
The poverty of the billionaire ruling elite.

Musk is immensely rich because he creates capital.

Nancy Pelosi, and the entire FIRE economy, are immensely wealthy because they help themselves to capital that other people create.

We have a criminal and stupid ruling elite.

And no matter how much money such people have, they remain poor. Their yachts sit in the marina. They own nice mansions that were built by people of wealth and taste, but lacking taste, do not live in those mansions, They own them as status symbols, and live in trash places. They own them because other people judged them magnificent, not because they can tell the difference. When they buy a yacht, it is not to sail it to beautiful and interesting places, but to have a higher mast sitting in the marina than the mast of the other billionaire’s yacht that is sitting in the marina.

Nancy Pelosi’s beard called in a forty year old male whore, who beat him up.

And so we got to see photos of where Nancy Pelosi’s beard lives and where the whore lives.

The whore lives in trailer that is as filthy, ugly, and garbage strewn as you would imagine. I know nice people who live in nice trailers. Trailers near other nice trailers. One look at this whore’s trailer, you know he is drug addled whore who is likely to attack you and rob you.

The beard lives on billionaires row, in a “mansion”. Which is to say a house considerably bigger than any of my houses, and doubtless worth thousands or tens of thousands as much, also considerably uglier, with an entrance way far inferior to any of my houses, a garden far inferior to the gardens of any of my houses, a view far inferior to the view from any of my houses, in a crime infested neighborhood (“Billionaire’s row”) where if you leave something in your car and the car unlocked, it is going to walk, unlike any of the neighborhoods of any of my houses.

One of my houses is surrounded by a horde of McMansions. There are a lot of things I do not like about those McMansions. But each and every one of them looks nicer and has a nicer entrance way than the beard’s mansion. The beard’s mansion is to nice mansions, as the whore’s trailer is to nice trailers.

These are trashy people, everything around them turns to trash. They turn everything they touch into trash, whether a mansion or a trailer. Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and the beard’s whore are all alike.

Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and her beard’s whore all all the same quality of person. They are all trash, and in a civilized society they would be confined to a ghetto for human trash, a ghetto serving the same function as the town dump for household trash, so that civilized people can pretend that trash does not exist, and do not suffer the crime that follows human trash around like flies and cockroaches.

You wonder why modern buildings are ugly? Ugliness and physical degradation follows corruption and sexual deviation. It is like evil in the old fantasy games. You can tell the bad guys just by looking at them and their surroundings.

A living creature maintains its own order by increasing the entropy of other systems. The lion eats the deer and turns it into poop. A healthy society has to continually fight social entropy, which means it has to continually dump social entropy outside of itself. And that is what ghettos are for. They serve the same function as a sewer. A palace without a sewer will soon start to stink. The ugliness of the modern world is due to a lack of sewers for human sewage. It all started when the Victorians allowed Florence Nightingale and her ilk back into polite society. A palace needs a sewer, and civilization needs ghettos. And it needs to keep human sewage from escaping those ghettos.

759 comments The poverty of the billionaire ruling elite.

Arakawa says:

Another great moment in Pelosi trashiness was when she chose to lord it over the locked-down peasants on TV by showing off her freezers full of… ice cream. I’m uncertain which possibility is dumber, that she actually eats that much ice cream, or that she doesn’t eat it and assembled the freezers to show off.

The Cominator says:

She isn’t fat enough to eat it that much…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Remember the whole mike bloomberg ‘big gay ice cream’ thing?

There’s something about these types and icecream.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe it’s a status symbol for them? Like a depression era fetish or something? Or maybe it’s like “pizza & hotdogs” for the Obama Regime pederasts…

Red says:

It’s signaling of some sort. We just don’t know the context so we can’t decode it.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m speculating based on growing up in the progressive upper middle class and having know some of those people who worked in various political NGOs. Think 100k minimum income for the dads (at 100k it better be a high status occupation to compensate), lots of trust funds, spending summer in Europe type of thing.

Here’s how some of them would react to liking hotdogs.

‘Eww! You like hotdogs! All that animal fat and mystery meat. Don’t you know it’s bad for you? What are you, some kind of white trash (read pleb)?’

The last question isn’t explicitly said out loud, but it shows in the body language and they do joke about it in private.

Now think about what hotdogs are typically associated with. 4th of July (pleb holiday), watching the baseball game in the stands (pleb sport), street food (if you said cuisine that so gauche, you’re an uppity pleb). Did I get the point across that hotdogs are considered low class?

So what does a politician from an upper middle class background do to seem relatable. ‘Hey! I’m eating a hotdog. I’m just like you plebs!’ Hence all of those hotdog eating photo ops. Or corndog if you’re trying to appeal to those Midwestern plebs.

Now pizza on the other hand… you don’t see nearly as many official pr stunts involving that, and the upper middle class has no strong opinions on pizza either. When it does pop up in politics it’s in private conversations never meant for public eyes, the Podesta crowd did have some rather odd art tastes, those Comet Pizza people did as well. Well every good politician knows not to ask too many questions you don’t want the answers to.

i says:

So what does a politician from an upper middle class background do to seem relatable. ‘Hey! I’m eating a hotdog. I’m just like you plebs!’ Hence all of those hotdog eating photo ops. Or corndog if you’re trying to appeal to those Midwestern plebs.

When Donald Trump served a Mcdonald’s feast at the White House it was very relatable.

Likewise the way he does it is quite organic rather than looking fake like how those other Politicians does it.

Pax Imperialis says:

Trump never fit in with that crowd. To them he was always an uncouth new money pleb. And maybe he was. He loved America and the symbols. He loved 4th of July and the food.

Trump even looks different in his bone structure. There’s a whole rabbit hole call phrenology you can chase down if you want.

Kunning Druegger says:

I always appreciated how Trump wouldn’t play dress up when he was out among commoners. Jeb Bush would put on a costume, trying to signal how in touch he was with The Folk, while Trump would traipse about in his suit, regardless of the locale.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Please clap :(” – Jeb!

I honestly don’t know who thought is was a good idea to run this guy and dump 100 million. On a surface level he is just too damn soft.

Read this article and look past the rhetoric. It admits that there is an aristocracy that looks down on people based on lack of holiness.

As more time passes it becomes clearer that Trump was never a Caesar but rather a Gracchus. This is great cause of optimism in the long term.

skippy says:

He was meant to lose and due to his name and associations he was a plausible candidate who would make the loss plausible.

The whole Bush family are bagmen. Rubio is an incompetent bagman (repeating the line verbatim like a robot). I’m not sure they had a better bagman than Jeb. In the other party the best they could do was Biden.

i says:

@Pax Imperialis

Trump at least have good taste in Architecture. The interior of his Trump towers where he dwelt was magnificent and approaches Heavenly Glory far more than the Uber-Trillionaires like Bezos and Gates who can’t into said buildings.

Red says:

>As more time passes it becomes clearer that Trump was never a Caesar but rather a Gracchus. This is great cause of optimism in the long term.

It would be if we were Rome instead of Carthage. The Russians are likely to decide that burning America with holy nuclear fire is the only solution to the human sacrifice cult.

Pax Imperialis says:

You might be on to something with the depression era… keep in mind Bloomberg and Pelosi are on the tail end of Silent Generation.

My great grandmother grew up in the depression era. One of the stories she often told me was the luxury of ice cream for a nickle. How all the kids from well off families would always excitedly run when the opportunity for ice cream presented itself. To give an idea of how insane it was to spend a nickle for ice cream, you could get an entire meal for a man at New York restaurant prices for a dime.

Now keep in mind the older generations would have likely heard those types of stories often while growing up.

When my grandfather died, he was late 80s in mid 2010s not too far from Pelosi in age, I had to help my father clean out my grandfather’s rented storage space. It was at a motor home park my grandparents would stop at every so often. They traveled America year long. My father and I found a fully stocked refrigerator full of ice cream. The man loved ice cream, but to the point he would even fully stock an entire refrigerator full of it at a location he was hundreds of miles away for most of the year was… mind boggling.

You might think the man was insane or stupid if you didn’t know him, but he was very sharp, even in old age, and had graduated in the top half at West Point in the 1950s when average officer IQ was mid 130s. If he didn’t almost fail the physical requirements he would have been near the top overall. Main reason the Army kept him and ignored his physical performance was because he was very intelligent.

I think ice cream for him was sort of an emotional piece of Americana similar to Coca Cola and Zippo lighters. A sign of how prosperous Americans had become, so a refrigerator full of ice cream you never eat isn’t strange in that context. It’s sort of like saying, ‘hey look, times are so good and I’m so well off that I can afford a refrigerator full of ice cream!’ It’s emotional economic security.

So Pelosi’s behavior with the ice cream isn’t so strange within generational context. It’s saying ‘hey, this pandemic isn’t bad. We Americans are so prosperous just look at all this ice cream!’ But the economic effects of the shut down were bad, so Pelosi doing that stunt should be interpreted in the same was as if Marie Antoinette said during a famine “Let them eat cake.” Now Antoinette never said that. It was propaganda. That Pelosi would unironically say something similar… well it didn’t matter since most Americans are not old enough to understand what was being said.

Basically Pelosi and Bloomberg are modern Antoinettes if all the anti-Antoinette propaganda was true.

The Cominator says:

General agreement though i think youve taken too dim a view of Florence Nightingale… though im sure she was kind of a whore (one charming characteristic of whores is often being surprisingly redpilled on minorities and other women).

jim says:

OK, I am sure she was a good quality of whore and nicer to have around than most of them. After all they picked her out of all the other whores following the soldiers around. But let one whore into polite society, you wind up letting them all in, and you wind up with people like Pelosi’s beard’s whore visiting billionaire’s row, and on the way in and on the way out, he is going to rob your car if you left it parked in the street on billionaire’s row.

Let Florence Nightingale in, and pretty soon you had better make sure your car is locked.

The Cominator says:

The Pelosi story is weird and fake and gay anyway… guy gets past security (okay maybe manwhore) hits 82 year old in head with hammer,.. and he survives and is expected to make a full recovery.

Kunning Drueger says:

They were wrestling over the hammer when SFPD arrived. It was a lover’s quarrel that escalated as the consequences came crashing down. Somehow the manwhore gets in, somehow a hammer appears, somehow police are called to the location, and somehow a substantially younger man is wrestling with an 81 year old dotard over a hammer. Preliminary, pre-spin background shows the manwhore is a Gaia extremist. The whole incident reeks of internal struggle accidentally spilling into the public view, not a targeted attack. The manwhore was probably instructed to convey a message, and a spat ensued that escalated to a confrontation, as is so often the case with sodomites. There was probably a screaming mach between the two STD hotels, and a neighbor relished in the opportunity to interfere in a high status neighbor’s business.

haha says:

There is no evidence of any kind pointing to Florence Nightingale being a whore. You simply pulled that out of your ass. Overwhelming historical evidence vs dude wimmin lmao

jim says:

1. All female camp followers were whores. It was traditional and taken for granted that they served dual duty.

2. There is piles of evidence that she spent time in private one on one with numerous affluent gentlemen.

haha says:

> 1. All female camp followers were whores. It was traditional and taken for granted that they served dual duty.

Are you talking about Crimea? She was not a “camp follower” there and nobody ever regarded her as such. She, of course, set up a hospital, and the wounded and sick soldiers went to her, and not her to them. I would like you to SHOW me where any real Victorian, in his or her own words, says or implies that she was a “camp follower”, whore, or something similar.

> 2. There is piles of evidence that she spent time in private one on one with numerous affluent gentlemen.

What gentlemen? I suspect you cannot name one, so I will help you. Not a single breath of insinuation or scandal was ever breathed about Florence Nightingale and Sidney Herbert.

Male-female friendships are not common, but they are possible. Especially if “the qualities of pliancy and sympathy fell to the man, those of command and initiative to the woman.” (Strachey)

jim says:

> > All female camp followers were whores. It was traditional and taken for granted that they served dual duty.

> Are you talking about Crimea? She was not a “camp follower” there

You are anachronistic. The modern system of logistics was created after Crimea. Logistics in Crimea was the old system – camp followers, the market, the marketplace, and a horde of civilian contractors following the army around. Colonels and officers of similar rank organized logistics with private contractors, and the people following them around were called camp followers.

In Crimea, you carried a gun and fought in uniform under direct chain of command, or you were a camp follower. Everyone in the army fought. Everyone who did not fight was not in the army, was a camp follower. No gun, therefore Florence Nightingale was a camp follower. Female camp follower, therefore whore or an officer’s mistress. (Most camp followers were male.) Florence Nightingale was part of logistics, logistics was camp followers, female camp followers were normally expected to perform dual duty.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m a bit perplexed at how anyone could be so wrong, so nastily incorrect, about the the first and greatest M’Lady of all m’ladies. Florence “Iron Hymen” Nightingale was so pure, she made the Virgin Mary feel self-conscious. Everyone knows that Florence “Spotless Crotch” Nightingale was the true strength behind the men she so selflessly supported. She was actually quite a warrior, as women are far more agile and intelligent and strong, but she was too kind too embarrass the men sho so innocently loved and dutifully supported, and humbly used her holy hands on every member of the military, making friends handily with each little soldier as she worked her way through the wounded and weary. Florence “Ruddy Rosebud” Nightingale was the picture of female virtue, purity, and wizened chastity. Her legend is the hot glue that made an airtight seal between the noble women who serve the service and the men that rely on that perfectly virtuous participation.

Anonymous Fake says:
jim says:

Obviously this is hugely popular. Also, hugely forbidden.

Since votes do not matter any more in the west, irrelevant.

Red says:

> These are trashy people, everything around them turns to trash. They turn everything they touch into trash, whether a mansion or a trailer. Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and the beard’s whore are all alike.

How the fuck did these morons end up in charge? Is Nancy like the last of the sort of smart elites and she got power just because she outlived everyone else?

S says:

San Francisco had Jim Jones as a power broker; gives you an idea of the moral level of the ambitious left wing elite in the 1970s.

Pax Imperialis says:

Jim Jones was at least moral enough to remove Jim Jones and a good chunk of his communist true believers. It’s only gotten worse since.

Kunning Drueger says:

so I’ve been having this ongoing conversation with a philosopher friend of mine. here’s how I broke it down to him. obviously, this is all filtered through my midwit perceptions, so don’t be shocked or alarmed if it’s wide of the mark or just plain dumb.

starting pretty arbitrarily at FDR’s braintrust, you have the first generation of the managerial Elite. for the time they existed in, these were weak-willed cowards who hid behind paperwork while they’re betters went out and actually did things. but comparing them to the managerial Elite of today, they seem like Titans in both intellectuality as well as the physical space. This first generation went about setting things as their earthly god FDR intended… or maybe he was just a figurehead, and there was some other brainiac who was actually behind it all, or maybe it was just a collective, a headless organization of managers dictating their collective will on a society unprepared to even believe they could exist. whatever the case, this first generation basically set the parameters as well as about the highest level of efficacy of the managerial elite.

The next generation of leaders were the proteges of the first generation. many of them had either combat experience, or war management experience, or just some kind of involvement in WW02, and this defined them in many ways. there is a stupid cathedral movie called The Good Shepherd, and I think it does in unintentionally good job of showing the character of this second generation. this generation worked hard to fulfill the desires of their masters, but they got a taste of the fruit of the Masters’ vision, and already the seeds of what we now take as commonplace decay today were apparent, and I think this caused grave doubts. nonetheless, they strove to complete the good work, and in many cases attempted to fix things or do them better.

The generation that came up under them, their proteges saw this split mind and perceived it as weakness. so at the first opportunity, they betrayed their masters and took over as quickly and completely as possible. They did this by wrenching. the wheel left or stepping on the acceleration pedal or both. it’s not like they didn’t know how to do other things, but these two things worked very well for a multitude of reasons. so they always reserved these options for their master strokes or guaranteed wins: yank the wheel left, or step on the accelerator pedal, or both. due to the nature of their rise, this generation, being the third, was loath to allow anyone. anyone they deemed intelligent or capable anywhere near themselves. after all, their masters had let them close, and they had capitalized on this error. error. only a fool would make the same mistake. so they made sure to filter out anyone that resembled themselves too much, as well. they sought blind loyalty and the minimum amount of intelligence required. This created the ecological circumstances for the midwit population to explode, and it did. as this generation got older, they found that while they had no end of potential acolytes that fit their requirements, they were increasingly surrounded by incapacity and incompetence. at no point did they think they needed smarter or better quality people, as proteges like that might see them for the foxes that they were, so they just doubled down on everything, and again, the tendency was always to jerk to the left and speed up.

now this third generation, unusually able to stay in power due to advances in medicine made by previous generations, are watching as the loyal and barely competent proteges they raised up are wrecking everything their forebearers built and intended because they only know how to do two things: yank to the left, and speed up. it always worked for their masters, and they have been steeped in the propaganda that tells them to follow their heart because they are the great and good and their feelings are the most important sentiment of all. This fourth generation of the managerial elite are on a collision course with reality, and the third generation, the den of foxes generation, might just live long enough to see it. to clarify a bit, Hillary Clinton and her cohort are that third generation. you can see it in the way that they must always blame others for their mistakes, that they always must be surrounded by the semblance of youth and vivacity, and that they never seem to be in the company of potential up and comers, just lackies and flunkies and sycophants.

This comment was dictated to my device, so apologies for any errors or ugliness.

Red says:

The Warren court legalizing crime and the destruction of American cities got underway in the late 50s, early 60s, second generation by your system. Then under Clinton the destruction of American cities was rolled back. Leftist judges started enforcing the law, the FBI did some actual criminal justice work instead of just blackmail and political spying, etc. Under Obama all those fixes were rolled back and rolled back hard.

The intelligence thing is interesting. We’ve seen a huge brain drain as women went to college and gained male levels of status thus smart women stopped reproducing. I’m not exactly clear on when and why the elites stopped admitting smarties to their ranks.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Hard to promote the competent when official ideology is that promoting the competent is the very thing you are fighting against.

Kunning Drueger says:

it is definitely a theory under construction. I make no claim to perfect knowledge or an accurate chronology, but I think the bones of the analysis are sound. A generation, by my personally selected measure, is 20 years. years. I think this is a good chunk of time for both the development of a generation, as well as documenting their period of greatest efficacy. in a more justly ordered world, the competent and their genius leaders should have 40 to 60 years of efficacy. as it stands right now, the managerial Elite seem to get about 20 years to destroy and ruin as much as they can before they have to hand it off to the morons beneath them. on second thought, 10 years may be a better measurement. Anyway, the system defeats itself for the very reasons. St. John describes in his response. put another way, the very thing they need to perpetuate their system is exactly what they’ve decided they need to destroy.

Hesiod says:

Come the Restoration and these ghettos are established. Since vice generates revenue, what then to do to prevent power contrary to God’s will rising from these locations?

It’s my understanding that various Miss Kitty types in the 19th century western states and territories could wield considerable political clout and pushed for progressive laws. Is being low status enough to prevent having influence outside the ghettos?

Red says:

>It’s my understanding that various Miss Kitty types in the 19th century western states and territories could wield considerable political clout and pushed for progressive laws.

Women shit test men desperate for pussy. Men outnumber women by a huge margin in the west so they thought if they gave women whatever they were demanding, more women would move out there. It didn’t work. Failing shit tests never works.

Karl says:

No, women don’t shit test men desparate for pussy. Women shit test men they are interested in. Men desparate for whatever reason are invisible to women, not attractive at all.

And no, men do not outnumber women by a huge margin in the west. Female and male births are about equal. Women do not die off sooner than men, quite the opposite really. Men do dangerous stuff and get killed.

The Cominator says:

But when the Western states gave women suffrage men massively outnumbered women. All feminism is sort of the failing of a collective shit test but I rather doubt saloon pimps and madams would want women’s suffrage as they tend to know women who weren’t in that role would make it their 1st priority to ban prostitution.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hi Karl, I seem to remember you were European and not American. The term ‘The West’ is a term that can mean Europe and America. But in America the ‘West’ can more often mean Western America which was also known as the Wild West. Most of those who set out to settle the frontiers were men between 1870s and early 1900s. The frontier was considered gone by 1905.

The gender imbalance averaged around a plus 20% skew of more men than women during that time, but in most mining towns you’re looking at nearly 100% male populations. The big reason to go to the West in the early days were for economic reasons. Lumber jobs, mining jobs, cattle jobs, etc. All jobs that were male only. Pretty much the only women that went West were either following family or prostitutes. Young single men looking to make money vastly out numbered married men, hence the gender imbalance.

If a woman is in an area where there is an extreme shortage of women, they sometimes assume that all the men will be desperate. Is it not logical to then extract as much value out of those desperate men as possible? Women will marry simps if that’s all that’s available. Guess how that turns out.

Also consider shit testing appears to be pathological in some women to the extent there is the Karen stereotype. Women will behave in a shit testing manor to other women.

Karl says:

True, the Wild West had vastly more men than women.

My mistake, Hesiod ‘s comment clearly was about Wild West, not the West generally. So of course, Red’s comment was also about the Wild West

The Cominator says:

Western states wanted to attract more women, they passed womens suffrage because thry theoretically thought women wanted to move somewhere with suffrage.This has nothing to do with ghettos.

I tend to doubt old west pimps and madams wanted womens suffrage, 1st thing women generally do when they can vote is press to ban prostitution.

jim says:

Profitability has very little connection to power.

If people in the ghetto are low status, and businesses in the ghetto are low status, no problem.

Hesiod says:

Fair dues, my concern may be born out of half-remembered whig history coupled with trying to consider future points of potential corruption. But that would be the job of the Inquisition, I suppose.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not really buying this argument for ghettos as a sewage system, at least not as some kind of simple solution. Waste requires processing. If it’s simple waste, get it to where it will actually help instead of contaminate or moulder. If it’s complex waste, it needs to be broken down, sorted, then applied where useful. If the raw inputs are good, the raw outputs will be almost wholly useful. Our society feeds dogs and cats grain and fish parts mashed into a slurry, baked, then formed into kibble. It is a minimally nutritious feed, and it shows in fair to poor animal health. Their waste is minimally useful and does not do a lot as fertilizer. So burning it or letting it moulder and break down is a better option than using it as fertilizer. So the first objective should be better inputs, and the second is to decide what to use and what to burn.

If a system is small, with a low gross total amount of waste and a consistently small amount introduced over time, you can just collect it in a predetermined position and let time do its thing, like a compost heap or slit trench. But if gross total is high and/or frequency is high, this mouldering method is a bad idea that will result in a disgusting area that will grow, teaming with unbalanced bacteria and terrible odor. So if high amount/frequency, the process must be active and regimented, putting velocity into the system and requiring additives and management.

Every method of waste processing will have a remainder that is basically unusable or worthless, and just needs to be burned off. An informed and holistic approach should get this remainder to a small amount that’s dealt with in a single step. If your waste system just keeps filling up and requires an expensive and messy intervention once it breaches some threshold of tolerability, it is either poorly designed, poorly managed, or both.

The ghetto system is a slit trench. Minimal effort is put into the “trench,” and waste is just dumped in and forgotten. The waste will build up and inevitably spread, negatively impacting everything around it and requiring a costly and complicated intervention every generation or so, maybe more or maybe less, and runs the risk of generating a blight or profusion of pathology (ies) that can spread due to incompetence or negligence or bad luck. So it needs to be better designed and managed if you want it to work.

…but wait! This sounds like a bunch of priestly babble, some scheme intended to create a bunch of holy Waste Managers! KD is a fucking red faggot!

Yes, there is an inherent danger of spontaneous or intentional cargo cultism in dealing with the waste byproducts of society and civilization. You can see an analog of this in people sorting their recycling without even knowing what is actually recycled, or whether it all just goes to the landfill anyways. So actual engineering and understanding has to be a part of the process. There needs to be clear simple guidance about what gets “burned,” what gets used as “fertilizer” via conscription or hard labor, what gets “collected and processed” for use elsewhere, and what can be left to “moulder and decay” on it’s own, acting as a catalyst or additive to the overall “waste management system.”

Dumping the dregs of society into a single place to become concentrated filth, just waiting for latent properties to react with each other in unexpected or poorly understood ways is both dumb and lazy. Dumb because it’s been tried before (with obvious detrimental outcomes), and lazy because there’s already been a ton of work put into figuring out what types of people have potential, what types of organization and culture have value, and which ways of living are better or worse.

jim says:

> Dumb because it’s been tried before (with obvious detrimental outcomes),

Not seeing these detrimental outcomes. What places and times do you have in mind?

Also, I am a fan of trench system for disposing of human feces. Every day you dig the trench a little bit further, and toss the dirt on top of the feces in the older part of the trench, before the maggots have had time to hatch. The problem is that you cannot combine that system with privacy, but works when you have room enough that you do not need privacy. Does not work in urban environments, where you need a sewer so that the feces move, rather than continually moving the place where you relieve yourself.

Kunning Druegger says:

A slit trench is great in certain circumstances, but as you pointed out, it must be extended indefinitely (on an infinite timeline). It also has all the waste products that may be needed elsewhere. Carrying the metaphor too far yields diminishing returns, but I think you’ve hit on the key points. As Neuro- points out below, the Slum is a time tested methodology for localizing pernicious elements. By knowing where the slit trench is, you shouldn’t have to worry about finding waste elsewhere. And for certain forms of human waste, this is fine. It’s even better if you have an informed and sophisticated methodology for burning off the “toxic” waste, the stuff that serves no good purpose. But the concentration is the real issue when we talk about cities. A healthy city can probably tolerate some kind of slum district. It serves a valuable function as teaching by example (“you don’t want to end up in CR Town, so eat your steak, do your pushups, and pray, young man”), and it keeps the waste localized. But it is a breeding ground for more than just the natural waste. It is an area to be exploited by the leftists as a prop for decrying injustice. It is brush cover for foreign invaders to set up shop in. And it is a ready made haunt for daemon worshipers and diabolists.

So the ghetto needs processing, just like a septic system sometimes needs to be evacuated. Realistically, cities after the Restoration will still experience Ups and Downs. We aren’t shilling a utopia, so we must assume that there will be good times and bad times, good leaders and bad leaders, strong generations and weak generations. There needs to be a process in place for “combing” the ghetto and removing the 1 in 1000000 “lost talent” (vanishingly rare and only going to be scooped up incidentally, like an engagement ring flushed down the toilet by the previous occupant) as well as the build up of toxic and/or inorganic detritus.

As you maintain the slit trench, you cover up the “used up” portion with the “fresh” portion you’re digging up. But you may also want to dig up the covered area and cycle it into your fertilizer.

The point of all this is that it is not a solution to just blindly dump stuff *and* pretend it no longer exists. You have to dump things in the best place so they break down naturally or get recycled. It just seems like an exploit for jews or criminal illegals or anti-priests. And I don’t think the Slum and the red Light District are the same thing, as in I am not convinced they share the same purpose. Burnham is amazing, and once Chesterton gets invoked on me, I don’t want to push too much further, because Chesterton is always right. But I remain unconvinced that a slum is a necessity. A healthy body excretes waste, it doesn’t keep a sack of waste hanging out inside. So I think the slum will have to be a temporary place, and the human waste has to move through it.

jim says:

> But it is a breeding ground for more than just the natural waste. It is an area to be exploited by the leftists as a prop for decrying injustice. It is brush cover for foreign invaders to set up shop in. And it is a ready made haunt for daemon worshipers and diabolists.

Not seeing historical examples of this becoming a problem. The point of a ghetto is to prevent what is inside the ghetto from having impact outside. So assorted bad people setting up shop there should have limited impact.

Stuffing undesirable people and activities into a ghetto limits their impact, lowers their status, and penalizes them.

Kunning Druegger says:

I guess my issue is when slums spread. If there’s a hard boundary, an explicit demarcation, that would work. Modern American cities are the inverse; there are pockets of order in a sea of slums.

Anon says:

“It is an area to be exploited by the leftists as a prop for decrying injustice.”
An example
“Harvest Of Shame”
1960 propaganda piece by CBS cathedral jurno to push for Lyndon Johnson war on poverty.
Went to ghetto found the dreg of society and used them as a prop.

jim says:

> The point of all this is that it is not a solution to just blindly dump stuff *and* pretend it no longer exists.

Is a solution. As exemplified by the slit trench. Sure, one can easily envisage superior disposal systems, and they are a good thing to have. But, need to have a disposal system.

Kunning Druegger says:

On this, we agree. And I know that processing waste is at the top of no one’s list of things to be involved with, whether it is feces or foreigners. But urea has value, as do bastards, and leaving either to sit and get used to make bombs or battalions is an issue, if a coup complete issue, I will be thinking about.

i says:

I suspect the Lex Talonis model of Justice in the Old Testament serves this function.

It seems that it stops petty criminals from getting worse since its swift restitution and caning rather than prison where they do get worse.

But major criminals like murderers were simply killed after trial and death row because that is Just restitution as the victim cannot be raised from the dead.

Conversely we have sewage treatment plants which processes the waste into garbage, fertilizer from human poop and purified water.

And even garbage has many useful materials that can be recycled.

Red says:

Criminal justice was pretty based in the Old Testament. Death penalty for offenses that leads to long term bad outcomes and restitution for smaller crimes. Being unable to pay restitution resulted in being sold into slavery for the crime. Petty criminals didn’t last long.

Though I would guess that most criminal justice was privately dealt out. Numbers implies that a wife cheating on her husband would have resulted in him killing the wife, no formal trial was needed. Only crimes between families or where a patriarch refused to enforce the law required formal trials.

Adam says:

In a high trust white society, the ghettos of today would not exist. Todays ghettos are a symptom of progressivism. To the extent that they would exist in a high trust society, they would be populated by leftists. The crab bucket mentality is a product of scarcity and lack of trust. Once you solve the trust problem you are free to solve the scarcity problem.

In other words if you are poor and low status in a high trust society, and cannot overcome that, the problem is you.

Neurotoxin says:

James Burnham, author of The Suicide of the West and a guy who would blend in perfectly in this forum, remarked that every city in the world had a slum. I.e. a place where the dregs could congregate and the authorities would basically leave them alone unless they broke out and started bothering normal people. So there’s a strong Chesterton’s Fence argument here.

An analogy: We want the world’s various peoples to have their own countries; we want don’t them mixing with each other.

Neurotoxin says:

Dammit, we DON’T want them mixing with each other.

i says:

Capital Punishment flushed trash into the Afterlife. And the Ghetto contains them whilst plagues emptied them.

Jim says:

Jim, what’s your PGP key, I can’t find it, thanks.

jim says:



King Lizard Intercourse says:

>You wonder why modern buildings are ugly?


>Musk is immensely rich because he creates capital.

Musk is immensely rich because he gives military bureaucrats what they can’t get from Boeing, Northrop Grumman et al. at any price.

And the military bureaucrats have budget.

>Nancy Pelosi, and the entire FIRE economy, are immensely wealthy because they help themselves to capital that other people create.

Are you saying that banks, insurance companies, and owners of real estate are not capitalists? Yes or no.

jim says:

Banks and insurance companies are tentacles of the regulatory state. Banks and insurance companies were originally capitalist institutions, which by small degrees became assimilated to the state.

Real estate, it is complicated. The owners of real estate are almost always capitalists, but there exists a vast apparatus for skimming the cream from real estate, that is to varying degrees capitalist, and to varying degrees regulatory. If you want to build something, you automatically get enmeshed in the regulatory state. It always winds up being a quasi statal enterprise.

Pax Imperialis says:

Government involvement in real estate is not complicated.

10 years for building permits to get approved in Cali is not unheard of or any other blue state. If it takes 10 years just to be allowed to start building on privately owned land, there’s nothing complicated or covert about the state’s involvement. It’s clear as day. And that’s just on the state or local level.

Are you a federal politician and want to jam a project up? Have EPA request an environmental impact study… and then another when they pass the first… and then another… so on and so forth until money is used to grease the process… or more politely the project owner magically becomes a DNC donor.

Or maybe they don’t become a donor… IRS is going to have to do an investigation into the business looking at the past 10 years… or 20… or 30 what ever it takes.

Kunning Druegger says:

I know you have your little one man shill agenda here, but are you honestly suggesting that in all your dealings with banking institutions, insurance companies, and real estate acquisition you have not detected the overwhelming amount of bureaucratic layering that seems to serve no purpose but pay off regulators and oversight entities at literally every step? Have you just never bought anything besides candy bars? A simple mortgage contract is scores of pages with endless little payoffs and agreements that funnel money every which way but to the seller and from the buyer. No capitalist at any point on any timeline was like “You know what? Let’s include as many unrelated entities and people as possible in our business! That way, we can pay more to get less!” Whatever capitalists remain in the “””businesses””” you listed are literal hostages trapped in a Pay To Play prison. HR controls every major business.

Upon consideration, I can see how a lawyer might pretend this is all tinfoil fantasy for two reasons: we live in a world crafted by lawyer scum, and some of the only people that get to avoid all the regulatory bullshit are law firms. Still, your line of questioning is either naïve or disingenuous.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Why can’t Boeing, Northrop-Grumman et all deliver what SpaceX can deliver, regardless of how much money gets poured down the gullets of the former?

bomag says:

Bureaucratic entities lose the ability to do things at any price.

StJtMS says:

“ >You wonder why modern buildings are ugly?


Found the Jew

jim says:

Yes – manipulative word games, total lack of visual aesthetic sense, and employed by Soros. King Lizard is absolutely stereotypically Jewish.

Neofugue says:

> total lack of visual aesthetic sense

Speaking as someone who has lived with Jews his whole life, from close childhood friends to work colleagues, this is very true. It explains quite a lot.

The Cominator says:

The funny thing is their musical aesthetics are fantastic its just the visuals that suck…

Kunning Drueger says:

Now I ain’t sayin’ you is wrong nigga
But ain’t no jews makin’ songs nigga
Just a kike with some shekel game
& some negros that all sound the same

Stupid joke aside, jews are culturally tasteless. That’s why Israel is just Mediterranean Los Angeles. They go to great lengths to portray themselves as high IQ and culturally sophisticated, but their food is meh, their music is meh, and their writing is meh. They are way better at pretending to be culturally relevant than actually contributing culturally.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indifference of aesthetic, relativism of judgement, and nominalism of episteme, is the same horse pissing in different wells.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I wouldn’t call their musical aesthetics fantastic either. They are just generally tasteless people, whether it’s what they get up too in the opera house or the porn studio.

The Cominator says:

Music industry was at its best when they owned it lock stock and barrel in the 50s and early 60s… last great American popular musician is Billy Joel the Jew.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And the fact that the further back you go in recent history the better art gets is of course a complete coincidence.

Your uncritical reflex to make up exculpations for yids is an unfortunate cross to bear, but i will have you in my prayers my friend.

Hesiod says:

Geddy Lee is the zenith of Jewish musicianship, but then again I’m an unrepentant Rush fanboy from way back. Still consider Lifeson the soul of the band, though.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>last great American popular musician is Billy Joel

Honestly can’t take statements like this seriously.

Which is not to mean that he is bad at what he does or anything of course, but that it betrays a superficiality of perspective with regards to the landscape that itself is often typical of skypes. Like really, Billy Joel is the only name that comes to your mind? I just can’t even. Pointing and sputtering rn.

Adam says:

Billy Joel is what I imagine blue-pilled urbanite high minded priests listen to.

Hans Zimmer the composer Jewish, and very good.

The Cominator says:

Yes Hans Zimmer is good too I didn’t think he was jewish though.

John Williams the goy movie composer is probably better though, but Hans Zimmer did do the score for one of my favorite movies ever (maybe you think its pozzed but I don’t care) True Romance… I will always love that movie and if you want to talk shit about that movie you better do it on white boy day despite the fact you are a sicilian who was spawned by a nigger.

Red says:

True Romance was inches away from being a great film, but it fell short.

Oddly the murder rampage Christian Slater has to go is pretty much what you’d need to do in order own a hooker. Very high standards for alpha. Though putting a dog collar on her, whipping her when she complains and then and chaining her under your kitchen table is probably more effective.

The Cominator says:

People can have their own opinions I fucking love and will always love that movie.

Red says:

When it comes to film composers I’m a big fan of Basil Poledouris. Conan, Red Dawn, Robocop, Starship Troopers.

The Cominator says:

Starship Troopers

Fuck yes. And as two of those are Verhoeven movies as I’ve said everything Paul Verhoeven did was awesome with the exception of Showgirls (including his Dutch holocaust movie “Black Book”… subject is the holocaust sort of AND it has a female protagonist and yet its still damn good).

Not a huge fan of Red Dawn (haven’t heard of it even before now must be a foreign movie) personally.

Red says:

Red Dawn was the movie that got John Millis black listed from Holiwood. Russians invade the US and a bunch of highschool kids fight back against the occupation. Huge hit but the Jews turned against Millis over it. Millis use to be friends with people like Lucas and Spielberg, they all went to college together. They fucked him over in a hot second after that film because they felt it supported Regan’s view of the Soviets.

It’s not a great film, but it’s a very anti communist film.

Kunning Drueger says:

>red dawn
>foreign film
Jesus Christ what the fuck

Kunning Drueger says:


that’s it, I’m done. I can’t even icanteven.jpg right now.

sputtering mad. first Billy Joel, then Red Dawn dismissal. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

The Cominator says:

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Billy Joel…

The Cominator says:

Re the foreign movie shit I was typing in reference to Basil I looked him up realized he was the composer of Conan (I had thought Red was talking about a movie) and deleted most of the comment but not the whole comment, I know Red Dawn was an American movie lol.

Jim’s blog really should allow comment editing… since double proofreading in comment posts just ain’t my style.

Kunning Drueger says:

Keep this up and you shall have a taste of my shoe.

The Cominator says:
Pax Imperialis says:

The movie Starship Troopers was created by a communist who never read the actual book and was more interested in creating an allegorical, satirical anti war film to smear the right as fascists.

Starship Troopers the book was in some ways a neoreactionary precursor arguing for a republic ruled by military elite, corporal punishment of delinquents to repeal moral decline, and extermination of communists.

i says:

@Pax Imperialis

Interchangability of Men and Women in Starship Troopers isn’t Reactionary at all.

Only Men belong in Combat Arms. Women are to be wives and mothers.

Red says:

Starship troopers was reactionary in that people reacted well to the idea of military rule and good aesthetics.

The premise of the book and the movie was that violence ultimately defined all of human interactions which is true, but also too simple. Reproduction and violence from group cohesion via religion is more important than just simple violence.

Verhoeven spent his life making films supposed mocking the right, while people reacted to those “mockings” as man, I’d like that shit to really happen. The girl power shit is pervasive in all entertainment.

neurotoxin says:

Hesiod: “Still consider Lifeson the soul of the band.”

Impossible to imagine the band without any of the three of them. Lee, though a damn good bassist, is probably not anyone’s candidate for best rock bassist of all time. Peart, on the other hand, is worshipped by drummers, appropriately. I started playing drums when I was eleven. Peart is the all-around best.

Lifeson is awesome, though. E.g. his solo on YYZ… That solo has everything. Technical chops, a good sense of melody, great phrasing, an unusual exotic-sounding mode… damn, I love that solo.

Cominator: “To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Billy Joel…”

Cominator! Stop, I’m dying! I think it’s past your bedtime.

Pax Imp: “The movie Starship Troopers was created by a communist who never read the actual book and was more interested in creating an allegorical, satirical anti war film to smear the right as fascists.”

Word. Verhoeven’s movie is a piece of dogshit take on Heinlein’s novel. Honestly, the novel isn’t great – the pacing is marred by Heinlein frequently stopping the action to pontificate – but that cunt Verhoeven did up a “Heinlein’s a fascist” take on the novel. Ugh. Leftists really are just vermin.

Red says:

>Word. Verhoeven’s movie is a piece of dogshit take on Heinlein’s novel. Honestly, the novel isn’t great – the pacing is marred by Heinlein frequently stopping the action to pontificate – but that cunt Verhoeven did up a “Heinlein’s a fascist” take on the novel. Ugh. Leftists really are just vermin.

The book was garbage beyond warrior rule. Lolbterians don’t get it.

The movie established a aesthetic and hardness that people responded very well too. A lot of the early Pol stuff was just rip offs from the film. Bravery, comradeship, warriors as the heroes, you can’t make movies like that in Hollywood without framing them as satire. Just like Warhammer 40k humans have to be fucked in order to show bad ass warriors doing great things.

Hesiod says:

Video footage of Neurotoxin from his teen years confirmed:

Neurotoxin says:

That video was taken out of context! A Russian hooker put me up to it.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

There have been good Jewish movies. In fact, many of the best movies are Jewish movies. Stanley Kubrick is merely the tip of the iceberg.

There has never been any good music in which Jews had any significant role, with the exception of maybe Bob Dylan, because he was a lyrical genius.

jim says:

I see our unkind words about Jews stung.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

Jews have many good movies, some of the best movies. (Spielberg is (was) another top-tier movie Jew.)

Jews haven’t made any good music, with extremely limited exceptions.

It isn’t any more complicated than that, frankly.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The only good lyrics Dylan ever had are the ones he cribbed from the amerikaner folkways he leeched off of in the first place. His guitar play could charitably be described as ‘serviceable’, and his singing voice couldn’t. Be charitably described that is.

He was, in objective terms, a street busker placed on a pedestal by the hand of power. The whole 60s ‘folk revival’ to begin with was one of the most obvious psyops the old regime ever pulled, dressing up communist urbanites in the rags of native sons. Bob Dylan was on stage playing for MLK at the ‘march on washington’, it’s hard to get more blatant than that.

The Cominator says:

Folk type music was big in the 50s with the Kingston Trio and such…

I like some Folk Music but Bob Dylan… he did some good lyrics but he could never sing or perform worth shit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When the Megaphone announced a ‘revival’, it was so oft pretty much code for ‘kill the genuine article and replace it with a chimaera wearing its skin as a trophy’.

For example, the ‘Rural Purge’. Media that participated in the uniquely American incipient mythology of The West was hugely, massively popular. If Hollywood, as a synecdoche for media making in the US in general, was ‘merely’ a for-profit business concerned with nothing but making it rain, then not only would it not drop the Western aesthetic, it would have continued milking it for all it’s worth.

And yet, a decision was handed down from on high, and all toed the new party line; Amerikaner mythology is out, ‘urban hip’ media is in, *regardless of the fact* that noone was asking for it and they would lose money in the process. Because ultimately their greatest concern wasn’t money, but serving a social objective: further de-construction of the social organism known as America, thus leaving it further vulnerable to depredations by the same.

In fact, the suddenly total absence of supply for such a huge demand left such a huge vacuum, that it ended up sucking in the bootstrap movie industry of an entirely different county thousands of miles away – thus the birth of ‘spaghetti westerns’. (Though fair play, men like Morricone were geniuses in their own right.)

Kunning Drueger says:

Neil Young, curses upon him, was 1000x better than anything Robert Zimmerman ever did.

There’s a completely unknown band called Raise Up Roofbeams. That’s the only pseudo-folk band I’ve ever enjoyed. The Klezmer band Beirut are good jusicians. But honestly, if it isn’t bluegrass and is American, it isn’t folk IMO.

The Cominator says:

Lots of good folk and folk type music just generally Bob Dylan isn’t it.

Have you ever heard the Pogues…

You would think the combination of Irish, Punk and Folk would sound like something out of hell particularly when the lead singer and songwriter was such a drunken degenerate he was kicked out of leading an Irish band for being a drunken degenerate… as their lead.

But no they are actually really good. You’ve probably heard their christmas song…

King Lizard Intercourse says:

>The whole 60s ‘folk revival’ to begin with was one of the most obvious psyops the old regime ever pulled, dressing up communist urbanites in the rags of native sons.

It obviously wasn’t obvious. It’s the most successful psychological operation ever. Boomers and Generation X remain true believers to this day. That wouldn’t be true if it had been obvious. Psychological operations are measured by their success, so it must be the greatest.

How many people in the PPE (pre-/pol/-era) knew that MLK didn’t write his own speeches, that they were all written by a Jew?

Approximately zero. A rounding error.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

Furthermore, I stand with Ye.

jim says:

If so, refresh our memories on what we say Soros has been up to.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

I don’t know what you say Soros is up to. [*deleted*]

jim says:

A quick duckduckgo of right wing media reveals that far more right wingers are talking about Soros than Rothschild, and they are saying pretty much what we are saying. The limp story you are pushing is not getting much traction.

Soros is government funded to commit government sponsored crimes. You cannot call out Soros misdeeds, so you are government funded, and are likely a Jewish Soros employee

Soros was funded by the state department to overthrow foreign governments, to fund antifa and BLM,to install prosecutors who would not prosecute crimes by antifa and BLM, and who would prosecute those like Kyle, who attempted to defend themselves against antifa and BLM.

Soros was government funded from the beginning. He was originally employed by the Nazis to rat out other Jews, and was paid in trinkets confiscated from those Jews, German money having become worthless.

During the time of fixed exchange rates, he would be informed by western governments in advance of a forthcoming change in exchange rates.

When fixed exchange rates ended, a different method of laundering money into his hands (and thus into your hands) was applied. He would buy up the worthless third world debt of a bankrupt third world country, and then the World Bank, aka the US taxpayer, would make it worth something.

Soros is a government money laundry to fund “non government” activities.

Neofugue says:

There are competent Jews in all the various visual and aural arts capable of producing effective work to a high standard. The allegation that Jews lack visual aesthetic sense is not an assertion that Jews are not capable of understanding an “aesthetic theory;” however, aside from a few exceptions, Jews do not possess a spiritual understanding of aesthetic universals, Adorno as an example.

In my experience, Jews do not seem to mind surrounding themselves with decadent art and music because they are not conscious of aesthetic universals. To them, an art work enclosed in itself is worthless; the validity of art is dependent on a related value system (Wahrheitsgehalt). Thus, the modern structural abomination is as valid as Gothic architecture, Pollock is just as valid as Hieronymus Bosch, and Schoenberg is just as valid as Tchaikovsky.

However, it should be noted that this lacking of visual aesthetic sense is not limited solely to the Jews, nor does it apply to Jews as a whole. Berlioz was the first contemporary classical composer, with his “Symphonie Fantastique” the first modern classical abomination. While I understand Wagner’s allegations against Meyerbeer, I disagree with his admonition of Mendelssohn Lieder ohne Worte is one of my favorite piano works. Upon reflection, the Jews lacking a visual aesthetic sense may simply be the result of spiritual corruption and not the product of a genetic predisposition, Adorno as an example.

King Lizard Intercourse says:


jim says:

Are you able to say in your own words, or even in Neofugue’s words, what the ideas that you just endorsed are?

Neofugue is saying that spiritual corruption is likely the cause of ugliness, rather than genetic incapacity. Which may be true or false, but can you notice spiritual corruption?

King Lizard Intercourse says:

I know it when I see it.

jim says:

Then call out some prominent examples.

skippy says:

“In my experience, Jews do not seem to mind surrounding themselves with decadent art and music because they are not conscious of aesthetic universals. To them, an art work enclosed in itself is worthless; the validity of art is dependent on a related value system (Wahrheitsgehalt). Thus, the modern structural abomination is as valid as Gothic architecture, Pollock is just as valid as Hieronymus Bosch, and Schoenberg is just as valid as Tchaikovsky.”

Talmudic Jews are a nation and religion based on written scripture.

The modern government art industry is essentially scriptural, where one writes a grant proposal before performing the work rather than first making and then selling the work.

Often in prestigious modern art museums the works are accompanies by precis of these grant proposals, to explain the otherwise inexplicable art.

Art is Talmudized, with the selection criterion being able to write a good written case for the work to exist, and viewers being impressed by an ugly work justified by a good written case.

jim says:

> Art is Talmudized

Ah, now I understand.

I figured it was spiritual pollution, but you have put your finger on the essence of that spiritual pollution.

Neurotoxin says:

Often in prestigious modern art museums the works are accompanie[d] by precis of these grant proposals, to explain the otherwise inexplicable art.

Art is Talmudized, with the selection criterion being able to write a good written case for the work to exist, and viewers being impressed by an ugly work justified by a good written case.

This is precisely Tom Wolfe’s thesis in The Painted Word.

Kunning Druegger says:

skippy, that was brilliant. I never understood the written mess that accompanied art in exhibits, I just chalked it up to women and gays somehow. Should have known it was jews.

You have a real skill at cutting to the bone, friend.

Neurotoxin says:

Lizard: “There has never been any good music in which Jews had any significant role, with the exception of maybe Bob Dylan…”

Literally just trolling us to see if he can get away with it.

Kunning: “Neil Young, curses upon him, was 1000x better than anything Robert Zimmerman ever did.”

Talk about damning with faint praise! They’re both disgusting musicians.

Neurotoxin says:

I’m hung up on:
“There has never been any good music in which Jews had any significant role, with the exception of maybe Bob Dylan…”

Now do Portnoy’s Complaint. Tell us it’s a great novel.

skippy says:

Leonard Cohen is a genuinely interesting (and enlightening) Jewish musician, although he essentially talked into the microphone.

Like William Shatner but with better writing.

Neurotoxin says:

“Leonard Cohen is a genuinely interesting… Jewish musician…”

I do like the version of Hallelujeah from the movie Shrek. Seriously. I got a Cohen album based on that and found Cohen’s own version of it underwhelming.

The Cominator says:

Cohen is good too but there are heavy Luciferian overtones in some of his music…

Hallelujah being about illicit sex set to a prayer and First We Take Manhattan probably referring to whatever the leftist control group was doing… I still genuinely like the music but looking at it the way I do nowadays I see that. Not that I’m anything but a reprobate degenerate but overtly Luciferian stuff makes me very leary.

Billy Joel otoh despite being Jewish River of Dreams might as well be a piece of true Christian music…

Neurotoxin says:

I can’t read Billy Joel’s mind but I suspect he never wanted anything other than success in the world of pop music. In that sense he’s extremely good at what he does.

The Cominator says:

I think hes also been kinda a depressed drunk (and say what you will about jews but its rare that they become drunks) ever since Christie Brinkley dumped him despite being a high status musician he developed oneitis… hes refused to write new music claiming hes “had his say”.

Which I sort of understand… I mean shes 68 and still looks like a hot cougar type even today and back in the day she was unearthly beautiful…

Back when Harvard could still write stuff that was actually entertaining…

Neurotoxin says:

She definitely had that cute, sexy, All-American girl vibe.

Kunning Druegger says:

This outclasses anything Zimmerman or Young put out:

Meat Guy says:

I only listen to Gospel like this.

i says:


Well I very well hope that God will bless them with a High Visual Spatial IQ by the time they become Righteous after God is done with them.

Why not surpass Solomon’s Temple that was destroyed?

Neofugue says:

It may be that the low “visual spatial IQ” of the Jews is the result of spiritual corruption and not a genetic inability, as I do see the same illness in non-Jews. We will see when all this nonsense is finished.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To make a crude analogy, the existence of abbos, who are dumb, does not translate to the phenomena of a dumb nipponese having no genetic dimension.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the existence of abbos, who are dumb

Very dumb, yet while Abbo art and music is primitive and crude. You can see the beginnings of something higher and beautiful (in another 1,000 years of evolution). It’s not purposely ugly.

Jews are far smarter than Abbos yet their art and music can be far more ugly if not outright disgusting.

I don’t see IQ as strictly correlated to spiritual corruption.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I don’t see calculative aptitude as the only thing about humans that is heritable, either.

Matters of taste are not simply matters of whim.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

I don’t wonder why modern buildings are ugly because I know why they’re ugly: they’re ugly because they’re designed by people who want me to die on behalf of people seeking a return for their shareholders on behalf of people who don’t care if I live or die.

jim says:

> behalf of people seeking a return for their shareholders

When one builds something, one wants it to have sale value. A substantial part of the value of the building is the status it implies and supports for its occupants, and the propensity of high status people to hang out in its neighborhood. Obviously an ugly building is likely to have lower sale value because it lowers the status of its occupants (as for example Pelosi’s beard’s mansion) and because people of quality do not want to live near it, thus lowering the value of its location.

When someone builds an ugly building, he is leaving money on the table, just as Disney left money on the table by destroying star wars (as for example replacing the manly Hans Solo with the limp wristed pussy whipped Hans Soyboy) and Marvel left money on the table by destroying Marvel comics, as for example Tranny Thor.

Kunning Drueger says:

The money left on the table is a burnt offering to satan. it’s Cain’s vegetables. it’s an anti-holiness signal.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

While true, I don’t think your framework is applicable to situations in which the check-cutters are apathetic or malicious. Why might the check-cutters be apathetic or malicious? When the user and buyer are not the same person. A conventional example would be when the users are corporate peons but the buyer is an executive who will never touch the tool itself.

It also fails to account for all the big companies being owned and controlled by the same people, who maximize long-term shareholder value in part by stifling upstart competitors in the cradle, even if that means a lower short-term return on investment.

Recently it seems that that sometimes means literally in the cradle.

Furthermore, I stand with Ye.

jim says:


The man who cuts the check is usually the man who will be in the corner office on the top floor.

He wants to live or work in a building befitting his immense status, and that is not what he gets.

These vastly powerful evil capitalists that you envisage screwing stuff up have to live and work somewhere, and even if they are vulgar contemptible people with poor taste, they are apt to research what people of good taste will respect.

King Lizard Intercourse says:


jim says:

Corporations are people. They are a group of people, who cohere through bookkeeping keeping track of their pursuit of their common interest, and that group is incarnated as the CEO, who is also a person.

The enterprise is a book keeping fiction made flesh, and the corporation is a legal structure for enterprises with many owners. All of whom are people, represented by the board, who are people, and the CEO, who is a person.

And, to get back on topic, that person’s status and thus his power is diminished by having his office in an ugly building architected as a temple to demons, and the board’s status and power is similarly diminished by the boardroom in an ugly building architected as a temple to demons.

Compare and contrast with rooms where the great men of Christian empires met. Their beautiful buildings projected power, wealth, high status, and good taste. You think corporations are indifferent to such things? No, they are not allowed such things.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*lightly warmed over Marxist account of capitalism (with search and replace of “the Jews” for “wall street”) deleted*]

jim says:

Changed your name yet again CR?

Karl says:

Compare and contrast with rooms where the great men of Christian empires met. Their beautiful buildings projected power, wealth, high status, and good taste. You think corporations are indifferent to such things? No, they are not allowed such things.

Good point. It is difficult enough to get a building permit for an ugly office building, getting a permit for a beautiful office building would be much harder, perhaps impossible (of course, a lot depends on jurisdiction), but no permits are needed for internal decoration of offices.

Corporations are public. That makes it difficult for a CEO to decorate the inside of a building according to his taste, but even offices of small businesses that are owned by a small group of people that all work there are usually not beautiful, although these people are rather free to decorate according to their tastes.

My guess is that many people simply lack taste or have no taste at all and simply buy whatever is fashionable.

The Cominator says:

“Corporations are public. That makes it difficult for a CEO to decorate the inside of a building according to his taste, but even offices of small businesses that are owned by a small group of people that all work there are usually not beautiful, although these people are rather free to decorate according to their tastes.”

With a public company ideally I would expect frugality in all things not needed to make money from the people running the company, however the bloated management compensation nowadays makes most decoration budget questions moot.

Red says:

Elon was living in a manufactured small home at Boca. Looked nicer than the Pelosi place.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

>lightly warmed over Marxist account of capitalism (with search and replace of “the Jews” for “wall street”) deleted

Corporations, specifically but not exclusively under the direction of Rockefeller, as testified by Aaron Russo before he unexpectedly died of fast-acting cancer, intentionally and deliberately set out to and did indeed steal the childbearing women from their men. They don’t call it the corporate harem for no reason.

There is literally no way to deny this on factual grounds.

When you start looking into why the world is a living hell, you find that one or both of two groups are responsible for everything: Jews or capitalists.

No one else matters.

What I’m telling you is that without Jews and capitalists left-wing politics would simply not exist.

In other words: you are a leftist, “Nigger” Jim.

>Changed your name yet again CR?


jim says:

> Corporations, specifically but not exclusively under the direction of Rockefeller,

Not under the direction of Rockefeller. Under the direction of the Rockefeller foundation.

Which is everyone’s famous or infamous example of the priestly elite taking over a foundation and applying it for purposes wildly and radically opposed to the purposes and politics of the founder and the economic interests of his family.

The Rockefeller foundation is classic demonstration of the supremacy of theocratic power, of the quasi statal elite of Harvard kicking the asses of the capitalist elite.

Jews, such as Rockefeller, are moderately over-represented in the capitalist elite, but massively over-represented in the Harvard elite.

The trouble is that you are telling a story that killing the cows of the peasant with two cows is a blow against Wall Street the Rothschilds.

You say “it is all the Jews”. And the next thing you say is that the man who owns the pizza parlor down the street is a servant of the Jews, who assigned him that pizza parlor.

No he is not. You say “all the Jews” and then you tell us capitalism is Jewish. It is a bait and switch.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pretty much any nominally perennialist space on the net will always have a guy who talks just like him, if allowed too. Even relatively obscure places like isegoria or personal blogs of commentators like dharmicreality. It wouldn’t surprise me if it literally was all one guy working overtime for his masters. Or the effective equivalent of all one guy samefagging everywhere (each drone working out of the same floor in the same office).

The Cominator says:

The Rockefellers arent jewish, John D Rockefeller Sr. was to all appearances a pretty devout Baptist.

skippy says:

A lot of sources critical of Jews describe the Rockefellers as Jewish, but this claim seems to have no foundation.

The Rhodes scholarship is another great example of a trust established by, essentially, a nazi being repurposed to pay for black women to get masters’ degrees in climate change.

jim says:

> > Musk is immensely rich because he creates capital.

> Musk is immensely rich because he gives military bureaucrats what they can’t get from Boeing, Northrop Grumman et al. at any price.

Cattle are capital, the original form of capital to which all other forms are an analogy.

Mines are capital, farms are capital, factories are capital, trucks are capital, tools are capital.

And the capacity to lift stuff to orbit for military bureaucrats is capital.

Capitalists are people who create capital.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

If the cattle raider establishes a cattle-raiding corporation, with a repeatable business process, has he not set up himself as capitalist?

jim says:

Since you guys will never define capitalism, we get to define it. And, in the previous blog post “Capitalism” I defined it, carefully defining it to make sure that the answer to your question is “No.”

i says:


Modernity especially in America have the paradox of being “Wealthy”. Yet full of ugliness in buildings. All that GDP and “Money” but such emptiness and inversion.

Quite an inversion of what Wealth is supposed to look like and result in.

Goodness, Truth and Beauty in Unity.

Jehu says:

How wealthy in the US do you have to be to live in a neighborhood where you don’t have to lock doors or worry about your kids running errands unsupervised? In my experience, pretty damned wealthy, at least expressed as a percentile. This of course brings the question, how wealthy is America, really?

Neurotoxin says:

It’s amazing; he’s literally just pretending he didn’t read the importance of capital creation in the relevant discussion… including the phrase “creates capital” in the very first sentence of this blog post.

I understand why leftists think they can get away with this sort of crap in popular discourse, but here?

someDude says:

Leftists don’t think. They kill people who do.

King Lizard Intercourse says:


jim says:

I no more believe you are a capitalist than I believe you are a right winger. You don’t sound like a capitalist, I know how capitalists talk about capital and profit, and they do not sound like you.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

I have clients and wagies. Call it what you will.

jim says:

You cannot speak capitalist shibboleths correctly.

A businessman would not refer to his employees as wagies, he would not use the terminology that you used in the earlier (deleted) comment to refer to his books.

You are a shill. You work in an open plan office typing up these comments on a computer supplied by the IT department. You have a supervisor, and HR monitors you and your supervisor for thought crimes. There are other shills, many of them H1Bs, working around you in that office.

Among the indications that you are a shill: If you were not a shill you would be able to mention what Soros has been doing when pressed to do so.

Tell us what characteristics of blacks forces white flight from integration.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

>Tell us what characteristics of blacks forces white flight from integration.

The chief characteristic of blacks that forces Americans to flee in their path is that the Jews are hovering silently in the background ready to bring down the prosecutorial hammer on any American who dares to physically defend himself from their indiscriminate criminality, whether such defense be mounted singly or collectively.

>If you were not a shill you would be able to mention what Soros has been doing when pressed to do so.

Soros runs color revolutions. [*deleted*]

jim says:

OK, Soros does indeed. But can you specify some particular specific Soros crimes in the Ukraine, in Russia, and in America?

jim says:

> The chief characteristic of blacks that forces Americans to flee in their path is that the Jews are hovering silently in the background ready to bring down the prosecutorial hammer on any American who dares to physically defend himself from their indiscriminate criminality,

Not “the Jews”, at least not over the past seven or eight years. Over the past eight years it has primarily and predominantly been one particular specific readily identifiable Jew.

Name that Jew.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

I spent time as a NEET and the Global Financial Crisis scarred me for life. You computer niggers can blow me.

jim says:

In fact you got a worthless and expensive law degree, and the Global Financial Crisis was irrelevant.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, it’s CR. Blatantly obvious. If you go back through the archives, he has a pretty unique style. I know what St. John is saying about how “this type” is found everywhere interesting discussion is occurring, but look at the venom. Observe the massive grudge trapped between the spaces of the words. I am flabbergasted. CR truly is a sodomite and, true to form, he has a big ol’ crush on Big Daddy Jim. He cannot stay away.

jim says:

I became sure of that at the same time you did.

Though I have had a fair suspicion for some time.

Pax Imperialis says:

A ruler/ruling-class provides security for capitalist to make capital. It’s hard to do business if some viking walks into your village and pillages the chickens. In exchange, he/they helps himself/themselves to a SMALL portion of capital that others create. Since the process of creating security is nonnegotiable and by definition must encompass all people in a territory for security to exist, the existence of taxes must be nonnegotiable as well (however specific rates should be very negotiable). Nonnegotiable existence of tax in exchange for nonnegotiable security. A fair bargain.

Nancy Pelosi is not criminal because she helps herself to the capital other creates. She is a criminal, along with most of our ruling class, because she provides no security in exchange for the capital she takes. At best that would be theft if she did nothing else but take; however, she also actively undermines existing security by providing political protection to thugs who burn and attack the very people she takes capital from. That is worse then just theft, that is outright pillaging. Nonnegotiable pillaging in exchange for nonnegotiable insecurity. An unfair bargain to put it lightly.

Now compare the portion that our government takes in comparison to the kings of yore. The US sits at 28% overall tax rate (tax revenue as % of GDP) which, as high as it is, is somehow on the low end for western democracies. Many are near or above 40%. Historical Monarchs tended to stay under 5% for fear of becoming a head shorter. Modern monarchies are similarly much lower then their modern democratic counterparts taxing around 10% overall. Yet these modern monarchies operating on 1/4 of the tax rate provide better security. For all the problems the Saudi’s have, they have about 1/5 the homicide rate compared to America.

Nancy Pelosi and company are immensely wealthy because they control a government that takes an tremendously large portion of others capital on both historical and contemporary comparison.

Consider that tyranny is a form of regime that historically did provide security but at an unreasonable high tax rate. Revolts over taxes being too high were far more common than revolts over the king not providing security. What we have today is worse than tyranny, and it’s so outside of the historical norm we appear to have no colloquial word for it. People are having to invent new terms like anarcho-tyranny (1992?) to describe what is going on.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Desire for greater tribute requires greater apparatus of enforcement to extract tribute, which in turn requires more tribute, which in turn requires yet more intrusive enforcement…

The true upper end of the laffer curve is defined by this asymptotic jump-off point, where the protection racket magically transforms from providing security of property, to a race towards towards its complete abolishment; from a mandatory of its clients, to the very peril of its victims.

The privileges of peons were lionized over the privileges of lords, since the peons were a lot less dangerous to the taxman. And naturally, in due course the privileges of peons were successively dissolved in turn. The progressive deconstruction of any and every means of social organization, tradition, and or potency facilitating super-structures in general, *except for deconstructor’s own*, is the story of modernity.

i says:

Even Small Towns aren’t exempt from the corruption of Babylon:

Red says:

The corruption is spread more like people being held down and forcibly injected with AIDs. The school administration pushes it.

i says:

Reposting a link to a good book to concur with comments last time:

In Making Dystopia, distinguished architectural historian James Stevens Curl tells the story of the advent of architectural Modernism in the aftermath of the First World War, its protagonists, and its astonishing, almost global acceptance after 1945. He argues forcefully that the triumph of architectural Modernism in the second half of the twentieth century led to massive destruction, the creation of alien urban landscapes, and a huge waste of resources.

Moreover, the coming of Modernism was not an inevitable, seamless evolution, as many have insisted, but a massive, unparalled disruption that demanded a clean slate and the elimination of all ornament, decoration, and choice.

Tracing the effects of the Modernist revolution in architecture to the present, Stevens Curl argues that, with each passing year, so-called “iconic” architecture by supposed “star” architects has become more and more bizarre, unsettling, and expensive, ignoring established contexts and proving to be stratospherically remote from the aspirations and needs of humanity.

In the elite world of contemporary architecture, form increasingly follows finance, and in a society in which the ‘haves’ have more and more, and the “have-nots”are ever more marginalized, he warns that contemporary architecture continues to stack up huge potential problems for the future, as housing costs spiral out of control, resources are squandered on architectural bling, and society fractures.

Mister Grumpus says:

Off topic, and go ahead and delete from here if appropriate:

I’d appreciate a thread sometime about how/when people knew that Covid wasn’t so bad. Or at least “should have known.”

For example: The most convincing and earliest “verdict”, on here, I believe was from Cominator, referring to that one cruise ship. “Carnival Princess” was it? They were stuck in there for so long that it should have become a death ship, but it didn’t, and then it vanished from the news.

What other early defusing datapoints do you remember?

Karl says:

First 16 cases in Germany. That was a cluster of cases at an automotive supplier. They got it from a Chinese visitor, but no one of them got seriously ill.

jim says:

Not sure when I figured it out. Pretty sure I knew it when the New York Governor was doing his best to murder millions, and finding it an uphill job.

Red says:

Washington state did a pretty good job clearing out their retirement homes with COVID. But by the time NY got into the game it just wasn’t killing enough people.

Heavy D says:

It was obvious from the start. There was a huge outbreak among middle-aged people in Daegu, South Korea, like in Feb. 2020 and basically nobody died.

The cruise ships, which are always chock full of waling corpses, also proved it.

Nobody here likes to hear it, but Trump fucked us by being a total pussy on Covid just like he was a total pussy after the election. Pfauci led Trump around by the dick for a year. Pathetic.

The Cominator says:

Yes I wasn’t talking about the cruise ships initially I was talking about the South Korean data + to the extent its lethal to old or sick people even then the Koreans found that Cloroquine basically nuked the lethality of the virus.

I smelled a rat merely because it was Trump’s election year but with the calls for lockdowns + South Korean data I was then 100% it was fake and gay.

Mister Grumpus says:

Why would anyone like to hear that? But we can tell now that it was true. Just the right speech and tweet, early enough, just might have done the trick. But what, when and how?

In fact, it would be a good exercise, here, to compare “fantasy fictions” of how Trump could have called bullshit on Covid and actually made it stick, rather than just having gotten Jan-6’ed earlier on. And that will lead to arguments about whether he even cared enough to do so, even if he had known what would work.

(Or maybe it’s pointless since the Cathedral rules outright now, so what does it matter?)

But plenty of guys here smelled it was a political attack quite early, and out in meatspace DeSantis got the picture pretty quick too and obviously acted accordingly. I’m still dumbfounded that they apparently didn’t talk more.

Red says:

Covid was pretty much the perfect attack vector on a Germophobe like Trump. It also had the novelty of never having been tried before. There isn’t a lot of new things under the sun, but engineering a virus, a vaccine that sterilizes and kills people, and then using it rig an election is pretty damn out there. I’m still surprised it’s real. They basically took the premise from V For Vendetta and ran with it.

The weird thing is Trump still praises the vaccine. He gets booed at rallies when he does it, but he still does it.

alf says:

engineering a virus, a vaccine that sterilizes and kills people, and then using it rig an election is pretty damn out there. I’m still surprised it’s real.

Yes well said. That is what caught me off-guard too. The whole thing just sounds like a crazy movie plot, even to this day.

Heavy D says:

That’s right. Trump is a retard who has learned exactly NOTHING in the past 5 years. Nothing.

Trump is so fucking stupid, it took him until maybe two months ago to stop trying to score points from DeSantis NOT getting the “boosters.”

jim says:

Well, since Trump seems to have finally shut up about boosters, looks like he learned something.

What he needs to learn is that the time of Republics is over. Now it is time for Caesar. If he has finally figured out boosters, perhaps he can figure that one out also.

alf says:

It was obvious from the start. There was a huge outbreak among middle-aged people in Daegu, South Korea, like in Feb. 2020 and basically nobody died.

Many people were saying many different things around that time. Was hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. In retrospect, I should have been more paranoid — I wrongly considered the options between ‘real pandemic ‘ and ‘bat-shit crazy leftists ‘.

I knew it was fake when my over ninety years old granny caught it and she recovered just fine.

The Cominator says:

It wasn’t hard to tell who was lying, South Korea was much closer and like Japan has a very honest high trust government.

Italy don’t get me started…

The alarmists pretended to look at highly corrupt Jesuit and glownigger run Italy and pretend that South Korea didn’t exist… any sensible person did the opposite.

The Cominator says:

I mean much closer to WuFlu ground zero.

Mister Grumpus says:

Excellent point. News was all over Italy, Iran and NYC, but Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong never existed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which is especially daning considering that ‘new asian flu’ is pretty much a perennial news event every five or ten years.

Heavy D says:

> Many people were saying many different things around that time. Was hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

It wasn’t hard at all. All you had to do was look at who was dying. It was clear by early April 2020 that only the very old, the very sick, and the very obese were dying.

To this day, the average age of a Covid death is around 80.


And what was the average age of a flu death over the past decade?


And nobody ever gave a damn about flu season.

alf says:

Obviously we knew more in April than we knew in February. I think I had it figured out at the end of April. I remember this post in May as another nail in the coffin.

The Cominator says:

The South Korean data came out in February 2020 by then if you looked at it you knew it was bullshit.

alf says:

I did not look at them, and pretty sure that if I had looked at them at the time, they would’ve just been numbers on a sheet.

Nullius in verba — take no one’s word. I wanted to see what covid did with my own eyes before I made a judgment. When I finally saw it, I made a judgment. Which leaves a vulnerability in the period before I can make a judgment, a vulnerability you did not leave open. So be it, I’m human, can’t win em all. Mistakes were made, lessons learned. It was a good scam.

The Cominator says:

I have no recollection of you being a corona Karen anyway.

alf says:

I wasn’t, I was postponing judgment. But a scam can succeed against passivity, so I do feel somewhat successfully scammed by the whole thing.

jim says:

Same here.

I thought there was a real possibility that it was a doomsday sickness, and a real possibility of a scam. After a while, obviously a scam.

Kunning Drueger says:

I had to take leave of this place right as the Discussions really started. I was a believer when 2 Weeks To Flatten started, and was skeptical when week 3 started. What did it for me was my own lying eyes. Without giving too many details, plans were put in place in certain regions to handle the wave of cadavers that was predicted. Mysteriously, those plans were quietly shelved, but the doomcasting continued, even increased. I saw this happen with my own eyes, and when I finally started coming back here, the feelings were qualified.

Rando says:

For me it was reading’s blog on a regular basis back in Jan/Feb 2020. He didn’t say much about South Korea IIRC just did a comparison with other historical pandemics like the Spanish Flu. Even the inaccurate early data showing a 3% mortality rate was not nearly on par with the lethality of the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. That flu outbreak did not end the human race and didn’t even put much of a dent in it. So the Wu-Flu wasn’t gonna destroy human civilization either.

ten says:

Pretty long distance between “total bullshit” and “won’t destroy human civilization”. The people who actually feared for a seriously disastrous pandemic were idiots, it was entirely obvious it was no spanish flu. I argued with TC back then that caution is better than recklessnesss, perhaps i had some good reasons, but he was right. Only useful thing caution could have led to would be containment, and nothing happened until way too late for that, and China actively made sure there could be no containment and no caution.

Sweden eventually cucked, but the first year, our incompetent socialist overlords held absolutely firm that “everyone else in the world is wrong, we alone are right, we will do absolutely nothing about covid, maybe dont kiss strangers idk. go party”.

If the cuckright coalition held the government in that year, Sweden could not have done this, because the left wing would have thrown a hissy fit, with zog support (i know, i know, cathedral, but ’tis the season to be anti-semetic).

So. Could Trump actually have done it? What would the repercussions be? They are already pretending he personally murdered 1 lollion americans. I don’t know how things work over there, but our cuckright can’t get away with leaving the toilet seat up, while the left openly sodomizes toddlers on cocaine binges and adopts children with their convicted pederast boyfriends for at-home gay pedo 24/7 chemsex rapefests while essentially unable to communicate in written language and holding high office.

Wouldn’t they have won through non stop media “orange rich man laughs in golf as everyone dies, doesn’t care, he killed grandma” while they actively make sure grandma actually dies with covid? I don’t know if i’m asking rhetorical questions or not. Looks to me like a rock and a hard place and i don’t see Trumps way out. He did the vaccine saviour thing which is cringe as fuck. What else could he have done that wouldn’t leave him wide open to the dead grandma attack?

Red says:

Seize the records from Fauci showing the US government funded it in a Chinese lab. But that would have required Trump to accepted the Red hats as his own militia. All his fatal mistakes were made right after he was elected when he turned his back on men who willing to kill for him.

The Cominator says:

” I argued with TC back then that caution is better than recklessness”

The precautionary principle is demonically evil and for anyone in the government to be influenced it they ought to have very slow and painful public executions.

ten says:

I don’t think this applies to problems with known solutions (disease – quarantine – containment) but lets go with the executions anyhow.

The Cominator says:

“I argued with TC back then that caution is better than recklessnesss”

IE in the context of early covid this is precautionary principle thinking…

A2 says:

Not that early but it seemed quite obvious it was malicious nonsense once the Floyd peaceful protests got going.

Your Uncle Bob says:

It’s not that I knew it wasn’t so bad early, but I knew something was up early from the quarantine of cruise ships but refusing to stop international flights, from the early “hug a chink” campaign against racist refusal to catch illness, from the early flip-flop on masks, with authorities first telling us “don’t wear masks, they do nothing for amateurs” (a “noble lie” to prevent a shortage for health care workers but still a lie) to “mask under penalty of law.”

Early on I still thought it could be the big one, and I hadn’t caught on to those first Chinese videos of people collapsing in the streets being faked for propaganda, but I was primed to question everything official. Because I already knew they were lying, and I already knew they were playing politics with it. So when mortality data by age became available, and information about hydroxychloroquine became available I went down the rabbit hole pretty quick. I don’t even remember exactly when that was though.

Hesiod says:

The MSM narrative concerning this “attack” has shifted this morning from the past two days’ worth of “He broke in screaming ‘This is MAGA country!'” to “He was a harmless hippy who recently went crazy and claims he’s Jesus Christ. We may never know his motive.”

This of course is usually reserved for Islamic terrorist attacks as well as dindus running amok.

Hesiod says:

Musk fact-checks Clinton:

All hail the Star-Prophet!

Milosevic says:
Hesiod says:

Cheers. I’ll endeavor to keep to KD’s entreaty for future links.

Kunning Drueger says:

Many great win in the Meme War and before hinged on timely archiving of cringe and error. Until we go pvp on the Minecraft Server, digital warfare is our remit. I appreciate the effort, and others will too. Don’t be afraid to branch out, either. I use .ph because it’s in Russia, but there may be others worthy. archive DOT org has been converged, as has wayback machine.

Hesiod says:
Kunning Druegger says:

The link shows a full tweet thread, cringepoasts and all. If that was the goal, mission accomplished. I was actually wondering how much of a tweet would get captured, and it looks like it grabs the whole thing. Nice.

Kunning Druegger says:

Further testing:

This seems a bit shallow, maybe too dramatic. But, stranger things have happened.

someDude says:

I don’t see this tweet from Musk anymore. What happened? Elon deleted his own tweet?

Pax Imperialis says:

Some are saying the guy was Mr. Pelosi’s manwhore. Allegedly the hippy was waiting for Ms. Pelosi when the fight broke out. Maybe the story is Mr. Cuck got tired of watching from the closet and confronted his wife’s bed warmer.

I don’t know what happened, but the more details that come out the more salacious the possibilities become.

jim says:

He got in. Had to be invited in. Was in his underwear.

Red says:

Pelosi probably sent security and staff away before he got his orgy started, resulting in him having to call the cops when one of his hookers started losing it. The guy who opened the door was probably another hooker.

Red says:

>Maybe the story is Mr. Cuck got tired of watching from the closet and confronted his wife’s bed warmer.

Are you kidding me? The dude was a gay hooker who was doing drugs and have sex with him.

Hesiod says:

With the intro of zip-ties into the narrative, I keep thinking of Ed Buck:

Perhaps Pelosi’s “ice cream” freezers have more in common with Jeffrey Dahmer’s refrigerated collections than any frozen dairy product.

Red says:

The zip ties is bullshit. The police didn’t mention it and they would have. They made it up for the IVI references the left loves.

Hesiod says:

True, the ever-changing MSM story on this has definitely developed a Russian-hookers-pissing-on-a-bed quality to it with nebulous sources.

Red says:

Gay sex seems to involve large quantities of meth, Viagra, and other drugs. As older men have no value with gays, such men have to pay for sex with drugs and/or money which is what was going on with Pelosi.

I’ve always assumed Ed Buck pissed someone off, which is why he went down for those deaths.

The Cominator says:

So the Pelosis are typical San Francisco faggots.

Hesiod says:

Just taken from the official narrative Faux News is happy to propagate:

“Police now say they recovered a list belonging to DePape of other potential targets, though they stopped short of calling referring to it as a “hit list,” according to CBS News.”

So, who else was he buggering based on this hitclient list?

Red says:

> So, who else was he buggering based on this hitclient list?

He doesn’t have a client list. Gays fuck tens of thousands of men, far too many to keep track of. Men who go to gay bathhouses fuck and are fucked by dozens of men in a single night.

If such a list was real they’d already be running photos of it on every news site. They realized their initial story had failed when everyone started laughing about Pelosi gay hooker so they’re doubling down on it hard.

Hesiod says:

Not saying you’re wrong, but keep in mind these devil-possessed swine are hubristic. It wouldn’t be unthinkable they put in factual content only to twist it, thinking they are heading off any future emerging details, much like they did with Hunter’s laptop.

Red says:

> Not saying you’re wrong, but keep in mind these devil-possessed swine are hubristic.

Have you ever dealt with druggies? They’re not collected enough to keep lists of people. Methheads who does write create random collections of nonsense. A homeless methhead hooker isn’t keeping a list of his clients. At best he’ll have their numbers recorded in his phone.

This is entirely doubling down on their initial narrative.

Pax Imperialis says:

Fast way to die of a heart attack

Red says:

The life expectancy of faggots is very low. It would be worse if it wasn’t for the massive amount of “free” healthcare they get. The aids drugs alone cost US tax payers 40k per faggot per year.

Cadfael says:

Apparently, DePape was an illiegal Canadian immigrant, who overstayed his visa, lol.

RatMan29 says:

Your link to a view of Pelosi Manor is kaput. They probably got Google to disable it. If you saved a copy, we’d love to see it.

Kunning Drueger says:



You can also search the archives to see if someone else was a better netizen than yourself.

alf says:

So you’re saying I can just control c control v any link and have others deal with future linking problems?

Kunning Drueger says:

can you clarify your question for me? I am user-tier, and I’ve never run a website or even moderated on one, so there might be something I’m missing. As far as I understand the technology, an archive site has a bot that crawls to specific addresses and takes a snapshot, then that snapshot is stored in its own server unconnected to the source. The link generated is served by the archive server, not the source server.

Redbible says:

Most of the reliable “thought crime enabled” archive sites only save a copy of a page when a person MANUALLY tell that site to do so.

the internet is WAY TO BIG for such sites to be downloading a copy of every page ever made EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Now the good news is that commonly many good pages are archived because someone did in fact tell one of those sites to save a copy of what it looked like that day. (for example, I’ve been able to read most of Sunshine Mary’s blog, even thought the point I heard about it was after the bog was taken down.)

Kunning Druegger says:

If you wouldn’t mind, can you grab some obscure link and go through the process at and watch it do its thing? When you hit “save” it goes to a page and a bunch of “stuff” happens on the screen. My limited understanding of TCP/IP stuff doesn’t really empower me to know what’s going on, but it seems like it is actually saving a snapshot of the page and storing it. I may be wrong on that, and if that site is not worthy, let me know and I’ll find a better one. greatly appreciate any assistance/guidance/recommendations.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Why does not obey robots.txt?
Because it is not a free-walking crawler, it saves only one page acting as a direct agent of the human user. Such services don’t obey robots.txt (e.g. Google Feedfetcher, screenshot- or pdf-making services,, …)

>What software do you run and how data is stored ?
The archive runs Apache Hadoop and Apache Accumulo. All data is stored on HDFS, textual content is duplicated 3 times among servers in different datacenters and images are duplicated 2 times. All datacenters are in Europe.

Hmm. I could have sworn it was Russian… it went down for a short period when the UKR War started.

alf says:

I was joking KD. People, including myself, are lazy. But you’re right.

Heavy D says:

Trump Junior down in Brazil managed to lose today to a guy who has like an 85 IQ and just got out of prison for massive corruption.

10,000 fucking motorcycle assassins driving around Brazil and Bolsonaro was too fucking cowardly to do what he needed to do.


It’s either time for Bolsonaro to man up or time for him to flee the country. I wonder which he’ll choose. He’s a dead man if he lets Lula take power.

Red says:

I knew Bolsonaro was a dead man when he did nothing after they rigged the initial vote. In the past you could quietly walk away when they fucked you over, but those days are over. You either kill or be killed.

Bravery is no longer just a virtue, it’s a necessity to ensure the survival of ones life and family.

jim says:

It should have been obvious that votes do not matter any more. But the historical record is that people keep falling for normality bias for a very long time. You say that Trump and Bolsonaro are being stupid. And in a sense they are. But the historical record is that such stupidity always prevails for a quite unreasonably long time.

The Cominator says:

Trump had options IMHO whereas Bolsonaro is pretty fucked.

Fidelis says:

if anything Bolsa has more options than Trump. There is a recent history of military junta successfully protecting the middle class in Brazil, no national mythos of regicide republicanism. The voting fraud even more clear and obvious to normies than it is in the northern half of the new world, would be an incredibly easy sell for him to “enforce fair voting, one time.” The productive class is begging him to take the leap, even:

We live in a truly fucked timeline if he does absolutely nothing.

The Cominator says:

The problem is the Biden regime here and Chinese money on the side of the left. If Trump had stayed in power Bolsa would have more options.

Fidelis says:


The alphabet is tied up killing all the whites they can in EE, and chink money does not buy martial power. Its a game of pay up front now or let your country get fucked so bad it might Haitify. Everyone feels this instinctually and most of the country wants Bolsa to “make the election fair.”

The Cominator says:

Chink money buys army officers, Xi is clearly a leftist believer… Deng should have exterminated them and changwd the partys name…

Pax Imperialis says:

Chinese money is on the side of the Chinese and I’m not sure how to classify the Chinese regime anymore. It’s going into this weird mix of technofascism with Chinese socialism with hints of capitalism.

De Jure property law is such that private ownership is impossible, yet De Facto property law is that CCP will ignore property lease expiration in nearly all cases and you effectively have private property ownership.

jim says:

The time to do something would have been before the election – have men with guns backing the scrutineers.

Red says:

Exactly. I was hoping he would do that after the initial fraud. Having a second vote was a great opportunity to tell the Supreme Court to shove it while armed men arrested or shot the fraudsters.

The Cominator says:

Bolsonaro tried to callout the army way back when the left locked the country down, unlike Trump he knew Covid was bullshit immediately but his situation was actually far worse given that the supreme court there was not even occasionally on his side…

The army wouldn’t help him either when he tried to prevent the lockdowns (at least according to BAP)… the only option Bolsonaro had was to call people out into the streets and perhaps try to split the army ie to literally cause a hot civil war… this may have been an option when Trump was in office but it certainly wasn’t afterwords.

Red says:

That reminds me, is BAP back on twitter?

The Cominator says:

Hes been back for a while under a different name…

Red says:

Thanks Com.

Red says:

Sounds like the military is moving out to ensure he’s powerless.

To rule these days you need dangerous men ready to kill at your command. Trump had those men, but fail to cultivate them in favor of cutting a deal with the establishment.

The Cominator says:

Yes this is why I feel worse for Bolsonarno… Bolsonarno tried to cultivate the armed men he was an officer himself. But they got bought off by foreign glownagger and chinese money and there wasn’t much Bolsonarno could do about it he could have tried to mobilize people in the streets but with zero institutional support that is very hard.

Red says:

Armies organized on the basis of faith seems like the way to go. I’m really like the Wagner Group model.

jim says:

Putin wants to resolve the conflict by negotiation, where the west agrees to a multipolar world, to the peace of westphalia. And similarly Trump and the rest sought and seek to cut a deal.

This is and was normality bias. He is attempting to negotiate with those possessed by demons. This is a holy war, the armies of Christ versus the armies of Satan.

Apti Alaudinov is the leadership style and approach that is going to be needed to win.

If they are not in fact possessed by demons, they are nonetheless not agreement capable, in which case they might as well be possessed by demons.

Our enemies are accurately modeled as possessed by demons, and that is how the matter is going to be resolved. Whether demons are real or not, it will end as if demons are real and will have to be fought as if demons are real. In the end, it will likely be win or die. I had high hopes that the matter could be resolved less bloodily, but it looks like in the end survival is going to require slaughtering our enemies and taking possession of their women.

Things have not come to that yet. Perhaps they will not come to that. But it was obvious before the 2020 election that an honest election would require armed men and blood in the streets. It is now obvious that it will require armed men who believe that they are fighting for Jesus Christ against the armies of Satan.

Normal is over. It has been over for quite a while, but the illusion has not yet been dispelled. Holy war began in 2014, people just have not realized it yet. They will, though it may take a while.

Red says:

Our enemies are accurately modeled as possessed by demons

You don’t have to convince me:

Youtube comment:

> If they do this sort of stuff in public, imagine what they do in private.

Kunning Druegger says:
Bouncer says:

“misunderstandings about the scientific nature of our work”

Ahh, yes, I too sacrifice chickens before using a microscope….

Wolf says:

Both the China and America support Lula?

Red says:

Yes. Both for reasons of Marxism.

Adam says:

Trump should have done what was necessary to lock up Hillary. If he has a shot at making amends to his support, and becoming the man he needed to be during Covid and Jan. 6, that would be a good start. And Fauci too. Hang both of them.

Red says:

The only place Trump is going is a jail cell followed by a nonconsensual assisted suicide.

Red says:

LOL, Nonconensual*

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


“You are now going to be sucked off… to death!”

Starman says:

@Heavy D

Bolsonaro’s loss was totally his own fault. He couldn’t even get control of the army despite being a former military officer.

He made zero attempt at purging (contrast that incompetence with Elon’s immediate and instantaneous purging of Twitter).

Kunning Drueger says:

We will continue to be let down so long as these “leaders” make it their whole identity to return to normalcy. Wanting to set the clock back could theoretically work, but none of them seems to understand how far back it would have to go. I think these half-assed attempts will continue until some potential leader explicitly states that they wish to alter the fundamentals of the country. The left does this with impunity, and acts violently at whim. The right refuses to countenance violence, insists on “working together” with their adversaries, and cannot conceive of their idealized nation being lost.

I was speaking with a retired military man, talking about many topics, topical and historical, and the 2020 election came up. I said that Pence and Barr were traitors to conservatism, and he was completely miffed. That thought train proceeded to IVI, and I asserted that Trump had everything he needed at his disposal except for the will and courage to use it. This guy looked at me and said, with deep conviction, “but that would have lead to violence, and Americans would die.” Yes, Gen. Boomer, that’s where we are at. Those are the stakes. This is what happens when you play politics while your adversary fights a war. Mainline conservatism will negotiate us all straight into the gulag.

jim says:

> We will continue to be let down so long as these “leaders” make it their whole identity to return to normalcy. Wanting to set the clock back could theoretically work, but none of them seems to understand how far back it would have to go.

Clock has to be set back to England 1810, or Virginia 1840.

And then we face the woman problem that the Australian authorities successfully dealt with late eighteenth, early nineteenth century.

Fidelis says:

How did you pick those years? TFR? You posted a chart showing a local maximum for English tfr around 1810, just a decade before the failed Caroline divorce. In that case shouldn’t we roll back another decade or two?

or are you usong something else to bsse your reasoning?

jim says:

I picked on the basis that the state religion could and did allow people to speak the truth. Freedom came crashing down when Christianity fell.

As did fertility.

Fidelis says:

Can you expand on this thread? What examples of truth telling are most poignant? What were the first sogns of its downfall?

jim says:

The astonishing willful blindness to female sexual misconduct, the biggest example early being the willful blindness to activities of slut queen Caroline.

The perjurious lawsuits regarding the hottentot venus, illustrating the criminal misconduct of those who wanted racial equality – willful blindness to racial differences, and malicious false information striking at white people.

Certain people could lie with utter impunity, because the truth had become impermissible.

Javier says:

I don’t know how countries keep falling for these color revolutions again and again. What is the most practical way to harden a country against this and/or defeat one in progress?

jim says:

If you have a color revolution, you have enemy entryists in the cops, judiciary and the like. I recall the Hong protesters closing down a major road. Something like half a dozen protesters, and a horde of cops protecting them from being run over by the drivers. Similarly, Hong Kong airport. A riot supposedly closed down the airport. Actually the CEO of Cathay air closed down the airport and organized some rioters as cover.

If you have a color revolution, you have entryists and shills in power in your country. These people are partly motivated by ideology, but they are also motivated by money and a pleasant retirement in the south of France or Martha’s vineyard. We saw that when Russia was dropped out of Swift. Suddenly there was a mass exodus of agents of western influence, who when leaving burned their bridges by stealing everything not nailed down.

So, the obvious solution would be to follow the money, then round them all up and shoot them.

Scrutinize the state and quasi state apparatus for people with odd connections, odd travel patterns, and mysterious sources of wealth. And kill them. Kill them extrajudicially, because you cannot rely on judicial process or imprisonment.

Looking back over the past several thousand years, a state faith with a good shill test against enemy entryists works strangely well. Syria resisted color revolution successfully by the elite having faith in Alawism, rendering it impossible for Harvard and the State Department to get inside. But, as we saw with Russia, it is also a matter of money and incentives.

Aon says:

Are all revolutions colored?

jim says:

All revolutions are elite.

A color revolution is distinguished by foreign money and foreign connections to your local elite.

The distinguishing factor of a color revolution is that it is run by local mid level elite, with the top level elite being Harvard, the State Department, and Soros ngos, with payments mediated through multi national global corporations.

Jehu says:

Is the Rubicon a river in Brazil? Supposedly there’s to be a Military Audit of the election there and perhaps some judges get arrested. But I guess I’ll believe it when I see the helicopters, although supposedly a press conference tonight by (one hopes) the true heir to Augusto.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think it is time for a Music Appreciate thread. Link songs you believe are good under a criteria of three: melody, theme, and content. Less hifalutin, it sounds good, it inspires, and it tells a story. Let’s exclude so called classical music (exception for Neofugue who is probably the best of us in terms of the music) because anything before the degenerates came to explicit power has baseline quality and almost everything after has none.

This is a share and critique exercise, so if you can’t/won’t contribute anything to listen to, you have no skin in the game. Also, make substantive critique. “Me no like, ur gay” is not substantive. I’ll kick it off, and hopefully absorb some of the initial angst and trolling with my plebian tastes.

Modern Day Prayer by Twothirtyeight

Televators by The Mars Volta

Alien nation by The Scorpions

Nantes by Beirut

Grey Machine by Pinback

The Price Of A Mile by Sabaton

Priests and Paramedics by Pedro The Lion

The album Control is absolutely worth at least one listen. David Bazan is a living caricature of the death of American faith tradition. His fall from the state of grace into the emptiness of the materialist trap can be charted not only through his extensive catalog, but the progression of his career. It is hard to find someone more widely known, widely appreciated, and unrewarded. Bazan has a simple style that has wide appeal, but hidden within the uncomplicated arrangements is a skill that far surpasses many popular acts within and adjacent to the same genre and beyond. He is the king of the Pacific Northwest underground music scene, and that is not a compliment.


Montresor by Goblin Cock

alf says:

I can’t imagine any red-blooded right wing man not at the very least tapping along to decent rock/metal. Just generally easy to listen to.

listened to Control, it’s a bit too emo for my taste. I’m judging purely on the music though, not knowledgeable on the biographical aspect.

I’ve been known to shill for Tool’s Unholy Trinity (Aenema, Lateralus, 10.000 Days). Great music, never heard anything like it since (inb4 LmAo JuST aNoTHeR 90s pRoG RoCK BanD). Individual musicians are talented, the intricacies of the beats are great (no 4/4 for these guys), and it’s all together just very much my jam. For instance

Used to be a rock / metal guy, now I tend to lean more towards electronic music.

Halcyon Days by by Mokhov

DVRST – Close Eyes

But most of the time when I listen to music, I listen with the family, and it’s more like this:

Claw Boys Claw – Rosie

Alexis Ffrench – Bluebird

Hesiod says:

Speaking of prog rock (the greatest art form devised by mortal man, come at me bro), try this:

Lyrically, it concerns this gentleman:

Big Big Train can be considered under the subgenre retro prog, harkening back sonically to the original 70s pioneers. Their music frequently deals with past days of English and European glory. Melancholic but also invokes a sense of hope, like waiting for the reemergence of King Arthur.

alf says:

Hey that’s pretty cool.

i says:

Interesting that the rot starts with Architecture then Art then Music.

Failure begins with Visual Symphony first with the interior and exterior of buildings, then paintings then its impacts Aural Architecture in Music.

Good music continued to be produced in the 80’s and 90’s but the buildings have long fallen by then.

Beauty in the Visual must be restored as much as in Music. None should be neglected.

Neurotoxin says:

On the bankruptcy of “modern art”: It was recently discovered that a Mondrian painting has been hanging upside down for 75 years. No one could tell.

i says:


Architecture is Physical Music in the language of Sight. And Aural Music is the Architectural design of Sound.

When God spoke physical reality manifested.

As Eru and the Ainur sang. Arda was afterwards created from their Music.

Cloudswrest says:

Interesting samizdat possibilities. I’m not necessarily referring to the specific message shown. Small vehicle with a laser projector (which could then drive away), or EVEN a drone at night, would give very large range. Any high flat surface at night at a crowded event.

Red says:

Looks like Musk is releasing the goods on the feds using twitter to censor people:

All Hail the Holy Star Prophet.

Red says:

They built a software portal to automate the take downs:

Red says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Ha ha, jackass.

everybody understands why archive links are utility right? The archival process strips out a ton of potential vectors for malignant. tracking. it also enhances basic OPSEC. additionally, it deprives the source website of traffic, which has tactical value for you, the user, and strategic value for our tribe, our people, and our side in the online IEW. I know it is a bit of a hassle, but once you get used to it, you will start to see how it’s just a better methodological approach to what we do as digital paladins.

Red says:

The primary use is avoiding bit rot and mild censorship. Don’t kid yourself about the opsec nature of it. Good opsec requires harden systems with safe wireguard VPNs. Also targeting happens over posting behavior. If they decided target over browsing behavior they’ll be investigating 100 million+ people. Too much noise.

Kunning Druegger says:

Entiendo, but while kneepads and gloves aren’t body armor against bullets, wearing them will help an operator to be more fluidly mobile and resilient, that’s my point regarding OPSEC.

Red says:

I think it’s an excellent idea to use achieve links and we should all do it. I’d like to see Jim’s archives being fully fleshed out and useful 20 years from now.

But Jesus you pissed me off posting them after my comments. I felt like I was back on reddit and KD was a god dammned faggot correction bot.

So I’ll post the damn archive links, just stop being faggot about it.

Happy Halloween KD.

Mister Grumpus says:

There’s a business, BTW. Let someone (anonymously) pay a little bit of Ether Gas to have a web page archived on the blockchain with an immutable link.

Or is that actually ultra hyper hard?

jim says:

Ether belongs to our enemies. It is no longer a blockchain, but a bank.

Mister Grumpus says:

Fine fine. Some kind of Monaro-Cardano-BTC tricks or whatever.

All I can say is that there must be plenty of occasions out there where guys see something and say “Damn. I wish I could pay five bucks, right now, to make sure this 50 kilobytes of information stays accessible out there, at least for N years.”


Fidelis says:

I agree in principle, but I am not sure how much actual control they have over the network. It would be noticed pretty quickly if the underlying validators started acting in unison to censor a particular piece of information, say a hash address of a static webpage that had something interesting to say. Same thing goes for tokens and contract calls as well. People would see the censorship, raise the alarm, and in no time at all the whole thing would plunge in value, which would actually kill the system now that it moved to PoS. There are too many devs that actually believe the message of a value neutral Free Transaction network, and aren’t as capable of overcoming the crimestop that allows you or I to smell the sulfur, if the social contract breaks then they quit eth and build on something else. Crypto doesn’t pay as well as traditional software, most devs believe in the mission not the money.

The recent episode with Tornado Cash revealed this. Immediately all the rotten infrastructure revealed itself, and now devs are working on filling in the gaps of the system. The current belief is that the validator network is still value neutral and censorship proof; if that changes, more drastic shifts in alignment will occur.

jim says:

> The recent episode with Tornado Cash revealed this. Immediately all the rotten infrastructure revealed itself, and now devs are working on filling in the gaps of the system.

If you are unwilling to call out the enemy as the vicious lying hateful demon worshiping treacherous murderous faggots that they are, you are likely to find it difficult to fill the “gaps” in the system.

The problem is that the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Holy war approaches. Indeed holy war began in 2014, but normality bias means that people are taking a long time to realize that war is upon them.

I saw the rotten infrastructure a very long time ago. If the good guys in ether are only seeing it now, they have a problem. Which does not mean the good guys are bound to lose, but I have as much confidence in them as I have in Musk introducing FreezePeach on Twitter.

It is not so much a question of how much control the enemy have. They in fact have very little control. Within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, they are in a position of severe weakness. The problem is that they are willing to lie, to betray their friends and kin, to murder their friends and kin, and are likely to get away with murdering their friends and kin and feel extremely holy about doing so. They are at war, and using psychological and spiritual warfare to prevent those that they intend to destroy from going to war against them. They are utterly unwilling to compromise, while piously offering compromises that they have absolutely no intention of honoring, while those that they intend to destroy (and they intend to destroy all that are good and all that is good) will make compromises that turn out to be completely onesided, and will continue to honor those compromises even after the other side has utterly dishonored them.

To fill the “gaps” in the system, you will need to so from the psychological and spiritual frame that you are at war with demons. The enemy is very few and very weak. The problem is that the good guys are spiritually disarmed. You have to realize that compromise is impossible, or rather that the enemy is very willing to compromise whenever it finds itself momentarily in a position of weakness, but has not the slightest intention of honoring those compromises.

Fidelis says:

I realize this, I know that there is no compromise or deal to be made with the possessed and deranged. There are not enough it seems on the right side of the bell curve willing to understand this. They project their detached rationalism, “oh this is just rational actors acting out their desire for money and status.” I cannot tell you how many conversations I’ve had with people who recognize the recent pathogen crisis was engineered, recognize that europe is getting fucked on energy, recognize that the war in ukraine is fully a reaonse to usg imperial policy, but still do not buy the nature or motivation of those behind the schemes. They do not model the enemy as possessed by hatred, envy, desire for annihilation, and so they will not understand when the enemy harms themselves and makes irrational plays to enacy these desires. These people already overcame much crimestop, but did not pass the final hurdle. What can be done with those that do not even model the power structure as parasitic, let alone demonic? Nothing, you can only spread the seed widely on hopes it will find fertile soil.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’ve been thinking about this problem for a while now. it is so frustrating to interact with people who can point out and name scores of trees, but for some reason abjectly refuse to notice the forest that contains them. I think it is a fool’s errand to attempt to fact them into awakening.

so I have landed at the position. that fiction is the only way to sell the truth. there needs to be in abundance of well-crafted, engaging, and beautiful movies and stories and songs, all of which subtly or otherwise point to the idea that daemons roam the earth. The question in my mind is how to go about this. for some reason, the traditionalist side of our culture cannot seem to in to art in the right formulation to break into the popular consciousness. I don’t buy the leftist idea that all artists are left-wing. in fact, when you look at the nuts and bolts of the creation of art, artists are some of the most conservative people imaginable. but the left seems to have a lock on art culture as it perceives itself. I feel so strongly that this is the correct path, that I think all efforts of the dissident right and friends should be focused on generating high quality art of every type. unfortunately, I don’t think this idea is quite that popular yet.

alf says:

all efforts of the dissident right and friends should be focused on generating high quality art of every type.

I’m not too far from this sentiment. There’s way too little quality art in all sort of mediums. And it really shouldn’t be that hard. Could be as simple as a horror movie with progs as possessed by demons. Still, takes lots of time, energy and putting oneself out there.

What can be done with those that do not even model the power structure as parasitic, let alone demonic?

The tried and tested version in the bible is that civilization ends, demons and sinners are punished for their crimes, and those who stuck to God get to survive another day. Sodom and Ghomorra. It’s not pretty, but it’s quite possibly what we have.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is not so much that modern artists are all leftists, but that the actual leftists, who are as helpless at art as they are at anything else besides status hacking, spend a lot of effort on proselytizing and converging platforms for art.

A random content creator is, like most other random subjects, going to be more or less passively absorbing the zeitgeist of his milieu, and he will thus likewise repeat the spirit of the times in other forms of art, which itself in turn further boosts the signal of that zeitgeist.

Kunning Drueger says:

Don’t I know it, St. John. The “art community,” consisting of critics, part time teachers, buyers, attenders of exhibitions, bloggers, and others, are leftist trash. The artists are smart enough to keep the gravy train chugging.

skippy says:

“I saw the rotten infrastructure a very long time ago. If the good guys in ether are only seeing it now, they have a problem. ”

What do you think of Cardano today?

jim says:

It always seemed to me that Cardano was a plot to double cross the Cathedral. My judgment now is that they got cold feet, or that the plot was penetrated and forestalled by true believers in Harvard doctrine.

The trouble with playing ball with the enemy, is that you are going to let in true believers in enemy doctrine.

The enemy has become increasingly aggressive in its efforts at penetrating every potential group capable of resistance.

Also, their technology was very cool, but now all existing blockchain technology has been rendered obsolete by recursive zk-snarks, or, as I prefer to call them, because I hate unpronounceable acronyms, zeeks. All existing blockchain technologies are now equally obsolete.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, is this obsolescence something that can be fixed by introducing/incorporating zeeks, or is it game over for all of them?

jim says:

We shall see.

It will take a while for things to shake out.

The difference that zeeks make matters most at scale, and at scale there is a lot of lockin due to network effects. So if game over, it is going to take a long time. Network effects tend to be complex and difficult to understand or predict.

Likely the process will be long, complex, and messy, with zeek based addons and services to existing currencies, and the addons eventually swallow the thing they were added onto, and one of the addons swallows all of the others.

A zeek based dex is likely to transform from a place where currencies are converted into each other, to a currency. This is Henry de Faggot’s bright idea, but I think he will be eaten by enemies that he thinks are his friends.

At this point, I do not know what is going to happen. It all depends on network effects and network lockin. The cleanest, simplest, fastest, and best solution is a new zeek based currency but any new zeek based currency faces one hell of a cold start problem. Network lockout. But, if it could somehow surmount the cold start problem, it would be a stupendously profitable investment.

Henry de Faggot has good intent, and a very good idea, but he is working within a worker’s coop. Worker’s coops rely on the selfless virtue of some of their members, which virtue they fail to reward. So eventually all the good people leave and the coop is overrun by loser scumbags. On the other hand, his coop is full of good people and has achieved some good stuff.

Kunning Druegger says:

Forgive this potentially silly thought, but there appears to be 1-2 major coins, a handful of medium coins, and a mess of small coins. I’ve watched enough of the demo/introduction videos to know that a lot of these projects are little more than pump & dump schemes. So a “new” zeek coin could sidestep the cold start issue by acquiring as many little coins as possible after calculating what the low threshold number needed to become a “player.” But out the little coins purely for their user bases, then roll out your system, paying closest attention to active market segments so you can very quickly get a large amount of Proof of Concept data. All of this with the goal of not competing with the big coins, but forcing them to adopt zeeks. Is that all just silliness?

jim says:

Buying market share turns out to be a piss poor strategy for overcoming the cold start problem. Google+ could not do it, I surely cannot.

Any big network is a network of little networks, and the cold start problem is one of launching on a very little network on which one has a viable use case – or as many such little networks as possible. Google+ launched everywhere, and did not have a viable use case anywhere.

Henry de Faggot arguably does have viable cold start use case for Penumbra. I suspect that right now a whole lot of clever people are looking for viable cold start use cases for zeek based systems.

There is a gold rush under way, but whether any of us are going to hit gold any time soon remains to be seen.

Ted says:

Musk is quickly becoming more of a problem for the elite than Trump.

Starman says:

Elon can destroy every single Russian satellite, although he doesn’t intend to.

Without Elon, the Russians can easily remove the GAE from outer space.

Kunning Drueger says:

How would Elon destroy Russia’s satellites?

jim says:

Elon’s satellites are powered and capable of changing orbits. Add a shotgun, or replace the comms gear with a shotgun or grenade launcher.

Russian anti satellite weapons rely on matching orbits and then creeping up on their target – have not yet mastered the art of a popup rocket that is nearly stationary at apogee while its target approaches at five miles per second. So a shotgun or something like that would be useful both as an anti satellite weapon, and as an anti anti satellite weapon.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

At orbital velocities, even an object the size of a grain of sand can have catastrophic effects, and there is no fluid medium slowing things down either.

Warheads designed for space can have dramatically larger kill radii than in atmosphere by kicking up huge dust clouds which overwhelm targets like this.

jim says:

there is a lot of space in space. It is non trivial to land a grain of sand on target.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well yes, that’s why warheads designed for atmosphere with large fragments are less effective.

Starman says:

Due to orbital velocity, a shotgun wouldn’t be needed for a Starlink to destroy a Russian satellite. A collision will do just the thing. There are 3,000+ and growing number of Starlinks. There are only 169 Russian satellites.

With the high delta V electric propulsion and enormous number of Starlinks, Elon can use just a small fraction of his constellation to destroy every single Russian satellite.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Large scale constellations of microsats for use as ISR and C2 networks, can just as easily be used as a constellation of seek-and-destroy KKVs.

The polygonite injunction against ‘dual-use technologies’ is really, like many of its platforms, an injunction against civilization itself; any good technology is going to be a ‘dual-use’ technology – because the advancement of capital, that which increases potency, is that which increases potency.

jim says:

The uniformity of censorship on all outlets was always obviously centralized, with decisions being implemented abruptly on on all platforms simultaneously.

We now know where the center was. This was always direct state censorship.

Well, if Musk does not quietly play along (and right now he is being extremely loud) they have to toss their rhetoric of freedom, tolerance, and democracy overboard by publicly telling the richest man in the world to impose silence.

The rhetoric was always a lie from the beginning. It is absolutely inherent in the nature of the state that there is always a state religion, doubt gets silenced, people are compelled to affirm state truth. It has always been this way and will always be this way, but it is relatively harmless when official truth sticks to unfalsifiable claims as it did centuries ago. Problem when the state imposes faith on matters falsifiable and blatantly false:

The jab is safe and effective, and it is a complete mystery who so many young healthy athletic people are suddenly dropping down dead in public. Also the jabbed are not continually getting one long lasting covid infection after another and spreading it around. It is the unvaccinated who are getting covid, the unvaccinated I tell you. It is effectve. Effective. Effective. Russian aggression. 🙃

Problem is that Musk hopes to make our officially unofficial state religion live up to its lies. This is normality bias. He would have an easier time flying to Mars without a rocket. The only cure is to replace the state religion with one less intrusive and homicidal – for example 1810 official Christianity. Even Talibanic Islam is more tolerant than liberal democracy, because you can tell the truth about this world.

Red says:

Problem is that Musk hopes to make our officially unofficial state religion live up to its lies. This is normality bias. He would have an easier time flying to Mars without a rocket. The only cure is to replace the state religion with one less intrusive and homicidal – for example 1810 official Christianity. Even Talibanic Islam is more tolerant than liberal democracy, because you can tell the truth about this world.

Indeed. I didn’t want to dump on Elon for this fine act, but he may have fucked himself by revealing it. There’s a strong belief by a lot of the factions completing for power that Starlink and SpaceX would much better if a strong African Warrior woman was put in charge of it instead of Musk.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is highly unlikely that one of /ourguys/, fully steeped and indoctrinated, is going to suddenly ascend. More likely, some edgy or outsider normie will try to build something on a foundation he blindly believes exists (but does not), and after it collapses or gets destroyed, will be driven by spite or vengeance into our fold.

So let Musk think he can restore something that doesn’t exist. The pain of that disappointment will make him more receptive to the jagged red pill.

Starman says:


”There’s a strong belief by a lot of the factions completing for power that Starlink and SpaceX would much better if a strong African Warrior woman was put in charge of it instead of Musk.”

Do that, and the US military loses control of outer space (before Elon, the ULA could barely launch a few launches a year, and was heavily reliant on Russian rocket engines for its expendable launch vehicles. All US military and a tiny handful of US commercial satellites were handmade bespoke billion dollar creations).

And after that, the US military is over as a power that anyone will take seriously.

jim says:

But you cannot say that out loud without being racist, sexist, and homophobic, so the sane elements of the government have to inexplicably make an unprincipled exception.

Mister Grumpus says:

No problem. They’ll just open up the ShaniquaSpace Corporation across the street and prove once and for all that the racists were wrong.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Problem is that Musk hopes to make our officially unofficial state religion live up to its lies. This is normality bias.”

Hang on. Normality bias said that Visa and Mastercard would set up their own P2P money transfer website, that electric cars would never work well, and that more-affordable space transport was impossible.

Mind reading people 1-2SD smarter is a fool’s hobby, but who here thinks Elon really is as politically square and normie as he says he is? I just can’t believe that myself.

But it could also be — and this is effectively the argument that some make that Jimmism is Death when it comes to hope and motivation — that only by being as naively normie as Elon appears to be, would he have ever bothered to try so damn hard to accomplish so many things in this actual IRL world, if everything he ever built was destined to be a street shitting safe space for negroes.

Your assorted thoughts and takes please.

jim says:

You are arguing that if he is smart enough to accomplish what he has accomplished, he is smart enough to accurately assess Cathedral reaction.

Let us suppose he has assessed Cathedral reaction. In that case FreezePeach is unlikely to return to Twitter, because attempting to return it would be suicidal. And the censorship of Musk’s “misinformation” about Pelosi’s beard suggests he has assessed the likely response to FreezePeach as Elon gets Epsteined.

In which case what is the plan? Spending forty billion to by something that is going to belong to the Very Holy Priesthood?

Looks to me that when he twittered on Pelosi’s beard he was thinking he could do FreezePeach. When that tweet vanished, he was re-assessing.

Mister Grumpus says:

Your argument of course makes sense, but there’s also the Poker Face Gambit of saying something obviously true and daring your opponent to pounce on it anyway.

It’s the “4D Chess” pattern that many of us hopefully projected/hallucinated onto Trump’s words and actions (and look how that worked out, whimper).

Can only naïveté move mountains? Many have argued this.

Mister Grumpus says:

Elon is still kind of a con guy. He says stuff will happen that doesn’t happen, at least not when he said it would. Solar City went flat, and that Tesla Semi still smells fishy to me, but we’ll see. So he knows how to bullshit the masses to get what he wants, and I prefer him that way.

He also said that buying Twitter was an “accelerant” to creating “X, the Everything App”, which I’ll just hope (in Saint Star Prophet Elonanon) will be something quite like Jim’s Crypto Comm’s and Payment System, with apps and virtual machines too or something.

To really pull that off, though, he’d probably need his own global space-based P2P internet ISP, oh wait right.

Which is to say that buying Twitter would just be for the Rolodex, so as to auto-generate X accounts for Everyone Who Matters. Embrace and Extend, after all.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Gimmicks like DeSo are advertising themselves under his tweets; there’s no way he is not at least aware of the concept.

Mister Grumpus says:

Closing this out:

“In which case what is the plan? Spending forty billion to buy something that is going to belong to the Very Holy Priesthood?”

Most likely, he’s a certain kind of automatically naive, and really doesn’t get the Cathedral thing yet. That he really is playing it straight. And crucially, that if he wasn’t Cathedral-wise, he’d never have knocked himself out for 30-40 straight years to accomplish and build what he has so far.

And less likely, he’s smarter than all of us, and is on a straight-faced crypto-based suicide mission to build up humanity’s great escape plan around AI domination (Neuralink), around Bronze Age Communication Collapse (Starlink), and to a backup planet a safe enough distance away from Shaniqua (SpaceX).

Like Qanon at first and Trump’s Rubicon, the latter take is the much better story. Just how this Twitter thing goes down (over multiple years, people), and whether Elon’s Hypercrypto WeChat Clone app includes enough Jimmy Architecture to do what it needs to do, will tell us everything we need to know.

The Cominator says:

I do know that the Michael Flynn avenue of attack on Musk where he gets screwed over by his lawyer won’t happen…

I saw the name Alex Spiro on the news article about Musk as his legal/political consiglieri I knew an Alex Spiro… and its the same guy. Alex unlike most lawyers (and jew lawyers) is an honest stand up guy I knew him when he was younger.

onyomi says:

This reminds me of the fact that my parents and grandparents grew up in the same Southern city as I did and spoke fondly of the fact that, as children, they could walk to school, play outside, etc. safely and no one worried about crime, abduction, etc.

That was not the case when I was growing up there and even less so now, though there was a “tough-on-crime” period after Rodney King and OJ when things got a bit better for a bit. Note that the jogger proportion of the population was high then, is actually probably lower now, percentage-wise, due to Hispanic influx.

Part of it may have been a generally higher risk tolerance back in those days. But still, it was a majority jogger city and the whites felt comfortable to let there kids walk to school like you still see in Japan.

What changed? Obviously nothing but the will to keep the joggers separate.

Red says:

What changed? Obviously nothing but the will to keep the joggers separate.

It’s the legalization of crime. For most of the population crime is a perception issue. If they observe criminals getting caught every time they commit even a small crime and doing hard time, then those inclined towards crime are less likely to commit crimes. If they see criminals running wild then more and more the population gets involved in crime.

Japan has this problem solved down to a T. They keep a few petty non violent criminals around while most criminals are arrested very quickly for every crime. When they hit a major crime case where they can’t solve it quickly, they arrest a petty criminal and railroad them. Thus keeping the perception that criminals always get caught. Even the guy who gets away with murder this way is unlikely to re-commit the crime as he’s sure he got away due to some fluke.

Finally criminals work on a ladder system. Small crimes, then larger crimes, then murder, etc. If they get nailed hard on the smaller stuff most never advance up the ladder to the next sort of crime. When DA’s stop prosecuting smaller crimes more and more criminals just keep climbing that ladder. That’s why there is a lag between the start of soft on crime polices and the resulting crime wave.

jim says:

> they arrest a petty criminal and railroad them. Thus keeping the perception that criminals always get caught.

Also advertising the reality that major crimes always get investigated, and that they are always under pressure to do something. Reality here is that major crimes get routinely overlooked, as with Saint Trayvon Martin, even if the perpetrator, being stoned out of his wits, stumbles into the lap of the cops.

onyomi says:

A lot of leftism seems to consistent in pretending that problems for which simple solutions already exist are somehow intractable or very complex:

I feel an entire ugly, obscurantist aesthetic of philosophy, art, architecture, etc. have been built up around such a premise (e.g. Derrida, architecture that is intentionally neither comfortable nor appealing to the eye).

Red says:

The leftist goal on crime is pretty clear: They want more of it. The lies they tell about the subject in order to muddy the waters to make it seem complex and so they don’t get blamed for it.

The zero bail movement was especially bad in this regard. A lot of crime is caused during drug or booze filled rampages which bail tends to cut short. With zero bail the rampages continue for days or weeks as the average time someone is in jail before bail is just hours.

That tweet you posted is a great example of an elite:

Nothing reminds you of the existence of the deep state in the West as much as listening to leaders like Bukele or Orban tell you how they solved their issues: “I stopped the crime wave by putting criminals in jail”

Elites can create memes that resonate and focus thoughts into simple ideas that are easily shared and for the purposes of collective action.

i says:


Black Americans used to be the inventors of Blues and Disco. But after Prison got the criminals together rather than restitution via fines, caning and death.

And the subsidization of matriarchy and attack on Patriarchy.

Rap and degenerate gang culture proliferated. And boosted by the mainstream producers became mainstream overall.

Tattoos also became a mainstream phenomenon nowadays.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yakuza was the Japanese government’s unofficial contractor. That also gave the government some leverage over organized crime and helped kept crimes relatively petty.

Red says:

I’m not real clear on how the Yakuza actually works. I don’t trust western sources on it and the Japanese have an incentive to lie about it.

onyomi says:

I am not an expert, but have lived in Japan for extended periods at various times and speak Japanese.

My impression is that certain traditional Yakuza groups are allowed to run certain legal and semi-legal racquets, like gambling, “massage” parlors, and what in America we’d call “carnie” stuff. In return, the Yakuza do their part to absorb or intimidate/get rid off the sort of petty criminal that would make normie Japanese feel unsafe in their own, non-red light district neighborhoods.

Besides the obvious red-light districts, like Tokyo’s Kabuki-cho, I’ve heard comments from Japanese friends to the effect of “oh, this is a yakuza neighborhood” upon passing a house with an obviously much higher-than-normal level of privacy and security. Such neighborhoods are actually deemed even safer-than-average for the normie due to the above plus “don’t shit where you eat” effect.

Red says:

Interesting. Thank you for the information.

The Cominator says:

Hmmmm i cant say much more but i just found out who Musk’s lawyer is… i knew the guy pretty well at one point.

Hesiod says:

Ha, the Cathedral forgives itself over its Covid mandates and driving NPCs into hysterics:

“We didn’t know.”


Kunning Drueger says:

I called this a little while back. They will somehow sneak out from under the consequences, and a year from now, we’ll have always known it was just the flu, that the experimental vaccines were inherently risky, and that governors acted extremely because Trump demanded them do so.

Heavy D says:

These shameless motherfuckers are practically begging for The Cominator Solution.

Any fucking “leader” or pundit who was still pro-lockdown after May 15, 2020, and hasn’t publicly begged for forgiveness should be fed feet first into a wood chipper. (And May 15 is really fucking generous.)

onyomi says:

Honestly, of all the disturbing, disheartening developments of the past few years, I think that, at this point, none bothers me more than the lack of interest in the pandemic origins and preventing it happening again. Of course, that might involve confronting China, which is legitimately difficult, but the more important and logistically, if not politically, easier part is confronting the academic science/NSF/pharma nexus that probably caused all this in the first place, in addition to profiting off it massively.

I recall agreeing with libertarians about how depressing it was that the US govmt.’s failure to keep us safe on 9-11 resulted in a huge increase in trust and power invested in that same government. As in other respects, covid proved to be 9-11 on steroids.

Kunning Druegger says:

Blue Tribe has loved Covid top to bottom. They indulge in fear porn and get rewarded. They get to turn in neighbors for insufficient faith. They get to wear their loyalty in an obvious way. They always have something “important” to talk about. It is hard on the post modern, being so full of faith while not allowing oneself to be faithful. Their dirty little fantasy would be a covid emergency every year.

Red says:

Here’s the new Pelosi Narrative.

Guess it’s the best they could do with what they had to work with:

Hesiod says:

“He later told cops Pelosi was “taking the punishment instead” of his wife.”

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say no more!

Red says:

The cops body cams will never be released.

Meanwhile India is cracking down on Cathedral controlled media platforms for fake news/anti India propaganda:

someDude says:

Let’s wait and see if anything comes out of this. We are still waiting for something to come out of the Sadhus getting lynched in Marathwada

[…] The poverty of the billionaire ruling elite. […]

Pax Imperialis says:

Lol Kunning Drueger, you got featured

Kunning Druegger says:

I reread it multiple times. I am just not getting what he’s saying about Jim’s essay, and I am even further miffed by the inclusion of my comments. His site is painfully reminiscent of myspace circa 2005, both in form and content.

5/7 would not archive

Red says:

Looked almost like an AI bot scraper.

Kunning Drueger says:

…that actually makes a little sense. Am I just missing the point? The whole piece just doesn’t really convey anything, it does seem like a poorly trained GPT.

Red says:

Nah, I don’t think you missed anything. Just a randomly collection of junk built by a computer.

someDude says:

If he is not an AI, I’m pretty sure even he does not get what he is saying.

Pax Imperialis says:

GAE has holy skyscrapers now. We’re going backwards.

Cloudswrest says:

The thought of wood skyscrapers gives me the creeps. Not because I don’t think the (new) wood is strong enough, but concrete and steel don’t suffer from mold, mildew, dry rot, termites, ants, etc., or inflammability. Few story buildings give owners plenty of time to repair incipient structural failures. And even when the occur it’s often just a sag.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think wood is strong enough except under strictly ideal conditions… all wood skyscrapers are 9/11s waiting to happen but they will need a lot less than plane…

Pseudo-CHrysostom says:

The traditional method of preserving wood is ‘precombustion’, where the surface is fired and soot brushed off, leaving a thermolytically transformed passivation layer that is chemically stable.

Can’t really do that with glued laminates or plywood, though.

Adam says:

We are in the process of developing an oak wood floor that has been torched on the surface, lightly sanded and finished for a certain look. Traditional glues fail. We are hoping for better luck with marine grade epoxy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Vox is so painfully gay.

Pax Imperialis says:

Which makes it, along with NPR, a great insight into the regime. They are also pretty good proxy measurements for how bad things are getting based on how much they gloat.

The Count of Montecristo says:

Apparently James Meek, the missing ABC producer Jim mentioned isn’t dead yet, as he has briefly resurfaced:

Contaminated NEET says:

Chalk one up for normalcy bias.

Red says:

Why was the daily mail hanging out at his mother’s house?

Red says:

So it looks like him. How good are the deep fake photos? The videos still suck and I note the lack of a video with the article.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Looks like Jair is going to cuck out.

Milosevic says:

He was always going to cuck. Contrast Elon’s actions upon taking over a hostile organisation to Trump’s and Bolsonaro’s. They never intended on doing what had to be done.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Believe elections’ is of course a very convenient sentiment to promote when one is the dominant power in society in the first place, with the greatest ability to arrange various means of producing the stage act with desired results.

George says:

Speaking of that, is there any viable candidate who actually really would take on the Deep State (which Trump claimed to want to do, but didn’t really, at least not yet)?
re Elon: For which, unlike Twitter, you probably can’t just “buy them out (the Deep State)”… Unless perhaps you’re able to wager huge money at making really good predictions in the market.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s worth asking yourself just how one can actually do that IRL. Everybody ragging on DeSantis but his is the only facefag business model to go on.

Answering another way: Anyone who believes and understands that if he doesn’t fight it, he and his family will get Romanov’ed.

Kunning Drueger says:

The “rule of law” faction will always cuck out. We can’t expect conservatives as a group to favor order, structure, and hierarchy, then ask them violate their deepest held principles, even if it’s in their own best interests.

We may be better off allying with old school leftists and schizos at this point.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the reasons why persons of a conservative temperament are rarely leftish in the first place, is that the idea that one’s greatest enemies, the greatest threats to one’s country, are in fact people who are nomianlly your own countrymen, is almost impossible to contemplate, an inconceivable anathema beyond perception.

(The leftist, of course, cannot conceive of anything *except* such a notion.)

The Cominator says:

I guess being both a right winger and a paranoid Ive never understood this blind spot…

someDude says:

At this point, it cant be called a blind spot. They just do not want to see that their own countrymen want them dead. You can’t wake up someone pretending to sleep.

Red says:

That pretty much explains everything about the behavior of leftists and conservatives in public politics.

Adam says:

Also leads to a serious vulnerability- normalcy bias. Conservatism in general not lending itself particularly well to exploring new territory. I can’t help it but think the religious rights conservative temperament is what is keeping them in bed with feminism. The churches are all converged, and are completely unable to integrate the work of Saint Darwin, along with red pill truths on female nature, and the meaning of Old Testament patriarchy.

The Cominator says:

rule of law is cuckservative not every right winger is cuckservative…

Kunning Drueger says:

Desantis is. Trump is. Lake is. More importantly, vastly more importantly, all of the cheque writing class is cuckservative. So yes, fellow internet lone wolf, you and I aren’t. And I know at least 3 IRL humans who aren’t. Each one of them is a slovenly, isolated, tinfoil bedecked nobody. I don’t like saying this, but the reality we face is that our largest pool of possible allies are exactly the type to stoically march themselves into captivity rather than operationalize the Friend/Enemy Distinction.

Adam says:

Yes even if Desantis or Trump were to take power, best we could hope for is they halt the holiness spiral. Which would be an improvement. But every time I wander into a mainstream conservative/right space I am confronted immediately with the reality that the distance between us and them, is much greater than the distance between them and the left.

There are just so few truly reactionary rightists.

Pax Imperialis says:

Watch many of their heads explode when you say “America is a communist country”

No amount Mao praising Marxist politicians in the highest levels of government ever convinces them.

Red says:

> I don’t like saying this, but the reality we face is that our largest pool of possible allies are exactly the type to stoically march themselves into captivity rather than operationalize the Friend/Enemy Distinction.

After watching what the Wagner Group is doing, I think faith is a massive force multiplier.

Heavy D says:

> Desantis is.


DeSantis has spent the past 18 months punching leftists in the mouth. Contrast with Trump, who was all tweet and no action.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The declination to call out the militia in response to glownigras closing the pool at habbo hotel (due to lack of AIDS) was pretty damning.

Red says:

Could you explain? I’m clearly missing some a reference and googling didn’t reveal what they are.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Red says:

Duh, should have been obvious.

DeSantis is clearly not on our side but his cleaning up of FLordia against the Cathderal’s wishes indicates he may be on his own side in the quest for power. Letting them take Trump out both keeps him in the elite club and eliminates a rival. The only way DeSantis wins the 2024 presidential primary with any legitimacy is with Trump Epstined. He betrayed the very man who got him elected.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would not be too hard on DeSantis throwing Trump under the bus. Trump did it to the I.VI protesters, and he failed to do what is necessary. No one owes him loyalty if he is not going to lead. He might be of more value to us Epsteined than running. Him getting rigged out of an easy win is business as usual. Him getting murdered is another escalation that will push more people out of their normalcy bias and into realizing that the game has changed.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis can’t save Trump anyway don’t blame DeSantis for what happens to Trump… Trump failed to cross the Rubicon. I’ll always like the guy for getting close to the Rubicon and exposing our political class but everything he did once the WuFlu hoax hit was wrong. Hes too old and not as sharp as he used to be…

People’s minds start to go in their late 70s generally…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course, it’s understandable that he would stand aside while events progressed around him.

But then, that’s the whole point, innit?

The clownshow is facilitated by millions of men making millions of individual decisions to stay out of immediate trouble – that’s what it means to be normalcy biased.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

Not listening to Soros explain the right to the right.

someDude says:

Your largest pool of allies are followers. Need a leader. Once the leader commands them to operationalize the Friend/Enemy distinction, they will do with an alacrity that outmatches their current stoicism.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The main problem is the Circular Firing Squad problem.

Plenty of people able to fight, and receptive to fighting; but they’re all collectively waiting for ‘The Signal’.

First man of prominence to announce that normality is over wins.

Ghost says:

I wouldn’t start celebrating the Musk/Twitter news just yet. Trump is still blocked as is Ye. Musk is hanging on to a key censor agent. It’s my opinion that he’s storing wealth and gaining name-brand.

The Sanhedrin has likely read him the riot act along with the Feds. He’s smart enough to know he’ll get Kanyed if he swerves out of his lane.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

People who cannot pass the shill test do not get to tell us that right wingers are insufficiently right wing.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

Tell us what Soros has been up to. Soros shills can say “nigger nigger nigger Rothschilds Rothschilds nigger Rothschilds” all day long. Soros shills are allowed to hate blacks and women all day long, provided everyone agrees that Jews are smart, blacks are magical, and women can do no wrong.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

I asked what Soros has been up to lately. He probably wants all those evil things you listed, but what has he in fact done to accomplish them?

Your list of evil things that Soros supposedly wants avoids acknowledging that Soros is special, in doing effective things to accomplish certain of them. It is a general indictment of Jews, and fails to notice that some people, disproportionately Jewish people, are doing particular bad things.

It therefore fits into the Marxist narrative that anyone who has anything, including Soros, Musk, and the man who owns a Dominos franchise on the corner, was assigned those things by Rothschilds so: “Fight the power, kill the cows of the peasant who was unfairly assigned two cows, burn down the liquor store” Which narrative Soros is pushing, and his success in pushing it manifests as Ukrainian Nazis forcing Ukrainians to die for Globohomo, Soros, Victoria Nuland, and Zelensky.

Red says:

Musk is keeping the election news censorship system. It appears someone told him either play ball or get fucked and he decided to play ball.

Sad but not unexpected. The rigging of the midterms is on.

Mister Grumpus says:

Fuck’s he supposed to do? He has nine untrans’ed kids left, all in bitch custody. I can’t imagine the pressure. Art of the possible, man.

The Cominator says:

Musk can’t change policy till his own guys go through the code for technical reasons…

He’s fact checking Biden and Hillary though so no I don’t think he is playing ball.

Mister Grumpus says:

Imagine how many enemy back doors are all over that thing by now. Good God. Plenty of Insider Threat stay-behinds as well. It’s the Silicon Valley Trump White House in there, wall to wall and basement to roof.

The Cominator says:

Unlike Trump Elon is doing mass purges and bringing in his own people to look over everything… and actually knowing his lawyer (not that we’ve spoken in a long time but I knew him very well growing up) I think Elon is probably a good judge of character which was one thing Trump was horrible at Trump couldn’t pick loyal people to save his life…

Pax Imperialis says:

Trump did pick enough loyal people, but all that was undermined by his own decisions. His problem was three part. He failed to fire the obviously unloyal. He fired those who where loyal. He failed to protect those loyal.

The end result was being mostly alone and isolated towards the end of the presidency and having to panic scramble to bring folks like Bannon back in the last hours.

jim says:

He had a horde of loyalists, and failed to hire them. Should have flooded any part of the state apparatus he could get at with Maga hat wearing Trump fans, the same way our enemies flood them with shitskin commie faggots.

Pax Imperialis says:

Bannon’s people were good, but they all got fired. Flynn wasn’t protected and people connected to him ran for the hills.

No amount of loyalists matters when they take one look at that and realize they could also end up on the chopping block.

Red says:

Trump put Pence in charge of hiring and he hired exclusively anti-Trumpers. The fact that Trump never figured this out says a lot about his ability to deal with people.

Pax Imperialis says:

VP technically has no power. Trump could have more or less kicked him out of any and all decision making, but he didn’t and the rest is history.

Aidan says:

Musk pays a lot of lip service. Patience is needed.

Ted says:


jim says:

Take the shill test.

skippy says:

fwiw I have much more confidence in Musk successfully playing 4D chess than Trump doing so.

ten says:

Everyone knew twitter was controlled by USG and everyone knew it wasn’t gonna be immediate total aryan victory just because some ink hit paper.

When the enemy screeches, i celebrate.

Seems his priority is combing over internals for skullduggery rather than unbanning everyone at once and drowning the site in niggerspam. I would probably do the same and didn’t expect anything else.

skippy says:

Kanye is still standing.

Ghost says:

Maybe so. But Free Speech, that is true free speech is an illusion and only exists so far as the majority are willing to tolerate. I want to see Trump back on Twitter dropping red pills. Until then, I’ll just observe.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Man-jawed catlady LIEberul journalist gets OWNED by spice merchant with FACTS and LOGIC.

ten says:

That is one pale & pasty indian that. Much props. 5k years in the loo, never mixed with the poo.

alf says:

I gather Russia is changing the military goal in UKR from ‘denazification’ to ‘desatanisation.’ Inspiring — (not archived because linking to the good guys, am I doing it right KD?)

jim says:

Archived machine translation: DeSatanization

Russia is not reliably or consistently on the side of Christ. If the satanists get the upper hand, this page may vanish

Red says:

If Putin doesn’t take up the mantel there are others who will:

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s working!!!

Archive the good guys too, just to keep pages alive that might get shoah’d. It’s a good habit to get into: find an interesting/valuable/cringeworthy page, archive it immediately. I do screenshots as well sometimes, like when the Georgia guidestones were attacked and a wikipedia heavyweight SJW swooped in to amend the page, and someone else sent “her” a coded message via talk page. Strange stuff, still have no idea what I saw, but Linda1986 didn’t get to disappear back under the murk unnoticed.

Kunning Druegger says:

Posting blind, hope doesn’t say anything dumb. Lol jk he never does.

Hesiod says:

Was waiting on my boy Razorfist to do a video on Pelosi’s backdoor man, but this is a more worthy subject.

Red says:

Great rant. I didn’t realized how upset I was about all this before that article went around. I was just happy the oppression from it had largely stopped. I watched doctors say on youtube that unvaxxed should get no medical care and die. Such evil people deserve to die from Vax Aids induced Black Hairy Tongue.

Hesiod says:

Tweet from a history professor excerpted for emphasis:

“How quickly we lost the memory battle over 2020. For over a year now, when my students write about covid, it’s about how no one was allowed to leave their homes due to government mandates infringing on our individual liberties.

That never happened, and they are so certain it did.”

Heavenly Father, please cleanse our wrath of petty, selfish desires for revenge and forge it pure to be a blade of Your Will.

Kunning Druegger says:

And at the very end of the article, we see that the Cathedral remains permanently embedded, even in the dissidents:

“Those who spoke against lockdowns and mandates in early 2020 showed that they were willing to stand up for the freedoms and Enlightenment principles for which our forebears fought so tirelessly, even when doing so was lonely, thankless, and hard.”

Ah yes, who could forget the timeless words of Locke in his second treatise: “Like, it’s just the flu, bro.”

The Cominator says:

it was basically just the flu just the flu shall not be mocked even if Locke was a lunatic.

Kunning Drueger says:

I will always back you bro, but I’m not always going to be happy about it.

The Cominator says:

who says revenge is not his will…

Red says:

It is God’s will that the evil will suffer and die for their sins. He is after all the God who smites entire civilizations who turn away from his natural law.

Hesiod says:

My mistake for the prayer being inclusive instead of simply personal. Wrath is a major sin for me as it always simmers just below the surface and when it erupts, my moral judgement suffers. This is why I love humor so much as that diffuses the rage a good deal of the time.

Please forgive me if I’m being needlessly melodramatic but I need God to guide me, else I’m lost in my own pride.

The Cominator says:

Righteous wrath is not a sin, it is gods will that we exterminate every leftist deus vult.

Kunning Druegger says:

You find your own grace, but if it’s a prayer, and others are trying to edit or critique your entreaty to God, The Creator, make no apology or qualification. Any man that tries to stand between a soul and the Divine better be pretty well blameless.

Rux says:

Same. It’s difficult to tamp down but I find some relief in considering that wrathful sentiment is usually of an abstract nature i.e. engaging the man on the street we’re usually more forgiving and less prone to condemn contra genocidal solutions for highly problematic groups of varying size and degree. In a world of prevalent evil wrath is an instinctive response for the righteous so I’d say you’re in good company.

Your prayer above about forging these sometimes unruly inclinations to our Lord’s will is something I reflect upon and wrestle with daily. Rest assured, Christ is guiding us.

Dr. Faust says:

There is no future which doesn’t record covid hysteria as a mistake. Most of the woke crap flies south of me, never touching my life. But the covid demon was in my face, unavoidable and constant. It hit my family, showed me which of them crumble under slight pressure from authority. The answer I got was all of them save myself which initially gave me a bit of pride, but was overshadowed by an undeniable isolation.

The truth of what went unseen during that time will come out eventually. Probably after everyone involved is dead and the revealing party can use it for their own platform.

Red says:

I think Elon’s no longer in charge of twitter. The fact checks that people were putting up on Biden tweets are now gone. I think the DOJ is serious about charging people with interfering with an election for posting anything they deem as disinformation. They probably threaten to arrest Elon if he allowed them to stay up and he complied.

Red says:

The election safety council or whatever they’re calling the fed proxies appear to be in charge.

Heavy D says:

[*deleted because I doubt information provided by Soros shills is useful*]

jim says:

Could be true or false, I do not know, but lately you have been pushing a fair bit of known false Soros misinfo.

If you don’t want your comments viewed with extreme prejudice, take the shill test.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

Could be true, but debating it with someone strangely unable to notice what Soros is up to is unlikely to be profitable.

Take the shill test. You can start by mentioning what Soros has been busy with lately.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like some minor celebrity just died of rapid onset Jab AIDS.

Last tweet the day before she died.


Wiki article on lethal fungus infecting immunocompromised individuals.

Red says:

Google the pictures of it of Black Hairy Tongue. That’s some gnarly shit.

Here lies Julie Powell dead from Black Hairy Tongue.

I have to wonder how many of these people are going to be left alive in a few years.

Red says:

She’s also had covid like 4 times. Jim’s right about the highly vaxxed getting the WuFlu over and over again.

jim says:

“Mucormycosis, also known as black fungus, is a serious fungal infection that comes under fulminant fungal sinusitis, usually in people who are immunocompromised. It is curable only when diagnosed early”

In other words she had a fatal sequel to collapse of her immune system, and her doctor refused to diagnose it because it might make the jab look bad. Doctors are under extreme pressure to refuse tests that might indicate harmful consequences of the jab, and to not diagnose ailments that were previously extremely rare, but are now killing large numbers of young healthy adults. Hey, it is completely normal for athletes in the prime of life to suddenly drop dead for absolutely no reason – or absolutely no reason that anyone can diagnose.

What hit her is an aids like sequel to the jab – the jab and covid both attack your immune system – weakened immune system, repeated covid infections that take an unreasonably long time to clear, which weakens your immune system further, eventually resulting in mild permacovid, then cancer or some opportunistic infection like black hairy tongue strikes you down.

Red says:

I live in a purplish area and I keep seeing people wearing N95 masks going to the store and other places while 90% of the people don’t wear a mask. The number of people wearing them has actually gone up month over month for the last 4 months. They keep looking around fearfully as well. I used to chock that up as holiness signaling, and it might originally been that.

Today I’m wondering if their friends are dropping dead to to the vaxes and other after effects, and that they keep catching covid over and over again. It would explain the real fear I see in their eyes. Worst of all their doctors won’t help them because their doctors are terrified of the truth.

jim says:

Well, if you are immuno compromised, going to wind up masking.

And it is becoming obvious that repeated boosting has produced widespread and serious immuno compromise.

Which does not necessarily imply that they are all going to keel over from heart disease and covid resemblng aids. But they well might eventually. We do not know yet, and I am pretty sure that the intent was to murder everyone, that the intent of the lockdown was an apparatus of coercion that would get everyone to take the jab, and the intent of the jab was mass murder on an enormous scale. Fortunately both Covid and the Jab were designed by Shaniqua.

jim says:
A2 says:

What a grotesque death.

Cloudswrest says:
Red says:

Based on Biden’s speech tonight the play is to rig, but mostly rig against MAGA republicans including multi day vote counting until they’ve produce enough ballots(Biden warns the counting will take days) and then arrest people who question the election for election interference. They’ll probably arrest poll watchers too who object.

The rigging is likely to be blatant and much larger than they intend. It’s likely Dems who are scheduled to lose will just print the votes they need. Not like the Dems can accuse their own side of rigging a vote.

No signs of a false flag. No one gives a rat ass about their narrative with Pelosi. It’s really looking like they’re just to going to threaten mass arrests when men get upset at the rigging.

Well that’s my hot take on it, we’ll see if I’m eating crow in a few days.

The Cominator says:

The Senate will be rigged i continue to believe they cant rig the house…

Hesiod says:

Virginia sees a massive amount of last-minute voter registrations. So vast, they have to be scattered to DMVs all over the state to process before election day. Last year, several conservative counties withheld results until the counties surrounding DC revealed theirs first. So, more fake voting needed upfront this time around.

Red says:

I think they realize how unpopular they are this time around. They’ll make the ballot box pre-dump massive.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A large majority of the GAE managerialist elite live around the northern virginia area. Those with real power in the incumbent regime make sure to live far away from areas that bear the consequences of their decisions.

Another fact of this happenstance though, is that it makes local elections in the area interesting bellweathers on institutional faction sentiment. There’s an SOF guy who is running for congress there, and based on some of the attack ads i’ve seen online he’s pretty fucking based. If he wins it’d be public signal the grift wing is trying to pump the breaks on the unholiness spiral – and likewise if he doesn’t a public signal that there are no brakes on this train, even if they wanted them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Got any links to this SOF guy, fam? This seems to be a trend, and a widespread one at that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Apparently this guy has been in the news for a while now. This is him several years ago

And what the DNC says about him in later days

Kunning Drueger says:

So I know I have made a number of forecasts and predictions regarding the 2022 midterm elections. I’m going to go ahead and stand by everything I’ve said, and just ride out the folly or rest on the laurels, come what may. But today has been an interesting one in terms of the documented emotional outpouring over the idea that the coronatarians are even floating a potential amnesty for what they did. There is genuine hatred leaking out at the seams of the usual cuckservative discourse centers. While all the usual suspects of controlled opposition, who themselves were advocates of lockdowns and other heinous operations(thanks Tucker Carlson )can be counted on to play ball, the users and commenters who normally just fall in line behind the Judas goats seem to be resistant to any kind of softening. When libertarians are screaming for lynchings, you know you’ve reached a critical moment in the societal discourse. I don’t know if this will last, and recent history tells us it almost certainly will not.

I think we may be seeing a much more canny and capable institutional left than we previously assumed. I think there is a significant chance they will let many Republicans win because the elections will have no bearing on the institutions, and the institutions are where they are fighting the radical left for control. The intelligent left, both radical and institutional, know that the institutions are all that really matters, whether they are capable of articulating this concept or not. The elections are just an opportunity to abuse whites and demonstrate loyalty and signal holiness in the public eye. Only the right wing is dumb enough to believe the elections matter. While the leaders of the radical left, the intelligent ones, are focused on the institutions, their foot soldiers and enforcers are just as dumb as the right wing in how they react to and interact with elections.

Is it possible that the institutional left wants the right wing to get their little red wave and also have the radical left attempt the night of a thousand steals? It would be a pretty interesting two birds with one stone situation, because the radical left just expects the institutional left, which means most of media and the chattering classes, to cover for their antics. At this point, the radicals don’t even wonder if they’ve got the institutional left with them or not, it’s just assumed that with them or no, they will fall in line eventually. By letting the right wing steal a bunch of things that don’t matter, they can throw more smoke over what’s actually happening, and at the same time, by letting all these newly elected right-wingers investigate a bunch of pointless steals that don’t matter, they may be able to rid themselves of their radical anklebiters.

I know you guys deal with a lot of tin foil coming from me, and I apologize if this is just another piece of brush on the perpetual fire. I don’t suddenly think the left wing is super capable or intelligent, and I know that in the long run, the holiness spiral will always eat its own. I just don’t buy the idea that the left has unity of command or unity of purpose. I’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts, observations, or critiques

Red says:

I think the plan is to let the non MAGA republicans win with a moderate amount of fraud while they just “find” votes forever to defeat the MEGA MAGAs. So I agree with you.

But the reality is, why wouldn’t the individual Dems just print their way to victory? Who’s going to stop them? Biden? Biden’s wife? The FBI? No one can admit that an individual Dems is cheating or the whole thing comes tumbling down. What is their incentive not to cheat? It’s like leaving a pile of money sitting on table with no one around. Why not help yourself to it? Good people won’t steal, but we’ve already know the Democrats are evil.

KD, how do you think they’ll be restrained from blatantly cheating?

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m just going to indulge my fantasy posted above as if it’s the truth, so that’s the point of departure. In reality, there’s probably a lot more detail and nuance that I’m going to leave out.

The crux of my idea is that the institutional left is practically surrounded or outflanked in every institution they control by radical leftists. In some cases it’s just the HR department, and in other cases it’s literally everyone except for the leadership. So what they need is a purge that is not a purge. They don’t want to lose power, and they can’t suffer an internal civil war over who’s in charge or what the message is. So to get their purge, it has to look like, indeed be like, some external force taking out their internal adversaries.

So the idea would be to not give any guidance from the center about what should be stolen and how it should be done. Instead, they’ll just let the various apparatuses do whatever they deem necessary. No 900 member zoom calls, no central coordination. Anyone that attempts the steal anyways can be hung out to dry, as they are going to be the most radical and the most self-assured, which is to say the least dependent on the institutional left leadership. As we know from this blog, 2000 mules, and just good sense, every single election is rife with fraud and cheating, and has been so for quite some time. So there’s always going to be people who have a vested interest in doing their job, whether their job is generating fake ballots or corralling real ballots or what have you. But without the central coordination, there will be no unified messaging. I know it feels like crazy pills to listen to the way people talk about 2020 being the most sound election in history, while 2016 was somehow subverted by Russian Facebook posts on Twitter, but the unifying feature was the media messaging. When the media said there was a conspiracy, the conspiracy existed in the minds of everyone that relies on media for framing reality. Likewise, when the media said there couldn’t possibly be a conspiracy, no matter how much footage, no matter how many witness testimonies, no matter how much evidence was presented, the people who rely on the media just could not see a conspiracy, and this included the right wing if you will recall. As a tool, media messaging will not be around forever, though, t this point, it would appear that everyone who predicted its death is not working from the right timeline, because Ukraine, and COVID, and a dozen other examples show that media messaging still carries the day nine times out of 10. But it only works when it’s all on message. There is a slight tolerance in the system for Fox saying B and everyone else saying A, but not that much, which is why Fox always inevitably toes the line even if it’s kicking and screaming, or just appearing to kick and scream. If you have the internet saying one thing, the CNN crowd saying another thing, the international news having its own third thing, and mainline conservatism screaming to high heaven about fraud and cheating, the fragile normie mind will only be able to handle so much before they start noticing the shit that’s right in front of them.

So, for my crazy idea to have any validity, they won’t need to restrain anyone. They will merely not act, and hope the virulent right wing will eviscerate anyone that does act. Without the centralized media messaging cover, the steals and frauds will be plain as day. Then, Mom and Pop BoomerCon will be free to believe whatever they’d like, because they will have a buffet of messaging to choose from. Mr and Mrs. Traditional Lib will also be free to select their narrative and the college crowd, the brown crowd, whatever crowd, everyone will have a message to believe in and other messages to consider lies. Letting that mess go on for a period of time would do a lot of the heavy lifting for the institutional left without them having to actually do the dirty work themselves.

So that’s the general idea. Again, I’m sure there’s stuff in there that makes no sense, and don’t forget that this all just kind of came to my brain last night for no good reason whatsoever, so apologies if it’s just retarded or wrong

Red says:

Seems unlikely to me, but we’ll see how things shake out in a few days.

I think Jim’s idea of leftist terror to shut people up over the steal is more likely. Leftist are screaming about non existent right wing terror attacks is projection. They’re planning terror against the right for objecting to the end of real elections.

Kunning Drueger says:

That actually dovetails with my thesis, as the Radical Left won’t just sit idly by if/when they realize they’re being played. They only played ball in 2020 because Lord Evil Cheeto had to be defeated.

I wonder what it will take to operationalize the Friend/Enemy distinction on the Right? Optimistically, that should have happened in 2020. Pessimistically, it won’t happen at all. It may come down to what Musk allows on Twitter. I think Anglin, and many others, are being histrionic little bitches about Twitter not becoming 4chan 5 minutes after he bought it, but Musk has gotten in bed with some pretty evil jews & friends…

Red says:

The right needs a leader. Until that time violence is going to be ineffectual and ineffectual RW violence exactly what they want. IVI went poorly for them because the right didn’t really produce the violence antifa would have and that’s what they were hoping for. I surmise the FBI told a lot of their dupes to bring weapons but they left them at their hotels and failed to actually bring them to the capitol.

After the steal in 2022 they’re likely to get the sort of rightwing ineffectual violence they want. This give them carte blanch to curb stop anyone opposing them. Those they can’t charge directly with a crime, they’ll let antifa stomp them and then Rittenhouse the ones that fight back. This is all assuming no elite leadership. Game changer if a real elite decides to lead.

Red says:

I think Anglin, and many others, are being histrionic little bitches about Twitter not becoming 4chan 5 minutes after he bought it, but Musk has gotten in bed with some pretty evil jews & friends…

Musk was probably told he’d be charged with interfering with an election if he didn’t hand over control to the Cathedral. He complied. He probably asked asked for the FAA launch license for Starship in return(they’ve been slow walking it for 9 months now). I think Musk is playing games with the Cathedral in order to get to Mars.

Musk is playing his own game and his goals are pretty clear. The Cathedral hates him but they also need him but I don’t think they particularly fear him. So he’s able to jerk them around just a little bit and get concessions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ineffable perniciousness of deleterious concessions over something that should be desired in the first place anyways.

‘Sell me some of your soul, and in exchange i will magnanimously allow you to do some good for me’. It would be a fundamental mistake to go into such a situation thinking it is some kind of quid pro quo. Such are not ‘hard bargainers’ looking for a mean deal, it is evil men looking an angle to do more evil, and the appeasement gives it too them.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Cathedral is negotiating with Musk. They had unquestioned, unchallenged power over the Narrative Shaper Device, and now they are attempting to negotiate as much retention of the shadow of that control as possible.

Musk is no Messiah, and a Return of the Banned will not be some cataclysmic defeat of the Polygon. But the Cathedral is negotiating with Musk, not the other way around. If they were all powerful, they would have said No, and that would be the end of it. Instead, he made a play, and they tried, multiple times and in multiple ways, to say No. And they failed. Now they are fighting for pieces of what they once had whole.

The Cominator says:

Musk cannot make twitter a botless /pol at least not right away…

Needs to check for bombs in the code… needs to have his own parallel cyber infrastructure not controlled by glownigger tech and to secure a revenue stream independent of the cathedral advertisers.

Unless he does this the Cathedral can make twitter gab and parler… have some patience I’m told already a lot of the bots are gone. Its not so important that you can say nigger with a hard R.

Restoring the banned will probably happen later definitely not before the election (no matter how fake it is or isn’t).

Red says:

There is genuine hatred leaking out at the seams of the usual cuckservative discourse centers. While all the usual suspects of controlled opposition, who themselves were advocates of lockdowns and other heinous operations(thanks Tucker Carlson )can be counted on to play ball, the users and commenters who normally just fall in line behind the Judas goats seem to be resistant to any kind of softening. When libertarians are screaming for lynchings, you know you’ve reached a critical moment in the societal discourse. I don’t know if this will last, and recent history tells us it almost certainly will not.

I feel this too. The oppression over COVID was horrendous for social animals. We lived in a fully communist hell whole for 2 years. The many crimes and injustices committed by the left cry out to God for righteous vengeance. May his holy sword smite the COVIDains and may they all burn in hell for all eternity.

The sudden emotional reaction came about because that article showed real weakness from the left. Their religion is dead and they’ve committed all these crimes in the name of the great and mighty COVID Demon that Putin slew. They’re crying about the damage the COVID demon did to them. When they displayed that weakness it became safe to think about vengeance.

Note: it’s not actually safe to think about vengeance yet. I’m not going to start a twitter account and start shit posting, I think the danger is increasing, not decreasing.

jim says:

I have absolutely no doubt that the smarter and less insane left (Pelosi, Soros, and company) is preparing a plot, or more likely several plots, to crush both the stupid and even more insane left and the sane right. In this sense, your speculations are undoubtedly correct.

I doubt they will succeed. In this sense, I think your speculations are unlikely to be correct.

On the other hand, the Thermidorians succeeded – paving the way for Napoleon. Sooner or later, the holiness spiral will be ended. But the Thermidorian reaction is also known as “The White Terror”. To halt leftism, we are likely to need at least a few hundred, probably tens of thousands, of executions of Covid worshipers and school groomers.

An important and effective part of the Thermidorian reaction were the incredibles, people wearing ostentatiously or exaggerated high status clothing, equipped with clubs, with which they would beat the crap out of leftists with impunity, thus lowering the status of leftists and leftism. If we don’t see few killings and quite a lot of beatings, the holiness spiral is not going to stop.

The saner left wants it to stop, but their plans are unlikely to conceive of what will be needed.

The equivalent of the incredibles would be the slightly less radical left allowing cucked controlled Nazis to render the streets safe from joggers and the schools safe from groomers. Recucklicans are not going to cut the mustard. They will need cucked Nazis, similar to the Azov brigade in the Ukraine and the “Rothchilds Rothschilds Rothschilds” fednats of Gab.

Contaminated NEET says:

The less insane left would never dream of crushing the more insane left. They’ll cheat a bit to keep them out of power, like they did with Bernie, but that’s for their own good, because the public just isn’t ready yet. What they won’t do is jail or kill any of them, because then they wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. Too much of the institutional left truly believes the radicals are their moral betters. The radicals, meanwhile, would guillotine the entire institutional left in a heartbeat. Of the two, I know who I would bet on.

jim says:

> Too much of the institutional left truly believes the radicals are their moral betters. The radicals, meanwhile, would guillotine the entire institutional left in a heartbeat. Of the two, I know who I would bet on.

Exactly so. This will not stop until very large numbers of people start to perceive the radicals as demon possessed tools of Satan.

Pax Imperialis says:

Seeing Satanic drag shows doesn’t convince these people, it will take being the sacrificed to realize, but by then it’s too late.

jim says:

I see them preparing for massive outrage against the steal, and preparing massive violence to impose fake election results at gunpoint with vigorous application of murderous terror. They are preparing for savage violence, which they would not be doing if they intended to let cuckservatives win.

Red says:

A minor GOP candidate was attacked right after Biden’s speech tonight. You’re a wise man Jim.

Hesiod says:

Is this the same incident you’re referring to?

Red says:


Hesiod says:

Children of NC GOP congressional candidate Pat Harrigan were shot at while staying with the candidate’s parents.

This occurred roughly two weeks ago but is just making the news now.

Red says:

What your guys take on the white rubbery coating they’re finding in the arteries of vax victims?

Starts around 18 minutes in:–live-daily-show-louder-with-crowder.html

My completely uninformed guess it’s the body forming a protective layer against either the spike protein from repeated jabs or something else in the vaccines that harming the arteries.

Ghost says:

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation was a known side effect by the CDC and was briefed at the start.

jim says:

The problem is that if someone dies of a known side effect of the jab, doctors refuse to diagnose a cause of death. Death of young healthy people from “Unknown causes” has suddenly and mysteriously shot right up.

Similarly, if you show up at your doctor complaining of jab related symptoms, such as immune system failure, brain fog, etc. multiple jabs, chronic covid infection, displays symptoms of imminently life threatening immune system failure. Doctor brushes her off because it was obviously likely that she was suffering life threatening jab induced immune system failure.

I am seeing a whole lot of brain fog, but brain fog has no objective symptoms. It is just a matter of opinion. Well, my opinion is that a whole lot of the jabbed are suffering lasting brain fog.

Cloudswrest says:

If you do a recent (last 7 days) Google search on “black hairy tongue” there are oodles of articles “debunking” and “fact checking” the claim that she died of the jab/Covid. They all claim she died of “cardiac arrest” as if these two things are just completely independent, unrelated phenomena. It’s hard to believe that anybody takes these articles seriously.

simplyconnected says:

I am seeing a whole lot of brain fog

Makes sense, since neurological issues were the most common adverse effect of the jabs in that DoD database (before they “cleaned” it up).
Perhaps Biden was letting out stuff he wasn’t supposed to when he said “all hospital beds will be occupied with Alzheimer’s patients in 15 years” (he said it in two different occasions).

Red says:

That really interesting. Seems like almost every case of it is someone who is almost dead from something else already. Doesn’t sound like it’s treatable.

Red says:

That leads to another question, are the people vaxed with the non mRNA vaxes going to be dropping dead? Pretty much all the young men of China’s military where jabbed with the equivalent of the J&J vax. The Russian jab was something similar, but I don’t know how widely it was used. Putin tried very hard to force people to take it from what I remember.

S says:

Aren’t the non mRNA vaxes basically normal flu vaccines? Not very effective due to the rate of mutation, net neutral or negative due to deaths from allergic reaction, but not something that destroys everyone’s health and kills them.

Red says:

J&J,Sputnik, and SinoVac are Adenovirus vector vaccines/ viral vector vaccines. Basically a live virus is injected and it infects a cell and produces covid spike proteins instead of copies of the virus of the Andenovirus. The infected cells are targeted and killed by the immune system eventually.

The short term health outcomes form Adenovirus vector vaccines are better, but I suspect it’s mostly because they produce fewer spike proteins than the mRNA shots. The immune system has something to attack which probably reduces the amount of damage from the immune system targeting random systems when it can’t find the a virus producing the spike protean. mRNA vaccines are a immune nightmare since there’s nothing for the immune system to attack, just trillions of harmful spike protean popping out random cells causing the immune system to go nuts.

There’s also evidence that the mRNA shots changes your genitic code to continue to produce more spike proteins which Adenovirus can’t do(that we know of).

The people who had the by far the worst short term outcomes from COVID vaccines took Moderna which has the highest spike protean count.

Pax Imperialis says:

Packaging is also different. As noted by Red, J&J is basically a live virus. In contrast, the mRNA vaccine is packaged in lipid nanoparticles. Those particles greatly leak out of the injected muscle tissue into the blood where it’s distributed throughout the body. They also latch onto cardiovascular cells far easier including the heart tissue leading to the well known issue of myocarditis. Less talked about is how the lipid nanoparticles also latch onto the cells of the blood vessels which may explain what is being found. Adenovirus does not appear to do that.

I talk with a lot of US mil. Most seem to have taken the J&J. None have suddenly dropped dead so far. Main issue seems to be a crashed immune system in the short term. Immune system does bounce back eventually provided no boosters. I’m pessimistically optimistic about long term effects.

The guys that are talking about long term issues also took mRNA. One guy is in constant lower back pain right where the kidneys are 2 years after the vaccine…

Red says:

A friend of mine in his 30s almost died from a window maker heart attack a couple of months after his second mRNA shot. The dumbass still got his 3ed shot, but he’s still around. Oddly he’s the only person I know who managed to not catch covid.

Another friend of mine got diabetes after his 4th shot. He’s also got bad mental fog.

Basil says:

Do I understand correctly that Russian soldiers should despise the nurses who saved them, who, in most cases, are childless whores, like Florence?

jim says:

Unless women who engage in sexual misconduct are thoroughly disgraced, our people and our civilization will perish.

The Cominator says:

Nonwives have to be lower status than wives, and widows who got their through means that aren’t their fault have to also have a higher status than nonwives… provided they at least indicate they are trying to remarry… some may be too old to find one easily.

But there are degrees. Old spinsters have to be considered something akin to witches… the inquisition/state security etc should make a point of occasionally executing one for subversive activity. There should be a holiday where they are all paraded into the center of town and pelted with eggs and rotten fruit by all (including the literal whores). Regularly prosecuted as common scolds etc. You really need to create a horror in women’s minds of what winding up unmarried means.

Women who serve men when young without being wives… they should be considered lower than wives but much higher than old maids. It should be assumed and encouraged that most of them will marry out especially given that we make a point of being of treating old maids horribly.

Red says:

You really need to create a horror in women’s minds of what winding up unmarried means.

A couple of TV shows about it should be enough. Women are constantly fed propaganda about how great older women without children are, but deep down they know it’s not true. Just displaying reality would be enough.

Pax Imperialis says:

Not enough. Most people don’t have a long enough time horizon to realize what their actions in their youth leads to. And many who do realize don’t conscientiously act on it.

East Asia is largely dependent on using soft social pressure like TV shows to warn against being childless older women much like Victorian England did with their novels. At best that results in older and older marriage and falling fertility. At worst it opens the door for further cultural decline.

Western Taliban says:

Where are all the videos of these childless nurses saving all of those Russian soldiers? Who? When? Where?

The real question in that picture is why are young women allowed to be unmarried and be childless whores? If we lived in sane societies, they’d be long married off. Those nurses can be nurses by the grace of men and the grace of the better women who came before them, if it was up to their childless whorish ways we’d be extinct, starving, in squalor.

The nurses should be grateful of everything they have that did nothing to obtain and absolutely do not deserve, since they are childless whores. The only woman who deserves the respect and the consideration of men is that which does her duty, first and foremost being a virtuous and obedient wife.

These imagined nurses, if they exist, were born to women who did what they didn’t and men who suffered through much so they could enjoy comfort and food. And you think we should be admiring these stupid fucking whores that survive by doing everything they shouldn’t be doing and refuse to do what was done for them to be able to exist.

Gtfo nigger, keep your death cult philosophy to yourself.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Musk’s delay of major changes to Twitter might be better understood in the context of things like this:

Pax Imperialis says:

Paraphrasing “Second option I chemically lobotomize you permanently”

If what he circled is any measure of what he is primarily focused on, Kanye might actually be crazy if his threat detection isn’t screaming in high alert.

Red says:

>Paraphrasing “Second option I chemically lobotomize you permanently”

It’s funny, I breezed right past as well. I had to think it over. The idea is so foreign what’s “normal” in America.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If someone had sent me a threat like that, I would have killed them and their entire family. Mail them their kids in the little USPS priority mail boxes, then bomb the funeral.

Red says:

The overwhelming violent response to blackmail is generally the only good response.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Psychological dominance through escalation dominance. You mention my kids in the context of a threat and I will make sure that your bloodline ends. Your own personal Holocaust, oy vey!

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“I have so much love for you in my heart and also i think it would be funny to chemically lobotomize you for not submitting to my solipsism.”

There is no man in tune with the will of God who is not instinctively repulsed by the demented vileness of such creatures.

My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred. In the Emperor’s name, let none survive.

Red says:

Comment Gold.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Some might ask what right do I have to condemn 6 gorrilion to death. Those that understand realize I have no right to let them live!

The Cominator says:

As ive said all along.

Red says:

On the positive side Musk taking over has eliminated the bots and/or controls the Dems used to make sure their shilled statements dominate every tweet that fit the database criteria. I’m see real commenters from the right dominate a lot tweets now. Reminds me of comment sections back in 2015/16. It’s pretty effective counter propaganda.

Red says:

Here’s an example of the counter posting comments:

Twitter’s awesome right now. Rightists are having a blast.

Pax Imperialis says:

Florence is being identified as a problem for the wrong reason. The problem was the secularization of nuns.

The historical role of nuns was to serve their community by helping the poor, teaching in schools, or providing health care. What this does in effect is sacrifice their own fertility to boost the overall fertility of other women by outsourcing child raising workload to a centralized system. Scale and specialization of economy in effect. Nearly every civilization more advanced than tribal had some form of this because it works. This is not the behavior of human sewerage in a civilizational ghetto.

The problem with Florence and her type isn’t that she was childless, or even well regarded within Victorian society, but that she did so outside of religious vows and institutions. The modern childless female professional acts badly because on some level she hopes to be taken, and when she isn’t she takes out her frustrations on society at large. Not so for the nun, by taking vows that purposely and harshly shuts down fertility and much of her identity as a woman, the nun is now consciously aware that mate seeking behavior is verboten. Such constraints, enforced by priests, are what ensures good behavior.

Ultimately we have no idea if Florence behaved good. Although there is academic work that suggests she remained chaste out of her personal religious convictions*, ultimately she is long dead along with everyone of her era. We have no real way of knowing, and I have suspicions about modern efforts to suggest one way or the other. Let us suppose she was chaste and give her the benefit of the doubt. She is still a problem because she paved a “respectable” pathway for other women to follow thereby further weakening the religious institutions responsible for ensuring good behavior in the first place. Victorian society declaring that such a pathway was virtuous in effect secularized nunnery and broke church power.

Lastly, none of this was an argument against the need of civilizational ghettos to remove human sewerage. Red light districts exists for a reason and more importantly, religious authorities tolerated their existence on a material level even while condemning them on a spiritual level.

*Personal convictions, be they religious or otherwise, do not survive multiple generations without institutional power to re-enforce. We see this with the transitions from monarchies to republics where the first couple of generations of republican leaders are virtuous because they were developed under a king who demanded virtue. With out a king, the ruling class lost their virtue.

jim says:

> there is academic work that suggests she remained chaste out of her personal religious convictions*, ultimately she is long dead along with everyone of her era. We have no real way of knowing

We have lots of ways of knowing. Florence Nightingale spent a whole lot of time in private one on one with affluent gentlemen, and the movement to make her a heroine of the crimean war featured the same people who wanted to free women from the sexual restraints of the eighteenth century. The people who made her a heroine are people who would want to make a whore a heroine, people who sought then, and whose memetic descendants seek now, to destroy the family.

Pax Imperialis says:

And those same leftist types today make all sorts of claims about various historical figures being homosexual to justify it today, often with little direct evidence and large amounts of inference.

I’m skeptical about digging through long dead history to ascertain the specific sexual proclivities of individuals when it plays the same game the left does. Even worse it misses the much larger issue that the religious hierarchies that would have prevented questions arising, either by prevention or punishment, in the first place no longer exists.

Neofugue says:

Willing to bet 1BTC with you that Whorence Nightingale was not a virgin when the press made her a fake heroine, take it or leave it.

In all seriousness, nuns are not supposed to leave their monasteries. The concept of monastics leaving their monasteries to engage with the secular world began with the Jesuits and never ended well. Monastics can and should be teachers but rarely anything else.

Also, if I am a soldier and I receive a wound on the battlefield, I would prefer a male doctor to patch me up, not a dumb broad, just saying.

Pax Imperialis says:

If you had a time machine, I would not hesitate to avoid that bet!

I did say: “I have suspicions about modern efforts to suggest one way or the other. Let us suppose she was chaste and give her the benefit of the doubt.”

I was building an argument that even if she were chaste hypothetically, that the main issue of accepting women outside religious orders into polite society is that it directly attacks the religious hierarchy that regulates morality and male/female relations. That’s a far deeper issue.

Nursing use to be a male profession. The few women were from religious orders. When it became acceptable to be a nurse outside the church, nursing became a female dominant profession.

The same happened to teaching. Most teachers use to be men. The few women were, again, from religious orders. Now most teachers are women and boys perform poorly in the feminized school system.

Red says:

Wouldn’t it be easier to just ban women from those jobs?

Pax Imperialis says:

Based on the historical record it appears to be extremely hard. Everyone from the classical Greeks to the Romans to the medieval Europeans to modernity has had this problem.

To say we would succeed where they failed in light of the magnitude of our failures is arrogant.

Seems like the go to solution is to make female participation in such areas locked behind vows of chastity and to enforce it harshly.

Red says:

>Based on the historical record it appears to be extremely hard. Everyone from the classical Greeks to the Romans to the medieval Europeans to modernity has had this problem.

What are you babbling about? Women were banned from professions all the fucking time. Hell they banned for a shit ton of professions in America just 80 years ago.

Pax Imperialis says:

Among Cicero’s creditors one was a women. Look at Roman history and you see some women in the workplace.

Occupational Distribution in the 1851 Census of Great Britain shows women making up 30% of the workforce. There were even a few thousand in mining.

Women were banned from certain professions all the time, only to pop up elsewhere or in the same profession under different job titles.

The point is that it’s very hard for individual men to say no to women (pussy) and that it’s hard to keep them out of the workforce as a result.

The only organization that managed to bar women has been religious institutions where men use organizational power.

Red says:

>Among Cicero’s creditors one was a women. Look at Roman history and you see some women in the workplace.

Dude women have always worked. And women have always been banned from the majority of professions. Your equation women’s liberation with working, and it’s just not the case. Giving women the choice is the root cause of women’s lib and your religious order stuff is just bizarre considering it’s failure record when women were not kept far away from men.

Pax Imperialis says:

A complete ban on women in any and all professional work is possible and good. Professional work being anything done outside the family head’s estate. Amish have nearly accomplished this but only in a leaky system that treats the wider world as a dumping ground. In a non-leaky system, you don’t have an outside dumping ground.

It was the irreligious secular societies that opened the flood gates of female choice. Only strong religion can hold that back. Ensuring limited monopolies over certain parts of the workforce for religion increases their power. Keep the few women, that for whatever reason leaked through the ban on professional work, under the church.

>considering it’s failure record
No solution is perfect, but having an imperfect solution is better than the disaster we have now.

haha says:


jim says:

Are you denying that Florence Nightingale was a manufactured heroine, denying that she was manufactured by leftists, or denying that the leftists sought then as they seek now to destroy men, manliness, family, and fatherhood.

What are you claiming. What do you demand I provide evidence for?

Red says:

Nunneries at best were a place to stash childless women where they could do little harm. At worst they were brothels.

Ultimately we have no idea if Florence behaved good. Although there is academic work that suggests she remained chaste out of her personal religious convictions*

When I was 15 a friend’s family took in a 20 year boy because he was a friend with the family’s daughter, but he wasn’t her boy friend and he needed a place to live. I asked my friend if he was stupid. Of course they were fucking. He insisted they were not. 2 weeks later the boy got caught fucking the 13 year old daughter on the couch and got kicked out.

My friend was a stupid 15 year old kid. What’s your excuse?

Women have almost uncontrollable sexual drives. If you want them to not fuck, then you need to keep them away from men and even then they go fucking crazy from the lack sex. No way Florence wasn’t fucking every soldier in sight.

Pax Imperialis says:

Your view of nunneries are distorted by the intensely corrupted modern Christian church. That’s like basing your view on monasteries on the Vatican behavior today and saying:

>Monasteries at best were a place to stash childless men where they could do little harm. At worst they were gay orgies.

That statement is true enough today… but that is the complete opposite of the historical norm. Monasteries and nunneries had strictly enforced morality.

Saint Augustine laid down rules, reinforced at Nicaea, that held strong for hundreds of years and largely averted scandal. By mid 1200s, Augustine rules were being partly ignored which contributed to the scandal at Watton; however, punishment could still be dealt out harshly. It took hundreds more years before you started to see overt immorality without punishment in the 1500s, resulting in Protestantism and further disintegration of religious order. By 1700 you get:

“Nunneries at best were a place to stash childless women where they could do little harm. At worst they were brothels.”

Make religion great again; partly done by ensuring childless women doing work like Florence can not exist outside of religious orders. That is a far deeper argument than whatever her alleged sex life may have been because it’s completely irrelevant.

Red says:

My views are based on evolutionary biology and the red pill nature of women.

Putting fertile age women in a nunnery is fucking stupid. The moment you do it, your asking for the place to become brothel. Women were designed by God with an insanely high desire for sex.

Men are capable of being celibate(See Incels). Fertile age women are not.

Monasteries are a completely different beast from Nunneries. Men and women are very different from each other but you act like the same sort of system works equally between the sexes.

Make religion great again; partly done by ensuring childless women doing work like Florence can not exist outside of religious orders.

Fertile age nuns are going to fuck soldiers just as often as whores like Florence. All women are like that. Whores as a nurses is fine. God knows every nurse I’ve ever met has been a whore. Just make sure they’re low status.

Pax Imperialis says:

Just make sure they’re low status is not a solution. Asking for vows of celibacy, harshly enforced, naturally limits the number of women willing to go that path.

The population of female professionals, be they teachers, charity workers, or nurses, exploded when they could do those jobs outside the church. Low status did not worry them. Remember all the discussions about how many women are very willing to fuck low status men?

And putting fertile women into the workforce where they end up childless anyways is worse than a nunnery for they now get to cause work place problems.

If the only way a woman could be a nurse is to be a nun, you would get much less nurses.

Is that not inline with your view that wasting fertile age women is fucking stupid?

Jehu says:

Get thee to a nunnery 🙂 Our man Shakespeare grokked this, and the groundlings found it hilarious. Why, because it was true. There’s always been a serious tension in nunneries between those who were sent there as a way to dump a family embarrassment and those who wanted to be hardcore sisters of the church and brides of Christ.

The Cominator says:

“Just make sure they’re low status is not a solution. Asking for vows of celibacy, harshly enforced, naturally limits the number of women willing to go that path.”

What is the point of any decent looking fertile age woman going that path?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Presumably, his point is that there isn’t one, and that’s why he wants to make it hard to go down it.

The Cominator says:

No he spoke in favor of nunneries…

Society has some use for whores and whore adjacent professions (with ideally almost all whores marrying out before 30)… I’d want about 90% wives and 10% whores.

Nuns are useless unless you believe papist lies.

The point of celibacy is for young women who get married to see their husband as alpha, its not a good thing in and of itself outside of this there are far too many fat bitches in American society waiting for Jeremy Meeks to call back and “chastely” spurning all “lesser” men…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>waiting for Jeremy Meeks to call back and “chastely” spurning all “lesser” men…

Indeed; proclamations of chastity by women are in general terms just another form of shit test; hence, i surmised his point was that if a woman wanted to proclaim herself to be chaste, that she would have to go to a nunnery and actually be under compulsive authority, very few women would actually do so.

Well, this also presupposing a situation where women are treated as responsible agents acting of their own volition in the first place, so there are a number of unstated issues implicit with the premise.

Western Taliban says:

>Well, this also presupposing a situation where women are treated as responsible agents acting of their own volition in the first place, so there are a number of unstated issues implicit with the premise.

If I’m honest, I have never seriously thought that women were not responsible agents. One of the few crimson pill points I just can’t agree to. I see women as responsible agents as much as men and I believe they are fully responsible for their actions, and they must pay the full consequences for them as well. I don’t believe that makes them equal in any practical way, but I do believe they are equally responsible for the duties that pertain to their own sex.

Universal morality is endlessly fake, gay and destructive. The only real question men need ask themselves is whether something helps them survive or not, if it works or not.

And that’s the thing here, we are talking about sexuality and the survival of the species and civilization, who the fuck cares what some woman wants? If she doesn’t want to spread her legs, be a good wife and mother, why should we give any value to her life and her opinion? Her existence is worthless if allowed to behave this way for our survival, if not outright destructive, so she might as well not exist. Hence, she becomes a wife whether she wants or not. She is only allowed to want and demand things that align with our survival, otherwise we have no natural obligation or necessity to suffer her existence.

In the first place, every single female in the animal realm the first thing they do as soon as possible is spread their legs and have progeny, it is their ethos. Women that reject this ethos need chains or killing, just as much as faggots. They’re the same kind of fucked up.

Fortunately God is good, such women don’t really exist, it’s pure progressive corruption. I’ve never seen a little girl, young enough for her natural instincts to be untouched, that didn’t play with dolls and pretended to be a mom.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If I’m honest, I have never seriously thought that women were not responsible agents. One of the few crimson pill points I just can’t agree to. I see women as responsible agents as much as men and I believe they are fully responsible for their actions, and they must pay the full consequences for them as well.

Well now… who’s is thinking like a progressive faggot now? Look, I enjoy the conversation we have. It did get off on a rough start. But we get to bounce ideas off each other which is largely not possible in the West anymore.

>I see women as responsible agents as much as men
>I don’t believe that makes them equal in any practical way, but I do believe they are equally responsible for the duties that pertain to their own sex.
>Universal morality is endlessly fake, gay and destructive. The only real question men need ask themselves is whether something helps them survive or not, if it works or not.

I’m having trouble reconciling these beliefs. As responsible as men but also not equal in any way.

>And that’s the thing here, we are talking about sexuality and the survival of the species and civilization, who the fuck cares what some woman wants? If she doesn’t want to spread her legs, be a good wife and mother, why should we give any value to her life and her opinion? Her existence is worthless if allowed to behave this way for our survival, if not outright destructive, so she might as well not exist. Hence, she becomes a wife whether she wants or not. She is only allowed to want and demand things that align with our survival, otherwise we have no natural obligation or necessity to suffer her existence.

This is treating women as if they are not responsible agents. You would only use this type of energy if they didn’t make responsible decisions. You are thinking in terms of women not being responsible agents, while at the same time professing they are? Cognitive dissonance my friend, it’s a bitch.

Western Taliban says:

It’s not difficult to understand, there isn’t any dissonance. It’s precisely because I don’t suffer of progressive egalitarian faggotry.

The framework of assigned value should be based on your own perceptions, not on fake and gay egalitarian universal morality that kills you and your interests. If you die you don’t win, you lose.

Responsible agents, like many men today for example, consistently do things wrong. The fact that they possess free will and responsible capacity doesn’t mean they use it wisely. There is no need for me to accept their own judgement or actions if I don’t find them acceptable. And especially I won’t if it goes against my own interests.

Your premise is that I must respect other “responsible agents” because we are “equal”, that’s where you are wrong.

When your interests clash with another man, do you cuck yourself and let him win? Haha, no, no sir, you bash his skull in. Unless of course, he is strong enough to resist and it’s more beneficial to reach some agreement with concessions on both sides if possible. That’s earned status, and then you see each other as “equals” to a certain degree, because you’re both capable of opposing each other.

Unmarried women posses the status of free meal or a worm, there’s nothing to respect, no need to respect, no point to respect, it’s stupid and destructive to begin with. That’s why when democracy was born in ancient times there was only a certain group of men allowed to vote, just like in early America but even more stringent.

The voice of the worthless and the unqualified is just as worthless and unqualified as themselves.

Neurotoxin says:

“Remember all the discussions about how many women are very willing to fuck low status men?”

Pax, you must distinguish between male and female perceptions of status. Remember, as Jim hilariously puts it, “Women perceive status the way a small evil child raised by cannibal headhunters perceives status.”

Pax Imperialis says:

I know, but we have to be realistic about ourselves as we do not naturally think like women. So a likely result of men designing a system, and those who maintain it, to make certain jobs “low status” would result in those jobs not being “low status” to women.

Easier solution is to institute a church monopoly on all professional female workers. That is similar to what the Taliban is doing, and I think it’s working.

The Cominator says:

The Taliban like Evangelical protestantism has a “priesthood of all believers” the idea of nuns would be considered absurd in Islam.

Pax Imperialis says:

Female Nurses and doctors are required to go to the hospital every day to log their presence in the city for the Taliban.

That is functionally a nun.

The Cominator says:

So they have to check in, im sure some of these women are married so ergo not nuns.

Pax Imperialis says:

Different religions and sects will have different rules.

What I argue is that all female professionals should fall under direct supervision and control of the dominant religious organization.

The Cominator says:

No they should be under the control of the male who owns them.

Pax Imperialis says:

Some women are not suitable for ownership. Now you could simply let them run about in the wild leaving behind a trail of destruction, or you can put them under direct supervision to either make them suitable or to prevent them from destroying.

jim says:

So you propose a religious institution shall own them?

Ownership is way easier if they get banged as part of the deal.

The Cominator says:

Put them in a whorehouse.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Put them in a whorehouse.

Hello gonorrhea and syphilis. How about no.
We are not degenerate French.

Red says:

>Some women are not suitable for ownership.

Bullshit. Australia disproves this. Somehow you think religious orders can control women better than their husbands?

Genesis 3:16

“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

Adam says:

While female perception of alpha is universal, women do vary as far as what kind of man they need to keep them in line. Sisters often marry very different men than each other. The older sister needing a more typically dominate, forceful figure, the youngest needing more of “good dad” type.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Bullshit. Australia disproves this.
What did Australia prove exactly? As Neurotoxin pointed out:

“Disturbed by sex parties on the beach, the Australian authorities did not punish the men or the women involved. Instead they forced every woman to get married immediately, and punished them for speaking back to their husbands, putting a very firm thumb on the scales to enable men to pass shit tests, and forbid women from giving shit tests to their husbands.”

The authorities only had authority because they had faith. In their case a strong faith in Christianity. Men thus become conduits of power originating from religious orders. Religious order gives individual men collective power over individual women. In effect religious orders control women indirectly through the husbands or the authorities that assign husbands.

You are also misinterpreting Australia. The women who ended up in Australia in the first place were there due to petty criminal behavior. Their problem originated from a lack of authority in their lives; in other words a lack of ownership. Australia was accidentally the best thing for them.

Not all women are convicts, and not all women are suffering from a lack of ownership. Some are just batshit crazy. Some are genetic refuse. Some suffer from lack of ownership due to poor life choices but whose marriage to lower class men would undermine the social order and thus must remain single.

Those women need to be dumped somewhere they can’t do too much damage to society.
>A palace needs a sewer, and civilization needs ghettos.

I would prefer though if it were less a sewer and more a water reprocessing plant in appearance.

You quote Genesis 3:16 to assert that’s how all women should be treated. That is an ideal that should be aimed for. Reality is not ideal and the Bible is aware of that. Mary Magdalene was a single childless women due to being tormented by seven demons. Is that ancient speak for being batshit crazy? I’m not enough of a Bible expert to know, but it’s clear she was not suitable for marriage prior to Jesus saving her. Nor are all the harlots in the Biblical stories suited for marriage either.

You have to recognize the the blessing God gave to Eve and her descendants were only to those willing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. God’s blessings are NOT free of charge to people who disobey him. Mary Magdalene could have easily spurn Jesus.

Pax Imperialis says:

>So you propose a religious institution shall own them?

Yes. Is that not what a nunnery is?

>Ownership is way easier if they get banged as part of the deal.

That’s a problem because appearances must be maintained. A loud NO with a quiet yes inline with historical Christian practices.

Under Islam one could simply use the religious order as a temporary holding organization to latter pair off women to the right men. That’s also not too dissimilar to Vestal Virgins under Roman paganism. Such practices are not viewed favorably by Christians due to their Pagan and Muslim associations.

Look if you outright say it’s a brothel, good luck getting those women committed.

Red says:

>Not all women are convicts, and not all women are suffering from a lack of ownership. Some are just batshit crazy. Some are genetic refuse.

Every woman I’ve met who was batshit insane, including my aunt was suffering form a local of ownership. The lack of children and the lack ownership leads to insanity once they’re beyond child bearing age.

A nunnery should only be for spinsters. The moment it started accepting fertile age women it because a whore house instead of a house of God.

>Some suffer from lack of ownership due to poor life choices but whose marriage to lower class men would undermine the social order and thus must remain single.

Poor life choice? You talk like a progressive. I haven’t met a women yet who could make good choices without a man in her life.

God says: Be fruitful and multiply; To take a daughter and place her in convent when she could be wed to man and fulfill her popper role in life is an abomination.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Poor life choice? You talk like a progressive.


>I haven’t met a women yet who could make good choices without a man in her life.

So unowned women make poor life choices. We agree on basic principle.

To take it a step further, is it not understandable that should that condition continue, those poor choices compound making ownership untenable?

Hey why don’t you marry that drug addict whore with tats all over her face? You don’t because that’s pretty fucking terminal at that point.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>of course shitlib lawyercunts make poor life choices, but based tradthots make great life choices.


Pax Imperialis says:

>based tradthots make great life choices.

Because they live a structured life where choices are guided. Being only able to choose A or B is still a choice.

But men are imperfect, sometime they fuck up, sometime men are not vigilant enough and she picks Z which is run off and be a drug addict whore.

I largely agree with Red in ideals. I disagree in pragmatic reality because men make mistakes all the time. It happens. If they didn’t they would have no sins to confess and no need for God.

But we do sin, and sin all the time. This isn’t some Catholic blue pill shit. I respect power and love life. I hate weakness and fear death. If I must attach myself to Catholicism to destroy weakness and overcome death I will do so. If Orthodoxy is more suited I will attach to Orthodoxy.

Ultimately I’m interested in what works and if I have to reach into the deep past to find examples of possible solutions I will do so.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The structured life that will prevent a unowned fertile aged girl from running off and finding a drug dealer to pop her cherry is chaining her to a radiator in the basement.

Are you a bad enough dude to do that to every woman in the country?

Or maybe would could have patriarchy instead. Big thonks.

Western Taliban says:

>Hey why don’t you marry that drug addict whore with tats all over her face? You don’t because that’s pretty fucking terminal at that point.

I see no end of men willing to marry “pretty fucking terminal” women in western societies. It is so much so that what my grandfather would have called a loose whore (only one man previous to marriage) is dangerously approaching unicorn levels in this society, and it is likely that by the standards of our grandfathers we are all marrying drug addict tattoed whores today.

You don’t have to personally marry a drug addict tattoed whore, but if men are allowed to own women, real life experience tells me some man will. The bottom seems endless and there always seems to be someone there no matter how low, it’s only the top that is exclusive and rare.

You say you want pragmatic solutions but talk in abstracts all the time. The abstract Nightingale that wasn’t a whore before and now the abstract tattoed whore no one wants to marry. They don’t even exist.

> Religious order gives individual men collective power over individual women. In effect religious orders control women indirectly through the husbands or the authorities that assign husbands.

Men don’t need collective power to own women, even one man alone could own ten women as long as he wasn’t prevented. Lions own as many lionesses, no problem.

Religion provides convenient agreements to a group of men who then take advantage of their cohesion to overpower and destroy other men, and take their women. That is what happens in the real world and how societies develop. In early “societies” (more like tribes really) there were no men who had any problem owning women as long as those women weren’t being fought for.

If you’re talking about effeminate men living decadent lives within the generous margins of advanced society, and how those faggots are too squeamish to own women that present some resistance, the solution is that such men shouldn’t be supported to exist and when they do exist we shouldn’t bother with their well-being at all.

Life bleeds, life suffers, life can be very ugly. The real world is hard and it can get endlessly tough. The moment you start to put your attention and care about losers you’re going to die. A successful civilization and a successful societal order demands and requires endless attention towards the productive and the talented, but extreme indifference if not outright rejection of dysfunctional people. To survive, the bird throws its progeny out of the nest, fly or die. To survive, we must disregard faggots, loafers, whores and any other maladjusted element in society. Perhaps if you’re feeling charitable, you give them alms at Sunday or something and hope for the best without more care than that.

Religious orders controlling women sounds to late stage collapse degeneracy that ends up in front-gynocracies like what we have today. The religion of progressivism and its parallel institutions do this to no end to great dismay and squalor for our civilization, they are literally killing us. Social institutions needs to stay the fuck away from a productive man’s home and let him be, king in his own house. Social institutions of any kind exist for the sole purpose of defending the rights of fellow productive men and destroy any opposing element. An advanced society demands social institutions that defend the rights of productive men at all costs but care none for those of criminals and such.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I see no end of men willing to marry “pretty fucking terminal” women in western societies.

I’m assuming Red has standards and is not one of those men. We are also seeing men with financial means increasingly getting foreign brides in an attempt to had something better.

>It is so much so that what my grandfather would have called a loose whore (only one man previous to marriage) is dangerously approaching unicorn levels in this society, and it is likely that by the standards of our grandfathers we are all marrying drug addict tattoed whores today.


>The bottom seems endless and there always seems to be someone there no matter how low, it’s only the top that is exclusive and rare.

Well I’m shit out of luck then from being born near the top and having expectations. Well good thing I’ve got connections to source internationally…

>You say you want pragmatic solutions but talk in abstracts all the time. The abstract Nightingale that wasn’t a whore before

My fault. I talked via implications to have plausible deniability. It’s a habit that forms for personal protection, I’m having to consciously stop doing that here. Between the lines of what I wrote, Nightingale was a whore.

>and now the abstract tattoed whore no one wants to marry.

I asked Red why doesn’t he marry that. Not that no one would to marry that. Again I assume he has normal standards in an abnormal world. The point is that standards have to be enforced.

> Religious order gives individual men collective power over individual women. In effect religious orders control women indirectly through the husbands or the authorities that assign husbands.
>Men don’t need collective power to own women, even one man alone could own ten women as long as he wasn’t prevented. Lions own as many lionesses, no problem.

In nature one man would own multiple women and most men would own none. Most individual men don’t naturally have the power to own a woman. That doesn’t scale up well for civilization because that requires large scale male cooperation. Christianity stepped in and said one man, one woman. That is a redistribution of power to own from the man who could own many, to the men who couldn’t own any. What the man who gave up the opportunity to own multiple women gained was loyalty from the men he gave wives to. That’s one way of building an army.

>Religion provides convenient agreements to a group of men who then take advantage of their cohesion to overpower and destroy other men, and take their women. That is what happens in the real world and how societies develop. In early “societies” (more like tribes really) there were no men who had any problem owning women as long as those women weren’t being fought for.

Some religions do that more than others. Europeans ran up against soft limits on taking other tribes women. It was really difficult to do that to fellow Europeans because of similar levels of cohesion and intelligence. War got increasingly costly and risky. Religion turned inward. Not until colonization did they have soft targets again. Then you run into the same problem of what do you do if all the easily conquered women have already been conquered. Now in recent years the Europeans have let down their guard and Muslims are take their women. Should the Europeans wake up, the Muslims are looking at dealing with a far superior nuclear military power.

>If you’re talking about effeminate men living decadent lives within the generous margins of advanced society, and how those faggots are too squeamish to own women that present some resistance, the solution is that such men shouldn’t be supported to exist and when they do exist we shouldn’t bother with their well-being at all.

I want like to see American men of good moral standing happily married with kids. I want to see the be masculine. Not dead in a ditch from an overdose. There has been a lot of chaff built into the gene pool. A soft landing for them would be ideal, but that might just by my sympathy for an America that no longer exists. However there isn’t that much chaff. Most of the male dysfunction to own originates from government enforced progressivism.

>Life bleeds, life suffers, life can be very ugly. The real world is hard and it can get endlessly tough.


>The moment you start to put your attention and care about losers you’re going to die. A successful civilization and a successful societal order demands and requires endless attention towards the productive and the talented, but extreme indifference if not outright rejection of dysfunctional people.

Unfortunately there is short term power to be gained by mobilizing those people. The current societal order is going to get increasingly destructive before you see a return to function. This is the reason why successful civilizations cannot just ignore dysfunctional people. Indifference is the first step to promoting.

>To survive, the bird throws its progeny out of the nest, fly or die. To survive, we must disregard faggots, loafers, whores and any other maladjusted element in society. Perhaps if you’re feeling charitable, you give them alms at Sunday or something and hope for the best without more care than that.

No successful civilization disregarded those people. They actively removed them. Whether by throwing them off roofs, or forced into asylums, or even shipping them away to a prison island, you get those degenerates off the streets. The chaff that has built up is because we have disregarded faggots and whores. Loafers can somewhat be disregarded as they either work or die in normal circumstances and only exist today because of welfare.

>Religious orders controlling women sounds to late stage collapse degeneracy that ends up in front-gynocracies like what we have today. The religion of progressivism and its parallel institutions do this to no end to great dismay and squalor for our civilization, they are literally killing us.

The religion of progressivism does not control women. It says they are free to do what ever they like and subsidizes all their decisions. Unsurprisingly women make all the wrong, civilizational killing decisions. The religions of progressivism controls men, and tells them they will be persecuted and killed if they try to own a woman.

>Social institutions needs to stay the fuck away from a productive man’s home and let him be, king in his own house.

Not possible. A productive man is a strong, dangerous man. If you are my neighbor, I need to know we are on the same page and that you won’t come onto my property and attempt to kill me in my sleep. We do this by having fraternal bonds through social organizations. Religion is the traditional example. By sharing a religion, we have both allowed social institutions into our minds and homes. We are now in effect only a steward or petty king in service of something greater.

>Social institutions of any kind exist for the sole purpose of defending the rights of fellow productive men and destroy any opposing element.

They also provide fraternity. Most men are not hermits. Most men enjoy the company of others. That’s how social institutions can be corrupted. They start associating and caring for weaker men who would not be functional without the social organization. The problem we face is those weaker men may make up a large portion of current population. Pulling out the rug suddenly may just collapse the house along with everyone else.

>An advanced society demands social institutions that defend the rights of productive men at all costs but care none for those of criminals and such.

I’m going to assume you meant they actively destroy criminals and such

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>>based tradthots make great life choices.


Conservadads of the world are all united in agreement with this point of view here. Naturally of course, it never fails to fail.

>but we’ve seen patriarchal societies fail too

After good runs. The conservadad paternalistic approach doesn’t even get out of the starting blocks; or rather, it in itself is part of the process by which patriarchal societies slide into failure.

All this rhetoric of ‘with the right technocratically adjusted nudging by the management class women can be wonderful’ is literally feminism; the early unlocking stages of feminism that began usurpation of Traditional social technologies on a wide scale in modern europoid societies.

jim says:

Conservadads were the death of Rome.

Marriage has to result in total and completely loss of power by the father and gain of power by the husband, and dads have to be under pressure to marry off their daughters – marriage by elopement, seduction, and abduction being on the table if dad is too slow moving his hot and horney daughter.

Also unbetrothed daughters dangerously low status. We want women owned by husbands, not by dads, and not by themselves.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is one thing above all that can make women wonderful, and that is ownership by a man who puts his children inside of her.

Once one, by degrees, starts moving away from this point of emphasis, one starts walking down the road to perdition.

The Cominator says:

“>based tradthots make great life choices.

LOL dude stop drinking and become a Protestant. Those who follow the whore of Rome and are yoked to the satanic Jesuit order will be cast into the lake of fire… probably.

Neurotoxin says:

“As Neurotoxin pointed out…”

The quote that follows sounds like Jim.

The Cominator says:

“marriage by elopement, seduction, and abduction”

But I think only after a certain age, there should be an arranged marriage window. Before 18 or so the father must consent to a marriage… after that elopement and abduction without the father’s consent become legal.

With no arranged marriage elopement and abduction become female choice by other means and we want to minimize female choice in mate selection. 90% of women should be marrying whoever their father picks who will take them.

ten says:

“Before 18 or so the father must consent to a marriage… after that elopement and abduction without the father’s consent become legal.”

Misses the point entirely. Just conservadad again, but with the state inserted into his daughters pussy, again.

If the girl is in a position to be eloped or abducted, conservadad consented already.

The Cominator says:

“Misses the point entirely. Just conservadad again”

No its arranged marriage… arranged marriage should be the norm and elopement and abduction should be the exceptions for conservadads who held onto their precious pumpkins for too long.

i says:

To change women’s perception of status. Simply humilate the man by caning him on the butt for lesser offences for everyone to see.

Or execution to remove him from consideration altogether. Women get over dead lovers far more quickly than Men.

The Cominator says:

“The population of female professionals, be they teachers, charity workers, or nurses, exploded when they could do those jobs outside the church. Low status did not worry them. Remember all the discussions about how many women are very willing to fuck low status men?”

Nah they exploded when the non farm population did and then the state started subsidizing those professions heavily. You aren’t going to stop women from working entirely the important thing is that its up to their husband. The state should back the authority of male owners and back making unmarried women low status (and all women lower status than men) in our system most of the nurses etc will be married. The state should not be in the business of ensuring female virtue when the husband is not inclined to do so.

As far as nunneries if a girl wanted to be a bad nun… the Catholic Church doesn’t exactly fire many members of its religious orders down the centuries they want to hush up all their scandals always have. How good the nuns were was thus generally up to how effectively controlling the mother superior was. Irish and more Northerly European papists probably had frigid strict nuns mostly. In Italy and Southern France I suspect the nunneries were basically brothels. Upper class women who got knocked up by someone they weren’t supposed to get knocked up by were known to go on vacation to France for centuries

“Women wanting to fuck low status men”

I don’t remember this discussion but most women won’t do so short of your very rare REAL rapes. Your nymphos and your BPD cases will sometimes if you are around and a higher status man isn’t available.

jim says:

> > “Women wanting to fuck low status men”

> I don’t remember this discussion but most women won’t do so short of your very rare REAL rapes.

Women fuck men who are shockingly low status in the male hierarchy, because they perceive status very differently.

Adam says:

Low status in the male hierarchy is a thug or bully. Someone who provokes a visceral fear response among men and women.

Tom Brady is high status, his wife is fucking Jeremy Meeks (low status). Nobody, especially his wife is afraid of Tom Brady.

A2 says:

Intuitively, it seems quite foolish for a woman to get divorced, let alone in her 40s. She’s unlikely to get married again.

Brady’s wife has some fame and a lot of cash so she can probably ameliorate this to some extent. But she’ll be at best somewhere midlist among the booty calls of the irrepressible Jeremy Meeks (btw, current occupation: model/actor, 2 children with 2 women).

jim says:

> That statement is true enough today… but that is the complete opposite of the historical norm. Monasteries and nunneries had strictly enforced morality.

Whether priestly celibacy was real or a pile of naked faggots, it gave us a church incapable of defending the family against the Romance movement, and if the monasteries were celibate, the nunneries were not. The nunneries prevented women from having sex with men.

Most of the recruits to monasteries and nunneries were involuntary. Women were sent there because sexual immorality rendered them unmarriageable, Men were sent there because of disinclination or inability to earn a living. If unable, looked after, if disinclined, whipped.

Pax Imperialis says:

>it gave us a church incapable of defending the family
English Monarchy eventually gave a king incapable of defending the nation. Does that mean we must forever accept democracy?

Over what time scale? The Augustine church had a damn good run. Like all things built, it crumbled under entropy and time. Civilization is cyclical. We are entering a rebuilding phase. The Augustine model was a damn good one we could learn much from.

>Most of the recruits to monasteries and nunneries were involuntary.

>Women were sent there because sexual immorality
A good thing. Better there than terrorizing the professional workforce.

>Men were sent there because of disinclination or inability to earn a living.
Making useless men useful while likely taking them out of the gene pool? Sounds magnitudes better than welfare.

S says:

“Over what time scale? The Augustine church had a damn good run. Like all things built, it crumbled under entropy and time. Civilization is cyclical. We are entering a rebuilding phase. The Augustine model was a damn good one we could learn much from.”

The time between the French Revolution to the current age is about 240 years. The time between the big push for clerical celibacy (1123) and the Reformation (1517) is 400 years.

Lasting twice as long as a death cult is not an accomplishment to be proud of.

Pax Imperialis says:

St Augustine laid a foundation in 397. The Second Council of Nicaea in 787 reiterated much of St Augustine’s philosophy. Using an end date of 1500, the Augustine church lasted about 1100 years.

The big push for clerical celibacy was about making a largely unenforced policy desire an enforced policy. However, celibacy was widely practiced prior to 1123.

S says:

The western church was in communion with the east for most of that time. If you date from the split, it goes full bore celibacy quickly afterwards

Troubadours and the celebration of adultery pop up in the late 11th century. Either celibacy wasn’t widely practiced, or it is like blindness-a group 90% blind and a group 100% blind are very different and once you get the latter, you fall off a cliff.

ten says:

The french revolution was not the first revolution. Our destruction has roots in the french one, but in the american and british ones too, and roots in the reformation, and roots in the schism.

Point being, i don’t think it cuts reality at the joints, to echo jim, to mark the birth of the death cult at the french revolution.

Augustine was very good. Demons always enter. They entrenched themselves in western christianity, which led to the schism. Which does not mean all of later catholicism was demonic, but the demons need to be excorcised.

i says:

The Reformation like the Schism is a reaction to subversion.

It acted like containment procedures when a deadly disease enters a body and starts becoming noticable.

Western Taliban says:

Hahaha we have no way of knowing what a young woman who loved to frequent the private company of numerous men, and preferred the company of men in general, ever did with any of those men.

Because today, we do not know of young women who frequent the private company of numerous men, and prefer the company of men, and we do not know what they do!

And above all, it would be wrong of us to assume that any such young woman would ever be like any other young woman that shares the same preferences! Humans of different centuries are magically intrinsically different after all!

Same argument used by the faggot historian of the 20th century that tried to tell us that Ancient Greeks were all faggots that loved to fuck each other in the ass, and that Spartans were super gay and the super gayness is what made them such great warriors, all based in a few dozen weird depictions in some amphora from the millions that exist.

Never mind the fact that we live today in a society that worships faggotry and despite that, it remains a minuscule minority of people. People that in places like special forces are particularly despised! Humans, after all, were complete different species a couple of millennia ago. We cannot assume if any way or manner that the elite warriors of today had any, absolutely any resemblance of ancient elite warriors, ancient humans were a different species!

I have bad news for you… you think like a progressive faggot, you are GAY

Pax Imperialis says:

>a young woman who loved to frequent the private company of numerous men

You’ve established a large reasonable suspicion and probable cause. No investigation was conducted at the time. Since she is now dead along with all those men, there is nothing to search and seize nor suspects to interview. This is not enough to establish a case that would win in court under English legal traditions.

Those faggot historians that say everyone from Pericles to Elvis was a secret faggot do so by claiming reasonable suspicion to get a probable cause that is impossible to investigate. They then make a leap in logic to state there is clear evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

Of course the first scenario has far strong reasonable suspicion… but it’s also playing the same game as the left where you are reaching far back into suspected historical sexual activities of long dead individuals to make political use for your cause. That’s just bad practice.

My argument is that Florence’s suspected activities are irrelevant. That even with the benefit of the doubt, she clearly was part of the destruction of the church.

Now I admit, I skimmed through her wiki page because frankly, I don’t care all that much about a women I can’t breed with. So there might in fact be some scandalous letter out there that serves as strong evidence of whoring around… but you sound like the sort of fellow willing to devote a lifetime of scholarly effort to studied this topic so maybe you can point me to the evidence.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In more civilized times, it was naturally assumed that if a man and a woman were alone unchaperoned together for more than a minute, then they fucked.

Nightengale was an unowned woman who spent a lot of time around young high T men. She fucked, and fucked a lot.

Pax Imperialis says:

An innate. natural, and good assumption to understand your current surroundings. I would not argue against that. I encourage it.

The problem is that the left discovered a hack that takes advantage of that innate suspicion and turn it upside down to insinuate everyone was gay in the past. From there they can undermine and destroy male cohesion. This is malicious code injected into your mind.

This hack can be patched by a statute of limitations. Anything in the long dead past, not proven at the time, is not subject to sexual investigation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Problem is that that is just a forced meme that noone really believes, but they still make sure that they are not the first person to stop clapping in the party congress, if they know what’s good for them.

Noone who naturally understands that men and women will fuck would also make the mistake of thinking that broederbonds mean gay sex piles (or that gay sex piles are natural).

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, many will naturally understand that men and women will fuck, but that doesn’t spare people from cognitive dissonance.

Forced memes on undeveloped adolescent brains in a compulsory education are effective at distorting minds. Effectiveness increases as the school gets more elite since smarter kids are more capable of rationalizing the dissonance while not mature enough to question authorities.

What should be taught to the ruled class differs from the ruling class, as the ruling class is much more vulnerable to perversions of natural ideas.

Ruling class schools are… unnaturally sterile. Perception of sex is likewise distorted. This isn’t a new problem. There is real fear that broederbonds mean gay.

Male cohesion in Muslim cultures are much higher than America.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Let’s put it this way; the man who will tell you that [insert cool ancient people here] were all fags, is also the same man who will tell you that a man and a woman being alone together for more than a minute *doesn’t* mean that they fucked.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the man who will tell you that [insert cool ancient people here] were all fags

Conservatives have never been good at removing those people. They are too willing to honestly consider the evidence, find that it’s bullshit, and argue in good faith.

But then the fag moves onto the next target, and the next, and the next ad infinitum. I’m sick and tired of it.

I suggest a complete ban on such debate built on principles from English Law and statute of limitations.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Point being, the overlap your theory implies does not exist in praxis.

Pax Imperialis says:

How do you know none really believe? In upper class America it’s not like you can ask people and expect an honest answer. It’s dangerous to even broach the subject without heavily talking via implication rather than direct. People also mostly behave as if they do believe which makes asses what they believe difficult.

I could just have a highly distorted perception due to living in a social environment full of paranoia and fear. That is the optimistic view. The pessimist suggests that I am in fact surrounded by true believers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Perhaps there is some subtlety that i am failing to communicate, but it feels like you are being disingenuous and keep gliding past the point on purpose.

To reiterate, the man who says that male friendship doesn’t exist are are ust gays fucking, and the man that says that men and women can be just friends with no fucking, are the same man. Likewise, the man that says male friendship exists, and that there is no such thing as ‘just friends’ between men and women without sex dynamics at play, is also the same man.

There is no overlap. If there is, i’ve never seen it. And, i wager, you’ve never seen it either.

Doubtlessly you have met lots of people who have made the claim that so and so ancient people were all fags. Have you, ever in your life, met someone who has made such a claim *also* say that a women who places herself in a situation where she is alone with a man, is looking to get fucked by that man? I doubt you would need more than one hand to count the times.

The problem here is you are trying to reason under a nominalistic, gender neutral perspective that thinks a chain of logic which applies to a man, and a chain of logic that applies to a woman, and a chain of logic that applies to men and women, are all the same chain of logic, that can be interchanged with each and any object with equal applicability. Not so. Different things, different chains of logic.

A fag reads faggotry into male behavior because he is a fag, and he reads faggotry into female behavior, also because he is a fag. There is no contradiction. It would be the man who would say that *both* men and women are fucking (or that neither are fucking), who would be being inconsistent.

Red says:

This is beginning to feel a lot like Pooch where he stated he was referencing Moldbug but began to insert Marxism propaganda into all his comments. He’d pick and choose the points to respond to while ignoring the rest and spend a lot of time muddying the waters.

Instead of Moldbug and Marxism we have the Catholic church and the Blue Pill.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Perhaps there is some subtlety that i am failing to communicate

I’m the one failing to communicate. Check out my post here to see how wrong everything went.

> Have you, ever in your life, met someone who has made such a claim *also* say that a women who places herself in a situation where she is alone with a man, is looking to get fucked by that man?

Often implied and danced around while in the same breath denounced as evil if you think so.

> There is no overlap. If there is, i’ve never seen it. And, i wager, you’ve never seen it either.

That’s the problem… from where I am there is big overlap. I’m assuming it’s a fake overlap built upon fear and group think, but it’s hard to distinguishes true believers from NPC from secret dissents because the very act of trying to find out is akin to digging in a minefield.

If you take anything away from this, it’s that the people in the ruling class are extremely dysfunctional and that even the ones that know better can’t fucking communicate.

jim says:

The lies keep piling up. Hard to keep track of them all, and the only way to handle the required doublethink is to render oneself stupid. The ever escalating demands of the holy faith of woke are driving people insane and stupid. Also, I think the jab is making them stupid.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Often implied and danced around while in the same breath denounced as evil if you think so.

Exactly; the dancing around of one betrays the perfunctoryness of the other. The true believers do not behave like that.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Exactly; the dancing around of one betrays the perfunctoryness of the other. The true believers do not behave like that.

Yeah well, it’s still damn confusing and disorientating when that’s what you grew up with, and all that you see in your professional/intellectual work circle. Why do you think I kept bringing up cognitive dissonance?

Red says:

Pax why are here you if don’t believe the Red Pill and the Bible on women?

>The problem is that the left discovered a hack that takes advantage of that innate suspicion and turn it upside down to insinuate everyone was gay in the past. From there they can undermine and destroy male cohesion. This is malicious code injected into your mind.

Only morons or historical ignoramus believe this. I ran across a former army guy the other day who was spouting this about the Greek armies. I explained that they fucked little boys, not each other. He was horrified. I’m guessing they feed you army boys a steady diet fake and gay history.

Pax Imperialis says:

Only morons or historical ignoramus believe the Greeks were not gay?

The ancient Greeks were around a long time. It’s full of ups and downs. While some Greek pottery does show homosexual acts, it’s less than 1/1000th of all that’s dug up. The left took a small sliver of Greek history at their worst, and smeared the entire historical record with shit.

In Solon Laws any man practicing homosexuality was:

banned from becoming a member of the council of nine;
was banned from standing for elections as a priest;
was banned from being a citizen’s advocate;
was not allowed to exercise power in or outside the city of Athens;
was not permitted to be sent an emissary of war;
was banned from expressing his opinions;
was banned from entering public temples;
was banned from being wreathed in races;
was not allowed to enter the agora.

All these violations were punishable by death. That was the historical norm among the Greeks. I’m sure if you only looked at a few years out of a thousand, you could come to the conclusion that the Ancient Greeks were also feminist democracies. You’d be wrong.

Red says:

You literally read my post backwards. The Greeks were not gay. But they did have a lot pederasts, but pederasts don’t harm group cohesion.

Pax Imperialis says:


Your post was literally disjointed as hell. You quoted two basic claims I made.

-The problem is that the left insinuate everyone was gay in the past.
-From there they can undermine and destroy male cohesion.

To which you respond:

>Only morons or historical ignoramus believe this.

And you start talking about Greeks and some army guy, where I admittedly got a bit confused. The first claim is absolutely true. Just google any historically relevant man with ‘was he gay’ and you get all sorts of left wing professors claiming such.

The second claim is harder to quantify, but look at how American men are extremely cold to each other compared to countries where homosexuality is overtly removed. If the boys are having to say “no homo” as a prefix to normal juvenile behavior, there might be a problem with male cohesion. There is academic research that shows when men are afraid of falsely signaling gay, they get less close to each other and now I’m trying to remember where I saved it.

As for the question that you started your post with… well that felt more like you reacting badly to how I phrased things rather than the content of what I’ve been writing. To answer why I’m here, I’m here to learn through the Socratic method, and yes that sometimes means probing areas that are not within 100% agreement.

Red says:

>The first claim is absolutely true. Just google any historically relevant man with ‘was he gay’ and you get all sorts of left wing professors claiming such.

I know people say that stuff, and I said they’re full of shit. But again it was has nothing to do with women which is where your tangent came from.

>The second claim is harder to quantify, but look at how American men are extremely cold to each other compared to countries where homosexuality is overtly removed. If the boys are having to say “no homo” as a prefix to normal juvenile behavior, there might be a problem with male cohesion. There is academic research that shows when men are afraid of falsely signaling gay, they get less close to each other and now I’m trying to remember where I saved it.

Yes that the issue with open faggotry. It’s been well discussed around here.

jim says:

> it was has nothing to do with women which is where your tangent came from.

The Victorians were lying hilariously, absurdly, and spectacularly about women, a pile of outrageous lies that collapsed under its own weight. This is notorious and infamous. When people talk about Victorian “hypocrisy” this is what they were referencing.

Therefore, lying about Florence Nightingale.

jim says:

One of the Greek tyrants was run out of town for sodomizing his wife

Looks to me that at the time sodomizing boys was unimaginable and nobody thought that such a thing ever happened, that nobody thought that gay existed.

Hesiod says:

“One of the Greek tyrants was run out of town for sodomizing his wife”

If I remember correctly, Herodotus mentions this or a similar case. Old king remarried and to prevent further potential heirs conflicting with his already existing ones goes in through the out door of his new wife, causing a major scandal.

Red says:

The first Greek mention of pederasty was in the The Persian Expedition by Xenophon. A spartan officer was fucking a young boy. Xenophon didn’t seem opposed to it so it was probably common by then.

I’m firmly in the camp that faggotry is a virus or parasite and new faggots are made when they get their hands on young boys and transmit the virus via sodomy.

The Cominator says:

jim out of curiousity which tyrant and which greek city?

Hesiod says:

Book 1, Chapter 61 of The Histories is what I remembered:

“Having got back his sovereignty in the manner which I have described, Pisistratus married Megacles’ daughter according to his agreement with Megacles. But as he already had young sons, and as the Alcmeonid family were said to be under a curse, he had no wish that his newly-wedded wife bear him children, and therefore had unusual intercourse with her.

At first the woman hid the fact: presently she told her mother (whether interrogated or not, I do not know) and the mother told her husband. Megacles was very angry to be dishonored by Pisistratus; and in his anger he patched up his quarrel with the other faction. Pisistratus, learning what was going on, went alone away from the country altogether, and came to Eretria where he deliberated with his sons.”

jim says:

“unusual intercourse”. Unusual indeed, if they did not then even have a word for it, or if they had a word for it, and that word had become unspeakable.

Hesiod says:

Sampling through other translations, the spirit of “unusual intercourse” is there even though the wordings differ. “He had intercourse with her in an unaccustomed manner” and so forth.

Wish I could read ancient Greek to see if Herodotus himself employed delicate wording.

The Cominator says:

I suspect that heterosexual sodomy was okay in Greece but to treat a wife given from a high noble family like a whore by only sodomizing her and refusing to try to have children was considered a severe insult to her family.

Pax Imperialis says:

Xenophon said this of pederasty:

“If someone, being himself an honest man, admired a boy’s soul and tried to make of him an ideal friend without reproach and to associate with him, he approved, and believed in the excellence of this kind of training. But if it was clear that the attraction lay in the boy’s outward beauty, he banned the connexion as an abomination; and thus he caused lovers to abstain from boys no less than parents abstain from sexual intercourse with their children and brothers and sisters with each other.”

I don’t trust gay scholars to tell me this mean boy fucking was accepted in Greek society. If you dig into the ancient Greek sources, there are far more describing pederasty as a form of paternal mentorship than anything related to eros. No doubt there were abuses, and some who spoke in favor of such, but that was not the norm.

Hesiod says:

From Plato’s Laws, book 1, the Athenian says:

“Now the gymnasia and common meals do a great deal of good, and yet they are a source of evil in civil troubles; as is shown in the case of the Milesian, and Boeotian, and Thurian youth, among whom these institutions seem always to have had a tendency to degrade the ancient and natural custom of love below the level, not only of man, but of the beasts. The charge may be fairly brought against your cities above all others, and is true also of most other states which especially cultivate gymnastics. Whether such matters are to be regarded jestingly or seriously, I think that the pleasure is to be deemed natural which arises out of the intercourse between men and women; but that the intercourse of men with men, or of women with women, is contrary to nature, and that the bold attempt was originally due to unbridled lust. The Cretans are always accused of having invented the story of Ganymede and Zeus because they wanted to justify themselves in the enjoyment of unnatural pleasures by the practice of the god whom they believe to have been their lawgiver.”

Western Taliban says:

I know I went sarcastic with the argument so maybe you missed the point, but I do have the evidence. As I said, humans are humans and follow human nature. Let’s put this in Aristotelian logic:

—> All young women who love to frequent the private company of numerous men are giga whores.

—> Florence Nightingale was a young woman who loved to frequent the private company of numerous men.

—> Florence Nightingale was a giga whore.


—> Every advanced civilization has been built by patriarchal men who create highly complex social structures where faggots are despised if not outright executed.

—> The Greeks built an advanced civilization.

—> The Greeks were patriarchal men who created a highly complex social structure where faggots were despised if not outright executed.


I don’t care about what a faggot historian who should be beaten within an inch of his life and put to do real work says. I go full Aquinas, life is around me, to learn about life I live life and observe life. And I can tell if history is being fucked with or not when the cases are very conspicuous like this two situations. It is absolutely impossible that Ancient Greeks were different humans or that Nightingale was a different human. Humans are humans, they were humans, they are humans, they will be humans. There are no magical humans, there are no different humans. Humans behave like humans, always have, always will. The human who behaves and resembles another human, will do similar things and behave in similar ways to the other human regardless of **current year**TM.

This is not a political point, the problem here is that you’re trying to argue against human nature. Your position is progressivism and demon worshiping, your position is an enemy position. You’re arguing for WEF, Greenblatt, faggots, feminism, Covid priests and niggers.

The Cominator says:

I like this guy.

I do quibble that there are occasionally weird individuals who don’t quite fit the normal patterns (ie there are some different humans to some degrees) but otherwise absolutely agree.

Red says:

He’s pretty based.

Fake says:

Remember, Socrates loved boys and was executed for corrupting the youth, not for being an unpleasant philosopher.

dog owners association of rome says:

He taught them the gods of the city were social contrivances. That directly undercuts the foundation of the state and Patria.

jim says:

If the gods of the city are social contrivances, need to kill people who say so.

In truth Socrates was right, for the Gods of the Aryans were their ancestors, and the Gods of the Aryans died when the Aryans could no longer trace their ancestry in the male line all the way back, becoming at best social contrivances, and at worst replaced by obvious demons, as with Roman paganism at about the time of the fall of the Republic. You are supposed to worship Thor/Indra/Zeus/Jupiter only if you have his Y Chromosome in your blood and semen and can trace it all the way from his life as a mortal to your life as a mortal. That is why today’s neopagans are a bunch of Jewish faggot pederasts.

And because he was right, the city needed to either change its religion or kill people who spoke that truth.

Pax Imperialis says:

I know I worded things like I were in enemy territory, so maybe you couldn’t read between the lines. I admit it’s a problem, but it comes with too much proximity to power and hiding between lines and their implications becomes second nature.

>Ultimately we have no idea if Florence behaved good.
Why good instead of bad?

>Although there is academic work that suggests she remained chaste out of her personal religious convictions*, ultimately she is long dead along with everyone of her era. We have no real way of knowing,
This says the academic work is questionable

>and I have suspicions about modern efforts to suggest one way or the other.
I have wrong think

>Let us suppose she was chaste and give her the benefit of the doubt.
I have doubts, but that’s besides the point.

The rest of the argument is more or less that she should have been forced into a nunnery. The historical European Christian solution. That such women could not be forced into such places is the real problem of the Victorian era.

So no, I’m not arguing against human nature. I’m arguing for traditional solutions that may not have been perfect, but were significantly better than what ever the fuck we have today.

Red says:
Green says:

Thishas to be the only site where ppl can post daily stormer. Not into them for the anti-jew anti-negro etc… but the political commentary can be quite good.


When there is no place left on the planet where you or anyone else can be free,
what do you do? What should people do?

jim says:

Live free anyway, and coordinate with other people doing the same thing. It is a generalization of my solution for marriage 1.0.

Pax Imperialis says:

Talked a bit with a gas station clerk. They just ran out of diesel and was informed that resupply is on indefinite hiatus. I live in a red state with some of the lowest energy prices in the US due to close proximity to the supply chain. This is going to get bad.

bomag says:

Out of diesel just before an election:

1) Someone in a position to do such political sodomy is pissed at the Dems.

2) The crew handling Biden is really that incompetent.

3) Communists are now in charge, shortages have begun in earnest, and will continue until moral improves.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Mail-in voting’ is an official sacrament now, and in-person voting with deadlines is a literally hitler threat to a rules based values of who we are democracy. They will ‘count every vote’ until they have every vote that counts.

Of course the whole point of popular governance was to be a sham for disguising the power of a hostile elite faction in the first place, but in later days they are increasingly care-less about even bothering with the sham anymore.

Red says:

They’re making it impossible for rural areas to mobilize to oppose the steal. No diesel = no fuel deliveries.

Pax Imperialis says:

More likely no upset truckers to block the road cause their diesel engine trucks are all sitting around with empty tanks.

Red says:

Jim’s right, full frontal steal incoming with terror:

>Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain Threatens Americans Ahead of Midterm Elections, Says Biden’s Speech Was a “Final Warning” (VIDEO)

Starman says:

Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain Threatens Americans Ahead of Midterm Elections, Says Biden’s Speech Was a “Final Warning”

And one final warning to the ruling class jews…

You got (((your))) asses kicked and humiliated in Afghanistan by God-fearing goatherds. China and Russia are now openly physically challenging you on both sides of the world.

Western Taliban says:

Unfortunately, it will not be Greenblatt who dies at the front lines, but the stupid useful goys who for some reason haven’t left the LGBT army yet.

One can only hope they’re just collecting checks and will refuse to die for gay anal rights when the time comes. But for what I’ve seen these days, it looks like there really are white Americans in the Ukraine who want to die for gay anal rights and being enslaved to women, niggers and Jews in a front-gynocracy ruled by demon worshipers.

Honestly I don’t get it at all. Can you imagine waking up one morning and just going to die for this shit? Like, why? Lmao

Red says:

It’s the Poles in the Ukraine that really surprise me. Good Catholic boys fighting for pederasty and chopping boys dicks off.

Western Taliban says:

I think this behavior is explained by comparing them with a rabid dog. They’ve been against Russia for so long they cannot think about any other position but being against Russia, like a dog behind a fence that barks to everything that moves for no reason but the moment it’s opened the dog stops.

In my country the faggot lovers have been historically aligned with Russia, as in the Soviet Union, so they actually are somewhat against Ukraine. While the cuckservative Christian faction is all in on dying for gay anal rights just like the Poles. It’s all nonsense.

I guess this is what happens when people grow up in this society, abused by an indoctrination system designed to make you a pliable faggot with a mush for brain since the age of 3-4. Those that do not posses naturally higher IQ and disagreeableness become stupid zombies without any perspective, unless the parents actively prevent it.

Men should be working since they are like 12 or even as soon as 8, as apprentices to someone who knows their trade and produces something of actual value in society and interacts with reality and real problems and solves them, to learn from them. Instead they are children that do nothing but loaf around all day until they are like 24 and up to 30. That 30yo should have had the experience of 16 years interacting in the real world and living a real life, but he didn’t. Then many of them proceed to continue their childhood being soft-slaves to the government through their front economic units called “corporations”.

These people are not mentally prepared to face reality when you think about. Perspective, problem solving, thinking on their own, they have never had any need for any of these and they haven’t developed these skills. They only know how to toe the line, the only thing they’ve done their entire lives.

Even someone like Elon Musk comes from a different and disparate background where he had to fend for himself from early on. This is literally the number one requirement for a functional adult being, and too many people simply don’t have that. I’ve met men who have never been in a fistfight in their entire lives, can you imagine that shit? Big no-no.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I’ve met men who have never been in a fistfight in their entire lives

Vast majority of the American ruling class. K-12 education for that group is an extremely sterile environment. Emotional monotone. They’ve never felt an adrenaline rush, physical hardship of any kind, confrontation.

It’s not that these people are soft slaves to the government for many of them end up running the government. It’s that the government is run by neurologically neutered elites and everyone bellow ends up suffering.

Basil says:


jim says:

Russia is on the right path to restoring fertility, the west on the opposite path.

Starman says:

@Western Taliban

”Unfortunately, it will not be Greenblatt who dies at the front lines, but the stupid useful goys who for some reason haven’t left the LGBT army yet.”

Greenblatt’s FBI is too puny an organization to carry out mass murder.
Stop being a bunch of wimps.

If Paul Pelosi can be reached in his home by a gay prostitute with a hammer, then every single FBI agent and ZOGbot can be reached in their homes by anyone.

The only pathway for the jew ruling class to mass murder is to start a nuclear war with Russia. Their ZOGbot mercenaries proved to be too flimsy (thanks actual Taliban). Their nigger bioweapon has ran into the food supply chain disruption problem, so it’s too slow and insufficient to achieve White genocide (and one of the negro talented tenth is now openly naming them).

And so for the jews, who are both simultaneously cowardly and yet unable to see past 15 seconds of consequences for their evil actions, nuclear war with Tsar Amelek shalt be done, in the name of the Talmud.

The Cominator says:

Starman the echoes are just frontmen, youre meant to notice them.

Fauci was a Jesuit not a jew.

ten says:

Anyone can be reached by someone they invite.

The same ruling class ruled before they invited the jews, which they did openly only after ww2. The new york writers were so eloquent and capable of justifying any treason, and positively dripping of hate of europeans and amerikaners. Great stuff when you’re in the business of immanentizing the eschaton, very reinvigorating for the state religion, and always willing and ready to be information control frontliners.

t1: To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

t2: employ a bunch of paranoiac jews to do information control for you, so when shit goes haywire, people first point to the jews

Kunning Drueger says:

You are deluded if you honestly think the FBI, ATF, CBP, ICE, USMS and others are totally toothless. They aren’t unbeatable, but until there is a large and publicized tactical defeat on the home soil, their legend alone will keep them relevant. Some talk is cheap, some talk… less so. As it stands right now, the fed forces are the unchallenged stationary bandit. The only mobile bandits with any real clout are the cartel, negro gangs, and antifa. I don’t think you can name a single entity that isn’t Fed or pet minority that has “mobile bandit” status, and if you can, don’t. Any nationalist, christian, or Christian Nationalist group on the radar is most likely COINtel pro skullduggery.

Before you waste anyone’s time with ad hominem or empty insults, I’m not crowing about this, I’m just stating the tactical situation as I see it. We will enter a new phase when rural Sheriffs start explicitly telling the Feds they have no jurisdiction. If RF puts paid to a Coalition Force in UKR, the situation may change as well. As of now, “they lost in Kabul!” is not yet an effective argument for native coordination.

Pax Imperialis says:

2 out of 3 examples of mobile bandits are really just Cathedral pets. If the Cathedral loses power, maybe they become full blown mobile bandits, but my money would remain on the Cartels or any number of community defense militias that would pop up in most white towns.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

The families of the FBI and other ZOGbots are easily reachable by anyone. And their numbers are tiny. They are not an effective tool for mass murder.

Hence why the jewish ruling class is pushing for nuclear war with Russia.

Red says:

That’s basically what OKC was about. Feds burned women and children to death and Timmy blew up a Feds daycare.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A true American hero, he was.

Starman says:


“That’s basically what OKC was about. Feds burned women and children to death and Timmy blew up a Feds daycare.”


That’s why the fed ZOGbots are a useless mass murder tool.

If they do mass murder, their families get mass murdered.

There’s a reason why the kike faction is pushing hard for WWIII in Ukraine.

Kunning Drueger says:

OKC has been memory holed. You’d be hard pressed to find any normie that has even the faintest idea of the real story, but they do know some evil Christian redneck killed some babies and was swiftly caught and quickly executed by the righteous and super powerful FBI.

Bundy Ranch is a better chronological example, but it’s the weakest of tea in terms of victories for the right wing. There are more than a few isolated instances of staunch resistance to fed boots on subject’s neck, and they do terrify the badged manager, but they are unknown to all but a very few who pay attention. And I’ve noticed that the exact types that should be paying attention, should be aware of the systemic weakness, the pozzed nature, and the incapacity of the Feds (military and police veterans) are almost always ignorant of it. It’s like Gell Mann Amnesia for Gun Guys. They know all about the fakeness and gayness in their personal experience, but they operate as if the other appendages are sound, competent, and dangerous.

I don’t know what it would take to vanquish this collective self-deception, and I think it is somehow tied to the No Step On Snek/Million Blades of Grass fantasy/delusion. Both need to go away; the illusion of overwhelming power in USG, and the delusion that the American is actually a potent free man just choosing to inhabit a cage.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“but they do know some evil Christian redneck killed some babies and was swiftly caught and quickly executed by the righteous and super powerful FBI.”

One massacre by fed ZOGbots was followed swiftly by one retaliatory massacre of fed ZOGbot families by one man, Timmy. And that was when the legitimacy and invincibility of the USG was unquestioned (1990s).

Now every rival elite faction, both external and internal to the US hegemony, see that the jew faction and its enforcers are a paper tiger.

Red says:

OKC has been memory holed. You’d be hard pressed to find any normie that has even the faintest idea of the real story, but they do know some evil Christian redneck killed some babies and was swiftly caught and quickly executed by the righteous and super powerful FBI.

They haven’t forgotten. They still fear it the same way Groomers in schools fear fathers like Gary Plauché. They’re very careful not to target children with strong fathers and the FEDs seem to shy away from WACO style tactics now. Maybe in a few more years they’ll start it up again, but for right now they’re going after peaceful pro-lifers who are not going to call their friends and stack up the agents like cord-wood when they come acalling.

A2 says:

Are there any US militias anymore? Of the kind media used to make spooky stories about in the 90s.

Actually, I did see one militia during the BLM riots: uniformed, armed blacks marching on … um, Stone Mountain? They gave the impression of being ready to run while shooting uncontrollably if someone fired an AR-15 in the woods by the road. Luckily for them, the woods were silent that day.

Kunning Druegger says:

There are actually quite a few militias, but none seem to have solved the shill/entryist/fed problem, at least not publicly.

If there are effective, funded, intelligent militias out there, they are keeping the lowest of profiles, which is safe but ineffective.

I think the best bet would be for SOMEONE or a few SOMEONES to build a militia structure on paper, then open source the blueprints.

jim says:

> but none seem to have solved the shill/entryist/fed problem, at least not publicly.

There is an ancient solution to the shill/entryist/fed problem: Require an affirmation of faith.

There is no affirmation of faith that can keep out every possible enemy faith, but there is always an affirmation of faith that can keep out entryists of the current enemy faith that is plotting your destruction.

Red says:

There is an ancient solution to the shill/entryist/fed problem: Require an affirmation of faith.

I’ve been thinking that faith based security companies might be a useful thing. Get a church together, form a basic faith based security group with a faith based affirmation and do security related things along with training for the future. When central authority declines it’s going to be bandit gangs and security groups duking it out, might as well get ahead of the game.

jim says:

In all of history there has never been an affirmation of faith that specified the important differences between men and women, or that men and women were different and not interchangeable, but given the current faith of our enemies, likely to be useful this time around. The trouble with all the old creeds is that they were targeted at old enemies – though despite that, they still work mighty well even today against our current enemies

Have them say that Gnon created woman to be a helpmeet for man, that a woman’s desire shall be to her husband and he shall rule over her, and that the husband is head of the wife, as Christ is head of the Church.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

When they hit someone and he hits back and takes out the entire team, things are going to change. The US military had an invincible reputation until Kabul, then all of the sudden challenges started arising. The USG is staffed with bullys, not killers.

Say that I got raided and the news is: “Some lunatic going by Wulfgar Thundercock III killed an entire tactical team and mounted their severed heads on his fence. He posted this on the notoriously white supremacist and racist Gab social media site, where it has since been removed, but other users continue to share images.” That is an awful lot.of people.who have a little.voice in their heads say, “Maybe I don’t need to worry so much.”

Red says:

When they hit someone and he hits back and takes out the entire team, things are going to change…. The USG is staffed with bullys, not killers.

I expecting a gun round up that ended up that way, but I think the ATF realized what would happen and that the local cops wouldn’t back them up when the shooting started.

I think the ATF is still a little “gun” shy after what the Branch Dividains did to them.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

More recently you had the Bundy Ranch incident. GAE called for backup, but so did Bundy. Bundy ended up getting more reinforcements than the GAE did, so they settled.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

For context, that was in 2014, when things were at a way lower temperature than these days. There were still thousands of people showing up for a chance to Waco the feds for a change.

Starman says:

@Wulfgar Thundercock III

“Say that I got raided and the news is: ‘Some lunatic going by Wulfgar Thundercock III killed an entire tactical team and mounted their severed heads on his fence. He posted this on the notoriously white supremacist and racist Gab social media site, where it has since been removed, but other users continue to share images.’ That is an awful lot.of people.who have a little.voice in their heads say, ‘Maybe I don’t need to worry so much.'”

Even better when that person has a five year expectancy from frankenvaxx myocarditis. That’s why (((Jesse Shapiro’s))) woman, Emily Oster, penned a plea for a pandemic amnesty.

“The US military had an invincible reputation until Kabul, then all of the sudden challenges started arising. The USG is staffed with bullys, not killers.”

Not a coincidence that after that happened:
– Chinese diplomats publicly humiliated Anthony Blinken.
– Russia invaded Ukraine, in response to years of shelling on the Donbass by globohomo.
– India buys Russian oil in Rubles.
– Xi Jinping has Ju Jintao openly and physically removed live at the CCP Congress.
– Outsider elites in the USG hegemony openly challenge the kikes and the HR wine aunts.

Starman says:


Not a coincidence that after Kabul happened, these events happened:

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I understood what you meant. I even saw a few small rebellions against the coronahoax in GAE territories within a week of the Fall of Kabul. They got squashed, but that they even happened showed me that at some level people sensed the weakness. I said, right after, that it was the beginning of the end. Maybe they could have turned it around by beating on someone small, but they had to pick Russia.

Western Taliban says:

They had been at soft war with Russia since 2014 via Ukraine. We also saw the tension in Syria. They didn’t make the move, Russia proceeded with opportune escalation. NATO has been encroaching on Russia for decades too.

The fall of the gay was going to happen no matter what they gay did anyway, that’s why it’s gay. If Russia becomes consistently and formally for Christ/GNON I’ll change from Taliban to Ivankov or something.

That day would be something though, the day faggots are thrown off rooftops in Russia and the US LGBT soldiers openly murdered I’ll probably cry tears of happiness: western legacy saved.

skippy says:

“If Paul Pelosi can be reached in his home by a gay prostitute with a hammer, then every single FBI agent and ZOGbot can be reached in their homes by anyone.”

That is true and if rightists started doing smartly directed terrorism it would be highly effective. They lack the organization and the spiritual will.

This latest election seems to have been interpreted by the right as “we lost fair and square, so we need to move closer to Biden’s positions [our extermination on the instalment plan].

I don’t have a lot of hope for these people.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What are you suggesting, that the better-looking among us set up Grindr accounts, arrange hookups with Democratic politicians, and show up at their homes with a bag of weapons disguised as dildos?

On your way out the door, say to the guards, “Please do not disturb Mr. Newsom, he’s dead tired.”

The Cominator says:

Dont use the t word that will draw way more fed eyes than normal here.

Pax Imperialis says:

>the t word

Which T word? Tucker… Testosterone? I joke, but to the left they are ‘literally’ the same as the other T word.

Red says:

>That is true and if rightists started doing smartly directed terrorism it would be highly effective.

Don’t fed post. It would be highly effective at getting good people killed for no gain. What’s the point of attacking anyone without a leader directing?

Timmy’s attack was a very much a action -> reaction sort of event. It worked for that reason.

Let me give you an example. We’ve got tons of leftist DAs who are murdering good people by letting feral criminal go unpunished. A random person playing mincrafting with the DA would result in a massive increase in security protecting said DAs and a retribution campaign against anyone who dared to criticize them to discourage further attacks. Nothing good would come of it.

But if an aggrieved family member of a victim did the same, that would result in DAs being a lot more likely to lock criminals up. The proper moral context is necessary for violent action to be useful.

The Cominator says:

I dont think its feasible to protect every minor oafishul as if they were the President…

But the problem with organizing minecrafting is that the feds are still super efficient at infiltrating dissenters… i dont know about skippy.

Kunning Druegger says:

I posted about this a while back, and I really want to do a “white paper” on the topic but I just can’t figure how to word it safely without losing all meaning, or where to post it.

Far more security than people realize is theater. This comes to light during any mass violent event when the first people to run away are the ones who are supposed to provide protection. Further still, LEO works under a single principle: they have the numbers. If someone gets violent, they get mobbed 5 or 10 to 1. This is why the radio is the most dangerous and effective weapon the officer has. This works because the vast majority of violence that occurs is passionate (personal reasons) and/or abbreviated (unplanned, uncoordinated, and punctuated). Inner city crime is entirely a result of low numbers of officers, at least within the configuration of our present society.

How to put this… there are many, many places where a particular class of person congregates repeatedly for a few very common reasons. These places are “isolated” only by convention and common perception, in reality they are 2 or 3 doorways away from the streets. Easily 90% of the security infrastructure in place works because the only people being violent are doing it for passionate, personal reasons, or momentary emotive lack of control.

2 types of incident would overwhelm the current system in short time: solo puppy and angry terrier minecrafts. Notice how whenever some mentally ill kid gets groomed by the feds, the whole country experiences anxiety, discontinuity, and reevaluation. This is not purely causal, rather a product of a system of fear propagation as manipulation at scale. But it remains the case that one sad little boi can cause millions of dollars of spending as fear induced measures get carried out holistically because of highly localized, punctuated disequilibrium of the social contract.

Should dog biting incidents take even the faint shape of a pattern, should those getting bitten even remotely resemble a certain crowd, the countermeasures engaged would bloat “the system” of “protection” catastrophically. Remember, all targets are soft targets in some sense, while some are less soft and others are more soft. The stall in a public bathroom gives the illusion of privacy because our lower brain experiences heightened anxiety when we defecate in the open (this is why your dog stares at you when it poops; it is seeing if you are picking up the alertness slack while it is otherwise indisposed). Merely providing a thin barrier is enough for most humans to be put at ease, but they are no more safe than without it, their instincts are merely tricked. If society, for whatever reason, decided that we suddenly need bank vault level exclusion in order to go number 02 in public, the cost of implementing this demand would wreck more than a few companies, as well as initiate a cascade of other things.

Red says:

Great post. You should write something up longer form about how security actually works in America.

However, the first reaction is going to be mass murder anyone and their families who fit the profile of the attackers in mindcraft. That’s always been the reaction by these sorts, which is why it’s stupid to discus unless part of a planned campaign. I know the mindcraft security is light and wouldn’t be hard to overcome, but to what end? Such things need leadership, intel, and a plan to make it worthwhile. Long before the feds let up enough to let the right consider such behavior(any group planning biting certainly has the feds there encouraging it), the left will be mindcrafting each other left and right in the streets.

Random violence to cause chaos is one of the tools the left uses to gain power, it’s not a tool we can use. Lone wolves are not terribly effective most of the time besides as deterrence, IE Timmy, Gary Plauche, etc.

The Cominator says:

Obviously we shouldnt fedpoast but i dont think we should countersignal the whole idea of minecrafting democrats either.

skippy says:

“Don’t fed post. It would be highly effective at getting good people killed for no gain. What’s the point of attacking anyone without a leader directing? ”

That’s generally what right wing people do now, probably under Fed direction. E.g. that guy who shot up a bunch of the nicest black people he could find. Why didn’t he garrote Harvard CRT profs in a Cambridge Whole Foods parking lot at night instead?

Timothy McVeigh did terrorism which redirected national policy for a long time. He was a good man of course and of course it got him killed.

The Bundy ranch did terrorism – tell me raising a militia against the government to impede government policy is not terrorism or some other high crime – and they were so successful their terrorism was even retroactively declared not terrorism.

The strategic problem with the right’s terrorism is they go and shoot up a mall or provincial courthouse rather than taking out a bunch of essentially undefended high value targets. Basically everyone below the highest level political actors and billionaires is essentially undefended, and the political actors are actors and don’t even matter.

Of course you can protect more and more people, but being protected reduces work efficiency and makes life unpleasant. It’s a bit like being in prison which also makes it low status.

I am not advocating anything. I’m a foreigner anyway and consider the whole American effort doomed. This will not happen and I don’t want it to happen. In any case, I would have no involvement in any of it. I’m just analyzing the situation from a detached strategic viewpoint.

Moldbug’s view that terrorism is always useless except for astroturf is just historically untrue. Of course it’s a politic position for a namefag who wants SV venture funding after writing his blog about overthrowing the government.

What is true is that terrorism requires some organization because the guys getting killed are not usually strategists as well and if they are you will quickly run out of strategists. If the rulers can suppress ALL organization, no terrorism. As you point out, there appears to be a certain level of RW terrorism organized and directed by leftists against zero or negative value targets. The US defeated Islamic terrorism mostly by assassinating all the directive leaders with drones.

From the broad historical perspective it’s bizarre that there’s a country in which millions of young men are dying deaths of despair from suicide or drugs while there is almost zero violent reaction by these people. What do they have to lose? They act like men already in a concentration camp. My conclusion from this is not to advocate action but to conclude that the US is doomed and try to protect myself accordingly.

The Cominator says:

“If the rulers can suppress ALL organization, no terrorism.”

In the US this is the situation its the one thing the FBI is really good at, if there is a hardcore dissident organization of three people at least one will be an FBI agent.

skippy says:

Could this be because these orgs are themselves not run by smart people?

In my view the US state’s biggest advantage is that it has co-opted all the smart people with rewards that it then very gradually reduces.

Things like college debt also tend to lock smart people into the system (yes if you’re going to commit a major crime you don’t need to worry about repaying your debt but if you have a hope to repay it you’re more likely to just keep working at megacorp until you’re 40 and too fat to complain).

The Cominator says:

> Clownworld rgovernment rewards intelligence
The new senator elect of Pennsylvania and the President would like to speak to you. if they could.

skippy says:

I didn’t say it “rewarded intelligence”, I said it co-opted smart people. It gives them enough (mostly money, not power and status) that they do not rebel.

It seems to me that all the smart rebels today are people who value something else more than money, like religion or reproduction. But most people seem to think a comfortable cage is good enough to not consider the system an enemy.

The Cominator says:

“I didn’t say it “rewarded intelligence”, I said it co-opted smart people. It gives them enough (mostly money, not power and status) that they do not rebel.”

No it doesn’t. A lot of graduating engineers after 2000 couldn’t get entry level engineering jobs because they lost them to pajeets or affirmative action cases.

skippy says:

It’s not been my impression that there are a lot of involuntarily unemployed smart people, unless they have the typical social issues.

For sure they are pushed out of leadership positions and into “tool positions” or “sit in the corner and wait” positions in most places. But those conditions are quite tolerable for many,compared with fighting.

The Cominator says:

Unemployed not since 2012 or Trump so much… underemployed… massively so.

alf says:

I’ve used the phrase ‘monkeys in a golden cage’ more than once to describe many people’s lives. As long as you have a baseline of prosperity, most people will stick with all kinds of evil. And we are still prosperous.

Yes, we are growing less prosperous by the day. But are still prosperous. As a friend put it regarding the inflation: ‘sucks, but all it means is I save less money.’ He still saves money. So still prosperous.

And who knows, might be prosperous for a while still. Look at how some of our predictions are turning out. Bitcoin hitting a new low. UKR takes Kherson. US midterm elections business as usual. No universal signs that GAE collapse is imminent. So, normies shrug and continue to scroll their apps for cool stuff to buy.

We are making predictions on Jim Time. Which is really an attempt to zoom out and predict larger trends. One of which is, and Jim correct me if I say this wrong: societies can seemingly function for centuries, only to collapse in a few decades. And by ‘collapse’ we do not mean just a few years of shitty harvest, but the extinction of entire tribes.

We are headed for such a collapse. Hard to say how bad it might exactly be, and how soon it will be here, but that’s the way things are looking.

… All of which is to say that when you stick to your cage, you’ll die in your cage. Striking a deal with the devil has consequences, even if you weren’t aware that it was the devil you were dealing with.

jim says:

> Bitcoin hitting a new low. UKR takes Kherson. US midterm elections business as usual.

Midterms are business as usual?

Looks to me more like business as 2020, as predicted. Though I did not expect that DeSantis would be permitted to win, and that he was permitted to win is a troubling hint that he is an enemy.

I did not expect bitcoin to fall, seemed mysterious and inexplicable. With the collapse of FTX, less mysterious.

The collapse of a major centralized exchange, if unexpected, should have caused a huge fall in the price of BTC. Since it caused a mild fall, was expected by insiders. The bad news is now in public, so likely we are now at a bottom. Unless people go digging for a lot more dirt at other exchanges, and find it.

alf says:

Midterms are business as usual?

Democracy died in 2020, but its corpse walks on in 2022. When the corpse collapses, no longer business as usual.

And it just might collapse in 2024. But it might not.

Regarding DeSantis, is it not a testament to his competence that he is the only man who defended his state against fraud? Seems like a possible Caesar candidate to me.

With the collapse of FTX, less mysterious.

I guess so. But does not explain why, pre-FTX crash, BTC hit a ceiling at 20K, while EUR and USD are inflating. I’ll likely still buy some more, but so far bitcoin is not turning out to be the gold replacement.

… And what about Kherson?

jim says:

> When the corpse collapses, no longer business as usual.

The corpse of the Roman Republic did not collapse for centuries. People just paid less and less attention to it. If a Christian army marching under Christian banners installs a Christian King in America, burning Washington and Harvard to the ground, massacring their residents, and enslaving their women, his title will likely be “president”.

> does not explain why, pre-FTX crash, BTC hit a ceiling at 20K

Does explain. That the FTX crash did not have huge effect on the price indicates that insiders knew what was coming.

I did not expect the fall, found it utterly mysterious and the explanations improbable. Now makes sense.

The exchanges are all connected to big money Democratic regulators, (overwhelmingly and suspiciously Jewish regulators)

Might be a good idea to pull your crypto currency out of the big exchanges till the dust settles.

alf says:

If, in the near future, a Chhristian army marching under Christian banners install a Christian King in America, his title will likely be “president”.

We are too few, too scattered, too incohesive for that to happen in the near future.

People have turned away from Christ because they thought they could do without. They still think that. First comes collapse, and only when our children witness firsthand that they cannot do without Christ, will something like that be able to happen.

Does explain. That the FTX crash did not have huge effect on the price indicates that insiders knew what was coming.

OK that is a fair point. So HODL while the scams flush out. Seems reasonable.

The Cominator says:

Potential whitepill… maybe the vote rigging machine isn’t on all cylinders because different factions of the Democrat party are going to betray each other… I interpret this as Newsom wants whoever is responsible for Biden out.

jim says:

He is just suffering from normality bias. Lots of Recucklicans are suffering from normality bias, we should hardly be surprised if some Democrats are.

The Cominator says:

He is a high level Democrat perhaps on the short list to replace Biden…

Not seeing how he would be unaware of the fraud.

jim says:

The bubble isolates them from reality. They drink their own koolaide.

dog owners association of rome says:

>Newsom says the DNC needs to be more offensive on messaging
in what fucking universe
how can they not course correct the slightest bit

Ghost says:

CV tyrants are asking for amnesty now. I want Nuremberg style justice. The following article shows an interesting perspective:

The Cominator says:

I’m so glad they had the nerve to put out that fucking article… it bothered me that we didn’t have tons of people demanding revenge on all involved with covid and now we do.

chris says:

you won’t get justice until you have power.

The Cominator says:

Obviously not but the seed of revenge has been planted now.

Basil says:

MOSCOW, November 1. /tass/. Russian President Putin instructed the government, together with the Foreign Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the FSB, to prepare proposals for the establishment of a visa-free regime for foreign citizens without observing the principle of reciprocity, the Kremlin website reported on Tuesday.

“To prepare and submit proposals for the establishment (without taking into account the principle of reciprocity) of a visa-free regime for foreign citizens to travel to the Russian Federation for tourist, business, educational purposes, as well as to participate in sports and cultural events,” the list of instructions says following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council.

In addition, the Head of state instructed to think about increasing the validity period of a multiple-entry tourist visa.

The Cabinet of Ministers, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, should also present ideas on simplifying the requirements for tourism activities related to the use of Russian tourist vessels, including the non-application of the rules of the border regime.

jim says:

If the US was doing this, it would be a backdoor for bringing in a horde of criminals and whores to live on crime, welfare, and voting democrat. (RealID enables you to vote, and gets issued to holders of foreign identity papers if they momentarily have a US address)

Since Russia is not importing voters, likely this Russian plan is exactly what it purports to be – making life easier for tourists and visiting businessmen.

Kunning Drueger says:

So for some time now, I have been wondering if the infinite compassion that the Kremlin seems to be infected with lately would cause them to send out a quiet signal that holy fire may be raining down on the Empire of lies. I don’t know what this signal would look like, and it may just be a dumb idea, but given what Russia did in Ukraine, despite the fact that the majority of the Hohols spit on the kindness, is it possible that Putin would send out a quiet lifeline to anyone willing to abandon Sodom and Gomorrah?

Basil says:

Ukrainians and Belarusians can live in the Russian Federation with an internal passport and without such decrees. At least that was the case before the war. Not sure if this is the case now.

Basil says:

[*bullshit deleted*]

jim says:

Seems improbable, and you provide no evidence.

Basil says:


jim says:

Russia is an empire. But it is not the Global American Empire.

You are arguing a case that is as absurd as flat earthism, and I am not going to waste space on debating it.

Basil says:

Erdogan: “Putin offered to send grain to Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti for free. I supported the proposal.”

All these are countries with Turkish and US/NATO military bases. That is, Erdogan feeds his sphere of influence at the expense of the Russian Federation. A real sphere of influence, not the EAEU and the CSTO. The Russian Federation arranges a gas hub in Turkey, where the Turks will heat up billions of dollars annually.

RF feeds Turkish satellites for Russian money. The Russian Federation gives Turkey air defense and its technology to protect against its own Iskanders. Russia is boosting the Turkish economy.

And what did Moscow get from Ankara?

jim says:

Turkey is playing both ends against the middle. Is Putin falling into Erdogan’s trap, or Nato falling into Erdogan and Putin’s trap?

Putin is zigging left (global warming and the jab) and zagging right (divine right monarchy and Christian holy war). Putin hopes to split the diverse strands of leftism within the Global American Empire. I predict internal war within the Cathedral coming soon, perhaps he predicts the same.

Recall that the protestant reformation won because the Holy Roman Emperor found himself at war with the Pope. Putin is hoping something similar will turn up, and very likely it will. Perhaps it will not be us that sacks Harvard and levels it to the ground, but Washington or New York, or even San Francisco. With the end of democracy, the left now has no means of peacefully resolving its internal conflicts.

Kunning Drueger says:

Your faggotry makes Harvey Milk’s corpse blush.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Harvey Milk
>first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California
>Lieutenant in United States Navy

Oh lordy, the Marines I know will have a field day with that.

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s actually pretty whitepilling that you had to Google my reference. May all celebrity sodomites be forgotten in my lifetime, inshallah.

For a wacky rabbit hole, look up Milk, Pelosi, and Jim Jones.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve known about Jim Jones for a long time. Many people do even if it’s as limited to kool-aid. What most people don’t seem to remember was that he was a communist and they tend to look at me in shock when I point it out.

Then again when you watch most documentaries on Jones town the whole communism part is memory holed.

A2 says:

Don’t forget the USNS Harvey Milk.

What’s long, hard and full of seamen? The USS Harvey Milk

skippy says:

This expensive shill has really gone into overdrive in recent days.

The subtext is the message.

Kunning Drueger says:

They are genuinely worried about a potential RF offensive once the ice sets in.

Anon says:

“And what did Moscow get from Ankara?”
That when times come, Moscow will not fight on all fronts
GAE bases and assets in medeast and africa will suffer mysterious and sudden inability to perform as expected.

Basil says:


jim says:

I have more confidence that Putin is pursuing the interests of Russia and Russians than that you seek the welfare of Russia and Russians.

Kunning Druegger says:

Holy fucking shit.

“Corporations, specifically but not exclusively under the direction of Rockefeller, as testified by Aaron Russo before he unexpectedly died of fast-acting cancer, intentionally and deliberately set out to and did indeed steal the childbearing women from their men. They don’t call it the corporate harem for no reason.

There is literally no way to deny this on factual grounds.

When you start looking into why the world is a living hell, you find that one or both of two groups are responsible for everything: Jews or capitalists.

No one else matters.

What I’m telling you is that without Jews and capitalists left-wing politics would simply not exist.

In other words: you are a leftist, “Nigger” Jim.”


CR has been posting among us for at least a year without being called out FOR BEING CR. I know he was called out for other acts of flagrant gayness, but I challenge any long standing regular to read the post I have reposted and tell me with a strait face that that isn’t Cambodian Rheumatist. Alf, what say you??

I’m not even mad, I’m impressed.

The Cominator says:

Who are you quoting I haven’t seen these quotes?

Kunning Druegger says:

“Majestic Reptillian Bonking” AKA “Trex Sex” AKA “Carlylian Restorationist.” Go to the bottom of Recent Comments. He slipped the mask and did a CR post accusing us all of being “internet THING” and therefore unconnected to the “real world.” Classic CR, remember? As soon as he was crucified for “warmed over marxism” (which I am pretty sure was what originally drove him to start hate-posting back in the day as well, lol), he would lash out with the vile hatred that animates the half dead proggy foot soldier everywhere.

Honestly, this is like running into an old classmate you haven’t seen in decades and finding out they aren’t dead and wishing they were. What a reunion! Let’s minecraft him.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

I posted as T. Rex Sex.

I never posted as Carlylian Restorationist.

Don’t slander me.

jim says:

You have been doing better on the Soros test than CR ever could – though you still have not specifically identified any of Soros’s hostile acts. And lately some CR themes have been showing up in your stuff.

You have been saying (and I have been deleting) that the Jews did 9/11

In what sense did the Jews do 9/11? Emitted mind control rays at Muslim terrorists to make them do it and told the FBI to look the other way?

Or did they use mind control rays to create the illusion of commercial airliner sized and shaped planes going into the towers and the pentagon, and also mind control rays so that no one in the towers and the pentagon would notice hundreds of tons of magic thermite being planted, and then the dancing Israelis triggered the magic thermite?

And, if we are going to discuss this, take the Mueller test. Mention Mueller’s crimes in the Trump and General Flynn events, and/or his crimes that caused 9/11 to happen. If you tell me how the Jews did 9/11, and it makes no sense and you do not mention Mueller, going to censor it again. But if it makes sense or you can notice Mueller’s activities, happy to debate it.

If on the other hand, makes no sense and neglects to mention Mueller, seen it all before, discussed it all before, not going to discuss it again.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*deleted for massive and total failure to pass shill test*]

jim says:

Looking more and more like CR.

[*social justice warrior projection deleted*]

jim says:

the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Can you say those words?

[*deleted for strange inability to speak the name of the Lord*]

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*deleted for strange inability to speak the name of the Lord*]

jim says:

And what deity would that be?

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

In truth the Creator has no name for no name can adequately attach the infinite.

[*Deleted for failure to give us anything on the Soros test, the Mueller test, the Women Question test, and the Christianity test*]

jim says:

True, the Creator does not. When Moses asked, the reply was “I am”

But to clarify the question, the question was not the creator’s name, but whom do you worship?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>subversive entryist professes subscription to idiosyncratic belief system with evasive and ambivalent namespace

What a surprise.

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s CR. case closed

> It’s CR.


> True, the Creator does not. When Moses asked, the reply was “I am”


> but whom [what deity] do you worship?

[*deleted for evasive irrelevance*]

jim says:


Do you worship the creator then?

Kunning Druegger says:

To paraphrase a talented bricklayer I once arm wrestled:

“Not even in my alphabet cereal do I wish to see the letters ‘CR.'” [this was in Spanish, it sounded way cooler than it reads]

Fuck you faggot.

jim says:

He changed his style and his hobby horses significantly – I conjecture he was simply issued a new script.

But reverted to form.

alf says:

I had not made the connection. But reading some of T Rex’ comments in that light — yeah there is a definite similarity in style.

Victor says:

FTX imploded.
Jews did FTX, literally.
FTX paid off the Democrats with $100M in campaign “donations”, etc.
FTX top lawyer top lawer for Gensler the Jew at CFTC.
SBF angling Gensler to look aside from fraud, pan regulation.
SBF fam all buds with Govt.
SBF kiss butt of M Waters.
Whole shit reeks of Gov+Corp+Dem corruption.

At least if Gensler gets booted GBTC et al might get to convert to spot.

jim says:

Always looked like a completely obvious crypto scam to me, so never looked into it particularly hard, never paid it much attention

You would have to be dumb as a post to go near it.

Now that I see it being investigated, looks like dumb ruling elites getting way out of their depth.

Mister Grumpus says:

What was scammy about FTX? What was its funny-smelling special sauce?

jim says:

Founder and CEO connected the Centre for Effective Altruism, whose hands are covered in the blood of innocents.

Also Jewish, therefore corrupt, big time Democrats, therefore corrupt, and beloved by the lamestream media, therefore corrupt.

Anyone connected to the Effective Altruism movement deserves to be killed on sight. You should not turn your back on such people, let alone give them your money.

Anonymous says:

Centre for Effective Altruism, whose hands are covered in the blood of innocents.

What did they do?

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

The Jews did FTX.

Didnt do it says:

“Look up the religious affiliation of everyone involved in the FTX collapse
Kanye was right”

Now fairly, “everyone” might be felt by some of the non-Jews as a bit too inclusive, at least by the one’s who weren’t apologist wannabe’s.

What quotes in Jewish scripture are basis for excessive usury, fraud, theft, bribery, corruption, playing with others money as if it was yours to fuck with?

Either way, this nigger probably earned mad respect from a lot of people for stating the simple fact, that a Jew (SBF) did FTX.

Would you look at that, parties involved with the world economic forum contribute to a collapse now calling for big government regulation. Like clockwork for these people
Nov 11
FTX and SBF BREAKDOWN (Thread) MIT: – Glenn Ellison, Dept. Head of Economics – Gary Gensler, SEC Head and former Prof. of Economics Family: – Caroline Ellison, CEO of Alameda, daughter of Glenn – Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, son of Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried

Regulations: – Gary Gensler wants regulations – SBF testifies in front of Congress discussing regulations, trashing #Bitcoin in the process – Two days after collapse, Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act 2022 (DCCPA) bill is up for a vote FTX Brothel

jim says:

Political affiliation, however, more significant.

The real and obvious red flag was not Jews, but “Effective Altruism”. Almost all “Effective Altruists” are Jews, but very few Jews are “Effective Altruists”

Cloudswrest says:

Okay, I had to looks up WTF “effective altruism” is.

The Cominator says:

Jews as bagman again he robbed some libertarian crypto bros and gave the money to the Democratic party (I’m sure they got about 90% of the 10 billion he stole) all the while creating a pretext for the Fedgov to attack crypto and push altcoin.

jim says:

Very much the Effective Altruist style, not so much the Jewish style. The Jewish style would be to have something complicated in the rules that made it legal – or legal if the judge is Jewish, which he usually is.

The Cominator says:

I also messed up i said altcoin instead of fedcoin. He also definitely wont face any legal trouble hell either be able to live in exile or theyll whack him they dont want to see this guy make any public testimony.

The Cominator says:

Jim how long do you think crypto will be in the dumps after this btx shit?

The Cominator says:

Er ftx…

jim says:

BTX? Do you mean FTX?

The underlying mechanism causing the dumps is the collapse in trust and trustworthiness. But crypto is affected by loss of trust less than stocks and shares. Because inflation, and the self destruction of the Swift system, crypto currency is likely to rise.

Because of the inherently untrustworthy nature of centralized exchanges, we move to decentralized exchange. The collapse of FTX is part of this move, which I expect to render crypto currency stronger in the end. But a lot of big crypto money is wisely fleeing the centralized exchanges.

Buy when there is blood in the streets. Probably a good time to buy, if the FTX collapse does not swiftly detonate a chain of connected collapses. Give it a short while for the dust to settle, then buy on a distributed exchange.

The fundamentals favor crypto currency. Why then did it fall? Seemed strange. After FTX, less strange.

Cloudswrest says:

The immortal words of Moldbug on holding crypto.

In your own private wallet, of course—not on some fool’s server.

alf says:

I hate white chairs and/or overly white interiors. Screams infertility. I blame the white interior for Kim and Kanye’s divorce.

TheDividualist says:

This was exactly Nietzsche’s idea. A healthy body creates a lot of poop, a healthy society a lot of ghettos.

TheDividualist says:


TheDividualist says:


The official story of Flo N is saving the lives of injured soldiers in the Crimean War via better hygiene. Not a bad thing.

What is the real story?

Kunning Druegger says:

Once upon a time, a bunch of dirty, smelly men were suffering grievously from their stupidity and lack of good sense. Then a woman came along, a woman who was absolutely pure and good and smart thank you very much, then fixed everything, as women always do. The End.

Fidelis says:
alf says:

That is… Extra…

Kunning Drueger says:

All those comments boil down to “ha ha what a loser, it’s not bland and corporate like everything I love ha ha gross.”

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