Author: Jim

party politics

The Wicked Flee

The wicked flee when no man pursueth. I don’t want this blog to turn into all Trump all the time, but those liberal tears just taste so delicious. Trump asks for the names and activities of those engaged in countering “violent extremism”. And immediately government employees panic that Trump will engage in reprisals against those …


America’s nuclear arsenal

Trump: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability” “Why”, you ask “Cold war is over. Surely we have more nukes than we know what to do with.” America’s nuclear weapons are, for the most part, thermonuclear, and need a little bit of tritium to get them to ignite. Tritium has a …


The evil of libertarianism.

As the central defining issue of the left has become hating cis hetero white males and destroying capital, rather than hating capitalists and seizing capital, Libertarianism has become irrelevant. Libertarians have responded to irrelevance by becoming evil. Tyler Cowen, who is arguably the primary remaining libetarian blogger, certainly one of them, just published a blog …


The Cathedral defined

Because of the big expansion of the Alt Right, the Dark Enlightenment, and Neoreaction, we are getting a lot of people unfamiliar with the theory. Know your enemy, know yourself: The Cathedral is the Academic-judiciary-media complex.  It is also priestly power, even if some of the priests are not actually in academia, the judiciary, or …


Boycott people who hate you

Using their products will harm you. Seek out alternative products Boycott the Star Wars movie Rogue One. All the villains are white males. All the heroes are not. Not only will this depress you and persuade you that you are evil and villainous and doomed to lose, but this guarantees bad writing and a boring …

global warming

A warming world?

Early explorations of the Antarctic report an ice free shore in areas now long covered by a growing icecap. Twenty first century science just simply lies in your face about this, with blatant barefaced fraud, but sometimes the discrepancy becomes glaringly and embarassingly obvious. What about the North Pole? Early twentieth century attempts to reach …