Author: Jim


In defense of Hugh Hefner

Why is Hugh a pevert for having sex with numerous fertile age women at the age of ninety? Here is a toast to 20 milligrams of tada and 12.5 milligrams of caber. It is stupid and counterproductive to blame men for sexual revolution, and particularly stupid and particularly counterproductive to blame alpha males for the …


What women want

This is not turning into a pua blog. I studied pua long before there was such a word, or such a community, but what I have learned is not easy to express verbally, and anyway other people are one hell of a lot better at it than I am. The main thing I have learned …


Losing in Afghanistan

To the immense disappointment of his base, and indeed the immense disappoint of the vast majority of American voters left and right, Trump, breaking his election promises, decided to continue war in Afghanistan, while making the war slightly less infested by lawyers, transexuals, and women’s rights activists. Well, delawyering the war will certainly help, but …



Our financial system is corrupt and oppressive. Cryptocurrencies represent an opportunity to route around that system, and make lots of money doing so. Cryptocurrency is real, and presents the opportunity to make enormous amounts of money. Also, cryptocurrency scams are real, and present the opportunity to lose enormous amounts of money. Like the dot-com bubble …


Chicks dig jerks

This is not going to turn into a game blog. Other men are much better at game than I am. I know, because I have seen them in action. On the other hand, I am not just an average f#@#!g chump. I clearly score more than the average f#@#!g chump, and fat and in my …


The swerve left

We are ruled by a government that hates us and wants to destroy us, and tells us we hate ourselves and wish to destroy ourselves, and I suppose most people will believe this. But it is not true, and the last election proved it was not true. In the recent election, the public voted to …


The natural limits of monarchy.

Throughout history, the normal and usual form of government has been monarchy. Republics and such have been rare aberrations that have usually ended disastrously. The neoreactionary position is that nothing very much has changed. Our republic is decadent, corrupt, disunited, and lawless. It suffers from anarcho tyranny and lack of asabiyyah. Pretty much like most …



I play a wealthy vain narcissistic playboy sadistic violent criminal adventurer asshole in front of women. A confrontational bully. It works. What else can one do if one wants to get laid? But the character I play is not the man that that builds or maintains civilizations. It is the man that is high status …


Not agreement capable

When the Russians were dealing with President Gay Caffè Latte, they complained the US was “not agreement capable”. They would make an agreement with one branch of the US government, and few hours later another branch of the US government would sabotage the agreement by blowing stuff up. I have been trying to figure out …