Author: Jim

party politics

Draining the Swamp

Trump made three big promises. To bring the jobs back, to build the wall, and to drain the swamp. Bringing the jobs back was effective almost immediately. He reversed a bunch of Obama presidential orders that had shutdown coal fields, oil wells, and pipelines, or prevented new ones from opening, and they immediately opened and …


Politics played for keeps.

The progressives are signaling that if you are white and male very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives are starting to signal that if you are a Trump supporter, then when term limits remove Trump, or the next massively rigged election removes Trump, very bad things are going to happen to …


Genocide on the way.

White culture and white history is being demonized and erased. Historically, demonizing a group is usually a prelude to attempting to physically exterminate the group, to physically erase them after culturally erasing them. Progressives, or at least some progressives whose superior holiness is such that progressives, and even conservatives, are unable to criticize them, are …


The resurrection of God

Western Civilization has a great big God shaped hole at its center. Nietzsche and Bronze Age Pervert had a go at filling that hole with something more manly than Christianity, but Nietzsche failed and Bronze Age Pervert is no Nietzsche. Bronze Age Pervert correctly tells us that the job now is destruction, but the left …

party politics

Sixteen more years

Trump when addressing the masses does not explicitly cover the issues covered in this blog, but when addressing the shale conference, addressing the merchant elite, he touched on them: He tells the shale industry that they should run shale because the merchant class should have the property rights they need to do the day to …


Listen to what the enemy does not say

The New York Times issued a vague and meandering editorial on the latest developments in the ever escalating crisis. “No simple resolution is available” – and then conspicuously fails to mention some simple resolutions. “Congress … can’t very well send its sergeant-at-arms to the White House to enforce its subpoenas.” Why not, you ask? What …

party politics

The crisis

I have predicted from past trends that 2020 will probably be the last democratic election, and the proverbial hits the fan around 2026. (Though chances are that we will still be holding elections for a very long time to come, as the Roman Empire did, and the Queen still rides in a stagecoach to open …


Draining the swamp

“Bring the jobs back” Done “Build the wall” Started “Drain the swamp” Starting Trump, because Biden is the most electable Democratic Party candidate, drew attention to the fact that Biden used taxpayer money to shut off the light on his families corruption. So, naturally they accuse Trump of doing what Biden did, and are now …


Time for a second Dissolution of the Monasteries.

In French Revolution, they smashed the enforceable apprenticeship system, and in the nineteenth century, the British smashed their enforceable apprenticeship system. After the enforceable apprenticeship system was ended, the quality of workmanship declined with each generation for several generations, as revealed by old furniture. This was a move to priestly power. The priestly class were …