
Definition of left and right


starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood: Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

What defines the belief system is not the beliefs, which are ever changing, (socialism, redistribution, global warming, sexism, Covidianity, diversity, inclusion, whatever) but that regardless of the what the beliefs supposedly consist of, someone else’s applecart is in the sights.

Leftism is the belief system that supplies rationales for knocking over whichever applecart is currently in the sights of the covetous and envious, it is the priests of that belief system, and

the left

is the priesthood of that belief system.

That the brownshirts were leftists is obvious. Hitler was considerably less left. But what made him still a leftist was National Socialism, and socialism manifested, as always, in shortages.

Price control plus money printing, resulted in food shortages in Germany almost immediately. He then attempted to transfer food from outgroups to ingroups by the command economy. Which meant not only not feeding the Jews but also not feeding the Greeks (who were national socialists) and not feeding the Dutch, who were a remarkable food production powerhouse, not to mention more Aryan than Germans. Which of course shut down food production in Greece, France, and the rest.

Socialism, command economy –> food shortage. So the party winds up making decisions to let people starve. Including the Dutch, who were more Aryan than the Germans and had very impressive food production.

Hitler’s problem, like that of King Louis the sixteenth, and like that of Napoleon, was food. The moral of all these stories and many others is that the state should not mess with the market in food production and distribution, and that if that market is failing, it needs to look after the property rights and personal safety of producers and distributors.  The food desert problem in the big blue megalopoli could easily be fixed by shooting a few shoplifters.  Public hangings followed by quartering the corpses and leaving the pieces of the bodies outside the shopping centers would also help.

If leftism’s ever changing beliefs are impossible to pin down,


has no beliefs. Rightism should be the party of order, or at least the party of existing order, but it is the party of applecart owners and people with an emotional attachment to Chesterton’s fence. Its existence is provoked by the party of the left.  As a result, conservatives conserve yesterday’s leftism.  The party of the left is a priesthood.  The party of the right is not a priesthood, nor does it have a priesthood in its pocket.  It does not actually have any beliefs to believe in, so it tends to wind up in the pocket of the priesthood of the left, which tends to give rise to the dynamics of the uniparty with an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government, and even if it was not, it would still lack intellectual sovereignty, worshipping at the shrines of the enemy priesthood. The uniparty is in substantial part the result of centralised conspiracy run from Harvard with tentacles in every satrapy of the global American empire, but that conspiracy is working with the natural and spontaneous grain of politics.

0 comments Definition of left and right

DH says:

an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government

That’s the crucial insight that a majority of normies had in 2024 – it used to be that understanding of this dynamic was the prerogative of a few nerds-of-reaction in the “here be dragons” corner of the internet. Now everyone understands it. That’s important for one reason: Thermidor needs its own loyalists, i.e. people willing to cross any number of Rubicons to execute a regime change. This past year, by means of a certain orange man, it has gained a whole lot more loyalists.

The cat is out of the bag and everyone can see “democracy” for The Truman Show it is. The age of private government (of the throne-and-altar variety) is approaching.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Have a majority of normies had this insight though?

My normies are still normie-ing. I had a conservative, pro-Trump boomer tell me the other day how weak Russia was militarily, and that we were going to flatten everybody in the middle east except for Israel any day now. It sounds like a parody as I go over it now, but the man was serious.

Then again – I’m under partial cover myself. I dropped a few redpills about US military equipment in reply, but I didn’t charge head-on. Maybe everyone’s still under cover… but I’ve yet to notice that myself.

DH says:

I had a conservative, pro-Trump boomer tell me

Obviously Spurdo Burger still cherishes OUR FREEDOMS! but the kids are all incels and Esoteric Hitlerists (and both groups are on the road to NRx), and that’s what matters.

jim says:

> I had a conservative, pro-Trump boomer tell me the other day how weak Russia was militarily, and that we were going to flatten everybody in the middle east except for Israel any day now.

The usual shills are frantically, stridently, and desperately promoting this, and I suppose they get some traction with genuine pro Trump boomers. But if you hear it on the internet, usually a shill.

Trump’s actual position is “We are out of ammo”, and that it is a really bad idea to have nuclear tripwires along the borders of nuclear powers. So if a pro Trump Boomer is actually listening to Trump, he is likely to be a bit less bombastically confident.

A presupposition of “Make America Great Again” is that today, America is no longer great. The narrative you attribute to a pro Trump boomer is that America is still great.

So possibly you are not hearing from a pro Trump boomer, but from a dot Indian CI working in the bowels of the FBI building. Do you have in real life knowledge that this is a pro Trump boomer?

Pax Imperialis says:

There are a scary number of young officers who think the Kursk offensive was militarily brilliant, that Russia has suffered half a million KIA (yes, KIA and not casualties), that Russia is losing against a third rate power.

The only irl military men who share my worry about the situation are boomers who retired from the military decades ago. Got this horrible feeling DOD is scrapping the bottle of the barrel for its officer corps.

Trump is going to have a hell of a time restructuring the force.

btw, in case any higher ups are lurking here, please, for the love of God and country, get rid of all these damn speech crimes. You can’t even call someone fat these days without potentially being investigated for hazing… ah, never mind, one look at Pentagon personnel tells me y’all won’t change a damn thing.

jim says:

> The only irl military men who share my worry about the situation are boomers who retired from the military decades ago

Implying that something is causing them to select for idiocy and ignorance. I conjecture it is selection for emasculated leftism — because it is easier to believe an ever stupider official faith if you yourself are stupid, and because commissars of political correctness, being stupid, are apt to diagnose intelligence as political incorrectness.

Your Uncle Bob says:

IRL conversation with a white male conservative, who I know to be genuinely pro-Trump and Republican. I’d have guessed his youtube pastors are getting talking points from Israel-infiltrated seminaries not the fibbies, but really anything is possible at this point. Why not lock down every possible angle for nothing but a rounding error in the budget?

Long story short DH is right about the generation gap. Boomers are still booming, but the younger men in my work and social circles are simultaneously less GOP and more substantially rightwing.

And on the topic of kids these days, in my work the literal zoomers tend towards not overweight and pulling girlfriends. The kids may yet be alright.

But I’m handicapped now by not wanting to dox my field, much less my employer, to the dataminers. No desire to have the enemy JV team at my door for no good reason. Suffice to say my experiences with boomers and zoomers may well be particular not universal, but I doubt they are singular.

I suppose what’s dawning on me slowly is for the older generations, literal baby boomers and close, the further right they are natively the less likely they seem to take that last final step to reaction. The defensive crouch on blacks and jews, “I’m not racist/anti-semitic,” is drilled in deep. Might have to wait for them to die off rather than be persuaded.

But it’s not completely inconceivable to me that I may just live to see the universities sacked by rampaging hordes of skinny-jeaned zoomers with faggot haircuts, carrying off the rainbow-haired future girl bosses to a concubinage they’re strangely okay with. Would have to be post-boomer and post-Trump though. I almost have a longer comment about that that’s more on topic for Jim’s post, but I have to let it percolate and try to boil it down.

The Cominator says:

“Long story short DH is right about the generation gap. Boomers are still booming, but the younger men in my work and social circles are simultaneously less GOP and more substantially rightwing.”

Its not right wing to be anti Trump no matter what a disappointment he is accelerationism is a lie and spic Fuentes is a fed.

DH says:

What he means is that younger generations are less cuckservative (fake and gay right) and more in possession of an actual right-wing worldview. It’s not that the average normie has literally become a neoreactionary – but the generational gap points at an Overton Swing. This does not mean 2016 alt-right cringefest – people have politically matured. Even this community has politically matured. But fringe internet memes from a decade ago are now going mainstream, and small internet communities are not so small anymore – in a certain sense, all men are now in the Manosphere and all whites are now Nazis. (Yes, that’s an exaggeration – but not a fanciful one.) But it won’t stop there, since the Manosphere alone doesn’t answer all the questions (though it points at the answer to the most important one), and Nazism is inadequate for reasons explained on this blog at great length, so the normies will naturally, gradually shift to a worldview more and more resembling NRx.

TBeholder says:

To paraphrase and summarize Moldbug:
The conservatives hold the rear end of Overton Window and maybe even actually slow down its leftward movement a bit.
But a real reactionary opposition wouldn’t have anything to do with that. The only reasonable goal for it would be to have the entire Overton building (or possibly Overton city block) demolished, resulting rubble crushed into gravel and packed into biohazard containers… and then containers sent into the Oort Cloud, because better safe than sorry.

DH says:

And most importantly – the realization that it’s a holy war waged by the (Harvard-centered) Left against everyone and everything else, that is going mainstream. Remember hearing “the Cathedral” on Fox News by Greg Gutfeld? Noticed Moldbug (who isn’t perfect, but is good) making the rounds on Youtube? Not to mention Musk and the rest of Thermidor… Cuckservatism is consumed by maggots; people seek the real thing – and those who seek, will find.

Adam says:

Can we then define divine order as order that both perpetuates and improves upon itself?

cub says:

Leftism is chaos, meaning a lack of information, meaning equality, meaning death. The heat death of the universe is maximum leftism- everything and everybody is finally equal!

Rightism is the opposite- order, hierarchy, Darwinism, life itself.

Or rather, these are the two political ideologies that follow from the yin/yang of chaos and order.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In the language of biology, leftists are parasites, useless eaters consuming resources they did not help to produce and tearing down the social order that protects their worthless hides. Healthy societies apply harsh measures to keep parasites in check, such as hanging anyone who steals a loaf of bread. Ours is more like a stage-four cancer patient, with the cancer cells voting to abolish the immune system.

Every large healthy organism grew from a single cell with a genome encoding effective resistance to a wide variety of parasites, and every healthy right-wing society grew from a tiny group of men who devised a moral code highly resistant to parasitism, and faithfully held to that code as they grew into a great nation.

alf says:

Which is why inherent to socialism and communism is the belief that property rights do not exist. If the apples were never really yours, much easier to coordinate stealing them.

skippy says:

I would only caveat that:

1. it is not leftism to pay off your supporters; while not a libertarian ideal, and very bad when such expenses eat the economy, it’s a necessity of political management

2. it is not leftism to steal things from outsiders although one can still define “outsiders” poorly

Fidelis says:

By this definition Normans are leftist, the VOC leftist, and every kingdom leftist.

Applecart -> those people and that land over yonder.

You need to further specify that leftism is devouring the ingroup in order for this to make sense.

jim says:

> By this definition Normans are leftist, the VOC leftist, and every kingdom leftist.

Military organisation for getting hold of other people’s stuff is not the same thing as priestly organisation for getting hold of other people’s stuff.

Normans were Frankified landgoing Vikings. They did not bother with too clever by half explanations of why they deserved someone else’s stuff. Neither did Xenophon nor Clive of India.

https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Robert_Clive “Am I not rather deserving of praise for the moderation which marked my proceedings? Consider the situation in which the victory at Plassey had placed me. A great prince was dependent on my pleasure; an opulent city lay at my mercy, its richest bankers bid against each other for my smiles; I walked through vaults which were thrown open to me alone, piled on either hand with gold and jewels! Mr. Chairman, at this moment I stand astonished at my own moderation!”

The link contains an enormous pile of very similar quotations. That is clearly not leftism.

It is more complicated than just outgroup ingroup. “White man’s burdern” was leftism. What Clive of India is saying is different from “white man’s burden”. Clive does not claim his objective is to do the Indians a favour.

Compare and contrast with Marxism: Marxism’s central claim is that capital and entrepreneurship is unproductive, that the wealth created by entrepreneurs is not created, but stolen. One cannot imagine the Normans or Clive saying “We are not stealing this stuff — we are just preventing it from being stolen from us”

Charles James Fox in the house of commons called Clive “The origin of all plunders, the source of all robbery.”, and I don’t think Clive disagreed.

Fidelis says:

The priestly justification in this instance is ‘vae victis’. All humans have metaphysical precepts that define a moral code, all warrior bands share a form of religion. Lets me and you band up and take their stuff is not leftism. Lets me and you take the stuff of our neighbor because he is not holy enough is very much so leftism.

>“White man’s burdern” was leftism.
Only inasmuch as it took resources from Englishmen and gave them to the many colored races, and a big chunk to the organizers. Otherwise you would have to include the concept of noblesse oblige in the same bucket.

>Clive does not claim his objective is to do the Indians a favour.
And neither did Hitler think he was doing the Dutch a favor.

Marxist empires become leftist empires when they cannibalize the founding stock, otherwise they’re just running a command economy, which is necessary for leftism but not sufficient. An army collecting grain because they’re forced to under bad circumstance is not leftist, even if they tell the people they’re stealing from it’s for everyone’s good. A bureaucrat agitating for communalizing all grain so he, ahem, the public can partake is leftism. The common thread being defection.

I see the thread you’re pulling with regard to motivations, but I think it’s a red herring. Clive was not leftist because he wasn’t confiscating the wealth of Englishmen to go on adventure, not because he was unabashedly taking the things of the far away civilization. If Clive earnestly swore up and down he was uplifting the Hindoos and providing them the magnificent customs and governance the English have been taking for granted, while taxing the Hindoos under his thumb into poverty, still not leftism. Just mismanagement.

jim says:

> > Clive does not claim his objective is to do the Indians a favor.

> And neither did Hitler think he was doing the Dutch a favor.

But when Hitler screwed up German agriculture, he did claim he was doing German farmers a favor. Plus, when he grabbed Europe, he claimed he was doing Aryans a favor, and the Dutch are at least as Aryan and arguably more Aryan the Germans.

The Cominator says:

BTW if you want to understand how bad Nazi agricultural policy was you want to look at the one occupied country where it wasn’t implemented and the Nazis instead paid farmers for food, ie Denmark. Denmark was not subjected to full Reich internal control (it even got to hold out a very long time against having to deport Jews and when the order did come down that Denmark had to hand over the Jews the occupation administration in Denmark not wanting to trigger a guerilla movement tipped the Jews off and sort of made sure they could all escape to Sweden without getting caught) and thus among other things not brought directly into the National Socialist agriculture system. Danish farmers were the only farmers in occupied Europe who could legally sell their food to anyone but the German government, when the Nazis wanted to get food out of Denmark they paid with trade goods, foreign currency or precious metals.

So it came to be that Denmark a tiny country in a cold region not exactly ideal for agriculture was basically providing 20% of the Reich’s food (I imagine that prewar though I’m no expert Denmark probably had about 1/20th of France’s food production).

The Cominator says:

> How bad were the penalties if the farmers did sell to anyone but the Reich government
Black marketeering during the war was a VERY severe offense. For German, Dutch and French farmers it normally meant you were going to a concentration camp to do hard labor. In the Eastern territories they would generally just shoot you though.

jim says:

If you terrorise your farmers, you will eat for a year and starve thereafter.

We have been around this merry go round times without number.

Ryan says:

Socialism is generally deployed because of covetousness, but it can also just be an expression of hubristic experimentation. Mao getting peasants to kill all the sparrows or melt down all their iron wasn’t an example of knocking over applecarts, but of power without respect for tradition or chesterton’s fence leading to disasterous tampering.

A disconnection from reality, even a satanic inversion of reality, seems to be another hallmark of ‘the left’ although perhaps they don’t always occur together.

jim says:

> Mao getting peasants to kill all the sparrows or melt down all their iron wasn’t an example of knocking over applecarts

Those stupid and absurd acts were a logical consequence of the Marxist labour theory of value, and the Marxist labour theory of value is a rationalisation for knocking over applecarts. Because it is a stupid and absurd theory, it will lead to you doing stupid and absurd things, in addition to knocking over applecarts.

Aidan says:

This does pose an issue- the fundamental question becomes about envy.

The Vikings believed that killing other people and grabbing their stuff was good, and as much as they did it to other people, they also did it to each other. They believed that killing one’s friends and family was evil, so ended up trying to make a lot of friends and marriage alliances, but norsemen still killed and robbed a lot of other norsemen for gold and glory. When kings rose to build states and put an end to constant betrayals and civil wars, they needed priestly justification for why one warlord shouldn’t kill another warlord and take his stuff.

Warlords at war with each other for control over land and riches is not left-wing, and neither is the king attempting to forge larger-scale cooperation. The warlords of Norway resented Saint Olaf for the extremely harsh measures he took to build higher-order cooperation, and want to war with him, they won and killed him, but this was also not leftist; they cared about their own rights, their own property, the right to wage private war. Both parties said “I want a sovereign monopoly on violence”.

The Left wants to destroy out of envy; leftism is characterized not by wanting to take something, but by wanting nobody to have it. Observe children playing with toys; the child without a toy will scream and cry, seemingly wanting the toy the other child is playing with, and when that child gets the toy, he will lose interest in it. The child is not angry that he isn’t having fun, he is angry that the other child is having fun, and wants to ruin it. It took me a long time to understand that, because I cannot personally relate to it at all. Of the many evils I am predisposed to, envy is not one of them, and it is hard to imagine that it not only exists, but is the prime motivating force for many people.

DH says:

On day number one, leftists knock over an applecart, grab a few particularly delicious-looking apples, and head back home.

Day number two, they steal a few applecarts, grab some more delicious apples for themselves, and redistribute all the rest among paupers, strangers, criminals, and assorted freaks.

Day number three, they thunderously storm the applecart area armed with RPGs and absolutely BLAST! all of the remaining applecarts while laughing uproariously.

skippy says:

There is a difference between a complete and self-sufficient society loot-destroying a foreign complete and self-sufficient society, and part of a society loot-destroying its own loyal and productive components.

Adam says:

Hey Jim, great piece. I expanded upon your thoughts here. Don’t normally drop links to my own stuff, so if unwanted I understand.


Niiiidriveevof says:

I substantially agree.

However, sex liberalization seems to be a counter-example. While it’s true that that belief is the rationale for a lot of apple cart upending (HR litigation), the modern leftist prioritizes that belief so very highly that it’s out of proportion to its usefulness as that kind of rationale. I would say the same about the suicidal-murderousness of leftism in France and Cambodia.

So I think leftism in a belief system is defined both by utility for envy and by a second irreducible thing, genuine hatred of law itself; divine, natural, civil, and paternal law, God and the cosmos itself; at the instigation of literal demons. Man seems not so corrupt that he could ever come up with cosmic hatred on his own, but not so good that he couldn’t be taught it.

Covetousness, envy, and pride (don’t forget pride) serve to tempt new leftists, thereby perpetuating the system. Once new leftists are fully committed to their vice, demons tempt them to cosmic hatred.

And, to the extent that evolution and activity of leftism is out of anyone’s control, it’s explained almost entirely by the subject of this post. But to the extent that it’s directed by a powerful few, this hatred of law itself is also required to explain it.

Most leftists believe deeply – more than they believe in global warming or socialism – that for a woman to be subject to a man is evil. They believe it so deeply, rather than more instrumentally, because powerful leftists taught it to them as a primary moral principle. Powerful leftists do that not primarily because it provides a rationale for knocking over apple carts, but primarily because they hate God Himself and the cosmos itself.

On the other hand, you could argue even this hatred is really nothing but envy magnified beyond measure: envy not just for my neighbor’s possessions or status, but for the raw goodness of his life, for the excellence of any excellent thing in the cosmos. If that’s right, then I might have to concede that envy is more ultimate than pride for leftism and for sin in general.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] it’s an unbelievably easy bribe simply because it’s what you promised them in the first place [*deleted*]

jim says:

What was promised could only ever be delivered to a tiny minority. Academia was a ponzi scheme. And a Ponzi scheme can never payout to the later investors.

Hesiod says:

During the mid 90s, My first semester as a grad student I was assigned to tutor incoming freshmen who failed the entrance writing exam. It was my job to teach them how to write a five-paragraph essay so they could take the required English courses. This was during the explosion in enrollment after every high school student was told he should get a college degree to guarantee a good salary to pay off that tuition loan.

A lot, course, had no business being there and I felt for quite a few who were lost and confused. At the same time, the university tore up on-campus parking lots to build freshmen recreation centers. If their academic achievements were wanting, they still had good parties to justify the expenses.

The cherry on top of the whole deal was my department recruiting openly avowed communists to go with the feminists restocking the teaching staff. Having to set through those candidate lectures gave a peek at what’s mainstream now in politics and culture.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If cancer cells had an ideology, it would evolve, in stages, along nearly the exact same path that modern progressive liberalism has. They hate everything because their final victory, the agonizing death of the organism their ancestors once loyally served, is also their doom.

Neurotoxin says:

Powerful comment. I’m putting this in my notes file.

alf says:

It is perfectly reasonable to explain leftism in religious terms, that leftists, like the masters they serve, are evil, hate life, want to see life destroyed.

But there are also perfectly valid evolutionary reasons for why a leftist would be a die-hard-feminist. The obvious one being that, if you intend to rob your neighbor, or rather, a rich business run by your neighbor, you’d want to weaken him as much as possible. Emancipation is an easy vector for weakening anyone’s position. It’s like taking away your guns, only instead of guns you undermine the patriarch’s spiritual position to defend what is his.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Your “evolutionary” account seems to be that covetousness alone can explain leftism, and that envy might not exist at all. This is easy to falsify.

alf says:

If we both burn, but you burn more than me, that is still a net evolutionary win for me.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Ok. Do you affirm envy exists, or are you committed to agnosticism about envy? Are you afraid to affirm anything that sounds too Christian in 2024, no matter how obvious it is? Is this Reddit?

alf says:

what? no. lol. Did not expect such a fierce response.

Obviously envy and covetousness both exist, although for instance in Dutch, there is no real distinction between the two terms. Closest would be ‘afgunst’ or ‘jaloezie’ for envy and ‘hebzucht’ for covetousness. But jaloezie is better translated as jealousy and hebzucht is better translated as greed. Generally, ‘jealousy’ is kind of the catch-all term used in my language.

Come to think of it, there is actually a verb that very nicely encompasses envy, and it is one I’ve never been able to find an English word for: gunnen. When you ‘gun’ someone something, it is like saying: ‘he deserves it’, but slightly more subtle. You are essentially saying: ‘I am not envious of him’. On the contrary, when you do not ‘gun’ someone a thing, you are envious. Hence the relation between the verb ‘gunnen’ and the noun ‘afgunst’.

Anyway the point being that wanting something and not wanting someone else to have that something are two sides of the same coin. Sometimes you can steal that something for yourself, sometimes making sure the other does not have it is enough. Which game theory can explain just fine, and Christianity has no problem with game theory explaining that just fine, because of the Logos.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well, not ‘you’ specifically, but other things like you.

I think all this elides the underlaying point though, which what one might say, is the final blockade one must face to fully escape useful idiocy; the presumption that ‘the men on top’ must be evil geniuses who have a plan for everything and that everything is according to plan – the presumption that everything everyone does, even and especially bad guys, must be serving some useful purpose in some way, even if they themselves are not conscious of it.

But honey bunch, I gotta tells ya: our whole problem in this world is that they *aren’t* serving good purposes, even and especially for themselves.

Anything can mutate – and odds on, any given mutation is going to be deleterious. To say that a spandrel has arisen out of something that may have originally been adaptive for some thing in some context is not conversant with what it is is *now* in *this* context.

The realization that the end of the scale can break and keep going, that demonic evil is also possible, is one of the ultimate distinctions between a mere ‘common-sensical’ and a true perennialist.

alf says:

Sure, of course, no probs.

Still, everything you say can be explained perfectly fine by holiness spiraling a defect/coop outcome into a defect/defect outcome and being unable to stop the train.

The point being that evil exists, but the Logos also exists, and explaining evil through the lens of the Logos is a morally good thing.

Pride is the number one sin not because leftists are its main carriers, but because otherwise decent Christian folk believe God has told them everything they need to know and so they arrogantly dismiss new information.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>explaining evil through the lens of the Logos is a morally good thing.

Certainly; if something happens, it happened for reasons; point being, it doesn’t have to be *good* reasons. That’s where the presumption of ‘necessary utility’, we might say, trips over itself at the limit.

alf says:

What ticked off niiidrive was not whether the reason was good or bad, but that I dared to give a reason for it at all.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Did it? He can speak for himself, but my reading was the observation that desire-drives towards catachretic, self-destructive, murder-suicide, anti-cosmic, ‘gnostic’ behaviors certainly exist; the kind of nihilistic spitefulness that goes beyond covetousness or even envy, though the sentimental architectures that lead to such can exist by degrees, making an agent more or less willing to take ever less practical excuses to so do; beings that are literally wired in such a way to *want* what is maladaptive; that beauty is ugliness in their eyes, that good is evil, that life itself is pain and their very existence in this world hell – and they’re going to make it everyone else’s problem.

alf says:

It rather obviously did.

And it’s not the first time a thing like that has happened. Happened with neofugue as well. Good guy, then you talk about evolution and he is ticked off to no end.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Putting evolution in scare quotes is certainly a tell, but that aside…

Niiiidriveevof says:

alf game theory may be important to understanding human behavior but i think you overestimate the extent to which traditional moral categories can be reduced to game theory, because of a prior commitment to agnosticism and materialism. you framed my position as simply refusing to accept that human behavior might have reasons. that’s obviously begging the question, and typical of shallow reductionist materialism.

depending on what’s meant by evolution i’m agnostic to skeptical to opposed. definitely opposed to materialism.

chrysostom what you say is mostly what i had in mind. on the other hand… the position that no one wills evil for its own sake (only ever some good, even the devil) has a long pedigree, so i’m not sure what i think. i prefer the envy account, so that no matter how far a leftist goes to invert good and evil, it’s still ultimately based on sorrow at the thought that there is goodness in the world that he doesn’t possess.

jim says:

> but i think you overestimate the extent to which traditional moral categories can be reduced to game theory,

The universe is the will of God manifest.

The man who does not like the morality implied by game theory also has no end of clever rationalisations for re-interpreting and evading the morality of the Bible;

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>the position that no one wills evil for its own sake (only ever some good, even the devil) has a long pedigree, so i’m not sure what i think. i prefer the envy account, so that no matter how far a leftist goes to invert good and evil, it’s still ultimately based on sorrow at the thought that there is goodness in the world that he doesn’t possess

Of course, from the point of view of the part(s) of them bringing action to bear, they are doing a good thing. Other parts may disagree, which is frequently the case, leading to cognitive dissonance.

The parts that disagree are also the parts that have helped them prosper heretofore, because the Universe itself disagrees with their idea of the good, hence the dissonance. The shorter the subject’s inferential horizon, less world-formation capacity it has, the less it can analogize between contexts, the less it suffers from the dissonance of such contradictions.

In other words, a degree of NPCdom is a facilitating precondition for the doing of leftisms – with the worst subjects tending to be a alloy of this dearth of imaginative capacity, with heightened calculative capacity – mattoidism, pharisaicalism, spergmaticism… ability to handle many signs and symbols, but little ability to see any meaning or value or purpose to them.

alf says:

you framed my position as simply refusing to accept that human behavior might have reasons.

You argue that some part of fairly crucial human behavior does not have reasons, outside of demonic posession.

Now I will add that there are a few very specific parts of sinful behavior I don’t yet understand. Why do gays have a predilection for young boys? I don’t get that. It’s outright evil. Could be a virus that wants itself to be transmitted. But that’s just me speculating without any evidence. So could also be demonic possession.

But generally: game theory, evolutionary psychology and the dark enlightenment perfectly explain most if not all human behavior. This scares many Christians like you, because if it were so insightful, why is it not in the bible? Similarly, evolution: if we really descend from the monkeys, couldn’t God at least have given us a prior hint? And so you file it away under the nomer ‘materialism’: supposedly such cause-and-effect explanations negate the existence of God, and since God exists, the explanations must be false. The cope is tangible.

The universe is the will of God manifest. God wills us to explore it, to understand it, to conquer it. We are still only at the beginning. If evolutionary psychology and game theory already make you recoil, boy you will not like what is yet to come.

jim says:

> Could be a virus that wants itself to be transmitted. But that’s just me speculating without any evidence. So could also be demonic possession.

Both can be true — one being a true analysis of reality at a strictly material level, one being a true analysis of reality at a spiritual level.

alf says:

Yes could’ve explained that part better. Even if it turned out gays have a virus, does not invalidate the spiritual explanation of demon possession.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

From my point of view, the spiritual forces involved in the procession of things are not unexplainable, because they *are* aspects of the nature of this plane.

The Cominator says:

Yes clearly there is an aspect of leftism which is purely evil and demonic and 3rd wave feminism is entirely demonic.

The girl taken in by 3rd wave feminism achieves nothing positive for herself even in the fleeting sense of a woman who blows up her family to have a sexual affair with a guy she thought was a bit more chadly than her husband (and we’ll say for the sake of argument gets caught quickly).

The woman who buys into 3rd wave feminism (which is not even about in any way I can ascertain about getting any more special rights for women but purely about hatred for men) quickly makes herself internally and externally ugly as well as socially insufferable and when it spreads through society it makes social life the same way. But there are no benefits to her even in the fleeting sense of fleeting sex with chad.

Solid says:

Right. The only consistent value of progressivism is the destruction of all truth, virtue, beauty, and goodness–all of it, everywhere in the universe. Their self-proclaimed “values” change every day, opportunistically to whatever they can wield to destroy the most truth, virtue, beauty, and goodness. It was when this grounding principle was pointed out to me that I finally understood leftism, and their actions started to make sense to me.

Certainly, envy and pride are both big motivations for the “diabolical narcissists”, but at bottom the chief emotion is spite. Everybody understands the greedy and the hedonistic, but few people understand the spiteful, who want to hurt you so badly that they’re willing to destroy themselves to destroy you. Increasingly, the spiteful are our rulers.

/pol/watcher says:

Just as there is a hierarchy of virtues, there is also a reverse hierarchy of sin/vice:

Love/Agape (Christ)

Faith, Hope

Wisdom/Phronesis (Solomon, Chief of the Classical Virtues)

Temperance, Justice

Courage/Fortis (Any Noble Pagan who stands against Fate/Nihilism – The foundation of virtue)


Pride (Lucifer/Satan – Font of all sin – Non Serviam)

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath – (Ahrimanic Evil – The Desire for total control, libido dominandi – Sauron)

Sloth (Acedia, Moral laziness in addition to physical, I feel this comes 2nd lowest personally – probably due to WASP upbringing. The widescale corruption is due to this)

Envy (Sorathic Evil – The desire to destroy all excluding self – Anger that one is not God – Morgoth level. The only sin that cannot produce Good as a result)

Jealousy is not Envy. Even Covetousness does not fully meet Envy – it is a great leveller, and thus animates the Left.

Think of the rainbow and a negative of it. Rising upward and falling downward.

Sorry if lecturey/preachy. Pretty much a Thomist, so this feels natural to me.

DH says:

Good post.

My view is that pride is the cardinal sin (and I’m referring primarily to moral pride: “I deserve to rule!”); pride naturally breeds envy, for only God, the head of the hierarchy, has nobody to be envious of – pride makes one envy God for being God, envy the Logos, envy Wisdom, and envy everyone else for having what they have; and finally, envy breeds wrath – and people acting in wrath care less about survival, and more destruction; in fact the wrath is often self-directed, and is fiercest when self-directed, upon realizing that one is not, and cannot be, God, and seeking to punish oneself for not being God. But first destroy everyone and everything else, punish reality for being real: “It’s all their fault, I deserve to be God!” I think that’s the essence of Sorathic evil: pride -> envy -> wrath.

Notice who is angry at reality for being real.

/pol/watcher says:

Took the levels of evil from Bruce Charlton.

To me Pride is pretty much synonymous with Idolatry. It is the foul water that causes the other sins to grow, and flows downward. Just as proper virtue begins with Courage/Fortis.

It is required to put ones self before God in order to place one’s pleasure over obedience to God (Lust).

Envy is unique in that in virtually all cases it results in further evil, which is why I considered it the worst of the 7. Probably could mirror the Cardinal and Theological virtues better.

In any event since Evil has no substance in itself, it cannot exist on its own and is parasitic on the Good. So, even Morgoth doesn’t seek full anhillation of everything, just all other wills except his own.

Sorathic evil is more of an extrapolation, to unmake Creation because one is not the One. Which fails because you cannot unmake the Logos, at most you can return everything material to formless Chaos. Aka murder suicide. This is why unchecked leftism self destructs without enabling from cucks (Sloth, etc)

DH says:

A quintessential demonic leftist text is the following (Ernest CÅ“urderoy, 1854):

Disorder is salvation, it is order. What do you fear from the uprising of all the peoples, from the unleashing of all the instincts, from the clash of all the doctrines?… Anarchist revolutionaries, we can take hope only in the human deluge, we can take hope only in chaos, we have no recourse but a general war.

Forward! Forward! War is Redemption! God desires it, the God of the criminals, of the oppressed, of the rebels, of the poor, of all those who are tormented, the Satanic God whose body is of brimstone, whose wings are of fire and whose sandals are of bronze! The God of courage and of insurrection who unleashes the furies in our hearts — our God! No more isolated conspiracies, no more chattering parties, no more secret societies! All that is nothing and can achieve nothing!

Stand up, Man, Stand up, People, Stand up, all who are not satisfied! Stand up for right, well-being and life! Stand up, and in a few days you will be millions. Forward in great human oceans, in great masses of brass and iron, to the vast music of ideas! Money will no longer avail against a world that rises up!

Forward from pole to pole, forward, all peoples from the rising to the setting of the sun! Let the globe tremble under your feet! Forward! War is life! The war against evil is a good war!

On the inside, all demon possessed radical leftists are like that.

Hesiod says:

Completed a reading of the 1917 Charles translation of the Book of Enoch earlier this week and am still digesting its contents. One theme that jumps to mind is both man and angel are presented as soft-hearted when it comes to the eternal punishment of sinners and fallen angels, but the righteous path is trusting in the Lord’s omniscient judgement, much like the Book of Job.

This is bowing to the dictates of GNON in spirit, something all men of good will endeavor even with grumblings or wishing creation was different in some way.

DH says:

As Jim said in a previous thread, “Ghettos, prisons, slavery, and the noose are a society’s sewers, and a palace without a sewer will soon smell bad.” When the demonic left itself is not relegated to the aforementioned sewers, it sooner or later unleashes the sewers upon society — first to pillage it, then to conquer it, and finally to destroy it — laughing maniacally.

GNON’s palace needs a sewer.

Neurotoxin says:

DH, where are you finding all these interesting texts lately?

DH says:

The internet is immensely more libertarian than the left would like; any absolute erasure of a thoughtcrime from online collective consciousness has so far failed, and though Harvard seeks to develop AI police to shut it all down (that is, the Ahrimanic left, likely the Clinton faction and the neocons; the Sorathic left wants high time-preference highly melanized cannibals with recently deceased human bones in their dreadlocks to eat you for dinner), Thermidor seems less keen on stifling out whatever intellectual liberty remains in this unfree world.

Heck, you can still buy on Amazon and on similar mainstream sites some HBD scholarship books questioning the left’s orthodoxy about race and IQ, MRA critiques of feminism, and even (though that’s somewhat more challenging) some skeptical examinations of the Six Gorillion; and most of what’s been censored there has been uploaded to the Internet Archive and such like. In fact, a volunteer Jimian entryist could probably sneak a few links to this blog into the Mouth of Sauron, Wikipedia. Granted, for the more hardcore stuff, e.g. video documentation of disturbingly young girls sexually misbehaving, better go on the Dark Web – but don’t tell ’em I sent ya.

99% of thoughtcrimes are a few clicks away, if you know what to look for. That might change if Thermidor (whose preferred platform appears to be Substack) loses, though.

jim says:

Thermidor, being the currently out of power faction, is naturally more keen on freedom of speech than the radical faction.

If full on crackdown occurs (substack, X, and Telegram get knackered, blogs like this one go off the air, or become inaccessible in most of the west.) then we proceed to communication over more deeply resistant protocols. I have always expected the domain name system that I currently rely on to become useless. I am working on a replacement, and to my surprise, Radicle is already potentially usable as a replacement. The tools I have already developed would somewhat improve its use and convenience as a communication medium. (Though at present, everyone is likely to find the domain name system more convenient and usable.)

Neurotoxin says:

DH, that’s helpful and encouraging, but I mean, what made you look for, say, Ernest CÅ“urderoy 1854 in the first place? Was it just serendipity – you saw a reference to it in some other text and followed up? Or a Yandex search for “evil people in a confessional mood” or what?

– – – – –

If full on crackdown occurs… then we proceed to communication over more deeply resistant protocols.

Like what?
(Seriously, every time this blog goes down for a couple of hours my pulse rate goes up a bit.)

Neurotoxin says:

Radicl seems to be an advanced “protect you from DDS attacks etc.” service, as far as I can tell. What if your URL is simply killed?

jim says:

Typo. I meant Radicle.xyz, not Radicl

DH says:

Yes, funny enough, I first encountered that piece in Rants and Incendiary Tracts, which is a book I recommended to you in a previous thread.

But to answer the question even more generally – I don’t keep notes or anything, I prefer the spontaneous “what I remember, I remember” approach, which in fact includes some lines from here, a few paragraphs from there, and so on and so forth, which is surprisingly effective when I feel like saying something relevant (and can access the Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, etc., to produce the actual text I remember reading), apparently because that way one clears one’s mind to only remember the important things, but remember them well enough.

jim says:

We have https://radicle.xyz/ and bitmessage, which are not all that useful as social media, but I am working on something better, and if it is not ready in time, going to be on them.

Neurotoxin says:

DH: Ah yes, where one can find the rant of Valerie “kill all men” Solonas, etc. Good find. Your approach matches that of Stephen King, who said he does not have a notes file of story ideas, because he finds that good ideas stick in his mind without being written down.

Jim: Noted, thanks.

Fidelis says:

Apologies for off-topic:

Jim, you might be interested in this protocol when it comes time to host your code somewhere: https://radicle.xyz/guides/protocol

Basically a p2p git forge, with all the discussion artifacts included and shared with the code.

jim says:

That sounds very interesting.

Someone else helped me set up on gitea.rho.la, though what is there is not yet very useful to anyone else. And then the web page went down. I don’t know why. Linux admin is hard, and I am unfamiliar with gitea. When gitea was (briefly) working, the relevant url was git clone https://gitea.rho.la/cheng/wallet --recurse-submodules

But now it is down, and I do not want to face even more linux admin jobs. This alternative may prove easier.

I will check out this alternative, and if proves too fragile, another alternative is that it might be easier to get gitea up and staying up on nix-os.

Obviously the easiest and least effort is Github. Just that that is big social media, and big social media is in enemy hands. The principle of eating one’s own dogfood starts with using alternatives to be social media.

jim says:

Mysteriously came up again.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The situation in the former colonies, which set the tone for its course of life thereafter, was one where you had you one clade of people self-consciously observing an explicitly defined ideology, and on the other hand various down-stream clades of unaligned observers of common sense, with unconscious ad-hoc convergences on Divine Law, without a world-defining faith to underline it, tying all the particulars together via their common threads. Such sorts of people are what would sometimes be known as ‘conservative’ in later days.

In other words, demotism was the only game in town. There was never any serious competition in the first place. Moreover, most folk of later kind also nominally professed adherence to the same faith as the former, but with no end of unprincipled exceptions in practice, with respect to Divine Law, in order to function in reality.

Thus affording the creation of a most remarkable dynamic; unconscious ‘common-sensicals’ restrain the foibles, pitfalls, and excesses of the more consistent demotists, but without ever explicitly repudiating the ideology itself that rationalizes such misadventures in the first place; thus, perversely, allowing the structure to survive and spread itself to a far greater degree than could ever have possibly happened otherwise in reality. Moreover, when the common-sensicals would bring success, many would claim to be doing so in the name of the demotist ideology, because of or for the sake of it; thus in turn helping to associate it with wholly incompatible patinas of success. Even moreover, as problems inevitably arise where the whigs would get their way, they will then turn around and point to the continued existence of common-sensicals – the continued existence of unbelievers who lack faith – as the prime reason the eschaton has not been immanetized already.

So demotist existence is subsidized by the common-sensicals; and at the same rate, anger over the consequences of demotist failures is channeled away *by* common-sensical lightning rods, insulating the structure from bearing any significant responsibility for consequences, safely neutering opposition into displacement activities that vacillate on a continuum of useless to promoting even further demotism. So they get it coming and going and looping around. A frankly amazing evolution of sociological phenomena, in a perversely morbid sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It should be noted that this lack of even an idea of an Alternative For America is – or perhaps rather was – a very American phenomena. I would include men like R. P. Oliver or Sam Francis or Lothrop Stoddard in any thinking man’s library; but it is also no coincidence that the most self-consciously and so defined perennialist thinking – memetically sovereign thinking – could be found elsewhere across the pond.

Niiiidriveevof says:

This dynamic was and is only possible to the extent that the common-sensicals first accepted the idea that the purpose of government is freedom.


Hesiod says:

OT: CNN reports US agents went into Venezuela to repo Maduro’s presidential plane and brought it to Florida. Allegedly, the sale violated sanctions. No mention if Maduro was able to bum a ride from a neighbor to get to work in the aftermath.

Hesiod says:

Error: It was seized in the Dominican Republic.

The Cominator says:

> Stealing stuff from foreign leaders because of muh sanctions
I hate Maduro but jesus christ this shit is a horrible idea we are run by madmen. It would be smarter to just have a hit squad shoot him in the Dominican Republic with some deniability…

Hesiod says:

Musk champions this move, at least in threatening to do similar to the Brazilian government assets to recoup that which they took from him. My earlier fantasy of buccaneer world leaders may be getting closer to fruition.

The Cominator says:

With Brazil it would make sense as a reprisal for taken property… but it does not make sense if you justify it via my sanctions.

Also it violates the Machiavellian principle that you should never arbitrarily injure a man but then leave them alive.

Karl says:

Also it violates the Machiavellian principle that you should never arbitrarily injure a man but then leave them alive.

That doesn’t sound Machiavellian at all. Where is it in Il Principe?

Anyway, that man will usually have a brother, father, relatives, friends. The arbitrarily injured man will hold a grudge, but family of an arbitrarily killed man will also do that, possible even more so. When Machiavelli wrote his book people had brothers and large families, so it would have been extremely bad advice.

Another problem of arbitrarily killing is that every man might be the next one who is arbitrarily killed. No man can rule alone and if everyone fears he might be arbitrarily killed, everyone has a reason to do something about it.

Better advice is not to do anything arbitrarily. Injure those who deserve being injured, kill those who deserve being killed.

jim says:

Pretty sure Machiavelli said to never deprive someone of property and leave him alive. Not sure about the “arbitrarily”.

The Cominator says:

When someone is injured according to well established principles of law not arbitrary and the criminal generally doesn’t particularly want revenge on the prince or the elite of the state that sentenced him… but in cases like stealing expensive stuff from heads of state… that is an arbitrary measure decided on at a high level…

It violates the Machiavellian principle that men should be treated well or destroyed.

A2 says:

Recent long essay in Financial Times: “What happened to Russia’s seized superyachts?”


(FT is usually paywalled but this one loaded okay for me.)

Extraordinary examples of vulgar spending, and there’s not a few of them, but now the sanction seizers are getting cold feet. It’s quite expensive to maintain these ships, you see, and the various governments are on the hook. (Except at least one owner had the boat restricted to port even though he wasn’t even on the sanction list. He has to pay for upkeep himself so far.)

Antigua therefore tried selling one of the seized boats on auction; Eric Schmidt got it but backed out after considering the legal ramifications.

An asset seizure expert, former cop, thought it would take about ten years to resolve these things. It usually does.

All in all a fine article.

Cloudswrest says:

Who in their right mind would buy one of these (and then take it to sea)? Just think, you’re cruising along and a Russian sub surfaces next to you …

A2 says:

Mike Lynch and a dozen or so guests were killed recently when his luxury craft mysteriously sank off Sicily. His enemy was ostensibly Hewlett-Packard rather than Russia however.

(Also, I prefer for some reason in this case to think “orbital weapons testing” a la that Maui fire.)

TheDividualist says:

>but also not feeding the Greeks (who were national socialists)

Frigging thank you, Jim. People overstate how much WW2 was ideological. Mussolini attacked a country whose leader admired and imitated him. And screwed it up, so Hitler helped him out.

Forging a Nationalist “International” for Anti-Leftist tactics is hard. This is why it must be a Christian “International”.

The Cominator says:

I guess Hitler in one way did give ideological favor to the Greeks. The only time Hitler agreed to not resist allied forces (in order so that the allies could take the territory before the Soviets did) was in Greece. This was attested to directly by Speer that Hitler agreed to not oppose British landings in Greece for this reason…

Handi says:

Thank you Jim for yet another resounding post. I plead that your interpretation lead us to pivot away from right and left as a concept, instead of trying use your superior definitions to reframe those labels.

Being that the right/left symbol originated in the French parliament that was already democratic-spiralling-toward-socialist-death-vortex, “right” is a pwned frame. It is referentially constrained to reactionary conservatives, lacking initiative, fatally doomlocked inside the antisocial frame of a malignant priesthood. High-IQ flexible abstract thinkers may be able to extend this concept to be internally useful toward our aims, but in the broader public mind it is a poisoned well and as long as we continue conceding to drink from it, we will never achieve memetic sovereignty, therefore fail to organize, therefore lose.

Today Hitler and the National Socialists are called extremely terribly horrendously totally as right-wing as anyone could ever get. What does this have to do with refreshing fear of God, noble authority, coverture and marriage, private property? Absolutely nothing. But even among the hardest of hardcore shitlords of /ourguys take this collection of unalike things for granted because the word itself is not ours, not even close.

I still use right and left just like anybody else because it’s the most convenient label available, and I don’t have a particularly better idea. But right/left itself is an enemy concept, due for rectification of names along the lines of order/entropy, anabolysis/catabolysis, generation/decay, and similar. It must be thrown out and replaced with our own ideas standing as themselves.

Right/left does have old symbolism that works in our favor, in the sense of dexter/sinister, but this is no longer regarded or even recognized to hold any moral significance at all by anyone except hermetic occultists. Modern people interpret left and right as arbitrary and equally symmetric signs; of course with one side being more equal than the other (even by the other side themselves, who feel a sheepish need to receive permission and justification from their enemies).

We need a tight symbol that immediately conveys inherent polarity of value, a la up/down, in/out, light/dark. But abstract concepts can just as well be poisoned and reversed (“progress”) so we need something that will additionally center the frame directly on order, embedded life energy, property and territory, trustworthy cooperation, and concentric loyalty. Lions and snakes.

Average normies can frictionlessly change their understanding of a word on a dime, and then forget that they ever understood it differently in the first place. But only when they are quietly commanded to do so by the consecrated priesthood. That is not us, so we are going to need different words.

jim says:

“Right” is only meaningful when the state religion is leftism. It is like racism did not exist back when everyone was “racist”.

When throne and altar is normative, and altar sings:

The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
God made them high and lowly,
And ordered their estate.

The existence of applecarts just ceases to be a hot issue. That it is a hot issue is revealed by the systematic removal of this verse, and any indication that it ever existed.

Do a search for “all things bright and beautiful” You will not get the verse, and often you will get outright denial that it ever existed. If you search for “the poor man at his gate”, a web page with the actual verse it is not in the first few hits,

Ex says:

The verse is listed on the current version of the Wikipedia page, which has been current since May: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=All_Things_Bright_and_Beautiful&oldid=1225484425#Words

“Nevertheless, the sentiments of this verse are generally considered to be outdated” some leftist put, still the verse is listed.

Pax Imperialis says:

Similar to leftism, feminism can’t be defined by policy. Hence how we’re now on our 4th wave. Each wave has been increasingly radical, demonic, and broadly speaking simply bratty behavior. An escalation of shit testing. In a sense this is healthy female evolutionary psychology at work seeking out a strong barbarian willing to abduct them when surrounded by weak men, and historically it has worked for them… except modern civilization has gotten a little too good at keeping the barbarians at bay (for now) and so all that shit testing goes unfulfilled. It’s clear that feminism is really just female sexual energy expressed in a failure mode.

In an argument to absurdity, suppose a woman is partially lobotomized in the region dealing with sex, put on hormone blockers all her life, has a double mastectomy, oophorectomy, and hysterectomy. She never shit tests anyone for she has no sexual energy. In fact she doesn’t really even socialize and has no real beliefs political or otherwise. She does have a career and lives independently. ‘Oh wow, this must be feminism because of the strong independent career woman… right?’ This is obviously not feminism. It’s something much different that can may be termed sexual nihilism.

If women are not demonstrating sexual energy of the civilized form of having legitimate children, and if those same women are not demonstrating sexual energy of the decivilzed form of bastard children (or general slut behavior), and if those same women are not demonstrating sexual energy of the ‘please abduct me’ feminism form, there’s a clear lack of vitality. A problem that may be aligned with feminism in the same way it’s aligned with leftism, but still a very different problem.

The Cominator says:

Feminism can be defined by policy to enhance the status of women especially unmarried women relative to men. Anything that does that is feminism.

If feminism is a spectrum the most antifeminist regime is any country with strict paterfamilias laws for women (ie the law actually greatly strengthens the rights of a girls male owner), and the most feminists country possible gives women almost total legal supremacy in every sphere of life ala the US Scandanavia and from what I hear from everyone but you (I don’t mean to be insulting) South Korea.

Now you are right about a lack of vitality (I have commented that zoomer women by having so very very few teenage girls go through the phase of uncontrollable terrible behavior ala the movie “Thirteen” which was kind of a known phase of behavior in modernity at least since the 1920s… there is some element of vitality missing even though superficially that would seem to be a good thing) but perhaps this is what happens when you mix a feminist society and too much internet. It fucks up women’s minds so much they don’t even want to behave badly to try to provoke chad rape anymore.

jim says:

Feminism is a shit test conducted against tribe rather than a particular individual male.

What people are calling a strange sexlessness and lack of sexual energy is nothing of the kind. It is the natural instinctive female “Yuck, I am surrounded by betas” response.

If a woman is surrounded by betas, and urgently needs to get nailed, what is she going to do? She is going to broadcast a shit test against all and sundry.

When you want a chick, you need to elicit a shit test, hence “Leading with a neg”. When a chick is looking for an alpha to give her a good railing, and cannot find one anywhere, she broadcasts a shit test, hence feminism.

The Cominator says:

So what are your thoughts on lack of vitality as exemplified by the fact you don’t see younger teenage girls (not all of them did this but a lot did in the past) going through their traditional phase of really really bad behavior. Girls didn’t normally go through the yuck everyone is a beta phase until roughly their college years in the past. 13-15 girls behavior was more along the lines of I’m going to sneak out meet-up with my friends get drunk, high, chainsmoke and all hopefully while in the presence of morally deficient older men… they don’t do thus the way they used to.

Aidan says:

They are masturbation addicts. When a woman orgasms, she releases pair-bonding hormones. If there isn’t a man inside her when she does so, she pair-bonds to herself, and when she gets male attention, feels a rage that is jealousy.

Masturbation-addicted girls behave like alpha widows, and stealing her from herself is as hard as stealing her from a boyfriend. Girls who are looking for a man have open mannerisms and disposition- girls who are taken by a man who is railing them out have closed-off dispositions when you solicit them. A lot of young girls, we both notice, have the latter “closed off” disposition despite not having bfs and hardly having sex- they are in love with themselves due to too much porn use.

The Cominator says:

Interesting theory… modern women pairbond to themselves at a young age… haven’t heard it before.

Hesiod says:

Anita Sarkeesian married herself, although she claims it was simply a wedding-themed birthday party.

Bwana Simba says:

I agree wholeheartedly with this. The fundamental flaw with the old red pill is it assumed a state of nature for women. Everything they did was some sort of evolutionary instinct. But in a day and age of mass drugging, social media and a culture that props them up while tearing boys down I doubt very little of what they do is “natural” or healthy. We don’t assume the boys all hopped up on ADHD meds are behaving naturally, or the boys beaten down to the point their testosterone levels are lower than an old man from a century ago, so why would we assume the girls are natural and healthy?

The Cominator says:

I had also recently assumed only a minority of women in the US were on SSRIs but apparently not the case. Maybe it’s based on self reported numbers but women lie on those badly.

Aidan says:

Women on SSRIs have the opposite problem. Their instincts still tell them to go out and get banged, but the pair bonding part is broken; they can’t orgasm and can’t fall in love. The woman who has pair bonded to herself does not go out much, does not seek male attention, and does not provoke with shit tests because she is already “taken”, but theoretically possible to bond her to a man.

The Cominator says:

The rise is SSRIs seems to have coincided with the lack of women in public spaces.

jim says:

“Yuk everyone is beta” is just setting in earlier and earlier.

DH says:

So what are your thoughts on lack of vitality

Nine factors influence female libido in 2024: 1. feminism in the metaphorical water supply; 2. endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the literal water supply; 3. recreational drugs (such as opioids) that disrupt their hormones; 4. psychiatric drugs (such as antidepressants) that disrupt their hormones; 5. birth control pills that disrupt their hormones; 6. widespread obesity that disrupts their hormones; 7. ever more orgasmic sex toys and pornography; 8. social media that chops their brains into an “idiot salad”; 9. your favorite heretics, Jesuits such as Fauci and Gates, administering their 93rd booster shot, the sacred prophylactic against the awesome and mighty covid demon.

Hence, the sluts are no longer slutty; they usually get railed by chad (or gigachad if he’s available) 2-3 times a month and that’s that. And most girlfriends are as affected by these factors as sluts; she might spread her pussy for a few weeks or a few months, but then she misbehaves so badly that you dump her, or she dumps you, or both, and then it’s back to 887 open tabs of increasingly degenerate pornography for who knows how long. We’re witnessing a biological phenomenon here, in addition to the metaphorical estrogen in the metaphorical water supply.

Pax Imperialis says:

As I was trying to get at in more absurd terms, points 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are similar to what I was saying. These are not shit tests. It is not feminism. It’s something else, but what ever it is, it’s obviously related to democracy not being able to regulate morality.

jim says:

> Hence, the sluts are no longer slutty; they usually get railed by chad (or gigachad if he’s available) 2-3 times a month and that’s that.

I have been around for a while, and it has always been like this.

A slut is a woman who is content with a midnight booty call once a month or so.

DH says:

Also, need to add, many of the high libido girls (and even some regular libido girls) have practically removed themselves from the sex market, because they waste their sexual energies on onlyfansing and all types of e-whoring. It’s not the main source of income for the overwhelming majority of them, but it drains their sexual energies nevertheless — they work a regular job, then come home and do online prostitution — and thus they are left so depleted of libido that the idea of going out and having IRL sex strikes them as too much effort. Usually they do keep a few chad friends-with-benefits around, but even they don’t get invited all too often.

The Cominator says:

My favorite stripper had an onlyfans (and no i never became a payer) but it wasn’t her main source of income. Most of them have one. It doesn’t stop them from actual whoring. Good whores enjoy being whores…

Varna says:

Ah, but that’s a lifestyle of “manic libido day job” + “manic libido gig on the side”, whereas DH describes “pretending to be a man day job” + “manic libido gig on the side”.

That’s two different types of character structure. Plus, per info you’ve also shared before, the first type (anchored in normie reality as she is) is likely to be using 2-3 pharma drugs daily at the very least, while the second type would be in the more trad territory of booze, weed, cigarettes, etc.

The Cominator says:

She had some globohomo middle management office job with Amazon (that I guess she got because she was a good looking women) at one point that sounded like it paid fairly well but she did not like it and preferred being a stripper.

What I think I have said is hard drugs are the real failure mode of women in that life… She didn’t use hard drugs (though she admitted to smoking weed), didn’t drink excessively (I’m a teetotaler), she didn’t even do cigs or vape (she did like cigars and every time I visited her we would have them together). I talked a lot with her over the time I saw her… She wasn’t stupid or a drug addict wreck she was just a nymphomaniac and she was a stripper and a whore because she wanted to be a whore.

The girls who do it because they need to support a hard drug habit… not as fun and their story doesn’t have a happy ending (for the nymphos it generally does).

Pax Imperialis says:

the most feminists country possible gives women almost total legal supremacy in every sphere of life ala the US Scandanavia and from what I hear from everyone but you (I don’t mean to be insulting) South Korea.

Most of what you hear about South Korea (and Japan) is English media. When you dig into the data, talk to their people, and live there, you find the English media is very disconnected from reality. Americans are far more likely to know about various Korean/Japanese feminist ‘movements’ than actual Koreans/Japanese. These movements get almost zero coverage in Korea/Japan because they practically don’t exist outside a few thousand posters on obscure forums. What’s fascinating is that depending on who you ask, Korea and Japan are either the most misogynistic patriarchal antiquated nations to ever exist, or they are the most feminist hell holes to ever exist.

On the laws, Korea and Japan have supposedly many women right’s laws on the books, and it’s to keep the Americans happy, but they are fairly shallow in penalties and enforcement is rare. The state prosecutes very few cases of domestic violence for example, and it’s generally only when someone ends up dead. The American State Department is constantly bitching about it along with the UN.

Most Koreans and Japanese view such matters as ‘family issues’ and will not involve the police. If police do get involved, they, in the vast majority of cases, don’t want to be and just tell the couple to talk it out. The number of cases of ‘marital rape’ are so rare they don’t even show up in the statistics, and the law is only there at behest of the UN (i.e. America).

The extent of anti-prostitution efforts involved the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MGEF) trying to pay men not to hire prostitutes on New Years Day. It resulted in mass protests and the effort was canceled. The MGEF does little besides collect statistics for the government and has a very small budget. Recently it’s been used to stuff money into the hands of families with multiple kids. Both countries have openly elected anti-feminist politicians into the top positions.

I suspect 90% of the claims that Korea/Japan are feminist are natives getting gittery about constantly having to kowtow to American demands without having to kowtow and thus upset over loss of face, combined with anxiety over low fertility rates (which I would argue are largely due to democracy and the cities).

I suspect 90% of the claims that Korea/Japan are misogynist hellholes are American shills upset that their vassal states aren’t really committed to the permanent revolution.

I also suspect that as soon as Korea/Japan stop being vassal states (or Trump stops the color revolution attempts), any hint of feminist facade will evaporate, but without dealing with the democracy problem they will retain low birth rates.

jim says:

If woman are allowed to fuck gigachad, defect defect equilibrium on reproduction and family formation ensues.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m making the argument that it’s possible for a society to be red pilled, to not be feminist, and in fact be anti-feminist, and still fail the WQ because it has fallen into a different, and perhaps new, failure mode.

The Cominator says:

I have made the argument (Jim disagrees) that Japan does not really have feminism what Japan has is a mouse utopia problem of too much density because the general gist of sources I trust agree that Japan never really adopted feminism except in anything except the most minimal and superficial way.

I’m unconvinced on Korea I agree feminism was initially imposed from outside but online chatter about Korea (unlike Japan) has been that it was literally ruled by a feminist cult, Korea also to my knowledge doesn’t have the absolutely insane population density that basically all of Japan does (I could be wrong about this) so it should not be quite at the mouse utopia stage of development yet.

Pax Imperialis says:

Seoul has slightly higher population density than Tokyo, and more than half the Korean population lives in the capital. The overall population density of Korea is about 40% higher than Japan.

>feminist cult

The events surrounding Park Geun Hye were extremely complex with a lot of mud slinging and lying. I’m doing my best to summarize. Park Geun Hye was mostly a mascot for the good old times when her father and the military government ran the country. The Korean left used every single avenue of attack and pulled off a palace coup. The incident was used to jail hundreds of Korean conservatives (nearly all men) who had links to the 4 and 5 republics and who were actually running the government for Park. The military was also purged because they were getting ready to drive the tanks in.

There was a cult, it wasn’t feminist. It was your bog standard ‘I can communicate with your dead father, now give me money’. There is no evidence that the cult ran any official government business. Hence all the charges that stuck were based on corruption (which every Korean president does). It wasn’t even shamanistic like is reported. More like a heretical polygamous (only for the male church founder) Christian offshoot.

At the same time a ferry sank killing ~300 people, mostly kids. It was completely the fault of the ship’s captain and crew being stupid and immoral. Nothing related to the president, but being a woman Park got emotional and cried and took ownership of it… ‘mandate of heaven’ was lost.

Also at the same time social panic over Megalia erupted. A few thousand femcels tried to start up a radical feminist revolution in the country. Their website was soon shut down under immense social pressure.

1) All these narratives sort of merged on a single point, the president. Most were baseless as per the fact it was a propaganda war.
2) Feminism is so disliked in Korea even the left will use it to attack opponents
3) The Korean right realized using a female mascot to win elections (even if her dead daddy was based as fuck) is a dangerous proposition because women are prone to weakness. General consensus is to not do that again.
4) The Korean right won the last election by winning over traditional leftist voters by being anti-feminist.

Contaminated NEET says:

When I was in South Korea a few years ago, a family I knew was kind enough to invite me over for Chuseok (the annual harvest festival Thanksgiving equivalent – one of the big holidays). All the women took the opportunity to chew me out for cruelly and unjustly forcing the women in my family to produce holidays for us ungrateful men. This was a script that Korean TV and websites had fed to them, and all the Korean women I knew repeated it with enthusiasm and feeling.

Varna says:

The mouse utopia experiment provides useful analogies, just likely study of ape groups and other mammals provides useful analogies, but these are stepping stones toward more complex analysis, fundamentally important as they may be.

Take dopamine. If we look at past social structures through the lens of dopamine access regulation, then we get basically three categories, within the confines of the current topic:
1) dopamine from successful participation in status games,
2) dopamine from sex,
3) dopamine from playing as a kid, and later boozing it up with your bros as an adult.

The social system maintains itself through replication of its subsystems, and the subsystems reward you with status for playing correctly, and the status reward produces better lifestyles and dopamine hits.

If you can get a decent or at least bearable lifestyle levels + unlimited dopamine hits, your basic animal needs are met. You’d have to make a conscious moral and philosophical choice to go beyond this.

It’s like in the past, you had a guaranteed box of chocolate candy once a month, if you participated in the existing social structures and did it well, and this was worth the effort. While now, you get your candy any day you want, any amount (within your ability to pay), and any type of candy.

The only animal motivation left to participate in existing social structures, is survival and status within the system that helps your survival (Company Y), and helps you fund your daily dopamine hits.

The old structures, what survives of them anyway, no longer hold a monopoly on reward, in the deepest biochemical sense.

With the advent of the industrial revolution, two types of dismantlers of inherited social structures appear, if not new types, then at least turbo-charged types.

The first type is the new capitalist dismantler, who prefer a world in which nothing impedes the free flow (“free” in the sense “when I want it and how I want it”) of labor, products, services and capital. To them inherited social structures that impede in any way the free flow, are just obstacles. They are the ones who destroyed the trad countryside and the way of life of hundreds of millions, thereby getting enough proletariat into the city. Today we might call them the globohomo rightwing.

The second type, is, of course, the progressive dismantler, who wants to on one hand dismantle inherited social structures for greater cosmic justice, and on the other hand to sabotage the capitalist’s overwhelming power in any way possible, from grand revolutions to a million subtle cuts. Today we might call them the globohomo leftwing.

The first dismantled social structures just because they are in the way, sometimes not even consciously. The second dismantles them consciously, because the inherited social structures are “evil”, not merely “inconvenient”.

The abysmal fertility of today’s Eastern Asian mongoloid is only in part due to the influence and actions of the zealot leftie, and perhaps to a much larger extent is due to the way the “market-led destruction of inherited social structures” combines with their existing social situation.

Literally a smartphone and a vibrating egg provides more and faster dopamine hits to the random Ms Kim then all the hustle and bustle of going through the motions of finding a partner, and then getting married, and then showing appropriate signs of respect to an extended family of twenty people, etc.

Varna says:

A decade ago already half of japanese women were not having sex.

This is what happens when you’re one foot in globohomo modernity. Deep enough for men to not have sex, not deep enough for women to have sex, because enough trad social structures are keeping them from doing it.

So… no one has sex.

Isaac says:

Huge video game failure. Concord, a competitive hero shooter 8 years in the making, estimated to cost 100-200 million in development and published by Sony, is shutting down its servers only 2 weeks after launch and refunding all purchasers. Game is full of fat and ugly characters and gamers just weren’t interested.

jim says:

Interesting, when you google it, no one mentions the elephants in the room — the elephants being the body positive anti fat shaming girl boss heroines.

Morbidly obese action heroines!

The characters are the diversity, equity, and inclusion quota, dialed up to eleven. On the character selection screen, every character has their pronouns prominently displayed.

On the character select screen, there is not one white, and only one character who looks somewhat like a straight male. Every single vaguely male looking character gives of vibes of trap, gay, or something sexually off. There is one somewhat whitish reasonably straight looking character, Theo, preferred pronouns he/him. (He is a Hispanic manlet who only looks slightly gay.) And all players want to play that character.. Which leads to character selection battles in every multiplayer character selection. People spam the character selection screen trying to play Theo.

Gameplay is set up to force players to consume diversity equity and inclusion content — your characters get extra buffs by you playing a multitude of different characters and you consuming diversity equity and inclusion story

The Cominator says:

The funny thing is globohomo would be way more effective if they didn’t try to take the most blatantly repulsive shit and expect you to like it… like girlboss propaganda used to be wrapped in a better story and at least it wasn’t obese.

The 2000s remake of Battlestar Galactica had a super tomboyish cigar smoking action girl heroine (complete with a dykey haircut) as if not the main character something close (Starbuck) and EVERYONE that I’ve ever spoken to (including me) liked the 1st two seasons of the Battlestar Galactica remake despite this (people generally don’t like the last two seasons because for some reason the writing got a lot suckier)… Lara Croft was designed as a good looking broad with nice boobs. But fucking nobody wants a trannie heroine or a fat chick heroine how are the people ruling us so retarded they know thats a bridge too far to sell.

Mister Grumpus says:

They’re just trying to stay away from the alligators, man. Gotta do what they gotta do.

But you point to how we’re WAY past the Laffer Limit when you include quality of life stuff that’s hard to directly measure. Bitchy fat chicks everywhere (because they’re everywhere on TV and chicks conform)? That’s a fucking COST of living right there. Sucky ass girlboss movies? COST. Etc.

Contaminated NEET says:

>how are the people ruling us so retarded

Because negative feedback is not allowed. No matter how bad an idea management comes up with, it is mandatory to praise it and forbidden to offer even sensible, reasoned, useful criticism. Now add in officially unofficial blasphemy, and only someone with an unemployment wish would dare say a discouraging word. Everyone in the room agrees it’s a great idea, and these are all accomplished, well-credentialed experts who went to the best schools and pull down mid-six figures, so they must be right.

Then suppose the project fails for reasons that would be blasphemous to explain. Then what? Will any of the people who made the bad-but-holy call pay any price? Impossible, and likely criminal. They skate away and start setting up the next debacle. It’s only investor/taxpayer money anyway.

jim says:

No one can mention the elephant in the room. So the elephant stays in the room.

Hesiod says:

Maboi Starbuck, in the original version, was my fav character back in the day. He was a smoking ladies’ man, something not too long after was banished from TV. Dirk Benedict was a role model for impressionable young lads, so we followed him to the A-Team. Perhaps it was petty of me at the time, but turning his character into a chick soured the reboot when it originally came out.

Isaac says:

The USA Today article is pretty funny. “Gee willikers, it seems like no one wants to play the game. Maybe there are just too many other games.” written in an aggressively juvenile style.
On 4chan, 60% of the posters and gloating, and 40%(?) seem to be shills or rainbow believers. On resetera, moderators warn not to venture into so-called right wing talking points when discussing the failure of the game. On reddit, people admit the game is bad but I’m pretty sure anything too close to the truth is being censored.

jim says:

It is a team play game that is aggressively set up to enforce that each player shall play all the roles, including the token for morbidly obese middle aged women, But no one wants to play all roles. Everyone wants to play Theo, a vaguely whitish hispanic manlet whose pronouns are he/him, the nearest thing to a straight white male that exists in the game, and this results in players spamming the choose up screen at team formation.

jim says:

> moderators warn not to venture into so-called right wing talking points when discussing the failure of the game.


Searching “concord”, up comes screen after screen after screen of cope, denial, delusion, and barefaced lies.

That the gameplay is set up to enforce and reward rotating between sexes, pronouns, and sexual preferences tells me that they ran into resistance during testing, and knew they were running into resistance.

The reason the gameplay sucks is political — that they are trying to enforce consumption of diversity, equity, and inclusion content. The gameplay sucks because the primary objective of the gameplay design is not fun, nor to display nice world art and nice worldbuilding, but to get players to wear skins the players do not want.

Karl says:

I’m surprised they shut it down so quickly, just 2 weeks after launch. That indicates they knew it was hopeless before launch. It is very challenching for large enterprises to decide anything withing 2 weeks.

Usual behaviour would be to double down, increase the advertising budget and keep the project going for another month at the very least.

jim says:

Likely one major reason for the long, long delay, is that they have been doubling down during the testing and development phase — that the goal was not to get people to play the game, but to get people to consume the diversity equity and inclusion content of the game.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Japanese were not happy with their American branch.

TheDividualist says:

You know, it is strange, Jim, that one can detect something without knowing why.

You meant this one: https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/sites/pcgamesn/2024/07/concord-characters-teo-550×309.jpg

Kinda normal. Yet why do I get gay bar vibes, why does the smile look cock-sycking to me? I cannot explain but I can detect it. Why?

TheDividualist says:

… second thought, it is a big planet, and not only white men can afford $40. But they offered nothing to Mexican or Japanese men either. And precisely that would be the marketingly clever version of “diversity” – global product, so offer something to normal men of all races.

S says:

It is worship of ugliness- follows leftists trends like feminism. First exalt casual sex/nonwhite men, then demonize them. Exalt the 2nd to attack the first, the exalt the 3rd to attack the 2nd, etc. There are videos on youtube pointing out what is wrong with the character design.

Favorite is ‘I used AI to fix CONCORD’ where a guy uses Vivago.ai and even with wonky AI artifacts are better.

DH says:

Freaks of all kinds have distinct facial features.

They deliberately gave him gay eyes and mouth.

The satanic elite is pushing real hard to ram the poz up our assholes.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Does it really matter to them that their games fail? Most of this, like most of all other egregious bs, is paid for by the tax payers. They could have a game whose sole reason for existence is to have a pederast show his butthole on the screen, and they can still cash out with 0 sales on launch because the whole development was stimulus checked like an EBT card with no limits.

Videogames is an interesting topic I’ve seen no one clinically look at because games just going back only *10 years* were so good (Witcher 3), that you still have modding communities working on making more content for them. There was a time when we had nice looking babes in video games but then the whole industry got slammed by the NGO train and that was that for western game development.

There are quite a lot of ‘refugees’ of the western type who digitally seek escape from western gay mafia by moving from comics to manga, western whore shows to anime, and now mansplain games to Asian games. With the NGO ilk following behind these refugees, and trying to cut off their paths of escape (such as getting Japan to produce gay/troon shit in anime).

Hesiod says:

“There was a time when we had nice looking babes in video games but then the whole industry got slammed by the NGO train and that was that for western game development.”

Blizzard for the past few months has been showcasing, via the Diablo 4 launcher in the Battlenet client, an article on an alleged developer. They are quite proud of their obese negress showcased in the headline and her photo explains quite succinctly why there are really no attractive women in the game. Closest is the sorceress body, but you’re still left with masculine heads. The druidess is a gross hog on which recent revealing outfits really show off the blubber rolls.

By contrast, Guild Wars 2, a game currently celebrating its 12th anniversary, recently released classic 80s style bikini armor skins. Because it’s an older game, all woman body shapes at least recognizably feminine and healthy looking with most being very shapely indeed. Its commitment to wokeness peaked two expansions ago with a story arc involving a rainbow crystal dragon Jesus and culminated with a gay wedding, albeit between two hot lipstick lesbians. More recent expansions have dropped most of that excrement, moving on to other lands and plots. Newer NPCs are still way too wordy, but at least they aren’t blabbering baizuo propaganda.

Pax Imperialis says:

Star Wars Outlaws looks like it will be the next major flop. Girl boss and all that.

Dustborn is also funny to watch crash and burn. Official government funded DEI propaganda.

The one game I’m excited for is The Forever Winter

jim says:

Concord was, of course, an award winning game. When it first came out, the usual gaslighting came forth about its huge popularity.

jim says:

The saga of “Black Myth: Wukong” as compared and contrasted with the saga of Concord reveals that the US economy is floundering for the same reason as the Nigerian economy is floundering. Political elites are shaking down businesses demanding payoffs, and demanding that businesses hire their buddies for plum jobs.

Concord is the biggest catastrophe ever in game development. It was begun when the movie Guardians of the Galaxy in a big hit, and a team play first person shooter was a big hit. So, Concord was designed as Guardians of the Goyslop, teamplay first person shooter.

At the same time “Black Myth: Wukong” is an unprecedent huge hit (this being the second attempt to create video game on this classic Chinese IP.) Black Myth Wukong came under attack because the Diversity Equity and Inclusion team demanded a six million payoff plus Monkey has to become a faggot.

The developers told Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to pound sand.

So, biggest flop in game history was Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to the ultimate max, and what is likely going to be one of the biggest hits in game history, is a team that, sheltered by Xi’s nukes, told Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (in the form of Sweet Baby Inc) to go away and pound sand.

Reading up on Sweet Baby Inc, and reading between the lines, it is clear that their marketing strategy is to tell your business that if you are developing a game, and fail to pay them millions of dollars, and fail to do diversity equity and inclusion, the state will destroy your business. Which of course does not work if your business is under Chinese regulation, rather that USG regulation.

Pax Imperialis says:

Tech decline in video games.


Hesiod says:

Gee whiz, I thought enemies just standing and shooting was bad in Star Wars: The Old Republic. There’s so much awful in that clip, not least of which is Tranny Solo.

The Cominator says:

In the Force Unleashed they actually like shot at you accurately but the reason you could beat them was because you were a superpowerful space wizard, in Dark Troopers they also shot at you accurately and you weren’t a superpowerful space wizard so it was a damn near impossible game…

The Cominator says:

Eh I guess the actual title was dark forces…

Calvin says:

So what does that make the likes of Franco, then? Because I would not consider him a leftist, but nor does he fit your definition of right

jim says:

Franco was rightist — just leftists occupied his brain rent free, as so commonly happens to rightists. When he figured out socialism does not work, backed away from it.

Pax Imperialis says:

Russia hit the Ukrainian Military Academy killing 51 and injuring 270. Combined with suspected hits on top leaders over the last year or so, Ukraine is going to have a leadership void if it doesn’t already. Quite possible that’s a contributing factor in their rapidly collapsing front where mass panic is setting in as no one seems to know anything that’s happening. Proof that information warfare works.

jim says:

Ukrainian elite is spending less and less time in the Ukraine.

What keeps the Ukrainian government from simply disappearing is the flow of government money and government goods from Nato

Mister Grumpus says:

We’ll get to the point where the entire Ukrainian “government” is “zooming in” from home offices in Italy and France, and getting paid out of electronic accounts in London. They won’t even need the physical country “Ukraine” to keep the grift going.

Varna says:

>”CNN — A Russian strike against a military educational facility in central Ukraine killed 51 people and injured more than 200 others, according to Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office, in one of the *deadliest* single attacks since the start of Moscow’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.”

> “BBC — Ukrainian authorities have said more than 50 people have been killed today – including soldiers – after Russian missiles struck Poltava – the *deadliest* single attack on a Ukrainian town or city this year.”

So, this counts as “the deadliest” or “one of the deadliest” attacks since the start of the war. On the other hand, Moscow has been waging a war of unrelenting genocide since the start, according to the same peeps. Orcs of darkness laying waste to towns and cities, leaving mountains of skulls in their wake. Yet 50 military personnel killed is the deadliest attack since the start.

/pol/watcher says:

This attack hit officers and officer wannabes. Thus their deaths matter to journoscum. Infinite hohols can die without a single tear shed. But kill an Iranian general and the press will wail for the austere cleric.

Pax Imperialis says:

Rumors that Western trainers got hit too

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Most of the ‘national guard’ blocking regiments in the Donbass had been rotated to Kursk for the big boondoggle – with predictable results.

Pax Imperialis says:

They rotate units? I’ve read multiple Ukrainian interviews of soldiers on the front lines where they talk about there only being a platoon sized element remaining out of the battalion and how they’re not being rotated out.

Seems like Ukraine raises new units, sends them out with no retreat orders, gets most of them killed, and then pretends those units still exist and are holding the line. Then commanders get blindsided when lines mysteriously collapse because they try to be far behind the fighting.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In the sense that they scavenged units from the whole front for their PR stunt, yes.

That aside, there is a remarkable coincidence between ukrop positions in a sector collapsing and ‘troop rotations’ happening to have been happening at the same time.

Some attribute this to effective russian operational art; alert intelligence parlayed with readiness to attack sectors in the midst of guard changes to take advantage of the chaos.

That may even be true in more than a few cases. But in other cases, it begs a few questions. For example, would it not be obvious to any commander above room temperature IQ to send reinforcements *before* you pull back the previous occupants, so that if anything, the sector is overstrength during the change-off?

The theory that line commanders are just lying about decimated units existing and redefining desperate replacements as ‘rotations’ is funny – and therefore I’m inclined to believe it.

jim says:

> The theory that line commanders are just lying about decimated units existing and redefining desperate replacements as ‘rotations’ is funny – and therefore I’m inclined to believe it.

It empirically gives a good fit to observed events. We know that forces being rotated in tend to have had very little training and are new to battle. Which would imply that few if any are being rotated out.

“Rotation” implies that you are creating a reserve of veterans. It looks like there is little if any reserve of veterans.

[…] Original Article […]

Humungus says:

Greetings from The Humungus.

I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my words of advice.

Leftism would not be possible without the participation of women. Woman behaving badly is the root cause of the attack on the patriarchy. The patriarchy seeks organization and societal building. Feminism seeks to destroy, and the overturning of apple-carts for equity’s sake.

But I have an honorable solution… Today and everyday hereafter, you must strive to dismantle feminism by whatever means available to you.

The election is close at hand, be ready for anything.

Be still my dogs of war until it is time.

Anon says:

“ Woman behaving badly is the root cause of the attack on the patriarchy”
No it is not, the root cause is priest holiness spiral. Women are follower they will do what are told to do.
This is like the joo, joo ,joo while ignoring the man behind the curtain.

skippy says:

This is surely one of, if not the most explicitly and sincerely pro-patriarchy websites on the internet lol

Humungus says:

Humungus will not be defied.

Was it not the sins of Eve (the first woman) which plunged mankind into chaos?

Yes, there is always something behind a curtain beyond our control. But a woman can be controlled. Without followers (feminist women) evil is rendered inert.

The Biblical story is a warning to man to guard your women well so they will not destroy you through careless action based on feelings.

Evil (curtain hiders) are always present.

DH says:

Sirach 42:9-14:

9 Although he will not let his daughter know it, a father will lie awake at night worrying about her. If she is young, he worries that she might not get married. If she is already married, he worries about her happiness. 10 If she is a virgin, he worries that she might be seduced and become pregnant while living in his house. If she is married, he worries that she might be unfaithful, or that she might not be able to have children.

11 Keep a close watch over your daughter if she is determined to have her own way. If you don’t, she may make a fool of you in front of your enemies. You will be a constant joke to everyone in town, a public disgrace. Make sure that her room has no windows or any place where she can look out to the entrance of the house. 12 Don’t let her show off her beauty in front of men, or spend her time talking with the women. 13 Women hurt other women just as moths damage clothing.

14 A man’s wickedness is better than a woman’s goodness; women bring shame and disgrace.

cub says:

Feminism and female agency aren’t the same thing. Women largely do what they’re told by the strongest authority in their lives, and thus tend to be the most devoted followers of any societal or state-sponsored ideology. The ones that push feminism and other forms of leftism onto women are the true root cause, or closer to it.

skippy says:

American women have always pushed feminism because feminism has always been high status in America, even before it achieved total political victory.

In England women remained more conservative than men on family matters until the late 20th and early 21st centuries, presumably a legacy of the Anglican ascendancy.

cub says:

Probably because America was founded on leftist enlightenment values

DH says:

The following classic material seems pertinent to the discussion of the Woman Problem in Japan (all emphases are mine):

Another important feature of the reformation lay in the exaltation of womanhood. The Western attitude of profound respect toward the gentler sex exhibits a beautiful phase of refinement which we are anxious to emulate. It is one of the noblest messages that Christianity has given us. Christianity originated in the East, and, except as regards womanhood, its modes of thought are not new to Eastern minds. As the new religion spread westward through Europe, it naturally became influenced by the idiosyncrasies of the various converted nations, so that the poetry of the German forest, the adoration of the Virgin in the middle centuries, the age of chivalry, the songs of the troubadours, the delicacy of the Latin nature, and, above all, the clean manhood of the Anglo-Saxon race, probably all contributed their share toward the idealization of woman.

In Japan, woman has always commanded a respect and freedom not to be found elsewhere in the East. We have never had a Salic law, and it is from a female divinity, the Sun-goddess, that our Mikado traces his lineage. During many of the most brilliant epochs in our ancient history we were under the rule of a female sovereign. Our Empress Zingo personally led a victorious army into Korea, and it was Empress Suiko who inaugurated the refined culture of the Nara period. Female sovereigns ascended the throne in their own right even when there were male candidates, for we considered woman in all respects as the equal of man. In our classic literature we find the names of more great authoresses than authors, while in feudal days some of our amazons charged with the bravest of the Kamakura knights. As time advanced and Confucian theories became more potent in molding our social customs, woman was relegated from public life and confined to what was considered by the Chinese sage as her proper sphere, the household. Our inherent respect for the rights of womanhood, however, remained the same, and as late as the year 1630 a female mikado, Meisho-Tenno, ascended the throne of her fathers. Until after the Restoration, a knowledge of such martial exercises as fencing and jiujitsu was considered part of the education of a samurai’s daughter, and is, indeed, still so considered among many old families. Among the commoners the various industries and trades have always been open to women as they are to-day, while we have already seen how, in spite of her apparent seclusion, the Tokugawa lady impressed her individuality on the state. Buddhism has its worship for the eternal feminine and Confucianism has always inculcated a reverence for womanhood, teaching that the wife should always be treated with the respect due to a guest or friend.

We have never hitherto, however, learned to offer any special privileges to woman. Love has never occupied an important place in Chinese literature; and in the tales of Japanese chivalry, the samurai, although ever at the service of the weak and oppressed, gave his help quite irrespective of sex. To-day we are convinced that the elevation of woman is the elevation of the race. She is the epitome of the past and the reservoir of the future, so that the responsibilities of the new social life which is dawning on the ancient realms of the Sun-goddess may be safely intrusted to her care. Since the Restoration we have not only confirmed the equality of sex in law, but have adopted that attitude of respect which the West pays to woman. She now possesses all the rights of her Western sister, though she does not care to insist upon them; for almost all of our women still consider the home, and not society, as their proper sphere.

Time alone can decide the future of the Japanese lady, for the question of womanhood is one involving the whole social life and its web of convention. In the East woman has always been worshiped as the mother, and all those honors which the Christian knight brought in homage to his lady-love, the samurai laid at his mother’s feet. It is not that the wife is less adored, but that maternity is holier. Again, our woman loves to serve her husband; for service is the noblest expression of affection, and love rejoices more in giving than in receiving. In the harmony of Eastern society the man consecrates himself to the state, the child to the parent, and the wife to the husband.

Kakuzo Okakura, “The Awakening of Japan,” 1904

The female half of our species has sometimes been called the paragon of paradoxes, because the intuitive working of its mind is beyond the comprehension of men’s “arithmetical understanding.” The Chinese ideogram denoting “the mysterious,” “the unknowable,” consists of two parts, one meaning “young” and the other “woman,” because the physical charms and delicate thoughts of the fair sex are above the coarse mental calibre of our sex to explain.

In the Bushido ideal of woman, however, there is little mystery and only a seeming paradox. I have said that it was Amazonian, but that is only half the truth. Ideographically the Chinese represent wife by a woman holding a broom—certainly not to brandish it offensively or defensively against her conjugal ally, neither for witchcraft, but for the more harmless uses for which the besom was first invented—the idea involved being thus not less homely than the etymological derivation of the English wife (weaver) and daughter (duhitar, milkmaid). Without confining the sphere of woman’s activity to Küche, Kirche, Kinder, as the present German Kaiser is said to do, the Bushido ideal of womanhood was preeminently domestic. These seeming contradictions—Domesticity and Amazonian traits—are not inconsistent with the Precepts of Knighthood, as we shall see.

Bushido being a teaching primarily intended for the masculine sex, the virtues it prized in woman were naturally far from being distinctly feminine. Winckelmann remarks that “the supreme beauty of Greek art is rather male than female,” and Lecky adds that it was true in the moral conception of the Greeks as in their art. Bushido similarly praised those women most “who emancipated themselves from the frailty of their sex and displayed an heroic fortitude worthy of the strongest and the bravest of men.” Young girls therefore, were trained to repress their feelings, to indurate their nerves, to manipulate weapons,—especially the long-handled sword called nagi-nata, so as to be able to hold their own against unexpected odds. Yet the primary motive for exercises of this martial character was not for use in the field; it was twofold—personal and domestic. Woman owning no suzerain of her own, formed her own bodyguard. With her weapon she guarded her personal sanctity with as much zeal as her husband did his master’s. The domestic utility of her warlike training was in the education of her sons, as we shall see later.

Fencing and similar exercises, if rarely of practical use, were a wholesome counterbalance to the otherwise sedentary habits of woman. But these exercises were not followed only for hygienic purposes. They could be turned into use in times of need. Girls, when they reached womanhood, were presented with dirks (kai-ken, pocket poniards), which might be directed to the bosom of their assailants, or, if advisable, to their own. The latter was very often the case: and yet I will not judge them severely. Even the Christian conscience with its horror of self-immolation, will not be harsh with them, seeing Pelagia and Domnina, two suicides, were canonized for their purity and piety. When a Japanese Virginia saw her chastity menaced, she did not wait for her father’s dagger. Her own weapon lay always in her bosom. It was a disgrace to her not to know the proper way in which she had to perpetrate self-destruction. For example, little as she was taught in anatomy, she must know the exact spot to cut in her throat: she must know how to tie her lower limbs together with a belt so that, whatever the agonies of death might be, her corpse be found in utmost modesty with the limbs properly composed. Is not a caution like this worthy of the Christian Perpetua or the Vestal Cornelia? I would not put such an abrupt interrogation, were it not for a misconception, based on our bathing customs and other trifles, that chastity is unknown among us. On the contrary, chastity was a pre-eminent virtue of the samurai woman, held above life itself. A young woman, taken prisoner, seeing herself in danger of violence at the hands of the rough soldiery, says she will obey their pleasure, provided she be first allowed to write a line to her sisters, whom war has dispersed in every direction. When the epistle is finished, off she runs to the nearest well and saves her honor by drowning. The letter she leaves behind ends with these verses;—

“For fear lest clouds may dim her light,
Should she but graze this nether sphere,
The young moon poised above the height
Doth hastily betake to flight.”

It would be unfair to give my readers an idea that masculinity alone was our highest ideal for woman. Far from it! Accomplishments and the gentler graces of life were required of them. Music, dancing and literature were not neglected. Some of the finest verses in our literature were expressions of feminine sentiments; in fact, women played an important role in the history of Japanese belles lettres. Dancing was taught (I am speaking of samurai girls and not of geisha) only to smooth the angularity of their movements. Music was to regale the weary hours of their fathers and husbands; hence it was not for the technique, the art as such, that music was learned; for the ultimate object was purification of heart, since it was said that no harmony of sound is attainable without the player’s heart being in harmony with herself. Here again we see the same idea prevailing which we notice in the training of youths—that accomplishments were ever kept subservient to moral worth. Just enough of music and dancing to add grace and brightness to life, but never to foster vanity and extravagance. I sympathize with the Persian prince, who, when taken into a ball-room in London and asked to take part in the merriment, bluntly remarked that in his country they provided a particular set of girls to do that kind of business for them.

The accomplishments of our women were not acquired for show or social ascendency. They were a home diversion; and if they shone in social parties, it was as the attributes of a hostess,—in other words, as a part of the household contrivance for hospitality. Domesticity guided their education. It may be said that the accomplishments of the women of Old Japan, be they martial or pacific in character, were mainly intended for the home; and, however far they might roam, they never lost sight of the hearth as the center. It was to maintain its honor and integrity that they slaved, drudged and gave up their lives. Night and day, in tones at once firm and tender, brave and plaintive, they sang to their little nests. As daughter, woman sacrificed herself for her father, as wife for her husband, and as mother for her son. Thus from earliest youth she was taught to deny herself. Her life was not one of independence, but of dependent service. Man’s helpmeet, if her presence is helpful she stays on the stage with him: if it hinders his work, she retires behind the curtain. Not infrequently does it happen that a youth becomes enamored of a maiden who returns his love with equal ardor, but, when she realizes his interest in her makes him forgetful of his duties, disfigures her person that her attractions may cease. Adzuma, the ideal wife in the minds of samurai girls, finds herself loved by a man who, in order to win her affection, conspires against her husband. Upon pretence of joining in the guilty plot, she manages in the dark to take her husband’s place, and the sword of the lover assassin descends upon her own devoted head.

The following epistle written by the wife of a young daimio, before taking her own life, needs no comment:—“Oft have I heard that no accident or chance ever mars the march of events here below, and that all moves in accordance with a plan. To take shelter under a common bough or a drink of the same river, is alike ordained from ages prior to our birth. Since we were joined in ties of eternal wedlock, now two short years ago, my heart hath followed thee, even as its shadow followeth an object, inseparably bound heart to heart, loving and being loved. Learning but recently, however, that the coming battle is to be the last of thy labor and life, take the farewell greeting of thy loving partner. I have heard that Kō-u, the mighty warrior of ancient China, lost a battle, loth to part with his favorite Gu. Yoshinaka, too, brave as he was, brought disaster to his cause, too weak to bid prompt farewell to his wife. Why should I, to whom earth no longer offers hope or joy—why should I detain thee or thy thoughts by living? Why should I not, rather, await thee on the road which all mortal kind must sometime tread? Never, prithee, never forget the many benefits which our good master Hideyori hath heaped upon thee. The gratitude we owe him is as deep as the sea and as high as the hills.”

Woman’s surrender of herself to the good of her husband, home and family, was as willing and honorable as the man’s self-surrender to the good of his lord and country. Self-renunciation, without which no life-enigma can be solved, was the keynote of the Loyalty of man as well as of the Domesticity of woman. She was no more the slave of man than was her husband of his liege-lord, and the part she played was recognized as Naijo, “the inner help.” In the ascending scale of service stood woman, who annihilated herself for man, that he might annihilate himself for the master, that he in turn might obey heaven. I know the weakness of this teaching and that the superiority of Christianity is nowhere more manifest than here, in that it requires of each and every living soul direct responsibility to its Creator. Nevertheless, as far as the doctrine of service—the serving of a cause higher than one’s own self, even at the sacrifice of one’s individuality; I say the doctrine of service, which is the greatest that Christ preached and is the sacred keynote of his mission—as far as that is concerned, Bushido is based on eternal truth.

My readers will not accuse me of undue prejudice in favor of slavish surrender of volition. I accept in a large measure the view advanced with breadth of learning and defended with profundity of thought by Hegel, that history is the unfolding and realization of freedom. The point I wish to make is that the whole teaching of Bushido was so thoroughly imbued with the spirit of self-sacrifice, that it was required not only of woman but of man. Hence, until the influence of its Precepts is entirely done away with, our society will not realize the view rashly expressed by an American exponent of woman’s rights, who exclaimed, “May all the daughters of Japan rise in revolt against ancient customs!” Can such a revolt succeed? Will it improve the female status? Will the rights they gain by such a summary process repay the loss of that sweetness of disposition, that gentleness of manner, which are their present heritage? Was not the loss of domesticity on the part of Roman matrons followed by moral corruption too gross to mention? Can the American reformer assure us that a revolt of our daughters is the true course for their historical development to take? These are grave questions. Changes must and will come without revolts! In the meantime let us see whether the status of the fair sex under the Bushido regimen was really so bad as to justify a revolt.

We hear much of the outward respect European knights paid to “God and the ladies,”—the incongruity of the two terms making Gibbon blush; we are also told by Hallam that the morality of Chivalry was coarse, that gallantry implied illicit love. The effect of Chivalry on the weaker vessel was food for reflection on the part of philosophers, M. Guizot contending that Feudalism and Chivalry wrought wholesome influences, while Mr. Spencer tells us that in a militant society (and what is feudal society if not militant?) the position of woman is necessarily low, improving only as society becomes more industrial. Now is M. Guizot’s theory true of Japan, or is Mr. Spencer’s? In reply I might aver that both are right. The military class in Japan was restricted to the samurai, comprising nearly 2,000,000 souls. Above them were the military nobles, the daimio, and the court nobles, the kugé—these higher, sybaritical nobles being fighters only in name. Below them were masses of the common people—mechanics, tradesmen, and peasants—whose life was devoted to arts of peace. Thus what Herbert Spencer gives as the characteristics of a militant type of society may be said to have been exclusively confined to the samurai class, while those of the industrial type were applicable to the classes above and below it. This is well illustrated by the position of woman; for in no class did she experience less freedom than among the samurai. Strange to say, the lower the social class—as, for instance, among small artisans—the more equal was the position of husband and wife. Among the higher nobility, too, the difference in the relations of the sexes was less marked, chiefly because there were few occasions to bring the differences of sex into prominence, the leisurely nobleman having become literally effeminate. Thus Spencer’s dictum was fully exemplified in Old Japan. As to Guizot’s, those who read his presentation of a feudal community will remember that he had the higher nobility especially under consideration, so that his generalization applies to the daimio and the kugé.

I shall be guilty of gross injustice to historical truth if my words give one a very low opinion of the status of woman under Bushido. I do not hesitate to state that she was not treated as man’s equal; but until we learn to discriminate between difference and inequalities, there will always be misunderstandings upon this subject.

When we think in how few respects men are equal among themselves, e.g., before law courts or voting polls, it seems idle to trouble ourselves with a discussion on the equality of sexes. When, the American Declaration of Independence said that all men were created equal, it had no reference to their mental or physical gifts: it simply repeated what Ulpian long ago announced, that before the law all men are equal. Legal rights were in this case the measure of their equality. Were the law the only scale by which to measure the position of woman in a community, it would be as easy to tell where she stands as to give her avoirdupois in pounds and ounces. But the question is: Is there a correct standard in comparing the relative social position of the sexes? Is it right, is it enough, to compare woman’s status to man’s as the value of silver is compared with that of gold, and give the ratio numerically? Such a method of calculation excludes from consideration the most important kind of value which a human being possesses; namely, the intrinsic. In view of the manifold variety of requisites for making each sex fulfil its earthly mission, the standard to be adopted in measuring its relative position must be of a composite character; or, to borrow from economic language, it must be a multiple standard. Bushido had a standard of its own and it was binomial. It tried to guage the value of woman on the battle-field and by the hearth. There she counted for very little; here for all. The treatment accorded her corresponded to this double measurement;—as a social-political unit not much, while as wife and mother she received highest respect and deepest affection. Why among so military a nation as the Romans, were their matrons so highly venerated? Was it not because they were matrona, mothers? Not as fighters or law-givers, but as their mothers did men bow before them. So with us. While fathers and husbands were absent in field or camp, the government of the household was left entirely in the hands of mothers and wives. The education of the young, even their defence, was entrusted to them. The warlike exercises of women, of which I have spoken, were primarily to enable them intelligently to direct and follow the education of their children.

I have noticed a rather superficial notion prevailing among half-informed foreigners, that because the common Japanese expression for one’s wife is “my rustic wife” and the like, she is despised and held in little esteem. When it is told that such phrases as “my foolish father,” “my swinish son,” “my awkward self,” etc., are in current use, is not the answer clear enough?

To me it seems that our idea of marital union goes in some ways further than the so-called Christian. “Man and woman shall be one flesh.” The individualism of the Anglo-Saxon cannot let go of the idea that husband and wife are two persons;—hence when they disagree, their separate rights are recognized, and when they agree, they exhaust their vocabulary in all sorts of silly pet-names and—nonsensical blandishments. It sounds highly irrational to our ears, when a husband or wife speaks to a third party of his other half—better or worse—as being lovely, bright, kind, and what not. Is it good taste to speak of one’s self as “my bright self,” “my lovely disposition,” and so forth? We think praising one’s own wife or one’s own husband is praising a part of one’s own self, and self-praise is regarded, to say the least, as bad taste among us,—and I hope, among Christian nations too! I have diverged at some length because the polite debasement of one’s consort was a usage most in vogue among the samurai.

The Teutonic races beginning their tribal life with a superstitious awe of the fair sex (though this is really wearing off in Germany!), and the Americans beginning their social life under the painful consciousness of the numerical insufficiency of women (who, now increasing, are, I am afraid, fast losing the prestige their colonial mothers enjoyed), the respect man pays to woman has in Western civilization become the chief standard of morality. But in the martial ethics of Bushido, the main water-shed dividing the good and the bad was sought elsewhere. It was located along the line of duty which bound man to his own divine soul and then to other souls, in the five relations I have mentioned in the early part of this paper. Of these we have brought to our reader’s notice, Loyalty, the relation between one man as vassal and another as lord. Upon the rest, I have only dwelt incidentally as occasion presented itself; because they were not peculiar to Bushido. Being founded on natural affections, they could but be common to all mankind, though in some particulars they may have been accentuated by conditions which its teachings induced. In this connection, there comes before me the peculiar strength and tenderness of friendship between man and man, which often added to the bond of brotherhood a romantic attachment doubtless intensified by the separation of the sexes in youth,—a separation which denied to affection the natural channel open to it in Western chivalry or in the free intercourse of Anglo-Saxon lands. I might fill pages with Japanese versions of the story of Damon and Pythias or Achilles and Patroclos, or tell in Bushido parlance of ties as sympathetic as those which bound David and Jonathan.

Inazo Nitobe, “Bushido, the Soul of Japan,” 1904

Make of that what you will, as they say.

jim says:

> the songs of the troubadours

The songs of the Troubadors celebrated adultery. Christianity’s capitulation to that movement is analogous to its current capitulation to woke and transsexualisation.

The doctrine that female consent is required for marriage is part of Christianity’s capitulation to a movement that intended the destruction of marriage and family.

Hesiod says:

Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur has quite a bit of that troubadour celebration, especially with Tristam, in which “courtly love” is winked at and chuckled over. But the destruction of Arthur’s rule, presented as being the heir of the title Holy Roman Emperor and real governance over Europe, is still precipitated by Lancelot’s adultery. John Steinbeck never completed his prose rendering of Arthurian legend, with the text ending with said adultery consummated. Perhaps his Muse fled him when he tried to modernize the tale by mucking around too much with the spirit of that cautionary moral.

Aidan says:

Malory wrote after the troubadour culture ceased to be a problem- he seems to play it straight, and then unveils the payload that the sexual sins of the elite caused the downfall of Arthur’s civilization. It details the problems with “courtly love”.

The quoted post is not that helpful because the Japanese author clearly holds western civilization in high regard, and is making an appeal of “see, we are like you, we respect women too”, trying to appeal to 19th century feminism justified by a brief stint of adultery in medieval times.

DH says:

The first writer was a Japanese Supremacist while the second was a proponent of the warrior tradition Bushido and an actual convert to Christianity, so naturally the former was to the left of the latter. You can really see it in the varying degrees of skepticism they express about feminism; Kakuzo was in favor while Inazo said “ayyo – hol’ up.”

skippy says:

An interesting fact about Japan is that it reached population stagnation in the Edo period which, at least in terms of pre-industrial societies, was not a young feudal country but a centralized bureaucracy with all the aspects of metropolitan ‘civilization’.

With the Meiji reforms they then imposed the Ei system and essentially re-started population growth. Unclear if this was a conscious plan. But enacted with the efficiency of a conscious plan.

jim says:

If you are creating a family system in the sense of writing it into law, promulgating the law, and enforcing the law, it is a conscious plan.

What in the early twentieth century was called the Ei system was promulgated as law in 1870. They imposed a sternly patriarchal, patrilocal, and patrilineal system from the top down. They say this was a formalisation of what already existed informally, but even if this is true, formalisation makes a big difference. It is not clear to what extent it differed from the earlier unformalised system. Perhaps it is unknowable to what extent it differed, since the earlier system, not being formalised, would likely differ from place to place and family to family.

The system that they were enforcing may well have been the preferred and socially approved system, but not necessarily enforced, therefore not necessarily safe to assume it would be followed by one’s counterparty.

Do you have data for when rapid population growth restarted.

skippy says:


Population was almost exactly constant (dipped a little in some years!) for 120 years under Tokugawa.

TFR data suggests it actually dropped a little under early Meiji from ~4 to ~3 before rising again to ~5 around 1900 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Empire_of_Japan#Total_fertility_rate_from_1874_to_1950

Japan adopted a version of the Imperial German civil law in 1896 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Japan#Private_law

jim says:

My interpretation of this is that when external state coercion enforcing cooperation between men and women in reproduction begins, it has both immediate and long term effect. When women were emancipated, in Japan, we saw fertility immediately fall substantially, then continue to slowly fall even more substantially. The fertility data begins at the same time as state coercion was applied to impose uniform state wide family cohesion, so cannot show the immediate effect, but it does show a long term rise. The data you link to stops immediately after 1947, when the coercion was removed, so fails to show the effect of ending coercion.

skippy says:

“After World War II, sections dealing with family law and succession (books four and five) were fully revised during the occupation and brought closer to European civil law.[46] This was because the parts on family and succession had retained certain vestiges of the old patriarchal family system that was the basis of Japanese feudalism. Other parts of the Civil Code remained substantially unchanged even after the occupation.”

Unfortunately there is very little detail available in English but what it looks like they did is take the pre-Tokugawa family system and give it the rigorous, systemic enforcement of a European/Germanic legal-police system. The Americans seemed happy to leave most of the semi-German civil law but completely rewrote this bit.

It’s not totally clear to me what the Tokugawa did to suppress births, but I suspect it was unofficially a feminist society. It’s too neat to be Malthusian (no overshoots followed by famines in bad years). The data may seem to suggest it was just Malthusianism, but I am not convinced. If you read e.g. Hakagure (which was actually written at the peak of Tokugawa’s peaceful hegemony) the author talks about men marrying at the age of 50. Basil Hall Chamberlain describes pre-WWI Japan being a country in which every 20-something man had multiple children (https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2510/pg2510-images.html).

DH says:

The hardest-hitting passage here is the following:

Hence, until the influence of its Precepts is entirely done away with, our society will not realize the view rashly expressed by an American exponent of woman’s rights, who exclaimed, “May all the daughters of Japan rise in revolt against ancient customs!” Can such a revolt succeed? Will it improve the female status? Will the rights they gain by such a summary process repay the loss of that sweetness of disposition, that gentleness of manner, which are their present heritage? Was not the loss of domesticity on the part of Roman matrons followed by moral corruption too gross to mention? Can the American reformer assure us that a revolt of our daughters is the true course for their historical development to take? These are grave questions.

One is filed with horror reading these words, written in 1904. It’s viscerally painful to read; and you can almost hear Osama in your mind screaming “Death To America!” while contemplating it.

Or as you say: “We have been around this merry go round times without number.”

Epimetheus says:

In my experience, grabbing a woman hard by her upper arms like in the old movies is enough to secure consent. Come to think of it, any application of grip strength to a woman’s body seems to work wonders. Women crave the strength of men, and men crave the sweetness of women.

jim says:

I tend to go for the fireman’s lift followed by carrying her to some convenient location then tossing her somewhere comfortable, but a firm grip on the upper arm is more socially acceptable.

On the other hand, if you are so socially cautious as that she suspects there are limits, she may escalate the shit test, thus the less risky coercive measures may turn out to be the more risky.

Your mileage may vary, and it is hard to explain these things in words. One may easily be misunderstood. Hard to explain in words preverbal communication that undoubtedly long predates language.

i says:

The Theological Rationale for the notion of Female consent that is used to argue for its validity. Is that of human free will to choose or reject God.

The Free Will that makes us True Beings and able to initate the fall in the person of Adam.

And to choose to sin by giving in to temptation. For as the Church is the Bride of Christ chosen by consent by the Bride as much as the Groom. So it is applied to marriage in General since it is an Image of Christ and the Church.

Not everyone accepts the Gospel. And God certainly doesn’t force himself upon unbelievers.

jim says:

Historical reality is that no one bought this until 1100AD — 1600AD

ray says:

Eve, not Adam, initiated the Fall. Adam’s captiulation to Eve’s rebellion consummated the Fall. Read the Book again.

jim says:

I initially white listed you because you were correctly arguing a red pilled Christianity — but I no longer believe you are red pilled, nor Christian.

I am silently deleting the rest of your comments, lightly skimmed or unread. Before I will allow you to post from the Christian frame, you need to give the affirmation, and before I allow you to post on the women question, you need to pass the shill test by accurately depicting the red pill — you don’t have to agree with it, but you have to admit that we believe what you are disagreeing with. Yes, we think everything is a fitness test. But why do we think everything is a fitness test.

The Cominator says:

Are you replying to I or ray…

This Ray guy’s short statement is in fact what the bible says and corresponds with the redpill.

jim says:

Yes, the Christianity Ray prescribes is correct and red pilled.

But he seems to be neither Christian nor red pilled.

The Cominator says:

This might be more important in states it happens especially if its late then you think… it takes time to produce and warehouse the fake mail ins. The later we can get ballot changes the harder it is for the Democrats to produce fake ballots on an industrial scale.

Hesiod says:

Tangentially related, NY today postponed Trump’s sentencing until Nov. 26th to give folks time to ponder his punishment over Thanksgiving, I suppose. A moot point depending on the election outcome which I make no prediction on.

Hesiod says:

Interesting development tonight from the Trump campaign in announcing Ben Carson as National Faith chairman. Puts a little mandingo spice in the feminist Handmaid’s Tale fantasy.

jim says:

Ben Carson seems a little bland. We need someone who will be useful in a holy war. On the other hand, he has (mildly) criticized the jab. He has come out against transgender, and said that gay is a choice. Which is considerably better than nothing at all.

The Cominator says:

Ben is a good guy but definitely close to the Ned Flanders type as BAP pointed out (didn’t write the article but pointed me to it).

jim says:

Alfred the Great was also a bit of a Ned Flanders type, but the job of King required the Cortez type, and Alfred was able to be the Cortez type that he needed to be. War will reveal what men are made of.

Ben Carson does not look like the best choice for wartime, but we shall see.

Hesiod says:

RFKjr launched an ad last night in which he frames his alliance with Trump in overtly religious terms:


jim says:

It begins.

RFKjr parted company with the radical left over the medical industrial complex, because they are killing large numbers of Americans, Tulsi Gabbard parted company over the military industrial complex because of endless forever wars in far away places that most Americans could not find on a map.

Trump had to be dragged kicking and screaming into opposing the medical industrial complex, he is kind of fond of the military industrial complex, except that he is considerably less fond of endless forever wars in far away places that most people could not find on a map, and even less fond of nuclear tripwires adjacent to other nuclear powers, and has to be dragged to support the Christian right.

But here they all are now. It is the party of God versus the party of Satan.

DH says:

Ned Flanders is a great guy, but he cannot (and therefore will not) be a member of the Restoration Priesthood, because he does not know how bad things really are – he fundamentally does not understand the WP.

It’s not “politics”; it’s a religious war. The deep spiritual reason so many people follow Musk in his mini-rebellion against the Cathedral is the state of relations between the sexes, brought about by a demonic memeplex. The Sexual Revolution promised sexual Heaven, and delivered sexual Hell. Or as Covfefe Anon said on X: it’s Brave New World for women, and 1984 for men. Neither sex is happy about this state of affairs; a cooperate-cooperate equilibrium benefits everyone. Now everyone can see that Harvard is aligned with Satan; now everyone can see that God gets you wife and progeny, and Satan gets you 79 tabs of Brazilian fart porn, aka “a weak Tuesday.”

Actually, though, not “everyone.” Ned Flanders thinks that the Sexual Revolution actually delivered on its promises, and is still delivering on them; he will prudishly lecture a group of zoomer or millennian virgins about toning it down with their wild orgiastic sex lives. Ned Flanders denounces Heartiste for corrupting the youth, as if the Devil hasn’t been in charge of culture for well over a century.

Ned Flanders wants Third Wave Feminism abolished, and won’t lift a finger to make that happen; GNON wants First Wave Feminism abolished, and any Reactionary Priesthood will strive for the same. It’s not that Musk promises White Shariah if Trump gets reelected (but someone should introduce him to the Jimian weltanschauung); but Thermidor is popular because at least, ever so slightly, it moves the needle in the right direction, whereas Ned Flanders is not moving the needle anywhere.

jim says:

Ned Flanders thinks that the Sexual Revolution actually delivered on its promises, and is still delivering on them

The Cominator says:

Yes big pet peeve of mine when the tradcucks in general think tons of people of either sex are having wild orgiastic sex lives… when people probably had something closer to wild orgiastic sex lives in say even the 1920s compared to today.

jim says:

1920s was first wave feminism. The flappers and the Gibson girls. Strong independent and androgynous.

Optimum sex correlates pretty well with optimum fertility. Things were pretty good during the gap between first wave and second wave feminism.

TBeholder says:

1920s was first wave feminism. The flappers and the Gibson girls. Strong independent and androgynous.

Kipling’s “The Mother Hive” was first published in 1908. Take a look at it.

But we’re hatching out drones with workers’ stomachs; workers with drones’ stomachs; and albinoes and mixed-leggers who can’t pack pollen

And so on.

TBeholder says:

I suspect anyone who will be useful in anything avoids the Outer Party like a plague.
Looking from aside… Trump did all he could. He could only be a figurehead. So he became one.
Then the figurehead turned around, looked at all the pirates and made certain unequivocal gestures around the forehead. They responded by shitting themselves, running, screaming and throwing empty bottles. Thus demonstrated to everyone they are just another bunch of drunk thieves no matter how they might posture in fair weather.
Under the circumstances, this did accomplish something. Maybe something important.
But that’s really it. Anyone who thinks Trump is Caesar and is actually capable of leading a coup or something… well… has wandered into la-la land as far as those crustacean pr0n artists and other cheerleaders for a ghoul from Arkansas mob who were sincerely puzzled how the entire world is not in fact “with her”.
At most, Trump could competently play a good-looking figurehead if dragged into this position despite his own reluctance — much like it was with Pinochet. But then, many could.

jim says:

> At most, Trump could competently play a good-looking figurehead if dragged into this position despite his own reluctance

He is being dragged around quite a bit by his supporters. He originally thought he could use his supporters against the establishment, and the establishment against his supporters, and proceeded to exclude his supporters from power, and fill all the key positions with his enemies. Which bit him badly. So now he has to go along with his supporters more than he used to.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I remember Jim saying that Black Myth : Wukong was the second attempt on making a game about the setting / IP , what was the first one?

S says:

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (2010).

JustAnotherGuy says:

Thanks, never heard of this one before, I’ll check it out when I have the time.

i says:

Hope you have archived everything you need from Internet Archive. Because they have just lost a Copyright Lawsuit:

dharmicreality says:

Leftism has no permanent essence, but I’ve been thinking of this for some time and I have concluded that Leftism, stripped to its barest minimum is a fundamental hatred of “ownership” in its broader meaning. I think I’ve written about this before on this blog so apologies if this is a repetition.

Every kind of Leftism out there is some form of anti-ownership in its broad sense. Whether the ownership is of material or spirtual matters Leftism hates ownership. Envy and covetousness are justified by Leftism and provide a cover story for the covetous and the envious, but ultimately the envious and the covetous themselves are consumed by the broader hatred of ownership which defines leftism.

This explains the link between feminism and leftism (feminism itself being an offshoot of leftism). Feminism is anti-ownership of women by men and Communism is anti-ownership of material property. The same can be said of gaia worship which is anti-ownership of Earth itself by mankind. Tranny- and LQBTG+ nonsense is anti-ownership of biological identity.

The Aryans formalized the laws of ownership derived from nature itself and gave it the form of patriarchy, property succession law, ancestor worship etc and the same developed into formalized property ownership over time. Literal fences delineate ownership in land while metaphorical fences delineate the immaterial property acquired through social hierarchy and patriarchy.

Further the deep hatred of leftists towards “Patriarchy” more than anything else is because Patriarchy is fundamental to ownership (of women, religious customs, succession and property) in a civilized society. Break down patriarchy and tribe and ownership suddenly becomes a fickle and illusory “right” that is at the whims and fancies of the centralized bureaucratic State. But go further and even those illusory rights are hated by leftists over time as leftism gets even lefter.

Maybe somebody here can critique my thoughts or add to it.

S says:

It is the rational evil -> demonic evil pipeline. First ownership is attacked in order to loot applecarts, then since attacking ownership is high status, it becomes the goal in and of itself and you have demonic evil.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] the two injustices you have to weigh against the single injustice of feeding a leftist mob some apples. [*deleted*]

jim says:

The injustices of which you speak were done to you by academia. Who are sitting on an enormous pile of unjustly acquired apples, their endowments. A just response to a Ponzi scheme is to take away everything that the beneficiaries of the Ponzi scheme possess. Why are you after my apples instead of Academia’s apples?

Pax Imperialis says:

Because taking your apples is state sanctioned and declared holy, thus a hell of a lot easier. Same reason why stores (and even the Minneapolis police precinct) donated their contents during the St. Floyd festivities while the governor’s house was off limits.

Or I’d like to think this is the mostly rational reasoning. Could just be AF types are crazy.

DH says:

Ownership is a function of order — fundamentally, of cosmic, Divine order — while leftism is entropy, and as such inherently dyscivilizational; for what is civilization, if not order at scale? If civilization endures, if it climbs up the Kardashev scale, then in billions of years even the end of the universe can be averted. The belief that the universe must end in chaotic darkness, that all order and all distinctions must eventually cease, that entropy must finally prevail and tear everything apart, all that is theology dressed as science – demonic theology, secularized as “materialism.” It is the ultimate blackpill. Leftists tell you that God’s Will is unknowable, and therefore one shouldn’t even attempt to pursue it; and for insisting that God’s will is manifest in the real world — that you can see it with your own eyes — the leftist is all the more enraged, seeking to gouge your eyes out. Above all, they despise the individual who “tells it like it is,” who bursts their bubble of gnosticism.

None make it easier to prove the existence of God than the Devil.

jim says:

Known physics gives no way for any civilisation, no matter how advanced, to avert the universe ending in cold chaotic darkness. On the other hand, the recent JWST early universe observations reveal the existence of a whole lot of unknown physics. Dark matter does not do anything, as far as anyone knows, but JWST reveals dark energy is doing something. What it is doing, no one knows.

The Gallium anomaly also indicates as yet unknown physics, albeit this unknown physics is less likely than the unknown physics of dark matter and dark energy to make it possible to avoid the death of the universe.

The unknown physics of dark matter and dark energy provide a possible escape hatch to forever provide light and warmth in the universe. The unknown physics of quantum gravity provide a possible escape hatch to move on from dying universes into fresh creations. What the unknown physics of the Gallium anomaly signifies no one has a clue.

DH says:


In light of the vast cosmic possibilities, humanity is at such an early (and therefore critical) phase of development that anyone determining right know — based on our very limited knowledge of physics — what science will and will not be able to discover and achieve in the really, really long-run, is necessarily afflicted with Pride.

Micah 6:8: He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

We are, said St. Darwin, but a short period of time removed from oogah-boogah. Epistemic humility — walking humbly with the Lord — will tread along with humanity for a long time to come. This is meant not to discourage the Faustian spirit altogether, but merely to caution it that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and the sin of Pride most of all. All along, it has been the Pride of the Enlightenment that led it down endless leftist failure modes. Who is to say, at an age still so primitive, that an Omega Point ending is any less likely than a cold chaotic darkness ending? Or something else entirely? “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.” (Job 38:4)

Cosmic Entropy is like the final boss of leftist demons — arguably, it is Satan, in his purest form and manifestation — and leftism is designed, by way of hyperstition, to usher in a Great Filter, which would make Cosmic Entropy so much more likely. The faith of GNON may be seen as a counter-hypersition by the Omega Point or something along that line.

Hesiod says:

Psalm 19 comes to mind:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.

Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

Nunya says:

Yes. And yes, known physics as demonic theology explains well the tawdry state of modern physics.

Deducing the Big Bang and accelerating expansion to heat death from red shifts is simple to refute. That errors like these are so aggressively defended by the academic priesthood suggests that calling them non-sequiturs or errors is too charitable.

Better perhaps to call them evil lies.

jim says:

The evidence for the big bang and accelerating red shifts is overwhelming and convincing, though current data reveals that things are messier and more complex than was thought — that there is something that is not well understood. Big bang models are getting more and more complicated with more epicycles and ad hoc parameters to fit the data. But that there was something very like a big bang is undeniable — it is the exact nature of this event that is subject to increasing doubt and confusion. Scientists are starting to realise they understand less than they thought. There may well be an escape hatch hidden in the unknowns, but if there is, it is unknown.

I am inclined to the radical view that there was a very late spontaneous symmetry breaking shortly before or during the era of recombination, probably at a temperature of around ten thousand degrees or so. (Which most people knowledgeable about the big bang would regard as crackpottery) But if you do not know why it is a radical view, nor what the era of recombination was, nor why anyone would debate spontaneous symmetry breaking to explain recent observations, you are incapable of critiquing theories of the big bang.

Nunya says:

I find all of it radical: quark era, recombination, symmetry breaking, endlessly tweaked models, virtual particles, and unending ad hoc parameters ever chasing new data.

I see the complete triumph of math over natural philosophy and unassailable orthodoxy smothering the scientific method.

But, I’m a guest in your saloon. Your rules. No offense intended, Jim.

jim says:

What you say is quite true — unending ad hoc parameters forever chasing new data, ever more epicycles to ad hoc fit observation.

But the data still shows Boom.

The data also fits a Newtonian big bang with us at the dead centre of the explosion. Or a relativistic big bang with us at a special central point. Physicists are reluctant to place us at a central special point, whereupon a gigantic mess of epicycles ensues.

Christians, on the other hand, may be less stressed out at finding ourselves at the centre of the universe.

But if we are not at a special central point, then I would go with a late low energy break of symmetry — a smaller number of big epicycles rather than a large number of small epicycles.

Nunya says:

I find all of it radical: quark era, recombination, symmetry breaking, endlessly tweaked models, virtual particles, and unending ad hoc parameters ever chasing new data.

I see the complete triumph of math over natural philosophy and unassailable orthodoxy smothering the scientific method.

But, I’m a guest in your saloon. Your rules, no question. And sincerely – No offense intended, Jim.

jim says:

It is completely obvious that our model resembles Copernican epicycles. We have something fundamentally wrong. But it not that a big bang is wrong. It is which big bang.

The Cominator says:

As a high midwit only I’m not sure how qualified I am to speak on this topic but it seems the major problems with modern physics in general are string theory (seems a useless dead end) and also an excessively materialistic orthodoxy when quantum mechanics sort of demolished any empirical argument for materialism…

Nunya says:

The refutation.

Argument: Red shift shows speed of retreat. Greater red shift equals greater speed. Distance shows greater red shift, therefore an accelerating expansion, therefore heat death. Looking backwards instead of forward leads to the Big Bang.

Counter-argument. Red shift does increase with distance, but so does time. A telescope is a Time Machine that views the past. If greater red shift equals greater speed of retreat, then far distant past shows higher speed, less distant past shows slower speed, and recent past shows slowest speed; therefore deceleration. Moreover, red shift as an indication of relative retreat speed is a hypothetical application of sound wave mechanics. Sound is a field wave. Since light is a spin wave, different mechanics apply. The observation is greater red shift with greater distance. Relative speed is just one unproven hypothesis.

jim says:

Far away objects are moving away fast. Nearby objects are not moving away fast, because if they had been moving away fast, they would now be very far away. The observable universe is to good approximation, Newtonian. Newtonian physics shows Boom!

The crisis in big bang cosmology is a crisis of small relativistic corrections to a big Newtonian Boom.

JustAnotherGuy says:


I know everything needs mandatory vagina (real or surgical) worship, but come on man, 40k was like one of the last major testosterone holdouts in the entertainment sphere, and considering this edifice is now part of the permanent revolution, it’s only going to get worse from here.

At least there’s already lot of good content from 40k before it got cucked, so I don’t really have to keep up with the latest lore changes (old Necrons were better before they became space Egyptians). Space Marines 2 also looks good because hey, you can’t have a female astartes (yet), and that limits a whole lot of gay shit you can actually put into a game focusing on them.

Pax Imperialis says:

you can’t have a female astartes (yet), and that limits a whole lot of gay shit you can actually put into a game focusing on them

You cannot imagine the pain and suffering one must live through in the global American empire’s military.

TBeholder says:

Clowns gonna clown. Shills gonna shill. But… how this could possibly end?
Conquest’s Second Law is «Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.»
Wong’s Law of shared Universes (as more coherently phrased by myself) is «any shared world that does not have coordinated and enforced continuity editing is incrementally degraded toward the Lowest Common Denominator». https://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Essays/BrainBugs.html
Those processes obviously do not depend on each other. But mutually catalyze, if only because the leftists would not prioritize quality. Sloppy quality control makes Gramscian infestation and compromises easier, while more hacks brought in drop the product quality further. The end result is that without brakes a franchise is going to roll downhill diagonally toward the “stupid left” corner until it becomes completely dysfunctional, by which point it sinks in a swamp of self-righteousness and drool.

Pax Imperialis says:

Collection of random

>”Western man” fails Japanese female shit test. The comments are interesting and full of similar failure to pass. Two comments caught my eye.

Haven’t been with a Japanese woman, but can confirm this is NOT a thing with other Asian nationalities ie Korean


Toa lesser degree in Korea yes it is. Normally they say like I’m scared. They also more directly get mad when you stop.

Made me think back to how a number of Korean women said I was scary/thuggish in contrast to their parents who said I look handsome… I got pissed off and left. Fuck! I’m a “Western man” too.


>Yarvin often brings up the thought experiment of ‘What would x think about us today’. What would Sitting Bull/Crazy Horse think of “Natives” today? No doubt much horror. We all know the ‘noble savage’ myth is a tactic the left uses to dispossess the West, but I can’t help but think the savage of the past was in fact far more noble than whatever this thing that proclaims descent to be.


>Simplicius lays out evidence that the Russian hit on the Ukrainian Military Academy had far more casualties than is being reported. Many of them high value targets. I have a growing suspicion that Russia is successfully executing the beginnings of information warfare and has been for quite some time. That Russia is in fact targeting many Ukrainian HVTs to devastating effect, but Ukraine and the West has been very good at controlling the narrative so we don’t hear about it. Declining Russian casualties combined with what appears to be huge Ukrainian casualties combined with their front collapsing in chaos points to the leadership being very depleted.

Also of interest is what can be called the Russian Homestead Act:

The Law on the Far Eastern Hectare, or the Federal Law of May 1, 2016, No. 119 FL, is a law by Russian President Vladimir Putin to give 1 hectare (2.5 acres) of free land in the Russian Far East to Russian citizens and foreign nationals as long as they live there for five years.

The plan allows only Russian citizens to own the land. Foreigners can join the program, but cannot own the land until 5 years after they have immigrated to Russia. Consolidated groups (of 20 lots minimum) will also be provided with basic infrastructure. As of December 2017, more than 107,000 people have applied and 40,000 people have become owners of the land.


>I have it on good authority from sources I can’t name or link to that the South Korean government is very red pilled on women. That they are trying to figure out how to reduce female university attendance… though without outright banning it on paper. They know what the problem is and how to deal with it. The government’s problem is trying to figure out how to do this without “international” (i.e. American) condemnation. It’s not like they can turn to China for protection which is also a progressive empire. Or to Russia which is also, for now, rather distant. Perhaps this is why they are openly talking about nuclearization for the first time in decades.

Btw North Korea is also having a fertility crisis.

>Call a woman fat and the entire state apparatus will mobilize because it’s “offensive”. Sadly, this is similar to the American military which will prosecute for “offensive” speech all to make certain demographics feel comfortable. Is it really any secret why we haven’t had a single major victory since WW2?


>I don’t know whether to laugh or cry


skippy says:

In Asia, certainly among girls who don’t speak English, these girls are not even saying ‘stop’ as a shit test, they think they are being modest while at the same time enjoying the idea that theyre being “forced”. It isn’t a shit test at all. Japanese law didn’t acknowledge rape based on non-consent (only overt force) until last year or so. It is a measure of how mad the US has gone that what she sees as inviting behavior is misinterpreted as a shit test.

skippy says:

also that he doesnt get it even when japanese men directly explain to him how to compete for their women (truly men are the first nation and women have no nation)

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing and taking for granted all sorts of stuff about the education system that no one believes.*]

Anonymous Fake says:

If “no one” believes the stuff I’m saying then why [•deleted*]

jim says:

Lots of people believe the stuff you are saying. No one believes the stuff you presuppose and take for granted.

ray says:

Lots of people outside your little pen don’t believe in anything you say, jimmie.

jim says:

Do they? If so, I would expect there would be someone who broadly disagrees who is able to pass the shill test.

You are on moderation because you were unresponsive, and your purported Christianity sounded suspiciously like gnosticism, so I asked you to give the Christian affirmation. Which you so far have not given.

Now there are some people who can pass the shill test who believe in young earth creationism. There are some people who can pass the shill test who strangely suffer from varying degrees of purple pilling, and there are some people who can give the affirmation who believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary. But so far, no one who is not obviously paid by our enemies to muddy the water who broadly disagrees.

Everyone who broadly disagrees has a belief system that is internally inconsistent in ways that indicate not genuinely held.

Mister Grumpus says:

Off topic again and sorta baiting for feedback.

About these Pfizer/Moderna mRNA vaxx nano-structure things, which I’m guessing are the same as the calamari vaxx noodles.

I’m inclined to see these as either Q-anon-ish BS, or as an accidental “side effect” of the vaxxes.

What I can’t get behind is that they’re intentional, because 1, how in the hell could Shaniqua figure that out, and 2, I can’t comprehend there being organized people smart enough TO pull it off, who would also want to. So I’m all KKK but also Ned Flanders on this subject, simultaneously.

Once again, Covid make me break with reality, but in a Dunning Kruger way. I’m obviously surrounded by incompetence and bullshit, but the simple fact that I’m neither rich nor swimming in pussy suggests that my mental understanding of things is far from 100% accurate.

Comments keenly sought.

jim says:

there are a lot of mechanisms in the body that create nano structures. We are made of nano structures. Ram a crowbar into the mechanisms that create nano structures, you will get a lot of strange and dysfunctional nano structures.

Ryan says:

I don’t know what to think about the nanostructures. The vaxes aren’t ‘meant’ to have graphene in them.
Least schitzo option – shit quality control, graphene is used as a substrate in production and some got mixed in. It naturally assembles into random shapes.
Most schitzo option – deliberate nanotechnology to make wireless receivers, making people magnetic and making them show up on bluetooth.

I think the clotting properties are unrelated, caused by a combination of zeta potential collapse (where suspended particles become attracted through static charges essentially, Midwestern Doctor writes about this), and the actual blood cells getting damaged by the spike protein.

The Cominator says:

New insight from /pol discussion. One reason why glownigger agencies often turn so subversive and unreliable is that people who lie and deal in secrets too often generally just go insane and start lying pathologically… its the reason why so called Havel’s greengrocers can’t be trusted and have to go too. Once you start repeating the obvious lies you lose your sanity and any sense of objective truth.

And this touches on the woman question… a lot of younger teenage girls from my memory were generally truly nice people rather than pathological lying head cases… I think this is an area where not marrying women young screws society. Keeping women in long past puberty being against nature causes women (or at least it did) to start lying and sneaking around constantly in their teenage years because they are following limbic protocol to get railed (and just generally do a lot of risky stuff otherwise) that parents normally wouldn’t let them do. If they were married young a lot of the “habit of lying” phase could be skipped. She’d be getting railed… she could try doing the teenage dumbass stuff of mildly self destructed behavior in a controlled way with her husband (see I let you get drunk like you asked and while I admit it was a little funny when you were dancing around and giggling now your head hurts and you’re throwing up and you feel awful so maybe you don’t need to get drunk again) no need to become a batshit pathological liar. I suppose its why fatherless girls who really had no supervision or restraint are often paradoxically nicer too… they never had anyone they had to lie too because no one when they were growing up in their life gave a shit and they just did whatever they wanted.

DH says:

The brains of pathological liars have more white matter, and less gray matter, than the brains of neurotypicals.

The brains of women have more white matter, and less gray matter, than the brains of men.

Their favorite pet is the rationalization hamster.

cloudswrest says:
Mister Grumpus says:

Any comment from P.E.T.A. on the situation?

How about P.E.T.N.? Any counterpoints from them?

Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:

Lots of jokes about Fang Fang eating cats.

Hesiod says:

More heartbreaking footage of the cat-astrophe currently in Ohio:


TBeholder says:

so it tends to wind up in the pocket of the priesthood of the left, which tends to give rise to the dynamics of the uniparty with an inner party wing, the official party of the left that is always in power even when the outer party happens to have a merely elected majority, and an outer party wing, which is always out of power because even when it is a majority of the merely elected government, it is a small and unpopular minority within the permanent and unelected government, and even if it was not, it would still lack intellectual sovereignty, worshipping at the shrines of the enemy priesthood.

That’s a part of it.
Another part is that the Outer Party is allowed to exist because it’s necessary. The system is more stable with some built-in support for unprincipled exceptions and other brakes.
The alliance of predators and useful lunatics is a mad monkey on a leash. Without counterbalance and an obvious fallback target for ritual poo-flinging to distract them, they would quickly become uncontrollable, eventually start to blindly attack the real power, and in a decade or so either they or the government would be destroyed.
Permanent revolution hunts the next dose of excitement and does not care about boring things like infrastructure. Then at some point you may have either infrastructure or comrade Trotsky.

Ryan says:

Off topic, but give me your best places to find a wife and strategies for securing her. I met my wife in an orchestra while we went to different highschools.

Inherently civilized and healthy activities like orchestras, hiking are one avenue (more examples please).

Fundamentalist or orthodox churches (inc latin mass catholic) are another.

BAPian beach raids aren’t a reality quite yet. Being a biker or masculine and dangerous guy seems to attract at least lower class women even if you’re fat and ugly.

Colleges / universities seem like an opportunity to find a woman before many go full political feminist. Some naive fathers do manage to keep their daughters reasonably sweet and innocent until they are foolishly sent off unsupervized for months at a time. Many get engaged to guys also in college. It would be a different game as an older man.

I know some here say that strippers are an okay option for converting into wives.

Any ones I’ve missed?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Sports coaches used to drown in pussy. Can’t say if that has changed at the JV level, but if you have girls in the judo or vale tudo gyms, they are 100% putting out.

Ryan says:

Good idea. It would take years for most to learn something to the level where they can teach it, but if you already do something it’s easier.

Varna says:

Highbrow jazz events may also work. Writing/painting/crafting workshops. If the vibe in any of those places is toxic, then no. If it’s fine, then could work. Hell, even yoga or folk dancing or what have you. Not 100% of those present is full globohomo, not always.

In EE enough girls still use their achievements at work, in academia, or anywhere else, as a way to enhance their value within the relationship market. In the sense of “I’m doing this to get a good man, not to actually spend my life doing this, although I will of course pretend I am ready to spend my life doing this.”

The way, for example, a well-bred girl in the 19th century could play the piano, had read Homer, and could paint a landscape, but did not, in fact, plan on spending her life as a pianist, an academic, or a painter. A bit like that. Globohomo tries to tell them they do in fact want to become pianists, academics, and painters, but for now not to overwhelming success. Only if they play their cards wrong and become cat ladies at 40, do they have to tell themselves “I’ve always wanted to be like this”.

Hence, on bar stools and park benches they will be scribbling in notebooks and reading serious things, as an invitation for confident and intelligent chatting up to begin happening. From around 19-20 upward. Once the mandatory female breakdown after graduating school has more or less passed.

Fake says:

If you can go to one of those bars where they do country western dancing, then you can likely ask girls to dance like this: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/NY17k7giWgw

You are physically dominating her in a fun, playful way. Most guys suck at it, so you can easily learn enough to look better than every guy there. If you have been practicing for a couple months, then she doesn’t need to know how to do anything and you can twirl, swing, and dip her into feeling like you physically dominate her, while everyone else watches you two in amazement.

It’s not quite Jim’s ideal of an alpha leading a group of guys to divide up a group of girls, but it does make you look very alpha and make her feel abducted by an alpha.

The Cominator says:

> Are there any bars where people do regular swing type dancing anymore
Unfortunately not that I know of.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Most jazz clubs will have a swing night or big band night every month – sometimes every week. Unfortunately jazz clubs tend to be small and have small dance floors so if you don’t mind bumping up against other couples it’s not so bad. You’ll probably want to check it out first before you go too. Sometimes they’re strictly listening clubs unfortunately, a sad side effect of bebop “elevating” jazz to “art music”.

Fake says:

I don’t know anything about your area, but I did a search to show you some examples to look at.

Southern Soul has an event in Ft Lauderdale
Renegades in West PB might have more than just line dancing
Dukes and Dotties in Tallahassee

Those kinds of places.

The Cominator says:

I only said you can fuck strippers… and that you can get your foot in the door that way but that one should be very careful.

For instance strippers in military towns are known to accept almost any and all proposals from soldiers (desperate to get off the base) before divorcing them almost invariably. Hence there is a bit of conventional tribal knowledge in the military that one really should avoid marrying any of the off base strippers. Avoid any on hard drugs no matter what (smoking moderate drinking and some weed use are alright but not heavy weed use) You generally won’t have to worry about bed death or them being reluctant to have sex with you but they are generally used to cucking their primary mate..

Pax Imperialis says:

Crackling and laughing Kamala was weird, and this new scoffing, tone inflecting, and lip-pursing Kamala during the debate is annoying and painful to watch. Can you imagine 4 years of that? She’s somehow more hateful and vile and annoying than Hillary ever was, and in hindsight the main feeling Hillary exuded was just power hungry corruption.

Mister Grumpus says:

Trump doesn’t need ideas or policy plans. Just “Make America Great Again” and “Enough With These Bitches”. The rest flows downhill from there.

Seriously though. I’d say America has found itself in a new era. Covid did it. We’ve gone from the Indian problem, to the German problem, to the Catholic problem, to the Jewish problem, to the nigger problem, and now it’s the bitches problem. Behind everything going wrong out here, there’s an office full of bitches who are inexplicably paid very well for nothing of any detectable value whatsoever. At least slaveowners provided food and shelter. These bitches provide what? More bitching.

(OK and Jeets too, but I’ll keep the Jeets if someone takes away these godforsaken bitches. Just out out out, clean ‘em out. “Somewhere a kitchen is empty.”)

DH says:

We’ve gone from the Indian problem, to the German problem, to the Catholic problem, to the Jewish problem, to the nigger problem, and now it’s the bitches problem.

Hey wait a sec mister teacher, I think I missed that lesson – what exactly is the German problem?

Mister Grumpus says:

Ben Franklin wanted Germans kept off the American continent. Nowhere near English enough. Not principled enough. Too obedient to authority. Too Ned Flanders, the lot of them. No two Germans are fighting a pistol duel after one of them insults the other’s schnitzel recipe.

skippy says:

“Too Ned Flanders, the lot of them.”

Kind of true, to be honest. The “WASP” culture of America as represented by TV is actually almost entirely Ned Flanders-y domesticated German culture. It doesn’t have much prospect of winning any political battles, and it has a bad track record in doing so.

DH says:

Oh yes, I see.

Well, as things currently stand, Germans don’t belong on the same list as those other groups, since they build civilization rather than undermine it. And surely not all krauts are Ned Flanders; consider German-American author H. L. Mencken, whose writings on democracy, race, women, and even religion (though he was a heathen) were quite insightful. Likewise, Friedrich Nietzsche doesn’t exactly fit the Ned Flanders type. Indeed, Chesterton’s critique of the Germans centered on them being, in a sense, false converts to Christianity, pretty much Pagans in disguise; note, however, that Chesterton himself embraced Roman Catholicism, and accordingly, he was excessively biased against secular science — aka Protestant science — in general, which in his view the Germans epitomized.

I do agree that in the final analysis, Anglo or Anglo-Dutch civilization is superior, but right now all the higher races are gravely imperiled, so Aryans should avoid unnecessary infighting to the extent possible. Also, Furor Teutonicus has its uses; European kebab-removalists and homoerectus-removalists will certainly avail themselves thereof, if it ever awakens in their hearts.

Need a War Leader who worships Christ, and channels Odin.

The Cominator says:

Jeets are cancer too (sorry to some of you here) not the ones who do gas stations and 7-11s but the ones in science and tech have to go. A country cannot make science and technology unless those fields are jeet free (because jeets do nepotism and tribal cheating 1000x worse than Jews) so they have to go too.
> German culture is Ned Flanders

Not sure about that… Scandanavian culture at least as far as American immigrants definitely is but its also weirdly liberal Ned Flanders. Ned Flanders is as the article says best thought of as people in right wing movements who aren’t bad guys but unfortunately are insurable tradcucks. Mormon culture as it says is very Ned Flanders (it wasn’t that way so much in the past apparently they used to be more like a militant pioneer ethnostate cult of polygamy chads and the word of wisdom was considered a suggestion and not widely observed but the patriachal society was more hardcore) and Mormon voters have trouble with not being incurable tradcucks.

Now as for the good aspects of the Flanders… Mormons now still have white children (though not as white as they used to be especially when racial doctrine was explicitly part of the faith) more than anyone else except the Amish and marry young and divorce less but its cracking.

Jim says:

> A country cannot make science and technology unless those fields are jeet free (because jeets do nepotism and tribal cheating 1000x worse than Jews) so they have to go too.

You are a white business with white engineers, and are hard up for really smart engineers. And, lo and behold, you can hire a couple of really smart, really productive Indian engineers really cheap. And pretty soon a whole lot of data vital for the continuing existence of your company is held by, and only known to, their kinfolk in India. It is not under your Git repository, it is on a Git repository on a laptop of a cousin of theirs in India. And pretty soon after that they and their innumerable cousins are in control of hiring and firing engineers, all the white engineers are replaced by their moron cousins, everyone in your IT department has the same last name, and your planes start falling out of the sky.

It is not that all dot Indian engineers are really stupid, but that if you hire one smart dot Indian engineer, pretty soon you have a bunch of really stupid dot Indian engineers, all with the same last name.

This is partly the biological nature of Indians, but it also partly Hinduism, which is demon infiltrated and legalistic. Hindus cannot do science for the same reason that Orthodox Jews cannot do science. Adherents of legalistic faith will try to lawyer their way through when the natural order gets uppity.

You need a faith that will provide supernatural support for the moral code and world view necessary for science and technology — which not all versions of Christianity do, but most of them are considerably less bad than any other faith, and restoration Christianity was very good in this respect, since it firmly espoused the view that the natural order was the will of God manifest.

DH says:

Kamala wants to have black vibe and body language, but she has Indian vibe and body language.

DH says:

Unfortunately, you can’t smell the sulfur through the screen.

Obama will sleep well tonight, spooned by big Mike’s big arms and the anaconda down below.

DH says:

By the way, Tim Walz doesn’t just look like Globox straight off the taxidermist; if you just concentrate on his voice – very obvious demon.

The Cominator says:

Walz reminds me of John Wayne Gacy. And I wouldn’t be surprised if shit along those lines gets dropped…

Hesiod says:

Trump’s trip into the lion’s den this evening went rather well, especially since he squared off against not one but two whores of Babylon and a court eunuch. Found Harris’ “guys, I’m almost on the verge of crying, so you know I feel very deeply about this” inflection most grating. Works when trying to convince a kid to eat his peas, but not as camouflage for brazen falsehoods on the world stage. I know the NPCs have already updated with the latest narrative patch and thus sing her praises on Reddit but the best I can say for the slattern is she kept in the cackles somehow.

The Cominator says:

Disagree it was a wash which may be good enough but not the decisive victory he needed. He missed a lot of opportunities it wasn’t a disaster but won’t move the needle. I was hoping it would be like the second Hillary debate.

Hesiod says:

CNN ran a headline stating Brat thought it was fun and wants to do another, so we may get a rematch. With everything rigged against him, Trump still maintained his own which may or may not be a wash. Harris did reasonably well when reciting scripts but couldn’t match Trump during spontaneous moments. He was nimble enough to force the moderators to change tactics and even had the eunuch stammering at one point.

Still, there’s enough there in gotcha topics for the MSM to edit a worse performance for those not already committed in areas with more honest voting than others.

The Cominator says:

Seems the numbers on undecided aren’t bad for Trump so you may have been right… and the fact they had to dump the Taylor Swift endorsement and some others right after.

Too bad about Aubrey Plaza… she was the one modern female supposedly funny woman who I actually liked.

jim says:

People are thinking and talking too much about this debate.

Elections do not matter any more. Have not mattered since 2020.

You can vote your way left, but you cannot vote your way right. Leftism must get ever lefter, ever faster, till it starts killing people, and then will continue to get ever lefter, ever faster, till enough leftists are killed, or until everyone is killed.

The Cominator says:

Enough leftists is all of them or very very nearly so.

The Cominator says:

Enough leftists is all of them or very very nearly so.

Vendat Tunicam says:

He didn’t hammer her enough about Ukraine being her fault. Keep pointing out how weak she and Biden are, Putin waited for Joe and Kamala to take office before invading. The whole thing could have been avoided if they hadn’t let the neocons try to add Ukraine and other E. European countries to NATO.

She sounded like a drunk up there on stage, I guess the rumors of her being a wino are true.

The Cominator says:

She sounded fake but about as sober as I’ve ever seen her… I can’t believe that when she said she cast the deciding vote for the so called inflation reduction act he didn’t hammer her on it.

DH says:

Rightism should be the party of order, or at least the party of existing order, but it is the party of applecart owners and people with an emotional attachment to Chesterton’s fence.

The attachment to Chesterton’s fence is not merely emotional; there is in fact sound Game Theoretical logic behind it.

Here is how Obadiah Shoher explained conservatism versus innovation, or Chesterton’s Fence versus the Faustian Spirit (I abbreviated and edited the text a bit):

It takes 100% gain to cover a 50% loss. A sufficiently long string of losses bankrupts any entity. A decision always entails a chance of loss. When several companies or states decide on the same goal, such as a particular product or a war, only one or a few succeed, the rest fail. The majority of decisions are therefore wrong, leading to losses. Statistically, the more decisions a company or a state makes, the faster it will completely fail.

Conservative policy is, however, also detrimental to business entities: while conservative corporations outperform the majority of competitors, they are inferior to a few companies risking successfully either by chance or through unique leadership… Enterprising ventures are on the average short-lived, but some of them rise to dominance; there is no way to dominance other than through risky policies.

(A conservative state could survive indefinitely, waiting for the more enterprising ones to rise and fall, and assimilating only the policies of time proved efficiency. This strategy leaves its citizens much worse off than in the currently most advanced states, but much better off than in most other states. Since warfare is the ultimate risk, the best conservative states avoid wars.)

A conservative country might do better over a longer period than a continuously innovating country like the United States. A very active country, similarly to a gambler, makes many errors, eventually enough of them to bankrupt itself. A conservative country does not reap the top income, attainable through economic innovation and bold political moves, but learns on the others’ errors, and accumulates wealth relatively slowly, but steadily. (Envy of the more advanced economies, coupled with incomprehension of the benefits of being conservative, might push these countries for active policies: stability is against the human nature.)

Since some innovation is required in developing society, new laws should be as much as possible tried in small areas, preferably various variants of the same law in different areas, volunteering to try them for a fee. Government could hold an auction, choosing the lowest bidders (the areas which requested the lowest fee) for legislative experiments.

If conservatism is so good, why not grant monopolies to the conservative mega-corporations instead of spending the resources in fierce competition? Because the conservatives depend upon liberals who try and mostly fail, but sometimes develop viable products or policies which the conservatives eventually adopt. Also, conservatism benefits shareholders; consumers profit from innovation.

Preserving Chesterton’s fence is the low risk, low (in the short term) reward strategy; abrogating Chesterton’s fence is the high risk strategy that is horribly detrimental in say 90% of cases, but in the other 10% of cases allows you to dominate your rivals – female vs. male strategy, basically. Or: observing and learning from someone else’s trial-and-error vs. pursuing one’s own Openness to New Experience. Put another way: most mutations are disadvantageous and fatal, while a few will confer a relative adaptive advantage (increased chance of survival and reproduction) and will therefore be evolutionarily selected for. Both conservatism and innovation have their respective Game Theoretical advantages and disadvantages.

Anon says:

There is something wrong in this analysis, I don’t know where? or what? Maybe someone with better analysis / judgment than me can see it . Or it could be actually true.
But power is not the market , chesterton’s fence is not about taste or opinion , it is about nature and reality, you could say that liberals “innovate’ the family with the sexual revolution , but did it ever work , have liberation of women ever produced a better society or at least a stable one , the answer (as far as I can tell ) is No and we have no record from past eras that it has ever worked. And so is democracy , egalitarian, equality and so on. A society require conserving and liberating except when it came to power and status , liberalism seem to always produce bad result when combine with power. The better combination seem the center of power is conservative ie monarch while the periphery is liberals . It just never stay like that as the liberals dream of power to “innovate” better world , which always result in disasters.

DH says:

I’d differentiate between Chesterton’s Fence (which is its own principle) and the Gods of the Copybook Headings, which have specific lessons to teach us.

Chesterton’s Fence tells you not to remove the fence until you figure out exactly why it was put there in the first place. It doesn’t, however, tell you anything about where the fence actually is right now, and where it should ideally be, if indeed it should be at all – it doesn’t tell you what the right social technologies are, and which currently existing social technologies need fixing or discarding.

For the right social technologies, you go not to Chesterton’s Fence, but to the Gods of the Copybook Headings. Read the Bible, including the Deuterocanon, rejected by Protestants and Jews. Read Aesop’s fables. Look up lists of “Great Books for Men,” and read them. Immerse yourself in ancient wisdom. (Also, besides reading, look around and observe reality, examine it, play with it if need be – you will find your way to the truth.) All great civilizations, in fact, have undergone memetic carcinization – they ended up developing rather similar social technologies.

The problem right now is that, as Bruce Charlton would say, culture is not only anti-Traditional (Luciferian evil), but has in fact become counter-Traditional (Ahrimanic evil) – it has a system of inverted values in place. Read up on this idea here. Hence, conservatives conserving yesterday’s leftism. Not only has Chesterton’s fence been removed; the entire field has become a nuclear wasteland haunted by infernal entities. In Sodom and Gomorrah, there is nothing left to conserve. So you don’t turn to Chesterton’s fence – you seek out the Gods of the Copybook Headings.

S says:

The quote is conflating multiple different things. There is a difference between ‘transforming society’, ‘adopting quality control’ and ‘importing sushi restaurants’.

When we speak of Chesterton’s fence, we are speaking of the first category. This should be obvious since conservatives are traditionally over-represented in the category of business owners (aka those taking risks in the latter two categories) and liberals are overrepresented in the PMC (the first category).

DH says:

Chesterton was rather suspicious of capitalism and science, so I’d say that his actual position on the matter conflated progress and Progress. He didn’t take it all the way to Luddism, and he didn’t become Carlylean Restorationist, but his worldview differed substantially from the Jimian Dark Enlightenment.

It’s not that Roman Catholicism clouded his judgement as that he became a Roman Catholic because of his biases and preferences.

Fundamentally, Chesterton made the same mistake Moldbug makes: he ascribed positive (rather than negative) motivations to the leftists of the time. He thought them mistaken above all else, rather than sinister and malevolent and utterly mad. Of course, they do so for different reasons: in Moldbug’s case, it’s loyalty to his tribe — not so much the Jews as the Blue Tribe, the Baizuo ruling class — while in Chesterton’s case it was more Tradcuck blissful naivety.

You can only fall back on Chesterton’s fence when you have a functional society and the satanic heretics are actually the underdog. When God is wholly banished and the Devil is in the house, you don’t need a fence – you need cleansing fire.

S says:

I have a low opinion of him given his position on WW1. Being an opponent of the British Empire and supporting enthusiastically feeding western civilization into the meat grinder was retarded.

Hesiod says:

Some of Chesterton’s work has aged better than other. The premise of his book Orthodoxy is, IIRC, even if the Left no longer believes in sin, it still acknowledges sanity. These days, such a proposition is absurd, and I wonder how true it was a little over a century ago when he published it. Still, along with C. S. Lewis, I owe Chesterton much in guiding me back to the straight and narrow. The impression I got is his conversion to Roman Catholicism came from aesthetic sentimentalism.

The Cominator says:

When you talk about sanity and the left I think you have to ask yourself which left.

Woodrow Wilson the incarnation of satan was very very much like a modern leftist with the exception that he hated niggers and he was completely insane and evil IMHO. He had an insane ideological programme based on faux religious fervor, nobody really benefitted it just made things shittier for everyone. And he was absolutely unwilling to course correct on any of it. And there was a core of sheer demonic malovolence behind his supposed zeal to improve things.

I would not say this so much about FDR… FDR was interested in power and did not care much for ideology which is a strain in leftist thought but I would not say FDR was insane. And Moldbug is correct that while however much waste and incompetence there was in the early new deal its kind of hard to overstate its later success and most of the kind of smallholders who are the backbone of Trump’s electorate in the 30s were the backbone supporters of FDR. FDR was lax about communists not so much because he believed in pure communism but because he simply believed that all the communists would in time abandon their silly beliefs and embrace the better system of the FDR administrative technocracy.

FDR didn’t fix the depression and the more urban middle class hated him generally but if you lived in the hinterlands you didn’t care, as far as you were concerned it was the New Deal programs that built out the roads and the powerlines to your farming community and even if the organic private economy was still in the shitter you could get a job building roads or powerlines, that was more than the old system ever did for you. Was FDR insane to act as he did or purely evil… I don’t think its fair to say that. He did much evil of course but definitely not pure evil. RFK is an FDR leftist at heart… Tulsi is too but more of a peacenik as well. They are wrong about some things and they want power but there is no malovolence.

jim says:

The Roman Catholic Church of his day had substantially reformed in response to the sack of Rome and the protestant revolution.

The sack of Rome, and the ensuing horrific torture and murder of numerous cardinals, induced them to take the protestant critique seriously. Sometimes it takes Old Testament measures to get the attention of the wicked.

We are commanded to morally improve our enemies by persuasion and good example, but Old Testament measures are permitted against men who are not of good will. We are commanded to be gentle as doves and wise as serpents, and the distinctive characteristic of a serpent is that it responds unkindly to being trodden on.

The Roman Catholic Church of our day is run by gay satanists.

The Cominator says:

“The Roman Catholic Church of our day is run by gay satanists.”

The sack of Rome in a way contributed to that. The Jesuits were created after the sack of Rome, clerical celibacy in regards to women (the pre sack of Rome church was corrupt too but in a different way in that your deviant priests and bishops were more likely to be whoremongers than homosexuals, you look into most bishops etc from the Avignon period to the reformation and they generally had numerous mistresses and alleged bastard children) started being enforced after that. The sack curtailed some of the over the top financial extravagance where clerics were openly living opulent hedonistic lifestyles but the next incarnation of corruption was arguably worse.

Ryan says:

Are there any good and concise books about the true nature of women, or the sexual behavior of both sexes?

Obviously Jim is an expert, but the important theories are distributed across a large number of comments, buried among millions of comments.

There are some like Smart and Sexy, or Mate, which have some useful stuff, but only the least dangerous layer of thoughtcrimes.

jim says:
The Cominator says:

WTF! How is this coming from the Democrats… I don’t trust her and hate her for all the other stuff but why is any demoshit going against the academic mafia?

Dharmicreality says:

Sign of the left getting lefter perhaps. The academic mafia is now the apple cart that needs to be toppled? When the left gets lefter the academics who propped up leftism start getting left behind.

Or perhaps this is a sign that old school communism is making a comeback. Intellectuals need to be purged and so on. Pol Pot comes to mind.

jim says:

We are now entering that phase of the left singularity where inter left conflicts intensify.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The veneer of expertocracy – ‘The Science is settled’ and so on – was a major plank holding up the veneer of Polite Totalitarianism in the old liberal order.

That plank being jettisoned is a sign that ethnic anglos have lost a lot of power and representation in the inner party.

DH says:

Yes. The party of Satan celebrates all sins, including sloth, so the Protestant Work Ethic needs to go in its entirety, even if it means sawing off the Harvard branch. Soon everyone will be eating cats and dogs.

Pol Pot.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Or Haitian Hot Pot, as the case may be /s

Neurotoxin says:

– Wow, puzzling. What is she up to?

– This creates rhetorical room for Trump to put something to the right of this into the Overton Window. I don’t think Trump’s going to “win,” but he might as well attack the right edge of The Window while people are paying attention to him.

– As to why Harris proposed this, here’s another hypothesis to toss into the hypothesis bucket: It’s an attempt to make it easier to put recent immigrants into federal jobs.

Handi says:

It’s past time to acknowledge that the space of education has always been deeply rooted in eurocentrism, and the very structure of these institutions will always yield an inherent bias toward credentializing authoritarian personalities. This is no way diminishes the years of hard work contributed by countless talented individuals to institute equitable checks and balances that make the system work more fairly as a whole, but it was always going to be an uphill battle and this work has finally paved the way for a new work which still needs to be done.

In order to decolonize the concept of qualification, we need to unpack and deconstruct the ways in which it has been intertwined with very narrow Western notions of formality and rigor. Society cannot progress as long as the first few rungs of the ladder of public service are still closed off to many; for this reason we are challenging ourselves to pursue an updated staffing process which embraces alternative spaces of professional development and civic inclusion, such as queer communes, restorative justice centers, migrant rehousing facilities, and trans-affirmative Discord servers.

Neurotoxin says:

That was fucking beautiful.

Anon says:

Lol, a reactionary can put a superior leftist talking point than the 99.999% of the left out there.

The Cominator says:


Has anyone heard of Gaetano Mosca before? Sounds based AF but I’ve literally never heard of him before now.

jim says:

Mighty good stuff.

And that is available on Youtube indicates Thermidor is feeling its oats, and is more concerned about enemies to its left than enemies to its right.

I have been watching the anti woke on you tube, and while criticising Woke, they are in favour of Woke done right — example being Riply as everyone’s favorite example of girl boss done right to prove they have no objection to kick ass heroines.

However every girl “boss” done right has an alpha male mentor and protector, she is acting on his behalf under his protection and tutelage, as for example the wonderful heroine of Kick-ass, and as soon as he gets written out in the sequel, the movie turns to cow manure. A fact that the anti-woke brigade on Youtube fail to notice or mention.

This Youtube video is new turf, genuine reaction.

DH says:

Reaction is exploding on social media.

There is no way the Left can survive this in the long-term. They either shut it all down, or they get removed from power sooner or later, likely sooner than most would suspect.

And they cannot shut it all down peacefully, because the Gray Tribe (Thermidor’s backbone) will not cooperate. They are likely to employ less than perfectly peaceful methods in an attempt to coerce Thermidor to follow along against its will.

The Cominator says:

Girl boss done right can work but yes all girl bosses done right

1) Not only have male mentors but generally like Elizabeth I are always surrounded by men they actually listen to (at least most of the time) before making a decision.

2) They are basically so isolated from other women the insane female hivemind doesn’t effect them at all (ie every female monarch of a patriarchal society was like this… think of the social gap between a queen with the power and life and death where every other woman in the society or virtually is more or less some guys property). Maybe Elizabeth liked to here gossip from her ladies in waiting while they did her hair but she was not going to try to harmonize herself with their hivemind as she probably regarded them as something of a different species.

People in general don’t like girlbosses too much at all though. So its hard to do girlbossing right. No grown man much likes taking orders from a woman even if she is the very rare case of one who doesn’t suck at it, and in fact women don’t ussually like taking orders from other women either. Now Danerys on Game of Thrones was likable before they ruined her character because half the time when she gave orders she was almost flirtatious about it and also stated explicitly that she knew that all things being equal people don’t want to take orders from a girl (now obviously not when she decided someone was going to die then she would sound girlbossy but you got the impression this wasn’t the way she was with people around her all the time). Until the end none of it seemed to go to her head because she never really even wanted to be a girlboss. She thus strived to minimize any feeling of emasculation for the men around her when she gave orders, to the inner circle she was something of a sweet natured flirt half the time. To the army she projected the image of a religious figure… not some mortal woman they had to follow but something almost godlike…

Action girls are more likable and they are not the same really… people don’t take seeing action girls as seriously and because girls with Tomboyish hobbies have always existed (and some are actually not bitches at all). Riply (from Alien) was more an action girl than girlboss. Starbuck from the 2000s BSG was an Action Girl (and one that most people were leary they recast as a girl) but most people came to like her… but she always fucked up when she got put into anything like an independent command (well except ironically she served under one of the worst and most insane girlbosses in any series Admiral Cain, Cain made her the pilot commander on the Pegasus and she actually didn’t fuckup which she always did when she was Galactica pilot commander). Starbuck on Galactica was good at the Action Girl role but they made a point she was bad at the Girlboss role… and precisely because she was typically hyperemotional. Cain (the true girlboss character on that show) did not seem outwardly hyperemotional but it was very clear she was evil and insane.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’ve recommended him before in reading lists. Might have to get around to organizing all the other things I’ve added to the list in the meanwhile…

Kunning Druegger says:

That would be incredibly helpful, if you can find the time. Maybe Jim could make a post, then everyone could submit their list. Probably a lot of overlap, but TC not having heard of Mosca is enlightening. Probably lot’s of high quality work to be “discovered.”

jim says:

We already have a reading list post of sorts. The list was too large, too small and too incoherent. Perhaps it is time for another.

I probably should start it with a post, but the trouble with Pseudo-Chrysostom’s existing list is that it lacks metadata: What will you learn from each book on the list?

Without the metadata, the list is too large to be useful.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe start with some arbitrary constraints. You could set a limitation on 20 titles for yourself and 10 titles for regulars and 5 titles for others. Or you could establish 10 categories and let people fill in underneath. Inevitably, there will be overlap and recommendations, and people will make bad suggestions that need to be corrected. But it is the case that, on a long enough timeline, the list will just be “every book ever.”

I have been building my personal library again, a process I halted years ago. Within my library, I have been building a “Dark Enlightenment” subsection. This is divided into two categories: classical texts (The stuff written before Unqualified Reservations) and modern texts (The stuff written by /ourguys/). Part of it is bragging rights, I’m very proud of everything that we’ve all done, and it should be celebrated how we went from total obscurity to setting waypoints within the Overton Window Frontier in a decade.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Tag systems are one easy way of solving that problem. Is X work a Y or a Z? If it has Y then tag it with Y. If it has X then tag it with X. If it has both then tag it with both. So on and so forth.

Not for nothing that basically every online image database of note has converged on this system.

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