Author: Jim


Why Islamic State is successful.

According to progressive mythology insurgents must be like a mist—everywhere and nowhere—never trying to hold ground or wasting lives in battles with regular armies. Chairman Mao insisted that guerrillas should be fish who swam in the sea of the local population. Such views are the logical corollaries of “asymmetric warfare” in which a smaller, apparently …


Defining cuckservative

By one popular definition a cuckservative is “conservative” who supports white replacement. (Gradual white replacement, of course, though I am not seeing anything that guarantees that the process will remain gradual.) Based on cuckold, one who raises another man’s son as his own, which is in turn based on cuckoo, which plants its eggs in …


Going home

kakistocracy on going home. Home is not just geography. Home is a place of comfort, safety, and familiarity. Of mutual trust and understanding. Of common past and shared future. Home is where children play without fear in a parent’s eyes. Home is where speaking honestly offends no shrill aliens. Home is what is passed from …


Social Justice is highly lucrative.

One of the more noticeable Social Justice Warrior takeovers was the takeover of anarchism reddit. First they banned one “troll”, then another, then every moderator who was not in full agreement with social justice, then anyone who noticed that no discussion was possible except full and firm enthusiasm for social justice, so the anarchism board …


Reality television reveals the difference between men and women

I have been watching “survivor amazon” and the second season of “The Island with Bear Grylls” In both reality television series, a team of men, and a team of women, are dumped in separate locations to survive in a tropical paradise. In both, the men promptly locate a campsite, build a fire, and build shelter. …


The death of Christianity

I have often remarked that Christendom is as dead as Roman paganism was in the fourth century AD, but, not being a believer, have been unable to explain why in ways believers could understand. “Throne and Altar”, however, has nailed it: The first is a sense of the sacred, the spirit of reverence, coupled to …