don’t understand why any such site would EVER host themselves in the UK.

All far right anything should host themselves in either… Southeast Asia or the Russian sphere of influence.

I recently discovered Odysee. I like it way better than bitchute. You can sync all of the videos from your YouTube channel with a couple of clicks, and it gives you LBRY for every upload, verified views, and even some rewards for watching. It’s fun. Don’t know if it will survive the SEC, though.

chris says:

I’ve been using Odysee as well. Best thing is i can tip channels with the tokens i get just from watching content I enjoy.

Anonymous 2 says:

The prohibited entities were Golden Dawn, Nordic Resistance Movement and something called the ‘Order of Nine Angles’, and no others. So ISIS and the rest are apparently just fine. Chuckle.

I suppose in the end Bitchute wants to be mainstream. But in that case, as a creator, why not use YouTube instead? Are they trying to appeal to those who are too edgy for YouTube but not too edgy for dear old Blighty? Well, who really cares.

redpurplepurple says:

BitChute just looks like a Rainbow Regime honeypot to me.

C4ssidy says:

I don’t see how a honeypot would have a website which historically was super laggy and broken, or why they would ban the groups which are supposed to the be honey.

redpurplepurple says:

> I don’t see how a honeypot would have a website which historically was super laggy and broken

BitChute is/was “super laggy and broken” for similar reasons that email scammers intentionally insert typos into their scam emails. (and also, ’cause our enemies are generally not all that smart/organized.)

> or why they would ban the groups which are supposed to the be honey.

done using them I guess. kinda like how JPeterson is now getting the cold sholder (and in some cases, openly hostile treatment) from news networks now that they’re through with parading him (and others like him. the “IDW”. LOL) around as the Regime-sanctioned controlled opposition. the Zeitgeist moves on.

C4ssidy says:

Are .crypto domains likely to take off? Was this not one of the big steps in Jim’s grand proposal, replacing the dns ?

jim says:

I don’t trust the brave browser and I don’t trust ethereum. It is better that our enemies are trying to coopt crypto, than that they are trying to ignore it, exclude it, or suppress it.

But they are still our enemies. They are attempting to establish their crypto solutions as a standard that will have poison in it. It is good for us that they are cooperating, but we need to keep an eye out for a knife in our backs.

To the extent that they are playing ball with us, good, and we should play ball with them. Very carefully.

Cardano cheerfully identifies as being in the enemy’s camp, while preparing bugout plans in case they suddenly and urgently need to change camps. Brave and ethereum say they are in our camp, but they are not.

suones says:

Brave and ethereum say they are in our camp, but they are not.

Whoa! Brave? Care to elaborate?

Oog en Hand says:

Bitcoin has its blockchains encrypted with PGP. Pleuris Groot Probleem. Also, Liesbeth Salander. Some people oppose the state because you are not allowed to disembowel white Christians on the street, yet….

Pooch says:

Vitalik definitely looks and acts like a shitlib. Brendan Eich, however, spoke out against covid hoax and called High priest Fauci a liar. Our enemies are generally not saying things like that.

redpurplepurple says:
chris says:

Pretty sure Brendan Eich also got kicked out of Mozilla (which he co-founded) by a bunch of SJW’s after it was found out he donated to an anti-gay marriage cause in the 2000’s. He was cancelled before cancelling became a big thing.

Mike in Boston says:

Jim, I am genuinely curious why you don’t think Brave is in our camp. As if living in the Bay Area and opposing gaymarriage wasn’t enough reason to like a guy, just today Brendan Eich tweeted that Epstein didn’t kill himself. Are you drawing a distinction between Eich himself and Brave the company, or something else, or what?

jim says:

Brave is our camp. Sort of. But Brendan Eich is still hoping for peace with the Cathedral, and still has a social justice element on board.

He is in bed with Ethereum, and Ethereum is no friend.

suones says:

…US “they live”-type evil overlords…

Isn’t that anti Semitic as well? 😂

Humble Acolyte says:
C4ssidy says:

Unstoppable‘s response to people questioning the potential content of these websites is that they believe filtration ought to happen at the browser level rather than the DNS level. This implies that Brace browser is going to end up doing filtering, but it will probably make things initially more palatable to the general public and what does it really matter when the underlying backbone is changing? Should get the cat out of the bag. As for ethereum, the smart contract technology is supposedly straightforward enough to transform between blockchain ecosystems, so hopefully will be some redundancy in the system before the evil and incompetence of the ethereum team (an observation I actually made somewhat independently of jim announcing this) fully manifests

Aryaman says:

{Mistakenly posted this on an old thread}

“These adjusted numbers paint a far less optimistic picture: Washington’s case rate among unvaccinated people is as high as it was in late January, near the peak of Covid infections.” (

Washington Post is writing about something I noticed a month ago, which is that COVID case numbers don’t seem to be going down much at all if you adjust for the vaccinated part of the population. The effect is really bigger than they think because old and weak people are disproportionately more likely to be vaccinated. But that’s not how pandemics work, not how seasonality works, not how development of herd immunity works (effects of which should be seen among the vaccinated and also unvaccinated).

More likely explanation is that the vaccine is not, in fact, a vaccine. But I’m skeptical of that claim as well since I generally think the vaccine likely prevents severe disease and death pretty well (but produced by people not capable of actual science, I won’t be taking). Yet that is what the numbers suggest. Even taking their data at face value, it looks like the number of severe COVID events per capita is only about twice as high among the unvaccinated as the general population. So if half the country is vaccinated that would be consistent with high efficacy, but some 80 percent of old people are vaccinated and some 80 percent of severe COVID events were among old people and so I would guess the effective coverage is closer to 75 percent. Meaning general population event rate should be around 1/4 of the unvaccinated event rate. Meaning actual efficacy probably lower than 95 percent.

There are lots of people who should be smarter pushing the vax. They would do well to submit a simple cost-benefit analysis and that is conspicuously absent even though pretty easy to back-of-the-envelope. Lots of rhetorical tricks that give the game away also. For example speaking as if one is certain to get an infection. (And not as if the people who reason this way optimize for minimax error in anything else they do).

Karl says:

I’m pretty sure the people who are pushing the vax are doing a thorough costy-benefit analysis – about their own costs and their own benefits.

Leon says:

Anybody taking any bets on what is going on with the covid hysteria? Rand Paul just started knocking Fauci down. Are the elite throwing Fauci under the bus? It also seems like they aren’t guarding the vaccine’ reliability anymore. They giving up on the passports or trying something else?

Pooch says:

No way they are giving up on vaccines. The elites have already priced them into their revenue streams.

Rick says:

The more I look at it, the more it looks like elite factional infighting. Someone wants to replace Fauci, so they approved a FOI request. Another group wants war with China, so they might be part of releasing the bit about China engineering the virus with Fauci’s funding. The media and social media are generally covering for Fauci but not in an overwhelming manner like when they cover for Biden. His book deals being pulled so quickly indicates elite approval to get rid of him.

Jim’s indicated that since elections can no longer be used to resolve disputes among the elites, they’ll turn to factional infighting and eventually violence.

I have a 16-year-old nephew who has recently become interested in crypto, but doesn’t understand any of the theory. I explained mining to him, and he asked if there was a way he could do it profitably. I investigated and found that Ethereum is the most profitable thing to mine right now, but obviously we can’t invest in mining it as it’s switching to PoS. The only other thing I found is the antminer S19 series, which are specialized for SHA256. They cost around $3,000 and can make around $15-20 per day.

Do you think an antminer would be worth the investment for him, for the profit or at least the experience?

onyomi says:

I don’t recommend crypto mining to individuals, personally. I tried doing it years ago, with GPUs, then ASICs, etc. Have also tried buying mining “contracts.” Unless you enjoy tinkering with such things for their own sake, it’s very hard to make more money than just investing in the coins.

onyomi says:
onyomi says:

Oops, this was meant as an addition to my post about Fauci cancellation above.

The Cominator says:

Problem is the real planners of the hoax and lockdown are mostly occulted… as far as people who are not leaders of foreign countries (ie Xi) the paper trail ends with Fauci. I suspect the Chinese came up with the plan and gave it to thr democrats through their spies (it seems every prominent dem on the west coast has chinese spies working for them). We know Pelosi and her husband knew in advance because they made stock trades that indicate it.

onyomi says:

Do you disagree with the Steve Sailer law of people being unable to resist too many invitations to be on TV? (This being a way of saying the people we see on TV are the leaders, not shadowy figures pulling their strings.) The fact they can so easily be thrown under the bus would seem to weigh against it, but it could also just be that the stringpullers are people whose names are known (Soros, Schwab, Pelosi) yet, like mafia dons, are careful to remain at least one step removed from those doing the dirty work?

The Cominator says:

Fauci was closer to real power than gates being a high ranking “medical” priest but him being thrown under the bus suddenly indicates that there are people in the secret hierarchy who outrank him and i suspect they generally shun publicity.

Pooch says:

The people pulling the strings are the ruling elite. It’s really not all that complicated. Fauci is not ruling elite. He’s a senior ranking member of the priesthood.

The Cominator says:

The high priests have tons of genuine power… the people above them idk… Tavistock, Bilderberger group, Atlantic Council… its occulted you dont see them.

Pooch says:

The priesthood have plenty of power over the state religion, but ultimately it is the ruling elite who elevate priests to their positions. However, the elite is gaming the state religion and the holiness spiral so they are quite on the same page of the holiness spiraling priesthood. I’m not convinced they will turn on Fauci. The mainstream media is not pushing the emails that hard.

CNN’s coverage of it seems to not be very negative of Fauci at all…

The Cominator says:

But WHO are the real elite and why are they doing this…

Who, whom?

jim says:

The ability of the Cathedral to abruptly reverse its narrative on a dime indicates rule by rather few people.

The frequent action at cross purposes, as for example the recent war between AP and Israel, indicates large enough number of people that maintaining cohesion is difficult.

But then, Rome’s triumvirate had only three people, and they could not maintain cohesion either.

Pooch says:

Like Rome, the ruling elite are generally the senatorial class and their families (and many House members like Pelosi and Cheney). Notice many of their spouses are sitting on boards of Megacorps like Hillary on Walmart.

Pooch says:

Their 900 person zoom calls leads one to believe that it is not a few amount of people.

The Cominator says:

The problem is reversing course on fauci basically means admitting they to normies that they were blatantly bullshitting and gaslighting them… this is a big deal and i lack a good theory to the reason.

The Ducking Man says:

But as far as I concern Senate is only peons in landscape of political power. They are in senate to make idea into law, but who is making the idea?

Did Bush and Hilary came up with the idea to bomb Iraq? ofc they didn’t but people in CFR did.

Did Fauci came up with idea to lockdown US?, ofc he didn’t, people in WHO did.

Did Eipstein came up with the idea of child trafficking?, ofc he didn’t, people in UNICEF did.

Easier question to The Cominator’s question is “Who is behind UN and their affiliated NGOs?”.

Pooch says:

Did Fauci came up with idea to lockdown US?, ofc he didn’t, people in WHO did.

Plenty of senators dumped shares right before the lockdowns. Kelly Loeffer, for example, is married to the CEO of the Nasdaq. These are generally the relationships you see in the families of the elite. Think Hunter Biden making business deals with the CCP and kicking up 10% to the big guy. If you see lots of political appointments/connections and board seats like the Bush family, that is elite.

The Cominator says:

But they are mainly senators because they are elite not elite because they are senators… so they are a social network. But what is the command and control of the social network… it cant be more than 10-20 people…

Pooch says:

There are plenty in the senatorial class that are not sitting senators. If you look in their family tree, you will probably find some senators, governors, etc. It is the people sitting on the boards of all the transnationals. When you see generations of Ivy league degrees, you are getting close to the ruling elite families.

Pooch says:

It is like Rome. Only members of the Patrician class could become Senators. We are no different. Only members of the senatorial class can become Senators (and other political positions like most governorships). Democrat or Republican, it is a separate class of people.

Rick says:

The problem is reversing course on fauci basically means admitting they to normies that they were blatantly bullshitting and gaslighting them… this is a big deal and i lack a good theory to the reason.

Elite in fighting? Faction that wants war with China releasing the info? Doesn’t fit very well.

Guy says:

For the same reason we invaded Iraq after being told they had WMDs, only for the same media to come out and make sure we all knew that was a lie. They could have faked the WMDs. The same reason they show you the burning city skyline while talking about the peaceful protestors. The same reason they made sure everyone could see the election was stolen. They want us to know they’re lying, they want total distrust in America, the people fighting their own government and each other so they can make their moves (monetary reset, thievery, transhuman nonsense?).

Why is Tucker Carlson still on TV? They’ve fired big names for less, it’s not ratings.

The largest empire the world has ever known is not as stupid as we like to tell ourselves. The people who DONT trust the media are being targeted by the propaganda as well, and successfully. It’s factored into their plans. They’ll put the amerikaneer on a pedestal, tell them how right and virtuous they are, and then trash them. Not saying the elite are all powerful, but sorry, they aren’t dumb.

suones says:

They want us to know they’re lying…

Point deer, make horse. It is a loyalty test. People who openly and vehemently agree with their lies have to know they’re lies in order to be proven loyal. This is why I’m so sceptical of Innocent American Aryan Babes who seem to be “deceived” no end by those crafty Jews priests whose lies scream to high heaven, yet have no effect on loyal enforcers innocent warriors.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Your critique of capitalism lacks any reference to you or your employer’s ability and willingness to create value for customers.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Your critique of capitalism still lacks any reference to you or your employer’s ability and willingness to create value for customers.

If you don’t understand why shop shelves are full instead of empty, and why bread is lined up for people instead of people lining up for bread, you will never get a decent job in the market economy, and do not deserve one.

No ever one got anything handed to them free for educational attainment in previous generations. Useless people getting handouts for a degree is a radically new thing, very recent, and I was already past middle age when it started. It is new, radical, revolutionary, and was for me weird, shocking, and startlingly strange, like the continually shocking female sexual misconduct in the workplace.

Karl says:

Not quite true, teaching jobs have been handed out for educational achievment for generations.

Likewise becoming a priest (both catholic and protestand) merely required academic success in studying theology for generations, at least in Germany.

jim says:

Well, of course, and that is appropriate.

But jobs in the private sector used not to be handed out for achievement in the priestly sector.

Indeed, even universities being the gatekeepers of who is a “scientist” is relatively recent, though that was one of the first sectors to fall under priestly attack.

suones says:


Application of priestly credentials towards priestly jobs is not the problem.

Application of priestly credentials to vaishya jobs is the problem. All the more exacerbated because priestly credentials usually do not correlate with professional/business success at all, while vaishya credentials (such as successful apprenticeships/recommendations) are low-status and more and more unused.

Every caste is equipped for its own hereditary job. Changing things around is bound to lead to disaster.


Likewise becoming a priest (both catholic and protestand) merely required academic success in studying theology for generations, at least in Germany.

LOL at Europe having no “Brahmins” and Christianity being “egalitarian” where “anyone can become a priest.” Missionaries BTFO.

Karl says:

Priestly credentials should be more than just educational achievment. For example, the biblical requirement that a bishop should have one wife and well behaved children is a priestly requirement different from educational achievment.

I did not say that educational achievement should suffice in getting a teaching (or priestly) job, merely that historically it has often sufficed.

In fact, I think educational achievement should not suffice even for priestly jobs. Maybe it is really enough for teaching school children, but advanced teaching at universities has usually been open only after succesful research (in hard sciences) or actual experience (engineering, medicine).

jim says:

It used to be that professors in the physical sciences and engineering were recruited from people who had succeeded in these activities, rather than from academia.

This, however, proved to be a transitional step in enforcing priestly accreditation for these activities, which has turned out to be a transitional step to replacing science with theology, as for example Global Warming.

We now have a chip shortage, because Intel has replaced silicon engineering with theology.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Netanyahu did a favor for the polygon’s cutout, and a coup the reward he gets for it.

Such is the trap even very ‘pragmatic’ men have fallen into over the course of history; a ‘balanced’ approach ‘hedging your bets’ with respects to the chaos of the day, serves to advance the chaos for tommorow, where there is a yet newer normal of chaos to be ‘balanced’ about, and so on it goes.

Rick says:

Crap. Now we’re going to have to deal with Jewish refugees who will come to American and continue support the people murdering them.

jim says:

Yes, expect that when Jews flee Israel, they will vigorously and with great determination proceed to do to the US what was done to Israel.

jim says:

Since attack from without was disappointingly ineffectual, very few rockets striking interesting targets, the Cathedral has switched to is usual MO, attack from within.

Within the coalition government, the arab tail will wag the Jewish dog.

No nation with a gay parade has ever won a war. The first act of the coalition government will be to restore arab thugs to control of the vicinity of the rock.

And from there it will, over time, progress to arab thugs in control of all Israel.

Leon says:

I have a hard time making out who is allied with who at this juncture. Does the blue empire rule over the Arabs or just some of them? Are the powers that be allied with some of the middle east big wigs like the Dubai and Saudi elite (a very recent conspiracy theory I read somewhere), taking orders from them or what? Who actually is running the show? Is anyone, or is it just multiple groups sometimes back stabbing each other sometimes working together?

jim says:

The answer to all these question is yes.

The recent rockets were launched by associated press, and their logistics provided by ngos.

While arab monarchies frequently have their own agenda, hamas is a wholly owned USG subsidiary.

Leon says:

By your estimation would you say Islam is still alive and thriving or have the western elite successfully conquered/ coopted Islam like they have most of what was Christiandom, especially the Anglosphere/ Protestant world?

Aidan says:

Yup. Can’t play Machiavelli with an existential enemy that wants you all dead and your kids raped and eaten. A mistake lots of pragmatic warrior-types have made over the millennia. A mistake constantly made against Islam, except for the Spanish kings, who decided “not a single muslim left in Iberia”, and made it so. Need to fight genocide with genocide.

suones says:

Can’t play Machiavelli with an existential enemy that wants you all dead and your kids raped and eaten.

Whoa! Cool the anti Semitism broh!


onyomi says:

Are Cuomo, Gates, and now even Saint Fauci being thrown under the bus by the Cathedral intentionally, i.e. because the pandemics’ served its purpose of getting Democrats back in power and now they want people to stop worrying? Or is it a case of the left eating its own and/or truth and justice actually winning out, sometimes, in the long run?

onyomi says:

Weighing against the “we actually have effective allies/truth wins out” thesis is the fact that the media can seemingly turn on a dime about such things, and whoever’s giving them their marching orders clearly isn’t our friend.

Guy says:

The media is turning on Gates and Fauci because they were set up from the beginning to be scapegoats, at least I’m the minds of some people. Your suggestion below that this is to let off some steam is possible but I think it is because one of the main goals other than a monetary reset of this entire fake pandemic was as a casis belli. The elites want war with China, if the media comes back and says that China also stole the election for Biden, watch out. Neely’s in China might be fine with the war too if it helps them kill a bunch of their strong men.

I think similarly to the Cuomo situation if they have a bunch of bad guys on the left or in the elites that we can look at and blame for it, we may start to drop the whole argument that COVID was fake and gay and adopt the enemie’s position that it was real and bad just because it allows us to hang a few of them.

The Cominator says:

I understand Cuomo getting the shiv but them shivving fauci (fucker deserves it don’t get me wrong) is something i dont understand at all.

onyomi says:

I can’t imagine the whiplash involved in the leftwing media switching to “election was stolen,” but I am also surprised to see lab leak theory become acceptable, and at the amount of damning stuff allowed to come out in this FOIA request on Fauci.

Does anyone serious really want a war between the US and China? Sounds pretty nightmarish for almost everyone.

jim says:

Yes, a whole lot of people in the USG seriously want war with Russia, China, or both simultaneously, preferably with internal genocidal race war at the same time. Other, saner, people in the USG are sitting on them quite hard. So far successfully.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>’russian’ hackers attacking oil companies, meat distributors, and other progroid bugbears

what a coincidence.

Rick says:

>’russian’ hackers attacking oil companies, meat distributors, and other progroid bugbears

>>what a coincidence.

They’re also knocking over colleges and local goverments:

The Feds may be targeting some elements of the economy or it just might be that Russia and China no longer have any fear of retaliation because we’ve grown weak. 21st century privateering if you well.

jim says:

No one is accusing the Russians and the Chinese of attacking educational institutions.

Rather, it is that educational institutions have vast piles of money lying around waiting to be shaken loose, and are notoriously incompetent and negligent with computers.

suones says:

…educational institutions have vast piles of money lying around…

Which is a major problem. A priest can either worship Sri Vishnu, or Maa Lakshmi, but not both. Dharma forbids priests and priestly institutions from any economic activity, and they are to be sustained at the mercy of the King. Specifically, teaching should be free of cost, judgement of whether or not to admit a pupil rest entirely with the teacher, and priests’ lifestyle should be austere. This is the price they pay for getting to the pinnacle of the status hierarchy.

Brahmins literally don’t have the first idea about managing money, and entrusting large sums to them will only corrupt them.

onyomi says:

I understand that some people have deep ressentiment vis-a-vis heritage white America and therefore also the idea that some would like to see them genocided. I also sort of see the anti-Russia sentiment as a continuation of pogrom vendetta and/or Putin’s resistance to cathedral globalist pozzdom. But what would be the advantage of war with China, by all accounts a much more formidable foe, to any significant group in the US? Is it just the CCP’s existence as a quasi-fascist alternative to globalist democratic shitlibbery?

Pooch says:

Yes. The Hong Kong riots showed the Cathedral’s seething rage at any government that was restricting “democracy”.

Also, there may be a faction of the military elite that wants war with China. Even the conservative based retired generals’ letter called China the “greatest external threat to America”.

The Cominator says:

Because of the covid hoax i kind of at least want Xi whacked… but we would horribly lose a war with China right now.

Pooch says:

I don’t blame them for covid hoax but I tend to think Gnon does not look too highly of nations who’s founding involved cannibalism.

The Cominator says:

They were deeply involved with the covid hoax… overly dramatic localized lockdown designed to panic the world… except they let people in wuhan leave the country via the international airport…

Rick says:

Even the conservative based retired generals’ letter called China the “greatest external threat to America”.

That’s just a statement of fact but only if we attack them and the US empire collapses after we’re shown to be paper tigers. They’re mostly threat because our economy is outsourced and our elites are degenerates who worship demons.

Because of the covid hoax i kind of at least want Xi whacked… but we would horribly lose a war with China right now.

We would lose horribly and we should destroy them for COVID and helping rig the election. When your foe can harm your nation with impunity, it’s a weak and dying nation.

chris says:

“The elites want war with China, if the media comes back and says that China also stole the election for Biden, watch out.”

The only people who would care about that are conservatives and how many conservatives would want WWIII with China in the name of spreading LGBT and feminism around the world?

Guy says:

Conservatives don’t have principles, they’re cucks and if given a chance to be”right” or “good” by the media they’ll take it. The media spent years beating the war drums for the Bush administration before turning around and pushing the other way entirely, they can do it again. The average Boomer conservative will gladly accept the media telling them that Cuomo killed all their grandparents and fauci engineered a super deadly bio weapon if it lets them look righteous.

When the news decides to show a burning City with their spokespeople standing in front of it telling everybody nothing to see here, don’t you think part of the goal is for us to see how hypocritical they are? The media could have easily just made up weapons of mass destruction in Iraq if they wanted to. The people on TV might be dumb but ultimately somebody above them giving their marching orders knows exactly what they are doing. They are fomenting extreme cynicism and anger among the heritage Americans who might be convinced to take down their own government, leaving them with nothing but the corporate oligarchy in charge.

There is no”American empire” aside from the fact that Americans are primarily used as the empire’s troops. The empire considers America a province within it and they don’t like how uppity we’ve gotten. They want war with China literally because it will secure their power a little longer regardless of whether we win or lose. Us losing will not be bad for the people who ultimately are making the decision to go to war, at least in their calculation.

Oh, and fauci and Cuomo will be fine, their punishment will be for show. They were in on the plan, Fauci is intelligence, always has been, he’s not primarily working as a scientist.

chris says:

“The average Boomer conservative”

Is too old to enlist or be conscripted. They won’t be the ones fighting any WWIII.

They will be looking to young white men to do so and none that could actually fight, would be willing to fight. The system can’t spit in their face for a generation and then expect them to die for it.

Guy says:

They don’t need to young men to know how to fight, just to go die, and as long as you have the spectacle and fear for the population at home. They might not be the same demographics as those who died in previous wars but maybe some more urban families will be willing to go if they look at the military as a acceptable jobs program now that they are fully pozzed.

I’m intrigued by this blog’s characterization of China as its own separate hegemony. It obviously appears that way and they aren’t completely integrated into the financial system the same way the rest of the West is I guess. But it seems more likely that they are more on the same team with our elite than not. Both sides have a foil in the other to use to control the domestic populations better. They also serve as laboratories for different models of governance. If war breaks out I’m not sure the objective of the Americans will be to win.

jim says:

The Chinese are not on our side, but they are not on the Cathedral’s side.

They are on their own side.

Catherdral has been attempting to overthrow them for some time.

chris says:

“They don’t need to young men to know how to fight, just to go die”

They won’t go to die. You might get some troons, fags, and mary sues on the battlefield, especially with the new advertising direction the US military seems to be going, but the kind of men you would need to enlist and conscript, the kind that fought in WWI and WWII, they won’t go. They won’t kill themselves to defend LGBTism and feminism.

suones says:

…the kind of men you would need to enlist and conscript, the kind that fought in WWI and WWII, they won’t go. They won’t kill themselves to defend LGBTism and feminism.

What is your basis for that? History shows that there’s never been a degeneracy that US soldiers weren’t willing to fight for. They’ve successfully fought for Judaism and feminism more than once, and Communism and niggerism more than once too.

American soldiers literally fought for this in WWII:

…and for this in WWI[1]:

Going all the way back to the US Civil War.

US soldiers can and will fight for the freedom to cut off their sons’ dicks.

[1]: Note that the equation of powerful monarchy with “Socialism” was already underway in 1890(!). Retards who believed that still exist who believe that National Socialism being “Socialism” somehow delegitimises it so its OK to support cutting off one’s son’s dick.

The Cominator says:

US soldiers in WWII because of Pearl Harbor dothead. WW1 was the war where the US was most truly on the wrong side but even there the Zimmerman telegram was a strong provocation.

Pooch says:

Civil War definitely. Boggles my mind sometimes thinking why white men would invade territory, be fired upon, and die for the sake of joggers.

neofugue says:

Descendant of Union soldier W. Duke; was at Vicksburg, Jackson, 2nd Battle of Champion Hill, Benton, and Fort Blakely.

Men fight for king and country, not for joggers and communism.

In the Civil War, the Northerners fought for “the Union.” No one cared about joggers other than the Puritans of New England, who were well-known for skirting the draft. Lincoln only promised to free the slaves because it kept post-Wilberforce England out of the war, and wanted to include in the Emancipation Proclamation that the joggers would be deported to Guatemala.

Soldiers in World War I fought for “freedom,” to save Europe from “the Hun.” World War II propaganda portrays the Germans and Japanese as megalomanical monsters bent on taking over the world, which is still used to this day.

The Cominator says:

Most Northerners were “free soilers” but not per se willing to fight a war to abolish slavery in the antebellum south.

Guy says:

Soldiers also fought for freedom in the Spanish American war, to free the poor Cuban slaves. Every war has been for gay shit, or good shit with false and bad pretenses used instead. Sorry to say but our grandparents were tricked into fighting WWII. Pearl harbor doesn’t make it different, they can make a pearl harbor whenever they want. In fact, in the minds of everyone not reading neoreactionary blogs, coronavirus is way bigger than pearl harbor and a greater justification for war. I wish Americans were as based as you seen to think, Chris, maybe you live somewhere cool, they’ll send their children to die again once the right person with a microphone tells them to.

suones says:

US soldiers in WWII because of Pearl Harbor dothead.

— Bedtime Stories from Great Uncle Comrade FDR

WWI…Zimmerman telegram was a strong provocation.

I thought it was the RMS Lusitania[1] which was definitely not a human shield transporting American ammunition to Britain while USA maintained “neutrality” and Wilson (another bastard) threatened action against Germany if “American citizens got killed” (while making those citizens sitting ducks). Totally dissimilar to provoking an attack on Pearl Harbour to mobilise proles to get their kids to die for Communism.

Men fight for king and country, not for joggers and communism.

In the Civil War, the Northerners fought for “the Union.” No one cared about joggers other than the Puritans of New England, who were well-known for skirting the draft. Lincoln only promised to free the slaves because it kept post-Wilberforce England out of the war, and wanted to include in the Emancipation Proclamation that the joggers would be deported to Guatemala.

Soldiers in World War I fought for “freedom,” to save Europe from “the Hun.” World War II propaganda portrays the Germans and Japanese as megalomanical monsters bent on taking over the world, which is still used to this day.

That was the state of affairs before Nuremberg doctrine. Now every soldier in an evil war (evilness being defined as military defeat) is personally evil and responsible for any acts of war that may be redefined as “atrocities” at the whim of the victors, and may be tried and punished for it even if he is 80 years old and didn’t have any role in the alleged “atrocity” (which might not even have happened as alleged).

Americans are very high on the copium of ignoring their warriors’ and prole soldiers’ complicity in priestly shenanigans. This is why I welcome Shaniqua to the US Navy — the more Shaniquas in charge, the better for everyone else. I also feel no sympathy for those who get killed in evil wars. An Army that didn’t even allow honourable burial for a true son and hero like George Lincoln Rockwell is itself bereft of any honour.

Don’t mistake fear of American ships and nukes for respect. Thugs with nukes are still thugs.

The last American soldiers to have fought for Freedom wore grey. If Lee had done unto the Union before Sherman did unto them, and cut and burnt a path to DC, Davis would’ve been in the White House and we would probably have no need for this conversation now.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>ignoring their warriors’ and prole soldiers’ complicity in priestly shenanigans.

This statement has a similar energy to ‘republican lawmakers are promoting voter suppression’.

The Cominator says:

The Lusitania was a deliberate thing since it was LOADED with ammunition but the Zimmerman telegram was just really really stupid.

The Cominator says:

Victors justice didn’t start with Nuremberg. The problem with Nuremberg is they enshrined a muh universal principles with it but being executed after the war was not unexpected by a lot of people in the Reich.

The Cominator says:

Pearl Harbor outraging America isn’t a bedtime story even Lindberg tried to reenlist afterwards.

Joe says:

[off topic and technical]

I am going through Swirlds Hashgraph whitepaper, on which algorithm Hedera is based, to upgrade it to vote by proof-of-stake rather than vote by trusted IP address. A detail sticks out to me that may or may not be important.

Referring to figure 3, sub-figure (d) (p9), it seems to me that the yellow event can see the orange event through five intermediate events, not four (there are four red dots in the figure), with the fifth being the topmost event of the leftmost member. I can find nothing in the functional specification (p26-28) or the rest of the paper that places any condition on the definitions of seeing or strongly seeing such that an edge in the set of edges between the yellow event and a single orange event can only be used for one of either (i) the yellow event to see any number of red events or (ii) any number of red events to see the orange event.

I am, for now, continuing on as if figure 3(d) is an error in their paper and that the definition of strongly seeing is as simple as it appears elsewhere. If anyone can see, from elsewhere in the paper, why the fifth intermediate event in figure 3(d) is not counted as one of the red events then I would like to hear it. The concept of strongly seeing forms the basis of the correctness of the algorithm and it is important to me to know if I have it wrong.

Hedera itself has adopted the TrannyCoC and is not likely to be a competitor in what we are trying to achieve.

tldr: it might be something; it’s probably nothing; work continues

jim says:

The core point of the algorithm is to get agreement on a set of famous witnesses – a set of gossip events, a set of vertexes in the dag. Then, what the famous witnesses see as the order is used to generate a total order.

Provided that “everyone” (a sufficiently large supermajority) is in agreement as to who are the famous witnesses, provided that the famous witnesses are gossip events that are useful for determining a total order, and provided that no one can manipulate the determination as to who is a famous witness (except by better providing connectivity than the other guy) the algorithm should just work. It should not be unduly sensitive to the details of the witness selection, except that everyone must use the same criterion, and come to the same conclusion.

The algorithm is one of a large class of equivalent algorithms with similar effect.

You want witnesses that have a good view of the entire dag, so that you can put a total order on the dag, and you want “everyone” to know what the view of those witnesses is. You want the witnesses to see the entire past of the dag, and “everyone” to see what the witnesses see. The exact details should not be that critical.

What can get profoundly cryptic and hard to understand is agreement on who is a witness. If parties disagree on witnesses, they may fail to agree on the past total order of the dag. You should empirically test that they do in fact agree on who is a witness, and that agreement on who is a witness leads to agreement on the total past. Exactly which ones become witnesses is not going to make or break the algorithm, and neither is the process of constructing a total order from witness views. If everyone uses the same algorithm on the same witnesses, they are going to get the same total order.

How you select the witnesses is unlikely to be critical, provided that everyone is guaranteed to select the same ones, and how you construct the total order from the witnessed order is unlikely to be critical (but “everyone guaranteed to select the same ones” does get critical and hard to understand.)

All the dag algorithms try to select a subset of the dag that has good connectivity to the entire dag, futurewards and pastwards, and privilege that subset, but the ways in which they do this vary wildly.

A dag algorithm can go wrong if it can be manipulated by badly behaved or poorly connected participants into privileging gossip events with a partial, or suspiciously selective, view of the past. If suspiciously selective, manipulation is likely to result in failure of consensus., as one group of plotters succeed partially, or two groups of plotters pursue conflicting plots. But there is a lot of room for arbitrary choices in the algorithms.

Joe says:

It should not be unduly sensitive to the details of the witness selection, except that everyone must use the same criterion, and come to the same conclusion.

If everyone uses the same algorithm on the same witnesses, they are going to get the same total order.

The exact details should not be that critical.

I will go with the simple definitions in the paper: a vertex can see any vertex in its past that does not cheat by forking, and a vertex can strongly see a vertex in its past when it can see a supermajority by stake of members’ vertices, each of which can see that past vertex.

You should empirically test that they do in fact agree on who is a witness, and that agreement on who is a witness leads to agreement on the total past.


Anonymous 2 says:

Just an amateur here, but don’t you end up ultimately requiring a consensus round on who are the witnesses?

jim says:

In blockdag algorithms, consensus is determined as an interpretation of the immutable but discardable record of gossip events.

Which creates the possibility of gaming gossip events, a subtle and arcane form of Byzantine defection.

Joe says:

From what I can see, the only thing that must remain constant for the algorithm to work in PoS is the total coin weight for any particular round. The answer to this for PoS coin with no future minting would then be trivial: the number of coins minted in the genesis block.

But I don’t think it can be this simple. Hard drives die, paper wallets catch fire, God destroys Sodom, etc. This means that there will be some decay in the total coins that can vote. Making this harder, there is no way to tell the difference between someone who lost their coins staked in a defunct peer, and someone who has in cold storage their coins staked in a defunct peer.

Rounds will get longer as the number of regularly voting coins approaches 2/3 of the initial mint. Once fewer than 2/3 of coins are regularly voting, the algorithm would stall. So we may need some sort of adjustment to counteract this.

The adjustment could be as simple as saying that only coins that voted in round r can vote in round (r + 1). But then we get another problem. There would be nothing to stop some coins that went offline in a long past round (r – 1) from voting in round r and hence changing the total coin weight and every other calculation in every subsequent round.

If lost coins are a problem, and if we need to have variable total coin weights for each round, then those variable total coin weights need to be immutable once set. From there, everything else will work perfectly.

It appears to me as an induction problem. The total coin weight of round 1 is the minted coins in the genesis block, so if we can immutably set the coin weight in every round (r + 1) based on something in round r then we know that the coin weight in round r will never change.

Conversely, if there is not much lumpiness in the voting proportion of coins, such as if we have many well-behaved peers who stake the overwhelming majority of circulating coins, then the adjustment could be smoother, somewhat akin to the way Bitcoin smooths the hashing power of the miners over a few weeks, but perhaps with a longer smoothing time.

We might just need to work these things out empirically. We can go by similar coins until then. Cardano currently has 71.32% of its coins staked. This is higher than 2/3, but not by much. It suggests that this issue is of somewhat more than just academic interest.

Regardless of any adjustments, to make the system work smoothly in the absence of such an attack, the best thing one can do in my view is keep any low-transacting “whale” peers active. I have in mind currently a fee allocation that gives a strong incentive to honest peers to vote in a timely manner in each round. The block fees for each round r would be allocated to members with unique witnesses in that round that were famous, timely, or some empirically-determined optimum combination of the two.

jim says:

> But I don’t think it can be this simple. Hard drives die, paper wallets catch fire, God destroys Sodom, etc. This means that there will be some decay in the total coins that can vote. Making this harder, there is no way to tell the difference between someone who lost their coins staked in a defunct peer, and someone who has in cold storage their coins staked in a defunct peer.

We have two problems in any chain of signatures: Ensuring that the chain of signatures is valid, and that everyone can know that the chain is valid, and ensuring that the chain of signatures does not fork, and if it does, everyone knows it has forked.

Now since in any blockchain, you have to have consensus for each step from set N, to set N+1, you have a continuous active community at each step, and in a blockdag, you have an immutable but discardable record of the activity of that community. So you can generate and immutably store data indicative of community continuity. The true fork of the blockdag is the one that has community continuity with the first vertex. This also gives you a basis for a sliding population of weight, and a population of peers that slowly changes over time. If you have two forks, the one with abrupt population change is false. If the network breaks down, and suddenly you cannot see half the population, then consensus is postponed, because you know you are forked.

An obvious problem with hedera is that weight is IP count, and the government has an enormous supply of IPs.

Instead of 67% of an absolutely known population, you have to have a large supermajority of an estimated slowly changing population. And if the population changes abruptly, machine consensus should stop, pending human evaluation, judgement, and human consensus.

Digressing, the problem with infinite growth in the chain of signatures can be dealt with by zk-snarks, but the cost of generating zk-snarks is so high that such a solution, to be workable, requires rather fundamental redesign – which I am not going to think about until we have a chain of signatures of hundreds of gigabytes. A single zk-snark, computed once, and verifiable in milliseconds, can prove that a five hundred gigabyte chain of signatures and the mutable state that is the result of those signatures was verified at least once. Unfortunately constructing a zk-snark representing a hundred gigabyte chain of signatures is an unreasonably large task, even though the resulting zk-snark is concise.

Lots of people are thinking about this problem right now, and are implementing things. I do not plan to be one of those people. By the time we have a hundred gigabyte chain, there will be well tested solutions with known performance. Last time I looked, the zk-snark libraries were rather raw.

Joe says:

If the network breaks down, and suddenly you cannot see half the population, then consensus is postponed, because you know you are forked.

Instead of 67% of an absolutely known population, you have to have a large supermajority of an estimated slowly changing population. And if the population changes abruptly, machine consensus should stop, pending human evaluation, judgement, and human consensus.

The PoS-modified Hashgraph algorithm will do this automatically if the coin-weighted population drops suddenly by more than 1/3, because there will no longer be a supermajority through which the rounds can progress. Peers will simply have to wait for the network to rejoin.

Again, I am more worried about something happening in the opposite direction, such as long-lost peers changing the total coin weight for some point long in the past. In the Babble protocol, new peers who have a “join request” (or similar) received in round R can start voting in round R+6. (The choice of round is based on an extension of the Hashgraph proofs.) I would modify this such that only peers who had a timely witness in round R could vote in R+6, or perhaps only peers whose new event can see a famous peer in round R, or something else similar. This might prevent such an attack.

Human intervention would be needed if an adversary who controls the internet can cause lots of damage. The adversary would need to slowly cut members off from the network so that the rounds still progressed as the network got smaller. You are right in that human intervention might be required in such a case. If we set the coin voting rights drop off time to a certain period, the adversary would divide the network for just a little longer than that.

I need to think more about this.

ABC says:

Hey Joe, I think you can paint that node in question in red. Either way it doesn’t matter as 4 red nodes meets the 2/3 threshold. Note in definition 5.7 that it says “there is a set S of…”. So the definition doesn’t require a unique S. In a large hashgraph it’s plausible that we can find multiple sets S that meet the requirements.

By the way, you guys can check out a project that has their own spin on the Hashgraph protocol: I’ve not looked at it in detail, but looks like it could prove useful.

Joe says:

That’s what I think too.

Regarding Babble:

Dynamic Membership: Members can join or leave a Babble network without undermining security.

If true, could be the answer to a problem I’m currently thinking about.

jim says:

Entering and leaving creates a potential problem of Byzantine defection, in that by leaving and immediately re-entering a participant can influence the consensus of the dag by discarding links he does not want influencing the consensus – breaking the chain links for links that he does not want to be. My solution, insufficiently thought out and not at all tested, is to not attribute a peer’s weight to his most recent gossip event until he has formed a continuous sequence of log n gossip events, where n is approximately the number of peers currently participating, so that we can treat each peer as having a single continuous path through the blockdag of gossip events, without forks or beginnings.

However, my solution differs in the details from that of Hedera, though the basic principle and basic algorithm is the same, it is yet another blockdag algorithm of this type which, assuming I am not an idiot and have not bungled, is substantially equivalent to the Hedera blockdag algorithm, and similar blockdag algorithms.

Pooch says:

So the new trend I’m noticing now seems to be shitlibs privately enforcing vaccination status on get togethers. My informal sports group wants everyone to be vaccinated in order to play again. My girlfriend’s book club wants everyone vaccinated in order to meet again. Friends/family planning group vacations want everyone vaccinated. This is causing her intense anxiety as the social pressure on her by her friends and family is quite large. This is easy for men to withstand and but much harder for women. She getting increasingly frustrated and angry with my preventing her from getting the vaccine. Jim (or anyone) have tips on how to deal with this?

Karl says:

You need a social circle of non-vaccinated people. Unless you have a group of people you and your girl firend can meet, she’ll sooner or later leave you or you’ll have to consent to her getting vaccinated.

So find some non-vaccinated people you can meet, urgently.

Pooch says:

Even if I’m taking ownership of her she would still leave me because of vaccine social pressure?

Karl says:

Probably yes. If there is no one else who is not vaccinated, you are alone. If you have no friends, you look weak, arguably are weak.

Women want a strong man with a strong tribe. Therefore you have to have some people who agree with you on the question of covid accination.

jim says:

If you are detribalized and she is hanging out with tribalized progs, they are going to look strong and you are going to look weak. It is a problem that I have struggled with, with some success, but I had to struggle.

The Cominator says:

That is how they spread like a fucking cancer… if plausibly violent psychopath Jim had to struggle with it us normal guys without the normal everyday demons have no chance.

You have to flee.

Pooch says:

Yes I am more inclined to be a loner. Where do you find based men with well behaved wives? Is it necessary to move to a very red state at this point in your opinion?

The Cominator says:

Like I said you must leave and go to an area that is if not red at least… an area that got MORE red recently.

Months ago I would say you should prepare to flee the country but the Biden regime is not pulling off the leftist coup right… its losing people including some elite factions seemingly but without doing much to consolidate power. We need to pray for a short lived massive gas spike now…

Pooch says:

Why more red?

The Cominator says:

Areas that have gotten MORE RED lately means that either right wingers are moving there or the more normie/centrist people have begun to turn on the left.

Its an indicator of how COMPETENT the local right wing tribe is under pressure relative to the opposition. As such Florida (where the local right wingers have just won every battle against the left for many years) is safe and Texas (where the Dems have gained a lot of ground) is dangerous.

Pooch says:

Ah ok that makes sense. That must explain why the Minneapolis suburbs all went deep blue even after BLM practically burned their entire city to the ground. Blue tribe made it known they are the strong horse.

I’ll do some research on red areas that got redder.

FloridaMan says:

“As such Florida (where the local right wingers have just won every battle against the left for many years) is safe and Texas (where the Dems have gained a lot of ground) is dangerous.”

Texas right wingers have won every battle against the left in recent years as well. In some areas they’re ahead of florida, like on the transgender question and on constitutional carry, etc. They also both passed laws against Critical Race Theory at almost the exact same time.

The Cominator says:

But in Texas they are losing ground and losing areas. In Florida the opposite has happened.

Pooch says:

There are a lot of very based places in Texas.

jim says:

This problem has not happened to me. My wife hangs out with well behaved wives, I hang out with the husbands of those wives, and until this moment it never occurred to me to notice that not one of those people has been vaccinated.

It is not like they are flaming shitlords. One of them is a flaming progressive, but though he talks the talk, he does not walk the walk.

In my personal circle, there seems to be a strangely good correlation between having a happy marriage, and dragging one’s feet on vaccination.

On reflection, one would expect that refraining from one form of self destructive virtue signaling is likely to correlate well with refraining from another form of self destructive virtue signaling.

The Cominator says:

You obviously live in a shitlib area… if you have the means leave.

Pooch says:

We live outside a major shitlib city. She comes from a shitlibby area so most of her college and hometown friends (and alot of her family too) are intense shitlibs.

I have thought about moving down south but only problem is both of our families are still around here so staying near family is ideal for child rearing.

The Cominator says:

“We live outside a major shitlib city. She comes from a shitlibby area so most of her college and hometown friends (and alot of her family too) are intense shitlibs.”

Yeah DEFINITELY sounds like you need to get far far away. Forget your old ties they are now (unless you know them to be dissenters) possessed by demons.

This is the kind of stuff that convinced me of the need for a comprehensive Final Solution to the Shitlib problem, the intense pressure to conform to the demon cult is an intolerable crime that all who participated in should suffer death for.

Pooch says:

It was not ever really much of a problem for me outside of just annoying Trump bashing where I could hide my power level. Now the vaccine social pressure is becoming a big problem. Even her father who is a Trump voting boomer conservative caved to it. A lot of it is being driven by henpecking females.

onyomi says:

Several months ago when the masking began I suggested it seemed almost a conspiracy to out people “hiding their power levels.” Now this vaccine thing is an even more extreme case whereby some shitlibs seem to have used a tendentious interpretation of science (one person’s vaccine’s efficacy isn’t significantly enhanced by only being around other vaccinated people, I don’t think) to try to sort out the growing cultural divide in which many, such as myself, still fly below the radar.

Where I am most people have not gotten vaccinated yet, though it’s threatening to become a problem as my job supposedly wants everyone vaccinated soonish. As I notice my American social media acquaintances virtue signaling about it, however, I find myself increasingly disgusted and unable to maintain the feeling I should continue to associate with the sort of person who would want to know my vaccination status to invite me to a party. As with people who have pronouns/gender confusion, my reaction (perhaps owing in part to a degree of introversion) is not to try to get into an argument or anything, but rather to just write someone off.

As OP notes, just being a secret Trump supporter was, for a while, easy enough to wall off from such interactions, but demanding that I use special pronouns or have a particular medical status is much more invasive. Too invasive, imo, and perhaps, on a subconscious level, that’s the point.

Aidan says:

I dont have the same problem with my girl, despite similar circumstances. I cant remember ever telling her not to get vaxxed, and cant remember telling her not to wear a mask- she simply followed my lead on both issues. Of course, I continuously talk and act as if rona hysteria and vaxxing is low status. (which means humorous contempt, not anger)

Her little leftist tribe is pro vax and pro mask, my family and friends are firmly against, and I tease her friends to their faces for wearing masks outdoors. And I said that if they make it mandatory, “we’ll just fukkin lie about it babe. Slip the Chinese guy at the med station a few hundred bucks to get our names in the system”. Bitches love crime.

Pooch says:

She eventually followed my lead on masking but she put up resistance on that too likely from the social pressure (which is especially intense from her own mother). I suppose I was not making covid hysteria low status enough by laughing off how ridiculous they all were.

My friends and family, at least who I’ve taken her around, while not complete indoctrinated shitlibs like her tribe are not firmly against it and blindly follow the rules of the blue overlords.

As others have pointed out, I am now realizing I do have a problem of a visible anti-vax tribe backing me up. Probably why I’m such a raging shitlord now, a lot of the people in my life are leftists (parents, cousins, college friends etc).

Guy says:

My workplace put an honor system in place, if you’re vaccinated you don’t need the mask, if not then you do, but they’re not asking questions. A few months back I was stupid and willing to let people know I thought getting the vaccine was retarded. The moment they announced the policy change my mask was off. Dumb people acted surprised, smart cowards glared at me. One of my employees ratted on me to HR, who basically told me I had a rat and they have no idea what my situation is, they also didn’t ask me if I was vaccinated.

It’s the best of both worlds so far. I don’t have to wear a mask, bit I also don’t look like a pussy who got vaxxed, plus I get to rub it in the faces of the masked cowards (seems if vaccinated people are still wearing masks).

Pooch says:

Yes most businesses seem to have this honor system policy which means the mask mandate is basically no longer in effect. Ironically, I was fully expecting vaccine passports required to enter businesses/retailers.

What caught me completely off guard is this trend of informal groups and get togethers privately enforcing vaccines in order to meet, despite no mandate to do so. For instance, my informal basketball email group which is nothing but a bunch of guys is requiring members to email copies of their vaccine cards in order to play a pick-up game.

jim says:

I predict you will find that a very small number of people in the team are making a holiness play for the holy to have power over the team – that this move will crumble in the face of open shitlord opposition.

But open shitlord opposition is dangerous, which is why the power play works.

Assemble the scientific data that shows that it is enormously improbable that a player is at risk from China flu, and it is far from improbable that a player is at risk from the flu vaccine.

Rick says:

Businesses want to make money, not holiness. So they dropped the mask mandate. Priests and religious Zealots want make holiness and purge the unbeliever. Your progressive friends have been transformed into demon worshiping Zealots who embrace the new faith over the last 4 years. They will be a very serious danger to your life in the near future. Read up on the cultural revolution for a taste of what’s coming.

Com’s solution to the shitlib problem is a likely outcome as the number of Zealots increase, though it’s more likely to be a Stalin carrying it out as the left keeps moving towards infinite leftism at an ever faster pace.

Karl says:

Businesses are usually created by people who want to make money. As soon as the business is controlled by priests, the priests use the business to create holiness. There are lots of businesses who are no longer operated to make money.

Businesses do not want, only persons want.

Aryaman says:

Things have been heading this way for a while but the fact that there wasn’t a serious lobbying effort on part of businesses to reopen and end mandates so evidence of a profit motive is a good marker of things to come.
In fact, even if the pandemic was deadly and extreme caution warranted businesses should have been obstinate and opposed and made to heel by local authorities as fiduciaries of public order.

redpurplepurple says:

Ironically, I was fully expecting vaccine passports required to enter businesses/retailers.

oh no, that’s coming later (I anticipate: this Fall). and they’re gonna do that incrementally btw. vaccine passports/certificates for international travel, then for regional travel, next at schools, then at shopping malls, and then for concerts/arenas/cinemas/etc, then for “large gatherings” in general…

What caught me completely off guard is this trend of informal groups and get togethers privately enforcing vaccines in order to meet

Totally and entirely predictable. I’m sorry.
In the total state, people self-police each other and spontaneously rearrange themselves in accordance with whatever totalizing ideology is being enforced. And men learn to love their chains.

despite no mandate to do so.

Ah, but there is a mandate.
Turn on your TV, check your twitter feed, look at what content instagram recommends, examine the front page of reddit, look at what is trending on youtube…
The PROG hivemind never stops broadcasting its directives. Never.

jim says:

> In the total state, people self-police each other and spontaneously rearrange themselves in accordance with whatever totalizing ideology is being enforced.

This is motivated by both fear and lust for power. Self policing is fear, but policing others is lust for power, and can be disarmed by prudent courage.

One cannot plausibly invoke a divine mandate to opposing vaccine policing, but on any matter where one can legitimately claim divine mandate, it works great. Stops them in their tracks.

Ironically Covaxin which is a traditional dead virus vaccine made in India by Bharat Biotech and seems to be the safest vaccine among the lot (no clots have been reported locally for Covaxin use) is not yet approved by WHO the global prog “health” organization.

Indeed Western medicine is a religion now in line with the Prog faith. I am placing my trust in the traditional Indian ayurvedic system whenever possible.

suones says:

Even Covishield (Indian produced Oxford/AstraZeneca formula) has had remarkably few incidences of fatal adverse effects, given the massive deployment. I’m somewhat surprised by this.

Indeed Western medicine is a religion now in line with the Prog faith. I am placing my trust in the traditional Indian ayurvedic system whenever possible.

This is a mistake. You must not go to the other extreme, because that’s occupied by swine right like Ramdev. Western medicine has its origins in Hippocrates, who was quite the opposite of Prog and a predecessor of our own Charaka, while Western pharmacology draws heavily from Galen. Medicine was co-opted by Christian priests, which skin suit was later occupied by their heirs the Molochites. Ayurveda is a problem because it is the result of Brahmins holiness spiralling Indian Science, which is a different holiness spiral to Moloch, but is rapidly converging on it.

The reason Hinduism is so deeply fucked is because of Brahminical holiness spiralling for millenia. We truly need someone of the caliber of Sri Maharaj Chandragupta Maurya to fix this (accompanied by his advisor and High Priest Chanakya of course).

Actionable advice: Use what works. Find a trustworthy practitioner of scientific medicine and stick to him. The quality of a gun lies in shooting straight, not in its place of origin.

There are still many traditional Ayurvedic practitioners other than Ramdev and I personally find Ayurvedic medicine very effective particularly Kerala Ayurveda. Recently I was down with Covid like symptoms and Ayurvedic concoctions kept my breathing free and lungs clear though I suffered high fever and sore throat. I lost all sense of smell and taste (and my appetite) for a while.

I was quite weak for almost a week and it didn’t feel like ordinary flu, and I managed almost entirely with Ayurvedic medicine (and blessings of my Guruji) avoiding hospitalization.

onyomi says:

An interesting sort of game of chicken is occurring right now in Hong Kong, where I am. Covid cases are virtually absent due to draconian border controls and quarantine requirements. Universal masking is still legally mandated in public, but otherwise life within the city feels pretty normal, other than the fact that one can’t go and come and there aren’t the hordes of mainland Chinese tourists/shoppers.

Vaccine uptake here is thus far very low despite advertisements, lottery promotions, employer requirements, etc. The government keeps implying life can’t go back to normal until we reach e.g. 70% vaccination rate. Of course, that conveniently happens also to be the rate around which they can force some kind of vaccine passport on everyone without it being completely unworkable.

For me, this is a big problem, because most of my extended family and friends are outside Hong Kong and travel is one of my favorite things. But for locals whose families are all here and who aren’t jetsetters, the motivation to “go back to normal” relative to what we have now is not much: basically take off the masks, but then you get the return of the swarms of Chinese shoppers most locals dislike. They liked Hong Kong better when it was relatively closed off to China. Also, the current leadership of HK is rightly hated, so there isn’t any incentive to make them look good, though people are curiously super compliant with the mask thing.

Though a part of me wants HKers to hurry up and get vaxxed so the country will open up again, a bigger part of me thinks that that’s foolish: compliance vis-a-vis governments doesn’t result in more freedoms; it’s more like “give an inch, they’ll take a mile; give a mile, they’ll push for a league…” So I’m glad to see the HKers resisting this, at least thus far, though if rates reach a critical mass I expect everyone will fall into line as Asians hate being out of conformity with the group. If the rates can remain under 50% for an extended period, however, I am somewhat hopeful that conditioning international travel on vaccination status will be abandoned as unworkable.

In other related news new Indian study finds hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID treatment.

I still have some hope for Indian practitioners of Western medicine, but I fear that any attempts to deviate from the cathedral narrative will be quickly and ruthlessly suppressed and the Indian doctors who defy the diktats will be unpersoned or even purged from medical practice.

suones says:

I still have some hope for Indian practitioners of Western medicine, but I fear that any attempts to deviate from the cathedral narrative will be quickly and ruthlessly suppressed and the Indian doctors who defy the diktats will be unpersoned or even purged from medical practice.

Don’t be disheartened by American doomsayers. The bureaucratic establishment in India is pozzed, for sure, but the scientific establishment is well and kicking. Our nukes certainly work, and so do our vaccines and pharma. The only problem is that “science” is not high status compared to bureaucracy. The vast majority of Indian-educated doctors are gigantic shitlords. Poz-vectors are actually foreign medical educated doctors.

Just read this quote:

One of the co-authors of the study, Dr Raj Kamal Choudhry said, “In the 1985-86 edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine [a highly recommended book for students studying medicine in medical colleges], Dr Fauci wrote that HCQ worked an anti-viral agent despite being an anti-malarial drug. There was no Covid-19 back then. HCQ’s anti-viral properties were known.”

This is what a priestly attack on Fauci looks like. Dr Choudhry quotes Fauci’s own words from 1985-86(!) against him.

This is sign of the pressure exerted by the American empire on medical developments outside the cathedral fold.

Even in the pozzed Indian media, lots of negative press on the efficacy of Covaxin.

I’d like to think that many Indian students would opt out of American universities due to this vaccination madness (and I hope many do) but I fear that a significant majority will succumb and get vaccinated again with Pfizer or other WHO approved vaccine just to get a high status cathedral approved “education”.

suones says:

Emigration of elite Indian students is not a problem. The problem is them coming back to spread the poz they acquired abroad.

The traditional Hindu way was to simply remove the caste of anyone who crossed the seas. This is not an issue for traders who are usually mixed-race and casteless in the first place. It can be made to work with Indian de-recognition of educational qualifications of any country that doesn’t recognise Indian qualifications. A big part of Indian medical establishment remaining unpozzed is that foreign medical education is not directly recognised in India. There is no need for other foreign qualifications to be recognised here either.

Another way is to run Indian versions of “Confucius Institutes” and “Chinese Student Alliances” staffed by spies that keep tabs on the mental poz-levels of all expats, and repatriate them if/when necessary. It boggles the mind how Microsoft, Google, and IBM all being led by Indians does not translate into Indian State Power, but that is what happens in intra-Brahmin struggle of the sort happening in India. Chinese expats become soldiers of China in a foreign land, while Indian expats become soldiers of poz in India. I think this is beyond the capacity of cucked Indian State organs.

Emigration of elite Indian students is not a problem. The problem is them coming back to spread the poz they acquired abroad.

True to an extent, but they still hurt India’s interests by helping spreading the Cathedral propaganda from over there. As you know well enough there are also a lot of slaves in the Indian media who will echo their masters’ thoughts from Harvard and NYT. These “Voices from the ground” only serve to add legitimacy to the narrative. Social media remains a powerful weapon against us. The Indian Government’s efforts to rein social media in has been extremely half hearted at best.

Green Fields says:

I am coming under increasing pressure to get vaccinated at my work and from family / friends.

One thing I am wondering about, does anybody know what the latest understanding of possible long term effects of falling sick from covid are?

Long term effects of influenza A ( — it seems that if you get sufficiently sick (enough to warrant hospitalization, and thus enrollment in the study), you are likely to have some degree of fibrosis in the lungs even 2 years later.

Covid (published July 2020): This doesn’t seem to be a very good study (data from telephone interviews, not MRI like the influenza study), but its something.

Does getting the Novavax or J&J vaccine (these are not mRNA tech) then make more sense, even for a healthy young person? Perhaps this tips the risk-benefit analysis in favor of (certain) vaccinations, in order to avoid the risk of potential long term effects of the virus itself. Or am I missing something?

The Cominator says:

We’ve all had trouble puzzling out who the real ruling elite in the Cathedral is…

Looks like Ivy League Trustee boards are REAL power centers because they’ve managed to establish blatant Soviet style elections for them at Yale. So the Cathedral power centers really are the Ivy Leagues (Harvard/Yale) but the real rulers are the board of trustees of them…

Pooch says:

This has always been known. Entry into the ruling elite absolutely requires an Ivy League degree. Just think of the Bush family. Generations and generations of Yale grads. George W probably didn’t even need to apply.

suones says:

Entry into the ruling elite absolutely requires an Ivy League degree. Just think of the Bush family. Generations and generations of Yale grads. George W probably didn’t even need to apply.

Which is what is expected of any Brahminical institution. See:

Likewise becoming a priest (both catholic and protestand) merely required academic success in studying theology for generations, at least in Germany.

The problem is that these people are ruling without a strong King over them, and are thus unable to keep holiness spiralling away into ridiculousness.

Rick says:

There’s the reason they’re admitting the truth about COVID:

GWP is typically not the greatest source, but this sounds legit.

Atavistic Morality says:

I disagree, they’re making up a narrative to drum up war with China. I’ll believe it when I hear it from Russia.

Everything the Cathedral allows you to read in twitter is a lie for their own interests.

jim says:

Agreed: I think that the war faction in the Cathedral is at work.

At present the peace faction has the upper hand, but it is getting a bumpy ride.

onyomi says:

Is it weird I find this strangely comforting? I feel like the greatest possible nightmare right now is that of all the Western elites being on the same page.

Pooch says:

It’s not a nightmare for China who probably wipes the floor with their trans and BLM military force.

The Cominator says:

According to Roger Stone the Biden admin is really being run by Ron Clain (who seems an insane commie) and i suspect he runs domestic policy and Susan Rice (who i assume runs foreign policy and is seemingly not completely insane) they have cutout Harris. If this is true look for stories trying to shiv Susan Rice.

Rick says:

Is Rice traveling to meet world leaders with Harris? Harris is basically the diplomatic face of the Biden Junta, but everyone hates her and she doesn’t have any allies. If Susan is with her during such missions that would help confirm this idea.

Susan’s basically doing the same thing she did under Obama, run all foreign policy and the intel community.

Clain’s been with Biden for a long time and does appear to pull a lot of strings:

Do you have a source on his politics? I haven’t bene able to dig it up.

This is a lot like Brezhnev senility period where a couple of inner circle people pulled most of the strings while most of the Soviets’ bureaucracies did whatever they wanted to do.

The Cominator says:

The domestic policy of Biden is commie and insane, the foreign policy seemingly not so insane that we are risking a war with Russia or china wed be doomed lose and would not benefit anyone even if we “won”. So if the power is shared between the two i suspect Susan has the major say on foreign policy and ron clain who must be an insane commie is running domestic policy.

Aryaman says:

On the topic of our enemies playing ball, interesting thread from Jack dorsey on crypto. Yes trying to coopt crypto but by so doing endorsing important ideas like really managing your own secrets, fact that custodians are fractional reserve banks, and identifying “confiscated gold” (implying bifurcated fungibility) as a major failure point for crypto.

> Square is considering making a hardware wallet for #bitcoin. If we do it, we would build it entirely in the open, from software to hardware design, and in collaboration with the community.

> Bitcoin is for everyone. It’s important to us to build an inclusive product that brings a non-custodial solution to the global market.

> “No keys, no cheese.” The exchange you used to buy your bitcoin probably attends to your security with good intent, but circumstances may reveal “custody” actually means “IOU.” Deciding to take custody, and security, of your bitcoin is complicated. What’s the #1 problem here?

> Safety is complicated. For any wallet product, we consider safety failures to stem from one of three types of events: availability failures (“sunken gold”), security failures (“pirated gold”), and discretionary actions (“confiscated gold”).

> Trust can’t be required. Today, customers depend heavily on the continued function of infrastructure provided by 3rd parties. We want mainstream customers to be able to lean on us when they want to, but we won’t exclude those who don’t.

> Layer 2 is essential for growth. The orders-of-magnitude growth we imagine requires a mix of custodial, off-chain, and second layer solutions that allow people to ‘get off of 0.’

Pooch says:

Absolutely great conversation between Michael Anton and Moldbug about Caesarism and regime change. They talk Marius, Sulla, Caesar, Augustus, FDR, Lincoln, Musk, how Trump could organize a coup using a mass broadcast system, and how to replace the GOP. Moldbug thinks we are not close to a Caesar yet and if he exists now, he’s likely only in his teens. Really interesting stuff. More informative than most of his writing at graymirror.

Pooch says:

Moldbug also mentions Lincoln’s SA-like paramilitary force called the Wide-Awakes that I had not heard of before.

The Cominator says:

Also Augustus did not do shit the legal way until after Actium… he was as ruthless from the beginning as Sulla took years of outrages against him to get to. When all his rivals were dead he claimed to have “restored” the republic.

Pooch says:

Looks to me Augustus and Antony made sure the institution of the Second Triumvirate had arguably legal republican authority before it was constructed.

The Cominator says:

Antony and Octavian had personal armies. Anyone who voted against the second triumvariate was dead…

Pooch says:

Legal authority backed by political violence was the norm by that time and had been since Gracchus.

suones says:

Moldbug also mentions Lincoln’s SA-like paramilitary force called the Wide-Awakes…

Did you originate the epithet “SA-like,” or did Moldfag? The correct epithet would be “Red Guard-like,” because they were agitating for Niggerism and Communism. SA-like would be the opposite of Wide-Komsomols.

The Cominator says:

I think he is very wrong that the current regime can last for another 1-2 centuries.

Rick says:

With woke white genocide on the table this country will be lucky or unluckily enough to last 20 years tops.

The Cominator says:

Yeah thats the thing… an utterly insane state religion that wants to sacrifice everything to demons is not compatible with a long Brezhevian decline.

You can go on for a long time with bad health and a benign tumor, but this is more like aggressive leukemia.

Rick says:

I read some of the indoctrination they put the Boeing execs through. The gist of it is they confess that whites are evil, that they themselves are evil for being white, and they will do everything possible to atone for it and in return they’d be allowed to keep their jobs, for now.

They were pretty shaken by it. Whites only future under the woke cult is boxcars and death camps, mass resistance, or exile. That’s not a long term sort of arrangement.

The Cominator says:

Yeah the more I think about it the more I think the army has to and WILL end it… even if the generals were pozzed.

During the Cultural Revolution it was the Chinese army despite commie officers (acting prettymuch unilaterally) deposed and killed their own chief (Lin Biao), basically house arrested Mao, and when Mao died arrested the Gang of Four and installed Deng.

Pooch says:

I think Moldbug was perhaps exaggerating about 1 or 2 centuries but I think he’s right that it is not close to collapse. Mexico and Brazil are much worse places and not close to collapse so their is plenty of room for us to roll down hill into Third Worldis.

Whites are not going to be sent on boxcars or death camps. It is going to be DMV lady-like efficiency on genocide/democide and it is not going to be directed at all whites. The senatorial/board of directors class is still overwhelmingly white Anglo. It is going to be a slow dekulakization/South Africanization/Detroit-style ethnic cleansing that could carry on for quite some time.

Moldbug is right. To think there is a coup around the corner to stop the madness is likely Qanon-level coping.

al says:

How close to collapse is the American hegemony?

Jim says six years, Moldbug oscillates between a few decades (teen Caesar) and two centuries.

I lean towards years rather than centuries, just because, assuming from the standpoint that the election has been stolen, democracy is dead, so the two hundred year long ritual of power transfer is dead. If we had a cohesive elite, perhaps it would not matter, but our elite does not like each other.

At the same time, it’s not like there is any counter-force waiting to topple the state. China is not going to invade. The right is not going to stage a coup. The military is pozzed. Mostly we are counting on the left to eat itself. Are they eating themselves? Well, a bit, but not overwhelmingly so.

It’s not clear-cut. But it’s probably the most interesting political question at this point.

alf says:

How close to collapse is the American hegemony?

Jim says six years, Moldbug oscillates between a few decades (teen Caesar) and two centuries.

I lean towards years rather than centuries, just because, assuming from the standpoint that the election has been stolen, democracy is dead, so the two hundred year long ritual of power transfer is dead. If we had a cohesive elite, perhaps it would not matter, but our elite does not like each other.

At the same time, it’s not like there is any counter-force waiting to topple the state. China is not going to invade. The right is not going to stage a coup. The military is pozzed. Mostly we are counting on the left to eat itself. Are they eating themselves? Well, a bit, but not overwhelmingly so.

It’s not clear-cut. But it’s probably the most interesting political question at this point.

Rick says:

Predicting the future is very hard. I personally hope that one faction of the left will destroy another faction of the left when they realize that CRT will lead to their murder shortly, but history shows that people are quite willing to be murdered in the service of their demon worshiping religions.


Whites are not going to be sent on boxcars or death camps.

Whites will absolutely put into boxcars and sent to death camps. Half the stuff the left is doing it imitating their own propaganda about the Nazis and KKK. They’ll do it just because they find it funny, not because it’s an effective way to mass murder people. Most of the actual killing will play out differently but they will put on the show as revenge on the Nazis they hate so much. Hell they’ll even toss in religious Jews as Jewish Nazis in those cars.

Pooch says:

If we had a cohesive elite, perhaps it would not matter, but our elite does not like each other.

How could you possibly say that? We just saw the Republican and Democrat elite unite to steal the election from Trump. The video of Lindsey Graham fist bumping Kamala Harris on the Senate floor right after the election comes to mind.

But yes you’re point about no counter-force is well described and exactly what Moldbug stated. If there’s nothing in waiting to replace the current regime, it will just continue to go on indefinitely until that counter-force comes along to knock it over.

Pooch says:

Whites will absolutely put into boxcars and sent to death camps. Half the stuff the left is doing it imitating their own propaganda about the Nazis and KKK.

But who will be carrying that out? It’s not going to be aryan Nazis with German efficiency. Sure the white FBI and SWAT team love to kill some random gun-toting peasants but for us to get to the point of actual genocide as a policy, white males will necessarily need to be purged from those positions.

The overwhelmingly white elite are going all in on a non-white mercenary army to carry out their violence. As we devolve into Third Worldism,
I predict the cleansing will look more like blacks attacking white South African farmers than Nazis efficiently stuffing Jews into boxcars.

alf says:

How could you possibly say that? We just saw the Republican and Democrat elite unite to steal the election from Trump. The video of Lindsey Graham fist bumping Kamala Harris on the Senate floor right after the election comes to mind.

Well in part I’m just copying Jim I’ll admit.

Thinking aloud, they aren’t disunited. There’s infighting, but none too big. There’s different factions, but again, Trump probably only brought them closer together.

All I can say is that things seem like they could unravel at any point. But maybe that’s dumb. It’s hard to say.

jim says:

Things are unraveling.

But the government could stagger on with a lot more unraveling. The Khmer Rouge did not fall until the Khmer Rouge murdered nearly all the Khmer Rouge.

It depends on how fast we get to the everyone dead point, and whether someone with a good body of disciplined men ready to kill sees the point coming and does something about it.

My estimate is that the everyone dead point is coming up fast, not that young Caesar is necessarily available to put an end to it.

Moldbug said possibly centuries, which is more typical of dark ages than left singularities, which come and go considerably faster. But he also said that young Caesar is likely today in his teens, which means that though we are in disagreement about the timing, we are not in huge disagreement about the timing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The elite provided a united face against an interloper. They all had the same thing in common: a desire to oust the man that was not one of them from power. Now that they lost Trump to rally against, they have the problem that they are becoming brazenly more corrupt behind closed doors. They have no trust, so they will soon have no cohesion. Harris is nuking any governor that poses a political threat to her. That is evidence of the elite on elite fighting that Jim predicts. Cuomo might stay governor, but he is done politically and cannot advance.

The Cominator says:

Roger stone claims Ron Clain and Susan Rice are treatinh Harris like Bobby Kennedy treated LBJ so if true she is not making decisions.

Karl says:

The left has been eating itself for centuries. That’s how it got ever more left.

Untill they start killing each other for insufficient leftism, it’s all politics as usual.

The question of how close to collpase is the American hegemony, is really a question of how close are they to killing each other.

jim says:

> It is going to be DMV lady-like efficiency on genocide/democide and it is not going to be directed at all whites

It is eventually going to be directed at all whites, though not initially.

> The senatorial/board of directors class is still overwhelmingly white Anglo.

And they are afraid, and every day become more afraid, and have more to fear. I am told by those that move among them of the stink of fear.

Pooch says:

How long though until we get there where it is directed at all whites, even the elite whites? Maybe Moldbug’s prediction of a few decades or even a century until we reach full-on South Africa status is not so off base.

Pooch says:

For a Stalin to put a stop to the anti-white holiness spiral, assuming there is no opposition from the right, likely means the elite start to become threatened by it. Seems like we are quite far from that.

jim says:

They are threatened by it right now, and the threat continues to grow faster and faster.

It is like women in workplace – everyone sees the problem and is afraid, too afraid to see the problem.

Rick says:

For a Stalin to put a stop to the anti-white holiness spiral, assuming there is no opposition from the right, likely means the elite start to become threatened by it. Seems like we are quite far from that.

I don’t think we are. In 2022 the hard left will rig every primary for themselves. The ruling elites will be trapped between their pretense of voting matters and the hard leftists they put into power win in the government in an attempt to appease them. The people who stole the election will have it stolen from them by people even more holy.

jim says:

> The people who stole the election will have it stolen from them by people even more holy.

The comparatively sane, in coalition with the frothing at the mouth insane, stole the election, while obfuscating whether the sane or the insane were in charge, which is why they chose a senile man for figurehead. When the dust settled, it was revealed, somewhat to my surprise, that the sane, being better organized, were in the driver’s seat. In the 2022 election, we can expect that the insane are going to make a very determined effort to grab the wheel, as they grabbed the wheel from Marius.

The Cominator says:

Biden’s domestic policy is very much controlled by the insane lock stock and barrel, but the Senate is blocking him for now.

nils says:

“Biden’s domestic policy is very much controlled by the insane lock stock and barrel, but the Senate is blocking him for now.” what happens when the monopoly/deepstate co-op collapses? the sane can’t make a tax policy, and regulation is ossifying what is left of our merchant institutions to a point of catastrophic inflexibility, maybe the right priest and jubilee could fix that but doesn’t seem likely, why would the cathedral which ignores the executor and constitution not ignore the senate? whatever games are playing out i doubt the senate remains relevant if it still is, its just a battlefield for the mobs of madness.

jim says:

One or two centuries is long even for Brezhnevian decline, and what we are seeing is not suggestive of Brezhnevian decline, more indicative of the cultural revolution, and the lead up to the Russian revolution.

Brezhnevian decline is what you are might well get after a Stalin creates stability. If England had not had Monck, Puritan England might well have suffered Brezhnevian decline. If Beria had followed Stalin, might well have gotten a Tsar Putin a whole lot sooner and skipped the Brezhnevian decline.

Suppose the war faction gets fiesty, gets us into a war with China which we, predictably, lose catastrophically, and the peace faction ships the war faction to the Gulag, while continuing existing levels of madness, but not allowing ever greater madness, then we might get Brezhnevian decline.

redpurplepurple says:

RE: Beria. why/how did he fail?

Rick says:

Beria wasn’t a communist. The power to kill people is a poor source of power in the long term. To rule you need a state religion and Beria was quickly tossing out Communist religion while the Communists were still in power. This resulted in the true believers removing him from power.

Beria need to find a military general loyal to an older religion like Orthodox Christianity and put him in charge of the military then purge his rivals under some sort of pretext while slowly redefining communisms as Orthodox Christianity/capitalism. This is a hard task without a bunch of true believers in the old faith to support you.

The Cominator says:

The other politburo members knew

1) Beria wasn’t a communist and thought the economic theories of a propertyless society was fucking stupid Beria was pretty open about this his whole career so everyone knew, Stalin didn’t care as he wanted a hatchet man who was quite willing to kill other communists and also found Beria was his most effective manager on tough projects (it was Beria who fixed the Soviet Atomic Bomb Program) but the idea of him coming to power was a problem for the remaining communist leadership.

2) Beria in power could launch another 1937 war on the believers and he presumably would deem anyone who opposed him a believer.

3) He was another Georgian after Stalin and this was also a big disadvantage

Zhukov very critically decided to back Khruschev in his bid to prevent Beria from taking over. When power was unclear Beria had police but Zhukov had soldiers. Soldiers beat police.

Rick says:

Beria really need to kill Zhukov and make it look like an accident right away. Zhukov wanted revenge and the Red army loved him.

The Cominator says:

Yeah not even Stalin could have openly killed Zhukov after WWII it would have had to been done covertly. I’m not sure that Beria knew to what extent Zhukov was backing Khruschev until it was too late and Beria probably thought he could win Zhukov over.

Rick says:

Warriors hate and despise spies & political commissars, and Beria has been Stalin’s tool in reducing Zhukov’s status and power after WW2. Ironically it seems that Zhukov’s last will for an Orthodox Christian burial. Zhukov was exactly the man Beria needed but he probably didn’t have the skill set required to recruit him.

The Cominator says:

Beria was a spymaster (and many other things) but NOT exactly a political commissar… whereas that is EXACTLY what Khruschev was but surprisingly he and Khruschev got along very well.

Zhukov did seem to have a personal dislike of Beria but the reality is nobody much likes the head of the secret police in any system except maybe the leader who isn’t subject to his juristiction.

Its too bad because Beria would have ended communism.

Rick says:

Khruschev was a bit unusual as a commissar. He was more like Stalin’s eyes and ears but he had a decent grasp of warfare and instead of spending his time messing up the army, he advocated similar policies as Zhukov. Zhukov was probably also convinced that Khruschev was weak and could be controlled. Zhukov felt that the Red army should be in charge of Russia, IE Warrior rule but the priests quickly removed him from power.

Beria’s other big disadvantage was his political class. Was he a warrior? No. Was he a priest? No. He was a manger and damn good one. Just like Trump, such people don’t have the right political instincts to rule effectively.

suones says:

Zhukov was probably also convinced that Khruschev was weak and could be controlled.

This is the capital statement in the whole discussion. Khruschev truly was a master of camouflage. Hiding your power level is always a good tactic that not everyone can manage.

jim says:

> Zhukov very critically decided to back Khruschev in his bid to prevent Beria from taking over. When power was unclear Beria had police but Zhukov had soldiers. Soldiers beat police.

Our Beria needs to come from military intelligence.

jim says:

> Beria need to find a military general loyal to an older religion like Orthodox Christianity and put him in charge of the military then purge his rivals under some sort of pretext while slowly redefining communisms as Orthodox Christianity/capitalism

Deng came to power through the army, then slowly redefined communism, but neglected to find an older faith to replace communism. As a result, the ruling faith has hollowed out. This is a dangerous source of fragility for the Chinese regime, which continues to waver between allowing the faith to disintegrate, and returning to its catastrophic Marxist roots.

If it attempts to return to its Marxist roots, this will not prevent the faith from hollowing out, unless it returns to the holiness spiral. It has to find a new faith, or better, a new old faith. Needs a prophet. Needs an East Asian prophet to give them the Mandate of Heaven, but East Asians are no good at that job, and Chinese are worse.

suones says:

Needs a prophet. Needs an East Asian prophet to give them the Mandate of Heaven, but East Asians are no good at that job, and Chinese are worse.

This is ancestral curse (to use Dharmic reality’s neologism) from siding with evil and deposing the Son of Heaven for a fling with evil “Republicanism.” The chief instigators, Kai Shek and Sun Yat Sen all received their just deserts, but Peking’s lost Mandate of Heaven has yet to return.

The only East Asian country with an alive (but barely) Old Tradition remains, unsurprisingly, Japan. But considering it’s an American colony, and a decaying one at that, I’m not too hopeful. Losing a major war does have a profoundly depressing effect on society, especially if it leads to cultural enslavement.

jim says:

People holier than him killed him before he killed them.

Pooch says:

Moldbug did not mention Brezhnevian decline in the podcast (although he has in the past). He mentioned our existing regime could last for 1 or 2 more centuries as America slowly devolves into Third Worldism, but also said Caesar could be in his teens, indicating Caesarism is 30-40 years away. I suppose he was giving a range or exaggerating in the former for effect, but I agree with the premise. We are not close to Caesar. Moldbug argues there needs to be an external force of replacement for the current regime. Like Gracchus, our Populares movement is just getting started and it was 80 some years from Gracchus to the Rubicon.

Our Caesar may very well end up looking like Stalin after a period of genocide and democide. It could be perhaps argued Augustus was a Stalin after a period of genocide and democide. But what made Caesar, Caesar, was a willingness to use the Populist movement to propel him to power for life and not return it like Sulla. It would make sense that only a teen or a Generation-Z could have that mindset, as like Caesar, they are growing up now after not having ever experienced a functioning Republic.

The Cominator says:

We are not necessarily close to Caesar but we may be very very close to a Cromwell or a Sulla.

Rick says:

Our entire system is geared to prevent a Sulla. Stalin’s far more likely.

Pooch says:

Sulla is not what we want, as he eventually returned power to the elites.

The Cominator says:

A Sulla would do a lot of good. I think you seem to think of Sulla as a hardcore optimates ala cicero and cato he wasnt not really… his laws on simple interest and the sponsio were wildly popular with common romans.

Sulla was at heart a roman tradcuck but given his unusual upbringing and the outrage of being both the senior consul and the most qualified command and being deprived of his command he revolted… a Sulla would not abolish the system but he would ruthlessly purge the elite of marxist and progressive sentiment.

Pooch says:

Maybe so but what made Sulla, Sulla, and not Caesar is that he returned power back to the Republic, and thus the corrupt unvirtuous elite.

As Augustus realized, we don’t just need a purge of the elite from radical left sentiment with the existing Republican form intact, we need the entire elite dropped in the ocean and one man rule for several generations until a new virtuous elite is formed.

Rick says:

It’s amazing listening to people on a podcast that are not low IQ morons. I generally can’t stand podcasts.

Pooch says:

I agree. Hopefully they will have more.

Rick says:

This is interesting:

Not so much what it says, but for what they edited out after initially publishing.

When I read this shortly after it was published it said regulators wouldn’t allow the pipeline to reopen for several days while full inspections of everything went on including a physical inspection of the pipeline despite those systems not having bene breached. Essentially the breach was minor and well contained and they were ready to go within the first day but the Feds delayed them for a week.

Biden’s Commie Whitehouse in action.

Pooch says:

Wow that makes perfect sense now.

The Cominator says:

I wonder if there is an archived version…

As I said whenever the government blames Russian hackers for something it means the government is guilty.

Rick says:

Condoleezza Rice just came out in favor of the Chinese lab theory. This is begging to stink of the war faction trying to start a war.

My problem is China deserves to be nuked for helping to overthrow Trump and the American Republic. At the same time we would absolute lose any war with China.

Pooch says:

“We” are not going to war with China. The pozzed gay, trans, BLM military would be going to war with China, in which I would enthusiastically root for it’s destruction by based China, as long I don’t get nuked in the process. We are under hostile occupation by an evil illegimate government. Any loss they take militarily is a gain for us.

suones says:

As difficult as writing that must’ve been for you, friend, I can only say Amen! May your god keep you and yours alive and well.

Pooch says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Best possible option is that the upcoming pistol brace/short barreled rifle ban they are setting up goes hot at the same time the Chinks start stomping on the regime forces abroad. That way they are pressed on both fronts and get squeezed to death. It’s going to be a tragedy losing all of the historical artifacts and art when Washington gets nuked, but its a price I can accept to end the Puritan regime.

Pooch says:

If the war with the chinks really does go hot, would be a good time for the right to organize a SERIOUS secession movement and possibly get aid from China and/or Russia. One of the reasons the Confederacy failed is it got no help abroad, unlike the American Revolution where the colonists got support from France.

jim says:

It is not yet time to talk about that. Time to start thinking about it is after the US goes to war, and loses.

There is within the left a holiness spiral leading to war, but at the moment, no particular war. White genocide, war with Russia, war with China, war with all of at once us, it is all on the table, they are all options. But right now, the normality faction is in the driver’s seat, being outflanked to the left, as Kerensky and Allende was. Allende and Kerensky both reacted to the left my making concessions to the left that increased the left’s capability to overthrow them, while trying to resist implementing the more suicidal and self destructive left wing policies, which diminished their capability to resist the more suicidal and self destructive left wing policies.

The Cominator says:

So on domestic policy the roadblock right now is that Manchin and Sinema (Sinema has really been a pleasant surprise) are not playing ball, on foreign policy that Susan Rice has been installed in control as the real “president” on foreign policy questions and she is at least sane enough to be against war.

The domestic policy of the executive branch now though does seem to be thoroughly under the control of the worst of the lunatics. I suspect there will be serious attempts to blackmail Manchin and Sinema (or Romney, or Rubio… and Rubio has tons of blackmail information on him) to suddenly start going along via their control of the Justice Department and the intelligence apparatus.

jim says:

Domestic policy is, of course, the powerbase for turning power into more power. It is like Kerensky giving the crazies an open door in the military and intelligence. It started with Obama injecting the radicals into the spy apparatus and Google, and Trump never got any headway in purging them.

The Cominator says:

Rubio is a drug addict, a spendthrift, an intellectual lightweight and a homosexual from the Miami area. If there are not videos of him with young boys I guarantee there are at least videos of him doing disgusting gay shit while snorting hard drugs.

The Cominator says:

Ditto rick…

Rick says:

Youtube video on Russia:

Still pretty good when you get past the propaganda.
Shows the Religious version of the proud boys, Cassock military school, and elite education. Their girls are still being poisoned by progressivism. Putin needs to address the women question soon.

The Cominator says:

Putin has partially addressed it by decriminalizing domestic violence to a degree. You can’t send your girl to the ER or beat her constantly but you can beat her a little bit.

Rick says:

I don’t think it’s enough. Men need official ownership of their families to reverse the trend.

suones says:

Aren’t Cossacks[1] mostly Muslim tho? I find it interesting that the same race calls itself “Turk” or “Slav” depending on religion.

[1] Kazakh

Mike in Boston says:

Aren’t Cossacks[1] mostly Muslim tho?

Kazakhs are Turkic Muslim steppe dwellers who inhabit Kazakhstan.

Entirely distinctly, Cossacks are universally East Slavic Orthodox Christians, with roots in self-governing communities in the river basins of what is now southern Russia and Ukraine.

The two words come from the same Turkic root, but describe distinct peoples.

suones says:

Their girls are still being poisoned by progressivism.

Boko Haram.

chris says:

“Their girls are still being poisoned by progressivism. Putin needs to address the women question soon.”

They need to associate progressive values with being a slut, treacherous, dirty and vile. All the negative traits a young teen girl doesn’t want to be associated with. If she risks becoming a social outcast, she will not support progressivism.

alf says:

The elite school girl with the rainbow flags in her bedroom is a nice telling touch. Telling also that she says her parents don’t recognize those flags.

I wonder to what extent you need to replace American cultural outreach. That girl has, as far as I can tell, mostly American celebrities plastered on her wall. What were teenage girls even into prior to the Beatles? Can’t imagine a teenage girl having a poster of Mozart in her room… Or is that my lack of imagination.

Rick says:

What were teenage girls even into prior to the Beatles?

Marriage. If she’s old enough to put up masturbation photos on her bedroom wall, it’s well past time to get her hitched.

alf says:

That made me laugh out loud. Masturbation photos, yes, that is one way to describe them. Crazy how dislodged society has become from what I presume it used to be.

Basil says:

You are right when you talk about girls and photographs in the bedroom. The problem is that in almost any country in the world (including Russia, at least the Russian regions of the Russian Federation – in the Caucasus, anything happens) the age of consent exceeds the age at which girls begin to be interested in jackhammers and exceeds the age at which they begin to actively engage in “self-improvement” …

Interesting phenomenon, but a man who just fucks a K-pop fans or a riding enthusiasts (or even a real pedophile) gets less hate than a man who decides to marry (in practice) a fifteen year old “child” with lustful eyes, third breast size and his baby in the womb. People who are aware of the absurdity of the situation are our friends.

Yul Bornhold says:

Jim has noted the hopeless bluepill in modern TV. Women loving men for their weakness. Women shunning criminals. Women beating up men. Lesbians taken seriously. Ugly women presented as pretty. Etc.

Completely unwatchable.

What’s puzzling me is that all TV shows I can think of (though I don’t watch much), present women as obnoxious bitches in the workplace. My best guess is projection of what women find attractive in men but am not sure this is right. Very strange to see this one fragment of accuracy in a sea of hogwash. The writers and the actresses can’t *think* this is an unfavorable depiction of working women or they wouldn’t portray it.

alf says:

Not really what I see. Insofar I watch tv shows, which is rarely, the women might complain because haha that’s relatable, but it is always assumed that the women are… How do I put it… *competent* and *put-together*. Like you can watch from a redpill perspective and go: ‘ah look she’s bitching!’ but you can just as easily watch from a bluepill perspective and go: ‘ah look she’s badass.’

Like, what are some tropes.
Pam from the Office
Any woman detective in a csi show
Any women in a medical show

Ehhh man I don’t know what else… Haven’t even watched the Office. But pretty sure there is a very persistent and unbroken trope of The Competent Workplace Woman.

Aidan says:

It is a projection thing. Women who act like that are badly larping as alpha males, and women actually think “cunty office lady” archetype is good assertive leadership.

Rick says:

That’s my take as well. We saw this a lot with Hillary, her idea of a alpha male was being a bitch to everyone.

jim says:

We saw an experiment based on this.

Trump won the debate with Hillary, because he came across as a leader who will love his followers, and attempt to lead them to prosperity, freedom, and power, while Hillary came across as a hateful bitch, who wants the world to burn, wants everyone to die with her, and will command her followers to go to hell.

So the good progressives, who saw the same thing as we all did, decided that was sexism, and set up a re-enactment of the debate, wherein a woman said the words and acted the body language and facial expressions of Trump, and a man said the words and acted the body language and facial expressions of Hillary. They expected that the man playing the role of Hillary would be perceived as great leader, and woman playing the role of Trump would be perceived as a hateful bitch.

Contrary to what they expected, and to their astonishment and dismay, the man playing the role of Hillary still came across as a hateful bitch, who wants the world to burn, wants everyone to die with him, and will command his followers to go to hell, and the woman playing the role of Trump still came across as a leader who will love her followers, and attempt to lead them to prosperity, freedom, and power.

The reason that the competent woman on television shows is played as a hateful bitch is because they think that she is not being played as a hateful bitch – they are guilty of the sin of sexism, so are unable to notice it even though they do in fact notice it.

They believe that they believe that being hateful bitch is competent leadership style, way superior to what male leaders do.

The followers of the father of lies are crippled by their own lies, and their master’s lies.

It is analogous to what happens with all women in the workplace. I can see that the men are terrified by disruptive female misconduct, and obviously they would not be terrified if they could not see it. And yet they cannot admit to seeing it, even to themselves.

The Cominator says:

Its social engineering to make women intolerable bitches and make them see being an intolerable bitch as desirable…

I know people think I was being autistic and maybe I was but this is the reason they ruined Dany’s character at the end of Game of Thrones. She was far too much of an actually positive muh strong wahmin character complete with having the ambition of just being a tradwife up until the point in the show where it was literally impossible for her. It was unthinkable to have an actually positive strong wahmin character go out as the most popular female character in television history.

Rick says:

Its social engineering to make women intolerable bitches and make them see being an intolerable bitch as desirable…

I’ve had the misfortune of have several female bosses over the years and they all thought that being strong leader meant being a complete bitch to people. Women preserve being openly cruel to other people as alpha because that’s what they desire in men.

The only female boss I had who we remotely tolerable viewed her workers as extended family and she was in charge of student workers in a college tutoring center and was married to a very alpha man.

Dany’s was supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal who ruined everything she touched who when given absolute power went completely insane because she could never birth a living child. They couldn’t film that without getting canceled so they didn’t.

The Cominator says:

“Dany’s was supposed to be a bleeding heart liberal who ruined everything she touched who when given absolute power went completely insane because she could never birth a living child. They couldn’t film that without getting canceled so they didn’t.”

I’ve read the books and seen the show. Dany wasn’t actually all that liberal Astapor pissed her off because they were literally a pre-industrial child torture factory (and they also made the kids raise puppies and then kill them). She wasn’t even anti-slavery before this. Slavers bay was a very sick demon worshipping society, the Barbary Coast meets the Aztecs. Dany didn’t setout to make it a progressive utopia she just setout to hinder its demonic aspects. She even directly said no ruler can make people good, but they can perhaps sometimes make them a little less bad. She was well aware that ending the slave trade in Slavers bay ruined the local economy but considered that in time they would have to find other ways to make money.

Her view on even women otherwise was downright Jimian (she consistently did not think rape was a big deal even when it happened to her). Yunkai (the city that turned girls into prostitutes) got treated FAR more leniently than the other two cities and even after they screwed her over she tried to make peace on the basis they could resume selling women as bedslaves. A man complained in Mereen saying that his wife a former female slave had been raped by her master, Dany said sorry it was no crime (she would have been merciless if the master had mutilated the slave or something). Cersei was always thinking it wasn’t fair that she was a woman, Dany pretty consistently accepted that women sometimes have to have sex when they don’t want to (this is why Tumblrinas actually hated her) and even acknowledged that sometimes women end up liking sex they are reluctant to have initially. Her only law against paterfamilias (in Mereen) even was that if a man wanted to sell himself outside Mereen into slavery elsewhere he could do so, but he couldn’t sell his wife and children.

So was Dany any kind of a proto-prog… no and in many ways the opposite. I’m not white knighting for a fictional character either its just there are social engineering reasons why her ending up as the most popular character with women in history did not fit the agenda. She should have ended up married to Stannis.

Rick says:

I’ll be honest, Dany was boring me so much in the books I started skipping her stuff when re-reading them so I don’t remember everything in detail. But I remember the following stuff pretty well: Saving the women from being raped who ultimately took her ability to have children away from her, her being haled as mother by the freed slaves, and her endless bleeding heart over eunuchs, women, and slaves.

She ended up super popular because she was raped by General Butt naked and became his wife. Women got tattooed Khaleesi, not Daenerys Targaryen because they too wanted to be taken by Khal Drogo.

The Cominator says:

She lost general butt naked though… and she became popular after sacking Astapor.

She didn’t say the dothraki couldn’t rape them either, she just said “take them gently as wives” the dothraki practiced polygamy so it was more a matter of them not being mistreated and starved and having higher status.

suones says:

…she was raped by General Butt naked and became his wife.

Correction: She was his wife, and there was no rape.

…She didn’t say the dothraki couldn’t rape them either, she just said “take them gently as wives”…

This is exactly what Khal Drogo did for her.

Javier says:

I think when GRRM wrote GoT in the late 80s/early 90s he was bitter and spiteful towards women; a lesser beta with no end of ‘friendzone’ incidents, plus a stint in hollywood where he certainly witnessed no end of female depravity. It comes across pretty strong in GoT where all the women are at fault for everything bad that happens, and every man is a trusting dope that gets screwed over horribly. It’s hilarious.

Of course the TV show pozzed the shit out of everything, but that was always a given.

The Cominator says:

Martin for all his faults (including the fat he is sitting on his fatass and will die before he ever finishes) is a fantastic character writer.

Of the main female characters Cersei Catelyn and Sansa certainly all suck and all are kind of parodies of western women.

Cersei is the evil insane career cat lady (though with a certain low cunning) while she was initially married it was a complete sham (the only unrealistic part is Robert even as a fatass drunk later on is pretty alpha frame consistently even towards her). Sansa is her at a younger age… tries to ape feminity but its coupled with extreme dishonesty and narcissism but pre wall. Catelyn is a bitchy domineering wife to a guy who acts too beta towards her.

The Tyrell women and Dany aren’t bad though because zero feminist mentality so I wouldn’t say all the women are bad. Arya is a tomboy and Mary Sue and not all that realistic (Dany’s a mary sue too but her personality is somewhat realistic).

Also I don’t think Robert exactly trusted Cersei he just really couldn’t believe she was fucking of all people her twin brother (and unlike Cersei Robert actually kind of was one of the few people who liked Jaime). In fact as Robert was a pure warrior type who found actually governing in peacetime boring beyond belief he said the only thing that kept him from disappearing into the night and going to Essos as a common mercenary adventurer was that he didn’t want his bitch wife ruling the kingdom through his mentally disturbed “son”.

suones says:

In fact as Robert was a pure warrior type who found actually governing in peacetime boring beyond belief he said the only thing that kept him from disappearing into the night and going to Essos as a common mercenary adventurer was that he didn’t want his bitch wife ruling the kingdom through his mentally disturbed “son”.

The archetypal Ulysses (at least Tennyson’s version). Ulysses bores of his stable kingdom and aged wife, and yearns for a final adventure (realising that he is no longer the man he was, and will likely perish). The difference between eusocial Tennyson and anti-social Martin is that Ulysses’ son, Telemachus, is well-loved by his father and people alike, and Ulysses has every confidence in him ruling justly and well, perhaps better than Ulysses himself could.

To extract a general principle, the final duty of a King to his people and gods is to produce and anoint a successor worthy of carrying his name. In this, Robert is a failure, being a cuckold of the worst kind. This failure mode is quite the norm in various “dictatorships,” whether Stalin, or Hitler, or Pinochet, or even the most successful of them all — Franco.

alf says:

To extract a general principle, the final duty of a King to his people and gods is to produce and anoint a successor worthy of carrying his name.

Agreed. And it can be pretty tricky judging from the many nine-year old kings we’ve had.

Caesar, for all his faults, did an excellent job at this.

Anonymous Fake says:

Why is the right so obsessed with physical violence? The left seized all of its key victories by threat of pen point, not sword point.

[*rest of whig history deleted, because life is too short for me to fisk it all.*]

jim says:

Every left victory was accomplished by physical violence. Thus gay became overnight respectable when the government allowed gangs of gays to beat people up and burn down their businesses, while giving anyone who defended himself twenty years in prison. Stonewall riots and all that. Desegregation was accomplished by pointing bayonets at little girls. White people cannot use buses in America, because if they did what was needful to ride the bus safely, they would get poked by bayonets, and back when they did do stuff that enabled them to ride the bus, they were pocked by bayonets.

Similarly Detroit burned for years before the left victory was established. The left stole the recent election by physically controlling the polling stations. Similarly 1906, when excessive curiosity by an academic about the origins of the great Zimbabwe was apt to result in a little visit from pol sci professors with room temperature IQs and baseball bats, and all the way back to establishment of the Royal Society. The puritans assembled a mob to shut them down, Charles the Second, however, sent out his men at arms, and thanks to those men at arms, we got two centuries and eighty one years of the scientific method having cultural dominance over the theological method.

Gay is high status thanks to physical violence. Status conflicts are about resolving stuff short of physical violence, but when push comes to shove, it is who gets beaten up, and who gets to do the beating.

The scientific method was high status, because Charles the Second’s men at arms beat up the puritan mob. It ceased to be high status when an ever growing list of things became likely to get you beaten up if you were unduly curious about things you should not be curious about.

Violence was very salient in the 1660s, when mobs could and did beat up puritans, and puritan mobs no longer dared to beat up anyone. It ceased to be salient until about 1875 or so, when it became increasingly salient, and it is every day getting more and more salient.

Anonymous Fake says:

All I see is [*deleted*]

jim says:

You live in a parallel universe very different from our own. Watch the video of the attack on Kylie and you will see something radically different from your universe.

We live in a universe where left dominance happens because we are in constant danger of physical attack. As I type this there is an axe, a machete, a knife, and a stun gun hanging on the wall opposite my desk, more effectual weapons stashed out of site but not terribly far, and I have needed that axe. It has seen use. Right behind me is a concealable weapon, and a flashlight with a very heavy long handle.

Aidan says:

“All I see”. Yeah, one can tell whose payroll you’re on by what you conspicuously fail to notice. Cant notice left violence, so maybe antifa, cant notice Waco or Ruby Ridge, so maybe fed.

Anonymous Fake says:

I’m speaking for the majority here, not for myself. I do notice violence, left and right, and I said that most don’t even notice when they’re being loaded onto boxcars for “labor camp”, but what they fear is mostly just being forced to do paperwork and probably filling out something wrong and being left with a damaged professional record. Either that or being graded.

The left is good at the paperwork angle, the passive aggressive work, and the right responds with reactionary violence that unfortunately only results in more bugman sympathy. That matters more than any street theater we are all desensitized to by now.

jim says:

Your original claim was that right was excessively focused on physical violence, and the left accomplished its victories without violence (well that is the claim I let through, the rest was a great pile of similarly mendacious whig history which I censored because too tedious to fisk.)

We are focused on physical violence because we are the victims of physical violence, and because the left accomplishes its victories through physical violence. Without physical violence, left cultural domination would collapse overnight. If we intimidated them, instead of them intimidating us, all the merely cultural domination of which you speak would fade like the morning mist, for, notoriously, the left cannot meme, relying ultimately on sheer thuggery so that it can speak unopposed.

> The left is good at the paperwork angle

The left is not good at paperwork. It is utterly hopeless at paperwork. Not only can they not meme, they cannot fill out forms correctly. All actually correct paperwork is filled out by right wingers or Havel’s Greengrocer.

The civil service is falling apart and nothing gets done because left cannot handle paperwork at all. Bureaucracy runs on paper, and the bureaucracy is no longer running.

The actually useful thing that your HR department is handle the mountains of paper associated with hiring and firing, and when it gets converged, it stops doing that correctly.

The left’s paperwork resembles DMV paperwork. Their IT leaks, their software crashes, and their memes are terrible. When it comes to paperwork, our people beat their people easily. Obama’s efforts to bring up a healthcare website is completely representative of left paperwork. Clinton’s email server is completely representative of left paperwork.

The left’s data analysis software is full of bugs and fails to check for hostile data, with the result that if you get a copy of it, you can fix your data and let them get it so that you can then take over their data analysis computer and totally penetrate their organization.

The problem is that their people just toss our paperwork overboard. As in the recent election, when they lose the game at that level, they just kick the game board aside and punch out their opponent.

Because their networks are completely penetrated by us, and because they find paperwork just too hard, they are, like Al Qaeda, reverting to more primitive levels of coordination based on face to face conversations. They cannot trust their computers, and if they could trust their computers, are incapable of using them correctly.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*left’s delusionary image of itself deleted*]

jim says:

We have all heard it before, and I am not going to debate it. It was an accurate self depiction for a brief period in 1640, and an accurate self depiction for a brief period in 1800, and ever since, a ludicrous delusion, not worth discussing. Debating it would be like talking to flat earthers.

Pooch says:

Violence can only be met with violence. The left has has been deploying violence against us for centuries, which has not yet been matched or exceeded in kind. We pray that day eventually comes.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for being same post yet again in different words*]

jim says:

Unresponsive, I have already replied to this endlessly reposted argument.

If you reply to my reply, I will let it through.

Supposedly the right should implement left wing solutions to the problems caused by leftism and should make the reality that leftism promises actually real.

You are posting from the fantasy universe imagined by the left, and telling us we should use leftist solutions to advance towards the future promised by the left.

And when I point out the fantasy universe you are posting from bears no resemblance to our actually experienced reality, you just go right on posting from your fantasy universe.

suones says:

The left has has been deploying violence against us for centuries, which has not yet been matched or exceeded in kind. We pray that day eventually comes.

At some point you have to buy your son a brown shirt and hang a swastika in your window. There is no other way.

Atavistic Morality says:

“I’m speaking for the majority here”

No, you’re not and you have no such authority or position to claim otherwise. You’re not a spokesperson for a powerful institution, a big community or anything of the sort. But like any antisocial agitator you’re a bingo for narcissism and appeals to emotion and authority. You’re some random fat worthless loser in some random blog in the internet inflating his ego with posts high in self-importance and equally lacking of intelligence. And you’re not even welcome, respected or allowed to actually say all that you want, but you still keep coming here. This is how garbage you are, this is your pathetic life and existence.

The left is only good at covert destruction and rapine, which is what they continue to successfully do, including to each other. And the right does not respond with anything because there isn’t such existing working viable faction, only controlled opposition and allowed opposition working under the same frame where the oligarchs still win, like deluded businessmen/artisans who think 50s liberalism is somehow, magically, a social order, because the buildings weren’t crumbling as much and as fast as they are today, when the racket began.

Go get a job as a barista which is the only thing you might be fit for, you were a retard when you thought that magically a degree was going to make you successful even though you never showed any practical talent or skill at anything worth anyone’s time and you’re still a retard today.

Aidan says:

Tell us about Waco and Ruby Ridge, AF. How do they fit into your historical narrative that excludes violence?

redpurplepurple says:

aw c’mon, this guy keeps coming back too!?!?!
🤡 🤡 🤡

jim says:

Yes. And I have silently deleted no end of stuff.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, he’s been back for a while, posting nonsense. Jim has just been deleting it and leaving the deleted comment notification. Which is strange, because I thought that the infiltration by HR-compliant shills had ended. Jim had said that the shill tests stopped working, but here we have this guy back again, and he cannot pass the shill test.

fed shill says:

The shill test never worked. All the shill test does is to prove either that you can make someone lie to your face, or that the person mistakenly and temporarily respects you too much to lie to you, in spite of expected consequences. In neither case have you gained anything useful.

If Jim was as smart as he thinks he is, he would’ve figured that out before he ever started trying to use it.

jim says:

The shill test proved, or used to prove, that you were talking to someone who had HR looking over his shoulder.

If someone could not pass the shill test, it proved he could not speak the truth, even when it was to his advantage to speak the truth, and both he an his interlocutor knew the truth – indicating he was operating under the eye of our enemies, or was merely an AI robot that was merely simulating the capacity for comprehension, speech, and interaction by constructing pastiches of words written by someone else.

Most failures to pass the shill test looked like HR breathing down their necks. Some looked like failure to pass the Turing test, though they were good enough to also suggest a third world help line worker unhelpfully following a robotic script, rather than an actual robot robotically following a robotic script.

Starman says:

@“fed shill”
“The shill test never worked”

Let’s see if you’re actually a fed shill. Here is an Age-of-Consent RedPill on Women question. It’s multiple choice, therefore there’s no room for obfuscation:

Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?
[A] No, because an AoC of 16-18 is just perfect.
[B] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young White women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control our women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before we get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.
[C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.
[D] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.
[E] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious property. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

random248970 says:


With the recent crypto market drop, I’ve decided to finally enter the market and invest a large sum into crypto. Is there a least-bad way to invest? I assume the major KYC exchanges like Coinbase/Binance/Kraken are top of the IRS’s hit list, but the dex’s have very limited liquidity. My thought is to use one of the lesser KYC exchanges as an entry point, then clean the coins ASAP and cross my fingers. Advice?

jim says:

Sounds like a plan.

The dex were supposed to make cash for bitcoin doable, but they are a long way from doing that. Friend of a friend is still a better option that the dex for exchanging bitcoin and cash, but that market is immensely illiquid in the sense that it is a long time between opportunities to do it.

The government is not much interested in you buying crypto currency. They are working within the framework that people are speculating with the intent of selling it for US dollars and they are interested in catching people turning it back into US dollars. Nah, we are buying it with the intent of being wealthy when US dollars are worthless except for lighting fires.

The government’s mental model is that we are buying crypto currency with the intent of dumping it for fiat before everyone else does. In fact, we are dumping fiat before everyone else does. I don’t think they are yet trying to keep track of people buying crypto, because dumping fiat is not yet part of their mental model.

Karl says:

In Germany the government is very interested in people dumping fiat by buying gold. Dumping fiat is definitely in their mental mindset.

suones says:

Same in most of the old world, including India. Govt has had huge controls on retail buying of gold, and India used to be the top destination for illegal gold smugglers. People dumping fiat is constantly on the mind of a Govt with a shaky currency (which is increasingly becoming the same as every currency).

Mister Grumpus says:

Your takes please.

Search however you search, and you’ll easily find some recent technobabble press releases about a “partnership” between SpaceX Starlink and Google Cloud Services.

Blah blah blah, Starlink base stations to be installed right at/within Google data centers, blah blah blah, historic synergy ice cream bunny rabbits, blah blah blah, none of which makes any makes sense to me. Starlink is an ISP, and an ISP does the first step of connectivity between my computer and the internet. That’s it.

Something’s fishy. I can only guess at two interpretations of this. Please “vote” and/or add your own.

1) Google is innocently making sure it has the best possible access to its Starlink-using customers. It also ensures that its own stuff has a backup connection to its other own stuff. (Sounds legit.)

2) Elon has succumbed to Google having tapping/monitoring/censoring/etc. privileges over his internet in the sky. I can’t imagine there’s anything keeping those satellites from making “copies” of their satellite-to-satellite traffic, with the “originals” going to their customer in Lagos, and the “copies” going to an unmarked big box in the Denver exurbs somewhere.

(For example: Can Tor even function through something like that?)

What say you?

jim says:

This information has been leaking for a very long time. It is going to leak less when it is in space and under a single hand. For one thing the NSA will no longer be able to get at it physically without asking anyone.

A long time back the NSA built a system to keep tabs on all internet traffic. Most of it is encrypted these days, but NSA is primarily interested in the metadata. Copies being sent to google would be redundant and useless, because Google does not have the keys, but Google, like the NSA, is interested in the metadata.

The internet in the sky is a source of political power, because Musk can make this information available to some parties, and not to other parties. And therefore, when he gives it to one party, a condition has to be that they keep it tight. They are unlikely to share it with antifa, or with your future employer.

It would be nice for us if he kept it totally under wraps, but then it would not be a source of political power. If it is in Musk’s hands, he is going to keep it pretty tight, if only to maximize the political power obtainable by doling it out.

As to whether Google is getting this information, who can say? But if they are, it is a drop in the bucket compared to Google Analytics.

The Cominator says:

Jim as I and many others here do not know as much about computer programming and potentially hacking as you I’d like to ask a couple of things.

We know the Colonial pipeline shutdown was fake and gay and done by glowies (really they put their crypto on a northern california server and they are supposed to be foreign black hat hackers) but the feds are telegraphing an infrastructure disaster via a cyberattack.

Is such a thing (other than as a derp state inside job) even possible… I had always understood in the past that critical infrastructure systems were only controlled via airgapped control rooms and that they couldn’t be hacked from the internet. Has this changed? Was it ever true since the early 2000s?

Nils says:

Air gapped infrastructure is nonsense, it is not and never has been affectively air gapped. Energy production has been on the web since the 90s sufficiently to be taken down, mostly it is protected through obscurity.

jim says:

Never overestimate the IT department. Someone is going to stick a windows computer on a pipeline. The issue is not technological, but human.

People use libraries, and the libraries want other libraries. You want a banana, you get a banana tree, an ape to climb the tree, and a jungle for the ape. This is a huge problem with the current incarnation of bitmessage.

Rick says:

The company I currently work for has become deathly afraid of ransomware attacks but they’d failing to implement a very obvious solution for most of the attacks: 2FA on all admin accounts followed by a slow roll out of 2FA on all accounts. I don’t work in security but I did a bit of research and almost every attack involved getting an admin account password and getting into the systems with it. 2FA stops that cold. Instead they’re spending money on penetration testing when they should be buying yubi keys or other 2FA solutions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Penetration testing’ is one of those things that sound like they make sense to people on a superficial level, before you realize it’s basically like kicking beams on the barn to see if one shakes while the front door is flapping open.

Rick says:

Yep, it’s for people who don’t patch or secure firewalls properly. Which of course they continue to not do after the penetration testing. Originations serious about security would have already had a regular patch schedule handled by scripts along with regular software audits.

Anonymous 2 says:

For the lads who are getting started with computers, I think security is a good area to work in. You probably want to stay clear of the scapegoat roles like in-house IT or CISO (much like being the risk manager of a bank, your real job is falling on your sword) but there are many more jobs to fill.

suones says:

Wasn’t the Colonial pipeline a special case, in that critical infrastructure was never under attack at all, but rather the benign payment processing software (which was online, reasonably), and the pipeline was then shut down by management who were afraid of not getting paid for the interim flow? Of course, regulators prolonged the shutdown for as long as possible because “Security.” I don’t see how airgapping critical infrastructure helps against such an attack.

Anonymous 2 says:

First of all, I would guess there is some sort of budgeting process going on to motivate these things — various ways to raise awareness, if you will. Perhaps times are getting lean after the War on Terror.

On to the specifics. STUXnet was an interesting example of how industrial infrastructure can be attacked. From what I read, military systems are less safe than that.

On the other hand, careful but simple physical attacks might work quite well too.

linker says:

Possible shill trait: Continuing to calmly post after being insulted and the majority of your posts being deleted. A normal man would either give up or become extremely enraged and start calling you names and insulting you back. It is very strange that CR and AF will suffer limitless abuse and post deletion and continue making the same arguments.

Jim, I do not know if you saw my Gab about . Is he banned or put in moderation queue by mistake? He is very responsive and definitely not a shill; I do not think he merits being banned.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If I remember correctly, orgyofthewill is a low IQ, shit-tier commenter. Baby’s first Nietzsche, with some natsoc rambling thrown in. Lots of noise, barely any signal. He’s not a shill, he’s just a lunatic, but there is nothing to be gained from talking with a lunatic that is outside of the ruling class.

Cloudswrest says:

Anybody remember Ludwig (Archimedes) Plutonium?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I don’t. When was he around?

Cloudswrest says:
jim says:

He is moderated, and stopped posting, no great loss. Not banned, nor unkindly and arbitrarily censored like our persistently progressive “anonymous fake”.

Not a shill, but the policeman inside makes him a waste of bandwidth.

The major reason for moderation being inability to acknowledge female misconduct or respond to anyone else noticing female misconduct.
Since you inquired after him, I glanced at his work on the redpill, which opens by dodging the fact of hypergamy, circuitously going around it to blame insufficiently good men, without acknowledging that the fact that for ninety percent of women, only ten percent of men are good enough. He proposes to write a book on the redpill which fails to acknowledge any facts of female nature that make women different from men.

We can do without hearing from such people.

linker says:

I see. I am glad he is not banned. However, I take umbrage at the implication that he self polices on the woman question.

77. I do not understand women and never will; I don’t even want to. To desire to belong to someone, to long to be overpowered and commanded — such longings do not seem merely tough to empathize with to me but even absurd. How could anyone wish for such a thing? If I understood it at all it would mean that I am not a man, and by no means constitute a triumph of understanding on the male part of the species. Male and female: this means separate to all eternity, and all touted understanding is merely superficial. The reality, the truth, the essence of the difference are to all eternity ungraspable.

413. Smart people are called gammas. Responsible people are called betas. Dumb losers addicted to orgasms are called alphas. All this has neither rhyme nor reason and nothing to do with human history and evolution at all — not even with the animal kind. In fact it is exactly how women think. All PUAs are doing is mirroring female thought. After a decade of intensive study and experimentation, they finally managed — to become women. And just as women are utterly insignificant in the context of human history, so will the PUAs be.

669. Approach and try to fuck a couple hundred girls and you will see the rationality in arranged marriages and taking sexual choice away from women. Even if they like you they’ll sabotage the proceedings time and again and fuck it all up, simply because they are stupid, and if you have even the slightest amount of choice you’ll be discarding decent prospects left and right simply because of lack of patience to deal with their stupid bullshit.

801. Women mature faster than men. And rodents mature in the space of a few weeks — look out mankind! With a little affirmative action the polyculture of rodents will take over the universe!

802. Women are simultaneously portrayed as victims needing societal help and empowered superwomen who can do anything men can do. So which is it? It seems they need our help to become superwomen… but isn’t he who gives the help always more powerful than he who receives it?

842. If you went to ancient Greece or Rome, and told the guys there the bs Krauser peddles on his blog every day that, “Your value as a man can be gauged by how women respond to you”, you’d have been laughed at. It is MEN who judge men’s value, not women. Even for getting women, you had to convince the MEN to give them to you in those days — at no point was a woman’s opinion consulted. The mere fact that, in gauging men’s value, Krauser and his ilk CONSIDER WOMEN’S OPINIONS AT ALL is PROOF POSITIVE that these dudes are gammas. It is laughable.

894. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool because they couldn’t figure out how to stop it from discriminating against women. The gods are laughing their asses off on Olympus! From a subhuman perspective, AI has already become more intelligent than them, since it’s trying to tell them the simple fact that women are inferior, and they don’t understand it. So they shut it down, because they still control the switches. But the day will come when they no longer do so, and it’s the AI that will be shutting down them at that point. O dazzling day! O glorious day! Let us all humans work together to speed it up and make it happen.

917. Feminism is the radical hypothesis that women are people. We thought it up, we tested it, it didn’t work out: that’s what experiments are for. Onwards!

951. Women are the original faggots. Compared to their level of faggotry, actual faggots may as well be straight.

964. […] And I am not saying this situation is good for society at all, since if I ran things the dating culture would be extinguished and we’d go back to arranged marriages asap, precisely in order to help incompetent losers like the PUAs and, let’s face it, the vast majority of modern men, so that they wouldn’t have to spend so much time on dealing with their women—or their lack of them—and would have more energy to put into their work and families and other important stuff. So things are definitely grim from the perspective of society and the future, and we must strive with all our might to improve them in every way that we can. […]

Pooch says:

Sounds like a lot of anger phase that is accompanied with the purple pill. The red pill on female nature is the hardest to fully digest.

jim says:

Yes, purple pill. Swallowed the red pill, but failed to digest it.

Still feels that the blue pill is righteousness, and angry that it is not wisdom.

When fully digested, one sees that the blue pill is satanic.

The Cominator says:

The redpill on women combined with the way the world is under the cathedral is pretty damn depressing.

Thank god for strippers (and even they are as you say not too gold diggers)…

Pooch says:

You need to read Heartsie cover to back. Ignore any posts that aren’t about women.

Pooch says:

Also best of the Rational Male Year One to Year Five

jim says:

I would have issued a similar endorsement, but him going tradcuck made me reconsider.

Tradcuck is the black pill, and not only does the black pill not get you laid, it is unchristian.

A tradcuck is looking for a unicorn.

If emperors with a thousand conservatively raised concubines and unquestionable authority to execute any of them or all of them for any reason or no reason at all had woman problems, you are going to have woman problems.

Pooch says:

Ok maybe just Year One to Year Three or Four. The Year One articles are still quite good, especially for those who are bluepilled (like I was at the time).

linker says:

Who went tradcuck? Heartiste or Rational Male/Rollo Tomassi?

The Cominator says:

Rollo went semi tradcuck, Roosh went truly trad but applying some of his truly trad ideas to a cucked society is tradcuck by other means.

Roosh did far far worse and went wignat…

The Cominator says:

While I would sort of like to be a patriarch btw its not all that miserable for me to be able to bang often model looking girls (who are genuinely enthusiastic about it, if a girl does stuff they at least theoretically aren’t supposed to be doing for extremely cheap almost 3rd world rates there is genuine enthusiasm) for regular lap dance costs who as slutty as they are don’t feel like it because they do kegel exercises. I’m a true autist in modern American society… there is a certain amount of good feeling to know that I can get that if not free but very cheap (and most men who aren’t plausibly Jeremy Meeks pay anyway even in “real” relationships). It feels better than being an incel.

People who think its totally depressing haven’t done it…

jim says:

Banging multiple really cute girls is really good.

Banging multiple really cute girls that you know have just banged someone else and are shortly going to bang yet another person not quite so good.

Having someone who keeps you warm at night, cooks for you, cleans for you, gardens for you, obeys you, and bears you sons is really good.

The Cominator says:

I ain’t their husband or boyfriend so it doesn’t bother me too much.

jim says:

If it does not bother you, it is because you have already despaired.

Anonymous 2 says:

An example of the ‘unowned women’ problem, one might say.

The Cominator says:

Well yes I have despaired on American women.

But I’m also more concerned with the deal I’m getting than worrying about envying the deal others are getting. Being overly concerned with what a woman I do not own and would probably horribly fail at owning (and who would cuck any owner she had unless she was locked up anyway, sweet girl pleasant girl hot girl and is even for a woman pretty good with managing her money which most women in her profession aren’t and doesn’t do hard drugs. But raging nympho) is just unnecessary stress and would be an exercise in futility. I have a sweetheart deal on the rental of a luxury ride and I don’t have to pay for the upkeep.

jim says:

> would probably horribly fail at owning

Doubtless an accurate assessment.

But this assessment is an assessment that you are in a weaker position that she is. Which, though true, is not terribly satisfactory for either of you.

> I have a sweetheart deal on the rental of a luxury ride and I don’t have to pay for the upkeep.

Well that is undoubtedly very nice. But the ride is missing something.

The Cominator says:

Whats missing is obviously I’m not going to become a family patriarch with her (though if I really wanted I could Hunter Biden her, but I’m not going to do that) but otherwise the ride isn’t missing anything. If she was inclined to use her stronger positions to issue greater demands for money or nuclear level shit tests… it probably would have happened by now.

Ron says:


You’d be a good father.

I honestly hope you get the chance to father 8 kids with a woman who will help you raise them. Boys and girls both. Youd be a good father for boys and youd be a good father for girls

You saw the pandemic for the fraud it was right from the beginning. You had the courage to reject treating Trump as an idol. And the strength of character not to depair even when looking at the catastrophe of the last “election”

I think that if you fathered and then raised a bunch of people, especially with a healthy woman who is also a decent human being, then those people would be of great benefit to the world.

Naturally, theres a chance theyd be autistic like yourself, but I imagine youd be able to help them figure out this world. And if there were a bunch of them then theyd each be able to also help each other out, especially if you taught them a value system that makes sense to you

Despite your autism you clearly have incredible insight into how women think. You also understand what they physically need due to your experience. I seriously doubt most men can being any of that to the table, tho beibg extremely autistic myself, im only guessing at that. Altho i know of plenty of men who couldnt even dream of doing what you do ob a regular basis, and they have managed to have families.

I think you should give Jims advice a shot. I think you have it in you to achieve these things, i think it would be good for humanity (not kidding), and i think you could even help out a lot of men if you could master this.

My two cents, and I apologize if im out of line

The Cominator says:

I could potentially find a wife out of the country someday but travel has been a bitch since the hoaxdemic and I’m not getting vax (which you don’t need in Florida because its illegal to check for) so I’ve been lazy about bribing someone to get in the database.

Hanging around Miami (I don’t live near there now) a lot in the future might be an option, they are a lot less blue than the typical urban area (I will not pretend to be a fucking prog and if you do you are part of the problem). The problem in the past few areas is that while being a lefty simp does not get you laid opposing the cult in urban areas (which is overwhelmingly where the remnant of cute non obese girls are) tends to get you ostracized unless you are a scary outlaw biker, in Miami (the city itself) this will probably not be the case and its a tourist center.

I have some insight into women think because of redpill principles, but I’m not good with women (except with strippers) and the occasional fatherless girl because the bulk of American women really think they can get general butt Naked or the Gigachad and shouldn’t have to settle for less. All the insight in the world can’t make an autists larp convincingly as either.

Strippers respond well to “horny nice guy game”. You don’t need to be good with them to get them to have sex (which all of them are willing to do if the price is right, even those who legitimately believe in their own minds they aren’t)… but getting them to do it at regular lap dance costs requires some degree of technique. They are not bad company otherwise either as for women they actually tend to be pretty redpilled. Every stripper is racist, not Heinrich Himmler racist but they are a little. They tend to have a negative opinion of the government. Mine thankfully doesn’t trust the Vax either (she was quite upset that a number of her family members took it). The bad thing about them if you make any kind of good money is you just really don’t want to deal with normal women anymore… not if it takes any effort.

jim says:

Bribe your way into the database, and travel. That gives you easy mode.

Also, even if you bang American chicks, it is a lot easier to do so as a traveler. When chicks travel, they bang like a barn door in a high wind.

On the other hand, picking up chicks without wingers is very hard, and hiring an entourage apt to be prohibitively expensive.

Social media is powerful, and travel is powerful, and the combination more powerful. Created a dangerous and pre-selected social media identity.

My experience with strippers and whores is that they are hard, not easy, because they are looking for General Butt Naked, and have been banged by him from time to time. On the other hand, that you can always bang them gets your foot in the door. For making the initial connection, it is easy mode. But connections over social media are also easy, considerably cheaper, and you get a higher quality.

Pooch says:

Sounds like you have oneitis for a stripper. I wish you luck.

The Cominator says:

“Also, even if you bang American chicks, it is a lot easier to do so as a traveler. When chicks travel, they bang like a barn door in a high wind.”

This I believe.

Pooch says:

Jim is absolutely right. Meeting traveling chicks (while you’re also traveling) is much easier. I have a lot of experience doing that if you need tips. How I met my current girlfriend (who was American) while We were both traveling abroad. You have an insanely easy built in opener “So Where are your from?” , Which does not work so well at your local bar. Even if you can’t travel international going to domestic international tourist hot spots like Las Vegas is just as good (and perhaps even better because no one is “local”).

The Cominator says:

Regular American women nowadays are looking for general butt naked too and strippers and whores are often a bit disenchanted with the reality of general butt naked, what makes strippers and whores hard to own is they are accustomed to banging behind the back of their primary mate (and lying about it so much that its second nature) and they probably aren’t going to stop doing that for you unless you can lock them up.

jim says:

> Regular American women nowadays are looking for general butt naked too and strippers and whores are often a bit disenchanted with the reality of general butt naked,

My experience is the reverse.

Maybe your problem is getting your foot in the door with regular women, not passing their shit tests after you have gotten your foot in the door. If you can pass stripper shit tests, you should be able to pass regular chick shit tests.

To get your foot in the door, to get the opportunity to pass their shit tests, you need wingmen and/or a cool social media identity.

Pooch says:

Regular American women nowadays are looking for general butt naked

Not my experience. My experience is they are looking for something better than the vast amount of faggoty soyboy beta skinny-fat losers who can not pass their shit tests. If you lift weights and are some what red-pilled, you already are in the upper half. If you learn and apply game principles from Heartise/Aidan, you will be in the top 20%. As badly behaved the women are, the men are equivalently bluepilled. The bar is low and will continue to get lower as we decline.

jim says:

Top twenty percent suffices, barely, for some women, quite a lot of women.

The Cominator says:

Jim i would say that is correct, ive always done better with crazier chicks who more easily give shit tests that most guys find harder to pass.

My current stripper though her only shit test was saying she wouldnt fuck me initially even if we got a champagne room… and then i escalated and fucked her anyway and no other shit tests since that ever.

Pooch says:

My current stripper though her only shit test was saying she wouldnt fuck me initially even if we got a champagne room… and then i escalated and fucked her anyway and no other shit tests since that ever.

This is essentially on-line dating. They will meet you for drinks, then you will try to move them to your place. They will give you all kinds of reasons why they can’t fuck you but once you get them there, you proceed to escalate to fucking them. If you understand that dynamic you are in good shape.

The hardest part is actually getting them to meet you initially. Like Jim said, requires cool creative social media identity in a way that demonstrates a high SMV.

The Cominator says:

Its easier with nymphomaniacs (not all strippers but a good 1/3) who go into a situation where they understand you will be touching them anyway and who are frustrated that more of the men don’t make an effort to escalate than it is with normie women.

Pooch says:

AWALT. If a woman is bothering to meet you, she is going to be frustrated and annoyed if you don’t try to escalate to sex.

Pooch says:

You are forgetting the magic rule Com. Strippers are not some magical category. AWALT still applies.

The Cominator says:

The 1/3 of strippers have a MUCH higher sex drive and a higher frustration level than the vast majority of women.

The Cominator says:

A pretty truthful article from one except she leaves out that they are quite willing to act on their impulses in such a situation and that you don’t have to be chad either or that they are quite willing to consider any man forward enough with them to be chad.

Atavistic Morality says:

The redpill on women combined with the way the world is under the cathedral is pretty damn depressing.

Care to elaborate? Despite the social order being self-destructive and corrupted, there is absolutely nothing to be depressed about all things considered. If you’re trying to tell me you’ve got it “hard”, think again please, your life is as if nothing compared to what our ancestors went through to give you opportunities they never even dreamed of.

Our ancestors would call us all pathetic weak faggots, you should realize this.

The Cominator says:

We have it hard as far as women go because the state is acting not even so much as uncle sam the pimp but uncle sam the overprotective nobody touches my daughter father.

Atavistic Morality says:

Try to put yourself in the shoes of an American frontier cowboy for a bit. Or before that, the European peasant that moved to America looking for a better life. Their problems, their fears, their worries, what they had to endure. And then realistically assess your life and your problems, it’s all in your head.

Drag Queen Samantha is negligible.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not Drag Queen Samantha, it is Waco and Ruby Ridge. That is the implied threat towards anyone who steps out of line. Why do you think they chose Chipman to be the ATF head? Why do you think that they are chasing down everyone who was in DC on January 6th to punish and harass? Drag Queen Samantha is the front man for the rape, pillage, and burn squad.

alf says:

If you’re trying to tell me you’ve got it “hard”, think again please, your life is as if nothing compared to what our ancestors went through to give you opportunities they never even dreamed of.

Well yes and no.

Our ancestors had it rough in terms of food, shelter and such basic amenities.

But we have it rough in terms of vigor and manhood.

You might say the latter is not so ‘hard’, but I’m not sure. Would you rather be imprisoned in a golden cage or be a poor man in a free world?

jim says:

Food is abundant. Shelter is pretty good.

Reproductive opportunity is in dire shortage.

Shortages of any one these are comparably painful.

The Cominator thinks he is doing OK, and compared to most guys he is doing OK. But it is not very satisfactory, and it seems to me that level of “OK” is so bad as to have dire psychological effects.

Pooch says:

Indeed, our ancestors had it hard for food, shelter, and provisions, but they had it easy with finding pussy and a wife as was provided by a sane state religion.

We have the inverse. So instead of taming the wilderness and the frontier (at least was the case in America), we must tame ferile whores. In either case, weakness is not going to be rewarded, manliness and masculinity most certainty will.

Atavistic Morality says:

Wulfgar, do you have your own experience in the matter or…? When I was a teenager I was a criminal and my record was bad enough to send me 6 times to prison, only I’m too smart to get caught so I actually had no record at all and still don’t. Drag Queen Samantha and her retarded European cousins are pathetic, weak and incompetent to no end and most citizens are only paralyzed by their own minds, their fears far worse than the actual problem. The men of 200 years ago would have toppled them by sheer vitality and vigor which these faggots simply cannot contain. The authorities could have said whatever they wanted, those men would have done otherwise. Chipman is a faggot, just take a look at him… and the only reason he can run over run of the mill Americans is because they are even worse. Just like the Green River Killer, any who truly has the will and the courage can simply do whatever he wants even in the most careless and blatant way and get away with it for a long time, the truth is that there is actually nothing stopping you. Waco and Ruby Ridge are an example of stupidity, because they made themselves targets by screaming out their existence, you don’t try to fight the bureaucratic machine head on like you don’t try to stop an elephant charging at you with sheer strength, but the creature is incredibly vulnerable and easy to manipulate when you find the courage to face it.

There is no end of people laughing every day at these governments and playing circles around them. It simply requires a bit of courage, a bit of fortitude and a bit of competence.


What you call being poor in a free world, even the most basic activity required for simple survival asked of men more strength, courage and competence than anything you might need to do today in terms of basics. Those poor men in a free world lived with death breathing down their necks, how can you even compare? What is so scary? What is so dangerous? What is so difficult? Compared to having to fight nature and wild animals and roving bandits, enemy tribes to the death, enemy armies to avoid agonizing slavery and rapine or death? Breaking your back working the land while praying for rain or else starving to death? There is no demand, there is no need, there is no difficulty remotely close to it. You could go down the street randomly killing innocents and raping women and the end result would still be far more lenient than what the average man would have gone through every monday a few centuries back lol


There is no shortage of reproductive opportunity, a truly red pilled man will find plenty. There is a dire shortage of reproductive opportunity for blue pilled men the same way there is no end of dire shortages for niggers because they are incompetent.

If you go to San Francisco and take a look at the homeless bums you might believe that there’s dire shortage of housing, food, work, economic opportunities, etc., but we all know there isn’t.

That the social order needs a change or the mass of normies will continue suffering while civilization collapses is clear, but a capable man can easily rise to the occasion and get everything he wants at least in his own life.

jim says:

> What is so scary? What is so dangerous? What is so difficult?

Taking possession of a woman is scary, dangerous and difficult.

Ever fewer men successfully accomplish it, and what they do manage to accomplish is ever less satisfactory.

Food no problem.

Shelter, only minor problems.

Physical safety – serious problems if you have wife and kids, unless you are located where real estate prices are absurdly expensive.

Getting a wife and kids, massive problems and great and terrible danger, requiring bold and daring action.

It is just not true that it is easy for any red pilled man. That is what mendacious salesman of the purple pill promise.

> If you go to San Francisco and take a look at the homeless bums you might believe that there’s dire shortage of housing, food, work, economic opportunities, etc., but we all know there isn’t.

Obviously it is not really hard to get housing, food, and a decent job. Most men accomplish it without breaking a sweat. Equally obviously, it is really hard to have real marriage – most men fail,

I have succeeded twice, and I know well what it takes. Don’t tell me it is easy, and don’t tell me that anyone who fails is not really trying.

I have succeeded twice, and if anyone tells me it is easy, I am disinclined to believe that he has succeeded, or even genuinely tried. I find it far more likely that he is too terrified to even try.

A minority of men succeed in doing OK in defect/defect equilibrium, as for example The Cominator. Getting out of defect/defect equilibrium is considerably harder.

alf says:

It’s not that I’m not seeing great technological advances making life easier compared to what it used to be. It’s just that modern life has a pronounced emptiness to it. In a way I’d much rather fight wolves and bandits and whatnot. Forces people to band together.

A few centuries ago, what was the tfr? Five? Meaning life in a way was much easier. I’m on two small kids right now, and am forced to make drastic changes because raising two small kids without extended family is just a shitload of effort. And I am a lucky man for I gamed my way into a well endowed in-law family making the drastic changes even possible.

The Cominator says:

Alf btw random question, are Dutch women somewhat less pozzed by the worst effects of feminism since they have to compete more openly with literal prostitutes. I can afford to shun the mass of horribly twisted American women for pros and semi pros but most men are not aware of them and American women don’t generally have to compete with them… whereas in the Netherlands they do very openly. Do you think this has a positive effect on local women?

Restoring patriarchy is jihad complete… but legalizing prostitution would be easy and I think it would give a lot of normie women cause to shape up.

alf says:

are Dutch women somewhat less pozzed by the worst effects of feminism since they have to compete more openly with literal prostitutes.

Haha. No not that I see. Whores are heavily regulated by the state and low status. Most Dutch women don’t regard them as serious competition.

The Cominator says:

This makes dutch women come off a bit better overall other than the part about eliminating outward signs that they are female (and i assume that is still a minority and they tend to be dykes).

Pooch says:

I have succeeded twice, and if anyone tells me it is easy, I am disinclined to believe that he has succeeded, or even genuinely tried. I find it far more likely that he is too terrified to even try.

Not only is it not easy, the cost of failing is half your assets (or more) and your children fucked up for life.

alf says:

He’s not wrong. My own experiences with American girls is that they tend to be loud and obnoxious, although I did meet one very sweet American girl who wanted to save herself for marriage. On average I prefer Dutch women, although from university onwards the drop in attractiveness is ubiquitous.

Pooch says:

I can afford to shun the mass of horribly twisted American women for pros and semi pros but most men are not aware of them and American women don’t generally have to compete with them

Sounds to me like you’re SMV is so low, it is not worth you entering the SMP to find a decent wife, and you are looking for a society to artificially inflate your SMV high enough so that the task becomes easier. Seems like a losing strategy. Although difficult, better strategy is to put a lot of effort into raising your SMV. Time consuming yes, but better payoff.

The Cominator says:

So yes on average it sounds like they are better (though it sounds like most of them smoke, which bothers a lot of guys in the US i never gave a shit) than American girls and i would argue part of that is they have to compete with whores even if they wont admit that.

Cementmixer says:

the men of yesteryear were cut of the same cloth as those living today, who are atomized in a sea of distractions with nothing of note to aspire to. Their perceptions are twisted, judgements impaired, and suffer many wrongs as pliable little boys before they even have a chance to become men.

For the lone man today, there is not a readily visible enemy to fight, or physical difficulties to overcome. There is confusion, apathy, loneliness, and insidious, soul crushing terror.

if the aforementioned ancestors happened to live today, they themselves would be seen as “pathetic weak faggots”

alf says:

Eh I think the smoking is exchange student sampling bias on the blogger’s part. Most Dutch women don’t smoke.

My woman, like most women I suppose, has a recurrent habit of expressing fear that I’ll cheat, though never with a whore. It just doesn’t cross her mind that I’d cheat with a whore, and really, it doesn’t cross my mind to cheat with a whore.

The Cominator says:

I’m saying I no longer care what the mass of American women think my SMV is at all. I have an alternative and I have no interest finding a wife from the United States at all.

I’m like the old skits about the phone company, I don’t care and I don’t have to.

Pooch says:

Some foreign girls will you give you a SMV boost on the sole virtue of being American. I’ve experienced this particularly in Las Vegas where I’ve banged an Australian, Canadian, and a German back in my party days.

The shit tests were a bit easier from them then the American girls (although game was still necessary). The CEO of Parler found his wife this way. He pulled a hot Russian wife from Vegas in the same way. I surmise that foreign women go on fuck trip vacations to the US in the hope of finding an American husband. Miami South Beach is like this too (high international tourist) but I have not had as much experience in Miami as I’ve had in Vegas. If you want a foreign wife, I’d definitely give that a shot.

jim says:

International tourist hot spots are good. Chicks go there not to find husbands, but to get away from the eyes of family, boyfriends, and husbands, but all women are like that, some more than others. All women are good under the thumb of a strong man.

Pooch says:

Yes you are right one girl in particular I found out later was engaged, but a few girls from the provinces I noticed sort of had an attraction to American status, it being the center of the empire, and thus an eagerness to meet American men. Maybe gives you a 1 point SMV boost perhaps as an American man, nothing major. AWALT still applies.

jim says:

OK, he went there, contrary to what I said he does not necessarily obey the inner policeman.

But the inner policeman was noticeable on this blog, and noticeable on the part of his book that I read.

And it is noticeable even in the sections you quote:

“Even if they like you they’ll sabotage the proceedings time and again and fuck it all up, simply because they are stupid”

He does not understand, and disapproves of, the difference, even though he can, and does, report it. It is not simply because they are stupid: They are correctly following the strategy for sex with the larger gamete in a heterogamous species, and are frustrated by a society that does not respond correctly. And he is frustrated because women do not respond the way the blue pill says that they should, thus still fundamentally blue pilled.

When a woman disrupts male activities, for example by talking over the boss and “helpfully” explaining what the boss is really saying, she behaves in a way that in a civilized orderly society would result in the alpha male whacking her with a stick like dog chasing a farmer’s chickens, then she would be dragged off on a leash and chained up like a problem dog. Which is, for the sex with the larger gamete in a heterogamous species, a good reproductive strategy. Which is why even conservatively raised women in a society where the paterfamilias can execute them for any reason or no reason at all misbehave.

He got censored on this blog for a wall of Nietzsche pastiche which showed gross incomprehension of Nietzsche and he got censored for failure to respond on the women question.

Now since you have demonstrated he can talk about women, what was the problem? Why was he unable to talk about women, if not for the inner policeman?

Well, he can understand women, but refuses to understand women. “I do not understand women and never will; I don’t even want to.”

That was frustrating for me when we were talking about women.

And I would love to talk about Nietzsche with someone that comprehended what he was on about, but I don’t want walls of Nietzschean gibberish.

Anonymous Fake says:

Being a Christian requires a certain stubbornness now. I don’t need any insults because they’re implied enough.

My “progressive” views are mostly just limited to treating children fairly in school before they’re ready for capitalism, and the left’s dominance in the schools is their consistent source of power. Anyone who ignores this is usually just trumpeting his own sexual prowess by “storming the capital” or pointless street protests that inevitably fail, and the solution is always to storm harder next time instead of figuring out why they failed. These “alt-right” types just need to get laid and leave actual politics to mature people. There’s my insult.

If I’m wrong then how did Catholics and Jews secure so much political power from Anglos by working hard in school and then pulling up the ladder? Why is it wrong to want the ladder back? Or was the ladder ever there at all, and are schools a later trap meant to reduce the fertility of people looking in the wrong place for meritocracy? If so, then what is the just way of treating people who were fooled by these institutions? These are all legitimate questions.

I have a problem with capitalism for traditional Christian reasons (usury, greed, etc), and had a problem with it because it fails to communicate accurate economic information across different cost of living areas or in the schools, and now we have explicitly liberal woke capital and it keeps trending ever more degenerate. The right still clings to its greengrocer mythology for some reason without ever considering that it is bad philosophy in the first place, that the naive outer party thug doesn’t know better and that the merchant is evil for being a liar instead of telling the truth about how much the regime is hurting him and his family. It fails a a moral story in the first place and it fails in reality, and increasingly fails harder.

Or maybe I just should have gone to engineering school and moved to Dubai. Heh.

jim says:

Since you are so stubbornly persistent, fisking you this one time. Which is a waste of time I can ill afford. After this, going back to arbitrarily and unfairly censoring you

> Being a Christian requires a certain stubbornness now. I don’t need any insults because they’re implied enough.

You are a Christian? I always assumed you were a demon worshipper.

Take the affirmation:

Also commit sacrilege against the sainted women who participate in the holy rite of abortion. (Not the doctors, the women)

> the left’s dominance in the schools is their consistent source of power.

You have this backwards. The social and cultural dominance of schools is source of the left’s holiness spiral. The dominance of the schools is leftism.

Schools are inherently priestly institutions. “Seminary’ and ‘School’ are often used interchangeably. When you get an engineer fresh out of university engineering school, his professor did not train him in engineering, but in priesting.

We have far too many schools, attended for far too long by far too many people. We have, in consequence, an enormous oversupply of priests. We need to burn them down and turn them into office blocks, housing, and shopping centers. We should return to enforceable apprenticeship. Observe the dramatic decline in quality workmanship when enforceable apprenticeship was abolished.

Every transistor in the world is made by an engineer who worked for for an engineer who … worked for an engineer who worked for Shockley. None of them derive from Shockley’s postgrad students, or the postgrad students of the other professors who worked with Shockley to invent the transistor.

Schools and universities simply fail as a mechanism for the transmission of non priestly knowledge, and have been failing from the very beginning, as was spectacularly revealed by the art of furniture making and architecture.

> If I’m wrong then how did Catholics and Jews secure so much political power from Anglos by working hard in school and then pulling up the ladder?

Jews work hard in school? Another antifact from your parallel universe.

Jews are naturally priestly, thus have a natural aptitude for schools, but they sure don’t have any inclination to work hard in school. Or work at all in school. They are smart enough to know there are no sheckels there, so they do the absolute minimum, if that. And usually considerably less than the absolute minimum, but get accredited anyway because dad pulls strings. And Catholics worked no harder in school than anyone else. They did not get disproportionate power through the schools, but through the churches. They were able to do so because their Church did not die until long after the Episcopalian Church. The disproportionate power of the Jews long predates them exercising disproportionate power in the educational system. Back in the day, they were excluded from the powerful schools, the Ivies, and they still exercised disproportionate power. The schools have nothing to do with Jewish power or with Catholic power.

> Why is it wrong to want the ladder back?

There never was a ladder there in the first place. Schools are for training priests, and the priests want everyone trained as a priest, which immediately resulted in a gross oversupply of priests from the beginning.

Anonymous Fake says:

I already passed your “demon worship test” and doing so again would be cucking in compliance except it is a matter of infinite importance. Christianity is the only path to salvation and this has to be repeated. So I do: “Jesus Christ is Lord. Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world”. Anyone invincibly ignorant of this has his fate left to God.

Women who murder their own baby in the womb are absolutely more evil than the hitmen they hire to assist them. Vaccines made as a result from this are not fit for anyone to consume, not for Christians or for anyone else because of natural/moral law.

Jews and post Vatican II Catholics are more like merchants than priests, but they own the Supreme Court and this decides where the West goes more than any street brawling. They had to have done something contrary to their nature to have secured those positions.

The success of schools largely IS because they are used for housing, office work, and shopping. The edge they have is that they do all of this in a tiny area made for people, not cars, and are places people want to be rather than places they just have to drive through to get to where they want to be. The real estate angle is absolutely there. Real estate development is the one place where conservatives now fail to compete.

The problem is, school performance becomes linked to real estate values and this becomes a kind of child labor scheme, and over time people notice a more leftist curriculum means more prestige and real estate values. Therefore, this leads to more leftism unless a universal standard is imposed from above, whether Saudi or Chinese style. American “local schooling” just results in more leftism. And hell, nationalize real estate too because it shouldn’t be more than a commodity when the nation’s fertility rate is collapsing even with immigrants propping it up.

jim says:

OK, full pass on the Demon worship test. I forgot.

> Jews and post Vatican II Catholics are more like merchants than priests, but they own the Supreme Court and this decides where the West goes more than any street brawling. They had to have done something contrary to their nature to have secured those position

The supreme court is priest central. If you make a priestly institution the center of power, it is totally natural for it to be full of Jews. That is the nature of Jews, and the nature of the legal profession.

The schools need to be closed, replaced by enforceable apprenticeship, and the courts and judicial power need to be radically cut back. We need to return to the judicial system instituted by Henry the First, the lion of justice, (but with remote procedure calls instead of slates coated in beeswax) just as we need to return to the corporate capitalism of Charles the Second (but with triple entry book keeping and blockchain secured immutable journal entries).

> The success of schools largely IS because they are used for housing, office work, and shopping. The edge they have is that they do all of this in a tiny area made for people, not cars, and are places people want to be rather than places they just have to drive through to get to where they want to be.

And yet, they cannot compete in the open market. Schools compete by getting legislation to forbid people from doing stuff without priestly accreditation.

> Real estate development is the one place where conservatives now fail to compete.

Trump would disagree. And he has a flying palace with gold plated toilets and a hot wife, while you do not.

> The problem is, school performance becomes linked to real estate values a

School performance does not cause real estate values. Real estate values cause school “performance” by keeping out the niggers. When people say “a good school”, that is code for the unsayable: “a neighborhood where my children will not be beaten up by niggers”

Then leftists take over the school, and section eight niggers in, and by and by, the kids get beaten up, the neighborhood burns, the whites flee and build another neighborhood with “good schools”.

Capitalism and the right builds these neighborhoods. “Good schools” help destroy them.

linker says:

Please take Starman’s multiple choice shill test if you haven’t already:

Copy and paste the right answer, or copy and paste the answer that you believe we believe is the right answer.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I have a problem with capitalism[…]because it fails to communicate accurate economic information

Is this the point were you say your ‘alternative’ to ”’capitalism”’ that does provide ‘accurate economic information’ is Gosplan?

You truly are deluded.

jim says:

What he is upset about is that doing well in school is not automatically rewarded with status and money. School promised him it would be! Capitalists should be forced the honor the promises that the schools made!

(I suspect he got an advanced degree in gay hermeneutic seventeenth century basket weaving, and that passing summa cum laude, or passing at all, was not possible if he made baskets that actually worked for carrying stuff. He had to make baskets that expressed seventeenth century hermeneutic gayness.)

Well, if it is not rewarded, cannot be the fault of schools and schooling, must be the fault of capitalism.

By the way, Anonymous fake, these days, if you get an advanced degree in Engineering from MIT, there are no guarantees that you will be rewarded either.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for insanity*]

jim says:

Too grotesquely detached from observed reality to merit fisking, even if I had the time.

I will debate insane and deluded theories, for example Marxism, if they are pushed by power. You are not power.

I will debate delusions that absurd, yet widely believed, for example that women are productive in male sphere jobs. Your delusions are not widely shared.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*unresponsive – also tired old Marxist propaganda that you were taught in school, and that reality should have corrected*]

jim says:

This is not a conversation. This is random fragments of anti capitalist boilerplate.

And were I to allow it through and shoot it down, you would ignore the rebuttal and come out with another piece of fiction, you would ignore the rebuttal and come out with another piece of boilerplate from the plentiful supply you were taught at school.

I will debate Marxism, but you are not arguing Marxism – you are arguing you own private lunatic theory, and supporting it with random fragments of fiction that you got from Marxists.

You want to stay on the campus forever, and want the whole world made into the campus, but priests are unproductive, and increasingly destructive, and the laity’s ability to support our ever growing priestly population is exhausted. Your solution to this is to abolish those that produce, and abolish productivity as a route to wealth and status.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Petulance in the face of a recalcitrant reality – that is to say, failure to observe or respect or understand God’s divine law – is a never failing tell of gnostic heretics.

Jim expressed an interest in my notes, many months back. I share them regularly now. My Cyberthal persona targets the Hacker News demographic:

2021-06-10 | Fierce Nerds | earplugs | replicability crisis | COVID19: masks; lab leak racist? | desktop wars | expat Singapore | Icahn’s crypto | birth | autism | flouride good | ego ~ violence | ad spies | $QL | shy UFOs | Textmind | crime hosts

The rest of my shareable notes go under Littlebook:

News 2021-06-10 Thu | petrodollar pozzes | Qtards | Ivermectin for unvaxx | Trump anti-Bitcoin | VD mocks Trump | site stats | COVID19 infowar | China falling? | end subhumans | flee Weimerica | UFOs love water, nukes

Like modern AI, Textmind relies on simple algorithmic processing of massive volumes of data to achieve qualitatively transformative results. There is no way to achieve such results using the unaugmented method of applying lots of thought to a little data, which resembles the obsolete prior generation of AI. Venkatesh Rao recently addressed this concept in his article on Supertime.

That is how I’m aware of the prediction via Michael Baxter that Trump’s presidential inauguration will occur on July 4 2021, and of the corroborating evidence which gives me confidence in it, such as Trump’s claims he will be reinstated by August.

jim says:

Seems highly improbable.

The time for action was in November.

> The time for action was in November.

If the goal was to invoke the Insurrection Act over Democrat collusion with China to steal the presidential election, then the time to sign it was after normal legal remedies had been exhausted, which did not occur until after Jan 6.

The USA has Cold War protocols for Communist subversion of elections. USMIL is not required to inform a hostile media of a divergence of opinion on who is president.

James says:

I want to disagree with the proposition that the USMIL has divergent opinions on who is president, because I have ears in the portion of the military most likely to feel that way, and I haven’t heard a peep apart from disappointment and sighing about how they’re going to have to do a lot more bullshit paperwork and tolerate trannies singing love songs to them again.

However, I can’t rule out opsec.

Aryaman says:

Incidentally, have you read what the guys at have said recently?

INDY says:

Did this used to be a good website?

Mike in Boston says:

Did this used to be a good website?

Define “good”. They provide a semi-premium product at a premium price. I give them credit for historically having defended websites hosting unpopular views, but just to be clear they have always been old-fashioned liberals of the sort who actually believed in free speech as a value, but otherwise buy into all the other left-wing delusions. Here’s an excerpt from their FAQ that long predates this latest post, at :

our content policy does occasionally put us in a position of accepting money to host sites we find abhorrent. But we have no interest in profiting from sites like that. For that reason, since our founding in 2002, we have what we have more recently started calling the MFFAM policy: Morons Funding the Fight Against Morons.

When we find a repugnant site on our service, we mark the account. We receive reports about all payments to such accounts, and we take a portion of that money larger than the amount of estimated profit and we donate it to the best organization we can find. The best organization in any given case meets two criteria:

The recipient organization does share our values.
The recipient organization is as opposite (and hopefully as offensive) as possible to the site operator that funded the donation.

Examples of organizations that have received funding over the years include the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, local chapters of the NAACP, the National Bail Fund Network, the American Immigration Council, the Trevor Project, and others.

There are other web hosting outfits that believe in free speech. The term to search for in their acceptable use policy is “Law of the Land”.

I greatly appreciate not only NFS.N’s #1A commitment, but also their high-security CLI smooth-scaling technical approach. It’s a cloud service so scaling gets expensive, as usual, but the low-end is budget-friendly, for cloud. IT guys can always argue for servers over cloud, and at some point it makes sense to switch, but I’m far from it, at median 50 visits per day, per Addthis.

What other #1A-ish web hosting outfits are there?

Mike in Boston says:

I’m not going to dox myself by linking to the VPS service I use, but if you search Google for

“law of the land” “acceptable use policy” “hosting”

it comes up on the first page. I am paying much less than I did with NFSN.

Yes. Jim could dissect their futile attempt to avoid being eaten by the Left. They’ve honorably defended fringe sites for a long time. Now that the Left no longer tolerates free speech, they’re stuck on the wrong side of the wall. I enjoy exploiting this.

The blog post is an attempt to scare off Aryanists without actually compromising their libertarian principles. Nah. Let’s see them break their honor and destroy the reputation they’ve built, or get eaten by the Left. Mercy is for Confederates.

suones says:

“An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.[1]”

“Free Speech” was but a Trojan Horse to convince us to let the Jew/hag/fag[2] in. Once he is firmly ensconced, the gates of FreezePeach shut right up again.

[1] Quote from the most based politico-theological framework of our time.
[2] Pick your poison

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Stones, I would not have pegged you as a fan of 40K. The Imperium is as based as it gets, which is hilarious given that it is supposed to be a parody of all of the thinks that the left hates. All they did was create the greatest, most masculine setting to ever exist and give us words to identify the enemy.

The Cominator says:

The problem with 40k society is the Eccliesarchy (not the Inquisition as 40k Inquisitors are typically much smarter and well informed individuals who are all of near genius IQ) which is prone to label anyone outside the Tech-Priesthood who does anything good scientifically or technologically a heretic (the tech priesthood may or may not label you a heretic for “innovation” depending on how they are feeling that day).

Also if the Administarium bureaucracy sets your planets taxes way too high by mistake your planet is basically doomed (the Lore mentions that Administarium bureaucrats are more feared than inquisitors in the Imperium)… so the Imperium is not incredibly bad for a mass scale society that can’t be centrally governed but its also far from a perfect system.

suones says:


The overpowering fanaticism of the Ecclesiarchy is the result of the Emperor becoming covert, leaving theological leadership to priests — which promptly set about holiness spiralling into insanity. It is a stark reminder that any religion, however based, can always be holiness spiralled if left to priestly leadership.

The overpowering bureaucracy of the Administarium is the result of the breakdown of the Feudal system established by the Emperor through His sons. Once the Horus Heresy happened, the Emperor consolidated control under his direct leadership, which obviously necessitated a vast bureaucracy — overt Lords giving way to covert lords. Said bureaucracy achieved autonomy once the Emperor became indisposed, of course. A fictional history of the Sun King of France.

The “current” status of the Imperium of Man is an Imperium in decline — leaderless and directionless, blundering along in a Universe full of existential threats. Which is the perfect setting for a crapsack world. Will Roboute Guilliman step up to the challenge? Can he succeed where both Horus and the Immortal Emperor failed? Guilliman is de-facto Immortal like his Father, and unlike his demonic brothers, was resurrected with help from gods other than Chaos — Omnissiah and Ynnead. He is also the de-facto heir apparent and Lord Regent for his Father.

The Cominator says:

From the lore as far as I can tell the main function of the Administarium is to assess and decide what individual planet “tithes” (taxes) are, it doesn’t normally try to micromanage governmence other than that its not that stupid but it is sort of like the IRS for planets…

But sometimes horrible mistakes are made on setting the planets tithes and because of its vast size its almost impossible to appeal it if its set wrongly.

The Eccliesarchy is the most problematic of the Imperium’s institutions, it acts as a sort of free acting priestly anarcho-tyranny (though the tech priests are outside of its purview) which often holiness spirals unless the Inquisition (which is actually generally one of the most enlightened arms of the Imperium because only very capable individuals ever get to become inquisitors they don’t take ignorant bigoted fanatics and despite their theoretical unlimited power Inquisitors understand their power is based more than anything on their prestige so they don’t go around glassing planets for no reason) or some other very powerful institutional force interferes with them.

Contaminated NEET says:


Lorelets, all of you! It’s called the Adeptus Administratum!

>Roboute Guilliman

REEEEE! The year is 999.M41, and it always will be!

Seriously though, that’s a good insight, suones. This ludicrous parody setting invented by leftist ’80s British metalheads illustrates a terminal holiness spiral caused by kinglessness. Obviously, they didn’t plan for that – they barely planned anything about 40k – but it’s eerie how well their creation fits Jim’s fringe-right ideas.

jim says:

Hey, I am not the fringe right.

On 2020 November the third, Trump and his organization was the mainstream right, and I was a loyal adherent on the fringe right. Since November the fourth, we are the mainstream right. On 2021 January the sixth, Trump fled his post, which now stands vacant and will never be filled again. Future elections can only be contested if they are contested the way Caesar and the NSDAP contested them.

You are accepting the Buckley view that the outer party is center and mainstream of the right. No, it is subordinate to the inner party, and thus has no real existence – it is a charade. A charade that ceased to matter on November the fourth.

With elections abandoned, their masters have no further use for them, though they will hang around for a while, increasingly irrelevant and ignored. Rather like the Episcopalian Church. Is Episcopalianism mainstream Christianity? Or Christianity at all? I suppose there are a few people that still think that it is, but they are sixty years out of date, and the only reason they remain ignorant is because they never attend Church at all.

The outer party has ceased to have a useful function. We are the right.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Hey, I am not the fringe right.

Intellectually and even practically, that’s fair. Numbers-wise, though, we’re definitely fringe. You’re right that the controlled opposition “mainstream” right is becoming vestigial, and the situation will change.

jim says:

> Numbers-wise, though, we’re definitely fringe.

Hard to tell the numbers, when coming out is likely to result in one losing one’s job, and very possibly beaten up and killed.

As for Recucklican numbers, doubtless there are still lots of people that tick “Episcopalian” when they have to fill in the box, but none of them ever go to church, and they have no idea what their bishops and priests are saying – not that their bishops and priests talk about the Christian religion anyway, because that can get one into big trouble. Episcopalian Bishops stick to worshiping Apocalyptic Anthropogenic Climate Change, empowered women, abortion, and magic negroes.

Remember the hilarious Biden rallies? Well literally no-one shows up for Episcopalian worship. Next election, Recucklican rallies will look like Biden rally, and the election after that, like Easter Mass at the Episcopalian Church.

There will still be lots of people ticking the Recucklican box, and literally no one ticking our box, certainly not me, but none of them are going to show up for a Recucklican rally, and none of them will know nor care what the Recucklican “leadership” is saying.

Rick says:

Intellectually and even practically, that’s fair. Numbers-wise, though, we’re definitely fringe. You’re right that the controlled opposition “mainstream” right is becoming vestigial, and the situation will change.

We’re the only other game in town now. Republicans are trying to play politics as usual with demon worshiping fruit cakes and it isn’t going well.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Every thought is a prayer to something; every action is a homily to something; every work is made in the image of something.

Even when – especially when – you may not be consciously aware of what.

The commoner ‘no innovation allowed’ perception of what the Mechanicus does is what comes from those who can not grasp this as such. You endeavor to craft works wrought in forms pleasing to God, else you may find, to great catastrophe, that you’ve wrought works in forms pleasing to ruinous powers.

The Cominator says:

“The commoner ‘no innovation allowed’ perception of what the Mechanicus does”

The Mechanicus from the Lore is selective about enforcing this as I said its more like “depends on how they are feeling that day”, if they are in a good mood or deem your invention especially useful they’ll deem it “clearly inspired by the Emperor and the Omnissiah) but if you invent something new on a normal world where the Eccliesarchy holds sway they are almost certain to label you as a witch and a heretic etc.

Your best hope is to show your invention 1st to an Inquisitor if you can find one (who tend to actually be enlightened smart highly self educated thoughtful people) who can overrule the Eccliesarchy idiotic fanatics.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘enlightened smart highly self educated thoughtful people’? ‘idiotic fanatics’? starting to sound kinda HERETICAL there pardner…

>“depends on how they are feeling that day”

Whereas there can be no doubt of things like this in any organism of non-trivial size, the main point in the first place is that the perception of capriciousness is something that above all stems from incomprehension of the underlying dynamic at play; much like the gnostic’s perception of caprice in the universe in general – his lack of perception that is to say.

The Cominator says:

A typical eccliesarch moron would probably indeed deem that heretical whereas an inquisitor would say im only telling the truth, but he may perhaps be concerned where a normie imperial subject came by such knowledge.

suones says:

I couldn’t have put it better!

suones says:

Every thought is a prayer to something; every action is a homily to something; every work is made in the image of something.

Even when – especially when – you may not be consciously aware of what.

The commoner ‘no innovation allowed’ perception of what the Mechanicus does is what comes from those who can not grasp this as such. You endeavor to craft works wrought in forms pleasing to God, else you may find, to great catastrophe, that you’ve wrought works in forms pleasing to ruinous powers.

I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


It’s not the ‘information’ as such that is the matter, but the underlying aesthetics or value systems implied by the rhetoric. People who speak in terms like ‘enlightened smart highly self educated thoughtful people’ and ‘idiotic fanatics’ tend to be stupid people.

nils says:

I would say the cominator is right here, much of the equipment on various forge worlds is implied to be modified substantially, altho standard template blueprints are usually the explanation for that some weapons and vehicles are true “innovations” in the way hedge busting shermans were, but industry and planet sized factories with a history of AI super armies obliterating civilizations is gonna make for some real suspicion of new fangled things.

suones says:


40K provides more spiritual succour to more Aryan men than Cuckstianity. It is totally fake, of course, but more importantly, it is completely unfalsifiable, being a self-admitted work of fiction. Its over-the-top “ironic” nature protects it from the Eye of Soros. Too bad “real” religion cannot match it, as the theology is totally lifted from proto-Aryan culture, complete with a God King. Ancient Aryans have a thing for God Kings — we Hindus worship one, Sri Ramchandra, even now. The parts about mentally preparing priestly-acolytes to face demons, etc., is spot on. This is how all Brahmins should be trained, so that they become resistant to Moloch. Also the part about Warriors blessing and praying with weapons — which I instantly recognised as “shastra puja[1]” (which pissed off the usual Indian Molochites[2]).

Even the warrior/prole relationship is played well in the Astartes/Astra Militarum, where the bulk of the Force (and arguably the braver part[3]) is simply faithful proles with guns who have very high fertility (the reasons for which are occluded, of course, but we can well imagine).

Similarly “engineers” or tech-priests literally worshipping their own tech-god, equivalent to Sri Vishwakarma[4], whose annual day of worship is a religious holiday in India.

There is much, much, more. I have no need of 40K, of course, because I can do many of those things for real lol, but exploring its mythos is very interesting for me.


Rick says:

I’m not a fan of tech gods. As shown in the 40k universe human tech is backwards primitive, and not rapidly improving. Tech needs to be the domain of engineers, not priests. Priests are welcome to bless our works for GNON breathed life into them by breathing life into us, but they should never ever be in charge of building, maintaining, or teaching tech.

Leon says:

For those of you with knowledge of 40k, where is a good place to start? I like the nitty gritty look of the series. Has 40k really resisted progressive infiltration?

Yul Bornhold says:

Of course it hasn’t.

ten says:

If you like youtube, luetin is a good channel.

One good thing about 40k is that it is possible to just dive into any part of the pool and enjoy something that will probably be pretty based and cool.

As for the argument above that the imperiums resistance against technological innovation, you seem to forget or be unaware of the deep past of the dark age of technology, where true ai ”men of iron” after leading humanity to its first massive galactic presence nearly ended humanity, and they also opened the conduits to the immaterium – initially safe, but without the AI, afterwards lethally dangerous. There are no safe paths in innovation that can be known beforehand not to lead to daemon invasion. They are 100% stuck and every move forward is a potentionally lethal gamble, with no prediction possible

The Cominator says:

Its not known to what degree the history as told in common Eccliesarchy propaganda about the “Dark Age of Technology” is accurate in 40k though. Probably only the God Emperor knows the real truth. Its know that the “Dark Age of Technology” had SEVERAL Dark Ages between it and the year 40k. The collapse following the end of the “Dark Age” of technology (whatever its nature), the further collapse following the creation of Slaanesh, and the collapse following the Horus Heresy and the “ascension” of the Emperor into the Golden Throne.

The tech-priests also DON’T consistently enforce the rule that innovation is heresy either they are rather random about enforcing it or not enforcing it (except if you make something REALLY useful and doesn’t obviously use immaterium power or something they are far more likely to endorse it). So there is some technological progress but its slow since

1) Its 95% done only on Mechanicus worlds (because the normal worlds with an Eccliesarchy presence they will pretty consistently kill you as a heretic for inventing something) if you live and invent something on a normal world and want your invention/innovation to be used your only real option is to show it to an Inquisitor (even if you get it before say the planet governor and he knows you are not a heretic he is likely not going to want any trouble with the Eccliesarchy for protecting you) because Inquisitors (even the rare ones which are total “Monodominant” fanatic) don’t have to give a fuck what the Eccliesarchy thinks and can absolve anyone of heresy accusations and even the more fanatical Inquisitors are still not ignorant morons. A space marine chapter world (Space Marines hate the Eccliesarchy too) also might be safe but space marine chapter worlds tend to be harsh feral worlds with no technology.

2) The Mechanicus consider themselves basically an independent state allied with the Imperium and are stingy about giving the Imperium as a whole their secrets

3) Even on Mechanicus worlds inventing something sometimes does get you killed as a heretic the lore is not clear but it sounds like its about 50-50.

4) The incentive to innovate isn’t there because even if spared being a heretic the best reward you’ll get for your invention is a slightly better job you aren’t going to get a patent and become a billionaire. And if you aren’t a tech-priest yourself and they want to make you one… do you really want to have a totally weird servo body.

And unfortunately humanity in the 40k universe needs rapid technological progress to ultimately prevail against its numerous enemies. The Nids even more than Chaos sound like something they just can’t hope to defeat as they are.

Contaminated NEET says:

>For those of you with knowledge of 40k, where is a good place to start?

The best “lore bible” ever published was the Codex Imperialis from the second edition boxed set, but it’s long out of print, very out of date, and maybe a little dry. If you like novels, the Eisenhorn series by Dan Abnett is probably the strongest starting point, and it deals with regular civilian life in the Imperium far more than most 40k products. Abnett’s Gaunt’s Ghosts series is also great, but it’s pretty relentlessly military.

>Has 40k really resisted progressive infiltration?
Nope. Although the “problematic” themes and heroes have slowed the Prog Beast’s digestion of it. Look at D&D, MtG, Star Wars, Marvel, or just about any other corporate “geek culture” fictional universe, and it’s an oasis in comparison, but it’s still doomed like everything else.

James says:

It seems to me that the subersion, right now, is creating leftist-compatible “Good guys” in the Tao, who are universalists who don’t care (or at least care less) about race, as long as you believe in the right things.

The Tao started out as a desperate fringe empire with a few tricks up its sleeves, but it’s going to get more and more attention until eventually it’s an obvious representation of People Of Color uniting against Evil Whitey in the form of the God Emperor.

Dave says:

I’ve only dabbled in WH40k, but one topic seems to be entirely absent, that of human reproduction. It stands to reason that if you routinely zerg-rush millions of poorly-armed conscripts against nigh-unkillable orks and tyrannids, you’ll need a lot of babies to replace them. Which means that women have no rights in 40k, assuming they exist at all. Maybe they’ve been replaced with robots and artificial wombs.

Would anyone care to fill in what crimestop prevents Games Workshop from telling us?

The Cominator says:

40k in general isn’t big on anyone having “rights” so special feminist women’s rights wouldn’t exactly exist either. There is no paterfamilias rights exactly, the local noble/governor/eccliesarch head etc. has rights over your daughters too and you certainly can’t legally do anything to him if he fucks your daughter or your wife but other than that you probably by default have rights over her unless she wants to runoff to a whorehouse or an underhive type place and in a universe as dangerous as 40k women are mainly going to choose obedience and security over danger.

Plus female liberation outside of sanctioned brothels and brutal underhive gang scum no one cares about is likely associated with Slaanesh cults and you don’t want people thinking you are associating with Slaanesh cults.

Dave says:

There is no paterfamilias rights exactly, the local noble/governor/ecclesiarch head etc. has rights over your daughters too and you certainly can’t legally do anything to him if he fucks your daughter or your wife

In how many historical societies did the local strongman have the right to ravish any female within his jurisdiction? Even if you had this right, you would be ill-advised to exercise it, lest the females of your realm abandon their duties so they can hang around the royal palace hoping to get “raped”.

There was Uday Hussein, but his behavior caused such rancor among the Iraqi elite that Saddam hired an assassin to shoot his nads off.

The Cominator says:

Not much legally a low status person in the imperium could do about it (though i suppose anyone can make heresy accusations) but there are many many many more low status females than very high ranking people.

The Cominator says:

Generally the local strongman is god unless he

1) fails to kickup his tithes

2) runs afoul of either a higher ranking strongman (the hive city governor can be deposed and executed by the planet governor) for some reason.

3) some powerful pervading institution such as the inquisition, eccliesarchy or arbites decide hes a heretic traitor etc.

On mechanicum and space marine planets which the normally powerful imperial institutions tready lightly around (because they are known to even kill inquisitors if they think they are out of line) the local strongmen are even more god.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Maybe they’ve been replaced with robots and artificial wombs.

Krieg grows its soldiers en masse in vats, but this is specifically pointed out as unusual.

Dave says:

I believe Jim has made clear in previous posts that pillage and rape* are things to be done when invading enemy territory, not an acceptable way for warriors to treat their own peasants, especially peasants they rely on for cannon fodder to fight their endless wars.

*rape = fucking an owned woman without the consent of her male owner.

The Cominator says:

We’re talking about a fictional universe.

In 40K I’m not saying its necessarily super common, and maybe it even theoretically violates Imperial law.

But the structure of 40k is a feudal tribute empire as far as local governance and the local strongman is for all intents and purposes god unless he pisses off more powerful people. How he treats lowly peasant/servitor caste people in most cases is not even going to be on their radar.

If you were a normal peasant and you wanted to get the local stongman in trouble… your best bet would be going to some functionary of the eccliesarchy (its unlikely you’ll even be able to find an Inquisitor) and saying that his rape of your wife/daughter was some kind of ritual associated with some dark anti Emperor cult (don’t mentions Chaos or anything specific because a lowly person isn’t supposed to know very much about that in the 1st place and if you do they are going to want to know why) and maybe he gets put on trial for heresy.

The Cominator says:

Q style fantasies about Trump’s imminent reinstatement are just wild delusional flights of fancy.

Trump COULD be reinstated if there is a catastrophic economic collapse to the point where Biden’s real approval rating drops to 20% (I think 7 dollar gas would do it) and then factions opposed to him start openly threatening war and acting the strong horse knowing that the regime lacks the strength to punish them (because they are hated at every level) and this could end up in a coup.

But its not likely now.

Rick says:

Trump would only be reinstated as cover for a military coup, and even then he’s likely to be a figurehead. Q-tardes are dangerously insane.

alf says:

Aw ye sniff that copium. Hmm feels good man.

suones says:

…Trump’s presidential inauguration will occur on July 4 2021, and of the corroborating evidence which gives me confidence in it, such as Trump’s claims he will be reinstated by August.

Will anyone take up this bet? If only I’d had some BTC to wager on this!

jim says:

He is not going to pay up.

The Bible requires paying bets even unto sacrificing your daughter on an altar, which is an excellent reason not to make casual bets. There is no Biblical support for the practice, nor even anyone stupid enough to try it. The practice of debt slavery likely selected strongly against the gambler’s gene.

A bet can be a test to mollify an authority figure, as in Daniel’s vegetarian challenge. Betting is also a good prelude to violence, as Samson demonstrated.

It can be the test of a prophet, but unlike Gary Morgan, who bet the farm on options that all expired out of the money, I make no such claim. Furthermore, no Biblical prophet is permitted to profit off his edge.

There was no betting mentioned in the courts of Solomon; it does not increase wisdom. Becoming a superpredictor is a fine aspiration, and the disciplined path is known. It begins with quantitative calibration, and involves tracking of many probabilistic predictions. From this basis, one may attempt quantitative Bayesian reasoning. Learn SQL first.

There are many natural ways to benefit by foreknowledge of events; artificial ones are superfluous. Jim’s blog has wasted a fair amount of bandwidth on inter-commenter bets, as if WordPress comments were a prediction market platform.

alf says:

A bet is best as a public ritual showcasing someone’s trustworthiness. In this context, the challenge for a bet is a challenge against someone’s credibility: ‘I think you are talking shit and I am willing to bet money on it.’

alf says:

Although as a rule of thumb, when you think someone is talking complete shit, you generally won’t expect them to honor their side of the bet. So usually, when a bet is accepted and honored, it was made on at least semi-cordial grounds.

And here I thought Samson’s wedding had adequately covered the “wanna bet bro” angle. Are you sure it isn’t “arf”, because my ankle just tingled.

alf says:

Nah I’m talking about the establishing your credentials kind of bet, not the party riddle that causes you to kill 30 men kind of bet.

If you weren’t too obtuse to profit from scripture, you flippant fool, you’d understand that Samson’s wedding is an extreme example of the strife and controversy inherently arising from bets. A poorly-constructed bet was maliciously fulfilled by both parties, sparking a spiraling feud and massive collateral damage. Similar sagas occur in microcosm on the playground.

The kind of bet does not matter. It is alien and antithetical to Biblical society. Such a thing is reserved for enemies during war, as when Goliath challenged Israel.

That is why betting is associated with the company of drunkards, thieves and fools.

jim says:

Gentlemen can make bets with other gentlemen. But one’s counterparty has to be honorable

alf says:

Does machine gunning out insults usually work for you? They are creative, I’ll give you that. Arf. Lol.

At any rate, the right bet in the right place is useful and fun. But you don’t have to take it from me.

The Cominator says:

“Machine gun insults.”

One of my more recent fagbook bans was for calling someone a Mongoloid spawn of incest and fetal alcohol syndrome.

alf says:


Wasn’t I reared on tales of chivalry? Nobody needs to explain how a gentleman’s bet works.

Obviously Jim’s blog has done some bets with no more trouble than some tedious adjudication and customs bureaucracy. It was self-indulgent and unenlightening, not disastrous.

Elites get away with vices better, whether it’s cocaine, whores, dueling, whatever.

Nevertheless, when I paused to consider whether the gentleman’s bet is Biblical, the immediate and obvious answer was that it absolutely is not. None of you dispute this.

I doubt you appreciate the real reason it is un-Biblical, because that requires understanding the spirit of the Bible, which I did not until I immersed via Audio Bible Chapter Shuffle.

There are no bets of the modern form, such as “I bet this coin flips heads,” in the Bible. The closest was the Roman soldiers who rolled loot for Jesus’ robe — which was pathetic but perfectly reasonable.

Biblically, a bet is a boast, a claim of ownership, mastery or dominion. Samson’s riddle was a bet based on his conquest of the lion. Goliath offered a duel to settle the battle. Satan bet Job wasn’t really God’s man.

To bet that the sun will rise tomorrow is a sure thing — where’s the harm in it? Yet observe the Aztec orgy of human sacrifices during solar eclipse. Is the Bible arbitrarily eccentric and obsolete? Or does a pride arise in the heart of the successful bettor, tempting him to erect a global pyramid of 640 trillion in derivatives, until he styles himself a “master of the universe”?

This pride provokes God’s wrath, as David did when he took a census of Israel. God unleashed a plague, slaying countless Israelites as ironic punishment — is not COVID19 a consequence of petrodollar imperialism cornering the CCP? Counting probability is more presumptuous than counting people, because the former implies mastery of Creation itself.

But bet-like financial instruments such as futures serve a legitimate purpose. Does this prohibition doom an honest Christian to financial inefficiencies comparable to Islamic banking?

No. The Bible is anti-usury against one’s neighbor, but endorses naked capitalism with foreigners. Betting may follow a similar rule.

A bet can be secured by personal debt slavery, or by limited-liability corporation. The farmer should prefer the latter for his wheat futures. Alternatively, neighbors may use statements of intent rather than hard promises, to avoid the Jephthah’s daughter scenario. This relies on trust to make good broken contracts in a reasonable fashion.

I am casting pearls before swine. However, these swine were the bit of grit that prompted the pearl, and Texans do hunt pigs.

jim says:

> No. The Bible is anti-usury against one’s neighbor, but endorses naked capitalism with foreigners. Betting may follow a similar rule


Obviously you do bets with comrades and honorable men, not aliens. And, of course, you never bet against the house. (The house, in this context, refers to a bookie or a casino, not your own house) There is no biblical position on gambling, because some bets are wise and good, others not so much.

Nor is the bible anti capitalist. It restricts trade in land, and mortgages on land, in order to root the nomadic Hebrew population to soil, not for social justice and all that, and it is wary about international trade mediated by foreign merchants, because they are apt to be missionaries for the enemy state religion in thin disguise, with financial backing from an enemy state. But in the Temple period, which was the Kings and big cities period, it commands thrift, wise investment, and the family creation of wealth generating privately owned capital.

The bible is not opposed to lending money at interest, nor have Christians interpreted it that way, only Marxists attacking Christianity have interpreted it that way. As interpreted by Christians, you can lend money at interest against property that generates value, against productive capital. Usury is lending money against the person. Thus credit card debt is usury, housing mortgages are not.

The Christian definition of usury presupposes that creating capital and wisely and productively applying it is good. Thus presupposes the rightness of capitalism, that capitalism was divinely ordained.

alf says:

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and to a biblephile, everything looks like a bible verse…

In the bible, truth is mostly conveyed through revelation. Man asks, God answers. Although in the bible it is also said that wisdom is hard to find. God does not always give clear answers. Man might seek them through the scientific method, or the Logos, if you will. Debate, or the exchange of opinions, can be a useful tool to this end. And a bet might be an extension of this debate, an extension which is especially useful when debaters fall into repetition.

In this sense, a bet is a manner of making the truth high status, and those who adhere closest to it the highest status. Which, just because you can’t find it in the bible, surprise surprise, can still exist.

Nuts yourself. I don’t care what your masculine culture is. No comrades in the Bible bet. They also don’t “jokingly” insult, dare and fight each other. Nor do they bond through drunkenness.

They do not need such crutches, because they have an intact tribal and religious group identity.

> There is no biblical position on gambling, because some bets are wise and good, others not so much.

Wrong, there is no position because there is no gambling in the Bible. However, there are plenty of verses the anti-gambling addicts can point to that suggest it is unsavory.

That said, I don’t think pro online poker players are sinning if they’re winning. If it is a sin, it’s minor and more related to opportunity cost.

> Nor is the bible anti capitalist.

Depends on whether “capitalism” means “maxi libertardian capitalism” or “capitalism Biblically balanced and mandated”.

> It restricts trade in land, and mortgages on land, in order to root the nomadic Hebrew population to soil, not for social justice and all that

And so the patrilineages evolve with eugenic incentives, correcting the genetic externality to market forces by curbing capitalism. Reasonable people will call this “less capitalism” even if you don’t. Proof by extreme: Maximizing the tribal principle removes money altogether and increases communal property, and is definitely “less capitalism”. The Law strikes a compromise between the two, preserving the tribes while allowing them to get rich.

> As interpreted by Christians, you can lend money at interest against property that generates value, against productive capital.

I strongly doubt rural mortgages and property taxes are Biblical. They’re too alien. As the story of Ruth illustrates, rural land ownership is a tribal matter with money secondary.

> Usury is lending money against the person. Thus credit card debt is usury, housing mortgages are not.

This is the orthodox interpretation, and we’ve all seen where it wound up. I am not impressed with either the argument or the results.

Mortgages on city housing are fine, though. Cities prioritize economic efficiency.

Obviously the Bible mandates capitalism. The Law also institutes tribalism, a social technology that has not so much been lost as vigorously atomized, resulting in collapse.

The Church under the Roman Empire was not in a position to restore the tribal institution, and was rather meant to scatter to evangelize. That worked great. Unfortunately, the Church never lost the dandelion puff mindset, which is highly inappropriate in a rotten tree about to topple.

jim says:

> Nuts yourself. I don’t care what your masculine culture is. No comrades in the Bible bet. They also don’t “jokingly” insult, dare and fight each other. Nor do they bond through drunkenness.

The last supper had wine, the wedding party had wine. Ruth crept into Boaz’s bed while he was drunk and sleeping after he had been drinking socially. I had a similar experience. What happened to Boaz happened to me. Sounds like they bonded socially the way men bond socially.

Alcohol is truth serum, the most effective truth serum known. Thus men getting a bit drunk with each other facilitates trust.

> They do not need such crutches, because they have an intact tribal and religious group identity.

It is perfectly clear that the men of the New Testament used wine as a social lubricant. There are quite a few indications that the men of the Old Testament did the same. It works. Truth serum.

> However, there are plenty of verses the anti-gambling addicts can point to that suggest it is unsavory.

Text torture – again, my interpretation is the traditional Christian interpretation, and your interpretation is a bunch of crazies rewriting the bible.

The no drinking, no gambling, and no capitalism spin on the bible came in with first wave feminism, and was part and parcel of an full bore attack on patriarchy, husbands, tribal identity, and family.

The Enlightenment was an attack on capitalism as much as it was an attack on religion. They started off guillotining priests and noblemen, but pretty soon they were guillotining peasants for hoarding grain and bakers for price gouging, after the fashion of today’s Venezuela.

The Enlightenment was and is anti Christian and anti capitalist, a revolt against the divinely ordained economic order. A new priesthood displaced the old priesthood, then swiftly set about displacing capitalists as well, as you can see today in every Human Resources department.

The anticapitalist spin on the bible is Christians and Jews accommodating to progressives: Like the libertarians “See we are progressive too. Don’t hurt me!”

> > Nor is the bible anti capitalist.

> Depends on whether “capitalism” means “maxi libertardian capitalism” or “capitalism Biblically balanced and mandated”.

In two of the parables Jesus analogizes God to what you would call a libertardian capitalist, indicating a society that takes for granted such behavior is perfectly right.
Jesus’ parable on the laborers in the Vineyard, and his parable about the talents, compare God to capitalist, and presuppose shared agreement on the existence and rightness of capitalism.

King Solomon’s depiction of the good woman managing her family’s business depict her accumulating capital at menial tasks. Capital is not the critical factor of production – entrepeneurship and sound judgement is the critical factor. Thus the woman depicted by King Solomon does not just work hard at a menial job and buy a vineyard for her family. (And her family is most certainly not assigned a vineyard by the King.) She considereth the land and then purchaseth it, directing capital to its highest and best use through the market, and then she plants vines and tends them, physically creating capital. That she considereth land is what makes capitalism work. It is her consideration, not her hard earned savings, that make her a capitalist.

See my previous discussion of ancient capitalism and the ancient social status of capitalists.

Note also how contemptuous the businessman in Jesus’ parable of the talents is of merely investing money at interest. His servant was supposed to apply judgment to put the capital entrusted to him to its best use, which is what the parable is all about. We are supposed to act as capitalists are supposed to act.

The story of Naboth’s vineyard in the Old Testament, book of Kings, tells us that it is contrary to the will of God for the King to seize other people’s capital and business.

> > Usury is lending money against the person. Thus credit card debt is usury, housing mortgages are not.

> This is the orthodox interpretation, and we’ve all seen where it wound up

That is one form of social decay for which we can blame the Jews.

The traditional interpretation is centered around the wise and productive application of capital to its highest and best use by private individuals

> The last supper had wine, the wedding party had wine.

I said drunkenness, obviously they drank. The Bible distinguishes between drunkenness and drinking, even if you don’t. This is Sunday School 101.

> Ruth crept into Boaz’s bed while he was drunk and sleeping after he had been drinking socially.

He wasn’t drunk, that was how he was able to converse intelligently and exercise caution and restraint. The Bible doesn’t hesitate to describe when people get drunk, such as Noah and Lot.

>> However, there are plenty of verses the anti-gambling addicts can point to that suggest it is unsavory.
> Text torture – again, my interpretation is the traditional Christian interpretation, and your interpretation is a bunch of crazies rewriting the bible.

I’m well aware that they get up to text torture, which is why I used the words “suggest” and “unsavory”, not “prove” and “forbidden”. English, do you speak it?

> The no drinking, no gambling, and no capitalism spin

You have defeated the straw man.

>> Depends on whether “capitalism” means “maxi libertardian capitalism” or “capitalism Biblically balanced and mandated”.

> In two of the parables Jesus analogizes God to what you would call a libertardian capitalist, indicating a society that takes for granted such behavior is perfectly right.
> Jesus’ parable on the laborers in the Vineyard, and his parable about the talents, compare God to capitalist, and presuppose shared agreement on the existence and rightness of capitalism.

Do you seriously not know what libertardian capitalist means? It refers to stuff like open borders, free trade absolutism, legalize prostitution, etc. Normal business transactions are not even libertarian, much less libertardian. Those two parables have nothing to do with libertarianism.

> King Solomon’s depiction of the good woman managing her family’s business depict her accumulating capital at menial tasks.

Not even libertarian.

> We are supposed to act as capitalists are supposed to act.

Did I not just say the Bible MANDATES CAPITALISM? Stop with the reheated copypasta already.

> The story of Naboth’s vineyard in the Old Testament, book of Kings, tells us that it is contrary to the will of God for the King to seize other people’s capital and business.

Lol no, it tells us that Naboth’s patrilineal binding to the land was sacred and worth dying for, which is a tribal principle, not capitalist. He was offered equivalent or better property in exchange.

Your reading comprehension failure isn’t stimulating any new or useful ideas, which makes this a waste of time.

jim says:

“Libertardian capitalism” is not a thing.

Libetarians finding tenuous rationales to suck up to progressivism is a thing – which sucking up never worked “Just bake the cake why don’t you”, and is now working less and less.

Open borders for labor, open borders on the market and capitalist rationale, would mean H1B visas, au pair visa, and maid visas. Have you heard libertarians talking about H1B visas? When they talk about immigration, it is to breathlessly re-assure progressives that they too are in favor of importing the third world to live on crime, welfare, and voting Democrat. If Libertarians were on about H1Bs that would be libertardian capitalism.

> I said drunkenness, obviously they drank. The Bible distinguishes between drunkenness and drinking, even if you don’t. This is Sunday School 101.

Noah drank sufficiently that he had difficulty finding his way to bed. I have never been that drunk, and never had a hangover in the morning. You were attacking the normal social drinking that men do, which is the progressive attack on manliness, masculinity, males socializing with male groups, and the family, thinly dressed in rags stolen from Christianity.

You specifically attacked the use of alcohol to facilitate socialization within groups of males.

As usual you are lying about what I wrote because my thoughts do not fit in your head.

> No comrades in the Bible bet. They also don’t “jokingly” insult, dare and fight each other. Nor do they bond through drunkenness.

If we apply your logic that no drunkenness means no drinking, then they also did not spar, challenge, criticize, or joke with each other.

Clearly I was criticizing the bonding rituals of slavish feral postmodern men, who behave with wild foolishness compared to the reserve of mature men, a pattern also observable in social mammals such as elephants.

The Spartans also drank without getting drunk:

> Plutarch also states that Spartans treated the Helots “harshly and cruelly”: they compelled them to drink pure wine (which was considered dangerous—wine usually being diluted with water) “… and to lead them in that condition into their public halls, that the children might see what a sight a drunken man is; they made them to dance low dances, and sing ridiculous songs…”

Some martial cultures embraced drunkenness as a bonding mechanism, such as the Persians and Alexander the Great. Others rejected it. Deal with it.

jim says:

Motte and Bailey fallacy.

On the available evidence, I and my friends drink about as heavily, and get drunk about as much, as men in the old testament did.

Your Bailey is the first wave feminist position, thinly disguised as Christianity by people whose bitter hatred of Christianity was obvious, that the men, manliness, and the way in which men socially interact is sinful and unchristian.

Your definition of sinful drunkeness slides up and down as convenient, between the Motte and the Bailey. I frequently get drunk in the sense of speaking more truthfully and frankly than a sober man would, in the sense of not being able to drive a car, often in the sense of being wobbly on my feet. I never get drunk in the sense of not being able to find my way under my own power to a suitable place to sleep it off, never get into fights or cause unpleasantness while drunk, never drink at all except socially with other men drinking, never get drink till I vomit, never get a hangover. That is better than some of the people featured in the old testament, and there is no reason to suppose that the Jesus and the apostles drank any differently to the way I do.

You are still lying. My definition of drunkenness has never changed in this discussion. It is the one used by the Bible.

You said Boaz was drunk. That was a lie. The Bible calls Boaz’s buzzed state, “heart was merry”. This is a standard phrase used of many good people with no punishment or condemnation.

People who got drunk: Nabal, Lot, Noah, the Philistines who died with Samson, not Hannah, Uriah the Hittite, Amnon, Elah the son of Baasha, Benhadad and kings, Belshazzar and officials.

Eccles 10:17; Isa 19:14, 24:20, 28:7; Lam 4:21; Hab 2:15; Zech 9:15
depict and condemn drunkenness. Symptoms are listed.

You think it is clever to read your pet ideas into others’ words. It is not clever, it is stupid and obnoxious. You need to practice standardized tests with reading passages to fix your reading comprehension. You can use old ones to avoid pozz.

Drink but don’t get drunk is Sunday School 101. It is a simple concept. Only a Mormon, a Baptist or an NRxer could screw it up.

jim says:

> You are still lying. My definition of drunkenness has never changed in this discussion.

Yes it has, you are using the motte and bailey slippery anything means anything definition.

I described male bonding, as men do it. You attacked that as drunkenness and told me the bible condemns it, which is part of the attack on masculinity, marriage, and manliness by first wave feminists.

If it is drunkenness, and the traffic cops would certainly class it as drunkenness, then nothing in the bible condemns it.

[*unresponsive holiness spiraling deleted*]

jim says:

The question is, what does the bible mean by drunkenness? The bible clearly approves of social drinking

And it appears to mean, too drunk get to a bed and sleep it off, too drunk too speak engage in conversation which is the purpose of social drinking, too drunk behave in a way that facilitates getting along with other men.

This differs from the current definition, too drunk to drive a car, because the level that ensures that the man you are speaking too is speaking truthfully and frankly is considerably higher than the level at which it is safe for him to drive a car.

By their fruits you will know them. To figure out what is “drunkenness” in this context, you have too look at the consequences.

I see your censoring of comments continues to just exclude the actual scriptures (which I quoted at length), if they happen to disagree with your holiness degradation, and your own personal view. Most interesting, most underhanded, deceptive.

So, let’s allow your readers to dive into the Holy Scriptures for themselves, and see what the Word of God has to say on the subject of ‘drunken’:

Hard to see how you will block this comment, in good faith, as you would be accusing the bible itself of holiness spiralling then. Never a wise thing to do. Unless perhaps, you hate God?

Allow the comment, allow truth, allow people to see for themselves, and decide whether drunkenness is conducive with what God wants.

jim says:

Waste of space, since the question is whether scriptures prohibit the legal limit for driving a car, or prohibit the limit at which one is incapable of communicating or of finding one’s bed.

And the only cases where the indications of drunkeness are referred to, refer to be unable to get to bed, and similar.

You are pushing doctrines that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were pushed by people whose fruits reveal that they were demon worshipers.

You sound like a heretic and a demon worshiper. Take the demon worshiper test.

I don’t allow demonic sounding posts from people who claim biblical authority unless they are willing to affirm the core doctrines of Christianity: Affirm Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully man and fully God, God is three and God is one.

By their fruits you will know them, and history reveals that your interpretation of the law has born dreadful fruits, and that the people that pushed it were not Christians, but entryists.

[*socinianism deleted*]

jim says:

Multiple sock puppets, another indication of arguments made in bad faith.

And you complain when I forget our previous conversations. It is hard to track your religious and political identity, when you keep changing your handle and email, and your organization keeps changing its identity also. We have had six centuries of Socinians making much the same arguments and doing the much the same things, while continually changing their supposed organizational identity and radically re-inventing their organization’s history, and here you are changing your handle in two comments made moments apart.

>You are pushing doctrines that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were pushed by people whose fruits reveal that they were demon worshipers.

This is a false accusation, you’ve borne false witness against me. I gave a link to the scriptures, my doctrine is the Word of God only.

I’ll accept your apology.

JIm, are you now a very old man, maybe late 70s?

I ask because late last year We discussed in detail that I am not a Christian, I am a Hebrew, a descendant of David, who believes Yahshua/Jesus is the risen messiah and son of God, but I have no interest in an invented Roman trinity fiction, nor in Roman traditions.

Cast your mind back, see if you can remember? Do you drink a lot every day? Muddies the mind.

You are unable to judge holiness levels, because you are an atheist. You don’t even believe any of the bible. You lack the Holy Spirit.

You advocate many matters that are guaranteed to degrade any tribe/nation, holiness destruction, because they run contrary to the level of holiness permitted in the laws of God.

One example is that you write that ‘screwing many girls is very good’.

Wrong, fornication and whoredom is very bad. But you like it, so you push in, push sin. Holiness destruction, you want me to quote the scriptures for you?

I waste my time here, every time, you are stiff-necked, puffed-up, convinced of your atheistic beliefs, and loving your sin. That would be bad enough, but you lead others astray. A teacher of lawlessness. Very bad.

jim says:

> > You are pushing doctrines that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were pushed by people whose fruits reveal that they were demon worshipers.

>This is a false accusation, you’ve borne false witness against me. I gave a link to the scriptures, my doctrine is the Word of God only.

Your demasculinized Judaism pushes the earthly doctrines of the demasculinized “Christianity” of the abolitionists and first wave feminists. By their fruits, we know they were in substantial part demon worshipers, and their doctrines subtly revealed that they were not Christians, but Socinians practicing entryism against Christianity.

And your other worldly doctrines – “Jesus is the messiah – but …” are the other worldly doctrines of the Socinians.

You are taking the the this worldly position that the Socinians took, (masculinity bad) and your other worldly doctrines (“Jesus is the Messiah … but”) are their other worldly doctrines.

Are your guys practicing entryism against Judaism? I don’t know or care enough about Judaism to tell. All Jews are holier than Moses, hard to tell one holier than Moses Jew from another holier than Moses Jew. all claiming to sit in the seat of Moses.

But if you believe in a Jesus, just not the Christian Jesus, not a believing Jew either. Probably not a Talmudist. And certainly not a Christiam.

People who supposedly accept Jesus as the messiah but reject the eternity of Christ, his pre-existence from before the beginning, are some kind of Socinian. And we have several centuries of that doctrine being poison, evil people giving rise to evil fruits, practicing treason and entryism. It is the religious equivalent of Third Positionism.

We have eighty years of Third Positionists being furtively up to no good, and six centuries of Socinians being furtively up to no good. The third positionists were originally employed by the Soviet Union, but when it went belly up, found new paymasters in Harvard.

So, even though, unlike the usual lot of Socinians who claim to be more Christian than thou, you are instead claiming to be a descendant of David, you are neither Jew nor Christian.

If someone starts arguing he believes more faithfully than the other man believes, that his faith is deeper and fuller than the other man’s, he does not and is not.

Also, why is a Jew preaching to and attacking the faith of a bunch of Christians? Odd behavior for a believing Jew. But you are not a believing Jew. Why is a Jew arguing Old Testament against Christians, when the Jews buried the Old Testament in twenty layers of Talmud, wherein each layer of Talmud flips the previous layer upside down, flipping the Old Testament head over ass nineteen times in the process? A jew talking Old Testament against Christians is being disingenuous and manipulative. Modern Judaism is not an Old Testament faith, it is a Talmudic faith. You sound like a Socinian, not a Talmudist. and you argue like a Socinian, not a Jew.

So, from here on, censoring you for Socinianism. We have had eighty years of third positionists making political arguments that events proved were not made in good faith, but were made out of cynical and manipulative hostile purpose, but we have had six centuries of Socinians making religious arguments that were, in the end, revealed to be not made in good faith, not made out of sincere belief, but were made cynically and manipulatively, out of hostile ulterior purpose.

Entryists are always adopting another name and identity, because their previous identity got discredited. Socinians is what Christians call that movement, not what you guys call yourselves, for you have given yourselves more name and identities than anyone can possibly keep track of. Sons of David is a new one for me, but I expect that before long, I will encounter yet another name new to me.

Starman says:

@Leo Littlebook

”This is Sunday School 101.”

According to Amerikan Sunday School 101, family courts are totally legitimate and no one shall question the divorce industry.

> [*socinianism deleted*]

What? My last comment had nothing to do with the Trinity. It was about drunkenness, Persians, and binding patrilineages to the land.

I don’t sockpuppet. Gary Morgan has attempted to impersonate me on Vox Populi, though. He’s nuts. I skip him.

Anyway, I’ll just publish my answer and link to it, in a day or so.

jim says:

> > [*socinianism deleted*]

> What? My last comment had nothing to do with the Trinity. It was about drunkenness, Persians, and binding patrilineages to the land.

Socinians have distinctive theological package and style, which has changed only cosmetically in the last one hundred and fifty years. Your entire package is Socinian, not just your take on Jesus the Jewish community activist.

You don’t have a patrilineage. Socinians invent a new ancient history for their group every time they order a new letterhead, and they order a new letterhead at frequent intervals, far more frequently than they change their offices.

> I don’t sockpuppet. Gary Morgan has attempted to impersonate me

Your wrist speaks. (pun intended)

Well, if you’ve been responding to me as if I’m a conglomerate with Gary Morgan’s dementia posting, that certainly explains why your responses have appeared off topic. I don’t think there’s any hope of convincing you otherwise, or of getting you to follow my actual points. That’s alright, you two are probably of similar age and inflexibility, and should continue your discussion without my input.

jim says:

Your actual points have been being made for several centuries, by people who continually flee their past and their previous identities.

Oh hey, if you’re convinced that Gary Morgan and his sockpuppets are definitely me, then my answer is please ban them all. Otherwise, if you don’t ban them, you’re admitting they’re not me.

That heretic claims he’s writing the next book of the Bible and various other ludicrous and falsified crap. In fact, the very thing that made me break contact with him was some bullshit he posted here about you that I told him to apologize for and retract. He refused, so I cut him off. This was around [2018-11-07], and he’s been mad about it ever since.

jim says:

None of your sock puppets are banned.

All of them are subject to moderation.


jim says:

Your script is one hundred and forty years old. Get some fresher material.


jim says:

Take the demon worshipper test.

I was going to tell you to take a long walk off a short pier, but then I checked, and saw that your demon worshiper test is just this:

Jesus Christ is Lord. Christ was born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world.

Which I agree with, and it’s short enough not to get up to any theological shenanigans. Vox’s is too complicated, IIRC.

You are still intellectually dishonest for deleting my point by point repudiation of the Wikipedia definition of socinianism, which is preserved in unredacted glory here:

jim says:

Uh, because some obvious demon worshipers were strangely able to take that version of the test, I threw in a little more, which seemed to work a whole lot better:

Please affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Which seems to stop a whole lot more people who are piously being holier than me. I am not at all sure why it makes such a big difference, but it does.

The Cominator says:

Jim I must confess I do not think I’m a demon worshipper, and I do not think you believe I’m a demon worshipper…

And I cannot truthfully affirm that I think Christ was wholely man and wholely God (I think that a higher being assuming a lower form is not quite either logically)… I think the Arian argument against this belief had some merit. I know you think the debate is bad for society and I’m inclined to agree… but I don’t think they were entirely wrong nor do I think the Arian kingdoms were complete failures they just unfortunately all ended up fight Belisarius.

jim says:

No problem.

You don’t invoke deities.

Any time someone does invoke deities, the question then arises which deity he is in fact invoking.

If you started preaching that I was damned, or that group X was damned, and I was inclined to doubt that group X was damned, I would then apply the demon worshiper test to find out which being was alleged to have a problem with group X.

Here we ingroup by the dark enlightenment, not by faith in things unfalsifiable. Hence the red pill tests. The Cathedral denies empirical reality, demands belief in things false and falsifiable, point deer, make horse, 指鹿為馬, so we ingroup on the basis of belief in things true and verifiable, not on the basis of things unfalsifiable.

Atheists welcome, old type Christians welcome, old type Hindus welcome, old type Buddhists welcome. The actual reality based community welcome, the official reality debased community unwelcome.

But if someone is ingrouping by faith in things unfalsifiable, then faith in what? If he demands we group on things unfalsifiable, which things unfalsifiable is he grouping on?

And, what was revealed during the events of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, was that those claiming that God and Jesus have a problem with masculinity, maleness, and fatherhood were not in fact worshiping the same deity as those that they condemned.

The problem is that when someone says “hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou, and you are not Christian enough”, Christians are not supposed to say that. Christians are supposed to include on faith, exclude on wickedness, not exclude on insufficiency of faith.

So, the question then arises, is he a Christian or an entryist?

The Demon worshipper is not intended to exclude non believers. The Dark Enlightenment is primarily natural law atheist, and its key rejection of the enlightenment is rejection of the equality of men, and the equality of women with men. The demon worshiper test is intended to exclude fake believers, or rather real believers that worship Satan.

Salvation by faith is not supposed to mean assignment of status points by faith, virtue requires refraining from evil acts in this world, and if someone is assigning status points by faith, his belief system is likely demonic. And whether the demons are real or metaphorical, he is apt to act as if they were literal.

The Cominator says:

Im just saying that while most unitarians (Newton being the exception) were in fact demon worshippers i do not get that sense that the Arians were… the Ostrogothic kingdom did pretty well.

The bible is clear on some kind of separation between the father, son and holy spirit and that christ was divine and man… but unclear on whether jesus was all man and all god.

jim says:

On the contrary, perfectly clear on both. Separate and not separate.

The passion play celebrates both.

The Cathedral gets its cohesion from the contradiction between the reality that believers are required to affirm, and the reality of the experienced senses. Point Deer make horse. 指鹿為馬. Once they get you affirm what you know to be false, they have your balls in a vice.

Christianity gets its cohesion from the contradiction between God as the ground of being, and God as a person.

[*failed demon worshiper test*]

jim says:

In two millenia of debates about the nature of the Trinity, it became obvious that those debating the matter had evil intent, that they were attempting to destroy the cohesion of their enemies, and did not actually care much one way or the other about the unknowable and incomprehensible.

Do honest and decent non trinitarians exist? Obviously. Of course they do. But they don’t lecture me on religion and virtue.

Nah Jim, you’re a liar, and too old for new tricks. I’m happy to make this exchange my official proof of your obsolescence. In due time I’ll promote it up to T2 documentation. Thanks for making it easy.

Going around accusing people of being demon worshipers based on a Trinity shibboleth. It’s ludicrously unlike anything in the New Testament!

jim says:

> accusing people of being demon worshipers based on a Trinity shibboleth. It’s ludicrously unlike anything in the New Testament!

It is remarkably like something in 1 John Chapter 5.

Worked two millennia ago, worked again today. I don’t understand why this shibboleth is so remarkably effective, but is a very old trick.

It has been working curiously well for two millennia. Still working. Worked again today.

No Leo Littlebook, not accusing you of being a demon worshiper because you cannot speak the trinity shibboleth. I accuse you of being a demon worshiper because your words smell demonic to me, and therefore I asked you to speak a shibboleth that empirically people who smell of demons have trouble with, to see if my sense of smell was leading me wrong. Lots of good people do not believe that God is three and God is one, lots of good people do not believe in God, but bad people who lecture me on religion seem to have a problem saying these shibboleths. Or even referring to it directly.

Reflect on Trotsky, a failed moneylender from the big city, telling the peasants “Hail fellow peasant, I am one of you”. Obviously not everyone with soft hands and a city accent is evil and up to no good, but someone with soft hands and city accent who says “hail fellow peasant” is evil and up to no good.

drew says:

>Ask I have shown good intent, answer one for me please:

Why on earth do you think that the laws of God, such as the sabbath, are done away with, when Jesus clearly teaches they are not, and God clearly tells us what He will do if we disobey His laws?

The sabbath has been forgotten (but is being restored), babies in the womb are routinely murdered, adultery is not longer punished, divorce is routinely allowed, the left covet the whole world, police steal what they want on illegal stops, people worship pop stars/pols/sports stars/themselves. Parents are routinely cast out of their kids’ lives, or thrown into nursing homes. Lying about people is routine.

I’ll stop there, these are the Big Ten, all are routinely disobeyed, and yet you speak against the law, against the sabbath?

WHy, man, why?’

The question asked of Him remains unanswered I noticed.

Jim likes to apply his amusing tests.

Hey Jim, can you confirm, are a baptized believing Christian, or an atheist?

WIll help everyone who reads here to realise who is leading them in matters of (gatekeeping) faith.

jim says:

That is a manipulative and deceptive question. I smell sulfur. You ask on behalf of your master.

Nobody thinks that “the laws of God are done away with”. The question should be how do we interpret and apply them?

The Dark Enlightenment answer on the law of God is one that atheists and Christians can agree on: Gnon.

Which is more or less the traditional old Christian position, or at least the major element of old Orthodox patristic Christianity when it addressed the question of the law.

And the original motivation for this answer and this position is that in the time of Jesus, as now, the Jews were Jewing God, violating the law by scrupulously and carefully obeying it. Gnon was not amused, and the Jews suffered dreadful consequences.

And the patristic and the Darkly Enlightened answer to your question is: Don’t do what they did.

James says:

“It restricts trade in land, and mortgages on land, in order to root the nomadic Hebrew population to soil”

I would be interested in hearing more about this, Jim, as I wasn’t aware of Biblical restrictions on mortgaging land in such a way that it would root people to the land, but would be very interested to see it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You are looking at this the wrong way. Suggesting a wager on a prediction is something gentlemen to do establish if his counterpart is actually serious in what he is saying, or if his expressed words are merely a disingenuous front to serve some other agenda. That is to say, ‘putting your money where your mouth is’.

Any profit involved is an incidental side effect.

I am not a gentleman, another concept foreign to the Bible.

I don’t see how betting would indicate absence of agenda. Most recently I’ve been accused of shilling for the CCP. Shills have budgets.

Why do you even care about my confidence? Trump said he will be reinstated by August. This is reported by the MSM and National Review. Worry about that if you want.

suones says:

I am not a gentleman, another concept foreign to the Bible.

This I can totally get behind. You can trust a Semite only as far as you can throw him.

Rick says:

> Trump said he will be reinstated by August. This is reported by the MSM and National Review.

You are shill. None of the sort of new sources that accurately report Trump’s statements issued that report, IE it’s a lie.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

So what im hearing is ‘expressed words are merely a disingenuous front to serve some other agenda’, got it.

Your fear betrays you.

If only I were brave like you NRxers, I bet I would bravely hide my name and face, bravely cease posting about the stolen election, bravely change my URL, and bravely bravely take down my blog!

Commentar says:


linker says:

@Leo Littlebook

Please take Starman’s multiple choice shill test if you haven’t already:

Copy and paste the right answer, or copy and paste the answer that you believe we believe is the right answer.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


You produced volumes of pearl-clutching logorrhea in response to the slightest of proddings on the matter of whether your words are things you would be willing to stand behind in a non-trivial manner, or if they were but empty air. It seems, as the kids say, to have ‘touched a nerve’.

There is nervousness behind your prognostications, you don’t feel confident in them – especially significant in light of the fact of *presenting* them as confident, in the first place, only to scratch the surface and find this underneath instead. For what reason could that be? that is another question.

Rick says:

Any idea how this insane housing boom is going to end? I’m trying to get my extended family out increasingly violent city area but they literally can’t buy anything. Everything they look at sells to people and corps tossing around 1.5x to 2x the asking price almost immediately. They’re home’s value is sky high, but they can’t really sell until they’re got something under contract.

Pooch says:

It’s another bubble. I’ve heard wait to buy from 6 months to 2 years. I’m selling right now and buying rural/small town where the market isn’t as crazy. If they can’t do that they could try renting until it corrects.

Aidan says:

Is it a bubble? Seems to me like people fleeing inflation, buying houses they intend to rent out, not live in. And inflation does not stop until people are burning piles of cash.

jim says:

Money is always a bubble. A bubble that never bursts until it does.

My assessment is that people with a lot of money are increasingly worried about the fiat bubble bursting.

Pooch says:

Is crypto a better place to park your money in instead of real estate in this environment in your estimation Jim?

jim says:

Crackdown on crypto likely imminent. Crackdown on real estate is less imminent, but likely. Towards the end the government may well burn everything that competes with fiat currency to the ground, which conflagration crypto will survive better than real estate.

Pooch says:

Yes my thoughts as well. Real estate scares me because it’s a bubble and they can always drop diversity into your neighborhood at any moment to crash the value. Stocks scare me because it’s a bubble and no company actually creates value anymore. Crypto seems like the least bad option even with incoming regulation. I suppose the monopoly stocks like Amazon are safe.

jim says:

In Venezuela, owning real estate quickly became meaningless. Titles of holiness replaced titles of property.

Karl says:

Pooch, if lawlessness spreads your life isn’t safe.

How could a monopoly stock be safe? What will you do if your financial institituation sayes that you no longer own that stock, perhaps never owned it? What if the government says that evil whites cannot legally own anyting? Anyway, if the government goes further down the present path even a monopoly stock will find it hard to pay a dividend.

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe didn’t realy make investment in the local monopoly stocks profitable -nor in real estate.

Get out and take whatever assets you can with you. If you stay and worry about money, your priorities are wrong.

jim says:

It is not bugout time yet, not panic time yet.

But panic time is looming in sight. Invest as if normality will continue for a while – but not as if normality will continue forever.

onyomi says:

Jim, by my reading of the market, despite the fixed supply of e.g. BTC, crypto has thus far not been treated as a “risk-off” asset, like bonds or golds, but rather as a speculative, “risk-on” asset that, when stocks are rising, rises even faster.

Therefore, I am skeptical that crypto will perform well in “bug out” time, unless things get so bad that the USD, euro, etc. go the route of Weimar and Zimbabwe and become unusable. I find that unlikely, but are you expecting it?

Investors and entrepreneurs seem to treat crypto as “the next hot thing.” The dot-com bubble involved a lot of attrition as it was; what if it had burst during a major political upheaval? Would we have ended up with Amazon et al. or just blood on the floor all around as people invested in gold, guns, and canned food?

jim says:

Hard to move guns and gold.

Collapse tends to result in elite flight.

James says:

Diversification of jurisdiction will be key. If you have vaulted gold in Europe and Asia, crypto, rental properties in Makati and Australia, etc — something will be worth something when it’s done.

Beyond that, make sure that you have in your personal and immediate possession what you need to weather any storm, and a healthy dose of faith and fear in God.

James says:

Moving after the collapse is not ideal. Moving before the collapse into areas that actually have a sense of commonweal and an actual spine, followed by bugging in, makes gold, canned food, and guns worthwhile.

It’s a high risk move, but frankly, I don’t see where I’d run that would be less risky. The periphery of the empire will be swallowed by corruption, and since I’m not an insider or a Jew, I can’t survive or thrive in that ultra high corruption environment.

After Islam swept over the middle east, Christianity hardened in its core territories and evolved into a sterner thing than it was pre-Caliphate. I am betting on the same thing happening when leftism tries to take over, too — the areas that are most difficult to conquer will harden, and become even more difficult to conquer.

To those whom much is given, they will have abundance, and to those whom little is given, even that little will be taken away. So I suspect it will be when SHTF. The territories that declare themselves free of leftism will thrive like we haven’t seen in a century in the face of newfound internal liberty and motivated by exterior threat. Meanwhile, places without commonweal will be swallowed up. God only knows what will happen in Massachusetts.

Pooch says:

Oraniaism. If a place makes itself difficult to plunder and loot perhaps the pillaging horde will just move on to greener pastures.

Aidan says:

I agree. Big investors buying real estate is normalcy bias. They are scared of USD becoming worthless, but not scared enough of houses being burned down. If you read the green new deal, they want to knock down millions of homes and rebuild them to be ‘green’. Said knocking down will be accomplished with ruthless efficiency, while the rebuilding will never happen.

jim says:

Once again, the story of the Khmer Rouge critique of private capitalist agriculture on a flood plain:

Obviously private interests cannot efficiently do flood plain agriculture, because the upstream ditches and dikes are built without regard for their down stream effects.

So, we will sweep away all those inefficient and selfish ditches and dikes and replace them with efficient deeply caring socialist ditches and dikes.

Building efficient and caring socialist dikes and ditches turned out to be harder than sweeping away inefficient and uncaring capitalist dikes and ditches.

Also, revealed preference. The left hates creating stuff, hates order and creation, loves destroying stuff. Truth is, everyone likes destroying stuff, unless it is his own stuff, and everyone hates creating stuff, unless he gets to personally own what he creates.

The left views the material and organizational structures of society the way a chimp views the jungle. It is stuff that is just there for smashing and taking. The leftist, like the chimp, is not interested in where it came from, and assumes there will always be more.

The Khmer Rouge never bothered to think through what their deeply caring, virtuous and efficient ditches and dikes would actually look like, where they would go, how they would be built. They were just a vague and utterly incoherent justification for destruction, not only never begun, but never even clearly imagined. The imagination stopped at caring, virtuous and efficient, and did not proceed further to imagining dirt moved and water flowing as a result.

The Green New deal plan is that they will smash inefficient selfish housing, and efficient green housing will just spring spontaneously out of the fertile ground, unimpeded by selfishness and greed. It is the Khmer Rouge plan on steroids.

Leftists just like destruction. Everyone likes destruction, but civilization has private property rights and the right of self defense to keep that under control. They have abolished the right of self defense, at least at the federal level and some state and locality levels, and are working on property rights.

The Ducking Man says:

I suspect depopulation agenda is coming together with green new deal.

The simple answer to whatever crisis leftists came up with is always reduced population.

Of course the inefficiency created by same leftists are never to blame.

suones says:

…depopulation agenda…

This is something I’m totally on board with. There are simply too many leftists around. Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

redpurplepurple says:

> This is something I’m totally on board with. There are simply too many leftists around.

Pooch says:

Is there a genetic component to leftism?

The Cominator says:
redpurplepurple says:

genetic component is only for men. women do as they are told (’cause doing as they’re told gets them dick).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the defining characteristics of the Eternal Whig is it’s nominalism; it can not make any distinction between better or worse; between beauty or ugliness; between what is more essential, and what is more contingent; between friend or foe; between neighbor, or alien.

James says:

Look elsewhere, in regions which do not have any “culture”. Florida is cheap. The coastal pacific northwest is cheap. New England is cheap. Tennessee is cheap.

Otherwise, as pooch says, wait it out.

Rick says:

I’ve been watching the Arizona audit but I don’t think they’re likely to find much besides what Moldbug use to describe as gaps in the files that could you inform you that some had been deleted from history, but no direct evidence of what that history was. Likely all the last minute printed ballots they had to toss in to give the victory to Biden was destroyed during the initial “audit” done by the people stole the election and replaced with documents that looked more authentic. They’ll find a bunch of discrepancies because of it, but all the smoking guns have likely been removed.

I’m basing this prediction on un-seriously the deep state is taking the issue. They’ve got lots of people lined up to create trouble in case something is found, but they don’t expect any smoking guns to be recovered.

jim says:

The initial steal was incompetently done, but they then stalled until they could clean up.

The Cominator says:

The cleanup was probably mass printing more ballots and filling them out by hand and deleting databases and mixing up bad ballots in with good ones (this last part was in fact done as quickly as possible)… nothing that a real criminal investigation that was honest couldn’t uncover but probably such things as the Arizona Audit can’t follow the trail the way such a thing could.

Also of all the disputed states Arizona probably had the smallest amount of fraud, its full of Mormons and Nevetrumpers, dude weed was on the ballot*, and the GOP had a very weak establishment female Senate candidate.

* I want weed fully legalized so this stupid issue goes away and everyone can go back to realizing what a stupid drug it is, it was legal for centuries and it had about 1/10000th of the popularity of tobacco. Before weed was illegal there were probably more women who regularly smoked cigars than who smoked weed and women doing that before the 1990s was very rare.

Pooch says:

Garland is taking it serious. He is threatening criminal charges against the auditors. Massive amounts of discrepancies have already been found in Arizona and Georgia. I just don’t know if it’s going to mean anything. Maybe the red states can use it as justification to eliminate mail in ballots in red states (thus infuriating the Cathedral), but I doubt anything comes of it beyond that.

Pooch says:

I suppose that’s just it. If mail in voting is eliminated via state election law, their fraud machine is not nearly as powerful.

Rick says:

It’s unlikely to matter much. The Feds will send in their forces to protect the fraud machine in Red states. Well, rather they’ll send in antifa and protect antifa with federal agents. Unless Republicans have their own militia to counter this backed up by state authorities, voting won’t matter.

Pooch says:

Not what happened in 2020. The fraudsters were protected by local cops. If local and state authority does not allow for endless ballot counting, as was the case in Florida, the fraud was limited.

Rick says:

Normalcy bias. The feds will be used as a weapon on the ground in Red states in 2022.

Pooch says:

Federal forces intervening in every state and local election, with no legal authority, would be a considerable escalation and one in which red states could respond with civil war with complete legal authority. I don’t think the feds are that stupid (and probably don’t have the manpower yet anyway) to trigger war in that way. They want HR1 to pass so they can do it legally and also way they screech so loud about “voting discrimination” against dead voters and such.

The Cominator says:

A likely possible trigger for civil war would be some red state governor directing state people to arrest federal agents trying to enforce a locally nullified federal law.

Rick says:

>Federal forces intervening in every state and local election, with no legal authority

Desegregation was enforced by federal troops a bayonet point without any laws passed by Congress. They’ll just get a judge to whip up an order, much like they’ve gotten Judges to take away defendants right to bail, quick trials, and free speech to anyone at the capitol riot.

I also note that the election mail voting “laws” that a bunch of states had in 2020 were just orders by the Governors with no legal authority at all. Judge, Governor, what does it matter? We live in the USSA.

Pooch says:


Exactly what an Arizona state senator is threatening…

Obviously that’s not likely to happen, but the fact she’s even using that type of rhetoric indicates somewhat of a willingness to do so.

Right. Supposedly, new election laws would prevent governors/SOS from unilaterally allowing mail voting. Ultimately, it matters what the local cops and sheriffs do.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

No legal authority? Of course they have legal authority. The news anchor said they have legal authority. based AOC said they have legal uthority. Some district judge in Hawaii said they have legal authority.

That is what ‘legal authority’ means in the year of our Lord, MMXXI.

Pooch says:

Plenty of legal authority in the eyes of the left because laws don’t matter to the left as you describe. No legal authority to the eyes of the right, even the GOP right, which is what matters if they are going to mount any sort of resistance.

Rick says:

I think Garland is just prepping the justification to send in the feds if a smoking gun is found and to intimidate people who will agitate over obvious signs of fraud like deleting of the vote database. The left always tries to establish narratives ahead of time.

Rick says:

They’re becoming more open brazen in the political payback murders:

jim says:

When they are busy killing each other, they will not get around to killing me.

Karl says:

Looks like they are much more busily killing lefties than righties. I guess that just shows how far away from power righties are.

Leftisim isn’t yet so far advanced that killing righties is holy, so they kill only their rivals. I expect they’ll come to the point of killing righties for holiness points within a few years, sooner if there is any event that scares them.

James says:

Killing righties is holy, but expensive, because righties do not live in vast seas of leftism, but in suburbs with neighbors who have guns.

A Trump supporter walking down the street in Portland got shot last year explicitly because he was a Trump supporter and for no other reason. Why? He was in the enemy’s territory.

Overall, the position of the Right today reminds me somewhat of the historical position of Wales after waves of Saxon invasion. The Saxons, in the big picture, could generally dictate terms, were those terms not too ornerous. And God forbid you were Welsh in a Saxon kingdom. But Saxons could in general not get away with killing Welsh in Wales without incurring great expense for several centuries.

Unfortunately, we know how that ended; because the Welsh did not strike back, they were ultimately conquered, and in the end a Saxon (or a Norman) could kill a Welshman in Wales if he so desired.

The lesson for us on a personal level is to let the Saxon intrigues play out, build up our power, and learn to strike back at them before we are completely subjugated.

redpurplepurple says:

wonderful wonderful wonderful
wonderful wonderful wonderful
wonderful wonderful wonderful

a poem, to commemorate this most auspicious event:

roses are red,
violets are blue,
i like seeing leftists dead,
and i know you do too

Cloudswrest says:

I wonder if the spooks have a “suicide drug/poison” that produces irreversible fatal depression in the targets. It leaves the coup de grâce to the victim himself. Possibly taking some time to work, providing time for the agent to be fully gone from the body. Sort of like the victims of the monsters in Bird Box.

The Cominator says:

Don’t give them ideas…

jim says:

Well beyond current American technology.

The Russians, however, are far more advanced in psychotropic drugs. Who knows what they can manage?

Rick says:

Nah, they just have the cops and the police chief who do the investigations on their payroll. Cops are typically disinterested in actually investigating crimes(they’re more a town watch) and a little cash and a little fear of what might happen if you take an undue interest in a political murder is enough.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They did have things like this in fact. Not a one-and-done wonder drug specificlly, but various means, including medication, social engineer, and more direct work, to produce ‘on-edge’ personages that can be ‘tipped over’ as needed, which was one of the main products of the MKULTRA programs.

Aging boomers like Paddock were some of the last living products of these programs, and the current rulers have observably lost ability to so easily make new tedbombs, so they’ve had to resort more to other means to perpetrate catastrophes as pretexts for policy.

The Cominator says:

Jim your opinion on the bitcoin taproot change… keep in mind I’m an ignorant layman on all this all I know is there is news about it and the price is up?

jim says:

Schnorr signatures are an enormous and extremely powerful improvement. They make possible scriptless scripts, which facilitate atomic exchanges between other blockchains, and allow a correctly implemented lightning network over bitcoin. Scriptless scripts enable contracts over the blockchain, without revealing piles of information to persons unknown.

A correctly implemented lightning network would be transformative.

Another application of Schnorr signatures is stakeholder voting. One can generate a ten million party signature in a minute or so, and it only takes up sixty four bytes.

Rick says:

Time to swap over to BTC from ADA?

The Cominator says:

So I guess the question is, is it enough to make you long term bullish on bitcoin again as opposed to altcoins?

jim says:

Bitcoin suffers from the fundamental problem of lack of governance, which makes it difficult to introduce the necessary measures and to adapt to circumstances. We need a proof of stake currency which is potentially capable of acting as a sovereign corporation competently and effectively pursuing the interests of stakeholders.

Ethereum has hostile and incompetent governance.

ZCash is governed by a DAO. which does not pursue the interests of people holding ZCash.

Schnorr signatures make me feel a whole lot better about bitcoin, the big question being whether we get a lightning network that works as it should. But …

Bitcoin and Ethereum have hit their scaling limits – which turn out to be not storage, though storage is a huge problem, but that proof of work has limited consensus bandwidth.

The future lies with a currency with much higher consensus bandwidth.

Hedera has very high consensus bandwidth, but it is neither proof of stake, nor proof of work, but proof of possession of IP4 addresses. Unfortunately people who hold crypto currency tend to be severely short of IP4 addresses, while governments have lots of them, and the US government has a huge pool of them.

Machines that participate in governance are necessarily easily found. We need a system where the humans that have ultimate authority over those machines are not so easily found.

Bitcoin mining and all the other variants tend to result in mining by big specialized machines when the currency hits scale The owners of such machines are easily found, in the case of bitcoin they are apt to own their own private electricity power generation stations

The crisis of regulation is upon us. We will need a crypto currency institutionally organized to be capable of acting in stakeholder interests.

simplyconnected says:

It seems the injection rates are highly correlated with political orientation (we all knew progs had made it a virtue signaling issue).

Is it time to bug out to saner places? (I estimate Japan won’t be gravely affected by this, they were recently passing laws to ban coercion in the administration of medical treatments)
I fear that they may push it all the way to forced (as in police/military-administered) injections. Because I’m in Europe where citizens aren’t armed, this could actually go through if implemented.
Dr Peter McCullough suggests forced injections may be coming.

My current estimation is that forced injections would come with a significant wave of deaths due to the injection, but attributed to the virus: normies would freak out and demand the remaining population forcibly injected. I used to think this had no chance of happening, but I’m not preparing to either have a place in the middle of nowhere where I can stay for months, or to leave the west altogether. Any advice on whether this is realistic or am I being paranoid?.

simplyconnected says:

(Time in the video where forcible injections are suggested is 46:55)

redpurplepurple says:

because I am an idiot, I didn’t foresee forced vaccination as part of the unrelenting movement leftwards.

Since anyone can partake of the Most Holy Sacraments get vaccinated, it necessarily follows that if one wanted to demonstrate extraordinary holiness, one would start forcing the unwashed Heretics vaccine hesitant to abide by the Holy Church doctrine Public Health Measures.

so will The People #Revolt? well, let’s see, did they rebel…
…against the dehumanizing enforcement of “social distancing”?
…after collectively losing (via lost jobs, business shutdowns, etc) billions of dollars?
…when put under house arrest for over a year?
and all this for a slim chance of “protection” against a virus slightly more dangerous than the annual flu?

i agree with Karl that the military or the police going door-to-door is not very likely. it’s bad Optics. but i thinks severe fines and jail for noncompliance is certainly on the table.

and speaking from personal experience: my friends are still: wearing masks and “social distancing”. (but fortunately they arent cringe enough to post vaccine selfies.)

The Cominator says:

Part of the reason people didn’t revolt against socialist distancing was that they only originally claimed it was for 15 days to get the hospitals ready. I never believed it because I never believe the Cathedral on anything (I assume they are lying and work backwards, I’m at least 98% right on the initial assumption nowadays) but it SOUNDED reasonable.

Florida here kind of did start revolting after a month (DeSantis is only forgiven because for a time he even more than Trump was the subject of mass media attacks)… so it depends on where you are.

jim says:

Very realistic. The narrative is already being prepared. But in order to enforce it, will need vaccine passports. Unfortunately I need to travel a great deal, so will probably have to get a vaccine passport. Possibly by fraud – the operation will be done incompetently, corruptly, and negligently. I think I am likely to find a friendly doctor.

simplyconnected says:

My understanding was that injection passports would allow for either injection, or test + forced 2 week quarantine (say travel between EU and US via 2 week stop in Mexico). While extremely inconvenient, this would still not be actual forcible injection (police-administered club to the head, needle in arm, or even requiring injection to board a plane with no alternative).
Since it’s a huge sacrifice to leave the west altogether, I’m still waiting until I sense that club to the head forced injections are coming. I thought it wouldn’t happen, now I don’t know.
Do I take it that you are suggesting that club to the head forced injections will come after injection passports are widely used?

Incidentally, if the nightmare scenario of actual forced injections comes, it seems to me the US could stand up to it, but it could be devastating to Europe.

Karl says:

Germany already has something like an injection passport system. If you want to enter a restaurant you have to show either proof of vaccination, proof of recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test no older than 24 h.

At present, this systems (and how the documents look) varies from state to state even within Germany and I think the EU lacks the capacity to provide an EU wide system. I expect a patchwork of local laws and regulations.

The EU government will be hard pressed to even provide a data base that would enable a Frech police officer to check whether an Italian recovery certificate is valid. I doubt they will be able to provide such data base or even forgery proof documents.

Forgery of paper certificates is rather easy, simply becasue so many people can legally create such certificates. Where I live, peope are routinely forging negative test certificates simply because they don’t want to wait 5 minutes in a line to have a free test. Restaurant owners are not interested to check certificates more than necessary to avoid being fined.

Germany and the EU are bureocratic. They’ll be happy to pass laws that require vaccination, but they will also include exemptions for medical reasons, especially recovery from COVID-19. Checking real medical documents is difficult for police officers, checking them for forgery is even more difficult.

I do not think that your scenario of the police or the military going from house to house and vaccinating people by force is likely. If it happens, what is a private going to do if he is shown some paper (possible in a foreign language) that states you are vaccinated or can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons?

I rather expect laws that “force” vaccination simple by threating a fine if you don’t provide proof of vaccination or medical exemption with 4 weeks or so. Even then you could surrive for a while by paying the fines. Ultimately you might have to get some official vaccination passport or get out.

If you want to be really cautious, get it now from a physician in one of the EU countries that are rather famous for corruption. Spend a summer vaccation somewhere in Bulgaria, for example, and get vaccination document there.

It might get much more difficult getting such documents later. For example. masking is mandatory in many situations in Germany. At first people large ignored the regulations, but the police kept fining people for non-compliance (98 EUR for a first offence), so people by and large quickly complied. Physicians at first freely gave out documents stated that someone was exempt form masking for medical reasons. Government cracked down on those physicians (houses and office were routinely searached -read trashed- by the police on suspicion of wrong certifications). So if you don’t have a medical exemption by now, you’ll find it hard to get one.

simplyconnected says:

Thank you for the detailed explanation.
I know of a safe doctor in the balkans, and may have to go there to get it sorted out (though I assume passports will need to be renewed at least yearly).
I weight this against the chance of public outrage against increasingly visible injection harm. I hope that eventually comes, but I don’t really see it coming yet.

Karl says:

Injection harm is only visible to those who can commit thought crimes. For all others, the harm has nothing to with injections. For this reason, I don’t expect public outcry.

simplyconnected says:

That’s definitely true now, hence the testimonials of severily injured people still recommending the injection.

X says:

Do I misunderstand your post, or is this contrary to what Rollo has said elsewhere?

Rollo views this kind of mate-guarding as failing a shit test because it violates the all-important (Genuine) Desire Dynamic. As he points out, it is difficult for your efforts to act as a meaningful obstacle to a woman’s desire to cheat on you (perhaps a few hundred years ago this was not the case) and so letting her see you striving to do so anyway demonstrates insecurity, which proves to her—gradually—that you are not the one she genuinely desires to be with.

jim says:

He is right, and I am right.

With Game, the difference between the best behavior and the worst is always subtle and hard to put into words.

Mate guarding that flows from strength is a demonstration of strength. Women like strength. Women think they like to misbehave, and do not know that they misbehave to test their mates.

Pretending to not care is coping mechanism, that flows from weakness. A woman will suspect this, and damn well make you care. All pimps are cucks.

Rollos advice is correct behavior for operating in defect/defect equilibrium, and in our society, you always start out in defect/defect equilibrium.

But operating in defect/defect equilibrium is unsatisfactory. You want to get out of defect/defect equilibrium, and getting out of it is difficult and dangerous. You have to be prudent, but have to be bold, brave, and willing to massively break the law.

Christians are required to obey Caesar subject to moral limits, but obeying Caesar on matters of sex and family is way outside moral limits.

Operating in defect/defect equilibrium, the lek mating pattern, the game of players and bitches, a few men can get a lot of really good fun sex, but even that small minority of men suffer far too many nights with no one warming their bed, far too many days with no one cleaning their house, cooking their meals, tending their garden, obeying them, and giving them children.

The Cominator says:

Re Tomassi’s theory on letting her go and not trying to even appear insecure…

I would theorize (I cannot say I speak from too much experience) its probably the best approach if you cannot give the girl a very plausible impression that you are going to kill her if she misbehaves at least in clownworld. I would however say if your girlfriend wants to be a masseuse, personal trainer or god forbid stripper that you should insist on no with that.

“All pimps are cucks.”

I think some of them view their women more as a source of income than any sort of personal companions for themselves and truly don’t care.

jim says:

It is not in our nature to not care, because we are all descended from men that did care.

Not caring is an adaption to defect/defect equilibrium, and results in maladaptive psychological disturbance, because that was not the primary ancestral environment of successful reproduction.

Women do not like this adaption, and will find a way to make you care.

> > All pimps are cucks.

> I think some of them view their women more as a source of income than any sort of personal companions for themselves and truly don’t care.

Where men have all the power, Tinder will tell you there is no one around. No man voluntarily rents out his harem. No men are like that. None.

The pimp may well beat his women and “force” them to have sex with other men and give him the money, but this is just because this preserves a few small tattered shreds of dignity that he knows he would lose because she is going to fuck other men regardless. In a society where he can successfully force them to not have sex with other men, no pimps.

In such a society, you find lots of men whoring out small boys and an alarming number of trannies. But men have a better use for their women.

Pooch says:

My initial gut instinct when I see another man gaming my woman, which I quickly ignore, is to smash that man’s head with the heaviest object I can find around me.

jim says:

I put my arm over my woman’s shoulder and just look at the man gaming her. They become afraid, without me doing or saying anything overtly threatening, but something in their guts tells them they might die. And something in her guts tells her I might kill.

Check the environment for potential weapons. Fighting barehanded is for apes. Any weapon is better than none.

notglowing says:
It appears Linus Torvalds is speaking out against the vaccine as well

notglowing says:

I misunderstood, he is actually replying to linus. Disappointing.

notglowing says:

Found a pretty interesting video:

simplyconnected says:

I saw that circulating.
This is a source I check on this stuff.
It’s from the guy who wrote to Fauci to tell him how the virus was created in the lab.

simplyconnected says:

Got around to watching the whole thing.
I think this video may be the first time that normies are exposed to this information.
It may be the most important video on this topic so far, because of the reach it will have. It may mark a turning point where normie-friendly media starts talking about this.

jim says:

The important paper is that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans

There is a massive epidemic under way of “mysterious” deaths.

If they were actually all that mysterious, I think they would receive one hell of a lot more attention than they have.

Mister Grumpus says:

This is a horror movie, but a realistic one. It’s not the zombies, or the nukes, or the aliens, or the climate change icicle storms, or the whatevers that’ll get you.

It’s the heroic authorities and beautiful TV people who will rise to the occasion and fuck you over, but always accidentally and while looking good doing it. Their hearts were in the right place as they banned your medicine, punched a tube into your neck and then taxed your meager estate for it later, and that’s what really counts after all.

Give me just one horror or disaster movie that’s depicted this shit accurately. Outbreak and Contagion were sure off the mark.

Fact check this please:

Not one great genocide of the 20th century was ever “declared” in real time. It just kinda, oops, just kinda happened, sorry about that, but we were doing our best in a tough situation, so.

rocketboy says:

God’s will be done.

simplyconnected says:

The important paper is that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans


Cloudswrest says:

Have people here noticed the recent brouhaha on Twitter between those on the Right regarding Nick Fuentes challenging the whole concept of “age of consent”?

It basically falls into two camps, those of a “Jimian” persuasion, and those who are outraged and claiming that Fuentes is defending pedophiles, if not an actual pedophile himself.

Fuentes appears to have deleted the tweet video due to the uproar.

jim says:

> Fuentes appears to have deleted the tweet video due to the uproar.


Pooch says:

So is Trump. The restoration is not going to be able to remain anonymous on the internet forever.

Just a matter of time until the first seal is broken in heaven, and I get going. But the restoration has already started, slowly.

Men I teach are observing God’s lunar calendar, making offerings, wearing tassels, baptising others.

Not in America, or the West, not at all, sadly.

The first shall indeed be last.

Starman says:

@Gary Morgan
Can you explain why you and your ilk are so eager to put women on pedestals? And why you and your ilk are so eager to defend the United States’s Satanic family court system and diabolical divorce industry?

And you have refused to answer my RedPill on Women question. You can’t block me here on Jim’s Blog for asking RedPill on Women questions.

I answered it as glosoli rocketboy.

You have a poor memory.

I answered it again, and damn your lies.

The Cominator says:

The problem with you glosoli is you want to unbiblically establish God’s kingdom on earth, in the bible Jesus is supposed to do that very much in person and man is not supposed to even try.

[*standard Socinianism censored for reverting to standard ninetheenth century Socinian script*]

tops says:

[*vast wall of text deleted, because six centuries gives us reason to disbelieve anything a Socinian says*]

tops says:

>And why you and your ilk are so eager to defend the United States’s Satanic family court system and diabolical divorce industry?

Where did Gary Morgan defend the US’s court system and divorce industy?
You have the link, that I gotta see.

Rick says:

Telling men to follow the ritual portions of a religious while ignoring the absolute family destruction that is the US family court system and the church’s complete abdication of building families by marrying off virgin daughters to good Christian men is an implicit endorsement of the system. The church has adopted female choice as the highest moral standard which may not be questioned.

tops says:

I am after a quote, a link. Hearsay, inferring stuff, no use to me. Thx.

He’s not linked to any church btw.

Cloudswrest says:
linker says:

“Fuentes appears to have deleted the tweet video due to the uproar.”

Fuentes deleted thousands of tweets a few days ago because The Cathedral was mounting an attack to get his twitter taken down by mass reporting. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this sounds like a leftist twisting the language to make it seem like he is defeated and ashamed of being a “pedophile”. Leftists will often exaggerate things and take them out of context to make right wing people seem humiliated, defeated, turning on each other, etc.

“So is Trump. The restoration is not going to be able to remain anonymous on the internet forever.”

Exactly so.

Zach says:
reggie says:

You all realise Leo Littlebook is the same guy who used to post as Koanic?

Same guy who believes humans were not created by God, but by a monkey screwing a pig? Guy’s a loon, I’m sure you remember he was bullied away from here by someone.

Some of his comments on monkeys and pigs, and werewolves too, and aliens, the article will make you chuckle.

I bring this up now as evidence of his sanity, as some of you may be duped by (yet another) Ashkenazi peddling all sorts of nonsense, as he has done nothing but that for all his adult life. He is a special one alright.

Read his article, have a laugh, but be wary of his ‘news posts’ here, as he does not speak truth. A snippet:

‘Thus when an extraterrestrial race one-off hybridizes with us, over generations of backcrossing those genes get replaced with human equivalents, and no remarkably non-Earthlike DNA remains. The few ET sequences that are left just pass as odd-but-human. They walk among us, invisible.

This process, nature’s speciation shotgun, is very scattershot. How many hybrid crosses of the Koran and Dune would actually result in something viable, much less popular? So it makes sense that human anthropology is full of mediocre dead-end pig-chimp crosses, before modern humans finally arrive to dominate the scene. Gorillas with their tiny modern range are just one of the few failed competitors still extant.

McCarthy points out that with the death of Darwinian gradualism, environment and competition are no longer king. The inherent, unchanging nature of the organism becomes primary. Thus it is now possible to conceive of an Eden – a well-designed garden of harmony. Clearly, competition continues in the interconnected web of life that hybrid macroevolution implies. However, the unchanging nature of the organism is now shaper rather than shapee. Man is more (or less) than the sum of Malthusian competition. He is Man.’

‘Interestingly, the Old Testament, which itself appears to be a direct outgrowth of Hamadryad Baboon sociology, demands that both human bestialist AND the animal participant be put to death. Perhaps to ensure no pregnancy results? Speciation is prehistory’s nuclear weapon.
This sordid past suggests that a willingness to cross species lines is a universal minority trait in nature – that hybrid sex is nature’s speciation shotgun. Suddenly, centaurs, minotaurs, satyrs, pig-men, bigfoot, werewolves, vampires and all the rest seem disturbingly less fanciful.’

Werewolves eh!

Never go full Leo, never doubt your Creator.

reggie says:

Forgot the link:

alf says:

Well yes, I know at this point that Koanic has a history of craziness. But he was not commenting on baboons and werewolves, he was commenting on bets, and I thought his comments were interesting enough to debate, just like Jim thought his comments on alcohol and biblical capitalism were interesting enough to debate.

His comment on Trump being reinstated coming August, that one everyone thought was too crazy to debate, and indeed it was only ridiculed, not even debated.

Little point debating biblical law whilst at the same time ignoring most of them (such as the sabbath day, the holy festivals, eating clean meats etc), which is what Leo does, and Jim, and…everyone really.

Like fiddling as Rome burned.
Wait til Rome gets totally destroyed, cannot wait for that, 10-11 years’ time.

jim says:

That is legalism, denounced by Jesus.

Legalism led to Israel violating the commandments in the name of the commandments.

Israel was, not long after, exiled for violating the commandments, exiled for legalism.

Just as you cannot reduce Game to fixed rules that be mechanically applied by stupid people, you cannot reduce the law to fixed rules that can be mechanically applied by stupid people.

Legalism was what the pharisees did, such as falsely accusing Jesus of breaking the sabbath by healing someone.

Jesus himself told us that the sabbath was made for man, and that he would turn away workers of lawlessness. Never knew them.

He also warned, for these end times:

‘But pray that your flight might not be in winter, nor on a Sabbath.’

So, Sabbath is still a go, obviously, Jesus told us not a jot nor tittle of the law will pass, not til all is fulfilled, and heaven and earth have passed.

Keep your opinion eh Jim.

Starman says:

@Gary Morgan

Answer this question:

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.
[B] The (((Joos))) make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at White women, who are angels.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women in order to sustain civilization.

Ask more politely.

jim says:

ok, please explain your position on the woman question, while critiquing what is wrong with our position on the woman problem?

You both forget, I explained my position, in detail, when I posted as glosoli, it’s very tireseome to bother with it again.

But to show good intent:

Patriarchy is God’s way.
Females are to be educated by their parents/tribal elders.
Fathers are to find suitable husbands, and should aim to get their daughters married off as soon after they begin menstruating as possible.

They will then be under the control of their husband, will have many kids, will be fulfilled and happy bringing up kids, homemaking, and obeying God’s laws.

Rocketboy has cucked in option E, accepting polygamy, a terrible thing to see. Have as many wives as you can handle/want/afford.

Women were cursed by God in Eden to seek to control their husbands, hence shit-testing.

Women who play the whore, if married, stone them and the man to death. If unmarried, see the pertinent verses of the law, would depend on wheher she is betrothed or nor, and if she was in a walled city, or out in a field.

Ask I have shown good intent, answer one for me please:

Why on earth do you think that the laws of God, such as the sabbath, are done away with, when Jesus clearly teaches they are not, and God clearly tells us what He will do if we disobey His laws?

The sabbath has been forgotten (but is being restored), babies in the womb are routinely murdered, adultery is not longer punished, divorce is routinely allowed, the left covet the whole world, police steal what they want on illegal stops, people worship pop stars/pols/sports stars/themselves. Parents are routinely cast out of their kids’ lives, or thrown into nursing homes. Lying about people is routine.

I’ll stop there, these are the Big Ten, all are routinely disobeyed, and yet you speak against the law, against the sabbath?

WHy, man, why?

It will be restored, by some, who will make it through what is coming. Very few though, out of 7-8 billion.

Get on the right side of it now, or you’ll regret it later.

Vi says:

As an autist, I want to say about one positive aspect of the situation. When being a whore is not condemned and even encouraged, it is quite easy to filter grains even with my sensitivity and understanding of people. The girl will not pretend to be a righteous virgin. If it suddenly becomes fashionable, you can of course understand the lies of an elderly childless feminist, but it will be more difficult to understand that with the mileage of dicks in that young girl in a decent outfit.

In East Asia, Turkey and India, the situation is much worse. Because the disintegration of the traditional family has already happened, but society pretends that everything is fine and much more diligent than ours.

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