Author: Jim


Left wing tells

Every time you twit a leftist with the Trayvon Martin incident, he will list how the evil racist George Zimmerman provoked Martin by the horrible racism of suspecting Martin of criminality – which implicitly admits what is explicitly denied, that the six foot one black Martin attacked the five foot seven mestizo Zimmerman, which in …


Photoshopping Trayvon

The mainstream media have applied the magic of photoshop to convert Trayvon Martin from a menacing thug who needed killing to a sweet innocent child. Eyes enlarged to reduce apparent age.  Nose reduced for cuteness.  Chinline on viewer right of image altered to reduce apparent age.  Hairline raised for larger forehead, to reduce apparent age …


George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin

According to George Zimmerman, he turned his back on Trayvon Martin and was walking away, whereupon Trayvon Martin chimped out and attacked him from rear left.  Circumstantial evidence supports this story, (for starters, there is no way a man like George Zimmerman is going to physically attack a man like Trayvon Martin with his fists) and …


Technological decay

Earlier I argued that technology in the west peaked in 1970, Tallest building 1972, coolest muscle cars, last man left the moon,though it continues to advance in some other parts of the world: Unreasonable expectations points at another indicator. The most advanced plane ever built, the SR71, was built in 1966, retired 1972. One would …


comment spam filtering

Spam bots tend to behave differently from genuine commenters using standard browsers. Thus my web site rejects any comments coming from a browser that behaves in an unusual fashion. If, for privacy or security reasons, you have your browser set to behave in an unusual fashion, your attempt to comment may well fail. If you …