Author: Jim



The American government has over several decades passed sterner and sterner laws to prevent illegals from entering and to deport illegals when they do enter, and then proceeded to ignore those laws. On day one, Trump will start enforcing those laws – and then the Judges will legislate open borders from the bench. They will …



When mainstreamers read the red pill on women, they read it as “women are evil and dangerous”.  Well, women are certainly dangerous, but not exactly evil, rather subject to volcanically powerful sexual impulses that are apt to have disastrous consequences for themselves and everyone around them. Now, me, I would fuck every fertile age woman …


Trump already setting things right

The first hundred days has not even begun, but Trump is already governing through business connections, elite connections, and texting, bypassing the permanent government. The Philippines was moving, arguably had moved, from US alliance to Chinese alliance. Trump and Duterte have a friendly chat, and it was fixed. The problem was that fresh from its …


The fall

Support for democracy is falling. In practice, “democracy” has always been rule by the left. They fix the electorate as needed, by expanding it, “educating” it, applying political repression, or bringing in a new people to replace the old people, so as to ensure a vote for current leftism. Which gets ever lefter. And current …



We just have to have stronger frame than theirs. Their frame is that they are virtuous and we are wicked, and that we know they are virtuous and we are wicked. They refuse to interact with anyone who fails to accept their frame of moral superiority – that they are better than us because they …


Hail Trump

That is Hail, not Heil That is Hail Trump as in Hail Caesar Augustus, not Heil Trump as in Heil Hitler. This is a reference and reverence to God Emperor Caesar Augustus who did to decadent Roman democracy much what Hitler did to decadent German democracy for much the same reasons, but fortunately your average …


No enemies to the right

Observe that no enemies to the left works great for the left. Obama was an office boy to Bill Ayers, communist and terrorist, and no one ever asks him to disown communists and terrorists. Similarly observe that no enemies holier than oneself works great for Islamists: “Hello, I am a moderate Muslim, a very moderate …


The Overton Bubble

The Overton window has formed a bubble. People inside the bubble now refuse to have anything to do with those outside the bubble, refuse to hear, refuse to understand, refuse even to notice, react to them only with ignorant crazy hatred, and if anyone respectable shows signs of listening, he loses respectability and gets cast …