Author: Jim


Worse than a crime, a legalism

MF Global did worse than embezzle client funds. They embezzled client funds legally Very large numbers of investors may be in the same position as MF Global’s investors, who thought they were investing in gold, businesses, and suchlike, but were in fact investing in Greek rioters, Italians on welfare, and public servants taking early retirement.

party politics

All Republican nominees extreme left by 1996 standards.

There is Governor Romneycare, who created the original of which Obamacare is a copy. There is Governor Perry, a man who fully supports the underclassing and the suppression of Christianity by state power combined with state sponsorship of alternatives to Christianity such as Islam. There Newt Gingrinch, who talks like a right winger, but is …


The lek mating system

In a lek based mating system, males and females regularly gather at some location and the males put on a display. The females inspect the displays, then, after much wandering about, have sex with one of the males, never to meet that male again. Absent patriarchy, humans predominantly mate on the lek system.


MF Global Obama

John Corzine was the US Government, in the same sense, and to the same extent, as the Occupy Wall Street protestors are the US government.  He stole his depositors money, and pissed it away, not on wine, women and song, nor on gambling on stocks nor horses, nor at the casino, nor on purchasing little …


Women drivers

Women drivers have more serious crashes than male drivers. Obviously sexism it to blame, and car manufacturers must be punished. Poor fragile women driving a car need more protection from evil men.