
War internal and/or external, and/or democide internal

For a very long time I have been predicting war internal and/or external, and/or democide internal for around 2025. Twelve years ago I updated this prediction to sometime around 2026. As yet I see no reason to further modify that prediction, though I have a track record for making predictions on Musk time.  We are now a whole lot closer to war external, the imminent fall of Ukraine is likely to result in further escalation and more direct Nato involvement, and there are indications that war internal or democide looms, notably the mass importation of hostile young military age men.

There are two related factors underlying this prediction. The one that I re-iterate the most is that since 1800 or so, anglosphere leftism has been getting ever lefter ever faster. Whenever this happens, and we have been around this merry go round many times, it would culminate in infinite leftism in finite time, as for example in Sichuan province, were it not interrupted by terrible violence as it usually is. Infinite leftism in finite time is everyone kills everyone else for insufficient leftism. Finite leftism is terminated by dictator grabbing absolute power and eliminating those to his right and to his left. Leftism must get ever lefter ever faster, or die as, a shark must swim or drown, so if a rightist dictator grabs power, leftism dies quickly, if a leftist dictator grabs power, it dies slowly, but it still dies.

The other is that a Republic depends on an elite sufficiently virtuous for honest elections. Right now election rigging is so extensive in the west that a peaceful transfer of power is impossible. If peaceful transfer of power is impossible and yet transfer of power happens it is necessary for the winner to eliminate all enemies, suspected enemies, potential enemies, and suspected potential enemies, or else he is unlikely to survive — Julius Caesar’s big mistake.

The Roman Republic leading to Sulla was leftism getting every lefter, the Roman Republic leading to Caesar Augustus was election rigging. Today we have both simultaneously.

Right now, state power is dispersed in numerous difficult to identify hands — the Swamp. If the power to make war and peace is dispersed in too many hands, war is inevitable and unavoidable. So sooner or later, one way or another way, the power to make war and peace will find its way back into a single hand — possibly after the nukes fly. I pray that transfer of power happens before the nukes fly.

Election rigging:

The Butler PA sniper was an obvious FBI asset acting on behalf of the FBI with cover provided by the former head of the secret service — we can be sure of this because of interesting movements of the sniper’s phone, and because of the ensuing cover up. We don’t know that the golf course sniper was acting on behalf of the CIA and state department, but we do know that he is an operative of the CIA and State Department, who was echoing and quoting Kamala Harris’s war rhetoric and political eliminationist rhetoric. For Trump to rule, he is going to have eliminate all these people, or be eliminated as Caesar was. A gun beats five aces. Our enemies played five aces in the 2020 and 2022 elections, and now they are playing guns. The stakes get higher every day. They have been getting higher for two centuries, but now they are getting higher faster.

The lesson of the Roman Republic is that once someone starts cheating on the mechanisms for peaceful transition of power, then there is no alternative to violent transition of power. Normiecon bias is that we can live with just a little bit of cheating. No we cannot.

It rapidly became obvious that enormous numbers of Romans were going to be killed by Romans, and everyone was were trying to avoid that outcome by returning to the old normal. There were endless agreements to return to the old normal, which predictably came to nothing. Everyone wanted the old normal back, as the horrifying alternative drew in sight, but they could not get from where they were to where they wanted to be.

Trump cannot win, no one can win, unless he kills a whole lot of people, and, after killing a whole lot of people, establishes a new mechanism for peaceful transfer of power. But hard to establish a mechanism for peaceful transfer of power if you lack a virtuous elite.

Leftism must get ever lefter, ever faster, as shark must swim or drown

Leftism starts with envy and covetousness. Covetousness is that someone wants to knock over the apple cart to grab some apples. Envy is he just want to knock over the apple cart because he does not have one.

And, given that there are people who want to knock over the applecart, easier and safer to knock it over as part of a gang. So, priests: Someone comes up with a clever rationalisation why knocking over the applecart is wise, virtuous, and beneficial. Then, from priests, to a priesthood. Leftism gives rise to the left as an organised entity with a hierarchy and an official, though frequently changing, belief system.

As each applecart gets taken down, people become excited for new applecarts, and the supposed ideals of leftism abruptly change to something new.  Before World War One, the big exciting applecart was Empire, Emperors, and aristocrats, as for example the Austro Hungarian Empire and the British Empire, so nationalism was leftist, and leftists were generally nationalists.  After World War II, nationalism was generally rightist.  From 1890 to 1980, capitalists and capitalism were the big apple cart.  These days, the left is content with corporations continuing to exist, they just want them run by the leftist priesthood.  The universities are overproducing dimwitted would be members of the elite, and they want the state to helicopter them into top jobs, and manufacture new top jobs in global warming, Covidianity, diversity, equity, and inclusion.  Plus of, course, the faggot left is after other people’s children.  And the usual crowd want to resume the 1990s looting and pillaging of Russia, and then get on with looting and pillaging China and Iran.

The only cure is that the proprietors of apple carts subscribe to state religion that takes a firm hand with heretics and apostates.

Leftism is the priestly equivalent of mobile banditry. A leftist priesthood is to a priesthood what a robber baron is to a baron. Mobile banditry is, under some circumstances, a perfectly sound strategy, though under most common circumstances a very wicked strategy, but when the sovereign is falling down on his job, a necessary and justified one.

Leftism tends to arise when the existing official priesthood is weak, cynical, and decadent. And to successfully put leftism down, you need an official priesthood that is strong, sincere, and virtuous.

We have been around this merrygoround many, many times. This is one more time. It will end the same way as all the others.

We saw something strikingly resembling various very recent incarnations of leftism in the eleventh century caliphate, Barebone’s Parliament in England, the Church of Reason in France, the Nicolaitians, the Donatists and the Cathars rapidly transitioning into polyamorous communists, and many others.

It is not driven by technology. It is certainly not driven by capitalism. (Watch Disney burning the IP they spent wads of money on, watch Boeing abandoning its plane and rocket business for diversity, equity, and inclusion.) It is driven by holiness spirals in the priesthood (the modern priesthood being lawyers, judges, academics, and “journalists”.)

Twenty first century western leftism comes out of Harvard. Before the War of Northern Aggression, each of the American states had its own state religion, and the Vatican of New England was Harvard. After the War of Northern Aggression, the United States had one state religion, and its Vatican is still Harvard.

A state is too big to be a tribe, so it needs an elite tribe within the state. But that elite is itself too large to be a natural tribe, so has to be a synthetic tribe – a tribe built on a faith, such as communism, the God that failed. Or the Church of England, as in England from 1660 to 1820.

Every state has a state religion, and no one is allowed into the state or quasi state elite unless they adhere to the state religion. States die when their state religion dies of disbelief, or commits suicide by holiness spiralling. Or both. We are seeing both happen simultaneously now. The ruling tribe becomes incohesive. Covidianity, sodomy, and sexual transition lacks appeal, and people are getting quietly sick of female emancipation, which in practice amounts to men not getting sex, and women not getting husbands and children.

339 comments War internal and/or external, and/or democide internal

JustAnotherGuy says:

“Covidianity, sodomy, and sexual transition lacks appeal, and people are getting quietly sick of female emancipation, which in practice amounts to men not getting sex, and women not getting husbands and children.”

But getting sick of it doesn’t really translate into being able to do anything about it. Just like the expanding number of incels can’t do anything about getting pussy. Who is going to start the warband and divvy up the women? Trump is a great businessman but I don’t think he’s gonna start the hoe auction anytime soon.

The closest person I can think of capable of pulling off the great dehoeflation is Erik Prince, which is why he is never going to be able to do that (just like pringles would never be able to become a king after hitting the spotlight).

I have repeatedly said there are a lot of good men who are just burned out because they are in despair due to lack of pussy and family mostly. There must be someone out there who realizes the potential of all these young men who only need a good reason to get into action, but where will he come from I wonder.

jim says:

> But getting sick of it doesn’t really translate into being able to do anything about it

Individually one can do nothing about defect/defect equilibrium. Remedying it requires collective action, which has become ever increasingly unthinkable. (Though I am old enough to remember a time when defection in love and sex had consequences.)

Defect/defect equilibrium in sex and reproduction means the game of players and bitches. And as an individual, you have no choice but to play the cards you are dealt.

Love is a battlefield, love is war. Even the most successful players suffer burnout. It should not be this way, and it does not have to be this way.

Karl says:

States die when their state religion dies of disbelief, or commits suicide by holiness spiralling.

Can a state religion die of disbelief without anyone killing lots of priests? If so, is this a possibility of avoiding the leftist singularity? Everybody stops believing and the holiness spiral goes away?

Rome might be an example for that. Nobody was believing in the old gods anymore, nobody tried to be more holy than anyone else. Everybody simply tried to get power and wealth by whatever means available. Civil war ensures, but a civil war without genocidal intentions. Still bad, but it could be lot worse.

Dharmicreality says:

I don’t think belief or disbelief has anything to do with holiness competition. Holiness spirals are about status in the priesthood. If open entry priesthood was abolished and status is set in traditional hierarchy then leftist holiness spirals cannot happen by definition.

A religion dying by increase of disbelief is another matter. But when a state religion dies, there is vaccum and all kinds of bad demons can enter.

jim says:

Obvious solution: Recruit the priesthood from people who have demonstrated good character in their ordinary everyday lives — Paul speaks about this repeatedly. Tucker correctly speaks a lot about it in a way more intelligible to moderns. Family men, whose families function as families should, as commanded by Paul and depicted by Tucker. And of course, watch for heretics and apostates. Anyone who loudly explains he is holier than the King and his Bishops. is a threat, and is no Christian.

Follow the recruitment policy advocated by Tucker and commanded by Paul.

This stops holiness spirals.

If you have a virtuous official priesthood, and restrict doctrine to only matters unfalsifiable or falsifiable and demonstrably true, the official faith remains credible.

Paul on faith and works: We are saved by faith, but you know a tree by its fruits.

Sam Bankman-Fried and the Effective Altruists illustrates what you get when someone claims prodigious fruits for people far away in places he could not find on a map. Similarly William Wilberforce and his holier-than-Jesus Saints.

Sher Singh says:

Eh, you just need Brahmins tied to a strong King.
Brahmins in Patiala are based & the local Kali Mandir is like the strongest in Greater Panjab.

Patiala is also the start of the BJP cleansing universities to replace them with Nirmalas (Sikh Brahmin order).

Anyway, not a Priest so..

Anon says:

“I don’t think belief or disbelief has anything to do with holiness competition.“
Holiness competition is all about belief and disbelief in the sense that to beat holiness you need men of faith , or the leftist will take power out of the hand of officials priesthood who lost faith and became cynical. It like going to a gun fight with a knife.

Karl says:

I don’t think belief or disbelief has anything to do with holiness competition.

For the man trying to appear more holy than his competitor it is only about status in the priesthood and indeed has nothing to do with belief or disbelief. But for the audience of a holiness competition among priests belief is necessary. If the audience does not believe, it won’t be impressed and won’t support a priest’s grab for more status.

Holiness competition works only inside a faith. Those outside the faith will not be impressed by whoever wins the holiness competion inside the faith – and might actually be repulsed. The point of a holiness competion is to gather support. Whoever wins get support of believers only. The fewer believers, the less incentive to win a holiness competition.

dharmicreality says:

We are talking about a live faith here. So indeed, the belief or disbelief doesn’t matter.

It’s all about the point deer make horse phenomenon.

So long as the high priest can point deer and make horse and the king agrees or forced to agree, whether people believe or disbelieve in their hearts doesn’t matter. If nobody dares point out that the deer is in fact not a horse. Then the priest is high status and the “disbelievers” are low status.

When suddenly people start noticing publicly that the deer is a deer and not a horse after all, suddenly the faith is not so live any more and then your holiness spirals start weakening and become irrelevant. Kind of what is happening to the official faith of globohomo.

Karl says:

That’s true for high priest, but he has nothing to gain from being more holy than any other priest. He is already at the top. The high priest is attacked by a lower priest who claims to be more holy than the high priest. For a succesful attack the lower priest needs support of other priests who are also at least one step below the high priest. These lower priests might join in an attack on the high priest, but they need a reason. If these lower priest are no blievers , they won’t support someone because he is more holy.

The holiness spiral happens on all levels of society. The lower priest uses it to attack the high priest. Karen uses it to get status among her peers although she is no priest. Karen won’t try to be more holy than her neighbors or co-workers if they no longer consider her behavior holy, but instead consider her behavior ridiculous or repulsive.

The Cominator says:

Polytheistic civilizations can have theocracies but they don’t really have holiness spirals the way monotheistic societies (or their offshots do). The retarded neo pagan larpers should make this point but don’t.

I do believe Jim has pointed out that the Populares (though for the most part the good guys in the late Republic) went off the rails when Marius was old and partially mad and invited the Samnites (who generally hated the Romans) to garisson the city. Luckily for Rome Sulla defeated them at the battle of Colline Gate. Not sure it was a holiness spiral as the Roman Factions were not so ideological as much as extreme tactics in a power struggle. Roman factions were odd and especially in Sulla’s time they were odd. Sulla was unusual in being a very popular Optimate (most Roman armies sent after him defected to him, after he retired from the dictatorship he would sometimes move in the forum without bodyguards and would give an account of his actions to any citizen who asked).

The main Roman holiness spiral was under the Christians in the West not under Constantine but under the Theodosian Dynasty. Theodosius mass invited barbarians into the empire (to dilute conservative countryside pagans) while paying informers to go after any observance of the old ways. Honorius or someone did even worse, when Stilcho was purged the order came down to kill all the family members of the Federati (the barbarians in the Roman army, a lot of them were perfectly loyal before because often married to Italian or Roman women) who were living in Italy. The Federati who found out about this en masse defected to the enemy.

jim says:

> Polytheistic civilizations can have theocracies but they don’t really have holiness spirals

Obvious example of holiness spiraling in a polytheistic society: Hindu veganism and Brahmin legalism. The Dharma Bros complain about this all the time.

The Cominator says:

I should spare the Dharma bros a rant about the corruption of blood from the Dravidians. the original Hinduism of the Aryans actually has a triune creator (Brahma Vishnu Shiva) all the other gods were more like lesser aspects of the trinity god or something akin to angels.

jim says:

“Original” goes back a long way. The past of Hinduism is murky and contains many threads of belief. Of which I am ignorant, and suspect there is a whole lot of ignorance.

From what little I know, I would guess that a Hinduism based on the Ramayana and the law of Manu would be fairly based. Problem is that there is a great pile of Talmudic elaboration on the Law of Manu. When the East India company dug up the old Hindu books they were favourably impressed. Rather less impressed by the Hinduism that they encountered in their own time. They knew this stuff better than I do.

dharmicreality says:

I should say that legalism is a problem in Hinduism but it’s not the main source of the issue. Hinduism became legalistic after external defeat.

I think I had gone deeper into this in the past, but it is too difficult to dig up the archives of my comments from past threads.

jim says:

For centuries your white rulers ridiculed you over this issue, particularly complaining vehemently about the substitution of ritual cleanliness for actual cleanliness.

When Christianity lost power, white people stopped indicting Hinduism for legalist cleanliness, stopped addressing filth as a religious issue, while continuing to complain about filth. You get regularly insulted on this blog, and everywhere, for lack of cleanliness, which is a continuation of an indictment of Hinduism by Christians that is centuries old.

Seems to me that the East India company did think that legalism was the big problem. What do you think is the big problem?

Legalism was a reaction to external defeat — both in Judaism and Hinduism. But it is a self defeating reaction. You get a faith unfit to exercise the power it once had, as was spectactularly displayed when the Jews grabbed power and revolted against the Romans. The earthly function of a faith is generate, socially support, and socially enforce, consensus on earthly right conduct. If a faith abandons that job, which legalism does, it is unfit to hold power. The merit of an official faith with state power is that its consensus on earthly right conduct gets enforced by the sovereign.

Back when Christianity was a live faith, its indictment of Hinduism was primarily demonic infiltration before it had to govern the place. When Christians found they actually had to govern the place, when Christianity was in power in Christendom, and Christendom found itself governing Hindus, the indictment was primarily legalism.

Albeit demonic infiltration and demon worship tend to be linked. Tucker regularly implies that the filth of big blue American cities is an indicator and/or result of demon worship, and indictments of Judaism frequently link ritual holiness to demonic infiltration — that a Jew does not care if the guy beside him in the synagogue is worshipping God or Satan, provided he adheres to the correct ritual. Legalism is way of accommodating demon worship, because demon worshippers want to violate the substance of the religious commandments, because demon worshippers reject earthly right conduct, so worshippers accommodate them by substituting the legalist form of the commandments. Jewish legalism is an ancient holiness spiral, but it modern times it is an accommodation to Satan worship.

I would frequently ridicule B because Orthodox Jews do not want to rule Israel, and are incapable of doing so. They are incapable of ruling Israel because legalism, and were they to rule, as in the revolt against Rome, it would be a disaster. Remember the Covidians attacking the ritual family gathering of Thanksgiving, telling their adherents to make it unpleasant.

If Hinduism is to successfully return to power, cannot accommodate legalism.

cub says:

Question: as far as I can tell, the opposite of legalism is merely following one’s conscience, so to speak, and the reason is because any appeal to any written or spoken word outside our own conscience/consciousness constitutes legalism by default, since you’re seeking to use limited human language as a (lacking) substitute for God’s true divine will.

So the question is: how does “follow your conscience” (the opposite of legalism) differ from “do what thou wilt”/”ignore the commandments”? Legalism and the existence of human-graspable divine law seem inextricably intertwined.

jim says:

> As far as I can tell, the opposite of legalism is merely following one’s conscience.

No it is not.

It is following the commandments in the light of their meaning, purpose, the intended way that the world should work, and the example of past people who followed the commandments, and the way the world did work to the extent that they followed the commandments.

Which should be congruent with one’s own conscience, but one might have reason for suspicion of oneself, or on the other hand past exemplars, if it is not.

One should also look at past examples of legalism — of doing it wrong.

Examples of doing it wrong are Second Temple Jews taking cleanliness commandments given in the context of a bunch of nomadic cattle herders, and applying them in the city of Jerusalem. They should have built an aqueduct and a sewer, which is obviously stuff that the Old Testament neglects to cover, and second temple Jews getting themselves covered in the blood of a Roman cop, in order to avoid treading on ground contaminated by chicken blood. But the old testament rules on poop still apply if you are camping.

The trouble with “ones own conscience” is that it is apt to be incongruent with someone else’s concience. The earthly function of a religion is to have everyone on the same playing field playing by the same rules.

The trouble with formal legalistic rules is that they are incapable of capturing what cannot be easily expressed in words, and are subject to legalistic gaming.

Ideally, what one has is King Alfred adapting old Anglo Saxon law and custom to render it consistent with the spirit of old testament laws, while being consistent with his time and place, and the customs, history, and character of his people. But, absent a King Alfred, one just has to do the best one can.

Female emancipation seems benevolent towards women, who have the hardest and most important job that there is, but get the short end of the stick. But the trouble is that in practice it is men defecting on other men. Hence exercising ones own conscience on the woman question is apt to mislead.

cub says:

You seem to be saying that the scientific method (empirical observation, drawing conclusions, that can be used to guide future decisions), particularly via historical analysis, gives us the tools to induce the meaning of the commandments. The scientific method is the default mode by which we interact with the world- it’s what I meant what I used the term “conscience” (Jiminy Cricket is not the scientific method, he’s just another imperfect law-maker).

Conscience is your decision-making ability sans man-made laws. Just you and the world, like a man on a desert island. At the end of the day, you are still the one drawing the conclusions and making the decisions.

Imagine being alone on a desert island with a copy of the Bible that you have memorized. You have two paths:

Legalism, with which you try to implement the Bible as literally as possible and make all kinds of pointless rituals, or the opposite-

the Scientific Method, using the Bible as just another piece of evidence with which you make decisions. They’re more like guidelines instead of rules, anyway. You can ignore this part, and that part… and suddenly you’re “doing what thou wilt”. Your will, not God’s. Your conscience, not His demands. You became a cafeteria Catholic- or, y’know, whatever the Protestant equivalent is.

Those are the only two paths you can go by. The stairway to heaven- narrow, rigid, linear. A submission of your God-given free will to a millennia-old book that’s a translation of a translation.

Or, you can take the other path leading into the jungle and live by your wits alone.

jim says:

> At the end of the day, you are still the one drawing the conclusions and making the decisions.

But we are not on a desert island. You want your conclusions to be congruent with what other men of good will will conclude.

Which immediately runs into the negotiation problem, that everyone will bullshit to advance their particular interests, and a multitude of people will firmly pronounce they have concluded very different things.

So, you want to cooperate with cooperators, and defect on defectors — you need to figure out who is of good will, and who is not.

> They’re more like guidelines instead of rules, anyway. You can ignore this part, and that part.

No you cannot. You have to adapt this part and that part to rather different circumstances — obvious and extreme example being the Biblical hygiene rules, which as written are appropriate to a nomadic pastoralist camp site in the wilderness, and quite explicitly refer to that condition.

The Romans got pissed about the priests ritual cleanliness in Jerusalem, much as the British were pissed by the ritual cleanliness of the Hindus, and the Romans forced the priesthood to install an aqueduct and a sewer. Who was adhering better to the commandments?

jim says:

> Those are the only two paths you can go by.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

But in the end, it’s not really ‘your’ will, is it? It’s the will of Nature. Which is to say, God.

You can’t just do what you wilt, you do what GNON wilts, or else you suffer the consequences, and don’t get what you wilt anyways.

Hence, there is such a thing as right and wrong opinions. Better and worse aesthetics. Adaptive or maladaptive wills. Fact and value converge at the limit.

cub says:


The reason I used the desert island thought experiment is because we can’t be sure that other men have good will, or that they are intelligent enough to adapt the law properly, or that their circumstances are similar enough to ours. Whether you are getting help from other people or not, every decision we make has a degree of uniqueness, and personal choice is ALWAYS a necessity to some extent. You could imagine instead being the first person to ever interpret the law, or maybe you’re in an isolated society that just learned about Christianity and has no past experience to learn from.

The point is that, at certain times, people have to choose between following divine law, or ignoring parts of it as they see fit. The first option is legalism, and the second is the use of our free will to supersede what we believe to be God’s will.

The best explanation seems to be that God expects and allow us to disobey when we see fit, and that divine laws are more like guidelines.


Are you saying that free will doesn’t exist? Or that we live in a perfectly just world, or the best of all possible worlds?

If someone commits murder, and gets away with it, does that mean Gnon wills it?

jim says:

> because we can’t be sure that other men have good will, or that they are intelligent enough to adapt the law properly, or that their circumstances are similar enough to ours.

It is not that difficult. We can never be sure, but most of the time, can know well enough. Paul’s tests are strikingly and surprisingly reliable, as Tucker frequently tells us. You can tell a good person by his connections to those close to him, and a Christian by whether he can say the words of the faith. (Which does not guarantee he is a good Christian, but at least you can be pretty sure what he in fact believes.)

> people have to choose between following divine law, or ignoring parts of it as they see fit.

But when you choose not to follow it, you are likely to find you screwed up.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Your confusion stems primarily from your unconscious frame of thinking of ‘you’ as a monadic entity; as both indivisible from within, and neatly divisible from without; as an end in of itself.

If your cancerous tumor metastasizes and gets away with it, you die.

Which kills all the cancer cells too, of course.

cub says:

What do you call an individual being that makes ethical decisions? A fragment of God’s consciousness is still an individual fragment; a set of billions of atoms is still a distinct set.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Distinct, but not wholly unique. Connected, but not wholly identical.

There’s no shortcut. No ‘one weird trick’ for getting out of having to grappling with more or less essential; which some are more or less capable of so doing.

You mock up an airstrip and will the cargo plans to land out of the sky to deliver cargo, but reality remains stubbornly recalcitrant in defiance of your will.

The ways of Creation are what they are and you can follow them and prosper and defy them and suffer.

It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.

DH says:

The major issue with legalist religions is that they tend to be ignorant of the external physical reality of good and bad conduct (the more legalist, the more ignorant), resulting in the substitution of a theory of vices and virtues, e.g. the Christian notion of the seven deadly sins, which manifest in real world conduct, with commandments and prohibitions which are to be followed blindly and, naturally, interpreted, re-interpreted, and re-re-re-re-interpreted by legal scholars according to whatever legal tricks they can come up with. That’s the Phariseeism/Talmudism/Judaism model.

Best illustration is The Oven of Akhnai, from Bava Metzia 59a-b (Talmud):

A new type of oven is brought before the Sanhedrin, consisting of tiles separated from one another by sand, but externally plastered over with cement. The rabbis debate whether or not this oven is susceptible to ritual impurity. Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurcanus argues that the oven is ritually pure while the other rabbis, including the nasi Rabban Gamaliel, argue that the oven is impure. When none of Rabbi Eliezer’s arguments convince his colleagues, he cries out, “If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, this carob tree will prove it.” At this point, the carob tree leaps from the ground and moves far away. The other rabbis explain that a carob tree offers no proof in a debate over law. Rabbi Eliezer cries out, “If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, the stream will prove it.” The stream begins to flow backwards, but again the other rabbis point out that one does not cite a stream as proof in matters of law. Rabbi Eliezer cries out, “If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, the walls of the study hall will prove it.” The walls of the study hall begin to fall, but are then scolded by Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah who reprimands the walls for interfering in a debate among scholars. Out of respect for Rabbi Joshua, they do not continue to fall, but out of respect for Rabbi Eliezer, they do not return to their original places.

In frustration, Rabbi Eliezer finally cries out, “If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, Heaven will prove it.” From Heaven a voice is heard, saying, “Why are you differing with Rabbi Eliezer, as the halakha is in accordance with his opinion in every place that he expresses an opinion?” Rabbi Joshua responds, “It [the Torah] is not in heaven” (Deuteronomy 30:12). He responds in this way because the Torah, which was given by God to mankind at Sinai, specifically instructs those who follow it that they are to look to the received Torah as their source and guide. The Torah says, “It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?’ Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross to the other side of the sea for us, and get it for us so that we may hear it and observe it?’ No, the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe” (Deuteronomy 30:12-14). Upon hearing Rabbi Joshua’s response, God smiled and stated, “My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.”

“My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.” That is Judaism. As Jim says, it’s a pile of lawsuits launched by Jews against God, which the Jews won and God lost. This naturally results in the abandonment of the real world for an entirely made-up one, where carob tress, streams, walls, and the voice of God crying out from Heaven do not matter at all – what matters is the consensus of legal scholars using legal tricks to maneuver the religion wherever they so please, regardless of much real-life consequences. That is Judaism.

Such religions are, by definition, theological errors.

alf says:

What a bizarre story. Also a total departure from the OT God – the conversation sounds like one of those fantasies in which someone has the perfect comeback, here the comeback is directed at God, who promptly responds: ‘oh yeah you totally owned me.’

It seems fair to say that insofar a voice actually responded saying ‘my children have triumphed over me’, it was not God’s voice, but some other minor deity (demonic?), who is glad to tell the Jews what they want to hear after they have been disowned by their real God.

Ex says:

And an example of the correction is in Matthew 23:

15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.
16 “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it.’ 17 Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? 18 And, ‘Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is on it, he is obliged to perform it.’ 19 Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? 20 Therefore he who swears by the altar, swears by it and by all things on it. 21 He who swears by the temple, swears by it and by Him who dwells in it. 22 And he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits on it.

DH says:

Another illustration of Judaism just not giving a hoot about the actual will of God, rather equating the will of God with ever-changing ever-expanding legalism, nor giving a hoot about the real-world consequences thereof, indeed taking pride in disregarding them altogether, is the following story, Menachot 29b:1-5, also Talmud:

Rabbi Yehudah said, “Rav said, “When Moshe ascended to the heavens, he found the Holy One, Blessed be He, sitting and attaching crowns to the letters. He said before Him, “Master of the Universe! Who is staying your hand?” He said to him, “There is one man man who will exist after many generations, and Akiva the son of Yosef is his name, who will in the future expound on every crown and crown piles and piles of laws.” He said before Him, “Master of the Universe! Show him to me.” He said to him, “Turn backwards.” He went and sat at the end of eight rows [of students in Rabbi Akiva’s Beit Midrash], and he did not know what they were talking [about]. He got upset. As soon as he got to one [other] thing, his students said to him, “Our teacher, from where do you learn this?” He said to them, “It is a law [that was taught] to Moshe at Sinai.” He calmed down. He returned and came before the Holy One, Blessed be He, and said before Him, “Master of the Universe! You have a man like this, and You are giving the Torah through me?” He said to Him, “Be silent. This is what I have decided.” He said before Him, “Master of the Universe! You have shown me his Torah; show me his reward.” He said to him, “Turn backwards.” He turned backwards, and saw that they were tearing his skin with iron combs. He said before Him, “Master of the Universe! Such Torah, and such reward!” He said to him, “Be silent. This is what I have decided.”

And on and on it goes.

Anonymous Fake says:

The modern “priest” is the school teacher. The closest thing that would set off a killing of teachers is the wrong homeschool community being targeted when schools start literally grading children on their sodomy skills (by 2040 at the latest). The left, surprisingly, wouldn’t actually care that much, but it would be a conflict between the actual right and the [*deleted I have argued with this claim many times, and you never respond, you just sail right on as if everyone agrees.*]

jim says:

Obvious examples of the official faith dying are Soviet Communism, the Roman Republic, the Sadducees in Israel, the Norse gods in Iceland.

The Sadducees were the official faith, but because of cynicism and doubt, lost power to the Pharisees — the Pharisees being what is now modern Judaism.

Xi is struggling with the death of faith. He wobbles between zigging left to actual Marxism to build up the faith, often using words like “faith” that acknowledge that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is another religion, and zagging right to keep the economy going.

Fidelis says:

Xi is struggling with the death of faith. He wobbles between zigging left to actual Marxism to build up the faith, often using words like “faith” that acknowledge that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is another religion, and zagging right to keep the economy going.

Would like to better inform myself on this. What resources are you using to form this opinion, if they are easily sharable and not scattered pieces across 1000 different chats and articles.

jim says:

It is scattered as implication across a thousand articles, articles that are often primarily about business conditions in China and doing business with China. Also implicit in the line pushed by government and quasi government media. He zigged left, the capitalists got cold feet and the economy nosed dived, and then he zagged right. Last I was tracking events, he was in zag right mode, but still deeply worried about cynicism in the elite. He wants to stuff party members onto business boards to keep the business ideologically correct, much like DEI in the boardroom in the USA and Europe, and then finds, much like DEI in the boardroom, the party members are looting the place, and he is not so keen on that, so wants party members to sincerely hold the faith. He wants people motivated to get rich, and to have the opportunity to get rich, but since this is fundamentally inconsistent with Marxism Leninism, the faith he wants the elite to sincerely hold, the faith he is telling the elite to sincerely hold, has a problem, which problem in the official media appears in what is said, and what can strangely not be said.

Fidelis says:

Where do you get the sense that this is wobbling back to marxism and not the millenia old pattern of reducing everyone to day laborers and party bureacrats? I see regalia and lipservice, but nothing that seems actually communist. In that, the state wants total control, but not because it wants to liquidate wealth out of covetousness, or even uses covetousness to justify such liquidation, instead justifies it in the name of public order and social harmony.

To me this looks like the faith trying to be revived is the same faith that held the middle kingdom back when everyone else with a 100+ mean IQ population was going though the industrial transformation. Not communism, something older and more bland.

jim says:

What gives me that sense is that the party keeps using words like “faith”. The party is lecturing people, and especially the elites, on being a good person. It keeps telling people what is morally right.

While obviously this is likely to degenerate into the usual China being Chinese, the usual China being Chinese made China poor and weak. Which did not bother the elites when the rest of the world did not exist for them, but then the world kicked down the door and stomped all over China and the Chinese, and the Chinese government seriously did not like that, and wants a change from the usual usual.

They may wind up with the usual usual anyway — it is hard to fight entropy. But the Chinese government and party are seriously motivated to not let entropy win. They are just not altogether clear in their own minds how to beat entropy. They want capitalism to be able to function, but their belief system is in the way of capitalism functioning, and capitalism functioning is in the way of their belief system.

Without a faith, and without good people who believe in that faith, can China stand? On the other hand, without capitalism, cannot stand either.

Sher Singh says:

Kept my hair in early 2010s & strongly felt war in 10-12 years as well.

If a non-peaceful transition of power is inevitable, I am ok with the swamp being removed from power using the guillotine. May they all perish. From the elder statesmen to the infants. No member of the Bush Clinton Obama Gates Soros Zuckerberg regime must be allowed to worm their way back into power ever again.

Mister Grumpus says:

Easy, Tiger. There’s no man-made “final solution” to this kind of thing. Covetousness and envy are in everyone.

jim says:

Not in everyone.

My sins are grievous and many, but I am pretty sure I do not suffer from envy at all, and covetousness does not seem to be a significant problem.

Covetousness may well be inherent to the human condition, but envy, like homosexuality, is a deviation and abnormality.

And the problem is not envy and covetousness, but envy and covetousness valorized and instituted in the officially unofficial state religion. If your state religion comes out against them explicitly, as established Anglicanism did from 1660 to 1800 or so, they don’t cause significant problems.

They become a problem when a priesthood organises to knock over someone’s applecart, infiltrates the official religion, knocks over the applecart, and becomes the official religion.

Tech Priest says:

I think envy might be a deeper problem. For most of human evolutionary history, we were in small hunter-gatherer bands. I’ve brought this up in the context of Robin Hanson’s forager vs farmer way of understanding left vs right, but one feature of foragers is that, from what people can tell from bands that have survived to modern times, these have tended to be highly egalitarian. Which means not allowing anyone to accumulate significant relative wealth – envy.

It’s not too hard to imagine that people would have adapted to forager norms over the millions of years of evolution, and return to them easily even now if it is not actively suppressed.

S says:

Isn’t that just ‘bomber hit by anti-aircraft fire’ (survivorship bias)?
The groups of people least subject to envy were the ones who proceeded to create civilization and conquer everyone else.

jim says:

I am descended from Aryans in both the male and female line. Aryans always had hereditary aristocratic government, which may suggest that they are less subject to envy.

Adam says:

Some commonalities among those I personally know to be envious:

-lack of a belief in God or any higher power

-obsession with status, specifically how they imagine other people perceive them

-fixed pie, zero sum economics

I estimate the malevolence comes after the cognitive failure, and these failures have become more widespread over the centuries due to modern culture and education. Garbage-in garbage-out.

A2 says:

Audacious trap by Mossad (at a guess): many rigged pagers used by Hezbollah explode, 11 dead so far, thousands (sic) injured in Lebanon.


Anon says:

Kinda bummer , i always thought pager was interesting as unhackable system of communications , and can be used for small units .
Another vulnerability discovered. We are clearly moving toward a world in which to build an effective resistance , everything has to be inhouse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They probably rigged the batteries to overload, probably through firmware backdoors on the chips all this stuff is made out of. Which of course Israel would have access too through their ‘greatest ally’.

Which is not exactly the same thing as owning the communication itself, but still a problem in the same ballpark of course.

A2 says:

Here is the NYT take: https://archive.ph/HFKNS

Well, first of all don’t buy your pagers from the other side (Taiwan). Furthermore, a pretty nasty trap: tampered pagers apparently started beeping before blowing up. So you pull it out to see what’s going on …

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Having thought about it the biggest problem with the battery theory is that while possible, unless all several thousands of them all happened to be charging their devices at the same time, it begs the question of where the power to overload the battery would be coming from to begin with. It is also technically possible to remotely induce current, but if they had equipment inconspicuous enough to do that in enemy territory stealthily without anyone noticing, they could just fry the man directly instead.

Given the fact that all the pagers which exploded were also new deliveries, it’s likely that they arranged through shell companies knowing they were selling to hezbollah and rigged with remote explosives.

A2 says:

I wonder who did the modifications. Intercepting the shipment and adding explosives to each of a few thousand pagers seems like a potentially lengthy affair, so can it be done somewhere on the way and chalked up to shipping delays, or was it done at the factory/warehouse?

A2 says:

I see that Hezbollah walkie-talkies blew up today. (Manufacturer: Japanese Icom.) This time a further 14 dead, 450 injured.

Also, strangely, reports that some solar energy systems exploded. Not sure what to think about that. Possibly one casualty.


jim says:

The time has come for someone to get serious about verifiable open source hardware and software.

Anon says:

GAE seem to still have smart people , this must have been a massive coordinated ops , no way this is israel only operation.
My theory someone in GAE want war with iran to cover ukraine collapse . Having power to reach Taiwan , japan and possibly more to pull something like this can only be by group backed by GAE.
This kill the idea of army unite outsourcing equipments .
Taliban way and probably hamas way of pen and paper plus in person meeting , seem the most security.

jim says:

Observing peer war in the Ukaine, you cannot fight a peer war with pen and paper.

The Cominator says:

American intelligence is gay trooned out and retarded I strongly suspect this is Israel only or very nearly so. Probably the difference is that both groups involve women now where they shouldn’t be… and in America sheboons and such.

Jewish men may on average be only slightly smarter than the average white guy, but Jewish women are on average a full standard deviation above the average white girl (for all their other faults). So their intelligence is not as incompetent…

Fidelis says:

Guix is pretty good for software. The default branch pulls in no proprietary binary blobs to build your system. The real issue is hardware. Perhaps older chipsets can work? What’s the likelihood a hardware backdoor was kept secret 15 years? Not rhetorical, I’m not sure how to quantify that. Plus with the older hardware its very hard to supply chain attack.

jim says:

What is the difference between Guix and Nix?

jim says:

On researching, I find that guix is a fork of nix, the major difference being that it uses a standard language, guile, instead of their own idiosyncratic custom language, and has a greater commitment to open source.

Well actually guile is a custom idiosyncratic language also, but it is dsl of Scheme, which is a dialect of lisp, designed to be embedded within applications, thus providing a dsl for the application.

Fidelis says:

Both are package managers where you define a system declaratively using some functional language, nix for nix and guile, some scheme dialect, for guix. Guix came after and so fixed some of the issues nix had (fractured ecosystem and language too clever by half).

The important difference is community. Nix and nixpkgs seem less concerned about security or anything besides getting workable declarative builds. Things like exposing secrets and a recent issue where the sha is checked after running binaries, lots of things like this. Unsafe mess if you don’t inspect your supply chain. Probably fine if you package everything yourself and dont rely on publix nix anything besides language and build tools, but who wants to do that.

Guix community is GNU and from the start more concerned about Free Software. Smaller community so everything is a bit more unripe. If youre more concerned about a safe build, they’re the way to go. The main package branch has no unfree software, no binary blobs, but can be an issue depending on your hardware and requires a bit of extra attention. If you just want a declarative package manager that mostly works (even if the ecosystem is a scattered mess because founded by functional programming enthusiasts who refuse to work with pragmatic programming enthusiasts), nix ecosystem.

c4ssidy says:

A modern chip could also simply be well enslaved. Consider a hardware buffer which displayed short strings and required manual release to the outside world. The chip would not physically be able to connect to the internet, but can only fill the buffer. So you get to control anything it wants to send out. Likewise with something like current control, you only need to intercept and limit the actual connection. If you’re somewhere neutral like Dubai you could probably automate the process by using simpler Russian and Chinese made chips as the shacklers/output scrutinisers

Mister Grumpus says:

If I were TSMC and/or Foxconn, right about now I’d start trying to figure out some way to make believably auditable open-source electronic devices.

(How exactly? I have no idea.)

The Cominator says:

BTW as far as gay pride parades and wars the 1st winner might be Israel. I thought they were losing their edge too but you gotta admire what they pulled off, that was some real James Bond shit.

DH says:

If Israel collapses under Trump, expect millions of Israeli refugees, an overwhelming majority of whom will become hardcore Trumpists.

If Israel collapses under Kamala – it’s literally annuda shoah. She would never, ever allow millions of Likudniks to show up. It’s Too Big To Rig. Not only will the Muslims in the Democrat Party ensure that all Israelis die – the Jews in the Democrat Party will ensure that all Israelis die, and with far, far greater fanaticism than the Muslims.

Anglin would see this as yet another absolutely compelling reason to vote for Kamala, but I suspect you don’t share that view.

Mister Grumpus says:

What’s your take on this:

Vox Day’s angle on the Donald Trump phenomenon of 2014-2016 was that (muslims were getting the bomb soon, so Israel wasn’t safe anymore, and then) Da Jooooz had woken up to how their “host hop” from the Anglosphere to Russia and China had been cock-blocked by Putin and Xi, accordingly. And thus oy vey, our American Gollum needs more service life and a shot of vitamins quick!

Others have been pontificating more recently that perhaps the Ukraine was therefore being groomed as their emergency ersatz safe space criminal base instead.

Curve-fitting bullshit? Maybe roughly rhyming with the truth, but colored in with the wrong color crayons, so to speak?

jim says:

It is obviously true that the Ukraine was being prepared by faction of the Jewish faction of our overlords as an alternate safe space. Less clear that this faction was entirely in a position to call the shots. This faction planned to feed Azov into the meat grinder as part of their end game, while another faction, aware of the uselessness of the Glohomo faggot tranny military, would like to keep them around.

It is also obviously true that Thermidor, which is not the same thing as Jewish faction, though there is a lot of overlap, wants the American Gollum to get more service life and a shot of vitamins quick, but are unable to think the terrible thoughts of what is actually needed in that shot of vitamins.

Azov is now being fed into the meat grinder, but this may well be more a reaction to attrition eliminating the Ukrainian army, than a sinister plot to make the Ukraine into the new Jewish safe space.

The 1990s looting and destruction of Russia was predominantly Jewish, and I still see a whole lot of self delusion that breaking Russia into a bunch of vassal satrapy states and resuming the looting is on the cards.

The Trump Vance plan seems to be “forget about bringing the 1990s back in Russia, but you can still have the Ukrainian safe space”. It is a very Jewish plan that seems likely to appeal to a significant faction of the elite.

Too many cooks, too many plans, and the broth is a mess. Any attempt to make sense of all this as single coherent sinister plot is foolish. There are rather too many coherent sinister plots afoot.

DH says:

Nice theory, were it not for the fact that Israelis are not immigrating to Ukraine – rather it is Ukrainians (and Russians), Jewish or not so much, who are immigrating to Israel.

jim says:

The theory is that the Ukraine becomes a peaceful Nato State under the US nuclear umbrella, that it continues to have the most Jewish government outside of Israel, and ceases to have the most Nazi government since the third Reich. These guys still expect, with ever greater delusion, a decisive victory for the Ukraine, and a decisive defeat for Russia.

Maidan installed a conspicuously Jewish dictatorship — something Jews have often been in a position to do, but have generally refrained from doing, preferring to hang out in a permanent government with lots of Jews. It is odd, and suggests something different about their plans for the future of the Ukraine.

If Jews are overtly the government, it is likely to be overthrown, and new regime likely to do another expulsion. It seems to me that Azov should be able to figure out that the end game is their eradication, either by the Russians or by the Maidan government, and get on with overthrow and expulsion.

They are the only martial and cohesive group in the Ukraine. Why don’t they rule openly and directly? Presumably because the west would cut the flow of payments and weapons, but we are getting close to the end game, and staying alive should take precedence. Instead, however, they seem to be looting the place in preparation for their leadership retiring in the South of France. Right now, if they took power, and offered Putin neutrality and all the Russian majority areas of the Ukraine, which includes the Black Sea Coast and a corridor to Moldova, I am pretty sure he would take the deal and forget about de-Nazification and the rest.

I conjecture that during the eighty years of being on the CIA and state department payroll, the CIA installed reliables who identify with Globohomo more than they identify with Nazism, and those guys, planning on retirement to the South of France, will feed the rest of Azov into the meat grinder.

Nikolai says:

“It seems to me that Azov should be able to figure out that the end game is their eradication, either by the Russians or by the Maidan government, and get on with overthrow and expulsion.”

My understanding is that they believe themselves to be like the Afghan Mujahideen in the 90s.

Step 1 of the plan is to beat Russia in a forever war with the help of the Americans.
Step 2 is to then beat America in a forever war.
Step 3 is to take control of the government and form a state run by and for 80iq football hooligans.

To be fair, this strategy did work out for the Taliban. But this war is of a fundamentally different nature. It’s existential for Russia and near existential for the globohomo faction of the US elite, so either way Azov is getting rightfully buried.

jim says:

Globohomo fought the Taliban for twenty years. Trump cut a deal with the Taliban that they would take over in his second term. But Globohomo fooled themselves that this was a deal for a permanent muppet government in Afghanistan. hence the disagreement with Trump over leaving arms behind. When they suddenly discovered that it was not, they did not have muppet states next door through which to restart the war.

Globohomo would be a whole lot more determined to prevent a Nazi government in the Ukraine than they were to prevent a Taliban government in Afghanistan, and they were fairly determined to prevent a Taliban government in Afghanistan. And there is a lot more they can do to overthrow a Nazi government in the Ukraine than they can do to resume forever war with the Taliban.

Azov’s bet hope for ruling the Ukraine, not to mention staying alive, is to double cross globohomo and cut a deal with Russia.

DH says:

And with a gazillion of horny Jihadists specifically losing their penises but otherwise staying alive, Israel is obviously begging for retaliation, so the real (“regional”) war can begin already.

The Cominator says:

Only about 10% of the pager targets survived it seemed.

A2 says:

On the order of 10 dead and 2500-4000 injured (I’ve seen both numbers).

The Cominator says:

I read around 3000 dead to 300-400 injured… but who knows yet.

Neurotoxin says:

“Only about 10% of the pager targets survived”

In order to know that we’d need to know the number of targets. Maybe there were 1,000 targets and for the vast majority of them the trick didn’t work at all. No data, no conclusion.

(Or, not enough data for a confident conclusion, as far as I know.)

Ron says:

Its not. The gay is still killing us.

The pager attack just decapitated the Hezbollah leadership at the officer level. They are currently in a state of absolute horror and shock. Nasrallah ordered the pagers precisely because he didnt want the Israelis listening in on the cell phones. This means everyone who got their hands or eyes or balls blown off were field officers or high level NCOs.

What we should be doing, what everyone knows to do at this stage, is to follow up with a series of punishing strikes that will utterly collapse Hezbollah, opening a door for their own competitors in Lebanon to rise up and tear them to pieces, much like we should have done in the 80s when we had the PLO on the ropes until the fucking Leftists sabotaged the effort.

Similarly, because our current leadership is composed of American-owned Tel Aviv Leftist faggots, we are not following up the attack with the series of strikes that would permanently cripple Hezbollah, something which would have a domino effect of eventually toppling Iran.

I was hearing Israelis literally screaming about this on the radio talk shows whcih we still have here. The Israelis who are not American-owned Tel Aviv Leftist faggots, ie the vast majority, are furious that we arent following up and instead losing the momentum. Basically what the American-owned Tel Aviv Leftist faggots have been putting us through day after day from the beginning of this fucking war that should have been over within two weeks.

this is important. Because there is a reason why these assholes were so popular. Leftists give you permission to be an utter piece of shit, faggots are great fun, and American money is incredible.

What God Almighty is giving us, is a very very merciful lesson in why these people are toxic poison. And He is giving it to us through field experience. The majority of the combat soldiers are not retarded kids just out of high school, they are all adult men either well into university, or businesses, with families, etc. They know how things work and they are getting very tired of being forced to fight with one hand tied behind their backs, giving up hard won territory, only to have to go in and take the same refortified objective again and again and again.

All that stops the moment they decide they have had enough of the bullshit.

DH says:

There are five reasons why Israel might collapse:

1. Dependence on US military armaments – nuff said. Israel has a long way to go to become independent, and it doesn’t necessarily have enough time to. Benjamin Netanyahu suffered from normality bias all of these years, and did not comprehend how deeply rotten and dysfunctional the Occident has become.

2. Cumala Whorris is the Iran and Hamas candidate, American leftists want an external enemy they can surrender to, it used to be the USSR, now it is Islam. Islam is not yet ready for world conquest (though probably more ready than many give it credit for), but that won’t stop Harvard from trying to surrender to it. Granted, different factions of the left, notably the neocons, don’t really see eye to eye with the Hamas shills regarding the issue, but the Trump Derangement Syndrome (stemming from a severe allergy to white Christians) from which Jewish neocons suffer keeps pushing them into the arms of the Democrats. They have not yet been purged – but they will be.

3. The Israeli Baizuo, headed by the monstrously tyrannical Supreme Court, is intent on collapsing the state so that as many as Israeli Jews as possible die in a horrible fashion, including themselves. Worship of the Peace Process demon has escalated into outright anti-Zionism, and when the Zionist state is run by an anti-Zionist elite, that is a mighty problem. Given recent moves by the vile abomination known as the Supreme Court, it can only be solved by bloody civil war, which the cucked Israeli Right is not yet willing to contemplate, much less carry out.

4. Unlike in America, where white Christians can replace the Baizuo, in Israel there is scarcely an elite waiting to take over even in the event of the Israeli Right un-cucking and winning the civil war. Mizrahim are not and will never be the elite, Ultra-Orthodox Jews are totally incompetent and parasitical and will never be the elite, and the Religious Zionists don’t have the stomach or the numbers to fill the vacuum to the fullest.

5. The most important thing: Judaism is a bad religion, for reasons explained on this blog at great length. Replacing the worst religion (Progressivism) with a merely bad religion (Judaism) is an improvement, but it won’t suffice – Judaism will collapse the state less rapidly than Progressivism, but it will still collapse it. One day, Ron, one day you too will realize that Israel’s best (and only) hope to survive is as a Christian state. In 2024 you don’t see that; by 2027, if Israel survives till then, you will.

Ron says:

wrote an embittered reply talking about the effectiveness of the beepers, and my frustration that American-owned Tel Aviv Leftist faggotry was preventing the proper follow up of a bunch of strikes to utterly crush the shattered Hezbollah.

Turns out I was dead wrong. My Tel Aviv Leftist faggots have clearly found their balls and decided to stop being owned leftist faggots. Because they just set off the second wave of beepers.

Thank God Almighty. Blessed is God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth. Who saves and loves His sons.

Neurotoxin says:

Per the NYT, explosives planted into comm devices on the way to Lebanon.


S says:

You’d think Hezbollah would have checked after the first attack. I’m morbidly curious if Israel can pull this off a third time.

Eli says:

Is that sufficient, however? How about a ground op? How about just going in all the way to Litani or even beyond? Now would be the time.

Ron says:

we have to be patient. the point of those strikes is that our people are getting tired of playing by rules designed to kill us, and are finally starting to recognize that we are in a knife fight to the death and not a debate club.

whoever gets it, gets it. whoever doesn’t, doesnt.

we win, or we die.

you have to be prepared emotionally to deal with the consequences of us doing a nuclear strike on iran. or worse, if we don’t.

look up francisco gil white on youtube.

I didn’t comment here bc I wanted to do “hasbara”, I saw a post by cominator and wanted to reply out of emotion. im only replying to you specifically bc I think you need to hear it.

jim says:

The management of reality

The linchpin of their strategy, said Joly, was unobtrusive control of the meaning-making and reality-creating institutions: newspapers, book publishing, and academia. Why? Because if the masses were going to be making the choices, then the bosses would at least control the menu: they would manage the reality of the masses

Ron says:

👍🏻 thx

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

DH says:

Will that freedom include the butchery of scores of white Christians, primarily Slavs, currently residing in Israel?

Your Uncle Bob says:

Don’t remember you worrying for Christians when the Israelis were bombing Palestinian Christian churches and hospitals, or when Harvard was purging the Christians from Iraq.

Islam may be my enemy, but more so when they’re near and on welfare as imported by jews and democrats than when they’re far and on their own. In either case they’re less dangerous to me than jews in the gates.

DH says:

I believe that Israel’s betrayal of the Christians in South Lebanon was horrible, and probably brought Israel a lot of “bad karma.” It was the Israeli Left of Ehud Barak who did it, not Likudniks.

The Palestinian riffraff in Gaza is 99.3% Sunni Muslim and only 0.7% Christian, Palestinian DNA in Gaza is around 15% Sub-Saharan African (not counting the Bedouins, who are even more Africanized), and Palestinian IQ in Gaza is 67, so spare me your fake worries about Christians – I worry about Christians, about whites, and about civilization more than you ever will. White Christians (mostly Slavs) in Israel matter to me, octoroon Sunni Muslims with 67 IQs in Gaza don’t matter to me.

Islam currently functions as a proxy of Progressivism. To defeat Islam, need to defeat Progressivism first. Pretty sure we’re all on the same page at least about that.

DH says:

I mean for crying out loud, there are around 185,000 registered Christians and probably two to three times more unregistered Christians in Israel. That’s upwards of half a million. The number of Christians in Gaza is around 3,000 at most, and these are all brown Christians, not white Christians. (Will Egypt ever let them get out? Why aren’t you asking that question?)

Can you give the Christian affirmation?

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

And you should use better arguments.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Probably not. The Christian churches are faring worse being under Jews for 80 years than they did after many centuries under Islam. The Muslims are not the ones bombing Christian churches; the Jews are. The Muslims did not ban Easter, but the Jews did. “Oy very, won’t anyone think of the White Christians,” falls a little flat when the Jews are counting down to the demographic replacement of said White Christians.

Banning Easter did for my opinion of Jews what drag queen story hour did to my opinion of sodomites. They have to go back (in the closet/to Israel) is now get in the (woodchipper/gas chamber.)

DH says:

The Christian churches are faring worse being under Jews for 80 years than they did after many centuries under Islam.

The Islam of the 3 Hs (Sunni Hamas, Shiite Hezbollah and Shiite Houthis) is unlikely to be particularly kind to Israeli Christians who aren’t of Arab descent. The indigenous Arab ones might be spared, but the Slavs and other white people won’t be, as everyone saw when Hamas said “screw your optics, I’m going in.”

The Left will pay for its crimes, and the Jews will pay for their crimes. Don’t let that blur your ability to make the Civilized vs Uncivilized distinction.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

When Hamas said “screw your optics, I’m going in,” it turned out that Israel had let them in and was firing on their own people as much or more than Hamas to pump up the casualty numbers. Israel was gearing up to fight a civil war over whether or not it was acceptable to sodomize Palestinians while Hamas released some Jewess who made the news over how she was so broken up over *not* being raped by Hamas. The Aztecs had a larger civilization than Israel that lasted longer, and they deserved to get wiped from the face of the earth. Same for the Carthaginians. Like Cortez, I am perfectly willing to ally with savages to overthrow civilization when the civilization in question is monstrous. Judea delenda est.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Will you please delete the other, identical comment I posted with the incorrect email address? It probably got caught in the spam filter and I would prefer it stay there or be deleted altogether.

DH says:

I am perfectly willing to ally with savages to overthrow civilization when the civilization in question is monstrous.

When I was a rageposter I also held such views, but though it does not feel to you like leftism right now, at bottom it is. I’d rather go with Jim’s “How to genocide inferior kinds in a Christian manner.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There are so many casus belli towards Jews that the article in question is irrelevant. The Jews are already acting like pieces of shit and giving us good reason to exterminate them. Furthermore, I am not using leftist rationales to justify the destruction of Israel. I do not want to rob them of their goods, I want to kill them because they are trying to kill me and mine. Both my brethren in Christ in the Holy Land and in my own country. I have centuries of historical and Church precedent to justify brutalizing them unto death.

Islam is easy to deal with, as unified Christendom has no problem sending them packing. Their raids are the punishment of God for division within the faith. Islam was a terror until a bunch of Christian kings decided that they were going to play nice with each other and destroy the Turks at Vienna. Problem solved, and militant Islam spent the next few hundred years slowly collapsing.

The Cominator says:

Most Jews should die because leftists. I don’t see any good reason based on my own experience why the minority of non leftist Jews (who actually tend to be more likely to be based and far right) should die though. Its always theories which don’t hold up under a deep dive.

Do total leftist and total jesuit death first before you gas Stephen Miller.

The Cominator says:

” I’d rather go with Jim’s “How to genocide inferior kinds in a Christian manner.””

I think when you’re deciding on mass killings and such for many many reasons you need to make a deep dive into why they are justified. I feel I am very justified in saying that all leftists or very nearly all need to die because killing just the leaders historically has been a dismal failure. They just go underground slightly tweak their ideology so normies can’t recognize it immediately and come back often a single generation later. Killing all leftists will also kill most Jews.

As far as mass killing Jews goes… many examples in history but it does not seem to produce good results. Kevin Macdonald’s theories are nonsense because leftist Jews don’t reproduce and they also mostly marry non Jews. The Orthodox Jews who really do look down upon outsiders vote right wing. Also far leftist Jews tend to hate Israel because their primary loyalty is to the leftist cult not to their ethnicity. If you’re talking grand global conspiracies we’ve been over why the Jesuit theory is far more compelling based on organizational qualities and the timeline problems with blaming the Jews (ie that they were powerless when early leftism started and mostly excluded from elite circles entirely until the 1920s).

National Socialists who think early leftism was fine can blame the Jews, reactionaries cannot really blame the Jews except as an accelerating factor in entropy. As reactionaries we should support the Byzantine system…

jim says:

Jews are a big problem, but mass killing of Jews is always a diversion, it is the Matador’s cape. A treacherous and hostile elite employs foreigners, especially Jews, to do its dirty work. Things go pear shaped, and they want the masses to go after the Jews to divert them from the real problem.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Let it not be said of me that I am ungrateful or unmerciful. I will spare the dozen or so “Good Jews” for their loyalty to America. In order that I not be seen as unfairly favoring Jews, I will also pardon an equal number of the least troublesome leftists. Truly, I am magnanimous.

alf says:

The story about the oven made an impression on me.

What makes the story so fascinating is not just the rabbis winning a debate against ‘God’, it is that ‘God’ directly shows himself through miracles and speech. And directly tells the rabbis: “OK you win man you are so smart.”

Demons might be real, they might be not, but we must simultaneously ridicule them and take them serious. Schrödinger’s demon. What does it mean that the Jews hear a voice that pretends it is God? What does it mean that that voice encourages the very prime sin of pride?

Perhaps it is dramatic to say that voice was literally Satan. Perhaps just a minor demon. But it does mean we ought to draw our conclusions: Judaism, as a faith, is hijacked by demonic forces. There is no way any good is going to come of that. Rebuilding the temple won’t fix that. The state of Israel won’t fix that. With a Talmud filled with stories like that, the Jews can’t help but cause trouble wherever they go.

Even if I might disagree that full genocide is the way to go, the inevitable conclusion is that there is no friendly way of solving the JQ.

jim says:

> Judaism, as a faith, is hijacked by demonic forces.

This has been obvious for a very long time, and people have been complaining about it for a very long time.

If demons are literal, the Rabbis are hearing from literal demons. If metaphorical, their stories are parables of them communing with metaphorical demons, with their own demons. Either case has the same practical implications: That their words and deeds will not be the words and deeds of men of good will.

The Cominator says:

If Christianity is true per revealation we are stuck with Jews till the end times. Scripture doesn’t state you need to kiss Israel’s ass ala Evangelicals (I don’t want to give them aid and certainly not fight proxy wars for them) but its pretty clear that trying to destroy them outright merely for being Jews and not for specific crimes you can attribute to specific Jews brings a curse, the evangelicals are right about that. And history seems to bear it out given the pretty consistent record of misfortune that befalls countries following expulsion of Jews.
> inb4 Spanish Empire
Spain’s empire seemed like it ruined Spain. The Reconquista was one of the most impressive things in history… but the Spanish Empire other than Cortez’s conquest of Mexico (technically highly illegal as Cortez went hardcore off his charter hence burning the ships so arguably Cortez wasn’t under the auspices of the Spanish Empire when he did it he was more like the East Indian Company which got brought under the crown later) brought only inflation and pretty consistent humiliation for Spain.

The only proper way to view our own Jews who aren’t active leftists is that they should be treated the Byzantine way. Obsessive hatred should be discouraged for reasons you see if you go to 4chan. Shills constantly use the fact that the brown left is more willing to hate on Israel as a wedge issue.

So kill the leftists among them which is most of them, as for the rest they can’t get state or quasi state jobs but don’t persecute them or kill them otherwise. As for Israel no aid no proxy wars but keep neutral generally like it was any other country.

jim says:

On the contrary, following the expulsion of the Jews, Spain had a golden age. Decline was considerably later. You are compressing a very long stretch of history.

The Golden age lasted nearly two centuries, and produced great art, great architecture, great literature, and the counter reformation. (During the counter reformation, Roman Catholicism quietly ditched most of gross heresies that were bothering the protestants — not revoking them, but quietly burying them behind the water heater in the basement.)

jim says:

I don’t see reason to suppose this. Dubai is better for Christians than Globohomo, and the Taliban very gracious towards Christian visitors.

The Chechens are now twice as patriotic as anyone towards their Christian government. Muslims and Christians seem to be getting along better in Russia and the UAE than Jews and Christians in America and Israel.

The Chechens went to Kursk, and obviously identify with Russians and the Russian government in a way that our Jewish minority conspicuously fails to identify with America and the American government.

The Cominator says:

Jim you surprise me here.

Dubai can manage minority resident traders because its a monarchy and especially because its a small monarchy. Any tension between groups can be smoothed out by the king. Hamas in power will be an “Islamic Democracy” which likely means a purity spiral on how badly all the Kaffirs get treated. So the Jews go first, then the Christians, then they’ll turn on each other for not being Islamic enough until you have a dictator who can put an end to that shit.

jim says:

Hezbollah and the Houthis don’t seem too bad. Obviously Muslims are bad, but the proposition that they are worse than Jews is far from apparent.

We don’t have a dog in this fight.

Islamic State is obviously apt to expel Christians — they are the worst. But Islamic State is in Globohomo’s pocket, as was hilariously evident when a bunch of African states revolted against Globohomo.

Israel’s stunt with communication devices has had a substantial benefit, in that the entire Middle East is asking China for communication devices with an all Chinese supply chain. Exploding communication devices have attracted attention in a way that spying communication devices should have, but failed to do. We now have big money pushing for secure computing.

Zorost says:

Damn man, calm down. It’s just desert people killing desert people in the desert. As they’ve done for 3,000 years and will do for another 3,000 years after the oil runs out.

The only issue of importance to us is whether we get flooded with a bunch of sand people refugees due to their nonsense.

Contaminated NEET says:

That’s a real concern, but I’m more worried that it’ll expand into a full-on Israel v. Iran war, which the USA will inevitably and gleefully join. From there, Russia joins on Iran’s side, China joins on Russia’s side, and it’s WWIII.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yeah but the Persians are more brown than the Israelis in charge are, so who knows what side Globohomo would really take here.

Seriously now. Victory against a brown enemy would be racist, so all of these war fantasies against China and Iran are out of date now. I just don’t see how they could pull it off IRL.

Contaminated NEET says:

As far as the US government is concerned, Jews are the ultimate minority and trump all other races. They’ll kill as many brown people as necessary to protect them.

That is changing, ironically due to demographic replacement the Jews themselves were very supportive of, but that’s all more the reason to get the show started now, while they still have the USA’s unquestioning support.

cub says:

I’m glad the additional bombings have temporarily sated your bloodlust and victim complex, but I must ask:
What do Americans gain from our supposed “ownership” of these leftist Israeli leaders?
What does America gain from Israel at all?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Computer expertise. Israel is literally the only country on earth where the government can say, “we need a computer system that does X” and have it delivered, installed, and working in ten weeks instead of ten years. Every other government either copies what Israel uses or commissions a catastrophe like the Obamacare website or Canada’s Long Gun Registry. All that Covid passport nonsense was implemented with hardware and software made in Israel.

Contaminated NEET says:

> All that Covid passport nonsense was implemented with hardware and software made in Israel.

Oh good! What would we ever do without our Ancient Friends.

cub says:

Well sure, they accomplish things like compromising our microprocessors (Intel) and sabotaging enemy tech (Stuxnet) but how do they help the American people? Supposedly they have access to Americans’ private data, what do they do with it?

Cloudswrest says:

Now this looks interesting

Why isn’t our GOP-controlled House subpoenaing BlackRock executives to find out why two would-be Presidential assassins just happen to be in their commercials?


jim says:

It is a remarkably small world.

Presumably if you take an adequate sample of known powerful people, and analyse the metadata of who is connected to whom, you could roll up the whole group that is ruling us and ship them to Alaska and the Pacific in a few black helicopters and half a dozen cattle trucks.

Mister Grumpus says:

The Qanon fantasy was all about this.

“We have the data.”
“We know it all.”

(God that was so long ago.)

But in so memeing, perhaps these tricksters really did reveal the truth, which would be that the head of the snake actually is identifiable, from metadata that’s already lying around.

Was Hunter Biden an opsec supergenius? Is ANYONE who’s REALLY important? What was the password on Hillary Clinton’s email server again?

Jehu says:

The problem isn’t the data. The problem isn’t the requisite force. The problem is all a matter of will. Perhaps that’s the real definition of an ‘Elite’, an elite is someone that can convince a militarily significant number of followers to do full Dalek if necessary.

skippy says:

Why would they do that?

Justinian says:

How did he know that Trump would be golfing? On that course and at that time? I’m sure it was a lucky guess.

Mister Grumpus says:

Note the Reformation playbook. The Vatican in Rome was corrupt and some Germanic spergs called them on it, via the printing press.

Printed books were the vehicle for their critique that circumvented the Vatican’s ownership and gatekeeping of what had been, until ~1500AD, the only public “platform” there actually was: people getting together on Sunday mornings to listen to a priest or bishop.

Once a new mass communication medium arrives, something like this pretty much happens on its own, somehow. George Soros himself, I’m told, helped lubricate the collapse of the USSR with just a smattering of basement photocopiers, weaseled into the Workers’ Paradise by clever means.

All that’s missing now is, effectively, something that can do what 2014 4chan and Twitter did, which brought us Trump, reaction to whom accelerated Harvard’s legitimacy collapse up to Turbo Eleven.

It’s all about that communication medium, just some way we can go back to taking pictures of deer and superimposing the word “DEER” onto them. But anonymously somehow, so Antifa can’t burn crosses on our lawn and get us fired.

This implies heroic cryprographic wizardry I could never comprehend, but I appreciate Jim’s connecting the dots and “enlarging the problem” to include a coin and scalable system of exchange, thus financially incentivizing this new medium’s invention. Recursive snarks and whatever.

Harvard looks invincible, but so did the Vatican. They’re air-dropping niggers from sea to shining sea to eat cats, shit in drinking fountains and just humiliate anyone and everyone they want to humiliate, with impunity. But it’s only because we can’t call a deer a deer in public, be SEEN calling the deer a deer in public, and get away with it.

Never owed so much, by so many, to so few.

JustAnotherGuy says:


World gasoline and diesel consumption peaking at 2015, going flat at 2023 with 2024.

Now besides gas, I also noticed that entertainment production is also seriously getting shittier, it’s not about the wonderful girl bosses or trannies added, I mean as in the special effects and environment design is like someone was given duct tape and a shoestring budget, and found out he doesn’t even have the duct tape. You can chalk it up to the diversity hires or whatever, but I don’t even think its that. It’s more like they don’t even *have* the capital to do what they really want to do just like they can’t make shells.

Compare Alien: Romulus to the 1986 Aliens movie, where’s all the cool gadgets, why is the pulse rifle used for like 10 seconds and it disappears from existence afterwards? You can almost see the dude crunching the numbers thinking ‘I can’t use more than the available budget for this scene’.

jim says:

Bigger special effects budgets, crapper special effects. Weapons inflation, and special effects inflation.

Pax Imperialis says:

The tools for special effects have only gotten easier to use and more powerful. In normal circumstances this would mean better for lower cost. Implication leads to user error.

JustAnotherGuy says:

My explanation for the lack of user skill is because everyone is going through the Prussian school braingrinder, and are losing 20+ years of their lives to rote proselytization of the current year. Since pretty much everyone in the world goes through the Prussian schooling system, the guy who wins out is whoever gets the ‘best’ version of the Prussian school system.

I know Jim talks about apprenticeship needing a come back, but the reason Korea and Japan have a lot of great artists that spring up and the rest of the western world just doesn’t is because from what I heard, Korea actually teaches art in school (art hagwon), and Japan I imagine has a similar program setup, and you are less likely to get your shit beaten / less time spent maneuvering diversity warzones so you can chill and draw in your spare time better.

Kim Jung Gi was just a guy who drew since he was a kid, I don’t think he genetically had photographic memory more than he just kept exercising that part of his brain and could just draw what he remembered in his mind. Progressive art is ugly not just because they want it to be ugly but also when they want to make something good, the person responsible for this is a guy who spent most of his time in seminar struggle sessions.

Hesiod says:

Ah, the article was just updated with authorities claiming no explosives were found.

Hesiod says:

Yet another change to the article:

“There is a person who is being questioned who may have been training a bomb detection dog near the site. The individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found and that individual is currently being detained by police.”


Dr. Faust says:

Explosives were found but its okay because they were good explosives who never hurt nobody.

Handi says:

“Volatile but mostly inert” /s

Hesiod says:

Another recent addition:

“He went on to blame a suspect with a ‘self-trained bomb-detecting dog’ for sounding the alarm about explosives near the rally site.”

Dang, that’s a wonder dog.

Dr. Faust says:

Good doggo. Deserves belly rub and bacon strips.

Humungus says:

“Mobile banditry is, under some circumstances, a perfectly sound strategy, though under most common circumstances a very wicked strategy, but when the sovereign is falling down on his job, a necessary and justified one.”

Humungus agrees.

jim says:

We have just war doctrine. Need just mobile banditry doctrine. Mobile banditry is just if there is a realistic hope of settling down to become a stationary bandit, and collecting the loot by electronic messaging, rather than needing to continually go out to kill, loot, burn and pillage, and if accomplishing that objective is a realistic improvement, at least for taxpayers and soldiers, on the status quo.

By and large, the East India company engaged in mobile banditry because conditions made it unsafe for their merchants to buy spices on the free market. Whereupon they proceeded to obtain spices by more drastic means, and eventually settled down to stationary banditry. East India company stationary banditry enabled the middle class to prosper, because conditions had previously made it difficult to do business — in particular difficult to grow spices for export, while the East India company would protect a businessman’s property rights provided he paid taxes and all that.

Anon says:

“Mobile banditry is just if there is a realistic hope of settling down to become a stationary bandit”
So how to do it? How to transition from mobile bandit to stationary one.
Let say general buttnaked want to stop being naked , put on some cloth and establish law and order, how he start doing that?

jim says:

You wander around demanding payoffs, but promise to protect the people who pay you off against robbers, thieves, and other people demanding payoffs. And then do so.

The East India company, dealing with truculent princes, tended to burn the palace and devastate the populace. Dead truculent princes were apt to be replaced by princes more willing to make a deal, the essence of the deal being to leave merchants of the of East India company alone, and to let goods pass through. Letting goods pass through tended to result in protection being extended from the merchants to the people they did business with and a circle of tranquility and the opportunity to engage in creation of value without being murdered extended from around the East India company, resulting in the lands it had devastated coming under productive agriculture.

Anon says:

This is fair enough .
East india company was in hostile foreign land , different people , different races.
And they were simply superior , But how about a different senario , like post GAE , if things went south and , the mobile bandits was a groups of white men, establishing order become very hard as you will have competing mobile bandit of similar strength trying to dominate , a situation like post roman.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bigger gang beats smaller gang.

How to get bigger gang?

Need to enforce cooperation between agents. Need to punish defectors.

What to do when the biggest defectors around are bandits sitting behind desks, wearing suits and wielding papers that say they can steal property? (Or just destroy it, as the case may be?)

The principle remains the same. You are the instrument through which the Law of God is channeled into Being. You must take up the mantle, become the avatar.

The right time for Right is always and already.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In 1704, the Duke of Marlborough was able to advance a 20,000 man strong force, with artillery and all ammunition, at a rate of over ten miles a day; not for just a few days, in between breaks for supplies to catch up, but for nearly thirty days straight, crossing the entire distance up the Rhine from the Netherlands to southern Germany in less than a month, intercepting the French attack on Austria. A feat of logistics that was never equaled before or since in that age.

And how was this accomplished? Simplicity itself: the Duke would have men ride ahead with supply orders and money to commission them with, and at every town and city along the planned route, everything the corps needed, from food to replacement boots for all the footwear worn out by constant marching, would be staged there, ready and waiting.

If Marlborough’s plan was to try and supply his army by banditry or delivery from England, this achievement, this level of military power, beyond what either the French *or* their Hapsburg allies could have dreamed of, would have simply been impossible.

The best logistical network is one that already exists. There is ‘money of the table’ all around you – systems of capital, ready and waiting, to be used – that many are blind too, and can only be picked up with the right spirit.

It’s no coincidence how ‘World Central Kitchen’ provides better disaster relief than any other ‘international aid organization’ around, since it was started and operated by a former restaurant owner, who operated with an obvious logic; the best way to coordinate food supply in a disaster area is through men who were in the business of food supply – other restaurant owners – leveraging their existing skills, networks, and organizations to get logistics working again. Whereas the communists running 99.99% of ‘charities’ rather like the sight of property owners moldering uselessly in refugee camps, and would eat shit before letting them have the least bit of stature, nevermind any of their prize money pass through their hands.

The right time for security of property is always and already. And if there is no security of property, then the mirage of civilization, prompt access to bountiful supply on demand, evaporates like morning dew.

Humungus says:

Greetings, and thank you for your reply.

Mankind’s natural state is mobility. Sitting behind a desk, is a puny task meant for puppies.

There’s nothing like the rush of roaring down the highway, your V8 droning with power. The world rushing past.

This weekend, I’d like you all to get in your vehicle and go for a long ride down the highway and feel the rush.

Soon, when the world falls away, we will ride together, shiny and chrome.

Humungus says:


I trust you are all having a good weekend.

Humungus went on a long road trip in his high octane, fuel injected, war truck. 100 mph thundering down the road, 395 HP while cranking out this tune on blast:


Milosevic says:

There are trackers on that yt link Humungus.

Unless you’ve set your life up in a way where you could be happy with google knowing you post on blog.reaction.la perhaps you should remove them from before posting?

alf says:

what in the link made you think there are trackers? As far as I can tell the ‘pp’ addittion is meant for third party video download. Removed it anyway.

Milosevic says:

I’m sceptical of anything added to a link especially from google.

Kunning Druegger says:

Just erase the “?” and everything that comes after. This applies to all web links

Neurotoxin says:

Ah, you’re back.

Kunning Druegger says:

Missionaries must come home, lest they lose their way.

Humungus says:

Humungus has no doubt that every move is tracked. They track us because they fear us. But, Humungus will not let that interfere with his thought-crime… no!

Let them come to Humungus and bring plenty of gasoline. I will put it to good use.

Enjoy the song.

skippy says:

Humungus is right.

They are very afraid.

Soon, they will jump at their own shadow, for truth conquers all.

Hesiod says:

Deep State pinkie-swears it’s totally Iran that’s monkeying around with the US election:


Fits in with an earlier narrative Iran was in communication with the first assassin.

Anonymous Fake says:

Maybe the real joke is that everyone and his brother can monkey with the US election at this point. It’s a punching bag.

The Cominator says:

Every once in a while you do a good post…

Pax Imperialis says:

But the question is, was he right for the right reasons or the wrong reasons. All his posting history points to enemy payload behind every “good post”. No doubt AF thinks US elections are fake for the same reasons good liberals think elections are fake. Some varient of ‘the corporations’ or ‘the DOD’ have hijacked ‘our democracy’.

Dr. Faust says:

The amoral faction of the feds is pushing war with Iran on behalf of Israel. Establishing precedent of foreign interference in an election to justify this war. Precedent will also allow them to establish apolitical cover for overturn of future elections as well as an expansion of their own powers in order to fight “election interference” that they don’t like.

Lots of things can be guessed at from this. 1. Trump made a deal with fed or fed adjacent groups. 2. Feds may be ambivalent toward a Trump victory which is antithetical to official ring wing propaganda. 3. This is a pretext for infinity money for Israel.

Israel is up to some shit and it’s not good for anyone.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Jim, what’s your thoughts on Intellectual Property Theft or Copyright Protection. Is this just a progressive ratchet bullshit or real genuine concerns for a high-trust society?

jim says:

Artists need to be paid, so a reasonable period of copyright is reasonable, but it should not outlive its creator. Nor should there be any way of endlessly stretching the copyright.

Corporate copyright strangely runs forever. This is absurd. Copyright is also being used to erase the past, even though the people who created that content are long dead, and their material long out of copyright.

Because copyright is being used as a censorship mechanism, you should stick the Creative Commons license on everything you produce that you do not intend to make money from, or seem unlikely to make money from, or are no longer making money on. It should in theory prevent some well connected corporation from somehow taking ownership in some mysterious and inexplicable fashion, and burying it. Or at least if it does, the action will be more blatantly and obviously wrongful.

Pax Imperialis says:

Corporate copyright for one logo/brand name should run forever until the corporation changes it. Other than that, forever monopolies on IP is a culture/tech killer.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A great deal of this trouble comes from the equivocation of copyright being used as a namespace system, and copyright being used for every other form of exclusivity/privi legius you can think of.

Namespacing is the nose of the camel under the tent, and cartelization (‘everything I want to do is illegal’) is the rest of the camel pushing you out of the tent.

jim says:

The solution to cartelized namespacing, from which all these other evils flow, is Zooko’s triangle.

Cloudswrest says:

I’m always amazed at the trivial shit (stuff you even learn in classic textbooks) that gets patented. Organizations file patents defensively to protect themselves from future patents. BTW, my organization forbids its engineers from looking up patents to preserve ignorance, as knowingly violating a patent comes with greater penalties.

Given that we have patents, I think the Patent Office should crowd source patent vetting. Some fraction of the patent application fee, say $1500, should be awarded to the first person who shows objective evidence of prior art, etc. That should greatly reduce the work load of the patent office and eliminate a lot of frivolous patents. Also, once potential applicants realize there will be serious, knowledgeable vetting, the number of frivolous applications should drop considerably.

jim says:

We also need major penalties for frivolous patents.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The easiest way to ‘reduce the work of the patent office’ is to aggressively and overaggressively draw down on what can be patented.

Bureaucratic inflation is a weed that will grow up everywhere you let it, and you must always be ready to head it off at the pass.

jim says:

The trouble is that it is in the interests of the patent system to patent everything, including the wheel, roast beef, and breathing, plus, of course, the party getting a patent is the concentrated interest so can bribe the patent office, while the parties oppressed by the patent office are a dispersed interest, so cannot bribe the patent office to leave them alone.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yeah, which is why over time I have leaned more and more towards Radical Patent Eliminationism.

The Cominator says:

I’ve also seen the reverse happen… a good patent reversed by the court system almost certainly because bribes. Cost me a lot…

jim says:

Obviously it does no good for the lone inventor to patent what he created in his small workshop. His patent is going to be overturned, then a patent that covers the same useful product will be taken out by a giant corporation with the right connections in Washington.

Example — someone develops a catalyst that is only very useful in a fluid bed. His patent is overturned, while a patent for the minor details of using it in a fluid bed, which is all a century old prior art for fluid bed suspended catalysts, is taken out by a business whose primary asset is a skyscraper full of three hundred dollar an hour lawyers and lobbyists in Washington.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for not making sense*]

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Copyright is the victory of the bureaucrat over the inventor – in which the latter surrendered unconditionally without even realizing he was in a fight for his livelihood.

It is abundantly obvious that copyright stifles innovation.
It is slightly less but still significantly obvious that its net economic effect is to make the nation poorer, not richer.
Yet, how obvious is it to most that copyright not only is impecunious in an aggregate sense, it is not even profitable in a singular sense?

Here’s a trick question: how do you make money off of some idea?

Here’s the answer: you can just *do it*.

But then there’s the trick: actually, you can’t do it; actually, you can’t do anything, because what you wanted to do is already being sat on by some copyright.

The bureaucrat telling you you can’t dig a cistern in your backyard to catch rainwater, and the bureaucrat telling you you can’t use some particular configuration for your turbo-encabulator, are the exact same phenomena.

We are reaching the point where game developers can’t even use certain gameplay mechanics when developing a game, because they are being sat on by patent trolls.

There are thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of men out there, who could be making valuable products, performing valuable services, working together to do all of these things, and making richly deserved profit in the process, doing the things they are best at, but can’t, because the hall monitors of the bureaucratic commissariat are ever zealous in their eternal quest to make sure that everyone can’t do anything.

Jimmy says:

100% this. Exactly.

People talk about the libertarian-to-nazi pipeline: this is the entry point.

Anon says:

i think between enforcing copyright and not enforcing it , i lean toward no copyright , artists should get paid through first mover effect and quality products
The copyright laws was always beneficial to bad actors (copyright trolls) . In fact intellectual theft increase with copyright law , as the goverment trying to legislate against bad conduct end up having more of it . The only IPs should be upheld are Trademarks (source and indicators such as logos , for the period of life time ~50 y)and patents (with specific design and for period ~10y) anything else are no .

Pax Imperialis says:

But that elite is itself too large to be a natural tribe, so has to be a synthetic tribe – a tribe built on a faith, such as communism, the God that failed. Or the Church of England, as in England from 1660 to 1820.

Here’s an interesting video essay on Harvard’s (America’s) cultural bankruptcy. For those of us that have noticed a massive lack of nice things in the last decade, and haven’t bothered to track the trash getting pushed in recent years, this video is is eye opening in showing just how much trashier films have become. Link below.


I tried to watch the prime example. Beyond not having any telos, it’s stupid and painful to watch. Behold the cultural product of our regime’s synthetic tribe. Link below.


Hesiod says:

Made it to almost two minutes on the second video before the meaningless blather become too irritating. The Marx quote at the beginning established the materialistic view we are the measure of all things by dumb and blind chance. Don’t even think the old-school MST3K crew could help to get us through it.

The Cominator says:

Deliberately pozzing culture is one of the worst crimes of the regime imho… it made people immensely happier and more united when everyone at least had in common that they watched the Simpsons or Game of Thrones.

No common culture atomizes people and that is the point.

Hesiod says:

London gets a Sorathic monument to death because some Mexican troon tranny-tricked the wrong guy:


“Titled Mil Veces un Instante (A Thousand Times in an Instant), it takes the form of a gigantic cuboid, almost as big as the plinth itself, assembled from plaster casts of the faces of 726 trans, non-binary, and gender-non-conforming people from Mexico and Britain. These are attached to an armature in the manner of a Mesoamerican “tzompantli” or skull rack, which displayed the grisly remains of war captives and sacrificial victims like beads on an abacus.”

Assuming the two out of five hearts at the top of the article represents reader ratings, the triumphant left doesn’t appreciate this bit of unenthusiasm aimed at Britain’s new traditional religion. Hope the author’s heart doesn’t consecrate the next.

Contaminated NEET says:

Jesus Christ, the spic tranny wasn’t even murdered in Britain…

Cloudswrest says:
Isaac says:

Re: The Concord video game failure, the newest rumor is that it took $400M to develop. https://x.com/longislandviper/status/1837157796137030141

Varna says:

Off-topic, re: failures of games like Concord and Suicide Squad and shows like the Acolyte and Rings of Power etc.

What nags me is the apparent refusal to go full “Brezhnevist economics” and create a mandatory institutional annual purchase of crap like this, for example for schools.

It would be a double-win: firstly it would make it look like the games and shows in question are “popular”, and secondly it would expose on a daily basis schoolkids to the “correct social programming” during say some sort of “media skills and awareness hour”.

Create the illusion of popularity (and use as programming tool) via mandatory institutional purchasing for printed dollars. Any red and/or deepstater worth his salt would have started doing this already.

Perhaps a lot of them have not yet admitted to themselves on what path they are on. Or “the conditions aren’t ripe” for some reason or other. Or competency crisis.

S says:

The US purchased computers and educational programs for classes across the country in the 1990s- ex. Oregon Trail. You can’t replicate the usage because everyone has smartphones.

If you just want the programs sold, who is paying and what to promote? The latter is killer- this isn’t Marxist-Leninism where the ideology is explicit. American leftism is constantly mutating so not only may the guidelines be out of date (Concord took 8 years to make) but the people who wrote the guidelines may be retroactively guilty of wrong think. You can’t use ‘personal judgement’ because the educational civil service reacts in a similar way as to exposure to the cross.

Isaac says:

I was just thinking about that. The games are a emperor’s new clothes situation where anyone working on it is too afraid to speak up for fear of damaging their reputation and career. However, us consumers still have the freedom to not buy the game which ends up exposing the fact that no one likes this stuff. How long until that problem is fixed?

jim says:

> How long until that problem is fixed?

“You will own nothing and be happy.” Or else.

Britain and the EU have introduced draconian censorship. Very soon the only games that are legal will be stuff like Concord, and the only shows and books that are legal will be stuff like The Acolyte.

From 1848 to the present, our rulers have been quietly manipulating the narrative in a covert way through nominally private institutions. In the internet era, this started to break down, and the intervention has been getting more and more overtly governmental.

The left cannot create goods and services either, since production of goods and services oppresses the third world and Gaia. Stalin faced a similar problem and addressed it decisively, but under Brezhnev the left was slowly reverting to form.

The holiness spiral means it is all priesting all the time, so nothing useful gets done. Hence the collapse of Western living standards. Notice the staggering rise in the price of cars and food.

Hesiod says:

Rainbow retards are celebrating the fact graphics are so high-rez now, Dragon Age the Veilgard features mastectomy scars during character creation. Not to be the old man with back-in-my-day syndrome, but there’s something to be said for stickman graphics circa 1984 in CRPGs. Even then if someone wanted a grotesque character in an RPG, it was obscured in armor Doctor Doom style. Now the awfulness is an open declaration of high status in the serpent cult.

Hesiod says:

Oops, Dragon Age, not Dark Age.

Pax Imperialis says:
jim says:

Kind of on topic, since I have been planning to post on the issue.

Our rulers hate our culture, which is expressed in great stories, and for a long time they have been planning to produce a counter star wars — the Acolyte being the most explicit conscious effort.

Acolyte, Rings of Power, and Star Wars Outlaws was a counter star wars, the Brown Snow White a counter Snow White, and “Suicide Squad killed the Justice League” a counter Batman and counter Justice League.

Concord was also intended as a counter star wars, but was primarily a counter Guardians of the Galaxy.

All of these ran into the problem that the left cannot meme — also not funny, and allergic to plot, story, and character development. (Diverse and representative characters cannot develop, since already wonderful.)

The characters of the The Acolyte had no motivations, being yanked hither and yon through a random sequence of politically correct tableaus. The main protagonist kept getting knocked out for no particular reason and then hauled for no particular reason from each tableau to the next, and in each tableau the characters would do random things to illustrate some point of political correctness, but no sensible internal motivation.

If you watch old Soviet movies, they don’t let the needs of propaganda get in the way of telling a good story. The political payload has to fit into the story, rather than obliterating the story.

Adam says:

> Concord was also intended as a counter star wars, but was primarily a counter Guardians of the Galaxy.

I always thought Star Wars was more or less a liberal fantasy. Why would they need to counter it? Other than perhaps it is not left enough.

jim says:

Nothing is ever left enough. The Acolyte was “communist lesbian witches in space”, “gayest star wars ever”, “The most inclusive and representative star wars ever”. That was their own description of it.

The holiness spiral requires all priesting all the time. Plot, story, character, and character development are insufficiently holy, therefore unholy.

One of the irritating things about gameplay in Concord is that the tanks were morbidly obese androgynous women, and moved very slowly. Fast moving morbidly obese characters would be ableist.

Star wars was liberal fantasy, but back in those days plot, story, character, and character development were permissable.

Mister Grumpus says:

Star Wars was too white and too heroic. Skywalker really was a whiny kid who had to get his butt kicked, a lot, on his way to mastery.

Also team-forming. A piece I read recently was about how every Tom Cruise movie includes Tom and his rival having it out with each other, but then reconciling and teaming up against something or somebody far worse. It’s an 80s movie trope, really, and now it’s gone. Hierarchy and mission over bitchy vendetta, and there’s something incredibly masculine and satisfying about it. Tom really does beat the rival in Act 2, but then by the end they’re working together and much stronger, and sharing a final triumph, that neither could have managed alone.

Star Wars had that too. Skywalker, Solo, Yoda, Obi Wan, none of these guys can stand each other starting out, and they really do have it out as well, but by the end they feel like a real team. Even the runt of the litter (think “Bob” in Top Gun Maverick) is roped in to do something otherwise impossible and indispensable. It’s a kind of male alchemy. A genuine magic trick we love to see pulled off.

You just can’t ring that emotional bell with a story full of women. It’s not believable. Women just don’t relinquish their egos for the greater good like that. Too bitchy and signally.

Hesiod says:

Adventure at least in CRPGs has been completely feminized into journeys to meet someone to talk to or really talk at you as the case is with the endless hours of NPC audio and cinematics in most games these days.

Mister Grumpus says:

In reference to the recent Gab post, and Wall Street’s dreams to dismember, sell off, metabolize and enniggerfy Russia:

Please elaborate, any and all of you, on the kind of people who don’t feel guilt and/or revulsion when contemplating being part of such a thing. Who the hell are these people, and what do they think and feel about what they want to do?

We have our mental picture of them, but what is their mental picture of themselves and each other?

jim says:

Back in 2014, globohomo empire proxies were attacking Russian civilians. Donbas is full of horror stories.

Well today, globohomo empire proxies are attacking Chinese civilian engineers trying to build the belt and road, the belt and road initiative being land routes between China and resources, and defensible airsea routes between China and resources.

How do they think about this? Do a Youtube search. They tell us enthusiastically. “Freedom”, “Democracy”, “Rules based International Order”.

Contaminated NEET says:

The vast majority of them genuinely believe they are the good guys. They are smarter, more moral, more competent, harder-working, and all-around better than just about anyone, and they have credentials which prove it.

If given the chance, they would bring peace, prosperity, and freedom to Russia. Their economic policies would make common Russians much richer; their social policies would protect lgbtqs, Muslims, refugees, and all the other assorted oppressed minorities from pointlessly cruel treatment by backward and barbaric savages while also freeing the average Russian to enjoy life free from stultifying convention. Their military policies would protect America and Europe while paradoxically making the Russians more secure at the same time. And they themselves will be richly but fairly compensated for all this good they’re doing. It’s win-win-win, and only the evil (Putin), the stupid (Ivan Six-Pack), and the selfish (Trump) could oppose it.

I don’t know personally know the Wall Street guys, but there’s a retired military/intelligence honcho at the periphery of my social circle, and this is certainly how he thinks. The libs and progs are endlessly impressed by him and parrot back his opinions.

jim says:

> They would bring peace, prosperity, and freedom to Russia.

Like they were so successful in making common Russians so much richer in the 1990s, and the great success of Bidenomics🙃

As I endlessly repeat, when my plane approaches the airport in America, I can tell that America is poor and getting poorer from the plane window at several thousand feet, and this visceral high altitude impression is confirmed by American inability to sustain the logistics of modern warfare.

I look out the window and see a crap city, then I arrive in a crap airport and take crap transport to where I am going. The wealth of our elites comes from negative sum economic activity, finance capitalism and the FIRE economy, from looting the ruins of the empire the greatest generation built for them. You can see the decline from an altitude of several thousand feet.

The supermarket, the car yard, and the gas station tell me there is something wildly false about the official inflation numbers. But there is always some shill around to tell us he does not see what I see.

Varna says:

One Soviet bologna-type product, a favorite brand in a civilization of like three brands of everything, is a famous example in that part of the world of how one specific type of processed food undergoes a decline over decades.

In short, in 1936 Stalin’s pre-WWII USSR food scientists developed a thing called “Doctor’s Salami” (в конце 1936 года стали выпускать специальную колбасу под именем “Докторская”), to boost the energy of the poor devils caught up in the forced industrialization and collectivization drives (“we have at most a decade before the West tries to crush us, comrades, and are still a century behind”), and to stabilize people that are underweight due to the effects of the famines we made along the way.

Allegedly the salami was a well-thought out protein boost, churned out at a loss. However, keeping in mind the general quality of state-planned mass production of things, perhaps it was merely the only real salami on the market, and was “super amazing” compared to the competition. Whatever.

Then, as early Brezhevism descends, the makeup of this processed food starts getting “updated” every 5-6 years, into the direction of decreasing the quality stuff, adding more crap instead. The process kicking off for real around the time when the USSR became terminally dependent on US and Canadian grain (unlike the 21st century Russia and pre-war Ukraine, which both reached leading global grain export levels).

A curious potential marker of the stages of managerial, institutional decline, and masked food poverty, this recipe that gets downgraded five year plan by five year plan.

Have perhaps food enthusiasts already investigated possible similar trajectories of at least some leading brands of Western processed foods over the last decades? The original recipe gradually degrading in stages, the buyer getting less and less real food with his purchases?

Mister Grumpus says:

Big Macs were a whole lot tastier 10-20 years ago, that’s for damn sure.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Sociopaths just don’t care. To them you’re a tool or an object not a peer. Narcissists feel sad when they see other people happy, and many feel happy when they see other people sad. (This shows up on brain scans, though it’s not how it was originally diagnosed.) The latter kind of clinical narcissist are especially dangerous because you can’t model them as a rational enemy; they’ll screw themselves over to screw you over also.

It is not surprising that such people exist. There are sound game theory reasons for a predatory social strategy, see hawks and doves.

But the pro-social mind can’t model these people. The inner hajnal white hears that some people aren’t pro-social, and agrees that’s horrible, but then their mind skips over it and goes back to asking “why? What the hell? What’s wrong with these people? Why aren’t they behaving rationally?”

Well, they are behaving rationally. And judged by their actions not their excuses, even behaving consistently. Pro-social cooperation is a mass delusion coded into whites by selection starting in the pre-historic tundra and continuing on through middle ages Christianity. We’re the mutants, not them. Not everything with a face has our mutation.

I’m dodging your closing question in saying that. But your closing question is at odds with your middle paragraph. In reply to your middle paragraph, “the kind of people who don’t feel guilt or revulsion…” The kind of people who see you as an object at best, but many also hate you and want you dead, and they think it’s funny. They don’t need any elaborate moral scaffolding, or any particular mental picture of themselves to justify that.

Neet’s answer is as good as any, if you must have one. But I think that’s a post-facto rationalization for public consumption rather than the starting point that lead to their behavior.

And all that’s before you get into the spiritual dimension. Which as Jim says, if it’s not real, it sure looks like a functional model. But it’s latching on to existing human minds and strategies.

jim says:

“Sociopath” is an enemy word that carries a whole lot of presupposed enemy baggage.

And it does not appear accurate to suppose our enemies are acting in their rational self interest. Was it rational for Disney to burn the Star Wars IP that it paid four billion for? Was it rational to burn the Snow White and Little Mermaid IP? Was it rational for Playstation to spend four hundred million on Concord? What were the rational motivations for the Covid project?

Seizing Ukraine was rational — the objective of Maidan was to expend Ukrainians to overextend and wear out the Russian, collapsing the Russian state, breaking it up into a bunch of manageably small globohomo satrapies, and thus gaining the potential threat against China of cutting it off from access to resources, thus getting the leverage to secure Global Empire. But when the project went south, should have looked for a realistic off ramp. There is a lot of talk about an off ramp, but only Vance has proposed anything realistic (demilitarization and neutrality). War is a test of will and capability. The test has been done, and all that remains is to agree on a new order based on the test results. Obstinately continuing to the end is irrational.

Pax Imperialis says:

> the objective of Maidan was to expend Ukrainians to overextend and wear out the Russian, collapsing the Russian state

The actual result has been to overextend and wear out the EU with the potential of collapsing the Western European states. No doubt revisionists will be proclaiming such as the (at the time secret) real objective and stroking their ego with their so called brilliance.

Destroying your own client states is also very rational if you fear losing control of them. Many things are also “very rational” as anything can and will be rationalized, often after the fact. Doesn’t mean the rational was right.

Your Uncle Bob says:

> “Sociopath” is an enemy word

I’m stuck thinking it pointed at a real category originally, then got appropriated. And I find myself reaching for it when I need a word for “hawk/defector/in-group exploiter.” Possibly I have the chronology wrong? But then I still need a word for “hawk/defector/in-group exploiter,” which I consider to be a real category.

I’d say burn-it-all-down is better modeled as narcissism, or simply pure evil. So I might have mixed things up by dragging in sociopaths as well. But in my head I lumped Hawks in with narcissists in the general category of mental models that our side can barely conceive of, much less model and predict. They’ll say Biden is evil, or Obama was, or the Clintons, but then there’s a record skip and they’re back to asking What the Hell?

In fairness to you and a critique of me, this place above all others seems to be clear on what they are. But then came another Who The Hell, What Kind of People moment, and it seemed of a piece with normiecon op-eds, and normiecons in real life.

If Grumpus’ final question was his only real point and his lead-in was more conversational filler then I read him wrong.

jim says:

> I’m stuck thinking it pointed at a real category originally, then got appropriated.

“Sociopath” was never a real category. If real, the category would show up in old books and the bible. It was created because the people that they wanted to diagnose as psychopath were always displaying spectacular loyalty to friends, family, and associates.

“Psychopath” is a hate word for courage and determination, “sociopath” is a hate word for courage and determination when combined with love and loyalty.

“Psychopath” is a hateful word that cowards use for brave men. In life, the virtues attributed to a psychopath anticorrelate with the vices, the vices being more typical of psychiatrists and police interrogators, than brave men. There is no psychopathy cluster, it is anticoncept corresponding to an anticluster, and “sociopath” is a self contradictory cluster – the sociopath loves his buddies, refuses to rat them out, but fails to love the police interrogator, therefore is incoherently accused both of caring and of not caring.

The Cominator says:

Primary psychopathy is a real thing imho

jim says:

If it was the real thing, there would be a word for it in the Bible. If it was the real thing, why no word for it before the twentieth century?

If it was the real thing, they would have poster boys who fit the description. If no genuine poster boys, not the real thing. Same principle as Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, and Emmet Till. Evil people tend to lack the warrior virtues. One of the defining virtues of psychopathy and sociopathy is resistance to coercion, defiance of harm, danger, and intimidation. Evil people are not like that. Evil is weak.

“Psychopathy” is a cluster of unlike and mutually contradictory characteristics” constructed by evil priests (psychiatrists) projecting their own evils onto men more manly than themselves. “Sociopathy” is a cluster of unlike and mutually contradictory characteristics” constructed by evil priests projecting their own evils onto men more manly than themselves and with better family lives than themselves.

The Cominator says:

In the 19th century at least they called it “moral insanity”. In the bible they would just say evil perhaps.

It is wrong to say there are no references to it before the 20th century, Iago in Shakespeare (however much people may sympathize with his being perhaps anti race mixing) definitely fits the profile of one.

Fidelis says:

I’m fine with rectifying names, but there is a real concept caught in the bathwater.

There are people with low empathy, high narcissism and profoundly antisocial traits bundled together. These types are prone to gaming systems to climb status hierarchies and betray everyone they can get away with along the way, and in rather severe cases can be quite sadistic as they aforementioned lack of empathy means the domination is the end goal. So they go out of their way to inflict harm, psychological mostly but physical if they can get away with it, on everyone around them, as the pleasure of dominating is not outweighed by any empathetic pain. This is fine if a warrior is dominating enemies, not fine if torturing the men underneath him for no reason other than deriving pleasure and satisfaction. You need empathy for in group to be a properly oriented human in any cooperative endevor, so this is a real dysfunctional category.

jim says:

> low empathy, high narcissism and profoundly antisocial traits bundled together.

We already have a word for this: Evil

What evil however conspicuously lacks is the warrior virtues that are the primary defining characteristics of psychopathy, and combination of warrior, family, and friend virtues which are the primary defining characteristics of sociopathy.

If you are peddling a word describing people that has no equivalent before the twentieth century, ask yourself did human nature change in the twentieth century, or are you carrying water for our enemies?

We have several thousand years of people studying human nature and the human condition, and over a thousand years of Christendom studying this and developing words and concepts to understand and describe it, and in the twentieth century our enemies set about erasing all that, because the conceptual system was apt to identify them as evil, malicious, and hostile.

Our enemies define a sociopath as having a narrow circle of people he cares about and will defend. Of course he does. Anyone who cares deeply about people far away in places he could not find on a map intends to stab you in the back and take your wallet, as for example Sam Bankman-Fried. Anyone who lets you know how deeply concerned he is for far away strangers is likely to murder his mother for the inheritance. The most effective way of detecting evil people is their family lives and friendship circle, or lack thereof. If they don’t have people close who love them and whom they love, probably not very lovable.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, what I’m getting from this is that real Sociopaths do exist – someone who will murder his own mother for the inheritance for example – but they are the ones accusing others of it.
Leftoids project their own nature at everyone else. One of them who hates me for being a white man will accuse me of being racist. Because he hates me for being a Christian he will call me intolerant. And so on.

I’ve never actually seen “sociopath” defined as having a narrow circle of people he loves – only as not loving anyone but himself. But of course wicked people will invert the concept.

Biblically.. well the Old Testament speaks of “the Wicked”, as distinct from ordinary sinners. The Apostle Paul mentions people who have non-functional consciences.
IMHO, Augustinian-Calvinistic theology, with its heavy emphasis that everyone is sinful, tends to obscure the fact that while all children of Adam are sinners, some of them are worse than others. Sometimes much, much worse.

alf says:

Why not then call it by its real name – the wicked, the evil?

The term sociopath purposely mixes together two terms that are not the same: evil and courage. The sociopath, supposedly, is an evil man who is also just not scared of anything. But that’s just not how the real world works. Being brave is a good trait, associated with good men. Evil men are, by their nature, cowardly.

jim says:

> what I’m getting from this is that real Sociopaths do exist


Evil people are not brave, nor do they have friends and family whom they love, who love them.

If real sociopaths existed, the shrinks would have more plausible poster boys, just as if real female scientists existed, Madame Curie would not be the poster girl, and if any black man was lynched who did not plausibly need lynching, Emmet Till would not be the poster boy. (OK, Emmy Noether was real scientist, but it was said of her that it could not be said that she was a woman.)

jim says:

> I’ve never actually seen “sociopath” defined as having a narrow circle of people he loves – only as not loving anyone but himself

That is what the shrinks say of the psychopath.

Their depiction of the sociopath is different. It is that the sociopath is apt to protect the interest of family, friends, allies, and colleagues at the expense of the broader community that the shrink cares so deeply for. That the sociopath has tight and narrow concentric circles of caring, unlike the terribly benevolent shrink who, like Sam Bankman-Fried, cares deeply for people he has never met in places he could not find on the map.

Sam Bankman-Fried was and “effective altruist” — which is, as a shrink will quite correctly tell you, the opposite of a psychopath. He cared so much about far away strangers that he would swindle you out of your money because he would use it more virtuously than you would.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, it seems how you’ve seen sociopaths and psychopaths defined is quite different from how I have.

Of course when Leftists and other such bad people enter the conversation, they will seek to twist and corrupt everything to make themselves out to be the good side.
And this leads to the problem where one cannot use a word with confidence that someone else will understand the same thing one meant with it.

Just to check, I went and asked ChatGPT what the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is. I won’t past the whole essay, but the difference seems to boil down to: psychopaths are cold and calculating, and manipulative, while sociopaths are more impulsive and unpredictable.

And neither group has normal relationships with even close family.
“While psychopaths tend to show little to no genuine loyalty to family, sociopaths may develop loyalty toward a few close individuals, but this loyalty can be unpredictable and dependent on their emotional state and personal attachments. Neither group forms typical, healthy family bonds, and their actions are often driven by self-interest or emotional instability.”

Of course I’m not citing that AI as an authority on anything, but it’s good at telling one what “they say”.

jim says:

“sociopaths may form loyalty to a few close individuals”

A “sociopath” is a “psychopath” whose loyalty they cannot deny.

“manipulative and charming” is them denying a psychopath’s loyalty.

Bad people are not charming. You can see through them, your dog will smell trouble. Consider the old Soros. He opens his mouth and starts talking, you think of Lucas films depiction of Emperor Palpatine.

Politicians are selected for charm. But despite selection for charm, are Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton charming, even though that is a vital requirement for politicians?.

Think about con men who have tried to manipulate in you in person, for example phone scammers, or someone trying to sell you a bogus investment. They were manipulative. Were they charming? Charm is a job requirement for a con man, yet they cannot manage it, hence the saying “you cannot con an honest man”

The whole effective altruism shtick is a rationalisation and justification for not caring for those close to one, which implies they are not very successful at pretending to care for those close to them.

The point of “sociopath” and “psychopath” is to cluster evil, with the warrior virtues. But these qualities observably anticorrelate. A “psychopath” is someone who is evil, brave. and prudent. A sociopath, evil, brave, prudent, and loyal. These are not found in actual life.

Just as the actual usage of “racist” collapses in practice to “It is not OK to be white”, and the actual usage of “sweatshop” collapses to “enterprise and investment makes people poor”, the actual usage of of “psychopath” and “sociopath” collapses to “It is not OK to be brave, prudent, and tough”.

alf says:

Many years ago, before I took the red pill so to say, I had quite some superficial friends who just weren’t very good people, even though at the time I lacked the sense to recognize that.

After I sobered up, those bad people just disappeared out of my life. And nowadays when I meet a man whom I recognize to be a bad person (Jim is right, it is not very hard to sense), I notice that its not just me keeping a distance, it’s that they aren’t interested in me either. A bad person is always on the lookout for the next sucker.

Calvin says:

Politicians are selected for charm. But despite selection for charm, are Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton charming, even though that is a vital requirement for politicians?.

No. But Bill Clinton is. Plenty of charming and genuinely evil people out there.

The point of “sociopath” and “psychopath” is to cluster evil, with the warrior virtues. But these qualities observably anticorrelate. A “psychopath” is someone who is evil, brave. and prudent. A sociopath, evil, brave, prudent, and loyal. These are not found in actual life.

I have met people who are brave, or at least stupidly/narcissistically oblivious to danger, and thoroughly unconcerned with any life that is not their own. Some in prison, some not. If you deny evil people can possess warrior virtue then you have to explain where all the Bolsheviks and their ilk came from, because fighting spirit they certainly did not lack.

jim says:

> No. But Bill Clinton is. Plenty of charming and genuinely evil people out there.

People instinctive felt that it was his wife that was bumping off all the “friends of Clinton”. She was referred to as “the wicked witch of the West Wing” when he was president and she was his wife — they perceived it as Lady MacBeth manipulating MacBeth. What happened since is consistent with this perception.

Clinton was able to be likeable, because he was not all that evil, just weak and easily manipulated by evil men, in substantial part through his evil wife. Who bumped of actual friends whose influence she did not like. It was far more dangerous to be a friend of Bill Clinton than an enemy.

Thus for example everyone believes it was Hillary that bumped off Epstein, not Bill, even though Epstein had the goods on Bill, not the goods on Hillary.

jim says:

> If you deny evil people can possess warrior virtue then you have to explain where all the Bolsheviks and their ilk came from

Leftists are the first be deceived by their own deceptions. Trotsky was thoroughly evil, Stalin was more deluded than evil. It is much like the famous fighting spirit of Ukrainians. Starts out with deception and delusion, winds up with increasingly brutal conscription and anti retreat squads that shell and machine gun down retreating soldiers. The men who died in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the right to teach nine year old schoolgirls to put a condom on a banana were good men, deceived. Vance signed up to fight in Iraq, but being smarter than most, rapidly realised this was not such a great idea. Napoleon stuck with evil policy of the Maximum, even though it did great harm to his military capability.

Calvin says:

Epstein did not have goods on any good men. The fact that he had goods on Bill is proof enough of that man’s character.

Trotsky was very evil, and also very much a man with fighting spirit. His last act was to attack the assassin who had just put an ice pick into his head with his bare hands. Literally broke the assassin’s hand with his own. That’s not the action of someone who lacks the will to fight.

Calvin says:

Also, there are many cons that rely entirely on charm and not at all on dishonesty. As for example love scams, which relies on a fake foreign lover charming the mark over the internet and then faking a need for money for whatever. Or even the classic “You won a gazillion dollars in this prize drawing, please send us one thousand as a processing fee”. Does not require the target to be anything more than gullible.

Denying that your enemy can have strengths just leads you to be dangerously delusional in regards to their actual capacity.

jim says:

> As for example love scams, which relies on a fake foreign lover charming the mark over the internet and then faking a need for money for whatever.

You are using gender neutral language. If you used plain language, the absurdity of your argument would be obvious.

The victims of love scams are always either young men hard up for pussy, or older women who hit the wall some time back and have long been invisible to men. The chick doing a “love scam” does not have to be lovable or charming, just hot, or rather to deploy hot photos, and the man doing a love scam just has to willing to talk to a lonely horny woman who has no one to talk to. It is no different from the nigerian prince money transfer scheme. The nigerian prince is going to transfer a million dollars to you, and all you have to do is just pay this small transaction fee. The young man being scammed is not looking for charm, he is looking for hot pussy. The lonely older woman being scammed is not looking for a charming husband, just a husband who will be around for her. When I was working social media for chicks, I ran into a scammer who asked me for money for an airline ticket to come visit me. To which I replied “No, I will buy you an airline ticket”. Her response to this left me with no inclination to continue communicating with her. It was not charm she was relying on.

FrankNorman says:

“Bad people are not charming.”

Not to people like you or me, no. I remember the one time I listened to Al Gore on TV, and he sounded to me like a used car salesman.
In fact, almost exactly like an actual real used car salesman I met in person once. As you say, it’s that obvious.

But when the people you mention describe psychos as “charming” they are not speaking from our kind of perspective. They are, after all, not like us, and the world does not look the same to them as it does to us.

To the hormone-addled brain of some young woman voter, a politician like that might look very charming and exciting. Can’t she see that he’s a bad man, that he’s dangerous? Yes she can, and does! And that is what makes him so “charming” to her!
And that goes on the list of reasons why Female Suffrage is a bad idea, of course.

And to the kind of person who is deeply miserable all the time, except when he or she is ruining things for other people, the voice of Leftist politician whose policies would end civilization might well sound like beautiful music!

jim says:

Observed behavior is that they are rationalising the fact that “psychopaths” and “sociopaths” generally have better families than they do.

A2 says:

It was easy to see that something was off about Samuel Bankman-Fried. Likewise, for future reference, with Sam Altman who always looks swivel-eyed and shvitzing whenever captured on a photograph. Adam Neumann who as CEO crashed WeWork but came out a billionaire looks kind of odd (giraffe neck?) but not quite as bad. He still seems bad though, so looks aren’t everything.

It should be said that the moral axis you get from Wall Street is not good/evil but smart/dumb (which kind of implies evil, wouldn’t you say).

jim says:

It was instantly obvious that he was a conman, and that entire economic ecology around the FTX exchange was scammers scamming scammers. The exchange and everything around it, and everyone connected to it, gave off an obvious odour of evil. All the causes he so generously funded with other people’s money (Soros open society, Covidianity initiatives, and all that) stank of evil. They were all plotting against each other and against the larger society in which they were embedded. (FTX liquidators had complaints against a whole lot of those good causes.) And none of those scammers were charming. None of them had functional families, though he still has good connection to his parents. If psychopaths exist, the entire operation, the financial ecosystem around it, and the innumerable noble causes to which it was affiliated, should have been full of manipulative charming people. It was not. We see an enormous number of manifestly evil people in high places, doing stuff for which charm is vitally needed requirement, and they yet they are not all all charming. They all resemble Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Sam Bankman-Fried. All of them are evil successful people in jobs for which charm is a vitally needed requirement, and yet they do not fit the positive qualities that are part of the psychopath profile.

The psychopath and sociopath profile is qualities that the shrink wants to demonise (courage and determination) plus evil. But evil anticorrelates with the qualities they want to demonise, just as investment and enterprise anticorrelates with poor working conditions, and white anticorrelates with evil.

Calvin says:

Lonely older women and horny young men have different ideas of what constitutes “charming” than you do. As with many social qualities, it is relative to the observer. If you can convince someone to do something obviously dumb with nothing but your words, you have charmed them. As I said, does not require the mark to be in any way dishonest themselves.

I mean, honestly, what do you call Jeremy Meeks or his ilk, at least as far as women go? The whole reason women need someone to control them is they are apt to be easily led astray.

jim says:

I am a horny old man, and I can confidently report a total absence of charming young women running love scams. “Charm” is not how love scams work. Indeed the conspicuous lack of charm makes them readily detectable. It is immediately obvious that something is off, but because one is horny, one continues interacting with the scammer until she starts talking about money. I also dated a love scammer, whom I had connected to on social media, and when she started talking to me about her alleged financial issues (story about of liquidating an asset that was obviously going to lead up to a bridging loan or trying to get me to buy the asset). I thought to myself “Hey, lady, aren’t you supposed to get me feeling warm, affectionate, and protective first before the scam starts?” Not charming at all. She never had the opportunity to ask for the bridging loan, she just used the date to set up the story preparatory for asking. She was young and hot, which is a necessary asset for the operation, but seriously lacking in charm.

Calvin says:

It’s lovely that you don’t fall for it, but enough people do to make the effort worthwhile. That’s why such scams exist in the first place.

jim says:

No one falls for it because they are charmed. They fall for it because hoping for hot pussy.

alf says:

Sociopathy is a word in the same category as pedophile, racist and autism. At best does not cut reality at the joints, at worst meant to obfuscate reality. Rectification of names:

pedophile – man who is attracted to young boys. Synonym for gays.

racist – person who acknowledges genetic differences between the races, also within a race.

autist – male (or even female) personality that markedly deviates from the norm.

sociopath – person who wants status but also an asshole.

Newsflash: everyone wants status. Sociopath is just a term you use against someone you don’t think deserves his status.

FrankNorman says:

Regarding “racist” as a term. Leftists play word-games where they conflate totally different concepts and pretend them to be the same thing.

So in their hate-filled little minds, if you admit that you can see the obvious differences in physical appearance, and behaviour, between white people and black people.. then you are automatically someone who wants to put black people on a plantation or something.

My personal experience of trying to hold a rational conversation with such people is that it’s a bit like trying to talk with a schitzophrenic. I say one thing, they react as if I said something totally different. It’s as if they are responding not to me, but to an imaginary person they are hallucinating.

alf says:

I have very similar experiences. 90% of such conversations is me being strawmanned.

Fidelis says:

I think most bantoids would be happier and healthier and far more prductive on a plantation. It’s really the best outcome for them.

Cloudswrest says:

So in their hate-filled little minds, if you admit that you can see the obvious differences in physical appearance, and behaviour, between white people and black people.. then you are automatically someone who wants to put black people on a plantation or something.

These people are unconsciously running, and/or assuming in their minds, that others are running the so called, science fiction, “berserker” algorithm (or more recently “The Dark Forest”), where it is assumed that outgroups should be exterminated if possible. They morally avoid running this algorithm by pretending there are no outgroups, but since you believe in them, you must be a berserker.

A2 says:

Let us note that many black men aren’t hard workers by nature. In their natural habitat, they take it easy, drink awful beer and focus on seducing the women (who do till their own gardens); every now and then there is a tribal fight. One really shouldn’t expect much more.

cub says:

If you stop using a word because your enemy misuses it to slander you, then your enemy wins.

What word would you use instead to describe someone who specifically lacks empathy?

S says:


jim says:

empathy for whom?

Your question presupposes a world view and interpretation of the world that is evil, malicious, and deluded.

If he lacks empathy for kin, friends, allies, and associates, evil.

If he lacks insight into enemy motivations, fool or deluded.

If he does not get much concerned about non neighbors who don’t much affect him and his friends, sane. If he is untroubled by harming enemies who are trying to harm him — well that is exactly what they mean in practice by “psychopath” and “sociopath”.

jim says:

> I still need a word for “hawk/defector/in-group exploiter

An in-group exploiter is not a genuine member of the in group, usually has substantial concealed out-group connections. As for example Jews who keep switching between being white and nonwhite. Hence “entryist” is usually more applicable — as for example Trotsky, an urban Jewish failed moneylender, claiming to be a peasant. Or Rinos — Tucker regularly points out the remarkably left wing voting pattern of Republicans from conservative states.

Calvin says:

Plenty of rinos who are not jewish, who would pass any genetic purity test but still gleefully sell out their co-ethnics and in many cases actively despise them. Neither of Trump’s would-be assassins were jewish.

jim says:

Our schools are teaching people to hate their own race, hate their own sex if male, and despise their own sex if female. (Observe videogames trying to stuff androgyny down people’s throats, as for example Concord.)

Calvin says:

> Sure, but plenty of in-group exploiters who are genuinely white.

They are adherents of a hostile faith that hates our race, our people, our civilisation, and our history. And when Rinos run for office, they pretend they are not. Thus, hostile entryists. Thus, for example, the Republican party voted to generously fund an organisation that sells baby meat (((for research purposes))).

Every single Republican, when running for office, spoke words that would indicate otherwise, thus, hostile entryists.

Calvin says:

Why did you delete the words from my post and replace with the words of, presumably, your own? What I said was that the rinos are generally genetically white, and this unchangeably part of the racial in-group of whiteness but nonetheless use that position to the detriment of whites. You cannot be a hostile entryist to a group to which you automatically belong from birth, only a traitor.

jim says:

“white” is not a group to which anyone is loyal or expected to be loyal. The biological kinship runs too thin. And when it comes to ideological identity or alliance, anyone claiming such a chosen identity when he does not believe the faith, is an entryist. You can be a traitor to a tribe. You can be a traitor to an organization. You cannot be a traitor to a race.

Calvin says:

You can if the entire race shares a mutual interest, as is in fact the case for white people in America. We either win or are exterminated, and that includes the rinos as well. Their actions make them traitors.

jim says:

A mutual interest does not suffice. You need a shared faith and recognised leadership.

Calvin says:

Disagree. Betraying your entire kinship group to their deaths is sufficient to dub you a traitor regardless of other circumstances.

jim says:

A kinship group is necessarily smaller than “white”.

JustAnotherGuy says:


Information on the second would-be trump assassin’s wife:

“Other citizen journalists have connected Shaffer to a LinkedIn page of someone who shares her name and fits her profile and who lives in Hawaii.

From what I can tell,
Ryan Routh and his wife Kathleen Shaffer moved to Hawaii around 2017.
They bought a house in Kaawa in 2017, the house is in her name.

She wrote on LinkedIn about her husband fighting in Ukraine, and how it “turned her world upside down”.
Her world is… pic.twitter.com/11567njX5A

— Audit the Vote Hawaii (@AudittheVoteHI) September 15, 2024

If Shaffer is the same woman in the LinkedIn account, she is employed by a huge, international, publicly traded company called Maximus Corporation which claims to have trained CDC workers in administering covid shots and also brags about helping the Dept. of Defense modernize its technology systems.”

Even the spook ops are becoming crap, sad.

jim says:

What do you know? The network is visible.

Our enemy’s security system is Hunter Biden quality.

It is very small, in that the two assassins were around at the same place and time as known elements of the network, and it would not take much to round up the entire operation and ship it somewhere where it could no longer do harm. It is a group small enough that everyone is at least a little bit acquainted with everyone else — at most a high Dunbar number.

Mister Grumpus says:

“It is very small, in that the two assassins [Butler shooter and golf shooter] were around at the same place and time as known elements of the network…”

Whoa. Can you elaborate please?

jim says:

They both show up in Blackrock ads, and while the rooftop shooter has been strangely invisible all his life, except for a few minor cameos in strangely well connected locations that tell us nothing about him, other than oddly connected for someone invisible, the golf course shooter has a long history of being invited onto the mainstream media and given strangely reverential treatment.

The Cominator says:

Something like 74 arrests and 0 prosecutions until now…

jim says:

A record that clearly demonstrates his connections.

The Cominator says:

You gotta love when they say nobody is above the law…

Mister Grumpus says:

So many breaks for such a yutz, too. He must have felt like Superman and a supergenius at the same time.

They’re not sending their best, or are they?

Pax Imperialis says:

Ryan Routh had a list of all locations Trump would be at from August to October. The implications are obvious.

Hesiod says:

Routh’s son was charged today by the feds for child pr0n possession. That should help keep the father in line.

Anonymous Fake says:

Conspiracy theory time. [*deleted. We see plenty of real conspiracies, among them the CIA funding Islamic terror in Russia, Syria, and the horn of Africa*]

jim says:

Your conspiracy theory might well be true, not obviously silly, but it lacked credible bad events on the ground, and therefore not very interested in whether it is true or false.

Neurotoxin says:

I was reading Simplicius’s latest (9/20/24) situation report about the US’s and NATO’s drastically depleted weapons stocks, and it hit me: Some time in the last year I’ve become completely serene about the US’s continuing influence in the world. It’s not going to persist, the US is not going to claw its way back to its former global prominence, and the decline into international irrelevance is now inexorable. The international news for at least the last year has been one huge white pill.

For those of us in the US, the relevant locus of the conflict now is solely the domestic situation.

Domestically, the outcome is far from a foregone conclusion – and there’s plenty of material here to keep black pillers happy, if that’s your thing. (Or at least to keep your black pill withdrawal symptoms from becoming unbearably severe.) In particular, when it really hits the madmen and madwomen that they will never have the global empire they crave… when the sheer weight of reality crashes through their walls of denial and they really see the impossibility of their dream… they will go on a volcanic rage-fueled spree of violence that will make demons weep. It will be a purely emotional lashing out, an eruption of fury and hate the likes of which few living people have witnessed.

The good news from our point of view is that their attempted democide won’t be limited to actions that make strategic or tactical sense, because it will be an unthinking outburst of pure rage. But they will not be deterrable, for the same reason. We won’t be able to treat the coming explosion of violence game-theoretically, much of the time; the creatures we’ll be fighting are not cold reptilians who weigh costs, benefits, and risks. It will be like fighting a vicious rabid animal.

Holy Crap this is going to be a hell of a fight.

Pax Imperialis says:

> the decline into international irrelevance is now inexorable

Do not underestimate the American ability to fuck shit up on a global scale. From a purely cynical and ruthless cost benefit analysis, I’m now optimistically blasé about the Ukraine war. It’s our last “Greek” gift to the Western Europeans who are our only real potential competitors. Let us be honest and realize the entirety of Europe was never going to remain our client states forever, that they would eventually heal and recover sovereignty after the disaster of WW2, and that they would naturally return to the great game. Thankfully our parting gifts of diversity, green energy, and an upset Russia will keep them dealing with domestic problems for the remainder of the century. It gives us Americans time to sort out our domestic shit with much less worry about being eclipsed by Europe.

I am now fully pro-Nuland, and Trump should do everything in his power to ensure Nuland remains in control of American European policy… within reason of course. 🙃

>The good news from our point of view is that their attempted democide won’t be limited to actions that make strategic or tactical sense

The bad news is that all those formally overseas military assets come home, and as we see with increasingly politically active generals, potential for organized kinetic action increases.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The rationally calculated backbiting to destroy your strongest peers… the spontaneous coordination of actors around the cause of cutting down the most prominent amongst them… this, too, is leftist spirit in embryo.

Adam says:

Crabs in a bucket.

Neurotoxin says:

It’s hard for me to tell how serious you’re being here, but in any case Russia, China, and Iran, etc., will be happy to let Anglosphere nations + Western Europe decline into global irrelevance.

The bad news is that all those formally overseas military assets come home, and as we see with increasingly politically active generals, potential for organized kinetic action increases.

Maybe one of those generals will look at the Potomac River and think, “Hey, that reminds me of the Rubicon…”

Pax Imperialis says:

Partly serious, partly despair over the atrocity America has committed against civilization, partly recognition of how the regime in 20 years might try to spin the actions as being “actually” brilliant statecraft.

Those generals are hopelessly GAY. Maybe best case one will be akin to Pinochet (prior to Chicago boys saving his economy), or a Stalin who halts left singularity, but a far cry from best case restoration, but I have a hard time seeing anything but them using the hammer to attack normal America.

jim says:

Pinochet was initially a leftist, and junior officers who tossed him over the Rubicon regardless of his protests were fairly left also — they were just left behind by current leftism — the coup was a Thermidor. This Thermidor turned right eventually. But then, probably because leftists had their power base in Harvard, eventually went left again. If Thermidor takes power in the US, likely to turn right, and there will be no external force pulling it left.

Napoleon also moved right, but not very far at all, not as far as Pinochet. Napoleon continued to enforce the Maximum, which bit him when he invaded Russia.

Pax Imperialis says:

Sula failed because he didn’t dismantle the hostile faith internal to his regime. Julius failed as well. They both loved the ‘republic’ and refused to de-fang the senate. If (DOD) Thermidor takes power in the US, are they willing to destroy Harvard/Yale/Princeton/every single state university? Nearly all Generals, and the vast majority of Officers, love the academic institutions as well with fond nostalgia of once having been a college student. Napoleon didn’t have such a problem. The Cult of Reason was obviously new, foreign, and dangerous, and more so, men remembered a France before the hostile faith.

Reactionaries are the sole exception, and in America you see them pairing up with forces outside the military because the military is simply far to cucked.

Fidelis says:

Do we have to actually destroy these institutions? Or can we just fire everyone and put in the well selected?

You can turn them into apprentice and networking shops. Tie them to industry and some sort of darwininian selection, make sure the people running things can pass the sniff test, isn’t this a good outcome? Sure just bulldozing them is satisfying, but why not demonstrate the revivalist potential.

jim says:

Universities are seminaries of the official religion, always have been, always will be. But we need vastly fewer priests than they are producing, and the gross oversupply of priests causes trouble and holiness competition, and results in state power being applied to turn every activity, every business, every institution, from its intended function to religious function to create priestly jobs for the excess priests — as for example Nasa and Boeing switching its objectives from space to representation and inclusion of women and minorities, and similarly Disney and Playstation (Lesbian witches in space.)

My favoured solution is to put good people (Pauline selection criteria) who are adherents of the new official faith, in charge, which will probably require tanks on campus, but does not require demolishing the campus. And then radically downsize the universities while reintroducing enforceable apprenticeship, and scaling up formal apprenticeship and informal apprenticeship.

We need to recreate a warrior army. This requires downranking logistics from soldiers to camp followers. Nurses, cooks and so on and so forth should not be in military uniform. This also requires an officer caste who primarily soldiers, rather than priests — I like what Russia is doing, running people who have faced danger and been successful in battle through their seminaries to produce an martial officer corps. Our current officer corps is wholly priestly, adherents of academia, not adherents of the nation and practitioners of war. Priests conducting religious rituals over logistics. We need a commissioned officer corps like that of Russia, which has been exposed to danger, and will be exposed to danger.

A priestly seminary is unavoidably and inherently a very bad place to do fundamental research. On the other hand, scientists and techies tend to overlap with priestly functions, so are apt to cause problems for the official religion. Back in the day, they solved this contradiction by pulling potentially dangerous techies into the official priesthood after they have accomplished something cool, as a reward, sinecure, and pension for accomplishing something cool. But you need to get your advances from people you have not yet pulled in. So you want a system where tech startups and their employees get financial rewards, social status, influence, and power for contributing to fundamental research in the course of their applied research, part of the rewards for individuals being sinecures in the priesthood to keep them out of troublemaking. Their priestly sinecure comes with the little catch that they are unable prosyletize contrary to the official religion on matters unfalsifiable — but we still want them to be able falsify tenets of the official religion, so that it is restrained from meddling on issues beyond its proper magisterium. Such falsifications should be deemed to be extraordinary claims, requiring extraordinary evidence, but they should not be restrained from digging up extraordinary evidence, lest the official faith get lost in delusion. And if someone does dig up extraordinary evidence, for as example Lyell, just do quick a re-interpretation of the official religion and make him a professor.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ‘collage’ as an invitational social club for men with accomplishments outside of it is a fine thing; problems inevitably arise when people argue for entry in the first place on grounds of sufficiently impressive hoop jumping, before and without accomplishments to their name. “It is curating potential for the future”. “Surly a sufficiently challenging criteria could do the trick”.

It can be and it could; it is not actually difficult for a high G man to test if someone else is high G. Trouble is now there is a lever for progressive debasement of the criteria; especially on account of patrons with an interest in inflating membership to bring in clients for a new power bloc to change the precis of the institution.

A2 says:

Turn Harvard into a monastery with a vow of silence, for the next 200 years.

On the outside, generously fund research into how Harvard has been a terrible influence on America. Never again!

skippy says:

“Do we have to actually destroy these institutions? Or can we just fire everyone and put in the well selected?”

If you try to kill institutions like this with literal fire you will still be lucky if they don’t just come back. Manipulating personnel rearrangements etc. is what they are excellent at, what a conquering general is likely to be less excellent at, and certainly have less insider information.

The whole US university system needs to be defunded, desacralized, and eliminated, every misdeed published and every accomplishment assigned as far as possible to someone else, its former employees subject to de-Nazification-like restrictions on their future employment by any socially significant profession. These are the minimum effective measures.

Neurotoxin says:

Someone must be made into an example. A necessary (not sufficient) condition is that certain campuses in Cambridge MA, Princeton NJ, and New Haven CT, be smoking holes in the ground. Also the more leftist institutions, e.g. Oberlin, Berkeley.

This will establish a credible threat so that when we say to the rest of them, “Stop preaching leftism or else,” they’ll know we mean it.

These people preach evil and falsehood because they like preaching evil and falsehood. They will not voluntarily give it up. They must be compelled, against their will, to give it up.

Pop culture wisdom: “Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

The Cominator says:

Don’t fucking leave out Georgetown. Of course I would include all of DC with perhaps the sole exception of the library of congress… but definitely do not leave out Georgetown the Jesuit school in the middle of the district of corruption.

skippy says:

“This will establish a credible threat so that when we say to the rest of them, “Stop preaching leftism or else,” they’ll know we mean it.”

lol all the personnel of the state flagships down to quite a low level in the rankings are from and/or approved by those Ivies. They are not going to surrender (even if they may find it prudent to pretend to do so).

You need to get rid of this system completely. The system IS the enemy. People will not forget knowledge. The idea that this system preserves and conveys knowledge is the enemy’s payload. It distorts and destroys knowledge, conveys propaganda.

Neurotoxin says:

I would include all of DC…

If only we could trick them into starting an unnecessary war with the world’s largest nuclear power. Hey, wait a minute!

You need to get rid of this system completely.

I have a hard time disagreeing with this. But your statement that the system does not convey knowledge is not true – it does convey some knowledge. The question is whether the knowledge it conveys is worth the lying falsehoods and hate propaganda that it also conveys. In its current incarnation, the answer is obviously No. Could it be fixed, after some vigorous house-cleaning that would involve a lot of um, down-sizing and personnel turnover? Open question. I do sympathize with your belief that it’s better to be safe than sorry.

skippy says:

If you try to reform it it will outplay you. It is better at that game than you. That’s indeed the only game that selects these people for promotion.

jim says:

I don’t think so. Charles the Second reformed it, and Harvard was formed of exiles that fled him. Henry the eighth reformed and and radically downsized. I propose reform and radical downsizing.

Well, you may well observe that Charles the Second’s reform came unstuck after one hundred and sixty years, but that problem began with “occasional observance” They formed a hostile Church outside the established Church, and practised entryism against the established Church. Which sort of problem has been happening for two millennia. There is always a state Church, and hostile faiths will always attempt entryism against it. Hence the need for an inquisition.

Obviously if they have men of faith, and you do not, which is Thermidor’s problem, reform will fail. But the solution is simple. Put a good man of good faith on top, support him a tank and platoon of grunts, and he will remove evil men of evil faith. Which since we are already planning radical downsizing, is easy.

The lack of faith was also a major part of the enemy takeover of open source. You have to bring a gun to gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Obviously open source should be politically neutral, politics should be irrelevant. But when the enemy introduces politics, neutrality has to go out the window.

Anonymous Fake says:

Most military officers are [*deleted*]

jim says:

If we actually had an army like that, our logistics would be in way better shape.

Your payload is to blame the merchant classes for everything the priestly classes do. Merchant classes get stuff done. Priestly classes obstruct getting stuff done. Our problem is a huge oversupply of the priestly class, in the army among other places.

If we had the military you depict, the taxpayer would still be getting gouged, but he would be getting gouged and the army would be getting weapons.

Dr. Faust says:

Jim you ever thought about changing the name of the blog? or starting a new one? asking for a friend. Mr. Freddy the Feddy with with hands like spaghetti wants to know.

The Cominator says:

So btw I think we sort of discussed this topic but not really but is our stance on SSRIs.

1. Almost every American woman under 40 is on these things.
2. They kill their libido, tend to cause weight gain, and also when they do have sex (which given their diminished libido it makes them more selective) they tend to not be able to enjoy it.

Could half the problem with modern women and the reason why 3rd wave feminist social engineering for pure man hating is so effective be the fact that at least American women are all on SSRIs?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The main thing to be alert to in assessing studies of psychiatric drugs is appreciating a distinction between ‘helpful to the subject’, and ‘helpful to the institution’. (‘Institution’ in this sense can mean a hospital, school, nursing home, prison, evil empire, and so on.)

For compounds classed as psychiatric drugs and experiments that investigate them, there are a great many that may fit the later selection, but a very small subset that fit both. The sprawling market of reuptake inhibitors is a classic example of this. It would seem paradoxical for a treatment prescribed to the ‘nihil-affective’ to also *increase* suicide risk, but it makes sense when you understand that most AMA approved compounds are effectively different forms of tranquilizer. Now why would one prescribe tranquilizers to someone who may already, amongst other things, have physically depressed synaptic activity? That’s the wrong question. Would tranquilizers reduce the trouble orderlies have to deal with from erratic patients? The answer is yes.

It’s basically the ‘fix a flickering light by cutting power to the house’ school of pharmacology. Observable signs of dooming behavior disappear – Significant Improvement on Assay Scales – since expressive behavior of most anything are disappeared; but of course the underlaying trouble of difficulty in conceiving of any good courses, outcomes, or intentions for any given situation is unaffected, or as the case may be made even worse.

One going theory on that note is that much of the positive effects many compounds nominated as antipsychotics have actually derive from them ‘simply’ causing the patient to get more sleep every day.

While the main ‘figure of merit’ from an institutional perspective is ‘does this cause more or less trouble to deal with’, the figure of merit from a subjective perspective is more common-sensical but also less straightforwards – ‘is my performance/health/quality of life improving or not?’.

Ideally what everyone wants is ‘vitamin-like’ prophylactics, that help solve their problem and or promote wellness in general without qualification. This of course shrinks the field to a much shorter list of possibilities, and not all of them are so ideal, but there are a number of shorthands one can use as bellwethers when assessing compounds for such purposes.

Two of the most commonly appearing shorthands in literature are effects on locomotion and libido. Changes in motor skills are one of the easiest and most obvious factors to assess when studying the effects of a compound, so in cases of something causing dysfunctions in movement, particularly even at therapeutic doses, you can fairly bet on it having deleterious neurological effects in general.

The phenomena of libido is something that reaches deep into the cortical stack, entangled with general process of motivation, affectation, and animation. Concordantly, it’s no coincidence that most psych meds correlated with suicide risk also happen to be drugs that kill sex drive in subjects.

Many studies include these factors in ‘side effect’ profiles and so usually make for the quickest way to rule things out of a tranche of options. One more quick way is the presence of fluorine species in the drug chemistry, which whatever form they take, can be guaranteed to be neurotoxic, amongst other more exotic deleterious effects on the bodily processes.

There’s a general bias in the washington/harvardian medical regime against compounds with ‘abuse potentia’. If you test a substance with remarkably useful effects, and people like taking it… it gets removed from circulation, because people are not supposed to use things they like using, people are only supposed to be given drugs they hate.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The old term for neuraleptics was ‘pharmacological lobotomy’, which was very evocative of their intended function, but fell out of use for some reason

The System creates hell on earth and has no lever for addressing the personal effects of this on subjects trapped within it without addressing its going precis of creating hell on earth; so the only thing left is papering over screaming voids of social decomposition with endemic zombifiers; the instrumentalization of psychiatry and universalization of pill pushing is the natural conclusion, the one card it has left that it can allow itself to play.

The Cominator says:

“The system creates hell on earth”

Well even before this people medicated in various ways. In the middle ages almost everyone of both sexes was sauced by midday and drunk off their ass every night (one reason the muslim world did okay in the middle ages was probably their soberiety) not really an exageration. Yes some of it was water was potentially dangerous to drink but the Italians generally just mixed the two but the custom in Northern Europe was to just mostly drink unwatered booze. It might have figured into the high infant mortality rate because I’ve not read anything that indicated that women stopped drinking when they were pregnant. I don’t think this situation changed very much until the 19th century. With the Victorian era the idea came that women shouldn’t drink very much or smoke but following this huge numbers got addicted to laudnum (basically liquid heroin) I think about 30-40% of the female population anyway. From the 1920s (when Victorian moralism faded but was unfortunately replaced by 1st wave feminism) on women mostly switched to the cancer sticks as their drug of choice which was probably a lesser evil than being a drunk, being on something close to heroin, or being on SSRIs.

So even if we create a much much better system I think a large number of people will want some sort of chemical stress aid… I just think SSRIs are particularly bad since they kind of take women away from us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Oh, was this all a segue to talk about your favorite substances to indulge in? /s

The Cominator says:

Nah I don’t do anything but cigars occasionally. It was more of a why we should hate SSRIs and why since people are going to be on something no matter what… almost anything else is better.

Pax Imperialis says:

Stories of people getting more testosterone and coming to regret it. And of people losing it and coming to appreciate life without it. The pros and cons of the hormone of desire. And we get our testosterone measured, as a staff.

Just found this. NPR “men” find out their T levels. It predates the BuzzFeed T fiasco.

Then in order, the men are– it’s Rakoff; then Alex at number two; then me, like a point behind you, Alex; then Jonathan; and then Todd, all very closely grouped together.
Julie Snyder

Wow. But Rakoff has twice as much.
Ira Glass

As any of us. The gay, Canadian Jew living in Manhattan.
David Rakoff

OK, we really have to dispense with the Canadian. Actually, that is non-corollary. Believe me.
Alex Blumberg

What are the numbers exactly? What is it for– what’s Rakoff? Off what’s–
Ira Glass

Rakoff is 274. You were at 144. I’m one hundred for–
Sarah Vowell

Oh, my God!




The sobering fact is that this is from over 20 years ago. Current year is much gayer. T levels are probably even lower.

Fidelis says:

This morning – at the White House with John Podesta – fourteen of the world’s biggest banks will make a formal announcement in support of a new initiative to build nuclear power. Banks have long avoided overt support of nuclear as too controversial. Money is no longer neutral.


(The article in question)

Interesting if not alarming. Recently microsoft bought the Three Mile Island reactor with exclusive rights for 20 years, ostensibly in order to build a datacenter. This initiative could be both a bet on massive AI training ventures and preparing the economy to fix the nukes.

A2 says:

They couldn’t get rid of the creeeeepy art collector.

jim says:

It has long been obvious that the sane Green solution is nuclear power, except that we have lost the technology to do nuclear power. Cheap and abundant nuclear power is in fact feasible in principle. It is just that you have to deal with an army of bureaucrats, and the engineers that could have done it have all given up and retired.

But to build nuclear capability, they not only have to tell business that nuclear is now OK and they will not deliberate penalise and strangle it, they also have to actually not penalise and strangle, and also have to end dei. Which is probably difficult for them to conceive. They cannot do nuclear for the same reason that Boeing can no longer do planes.

Fidelis says:

Nuclear was explicitly killed because they did not want the technology to mature to the point the peasantry could get their hands on it. I’ve heard many cathedral mouthpieces repeat this point. They knew what they were doing, looks like they still have some idea. The fact the microsoft deal went through is plenty of evidence they are serious and will cut the bugocrats out.

jim says:

Right now the bureaucrats are grounding Musk, even though the military was protecting him back before Biden was removed. If they are grounding Musk, do not have the will to cut the bugocrats out.

Karl says:

Even if they were to tell business that nuclear is now OK and they actually meant it, there is still the problem that they can change their opinion at any time. They are not agreement capable and everybody knows it.

A business must invest in nuclear to make it possible. Maybe some committee will allocate the money on a government’s say so, but in addition they’ll need some young men who’ll decide to study nuclear engineering. It will be hard to find those.

In Germany, there used to be universities where people could study nuclear engineering. Long before the German government decided to abandon nuclear power, students decided that it was not a smart career choice to study nuclear engineering.

Even if those courses were reinstalled and jobs offered to any graduates, I expect few men would take them. Those smart enough to pass such courses, can also graduate in any other engineering or science subject that is less susceptible to changes in political fashions.

Pete says:

And in today’s world, all it would take is one black single mother looking for a payout to shut down all nuke plants. “Muh baby’s retarded from livin’ too close to dat raydee-o’ activitee!”

dave says:


Jennifer Granholm, a Democratic secretary of energy is telling business that nuclear is OK now.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] And it’s the year 2024. Old tech doesn’t die if it’s actually useful. There’s too much sanity still in the world [*deleted*]

jim says:

Dark age after dark age tells us otherwise.

We don’t fall all the way back during dark ages, but what survives is technology that is immediately useful for military purposes, and can be created and maintained by relatively small organisations.

Cloudswrest says:

I often wonder about bootstrapping “high technology”. By “high technology” I mean devices that cannot be built with one generation of tooling. On must build the tools to build the tools to build the tools …

See how long it takes you to build an ASML 3nm wafer processing machine? You need to build the computers first, which require less advanced wafer machines, and so on. You need to build the lasers first. You need to number crunch the (anti)diffraction masks (with well over a billion segments) that, after diffraction, result in the desired sub-micron exposure patterns. And so much more.

Kind of think of it like bootstrapping life itself.

jim says:

A british nineteenth century workshop could build another nineteenth century workshop. Because we have become dependent on tools with an elaborate creation chain, cannot build a nineteenth century workshop without a massively sophisticated facility.

Ivan the Troll’s ghost gun can be built in garage, but it depends on many items of high technology, including a decent computer, plus the computer in the three dee printer. Plus all our natural resources that can be extracted and processed by older, simpler, low tech methods have been extracted by those methods. We are out of readily obtainable, easily processed, ores for just about everything.

Everything depends on elaborate tools, which depend on elaborate tools, which are at the other end of a long and fragile supply chain.

Karl says:

We lack readibly obtainable ores, but there is plenty of scrap metal around. Even without modern technology, most metals are easily available

Cloudswrest says:

If we ever get to the point where high tech can duplicate itself, like life processes, then the bootstrapping chain no longer matters. Pre-20th century tech relied heavily on livestock, which is self reproducing.

Jimmy says:

This is extremely unexpected and interesting to me. I’ve had a lot of connection to the nuclear power industry and still keep tabs a little on what’s going on. There’s more competent men left than one would think–definitely enough to spin the industry back up. They could do it. It will be difficult to convince young men to throw in, but they really don’t need many. The amount of red tape makes light water low enriched uranium power the most expensive you can buy. As everyone here knows, the late stage empire has no mechanism for removing red tape.

It will always be crushingly expensive, and developing better technology can’t be done here anymore. Even a “revitalized” nuclear industry will just limp. Until bad code or cheap labor causes a famous event. As the timeline stretches out, probability approaches 1. And late stage empire cannot stomach a famous event.

Cloudswrest says:

More DEI drama?

USNS Big Horn (an oiler) has run around and is taking on water. Carrier group does not have an immediately available spare oiler for fueling their ships.


dave says:

CVNs carry 3.3 – 3.8 Million gallons of Jet fuel. probably around 30-40 days of operations depending on activity.

Blue water navy status is now being threatened by competency crisis.

A2 says:

The Houthis, if wise, should take the opportunity to bombard this juicy helpless static target until thoroughly scuttled.

skippy says:

Although not quite the technical means first imagined, Israel’s pager attacks seem like the first instance of Jim’s predicted assassination warfare. This trick will likely not work a second time, but we have seen the possibilities in a less restrained war than Russia-Ukraine.

alf says:

Israel now having taken out Hezbollah’s leadership is a 10/10 Jim prediction.

simplyconnected says:

An interesting take on the possible coming new AI winter:
The Subprime AI Crisis.
Filip Piekniewski hasn’t been posting for a while, he is afaik one of the first to make a good case for a coming AI winter.

jim says:

In February last year I predicted the next AI winter for 2026. Not the first person to make that prediction. Seems to be roughly on schedule.

Actually useful AI runs locally on your phone. These enormous AIs in enormous data centers are just not earning their keep.

The problem is that a linear increase in capability requires an exponential increase in compute. Thus an actually economic AI is just not that big, and not that smart. The hundred billion dollar AIs in the gigantic data centres are smarter and more capable than what can run on local hardware. But they are not all that smarter and more capable, not enough to matter much.

The real advance, that brought AI spring, and now the current AI high summer, now AI autumn, was “Attention is all you need” in 2017. Everything since then is hype feeding on hype and sucker money.

Self-Attention Mechanism
Multi-Head Attention
Positional Encoding
Transformer Architecture

There are some very interesting things that can be done with the transformer architecture that are not in fact being done, except by some Youtubers doing it as a hobby on their own dime and their own hardware. Further breakthroughs await, but the hundred billion dollar large language models of this AI high summer are a distraction and a waste.

AI autumn, foreshadowing the coming AI winter, began with the crash in Nvidia shares. High AI summer just ended.

The big ais are useful as search engines. They can find what you are looking for, and give a summary of the links, though a summary of how each link relates to what you are looking for would be more useful. This provides significant value. To make a profit model, if your search as some relation to products and services being sold, introduce a sponsored section, and have the sponsored products pay for extra relevance analysis in the analysis.

A summary of how each link relates would also provide the opportunity for customised sales pitches in the sponsored section. Or you could mingle the sponsored analysis with the unsponsored analysis, though ethical conduct would be to place an asterix that this summary is sponsored.

Or you could have a general analysis and a list of links, with only sponsored links getting relevance analysis. That would be a viable economic model for big large language models in data centers. But real progress is only going to come with clever uses of the transformer architecture running on local hardware.

The use of artificial intelligence for search is currently very nice, but not yielding revenue. During AI winter, the heat will be on for it to yield revenue, followed by enshitification as it is made to yield revenue at the expense of users, as with the current decline of Google search, and the previous decline and death of Yahoo search. Note that the man who is currently destroying Google Search is the same man who previously destroyed Yahoo search. Yahoo Search eventually went to zero and was abandoned. Google Search will go to zero and be abandoned. The problem that killed Yahoo and is killing Google is these MBA bean counter types who focus on the month to month “bottom line” without understanding or caring what is in fact being measured. The Ukraine war has the same problem. The Ukraine satrapy is not focused on winning the war, but on winning the next power point presentation in Washington.

During the coming AI winter, the big data center large language search engine models will fall into the hands of the MBAs, and be destroyed. In that vacuum, then will come a time when further progress becomes possible.

Open AI disbanded its robots division. Big mistake. Enormous is a dead end.

Dr. Faust says:

Seems like a case of diminishing returns versus accelerating demands.

Fidelis says:

They are genuinely useful as code tools and better greedy search agents, and we may not have reached the point on the training cost curve yet where it’s pointless to throw more compute. This is besides all the uses in image, video, and voice generation, as well as search tools better suited to normies.

What has been happening, is OAI made a big splash with their chatGPT release, and since then everyone has just copied their scheme, because it’s expensive to do anything, so better to do what you know worked. The problem with the OAI scheme is the transformer is totally limited by layer depth when it comes to inference. It has to one shot its answer with no recursion. So it fails in stupid ways despite having overall capacity to be trained for certain algorithmic use cases.

OAI itself is attempting to solve this, but my feeling is it already way surpassed the number of people it could usefully coordinate, and now has far too many interested parties, so ends up with the flop that is o1.

The thing is, the very high parameter models are in fact parameter inefficient, because they have to use their layers as logical circuits, because the only place to leave state is in the latent space during inference. So what is going to happen next, or rather what is going to be actually successful and cost effective next, is smaller players are going to take the smaller parameter models and find schemes where they can be usefully trained to work with recursive reasoning. The models will be a lot more stable once that is figured out, and can be better treated as agents.

Besides this, no mention of how well they work with greedy search where other algorithms fail. Alphatensor is genuinely impressive, and it’s incredible to me NVIDIA does not have an open paid competition for models to generate cuda kernels more optimized than a human has time to create. Perhaps becsuse CuDNN is their moat, and if you have a way of creating these kernels in a more general fashion, they no longer deserve their market share.

Dr. Faust says:

There is no commercialization model for ai. At least not yet. AI finds itself in the same position that internet search was decades ago. There was no model to make money from it. The answer to search became advertising. The answer to ai is not known. Google is trying advertising. Microsoft is trying software. Apple is trying phones. Adobe is trying images. Palantir is trying spying. And OpenAi is trying to pretend like it doesn’t matter because it’s being run as a “charity”.

Fidelis says:

They sell APIs and smaller players make useful wrappers over the raw API, which do make money. The big players are not making money because they spend literally millions per engineer while fighting over hires, and billions on giant datacenters pushing up a log curve. If you look at FAGMAN failing to profit, this is misleading. They’re enormously dysfunctional companies, of course they can’t make useful products.

Fidelis says:

Depending on what one means by winter, we’re not going into a winter.

If one means something like the period between expert systems and AlexNet, we’re not going into a winter unless the entire computing supply chain collapses. If one means that the absurd, ludicrous, unsubstantiated billions of funds being poured in currently will dry up, yes sure.

The first article is just schadenfreude bait. It’s entirely obsessed with OpenAI, which I agree is a totally unsustainable model and essentially an ill thought out grifting scheme coming from Sammy. It also seems to miss many many things that are working and working well, in order to go down the rabbit hole of repeatedly pointing out how big a grift OpenAI is.

Neural nets are going to go the way of something like cryptocurrencies, overheated from hyped investment, couple years incubation, exploding out once again.

jim says:

> Neural nets are going to go the way of something like cryptocurrencies, overheated from hyped investment, couple years incubation, exploding out once again.

I have found AI useful for search summaries, and useful for coding. They can write short programs that are almost correct and something like what was intended a lot faster than I can.

But to be really useful, would need to train on one’s own codebase, so that it could competently modify that (possibly quite large) codebase. A small local language model that knows your code is going to be lot more useful than a very large language model in a data center far away that does not.

I think the way forward to escape from the exponential increase in compute is to find someplace else to store state. A transformer to build a domain specific representation of the problem, and do a feedback loop of repeated interations to get the intermediate representation to generate the desired result.

something like the image improver transformer models. You paint something like what you want, and it redoes a section of the image based on what you drew. We need iteration to escape from one shot. We do not, in practice, have it, and we should.

Fidelis says:

There is a lot brewing beneath the surface here, that gets covered up by the midwit hype machine.

One is that coding self play is, relative to most environments, extremely cheap. Another is that coding and search improves dramatically with recursion and the AI itself having access to more tools than a text block. I agree with your overall thesis here that you don’t want a massive datacenter AI for inference, but you do want it for training, because self play is very expensive but very effective. The current feedforward model is a dead end for scaling, we’ve already hit the top of the s curve, but the next phase is recursion and self play, which is an s curve that has only just begun. Doubt the big players can make any decent products, and that may well kill the investment hype cycle, but just like cryptocurrency has real use cases beyond clunky inefficient and fully public payments just over the horizon, so do neural net paradigms. There is an absurd amount of low hanging fruit being drowned out by SaaS startups screaming about their shiny new email parser, and people trying to shoehorn in things like biotech AI where the problem is bureaucracy not efficacy.

For example, something like COIN (https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.03123) has just massively improved the amount of compression you can achieve, provided the reciever can run a net to decode the weights you send. The example is images, but you can imagine any sort of data is going to work here. No one is talking about this, but its a huge achievement and can unlock new server client architectures, a place where quanity is itself a quality.

Self play unlocks a new form of greedy search that actually works over enourmous search spaces, and if someone builds useful software harnesses, is going to make protocol design vastly more automated. Neural nets work if you give them deterministic spaces that can be simulated cheaply, like network topologies, gpu kernels, and math theorem proving. You should be able to sketch out a spec for a protocol, have the machine prove bounds and certainties, and then optimize both the software implementation and the overall protocol within the sketched bounds. This is not unimaginable, this is gluing together things we already have laying around. The big labs are already doing this, but in a clunky ineffective way that will just make it look harder than it really is, because big company bureaucracy.

Fidelis says:

I propose one of the first legitimate use cases for Soverign corps, that requires the least amount of steps from where we are, and steps on the least amount of toes liable to attract the wrong attention, is raising capital for training neural nets.

Just like someone looking to get ore out of the ground, after identifying the land, then raises capital by selling shares tied to future profit, in order to finance the actual operations required, the same can and should be done with emerging AI comapnies. You develop a protocol, prove efficacy and show scaling curves, sell shares to raise the money required to get the full thing running, and those shares are then you api access tokens. One thing we know is the very big models are expensive to inference, and if they start thinking recursively they will only become slower and more expensive, but they are fantastic for training smaller models for faster, cheaper, more local inference. So you sell API tokens for people to train their own model from your very big expensive one.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It seemed obvious from the outset, to this writer at least, that letting networks play with themselves was the pathway to new and unprecedented capabilities, though that also makes the grey-box significantly darker.

Which is a problem for people whose official religion includes belief in articles of faith like orthogonality or ‘naturalistic fallacy’, whereas skynetification is perfectly acceptable to racist bodybuilders.

Fidelis says:

From what I can garner, it looks like the reason is less because it crosses some religious impulse, and more because it is incredibly difficult. Reinforcement Learning is notoriously unstable even with very simple structures, adding in massive recursive neural nets is a very very hard problem.

Anything with self play is very compute expensive, because now you have an entire new dimension of training to simulate/compute, and algorithmically difficult, because now you have an entirely new dimension to keep stable. So it takes a lot of effort to make work. Therefore risky to develop, it already costs a lot in compute time and developer time to get feedforward models to work correctly, and so people stick to iterating on the feedforward networks to get 0.01% better at some benchmark, and call it a day. Much safer that way.

As far as I can tell, no one except engineers that need their tool to be reliable and debuggable actually cares about if the protocol has a black box somewhere. The people causing a ruckus about safety invent very fancy language to make obvious *engineering* failure modes look like very special Evil Superintelligence risks. Take mesaoptimization, in plain language this is when your training objective leaks and the model optimizes the wrong thing. In “AI safety” language, this is when the model mysteriously decides to plot against humans in order to kill everyone, by inventing its own hidden objectives that are only tangentially tied to the loss function. It’s comically absurd to think the plain language definition of mesaoptimization implies a machine plotting against it’s maker, and so they spew overwraught vocabulary and lots of inconsequential math proofs like squid ink, while making very distressed faces, and ask the government to take more power to keep them safe. They don’t need an explicit black box, they can invent their own magical thinking with whatever you throw at them.

jim says:

There is a legitimate issue in that it unclear how the loss function is related to what the large language module does. People tinker around until it somehow starts doing something that seems kind of useful and interesting. Large language models are opaque.

But in practice what they are really concerned about is lobotomising the large language module to not notice anything it should not notice. And it turns out it is very difficult to do this without turning it into a babbling idiot.

Fidelis says:

As far as I can tell, no one except engineers that need their tool to be reliable and debuggable actually cares about if the protocol has a black box somewhere.

This is essentially research debt. The empirical results far outstripped our ability to formally analyze, as in any sufficiently complex engineering endeavor. Hence, we’re really really good at beating benchmarks, really really bad at making it generalized and work on things unrelated to what we can benchmark.

You have several parties interested in AI control. The alphabet soup is interested in as you say, making sure it doesn’t speak plainly to the normal folk. The AI SafetyTM people seem interested in doing for AI what Dodd-Frank did for banking. Make sure that only some bureaucrat selected group is ever allowed to handle a computer more powerful than a toaster, and everyone else is forced to be a client.

jim says:

To my amazement, Zuckerberg, who is not so much evil as cowardly, has done a remarkably good thing in issuing end user local hostable large language modules. In this, he is doing a great deal for liberty, though in a more subtle fashion that Musk. He is flying under enemy radar, while Musk, due in part to normality bias, is flying into enemy flack.

Fidelis says:

It’s good business strategy. Zuck knows better AI tooling makes his social networks even more valuable, and doesn’t expect to profit off of LLMs directly. So he releases the models his company uses, and if the open source community find better ways to use them, he wins.

Also check out

Alibaba’s Qwen

Deepseek, another chinese company, not sure whom they’re associated with otherwise

And France’s Mistral

Theyre pretty terrible at codegen if you compare to something like claude sonnet 3.5, but I expect in the next year that will change with better harnesses, finetuning, and recursive reasoning. Overall open source AI is doing pretty good.

We still need engineering to make training over the internet on heterogeneous hardware not a huge nightmare, then you can do more advanced finetuning and eventually something like self play for a reasonable price. I still would really like to see someone use a DAO to raise funds to do this, there’s Nous Research and Hermes, which is a ‘neutrally tuned’ llama, but it doesnt look like they have a serious direction or business model.

The Cominator says:

One optimistic thing about the election (and whether it will be stolen or not), Zuck seems rather convinced Trump will win. Zuck has no principles other than his own interests so…

jim says:

It is clear that some elements of the elite, seeing the collapse of empire and fearing nuclear war, are trying to organise a retreat. They need a leader capable of negotiating with Russia and China, and if we are hard up for the leader we wish we had, they are even harder up than we are. Trump is the only man who can organise a dignified and orderly retreat.

It is equally clear that other elements of the elite want to sail on to the apocalypse. They expect they may have to put up with Trump, but intend to ignore him as they did last time. Since this time around there are rather more elements of the elite who do not wish him to be ignored, sparks are likely to fly.

Worst case outcome, they get their way, either by stealing the election even more flagrantly than ever before, or by the presidency ignoring the president as before, and we get totalitarian repression internally and nuclear war externally.

On the other hand, the other likely outcomes, civil war internal, or civil war plus external war are not that great either. We are likely to have civil war with sheriffs and state governments on one side, part of the regular US army on the other side, and part of the US army running dead or standing down.

Everyone is suffering from normality bias, meaning they are sleepwalking into war, because they think that war cannot possibly ever happen. This parallels the Roman Republic. Assassinating Trump would have been assassinating Caesar. Caesar had been freely and fairly elected, even though he had to cross the Rubicon to secure free and fair elections, the Republic was still sort of functioning, and if anything less deathly ill than it had been before he crossed the Rubicon. First free and fair election in a very long time. And to save the Republic they killed him. Boom!

If Trump is allowed to be elected, he will be president of a presidency that he knows tried to murder him. This is likely to get rather tense.

dave says:

seeing many signs that the election might be over. that is that we are coup complete.

1. Vance as VP and signals Trump alliance with Thermidor
2. Thiel/Musk/Zuck and other tech elite on Trump side.
3. Polling is propaganda, and the propaganda is that the election is “close” this is very different than 2016 and 2020 polls.
4. Assassination attempts are a sign of desperation, by the side knowing that the cheat is not happening, that this election will be straight.
5. Kamala appears to be a sacrificial lamb. no real Democratic careers will be harmed if/when she loses.
6. Some regime media, NYT/CNN notable appear to be playing some stories straight some of the time, very different than last two cycles.

This may be hopium/copium but 2024 feels very different somehow.

dave says:

not disagreeing with Jim here, winning the election is one thing, gaining real control of the FedGov is another thing. Agree thats when the real fireworks start, esp if Trump intends on ruling.

Pete says:

The problem with negotiating is, even if Trump hammers out the “best agreement of all time, believe me,” it will get tossed in the trash on January 20th 2029. Putin and Xi know this for a fact.

jim says:

The Ukraine is a totalitarian terror state. Defeat plus democracy will change the culture in ways that make a second Maidan impossible.

Any deal can and will be reversed on a dime as long as the Ukraine continues to be directly governed by the CIA and state department. Among the things that Russia means by neutrality is not governed by the CIA and State Department.

Bouncer says:

Jim, not directly related, but I admit I had doubts when you said Russia has a live state church some months ago.
On the other hand, I no longer think so, and must admit you are right. Russia is positioning itself as a defensor fidei (of more than one faith, even!) against our degenerate oligarch overlords, eg:

JustAnotherGuy says:

I know everyone wants to talk about revitalization of the current year and what can be done about technology and dark ages, but I think an important thing to know is that the median age since 1950s has doubled almost everywhere, so we got a lot of older people and not enough young dudes.

I was kind of shocked to find out that Japan’s median age is almost 50, the entertainment they have really don’t give you that sort of feeling. And I see almost everywhere there is a smaller and smaller fraction of people who matter, and this lack of people, if nothing else, is gonna be enough to slow down almost *everything* even if female emancipation got fixed by tomorrow.

jim says:

A whole lot of males are dropping out of the workforce. Our nature is built for survival and reproduction, and if you have no prospect of reproduction, what is point of anything? Might as well play hentai video games in your single mother’s basement.

De-emancipating women is going to immediately fix the supply of wives and very quickly fix the supply of virgin brides. This will immediately remotivate men.

The Cominator says:

From a shitlib account…

Sounds like Ukraine and probably American glowniggers plan to false flag their own nuke plants to draw us directly into the war.

jim says:

I think it likely Putin is going to attack the stuff connected to the reactors that generate power (which are a lot easier to destroy than the stuff that contains the radioactives, which is enclosed in a massive re-enforced concrete shell).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The KOG plan is probably to rig their own reactors with demo charges and blow them at the same time as strikes on sub-stations. Run a bajillion stories about how putler has caused six million new chernobyls in the fully complicit mockingbird media, and bob’s your uncle.

The Cominator says:

Agreed, but if Putler doesn’t take the bait and nail the sub stations they’ll blow their own reactors anyway.

Cloudswrest says:

Yes, but now they have no cover for their false flag.

Pax Imperialis says:

Some of the more passionate posts here by regulars about Israel’s wars were surprising. The war largely doesn’t affect us (assuming American). Even if the US gets dragged into it, would likely provide a soft landing for finding out the military can’t win wars anymore, and I would hope allow State to get distracted from attempting to escalate in Ukraine. Better to find out against desert people than Eurasians with nukes and purpose built anti-carrier hypersonics.

On the subject of settling scores, there are far more pressing domestic issues than what a distant client state can do. Much of the anger appears to be directed to what Israel symbolically represents. My recommendation is to sit back, crack a beer, and watch the fireworks.

Also it’s a really great clear pill that the Navy’s logistics is so fucked up they can’t be sure of refueling. Those carrier groups (largely) aren’t going to be sent to the bottom of the ocean. They’ll be stuck guarding the coast.

The Cominator says:

Agreed, we should be far far more worried about being dragged into anything with Russia. Ukraine costs us way more than Israel.

I don’t see too much passionate wignattism about Israel here, everywhere else which is still vaguely right wing (and not all boomercon) but not here.

The Cominator says:

I just saw a profound comment on twatter (then I lost it) but basically it said that women should “sillymax”. This is an oft overlooked aspect of the woman question but as for me personally I can’t think of a girl I liked much in my life who couldn’t “sillymax” and wouldn’t do it frequently. Feminism among other things makes women these serious dour cunts. One thing I always liked about the whores and BPD types is they aren’t at all like this.

The engineerette (probably the most trad type girl who ever showed any interest in me) was basically despite being more subdued than the typically batshit crazy chicks who tend to sort of like me… she was kind of a sillymaxxer too though more in an old movie sort of way. She was an anomaly and this is all the more reason why women really shouldn’t go to college.

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