Author: Jim


The end of the road to serfdom

Hayek, in “The Road to Serfdom” predicted the welfare regulatory state must inevitably become the totalitarian terror state. Observe:  We have arrived. America is now a totalitarian terror state. In 1992 I visited Cuba.  Thereafter, I argued it was a totalitarian state, because when I asked certain questions some people fled, fearing that merely hearing …


High returns on IQ between countries, but low returns within country

If we control for academic qualification, there is zero or negative return on IQ within a country.  That is to say, of two people of different IQ but same country and the same academic qualification, the smarter one will have similar or lower socioeconomic success. If we do not control for academic qualification, IQ still …


Leftist fratricide

The unity of the left in part derives from room at the top, that the ruling elite promised endless expansion – government jobs, and quasi governmental jobs like “diversity training”, “human resources”, and “sensitivity training”, jobs for which one must demonstrate adequate leftism as a entry requirement. As the west moves into financial crisis, there …


Political correctness kills

Pajamas Media has a long list of notable and obvious terrorists, who, as moderate Muslims, were invited into the highest reaches of the US government. They only tell stories of high terrorists in the bosom of authority, simultaneously in authority in the US government, and in authority in Al Quaeda, neglecting to mention lowlier foot …


Julian Assange is a hero

Yes, he is a leftist, but he is an enemy of the regnant left, an enemy of the state, an enemy of my enemy.  Why are all these rightists complaining when Assange makes Obama look like a dangerous lunatic and the state department look like deluded religious fanatics?  Are these rightists loyal to a government …


If Keynesians believed what they say they believe …

Nobel prize winning economist Krugman tells us we need stimulus, that is to say, more deficit spending.  Government needs to spend more to stimulate the economy, he tells us. Government spending puts money in peoples pockets.  Then they spend stuff, so people get hired to produce stuff, so the newly employed get money too.  Being …