
After economic leftism

Economic leftism, workers against capitalists, died with the Soviet Union. Now it is women and nonwhites against white heterosexual males.

American Hindus have extremely high incomes and are extremely reliable Democrat voters. Hindus are the opposite end of income and education spectrum to Mexicans, yet vote the same.

Old fashioned economic leftism doesn’t explain this.

And yet there is the sense that something is being redistributed.

The country itself is being redistributed from white heterosexual males to a coalition of almost everybody else. And it makes sense for any ambitious newcomer to try and get a piece of the action. Because they can.

Resentment isn’t required, but no one wants to consciously think he is just joining the looter coalition. So resentment is required, and is speedily manufactured.

And since each white wants to be last to be fed to the crocodiles, the whites in the ruling coalition will echo that resentment with double the enthusiasm, and will each be twice as keen on feeding other whites in the ruling coalition to the crocodiles. The situation of white heterosexual males in the ruling elite is similar to that of Jews in the Bolshevik party or intellectuals in the Khmer Rouge. The Bolshevik party was pretty much all Jewish, and the Khmer Rouge pretty much all intellectuals, but the climate of hostility and suspicion directed at Jews among the Bolsheviks, and at intellectuals amongst the Khmer Rouge, was such that they were busily purging each other, until none were left.

Parts of this post cheerfully stolen from Handle’s member’s only post. As usual, anything really horrifying is probably my revisions and not in Handle’s original.

32 comments After economic leftism

Max says:

Handle has a member’s only post? How do I become a member?

jim says:

It is the usual procedure for joining semi secret conspiracies against a repressive state.

Thales says:

I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about Fight Club…

jim says:

Mencius Moldbug should have received an invite

Dr. Faust says:

I don’t think there are any groups which believe that the current paradigm is sustainable. The dispute is mostly about what’s causing the problem and who will loot the gold on the Titanic.

Afterwards, I anticipate multiple competing (warring) factions which will eventually divide geographically. The power vacuum of the disintegrating American empire will not be filled by a single power but many.

The timeline is pushing forward because of noticeable cracks in the reach of the USG notably their open use of force not against rebel colonies but the homeland. Open force is more expensive and therefore less preferable to persuasion. Therefore, the militarization of the police is a sign of waning power as the influence of the ruling body lessens.

A time will be reached in which the American empire will be seen as illegitimate and dozens of would be emperors will spring up. The more patriotism is mocked and seen as absurd the less the influence the government will have. The leniency to tolerate mockery and inability to promote patriotism is another sign of empire failure. Taken from an individual level the patient has become apathetic or a lack of telos.

If nihilism then apathy then hedonism then famine then culling then strength then belief then plenty then weakness then nihilism.

Red says:

The fall may be a lot more sudden than you might think. Loose a couple of aircraft carriers to China and the entire structure will crash down over night as all of Asia moves into China’s orbit. Naval empires like the US tend to have long hallowing out periods followed by sudden loss of almost everything after a single failed battle. China’s also at the point where the communist party needs a war to stay in power.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

A time will be reached in which the American empire will be seen as illegitimate and dozens of would be emperors will spring up.

Gangs, tribes, and warlords.

Dave says:

I’ll bet that within ten years of the Fall, the surviving gangsters are all white men, probably ex-cons with swastika tattoos on their necks:

Why? Because IQ is as decisive on the battlefield as in Physics class. Arabs, Africans, and Mexicans just don’t measure up.

In any case, SJWs will seek social status as inquisitors of the ruling ideology, be it Christianity, Progressivism, Neoreaction, or White Supremacy.

Dr. Faust says:

Currently the only groups who believe in anything are progressives and Muslims. And the progressive belief is so weak and untenable because of its contradictions that very few are true believers. Islam has more true believers and more zeal. Muslims can survive hard times while the progressives cannot. Belief is just as important as intelligence. If Whites believe in nothing they will wallow in apathy and hedonism drinking themselves to death. They’re doing this now.

The erosion of the telos of America will take years. The hollowing out began in the late 90s. It halted after 9/11 but only briefly. Compare videos of sports events in the previous decades. Look at all of the staged USA vs The World events. The average American is not likely to side with a foreign country but won’t really side with America either. The true believers have faded away. This will eventually erode the influence the USG. The emperor’s new robes.

Patriotism is similar to religion. On average a person does not change from religion to religion. If the religion they’re born into doesn’t satisfy they tend toward atheism. If the country of origin does not foster nationalism then they’re like to believe in no country. If no god and no country then no sacrifice for something greater, no hard work, apathy and hedonism.

The entire concept of culture, tradition, and honor is of sacrifice. It is to place something greater than yourself in the hope that it shall outlive your short existence. When nothing outside the individual is fit to believe in then they revert to a selfish pursuit of pleasure.

Young americans are purchasing huge amounts of drugs and alcohol. This is to fill the void where cultural paradigm once filled. They form obscure and freakish communities and are often snatched up by progressive groups who offer them acceptance if they reject everything their father taught them. Since many have no fathers or don’t know them they eagerly abandon any tradition, project their rage onto the proximal substitute for a father, and eat, fuck, and drink in order to destroy their consciousness.

Corvinus says:

“Now it is women and nonwhites against white heterosexual males.”

That’s observably false. Males in their superior position have the liberty to hire whomever they choose given it is their company and their property. There is no one group pitting against another group.

“Afterwards, I anticipate multiple competing (warring) factions which will eventually divide geographically. The power vacuum of the disintegrating American empire will not be filled by a single power but many.”

There is not anything to suggest that whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are seeking to engage in a violent battle royale. If anything, Americans go about their business. They may interact with people from different racial/ethnic groups from time to time, but there is no large-scale shanking involved or throwing of Molotov cocktails. It’s really a pipe dream.

“Therefore, the militarization of the police is a sign of waning power as the influence of the ruling body lessens.”

Please define this “ruling body”. What does it consist of?

“A time will be reached in which the American empire will be seen as illegitimate and dozens of would be emperors will spring up.”

Are you or your offspring one of those would be emperors?

“China’s also at the point where the communist party needs a war to stay in power.”

Don’t be a fool, China is not going to risk armageddon.

“In any case, SJWs will seek social status as inquisitors of the ruling ideology, be it Christianity, Progressivism, Neoreaction, or White Supremacy.”

I do enjoy the fantasy writing here.

Dr. Faust says:

“There is not anything to suggest that whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics are seeking to engage in a violent battle royale. If anything, Americans go about their business. They may interact with people from different racial/ethnic groups from time to time, but there is no large-scale shanking involved or throwing of Molotov cocktails. It’s really a pipe dream.”

You seem to have misunderstood what I wrote. The power vacuum is what create these groups which will be roving bandits who will settle and legitimize their theft and call it taxation. The ruling body is the government that is the current government They will divide based on race and religion because that’s what people do. They only exist together because of a unified force the USG. USG, ruling body, government etc are different words I’m using to describe the same thing.

Multicultural empires do not remain multicultural once the parent empire fades. Nations are homogeneous. People are not multicultural by nature. All races prefer their own. Whites are the only race which feels guilt about this preference. If people were not racist by nature then there would not need to be so much anti-racist propaganda since propaganda ALWAYS promotes the unnatural impulses of man. There are no campaigns needed to promote teenage sex but one is needed to promote teenage abstinence.

“Are you or your offspring one of those would be emperors?”

I will refuse to answer this question and any question that is so clearly setting up some ad hominem.

Do your really think these sophomoric arguments have any merit? The only thing they convince an intelligent person of is that you’re not one of them. I deserve a better detractor than you.

Corvinus says:

“The power vacuum is what create these groups which will be roving bandits who will settle and legitimize their theft and call it taxation.”

The key factor being “power vacuum”. There is no such phenomenon occurring in America.

“They will divide based on race and religion because that’s what people do.”

In those countries with a history of overt animosity between groups that leads to perpetual, sustained. You seem to forget that America is NOT Yugoslavia.

“Nations are homogeneous. People are not multicultural by nature.”

America has been the exception. Indeed, the English, the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, the Africans, the Chinese…all when they first arrived, they remained separated. Yet, over time, something remarkable occurred. They adopted and expanded the American culture. They intermarried and produced offspring (do not people from different ethnic groups and races have the liberty to marry/have children with whomever they choose?). Besides, we already have segregation. Whites, blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics…all live in their own communities. That phenomenon will not change.

“Whites are the only race which feels guilt about this preference.”

You’re behind the times. The only shaming going on is by race baiters, like the Al Sharpton’s and the Steve Sailer’s of the world.

“I will refuse to answer this question and any question that is so clearly setting up some ad hominem.”

It’s actually a serious question. Do you believe you or your children are part of the new elite, a group of people who ought to lead our country similar to a monarch or emperor?

“I deserve a better detractor than you.”

You do realize you are running like a little gamma rabbit, right?

“Freedom of association is now effectively a criminal offense…”

Patently false. You have the liberty to be around with whomever you choose. It’s just that there’s something called the Constitution that southrons conveniently pissed on with that damn Plessy case. They got greedy—separate but equal became separate but unequal. American citizens eventually wised up.

“while home invasions by blacks against whites are frequently not a criminal offense.”

These instances are actually rare. Current data shows that offenders were known to their victims in 65% of violent burglaries; offenders were strangers in 28%, with 58% of these thefts committed by whites. The more disturbing trend are whites who commit white collar crimes, which is in their DNA.”

“Employers are forced to create large numbers of makework jobs for women.”

There is no coercion. Employers have the liberty to choose whether or not to hire women. They make more money for their stockholders because women work hard for less pay. Why do you hate capitalism?

jim says:

In those countries with a history of overt animosity between groups that leads to perpetual, sustained. You seem to forget that America is NOT Yugoslavia.

Actually it is. Detroit, Baltimore, the inner cities. Normally the inner city is where the affluent, the fashionable, and the respectable hang out, and that is the way it was until Civil Rights. Whites were ethnically cleansed out of a whole bunch of beautiful buildings and extremely valuable real estate, which are now turning to ruins.

If you look at the school cafeteria, there is black section and a white section, and people would be a whole lot less stressed if you put a sign over the black section saying “blacks”

There are a lot of hate videos showing black people brutally beating up white people for being white, but the authorities keep taking them down.

In the aftermath of Katrina, the blacks figured that they were entitled to be supported by whites they way they had been supported by whites before Katrina, and so proceeded to help themselves, which activity the government pretty much quietly tolerated.

There is no coercion. Employers have the liberty to choose whether or not to hire women.

Why lie when everyone knows you are lying? Employers are forced to create jobs for women, and are subject to lawsuits if they do not hire enough.

B says:

America is much worse than Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia, several generally sympathetic, hard working and literate nations went at it hammer and tongs. After lots of tragic bloodshed and ethnic cleansing, they formed largely functional countries. I’ve travelled through former Yugoslavia three times, once by bicycle alone (about 1200 kilometers through Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia.) People were almost always polite, friendly and helpful. Nobody jacked my shit. They would feed me and put me up in their homes for free half the time. Even in coastal Croatia, which I mostly disliked (anyone not local is a tourist mark,) I never had the feeling of being in a predatory environment, and I’ve got a very good radar for this kind of thing.

Inner city America is much worse, since it involves a predatory class created through purposeful govt policy (welfare incentivizing single motherhood and bastardy, the war on drugs incentivizing police strike forces creating a constant selective pressure for the most vicious gangs, prisons creating universities for those gangs’ members to upgrade their skills, civil rights disincentivizing cops from doing actual policing.) This predatory class mostly lives on its black neighbors, with occasional race-based predation (whites are a soft target but a potentially expensive one, unless they are the local, working class whites, about whom the cops do not give two shits.)

The pure viciousness and human debasement that are routine in every American ghetto and black neighborhood have no parallel in Yugoslavia. Those guys got into wars and ethnically cleansed each other, but that was a tragic exception to the rule. In the US, it’s the law of the jungle, all the time.

jim says:

That’s observably false. Males in their superior position have the liberty to hire whomever they choose given it is their company and their property

Oh come on.

Freedom of association is now effectively a criminal offense, while home invasions by blacks against whites are frequently not a criminal offense.

Employers are forced to create large numbers of makework jobs for women.

Alan J. Perrick says:


Alex Galloway says:

And anyone who makes even a peep against the program gets fired by human resources.

alfanerd says:

I believe your analysis as far as it goes. But there are significant differences between Bolshevik jews, Khmer Rouge intellectuals, and American white males which will prevent the latter from suffering the fate of the former. Not that I am hopeful, but I do not believe in the total disappearance of American whites either.

The differences are:
1) scale. In this case the differences in scale that the situation is not only quantitatively different, but also qualitatively different.

2) uniformity. All Bolshevik jews and Khmer Rouge intellectuals were at least all in favour of the “program”. This sealed their fate, as they were unequipped to deal with the threat when the program turned towards them. This is not the case with American whites.

3) nature of the enemy. Thanks to Ferguson and Baltimore, at least some indians and chinese will come to question the desirability of the progressive goals. Expect ethnic fractures in the progressive coalition to widen.

None of this is to promote complacency, but rather to dispel any notions of despair and of inevitability.

Dr. Faust says:

The left eating itself is not something new. The trannies want to piss in the girl’s room which makes the feminists uneasy about it all. The entire belief structure of equality is built on impossible fantasy and contradiction. Eventually every leftist turns on those around them as Jim would say, “for insufficient leftism.”

Mister Grumpus says:

Likewise we have this “white women can’t be raped because they have white privilege” thing going around.

If it wasn’t for, I wouldn’t have understood just what that really was.


Red says:

I’ve been enjoying watching women’s sports fill up with Tyrannies.

jim says:

Apart from synchronized swimming, tennis, and a few others, women’s sports are affirmative action for women. Women are physically and psychologically maladapted to competitive sports.

And now any man can cash in on affirmative action by announcing he is actually a lesbian – a very butch lesbian.

anti-hermetic says:

And all the non-anonymous bloggers succumb.

Michael says:

the police and military are becoming minority in the cities in the outer they are getting hobbled by the feds, but the average cop construction worker etc is now thoroughly leftist even if small vestiges of reaction are discernible. you cant work have a family be a christian without being a leftists now. the militarization is to keep the anarcho tyranny focused not protect the state the state is all it can not be taken unless complete financial meltdown and only then if the military police minorities can not be paid.they are doing their utmost to put minorities in the most obscure rural hamlets and stir up SJW s to protect them, this ups the anti any patchwork will require a milosevic how many are willing to go that wont work the other way the whites will be picked off in the cities pressured and taxed children raped and murdered at schools but like south africans they will repent all the way, as the chaos ensues in the cities the mud people will flee themselves to the out land where the cleansing will continue, by the time enough whites will admit the truth their will not be enough whites. The thing is AA has worked to an extent the talented tenth rubs elbows at work and school with SWPLs and being bad at math SWPLs cant fathom the larger picture. blue collar types no better but they understand they are the last generatin of whites in these areas and if they dont shut up they wont make pension besides again there are a few good ones they like so they hope for the best they dont understand what hud lawsuits will mean to their children and they must vote democrat to protect themselves against republican asaults. they are not savy enough to understand the impacr of massive immigration on wages and ensuing massive welfare and redistribution money printing on their taxes and the inflation of their currency and real estate and other costs of living. the rich love this inflation having capital in assets.

Hidden Author says:

If you are superior to an illiterate ghetto negro, show superior sentence construction! 😀

Mister Grumpus says:

Word man word.

The inability and unwillingness to use grammar, punctuation and paragraphs is an obvious “tell” that you have an idiot on your hands.

Even on the Internet, it still leaks through.

Red says:

[…] After economic leftism. […]

Alan J. Perrick says:

The worst thing for white people to do would be to put their hopes into the voting system. Hence, Neo-Reaction.


Corvinus says:

“Hence, Neo-Reaction.”

Which is anti-liberty at its core. No thank you.

Alan J. Perrick says:


What outcomes would you like to see from the State? Are there any of your elected champions who are working for them?

After economic leftism

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