
All FIPS compliant cryptographic libraries are backdoored and in the pocket of our enemies

As are many non FIPS compliant cryptographic libraries. We know from the Snowden leaks that the NSA has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to make sure that cryptographic implementations have backdoors supplied for the NSA.

A good way to make money is to construct a cryptographic library, and, if it gets to be widely used, a mysterious and secretive generous benefactor will show up.

To resolve the dragnet problem for passwords, since I cannot help using backdoored software, what I do is have a long master password, from which I generate for each account a ninety six bit random gibberish password.

Any one cryptographic algorithm is usually fine by itself – nothing is wrong with AES256 and SHA256, though there is something very wrong with AES128 as usually used. Used correctly, AES128 is fine, but it never is used correctly.

But any one cryptographic algorithm is useless by itself. To do anything useful, has to be integrated with several other algorithms, an api provided to access and use that integration, and then another library has to use the cryptographic library through that API. And that integration, api, and libraries using libraries, is where the mischief usually is.

Typically you have one flaw, which is obscure, complicated, relatively harmless by itself, and another flaw in something totally unrelated, which is also obscure, complicated, and relatively harmless by itself. You put all these flaws together, with industrial scale precomputation and industrial scale collection of hashes of secrets, and all the encryption falls apart. The Snowden slides would seem to suggest that the NSA has broken the SSL TLS algorithms used in most vpns.

Every major state spy agency, and several private agencies, attempt to collect every face that has ever appeared on the internet, every email address, every username, and every password, and link them together.

The mechanism that the fips compliant libraries, or rather the software that uses them, provide to collect the passwords, and to link them with usernames and email addresses is that they reveal the hashes of email addresses, passwords, and usernames to passive listeners. And the agency collections hundreds of millions of such hashes.

If you have one hash, and you want to try ten billion things to see if one of them gives the correct hash, takes a while. If you have a million hashes, and you want to try ten billion things to see which ones match one of your hashes, takes about the same amount of time. So this form of leakage is primarily useful to those that collect the leaks on an industrial scale. The backdoors are provided to be convenient to those that seek to sweep up all data, not convenient to those who want to eavesdrop a particular conversation.

Let us suppose you want to have free wifi wherever you go.

It used to be that whenever someone signed on with his wifi network, the unsalted hash of his password was transmitted in the clear. So every time someone goes in and out of range of his wifi network, his cell phone transmits the unsalted hash. (Actually it is more complicated than that, I oversimplify, but the end effect is that a passive listener gets the hash of the password.)

This was inconvenient for the agencies, since people do not sign into their wifi all that often, so the Wifi protocol was modified on some slender excuse to continually retransmit the hash all the time, regardless of whether anyone needs it, wants it, or can use it.

So, you have a background process on your laptop collecting these hashes, and once a week or so, you let a process run overnight that tries a hundred billion passwords against a every network you have been in range of. Most of the passwords will be revealed. And now your laptop can sign into a free wifi network wherever you are. Handy.

Which gets interesting if it is the network of a big corporation, because you are now inside their firewall, rinse and repeat similar tricks to get their administrative passwords. Then hold their data for ransom.

If you comment on a WordPress blog, the standard worpress avatar plugins give you an avatar. And somehow, for some entirely inexplicable reason, the blog sends the avatar image, the username, and a hash of the user email address to a central repository. Supposedly the WordPress plugin avatar privacy does not do this, but I was recently informed that it does the equivalent in a more roundabout way, which I have now fixed.

This post was inspired by Let’s talk about PAKE, a post on how to do login by password correctly – so that the server does not know, and cannot learn, the password. Using the opaque zero knowledge protocol, the server never knows the password or the hash of the password, and the client never knows the per user salt, or per user key stored on the server, no hashes of interesting information are exchanged. If the server is evil, or the bad guys seize the server, everything is still encrypted and they have to run, not a hundred million trial passwords against all users, but a hundred million passwords against each user. And user can make the process of trying a password far more costly and slow than just generating a hash. Opaque zero knowledge is designed to be as unfriendly as possible to big organizations harvesting data on an industrial scale. The essential design principle of this password protocol is that breaking a hundred million passwords by password guessing should be a hundred million times as costly as breaking one password by password guessing. So this post is not about the opaque password protocol. It is about why it is needed.

197 comments All FIPS compliant cryptographic libraries are backdoored and in the pocket of our enemies

Oog en Hand says:

Nuk jij tid nezel?

Sneed's Nigger and Nigger says:

I won’t pretend that I understand all of this, but I have a few questions.

From what I can tell, the SSL TLS encryption matters for openvpn but wireguard protocol uses something different? Is that right? Should VPNs be trusted at all? Is tor still safe? Tor over VPN?

And an unrelated question, do you still recommend transdermal testosterone along with anastrazole and cabergoline? I am planning on taking this pending blood test results. Is hCG needed alongside?

jim says:

I believe Wireguard is good. Because of the way it is built, because of the people who built it, and because the usual bad guys are gently steering people away from it.

notglowing says:

I use Wireguard. It’s very good, and solidly built, and it’s the fastest lowest overhead solution.
I think a VPN is better than Tor in practice because it’s something you can have on all the time with no noticeable penalty to your internet speed.
And it doesn’t attract attention.
Tor over VPN can be a good idea, but it needs to be done correctly.

jim says:

Agreed. I recommend wireguard.

A2 says:

VPNs have the weakness that the traffic out of the VPN can still be monitored. If your traffic is encrypted (e.g., https = TLS) then they will also have to break that. I seem to recall some work on man-in-the-middle attacks on TLS, but I’m not sure if those are still valid.

ExileStyle says:

Like all such posts this is very Greek to me, and goes beyond my technical capabilities of understanding and thus of acting on what I have read. My practical question is (and it dogs me in a minor way across all my dissident online comments): how can someone like me do OpSec without this level of technical expertise? Impossible? I use throwaway email addresses hosted on servers in places with ostensibly good privacy laws and avoid any crossover passwords between those worlds and the worlds I actually live in, but I’m pretty sure if any one cared enough they could link all of my online activities together without too much effort.

A big question for me is how much effort that actually is. Some rando leftist hacker with a personal grudge level or in need of state support level? How many man hours, that is, would be required to doxx someone like me? Do we even know?

I’m not too worried for a number of other reasons (like how unimportant I am, and how incompetent I know authorities tend to be), but I always like to plan for the worst case. And I have less than zero interest in learning more about computers, coding, etc. than I already know.

Cloudswrest says:

Some things I learned the hard way.

1. DON’T use the Google/Gmail/Chrome account password manager. If someone gets your Google password they have clear text access to all the stored passwords.

2. If you are on the receiving end of an email subscription bomb (thousands bogus web site subscription replies to your email address), virtually certain that some account (usually involving money of some sort) has been compromised and they are chaffing your email to obscure legitimate notifications.

3. Use a local password manager (e.g. KeePass) with a long pass phrase. For individual accounts use unique machine generated (gibberish) passwords.

4. For anything important (money, privacy, identity) use 2FA. The 2FA receiver should be highly secure. See below.

4a. Phone: ENABLE the SIM KEY! Otherwise if someone steals your phone they can remove the sim, install it in a new phone and have access to your phone number and 2FA.

4b. If 2FA to email, make sure it’s secure as possible, e.g. NOT Gmail.

5. Increase your usage of private browser windows. This keep visited sites from leaving crap on your machine.

6. Use VPNs.

7. You may want to subscribe to one of the various identity theft monitoring services. I have a free subscription via an employer benefit. This has been marginally useful in notifying me of compromised old throw away accounts (some from decades ago with stupid “1234” (see SpaceBalls) passwords.

Cloudswrest says:

Re. “Throw away accounts” You may think that an account is throw away, and unimportant, but bad guys can compromise it then use it as a seed for identity theft and spam. Don’t use “SpaceBalls” passwords, even for junk!

jim says:

And the most important of these, given the considerable efforts to mass collect passwords, is point three.

Google/Chrome, windows icloud service, etc, automatically upload all your data in the clear, and chrome has become more aggressive about signing you in without your knowledge or consent, which sends all your passwords to google.

Throw away accounts are good, but remember, the fundamental flaw of the email system is that the server reads your emails and knows your ip address.

Further, anyone who has a CA in his pocket, and has control of an intermediary router, can intercept your password when you login to an email server. There are about a thousand certificate authorities, and intermediary routers are insecure.

notglowing says:

I will argue that Google always gave you an option to encrypt your password store with a sync key only you know, which needs to be input any time you log into a new device on Chrome.
I doubt they are outright lying about this, it would come with very little gain, since 99% of users don’t do this, and other users can always avoid it.

I used to have this setup since I started using the Chrome password manager in 2013.
However, I always used it as a secondary password manager.
My primary one is a local app, and all accounts are also stored there, with the most sensitive stuff only being stored there.

Last year I switched from Chrome to other Chromium based browsers, and simply don’t log in to their sync services.
I use their local password remember feature, but my primary password storage is still the local manager.

I think having in-browser password completion is a good thing. It makes phishing almost impossible since accounts are matched by address. Phishing is otherwise impossible to just protect against since it’s psychological and comes in many forms.

ExileStyle says:

Great post, for me and for others. Thank you.

Quick follow-up: all of my passwords are in my memory alone (as in stored in my traditional human brain), as my suspicion is that if someone were to gain access to my devices they could subsequently have access to all my passwords. Downside of that is that these passwords are dependent on mnemonic devices. Are human-generated, memorizable passwords less secure than randomly generated passwords?

Cloudswrest says:

Most one word human rememberable passwords tend to be weak against dedicated attacks, especially, if for multiple accounts, they differ only by a suffix, prefix, etc. There’s a lot of AI dedicated to emulating human password thought patterns.

ExileStyle says:

That brings us back to my original question about time and effort. I have long presumed that various AIs are trying to crack my passwords for financial benefit, but these must be promiscuously and continually active algorithms, whereas my real worry is about political exposure. It sounds like I’d probably need to be running for major political office to really worry about this.

HerbR says:

Not the case at all. There are all kinds of malicious actors out there who gather up compromised accounts for all sorts of reasons. One of the most common reasons is to use for spam, so they can run more scams in order to draw in unsuspecting idiots and compromise even more accounts.

The salient point is that you don’t personally need to be a target in order to get compromised; only the server that your account is on needs to be a target, and any server with a lot of accounts and weak enough security is going to become a target sooner or later.

If your passwords are “in your memory alone”, that means that they are (a) weak and (b) few in number, both of which are atrocious practices for opsec. Change them (and your passwords) immediately. Don’t assume you won’t be targeted – or more accurately, don’t assume you won’t become collateral damage.

jim says:

> It sounds like I’d probably need to be running for major political office to really worry about this.

On the contrary. Every security agency and numerous private agencies are vacuuming up absolutely everything and everyone.

All the flaws that I see are designed for mass harvesting, designed to attack not just anyone, but everyone. They are not designed for targeted attacks.

Observing enemy action, they are not after anyone’s data, they are after everyone’s data. I can see what they are up to, partly because I hear leaks about their activities, but mostly because I see the way they corrupt and pervert cryptographic protocols, algorithms, and libraries.

Don’t touch anything fips with a ten foot pole.

ExileStyle says:

I still don’t really understand what fips is, but it seems to me like the guiding theme of surveillance in 2021 is from a “data science” perspective. I don’t really a flying fuck about whatever type or prototype of online actor my data represents (as one dta point in ten million) just whether I need to give more thought than I already do to shielding my real world identity.

Browsing responses here overall, it seems I should not be so worried. Sure, my intellectual convictions, identity, etc. are all “out there” somewhere but the realistic possibility of anyone being committed or competent enough to both reveal that and then be good enough of a reader to understand that seems slim over all. Y’all computer people are not quite as impressive as you often imagine yourself to be…

Will sleep well tonight.

jim says:

The problem is not dedicated attacks. The NSA does not want your wifi password so that they can listen in to your wifi. They are not interested in listening in to your wifi except to steal your password. Having stolen your wifi password, they then run a hundred million random variations on your password against every single password based login on the entire planet – which reveals to them that two seemingly unrelated accounts likely belong to the same person.

It costs them the same to run each password against one account that they suspect might belong to you, as it costs them to run each password against every login on the planet – that is the fundamental flaw baked into all fips compliant cryptographic libraries.

ExileStyle says:

What time or energy-scale are we talking about here though? They can suck up all the data they want but I presume the more they inhale the less interpretable it all is, simply based on volume. This is the crux of my question. I know “They” have all the data on me they could ever want but how do They turn that data into actionable information, should they ever want to?

My suspicion as a non-computer person is that they are drunk on the volume of data they have and are only in a position to do statistical analyses en masse and are not in a position to unmask individual persons. I sincerely and eagerly seek counterarguments.

If I am wrong, through what mechanism, worst case scenario, do they name me and shame me specifically?

jim says:

They are primarily interested in mapping the network of connections between people, mapping the network of connections of every person on the planet. Yes, they are drowning in data, but given that they keep sending humans to this blog, and humans to a tiny bitmessage group whose active members no one has heard of, they must have an enormous army of humans going through this data.

HerbR says:

I smell a Boomer. “Secure passwords sounds hard, I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

You don’t get it. There isn’t one “they”. By having insecure passwords and reusing them, you risk being caught in any number of passive or drive-by style attacks. Someone wants to spam your social connections; another party wants to charge your credit cards or steal your bank funds; a third party wants access to the company you work for; a fourth is deploying ransomware; a fifth is interested in using your wifi and desktop computer to serve gay porn. The list goes on and on.

These people are indiscriminate, like most bandits. They don’t care who gets caught up, they’re just looking for soft targets and you’re making yourself one. Even if it’s just the government and the government isn’t directly interested in you, do you honestly believe that the data is never going to leak? Don’t you ever read about all the huge data leaks (including password leaks) regularly coming out of both governments and corporations?

You don’t lock your front door because you believe thieves are targeting you. You lock it because leaving it unlocked is retarded. Weak passwords are the equivalent of putting duct tape on your door, and reusing passwords is the equivalent of leaving a copy of your house key at every store you visit.

The Cominator says:

Not a boomer and not a computer expert but ive never been hacked and i suspect most people who get hacked told someone their passwords somehow… ala John Podesta.

jim says:

You have never been hacked by someone going after chicken feed and randomly hacking Joe average, to put ads on his computer, or ransom his data.

Just been hacked by a dozen big organizations that are quietly collecting information to build immense dossiers on everyone.

You have probably also been hacked by numerous people looking for someone with administrative access to an organization with deep pockets, and on finding no signs of administrative access, they went away. Those guys get into ten thousand computers at a time, get log files, and grep for interesting keywords in the log files. If an interesting keyword comes up, then that computer gets personal attention. If no interesting keywords, you are probably not going to notice.

Cloudswrest says:

“ive never been hacked”

The phishing is getting more sophisticated every day.

jim says:

> all of my passwords are in my memory alone

If you have a good memory and tough passwords, this works OK against the lone hacker who is just trying to hack you.

It is mighty fragile against the hacker who is hacking ten thousand passwords, because he is prepared to let a powerful password cracking rig run for days and weeks. But a good password might stop him

It is worthless against any powerful enemy, because they have specialty FPGA hardware, designed to hack hundreds of millions of passwords at once, and running 24/7 in gigantic data centers.

A generated password, for example HpCe4GhwQp-d will stop them. So will a generated BIPS passphrase.

If you are cracking a hundred million passwords at once in parallel, you are willing to expend a hundred million times the computing resources, which is equivalent to three BIPS words or five generated random characters. And if you have FPGA hardware, that is probably a factor of another hundred thousand or so. It is very difficult to remember a human memorable passphrase that can resist such an attack.

I am working on giving my wallet a password generator that generates random grammatically correct meaningful nonsense phrases, rather than BIPS (random words) because that is a lot easier to carry in your head through an airport.

Anon says:

You may be talking about something slightly different, but I remember one of my old college friends who was a WoW dweeb using a dongle or Bluetooth device that would generate and store randomly generated passwords for his various email or video game related accounts. Would you recommend something like this?

Also: assuming your home WiFi address is sufficiently / radically different from all your other account passwords, there is still the problem of them just being able to look at the IP address of the individual accessing a site. VPNs are almost all useless; if not outright compromised, then the company would have no problem with just throwing their entire customer base under the bus with enough pressure from the gov. I don’t see a solution to this problem

It seems like if some gov entity is determined enough to find out who you are, they will find out. The only question then is have you insulated yourself to the point where you don’t need to care that they know all about your various online presences

Neurotoxin says:

I am working on giving my wallet a password generator that generates random grammatically correct meaningful nonsense phrases

“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.”

Noam Chomsky: High-entropy password generator.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Life-hack for passwords: write your own poetry.

Long strings of entropy; human memorable; shortcut table lookup insensitivity – pick all three.

jim says:

> Are human-generated, memorizable passwords less secure than randomly generated passwords?

Against an NSA scale attack, if used to login through a fips compliant cryptographic library, entirely insecure.

notglowing says:

Regarding 5 and 6, it’s remarkable just how good of a level of privacy you receive by just combining VPNs with a fresh private browsing session.
Separately, they are almost useless for web browsing (but a VPN is still good to have).
A VPN hides your IP but websites mostly use cookies for tracking, which are unaffected by it. Private browsing creates a fresh session with no previous cookies, but your IP is still obviously the same.

Using them together gives you almost total privacy in most circumstances, and against most actors.
Tor is better, but it’s a lot less usable for every day stuff, and if you are a very low profile target simply trying to evade mass surveillance it’s likely the VPN is doing just as good of a job.

I will say that there are still ways you can be tracked and your traffic matched even without your IP leaking and cookies.
The problem is there are numerous ways your browser can be fingerprinted, the specific combination of features a site sees in your browser, OS, and computer hardware can be used to identify you surprisingly easily.
There is also a recently described fingerprinting attack which is based on the fact that favicons are cached indefinitely, and even used by browsers in private browsing sessions when they were originally loaded in a regular session.
This means that a malicious site can make a custom favicon for every specific user, which looks identical to the eye, and then detect if it’s the same person.
This does require quite a bit of malice on the website owner’s part.

In any case, rather than just private browsing, I recommend using different browsers altogether for different kinds of tasks, this eludes fingerprinting to an extent.
If you want to keep an identity separate, do it in a different browser.
There are numerous chromium based browsers that work in a very similar way, and can be installed separately, and each of them also has a beta/canary version that is its own separate install.

This can be more useful than private browsing, because all of the stuff doesn’t disappear when you close it, but it’s still separate between browsers.
Most browsers also allow you to create multiple user profiles, effectively completely separate instances with separate cookies, accounts, passwords, settings, etc.
This is more practical than installing multiple browsers and scales more readily, but it doesn’t elude fingerprinting like the former option does.

A2 says:

I’d like someone to write a plugin that changes the browser fingerprint at semi-random intervals (without ever reusing any fingerprint). Even better if it could be done whenever I connect to a VPN node (or even more thoroughly). That would seem to make fingerprinting fairly useless.

Anon says:

VPN companies likely will have no issue handing over logs to the government if asked. Even companies that claim to be loggless like NordVPN (which, interestingly enough, was compromised not too long ago, which I suspect was retroactive cover story for them having already handed something over to subs some government) can still leak individual session data, and do you really believe them when they say they are no-log? You are taking them at their word

Pooch says:

Looks to me the steal is on in Virginia as Biden is confidently predicting victory just as he did in the election of 2020

The ironic thing is I actually think the Democrats rigging elections against standard milquetoast clubhouse Republicans, like Youngkin, who will basically govern as Democrats anyway is good for us as there will be no check against the regime going full retard too fast.

In that case, prospective dissident Brahmins realizing they are no longer one of the cool kids will have no choice but to turn to us.

Alfred says:

>In that case, prospective dissident Brahmins realizing they are no longer one of the cool kids will have no choice but to turn to us.

I doubt they’ll do it. They’ll fight over the scraps rather than create real dissent.

Pooch says:

We don’t really need them to openly dissent we just need them to fund parallel institutions and quite possibly fund a parallel military for Caesar.

The Cominator says:
Pooch says:

I’m surprised R is up to 55%.

The Cominator says:

Wait till 4am or tommorow… no way they let McAuliffe go down.

Alfred says:

Yep. The only real question is how sloppy they’ll be about it.

Pooch says:

Fairfax already missed the 8pm deadline, so apparently they don’t particularly care how obvious it is. And why should they? They are totally in power. But I still say this is good. People like white elites like Youngkin need to realize their status is being cut from under them. We need to draw elites to our side. Obvious fraud helps that I say.

Alfred says:

Dems appear to be giving up on Virginia. Guess there still is a margin of fraud.

Pooch says:

Interesting. Fox News has not called it yet though and are bizarrely not talking about the obvious outstanding vote still left in Fairfax, but if that is indeed the case and the Republican wins I’d like to hear Jim’s analysis on if this means honest elections that are still an avenue that are open to us.

A2 says:

I can think of two explanations:

1. The voting-cattle have been complaining so losing an election to a harmless GOP person can yield good talking points. Look, Trumpists, what are you talking about, elections aren’ stolen. And look GOP voters, non-Trumpists can win elections. So just relax.

2. Internal struggle, with the Democrat establishment figures winning. A warning to the impatient flank to slow down the remaking of America.

Pooch says:

Mainstream propaganda outlets don’t seem to be acting like the Dems are giving up on Virginia. CNN’s headline is still “Too early to call”

Alfred says:

Marching orders haven’t come down yet. They could still pull the trigger on it but it’s going to be super blatant. They’re probably stuck with 2 many people trying rule to make cohesive decisions.

Pooch says:

Yeah if they are smart they’d call off the machine and just let Youngkin govern as controlled opposition. Doesn’t mean the machine isn’t there against a candidate that would actually threaten the system.

Pooch says:

That would actually be bad for us I think as it would show the regime is still competent enough to save their credibility in elections.

Contaminated NEET says:

Clearly the smart move is to let Youngkin have it. One governorship in the hands of the milquetoast cuckservative controlled opposition for one term is cheap compared to the propaganda value of saying, “See, this proves there’s no fraud! Don’t be a conspiracy theorist,” for the next three years. Are the proggies smart enough and disciplined enough to make the smart move, though?

Pooch says:

It appears the steal may still in play, the Dem only behind by 84k votes and closing now at 95% reported in.

Pooch says:

Still be in play*

Alfred says:

>It appears the steal may still in play, the Dem only behind by 84k votes and closing now at 95% reported in.

If they decided to steal it, they will steal it. That 95% reported will stay the same while they print thousands of ballots. It won’t be believable but they may well do it.

Losing the Dem AG probably worse for them than the Gov’s job.

The Cominator says:

No they cant afford not to steal this, they need dems to make unpopular decisions in accordance with marching orders and for that they need to guarantee them their seats.

Pooch says:

If Republicans really cared about winning elections now is when they would run a counter op and start finding their own ballots and removing from the dem total with miscounts.

jim says:

You cannot commit election fraud except with state backing. Democrats have state backing, Republicans do not.

You can prevent election fraud without state backing, but it requires willingness to use the methods of the NSDAP, which are likely to result in one genuinely free election once.

The Cominator says:

Roger Stone was the only republican adept at such things but the feckless bastards wont hire him.

The Cominator says:

I think you could make votes in local GOP precincts…

Contaminated NEET says:

> I think you could make votes in local GOP precincts…

You could. Then you could go to jail when your obvious shenanigans are investigated and revealed to a suddenly very interested court system and press. You’d have to be a moron to risk life and liberty to score a few extra crooked points for the Washington Generals.

The Cominator says:

Holy shit apparently McAuliffe conceded…

jim says:

I am shocked.

I was not expecting this.

I thought the GOP had been forever discarded. But in this case, a cuckservative was allowed to win.

This is consistent with the Bhreznevian stagnation thesis, while I was expecting ever accelerating revolutionary radicalism.

It is clear our rulers hope for Brezhnevian stagnation.

But I still doubt they will accomplish it.

They have accomplished it for a year.

Can they accomplish it for two years?

The Girondists were in power for two years, then they went to the guillotine.

The most squishy will go to the guillotine last, Governor Youngkin is very squishy.

So while this evidence against my thesis, would not abandon it just yet – still early days. Guillotines are coming.

From the overthrow of King Louis the sixteenth, to the revolution devouring its children, to the Girondists going to the guillotine, took two years and nine months. America may take a little longer. But it will not take a whole lot longer.

Pooch says:

Yeah see my comment above. I think this is generally a bad development…

alf says:

I am shocked.

I was not expecting this.

The ‘good’ thing about bioleninism is that it is so dumb that it is somewhat self-containing. If your religion forces you to follow Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as a leader, even the devil snickers.

So, the old school left is in power. Let us rejoice, for despite their madness, they have incentive to keep the status quo.

But having stolen a presidential election, they have themselves become an unprincipled exception. They are running on borrowed time. If it is not the bioleninists, it will be the gaia worshippers, coronachan, socialists or whatever collection of ploys leftists will come up with.

Order is hard, chaos is easy. The hard route will be too difficult for them.

Dave says:

Events are proceeding much more slowly than Jim expected, probably because, compared to previous leftist revolutions, there’s a lot less testosterone all around.

jim says:

Obviously my prediction that events would proceed as rapidly as in the Russian Revolution, where the Kadets gained and lost power so fast it must have caused whiplash, has been falsified. But events are still consistent with events proceeding as fast as in the French Revolution.

The geriatric kabal running the country are obviously not the Russian Kadets, but they could well be the French Girondists.

I expected things to proceed as fast as in the Russian Revolution, but in the French Revolution, the Girondists (the non scary left) appeared to be in power for over two years, though after Jean Paul Marat was acquitted,it became obvious in retrospect that they were no longer in power. But at the time, looked like two and half years, and a good likelihood of holding power indefinitely.

What happened in the French Revolution was that socialism and enthusiastic money printing had the usual results, the masses got pissed off, and left decided to go lefter faster. If bread is strangely short and mysteriously getting shorter, let them eat revolution!

And here and now in America prices are rising a whole lot faster than the consumer price index acknowledges, while wages are lagging prices substantially. The geriatric kabal says “let them eat statistics”. The New York Times frets that statistics seem insufficiently nourishing. The radicals will likely choose to feed the masses something even less nourishing, but considerably more explosive.

Karl says:

Jim, why do think were events progressing more slowly than you initially thought?

I like Dave’s explanation that this is due to a lack of testosterone, but I suppose that is not all.

My explanation is that the deep state is more powerful (or the insane left more weak) than initially assumed.

Maybe the deep state is scared and therefore be extremely motivated to keep the insane left from gaining power? If that is the reason, I’d expect the deep state to actively prosecute the insane left, but I’m not seeing this. There are neither arrests nor missing persons nor deads.

Pooch says:

I think Yarvin’s energy thesis is relevant here. In the French and Russian revolutions people were willing to die in the streets for the cause. It was an enormous amount of energy, even when the Girondists were in power.

Are people really willing to die for Black Lives Matter in 2021 in the same way people were willing to die for Liberté, égalité, fraternité in 1790? Last year they were at least willing to get beaten by cops as Trump provided the left a massive stimulus of emotional energy. But that stimulus is removed now and geriatric Biden has replaced him. The chair has been pulled from under them and there is a massive drop in energy that now seems to be obviously unsustainable. I see leftists being burnt out in the post-cocaine binge letdown of Trump. Antifa is back smoking weed and playing pornographic video games in their moms basements.

What is perhaps interesting is if Trump returns in 2024 and the left’s emotional stimulus returns. Can they turn the dial all the way back up to 11 in the exact same way? Perhaps, which leads credence to Yarvin’s theory that Trump should just go away and let the left burn themselves out or perhaps not.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Low testosterone all around is one of those ‘deep ecology’ factors that seem obscure on the surface, but have an emergent effect on affairs in the aggregate.

There is something else that is slightly different now as compared to 1790 or 1910; smartphones.

Specifically, that everyone has them.

More specifically, that everyone is plugged into the matrix. A hyperreality of simulacra and simulation, jacked in 24 hours a day, seven days a week, everywhere you go.

Not even desktop computers, where you had to go some place specific and sit down, had this effect. Smartphones are the next best thing to wireheading for the shudra-inclined.

What you see is, while people may be signaling voiciferously about this or that issue, there is like this abstract feeling of unreality to the whole business. In a general sense, people are not really acting like any of it is really *consequential*, for themselves in particular. In phenomenological terms, an hour spent on ‘political discussion’ or an hour spent playing bejeweled or angry birds, become essentially the same sort of experience in their perception; just one more set of totems to articulate out of many others.

A whole nation, a whole civilization, a whole world, of sleepwalkers, drifting through events as if in a dream.

pyrrhus says:

McAuliffe is a Clintonista…The radical part of the Party may well have decided that want people like him gone….

Alfred says:

They apparently ran the last minute fraud machine tonight and McAuliffe didn’t concede. They still have 2 more days to print ballots to make up the difference before all the mail in ballots need to be counted. They played this game in CA in 2018, where tons of races were called for the GOP and they just kept printing ballots until the Dems won. We’ll see what happens in a couple of days.

pyrrhus says:

McAwful has conceded, though that’s not necessarily binding…

pyrrhus says:

But I don’t think he would have conceded if they hadn’t told him the steal wasn’t on this time….

Kunning Drueger says:

There is no They, it is currently a Them. In 2020, there was a They. And They barely pulled it off. A grand coalition of watchers and watchmen all consciously or subconsciously prepared to look the other way. I’m not saying the spiral is over or that the convergences will cease, but just like 2022 may be the last coordinated republican victory, I think the 2020 Steal was the last unified act of the Serious Leftâ„¢.

Aidan says:

The problem with OPAQUE is that the server needs to be running it too. If the bad guys tell the server “hand it over”, and realize that the server is using a protocol that makes it nigh-impossible to discover anything interesting about users, they can still threaten and coerce the people running the server to just stop using OPAQUE.

The blog post about PAKE wonders why nobody adopted it. I suspect that everybody considering a switch to PAKE was informed that if they made their users’ data actually secure, they would get crushed under an avalanche of lawfare if not direct physical violence.

If they cannot break your encryption, they will break your knees. A client can practice crytographic security to the point that the NSA cannot find him, but the server is vulnerable to having his knees broken.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Good old rubber hose cryptography.

Anonymous BTC boy says:

The blog post about PAKE wonders why nobody adopted it. I suspect that everybody considering a switch to PAKE was informed that if they made their users’ data actually secure, they would get crushed under an avalanche of lawfare if not direct physical violence.

This seems to be a common blindspot for the technically inclined…

ExileStyle says:

As I wrote above, I don’t think this is too surprising. The fraud machine is not some invincible metaphysical entity but just plain old white and “hello fellow white” people paying black people to commit easy crimes. Always and invariably, late night surprises emerge in neighborhoods no one would ever step into after dark should they have a choice. Why is that? Is it because the same criminal organizations that make black ghettos constant horrors are willing to take money to ballotstuff and thus rig elections? Maybe it is “centrally planned” and paid for, but only in these select few communities do they have the right kind of people willing to execute their central plans.

ExileStyle says:

Jesus Christ, yet again somehow replied to the wrong thread. Swear to God I’m not a boomer. Actually might be inconveniently on the direct other side of Boomerdom, i.e. incapable of dealing with Old Word internet stuff like WordPress. Please carry on… (Though the comment stands.)

Pooch says:

Not sure that is entirely accurate. I distinctly remember workers in Fairfax, VA executing the fraud against Trump in 2020 by stopping the count around 10-11pm the night of the election, leaving, than coming back in the early morning and counting hundreds of thousands of ballots for Biden. Fairfax is full of browns out the wazoo but not a negro ghetto.

ExileStyle says:

My intention is not to lay it exclusively on any group (in this case the blacks), just to point out how cheap it would be to buy election fraud from any group regularly engaged in organized crime, whether black or hispanic or italian or irish or whatever. Just so happens black groups were more involved than usual, but it’s not the black part but the purchasable fraud part I’m interested in.

Kunning Drueger says:

I worked on an election fraud case a few years back in the northeast. In black dominated areas, all the different colors go hog wild because the overlords are nothing more than africa-style chieftains. We identified more votes for the winner than people who could vote in the district I was assigned to (as in, 100 total registered voters, candidate A got 200+ and candidate B got 190+ ((fake numbers of course))) and almost half were fraudulent. The client (B) was a former police chief. He never filed the investigation, just used it to get gibbs from the “winner,” and I was told this was pretty typical. Voter fraud is common, and it is endemic in black areas. Democracy is a joke.

p says:

The null hypothesis is always that nobody adopted it because it’s a bunch of work for zero discernible benefit.

The cost/benefit case for OPAQUE is actually pretty interesting, because as Wladimir Palant points out in the comments of the linked blog post and then on his blog, depending on your threat model, it can actually decrease security because it moves hashing to the client, which has limited CPU power in the lowest common denominator case.

But, as others point out in his comments, OPAQUE is still valuable for entirely different (non-intuitive) reasons – it avoids the passwords ending up logged somewhere, which logs are then susceptible to leaks, be subpoenaed, etc.

Aidan says:

As Jim said, the security issue that OPAQUE solves is that an attacker who compromises the server has to brute force your login individually.

“Opaque zero knowledge is designed to be as unfriendly as possible to big organizations harvesting data on an industrial scale. The essential design principle of this password protocol is that breaking a hundred million passwords by password guessing should be a hundred million times as costly as breaking one password by password guessing.”

If somebody wants you, individually, they will get you, but this prevents mass data harvesting and mass hash cracking, prevents having a file built on you for the reason that they are building a file on everybody.

Palant says “This is no different with the Man-in-the-Middle attack, somebody who managed to break up your HTTPS connection will also be able to modify JavaScript code in transit.”

The intended protection that Jim is talking about is not that you are protected from somebody who is actively MitM inside your connection altering your data, the intended protection is from somebody who has your encrypted traffic downloaded to a file somewhere and they can crack it at their leisure

“So OPAQUE only helps with the scenario where the attacker has to be completely passive, typically because they only manage to decrypt the data after the fact”

Yes, that is what the government is doing, how they are doing it, and what OPAQUE is meant to prevent. In fact, Palant says as much:

“What are we protecting against? …A rather unlikely scenario: a state-level actor recorded the (encrypted) contents of your HTTPS connection and successfully decrypted them after a lengthy period of time. They can now use your password to log into your account.”

I agree that nobody in the industry thinks this is a problem- the evilbad hackers holding hospitals for ransom don’t do this, because cracking rigs not powerful enough- but this is one of those curious blind spots that the industry has. The state can do this, has supercomputers running 24/7 to do this, and wants to build a huge dossier on everybody.

And in terms of practical application, I can imagine telling my boss “hey, so if we do this we don’t have to store client passwords anywhere and you’ll never have to tell investors or the board that user data was stolen, even if we get hacked.” I don’t think it would be hard for a security team to convince a company it was beneficial.

jim says:

> I agree that nobody in the industry thinks this is a problem- the evilbad hackers holding hospitals for ransom don’t do this, because cracking rigs not powerful enough

What the hackers do do is, as I said, get the hashes of ten thousand passwords, and crack seventy percent of them. Now they have the logins of seven thousand people – one of whom has administrative authority in the hospital.

Opaque prevents this. You cannot run an offline dictionary attack on the password without the server salt, and if you have the server salt, because you broke into the server, you still have to run a guessing attack on each password individually, and that guessing attack runs slowly, because Argon or Scrypt.

BisqAnon says:

Slightly offtopic. Jim, what is your recommended method for privately receiving cash for BTC on Bisq? Seems to me that cash by mail would be best, but probably more open to counter party fraud. How do you balance the counter party knowing your identity and the feds finding out that someone has made a taxable trade without giving them their cut (eg via bank reporting standards)?

jim says:

The ideal solution, though difficult to arrange, is cash in person. Meet at a coffee shop, with laptops.

Carly Sneed says:

Maybe a stupid question but how does this stop the possibility of them being a fed? Because they will glow in the dark?

The advantage I see with having cash sent to use, compared to other methods is that you have plausible deniability. There’s no reason someone couldn’t use stolen BTC to send cash to you, just to frame you. Don’t know if that would matter in court.

jim says:

No crime has been committed unless you neglect to declare it on your tax return.

So, no incentive for feds.

Feds are apt to declare other people’s brown paper bags full of money illegal. But a fed is not going to show up with a brown paper bag and give it to you in the hope that a few years down the line, the tax office can prosecute you.

Pooch says:

So it seems the less insane faction of elites have called off the steal and allowed the cuckservative Republican to win the governship of Virginia. I was expecting them to be unable to help themselves. They are, smartly, attempting to return to normal brezhnevian decline, allowing the outer party to remain as a stabilizing brake against the more insane faction of the inner party while they all surf the rubble on the way down and faith is restored in “democracy”.

I can’t help to think this is a bad thing as the regime doesn’t appear to be any closer to collapse as it was before Trump, but it leads credence to Yarvin’s hypothesis that this thing could last another 50 or 100 years. Maybe even longer.

Carly Sneed says:

“Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin’s name is swirling in the 2024 GOP speculative vortex less than a day after his stunning victory over Democratic former Gov. Terry McAuliffe.”

“MSNBC contributor and former Rep. David Jolly, I-Fla., went the other way from Trump, noting “DeSantis just got a challenger for the 2024 GOP nomination.”


Though I can’t see how a regime that chooses as their figurehead an old man that literally shits himself live on television can last 5 years let alone 50.

Carly Sneed says:

Also, pretty sure NJ was just stolen. Not sure what was expected to happen in NJ as I haven’t paid attention to any of this since January.

James says:

Things can be very bad, for a very long time, as long as the classes of people who hold things together are sufficiently disinterested in, or afraid of, revolution. If the best prospect of keeping food on the table tomorrow and barbarians outside of the gated communities is to go with the ruling party, they will go with the ruling party.

And since the ruling party is the one that can summon the barbarians into the gated communities, and demand ever-increasing vaxx passes and covid tests on truckers, things will continue as they are, with the mob and the rulers testing what they can get away with.

The point where it will fall apart is when the media loses control of the mob, due to competing, more-insane priesthoods finally getting the control they’ve been gunning for.

Indeed, by this measure, a figure head shitting his pants on live TV is actually a sign that things are very stable. A fiery, young priesthood will be headed by a charismatic leader; the lack of charisma in their figureheads shows just how strong their control actually is.

Pooch says:

Well said and what I am seeing is that the media has complete control of the biolenist low IQ mob. They can put them in the street at a whim. There are no signs of that changing. The low IQ races seem perfectly suited to consume Cathedral propaganda.

jim says:

In 2020 it was revealed that Democracy and the Republic could no longer limit either corruption nor holiness.

The stability of Brezhnevian stagnation was accomplished by brutal repression. Everyone knew it was dangerous to be less holy than Stalin, and dangerous to be more holy than Stalin. Everyone knew that graft beyond certain limits was apt to be drastically punished (which limits slowly stretched after Stalin died)

No such limits are in place now, and the might of the awesome and holy Gaia demon and Covid demon is likely to grow without limits, while ever more spectacular corruption puts the federal reserve printing press into overdrive.

Critical race theory seems to be tightly focused on the tale that all the science, technology, and industry of western civilization was stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of subsaharan Africa, but the Mexicans are going to get on that train, and when they do the old gods of Mexico will walk with the Covid and Gaia demons.

If they can stop the federal reserve printing press, they can stop the holiness spiral. Can they?

Jehu says:

I understand that the number of Republican poll watchers and lawyers was vastly higher than normal, apparently outnumbering their counterparts by 2:1 in most cases. That increases the visibility of voter fraud, which I’m sure there was at least the ‘new normal’ amount of. My guess is that the Deep State didn’t think it was worth the probability of incremental outrage to steal this particular election from a squishy Deep Stater like Youngkin.

A lot of deadlines are coming up this month, so I think the Southwest/American airlines/ NY public workers strikes are just the beginning.

real live virginian says:

>a squishy Deep Stater like Youngkin.

Where the fuck are you cultist retards getting this shit from?

Kunning Drueger says:

Back to the Facebook kiddie pool, friendo. You aren’t quite ready for adult swim.

Starman says:

@real live virginian

You’re too short for this ride.

ExileStyle says:

I suspect they did not “call it off,” just that the margins were too big to close through fraud. Look at the size of the margins early evening compared to final results. Last year they had enough motivation and funding to steal an election in front of the entire world when the enemy in question (Trump) was unholy enough to merit complete abandon, but that was not the case here.

Also, we need to be careful about attributing everything to some “Them” that decides everything. Look at each of the six counties that decided the 2020 election. What was the guiding theme? All black communities with huge Democrat political machines and longstanding histories of organized crime activity. Do you think it’s hard to buy ballot harvesting from groups whose main pastime is mass distribution of drugs and murder in support of this distribution? C’mon man!

I had the misfortune of living in Europe on that evening and watching duffel bags of “forgotten” ballots be brought in in Milwaukee on live goddamn television. Midmorning here, dark middle of the night there. They hardly tried to conceal it.

Which leads to the related point, discussed below, that I do think that elections are still happening in authentic traditional ways in districs without huge black and/or immigrant metropolises, i.e. where the price of a hundred thousand ballots is so cheap any of us here could probably pay for it personally.

Pooch says:

Not sure what you’re getting at. That the democrat didn’t pay enough to the fraudsters to win?

ExileStyle says:

No, not at all. My point was that it’s not some vast invincible plan but that it is dependent on ground realities, which were not sufficient in Virginia’s case to change the outcome. Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta etc. are entirely other issues. Elections are cheap to buy there I presume. Virginia wasn’t “thrown” as part of some overarching plan, just a sign of the limits of that plan. It depends on a certain margin of error outside of the democrat metropolises which are activated to throw the election. They presumably tried that here too, but as you pointed out below, not enough blacks.

Pooch says:

This goes against Jim’s “there is no margin of fraud” thesis. You might be right, but clearly methods were employed against Trump (fairfax stopping the count and leaving for the evening) that weren’t employed against Youngkin. If a hardcore Trump conservative was running instead of a Cathedral-approved squishy mainstream GOP cuckservative, I tend to think such extreme measures would be employed again.

ExileStyle says:

I don’t think we disagree. I wrote specifically that it was not the case here that they would pull out all the stops, as Youngkin is not nearly as unholy as Trump was. I am just skeptical of the “Oh they threw this one to make Republicans believe in elections again” narrative. They’re too stupid to pull that off.

Pooch says:

I am just skeptical of the “Oh they threw this one to make Republicans believe in elections again” narrative.

I don’t think anyone is saying that. We are saying the Democrats allowed Youngkin, a Cathedral-appoved cuckservative, to win by choosing not to activate the aggressive fraud machine they deployed against Trump, who yes they did view as an actual unholy threat against them.

What’s particularly interesting about Youngkin is that the VA GOP rigged the primary mechanism to block Amanda Chase, a hardcore Trumpist who attended J6, from receiving the nomination by eliminating the popular vote and doing an internal GOP convention to select the nominee.

ExileStyle says:

I don’t know, seemed pretty fraud-suggestive to me watching an early ten point lead melt to whatever it is now. Like 3% or something? We’re getting used to these margins and these “blue shifts” and the mysterious evening Democrat vote deluges. Of course it’s hard to document this as everything meaningful gets deleted immediately, but am I crazy or is that not what kind of happened?

I am not challenging the fundamental narrative here – Youngkin will be as bad as any cuckservative, or worse for promising fake hope in this atmosphere – but I don’t think the fraud machine was disengaged, just might have failed this time.

They can’t keep up that energy level forever.

Pooch says:

Oh I agree. Low energy fraud absolutely was engaged against Youngkin (which turned out to be not enough to win), but do you not agree that high-energy fraud would have returned if the opponent was interpreted as an actual Trump-like threat to the system?

The Cominator says:

Another possible theory, in some of these areas the fraud may depend on organized labor helping out in some ways and the local cops cooperating completely…

But they are all REALLY pissed at the Democrats. Hence a Teamster somehow beating a high state senate hack in deep blue New Jersey, his district was probably controlled by the Teamsters Local and the people there didn’t want to get the Clot Shot… and were doing better financially under Trump. So they defected…

Pooch says:

Could be that but in the fraud against Trump, Exile is right, it was completely racial. Black sh’boons counted truck loads of fake ballots in the inner cities while black cops physically threw out and barred white GOP poll watchers from the counting rooms.

jim says:

So, the fix came in before the main election, and the Democrats could not quite make up their mind as to whether to reward republicans for fixing the election, or punish them for being Republicans.

And, because of dithering, their massive fraud was not quite massive enough.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I don’t think anyone is saying that.

I’m saying that. The proggies are much more competent and much more intelligent than people here give them credit for. A sinister circle of mysterious left-wing power-brokers made that call that this governorship was a price worth paying to keep the rubes engaged in the game.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“The proggies are much more competent and much more intelligent than people here give them credit for. A sinister circle of mysterious left-wing power-brokers made that call that this governorship was a price worth paying to keep the rubes engaged in the game.”

Although the ruling class is geriatric, they are smart geriatrics and are still alive.

Henry Kissinger is 98 years old and still much smarter than most of us here. And still alive.

Starman says:


“What’s particularly interesting about Youngkin is that the VA GOP rigged the primary mechanism to block Amanda Chase, a hardcore Trumpist who attended J6, from receiving the nomination by eliminating the popular vote and doing an internal GOP convention to select the nominee.”

The next American Caesar or equivalent replacement regime/regimes isn’t going to be a woman or led by women.

Pooch says:

The next American Caesar or equivalent replacement regime/regimes isn’t going to be a woman or led by women.

Obviously. Any regime that allows female leaders is clearly in an advanced state of decline. She’s not particularly relevant except that the VA state GOP rigged the system to keep her from getting the nomination specifically because she was pro-Trump, which means Youngkin was cathedral-approved from the start.

Dave says:

Could be that but in the fraud against Trump, Exile is right, it was completely racial. Black sh’boons counted truck loads of fake ballots in the inner cities while black cops physically threw out and barred white GOP poll watchers from the counting rooms.

As a reward for that one night of hard work, they get to watch millions of immigrants flood into the country and take up a life of crime, welfare, and voting Democrat. EBT cards still work, but the competition for Section 8 apartments is about to get a lot tougher.

Maybe those sheboons realized that the Democrats are importing their replacements, and were less enthusiastic about faking up ballots this time.

Starman says:


“She’s not particularly relevant except that the VA state GOP rigged the system to keep her from getting the nomination specifically because she was pro-Trump, which means Youngkin was cathedral-approved from the start.”

She was the Cathedral’s official Fake Christian GOP candidate, Youngkin was the GOPe candidate. Same pattern in every previous GOP primary.

You have the Fake Christian vs GOPe. Where the Fake Christian incompetently loses to the GOPe candidate.

In the 2016 Presidential Primary, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were the designated Fake Christian candidates while Jeb Bush was the GOPe candidate (aided by splitter candidates designed to help ¡Jeb! across the finish line). But in that primary, The Donald entered the ring, and the geriatric cabal that rules the Cathedral was too slow to respond to The Donald in that election.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is no margin of fraud, if the will-to-power is sufficient.

If the people running the party machine(s) either felt embarrassment (second-hand or otherwise) over the november job, or fearful that further shenanigans at this point in this place might lead to trouble somehow, this would simply indicate that their will-to-power is flagging.

pyrrhus says:

I continue to think that the lack of enthusiasm for an elderly Clinton hack was a major factor..Next time, they can get one of AOC’s people in…

jim says:

Enthusiasm is irrelevant. They can just print as many ballots as they need.

I conjecture this was more a ballsup than a deliberate decision to give Republicans their usual reward for cucking out, though, of course some people, quite a lot of people, among the democrats expected and intended to give Republicans their usual reward for cucking out.

eretus says:

I’d opine its just as likely that they miscalculated / bought their own narrative a little too hard. I’ve seen circulating images of campaign adds paid for by the Virginia Democrats that look like positive adds trying to tie Youngkin with Trump.

If you beleive that Trump lost Virginia in 2020, and that there was no fraud whatsoever, you can assume that Trump remains unpopular, perhaps even with GOP voters, and therefore this is a good idea.

Its not neccisarily that they don’t have a will to power, just that they also beleive themselves to have much more of a popular mandate than reality bears out. Perhaps a similar misconception lead to their dropping the ball with the 2016 election. If they keep getting burned like this they’re bound to learn eventually.

Aidan says:

Good point. You can probably fit the number of people actually aware of the extent of the fraud into a school classroom. “You’re just printing replacement ballots for ones that were damaged, you’re just delivering a package to election headquarters, you just count the ballots in front of you”. Most of them believe that they have a massive mandate, like they believed the faked polls in 2016 when Hillary lost.

I expect that in 2022 the fraud machine will be truly ready to rock and roll

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They did miscalculate and they are high on their own supply; which exactly what happened in 2020, happened even more so than it happened in 2016; but in the 2020 national election, irrespective of the fact that their projections and expectations and self-images once again proved wildly incoherent with reality, they just went with trying to jam the fraud through anyways, come hell or high water. That is what i mean here by ‘will-to-power’; for various reasons, they lacked that same willingness to cross lines in the virginia gubernatorial side-show.

Kunning Drueger says:

Then it is likely that, unless another Trump materializes, they won’t be able to steal elections like they did in 2020, right? They can’t unify all the necessary factions and bureaucrats like they did for Orange Man. So does this imply that it is more likely to go Brezhnev, as opposed to Stalin or Pol Pot? If I had to pick a best of the worst, it’s definitely Brezhnevian Malaise.

jim says:

> Then it is likely that, unless another Trump materializes, they won’t be able to steal elections like they did in 2020,

The sense of boredom, apathy, and malaise on the left is because they don’t want to work for the geriatric Brezhnevian deep state.

And, in the Russian Revolution, once the Czar was out of the way, they did not want to work for the Kadets, and in the French Revolution, once the King was out of the way, they did not want to work for the Girondists.

To prevent its overthrow, the deep state needs to take to care of young energetic leftists within. I don’t think they are doing what they need to do to hang on to power. But my predictions for the recent year turned out wrong.

We shall see. If the volcano erupts, there will be no shortage of holy zeal.

If I was a deep stater, I would be shocked, shocked, shocked to discover all the crimes that the resistance committed in the various efforts to remove Trump, and ship everyone too far left off to a gulag in Alaska. But, no enemies to the left, no friends to the right. The deep state will not do what they have to do to hang onto power.

They have power. They expect Brezhnevian stagnation. They want Brezhnevian stagnation. They intend Brezhnevian stagnation. But history is, before you can achieve Brezhnevian stagnation, it has to be made as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right.

The Cominator says:

“They did miscalculate and they are high on their own supply; which exactly what happened in 2020, happened even more so than it happened in 2016; but in the 2020 national election, irrespective of the fact that their projections and expectations and self-images once again proved wildly incoherent with reality, they just went with trying to jam the fraud through anyways, come hell or high water. That is what i mean here by ‘will-to-power’; for various reasons, they lacked that same willingness to cross lines in the virginia gubernatorial side-show.”

This conforms to the Scott Adams theory of what happened in 2020, because they had people up and down who really bought into the Trump = Hitler meme they were willing to do whatever it took then…

But they wouldn’t necessarily be willing to do it every time in ever election.

I had dismissed the idea at the time because I didn’t think the geriatrics at the top of the Cathedral and Dem establishment really bought into the Trump Hitler meme they used it to mobilize idiots… but if this is why they let Virginia go than Scott Adams is right.

Now in that New Jersey state senate race otoh…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

According to Razorfist, some of the Republican areas held back their votes until it would have made the Democrat fraud as or even more obvious as 2020. That would match with what else we know or suspect. No one was willing to go all out on a limb for a deep state creature when Youngkin did not inspire the same madness as Trump did. Destroying the illusion of democracy over a guy who will be only a step or two right of McAuliffe is not conducive to stagnation, especially when they are both deep state operatives. When the lunatic left is refused political cover, they hide under rocks and in drains until they can ooze forth once again. Just like how antifa disappears when the cops refuse to protect them, the election fortifiers vanish if not provided with political obscuration.

jim says:

If the 2022 election has only normal levels of fraud, will be a Republican landslide.

I don’t think is likely that they allow a substantial recucklican party.

We shall see. I predicted that neither Recucklicans nor Republicans would win another election anywhere ever, which prediction has been falsified.

I still don’t expect a Recucklican majority to be allowed, nor any blue states to go red – but it now looks more likely that red states will go blue a few at a time, rather than all in 2022.

Kunning Drueger says:

Respectfully, I think you’re underestimating the conservative NPCs. The urge to grill is a powerful force among the Boomer tribe. The Media has tried so hard to control the narrative, but our lying eyes keep seeing bare shelves and skyrocketing prices. As has been stated by others, this resurgence of republican vitality is a bad thing, as it will inevitably result in the sentiment of “thank Washington, the Constitution has saved us, fire up the Coleman!”

Pooch says:

And, in the Russian Revolution, once the Czar was out of the way, they did not want to work for the Kadets, and in the French Revolution, once the King was out of the way, they did not want to work for the Girondists.

To prevent its overthrow, the deep state needs to take to care of young energetic leftists within. I don’t think they are doing what they need to do to hang on to power. But my predictions for the recent year turned out wrong.

I just find it hard to compare our declining, decaying empire to revolutionary France which every much was still a developing ascending empire in its peak. The holiness spiral is there, the energy is not.

2 years of Girondist/Kadet rule for them could be another 30 years for us until the geriatric elite die off and the woke millennials replace them and then another 30 years until the even more batshit insane zoomers replace them.

Almost like a slow-motion french revolution.

Pooch says:

I standby my declaration that we may be in new territory here, a late stage decaying empire with an active holiness spiral. It’s a new timeline without comparison.

Some have said that late stage Roman Empire had an active early Christianity/Arian holiness spiral so perhaps it was also the case then.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I also think the Roman model is best for us. I do expect it to start getting solved with violence, but it looks like it will take a little longer to get there. The race in NJ with the trucker against the establishment looks like a knife fight between the groups running the political machine. Politicians versus unions. Mask and vaccine mandates and the cancelation of the Keystone Pipeline have a lot of union guys pissed at Biden and the Democrats.

Aidan says:

Many different plans, and they are not necessarily communicating with each other. Looks to me like Fairfax was spinning up the fraud machine last night, and might have gotten the order to kill it early this morning. Or maybe they decide to go through with it and find two million ballots hidden under a catlady’s fupa, just to rub it in the faces of the proles that democracy is over.

One thing that I consider certain is that they are cowards and the psychic power of violence scares the piss out of them. Maybe J6 was an op, it was certainly full of feds, but it also made it very clear to the elites that they are sitting ducks, that determined opposition could kill them all. Maybe it was even the Feds warning them how easy they would be to remove. Different factions.

Brezhnevian stagnation might be the plan, but it will not happen, because the dollar is soon to collapse and the economy will go with it. The linked scenario below I believe will occur with near certainty. It is a best case scenario. Everybody should read it.

Argentina did not have the confounding factors of holiness spiraling over race, the plague, and the climate. If the elites succeed in freezing leftism at current year, we will still get economic collapse. If the Party slips up at containing any one of these three issues that the rabid left is intent on spiraling towards genocide, we will get attempted genocide.

real live virginian says:

>Looks to me like Fairfax was spinning up the fraud machine last night,

Because, as expected, you’re talking out your ass. The Fairfax interruption was done with large numbers of Republican lawyers, vote watchers, and party members observing the cause, agreeing that it was unavoidably necessary, and monitoring what was done afterward. There was a specific technical failure involved. You can look it up if you care to. Since you didn’t before you started blathering, I’ve no doubt you won’t.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Would you be willing to answer a question about the red pill on women? You are talking a lot of shit for someone who sounds like a fed. I would like to see you back that shit you talk with some real thoughtcrime.

Starman says:

@real live virginian

Let’s see if you are tall enough for this ride.

Answer this RedPill on Women Question. It’s multiple choice, so there is no room for obfuscation.

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels. Totally pure.
[B] The (((Jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The Jews forced these angels on that website.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.

Aidan says:

You see the “aggressive” type of shill all the time on the chans. The one who defends the status quo, the blue pill, and the ruling elite with unusual fire and brimstone but despite his rage, cannot commit a thoughtcrime.

Kunning Drueger says:

Good point. They work on -chan because someone always responds, and once they do, the derailment process has begun. Starman and I took the bait this time, but it’s good to recognize any kind of tactical variation. Can you imagine this place if it came under the same kind of assault as 4chan back in 16/17? Hundreds of comments per hour for hours and hours…

alf says:

First time commenters need to be approved before their first comment appears.

Aidan says:

Is that a tacit “It already does get hundreds per hour”?

alf says:

Ha no Jim’s moderation is pretty much what you see is what you get.

Anonymous BTC boy says:

That site is great.

Been thinking a lot about how to prepare for Doom and Disaster, and I’ve not really been getting anywhere. Family and friends have proven themselves kind of unreliable, and the local Church is slowly transitioning from based to pozzed. Considered maybe leaving the country (a remote-ish part of the American Empire) if things get really bad…

I’m a young man and I’ve got some money saved up (“BTC boy”) though, so there’s that.

Anonymous BTC boy says:

There’s an interesting tidbit on page five.

I once had a fight that got a little ugly. It happened in my mother in law’s house, which proves that thing can go bad everywhere at any time. A guy my wife’s sister was dating argued with me and things got physical. He had problems with the police for beating up an ex girlfriend (which he was proud of, go figure) and had spend 2 years in jail for stealing cars. My wife’s sister was showing up with mysterious bruises on her body, from “falling while working out”. So you could say this guy wasn’t my favorite person. … Meanwhile my wife, her sister and my mother in law were all screaming me to stop.


(He goes on to describe how he apologized to the guy, only to be attacked again… Yeesh.)

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A thief? Fuck him; you cannot trust a thief. The author should have beat the little shit to within an inch of his life and told him he would go the extra inch if he ever came back. Then slap his sister up the head for being such a dumb cunt and find someone to take her and fuck some sense into her. If the shit hits the fan that bad, then women are nothing but a resource. Wasting a valuable resource on a retard-agressive thief is just stupid.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Here is another good account of what could happen in cities from the Bosnian War.

Aidan says:

Good stuff. I didn’t need any convincing of why we should stay the fuck away from cities but that’s good evidence.

I’m certain that the cities and their immediate suburbs are going to fall under control of latino gangs once the economy collapses, and that blacks are going to be quickly neutralized as a player by the spics.

It’s often noted that extreme rural areas are at great risk of attack during collapse, but that may be a bit different in the US. In other countries, gangs could move from the city to the countryside rather easily. Here, there is a racial factor that makes it quite a bit harder. Attacks on farmsteads are always paramilitary in nature; off duty cops or retired soldiers, militarized cartels, and so on. Most of that type in the country is going to be on my side.

Whites in the outer suburbs and small towns are going to be very suspicious of racial others and out-of-towners, to the point that unknown vehicles may be stopped at armed checkpoints when entering small towns. Shipping goods by train may make a big comeback. There may be enough armed conflict on the outskirts of cities between the cartels and native whites that one wouldn’t dare venture outside of his groups territory in the first place.

And this is a big country. Attackers have to go real far into hostile territory not just to raid farmsteads but to scout them out, which they almost always do before an attack. I’m planning on living a bit farther out, because I want big land, but should be aware that your property can be identified as a target based on Google Earth. Always good to live humbly compared to your means. People who are obviously off-the-grid preppers are going to be assumed to have gold and other valuables stashed away, even if you don’t and it’s all crypto. I’m eventually going to see if I can get my hands on an algorithm that recognizes a human figure and feed captures from a number of motion-activated trailcams through it in real time, setting off an alarm if they pick up a person on my property.

Also, could be identified as a target because some spic who works for your bank has a cousin in MS-13 who pays him for information on wealthy customers. And that’s just an example, information about your means can get around whenever you come in contact with another human being.

Should also note that internet infrastructure is going to get real spotty. Physical wires get stolen all the time by niggers looking to sell for scrap. There’s a reason why India has no electricity but everybody has a cell phone. I know somebody who hooked an unlimited data sim card up to a satellite dish spoofing a phone and uses it as a mobile hotspot for his remote house. May be the best option for internet access during a collapse.

When massive inflation hits, the EBT cards are not going to be able to keep up with the price of food, and we are likely to see state forces shaking down farmers for their crops to feed the cities. Best to keep agricultural operations small, small enough to provide for your family. A cow for milk, chickens for eggs, a few pigs at the most, and crops should be supplemental and for nutrition, not staple crops that the government is interested in. As long as it is more trouble for them to go collect than it is worth. Things that require refrigeration are good- there is going to be a big shortage of trucks and cold storage, and hopefully used on shaking down the big ranchers and growers.

The green climate genocide is likely to be the most dangerous, more dangerous than race war or covid hysteria. Prepare to never see another drop of gas if things veer in that direction.

Prince Charming says:

> hooked an unlimited data sim card up to a satellite dish spoofing a phone and uses it as a mobile hotspot

Unlikely to work. Old-fashioned GSM has a hard limit of 35km because you cannot ACK packets fast enough farther, due to speed of light. 4G has much more stringent limits.

Starlink is cheap and ubiquitous, however, Star Prophet be blessed.

Aidan says:

Sorry, I meant that the dish was to communicate with the nearest cell tower, which was too far away for an ordinary phone to pick up signal or data from, not a satellite directly.

Starlink sounds great, but I worry that if Musk has to move outside the US hegemony to continue his work, it may become politically dangerous to do business with him.

Prince Charming says:

Starlink is ~13-30GHz, one should be able to conceal the dish under a tarp.

He is not gonna leave the US as long as the USGOV is able to project power. He knows what happened to the Iranian nuclear scientists.

jim says:

The US capability to project power is falling off a cliff.

alf says:

I hear 8 out of 10 biggest harbors in terms of trade volume are in China. None are in the US.

Kunning Drueger says:
Kunning Drueger says:

In terms of the VA election, I don’t think the Left is smarter than we thought, or things are not as bad as we thought. But I do think we’ve fallen into the “always/never” trap of interpretation, which tends to be a good way to analyze the past but seems pretty poor at charting the future. Being “on the ground” in a number of euphemistic ways, I can say that the observation effort by partially the GOP, but mostly ultracons and ruralcons was enormous. In addition, the DNC operated like Trump *never happened*, as opposed to Trump being taken out. They ran a campaign that would have been effective in 2015. The GOP is dying, but it isn’t dead, and the Boomercons are not quite done contributing to the slow unraveling of the country.

I don’t know how often people here take their Jimianity out for a spin, trot out monarchism with IRL folks, or discuss Nrx frame with people. As is probably obvious, I don’t have the best filter and I like to engage people, so I do all of those things to some degree. I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’ve been threatened with death (fun story for another time), roughed up, laughed off, honestly debated, and actually engaged. Over time, I’ve seen a shift in what people are willing to consider. I’ve never, ever had anyone take monarchy seriously past the theoretical, but I’ve had a not insignificant amount of people come around to the Democracy is kinda-sorta a sham. Fewer still have been willing to entertain the notion of the Uniparty v. a two party system. A slightly smaller number have pushed back vehemently but poorly on Yarvin’s Rachet. In all of this chit chat, I’ve developed a deeper appreciation for Boomercon willingness to engage in pushing back on the Libs with funding and electioneering. We here no that this won’t fix anything, and I’m of the mind that it is a net negative for the restoration as it is only providing more cover for the exploitation of the hacked constitutional republic.

I think the VA habbening is largely a product of the Boomercons rising up and fighting back. The other theses mentioned by Pooch, Aidan, and others are probably correct to some degree as well (leftward disunity/infighting, poor planning, too-little-too-late, fear of being exposed, etc.). The question is, will this trend continue, as in more direct engagement, more election supervision, and more miscalculations by the DNC apparatus, or is it an outlier? Trump is not in jail and the crazies don’t control the levers of power and policy. Yet. We may be witnessing the Last Ride of the Right-hirim.

jim says:

> The question is, will this trend continue, as in more direct engagement, more election supervision, and more miscalculations by the DNC apparatus, or is it an outlier? Trump is not in jail and the crazies don’t control the levers of power and policy.

Despite extremely aggressive election supervision, there was obvious massive fraud, just not quite massive enough. In New Jersey, it was massive enough.

This is approximately what happened in the Trump election. They prepared, long in advance, sufficient fraud to deal with a massive Trump landslide, but in the early hours of the morning, found their preparations inadequate, and took extraordinary after-the-last minute panic measures. The difference in Virginia was that they did not do the after-the-last-minute panicked fraud. We got the normal blue shift that happens when they discover their fraud insufficient, but not the four in the morning blue shift.

My interpretation of this event is not that Republicans can win elections if they vote hard enough, but that they can win elections if their voting so hard is sufficiently unexpected that to deal with it would require important people in Washington to be rousted out of bed in the middle of the night, that this was more of a ballsup than a conscious policy of rewarding cuckservatives for being cuckolded, though doubtless there was some substantial part of that.

Pooch says:

Interesting. I suppose the question is, can this process be hacked at all?

The only way I see is pulling an FDR. That is running on a standard party platform then upon winning completely dishonestly pulling a 180 and reclaiming the full authority of the executive branch to become Caesar.

Kunning Drueger says:

We don’t have elites of the caliber of FDR or his cronies anymore. This may be yet another terrible side effect of socially managed capitalism; an elite that pours all of its effort into hedonic pursuit but merely claims power as needed, versus the natural order which is to pour all effort into power pursuit and indulge in hedonics when convenient. When you step back and really look at it, its very twisted, like a whore doing loads of strangers for the opportunity to maybe cum and definitely catch diseases and the money is just this secondary aspect of the job. “Just gotta get through a few more minutes of sex, then I get to enjoy that cigarette…” I’m not blaming capitalism, per se, but I do think it, combined with pervasive subconscious socialism, has some pretty terrible effects on elites.

Aidan says:

The idea of running a standard party platform and pulling a 180 like FDR has been discussed in great depth by a lot of extremely intelligent people. FDR got away with it because he magicked up an entire ruling class from his ivy league connections and installed them into a slew of executive agencies over the protests of the supreme court and congress.

And I would add that the Bonus Army was an op by, if not FDR himself, somebody very close to him. (complete with its own Hollywood propaganda film!) The Bonus Army is forgotten about, which means it is important. FDR’s class of elite socialists mobilized a force of fighting men to threaten the overthrow of the government (sources are mysteriously silent on who provided the money to feed an army of 10,000 homeless and unemployed camped on the outskirts of DC) and cow the military into acquiescence.

We could do it if we had a thousand statesmen, a thousand influential and capable people with a shared religion and ideology who were networked together, who would be installed in the US government’s apparatus once the dishonest campaign was successful. If the courts or other appendages of the existing order attempt to resist with force, you put ten thousand armed rednecks in the street with promises of pardons.

Trump tried to put people into the head position of three-letter agencies in order to hollow them out and correct their abuses, but the departments rebelled against Trump’s appointees. I would create a “Department of Executive Oversight” above FDR’s structure that exists to investigate the agencies, knowing what it will find ahead of time, and using the resistance of said agencies as an excuse to arrest their members and dismantle them. Trump managed to find police forces loyal to him to quell the riots in DC, even if he had to go as far as Department of Prisons Special Forces, so I am confident that our anti-FDR could find somebody with a uniform willing to do the job. And again, if somebody in uniform defects, a populist uprising of thousands of armed rednecks will be remarkably effective in convincing them to change their minds.

We do not have a thousand statesmen, there is not even a “we”, and if anybody manages to build such a hypothetical network, it may well be too late, so this is all just speculation and fantasy.

Pooch says:

Hmm going to have to read up more on the Bonus Army. At the least, it’s an interesting thought exercise.

Prince Charming says:

You’re an aristocrat, Aidan. How can you possibly not have a 1000 people you can call on, if push comes to shove?

The problem of Trump was not that he kept his enemies closer, but that whatever his plan was for 6 January, it fell apart suddenly and decisively, likely because the state religion was too strong, and Trump didn’t have any priests on his side. But everyone gets this in hindsight, everyone who’s heard about Pelosi calling in the National Guard, or the $2m bribe Barett subsequently received.

I think this kind of defeatism stems from an unwillingness to understand the current ruling paradigm. Anglin once complained that if he were given control of the media for one day, by midnight, everyone would believe everything he’d ever said — and after the control returned to the current establishment, all of that would be undone by noon. Corollary: if you keep Anglin in for a week, you can have your revolution. Unfortunately, current-day aristos fetishise “the warrior”, a phenotype whose biggest impact post-Crecy has been the influence on fashion and literature of that mighty Lord Cardigan.

Aidan says:

Aristocrat? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am little better than a bum at the moment. Aristos is as arete does. If I could summon up a thousand men I would start a PMC and move to Africa.

“Unfortunately, current-day aristos fetishise “the warrior”, a phenotype whose biggest impact post-Crecy has been the influence on fashion and literature of that mighty Lord Cardigan.”

Yet when the smoke cleared, Stalin was the last man alive on top of a pile of dead priests. Also, Cromwell and Monck would beg to differ. So would Napoleon. Warriors do not always beat priests. But they need to. FDR very wisely had Patton killed the minute he was no longer useful.

TammyFan says:

FDR died 8 months before Patton in April 1945. But Patton was probably killed by pro Soviet elements in the US government or by the Soviets themselves:

Aidan says:

“probably killed by pro Soviet elements in the US government”

IOW everybody who worked for FDR lmao. The plan to kill Patton was probably on the table for years. He was a potential Caesar. I’m sad I was never born in the timeline where Patton started shooting the Red Army in Berlin and destroyed the USSR

Kunning Drueger says:

We have such a fucked up, distorted perspective of generals in this country, and I don’t mean public school educated NPCs, I mean the Amerikaners. Macarthur was actually pretty based, Bradley and Marshall and Eisenhower were FDR’s tools, Ridgeway did nothing wrong, and the list goes on. Makes me wonder about McCrystal, Petraious, and others. As much as I love Patton, I think MacArthur was the one They truly feared.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Macarthur and Patton were both from long lines of warrior fathers, the main difference being Patton’s forefathers were cavaliers who settled in the south, while Macarthur’s served northern aggression. Meaning that while Macarthur always threatened to be more based than what the demotist priests would have liked, they were more willing to give him their unbenefit of doubt than they were to Patton.

But not too willing, as events proved soon after the war anyways. Even though they never served together in the same theater, Macarthur clearly seemed to agree with Patton’s sentiment that destroying communists is good, and that there would be no better time to do it than right now, which was certainly true in hindsight. Which is why he pressed the offensive against the headless chicoms, in hopes of setting up the necessary escalation, before Truman stabbed him (and the American nation by extension) in the back anyways.

Prince Charming says:

All wielded power by manipulating massive armies of soldiers, using religion, and none of them had much love for warriors. Was very deadly to be a warrior in Stalin’s army in particular. Monck wrote he was very confident his army contained zero warriors; also perhaps a little pussy-whipped (albeit not to the extent Napoleon was). Cromwell was absolutely in thrall of whichever priest was currently talking to him — perhaps that’s a latter-date character assassination, but we wouldn’t have to worry about that had he produced a worthy heir.

I think that while in other domains, the judgement of women is useless, in the case of a warrior, it carries weight. None of these names wet any panties, except Stalin. Stalin was cool, still is. But Stalin didn’t come on top because he robbed banks and was a generally jolly fellow. he came on top despite of that. And let’s remember he had to greatly discount his ambition for the WW2, was able to even stay in the war because of the great work of Roosevelt’s court Jews, and his failure to establish a viable state led within four decades not only to the loss of all the new territory, but to a total collapse of his empire, a collapse that may still destroy Russia itself.

jim says:

> Cromwell was absolutely in thrall of whichever priest was currently talking to him

He eventually wised up, when the holiness spiral went demonic, but attributed the problem to foolishness rather than evil – or at least that is what he said out loud.

Had he said another thing, this would have undermined the legitimacy of his regime. Just as the Chinese Communist party cannot criticize Mao.

HerbR says:

Why are people getting all worked up about a state election as if elections still matter? So the Republican won, it’s about as important and exciting as the local negroball team winning a game.

I’ve started getting the e-begging emails from Trump again too, or whoever runs his campaign email. “Give us money so we can ask Biden to finish the wall.” That’s what one of them actually said, not something I made up or satirized. See if you can count all the logical and categorical errors in that one simple request. It’s sickening, to be frank.

Elections are the circus half of our bread and circuses. Even if we had a full-on NSDAP style apparatus for halting election fraud (which we don’t), then as Jim points out, that is apt to work exactly once. What party shall we then raise to power? The Republicans? There’s no democratic solution here.

Pooch says:

then as Jim points out, that is apt to work exactly once. What party shall we then raise to power? The Republicans? There’s no democratic solution here.

The theoretical (and perhaps unrealistically fantastical) democratic solution is to pull an FDR and reclaim the full authority of the executive branch to dissolve the federal government and become Caesar for life, which only requires you to win once.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We do not want a democratic solution. We want an authoritarian solution. One man, one vote, one time. We just need the right man that one time.

Jehu says:

I live in a place where I don’t want the majority to have ANY say whatsoever in how the government is run. Yeah I hate our state government with a passion, but mostly that’s because I hate the electorate for pretty much the same reasons. A King over my state would have to be pretty bad to be worse than the ‘democratic’ results, even in an honest election (as it has had mail in voting for a long time, I’m convinced there’s around 4-5% fraud on average most of the time, which I suspect was the amount of fraud in the Virginia election this week also.

notglowing says:

I am glad to announce that I am now officially vaccinated, as signed by none other than the Robert Koch Institute themselves.
Needless to say, I don’t think I will feel any side effects from this type of vaccine. As they say, it’s completely safe.

This effort could be nullified at any moment from booster shot requirements.
And I would not be able to replicate what I did anymore. I don’t think I can get myself to fulfil that booster requirement either.

However, formally, our passports are valid for 12 months from the time they’re considered valid. Unless they change it retroactively, it’s a pretty long time for them to switch to some other issue.
I don’t see signs of holiness spiraling around booster shots becoming serious here, however some people are taking it (old people mostly).

The thing is as long as the first shot is generating impact and causing a spiral in itself forcing more seems a bad cost/benefit to the priestly types.
Every additional shot necessarily has less meaning and value in psychological terms.
If you think about it, it’s like inflating holiness.
You can imagine this means they’ll have to increase it faster and faster but I think that’s a reductio ad absurdum.

Pooch says:

I don’t see signs of holiness spiraling around booster shots becoming serious here, however some people are taking it (old people mostly).

Absolutely seeing signs of booster shot holiness spiraling becoming serious in the center of the empire. It will start here first before it reaches the provinces.

notglowing says:

I won’t deny that I have seen it in America and some places (Israel of course)
But my country was the first to implement lockdowns, and has been the most severe with them overall in terms of time and severity imo (maybe australia beats us)
And we were earlier with implement vax pass and pass restrictions, and we have much harsher terms (one test a week in the US feels pretty lax compared to one every two days here).

Also while they are harsher here, there is more reasoning behind the rules. For example you do get a 6 month pass if you get covid. And people with conditions can get a waiver in some cases.

America seems more chaotic in many ways, especially with how inconsistent the local rules or their application are.

jim says:

> you do get a 6 month pass if you get covid

Six months?

That is absurd and outrageous. It is obvious that natural immunity lasts for a very long time, perhaps permanently as far as anyone knows, while the clot shot does not even last six months.

Perhaps you miswrote. It would be reasonable to re-test every six months – even though by now they must know what the result of that testing is likely to be, unless they have gamed the test to make sure it falsely reads that you are no longer immune.

notglowing says:

I did not miswrite. I was comparing it to the US where that immunity is not recognized, if I recall correctly.
For 6 months after you test negative again after testing positive, you receive covid pass status.
Yes it’s very short, but the vaccine is 12. You know it cannot possibly be close to or as high as the vaccine because that would be insulting to it.
Compared to 48H you get from a test, that is a windfall of freedom.

I will say that regular people here do not believe that the immunity from having covid is insignificant or not good.
The opinion seems to be that it’s almost as good as the vaccine and anyone who had covid probably shouldn’t be worried, even from people who are fairly concerned about covid in general.
I would say it’s better, of course. But at least it’s not being dismissed.

It is unfortunate that they don’t make it last longer but it is what it is.

There is a small additional reprieve though.
If you have had covid in the last 6 months, you are only required to take one dose of a two dose vaccine. A friend of mine did that, and good for him since at least it wasn’t two.
So in every way, getting it counts like half a vaccination.

C4ssidy says:

Antibodies can disappear very quickly in some people, less than six months. The response of vaxxers, including medical professionals, to being told about memory cells out of a highschool textbook , seems to be a hatred and disgust. They can test easily for antibodies, cannot test easily for memory cells, and one gets the impression that they do not want to develop easier tests for the memory cells, or even discuss them, because to talk about natural immunity is to diminish the sacrament of the jab. The six month time limit seems to be common in several European countries

Karl says:

Nah, notglowing didn’t miswrite. Currently, all EU governments are of the opinion that recovering form covid gives you immunity for 6 months and the clot shot gives you live long immunity, at least if you take boosters.

Of course it is absurd and outrageous. So what? Sure, somewhere someone will go through the courts all way to the constitutional courts and maybe the European court of human rights and try to explain to some judges that this policy is absurd and outrageous. Even if the judges agree, absurd and outrageous is no reason to nullify a law.

On the other hand, maybe the fact that the governments treatment of recovery from covid is absurd and outrageous convinced some people that the whole covid policy is absurd and outrageous, which turn led some normies to forge vaccine passes or buy forged without qualms

Upravda says:

He did not miswrite.

In Croatia, people who catched the illness get their Covid Ausweis also for 6 month only.

For vaxxed… I think it is also 6 months, or maybe 8.

And, today our glorious government has anounced that they will not be forcing me to get the vaxx. They’ll only make me unable to use any public service, for example post office. or I should get tested twice a week.

In the times where about quarter of the hospitalized are vaxxed, and even more among folks older than 65 – according to official data.

Outrageous is… understatement.

Varna says:

Welp, going back to commie times survival tactics.

Shopping open air markets and tiny neighborhood shops instead of malls; meeting people at each other’s homes instead of restaurants and cafes; being prepared that the doctors in hospitals and any state officials will treat you with contempt and superiority.

Plus planning. Once a month making a list of what needs to be done, then getting the PCR test and getting it all done in 72 hours.

With some focus and self-care and mental discipline they inconveniences can be weathered. Especially by those who *remember*. In the virgin West shortages and inflation and all of the above can drive anyone to despair. In the well-sodomized East any adult just lights another cigarette.

The new masters will not win. They cannot win.

Karl says:

Socialism ended about 30 years ago. So by now there should be plenty of adults in the East who are as clueless as the majority in the West.

What are the vaccination rates in the East? If there are about the same as in the West, adults in the East are probably as clueless as in the West.

Varna says:

Sure, I meant the “non-brainwashed adults” who choose to not go through with the b.s. — they are the ones who can handle it way easier.

I’d shave off 10 years off the 30 years, because the 1990s were also a survival school in most parts of the EE.

The oldest millennials are the youngest who remember the period when life wasn’t all unicorns and bunnies.

Some EE countries went surprisingly all in with the hoax, especially places like the Baltics and Slovenia, known also as “we were never Eastern Europe it’s all a misunderstanding” countries. Sure proved that, no question.

The EE outside the EU all uses the trad vax as well, while inside the EU–only Hungary. Everybody else gets clotshots and mutagen serums. For some reason. Not France, not Austria, not Poland — no one could get their shit together and produce a trad vax in a month. Turkey could and Kazakhstan could, but not a single EU country. Very strange.

In EU EE, Bulgaria is the last holdout.
The govt is trying to break the population with vax passes and relentless propaganda since 2-3 weeks ago. But thus far the Bulgarians are as obstinate as the Ukrainians, the Russians, and the Belorussians. They literally have to be threatened with starvation and/or jail to take the shot, and when they do, they remember how it happened.

Even outside the EU, EE places like Serbia, Macedonia, and Montenegro are scrambling to prove how worthy they are of joining the family of civilized nations.

They are vaxxed way more than EU Bulgaria.

But, as I mentioned before, in each and every of those places there are adults among the refuseniks who can handle all the restriction crap on autopilot and without breaking a sweat.

The question is who will they breed with later on hahaha. Some sort of “untainted mating exchange” shall have to be organized. The last twenty pureblood Balts and the two remaining Portugese will have to breed with Ukrainian Tatars or Algerians or something.

Upravda says:

Yes, I remember commie survival tactics. Was not so intensive in former Yugoslavia, but we did perfect the art of living under softer communism and harder inflation.

I already do much of of that, my friend, I already do. For example, I already do shopping only once in a week so I could just as easily make it once in a month – although our inglorious rulers did *not* threaten us with forbidding the entry into malls. Yet.

OTOH, five main medical associations (“chambers” this and that and such) did yesterday urge the rulers to make us such pariahs. Bastards. As I said, word “outrageous” is understatement.

And I buy milk and cheese from neighbor, pork from people in the place I live, etc. Live swine, actually, we personally slaughter it, make sausages, etc. Family enterprise known as “kolinje” and performed during cold months. 😉

We still have open air markets in Croatia, locally known as “plac” (read like a deutsch “Platz”), both in the largest of cities and smallest of villages, and it was always very important way of procuring groceries, for many people the primary way.

We shall see – yesterday’s threats form the idiot of Interior minister (ugly gamma) are quite fuzzy, unions are already brewing, and many decisions could go to the Constitutional court. We developed something of a Constitutional court cult, not unlike that in USA, but those airheads sitting there sometimes can surprise us positively.

And I’m in IT (information systems development, to be precise) and already do much of work from home so I’m not so much affected such as people from public sector or state-owned companies.

Right now, my greatest concern is actually rising inflation of Euro. Not that I have any savings in that currency, but Croatian Kuna is pegged to Euro so inflation will hit us eventually. Been reading carefully Jim’s post on cryptocurrencies, but the main problem is simply that no one in Croatia accepts it. And, regarding all that milk, cheese, pork, and open markets, it is simply inconceivable that old lady groceress will ever accept anything like that. She might accept yuan, and gold, and silver, and everything that can be put into the sock, up to and including Adamant coins, but not something she can not touch.

By the way, I can become a resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina either if I own some land there, any land, or if I register a company branch-office there. land is easy to buy, there are no restrictions by nationality, I think, so even foreigners can buy it.

jim says:

> the main problem is simply that no one in Croatia accepts it.

Critical mass problem. No one will accept it because no one else will accept it.

In El Salvador there is a beach, which became known as bitcoin beach. It had a bunch of bitcoin rich exiles from the US hanging out. And no one would accept it. Until they did. And, then with remarkable swiftness, it came to pass that all of El Salvador accepts it.

Varna says:

It’s not 6 months, it’s 2 months:)
Their margarine is just like butter.

They just aren’t ready yet to come out and say that everyone must get the shot six times a year to appease Baal. Then 12 times a year, as likely after every boost the body is “protected” for a shorter and shorter time. Then 24 times a year.

Also, they appear to be preparing for the coming great immunity crash.
Already promoting new “anti-COVID meds” which use HIV meds in the mix. Normalizing the concept for when it turns out all the boosted pleb have to take HIV pills forever.

Oh they know what they are doing. They know.

Pooch says:

Fucking what the fuck. They want to give everyone man made HIV don’t they? It’s starting to click.

It makes sense Mr. HIV himself, Dr. Fauci would be behind it all in his gain-of-function experiments. He must have been extremely disappointed when it turned out real HIV only was affecting the gays.

Varna says:

Reminded of that Team America musical song “Everyone has AIDS”.

Pooch says:

Hight priest Fauci and the CDC have both proclaimed boosters to be holy. Highly unlikely that the provinces get away with making them unholy although they may allow each individual client state to define the details of how often to administer the sacrament. I would absolutely plan for them coming in the next 12 months.

Pooch says:

6 months probably more likely.

notglowing says:

I can’t say you’re wrong. We’ll see what happens.

I noticed how in Germany people just seem tired of the measures and checking and have gotten very lazy and relaxed about it.
Which is not how I know Germany, they are usually extremely thorough and diligent in following rules, and proactively calling out people who do not.
It is pretty funny to me how even when they checked the pass they never scanned it at all.

Pooch says:

That’s a good sign that the loyalists are even getting exhausted and consistent with a declining, decadent empire. I would expect enforcement to become less and less rigorous over time as people start to feel in their gut that it’s all just an act, even if they don’t verbalize it. Nonetheless, the priests have spoken and the decaying sovereign will push the state religion on the populace as best it can.

notglowing says:

Compared to where I live, Berlin and Germany seem to be treating vax pass and corona measures much more lightly. With some exceptions, it’s not even close.

I was not asked any kind of pass at the airport in Germany. Nothing except the standard travel documents that airports always wanted. Here, they asked for it 3 times before I was on the plane, *leaving* the country. Plus there was other dumb bullshit.

And every single place where they check the pass here, they scan it with the app.

In Germany, they just want to see a QR code. It didn’t get scanned once, ever.
It could be a McDonald’s discount code for all they know.
On the other hand, they do read the rest of the info on the document (as worthless of a security measure as that is compared to scanning), in Italy no one usually does that, it’s just phone scanned with the government app.

Speaking of which, the government app here only says 3 things:

– Is the pass valid (whether a recent enough test or if it’s a vaccine pass)
– Name of owner
– Birthday
It doesn’t say if it’s a test or vax, or any other info. There’s no photo ID, since the pass doesn’t contain photo ID.

It just occurred to me, anyone could just lie about their name (which they don’t even ask for most establishments, obviously) and just show a pass from someone else (maybe not the Adolf Hitler one)

Outside of airports, and anywhere where identification is usually not required, it seems easy to bypass this measure. Of course they could ask for a photo ID, but they don’t even really think about that, I didn’t even think of it immediately. You’re obligated to carry your national ID here with you at all times so it’s not like anyone can just say they don’t have it more than once, but if you do get asked you could try it.
This also doesn’t work if tickets are involved, like in trains.
In my case it could never work because the owners of the places know me.
But I don’t need this anyhow.

notglowing says:

The biggest problem here compared to other countries is how hard it has always been to get tested.
The main places are pharmacies and some private testing places.
Almost all of them require an appointment booked at least the day before.
The only place here that doesn’t need it is the hospital, which only makes tests for around one hour at a specific time of the day, and requires you to wait 40 minutes for a result.

The other places are fast but they require payment and are now overbooked, if I wanted to get tested officially, I would need to wait until december at this point.

Cat says:

Congratulations. So it sounds like you may have done something similar to what Karl suggested to me on your previous comment. Since this was such a quick operation, I suppose it did not matter that your two vaxx dates were dates that you would not have actually been in Germany, which was something I was worried about.

It sounds like you brought your vaccination certificate back to your home country, rather than verifying it in Germany. Karl thought that it would be business as usual to get it ticked off in Germany, but unusual in a non-German country, which made sense to me. Why did you do it this way, if you don’t mind me asking?

Do you think that someone could do something similar to what you did, but order a German vaxx yellow booklet online to their house outside of Germany, and fly in to get it ticked off in Germany?

notglowing says:

>your two vaxx dates were dates that you would not have actually been in Germany, which was something I was worried about.
That is a concern in theory. There is simply no way they could check that for every person though. The government doesn’t have an easy way to know that, it would require an investigation.
To begin with, you can read about how the covid pass works on the Robert Koch Institute.
They only store the data that is submitted by the pharmacist, read off the yellow booklet and typed into the computer, for the seconds it takes to verify and sign, and the QR code you get is the *only* place where your vaxx record is stored, ever. This is to comply with EU GDPR laws. There is no centralized database of who is vaccinated, that is explicit. They are complying with their own rules.
They explicitly say if you destroy your copy there is no record. For the same reason it cannot be revoked either, not without revoking many other valid certificates.

I live in Schengen so it’s hard to prove where I was or was not, and increasingly harder as time passes.
However the vaccine dose batch number is correct for the dates and location where my vaccination was performed. As it should be, since after all I am vaccinated and protected now. Against the government for sure, anyways.
Newer doses have individual serial numbers. Impossible to fake as they would be obvious dupes.
Meaning as time passes these older vax dates might look suspicious. But the pharmacists don’t really care or know anything anyways. It’s a routine operation.

>It sounds like you brought your vaccination certificate back to your home country, rather than verifying it in Germany.
I said nothing of the sort. I got vaccinated in Berlin, so I have a certificate singed by the RKI. I digitized it at a pharmacy, like everyone else does. However increasingly people are getting the digital pass from the doctor directly.
In any case if anything a German certificate is more legitimate in Italy than an Italian one. Not only do they not have access to the info they would need to make any checks if they wanted to, but Italians trust Germans and consider them more credible. At least this is the case here, maybe southerners see it differently.

notglowing says:

>Do you think that someone could do something similar to what you did, but order a German vaxx yellow booklet online to their house outside of Germany, and fly in to get it ticked off in Germany?

To digitize a certificate, one needs to present a booklet at a pharmacy in Germany. If you have a booklet that is correct and legitimate in every way, with your name and birthday on it (the other fields like address you live in, and passport, seem to *not* be filled in on any legitimate booklets), you can digitize it at any pharmacy.
The batch numbers of the vaccine doses need to match the dates. Of course anyone with a legitimate booklet can see the batch number and copy it. But the new ones are serial per-dose.
I’ve heard some people are using pens that can be deleted to write names, and reusing booklets.

Berlin is preferable as it is the country with the most travelling foreigners.
It’s also not close to borders where they are more suspicious.
It takes a little. The data is entered into a computer, and you receive the paper certificates.
One then downloads the German government app for this, scans the QR codes, and “prints” a digital file of the pass to pdf on the phone, so you have a permanent digital copy.
Scanning or copying the printed files given by the pharmacy is a bad idea since they are low quality.

Cat says:

Thank you for this information you have kindly supplied, it is absolutely invaluable for me. Since you have indeed been vaccinated it is very good you also have the valid certificate as proof, and not just the QR code. There are also a lot of small pieces of valuable information that I have gleaned from these posts, that quite possibly will prove very useful.

Out of interest, do you know roughly when they switched from just batch number to batch + dose numbers?

I suppose at this point, one would have to try to find potential vendors, and as long as one crosschecks the vendor’s information with yours to ensure the vendor’s truthfulness (e.g. not filling out parts of the form that should not be filled out, ensuring a date far back enough so that dose numbers were not yet required), it should be more or less smooth sailing. Does that sound like a hypothetical best course of action to you?

notglowing says:

>Out of interest, do you know roughly when they switched from just batch number to batch + dose numbers?

No, I don’t even know for sure if it’s true or not. But it must have been after august.

Mister Grumpus says:

I just realized. I’ve been assuming all this time that the internet will either 1: always keep working, or 2: be intentionally taken down someday by Great Reset Agenda 21 Polygon Lizard People.

But what about simply

3: They put Shaniqua in charge of internet sysadmin and she just, you know, fucks it up somehow, ain’t got time for that, !goes! !on! !break!, and no one can do anything about it?

What about that? How ridiculous am I being right now?

notglowing says:

The internet itself is relatively resilient to localized failure. Some centralized services on top of it are not. But they’re not absolutely indispensable.

Kunning Drueger says:

You should look into mesh networking. Lots of interesting examples of how an internet can be spun up quickly with patchwork hardware and the will to connect. The real issue is content, rather high value servers. Being connected is a big part of it, but having things worth sharing and viewing is also important.

jim says:

My use of the internet cannot be fucked up by Shaniqua.

And I notice that NSA is gathering the low hanging fruit, while the high hanging fruit, though far less abundant, would likely prove far more interesting. This suggests that Shaniqua is already running their operation.

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