
The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide.

You saw that look of absolutely visceral disgust on Angela Merkel’s face when someone handed her the German flag.

I am pretty sure that if an AIDS infested tranny projectile vomited all over her, she would lick it up and think it was chocolate.

That look of visceral disgust tells me that she wants everything that flag stands for destroyed – the German people, the German race, classical music. In her gut she absolutely wants to see German cities destroyed like Detroit was. She wants every German and everything German to die with her when she dies, to be physically erased and absolutely forgotten. She wants the death of every German and the utter destruction of anything memorable that any German ever made.

Why so?

Well, one way of answering this is that a long time back, students campaigning for the supposed achievements of NAMs to be given more attention in universities, sung “Western Civ has got to go” – meaning, or thinking they meant, the course “Western Civilization”

And similarly those calling for “the liquidation of the kulaks as a class” did not at first think they were calling for the liquidation of kulaks as individual human beings.

But in holiness competition, we get the phenomenon that neoreactionaries call “not getting the joke”. If you are going to be selected for loyalty to progressive memes, best take those memes absolutely literally and seriously, since only the truest believers get into the best universities and get the plum jobs. So the next generation of progressives takes the most ridiculous things as holy writ, the more ridiculous the better, since precisely the most stupid, ridiculous and outrageous things will differentiate you from the other applicant to Harvard.

Thus students sing “western civ has got to go” (meaning the course) and not long thereafter, you are not going to make it into the elite unless you believe in your very heart and soul, believe absolutely and utterly, that “western civ has got to go”, meaning the buildings, the books, the art, the science, the technology, and the people.

Another more or less equivalent explanation of this odd henomenon is the laws of majority minority relations

The logical extrapolation of these laws is that if equality, all whites must somehow be made to not be around any more, by some means that no one wants to think too much about, since their continued existence produces inequality. White males keep emitting these evil thoughts that somehow cause dindus and vibrants to underperform.

The methods for making whites somehow not be around any more will inexorably become more vigorous with the passage of time as the white male and married white female voting block gets smaller. (Single white females vote for rape, of course. What did you think they would vote for?)

140 comments The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide.

Ansible says:

Either leftism dies or the German people.

R7_Rocket says:

They will have to start WWIII with White Christian Russia. Somehow, I doubt the Pajama Boys will have the stomach to fight an apocalyptic war with the nuclear-armed Tzar… And the various nuclear armed militias that will oppose them (the MinuteMan silos aren’t as secure as The Cathedral wishes them to be, nor are the SSBN bases and Airforce bases).

A Pint Thereof says:

I do wonder what chain of events would be unleashed if the Catholic Church truly consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Dan Kurt says:


The underlying question is why has the 3rd secret of Fatima been withheld by the Catholic Church?

Dan Kurt

CuiPertinebit says:

Because the Church is in eclipse, and the institutions are in the hands of an apostate element. Because the apostates do not impose anything “dogmatically,” many poorly-educated laity suffer from the belief that they must obey and support the very people who are destroying the faith and using their institutional usurpation to suppress the free expression of counter-revolutionary Catholic action. The visible Church is reduced to a few handfuls of traditionalists, who can get no traction on account of the evils of the times, and God’s own purpose.

God allows this nearly perfect deception to exist, by His own counsel and providence. I shall hope in Him yet, and I look forward to the resolution of the matter, on His terms, if I am privileged to witness it; I do not doubt that it will be one of the most extraordinary events in all of human history. And it seems that the time is ripe; the centennial of Fatima arrives next year, Russia is poised, Europe is imploding, the worst of all the anti-popes is causing even Cardinals of the Novus Ordo movement to state flatly that heresy and the “pope” must be shunned and resisted…

Salva nos, Stella Maris…

Corvinus says:

Rather than witness it, why not actually become actively involved?

Irving says:

I like Russia, and Russians, but if we’re honest we’re going to have to recognize that Russia is not a serious threat to the Cathedral, and that threat is one color revolution away from being neutralized.

R7_Rocket says:

Russia can destroy The Cathedral in less than 30 minutes. The Siloviki class knows a lot more about violence than Pussy Riot does.

Irving says:

>Russia can destroy The Cathedral in less than 30 minutes.

If Russia were to do some surprise nuclear attack or something, then yes, it can destroy the Cathedral in less than 30 minutes. But this means nothing. Russia’s economy is weak and is set to get even worse. Give it a year or two and you’ll have another Yeltsin in the Kremlin.

R7_Rocket says:

Pakistan’s economy is even weaker, and The Cathedral is having trouble keeping control. Physical destruction really does matter.

Irving says:

In Russia, unlike in Pakistan, there’s a large number of people that would love to see their country Cathedralized. But this is besides the point. The vast majority of Russians are either atheists or merely ‘culturally’ Christian. And quite a few of the aren’t even white. The point I was making is that Russia is not a “White Christian” country as you said it is above.

pdimov says:

“The vast majority of Russians are either atheists or merely ‘culturally’ Christian.”

Are you sure of that? Russia is a big country.

Irving says:

>Are you sure of that? Russia is a big country.

The attachment of Russians to Orthodoxy is notoriously fickle. Many Russians still identify with that religion but a huge number of those don’t even regularly attend church services. As well, Russia literally has the highest divorce rates in the world. Their abortion rates are also enormously high, though to Putin’s credit he’s been working to reduce it. Its clear that the attachment of Russians to Orthodoxy is cultural and based on nationalism. They aren’t authentically Christian in what they believe or in how they live their lives.

As well, there are a huge number of non-whites and Muslims in Russia. And even among racially white Russians, it isn’t clear that they necessarily identify as white in the same way that, say, Germans do. Even they for the most part recognize that there’s a distinction between them and non-Slavic Europeans.

A Pint Thereof says:

Russia acts in Russia’s interest, and in Russia’s interest alone. It is naive to think that anyone there cares about the fate of white Europe.

If saving white Europe was in Russia’s interest, then they would aid in saving it. But I’m not entirely sure it is in Russia’s long-term interest to do so…..

Irving says:

>Russia acts in Russia’s interest, and in Russia’s interest alone. It is naive to think that anyone there cares about the fate of white Europe.

Agreed. No one there who matters cares about the fate of white Europe, nor should they care, at least from the perspective of their own national interests.

Alan J. Perrick says:

I am not afraid of hard genocide, whatever that is. The soft genocide is what I know and really what anyone who has guts will work against.


Corvinus says:

So, what are you doing to work against it?

By the way, there is observably no such thing as “hard genocide” or “soft genocide”. Another made up term.

jim says:

Soft genocide: You somehow get rid of a people without all that nastiness – maybe by some mixture of cultural assimilation and cross breeding. For whites, soft genocide would be Brazil.

Hard Genocide: Starts with smashing their windows and setting their houses on fire to move them out, as in Detroit and Ferguson, eventually proceeds to killing fields.

Corvinus says:

Those situations do not represent genocide, as I correctly asserted.

jim says:

They are getting there.

Alan J. Perrick says:


What am I doing?

I am exposing anti-whites like yourself.


Alan J. Perrick says:

It’s important, as a political critic and anyone who considers more than consumes political ideology, to determine the direction in which said ideology is headed. This may be even more important than the relatively diverse group of ideas in which the ideology may be currently embroiled. Where is it going? Where did it find its ideological roots and how has it progressed?

Here’s a word of advice, the people who talk about class or social mobility as being prioritised are many times trying to take a shortcut that could well leave you and your more vulnerable acquaintances, confidants, associates and relatives with too much exposure to harm.


Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Well said. I’ve been saying this for years. They really do want to eradicate us.

(1) Demonization, (2) dehumanization, and finally (3) extermination.

This is why they won’t be countered by mere words. Debate and discussion are impossible with these people.

We must prepare to act with the equivalent objectives in mind. It’s us or them.

ron says:

so you intend to kill frau merkels race in order to save the German people?

fnd says:

He will probably post the same thing 100000 more times.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

The retarded and semi-retarded require repetition.

Laguna Beach Fogey says:

Merkel, German elites, and globalists must be replaced if Germans and Germany are to survive. This isn’t controversial.

There’s this video of a White woman screaming being dragged into a train station by a horde of orcs, that’s what’s going to be in the ears of everyone as they execute Merkel. She’s going to be dead within the next five to ten years.

The government can’t do anything about the rapes because their power is predicated on continuing to signal the ideology that the rapes don’t exist. At some point they’ll have to start shooting Whites for protesting what they can’t admit the existence of, and the people they will depend on to do the shooting, they are currently demonizing as hard as possible. Liberals and police didn’t hate each other as much 20 years ago.

There has already been a Kristallnacht. But unlike niggers, Whites are good at doing stuff and not telling anyone about it.

Surely they can order their police to rape the daughters of the family men in order to find out where are the NEET hooligans who are dressing up as Hitler and burning down refugee centers . The family men are just cows to be milked for tax money to be given to niggers so they can pay the daughters of the family men for sex. But those family men are the police.

Corvinus says:

Laguna is a bankster who talks tough over his chardonney and collection of tweed suits. He is not going to lift a finger to join any movement.

The German flag is also being banned from the protests currently going on, by the Polizei who were conspicuously absent on NYE.

That’s fine. If the flag of the modern German republic is banned the pissed off volk have another one they can use.

R7_Rocket says:

“That’s fine. If the flag of the modern German republic is banned the pissed off volk have another one they can use.”

Indeed… XD

pdimov says:

I can’t make heads or tails or Merkel.

Jim ascribes Western values to her, but she grew up in East Germany, was an agitprop secretary, agitprop meaning Communist advocacy and propaganda. She was, quite literally, a Communist. The Western values of diversity and GLBTWTFBBQ tolerance were utterly unknown this side of the Iron Curtain. Nobody sang “Western civ has got to go”.

From the video, it does appear that she’s not very fond of the German flag. Spandrell, however, watches a different video and comes to different conclusions about her:

Soros recently said that

“Merkel correctly foresaw the potential of the migration crisis to destroy the European Union.”

At least out of context, this sounds as an outright mockery.

jim says:

Jim ascribes Western values to her, but she grew up in East Germany, was an agitprop secretary, agitprop meaning Communist advocacy and propaganda.

Soviet Union fell because it lost memetic sovereignty. People aspired to western values. Communist propaganda had become an empty ritual.

pdimov says:

No. No Western values (in the bad sense of the word) here until 1990. “Civil rights” were at about 1945 level. Homosexuality illegal. “Diversity” an unknown concept. No cultural Marxism. Just ordinary Marxism.

Magus says:

That’s next stage stuff (ie now). In the 80s the “cool” was “human rights”, “democracy”, “pluralism”, etc

Ie glasnost and perestroika.

You signalled not by killing kulaks (so 20s!) but by having Gucci bags, visiting the West, having ivies and NGOs and NYT speak highly of you and invite you to international conferences and so on.

Like Jim said: they lost memetic sovereignty.

Alan J. Perrick says:

-Communist propaganda had become an empty ritual.-

It always was. After the fires from all the looting and pillaging had died down, things looked bleaker than ever. Men are not purely material creatures, “Jim”.

Best regards,


R7_Rocket says:

I suspect that Merkel is being blackmailed… She looks like she doesn’t believe a word she is saying.

pdimov says:

You’re not the only one. Stasi past?

jim says:

Spandrel’s theory is that she is a painfully insincere member of a conspiracy that requires sincere belief in redemption by the elimination of whiteness.

Stephen W says:

You can look very uncomfortable and robotic saying something you truly believe in if you know it is going to be unpopular and make you hated. Her disgust at the German flag is a genuine reaction talking about immigration is something she dose not want to do because she knows it will make her hated. She wants to destroy germany and all of Europe she knows a lot of people are not going to like that.

jim says:

What Merkel said, and transparently failed to believe, was that the invaders were going to be the missing grandchildren, that they were going to take high skill jobs and be taxpayers rather than tax consumers, to support childless Germans in their old age.

If she had instead said “Burn, baby burn, it’s rapin and lootin time” her voice would have rung with triumph and sincerity.

pdimov says:

“She wants to destroy Germany…”

Maybe she does, but I still don’t understand why. To develop such a hatred towards one’s own people so as to wish them gone, under Communism you had to be a dissident or an emigrant, someone who had his life ruined by the regime. Was not taught at school. This does not fit Merkel at all.

Jefferson says:

This point was just dawning on me as your page was loading, and is the strongest endorsement of Land’s AAA strategy that I can think of. If the anti racists and anti anti racists iterate out much longer, the only outcome will be genocide in one direction or the other.

Jefferson says:

How can people like us help restore power to responsible owners? Is the cartelization of the economy going to lead to that eventually? Millennials are already in the corporations, getting promoted out of necessity.

Irving says:

There is more going on here than just “holiness competition” among the elites. Merkel is a very intelligent woman with a very sharp political instinct. She may well be doing what she is doing in part to gain status, but there’s no way that she would ever, ever have come up with a policy like this, and then move forward to implement it in the teeth of the opposition of even some of her close political allies, without there having been a plan which was conceived behind closed doors between her and other shadowy elites set in place. She knows what she’s doing and the genocide that she is carrying out against the Germans is deliberate.

jim says:

You underestimate the madness and evil. There is no plan. They are sleepwalking.

Irving says:

I don’t underestimate Merkel’s madness and evil. I’m just pointing out that the groundwork for the policies in place today that are facilitating what can only be described as the genocide of the Germans (and the Swedes, English, etc.) was laid out many years in advance. Consider this following quote, excerpted from a book published in 1925 by a guy who played a foundational role in the creation of the EU and who actually designed the flag used by the EU today:

” The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”

Anyway, the point here is that there is a plan. That plan is inspired by (among other things) madness and evil, but it is a plan none the less.

viking says:

this is the rub they are far too intelligent and own vast research and intelligence organizations to not know where this will lead but it will lead to their destruction as well as ours so we are left wondering if as you say they are sleepwalking or if their is some stupid conspiracy. I think they can not be stopped until we know the answer. I think in either case they can be stopped but we need to know more first. I think we need an intelligence service of out own.

Irving says:

>but it will lead to their destruction as well as ours

Nah. It’ll lead to the destruction of ordinary Swedes, Germans, etc., but they’ll do just fine.

jim says:

Nah. It’ll lead to the destruction of ordinary Swedes, Germans, etc., but they’ll do just fine.

The first target of the elite is always the elite. The Khmer Rouge focused on murdering the Khmer Rouge. The Old Bolshevik Jews purged each other.

Irving says:

>The first target of the elite is always the elite. The Khmer Rouge focused on murdering the Khmer Rouge. The Old Bolshevik Jews purged each other.

It doesn’t seem as if the elite that is pushing mass immigration is doing so because it wants to target some rival faction of the elite. There is clearly a consensus among them that this is something that has to happen, no matter what, and this consensus has held strong for several decades now.

jim says:

It doesn’t seem as if the elite that is pushing mass immigration is doing so because it wants to target some rival faction of the elite.

When it is possible to plausibly claim democratic legitimacy for ethnic cleansing of some whites, I expect to see every faction of the elite proposing the ethnic cleansing of those whites that belong to other factions, and to their great and genuine surprise discovering that orc masses cannot tell the difference and do not much care.

The elite is comfortable with ethnic cleansing of whites. Recall Detroit and, more recently, Ferguson. They are comfortable because they feel that only those other whites, the bad ones, are going to get it. They feel that they will be able to direct the orc hordes at whatever target displeases them, and only those targets, those other whites, and only those other whites.

Alan J. Perrick says:

They want to get rid of the wrongthinking whites, true. It’s like a dog-pile and none of them are really brave enough to stop fighting over the scraps and to stand up on their hind legs as men.


Irving says:

> They feel that they will be able to direct the orc hordes at whatever target displeases them, and only those targets, those other whites, and only those other whites.

Again, they are right to feel this way. When have these “orc hordes” ever threatened the elites? When Muslims commit terrorist attacks, they target ordinary people, not the elites. When blacks commit crime, they commit crime (mainly) against each other, not against elites. When Muslims, blacks and Hispanics get welfare, it isn’t the elites that are paying for it; ordinary people are. And when things get really out of hand, the elite knows how to deal with it — just look at what they do to young black men.

Things may blow up in their faces in the end, but for now it is clear that everything is going according to the plan they had in the works for decades, and it seems that until now, everything is going as they want them to.

Mister Grumpus says:

The hell would I do without you. This is Internet Magic. Right here.

Alan J. Perrick says:
Mister Grumpus says:

(Why that video in particular, Alan?)

Alan J. Perrick says:

Nothing particular about it. It’s to match your good mood. Also, this blog is pro-Anglo if you haven’t noticed, but you probably have…

Mister Grumpus says:

OK right on.

There were a few negroes marching in the video, but so few that it was obvious that they were “adopted”, if you will. Surely every nation of people feels a sense of safety, identity and allegiance (“volkness”?) when they see such demonstrations of precision and dedication, especially from their protectors.

It’s therefore curious, isn’t it, that there’s no such ritualistic display in the American tradition. Surely George Washington was asked if he wanted to do something similar, and he must have said no. (If I’m wrong about this then someone here will stomp me accordingly, and good for them for doing so.)

Right now there are, all over the world, young white boys who are watching things develop right now, and working out in their minds how to bring these demonstrations back, and imply to everyone watching that “You are part of a people, and your people has precision, trust, teamwork and strength. The muds and negroes can never do this.”

I’ve been trying on a theory lately, and that is that we can publicly advocate for White Identity and Nations by advocating for those of others — Black Identity and Nations, Chinese Identity and Nations, etc. — thus inducing whites to notice “Hey! What about us, then?”

(RamZPaul taught me this.)

It’s this “Equality” business that scrambles up people’s brains and forces them to block-out the genuine and real inequality that they see all around them. A back-door approach might peel back the scales a little.

» I’ve been trying on a theory lately, and that is that we can publicly advocate for White Identity and Nations by advocating for those of others — Black Identity and Nations, Chinese Identity and Nations, etc. — thus inducing whites to notice “Hey! What about us, then?”

cool theory bro, why don’t you go talk to a liberal about that

Mister Grumpus says:

Fair enough! (I don’t come here for hug-boxing.)

B says:

1. Merkel is an elected politician. To blame this on her, as though she were some sort of enlightened monarch who just decided on a policy and had it implemented is not very…neoreactionary.

2. Merkel is a very smart woman who bought into the Communists’ lies and served them, and then bought into the capitalists’ lies and served them. Now she finds herself alone and empty, with no children, and in a position of “power” which really mocks her daily. I don’t know of any woman her age who would not trade her position for a husband and loving children and grandchildren. But the option is long gone, if it were ever available, and to admit the magnitude and irreversibility of her personal tragedy would be too much. So she hates herself, hates those around her, hates her people.

This is actually the case for most women in her position, like that shrew who ran HP into the ground. I think it’s also the case for aged homosexuals who are no longer able to compete in their sexual market. These two groups make up a significant portion of Western leadership, political, bureaucratic and corporate, I think.

3. The migrants are not part of a plan to genocide the German people. You don’t wipe out your livestock, you manage them (unless you are a complete retard presiding over retards, like Pol Pot.) Similarly, Stalin did not want to destroy the Russian peasants. He wished to destroy their cohesion, their ability to rebel, to deny the cities grain, etc., and also to drive them into those cities where they could be used to build massive factories and work in them. The fact that in the process he killed millions was partially attributable to his cruelty but partially to the extreme crudeness of the tools at his disposal (quotas which increased as they made their way down,) the massive scale of the task at hand and the short timeline.

The Europeans and Americans have much longer timelines, much less tolerance for blood and much finer tools, so I doubt genocide is on the menu.

Moldbug agrees:

“But really, these fools are easy targets. Yo, don’t be an easy target. Don’t blow shit up and don’t try to found any tax-exempt organizations, and you ought to be fine. The Cheka ain’t in the building. And the process of turning our progressive bureaucrats into Chekisty would not involve making them more awful, but more energetic, manly and capable. I won’t hold my breath.”

Irving says:

Agreed for the most part on 1 and 2.

On 3, however, you’re totally off point. The Germans are being genocided. The only question is whether this is part of a deliberate plan, as I think it is, or whether you buy into Jim’s account, that all of this is due to “holiness competition”. References to Stalin or Pol Pot are irrelevant in this case. What is happening to Germany, and to Europe as a whole, is completely ahistorical, it is without precedent in history. Never before have we seen a polity settle millions and millions of hostile foreigners into its territories in order to replace its indigenous population.

B says:

The Germans are not being genocided. The Germans stopped making baby Germans a long time ago:

Importing several million retard Muslims will not materially affect this trend.

What it will do is to reduce the quality of life for the Germans, to break up their communities and social trust, to consolidate power in the bureaucracy further (Jouvenel describes this inexorable process.)

This is not ahistorical. Sargon moved hundreds of thousands of people hundreds and thousands of kilometers for exactly this reason. What do you think the natives thought when this happened?

Irving says:

The German birthrate is low, and the Germans themselves to blame for that. But that has nothing to do with mass immigration. Without mass immigration, the problem of the German birthrate would have been, at most, a serious socioeconomic problem which could conceivably have been solved with good and responsible leadership at the top.

But now, through the importation of millions of foreigners (many of whom by the way really aren’t retarded or even semi-retarded, though of course they’re nothing like Germans), the problem has become existential; the German race is in the process of being replaced, irreversibly, on its own soil. This is genocide. The responsibility goes in part to the average German given that they remained passive while their leaders were promulgating and implementing these genocidal policies. But this doesn’t absolve the people at the top who were and are pursuing these genocidal policies deliberately.

Contaminated NEET says:

“Importing several million retard Muslims will not materially affect this trend.”

Utterly idiotic. Of course it will. Bringing in hordes of immigrants who bid down wages and bid up housing is obviously going to drive down native birth rates.

B says:

They didn’t stop having kids in the 1970s because wages were low and housing was expensive.

Contaminated NEET says:

There can be more than one factor contributing to low birthrates. If you think housing prices and wages have nothing whatsoever to do with birthrates, you’re a moron.

pdimov says:

Bringing in third world hordes does depress the white birth rate, but not necessarily for purely economic reasons. Whites stop having children and start killing themselves when they think they don’t have a future.

Irving says:

Again, the problem of low birth rates is completely separate from the problem of mass immigration. Low birth rates, while bad, would be a fixable problem provided that there wasn’t any mass immigration. The real issue right now is low birth rates + mass immigration, because both of them together = genocide.

B says:

>If you think housing prices and wages have nothing whatsoever to do with birthrates, you’re a moron.

If you have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, you probably won’t have children.

On the other hand, I don’t see much of a correlation beyond that. In historical terms, it is ludicrously easy to earn a living in American. Yet birth rates don’t seem to be very high:

Mexican fertility rates have been sliding since the 60s. Is this because housing prices have been rising, or wages have been falling?

White birth rates seem to be subject to the same factors as those of the other races in America:

Looking at these charts, it seems to me that reproduction in the West breaks down not as a result of increased cost of living and falling wages, but for the same exact reasons as it broke down in the Rat Heaven experiment. People who have a cohesive set of morals and a society which shares them can have and raise children on a small fraction of the average American income. People who do not have these will spend their money on entertainment, games and sex, even if they make plenty.

Contaminated NEET says:

>In historical terms, it is ludicrously easy to earn a living in American. Yet birth rates don’t seem to be very high

Yes, obviously. A peasant in Afghanistan has it much worse materially than just about anyone in America today, yet somehow has far more children. We all know this. It is a matter of expectations and psychology, but that doesn’t mean that wages and rents have nothing to do with it. People take their own upbringings, and those of their peers, and those they see on the damn television, as models. They tend to be reluctant to have children if they can’t give them a similar upbringing.

>Mexican fertility rates have been sliding since the 60s. Is this because housing prices have been rising, or wages have been falling?

Things can have more than one cause. Societies are complicated things, and we’re not doing controlled lab experiments here. Ceteris parebus is the thing. If you could rerun the experiment, take Mexico, then suddenly double housing prices and cut wages in half in overnight in, say, 2006, you’d see a fertility cliff right there in 2006. We can’t do the experiment, but that’s the social “sciences” for you.

>Rat Heaven experiment.

Too many rats are crammed into too little space, and their fertility plummets. Somehow you think this is evidence that immigration doesn’t lower fertility. The mind boggles.

Nobody read Nietzsche to the rats; they didn’t lose faith in god, or meaning, or tradition. They were jammed in too tightly and they couldn’t find physical space to claim for themselves or social roles that weren’t already filled. That’s the rat equivalent of being bid out of jobs and housing.

B says:

>It is a matter of expectations and psychology, but that doesn’t mean that wages and rents have nothing to do with it. People take their own upbringings, and those of their peers, and those they see on the damn television, as models. They tend to be reluctant to have children if they can’t give them a similar upbringing.

In other words, “pozzed” to death, as the cool kids put it. Since your society is built entirely on materialistic consumption, and since the tv will always show you a level of materialistic consumption which is a bit beyond the reach of the average joe, to stimulate his consumption, you will never be at a point where the average wage is high enough for that average joe to have a bunch of kids. And thus the actual wages have nothing to do with it, or as the Talmud puts it, a man dies with half of what he wanted, and if he had a hundred gold pieces, he would have wanted two hundred.

>Mexican fertility rates have been sliding since the 60s. Is this because housing prices have been rising, or wages have been falling?

>If you could rerun the experiment, take Mexico, then suddenly double housing prices and cut wages in half in overnight in, say, 2006, you’d see a fertility cliff right there in 2006. We can’t do the experiment, but that’s the social “sciences” for you.

That’s a bunch of squid ink. You’re assuming your conclusion. Again: Mexico’s average income has been steadily rising since the 60s, while birth rates have been falling:

>Nobody read Nietzsche to the rats; they didn’t lose faith in god, or meaning, or tradition.

I suspect they did lose the meaning of their rat lives. In the absence of having to struggle for survival, there was no point to it.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yes, “poz” has something to do with it. A lot to do with it. But, that doesn’t mean “poz” is the ONLY factor. You’re saying that wages and rents have ZERO effect on fertility, and that’s retarded.

If you absolutely must have some empirical cases, check out Steve Sailer’s writings on the “dirt gap.”

B says:

Sailer fails to discuss Orthodox Jewish fertility in the greater NYC area. Do you think they have some sort of magical access to another dimension, like they open a closet door in their small Crown Heights or Williamsburg apartment where they’re raising 8 kids, and there’s a suburban McMansion inside?

pdimov says:

“The migrants are not part of a plan to genocide the German people. You don’t wipe out your livestock, you manage them…”

Yeah, it’s not an anti-white agenda at all, which is why Germany doesn’t accept white refugees.

jim says:

See the Ivory Coast for a previous run of this program.

Politicians import cheap voters, then other politicians bid for the votes of those cheap, and the bids eventually include everything, including the homes and businesses of the previous people. It is an outcome that no one consciously intends.

pdimov says:

You’re still fixated on votes. It’s not about the votes. Refugees don’t vote. Nobody cares about their vote. Their presence _hurts_ the electoral support of the people importing them, and they are willing to take that hit, in the name of… something. Which is not votes.

jim says:

They will be voting very soon. Getting them on the electoral rolls is the highest priority – far more important than rape, or welfare. More important than anything.

pdimov says:

To vote in Germany, I strongly suspect you need to have ihre Papiere in Ordnung, and there is no visible rush in documenting the refugees. They are deliberately kept not on the books so that the police can’t do anything to them.

Irving says:

>Politicians import cheap votes

This might be the rationale among American politicians, but it seems that in Europe we’re dealing with something entirely different.

B says:

Politicians only need to import cheap voters when 1) votes matter, 2) it’s hard to get votes from the graveyard or wherever else.

In America, for instance, the left does not need cheap votes, since it’s had no problem whatsoever imposing its will on the right for the last 85 years. “Right wing” politicians have been more than accommodating, with even Supreme Court justices rolling over when needed. That’s the whole point of a Cathedral-the votes don’t matter. And if they do, you can always get some. For instance, some Republican loser from North Bunghole, Maine, where typically the blacks are outnumbered by moose, complained that during the last election, hundreds of blacks showed up on busses and voted…and was promptly crushed and forced to apologize.

Further, the whole point of a vote bank is that you do not need to bid for the votes. Example: blacks in America. They vote 98% Democrat every time. You don’t see a bidding war between Republicans and Democrats for black votes-those are locked up, and quite cheap.

pdimov says:

What he said. Even more true for Brussels than for Washington. The EU is ruled by an unelected elite. Voting is a formality. When it’s necessary and doesn’t give the desired result, it’s ignored or repeated until it does give the desired result.

Irving says:

Much of the left’s legitimacy is derived from its ability to get lots of people to vote for it. In this sense, votes do matter.

Nevertheless the left has its own way of making sure that voters will vote the way that it wants voters to vote. Takes blacks for example: the reality is that there is no such thing as a black vote, given that about 40 percent of black men are ineligible to vote. The rest are too apathetic about politics to actually go out and cast a vote, and this is to a more or less degree true with other groups; women are consistently more likely to vote than men, regardless of race.

So the black vote, such as it is, is really the black women vote. And since so many black women are single moms, the left can bribe black women with welfare to make sure that they vote for them. The left does the same thing with other groups and those that are less pliable to their machinations (i.e. conservative white people) become the enemy, and the left treats them as such.

jim says:

Further, the whole point of a vote bank is that you do not need to bid for the votes. Example: blacks in America. They vote 98% Democrat every time. You don’t see a bidding war between Republicans and Democrats for black votes-those are locked up, and quite cheap.

That is what the politicians on the Ivory Coast thought. That those migrant Muslim votes were locked up and quite cheap.

Until they were outflanked on the left by candidates sponsored by the World Bank and “international community”, who offered the migrant Muslim voters the homes and properties of the locals.

The locals had become a market dominant minority, even though black, and you should know better than anyone what happens to market dominant minorities.

B says:

>Much of the left’s legitimacy is derived from its ability to get lots of people to vote for it. In this sense, votes do matter.

Virtual votes matter. If 70% of the people voted for the right, and it was announced that 51% had voted for the left, everyone would say, “ok, guess there’s a lot of lefties out there, makes sense, all I hear on TV comes from the left.” The same way that nobody knows anyone who voted for Nixon.

And given that even when “the right” “wins” an election, and even when it appoints “right wing” Supreme Court justices (who are supposed to be immune from ongoing politics) nothing changes (see Justice Roberts’ 11th hour change of heart on Obamacare’s constitutionality,) there is simply no reason to bid for votes.

>That is what the politicians on the Ivory Coast thought. That those migrant Muslim votes were locked up and quite cheap.

I am woefully ignorant of the Ivory Coast and its politics. I don’t think I’ll be going there to remedy this any time soon.

>Until they were outflanked on the left by candidates sponsored by the World Bank and “international community”

Who is outflanking Merkel or Obama?

jim says:

Virtual votes matter. If 70% of the people voted for the right, and it was announced that 51% had voted for the left, everyone would say, “ok, guess there’s a lot of lefties out there, makes sense, all I hear on TV comes from the left.” The same way that nobody knows anyone who voted for Nixon.

Voting for republicans is irrelevant. They are just the outer party. The problem is the power struggles within the inner party.

>Until they were outflanked on the left by candidates sponsored by the World Bank and “international community”

Who is outflanking Merkel or Obama?

Obama outflanked Hillary – the Justice Department then organized the burning of Ferguson, which was a start on Krystalnacht for white people.

It has already begun.

Hidden Author says:

But why do you suppose the Right caves into the Left, B, given that our host disagrees? I’d like to hear your take…

B says:

I assume that in order to get to the positions where your opinion matters, you have to spend several decades demonstrating that you are reliable, i.e., compromising yourself in various ways. At every junction, there are multiple candidates for the next step up, so why would you pick one who hasn’t demonstrated moral flexibility to your satisfaction?

pdimov says:

“… the Justice Department then organized the burning of Ferguson…”

pdimov says:

“But why do you suppose the Right caves into the Left…”

The easiest answer, post-WW2, is that a winning Right triggers the anti-Hitler immune response, so we get a losing Right.

A Pint Thereof says:

I’m not saying your “cheap vote” theory is necessarily wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be working for the Labour Party here in Britain. It’s actually more the case, as pdimov points out, that, rather than helping, it “hurts the electoral support of the people importing them” in the long run.

pdimov says:

“Politicians import cheap voters…”

Here’s my strawman counter-theory.

The American “cognitive elite”, having impaired threat assessment, is terribly afraid of white people. Those, as we know, are permanently on the verge of going full Hitler and wiping the elites out. And they are armed to the teeth with black scary assault rifles.

That is why the elite tries to take the scary guns away, and to import not-whites who are to act as a buffer between the evil whites and themselves.

The European “cognitive elite”, being cargo cult morons, ape the strategy of the American “cognitive elite” without trying to understand or question it.

As far as classical music is concerned, Hitler seems to have destroyed it for Germany.
Classical music used to basically be German, or at least was dominated by Germans, but has there been a single German composer since Hitler came to power?

pdimov says:

Have there been any classical music composers since Hitler came to power?

Alan J. Perrick says:

The chancellor of Germany is more sick than the effeminate and self-made eunuch. This is probably true.

“White males keep emitting these evil thoughts that somehow cause dindus and vibrants to underperform.”

Stereotype threat is an oft-mentioned phenomenon, a publication bias raised to a collective fraud.

It’s then pretty easy to make a mockery of equality of opportunity. Women and minorities won’t be equal until they have enough role models to get rid of these harmful stereotype threats and thus equal representation is a necessity. It’s 2016, after all!!!

Mister Grumpus says:

(Strike, Jim, strike! Thy iron is hot.)

Anon says:

This is extremely offtopic so feel free to delete this, but it’s another example of why B shouldn’t be allowed to go uncalled on his bullshit, which I’m sure he’s disseminated in this thread but I haven’t gotten a chance to read it yet:

B in “Supposedly Black Egypt”:

“I have no doubt that Egyptian infanticide rates were high, and also that their disease burden was higher than that of the Jews, because that is how it has always been with us and the surrounding nations. Having rigid customary sanitation norms gives good results, as acknowledged by Richard Burton and the NYT in their recent article about how middle-class Hindus have higher rates of infant mortality and chronic malnutrition than their poor Muslim neighbors due to their disgusting sanitation standards.”

B in “Fashism”:

“It is obvious that living in a Jewish country is necessary. But in order to have a Jewish country, you need to have a Jewish people. The only reason that we need a Jewish country is that there is a Jewish people which wants one and prays for one 3 times a day. The reason that there is a Jewish people, despite millennia of people like you attempting to destroy or assimilate us, is not our intelligence, or personal hygiene, or anything else. It is that we have cloven to the Torah. Which includes commandments like Shabbat observance. I am not sure where you get farting on Shabbat from-perhaps your stream of Judaism is different from ours.”

B in “James Deen” (in response to a comment I made bringing up genetic determinism):

“Being Jewish has nothing to do with genetics. A convert is a Jew. Someone who is maternally descended from a non-Jewish woman and has not converted is NOT a Jew, even if he has 15/16ths Jewish DNA.”

This of course ties into his wordgames about about Jewish lineage in the “Fashism” thread.

Emphasis would be mine but I can’t figure out how to bold / italicize without getting blocked by the filter.

B says:

I’m flattered by the attention, despite myself. But what is your point?

Having more surviving children as a result of sanitation, abstaining from infanticide, etc. is a positive result of holding to the Torah. It is not the be-all and end-all, and in the absence of the rest of the Torah except for the commandments dealing with sanitation and infanticide, we would have disappeared (as happened to the Karaites, Sadducees, Samaritans…) In general, if all it took was abstaining from infanticide and washing your hands after using the bathroom, you’d think some of the really smart cultures from thousands of years ago (like the Greeks and Egyptians) would have figured it out.

We have always taken converts. For instance, the Ashkenazim had massive Roman admixture.

Anon says:

The point is that you’re a deceitful flip flopper who is very willing to scoff at perfectly natural explanations for material phenomena in favour of supernatural explanations, and in the next breath use the natural as evidence when it suits you. Hence your “it wasn’t hygiene it was the Torah, but it was also kind of hygiene”.

Did good hygiene work because it was in the Torah or was it in the Torah because it worked?

jim says:

To recap: The impressive miracle of the Jews is their astonishing survival, being the only people, nation, holy book, and religion dating back to the late bronze age. Long ago, one of the patriarchs commanded his children to observe good hygiene. Probably the patriarch Israel, since according to the Old Testament population growth set in with him. God gets wrathful if you let cockroaches crawl over your cooking gear or fail to bury your poop. Those who believed in a God that worries about you washing your hands survived – not a miracle at all, but a competent patriarch.

Jack says:

Ancient Judeans did not survive as Jews. The Jewish tribal religion survived by incorporating various different ethnic groups for millennia and counting. There is no “impressive miracle” or “astonishing survival” involved here. No ethnicity survived because of Judaism, rather, Judaism survived because it had maintained enough adherents at any given moment in history. Judaism has shifted from ancient Judeans (who became extinct as a distinct people, or became Palestinians) to various ethnicities such as Berbers, Arabs, Spaniards, Italians, Khazars, Ethiopians, etc. (It has also produced some mongrel races, such as Sepharadim, Ashkenazim, and recently, Israelis) These aforementioned ethnicities did not survive because of Judaism, and arguably, Judaism hindered their overall survival.

If you saw ancient Judeans surviving as a distinct people till contemporary times, still practicing Judaism, you could say an astonishing miracle occurred, perhaps. The Samaritans are actually such people, yet there’s nothing astonishing about their survival. Had the Samaritans been dispersed, and after 2,000 years still looked the same, behaved identically, and shared the same culture, that would have been astonishing. The Jews have indeed been dispersed and after 2,000 years do not look the same, do not behave identically, and do not share the same culture. So the people who were called “Jews” 2,000 years ago and were dispersed, and the people called “Jews” today, are not the same people, are different people. So no astonishing survival.

Art says:

There is nothing contradictory in saying: “It is because of Torah which among other things includes hygiene commandments.”
At times B does say contradictory things. That is not one of them.

jim says:

There is nothing contradictory in saying: “It is because of Torah which among other things includes hygiene commandments.”

There is something contradictory in both asserting and denying the effectiveness of Torah hygiene in Jewish survival as convenient.

B says:

I do not believe in the supernatural. I am a Maimonidean in that respect. G-d works through nature. Occasionally, wildly improbable natural occurrences happen, which are impossible to predict beforehand but totally obvious after the fact.

Everything in the Torah is in there because it works. Hygiene, too. A lot of the stuff there works in ways which we can not understand before the fact. The Reform and Conservative Jews, for instance, decided that they would keep only the parts that made sense to them. Classic example-“pork is obviously forbidden because of parasites. But in our day, we have techniques to get rid of parasites, so there’s no reason to refrain from eating pork.” And we see that Jews who adopt Reform and Conservative Judaism disappear within 3 or 4 generations-they leave no descendants who are Jewish (or often no descendants at all.)

>Probably the patriarch Israel, since according to the Old Testament population growth set in with him.

I recommend you compare the number of Abraham’s children with Sarah with the number of his children with Keturah. And then look at the number of Esau’s descendants. There was much higher population growth there.

>God gets wrathful if you let cockroaches crawl over your cooking gear

There is no such commandment.

>or fail to bury your poop.

Most Jewish population growth in the last 2000 years happened in cities where on one hand there was no opportunity to bury your feces and on the other hand there was no sewer system.

>not a miracle at all, but a competent patriarch

It is amazing that the Greeks, Romans et. al. couldn’t find anybody competent in all those years. Is this believable?

>Ancient Judeans did not survive as Jews.


“Progressively more detailed population genetic analysis carried out independently by multiple research groups over the past two decades has revealed a pattern for the population genetic architecture of contemporary Jews descendant from globally dispersed Diaspora communities. This pattern is consistent with a major, but variable component of shared Near East ancestry, together with variable degrees of admixture and introgression from the corresponding host Diaspora populations. ”

Naturally, there was admixture and introgression. The tribe of Judah started with an admixture event (Tamar) before it was even a tribe and had another major admixture event (Ruth) before it became dominant in Israel.

>No ethnicity survived because of Judaism, rather, Judaism survived because it had maintained enough adherents at any given moment in history.

If this were true, it would be even more astonishing. Why would people convert to the faith of a despised minority subject to sporadict persecution, over thousands of years?

>The Jews have indeed been dispersed and after 2,000 years do not look the same, do not behave identically, and do not share the same culture.

We do where it matters.

For instance, 150 years ago Yemenite Jews and Eastern European Jews both had forelocks and kippot, both wore the same tefillin and tzitzit, both kept kashrut, Shabbat and the laws of family purity, read from the same Torah, put up the same mezuzot, etc., etc. This despite being separated by 4000+ kilometers and living among vastly different peoples.

The same can be said for Eastern European Jews and Moroccan ones, or Moroccan ones and Yemenite ones, etc.

It is striking that no contemporary source agreed with you. For instance, Richard Burton (no philosemite) travelled extensively in Syria and Arabia, and writes about the Mizrahi, Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Jews (whom he saw in the same place, for instance, Safed.) He makes it very clear that despite large surface differences in appearance, temperament, etc., they are one people and are the same people as the Biblical Jews.

Pork is forbidden. That means Jews can’t eat normal food and need their special dietary restrictions catered to or they won’t hang out with you.

Unassimilability is the reason Jews are still Jews and the Welsh are a few brown-eyed Englishmen.

Those Reform Jews wanted to hang out with us on our terms, which is why they dropped the restriction on pork. Otherwise they would have the same feelings about bacon as we have about horse meat.

Well anyway, we don’t know if there’s anything else in the Torah that we don’t understand that advances the cosmic purpose of the Jews. The people of 100 years ago thought they knew everything, but were convinced to forget everything they knew about human biology and their souls theology forced them to have a far too individualistic outlook.

jim says:

Hygenic dietary restrictions kept them alive – but now everyone practices hygiene, even most black Africans practice hygiene individually even if they cannot get it together enough to practice it collectively.

Arbitrary dietary restrictions kept them from assimilating.

A day of rest that was moved as necessary to keep it separate from other people’s day of rest also kept them from assimilating.

A Pint Thereof says:

>I do not believe in the supernatural. I am a Maimonidean in that respect. G-d works through nature.

That’s fascinating. I didn’t realize this was a formal position in Judaism, but it does go a long way to explaining a vast array of Jewish behavioral traits. It’s also quintessentially Talmudic, if one were to believe certain theories about the Talmud’s origin.

B says:

>Pork is forbidden. That means Jews can’t eat normal food and need their special dietary restrictions catered to or they won’t hang out with you.

Hanging out is fine. Intermarriage is forbidden, and there are barriers to ensure that intermarriage without conversion won’t take place.

Pork alone being forbidden doesn’t make it so. You could still have a salad. But there are other prohibitions. For instance, you’re allowed to eat bread a gentile baked for sale, but not for his personal use (that’s rabbinical, I believe).

>I didn’t realize this was a formal position in Judaism, but it does go a long way to explaining a vast array of Jewish behavioral traits.

It’s not THE official position, it’s one of a range of positions.

Maimonides holds this position-essentially, that miracles are just “vastly improbable” natural occurrences.

Nachmanides, for instance, holds the opposite position-that what we perceive as “natural occurrences” are all miracles in the sense that they only take place with G-d’s active participation, and we see them as “natural” only due to their frequency.

This is not really a debate unique to Judaism-you can see Nachmanides’ position comes from the Kalamites, who got it from the Mutazilites, who came up with it as a rejection of Aristotelian philosophy:

Nxx says:

Soft genocide
Cold genocide
Article 2(c) genocide

They’re all technically correct but it’s hard as hell to move the meme forward.

People are fixated that genocide is mass murder and only a long and technical discussion of the genocide convention of 1948 will change their minds, if that.

The better meme is..


jim says:

Ferguson is the start of Kristallnacht for whites.

Art says:

“The attachment of Russians to Orthodoxy is notoriously fickle. Many Russians still identify with that religion but a huge number of those don’t even regularly attend church services. As well, Russia literally has the highest divorce rates in the world. Their abortion rates are also enormously high, though to Putin’s credit he’s been working to reduce it. Its clear that the attachment of Russians to Orthodoxy is cultural and based on nationalism. They aren’t authentically Christian in what they believe or in how they live their lives.”

Not sure you understand Russian Orthodox Christianity. I think most religious Russians would consider Sonia Marmeladova a good Christian.

Irving says:

Sonia WAS a good Christian, but that is because she repented. But how many Russians today do you think are ever going to repent for the obviously unchristian way in which they live their lives?

Art says:

The reason Sonia was a good Orthodox Christian is not because she repented but because she recognized her sin despite having lots of good excuses.
While Russian women may not feel repentant, I don’t believe they are proud of their abortions. I think that is important.

Irving says:

>While Russian women may not feel repentant, I don’t believe they are proud of their abortions. I think that is important.

Recognizing one’s sin despite having lots of excuses is pretty much the definition of repentance.

Women who get abortions are never proud of what they’ve done. But the fact is is that they do it. In the case of these Russian women, they (according to Wikipedia) have the highest abortion rates in the world. That is incredible. No way that such a thing as this can be characteristic of an authentically Christian society. It is very clear that the Russian attachment to the Orthodox Church is motivated purely by nationalism and not by any sense of piety or devotion to the Church.

Art says:

“Women who get abortions are never proud of what they’ve done.”

Planned Parenthood tells American women that abortion is a good thing, and I think they buy it.

Irving says:

The reality is that post abortion depression is extremely intense and is also extremely pervasive among women who have had abortions. Also, these women who get abortions have much higher suicide rates than the average. This is true evrywhere. Planned parenthood tells American women that abortion is great but the facts show us that American women know the truth, no less than do russian women.

Alan J. Perrick says:

Good point, “Irving”.

I also think that the Russian people aren’t getting their Christian spiritual nourishment from their religion. It’s hardly “Orthodox”, it seems more like a combination between Chinese and Roman culture with a Christian message sandwiched between the space remaining. I’ve had disagreements with “Jim” at this blog about the amount of actual pastoring that the Russian people get from that faith, because he will say that as long as they can make an official decree against Politically Correct, Cathedral, doctrines, this is better than a simpler and pastoral polity that can be found in Baptist congregations, for example.

Are the Russian people capable of such a large ecclesiastical jurisdiction anymore? After all, it was much smaller when the Kievian Rus first started out, wasn’t it?

Best regards,


Dave says:

“Planned Parenthood tells American women that abortion is a good thing, and I think they buy it.”

The high priests told Canaanite women that sacrificing their children to Moloch was a good thing, and I think they bought it. Having so atrociously and irreversibly demonstrated her faith in false gods, how could a woman ever admit that she was wrong?

jim says:

You nailed it.

Also, cutting off one’s penis.But it is easier to sell murdering one’s children.

[…] XS antibody. Genocide spirals. Bad government. Conflict prompts. Against the commons. Following orders. Massive squalls of […]

Jim Russell says:

>Single white females vote for rape, of course. What did you think they would vote for?

LOL. So true.

Art says:

“Ancient Judeans did not survive as Jews. The Jewish tribal religion survived by incorporating various different ethnic groups for millennia and counting.”

I am not an expert but Wikipidea article quotes a large body of research that points to common middle eastern ancestry of most modern Jews and rejects Khazar origins.

Art says:

“There is something contradictory in both asserting and denying the effectiveness of Torah hygiene in Jewish survival as convenient.”

Not unless you assert that it matters and deny that it is all that matters. Not entirely sure how well that reflects B’s position, just going by what Anon quoted and interpreting charitably.

[…] Posted on January 25, 2016 by disenchantedscholar The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide. […]

A.B Prosper says:

A lower fertility rate is natural and healthy in highly crowded conditions. The nation of Germany has 80 million people crammed into a land about the size of the state of Oregon. Its vastly past carrying capacity and one sizable bump in food production could mean tens of millions of people starve to death.

even Mexico is grossly overcrowded for its size though of course they’ve been using the US as a safety valve.

As for the few outilers, Chechnya and Afghanistan they are highly anomalous, violent, clannish backwards and Muslim. The extras children do them no real good unless the only goal in life is more low IQ people

If you want tech and advancement in a world with low demand for decently paid low to moderate skilled labor, you will have smaller families and very possibly a shrinking population.

This is not a bad thing since lower IQ people aren’t especially useful to society especially one driven by technologically.

Its why I always tell space buff, no “mankind” will not go far into to space, Its mind mindbogglingly difficult and the average human has an IQ around 90 and lacks enough time preference and impulse control for even streamlined space travel. At best a small subset of people might, almost all European or maybe some Asians but just like in Africa , the dumb always drag down the smarter people. Unless the smart people can find a way to cut free from the rest they are going nowhere

Of course this is complicated in that few smart people these days are moral and as such its in the best interest of the rest to protect themselves from the smart people with heavy social controls or outright elimination in the case of say some idiot especially one with “deep green” views of the like experimenting with homemade germs or things like that.

Back on topic as I see it, the issue than isn’t smaller families but immigration and cultural dilution which have to be stopped. This is caused by of course Marxist Universalism and by Global Capitalism, the former hates the idea of race and culture save as can be used to gain power and the others are pathologically greedy and anti-civic.

If you can remove the MU from political power, expel foreigners and reign in Global Capitalism you should be fine

The hardest thing though for the Right to swallow will be a smaller population size, it might be better for say the US to be at 150-200 mil tops and Germany at 40 —

How we deal with that beyond border controls is to stop helping the poor. Let them achieve their own equilibrium. It will probably mean a mass die off but that isn’t our problem unless we let it be.

jim says:

How about East Timor: Christian patriarchy, high fertility. Similar fertility to Afghanistan, Muslim patriarchy.

The critical variables are patriarchy and exposure to western education in early puberty, age twelve or thereabout, or exposure to western television. Absent western television, those girls that get western education at age twelve generally have below replacement fertility, whether their society is poor or rich those that do not generally have high fertility, whether they get no education, old style Muslim education, or old style Christian education. (Example: Amish, who insist on controlling their education system)

A.B Prosper says:

Timor is not the West , it was quite recently the victim of a campaign of hard genocide for one and its not populated with people of European extraction. It also has a population of around 1 million

This is radically different than any Western country including devotion to Roman Catholicism which is the only moderate point of commonalty

If the web is accurate it also has a median IQ of around 85 and fairly high time preference and as such even if that group became much much larger they will never amount to much more than Africans.

You cannot have it both ways, you can have a high sustained fertility rate or an advanced civilization. Pick one.

jim says:

You cannot have it both ways, you can have a high sustained fertility rate or an advanced civilization.

Japanese had advanced civilization and extremely high fertility until General MacArthur emancipated Japanese women.

A.B Prosper says:

Again Japanese people aren’t Westerners and while I agree their civilization is advanced in the sense of being orderly and artistic, heck its quite admirable it certainly isn’t very inventive. They’ve lost every battle with the West technological (twice, WW2 and Perry’s Black Ships) and moral ones as well (c.f MacArthur) . Its a great civilization but brittle when exposed to outside influences. European civilizations are far more robust though they too have flaws.

Basically nearly everything Japan invented came from others inventions possibly even the Katana (the samurai sword ) who the Koreans with some evidence claimed to have invented (its called a Gum there)

Its also more homogeneous than any European civilization ever was we’ve had foreigners, mostly other Europeans sometimes others all over our lands and traveled everywhere since the dawn of our civilizations.

Its not a bad model mind you and its the closest to what you are trying for even though its not Christian but I don’t think you’ll find a single European derived culture in modernity that meets your model or can.

They aren’t us and we aren’t them.

That said marriage and divorce reform if combined with well remunerated jobs for even lower skilled men would have a salutatory effect on fertility rates

Its only going to tweak the sexual marketplace though, its nearly impossible to impose the kind of order you want top down when it doesn’t benefit anyone.

Tinder is sooner or later going away but its fear of STD’s that will do it in, not cultural shifts

I think whats wrong is core assumption that most men want to be patriarchs and I think this is false, I suspect early feminism caught on because men didn’t want the assigned roles either and over time have come to realize its not good for them in the current system.

It can’t really be made for them as hard work simply enriches a few (around oligarchs with 65 reaping most of the benefits. Why bother? It is as Laguna Beach Fogey is fond of saying better at poolside or as close as you can get .

Also more importantly the tools we’ve built changed the labor needs of a family. I don’t need a wife to do most of the chores she did and as a sexual asset she has a fast decline rate. Assuming 22 and good stock, 2 decades max if she retains sexual interest to me. I’m old enough that that would be worthwhile but for a young man? Maybe not,

Unless she is a mother to our children and maybe a cook, the rest I or any guy with a 3 digit IQ can handle myself easily or just pay for,

Hell running water, electricity, stove, fridge and a washer/dryer cut most of a wife’s chore load and these are tech pushing a hundred years old.

Yes, once you fill your country to the Malthusian point smaller family sizes become strategically important, as in Old Europe. We are nowhere near that condition today. Instead, people can’t have families because they are lied to as children and then taxed to hell as adults if they can even find jobs.

A.B Prosper says:

80 million people in a nation as small as Germany is fucking crowded, Maybe White people given a choice (and now technology and culture allows for one) do not like living in crowded warrens or more importantly raising kids in one.

We are way past Malthus anyway, just waiting on a Sword of Damocles to disrupt the brittle food system and for megadeath to set in.

And while yes expelling foreigners would give Germany a bit more room, crowding was an issue nearly a hundred years ago in a time with around 1/3 less people and a culture that would kill en mass foreigners and seize more land.

As for the US, we do have a lot of land. Much of it its simply not pleasant to live in. I fail to see what benefit people gain by living in large numbers in arid hellholes or frozen wastelands. Wyoming is underpopulated because from experience, its a cold unpleasant place to live.

Everyone would rather live where its more pleasant. This isn’t in the national interest of course but in the US where the elite are in opposition to the people there is no national interest only personal

Besides a stable or even a slightly declining population , to a point anyway can be perfectly healthy.

Clearly the social system has changed so that people do not feel the need to have a huge family because everyone else is doing it, I’ll note too the Baby Boom really only lasted two decades which had very unusual economic and culture trends that will never be repeated.

The US will never have the same level of wealth distribution. Ever. Even if the elite are rotated and the new elite men of honor who see things our way , not going to happen. Automation will see to it.

Honestly what we have is exactly what Capitalism would expect from home-economus , people with decent IQ and impulse controls acting in their own interest . They have X money and X amount of hours, having children comes at Y cost given a better alternative and things to do they have less children. Its exactly what they should be doing. Its what the incentives are demanding they do.

The elite however assumed people would continue to behave irrationally in a lop sided arrangement benefiting them and when they didn’t panicked starting in with what is functionally soft genocide

Now as to what you said, yes incentives can be changed, marriage laws altered and if people can swallow it the economy regulated but baring an actual collapse, the tech isn’t going away . people will still have communication tools for easy sex , some women and many men will want it, porn is still ubiquitous, TV which is a huge birth control measure is still going to be there and most work will still be in urban areas

Now a few highly religious people are having smaller family sizes do to earning limitations and I do suspect if most workers were making $20 not $15 an hour , fertility would be higher but not that much. Child rearing is work many people including simply do not enjoy

An old Reason article out it as “maybe people don’t actually want many children” and note too neither you, nor I nor the elite are entitled the fruit of someone else’s womb or labor. If the elite want them, they will have to find a way to pay for them and it may well that given the limits of time/money its not possible. Cost/benefit analysis makes smaller families work out.

And note crackdowns are only marginally effective, the Persians for example who are “whiteish” cousins have a TFR about that of Europe even though Iran is a Muslim dictatorship. even Saudi Arabia is getting in on smaller families.

So IMO its best we deal with the real issues, lands free of foreigners and not feeding strays. That should correct for us and with luck in time maybe we can get the TfR up to replacement

B says:

>We are way past Malthus anyway, just waiting on a Sword of Damocles to disrupt the brittle food system and for megadeath to set in.

There is no point since the Neolithic where you could not say the same thing.

A.B Prosper says:


I’ll note too that many human societies practice birth control when numbers get too large either via infanticide, alternate sex or chemical means such as certain yams or the extinct silphinum plant.

larger families were of course desirable with agriculture to a high degree and of course with infant mortality being high, 6 kids might mean 2 or 3 but till collapse , this won’t be the case.

If modernity of some facet of it survives , we are just going to have to adjust to smaller families with more resources invested in them. This is not a bad thing.

B says:

>I’ll note too that many human societies practice birth control when numbers get too large

The point is that there is no such thing as “the numbers get too large” if your society has the will to live, and no such thing as “the numbers are just right” if it’s lost that will.

Wonder how the rents and wages were in ancient Egypt?

8 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph. 9 And he said unto his people: ‘Behold, the people of the children of Israel are too many and too mighty for us; 10 come, let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there befalleth us any war, they also join themselves unto our enemies, and fight against us, and get them up out of the land.’ 11 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh store-cities, Pithom and Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And they were adread because of the children of Israel.

[…] male supremacy will make you more attractive to women. And then an installment on holiness spirals: The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide. Of […]

[…] goal is soft genocide. Related: Denmark without the […]

A.B Prosper says:


Will to live isn’t just “more babies.” I completely agree that the West isn’t reproducing at a great clip and is sickly but there does come a point in which quality of life comes first.

I live in a fairly crowded county in Southern California with a population of 100 persons per square mile. Its tolerable but comes at a hefty cost in quality of life.

This is half that of Germany and 1/50 that of Urban areas like L.A or Berlin

How much is enough?

Adjusted for demography (its mostly Mexican and Black) assuming it was say 100% White (counting American Indians as White just because) it could be higher but this would just be “more people” not “better people” and a lot of the Whites out here are trash

Anyway the goal needs to be a healthy stable society, not growth for growth which in the words of Edward Abbey is the Creed of the Cancer Cell

That said if the natural TFR goes above 2.1 for the US among Whites its all good.

Getting there however doesn’t have to be policy, no scratch that. Can’t be policy. No nation has every managed it for any length of time. Even Romania which went rape as policy and got fertility way up ended up back at the expected TFR of 1.5

This seems to be a number than most of the human race 95 IQ and above is gradually settling on . Its the lower IQ types that worry me the money obsessed nut jobs on the Right and the social posturing Leftists that worry me. Close border, expel foreigners, reform divorce and make jobs and the TfR might go up. Might

You could in theory make all the right choices , re: women, divorce, wealth distribution and so on and still not get there. Its not something to control or worth controlling

Also I keep seeing references to non Western societies and the distant past bandied about. Well its 2016 now and Egypt (or Japan or Timor) are not European societies

Only European societies are good models for European derived people since your genes and your heritage are your true culture.

Egypt was probably ruled by Caucasian people but its still a Near East/African culture in many respects and its very alien to us. Its so long ago we know little to nothing about how they though or lived. In any case, they are not us.

Also don’t count on free social capital from religion. Western and Northern Europe are post Christian as is much of Eastern Europe and while the US is more religious in pockets (Evangelical, Catholic and LDS) we aren’t any more fertile outside those pockets. Whites are growing post Christian .

The long game might carry faith though, who knows.

However if you want to change the culture, you are going to have to get as smart as the Cathedral and change a secular culture to a proud fertile one. It can be done. How is up for debate, gradual careful disguised White Nationalism might work as might other things

In that case, national pride and national mission if the other issues are cared for (i.e wealth distribution, divorce reform) . might do it. Maybe. Its along uphill battle though.

[…] as Jim has said, the second generation forgets the joke. As for the 19th Century Anti-Corn […]

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